Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 29, 1856, Image 3

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Andrew Carberry, Farmer, Hopewell
Henry Cornprobst, Innkeeper, Huntingdon
George W. Cohel, Farmer, Clay
John M. Cunningham, Carpenter, Huntingdon
John Cuerman, Farmer, Union
Jacob Duff; Blacksmith, West
David Dunn, Merchant, Huntingdon
Alexander Ewing, Farmer, West
Samuel Eyer, Farmer, Warriorstnark
Nicholas Goshurn. Farmer, Tell
Jacob Goodman, Mill Wright, Henderson
Samuel Hemphill Carpenter, Huntingdon
Henry Isenberg, Farmer, Walker
Nicholas Isenberg, Carpenter, Porter
Andrew Lies, Farmer, Tod •
John F. Lee, Farmer, Jackson
Samel W. Myton, Merchant, Barree
Henry L. McCarthy, Teacher, Brady
Isaac M. Neff, Farmer, -
Henry Putt, do Hopewell
Peter Swine, .do Shirley
John Shoop, do do
Alexander Stewart,do Franklin
James Shively, do West.
Traverse Jurors.—First Week.
Rudolph Brenneman, farmer, Walker
Abraham Bolinger, of John, farmer, Tell
Elias Brown, farmer, Springfield
Adam Black, farmer, Clay
Joins Baker, jr., carpenter, Clay
John Cresswell, merchant, \Vest
Soloman Chi'cote; miner, Tod
Easels Chilcote, farmer, Springfield
beanie] Cummins, farmer, Jackson
William CulthinAham, jr., farmer, Clay
V. ant Dysart, farmer, Franklin
John Decker, farmer, Hopewell
Levi Evans, merchant, Tod
John Edwards, farmer, Taut
Samnel Fleming, laborer, Berme
Daniel Fink, farmer, Penn
George Garner, farmer, Penn
George W. Glazier, carpenter, Huntingdon
John R. Gorsuch, jr., farmer, Cass
John Hutchison, farmer, Warriorsmark
Frederick Heeler, farmer, Porter
William Hoffman, carpenter, Huntingdon
Henry Tier, do
Peter Kesler, merchant, Brady
Caleb Kelly, laborer, Cromwell
Jolla Leport, farmer, Franklin
William Lightner, laborer, Brady
Christian long, Grocer, Huntingdon
Adam Leffert, jr., thence, Punter
Samuel Miller, of Satrel, farmer, Bernie
William Moore, farmer, West
John S. Miller, manufiteturer, Jackson
David B. Hong', farmer, Warriermnrk
Benjamin L. Megahun, plasterer, Walker
A. B. Sangaree, Winer, Walker
Benjamin Sprangle, farmer, Morris
iel Showalter, limner, Heerlen°n
mumers, jr., farmer Hopewell
Livid Shuhr., farmer, Hopewell
Abraham Slmenfelt, farmer, Walker
David S. TuSsey, fernier, Porter
Abraham Weight, farmer, Franklin
Geor g e Whittaker, farmer, Porter
Simeen Wright Esti., farmer, Union
Samuel Wig,. frmer, Franklin
durden Wright, farmer, Union
Isaac Wolverton, miller, Brady
Davie! Womelsdor; J. P., Franklin
Traverse Jurors.—Seound Week.
Jacob Anspah, farmer, Jackson
William M. Bell, Ironmasler, Shirley
Samuel Bucher, farmer Shirley
George Borst, farmer, Shirley
:Cohn Brumbaugh, fanner ; Penn
Robert Ciumingham, farmer, Barn.
Andreiv Clotsley, fanner ' rent%
William Curer, jr., numufacturet Franklin
Louis Cornelius, laboicrOillirley
Samuel Doren, farmer, Da blin
John C. Davis, farmer, West
- Aaron W. Evans, merchant, Cass
Allen Edwards, manafitettirer, Tod
John G. Gluck, farmer, Shirley
'James Gifford, Esq., Tull
Samuel Grove, fanner, Cromwell •
James °twee, farmer, Warriorstaark
Walter Galbraith, farmer, Cromwell
John Geisinger, ;lamer. Pena
George Hawn, fanner, Brady
James Hirst, farmer, Jackson
John householder, .1. I'. Penn
Andrew S. Minis., J. I'., Huntingdon
John MePherren, J. I'. Franklia
rtiaardson Rend, lama:Jab Case
George Roberts., farmer Springfield
Embroek, plasterer, II utoin,don
Jm•ob Stover. farmer, Warriorstnark
Saionel Kean, fanner, Shirley
Ilei • :••rtner, Cass
Alec.v S;;tt, Carmel., Porter
Joi:atin• Teague, farmer, Cromwellll. Wall:we, 'duel: smith, Hunting,
Therm.; ',Vest., inerelmat,Waniorstuark
John Wry, farmer, Franklin
R. 13. Wigton, hownaster, Cromwell
LIST.--November Term.
Merl' Stecley vs Hugh Mor to's Ad m r,
Tae is 'tor use vs David Hudson's Admr.
John Laois Admit vs John and liobt. Mashie,
ss Ssvcre vs Henry Davis.
ats• ,s •, adult vs John H. Stonebraker.
,' • • 1:049 VS 0. K. & J. H. Shoenberges
s II vs Samuel Bolinger.
Cherie., i. two vs William Corbin's Admr.
Heathen' i.ttirs vs B. S. Plowmen.
George lt' , :rtint vs Thos. Wilson.
Goo.e vs Shocoherger. -
George. Otenkirk vs E. &Hers.
&is ;tog & Alexander vs Bracken, Stitt & Co.
Jobs, 11. Wheeler vs Moses Greenland.
I. Wolverton vs Irvin,
Green et al.
Marqunnds vs Penn's R. H. Co.
Jneolt 11. Sex vs Samuel Caldwell.
James Bell vs John S. Miller.
George W Pheasant vs Robert Hare rowel.
Dr. Shoehherger's exr vs A. P. Wilson of nl.
A. P. Wil on vs M. Buoy.
:Janice vs Joseph P. Moore:
Miehnel Quarry vs Wise & Buchanan.
