Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 29, 1856, Image 1

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toeei.touetimes.:eeasmlyoAierieasc,ntion:,wthepuposorrc i '
llagreed upon by them , at which the issues ir.- ring an all an • e of the two parties against a
• equal number of speakers of each aliarmyleforTedwthntcolprtonting pnntt.andt r ntnchnirmnnornnriomntt l ni ioreitnernrtvhe & epninan : nma
shall have the exclusive right of selecting mince has postponed the nomination of candi.
the speakers for his party at such meeting, but dates for Electors to the latest period which in
tlipt the names shall be announced in the call consistent with the authority delegated to it by
the State Convention.
This resolution seams to require .me expla. I therefore beg leave to urge noon you the
• nation ',dine it can be finally acted upon by necessity of calling your Committee together
girOSUEg of a PLOT to BETRAY FILLMORE. our Committee. A few days ago I had the ho• for the purpose and at the time and plates
nor to receive from you, through the Hon. JAS. above designated. air
WE t A lITZ RICAN PASTY Cooper. a very distinct intimation that the Com. If you determine to do sn, I wi'l cheerfully
mitres of which yen are Chairman desire to u• forward your notice to each member of your
C '---"/ .... — Th nice with the Republican State Committee in Commute° by one or more special messengers
tpho'rf,":l7);6B7 g e e n n i Electoral r o o f ! if ( i . c n tt 3:l
v t
n o
n b i t: e n tr o • v
• d / o lt i t e m n. you may
'err truly
worthy of your con li •
are opposed to the Cincinnati Platform giii k to CHARLES GIBBONS,
s 4 ''
;? . : ) 1 L . "--1 the election of Mr. Buchanan. On that 1111115nd Chairman Republican Eta e Ex. Committee.
you requested, through Mr, Coop e r, that the Invitations to a conference were also ad
....../ Reload.. Commit ice should not form an Elec.
tors! Ticket at their meeting, which had been dressed to the individual members or the
turn! Ticket
for yesterday, the 28th first. I Ainerican Committee, from several of
it 0 47.,it lif t 0 '0 ttCHANALS. .i ..mb ,
a that
I '
Which is Ike , Bogus , Electoral Ticket?
STATE EXILE ETI t E (.0,1111111:TEE.
T, rh- P ol.l• Pennsylvania :
Fellow The Republican Suit,
Executive Committee, appoin.ed by the
etateConvention which assem iled in Phil
tiee'phia in June last. waa.charged with
the duty of nointnaiing candidates for Klee
tors of President and Vice l're ident of the
United States.
The Committee, always desirous of se•
curing a fair and honorable alliance with
other parties in this State who are hostile
to the forcible extension of Slavery into
free territory, considered that its duties
would be discharged with greater eatisfac
lion to its constituency. by .a•ting no ott
stocks in th , way of such an alliance. A
large number of our fellow-citizoits had ex
pressed their preferences for Mr. Fillmore
sac candidete for the Presidency. although
their opinions on the queLtiun of Slavery
extension were concurrent with those en. !
tertained by the Republican party.
.A [res.
tly the Republicans and Americans were
united in support of the PPM' candidates
forcertam State (Motto. In every county
of 'he Commonwealth a fraterrul f e el ng
existed between the masses t f the two par
ties. In every county, with but one or
two exceptions, they united on the same
candidates for Congress and the State I,eg•
islature, and a general desire was expres
sad from all quarters of the State for a u
nice on ono Electoral Ticket. About the
middle of August a vetbal communication
was made by Mr. Sanderson. Chairman of
the American State Central Committee, to
the Chairman of t he Republican State Com
mittee, expressive of an anxiety to unite
the two parties, and requesting that the
Republicans should poAtp , n . their uomi,
tion ,f electors in order to secure that ob
fc et. Several members of the Aire rican
Committee made the same request, found
leg it on the assurance that the friends of
Fillmore, throughout the State generally,
considered his election hopeless, and earn
grisly desired to secure the defeat of Mr.
Soon niter Mr. Sanderson's fraternal
communication to the Chairman of the Re
publican Committee, he visited the city of
11 ahhington, and munediately on his re
turn, a letter was received from him, as
follows .
