MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. ' MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. „.--„,-----_---- _ gilikaLlEL, Tlo4a/1. Chambersburg & Mt. ',Union The Lost is Found; , STAGE LINE REVIVED. i THE DEAD HAVE COME TO LIFE . 1 rpliE undersigned aware that . a suspension of -- —• I i the line of Stages over the road between 4D a F 0 11 NO. i i ALEX A r i v Chombershurg and Mt. Union, cannot be but I n tsadtivtacitzeir,,,treLaprog:sseeetz% to t h e OWNED ax ISRAEL GRAFFIES, ESQ. i arrangements to run a line of Stages Tri-weekly ----- between the two points. Good Horses and com p, C. McGILL wishes to inform fortable Stages have been placed on the route, it. friends and the public gecerciqu , • and experienced and trusty drivers will snperin that he has bought the above-nanned ,:._, tend the running oldie Coaches. The proprie- Foundry, Patterns, Fla'ks, and all its fir. ~, tor of the line is desirous that it he maintained, contents, and from his long "'W ien ” in `" e I and he therefore calls upon the public generally business he hopes to obtain a share of the public i to patronize it, confident that it wall be for their patronage. As he has the Foundry in full ope- i mutual advantage. Every attention necessary ration, he can furnish all who may give him a I will he given, and the running of the stages will call with all kinds of Castings ; such as Rolling i he regular. Mill and Forge Casting, Grist and Kaw Mill , C' Stages leave Mt. Union, every Tuesday, Casting, Improved Thrashing Machine Casting; I Thursday ' anal Saturday evenings, arriving at and in a short time will have Cuok Stoves (Aut- i Chatnbeisburg the next day at 2 o'clock. He rictus ulcer anal improved patterns for wood and turning, leave Chambersburg the same night ut coal; also ten-plate stoves, Air-Tight, Parlor, 10 o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union early the fol. and Bar-c.c., stoves, of all ...es for .... °r lowing evening in time for the cars. Singes stop coal. Also Castings for house; cellar grates; at Slairleysburg, Orbisonia, Shade Gap, Burnt such as Lentels, Sills, Santa-Weights, Bte, Plows I Cabins, Fannettsburg, Horse Valley, Strasburg at every description of the latest and most im- an d K ee f er , s store. proved style. Also steel soles, wagon boxes, arFare through $3.00; to intermediate points oven frames, large hells and cast water-pipes. in proportion 730I.LOW—WA1 1 II consisting of Kettles, Boilers, &.e.. having turn ing-lathes, he will be able to furnish env of the above-named articles, either wood or iron ; and he has all kinds of Castings too numerous to mention, all of which will ho sold cheaper than ever for cssh and all kinds of country produce.— Also old metal will ha taken in exchange for ca. tang. Flurry up your old metal and country pro• duce whop any articles are wanted. • H. C. McGill... FREE OF CHARGE ! I 1 Two Splendid Parlor Engravings, in, NTITLED "Bolton Abbey in the Olden .n Times," a splendid steel engraving, from the celebrated painting by Landseer ; and the "Departure of the trochees from Egypt," a large and beautiful engraving from a painting by I). Roberts. The retail price of the above engra- A pr,23,'56.-Iy. _ I ring is $3, per copy, but will be sent free of , charge its follows t VIM DISCOTriII!, i THE sabscribers have established a Book In the healing art. Those afflicted With all 1 Agency in Philadelphia, and will furnish any kinds of Tumors, Wens, Cancers, Fungus, hook or publication at the retail price free of Huimatodes, Sehorrus, Goiter, p o lyp u s, &e., postage. Any persons. by forwarding the sub or any growth or Sores, no mutter on what part' sedation price of tiny of the $3 Mogazines, such of the body, can be cured by en entirely new ns Harper's, Godey's, Pntnam's, Graham's, or method, without cutting, caustic or pain, (if nu' Frank Leslie's Fashions, &e. will receive the ruble). Those afflicted with Blindness, lieu!. magazines for one year and to copy of the above UM, and other Diseases, no matter what their betitiftl , o e ti o gr s o 2 r , i n o i g o s i , o fr s e e l , of m e a l t g a o rg zi e n , o ,ortinfoshuboo name may be, can rest assured of finding relief, and therefore should not delay a moment. Write scribing willPe et:lr.:lse, both C to l o tt;l o l z e i n o ' e s , a Ladies' o i i a cAonp3nttoall,, either disease and rymptonts full and you con receive on tanner by return mail; to insure an an '' . " of the above engravings. enclose the small sum of Twenty-five Cents, to , Every description of Engraving on Wood ex wurront hits in Spending his time for your ben." I ceased with neatness and dispatch. Views of fit. All other letters must h e ron post stamp en-I Buildings, Newspaper Headings, Views id' Ma closed to pre-pity answers. N. 11—Dr. K. is a ! eldnery, Book Illustrations, Lodge Certificates, regular Graduate. I Business Cards &e. All orders sent by mail undergo a pe There is on need operto visit and spend a f c o es e... distant i promptly attended to. Persons wishing views s ep ta vi ' when of their buildings engraved can send a Duguer out suffering you can be i near home. cured with little expense, and I 1 reotype or sketch of the building by mail or ex. with, I Address, Dn. C. L. ti ELLING, press. Persons at a distance having soleahle articles Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, Pa. I would find it to their advantage to address the A pr.23,'56.