Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 10, 1856, Image 3

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Pennsylvania Magistrate Law Library.
iVew and Sixth Edition t pfinging the Law down to
A Treatise on the office anti duties of Alder
men and Justices of the Peace in the Common
nrelth of Pennsylvania, including all the re
quired Forms of pro2-ess end Docket Entries ;
null embodying not only whatevermaybedeem
erl valuable to Justices of the Peace hut to land-
Tenants, and General Agents ; and ma-
Ling this volume what it purports to be A svir
linsinos Men. thy Julie Births,
Into Alderman of Walnut Ward, in the city of
Philadelphia. The Sixth Edition. Revised,
correc,d, nod greatly enlarged by Frederic 0.
Iliightly,.lisq., Author of "A, Treaties on the
Law of Gosts,' , "Equity Jurisprudence," "Nisi
Prins Deports," Editor of "Purdon's Digest,"
he. In ono thick volume Octavo. Price only
A 1.80,
Forms of Conveyancing, and of Practice in
pourts of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions,
Oyer toot, venous Civil officers end
Justices of the l'eace. Fourth edition, revised
rorrutie4l, and enlarged, and adapted to
he present stele of the law, with copious ex
,Ainatory Notes end reforonees, and a new, fall
and compleheiNire Index. By Robert H..
Wright, Es q. In ono thick Octavo volume.—
iec only ;43,50.
DIGEST-1700 to 1855.
A Digest of the laws of Pennsylvania, from
the ye n ,. one 'flieusand Seven Illindred, to the
Eigt.r ,I n y of tiny, (hie Thnnsend Eight Hun
dred 1111(1 l'he first lour editions by
i t,, Irate tchit Purdon. The Fifth,
with lklarginnl 14,ferences, ]Coot
Notes to the ImimFeal Decisions ; Analytical
Contents ; n Digested Syllabi.% or each Title
nod a new, WI, and exhatolive Index. By
I , redeile 'Brightly, Esti., Author of "A 'rre,t
tise on the Law of Uests,"
"Ni s ;
.Prins" of Hint's
Ac. One thich Royal 111V1.1. Price (Ally $5,00.
2-;';' The frtishtitiss awl permanent - value
Purdon's Ingest ton preFerred by the publiea
inm annually of 4 Digest of the laws enacted
to earl' yeiir. These ann.d digests aro Arran
,4l in precise etinii.rtnity to the plea of Par
don's Digest; They aro, effeh ‘g . th.m. republish
ed anunally nrn cennerted together be n general
Index (met Aired anew each year.) which embra
cer the contents of the laws of each year since
the publication of Pardon's Digest, in one Al
phabet; end are bound up with Pardee's Di
gest, 1111,1 Also sold separately. ' •
Thu, the purchaser of Purdon's Digest will
al, s lie in posses-ion of the complete betty of
the Statute Laws of reanslranitilewn to the
very bong %shell Ito purchases it. Those who
.tarn utrendy ptrehased Pardon's Digest may
always complete the date for.the small sum of
the pries iit velum conmittio n . , all the
annital I)Mests issu ed since the first publication
of Ihe. precut edition a 1'11111011 . 6 1
heretofore stated. KAY &
Law Ibmksellers and Publiehers 17 19
I,4eah Find Store Aimee Chesnut.
der: , or letters of inquiry for Law
Pile from the cuuntry poomaly MICWICiI to.
.Sept. 10, Is:M.-3m.
At die earn,r or Allegheny will Smith streets,
l'n. As tha undersigned will in
future flour, lied. provision and
pro b., Ito will sell Ili-, StC,IC of other
rOMIA than tilSt. II comprises dry.
:doves, cornsheller.4
awl a variety useful articles. Ann•
Lion onve a wt•el; or oftener, aLtil till is sold.—
Iln, dm room will lie reitted--it is a ve•
ry desirable liti,bn•ss plaee. Persons baring
art ides otiorniture 1., be disposed ol; bodsteitds
1ab1e. , ,&e., can have them sold by sending limn
to !lie undersigned. •
All those holeldid will pli•ay. pay ttp. 'Mon•
vy is needed to estab;,di Ih bllSilleSS and
settle tip all liabilities of the iindersianol, ht.:-
m( , n this and six months lattice. Imo" The
last till in delinquents...479lT
Sept. (i hlt I. IIAitTLF:y.
More Men Wantedlmmediately.
A f..w more enterluising and active young
melt cflit employmetit, by which
th e y eau make Stfoo or $l,OOO a year, to net
as meals for fit:rural Inv and I opalsv works
published exeltimirely for aigelitS and not
litr sale in bookstores. kave Lfre:it num•
bo.• of agents employed, loamy of whom ore
utukittp frolli $l5 to SS.IO a v.ct•li. Those who
wish to
lingo in this pleasant and profitable
business, will, for particulars, et., address.
C. I. ffh:lf BY
Publisher and \Vbolcsnle I noksellers,
Sandusky City, Ohio.
. _ .
Editors of Newspaper:, by giving the above
and following three insertions and calling
tenth,. to it, and setelin, a copy containing
tl t will reeeive any dn ,
i • yr, he Mil... Mg wort:::;
!Ali) of Joseph!. by !badly, $1.25; Lire of
Lafayette, do. $1 25 ; Life Napoleon, t10.,51..
25 ; Wiltl SV,III, yr a Hunters Life $1.25;
Life of Mary ;mil Murtha Washington, $150;
Uthl Fellow,: Amulet, 81. . . .
. .
Any person wishing any ol the above boas
can have them sent by mail, fret: or postage,
pat receipt of the above retail price. Address.
Sept. ad lits 6 at.
Can clear it 150 a mouth, by selling Smucker's
The only lire containing his reports unabridged
of the thirtieth thousand is now ready !
500 p;.ges, portrait nut' illustrations, $1 00
The Republican campaign sougster, price 12
its. The ihith thousand ready.
- The Republican Party and Its candidates,
bent 401) pages, two steel portraits, price ;100.
The freetnan'S glee hook, wish choice Songs '
.set to magic, price 20 cents.
John Charls, or the Young A itericia& life
of Freinout-300 p. ISrrui. price 50 'els.
Also the largest number and 1710 free soil
and other books, published in this rfeu4 . o.,K.
