Muntinghn (oltruat. /// I ..kl,7ttrelktSlk." • iv, -__ WILLIAM 11111EWNTEH,1 EDITORS. SAM. G. WHITTAKER.. Wednesday Morning, Sept. 3, 1853. Forever float that sbtadaril sheet, Where breathes the foe but faiisbeforo us, With Freedom's soil beneath our foot, And Freedom's banner streaming o'or usl" FOR PRESIDENT, JOHN a FREMONT, OF CALIFORNIA. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, WM. L. DAYTON, OF NF.I7 Jtlt.Y. FOR CANA L COMMISIONER. THOIHAB E. COCHRAN, OF YORK COUNTY. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, DARWIN PNELPO, OF ARMSTRONG COUNTY. FOR SURVEYOR GENF:RIM BARTEEOLONLEIW LAPORTM, ORGANIZE ! ORGANIZE! There should be a Fremont Club in every town and township in Huntingdon county, for without organization no effective work can be accomplished. Let the friends of Freedom and the People's candidates see to it. To secure a victory in the State it only requires that the issues shall be properly understood by the peo ple. But to secure that result will require some labor and attention. The friends of Fremont have every advantage in the contest—have ev ery thing in their own hands if they will use it. The facts and arguments um so overwhelming ly on their side that the Buchancers ent.not stand before them a single moment in open discussios. The work of organizing and dis tributingdiscnments will fall mainly on the young tnir of the county, and they should take the matter in hand at once. The New York Tribune thus sets out the s pecial advantage of .a Club organization and defines the labors which will devolve upon it.— Give us a Club in every . district that will work on the plan here propsed, and we will promise an overwhelming victory 1 1. To get a list of every voter in each vil. lags or town of every comity, and note his known or supposed predilections for President, and keep this in a book, noting the changes, if from time, and reporting to the County mittee. 2. To see that every toter has all the Re publican documents the Club can afford to par. •chase, and especially : "The Republican Plat form;" "Campaign Life of Fremont ;" "Sum. .ner's Speech;" "Report of the Kansas Investi gating Committee." Let these be thrown into every voter's door by a person employed for the purpose. 3. Let all difficulties be fairly looked iu the face, and let not enthusiasm ward cool calcula. I tins. If needed, iu the way of documents or speakers, let timely notice be given to the County Central Club, or to the County Commit. tee, or to the State Committee. 4. See that the suceess of the Electoral tick. et and of Congressmen be preferred over and above all local considerations or local quarrels pit local issues. '5. Divide the Chubs into Snb•Committees —for example: Document Committee, Public Meeting Committee, Vigilance Committee, %Challenging Committee, Naturalization Com mittee, Ticket Committee, Le.; so that there may be perfect division of labor. 6. Let each Club work in its own locality se if the success of the party depended upon the majority in that locality. Let the majority everywhere be swelled, and enlist the Ladies in •the cause. 7. Make public every change of tactics ob served to be made by either the Buchanan or Fillmore opponents of Freedom. 8. Take care of the local newspaper favora ble to Republicanism, and add to its campaign circulation. 9. Relax no endeavors until the polls are closed, and count on no result as certain. The Roman Catiolio.—Query No. 1. Will the proprietor of the Huntingdon Globe please answer the following queries. They are simple, and easily answered. Whether or no the principal man in the Hun tingdon Globe office is not a Roman Catholic? Whether or no the principal writer or editor is not a Roman Catholic ? Whether or no one of the candidates on the Locofoco county ticket, is not a Roman Catho lie ? Whether or no the whole Cresswell family will be run on the county ticket ? Whether or no the Democratic party of Hun tingdon County endorses the Pierce policy, the overthrow of free speech in Congress, the tour. der of freemen in Karma, the reduction of the laboring, men's wages to 10 cents per day, the etealing of Cuba, the extension of slave terri tory, and the phlebotomy system, as James Doughface Buchanan Platform does ? A AlistakeioMewhere. On the confidant assurance that Mr. Cremor is in favor of the election of Fremont & Dayton, he received the nomination of our Convention yesterday. This morning it is positively asser• ted by his American friends that ho is and al* ways has been for Fillmore and Doneloon ; that he no declared himself within The hut twenty. four lour,! How is it ? Let Mr. Cromer explain. lie• publicans are not to be lira rejected and in sulted, and then betrayed ! If Mr. Cremer wants our votes let him come' out over his own signature and place himself right on the main questions. Huntingdon