-10m. subscribers, its we would net us agents for the sale of the same BYRAM & riEncr„ 50 SCRIM Th irel SI., Philadelphia, Pa. Nov. 28, 1855.-Iy. NEV WHOLESALE DRUG STORE. N SPENCER THOMAS, No. 26, South Second Street, Philo*lplti 1. Importer, 'Manufacturer, and Dealer in Drugs, 'Medicines, Chemicals, ACIDS, DYE nun's, PAINTS, OILS, COLORS, WHITE LEAD, French and American White ZINC, ZV I O2OW CSASS 4 ,ilasswaro, Var:iishes, Brushes, Instruments, Groundle Spices, and all other articled tisually kept by Druggists, including Borax, LAige, Glue, Shellac, Potash, Ac., Ac. All orrlars.4 otherwise promptly at tended to. Country me."chants are invited to .caliand exgroine our stook before purchasing elsewhere. •.C.eciis anal to ,tiny of the wharves or railroad stations. Prices ;ow and g oods war ranted. Mar.12,'56.—1y. PILES 'PILES I PILES! _ Are yon suffering with the inwardly ,r outwardly? If so, use Dr. Dopria.Colsbrided Nemedy. Warranted to mire it aIL cases. The above is .the only remedy that has ever cured effectually. City refarences and testi• tnoniaLs given. If you have the Piles inwardly, fo. - a box of Dr. D.le Pills—only 50 cents. If you have the •Piles outwardly, ask for a box of Dr. D.'s Ointment—only 50 cents. or sale by JOUN kin4o, Huntingdon, Pa. Jane 4,'56. J. HUDSON, Y. 11, R. BAIRD, B. D. DRS. BAIRD & HUDSON, CASS - VILLE, PA.. Haring entered ilitoenTartuer , bip will be plea. tied to attend to any butoneat of4heir proleseton. REFERENCES: J. B. T.I . DEN, M. 1).., Huntingdon. C. BOWER, M. D., Newton Hamilton. J. A. SHADE, M. D., Shade Gap. J. H. W !STRODE, M.. D., Markleaburg. June 4,1856.-4 m. JOHN SCOTT, SALLUEL T. Biwa,: , WKYTrY 143 Dlrt3T7il, Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, Pa., Office same as that formerly occupied by John Scott, Esq. kict. 19, 1853. Drs. MILLER & FRAZER, DENTISTS. HUNTINGDON, PENNA. Offices on Hill Street, opposite ' the Court House, and North Eat t "...• Corner of Hill and Franklin ate. jy.o,'s6.—tf. Adams & Co.'s Express. T. K. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon Money, Packages, and goods of all kinds, re ceived and forwarded at the risk of the company, to all the cities and principaltown a is the United State Stay 1,'52. HUNTINGDON CARRIAGE &WAGON MANUFACTORY. ()WEN BOAT, thankful for past favors, re spectfully inlorms the public in general that he is prepared to manufacture at his shop on Washington street, on the property lately and for many years occupied by Alex. Carmon, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, ROCKAWAYS, GERMANTOWN WAGONS, and in short every kind of vehicle desired-- Rockaways and Buggies of a superior manufac ture and finish always on hand and for sale at fair prices. Repairing of all kinds dono at the shortest no tice anti most reasonable terms. Huntingdon, May 28, 1856.—1 y. LOOK AT THIS FIGURE! At Roman's Mammoth Clothing Store, you can get Linen Coats for SI Cents, lattininer Pants for Sr Ceuta. hummer Vests for 87 Cents. JAMISON KELLY, Aug. 22, 1855.-tf. PEfDrkl=llMigi alk `if '''2/211.10 Sebastopol Taken 30,000 MEN KILLED The undersigned has just returned from the city with a large and splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, which he is now prepared to dispose of at very low and reasonable rates. Persons desiring to purchase will lint it to their interest to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere, ns he studies only to please. His stock consists ofa large lot of Dry Goods, Hardware. ROOT'S & snozs. 'OATS VAPXA Glass & Queensware, a large and splendid assortment of ready made CLOTHING, which ho is prepared to sell in lots to suit purch• acorn. JOHN IIUYETT,Jr. N. B.—Country produce taken in exchange for goods. Moorsvillo, Nov. 7, 1835.-0. TILE FIVE PER CENT SAVING FUND. Of the National Safety Company. Walnut Street, South Weal Corner Third Street PIIILADELPHLI. Incorporated by the State of Penni sylvania. oney is received in any each large or small Ai _and interest paid from the day of deposit.. • s'he Office is open every day, ?ram 9 . o'cloek in the morning till 7 o'clock in tho evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All sums largo or small, are paid back in gold on demand without notice, to any amount. • President, llon HENRY L. BENNER, Vice President, ROBERT SELIfIUI)GE, Secretary, Wm J. REED. DIIIECTORS. Henry L. lienner, C. Landreth tinnns, Edward L. Curter, P. Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry, Samuel K. Ashton, Hen. L. Chumlnnen, James B. Smith. Francis Lee. The investments of the Fund now amounting to more than one MILLION of dollars, in accor dance with the act of incorporation are made in Not tgager, Ground Rents, and in such first-class securities as must always insure perfect security to the depositors, and place beyond all risk the ;permanency and stability of this old and well ostablished Institution. Feb. 20, 1856. 