For full particulars niblri,s 51'ejliWrfon
Mulligan, publishers, 25, Park ICEPIPIRT.
or 107, Gennesee street, Auburn.
Sep. :3, '06.-:lt*
GIP Tll ASIVZCIINX-C. 4,4M1, - x:
West Penn Square, Philadelphia.
Organized on the plus iifthe Industrial Col
leges of Continental Eurlie, Mel the only Cob
lege in the Union in which gentlemen grailthite
iu the industrial Foie:odium
Fourth vent., commencing Monday, Septum.
ben 150,1626,
Mathematic , : & Engin'g Prof. S. If. 14,800,
Can't & Applied Chein'y " A. 1.. IiI..NNEDY•
Mechanics &. Machinery, " It 11. !lout:um
Minor'y & Mining " A. W. Blau.Arelef& Tupogl Draw'g " J. KERN.
French & Spanish, " V. J)EAMoUCLL.
German, " R. Firrocrum.
For catalogue.' and further information, op.
ply to A, L. KENNEIIY, M. D.,
Fresideia of College.
Attg.2o,',i6.- h.*
EADPIPE fin salt! at Ow Ihkrd,saie St" , of
To be awarded by the Agrieuliural Society of
Huntingdon county, nt the Fair to be held at
Huntingdon., on the Bid, 9tband 10th of Octo
ber next, 1036 :
Best Stallion, $5,00 Best drat horse, 2,00
211 best do., 3,00 24 best do., 1,00
ad best do., 2,00 Best riding horse, 2,00
Best 2 or 3 yr. colt, 3,00 2il best do., 1,00
" tinder 1 year, 1,00 Beat match horses 4,00
" brood mare, 3,00 2il best do., 2,00
24 best do., 1,50
Judges :A. P. Wilson, Esq., 11 ontingdon B.
nosiest, Spruce Creek, John Colder, Porter;
David Rupert, nays namilton, Franklin.
. .
Best pair work oxen 4,00 Bost cow, 3,00
2,1 best do., . 3,00 2,1 best do., 2,00
3d best do., 2,00 Best 3 year heifer, 2,00
Best Ball, 3,00 ~ 2 " do., 1,00
21 best do., 2,00 4 ‘ calf, 1,00
3,00 llest sow, 3,00
2,00 2,1 best, 2,00
1,00 Best litter of pigs, 2,00
Ben boar,
2d best In.,
3,1 best In.,
Best fine wool limit 3,00 2,1 best do., 2,00
2,1 hest do., 2,00 Best tine wool ewe 3,00
Best Southdown do 3,00 24 hest do., 2,00
2d hest do„ 2,00 Best long wool do 3,00
Bost long wool do., 3,00 " Sonthdown do. 3,00
Judges : Samuel 11. 'loll, Shirley ; W. Bile
mm, Morris ; Peter T.ivingston, Barrer, ;John
Garner, Penn ; Eli bloody.
Best, .1,00 3,1,10., 2,00
2,1 do., 3,00 .1111 do. 1,00
./,,,/y,-s : Fllsha Shoemaker, aenderson,John
Shaver, Shirley; A. P. S.ingiroe, Walker; W.
Hutchison. Wnrriorsnmrk; S. Wigton, Franklin,
AGBICULTUIIAI, 1.11 rm.:mi.:NTS.
Best plow, 3,,,,, Best wheat drill, 3,00
,' harrow, 2,00 " morn planter, 3,00
. cultivator, 3,00 " horse rake, 2,00
" hill-side plough 8,00 " reaper, 3,00
" windmill, 3,00 •, mower, 3,00
iddy , ...,10101 S. Toe)), Franklin; l'erry Macro,
Morris ; George Jackson, Jackson ; Kenzie 0...
Green, Bitty ;„Walker.
Rest wheut, 4,00 Best rye, 2,00
2,1 lieq. ,10., 3,00 Bost untg, 2,00
11,1 111 , 1i,n Cum, 3,00 Bust Buckwheat, 2,00
2,1 1.,,,1 41,1., 2,00
Fkher, I luntingdoe ;Hon. Thos.
Stl,lllll, Wr•t ; Ciao. Eby, Shirley; J. liotrekin,
11.4.ew,J1 , 1,. ;;.
11,1 10,01, 3,00 Root bard soap. 1,00
2.1 1.e,...10., . 2,00 2.1 best 110, 50
3,1 hest .1...„ 1,00 Rost candles, 1,00
p,,,,,, p o und cake, 1,00 2,1 hest do., 50
5.1 hcst do., 50 11c-t carpet, 2,00
Ii ...t sponge coke, 1,00 241 hest, do., 1,00
2.1 hest do., 51) Best hearth rag, 1,00
Best batter, 3,00 24 bust do., 50
2,1 best do., 5,00 Best Ilannel, 2.00
3,1 best .10,, 1,00 20 hest do., 1,00
Best Maple :algal., 1,00 Best quilt, 2,00
Best cheese, 2,0)) 2.1 best do., 1,00
2.1 best do., 1,00 Best wool socks, 50
13e..t apple hatter, 1,00 .. worsted do., 50
" 100000 catsup, 1,00 " oniainwitnl no°.
,4 honey, 1,00 dlu work, 1,00
" jelly, 1,00 2.1 best do., 50
2.1 best do, 50: Rost silk embrod'y 1,00
B es t preserves, 1,00 2(1 best do., 50
2,1 best do.. 50 Bost shall work, 1,1)0
Rest pickles. 1,00 21.1 best do.. 50.
2,1 host .10., 50
:J. Scott, Esq., litintingilon .1. Por
ter, Esti., Alex:nutria; 31r, John tlatninill, Por
ter ; Mri. A. IV. Iteuettiet and Miss l'rtulence
Cgi Person~ whose trade is linking Cannot en
ter this list in competition, as it in intended for
the encouragement of housekeepers. Ma bak
ers tatty compete among themselves and obtain
Best? lior. carriage 2,00 or tin ware, 1,00
" boggy, 1,00 Best lot earthen
" set sin. harness, 1,00 shale tones, 1 , 00
" " liarin ing .10., 1,00 " vooking store, 1,110
" Orbit, & saddle, 1,00 " wash. machine, 50
6 , twit of boots, 1,00 " mat teasel, 1,00
" shoes, 00 " dawn, 1,00
" side sole leather, 1,00 " pair of horse
" kip & calf skin, 1.00 sheet, 50
"si to lin, &upper 1,00 speei;neu mar.
lot cabinet WWII, 1,110 blu work,
groutv!,t. .