Clement's heirs vs Brown & States.
Patrick lielloy vs Penna. R. R. Ce.
George Lane vs Michael Hawn.
Isaac Raieht vs A• Wise, Jr., and Jacob Wise.
Jos. W. Riley for use vs H. &B. T. M. R. IL &
C, Co.
'" holes C. Decker vs Boat & Buckingham.
W. Wagoner v, W. Garver.
,Labetli geitte vs A. Price & Samuel ROM.
, tawart rs Shaer & Son.
_ ;.iiri;,;.l,l,Vs..7Sn;lr.
• MCCI. , •ken vs Wm. Foster's core & hers
p, US Patterson vs J. 8, P. & W. W. Harris.
3 Is ktellurtrie vs Shoop & Wharton.
urge Couch for use vs Conch, Reed, & Co.
Jacob Cresswell vs Robert Clare Pima'.
Samuel Beatty vs W. H. Wharton &111. Wharton
Audruw CrUIVUOVer v. Wm. Cummins admr &
WHEREAS, by a precept to me directed by
the Judges of the Common Pleas of the
sooner of Huntingdon, bearing test the 22d day
of Xlignst, 1856, I am commanded to make
Public Proclamation throughout my whole baili
wick, that a Court of Common Pleas will be
held in the Court House in the Borough of Hun
tingdon, on the third Monday (end 17th day) of
November, A.D., 1856, for the trial of all issues in
said Court which remain undetermined before the
said Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses
and suitors, iu the trial of all issues are required
to appear.
Dated at Huntingdon, the 221 day at August,
in the year of our Lord 1830, and the 81st your
of American Independence.
W urgattAft by a precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the 22d day of August,
A. D. 1856, ander the hands and seals of the
Hon. George Taylor, President of the Court of
Common Pleas, Oyer awl Terminer, and gem,- '
al jail delivery ofthrt 24th judicial district efTeon
sylvania composed of Huntingdon Blair and Cam- •
bria, find the Hon. Thomas F. Stuart and JOUR
than McWilliams, his associates, Judges of the
county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, appoint- i
ed, to hear, try and determine all and every tn. !
dictments made or taken for or concerning all
crimes, which by the laws of the State are made
capital or felonies of death and other offences
crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or
shall hereafter he committed or perpetrated for
crimes atoresald—l am commanded to make pub
lie proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick j
Om a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common
Picas and Quarter sessions. will he hold at the
Court Howe in the Borough of Huntingdon, on
he scrotal Monday (and 10,11 day) of N3vember,
neat, soil those who will prosecute the said pri
soners be then and there to prosecute them as it
shall he just, and that all Justices of the Pence,
Coroners find Constables within said county be
then and there in their proper !lemons, at 10.
o'clock, A. M. of said day, with their records, in-
quisitions, examinations and remembrances, to .
do thWto things which to their offices respectfully
Dated at Huntingdon the 22d day of August,
in the year of our !Lord 1856, and the 81st
year of American Independence.
Register's Notice,
persons interested that the following Wed
p , rsons Imre settled their accounts in thelleg
ister's (Mice nt Huntingdon, and that the said
accounts will be presented (or confirmation and
allowance, at an .Orpbana' Court to be held at
Iltintingdon, in and fur the. County of Hunting.
dun, on Wednesday, the 12th day or November
nexq to wit :
I.43enedietStevens,Esq., Administrator and
Trustee to. sell the Real Estate of Lndwick
licister, late of Springfield township, dec'd.
2. George Lang, surviving Administrator of
Patrick Lang, late of Wrdker township, dee'd.
3. Henry M. Key, Administrator of John
Ker, ( who wan in his likimne one of time Admin.
istrators of Patrick Lang, dee'd.,) this being
no account of the Administration of the Estate
of Patrick Lang, dee'd., by said John Ker in
his lifetime.
1. John Henderson and Harriet Henderson,
Administrators of George Henderson, late of
Wee" township, deed.
5. David Thompson mad Martha Thompson,
Adminktrators ofJohn Thompson,late of Hen•
Berson towndmip, dee'd.
. . .
- - -
6. David Mountain, acting Administrator of
William Dean, Esq , late of Walker township, li
Register's I
Huntingdon, Ort. 10,'56 j
Th.': Kansas Question Settle' I
1) y int.( tirri val from the nisi, the 5111,...1.i•
)bers base just and nn. now op •,.i
111:3. largest tad most judieiuusl
ever brought to Huntingdon. Our tto,k cuu
skis in part. Or
13Eiddhog Illaterial,
r Bch ss locks, hillges, aerates, 1,01,,
itrd !mints, (Whitt: kad, tiro pro,r untl zinc
Meclia:l3cFo TooIN,
in great variety ; ineltzding many nun , inveil
. .
invite the y tote:it:on or Saddlers and
Coach-makers to ourlar.4e aiel splendid stuekor
Saddle•ey & Coach Trimining
such as saddle-tree, selradjusting
po d t rees , ', toe s . or 21 kinds, latest styles at
iwkles, stirrups, &e.: Birthing Hog skins, pa.
tent nod eiooe'ed leather, enameled muslin,
conch Inee,hulis, ,pokes, l'ellows, skulks, springs,
axles, &e., &v.
Ladies and housekeepers generally, will find
it greatly to their advantage to cull and exam
ine o u r new stock of !silver and common spoons,
line table cutlery, scissors, hollow.eare, lamp,
patent swisnge grinders, and all other house
burnishing goods; including minty new and use
ful inventions.
In our recent purchases, we Lace bought, at
such rates 03 enable ns to sell even lower than
heretofore. No charge ror shotriog good.—
All orders promptly nttmuled
October Sib, 18.5 d.
