Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 29, 1856, Image 2

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Wednesday Morning, Oot. 29,1858.
Forever float that standard sheet,
Where breathes the foe but fullsbefore us,
With Freedom's coil beneath our feet,
And Freedom's banner streaming Warns!"
Gen. James Irvin.
Ma C. Fremont,
1. Joseph Edwards, 13. Russell F. Lord,
2. Geo. N. Eckert, 14. Fred'k E. Smith,
S. M. H. Dickinson, 15. Abm. Updegraff,
4. Wilson Jewell, 16. Joseph U. Simpson,
6. A. G. Rowland, 17. Hezekiah Easton,
6. Caleb N. Taylor, 18. Edward Scull,
7. WM. Darlington, 19. Wm. M. Stewart,
8. William M. Baird, 20. 'Alfred Patterson.
9. Meal H. Shirk, 21. B. C. Sawyer,
10. Simon Cameron, 22. Jacob Paiute,
11. Jno. McCormick 23. L. L. McGuffin.
12. S. B. Thompson, 24, Gee. W. Arnold.
2S Ja;n. Skinner.
' !
Eon have just emerged from a neat contest,
beaten but not dismayed. Another great con•
test impends on the 4th of November, fraught
with tremendous issues for weal or for woe.—
Are you ready for the battle? We hear you
exclaim with manly pride and strength—"We
am" The frauds upon the purity of the elec•
live franchise, at the late election in Philadel.
phis, amounted to thousands—and yet your
opponents have only elected one•half the Mem
bers of Congress, while in the Legislature on
joint ballot they will be in a minority, thus
losing the 11. S. Senator.
W e have carried our county ticket against
the most unheard of opposition—in spite of
money and colonized voters.
Friends of the great cause oChuman liberty,
there is nothing to discourage or dishearten
you. The partial victory of your opponents,
while it exhausted both their strength and
their means, was virtually a defeat.
In 1840, did they not carry the October
Election by a majority of 5000, and yet were
defhated in November?
Have the slanders of the foe lessened your
distinguished leader—or rather does not your
seal for the cause of freedom animate you
with sentiments of new and increased dovo.
'don ?
Vreemen, will you surrender the vast terri•
tortes of the Union to the Institution of Sla
very, while you behold with sorrow the ?dia.
souri Compromise, the plighted faith of the na
• tion, trampled in the dust?
Are you prepared for the violent seizure of
Cuba for the purpoee of creating four new
Slurs States? or for the degradation of free
labor and the suppression of free speech ?
of the only paramount issue the restric
tion of slavery or its unlimited extension?—
The Constitution protects it where it is, but
carries it nowhere.
The great heart of the nation is violently
convulsed. Rally then to the rescue. By the
'wrongs and woes of Kansas—by the injustice
and oppression of the slave power—nerve your
Leans for the contest. We know yon will not
shrink from the struggle.
The Electoral Ticket, settled by the conven.
tine equitable and just grounds, in worthy of
your confidence. Give it your support.
The territory of the Union was intend
ed for the homes of freemen—your children
and your children's children—for untold gene.
rations to come, as their rightful heritage,
and not for the homes of slaves and slave
Strike one more blow for the Constitution—
one more for free speech and free sail, along
the who's line. Let your watchword and your
battle cry be—The Union and the Constitution
—the Constitution and the Union.
To Clergymen.
We want to put a plain question or two to
the Ministers of the Gospel in Huntingdon
Con. ty, of all denominations. We believe we
have a right to ask you seriously, this question:
You are emboss& dor. of Jesus Christ. You
are here on a mission from God. Your duty
in to prepare the world for the coming of "the
kingdom" of your Lora. This being conceded,
now tell us, can God's ..kingdom coma" no long
an you, yes you, the very ambassadors of
"to whom all men are alike," are striving a.
gainst the coming of that kingdom? Can the
will of your Lord "be done ou earth as in hea
ven" so long as Slavery is extending itstionlin•
ion over the world I In Slavery a principle of
God's kingdom 7
You have influence, and you can wield it for
v.-al or for woe. If you, by your vote., aid the
a,•asion of Slavery, we pray pm for the cause
of 'kristianity, for the sake of consistency and
OWL, and for God's sake, quit praying—" Thy
*iegdom Como, Thy Will Be Lone I"
Work ! Work !
