Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 22, 1856, Image 2

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_ .
i Uu Cooveotwo of OrivgaLes. writ,
bled in pursuance of a call addressed to
the People of the United States, without
regard to past political differences or divis.
ions, who are opposed to the repeal of the
Missouri compromise; to the policy of the
present Administration; the extension
of Slavery into Kansas ; end in favor of
the ad m i s sion of Kansas as a Free State ;
of restoring the action of the Federal Gov
ernment to the principles of Washington
. .
and Jefferson ; and for the purpose of
presenting candidates for the offices of Pres- ,
ident and Vice President, du resolve as
follows :
Resummo, That the maintainance of
the principles promulgated in the Dec
laration of Independence, and embodied
in the Federal Constitution, are essential
to the preservation of our republican insti
tutions; and that the Federal Constitution
the rights of the States. and the union of
the States, shall be preserved,
RESOLV CD, That, with our Republican
Fathers, we hold it to be a sell-evident
truth that all men are etidowed with inal
ienable right to - , life, liberty and the pur.
suit of happiness," and that the primary
object and ulterior designs of our Federal
Government were to secure these rights
to all persons within its exclusive juris
diction ; that as our Republican Fathers,
when they had abolished Slavery in all our
national territory, ordained that no person
should be deprived of property," without ,
the process of law, it &comes our duty to
maintain this provision of the Constitution
against all attempts to violate it, for the
purpose of establishing slavery in the ter
ritories of the United States, by positive
'violation prohibiting its existence or ex
tension therein. Teat we deny the •u
-thorny of Congress, of a Territorial Leg.
isldture. or any individual or assoziatton
of individuals as to give legal assistance to
Slavery in any territory of the United
States, while the present Constitution shall
he maintained.
Res°Leen, That the Constitution con
fers upon Congress sovereign power over
the Territories of the United States Air
their government, and that in the exercise
of this power, it is both the right and du
ty of Congress to prohibit in the re ritor
ies, those twin relics of barbarism, Poly
gamy and Slavery.
RESOLVED, That while the Constitution
of the United States, was ordained and es
tablished in order to form a more perfect
union, establish justice, insure domestic
tranquility, provide for the common de
fence, arid secure the blessings of liberty,
and contains ample provisions for the pro
tection of •life, liberty and prosperity"
of every citizen, the dearest constitution
al rights of the people of Kansas have
been fraudulently and violently token front
them—their territory has been invaded
by an armed force, spurious and pre. ,
tendvd legislative,judicial, and executive
officers have bean set over them, by
whose usurped authority sustained by the
military power of the government ; tyrun
ereiciat ii '''"'"'"'"''' (di;
people to keep and bear areas have been
infringed; test oaths of an rxtrsordinary
and entaugling nature have been imposed
as a et/Million of exercising the right of
sufirage, and holding office ; the right of
an accused person to a speedy and public
trial, by an impartial jury, has been de
nied ; the right of the people to be secured
in their houses, papers and effects against
unreasonable sear ties and seizures, has
been violated they have been deprived of
life, liberty. and property without due pro.
cess of law; that the freedom of spa,ch and
of the press has been abridged ; the right
to choose their representatives has been
made of no effect; murders, robberies and .
arsons have been instigated and encoura
ged, and the offenders have been allow
ed to go unpunished; that all these things
have been done with the knowledge, sanc
tion and procurement of the present Ad
mistnition, and that for this high crime
against the Constitution, the Vnion and
humanity, we arritinge the Administration,
the President, his advisers, agents sup
porters apologists and accessories, either
berme or alter the facts, before the country
and before the world; sad that it is our fix
ed purpose to bring the actual perpetra
tors of !hese atrocious outrages and their
accomplices to a sure and condign punish-'
mei t he softer.
iOLVED. That Kansas should be im
mediately admitted as a State of the Un
ion, with her present free constitution, as
at once the most effectual way of securing
to her citizens the enjoyment of the rights
and privileges to which they are entitled
and of ending the civil strife now raging
in her Territory.