PIIILADELPTA : Any. 27,1856,
Sta—ln obedience to the Instructions of the
Fillmore and Donteisoo State Committee I tint,-
tail to you, for the conouderovion and action of
the Depublican State Committee. or which you
see Chairman, the followito, proposition
That the. Chaironno of the Democratic Iton
publican, and Am lean Slat*. Committees. tto
Ilea to isomitog a call for such numb or of meet
ings, to be held at such times stool places as V
),U a greed upon by them, at which, the issues
involved in the present Presidential canvass,
shall he discussed by an equal of spew
here or each party, arid that the Chairman of
ellen Committee stall have the eselusive right
of selecting the speakers for his poorly, at such
meetMo, lint that their names shall be mitiouno
red in the o ail for the meeting.
sioti will oldie, by giving an answer to this
proposition, iu behalf' of your Committee, ut
your earliest conveoieme.
1 am, sir, very tespectfally. yours,
Chairman American State Committee,
This proposition, submitted by %tr. Fan•
derson seemed to contemplate enmity in•
stand of peace—open war instead of fra
ternity with the friends of Fremont aid
Dio toil, It was so inconsistent with hia
verbal communication, made but a short
time before to the Chairman of the Repub
lican Committee, as to require some ex
pla-cation, which was sought by the follow.
ing letter
PIMA DR' PIMA, August 29, 1856.
SIR-1 received your letter of the 27th lust.
by which you submit fur the consideration and
action of the Republican State Committee the
Ibllo r, wi v ilg trot rog i t 1,1011 tltw
Several members of your Committee subse•
quently waited upon toe, and stated as their o•
plat n that our fellow•citiaens in the interior of
the State who preferred Mr. Fill tante so a con•
didate for the Presidency, were very generally
in favor of such a course. I expressed to them
an well as to Mr. Cooper, my cordial scgies•
cence in the suggestion. and I am now inatruc•
tel by tne Republican State Committee to say
that the 'lmposition for a onion Electoral Tick
et meets with their hearty and unaohnous ap•
proval. According to yonr request, ant for
the purpose indicated by you, they hove defer.
red the formation of an Electoral Ticket, and
hove named the 15th proximo as a suitiOle
tittle for final action in the matter.
If the proposition embraced in Tour letterbe
int, tiled to take effect after s Union ticket
shall have been formed, and Americans and
publicans are to meet as A WES to resist the
extension of slavery to territory which waasul•
• n n'y dsd;catad to freedom, we emmot lir:Mate
t.) +tempt it. On that issue, which manila par.
amount in the taititect, we are ready to give von
h .n.l and heart in an earnest atruggle with that
co neon fiat which seeks. in the disguise of Do.
mecreey, to &wade the white laboring tnan to
the level of a negro slave. •
An we; en I receive your reply, I will fora•
init you will a inure definite newer to the pro•
pri : fititin contained iti .. y9 . ur letter.
I mu, vory respectriilly,ymirA : &v.
Chairman Republie.m State Corn,
The explanation thus sought was never
given, Mr. Sanderahn refwied to d fine
h • pcsition. but prsosially , olici•ect the
C .nirntan ujth, Repub.i.n4 Cetnnsd.e,to
w thelraw his letter, on the ground that he
( •i r. Sanderson) had expected a COMMUIII-
C.lioll from Col. Forney, the Chairman of
the Democratic State Committee, but hod
received none, and it was therefore unne
cessary to p,.eserve the correspondence
regliest was not complied with. On
12th of ziepteinlirr, he renewrd it in per.
I .n. and pressed it with much earnestness,
but without success. On the 9allit/ day,
be snught a third and secret interview with
the Chairman of the Republioan Commit
tee to whom he had addressed the follow
ing note :
DRAR have Furney's answer, and
would like to gee you before 4 o'clock. Can not slip in at the side door, and see me at
my otlieu ? Ido not like to call twice the some
day at your otlico. Truly, J. 1' S.
To this note the following answer was im
mediately given :
FRIDAY, P. Y., Sept. 12.
Dana S a:—l cannot call on you this after
noon, as you request. Perna's it is unoeces.
nary, us I can see no reason fir withdrawing
my reply to your letter of the 27th ult.. and do
nut feel myself at liberty to comply with your
request in that particular. Mr. Forney's an
swer could have no influence on my courso,
der any circumstances.
If you are really in favor of uniting the op.
position on one Electoral Ticket, why need
there he any mystery about it? I have no
concealments to make in the matter, and if
anything is to be done, we must act ProllaPtiy
and frankly. Very respectfully, yours,
CII. G 11111055.
In the evening of the same day, (Sept
12.,) the American State Committee met in
Philadelphia, but it is understood that Mr.