In 1836 the so-called Democratic party car.
ried Pennsylvania at the October State Elec.
lion by a large majority. In the Presidential
Election which followed, the Whigs, with
scarcely a hope of success, reduced the major.
ity to a very low figure, as follows :
Harrison 87,111 Van Buren 01,475
In 1840, when the tide set so strongly in
favor of Gen. Harrison, it was again carried
for what was called. Democracy at the State
Election—the total vote for Congress stand.
ing :
Harrison 125,902 Van Buren 130,551
Van Buren'. majority 4,619
And yet, at the Presidential Election which
speedily followed, the State went for Gen. Her.
rison by the following vote
Harrison 144,021 Van 8uren13,672
Harrison's majority 34 9
In 1844, it was carried for "Polk, Dallas,"
and "the Tariff of '42" at both the State and
Presidential Election.
In 1848, at the State Election, it went as
For Taylor : Fur Cass :
Gov. Johnston, 168,523 Longstreth, 168,221
C. C. Middlesw'th, 164,284 Gamble, 166,930
Johnston's maj. 302 Gamble's. maj. 2,636
When at the Presidential Election, directly
after, the vote stood:
Taylor, 185,730 Cass '
Van Buren, 11,177
Gen. Taylor over (ion. Cass, 13,544
In 1852, it went for sham Democracy at
both Elections, though Gen. Scott received
more votes in November than were cast for
the Democratic State ticket in October—an
follows :
Whig. Dem.
Oct. Hoffman, 151,600 Hopkins, 171,548
Noe. Gen. Scott, 179,122 Gen. Piercel99,s6B
Mat. Oct. 19,948 Nov. 19,446
Thus the Whip, after success had become
hopeless, not only polled votes enough to beat
the vote of the sham Democracy in October,
but actually reduced their majority.
While we do not give np the State to the en.
emy, ever. if she may possibly have gone a•
gainst us now, we believe that we can carry her
for Fremont in November by a moat triunt
pliant majority. We call upon those men in
our midst who have fur years refused to vote
under a "Slavery Constitution" as they called
it, to come up now and vote against being
made slaves themselves. No man but has
some influence ;no citizen but has a vote. If
our own freedom is worth preserving, if free
soil is worth holding to make into free States
for our own posterity, then every man should
rally against the hosts of darkness and sin
which are crawling out into the light to vote
down and to scoff at everything of religion, of
virtue, of truth end of right. We commend the
following from a member o! the good e 'Luse we
fight for, to the eonsiderat on of all uur readers :
"It seems to us impossible that the ensuintt
struggle should be fought under disadvantages
at all equal to those which have just been en•
countered. We had no organization to start
with, and tittle at any time ; and there is very
little at this time; and there is a very general
impression that the management of the canvass
on our side might have been improved. Our
losses are nearly all in the Counties most ac•
cessible to money and influence from Phil
adelphia ; our gains are almost exclusively in
the impregnable West and North. We entreat
the friends of Kansas to lose no hour in perfect
ing an organization that will insure universal
confidence, reach every school district and
bring out the last vote. Men of Pennsylvania I
the issue of Freedom or Slavery in Kansas rests
with you. There is no longer a hope of reset•
ing her by the action of Congress ; a President
pledged to her cause alone can save her. Let
no moment, no effort, be wasted, until a triumph
is secured to Erections and Humtmit y ."'
Are You Ready?
Now Or Never.
Are you prepared fully for the next trial?—
Have you got a good and perfect organization
in your district? Have you polled your bor.
oughs and townships and do you know your
own men ? Have you appointed sub-commit.
tees for each school•district to bring out your
vote? If not see to it at once I Go to work
and do up what has been neglected. Do not
wait for your neighbors ; what is everybody's
business is nobody's business: but take hold
at once as if it was your special duty. We
can add hundreds to our vote on the 4th of
November by simply bringing out those who
failed to vote on the 14th. Remember, that
three additional votes in each election district
would have saved us the State, and may do it
again. The fate of a nation may hang upon
this contest. Let nothing of the past be suf.
fered to dishearten or dispirit you. "The bat.
tle is lost I" said Napoleon to Desaix when he
came up to Marengo. 'There is time enough,'
I said Desaix, "to win another," and the battle
of Meraugo was won.