.7,,,79": Gen. J. C. Watson. Mill Creel: ; P.
Sulker, Porter; .1. Sa,:tun, litenthiplon; Dr..F.
A. Steele, Shade I lentiersun.
nest C. greatest va J t be,,t .I.r,
riety lie St.&. greatest ea.
't '
2,1 hest i 0.,. - - ,
2,1111 net . ). grapes, 3,110
Best, doz. Fall do,. 2,011 " native do., 2,00
2:1 best do., 1,00 2.1 best 110., 1,00
Hest doe. winter du 2,00 11,, ‘1,,.. peaelms,2,oo
'MI best do., Imo " doz. plums, 1,00
Rent pears, 2.110 - quitive, 1,00
.h///gr..: It. B. ret rik en, 1.:,,i., Huntingdon ;
14. Win. Swoope, Porters .1. rresswell, Toil ;
'r • T. ( . ..mii well, H.q., Cromwell; David Hawn
Best potatoes, 2,00 Best turnips, 50
2,1 hest 110., 1,00 " onions, 50
Best sweet du., 2,011 " celery, 50
" tonigocs, 1,00 " cabbage, 50
2.1 bent 11(1., 50 " s(101.110s, 50
Best purple eggs, 50 " pumpkins, 50
" peppers, 50 4 . water melons, 50
" beets, 50 " musk melto, 50
50 " beans,
50 "
" parsnipa,
' 6 carrots.
Judges 01.1111., POVier; A. Part,
Et++, Huntingdon; Hen. John I'deilknh,Jarks
tutviu will Henderson, Franklin ; John Gm
mill, Porter.
Best display °Mow- ---- 131;t var. dahlias, 1,00
ors in bloom, 0,00 2d hest do., 50
21 best do., 1,00 Best hotpot, 50
Best display plants, 2,00
Judy', : G. C. Barber, Porter; Col. S. Whar
ton, Huntingdon; Mrs. P. C. tiwoope, Miss Julia
Miles, Huntingdon; Miss M. Colder, Porter.
Mist pair turkeys, 1,00 11d best du. ' 50
2d best du., 59 Rest pair eliiekons 1,00
Bost pair geese, 1,00 2d host do., 50
2d host do., 50 Best display pool., 2,00
Best pair ducks, 1,00 2d hest do., 1.00
Judges Dr. J. AleCulloeli, Huntingdon, D.
Womelsdorf, Esq., Franklin ; B. Wilson, Toll;
Simeon Wright, Esq., Union, IV. 1. Orhison,
Seq., Huntingdon..
Judges hiserdennory Premium; fur articles
nut enumerated in the foregoing list :—Col. J.
Cromwell, Barree;Jaines Clark, Esq., Birming
ham; W. 11. Smith, Jackson;. Henderson,
anti Gem Geo. IV. Spoor,
J. S. Darr, Scey. Haut., Aug. 27,'50.
The subserp will Abe at public sale, on
Tursday,'Nov i ether 11, his farms situated in
Morris township, end containing 20.1 acres.—
' 250 acres under fence end in good cultivation,
the balance timber land. This property is di
vided about equally into two farms, with a larf
brick house nail Iran.: tenant house,
44 'aii. large barn, wagon shed stud coreA—A
crib, carpenter and bleclannith 0101p0 on one,
and a good triune house and barn on the other;
with good water and fruit on both places, and
in a healthy neighborhood.
Also at the mune tiwu and place, I will oiler
406 acres of mountain hued, in lots of li•omn SO
to 100 acres, to suit purchaSers. This land is
well net with thrilly o young chesnut, white and
yellow pine, and thilLeC, and convenient to
the liu•uls, with gy roads tit and through tho
mine. 'rho übewl property is within 1 mile of
thu Pcon'it R. It., and 24 alio) canal .it Walk,
Strool. larthur particulars
Spruce Creek, I'. O. Sup.3,'s6—tut
BY,LiirtsoufaVnotuktY %.* o 4T r d , i i t , ir ( ! o F m 4 Mo n .'
Pleas of Huntingdon Connie. and to nte direc
ted, I will sell by public outcry, nt the Court
House in the borough of Huntingdon, on Thurs
day, the 25th day of September, 1856, nt 10
o'clock, A. 21., the following described property
to wit
. .
All the right, title and interest of the
dent of, in and to a tract cf land lying partly in
Brady and partly in Henderson township, ad
joining lands of Irvin, Green-and Watson, on
the exit, the .Juniata !liver on the South, lands
of John Mee:than 011 the west and James Simp
son on the north ; containing about GO acres
more or less, most of which is cleared, with a
Largo tavern holm, stable, onw-mill, storehouse
warehouse, nml thrtu dwelling houses. Alsot—
The interest of the defendant in a tenet or land
in Henderson township, adjoining on the north
lands of Jane Armitage, on the cast lands of
James Simpson, on tho eolith by Alexander
Simpson, on the west by Samuel (loodman ,•
Containing 114 acres more or less, about Bo
acres cleared with a house, barn, and frame
enrnenter shop and excellent orchard thereon.
taken in execution, and to bo sold ns
tho property of.lames .1. Goodman.
ALSO ; . . .
The right, title and interest of the defendant
or in and ton trnct of land situate in Brndy
township, Huntingdon county, containing about
sixty acres, being part of the Sugar Grove
Farm, lying on both sides of the Pennsylvania
Railroad, on the west side of Jtill Creek, ad
joining the Juniata ricer, lands of Irvin, Green
and others, having thereon ere, ted a liege two
story frame tavern house, one saw-mill, one
barn and storehouse, non warehouse, three
dwelling ho u ses, and other buililings and out • '
Seined, taken in execution, and to be sn'd as
the property of Robert Kyle.