Sandervon withheld from his colleagues
the foregoing correspondence. Ills cont.
miner. at that meeting, passed a resolution
that they were in favor of any honnra•
file arrang,nont wi h the friends of Ike
snow and Dayton, to e/eat 111 r. Buchan.
an," which Mr Sanderson was requested
to communicate to the Republican Coin.
raider, which was to meet on the 18th of
the same month 11 , suppressed the reso•
/idiots, and the Committee, although in
session within two hundred yards of the
".ride door" of his office, received no infor
:nation front hint on the subject
It was still deemed en, edient that the
Republican Committee sh old take no ac
tion in the lormation of an Electoral 'Pick•
et. without A fair and open conference with
the American Committee. The subject
wits accordingly postponed to the 7th of
October. and the follawiog letter was rul
dr.:ssed to Mr. Sanderson :
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 29, 1856.
DEAR SiR I -I am instructed by the Repub
lican State Executive Committee to invite a
conference with the American State Committee
at Harrisburg, on the 7th prox., for the purpose
of forming an Electoral Ticket,to be supported
by the citizens of Pennsylvania, who are op
poled to the extension of Slavery and to the
election of Mr. Buchanan to the Presidency.
At the meeting of the Committee which I
have the honor to represent, held on the 18th
instant, of which you had notice, some comma•
ideation ou this subject frout the American
Committee was fully expected; but none was
received, and I have out bad the pleaaure of
bearing from you since.
Wk. hits* tion led tti enpr.tatiw ? +.l* Mee
whom written answers were received, ur
ging a postponement of action until after
the October election—pledging thetnselves
in favor of a Union ticket—and communi•
eating. for the first time, the resolution pas.
se.l by their Ct nunittee on the I•2th of
S-ptember. witch had been suppressed by
their Chairman One member of the Com
inittee, referring to some of his colleagues
in connection with the proposition for a
Union Ticicet, s tys : "They may not join
us for powerful reasons ; but, be this as it
may, we can carry the State without them.
An appeal to the great hotly of the Amer
icon party, in the last resort is the true
policy. I give you again the most on.
go 'Hied assurauctt that I will feed thi,
movenu•nt. (f ,r a Union ticket,) and it will
succeed." As the writer of the letter in
dicates his su.l•icton of the corruptability
of statue members of the American Commit-
tee, it is obviou,ly improper ti mention his
name without his ainhority.
On the sth of October, the following re
ply wits received from Mr. Sartderson thro'
the Poet Office :
Hese. Sint—Being absent from the city
when your letter wan had on my dedr, it
reach inc until my return hump, which will 1.1,
pluni the .11180 ut the delay in acknowledging
Its receipt.
The Fillmore and Donelson State Commit
tee will have a meeting in title city on the t 0...-
fling of the 16th instant, when 1 will present
your communication for the considerution and
eetion ut the said Committees. Knowing the
views of the members U the Committee as 1
on the subject to which your letter related,
1 am satisfied that a meeting al the time and
place stated by you, would end in accomplish
ing nothing, told he entirely useless. Hence
de nut feel myself warranted in complying with
your request; and, therefore, respeedelly de•
cline to convene them ut Harrisburg no the 7th
inst. I am, very truly, yours..
The Republican Committee tel at Har
risburg, on the 7th instant, end adjourned
to inert in Philadelphia, on the It'th for
the purpose of fortning the Electoral Ticket
in conjunction w'th the American Commit
tee. the minutes of the proceedings of
the last named body, at its meeting on the
16th, have been published, and it appears
that It r, Sanderson suppressed the fore
going communication addressed to hint on
the 29th of Sept ember, which in his an
ewer, he promised to lay before his Com
The Republican Committee, at ita meet
ing, held on the sante day, sent a deput.t•
lion to the American Committee with the
following in,t ructions :
Resolved, That the Committee appointed to
cotter with the FiHiner° and Honelson State
Committee, be instructed to invite them to meet
and unite with the Republican State Executive
Committee for the purpose or [brining. Elec.
tuntl Ticket, opposed to the election of Jetties
Suchanan, upon the basis proposed by the
Union State Central Committee, as published
in the call for a Union State Convention, to
meet at Harrisburg on the 2let inst.