Gas! Gas-Lights are Coming
Bu with an cut:rely ❑en• and well assorted stock
BOOTS & sizoEs, HATS & CAPS,
BONNETS, cAnrrews, and Oil
and every other article usually kept in a coun
try stole. We have one of the hest selected
stocks of DRY GOODS ever offer dto the
citizens of this place and vicinity, and are doter
mined to sell lower than can be purchased east
ofthe Allegheny. Give us a call and be satis
fied of the fact. Wo will sell our old stock at
cost. Don't forgot to call at the Metropolitan
before purchasing at any other House. We also
purchase and store Grain, and it is ode itted by
rill that we hare the safest place of unloading in
town. All kinds of produce taken in exchange
for Goods.
vx7E would offer for sale the following pro-
VV party, via t
A farm of 90 Acres, of land in Germany
Volley, lent. co., it being one half of the Faun
formerly owned by Geo. Eby. Nearly all clear
ed and in a lino state of cultivation. Choice
Limestone Land with House and Stable erected
thereon, with turning water. 11 miles from
Shirleysburg and 5 miles from Penna. Canal and
Railroad at Mt. Union.
Also 15 Acres of choice land adjoining the
above ' on which is erected two good Houses,
small Baru, Wood Home, &c., with a never-fail
ing spring of good water, and tine Orchard, with
choice fruit. This is a very desirable property,
and would be suitable for a mechanic, er any
person desiring to retire from active life.
ALSO— A farm in Union Township, Runt. co.,
containing 65 Acres, one half of which la
cleared, and the balance first witty of Timber
land, situated within one mile of the Penns Ca
naltod Railroad at Mill Creek.
Either of the above properties will be sold
low and on reasonable terms, apply to the sub
scribers at Mill Creek, Hubtingdon co. Pa.
500 Chesnut Posts for sale by
Colds, Coughs, and
Men, 20th . Decl., 1618.
.1 feo not held tit., to mty
the beet remedy I hove ever found fee
Coughs, lionreenees, Influent., end the
ooncomi len t eym ptome of a Cold, he your
Cesium PcoreneL. Tte constant
7447.... --........_..7 _ .._.......47
My . fl7itiiiii; . ih . 47l;sl
Y':nr& his 6115..1ra It to possess imp.
. . .
rior rirtnne for tb, , ttmnnt of thow
A. D. !WORTLEY, Deg., of Unc.t,N. Y., writ.: "I have
used your Paoronat. myself and in my family ever since
you invented It, and bolter It the beet medicine for Its
purpose over pot out. With a bad cold I 'Mould wooer
pay twenty-flvo dollars fora bottle than do without it, or
take any other remedy."
Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza.
'firtirmartitn7Ml.B7, Feb. 7, 1860.
Barna.. ATM: I will cheerfully certify your Pecroam,
la the beet remedy We posses. for the cure of Whooping
Clough. (Poop, and the cheat diseases or children. We of
your fraternity in the South appreciate your skill, and
oommead your medicine to our people.
A.MO3 LEE, Esa.,lfosTin.r, Is., write., ad 3.'10866:
"I lied a talloue Influent., which confined me In door.
air week.; ".ok many medicine. without relief; finally
tried your P "r)aUL by the .1151st of °lir clergyman.
the first doe. relieved the pureness In my throat .d
mugs; leas then ono half the bottle made the completely
well. Your medicine. are the cheapeat as well as the beet
we can buy, and we setts,. you, Doctor, and your reauw
dies, as the poor mane friend."
Asthma or Phthisic, and Bronchitis.
Me: Your Cara. PIMOILAL Vperforming marvellone
aurae In this section. It has relieved several. from alarm
ing symptoms of consumption, and Is now curial, nisi,
who has labored tinder an affortlou 4,1' the longs for the
last forty year. 111biltY L. PARRS, Merchant.
A. A. RAMSHY,AteION, Mennen Co., lOWA,
writes, Sept. 6, 1855: "Diigg my practice of many yeah
I have found nothing equal to your CHG.! Personas. for
giving o9AO and relief to consumptive patio., or curing
filch rts aro tor-able."
We might add volumes of evidence, but the mod con•
vinclug proof of the virtues of this remedy li found In tin
rrolmbly no one remedy has over been known which
eared eo may and each dangerous cases as Ws. Some
no hiunau ald can reach ; but even to those the CII.IIIT
Perytown. affords relief and comfort.
Amos Horse, New Time Cr, March 6,11166
Bodeen Area, Lower].: I feel It a duty end • plasenve
to luform yon what your Ceram PZOTORAL has done for
my wife. She had been five months laboring under the
dangerous symptoms of Conenniption, from which no old
we could procure gave her much relief. She was Weedily
failing. Until Dr. Strong, of this city, where we have coma
tr milieu, recoil:unaided a trial of your medicine. We
bless his kindness, r, we do your skill, for RIIO has recov•
mod from that day. She is not yet am strong as by used
to be, but is free from her caugh, aed mile herself well.
Yours withratitude and regard
ORLANDO SHELBY, or Sunervuxv.
ebnatimpliivr, do not dospalr till you have tried Area's
Omani. Promnsh. It Is made by one of tho hest medical
thernism in the world, and its cures all around ns beepeak
the high merit. of Its —Philadelphia Ledger.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
TILE ecienres of Chemistry aud Medicine have been
taxed their utmost to produce this boat, meet perfect
purgative which is known to man. Innumerable proofs
are shown that these Pima have virtues which impose iu
excellence the ordinary medicines, and that they win un
precedentedly upon the esteem of all men. They aro ante
and pleasant to take, bet powerful to cure. Their pone.
tracing properties stimulate the vital astir Wee of the body,
remove the obstructions of Its organ., purify the blood,
and expel disease. They purge out the foul humors which
breed and grow distemper, stimulate aluggieh or disor
dered orgeno into their maul.] action, end depart healthy
tone with *Wreath to Um whole system. Not only do
they cure the everyday complaints of every body, but
also formidable and clangorous disown t h at hare baled
the beat of human skill. {Mile they produce powerful
effects. they aro rat the name thou, 111 diminished dome, the
ttft,st and beet physic that can be employed for o) Blocs.