1111 NT INGDON COMMXIIO/Ali SUOOI. This school has been opened it the Ilan for merly occupied by the "Sons of Temperance," on Bill street. The course of insseuetion em braces Single and Double Entry book-keeping, lectures on commercial science. and also lectures on commercial law, Ethics, and political econo my, delivered by members of the Bar. The student passes through a course compri eing over four hundred forms, writing cut, jour— nalizing, posting and closing tour entire sot. of books, solving problems, Ste., precisely as in re al business, and in addition to this he has large practice in oral and blackboard exercises, in o pening and closing Single and Double Entry Books, in Partnership, Administration, Joint, and Compound Company settlements, in recei ving a partaker into copartnership, and settling with a retiring one, all of which, together With various other exercises and culckilations cannot fail to give full satisfaction anti profit the learn er. Students can enter at any time a day or e vening class or both if they wish, the time is unlimited, they can leave at anv time and re turn at pleasure without additional charge. For any other particulars, address personally or by letter T. 11. POLLOCK, Principal. Assistance given when required in opening and closing books. [April 2, 1858.-Iy. Dr. John McCulloch, OAire', his professional services to the citizens of lluntingclonand vicinity. Office, Mr. fibrin brand's, between the Exchange and Jackson's Hotel. Huntingdon, Aug. 21., 1855. 411@. , Lf). IrtAilllPTsiklii,.. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Willattond to alt business entrusted to:him. Of fire nearly opposite the Court House May 5, .53 L'A 4 AA A AAA'ci- {,ASK ==, jaer+MS4e l iSg ocoo.eo=c.cc., . g g.,. JOB OFFICE ,0) 00 OFTHE 0 0 oi.HUNT. JOURNAL."o . 0 The largest and o best 0 (,)) JOB OFFICE 1 ) ) , t ) ) IN THE COUNTY. U 0 3011VORK i f ) ) „ 0 (,), at> 0 '2111) MU 11 *, • i 1 . EXECUTED 0 . j OAs Cheap as the Cheapest, 0 0 , . g Gran D2V r tr Eris ‘ , 0 THAN 0 ' t 6) 4 1 (' TII.Z. oi.ro:r. () 314) 3 • g r ERFECT HATISFACTION IS ( 0 . ';O4. 0 ,, IVARRANTED. o o All kinds of ( 0 ) I, l ' lb g o BLANKS 0 4... 1 ° CONSTANTLY ON HAND. 0, 0 0000cc0000000 •4" oirs-lywfwva VJOCAWLSAIDq.I MACHINE SHOP AND FRENCH ,1 BURR (AI -141 ' • MILL STONE :.1-2 s.llAtiNoTarfArcmv. Corner of Germantown Road and New Market Streets, on the North Pennsylvania Rail Road, Philadelphia. Constantly on hand or made to older, the fol lowing highly approved Hour Mill Machinery. Woodward's Patent Portable Mills and Smut Machines. Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Bran Dos. tere. Stover's Patent Fuel Saving Corn Kilos. Pierson's Patent Barrel lloopand MOulding Machines. Improved Bridge Steps and Bushes for Mill Spindles, WARRANTED, The best Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Burr & Calico Mill Stones. Corn, Cole and Plaster Crushers. ALSO SOLE OWNER OF Johnston's Patent Cast Metal Cou- cave DAATI. East and South-East of the Ohio and Mississip• pt Rivers. Warranted to take out of the offal of every Bushel Ground, from 1 to 21 lbs, of standard flour, which could not be bolted out on account of the electrical adhesion to the Bran. NOTICE hereby warn all persons against infringing my rights, secured by Letters Pa. tent as above, no I will prosecute all persons 'making, selling, or using any Bran Dusters with an Iron or Cast Metal Concave in vio lation of the Letters Patent of Joseph John. stun, dated April 24th, 1854. THOMAS B. WOODWARD, Proprietor. N. B.—State and County Patent Rights for all the above Machines for Sale. August 29, 1855. tf BY EXPRESS. 74,,TZSV MUMMA OV SPRING AND SUMMUi GOODS 41. Are just receiving and apening one Want fin est assortments of Goods ever offered to the cit izens of this place, as follows Clothes, Cassimers, Satinetts, Vestings, Cot ton Goods for Summer wear; also.Challies, Be rages, Lawns and Prints, nod every other article nece‘eary for the Ladies. A splendid lot of Black Silk, Ladies' striped and barred Silk, Muslin, Linnen Goode, and in fact every article of wearing apparel necessary for Indira. Hosiery and Fancy Goods. Also all kinds of Dress Trimmings, Gloves. Combs. Ribbon', Hair Braids, Dress Caps, and every other article usually kept in a country store. Straw Hats of the latest styles, Silk, Crape and Straw Bonnets. HATS & CAPS, of the latest styles, and of every color. BOOTS & SHOES, Our stock of Boot 3 and Shoes cannot be beat as fn• quality and cheapness of prices ; it is un doubtedly the finest in town—no exception. CARPETS, and Oil Cloths. A splendid assortment of Carpets, Duggits and Oil Cloths. ZEILRDWA.I 21, The best assortment in town, not excepting the "Hardware establishment," and nt lower prices. QUEEINSWAILE, GROCERIES, Tobacco, Cigars, WILLOW WAILS, &c. Cedar-Ware, Ropes, Cords and every variety of Goods, such asare usually kept in a country store, can be bad by calling at the Cheap Store of J. S. W. SAXTON. A very good article of Mackerel, Herring, Cod fish, Hams, Shoulders, and Dried Beef, just re ceived end for sale at the cheap corner opposite the Post Ofilee,known as the store of J. & W. SAXTON. Umbrellas and Parasols, of a new• style, just received and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. Carpet Begs, Fans, and Ladies' Dress Collars of oval) , variety, and most beautiful styles, for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. The finest assortment of Fanny Cussimers ev er offered ; also nesting, Coat Cessitners, and at lower prices than can he purchased at any other house in town, fur sale by J. & W. SAXTON. Huntingdon, April 16, 1856. A SPLENDID ARRIVAL FALL AND WINTER ILMIEUTSti, •T THE HUNTINGDON CLOTHING BTORE. A. WILLOUGHBY, HAS just returned from the east with a large and splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Clothing, for man and bays, made in the latest fabliion anp in the nest durable manner. Who over wants to he dressed hotter and cheaper than anybody else in town, let him call at Wn.Louwany s Claw, Ccormno STORE, one door west of T. Head & Son's drug store, Huntingdon. Call and see for yourselves Oct. 18, 1854. MSC ELLANEOUSADVERTISEMENTS. tfIiPtICOIN SUCCESSFULLY TEGAT. UV INHALATION OF Mr.MILIKI4 VIVO3.