NOTE.—Pleilltiti hereby gives notice, that on
the sale of t h e Mill Creek property, the interest
nrJ a nnes J. cond. : in, in the Kent i6t,s, will first
be oltered for sale. subject to a mortgage 11r
$2,t06,60, with interest Prole the first a April,
1855. It trill then he sold on the mortgage as
tit, 'property ol Rohert Kyle, and the purelm,er
will take the title of Buchanan di,
charged from liens.
The purchaser will be required to pay $ 100
when the property in struck down, anal On bal
ance of his hid on the steknowledgement of the
Sheriff's dead at Nor. Tenn.
Sheriff's 011ie°,1, Sheri/ Hunt., Aug. 27, 1835.
• - • -- -
VAL UA f )Ll.4] FARM
undersigned offers at Private Salo a
tract of lino Linwhione Load, situate in
Weialcock Valley, 11ontingdon county, ;:hunt
one mile from McConnellstown, one nod a halt
from the Broad Top Railroad soil six and a
half Irmo the Amnia. Railroad aid Canal at
There are 451 ACRES in the whole tract.
2011 of which are cleared and in maid cultiva
tion; 100 acres are in Clover add 20 in Timm.
It is all yowl limestone hind, and can con
veniently be divided into two or more farms.
There are a Good Dwelling Howie, Mame
:0001r, Amble Barn and Ont buildinvi, and
Two neelionla on the property.
A stream stalieient fora (trio "fill runs thro'
it, and there are springs in every field (wield
one. 'rho land whirl, it 111/t cleared it wall
covered with poplar, chestnut, white oak, hiek
r ory, walnut, locust and maple timber of the
land finality.
There is a good Lime Kiln on the form and
a Fein of Fossil Ore runs through the land,
which will make iron equal to any manufactor
ed no the Juniata.
The lend is all patented mid an itelispnied
title will he lkiven.. . . .
:.--.`ono fourth hi hand and tli resi•
duo in three equal miniml pitynwnts with in•
terest. russensiun given after the first of pi it
---- Any forth, information iksirutl will ho gin.
en 1,0 Alt & Don's, Unntingtlon ; Ihntit.l
• Flentnir, ott Ulu promises, or On undursiguntl
at liittanning.
A. &. A. ItEYNOI,I)S,
qf Ihfrid leellnulds,
June 9,
The undersigned will meet the. School Direc
tors, and Tench., for CX7IIIIIIIIAtIOTIR in the rc•
spcetive districts ns indicated in the following
_ .
; lell,Friavy, Aug. 29, Union School House.
Tod, Tue.ulay. Sept, 2, Newburgh.
Morrie, Thirstlay, Sept. 1 , Spruce Creek.
Franklin, ' , Haile, Sept. 5, Ilookliool
R'nrrim mark, }4aturdny, Sept. 5, Warriorsna.
Alexnndria, Monday Sept. 8 Alexandria.
Porto% KiHnidayeSept. 9, Alexandria.
Wodnighlay, Sept. In, MeNnnellstown,
Benders., Thursday, Sept. I I, Court (Irate
West, Monday, Sept. 22, S. B. Bridge.
Barren, 'l:acidity, Sept. 2:1, Manor Hill.
. ,
Jackson, IVednesday, Sept.2.l, McAlavcy's Ft .
Penn, Trinity, Sept. 213, Marklesburg.
Hopewell, Sat„ Sept. 27, Rattail & lleady S.ll,
13rnny, Wednesday, (let. I, Mill Creek.
Thursday; ,
Oct. 2, Augliwick
Friday, I Oct. 3, Shilleyslierg.
Cromwell, Saturday, Oct. .1, Orldsesii.t.
Dublin, Monday, Oct. 6, tilmile (lap.
Springfield, Titii;d:ty, Oct. 7, illuddensvilio.
lyednesility, ()et. 8, Scottsville.
yltun!t . iay.:os.t. !I ) da6sv.ipo.
Union, Friday - , Oct. 10, Place of Elections.
The time °rimming will bo 10 o'clock, A. M.
nt each of these, places, and punctuality is very
desirable. Teachers must attend a public ott•
atuination if they desire certificate,
Co. Superintendent.
.Ye. 1 Nerlit Third se., above Wood, Phil,
nry, .Injo. Paste, Gm Drops, Chocolate
Drops, Brandy Drops, Liquor Bottles, Jelly
Cakes, Melon Chocolate, French Toys, White
Sugar Toys, Ac.,
Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Currants, Citron,
Figs, Dates, Prunes, Almonds, Walnuts, Fib
butts, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, Fire Crack.
ors, Syrups, Tamarinds, Liquorice, Rock Cute
dy, &e.
The attention of Dealers is reqested to na
examination of my stock, which will be found
equal to,any in Philadlphia.
N. IL—Orders by mail or otherwise prompt•
ly aue.led to.
A ug.G; SG,- I y
moTruE is hereby !!iren that Latent oI
ntieist rill 1011 011 010 eSiREO .lolin Appleby,
lute of Dublin limniltip, 'I.A., having been
gratited lathe undersigned, all persona knowing
themselves indebted will please make immedi
ate payment, and those having "Init. will pre
sent them dilly andieidiealeil tie• settlement.
DA NEM, 'l' AUUE , Mtn',
- • -
11/011.14411.A55, iit MoContionsiown
Las constantly on hand, toady attain villas, and:is
litopalatt to ioako and repair linos atoll kinds nt
thu shurtust 1.411.1:22, 1855,
Mist ELL t Eor s ‘I)II:IrrisEIIIENTS.
liF,,,mviNG an establishment of this kind
needed in this place, the subscribers have
just opened a largo and carefully selected stuck
of 11,111 , W A., and are now neatly to aceowmo
date all who may Icier them n
Among oar stock will ho found n full assort
ment Of
Building Materials,
Nails, Glass, Putty, Locks, Bolts, Wages, &e.
A really excellent assortment of
Mechanics , Tools )
inelnding all the latest Inventions. mill, Cross
cut, Tenon, how, Hand, Compass and Wood
SAWS, (thirty flillerent varieties,) Chisels, Axes,
Ilatellevi, Slicers and Scissors, Graduated and
Common Anger Bits, Table and Pocket Cutle
r'', Iron and Steel Mall shapes and sizes, Car
riage Springs :mil Axles, Miners' Cpal Shovels,
Blacksmiths' Vices, OHS and l'eints, Brushes,
Betties. Ac., ilte. In Fact everything usually
kept ill a
arci VI" are Store.