Being finger-coated, they ore pleasant to take; nod being
purely regetnitte, are free from .y risk of burro. Corte
Love been made which surpass boner were they not sub•
etantittled by men of melt malted .posillon and character
as to forbid the suspicion of martallt. Many eminent
clergymen and physicians have lent their names to certi
fy to the public the reliability of my reimatiet. w Mid nth.
era 11.0 sent me the assurance of their conviction that
my Proparittimis contribute Immensely to tho rend of my
enlisted, suffering fullow.nten.
The Agent below named in ',hawed to Punish gratin my
American A1n10,00.1, containing directions Mr their ono and
cart 'Mateo of their cures, of the following complaints t
Contivenene. Dillon. Complaint., lthemnatism. Drop,
Heartburn, Ileadaelte oriAltig from a foul StotnaL , . Nate
sea. indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowel. and Pain
mining therefrom, Flatulency, Lou of Appetit, ail r leer
sun and Cutaneous Disemue wbkb rerton on el truont
Medicine. Scrofula or King, Evil. They also, by purify.
big the blood and Silollllnlisig the system, olio tunny
rTa l , u sTu i t 71 1 t%t! l aA t tee " an't d tri7:113 1 11 1 ,nr
Nervous Irritability. Derangottents of the ' Giver andc nau:nldd
nor!. Moat, and other kindred romplaints twining from
low state of lii body Ii obstruction of its functions.
Do not bo put off by unprincipled dealer. with mute
other pill they make more profit on. Ask for Arm,
Pis, and take nothing elso. No other they can give
you comparue with this in its intrinsic vain° or enrollee
powers. The sick want the best aid then is fur them.
and they Otould 11.8 it
Prepared by Dr. 3. C. AYER,
Praoticol and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Ease
Pun 25 Ore. P. 8.. Five Box. roe. $l.
JOHN READ, Huntingdon, anil dealers in
medicine everywhere. •
Octuber 13, 1856.-Iy.
New. Goods, IS
New Goods I
D. P. CI Will ha. ;,,t received from PhiWel.
Odd a large and amortmeat or
rartzt a WIN:WM , c 4,0,0110.
consisting or the most fashionable Press Grta.,
for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks,
Chameleon & Fancy Silks. Prowl' Mernities,
All Wool do Lains, Persian Twills, Coburg
Cb:th, Levella Cloth, Alliance. Dobaliz,
no Cloth, Wool Plaids, and any quantity of
Fancy Delain,. Prints of any description.
ALSO, a largo lot of dress trimmin . gs, dress
Buttons, Bonnet Silks, Ribbons, Gloves,
Hosiery, Limes, Veils, Collars, Coderslemma,
Chinumetts, Mohair head dresses, Gam Belts,
Whalshonos for Skirts, Silk and Linen Bose,
French Working Cotton, Fall and Wool Shawls,
and a variety of Fancy Goods too numerous
to mention.
Also, Cloths,. black and blue, black and fancy
Co,simer. Commas, K. Jeans, Vestings, Flan
nels, Wt. lied end Yellow, Sack Flannels of all
colors, Canton Flannels, Cotton Drills, Kan.
keen. Linsey, Muslin., bleached and unbleach
ed. Tieken, Cheeks, Table Diaper, Woolen nod
Linen Table Covers, Sheeting Muslin 2i yarns
wide, Woollen Coats, Caps and Comforts,
Woollen yarns cf•ditferent colors.
Silk Bonnets of the latest styles of every color.
Largest assortment in town and at prices that
cannot be beat. •
Hats dt Caps, of tho latest styles,
Boots and Shoe s , xxanouraatn,
QuEENzw,ait,Z, Buckets, Tubs, Bas
ket., Oil Cloths• Groceries, LA the best
quality, Salt and all goods usually kept in a
country Store,
My old customers, and as many new ones as
can crowd in ere respectfully request.; to come
and examine my goods No charge hr looking.
All kinds of Country produce Laken in ex
change forpods, at the highest market prices.
Oct. 8, 1856.
Will continence ;ts winter session of five months
on Dlonduy, Nov. 3d. It is hoped that the
pleasant situation and salubrity of the village,
the convenience and spacious.. of the Semi
nary, and the established character of the In•
structure will seeure the attendance of a large
number of n tpils.
Terins—Vor Board and Tuition per session,
Day Tuition from $8 to 12,00
Apply to J. B: KIDDER,
Shirloysburg, Hunt. Cu., ra,
35 Sack. Cone just received and for pile
it holetele by • t UNNINGTIAM & UNN:
F Lade Gap, Huntingdon County, Pa.
W.H., WOODS, A. M., Pr • prietor & Princip9.'.
J.A.BIIADE, Lectureron:Analomy& Hygeana, REY. J. CAMPBELL, Leeturer on Genera?
Aaaistant Literature.
JOHN hl. CAUSLAND, Teacher its Preparatory Pepartment.
THE annual exhibition will take place the lot Wednesday of October. An address by the
I Rev. D. X. Junkin, D. I)., will be delivered before the Philo and Diaynathian Societie.4, at 2
o'clock, I'. M. The Exhibitional performances will take place at Gi o'clock, P. M. The eit•
eminations the week previous. these exercises the friends of education are respectfully invi
ted to attend. The next session opens on Wednesdny, the 29th of October. This institution
holds out peculiar inducements to young men seeking an education. The Board of Instruction
is composed of' gentlemen of high literary attainments and chilled in their profession. The lo
cation is very healthy, having the pure mountaitt air, .d free from all noxious vapors arising
from stagnant water and marshy ground. Those subject to ague could not find a snore desira
ble place. The course of instruction is such as is best calculated to prepare young men for
huffiness, for teaching, and for teking a high stand in College. For those desiring to become
Teachers, n Normal Clues will be formed, in which practical instruction will be given in the art
of Teaching. To this class, lectures will be given on the subject of Teaching. The tempta
tions to vice, idleness and dissipation are few. There is nothing to draw the mind of the sta•
dent from his books, it is quiet and retired, just such a situation as n young man desirous of
improvement would seek. The societies are inn flourishing condition, and eat h has a fine li
brary of choice works. The buildings are large and commodious, amadditional building is in
the course of erection; which will be finished this fall. Shade Gnp is sitttawrou the snail
route between Chainbersburg nod Mount Union Station on the Penn. Rail Road.