*, BY JOHNSON STEWART ROSE, M. D., I Fellow of Me Lloyd Colle ge . of Physicians, (indica. years Senior Physwian in Me Lon don Rolla Infirmary frr diseases 0 . 1 the LING'S. N this age of. progress,Medical Science has 1 contributed her fall shore to the general wel fare, and shut which shines resplendent, the 1 brightest jewel in her diadem is MEDICAL VAPOIt INHALATION in the treatment of Consumption I and Kindred affections. The treatment hitherto pursued has been faulty and wofully inefficient ; the stomach being made the receptacle of 'muse- ous oils, and attest of other nostrulns ; All these too, being expected to act upon the lungs ; the failure to eradicate, et even stop the meg. of the disease, in nearly every cower well-develop• ed Consumption. is surely warning enough to the Consumptive to shun such a treatment, The (license is sot in Me Stomach but in the Lungs.— Common sense will at once teach, that medicine applied in the form of Vapor, directly to the dig cased surface of the Lungs, will be far more ef- ! feetnel than medicine taken into the stoniayl. 'fhb stereos .I ,, Atedicated Vapor Inhalation" in treating diseases of the Lungs, exceed my sanguine expectatioes, end I earnestly appeal to the intelligence of all afflicted, or who may have 1 the!gorms of sickness within them, to mina., • at once the soothing healing, and successful sys tem of Medical Veto.. Inhalation, as tlw °NIA ! "elrk of liefuge" fur the Consumptive. I oiler to put it within the reach of all, and ten soar. range it, that the invalid is never requited to , leave home, where the hand of friendship and affection, tend so much to aid the physician's cflhrts. Where there is lira there is now limy! for the most seemingly hopeless. eases, as out all the stages of this insidious disease, the womlerlul end beneiicient ellets of the treat ments ore soon apparent. in tHISSR Ms() of nitoNcuirris, A.C. ' • the inhaling of powders and vapors bare been • eminently successful, and to those suffering un- • der any of the above named complaints, I edil guarantee speedy and certain relief. I have pleasure in referring to Two HENDEE," Ann an; TEN nanies. residents of New York and neigh borhood, WhO have Mien restored to vigorous health. Abotit one-third of the shove manlier according to the patients' own statements were considered hopeless eases. The inhaling method is soothing, safe and • speedy, and consists in the administration of me dicinal in such n manner, that they ere conveyed into the lungs in the form of a vapor, and pro- duce their action at the seat of the disease. It, practical success is destined to revolutionize the opinions of the medical world, AND ESTAPLISII TIIE ENTIRE CLHISDILITY Cr CONSUMPTION. Applicants will please state if they have ever bled from the Lungs, if they hove lost flesh, nave a cough, night sweats and fever turns, what and how much they exporate, what the condition oftheir stomach and bowels. Tho necessary Medicines, Apparatus, he., will be forwarded to any part. TERMS.—Five dollars, consultation fee.— Bannee of the fee payable only when the pa tient reports himselt convalescent. RECOMMENDATION BY PHYSICIANS. We, the undersigned, practitioners in medi. ciao, cheerfully and heartily recommend Dr. R's method of treating diseases of the Lungs and Throat, as the best and most effectual over intro duced into the medical practice. Our convic tions are based upon having several of our own 1 Patients, confirmed consumptives, restored to vi gorous health, after a few months' treatment by Dr. Rose. In the above named diseases, the tip , plication of "Medicated Vapor," inhaled direct ly into the Lungs, may be justly considered as n great boon to suffering, humanity, rendering consumption a perfectly curable disease. Dr. Rose deserves well of the Profession for his unwearied labors in bringing the 11111:11illg method to such a degree of perfection. RALPH STONE, M. 1).• CYRUS KINSELEY, M. D. JUNAS A. MOTT, B. 11. Whi. B. AUSTIN, M. 11, ORVILLE UI'SON, M. 1). GAVIN wErmoRE, B. D. DR. ROSE'S TREATISE ON CONSUMP TIt IN —Price one duller. Address JOHNSON STEWART ROSE, Office 381, Broadway N. Y. Cis"rhe new Postage low requires flint ail let ters be rnisipain ; my correspondence being ir.mensive, applicants to insure replies, tenet en cl.. postage._ . Wltteney Letters must be registered by the Postmaster, such letters only being at our risk. April 9,'36.-6m. , BOOKS! . ;t it `' o BOOKS! 40,000 VOLUMES of new and popular Books, embracingovery variety usually kept in a Philadelphia Book Store, and many of them at half the Publisher's retail price, the subscriber now olfers to the public. All school books used in the county can be had in any quantities at retail and wholesale. rates. Foolscap, Letter and Wrapping Paper, wholesale or by the roam. 100 superior Gold Pens with Silver and Gold Cases, tram SI upwards. 100 Pocket and Pen knives of Rogers' nod others' best manufacture. 100 splendid Port Monnaiesand Pocket Books at 20 eta. and upwards. 