And if this invitation be not accepted,
Redo/red, That the said Committee be in
structed to. invite the Fillmore and Woolson
State Committee to meet with us for the par.
pose of funning an hl'ectural Ticket on some
other bait's, which will he likely to receive the
support of the people of this State opposed to
the Cincinnati Platform and the election of
James Buchanan.
The Americun Committee reftispd tone
cept either invitation, and rejected the ((A
lotting resolution, ()tiered by 31r. F.a,icis
Jordan, of Bedford :
Resolved, That it the friends of Fremont and
Dayton accept and support the American Elec.
tuna Ticket, at the ensuing election, we are
willing that the said ticket may east the electo
ral vote of the State for Fremont and Dayton,
in case it will defeat Mr. Buchanan, and will
not elect Fillmore and Dutielson if given to
They also struck from their Electoral
Ticket two gentlemen, who had been pla
ced on it by the American State Conven
tion, who had declared that they preferred
Mr. Fremont to Mr. Buchanan for the
['residency, substituted others who prefer
the latter to the former candidate, and final
ly adjimurned.
A minority of the Committee (seven in
number,) dissatisfied with the conduct of
their colleagues, then united with the Re
publican and North American Committees,
and formed a Union Electoral Ticket,
which is fully explained in the official sn
ai., nesimmit Already wiadv..
All that could be done by the Chairinan
of the American State Committee and his!
coadjutors in the Democratic ranks, to
give the electoral vote of Pennsylvania to
Mr. Buchanan, by a secret "side-door"
combination with the friends of that gen
tleman, to divide the t .ength of the Oppo
sition. has been accomplished. The prop
osition of the 27th August, was evidently
t's igned to embroil the American and
Republican parties in every county where
they had united on Assembly and Congres
sional candidates, and thus aid the Dem
ocracy to an overwliehning victory. For
what other object did the Chairman of the
American State Committee place himself
in commuaication with Mr. Forney ?
Whether that gentleman accepted an invi
tation to ''slip in at the aide-door" of Mr.
Sanderson, or whether Mr. Sanderson
"slipped in at the side door" of Mr. For
ney, is not certainly known. Why Mr.
Sanderson should invite a secret "side
door" interview, and shrink back from a
fair open and honorub'e conference, can
only be surmised. Although Chairman of
the American State Cotutnittee, it is well
understood that he was never connected
with the American organization, and tin
der other circumstances. a "side-door" ef
fort on his part to annihilate it, would per
haps subject him to no reproach. Bu t
why he should participate in the concoc
tint' co' schen es to frUttrate and defent the
well known wishes and purposes of that
party. after it had so far 'tenured him
with its conlid once as to place him at the
head of its State Committe is a qtm-tioti
which must be settled ry those who have
been betrayed .
fire Democratic State ticket has been
el , vied by a small majority. It teceived
the votes of thousands of Fillinore's friends
in Philad. Iphia and elsewhere, who cannot
support James Buchanan for the Presi
dency. It "dipped in at the bark door,"
while the true friends of the Union ticket
were slumbering at their poste. hey
have not been vigilant. They have not
put forth their strength. 'l•lre official re•
turns of the recr nt ele^tion shovel in
neatly counties their votes Wave ndit been
polled. In Cumberland, the entire vote is
nearly six hundred less than in 1852. In
Berks, it is truly five hundred leas than
in 1855. In Franklin, it is nearly six hun
dred less than in 18.12. In Dauphin there
in, an increase of seventy votes only, sine,
1852. Similar deficiencies will be found
in the official returns from other counties,
The Democratic party, with a perfect or.
ganization in every election district in the
State, polled every vote which could be se
cured by the uunost vigilance, and at any
cost. Never before were such efforts made
by that party to carry an election—and ne•
vor was an opposition more sanguine of its
own success and more neglectful of the
proper means to secure it.
Friends of liberty I We invoke you to
arouse from that supiness which must prove
fatal to every cause, howevt-r just and ho
ly it may he, With you a gracious Prov
induce has deposited the power of arrest
ing the eve ision of human slavery to the
free Territories of the country 'Phi, is
the single object of the Republican party,
It proposes no interference with the con
stitutional claims of any State. It does
not concern itself with slavery in the
South—it see ks no quarrel with any sec
tion of the Union. list it demands fidel•
ity to that solenin compact which admit
ted Nlirsouri, pledged freedom to Kansas,
peace to a c:istracted country. It declares
that those who de-troyed it, shall derive
no advantage from their own wrongful act,
and this is a principle daily administered
in every court of justice throughout the
civilized world. It promulgates no poll:.
ical doctrines of recent origin, but founds
itself upon those embraced and maintain
ed by ll'ash.ngton, Jefferson, Franklin,
and other Fathers of the Republic.