TERMS f---For Session of five months, $52 20. Washing, light, and fi.el, extra. Students
are charged from the time of entering until the close of the Session. Payments half in ad
vance, balance at the middle of the session. For catalogues and further particulars, address
Shads Gap, Hunt. Co., Pa.
September 17, 1856.-3 m,
God Save the Cotnitionwealth,
4 .
Wresidential Election.
e ral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, entitled "An act relating to the elec
tions of thin Cmmc nwcalth," approved the sec
ond day ofJuly, A. D. 1830, I JOSHUA
GREENLAND, High Sheriff of the County of
Huntingdon, in the State of Pennsylvania, do
hereby make known and give notice to tl e elec
tors of the County atbresaid, that a General
Election will he held in said County of Hunt
ingdon, on the
First Tuesday, 4th of November, 1856,
OF THE UNITED STATES are to be elec
Lt pursuance of said Act, I also hereby make
known and give notice, that the places of hold
ing the aforesaid General Election in the sever
al election districts within the said county, are
as follow!
Ist district, composed of Henderson township
and all that part of Walker township not in the
lath district, at the Court House in the thorough
of Huntin g don. .
Id district, composed of Dublin township, at
Pleasant 11111 School House, near Joseph Nel
son's in soil township.
Id district, composed of so much of Wnrriors
murk township as in not included in tho lath
district. et the School House adjoining the town
of Warriorsmark .
4th district, composed of the township of Hope
nt the School House ut hough nod Ready
Furnace, in said township.
sth district, composed of the township of Bar
ren, at the house of James Licingstmi (formerly
Joim harper,) in the town of Saulshurg, in said
sth ilktriet, composed orate township of Shir
ley, et the of I). Fraker, in Shirleedittrg.
ith district. eomposed of Porter end Walker
towt,hips. and RI 111101 01 IVrst inWTISIIIII es in
included in tho tollowing boundaries, to wit
ott ti s south- wsnt corner of Told,
Calamities farm on the bank or the little Junia
ta liver of the lower mid of Jackson's narrows,
thence in a north-easterly direction to the most
suothernly part of the tarn owned by Michael
lagwizif, thence north 40 degrees wot to the
toii - ofTtssey's mountain, to intersect the lint of
Fria lin township, thence along said line to lit
tle Juniata river. thenee down the same t ,, the
place of beginning, at the public School House
opposite the German Rclbrin Church in the bo
rough of Alexandria.
district, composed of the township of
Franklin, at the house of Jacob Mum, now
occupied by G. W. Aliment, in said township.
WI district, composed of Tell township, at
the Union School House, near the Union Meet
ing house. in sa d township.
Orli district. composed of Springfield town
ship, nt the Schod Ilunse near thigh Madden's'
in said township.
l th district, composed of Union tp., at the
School House near Eznkial Corhin's in said
1211 district, composed of Brady township,
ut the School !louse known as the Centre School
Home in said township.
13th district, composed of Morris township,
tit School House No. 2, in sai I township.
1.10 district, composed of thal part or West
township not included in the 7th and Stith dis
tric•ts. at the public school house on the farm non•
occupied by Miles Lewis, (formerly owned by
James Ennis,) in said tow ns hip.
l nth district, composed of that part of Walk
er township lyingsouthwest of a line commenc
ing opposite David Corbia's House, at tho
inn township line, thence in a straight line, in
cluding said Corbm's house to the corner of Por
ter township, on the Huntingdon and Woodcock
Valley road, at the house of Jacob Mag,diy, in
said township.
lath distiict, composed of the township of Tod
at the Greets School Home in said township.
17th district, composed of that pert of West
township on the south-east side of the Warrior
ridge, beginning at the line of West and Hen
derson townships, nt the tbot of said ridge, to
the lino of Barren tp., thence by tho division
line of Barren and West townships, to the sum
mit of Stone mountain, to intersect the line of
Ilemlehon and West townships, thence by said
line to place of beginning, at the house now
cupicd by Benj. Corbin, on Murry's Run.
10th district, composed of Cromwell tp., at
the house now occupied by David Etnire, in 01 . -
. hisonia.
- 10tbdistrict, composed of the Borough of Bir
mingham, with the several tracts of land near
to nod attached to the same, now owned and oc
cupied by Thomas 91. Goons, John K. DicCa•
Iran, A. Roberson, John Gonsimer and Wet.
Gensimer, thu tract aim' now owned by Geo.
& John Shoonbereer. known as the Porter tract
is annexed to said district, situate in the town
ship of Warriorsmark, nt the public school house
in said Borough.
20th district, composed of Cass township, at
the public school house in Cassville, in said tp.
21st district, composed of Jaitson township,
nt the house of Robert Barr, now occupied by
John Hirst, at MeAleavy's Port, in said tp.
92d district, composed of Clay township, at
the house of Josh. Shure, at the Threo Springs
in said township.
251 district, composed of the township of Fenn
at the pnblie school house in Marklesburg, in
said township.
24111 district, composed of that pert of Shir
ley township, lying And being within the follow
ing described boundaries, to wit: Beginning at
the intersection of Union and Shirley township
lines with the Juniata river, on the south side
thereof; thence along said Union township line
for the distance of three miles from said river;
thence emits ardly by a straight line to the point
where the main from Ehy'e Mill to Germany
Valley, crosses the summit of Sandy Ridge;—
thence northwsrdly along the summit of Sandy
Ridge to the river Juniata, and thence up said
river to the place of beginning; at the public
school him.. in Mount Union, in said district.
25th district, composed of the Bor o u g h of'
Huntingdon, at the Court Htmse in sold born'.
26th district, °imposed of the Borough of Pe
tetsburg and that part of West towtphip west
and south of the line between Henderson and
West townships ; at or near the Warm Springs,
to Ste Franklin township line on the top of Tns
sty's mountain, so as to include in the district
tho house of David Waldsmith, Jacob Longon
ticker, Thomas Hamer, James Porter, and John
Well, at the public school house in the Borough
of Petersburg.