Glorious Little
At least 6,000 votes have been lost to the
Buchananiers in Connecticut since April last.
The returns of the late election there shows
this fact, and conclusively prove that at the
OctobereleKon the gloriously little State's ma•
jority for Fremont Is actually 7,307 I What
will it be in November.
Caught , Caught.
The election in Philadelphia is being contes
ted, and already it has been clearly proven that
1400 illegal votes were oast in oue single die•
trict iu Philadelphia I Our whole Union State
Ticket has been elected, and it will be clearly
proven this winter. Two Congressmen in the
city of Philadelphia, will thus be secured.
Never Despair !
Once More unto the Breach.
Dear Friends, Once More
The late disaster which befel our friends in
the political battle of the 14th instant ought to
nerve them to determined efforts to redeem the
State. The history of former contests in Penn
sylvania, in the years in which a President was
to be eleeted, is full of hope for us. The op
position to the shar.Demeercy, in Presiden
tial years, have generally been beaten at the
October Election, but when the majority at
the State Election was small, as in the case
this year, the November Election invariably
went against Locofocoism, and even when their
majority was large in October, and the contest
seemed hopeless on the part of the Opposition
yet November saw a larger vote polled by
them, and, a reduced majority for the Loco
focus. Let these results in former years teach
us our duty in 1866—Let as all work hard—
aye, harder I—from this until the night of the
4th of November. to bring about a like result
to those which have crowned the unflagging
nevt•:R DESPAIRING offers of the opponents of
Locofocoism in past contcsts.
The election was carried by fraud, and Phil
adelphia alone cast enough franduleots votes
to defeat us. Bat the system of fraud put
into operation by the desperate political gam
blers of Locofocoism on the 14th instant, was
not confinsd to Philadelphia alone. It pene
trated the interior, and each county was reg.
laxly farmed out. Along the line of the Del
aware river, men wills the red soil of New .Jer
sey still sticking to their shoes, swarmed about
the polls, and voted—in other sections swarms
of foreigners, with fraudulent and dead natn
ralization papers were on hand—in many in.
stances, where the game could be safely play
ed "stuffed bullet boxes," after the fashion of
San Francisco, were brought into play—mon
ey flowed like water, and here and elsewhere
the votes of the reckless or thoughtless were
purchased for a dollar or two ahead. But
why continue? The black deed bus been done
to the disgrace of those who perpetrated it,
and to the detriment of Republican i nstitutions.
The half of a million of dallars, raised out of
the State expended within its borders a few
days before the election, accomplished our
partial defeat. Let it pass.
Their cash, or "corruption fund," is nearly
all expended—their imported voters will be
wanted elsewhere in November. "NEVER
Forewarned, we are now fo:earmed, and if
even they could poll all their fraudulent votes,
read in another column what was done between
the two elections in former years, and then
"Oncc more unto the /r aria:"
sit rota° Ticket!
Fellow-Citizens of Huntingdon County, we
urge you to beware of Locofoco trickery, de
ception and fraud. THEY HAVE GROWN
DESPERATE, and will resort to corruption
and deceit to defeat the NATION'S PRIDE—
JOON C. FREMONT. They have had frau
dulent tickets printed, to deceive the unwary,
LECTORAL TICKET, with the exception of
the first, and that is headed with FILLMORE
or FREMONT. These spurious tickets are
now being circulated by scoundrels and borde r
ruffians in this county, who claim to he in fa•
roe of the Union Ele,torat Ticket, bet echo are
true, and only correct ticket ; veto this and all
will be right :
The True Ticket, Opposed to the Lo
cofoco Party.
James Irvin.
Joseph Edwards.
George N. Eckert.
Mahlon H. Dickinson.
Wilson Jewell.
Albert G. Rowlsnd.
Caleb N. Taylor.
William Darlington, M. D.
William M. Baird.
Michael H. Shirk.
Simon Cameron.
John McCormick.
Smith B. Thompson.
Russell F. Lord.
Frederick E. Smith.
Abraham UTelegraff.
Joseph D. Simpson.
Hezekiah Easton.
Edward Scull.