The Electoral Ticket nominated by the
joint action of the state Committee, rep
' vsents fairly the principle for which we
contend. Every vote cast for that which
contains the Penne of Alin C. Frenio is a
“ot. , for there principles and the aggregate
will exhibit their strength with the peo
ple of Pennsylvania. In proportion to
the number of votes east for that ticket,
in tt.e event of the election of the twen
ty six electors, the vote of Pennsylvania
will be cast in the Electoral College—
And so in proportion to the number of
votes cast for Millard Fillmore and the
rante twenty•six Electors, r ill be the num
ber of votes which he will receive in the
Electoral College. Messrs. Fremod and
Fillmore are therefore rival cat didates,
and the contest for popular supremacy
may be conducted by their respective
frieude with all the earnestness in their
power, each contending fur their princi.
hont compromise irr contoelineet,
and asking no favors of the other. This
plan of union, exacting no morel sacrifice,
must commend itself to the friends of both
candidates, ■nd its acceptance by them
must result in the de feat of life. Buchan.
Republicans ! Let us prepare for the
final struggle. Our cause is just—our
candidate is worthy ! In the prime and
vigor of a life which has been devoted to
honorable, laborious and useful services to
the country, the acknowledged founder of
the Fre" State of California, the first who
opened a path for the emigrant across the
Rocky Mountains to the shores of the Pa
cific, facing death, and overcoming dan
gers in the enterprise which no man before
him had dared to encounter, he has been
presented to the people nut as a calcula
ting and successful politician, but as one
from their own ranks, whose career is the
evidence of merit, capacity and patriot
ism. if you would check the extension
of Slavery, assert the worth and dignity of
free labor; if you would preserve the
constitutional rights of every section of
our beloved country; if you would "ensure
domestic tranquility, establish justice, pro
mote the ph wral welfare and secure the
blessings of liberty to yourselves and your
posteihy," the titan to do it is NOSY I Fur
these very objects. the lives and fortunes
of men, in the earls history of our coun
try. were pledge.] and lost. No such sac.
rilices are den aided of you. We ask
only that every citizen who values such
blessings, and desires to make them per
manent, arty for that purpose nevem a
few days of peaceful labor to the cause.—
I A full vote in Pennsylvania. on the 4th
of November, will Fettle forever the sec-
tional controversy into which the country,
Leon plunged by the scandalous mensures
of an administration which Mr. Buchan
an has publicly approved and is pledged
to maintain.
Ch , innan of R.p. &ale Ex. Committee.
There can be no denial that we the un
dersigned, have been, and are, both Amer
icans and Fillmore men. We have watched
the progress of the canvass with a profound
attention, worthy of the cause aed times.
From ctrouinstances but recently brought
to light, we are sati fi LI that plane
S have
been maturing to hand over the entire
American party to the Democratic plat
form In the address of Chas. liibtrons,
Esq., Chairman of the Republic:in Execu
tive Committee, he states, that on the lsrh
of September a resolution was passed by
the American State Committee in favor
of any honorable arrangement with the
friends of Fremont and, Dayton, to defeat
Mr. Buchanan. toe have investigated
this fact, and find that such a resolution
was missed This fact has been studious
ly concealed from the American party of
this city and State. It is now time to speak
plainly. 'l'he chairman of our Fillmore
State Committee is not now, nor was he
ever connected with our Americsn party,
nor do we think that we should allow even
the entire Executive Committee to stultify
our cause and to con,ign us to inure defeat
by their cry of straight line American tick
et. Mr. Sanders in does nut believe (for
he says so) that the Fil'inore Electoral
ticket can be elected. It is a mere ques
tion of how many voter; can we pull as a
forlorn hope. The're can no evil result to
us by uniting upon a Union Electoral
Ticket upon National grounds, The pro
post: n is to forum one ticket headed with
Ftlinicre's name, and another ticket head
ed with Fremont's name, and the vote in
the College to be east for each candidate
according to the number of votes roll, d by
each ticket. Con anything be fairer than
this ? e are ever Fillmore men, and can
so express ourselves by our votes ; and our
common political enemy, who stands on a
platform entirely inimirnt to Anericin
prin •iples, may be defeated. We are, by
this means, seeming votes in the Electoral
College for Fillmore, where we would not
have one without it, It resolves itself into
a question of utter defeat, by advocating
our candidate in One mode, or of obtaining
fur our candidate, by another nude, a fair
proportion of the electoral vote of Penn
For ourselves, we know the respousibil
ities we assume, and we believe that our
American friends throughout the Union
will thank us after the canvass is over.—
Yesterday we should not hrve made inch
a proposition. 'I o•day we do, because we
are sure that treachery is being attempted,
and we are nit willing that our American
Party, which we love as we love our polit
ical existenie, shall Le ha atleta aver as a
body for the use of that misnamed Demo
cratic Party, against which we have been
battling since the organization of the Ame
rican Party.