I also stoke known and give notice, as in nod
by the 13th section of the aforesaid net, 1 ant di
rected, "that every person except justices of the
peace, who Omit hold any office or appointment
of profit or trust under the government of the
United States, or of this State, or of any city
or incorporated district, whether a commission
ed officer or agent, who is or shall be employed
under the legislative, executive or the judiciary
department of this Stele or of the tinitzil States
or any city or incorporated district, and also,
that every member of Congress and of the State
Legislature, and of the select or common coun
cil of any city, commissioners of any incorpora
ted district, is by law incapable of holding ur ex
ercising at the sane time, the office or appoint
ment of judge, inspector, or clerk of any election
01 thin Comment,: milli, end Shut no inspector,
judge, or other officer of any such election, shall
Ire eligible to any office, to be then voted fur."
Also, that in the 14th section of the art of
Assembly, entitled .in "Act relating to exeen•
tions and for other piwposes," approved ? April
16, 1840. it is enacted that the aforesnul 13th
section "stall not be construed as to prevent any
militia officer or borough offleer from serving no •
judge, inspector or clerk for any general or spe
cial election in this Commonwealth."
Pursuant to the provisions contained in the •
6711, section in the act aforesaid, th , judges of
the aforesaid districts shall ro- pectively take
charge of the certificate or return of the rice
lion of their respective districts, and produce -
them at a meeting of one judge from each dis
trict, at the Court House, in the Borough of
tingdon on the third day after the day of the e• 1
lection,being for the present rear on Friday. the
7th day of November next, titer anti there to th,
and perform the duties required by law of said
judges. Also, that where a judge by sickness '
• or unavoidable accident, is unable to attend said •
Meeting of Judges, then the certificate retnrn
alinesahl shall Ire taken charge of by ono of the
inspectors or clerks of the eleetton of sain dis
triet, auil shall do And perform the duties Ittilii-
M 1 of said judge unable to attend.
Also, iu the lot section of said net, it is cn- I
acted that ''uvery general and special election •
ole/i be opened between the hours of eight and
ten hr the 11/...011, and shill continue without
interrul.tion or atijournment until seven o'clock
in the evening, tt hell thepolls shall he cloned: ,
Wren under nth hand at Mtotinydon, Mc day :
rif October, 1856, and of the indepetaleace of
the United States,Me (4 . 01// first.
Bituntsr's OFFICE, Shari":
October loth, 1856. 5
BY virtue of situdry writs of Vend Exp. and
FL Fa., issued out of the Court of Common
I'leas of Huntingdon County, and to me direc
ted, I will expose to public mle, at the Court
House, in the borough of Ilcmingdon, on Two
day the lith of November, 18,6, at IO o'clock,
A. St, olatdd day, the following described Heal
Estate, to wit t
All the right, title, interest and claim of the
defendants of, in and to one house and lot in
the borough of Petershorg, front sixty feet on
Main street and extending back one hundred
and twenty feet to a street, bounded on the cast
br Abraham Renner, on the North by Abmhatn
eresswell. having thereon erected a two•story
frame house, painted NOW, and a shop.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold us
the property of John G. and Rebecca Ritter.
All the right, title and Interest of th o defen
dant of, in and ton certuln lot of ground adjoin
ing the borough of Birmingham. containing a
bout one acre more or less, adjoining a lot of
John Owens, Esq., on the west, the public road
leading from Birmingham to Waterstreet un
the north and east, on which is erected a brick
building seventy feet in length and thirty-five
tent in depth, three stories high, with a stone
basement known on "the Mountain Female Sem
Seized, taken in execution, and to be told as
the property of "the Mountain Female Semi
nary "
All the right, title MI interest of ;he defen
dant of, in and to a lot of ground in the borough
of Shirleysburg, lying on the west sole of Main
street, frontin , . sixty feet on said street and ex
tending back 'l4O feet to land of Samuel Caro
thers, bounded on the North by a lot of the
widow Bieket, south by a lot of the heirs of
James Carothers, deed., baring thereon erected
a two story log house, a small kitchen, log sta
ble, and other buildings.
Seized, taken in execution and to be eold as
the property of James Smith.
All the right, title and interest of the defen
dant of, in and to the following tract of land sit
uate iu Shirley township, Huntingdon county,
nod hounded by John Long on the west, Hobert
Bighorn on the north, Block Log mountain on
the east, containing two tuatara d acres morn or
less, about ono hundred of which is cleared, ha
ving thereon erected two small log dwelling
houses and a log barn.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be cold as
the property of David Knepp.
All the right, title and interest of the defen
dant or, in and to two email parcels of land sit
uated in the town of Scottsville, Clay tp., Hun
tingdon county, bounded on the east by a lot of
Achim Curfncan, north by David Heck, west by
Samuel Sinitic, south by Pollock road, (contain
ing in all one acre and a half more or loss, with
the following Improvements theteon, a two story
log house.
Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold as
the property of Joseph Banks.
All the right, title and interest of John Don
aldson, ono of dofendants. in and to all that
messuctge, parcel or tract Oland situate iu Un
ion township, Huntingdon county, on the wes
terly aisle of the Juniata river, and bounded by
lends of Matthew F. Campbell, James Hump
sun, John AlcCembe and others, containing one
hundred end forty acres, ho the same more or
less, being.the HMO iNiNit4 1110111‘0.101 in en tirti
els of agreement, dot,' Maroli 111, teno, between
John R. Cudgel!, John Doualtigon, j... D u g.
aicism' and Michael litunig.
Seized, taken in exccutieu, and to be sold en
the property of Quinsy Taylor and Johg Don
All the right, title, interest and claim of the
defendant of, in and to a certain lot of ground
No. situated on the cornet of Market and
Commerce (now called Lyon) fits., in the bur
nigh of Birmingham, In the comity of Hunting
don being 60 feet on. Market street .d extend
ing hack 165 feet, more or less, on Commerce or
Lyon street, adjoinMg John Grants on the north
east. having thereon erected a two story log
dwelling house, plastered, with a brick store-
Noise, a frame often building, a stable and other
Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold as
the property of Ur. J. T. McVey.