3,000 PIECES WALL PAPER, of the latest and prettiest stylee, just received from Philadelphia and New York, prices from 10 cis. a piece and upwards. 500 beautifully painted and gold gifted Win dow Shades at 41 cts. and upwards. The public I ave but to cull and examine, to be convinced that in buying of the above stock they will be pleased and also save money. Re member the place, corner of Montgomery and Railroad streets. WM. COLON. Apr.23,'56. 1171SVIOVAX. rrIIE undersigned alshes to inform his friend. I and the public generally that he has moved his shop to the building of And. Harrison, for merly occupied by him as Collector's Mlle°, IlillSt. Where ho intiTntle cnrry•ing on the Tailoring business on such terms no will not fail to give sotistilvtion to ell that may favor him with their custom. Ile wishes to return thanks for the liberal pa tronage heretofore received and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. ENOS 11. KULP. April to, 1855-ft. C. C. HUSSEY. EllUtoiSEY & WELLS, PORK PACKERS, Wholesale Healers hi Provisions, AZNARAM OIRMISSZON NO. 324 LIBERTY tirnEET, Commercial Row, PITTSBURG, PA. May 21, 183d.-Gm. INDUSTRY RUST PROSPER. T N. BALL respectfully solicits the attention *of the farming community to a quality of Plougla which he is now manufacturing, and N% ill have ready for sale in a few days, ha is also pre pared to stake harrows, wagons, carts, wheel barrows, Sce., &0., apd to du all kind of repairing at the shortest notice, and in dm most substautial minuet . . Shopon N. W. cornet,' Montgmery and Wash ington sts. March 27 Itt-ti% MEDICAL ADVERTISEMENTS. l' . Greatest Medical Discovery of BALTIMORE LOCI( liiilirrAL, , TERMS : the Age. I DOOTOR JOHNSTON. The "Ilurivisionott JounNAL" is publish. at Dr. Kennedy, of Itoxburs, has discovered in . 9 1 11 E founder of this Celebrated Institution, ; he following rates t ono of oar connuon pasture weeds a remedy that !I. oilers the :mist certain, speedy, and only if Pald in advance $l,OO cores .i elreetual remedy in the wand for weets, Stein- If paid within six months after the time of giq2au Gill ssb ci ? ilicinngl,.. 1 tares, Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins, subscribing '' ; Constitutional Debility, Impotency, Weakness If paid nt the cod of the . year 2,00 from the worst scrofula down to it common pile. I limbs, .. eetions o the Kid_ . And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid till plea or the Back 'milkn . • , I . , neys, Palpitation or the Heart. Dyspepsia, Nec- ' after the expiration of the year. No subscription will be taken for a less period-th a n six months. yens irritability, ])or to of the head. Throat. ' Nose or Skin ; and all these serious sod melon- • sod no paper will he dricontieued, except at Sus choly disorders arising from the destruetive option of the Editor, after it has went ever the habits of Youth, which destroys both body and time of subscrihhig, fintil,the end of that year. mom fatal to their victims than the song of the States: will be required to en invarisbly in mind. These secret end solitary practives are I Subscribers living in distant counties,or in other Syrens to the mariner Ulysses, blighting their advance• must brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering ' er The shove terms will be ; rigidly adhered marriage, &c. impossible. to in all cases. --• • • .- - . . ....... - Young Men, .IDVEICTISENIENTS especially, who have become the victims of Sol- : Will be charged 11 t the follo.viag, rate.: itary Vice, that dreadful end destructive habit. 1 insertion. 2 do. 3 IT, which annually sweeps to an untimely grave sq,,, liens or l ess, $ 2 5 $ 37 $ 50 thousands or young men of the most exalted • t 1„,,, squire, (in hires,) 50 75 1 10 . talents, and brilliant intelteet, who might oth- : T wo ,t (32 .4 ) 1 04, 150 2 00 erwise have entranced listening senates with . v ireo CC (48 ' 1 ) 150 '2 25 3 00' the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecslsrY ' Business men advertising by the Qeonler, Halt the living lyre, may call with all confidence. Year or y ear, „.in h e ( -u rge d t h e r e ll e „.i„,, r it es: Marriage. . 3 mo. 6 mo. 12 100. Married persons, or young men confouds - . One square, $3 00 $5 00 $P 00 hag marriage, being aware of physical weak- • Iwo squares, 500 650 12 50 ness, organic! debility, deformities, &c. should • Three squares, 7 50' 10 00 15 00 immediately consult ' Dr. Johnston. i Four squares, 900 14 00 23 00 Ile who places himself notice the care of Dr. I rive squill - es, 15 00 25 00 39 00 Johnston may religiously confide in his honor e ; Ten 5q...., 25 00 40 00 60 00 it gentleman, 117111 confidently rely open his skill Business Cards net exceeding six lines, one as a physicion. ; year, $4.00. Organic Weakness. Agents for the Journal. , ' immediately cured, and full vigor restored The following persons weber(' involuted Agents Two: liitireSC is the penalty must frequently , foralie HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, who are author paid by those who have become the victim el , Ned to receive rind receipt for money paid un sub improper indulgencles. Tutting persons are too seription, and to take the names of new subseri :lot to commit excesses from not being iinvare of hers at our puhlished prices. the dreadful conseqUence that may mime.