IiNSOLV That the highwayman's plea,
that ...might makes right," as embodied
in the Ostend Circular, was in every res
pect unworthy of American diploma.
cy, end would bring shame and dishonor
upon any government or people that gave
it their sanction.
BE.OLVED, That a Railroad to the Pa
cific Ocean, by the must central and prac
tical route, is imperatively demanded by
the interests of the country, and that the
Federal Government ought to render in,
mediate and efficient aid in its construction
and as an auxiliary thereto, the immediate
construction of an emigrant route on the
line of the railr. ad.
RESOLVED, That appropriations by Con
gress for the improvement of Rivers and
Harbors, of a national character, are de
manded for the accommodations of our
existing corn verse, and Congress is au
thorized by the Constitution, and justified
by the obligations of government, to pro
tect the lives and property of its citizens.
. .
Itaso'NED, Th at we invite the affilia
tion and co operation of the men of all par•
ties however differing from us in other
respects, in support of theprinciples here
in declared : and believmg that the spirit
of out institutions. as well as the constitu
tion of our country, guanutte s libetty of
conscience and equality of rights suiting
citizens, we oppose all legislation impai
ring their security.
The Fillmore party hu made a separate no.
ruination for Congress, in Burlingame's distriq
if Maasaebueetts,
anti ligb thinta I.
Wednesday Morning, Oot. 22, 185 e.
Forever float that standard sheet,
Where breathes the foe but fallsbefore us,
With Freedom's soil beneath our feet,
And Freedom's bannerstreatning o'erusl”
Gen. James Irvin
John C. Fremont,
1. Joseph Edward., 13. Russell F. Lord,
2. Geo. N. Eckert, 14. Freirk E. Smith,
3. Geo. Soidensticker, 15. Abin. Updegraff,
4. WiLion Jewell, 16. Joseph!). Simpson,
5. A. G. Rowland, 17. Hezekiah Easton,
6. Caleb N. Taylor, 18. Edward Scull,
7. Wm. Darlington, 19. Wm. M. Stewart,
8. William M. Baird, 20. Alfred Patter4on.
9. Nadi! IL Shirk, 21. 13. C. Sawyer,
ID. Simon Camerae, 22. Jacob Painter.
11. ti Ula• McCormick 23. L. L. McGulliu.
12. S.D. Tnompsaii, 24. Geo. W. Arnold.
25. Jaines Skinner.
sap A despateh from St. Louis says that
Whitfield, the Border Ruffian candidate for
Congress, who was unseated, because of being
elected by fraud and violence, has been elected
without opposition. and that no disturbances
occurred. The free State men refused to rote.
ter A telegraphic despatch, purporting to
come from South Carolina, says "it is reported"
that the Governors of the fifteen southern
States are to meet at Raleigh, N. C, today, to
"consider what steps it may he necessary to
adopt in me of the election of Fremont to the
Presidency." This is sheer humbug. We doubt
whether the despatch ever came from South
Carolina at all. It was, in all probability. eon.
meted at Washington fur the purpose of Mu.
encing elections.
Vie Some citizens of Kansas, having gone
to Weston, !do., lately to hay provisions, the
notorious Stringfellow mustered a party of
Border Ruffians at Platte city, marched to
Weston, and arrested a merchant of that town,
tvho had sold flour to the Kansas people, threat.
.Is."g 1„,,, 0 ma nit KU111111011131.--•
Berry, the party arrested, then appealed to
the people or Weston, who assembled in great
fine, ordered Stringfellow to leave the county
in five drys, and the Platte city roffiatts to de.
part at once, which was done, So the trade
between K.SRS and Misson ri is reported.