William M. Stewart.
Alfred. Patterson.
Beunir C. Sawyer.
Jacob Painter.
Lawrence L. leGuffitt.
George %V. Arnold.
Jnmea Skinner.
Free and Slave
A question of fearful importance is to be
decided at the coming election. It is between
free labor and slave labor. Let Buchanan be
lelected and Kansas made Slave State, and the
great West, with her noble rivers, and fertile
valliee, and broad prairies, is doomed to this
curse forever. Shall this virgin soil be the
home of Freemen, the domain of the hardy free
laborer—or shall it be worked by the °battles
!of Southern nabobs,—msu who too. , upon labor
an disgru cful,—who call our mechanics hire.
Zings, and have no more respect fur them than
for slaves? WORKING MEN of every trade
and occupation, and party, men whose hands
are hard with toil but who know the dignity of
labor, and can look any man in the face and
say, "I am your equal." Consider, ponder over
this act. Depend upon it, it is no idle alarm.
If you slumber now, you may awake to Grid it
a dread reality.
The Last Appeal
For your altars and your fires,
God and your native land."
On all hands we are beset with the inquiry,
What are the prospects! It is the old inquiry
renewed, Watchman, what of the night?
We bid our friends be of good cheer. There
is no cause for being disheartened. At best
the Buchaniers have achieved but half a view.
ry. We have about half the Congressmen and
both branches of the Legislature ; and they
have a paltry majority for their State ticket,
which they have obtained by fraud and pipe.
laying. Looking at it from the most favorable
standpoint for them, it is a drawn battle ; while
from our stand-point, the fruits of victory are
with us. Our majority on joint ballot in the
Legislature is worth far more to us than their
State officers can be to them ; and it gives us,
beside, a chance to investigate the frauds at
the late election, and unseat these officers, if
the frauds should be clearly proven.
It is a little remarkable that at the October
election in 1840 the Democratic majority on
the popular vote was 4,6s9—snore than it is
now—and that the Legislature was ours by a
close vote. The ensuing struggle in Novem
ber gave us the State, as will be the case now.
In many counties the vote on Tuesday last
was quite light. Dauphin, Beebe, Chester,
Northampton, Cumberland and most of the in
terior counties polled but a light aggregate
vote, and yet the Democratic vote was quite
full. This will not be the case next time.
The immen e imported vote, seat in upon us
in all the border counties, will be needed at
home on the 4th of November. We will not,
we think, have that to contend against.
In addition to this, thonsands of pro-slavery
Fillmore men throughout the State voted the
Loci:sloe° ticket throughout, and this vote will,
in all probability, be diverted to Fillmore. The
indications are all in our favor. In every elec•
Lion district our friends tell us we can do bet.
ter; and in every 'western county the promise
is the same. Friends, remember those pro. !
micro and keep them, The Bnchaniers cannot
poll for Buchanan the vote of last Tuesday.
What we want, now, is organization and
work. We want the boroughs and townships
thoroughly polled, the cause of every friend of
freedom put down, and efforts made to bring
out every vote. It must be done. Its every
township there should be a matt named to eve•
ry school district whose business it shall be to
bring out every voter its it. A full veto is a
victory fur as. Co to work, then, at once.
rouse up the friends; co nplete the work of or.
ganintion ; and see that no labor that is need.
ed is left unperformed.
In addition to this, there needs to be snore
precaution taken against frauds. Men must he
stationed atevery poll to challenge every doubt.
fill vote, and keep the hordes of imported voters
front debauching the ballot-box. A vigilant
watch must also be kept upon election officers,
ancPaery precaution taken to check the info.
moor imposition to which we were subjecffsd
last time.
There is no time to be lost. Up, then, and
to work! Devote every day between this and
the election to the task before us. We earl,
and we must increase our majority in the cons.
ty. Thu result in the State may hang upon it.
Election Fraud.