— We do this fee the convenience of WIT 811178eli- New, who that understands the subject will pre - hers Urine at a dkiance from Huntingdon. mod to deny that the power of Procreatiuu is ! Jon, W. TII 1/AII . SON, Brig., 1 101111111y0)11rg, . lest Set ICI by those;ralling into improper habit • • Crow, IV. Couximius, Cromwell township. I timn by the prudent. Besides being deprived 111,iir llctisosr. Clay township. ' of the pleasure of heelthy offspring, the must se - Davin EvNiau, Cromwell township. m I 1 clan' and destructive sytnotoing to mind and be- Dr. J. I'. Asnoosi, Penn township, 1,1 , arise. The system becomes deranged , th.P! .1. WAKKIIAM 51ATTERN, Franklin township, , P r oYl es i , liol mental, Po w er , weskelfed, ertvoss ' SA3I 11EL Srurrnir, Jackson township, 1 debilltr, dyspepsia, palpitation a the heart, ife- I Col. JNO. C. "%Vars.?, Brady township, ' digestion. at wasting of the frame, cough symP - 1 1510M8 Bnowx, Springfield township, • toms oi Con.umption. I Was. 11 mrettissolv, Esq., Warriommerk tp., ' (,?; Diller No. 7, South Frederiek Street, se- ; Gimnou W. WHITT MEN, Petersburg, yen doers 11,171 Hailillll/1 . 0 sweet. East side, up : HENRY NEFF', West 1 1111 Tee. the steps.. lie particular in observing the none ' Jouttv Bat:seat:it, Waterstrect, and number, or you will mistake the place. , Maj. CIIARI.S MICKLEY. TOll township, A Cure warranted. in 'l'wo Days. ; A. -\l. IlhAte, Dublin township, NO lIIERC URY Olt NAUSEOUS DRUGS. • CF.1,111:1; WILSON, Esq., Tell township, 1)r. Johnston, ; JAM 1.3 CLARK, Bilniiii4ham. I Member a the Rose! college or sorgeeo,, : I,',A,T" - y I ";:,, L YTL'' , A I :'''I . ; i sPr"" cr"' L London, graduate from one of the most eminent , il '- ' - i.. w '''''' , t . '"l ,l! .'"' Colleges of the United States, and the greater , . .... ALLACE, vlllllll worn.. St3lnots WItIOII7, Esq., 'IN, towns!,!; , part of whose life has been spent in the first llos- , j ), ,,,, 10 c LAR ,,,, o , E . 1., 0 . 8 t0w ,,,.,, , , , ; P inils"f Linid"", Pori" if th i s and else-' SAMUEL WIGTON:E811 , Franklin tasfishr where, has e ff ected some of most astonish- ' Gnottor SHANK, Fsq.:Warriorsmark. ' ing cures that were ever known, many troubled : Davin ikult.t . vbr , ' Esi Todd township . I with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, I great nervousness, being alarmed at steldedl D'• 'l ' Atrni'.'n fl ' ini'l; ; l'hidi" in ; w""l'ii l '! sounds, and bashfulness, with frequent blushing ! attended sometimes with derangement of mind, ! were cured immediately. The “JOIJIINA IP has 300 gutsck.:- hers store, ihan any other papc.. ! in this county. A Certain Viscose. , 111W.1.1"1, I When the misguided and imprudent votary ', 11. K. NEFF, 111, 11,, HAYING or pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds (Willis , painful disease. it to too often happens that an located himself in WARIZIOR)IAI:11 ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery,l ~ inthis , rooniy, w°" , iiir n i r cifull Y, ninn. , id ' deters ~ o 0pp1y,,, , ,. to th us e who fr om ed.. I proiessionaz services to t h e muse.. oftent pm, ucation and respectability, eon alone befriend' and the country adjacent. him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms I J. B. , NZIYEKENCEISI of this horrid 111011 Se make their apcotaranee, i . • L o den, M. D. Gon. A. P. Wilson. such IN ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, i 51. A. 11 . 1 .d.son , l ion. Junes 1., ( - )66 °.' , E.I• nocturnal pains in the bend and limbs, dimness ' .1. It. Parley, " .""...!..neS Uwi , ol, of sight, denfneSs t nodes on the shin bones, and Irl• Stewart, ', John Scott, Eng arms, blotches on the head, Ilea and extremities, 1 lion. George Taylor.' progressing with frighttul rapidity, till at hist. ~ Iluntingd., I'r. the palate of the mouth or the hones of the nose i 'meet' 111 Gemmill, 31 • B• 1 Alv z sm i ris• Mill in, dud the victim of this awful disease be- i John •M'Culleel!, ti retrmbare. collies a horrid object or commiseration, till; 1if7,'52.-11. . . . .. _ ... . .. . He has tried it in over 1100 cases, and never failed except in two cases, (loth thunder humor.) Ile has now in his possession over Lou hundred certificates of Its virtue, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing j sore mouth. One to three bottles will cum the worst kind I of Pimples on the lace. Two or three bottles will cure the system of Biles. bottles are warranted to cure the worst case or Erysipelas. One to two bottles are warranted. to cure all humor in the Eyes. Two bottles are warranted to cure running of the ears and blothes among the hair. . . Four to six tanks are warranted to cure corrupt and running ulcers. Otto bottle will cure scaly corruption of the T,vo to three bottles ore warranted to 'cure tlic uorst case of ringworm. Two to three bottles are warranted to core the-moss desperate ease of rheumatism. Three to emu bottles aro warranted to cure the salt rheum. Fire to eight bottles will cure the worst cure of scrofula. ..... A benefit it always experienced from the first !mule, and a perfect care is warranted when the aboit quantity is taken. Reader, I peddled over a thousand bottles of this in the vicinity of Boston. I knew the effect of it in every case. So sore es water will cvtiti~ai.•le lire, so sure will this cure humor.