Aar During a recent Republican procession
in Cincinnati, six young ladies from Newport,
Ky.,Auunted on horseback, rode in the line.—
The Cincinnati Commercial speaks of them as
among the most beautiful and accomplished of
their sex, yet says that, us they rule along,
' they wore continually insulted by the collec•
Lions of Detnacratie minims at the street cor•
ners. Notwithstanding the gross insolence
and atrocious vulgarity with which they were
saluted, however, they scorned to desert the
procession, and rude through the storm like
tilif•Nutnerous letters from Kansas agree
in saying that, in consequence of the long
course of robberies, murders and other ontra•
ges by border ruffians, many of the free State
settlers hitt, been reduced to despair. Nine
teen wagon loads of them recently left Tope
ka, ou their return to the North. The meas
ures of Goveitur Geary have left them without
any hope. A letter doted Lawrence Septem
ber 20th, which is published in the Boston Ad'
rertiser, says: "A man with nine children,
whom I know. has had only green corn and
squash for a fortnight. and more, neither
meat, potatoes, flour, meal or money."
,pfd• The slander is so persistently urged by
the opponents of Col. Fremont, that on the
last night of Thirty-first Congress he struck
Senator Foote a blow, which brought blood,
and afterwards sent him a challenge, is pretty
effectually disposed of by the testimony, the
most reliable that could be offered under the
circumstances, viz : that of Senator Foote
himself, a political opponent of Cu'. Fremont,
and who is now actively engaged in stumping
the State of California in behalf of Mr. Fill
more. Mr. Foote, in a card published in the
California papers, unequivocally deities that
Cul. Fretuutit struck him, but states that the
only blow that passed betw .cn them was given
by himself.
AffirMr. McMaster, editor of the Freeman's
Journal, (Catholic) wh s wrote a braggart let
titer to some one of bin own kidney in Ohio.
threatening, if Col. Fremont dared to deny
his being a Catholic, that he would prove hint
a liar in short order, now publishes a card,
from which it appears that he knows nothing
against Fremont, of his own knowledge. He
was dared by the friends of Fremont to pro.
duce his testimony, and the Fillmore organs
admitted that there was abundant proof that
Fremont did deny being a Catholic. Ile now
professes his repugnance to testing Fremont's
religion nt all us such a course is inimical to
our republican institutions. It thus appears
that he is afraid to meet the issue he has him.
self courted. The previous disclaimer of Arvh•
bishop Hughes of all the publications on the
subject in the Freeman's Journal left McMas
ten in a miserable condition.
ger At a recent meeting in Sonth Caroline,
Mr. Toombs, of Georgia, delivered a apeech,:in
which ha 'flowed at Col. Fremont ae an ad-
venturer and an upstart. What then is den• ,
oeracy? Is it identified with honored unrest; y
and hereditary fortune? Bvery man who ri•
sea from poverty and obscurity by his own ex .
ertions is an upstart and an adventurer. I c
he were not he would remain obscure. If these
be objections to Fremont, they are equally
strong against every public man in our history.
Lewis Cusa was but a Yankee adventurer,
who went out into a new eountry, taught)
school, edited newspapers, and noised upon
any lucky chance of fortune that offered.—
The same origin had Stephen A. Douglas,
Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, Andrew Jackson
Millard Fillmore, Roger Sherman, Benjamin
Franklin, Patrick Henry, and a whole host of
others. If ouch upstarts are to be excluded,
and the hereditary factioniote, like Floyd,
Toombs, etc., preferred, what a brilliant dead-'
ny awaits our country I The spirit of aria•
tocratic despotism is the Genie ever)where.—
It sneers at the masses as greasy mechanics
and vulgar bosom, and their great men as ad•
venturers and upstarts.
In Ohio, the third district elects L. D. Camp•
hell, to Congress, by 19 majority.
In firtythree counties of Indiana, Willard,
Dem., for Governor, leads Morton, Republican,
2.100 votes. The State elects to Congress, three
Republicans and six Democrats, and two other
districts are in doubt.
FLORIDA ELECTION.—The Governor's elec
tion in Florida, which took place on Thursday
last, is still in doubt, the vote being exceeding
ly close between Walker, the American condi.
dale, and Perry, the democratic candidate for
Governor. The Americans had made large
gains in the counties heart from.
The Democracy have elected their State tick
et by a 'skin of their teeth" majority. This is
owing to the wavering action of our allies, the
Fillmore men. Had they done as well as the
Fremonters, we would have carried the State
by 50,000. The Union county ticket iseleeted
with the exception of Sheriff.