Know then every man that the frauds in the
city of Philadelphia alone were deliberately
planned ; that the State was canvassed and the
tended number of votes computed ; that money
was sent into the principal cities of this State
to buy votes and to colonize to vote down our
own citizens. Aye, even after Ito vote was ac
tually polled, we had news at the returns front
Philadelphia that the Shninoerats bad carried
the city by 2140 votes. On Thursday, when the
vote began to look close in the State, the tnajor
ay began to grow. Wards were found in that
city where more 'votes had been cast for "de
mocracy" than were at first thought. On Thum
day morniag the l'ennsylvanian put the major
ity at 2900, On Thursday evening it began to
be rumored that it had gone up to three or four
thousand. The exigencies of the case deman
ded it, and in the sliding scale of the political
thermometer the . ount went up to the required
figure. Can any sane man believe that for
three whole days the vote iu the city of Phila.
del; hia was known to be within 000 ? That the
omniscient Forney, notwithstanding his former
meanderings in the Forrest, tilde% know within
two days after the election to within 500 votes
of how the vote stood in the compact city of
Philadelphia? The Kansas and California
game has come home to tie, and it is our own
fault if it is tried on again. Let fraudulent
voters beware. On the 4th of November the
same game will not win. We nak only for right
at the Itallot4.x. We ask not stow men vote,
but by what right.
If a majority of the legal votes of the State
are against us, we cheeeefully submit. A fair
trial at the ballot-box is all see ask, and that we
must have.
Vote Early !
As soon as the Polls open—VOTE. Dedi.
cute the balance of the duty to your country, in
getting your neighbors out. litre carria guts and
horses, and see that every vote is polio d. Car.
ry in your arms—if you can get no other con•
vcyance—the aged and infirm. (let every vote
you can for Fremont, and you shall have your
reward in a great, an overwhelming, and a
Be rigilant.
Many attempts will be made, freemen, to de.
ceive you at the polls. The Locofocos will at
tempt to force a spurious Ticket upon you, but
be not deceived. Stand at the polls—see that
nu man votes who is not entitled. to do so.—
Challenge every imported voter. Give the en
tire day to your couutry and in aid of the glo
rious principles of LIBERTY. rot—
"Wbo so base, as be a slave V
Unto the Breach.
Let all the friends of Freedom, Free Speech
and Free Kansas—let all the opponents of For
eign Interference, Foreign Dictation and Pope
ry, go to the polls on Tuesday, the 4th of No
vember and veto the Union Electoral Ticket.
Fremont men and Fillmore men should join
heart and hand in taking the State from the
friends of Slavery and Southern Dictation by
voting that ticket. Each can vote for his own
individual choice, and by combination on the
Union Ticket can secure for that choice the
full strength of his preference in the State.—
There can be no reasonable objection to this.
There is no compromise of principle required.
It is in accordance with the course pursued in
voting for the Union State and Connty tickets
and must strike every one as not only fair and
honorable, but the only course that will tuba
the electoral vote of the State from the Slavery
and Soilhern party. Let the friends of Fremont
and Filmore everywhere go to the pills nod
vote the Union Electoral Ticket headed by
these two candidates and the result is certain
to be a triumph that will rejoice the hearts of
the opponents of Slavery and Popery over the
Once again.
We say to our friends gird on the armor a.
new for the contest. There are thousands of
voters who voted the sham Democratic ticket
who can never swallow the Cincinnati platform.
Men who refuse to vote in the State elections
but who in the present fearful crisis when all
we hold dear is at stake, will rally to crush
the worst enemies of Freedom that ever band.
eti in defence of wrong. We call upon all
our friends, everywhere, to redouble their of
in a cause as holy as ever was presented
to a free people for their support. Rally with
new hopes and determinations in defence of
truth and right. There is no such word as
fail to mon who fight in a good cause with
truth and right upon their side. Let no man
flag for one moment in his efforts; let us look
anew to our organization; bring every man to
a knowledge of the. justice of our cause; let
every effort be made to bring to the polls all
who have a right to vote; be prepared on the
4th of November to exclude from the ballot
box every bogus vote. We can sweep the
State in November in spite of the combined
efforts of the hosts of Slavery. Again be up
and at work, night and day, in season and out
of season. Work, work.