— never sold a bottle or it hut that, sold another; after a trial it always speaks fur itself. There aro two things about this leech that appear to me surprising; first it grows its otu• pastures in some ',laces quite plentiful and yet its value has never been known until I discovered it in 1046—second that it should cure all kinds of humor. Inorder to giVe some idea of the sudden rise and great popularity of the discovery. I will state that in April, 1853, I peddled it told sold shout six bottles per dat.—in Aped, 1834, I sold over one thousand per flay of is. lime of the wholesale Druggists who have been in business [omity and thirty years, say that nothing its the annals of patent medicines was ever like it. There is a universal praise of it from all quarters. Itt my own practice I always kept it strictly for humor—but since its introduction as a gen eral family medicine, great and wtaderfal vir tues have been found in it that I never suspect ed. _ _ Several cases of epileptic (its—a disease which was always considered incurable, have been cured by a few bottles. 0. what a mercy it it will prove effectual in all cases of that dreadful malady—there are but few who have more of it thou I have. I know of several eases of Dropsy, all of whom aged people cured by it. Inc the vari ous diseases uf the Liver, Sick Headache, Dys pepsia, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side, Diseases of the Spine, and particularly in diseases of the Kidneys, &e., the discovery has dune more good than any medicine ever known. No change of diet over necessary—cut the best you coo got and Tough of it. • . . nrItUCTIONd . run Uali7—Adults ono table spoonful per day—Children over ten years des sert spoonfull—Children frotu tire to eight years teaspoonful'.. As so directions can be applica ble to all constitutions, take sittliciout to oper ate on the bowuls twice a day, Alimuract urea 'by DONA LD KENNEDY, M. 120, Warren liorbury, Muss. Price $l.OO. T. W. Dyott, General Agent for I'cnnsylea• \Vholoanlo Agents.—N. Y. City, C. V. Click. nor, 01 Barclay Street—B. 11. Ring, 192 Broad. way.—Rushton nud Clitrk, 275 Broad way.—A, SI 1). Stands, 100 1 ultou Street. Tor .ale by G. W. Brehm., MeVeytown ; Mrs. Mary Marks, Lew•istotrn; T, Mead & Son, Iluntingdon. And sold by Agents generally. May 28,'56.—ty. HENRY W. OVERMAN, No. 6, South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Importer of French Calf Skins ; 113AVIF8A Has Constantly on Hand, and Always Finishing, all kinds of Leather,Morocco,CalfEkins,Sheop skins, dcc, &c. The attention of Country Merchants and Man ufacturers, is solicited. RED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER. January 2, 1856,-Iy. FARMER'S HOME. HENRY McMANIGILL 11111 Street, Huntingdon, Hunt. County, Pa. rpm: proprietor would respectfully an nounce to all his old customers and the 1111 "rest of mankind," that he has refitted his a house, and is prepared to accommodate strangers and travellers, and the public generally. Ito has also attached ft LIVERY STABLE and he will hire horses, carriages, ou the most reasonable terms. April 9 1858.-Iy. CLOTHING ! A New Assortment Just Opened I And will be sold 30 per cent. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! u ROMAN respectfully ileums his rusts mers 1111,1 the public generally, that he has just opened ut his stare-roum in Market Rquare, Huntingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready made Clothing for Spring and Summer which he will sell cheaper than the mum quality of Goods can he purchased et retail in Philadel phia or any other establishment in the country. Persons wishing to boy Clothing would do well to cull and examine his stock before purcha sing elsewhere April ADMINISTUATOWS NOTICE. MOTICH is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of John Appleby, late of Dublin township, deo'd., having been granted totho undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted will please make hunted,- ate payment, and those having claims will pre: sent them duly authenticate,' for settlement. DANIEL TEAGUE, Adm'r. Attg.2o,'sG.—Gt.:* IS'COVNTWI DZALERs can hay CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon at Whole sale as cheap as they can in the cutter, as I have a Wholesale store in Philadelphia. Apr.9;56. H. ROMAN. EA D PIPE fm sale at the IlaLdwaiu'Storeof 1.1 . ANIKS A. & MEDICAL ADVERTISEMENTS. death puts 0 period to his dreadful sufferings, by ' sending him to "that bootee from whence no traveller returns," To such, therefore, Hr. Johnston pledges himself to ;reserve the moss inviolable secrecy, and from kis extensive prat,- tice in the first Hospitals of Europe and Ameri ca, Ile can confidently recommend a safe and speedy cure to the unflutunate victim of this hot rid disease.. It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall vic tims to this horrid disease owing to the , futile, of ignorant pretenders who by the use of that deadly poison Mercury, ruin the eous.i- Witte, told either send the unthrtungto palterer to ten untimely grave, or make the residue of his tuiteruble. • Take Particular Notice. • Dr. J.. addresses all those who have igjorcil themselves by improper induigetteies. 