The Democracy made the greatest efforts to
carry the county. Every Democrat in the coun
ty voted, whilst the figures show some 700
Union fuer, or anti- Locos who remained at
home. As en example, we are informed from
a reliable source, that the paupers in out poor
house were taken to the polls, and voted the
entire Democratic ticket. One of the paupers
was blind, but was carried to the polls. In
Porter township, through fraud, a majority was
cast against us, where, in November, we will
have 100 majority.
Set clown Huntingdon County for SOO of a
majority in November, against the sham de
mocracy. Stick a pin there.
state Senate.
Union. Democrat.
Holding over, 12 IO
Philadelphia city, 1
Philadelphia count !
m berland and Perry,
Huntinedon, Blair and
- .
Luzorue, Montour and
Bradloal, Susquehanna
and Wyoming, 1
Mercer, euango and War
ren, 1
Butler, Beaver, and Law-
Armstrong, Indiana and
House of Representatives.
Union. Democrat.
Adams, 1
Allegheny 5
Artnetrong, Clarion and Jef-
Beaver, Butler and Law•
Bedford, Fulton and Cam.
bria , 2
Berke, 4
Blair and Huntingdon, 2
Bradford, 2
Bucks, 3
Carbon and Lehigh, 2
Centro, 1
Cheater, a
Clearfield, McKean and
Elk, --
Clinton, Lycoming and
Putter, 2
Columbia and Montour, I
Crawfurd, 2
Cumberland, 2
Dauphin, 2
Delaware, 1
Erie, 2
Fayette and Westmoreland, 4
Franklin, 1 1
Greene, 1
Indiana, I
Lebanon, 1
Lancaster, • 5
Lanc—e, 2
Mercer, Venango and War
ren 3
MiWin I
Monroe and Pike • 1
Montgomery, 3
Northampton, 2
Northumberland, 1
Perry, 1
Philadelphia city, a I
Philadelphia county, 11
Schuylkill, 3
Somerset, I
Susquehanna, Sullivan and
Wyoming, 2
pi " 1
Cum, Snyder and Juniata, 1
Washington, 2
Wayne, 1
York, 3
47 49
Fremont Club of Huntingdon.
The Club of this borough is now pre
pared to furnish documents and procure
speakers for meetings, for the Clubs in
this County. Address the Cor Sec. The
following is a list of the officers :
President—John Bumbaugh, Sr.
Vie, Presidents—Peter Swoops, Hoe. Otto.
Recording Secretary—Sam. 0, Whileker.
Co responding Secretary—E. H. Miles.
Executive Commiltee--Wm. P. Orbison,
Gratis, John Williamson, John Rend. R. H.
Miles, Thomas Pollock.
—Prospeate Favors•
Election in Indiana-
Clay, 320 Vigo, 336
llancock, 200 Tippecanoe, 800
Tipton, 325 Motion, 100
Madison, 300 Randolph, 1000
Johnson, 400 Delaware, 650
Shelby, . 500 I.Morgan, 400
Decar, 130 Henry, 1,300
Dearborn, 800 Wayne, 1,375
Floyd, 345 i Jefferson, 800
Jackson, 800 [toward, 350
--.‘e- 450.
Bartituinmew, 450
Miami, 120
Boone, 330
Putnam. 200
Scutt, 100
following table of gains in Ohio, as compared
with the vote of 1855
• Gains, Losses,
Hamilton, 5000 -
Clark, 400 -
Montgomery, 700 --
Franklin, 700 --
Lucas, -- 700
Miami, 800 --
Pi eble, 900 --
Warren, 300 --
Green, SOO -
Butler, 100 --
Chain paign, 200 --
Columbiana, 100 --
(1 eu liga, 400 --
Hardin, - 100
Huron, 500 --
Logan, 100 --
Mahoning, 100 --
Marion, 50 --
! Medina, • 500 -
' Muskingum, - 300
Pick way, -- 200
Shelby, ' 150 --
Stark, -- 100
Summit, 600 --
Trumbull, 300 .--
To the People of Pennsylvania.