We make no allo,ion to any (alter individual
establishment, Hardware or l)r, (;nods, but wo
say generally that for reasons well understood
by trade., we can and do sell Good in our lino
(>ll better terms than they can be had elsewhere*
in this county, awl as Low ns can he had in any
neighboring county.. Persons Iron, a distance
ore invited to call or send in their orders.
".I'wo doors west of tI (iiohe Ulla Post
Oni,o. JAMES A. Ii OWN &
Ai r.30;56.-13,.
',:is.i.t'JJJ , : 5 z. , .. Alillikl'il c4I)F.OE):I'.i
‘UN N INU UAM & DUNN have just received
j n WQII-,eieeted • stock or Spring & Summer
consi,ting or
Dry 4400d5, Hard-Iva tc, Groceries,
4inecus-ware, 4 !cdar-Ware,
Hats, boots and si:oes.
Crochcry-wire• - stone and earth 1n
Tin-ware, Cate e rislung-rods.
Ready Made Clothing always on hand,
nrid in short, evcrything that usually l u ,p, in a
, uuntry more.
kept constantly for Sale.
Call and examine our Gouda and judge fur
All kinds .of country produce taken in ex
change for Goods at the highest market prices.
The highest market pt ices paid for all kinds
of Grain.
I'rompt:o :lotion paid to storing and forward•
lug all kinds •df merchandise, prutitico,&e.
Ilitatiovdon, Alny, 14, 11:11,11.
itutin gdon FonuArY.
I thod f inlormim: their friends and the &b
-ile generally, that they hare rebuilt the Hunt
ingdon Foundry, and are now in successful °v
enal., mot ore prepared to runtish ranting of
all ki n ds, of the best quality on the :,hartent nu
tlet: and most real mthle terms.
Farmers are invited to call nod examine our
Ploughs. Wu are rmutditcturing the Hunter
Plough, (this plough took lie premium nt the
Huntingdon Comity Agricultural Fair, in 1855)
also Hunter's celebrated ratter Plough, which
can't Ito bent, together with the Keystone, Hill
side, and Barslicar Ploughs. We hove on hand
and aro inannia,nring stores, such as Cook,
Parlor nod otli,t elovcs l'ur coal cr wood.
..ionsisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c., all
ultiell will he sold ~heap for cash or in ex
ult:lN,,l,rieittea. 01.1 metal taken
liar new castings. fly n striet attention to busi
ness and desire to 'A, hope to receive a
shore of publie
April an, IS!;6.—tr.
New C100d,4 New Goods
D. I'. Gwin hnp,jnst received from I'hiladel•
,bin a large and benutirul stock of
consisting of this most fashionable Dress (Moils
for Ladies and (lentleine a. Snell as Black Silks,
eliamelemi & rillls'y Challi, Cliall,
dulains, Spring stikg 4,i' Illmilton De tains,
Mirages. All Wool do hain, Fancy and Domes
tic Onigliains, Deliaiz, Alailonint Cloth, Alper.,
Lawns, and Prints or all demription. ALSO,
a largo Int of dress Trimmings, stress Buttons,
Bonnet Silks, Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts, Ilosicry,
Laces, Veils, Underslecres, Collars Cliiiiiim
ctts, Mohair bend dresses. Summer Shawls, Su.
Also, Cloths, black and blue, black and fancy
Cossinier, (lanai nets, Vestings Cotton Stripes,
Mr pants, Nankeen, Mitslins, bleached and un
bleaelied, 'Pickett, Checks, 'Fable Diaper, Wool
en and Linen T.ible (losers, and a variety of
Goods too numerous to mention.
Also Bonnets,
Hats & Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Buckets, Tubs, Claris, I:askcts,
Oil Cloths,
Groceries, Fish and salt,
and all goods usually kept in a country Store.
My old customers, and as many new ones as
can crowd inure respectfully requested to come
and examine my goods.
All kinds or Country produce taken in ex
change for goods, at the highest market prices.
April 9, 1856.
it New Assortment Just Opened
And will be sold 30 per cent.
IT ROMAN re , peetilly heimns his ettato-.
I. tilers and the public generally, that he has
lust opened ut his stare .rooin in Market Square,
Huntingdon, splendid new stock of Ready
_ .
Clothing for Spring and Summer
which lie will sell cheaper than the same quality
of Goods can he purchased at retail in Philndef.
Oda or any other estalilkhinent in the country.
Persons wishing to Lily Clothing would do
well to rail and uu his stock before purcha
sing elsowhern
A pril 9," '
A.NLI.Fi‘U nut y
he i.. prepared to tuanuracturn •at Into shop on
Waddngtun streot, on the property lately and
for many yours tweapied by AlO e. Cann on,
and in short every kind of roldelo desired.—
Ruckaways and Buggies ofa superior manufac
tory and finish always uu huutt and fur sale at
fair prices.
Itopairitig at all kind,: done at the slumust u,
two itiol inost reasoudidu term,
liouttn6 , luu, May dy
coNsTncri(r; O F THE COMMON.
\V EA L'l7H.
Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep.
reNCltiaile. of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania in General Assenddy ma t That tho hi.
lowing amendments arc proposed to the consti
tution of the commonwealth, in accordance
with tho provisions of the tenth articiethcroof.
There shall be an additional article to said
constitution to be designated as article eleven,
SECTION 1. The state may contract debts, to
supply casual deficits or failures in revenues,
or to meet expenses not otherwise provided tor;
but the aggregate amount of ouch debts direct
and contingent, wli , ther contracted by virtue of
one or snore net.; of the general aoseinhly, or at
direrent periods of time, shall never exceed
seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and
the money arising from the creation of such
debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which
it was obtained, or to repay the debts so con
tracted, andtono other purpose whatever.
SEcrios 2. In addition to the above limited
power the state may contract debts to repel in.
vesion, suppress insurrection, defend the state
in war, or to redeem the present outstanding
indebtedness of the state ; but the money aris•
leg from the contracting orsuehdelits, shall t o
applied to the purpose for which it was raised,
or to repay such debt, and to no other purpose
51.,71 , ,N 3. Except the debts above specified
in seet:niis one and two of this article, De debt
whatever shall be created by, or on behalf of
the state.