'fliese ore some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, vie • Weiikness of the Back and Limbs, Pens in t h e heed, Dimness of Sight, Loss of lllaseithir pow- , er, Palpitation of the lleart Dyspepsia, Nervous i Irritability, ' Derangements of the Digestive I Punetions, General Debility Symptoms of Con snmption, MENTALLY—The fearful effects on the mind are touch to be tire:Omit Loss of memory, Con- j fusion of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Poe bodings, Aversion to Stwiety, Self Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &e., are some °film evils produced. Thousands of persons of all ages, can now fudge what is the rause of their declining health. Lming their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emaciated, have singidar appearance about the , eyes, tongli and 5y11.1115 of conslimption. Aalitistoies Invigorating nettle- dy for Crganic Weakness. By this great and Miportant remedy, weakness of the organs is speedily cured and full vigor re stored. Thousands of the most debilitated and nervous, who bad lost all hope, have been itn- ! mediately relieved. All Impediments to Afar- j tinge, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Nor- ; roes Tremblings and Weakness, or exhaustion of Ate most fearful kind, speedily cured by Doctor Johnston. Young Men, who hove injured themselves by n certain prac tice indulged in when alone—a habit fn. luctitly , learned from evil companions, or at school—the effiocts of which ore nightly felt, eveu when a sleep, and if not cured renders marriage intrust- I !tilde, and destroys both mind and body, should apply Immediately. Whet a pity that a young man, the hope otitis country, and the darling of his parents should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequence of deviating from the path - of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit A. P. {YHA., R. Bort. PETRIKIN Such persons before contemplating IVILSON & PETRIKIN, ~ I TTORIVEYS .1T L./16V, should reflect that a sound mind and l•ody are the most necessary requisites to promote connu ebtayl Itietorpopeign through b n e tl ee ee i d . without o. e e r y thes e ,i,p ilgrima g e , e c t r e o b i j a i i c e e s e e t l 7 l e Courts ' e 6l , :o j f ° e 'V H e ' i v a n P , e t . ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the 1109 March 23, IP V mind becomes shadowed with despotic, and filled - with the melancholy reflection that the happiness Difig*XttlVXO'Nor of another becomes blighted with our own.llllE partnership heretofore exlsthog '„•• OFFICE NO. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK ST., Myton trod Masser is by notituod c ma BALTIMORE, MD. o•oolvetl, and all persons knowing oh _ To Strangers. delotod to the said firm will please . Th e t unny thousands cured at this Institution the their accounts without delay- MYTON MOS:2I_I7 within the last IS years, and the numerous irn- Saulsburg, April 2, 1855.-0 portant Surgical Operations performed by Dr. rivs :s a t i operipdo, iye arod a s ge : li t u l e :; mid again b t i l e r ri F e t o ' t t th i l o w e pho p ise a l:;. lie, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. the undcrsi6ucd, is [his Jay by mutual cueaa N. B. There are so moony ignorant and dissolved . ,The bhsincsa trill he carried <• wornness quacks advertising themselves as husuaficr, by John Hut ett, Jr., at the aid aim: t Physicians, ruining the health of the already of- • ROBKRT CUNNINGHAM, 'Retool. Dr. Jolins'n deems it necessary to say to JOHN HUTET'r, Jr. 0 , t. those othacquainted with his reputation that his Di, always hang office. 'plumes alma', in his O. ISLANKIII,,AItraYs buy your Blanks at tho RrTAKE NoTrc E.—A II lettors mug be post , " Jourual Office." We bare now prepared ave i, iti o connt a neatugu clamp for the reps.,. ry superior article of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS, or uu anso.er w te ill be sent. JUDGMENT SH'I'ES. Sl' M 'GNs', EN - Try , . loot it', MI6, -I, TIONS ke TERNS OP '4IIE . JOURNIL JOHN MOREHEA D. SUCCESSOR TO KING & MOREHEAD IVIIOLESALE GROCER AND WELIIFLIII' ilCiriiinrk . L l :l, , l:Tli2 T. 17,, AND DEALEIt Iti Fish, Bacon, Cheese, &led P.uif, Lard, Laa7 Oil, Fla.r.seed Oil, White Lead, Pig Lead, 11',- clow Glues, Glassware, Iron and Nails, Shw o-,, Tallow Candles, Varirtiatedand Rosin Soap, Pittsburg mantgiwaires generally. No. 2i Wood St., PITTSBURG. PA Partieulor attention given to the 1314i1.1 of he: Metal ned 11lootel, mei liberal nth:gimes muc, thereon. Feb. 13, 185G.--ly. RAILROAD 110?.:1101. Tumns Gonta Mail T. I En. 'l'. Fast T. IH. T. Train leaves P.M. A:5l. P.M. P.M. Petersburg, 2.19 4.10 9.43 12,30 H untingdon, 3.36 4.34 10.01 1.04 Alin Creek, 2.49 4.44 10.11 1,28 Mt. Union, • 3,07 - 4.57 • 10.23 9,20 • TRAMS GOING WEST. Train leaves P.M l'.M. P.M. A.M. Alt. Union, 4.45 6.45 8.10 6,20 Nlill Creek,• 5.03 6.58 8.22 8,50 Huntingdon, 5.18 7.12 8.35 03.15 Petersburg, 5.34 7.25 8.47 6.45 FEMALE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Tlll3 library will be open every Saturday after noon, at 3 o'clock, in their room in tl:e Court House. Subscription 50 cents a year.— New books bare been added to the former ex cellent colleetion—"Fnitny Tern's" popular writings, "Bayard Taylor's" &c. The further patronage of the public will citable the colter • tion to be still snore extended.— By order of tho Preeideut llnntingd., Jan. 22 1R55. NNW OVAL. IVERS. SARAH KULP wishes to inform tho 1,1 ladies of Huntingdon and the surrounding country that she has moved nextdoor to Chariot Miller a'auvo the Presbyterian Church, 11111 St.. whore she intends carrying on the fancy and straw Millinery business. Having received the latostlity fashion, she is prepared to attend to all that may favor her with their onstum. April to, tBss—ti 8. A. KULP.