mans others.
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 21, 1856,
For the Jovrnat.
The mountains, lofty mountains
low high they seem to rise I
Their distant summits almost seem
To penetrate the els ie. ;
I lure to view their boaoma,
Enrubed in evergreen ;
Smrti winter's snowy mantle spread,
Embellishes the beetle.
The valley., lovely valleys I
That lie between their Lreasts,
In h ,rvest season richly decked
With yellow, golden yea%
And t.h ! the growing pastures—
The blooming cover lops,
That myriad insects range among,
And sip the nectar drops I
The streamlet:, itretunlete I
That g I d. so sa Lily by ;
A plaintive dirge they seem to breathe,
As onward past they hie.
Yet often is their music
Sweet aoluee to the ear ;
The brooklet's noisy girgling, oft
Enlivens us with cheer.
I love to watch bright Phoebus!,
Descending in the west ;
Through misty redness, passing on,
And sinking down to rest. I
This great and glorious prospeot,
Amazing to the eye,
Reminds the of the christians' end,
When peacefully they die.
I love to hear the roaring
Of distant waterfalls ;
I love to see the bailing foam
That plays beneath their walls.
I love to wander, lonely,
In blooming forests green,
And pluck the hull•secrated flowers,
Arranged in Nature's sheen I
When Winter's dreary aspect
ln gloom the earth enshrouds,
I love to see the silent snow
Descending from the clouds.
And in the early morning,
'Tie charming fuss to trace
The l'rosts nocturnal pencelingr,
Wrought on the window's face I
But Spring, by far moat lovely,
linbusoms every grace ;
Resuscitating every charm
That Winter's winds deface.
Springs forth then every flower,
With art exquisite wrought ;
Descends each vernal shower,
With fragrance richly fraught.
The little sparkling dewdrop--
The eters that shine on high,
The bursting of volcanic tires,
The runlet's seeming sigh ;
All these aro beauties bearing,
To minds of lofty thought,
A fondness, breathed by cherubim ;
How wonderfully wrought I
The great Creator uttered
A word—'twos hiscommand ;
Each beauty sprang in trembling haste
From his all bounteous hand.
Then raise the eye in wonder,
And bow the knee in praise,
And lift the voice in gratitude,
To GOD, in beattfelt lays.
Forge Hell, Perry Co.. 1836.
`~ SCCI~Ui~r.
IK:r.% tall, slab sided Yankee, who made
his appearance at Cape May, last summer,
strolled down to the beach dating bathing
time. On seeing the bevy of beauties
sporting in the waves, he burst into • fit
of enthusiasm':
"Je reu sa-lem ! if that don't remind me
of something good we have at home,"
"What i 3 id" inquired a friend standing
near him.
"%VIE is it !" said Jonathan, smacking
his lips, ..why it's lasses and water."
strA jolly old darkoy down South bo't
himself a new shinny ha+, and when it
commenced raining he put it under hie
coat. When asked why he did not keep
his hat on his head, he replied— , De hat's
mine; bought him wid my own money ;
head 'longs to Massa, let he take Leer he
own property."
our A woman in attempting to conju•
gste a verb :—I will marry, thou wilt mar
ry, he will marry, you will marry, they
will marry, anti we'll all fertl the bahiea to•
VOL. XXI. NO. 44.
How to be Miserable,
Sit at the window and look over the
way to your neighbor's excellent mansion
whioh he has recently built and paid for,
and sigh out, "0 that I was a rich man rt
Get angry with your neighbor, and think
you have not a friend in the world. Shed
a tear or, two, take a walk in the burial
ground, continually saying to yourself,
"When shall Ibe buried here ?" Sloe it
note for your friend, and never forget your
kindness; and every hour in the day
whisper to youtself "I wonder if he will
pay that note." Think everybody means
to cheat you. Closely examine every
bill you take, and doubt its being genuine,
till you have put the owner toe groat deal
of trouble.