Ser•rms I. To provide for the payment of the
precut debt, and any additional debt contract•
el ns alfiresaid, the logi6lature atoll, at its first
session, ,tier the adoption of till, amendment,
creole n sinking ft u which shall be sufficient
to i•ay the accruing interest on such debt, and
annually to reduce the principal thereof by a
smn not less than two hundred and fifty thou.
solo! dollars ; which sinking fond shall consist
of the net annual income of the public works,
from time to time owned by the state. or the
proceeds of the solo or the come, or any part
thereof, and of the income or proceeds of sale
of stoel;s owned by the slate, ti;gether with oth
er funds, or resource, that nay he designated
by law. The said sinking fund nay be Melv,t.
sod, from limo to Lime, by assigning to it any
part of the taxes, or other revenues of the state,
nut required for tho ordinary and current ex
penses of govornment, and unless in case of
war, invasion or insurrection, no part of the
said sinking fund shall be used or applied oth
erwise than in extinguishment of the public
debt, until the amount of such debt is reduced
below the sum of five millions of dollars.
S.:TION 5. The credit of the comntonwealth
shall not in any manner, or event, be pledged,
or loaned to, any individual, company, corpor
ation, or association; nor shall the common•
wealth hereafter become n joint owner, or stock
holder, in any company, association, or corpor
SECTION G. The commonwealth shall not as-
seine the debt, or any part thereof, of any count.
ty, city, borough or township ; or of any cor
poration, or association ; unless such debt shall
Meer been contracted to enable the state to re
vel invasion, suppress domestic insurrection,
defend itself in time of war, or to assist the
stene in the discharge of any portion of it.s pre
sent indebtedness.
SEVTION 7. The legislature shall not author.
No any county, city, borough, township, or in
corporated district, by vittuo of a vote or its cit
izens, or otherwise, to become a stockholder in
any company, association, or corporation q or
to obtain monoy for,.or loan its credit to, any
corporation, association, institution, or party.
There shall he an additional article to said
constitution, to lie designated us article XII, as
follows : •
No county shall be divided by a lino cutting
oft over onedenth of its population, (either to
form a new county or otherwise,) without the
express assent or such county, by n voleof the
electors thereof ; o r shall any new county be
established, containing less than four hundred
From section two, of the (unit article of the
constitetion, strike out the. words, "qf flee rill)
of Phibulelphia, and if/ ,ach mud y respolice
i y ;" rroo, section live, same article, strike out
the suede, "o/' Philadelphia and if the screral
counties ;" from section seven, same article,
strike out the words, "neither the tity of
delphia 710 r any," and insert in lieu thereof the
words, "and no;" and strike out section four,
same.article, nod in lieu thereof insert the fob
“SECTION 4. To the'year one thousand eight
hundred and sixty.four, .and in every seventh
year thereafter, representatives to the number
of one hundred, shall he apportioned and dig•
triliuted equally throughout the state, by die•
triels, in proportion to the number of taxable
inhabitants in the several parts thereof; ex•
coin, that any county containing at least three
thousand five hundred taxebles, may lie allowed
a separate representation ; but no mote than
three counties shall be joined, and no county
shall be divided, in the formation of a district.
Any city containing a sufficient number of tax•
abler; to entitle it to at least two representatives,
shall have a separate representation assigned
it, and shall he dividettintoconvenient districts
of contiguous territory, of equal taxable pope.
lation as near as may be, each of whielt
tricts shall elect one representative."
At the end of section seven, same article,
insert these words, "the city of l'hilndelphirt
shall be divided into single senatorial distrieln,
of contiguous territory an nearly equal in btxn•
file pointialion n.e pnssible : Gut ton ward shall
be dicidol in the fbrnintion thereq:"
The legislature, at its first session, after the
adoption of this amendment, shall divide the
city of Philadelphia into senatorial and
representative districts, in the MIMI.' above
provided ; such districts to remain unchanged
until the apportionment in the year sue thou•
sand eight hundred and sixtydour.
7b be Section xxvl , arliekL
The legislature shall have the power Walter,
revoke, or natal, any charter of incorporation
hereafter conferred by, or under, any special,
or general law, whenever in their opinion it may
be iniuriotai to the citizens of the common•
wealth ; in such manner, however, tint no in•
justice shall be done to the corpoptere.
is vrr, April 21, 185 G.
That this resoltitio ' n push. Ou the
first amendment, yeas 21, nap 5. On thi , Cue.
end amendment, yeas 19, 11Ityli 6. On the third
antendinent, yeas 28, nays 1. On thu fourth
amendment, yeas 23, nays •I.
Extract frtm the journal.
in Houng ue ItmmuscsTATteEs,
April 21, 1556. f
&Joked, Thin this resolution pass. On the
firm amendment, yeas 72, nays 24. On the
i.e.(' amendment., yeas 63, nays 2i. On the
third amendment, yeas 64, nays 25; and on the
fourth amendment, yeas 63, nays 16.
helmet itum th'e'Journal.
April 2!, 1836. j &cry of thu Cool.
Harrienerg, "tote 27, 1836.
reiti!vlraia : sN : _ _ _ .
- - - -
I do certify that the above and foregoing is a
trim and correct copy of the original "Resolu
tion relative to an usnendment of the Constitu
tion" as the same remains nut file in this office.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto
L.S. set my hand and caused to be affixed the
seal of the Secretary's Office, the day and
year above written.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Iv SKNATE, April 21, 18.36.
Resolution proposing amendments to the
Constitution of the Commonwealth, being under
(lo the question,
1V ill the Senate agree to the first amend
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to
the 1 - mai:dons of the Constitutitn, and were as
follow, viz :
YEAR—Uesgrs. "Browne, tha k 'dew, Cress.
well, Evans, Fergtmon, Fleniken, Henn In.
gram, Jamison,. Knox, Limbach, LiewlS, Mc-
Clintock, Price, Sellers, Shuman, Souther,
Straub, Taggart, Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wit
kips and Pratt, Speaker-24.
NAvs—Messrs. Crabb, Gregg, Jordan, Mel
linger and Pratt-5.