The undersi g ned, members of the Republi•
can, the Fillmore and Donelson, and the North
American State Executive Committees have
agreed upon, nod now present to the people of
Pennsylvania. Union Electoral Tickets, formed
on the basis recommended by the Union State
Central Committee.
. . .
Twenty six of the Electors nominated are
common to each ticket. The name of John
C. Fremont is placed at the head of the Fre
mont and Dayton ticket, as representing the'
twenty.serenth elector, and the name of Mil.
lard Fillmore is placed at the head of the Fill.
more and Donelson ticket, Its 'Presenting the
twenty.seventh elector of that party. The
Tickets agreed upon are as folio.:
James Irwin, of Centre Comity. Joseph Ed.
wards. of Philadelphia. George N. Eckert,
Philadelphia, George Seidensticker, Phdadel
!Ada. Wilson Jewell, Philadelphia, Albert G.
Rowland, Philadelphia, Caleb N.Taylor, Burks
Co., William Darlington, M. D., Chester Co.,
William M. Baird, Berks Co., Michael H.
Shirk, Lancaster Co., Simon Cameron, Dau
phin Co., John McCormick, Northumberland
Co., Smith B. Thompson, Montour Co., Ras
sell F. Lord, Wayne Co., Frederick E. Smith,
Tioga Co., Abram Updegrall, Lrcomi lig, Co.,
Joseph Simpson,.Perr Co., Hezekiedi En.
ewe, r utt., r.oo'ocu Ocuu, NifinerNet
CO, Wlll. M. Stewart, Indiana, Alf red Patter
son, Fayette Co., I3enair C. Sawyer, Alleghe
of Co.;Jacob Painter, Allegheny Co., Law•
renew L. 3FGullin, - Lawrence Co., George IV.
Arnold, Clarion Co., James Skinner, Erie Co.
The above names follow after,
The twenty•six electors arc pledged to cast
the votes of the State in the Electoral College
for the representative candidates for the Presi•
dency in exact proportion to the popular vote
given to each ticket. Thin forms a complete
union of the opposition strength in Pommy'.
souls, while it enables every voter to indicate
his prekence of the Presidential candidate.
without any compromise of his principles.—
Every vote given to the Fremont ticket counts
in favor of the principles nod candidates of
Republican and North American parties res
pectively, and every vote given to the Fillmore
ticket counts in favor of the Fillmore and Iron
elson party, and will be fully represented in
the final result.
The undersigned now call upon all who are
opposed to slavery extension user free tern•
tory--to the increase of• the slave representa.
tins in the Federal Government and to the
Cincinnati platform and its candidates—mid
upon all who desire to preserve the peace and
the honor of the country. and faithUilly to sus•
lain the constitutional rights of entry section
of it, to en operate still, them its thin content
for Union, Liberty and Justice l We solemn•
ly invoke their uctite and earnest efforts to
overthrow that sectional organization which
seeks to force slavery upon a free people at
th e 1 ..4,1 o f the sword, and degrades Amen•
lean eitizenn by vitiating its safeguards nt the
ballot box,
The undersigned have appointed a commit.
toe to prepare an address to the *pie, which
will bu published in a few days.
We are happy to announce that entire noon.
imity existed in the proceedings or the coin-
- -
unties, aid no doubt' is entertained that the
result Irnua common ell'orts to secure the ado!).
floe of the Union electoral tickets now proven
ted, will be hailed with enlightenon by every
citizen of Pennsylvania, who is honestly hos
tile to the Cincinnati Antfortu and the elec•
tint, of James Buchanan to the Presidency.
Charles Gibbons, Chaim. Rep. St. Exec
utive Committee.
Russell Errett, Allegheny, B. D. Pettengill
Philadelphia, J. It. Fry, Phila., A. 11. Rosen
beim, Phila., A. 1.. Chur, Phila., William But
ler, I cuter, E. J. Moore, Lehigh, Jacob Hoff
manlnterke, E. C. Darlington. Lancaster, J.