BC(fiCit, but not
The Mends of Freedom and Free Labor in
Pennsylvania are beaten, but not subdued.—
Those who hold that labor should be owned by
capital—ehould be subject to the will of a mas•
ter without -fee or reward, have triumphed at
the late election. Bat they have not yet sub•
deed the spirit of Independence, or conquered
the principles of Freedom. The people have
been led into a wrong path by a blind zeal for
party and principles that have a fair exterior,
but are within "full of deed men's bones" and
all manner of uncleanliness. They have been
deceived and led to vote against their holiest
convictions of right and duty, but this cannot
long endure, and the universal triumph of truth
and justice is sure. Let all who desire to see
Kansas n Free State—Let all who desire to see
labor free and independent, and not under con•
teal of task•wnaters, go to the polls and VOTE
the Ladies!
We appeal to you, our fair and noble coun•
trywomen, to do something for Fremont and
Freedom. Your influence is great, and will
you not exert it in the cause of God and your
country, in this, the great contest between
riumzioss AND SLIIITEBX ?
It is your duty—a duty you owe to God and
your Native Land, to use your every power and
exert your every influence with husband, and
father, and brother, and friends, and kindred,
and neighbors, to aid the cause of Freedom
and the Right, over Slavery and the Wrong I
Then won't, you aid us in our great struggle
with that ferocious and soul-killing monster—
".More Proof."
The Fillmore Journals have Coon weekly la
den with articles headed as above, to prove
Col. 'Fremont a Catholic I One of their stron
gest arguments, was a letter purporting to have
been written by Archbishop Hughes. We pub
lish a card from Archbishop Hughes on nur
outside, in which he denies having written such
letter, and disclaims all knowledge of Col. Fre
mont's religion. Where will the slanderers now
Whilst we hell• ye every man hat a right to
worship God as he pleases, we do not believe
any party has a right to saddle a rel igloo on
an in lividual, obnoxious to him.
John C. Fremont is a Protestant, of the de.
nomination known as Episcopalians ; and be.
lieves in the Triune God—Three in One. But
what is Mr. Fillmo . re ? Millard Fillmore is a
Unitarian. We will not say a word against his
belief, but refer our readers to the 2d chapter,
22d & 21d verses of St. John's Ist Epistle
"Who is a liar, but he that deuieth that Jo.
sus is the Christ. He is antichrist, that &pi.
cth the Father is the Son.
Whosoever denieth the Soo, the same bath
not the Father."
Plain Argument
Slavery extension is contrary to the Chris
tain religion. No Christian can aid anything
or any movement contrary to his religion with•
out sinning. James Buchanan is pledged to
Slavery gxtension. Consequently, no Chris
tina can support James Buchanan.
Let Us Reason
Fellow-Citizens, of Huntingdon County, we
make this last appeal to you, as Freemen, as
Honest Men and Christians! We appeal to you,
Democrats, Whigs, Americans, and Republi
cans. Let us lay aside all party prejudices, all
party feelings, and "Come, let us reason loge
tber." You all love your country, her institu
tions, and her progress in prosperity ; you are
willing to pledge your .`life, fortune and sacred
honor," to the uncross of the glorious FREE
institutions of our native land. The cothitry
demands a sacrifice coo, your part, to
her institutions, and uphold the glorious fabric
of the Union—she DEMANDS IT NOW !
It is not the sacrifice of your wealth, your life,
ur your sacred honor—oh, no, it is the sacrifice
of your party prejudices ! Believe us, we arc
honest men, and for our honest purposes, hear
and believe. We tell you. and speak it in all
evidence of its truth, that, the
an ety and preservation of the rights you enjoy
as NORTHERN FREEMEN—which have
been handed down to you by your patriotic fore
fathers, demand that you break asunder the
strung ties which bind you to your political par.
ty.- To come at once to the point—we have
yielded, and yielded, and yielded again unto
the arrogant demands of the slave oligarchy,
until now, she even demands the very old home.
stead and its free fields inherited from our fa•
their, to he given over to the cursed BREED.