All the right, title, chilli; and interest of the
defendant et, in and to a Int of gromul in t h e
village of Shade Gap, Huntingdon orunty.num
bared IX in the plan of said village, ovate by
J. W. Matthias, the 14th day of March, 049 .
lying anti being on the west site of the road or
Main street of acid village, which runs at 121
degrees north ; said lot being 60 reet in front on
said street, and extending hack at right angles
thereto 140 feet to a fine parallel to said street,
haring thereon erected a small home and other
Seized, taken in execution, and to be...m.l4as'
the property ofJamea
ALSO; _ _ .
All the right, title, interest mid claim of the
defendant of, in and to u piste and parcel of lurid
sitnate on the margin of Standing. Stone Creek,
in the borough of Huntingdon, adjoining it let
of George Jackson mt the north, a lot of Woe.
Dorris, Sr., on the south, another lot of said de
fend, 'n tier - the west, nod
endant in the same enclosure ou .4 west, no.
said Creek on the east; containing seven items
and sixty tour perches, be the same more CT
less.—A lot of ground situate at the south—
eastern corner of Church and St. Clair streets
is said borough, fronting about seventy-four
foot on St. Clair street, and extending buck
from the same two hundred leet to the old line
of tho said borough, and western boundary of
the above mentioned and described lot, bounded
on the north by Church street, and on a South
by a lot owned by the widow Hawn, including
the whole of lot No. 172, in the recorded plan of
said borough.
ALSO—Four contiguous lots of ground situate
in the said borough, bounded on the north
and west by the Renner faun, on the Rase by
the 11'arin Spring Root, and on the smith by a
lot of lien . James U win. Nos. 1. 2. &3, as re.
presented On a mop of said lots, divided on the
16th day of October for the defendant by J.
Simpson Africa, County Surveyor, contain each
four acres, No. 4 containing about 3 acres be
the seine more or less.
Seised, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Thonitslyullae,
.All the right, title and interest of the defen
dant of, in and to the fallowing described pro•
poly, to wit :—A tract of land known as the.
Henry linnet tract, containing about 2;0 acres
on Broad Top, Tad tp., adjoining loads of It.
flare Powell, Ginn A. P. Wilson, told others,
having thereon erected a two story log house,
barn and Otter isnproveluenta and almost too
acres cleared thereon.
ALSO— A tract of land known as the Corbin
tract, containing 300 acres and allowance, ritual to
in Rocky Ridge, Top tp., adjoining land of Tay
lor's heirs and others.
ALRO—A tract of land adjoining the :t bone,
warranted in the name of Speer and Martin, con
taining 96 acres, 193 perches, end allowance.
Also—A tract of land adjoining the same,
warranted in the name of Eliel Smith, contain
ing 138 acres, 98 perches, and allowance. tract of land situate on Woad Top,
Tod tp., warranted in the name of Speer and
3tunaherty, containing 439 acres,sl perches and
aliow.ince, adjoining the William lionch Coal
Bank true, John McLain, Michael J. Martin
and minas.
At a—All the interest orsaid defendant in
the land of Michael Martin and Joseph S.
Martin, dee'd., which he holds under certain ar
ticles of agi,ement Mr the smile, with John
Dougherty and (Image W. Speer or otherwise,
as the same appears on record in Huntingdon.
Seized, taken in execution, rnd to be sold es
the property of heat William U. Irwin.
. _
All the right, title, tutored and violin of the
defendant, to a lot aground situate in the town
of Burnett, Pod ip., Huntingdon County, trot -
Clog 50 feet on Hamilton Street, and extending
back 140 feet to an alley, hounded on the lino
by a lot of Michael McCabe, and numbered 26
in plan of said town, having thereon erected a
two story log house 16 by 26 feat with other im
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of ThomasMeGillan,...
Sheriffs Office 1 Sheriff:
Hunt., Oct. 8, f 856.
Lida LIED ThlE72%
A New Assortment Just Opened
And will be sold 30 per oent.
HBOMAN respectf in'orms his ensto
, niers and the public generally', that he has
just opened at his store-rosin in Market Square-
Iluntingdon,a splendid new stock of Ready
Clothing for Fall and Winter.
which he will sell cheaper than the same lustily
of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philadel
phia or any other establishment in tho country.
Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do
well to call and examine his stock before purcha
sing elsewhere. Also,
flats Caps, Boots, and Shoes,
which will'ho cold lower than at any other os•
tublishment in tho county.
Iluntingdon Oct. 8. 1856.
The subscriber will offer at public sale, on
Tuesday, November 11. his farms situated in
Morris township, and containing 265 acres.-
250 acres under fence and in good cultivation,
the balance timber land. This property is di
vided about equally into two farms, with alarge
brick house and frame tenant house,
.Ikgala large barn, wagon shed and corn
crib, carpenter and blacksmith shops on one,
and a good frame house and barn on the other;
with good water end fruit on both places, and
in a healthy neighborhood.
Also at the same time am! place, I will offer
491 acres of mountain land, in lots of from 50
to 100 acres, to suit purchasers. This land is
well set with thrifty young chesnut, white and
yellow pine, and oak timber, and convenient to
the farms, with good roads to and through the
same. The above property is within f mile of
the Penn's R. R, and 2f oftha canal at Water
Street. For further particulars, address
Spruce Creek, I'. O. Haut. co. 5ep.3,'56-2m.
Administrator's Notice•
V OTIOE is hereby given that letters of Ad•
IN ministration un the estate of Samuel Kerr,
late of Peon township, deed., have been gran.
ted to the undersigned, residing in said town.
ship. to whom those indebted will please make
immediate payment, and those having claims
will present them duly authenticated forsettle
October 1,18158.—0 t. Ada',
Administrator's Notice. . .
I~TOTICL is Tere7ygiven that letters of Ad•
IN ministration on the estate of Thomas Got•
such, late of Ponn township, deed., have been
granted to the undersigned, residing in said
township, to whom, those indebted will please
make immediate payment, and those having
claims will present theta duly authenticated ibs
settlement. JOHN HOU SEH OLDER,.