Adams Fisher, Dauphin, B. Bennett, Schuyl
kill, A. I'. Grow, Lucerne, Henry Greet),
Northampton. A. F. Humphrey, Tioga, James
T. Hale, Centre, Joseph Speck, Perry, John
11. Filler, Bedford, Geo. Raymond, Blpir ' Ed
gar Cowan, Westmoreland, AlexadOer Mar
(loch, Washington, C. 13. M. Smith, Allegheny,
Thomas L Shields, Allegheny, Wm. F. Clark,
Mercer, James S. Myers, Veliang».
John Covode, Chairman, N. American State
Executive Committee.
W. F. Johnston, Allegheny, J. L. Gosslar,
Philadelphia, John W. Ryan, Philadelphla,
0. It P. Parker ' Philadelphia, Thomas h.
Williams, Philadulphia, C. A. Walborn, Phila
delphia, E. G. Waterhouse Philadelphia, I.
11. Sewell; Allegheny, N. P. Sawyer, Alleglie•
ny, W. H. Norton I3uekg, D. L. Davison,
Fayette, M. P. Newt Lucerne, Juhn Ferguson,
Lawrence, George' W. -Harris, Dauphin Joe,,
Covode, Westmoreland, F S. Stambaugh,
Franklin, Amos itgate, Clarion, S t : W. Rowe,
Clearfield, John Williams., Huntingdon,
Daniel Crust, Armstrong, Jelin Dick, Crow
ford, Thomas J. Pbwcr, Beaver, Edward Scull
Somerset, Jahn A. Hiestanch Lanctfater, Fran
cis Putke, Chester, J. W. .Cc,well, Bucks, E.
G. Fahuegtock, Adams.
' RON. •
Simnel Sc William H.
Koontz, Somm,t, George M. Lathery, Clari
on, Smith Fuller, Fayette Richard Coulter,
The Election in Connecticut.
The New York Tribune of Staturdny, says :
—The town elections just held in Connecticut,
establish beyond a doubt that an overwhelm
ing majority of the people of abut State are in
fitvor of Fremont. The coalition between the
Buchanan men nod the Fillmore men, in be.
half of which the Hon. Brash. Brooks hoe
labored, and is still laboring no zealously. had
been consummated there, nod the entire Fill.
more vote for Buchanan candidates at these
elections, except in a few towns, where mixed
tickets were supported by the combined par•
The result has been that the coalition is to•
tally powerless. In the town of Madison, for in
stance. out of 3110 voters only 31 were found
to sustain the Buchnneer candidates. And in
32 towns, given by the Hartford Courant corn.
promising nearly all where elections
taken place, 7.1 give Fremont majorities, 53
Buchanan majorities, and 5 are divided. Con.
treated with the result in the same places last
Fall, the Republicans have gained in 23 towns,
and the Border Ruffians in 13. This has been
accomplished with a great effort on the part
of the latter, and without special exertions on
the part of the former.
Compared with the vole of last Spring, the
aggregate gain of Freedom in these town. is
7,0001 Taking these facts into view, we are
justified in saying that at the election in No•
vember. 10,0001 s the least majority that Con•
necticut will give to the standard.bearer of
How the Roman Catholics are goingto
Michael Ban Magehnn, of Cambria county,
a Roman Catholic who was once a Whig, is
making speeches in Western Pennsylvania for
Buchanan and Breckinridge. Francis Felix,
A German Roman Catholic, is making speech
es to the Germans of Allegheny and West
moreland in favor of Buchanan and Breekin.
ridge. Robert L. Johnston of Cambria Conn.
ty, formerly a whig, is engaged in speaking and
working for Buchanan and Breckinridge.
Johnstan is married to a Roman Catholic we.
man, and intends the Roman Catholic Church.
William B. Reed of Philadelphia, is for Bach
anon and Breckinridge. Mr. Reed is married
to a Roma., Catholic woman.
Nnvvazt.izzytoe.—lt is a common belief
that when it foreigner exhibits his naturahza•
lion yhpers he is capable to vote, without any
thing more being shown. This is and:duke.