Believe every shilling passed to yol is
but a six pence crossed. and express yore
doubts about getting rid of it, if you should
take it. Put confidence in nobody, and
believe every man you trade with to be a
rogue. Never accommodate, if you can
possibly help it. Never visit the sick or
afflicted, and never give a farthing to the
poor. Buy as cheap as you can, and screw
down to the lowest mill. Grind the faces
and, the hearts of the unfortunate. Brood
over your misfortune, your lack of tal.
sots, and believe at no distant day you
will come to want. Let the workhouse
be ever in your mind, with all the horrors
of d stress and poverty. Then you will
be miserable to your heart's content. (if
we may so apt alt,) sick at heart, and at
variance with all the world. Noth‘n wll
cheer or encourage you; nothing will
throw a gleam of sunshine or a ray of
witvin..b into your heart. All will be as
idark and cheerless as the grove.
The Tables Turned.
Some time since, on one of the North
River Boots a lady rho had attracted much
attention for the masculine turn of her tnan.
ners and conversation, was seated at the
table opposite a gentleman, who in taking
some butter, in the absence of the butter.
knife used his own, which the lady obser•
ving. called aloud to the waiter :
..Wai.ta ! bring another plate of butter,
that man, (pointing to the gentleman) had
his knife in it !"
The unfortunate sight almost sunk un-
der the curious gaze of all the company.
but said nothing, determined to watch his
o, portunity to return, for the cruel morti
fication, change in her own coin. He %Tai
lod but a 'lament, ere a plate of dried beef
was handed to the lady, who, unceremoni•
ously took some in her fingers, and placed
it upon her plate.
..Wai La !" exclaimed the gentleman in
turn, ..bring another plate of beet, this tra.
nian has ha I her fingers in this !"
A most ungallant roar from all the corn.
pony fairly turned the table against the la.
dy, and she had the gond sense to acknnwl.
edge its desert, and joined heartily In th•
mirth created.
Among the many blistering folsehooda
which tl.ii campaign has given birth to,
none stand out more malignantly false t;:an
the charge of Ca.holicism, which the ,y•
ing journals and politicians have endeavor
ed to fasten upon Fremont.
The Daily News and other Know Noth
ing Journals have spread the lie that Bleb.
op Hughes had himself declared that Fre
mont was a Catholic. 'the following let
ter from Bishop Hughes, we trust will
tramp that slander into the dust.
From the N. F. Courier and Enquirer.
We have received the following Card from
Archbishop Hughes, with a request to publish
The Archbishop of New York thinks it due,
both to the private feelings of Cul. Fremont
and hie family, as well so reasonable sell.respect
to state, that he has had malting to do, directly
or indirectly, with a private letter which is now
being circulated through the newspapers, put•
permit , to have been written by J. A. !Uclfas•
ter, Editor and Proprietor of the Freeman'.
doureal. Several of acme papers connect the
Arehbishop'e name directly with that letter,
and some of them go so far as to designate it
as the test mony of Archbishop Hughes.
Now the Archbishop is bound to say that,
whether as regards the matter reepe• Vilify al.
laded to in this letter, or in regard to any other
topic involving, even by implication, his name'
with any charges which could fix a stain or. the
private and portions' character of Col. Fremont,
he (the Archbishop) knows nothing of hie own
knowledge, and therefore his out made, nor
authorized any one to make an accusation a.
gainst Mr. Fremont. This is, of course, nogg.
bye testimony, but a sense of justice so far se
the Archbishop is coucerned, will not permit
hits to withhold it.
Caber 7, 1856.
ser When Seth got home from maekereling
he immediately sought his Sarah Ann, and
found that eke, the heartless one, had found
another man. And then, roost awful tight lus
gut, and so he went away, and hound himself
to cut live oak in Florida. He pined away on
live oak lands, he murmured in the glad., bin
axe grew heavy iu his hands all in the wild.
wood shadts. Musquitoes bit him everywhere
no conduct did he get ; and oh l how terribly
he'd swear whenever he'd get bit. At last, den
pairing of relief, and wishing himself dead, he
went into the wools apiaeo. and chopped 4
• hi. two hatd.