So the question was determined in the air
On the question,
Will the Senate agree to the second amend.
The Teas and nays were taken agreeably to
the provisions of the Constitution and were as
fellow, viz:
Ynns—Mes,rs. Browns', llueknlew, Cress.
well, Evans, lfo!,, lug vain, .1 amison, Knox,
Lanhaeb, Lewis, WC:Hilted:, S, llers. Shuman,
Sonlher, Straub, Walton, Welsh, Wherry and
NAYS—Mem,rs. Gmbh, Ferguson, Gregg,
Pratt Pelee and Platt, Speaer—li.
So the question wee tletmnined in the affir
On the question,
Will the Senate agree to the third amend
lariat ?
The yeas andfly, Were taken agreeably to
the 'ionmitution, and wire on follow:
• 171,s—:%lessrs. Browne, Iturknlew, Crab!),
Cres.iwell. Evans, Fi.rguson, Flenniken, Ifog,e,
Ingram. .lemi,on, K nox , L on b nc h,
Leivig, Nl:Cilium:lr, Mellinger, Pratt, Price,Sel•
• le e s, Shuman, Souther, Straub, Taggart, I'M.
ton, Welsh, Wherry, Wilkins and Piutt,
NAVS-Mr. Gregg-1.
So the question was determined in the allir
on the question,
Will the Senate agree to the fourth amend
meta ?
The yens and nays were taken agreeably to
,the Constitution and were as follow, viz
YEAH—Nlessr, Browne, Curimiewi
well, Fran, Flenniken, Hoge, fngrain,
son, Jordan, Knox, Limbach, hems, M'Clin•'
lock, Pike, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Strut,
Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wilkins and Platt,
NA VS—Messrs. Crabb, Gregg, Mellinger and
1 Pratt-4.
So the question woo determined hi the atUr•
Journal of the House of Representatives,
April 21, 18511..
The yens and mays were taken agreeably to
the provisions or the Constitution, and on the
first proposed amendment, were as follow, vie t
Yitss—Messrs. Anderson, Backus, Baldwin,
Ball, tech, (Lycoming,) Beek, (York.) Berit•
hard, Boyd. Boyer, Brown, Brush, Buchanan,
Caldwell, Campbell, Carty, Craig, Crawtiird,
Mwdell, Edinger, Fees°ld, Foster. Cot;
Haines, limner, Ileitis, Hibbs, IEII,
illeges, Ifi pple, llulcuwb , Henseeker, Imbrie,
legless, Innis, Irvin, Johns. Johnson, Laporte,
Lebo, Longaker, Lovett, M . Calinont, WCarthy,
INPComb, Mangle, Meneer, Miller, Montgomery,
Moorhead, Nunemneher, Orr, Pearson Photos,
Purcell, Ramsey, Reed, Reinhold, Itidrlhy Ro
berts, Shenk, Smith, (Allegheny,) Smith,(Cam
bria,) Smith,
(Wyoming,) Strome, Thompson,
Whallon, Wright, (Ibuiphin,) Wright,
(Lezerne,) Zinsaferman and Wright., Speaker
Nays—Messrs. Augustine, Barry, Clover,
Cobourn, Dock, Fry, Fulton, Gaylord,
ney, llamilton, Ilanestek, Housekeeper,
ker, Leisenritw, Magee, Manic, Morris, Mum
ma, Patterson. Salisbury, Smith, (Philadelphia)
Welter, Wintrode and Yearsley-2.1.
So the question was determined in the affir
On the questhm,
\VIII the House agree to the second amend.
meet ?
The yeas and nays were taken, and were as
follow, vie
YEAS—Messrs. Anderson, Backus, Baldwin,
Ball, Beck, (Lycoming,) Beck, (York,) Item
herd, Boyd, Brown, Brush, Buchanan, Bald.
well, Campbell, Carty, Craig, Fausold, Foster,
(lute, Haines, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Hibbs,
Hill, 11 illegas, tipple, II olcomb, Ilnnsecker,
Imbrie, Ingham, Innis, Irwin, Johns, Johnson,
Laporte, Lebo, Longaker, Lovett, M'Calmont,
M . Carthy, Mangle, Mt:near, Miller,
Montgomery, Moorhead, Nunnemacher, Orr,
Pearson, Purcell, Ramsey, Item!, Reinhold,
Riddle, Roberts, Shenk, Smith, (Allegheny,)
Strouse, Vail, Whnllon, Wright, (Lucerne,)
Zimmerman, and Wright, Speaker-63,
NAVS—Messrs. Augustine. Barry, Clover,
Edinger, Fry, Fulton, Gaylord, Gibboney, Ha
milton, Hancock, (puncher, l,eisonring, Magee,
Maley, Morris, Mutnina, Patterson, Phelps,
Salisbury, Smith, (Cambria,) Thompson, Wal
ter, Wintrode, Wright, (Dauphin)and Yearaley
So Ile question was determined in tho aflir.
On the question,
Will the House agree to the third amend•
yeas and boys were taken, nod were as
follows, ViA:
Ys s--Messrs, Anderson, Backus, Baldwin,
Ball, Ikek, (I,yoning,) Beck, (York,) Bern
hard, Boyd, Buyer, Brown, Buchanan, Cald
well, Campbell, Carty, Craig, Crawford, Edin
ger Fansold, Foster, Fry , Getz, Haines, Ha
mei, Harper, Heins, Hibbs, Hill, Billow., Hip
vlo, Holcomb,lnuaukeeper, Indwie, Ingham,
inns, Irwin, Johns. Johnson, Laporte Lebo,
Lon;4eter, Lovett, M'Calintint, hl*Conit;, Man
gle, Mrnear, Miller, Montgomery, Nunneumeh.
er, Orr, Pearson, Phelps, Purcell, Ramsey,
; 14,1, Shcnk, Smith, (Alleglieny,) Smith
(Cambria.) (Wynn log,) TI peon,
Indium Wright, ( Bauphin,) Wright, Imzerne)
and Zimmerman-4A.