Ilia naturalization simply places hint on an
equality with the native citizen.
fie must have resided in this Stnte one year
(with the inteu'ion Vbeeomillya citizen nfihe
S:ate.) and in the election district .'en days pri
or to the election.
Ile must also have paid within two years a
State or County tax. which tax was /111SPS,Pd at
least ten clays befbre the election at which he
appears - uf vote.
If he has form , rty been a citizen of the
Shire. noel has resided in the State six mends
immediately prior to the election, the other i ro•
visions above specified being complied with, be
is enabled to rote.
He must also, if his residence be doubted,
prove by tome competent witness that he is it
resident of the district Hi which he offers to
Ara' All the southern pru.slavery journals
which advocate the 'election of Fillmore and
Bertelsen aro lab ring zealously to prove that
Fillmore is a }miter pro.slavery man than Mr.
Buchanan. Ths Louisville Journal publishes
his letters to show that he "occupies precisely
the same position in regard to the slavery qu.•s.
don that the South - has always contended
Or - I never owned one dollar in hu.
maii flesh, and while reason holds its swuy
in my biain, I never will.
I love my wife with the most ardent af
fection, but that wife must toil with her
own hands rather than own the first dollar
in human flesh.—John C. Fremont.
trarAuxer will ',main in town three or four
d yy yet. It in the lust tt ttl.(a if you wont
y,ur picture taken. Cull at the Court House
at once.
Ets(lndrr's Lady's Book for Novelnhoi
been received. We j elo not know a rieber treat
%WI 1!:u; ;:et fur $.3. than to sulißerilie for Chet
Lady's Book. Get it at once; and no longer
he without it.
L. A. Godey, PubHAI,. Philndolphin.
Mr The School Joureal for October, is on
our table. It is replete with interesting plat
ter. $1 per sear ;T. H. Burrows, Lane er g
lrißY' The poetry entitled "I Lore Nature's
Beauties," 01;111 appear in our next paper.
MARRIED.—On the Ulth inst.., at Mr. Da.
rid Corbin's. by Rev. A. B. Still. Mr. Benjamin
Shultz to Miss Ellen Corbin, both Of Hunt. Co.
• Flour $6,75 (1 .- n 7,00. Wheat 1,40 to 150 e.
for red and 100 (cn. 165 e, for white. Rye 80e.
Corn 66 (i 4 67. Cate 42 (in 43e. Barley 136 e.
Rye Flour $3,75; Corn Meal $3,371}.
Gas 1 Gas-Lights are Coming t
0* Z 3 it Ma
But with an entirely new and well assorted stock
_ -
and every other article usually kepi in a coun
try strum We have one of the host selects'',
stocks of DDT GOODS ever otter. d to the
citizens of this place and vicinity, and are deter
mined to cell lower than con be purchased east
of the Allegheny. Give us a call and ho satis
fied of the fact. We will sell our old stock at
coat. 'Don't forget to call at the Metropolitan
beton purchasing at any other House. We also
purchase Ind store Bruin, and it is udm itted by
all that we have the safest place of unloading iu
town. AM kinds of prqdure taken in exclutnge
tier Goody.
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Andrew Carberry, Farmer, llopeweli
Henry Cornprobst, Innkeeper, Huntingdon
George W. Cohn!, Farmer, Clay
John M. Cunningham, Carpenter, Huntingdon
John Currman, Farmer, Union
Jacob hall', Blacksmith, West
David Dunn, Merchant, Huntingdon
Alexander Ewing, Farmer, West
Samoan! Ever, Farmer, Warriorstnark
Nicholas Gushorn, Farmer, Tell
Jacob Goodman ' Mill Wright, Henderson
Samuel liternpnitl Carpenter, Huntingdon
Henry Isemibetv, Farmer, Walker
Nieholas Isenberg, Carpenter, Porter
Andrew Lias, Fanner, Tod
John F. Lee, Former, Jackson
Same! W. Myton, Merchant, Barrge
Henry L. McCarthy, Teacher, Brady
Isaac M. Nell, Farmer,.-
Henry Putt, do Hopewell
Peter Swine, do Shirley
John Shoop, do do
Alexander Stewart,do Franklin
do IN en
James Shively,.