October 1, 1.856.-64 ddlter.
Pennsylvania Magistrate Law Library.
13115•11rESS MAN'S GUIDE.
New erttef Sia'th Edition, bringing the Imo down te
A Treatise en the office and duties of Alder
inen anti Jiis,ticee of the Peace in the Common
wealth of Penney'yank', including all the
~jnircd Pintos of process and Docket nitric.;
and emhnirmo run only whatever tufty hc deem
ed vniunhlotu Jastites of the nese. but to land
bode. Tenuous and Gallen' Agents ; and ma
King this volirme what purports to he a safe Le
val Guide for Btisinese Men. By John Bloat,
late Alderman of Walnut Ward, in the city of'
Philadelphia. The Sixth witiotr.
,orreeted end greatly enlarged Ify :Frederic C.
Brightly. Esq., Author of "A Trcasise on the
Laic of Coats," " Equity Jurisprudence." "Ni
si Prins Reports," Editor of "Pardon's Digest"
&c. In one thick 'clunk Octavoi" Price only
Forma of Conveyancing, and of Pracifce it:'
charts of Common Pleas, gannet Session.,
°mend Tenniner, Timbals Civil officers and'
ditetices of fbe Peace. Fourth edition, revised
corrected; and enlarged, nod adapted to tlas'
preacfl state of the low, with copies explana
tory Bores and preferences, end a new, fall and
catn9rchensive Index. By Robert E. Wright,
Eel. In one thick Octavo volume.—Prioe
Iy $3,50:
ALSO . ,
A digest of the laws of Pennsyletrnia, from
the yenr One Thousand Seven Hundred, to the
Eight clay of May, Ono Thossend Eight Hun
dred and Fifty-five. The first four editions by
the late John Pardon, Esq. The Fifth, Edition
Revised, with Marginal References, Foot Notes
to the Judiciul Decisions; Analytical. Content.
a Digested Syllabus of each Title and & new,•
full and exhaustive Index. By Erederie E..
Brightly, Esq., Author of ••A Treatise on the
Law of' Costs," "Nisi Prins" Editor of Binn'e
Justice, itc. One thick Royal Bvo. Price only
67The freshness and permanent value of
Purdon's Digest are preserved by the publica
tion annually of a Digest of rho laws enacted in
each year. These annual digests are arranged.
in precise conformity to the plan of Pardon's
Digrst . They are, each of them republished.
annually are connected together by a gencral .
Index (prepared anew• each year.) which embra
ces the contents of the laws of each year Ales
the publication of Pardon's Digest, in ono al—
plialiet ; and arc bound up with Pardon's Di
gest, and also sold separately.
Thus the purchaser of Pardon'. Digest will'
always lie in possession of the complete body of
the Statute Loon of Pennsklvaniu down to the
very hour when he purchases it. Those who
have already pureltas'd Purdon's Digest may al
waya complete the date for the small sum of
Fifty Cents, the price of value containing all the
annual Digests issued eine° the first publication
of the present edition of Pardon's Digest, as
iteretotort. stated. KAY & BROTHER.
Law Booksellers and Publishers 17 & ISe
South Fifth Street. First Store above Cheintit
eg Orders or letters of inquiry for Law Books
front the country promptly attended to.
Sept. 10, 1856.-3 m.
puNNiscalAm s DUNS hare just received
ki a well-selected stock of Spring & Summer
Goods, consisting of
Dry Goods, Hard-ware, Groceries,
Queens-ware, Cedar-ware,
slats, boots and. shoes.
Crockery-t;iiin7iti;ii - ind earthen
Tin-ware, Cane Fishing-rods.
Ready Made Clothing always on hand,
and in short everything that is usually kept in a
country store.
kept constantly for Sale.
and euttmine our Goods and judge for
All kinds of century produce taken in ex-
change l'or Goods at the highest market prices.
The highest market piece paid for all kinds
of Grain. _ _ _
Prompt atont ion paid to storing and forward
ing all kind', of raorchandisa, product', &o.
Huntingdon, May, 14, 1856.
4 14 1
ountingdon 's* RD,951. Foundry.
thod of informing their triends and the pub
lic generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt
ingdon Foundry, and are now in successfnl
oration, and are prepared to furnish casting of
all kinds, of the best quality on the shortestno
thee and most reasonable terms.
Farmers are invited to call and examine our
Ploughs. We arc manufacturing the Hunter
Plough, (this plough took the premium at the
Huntingdon County Agricultural Fair, in 1850
also lluntor's colebrated Cutter Plough, which
can't he bent, together with the Keystone, Hill
side, and Barshear Ploughs. We have on hand
and are manufacturing stoves, such as Cook,
Parlor and office stoves for coal cr wood.
consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c., all
of which will be sold sheep for cash or in ex
change for country produce. Old metal taken
for new castings. By a strict attention to busi
ness and desire to please, we hope to receive
share of public patronage.
April 30, 1856.—tf.
No. 191 North Third St., above Wood, Shila.
ary, Jujube Paste, Gum. Drops, Chocolate
Drops, Brandy Drops Liquor Bottles,Jelly
Cakes, Cream Chocolai
Chocolate, French Toys, White
Sugar Toys, Ise.,
Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Currants, Citron,
Figs. Dates, Prunes, Almonds, lVainute, Fn.
betty, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, Fire Crack.
ers, Syrups, Tamarinds, Liquorice, Rock Can.
dv, kc., &c.
The attention of Dealers is rettested to air
examination of my stock, which will be found
equal to any in Philadelphia.
N. IL—Orders by mail or otherwise prompt
ly *needed to.
Cheapest “Jeb Pr Mani" Waco
IN WIRE sonwev.
We babe now made such arrangements in our
Jul (Oise as will enable no le tie all kinds of
Job Printing at 20 per cent.
cheaper rates
Than any °Wee ho the County.
Give us a call. If wedon't give elktiTS 3110/64
lion, no charge st all will I. wade.