NAYS - Mcwirs. Barry, Clover, Colmn',
Dock, Douilall, Fulton, Gaylord, Gibboacy
O ,
Iluneker, Loisenring,
rally, ' Magee, Manley, Moorhead, Miirrk
Patterson, Reinhold, Roberts, Snlisloury,
'rl al
ter, Wharode, Yvarsley and Wright, Speaker
So the question was determined in the affir
On the question,
Will the HOUSQ agree to the fourth amend.
EAS -,Messro. A oderacni, Backus; Ball,
Lk.k, (Lycionio,,,) Beck, (York,) Reinhard,
Bovd, Brown, Brush, Buchanan. Caldwell,
aviy, T. Utas;Col . ll, Dow.
dal!,lit , go. Fry, Get., lla
11nrp,r, Heins, Hibbs, Hill, Ili]logos;
Hippie, Holcomb, Housekeeper, Hunuccker,
Imbrie, Innis, Irwin, Johnson, Laporte, Lebo,
Longaher, Lovett, M'Calmont, M'Carthy, DV-
Comb, Naugle, Menear, Miller, Montgomery,
MoorheadNonnetnacher,Orr, Beam°, rituiPst
Purcell, Mousey, Reed, Iloinhohl Riddle, Re•
berts, Shenk, Smith. (Cambria,) Wright, (I.
2erne,) Yearsley, Zimmerman and Wright,
Nti,—Magsrs. Barry, Clover, Cobourn,
Gibboney, II inrv, Hancock, !butcher,
Ingham, Leisenring. Magee, 'Manley, Morris,
Patterson, Salisbury, And IVintrode-16.
So tho question was determined in tho affix.
iht•Tieburg, June 27, 1856.
Pennsy/cania, :
_ . . . . . - - • •
I do'rertify that the above, and foregoing is a
true and correeteopyof the "Yeas" and "Nays"
taken on the Resolution proposing anunalinente
to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, as
tlin stone nppenrs on the Journals' of the two
Houses of the General Assembly of this Com•
monirenlth for the session of bisu,
Witness my band and seal of said office,
L.S. this twenty•seventh day of June, ono thou
sand eight hundred and 'fifty-nix.
Aiwrefory of . Me Commonwealth.
July 9, 1831i.-3m.
Scientific American.
Ono Thousand Dollar Cash Pi
The twellllt annual velum, ~• I
publication commences nu i _
September next.
lie "sciENTIFIc Am: V . 13 51.,
ir,i,trwritATED ' , Endow(' .\;,, devote,'
ehielly to the promulgation of inUmntitio
luting to th, vtir;9lts Mechanic ;toil Ch.
Arta, lndustrinl Mtl tctotet, A ; ;rietatin.,,
cuts, Ett7ierering, Millwork, ;,nd
nll intereAe which flit . : light practical science
is calculatel tulvance.
Reports of l".". S. patents graoled arc alao
published every week, ito lading official copies
of all the patent, cluing, together with news
and information upon thousands of tidier sub-
$lOOO-1N CASH PRIZES—wiII be paid
on the let of January next for the largest list
of onliseriliers, na follows:—$200 for the
$175 ror the 2d, $l5O for the 3d, $125 for the
4th, $lOO lor the sth, $75 f o r the Gth, $5O for
the oth, $3O, for the 9th, $25 for the 10th, $2O
for the 11th and SlO for the 12. Per all Clubs
of 20 and upwards, the subscription price is
only $1,40. Names can be sent front any Post
(Mice until .lanuary let, 1057. Val - Hera are
lino chances to secure cash rizes.
ed once a week ; every number cor.tnitui eight
large quarto isi.:•em, forming annually a com
plete amt splendid volume, illustrated with sev
eral hundred original engraving,.
Mar TERMS—Single Subscriptions $2 n
year, or St for ale months. Five copies for
six (smiths, $.l; for a year $3. Specimen cop
ies sent gratis.
Southern Western and Canada monoy, or
POHL °thee Stamps, taken at par for aubscrip
lions. Letters should be directed (post paid)
to. MUNN b CO.
12R Fallon St. New nrk.
SerMEsstts. MUNN & CO. are extensive
ly engaged in procuring patents for new inven
tions, and will advise inventors, without charge
in regard to the novelty of their improvements.
Aug. 271--3 t.
No. 2G, South Stood Street, Philadelphia,
- importer, Man ullicturer, and Dealer in Drugs,
COLORS, WurrE LEAD, French
and American White ZINC,
NvINTO . r,
Glassware, Bru , lic,t, Instruments,
Ground Spires, What.: Spices, and all other
nrticles usually kept by Druggists, including
Borax, hdign, Glue, Shellac, Potash, &c., &c.
All 'order; 1;) , mail, or otherwise promptly at•
tended to. Country merchants are invited to
call nod examine our stock before pnrehasing
elsewhere. Goods sent to any of the wharves
or railroad stations. Prices low anti goods war
No. 6, South Third Street,
Importer of French Calf Skins ;
Has Constantly on nand, awl Always
Finishing, all kinds of
Loather, Morocco, Calfrikincilikeop
skins, disc.
The attention of Country Merchants and Man
ufacturers, is solicitotl.
January 2, 1858.-Iy.
11W Street, Huntingdon, Hula. County, Pa,
rpttE proprietor would respectfully an
nomice to all his old customers and the
"rest of mankind," that ho has refitted his all
house, and is prepared to accommodate strangers
and travellers, and the public generally. Ile has
also attached it
and he will hko horses, carriages, &c., on tho
most reasonable terms.
April 9 1856.-1 y,
It. IiAIRD, Itr. n.
Xla Y.)10141411.
3. 11CDSON, M. P.
Having entered inf o coportnership will ho plea,
sad to attend to nay tees of their profession
}XI; , Huntingdon.
C. I;( /WEI:, T. P., Newton Hamilton.
J. A. sl IA I M. H., Siuulo
J. 11. IV N't1:(11)E, M. D., Marklesburg.
June 1, 1,- , .;(;.- lin.
(alai.; of !Jaffa min Frac). Deceased.)
Adnainititrator% Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Admit,
istration on the eetuto 01 lietkitttui it Fluke, late
01 Dublin 'foweship, deed., have bee. a:mita
to the undersigned, rysittiug iu said township,
to whom those italebtfal- will pietise make fin
mediate payment, and those having claims wilt
present thiut duly astMuticated for settlement.
Auz. 11, LG.. 6,