Traverse jurors.—First Week.
Rudolph Brenneman, limner, Walker
Abraham Bolinger, of John, farmer, Tell
Elias Brown, tanner, Springfield
Adam Black, farmer, Clay
John Baker, jr., carpenter, Clay
Jul n Creswell, merchant, West
Soloman Chileote, miner, 'rod
Enoch Chilente, farmer, Springfield
Bantuel Cummins, farmer, Jackeon
William jr., farmer, Clay
William Dysart, farmer, Franklin
John Decker, farmer, Hopewell
Levi Evans, merchant, Tod
John Edwards, farmer, 'rod
Samuel Fleming, laborer, Barren
Daniel Fink, farmer, Penn
George Gilmer, farmer, Penn
George W. Glazier, carpenter, Huntingdon
John R. Gorsuch, jr., farmer, Case
John Hutchison, tanner, Warriorsmark
Frederick Hemel., farmer, Porter
William Hoffman, carpenter, Huntingdon
Henry Ker, do
Peter Keeler, merchant, Brady
Caleb Kelly, laborer, Cromwell
John boort, fanner, Franklin
William Lightner, laborer, Brady
Christian Long, Grocer, Huntingdon
Adam Leffert ; jr.t, farmer, Porter
11 --
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,itneel Miller, of Sane!, farmer, I,sti
.Viilium Moore, farmer, Neal
JiAin S. Miller, manufacturer, 'urban,
David S. Mang, farmer, Warrioimurl
Benjamin L. Hegelian. plasterer, Wel
1. B. Sanger., farmer, Walker
Benjamin Sprangle, fanner. Morris
Dar fel Showalter, farmer, Henderson
Jacob Sommers, jr., farmer Hopewell
David Shnlts, farmer, Hopewell
Abraham Shoenfelt, farmer, Walker
David S. Tussuy. farmer, Porter
Abraham Weight, farmer, Franklin
George Whittaker, farmer. Port,
Simeon Wright Esq., farmer, Union
Samuel Ilium. farmer, Franklin
lorden Wright, farmer, Clan
Isaac Wolverton, miller, Bind/
Daniel IVomelsdorf, .1. P., Franklin
Traverse Jarori.—Second
Jacob Anspah, farmer, Jackson
William M. Bell, Ironmaster, Shirley
Samuel Bucher, farmer Shirley
George Borst, farmer, Shirley
John Brumbaugh, farmer, Penn
Robert Cunningham, farmer, Barre.
Andrew Crowley, farmer, Penn
William Curry, jr., manufacturer Fear
Louis Cornelius, laborer, Shirley
Samuel Doren, farmer, Dublin
John C. Davis, farmer, West
Aaron W. Evans, merchant, Case
Allen Edwards, manufacturer, Tot%
John B. Gluck, farmer, Shirley
James Gifford, Esq., Tell
Samuel Grove, fanner, Cromwell
Jt1 , 1.11 Gaime, farmer, Warriorsmark
, Walter Galbraith, farmer, Cromwell
Julia Goisitiger, former, Penn
George Ilawn, fanner, Brady
James Hirst, farmer, Jackson
John Householder, J. P. Penn
Andrew S. Harriion, J. P., Hunting&
John IgePherren J. P. Franklin
Richardson Read, merchant, Cass
George lioberuton, farmer Springfield
William Holbrook, plasterer, Huntingd
Jacob Stover, farmer, Warrinrsmark
Samuel Shearer, farmer, Shirley
Henry Shaffer, farmer, Case
_ -
Alextinder Stitt, farmer, l'orter
Jonathan Teague, farmer, Cromwell
Francis B. Wallace, blacksmith, II
Thomas Weston, merchant, Warriors
John Wry, farmer, Franklin
R. B. Wigton. ironmastar. Unmet.,