INC! OF SLAVES, the Overseer's Lash, and
the bondman's chains and shackles ! This is
the direct issue—you cannot, and you most not
blink it. We tell you that the slave power is
, endeavoring to increase the area of slavery,
and demands the free soil of the North—your
homes anti your fields, consecrated by The blood
1 of your fathers, and dedicated by solemn com•
1 pact, to you, your children and I'R LED Olf,
fbrever—for the inhuman traffic in their fellow
men. We tell you, and oh, fur the sake of t he
glorious raise of Freedom, for the sake orop•
pressed and shackled Humanity, for the sake
of the replians and widows. made such upon
the bloody fields of Kansas, fur the sake of
God nett Religion, believe us, that our liberties
are in danger. We invoke you, US Christians,
and as Freemen, to come to the help of your
brethren, who aro combatting with the monster
which seeks to make slaved and tondosen of
your sons and daughters, and reduce the lobo
ring man of the north, to the level of a ne e ;ro
slave ! Jaines Buchanan stands .pledged, be
-1 fore the country, to sanction the extension of
human bondage ; aye, though it should bring
the mused power and institution into our own
Commonwealth, and fasten it HERE, a with
ering cure upon us forever !
We aslc you, fellow-citizens. as neighbors,
can you endorse the doctrine of the men who
nominated Mr. Buchanan, when they say—
" Slaver!, should not be confined to the tows ;
"all LABORING MEN, whether WHIN; or
"black, were so intended. Slavery is the nor.
'final condition of all laboring men," d'e., sic.
Such is the language of all the sapporters of
' Mr. Buchanan, in the South, and such is the
doctrine you endorse, if you vote fur him.
Do you risk then with Webster—" Whether
' shall Igo ?" We answer—go aid those who
are earnestly striving for the good of 'the whole
' country. Go vote for JOHN C. FREMONT,
who stands pledged to the Union and the Con
' stitution, and whose doctrine in regard to the
' great issue of Slavery, is comprehended in a
s ingle sentences—“Tlins far shalt thou go, and
• no farther" ; where slavery it, let it remain ;
, and there, let its dark waves he stayed. Will
you aid the cause of God and Freedom, or will
jou strike fur the offspring of hell--Slavery?
Union Ticket !
We have the satisfaction of announcing to
our readers, that the entire Opposition to the
Sham Democracy in Pennsyliania, have united
on a Asir and honorable Union Electoral Tick.
et—the plan proposed by the circular of the
American, Republican and North American
Cmstnittees, which was published in our last
issue. This secures the defeat ofiatnes Buch
Thielicket will enable every opponent of Buell.
anon and the Cincinnati P.atforin to form un
entire and hearty Union, and at the same time
cast his vote for the candidate of his choice.—
No man honestly desiring the defeat of James
Buchanan von object to the plan proposed.—
With such a union we can beyond all doubt
defeat the Cincinnati nominee—without it that
party must inevitably succeed, and the pledg.
ed executors of the Pierce Administration will
curse the country for another four years.
'Why should not the union be carried out?
Opposition to Slavery extension is n prirciple
held in eointeon by the groat masses of the
Fillmore and Fremont voters, it is only In this
way that that principle can be carried out.—
United we can succeed, divided we must be
conquered. No :Ban voting the Union Ticket
is called upon to sacrifice a single point in do.
log so he indicates his preference and at the
same thee his ballot in made effective its favor
of the great principle whirls is to be decided
in the content.
Look at this question in the light of reason
and common sense, and discarding the petty
jealousies of partizan warfare, come up to the
issue like men determined to strike a firm
blow for a great principle. Let your motto ho
a union of the right against the wrong—a un
ion for the sake of the Union.
One 1 lore Trial.
Let the friends of Freedom in Huntingdon
County gird on their armor for the great con.
test on the 4th day of November next. On
that day the fate of Kansas will be decided ;
and whether it be for weal or wo let Hunting•
don county at least do her whole duty.
If the territories are to be given up to the
debasing Slavery let Huntingdon county at
least have her skirts clear of the crime. A
large majority can be given against the eaten•
Sion of Slavery if the proper exertion be made.
And they who aid in giving that majority
will have sotnething to be proud of the longest
day of their lives.
On Siav — e - ry . In the iVer;itories:
The American Democracy recognize and
adopt the principles contained in the °sprig
laws establishing the Territories of Kansas and
Nebraska, as embodying the only sound and
sure solution of the "slavery question," upon
which the great national idea of the people of
the whole country can repose in its determined
conservatism of the Union—NON-INTERFE•
The recognition of the right, of the native.
born and naturalized citizen of the United
States, permanently residing in any Territory
thereof, to frame their Constitution and Laws,
Rewired, That the Conetitution confers upon
Cos r.• a sovereign power over the Territories
of the United States, for their government, and
that in the exercise of this power, it is both the
right and ditty of Congress to PROHIBIT IN
Will the render take the tremble to orate these
three resolutions ? He will find the first two
eubsten , isn , tlnt , tiral. end the latter the only
Monks Voting.
It has been alleged that for some :411;71;n:el
nom to the election, a larzT s-e' ,;” feenits
had been introduced into St. Vincent's Monaste•
ry, near Latrobe. The ; •., ;
They appenred on the day of the elution at
Yea us and voted. This b,in,r d , ;:, they
are now leaving, as appears from the following
LATROBE. Oct. 16, 1856.
DEAR Sta :—Since the eieation, the Monks
of tit. Vincent have been shipped to different
parts of the State, Since yesterday morning
a large number took the cars at thin
These arc the into sent into Westm.reland
County, to decide her elections. * * *
What think you, American citiz,n4 of this?
The Philadelphia Son. North Amirieun,
Times, and Bulletin, are all out in import of
the Union Electoral Ticket, and in denuncia•
twin of Sanderson and his treacherous organ,
the Daily New. Geo. \V. Heed, who heads
the list of signatures to the Address wide!: will
he found in another column, has stood at the
head of the Fillmore party in Philadelphia, and
deceived by the artful duplicity of Sanderson
& Co., bad resisted a Union up to last Monday.
Ho now goes in heartily for Union, as will the
honest masses of the American party all over
the State.
Ohio Election.
Ohio lens given an overwhelming Republi•
can majority—not lesa than 30,0001 Three
fourths of the Congressmen are Republica.
—some four or five have been lost to fro. dom
by running distinct American candidates.
J. & NV. SAXTON have jug received at
the "Metropolitan," one of the handsomest
etocke of Goode ever brought to town. It is the
"Metropolitan" Store, and if you want bargains
just go there.
ger We have received the let No. of the
Daily Telegraph, published in Harrisburgh by
Gem Bergner. It in a very ably conducted
and handsome sheet, and we won4l most re
spectfully solicit an exchange. Will you ?
fib — We have received Hunter's Medical
Specialist for November. This is om• of the
very heat medical works extant, and ever ,•hv
aician should he in receipt of it. Pr•a $1 per
annum. Addrese R. Hunter, M. D., 1.21 Broad
way. N. Y.
air We have received the first number of
a nrw weekly literary paper, published by Cro.
fut & Bietzluw, Phila., at $2 per annum, and
milled 'rho Nation." If wo nre to judge by
the present No., what the future will be, it
bids Mir to outstrip all competitors.
On the the 21st by the Rev. A. B. Still.
Mr. Samuel Smith to Miss. Eliza Ann Bilger,
both of Shavers Creek rfuntingdon,county.
On the 19th inst., by Simeon Wright Esq.
Mr. JolpQuary to Bliss Temperance Slone,
The Flour market is rather quiet to day ;
holders tire firm in their views, hut the export
demand continues limited, and only about 1200
bbls extra found buyers at $7,35 for single
and $7,5047621 for double—the latter for a
fancy brands • mixed and straight brands are
held at 56,8747 per bbl, but the sales are on•
ly in a small way for home consumption at
these rates for common to fair retailing blends;
57121 time better brands, and 57,25a8,'.:5 for•
extra and fanny family flour, as in quality.—
Rye Flour is scarce, and wanted at an ad e
on previous quotations; the last sales were at
$3,87] ;ter bbl. Corn Meal continues steady,
with kurther small sales, :n all about 250 Mils
Pennsylvania Meal at $3,371 per bbl.
The demand for Wheat is less active, and
there is not much offering or llama to day.—
Sales in all only reaching about 3500 bushels,
in lots, at 146 c for prime red, and 168a170e
for white, mostly at the latter rate for choice
Southern. Rye continues scarce and in re.
quest at 80c for new Yemen. Corn is about
stationary, without much ofibring, and about
4000 bushele Pann'a. yellow found buyers at
66a67c. afloat, including some small lots of
white at V n66c, as in quality. Oats are scarce
and wanted at 45c, with but few offering. Of
Barley further sales of 5000 bushels Westeru .
New York have been made at 130 c.