PoMin We now have in the political field of Hun tingdon county, threeseparato and distinct par ties, though two of them are only nominally separate and distinct ; being in truth engaged in the came common cause, and laboring dili gently to attain the sane object, to secure the overthrow of free speech, free thought and free men in the free States of this Union, and intro duce Slavery into all the Territories of tho Union, not yet organized as States and admit ted into the Union no noel,. The first aud oldest of these parties, is the old slaveocratie, locofbeo organization, falsely called the Democratic party. The second of these parties, less powerful, but no less hostile to freedom, is the barbarous and corrupt South American division of the Americanorder. This lust party sold itself, at en early period to the slaveholders of the South, soul and body, and is now laboring and striving by every falsehood and base practice, to outdo even the Democra cy in its servile erduching and low bending of its supple knees to the slave power. The chiefs of this party, who set up to be the loaders here iu Huntingdon, declare with one accord, that they will vote tbr Buchanan and slavery in preference to Fremont and freedom. The voters of Huntingdon county may rely upon this, fur the fact can be proved by the open declarations of all the leaders.of the Fill morites. These too parties are in substance and action one party, their principles are the same ; they worship slavery nod fall down to. gether in humble adoration before an overseer, with his long whip with its two feet lash and pound of lead in the butt. At the sight of a first•clnss Slavemwncr, they shout, "Hallelujah great is the powcry and glory of SLAVEAY cosy it overspread every foot of ground now free in the United States, and cover the whole land by the blessed shadow of its wrongs I" Give freedom to the dogs I What care WO for such fustians, if we can secure to ourselves good offices upon which we can live and grow rich whilst the people labor for us? Let us have our Slaves in the Free States; white peo• ple make very good slaves, if we can once sub• due them. The third party now in the field in this coun ty is the great North American Republican Party, which supports free speech, free thought, free soil and Fremont—free men and none but free men, in every place where Slavery is not already established by the Laws of the States, and the utter prohibition of Slavery in all the Territories cohere Freedom now exists. Kaunas Affairs. It is as we believed in Kansan. The Free State men have not attacked Lecompton, and of course have not taken it. They have not liberated Governor Robinson and the other Free State prisoners confined there to await their trial for treason under the auspices of Judge Lecompte. They have 710 captured Secretary Woodson, nor chased away Governor Shannon,nor meddled with the dragoons in and way. All the reports here contradicted are Border Ruffian lies, founded on the actual demonstrations of certain Free State men against the hands of Pro-Slavery robbers and murder ers who had erected blockhouses at Franklin, Osawattamie, Ac., from whence they sallied out to plunder peaceful settlers and travail us on every aide. Those fortified at Franklin hav ing murdered, as we have already stated, a Free Orate man who entered their den to re monstrate against recent robberies, the neigh. boring settlers rallied and captured their block. house, recovering a quantity of arms stolen at the sack of Lawrence, but letting the captu red marauders escape. Another party of these free boaters, under Capt. Titus, whose block bonne was situated near Lecompton, would seem to have captured with greater loss turd held as hostages for the return of Free State property stolen at the sack of Lawrence or in , various forays see ; and another marauder's 1 fort near Ossawatomie is said to have been attacked ummecessully and with considerable loss especially to the Free State party. Of this latter affray, we have no other than Bor. der Bullion accounts, and it may prove as base. less as the reported capture of Lecompton; but in the abseence of any • contradiction we will let it stand fur the present. The Folly of It. Just at the present t.ixle Colonel FREMONT seems to be attacked with more violence than ' either of his competitors. He is represented as a defaulter, a swindler, a foreigner, a Jesuit a Catholic, and almost everything else that is bad. We hate been not a little amused at the persistent, determined efforts to make him out a catholic. It is of no avail that it is proved he was brought up, baptized, confirmed, and is a regular attendant of the Episcopal Church. It is no avail that Lieutenant Governor RAY. Move, of New York, and the Rev. HENRY WAnn BEECH= have published letters, after a personal interview with Colonel FREMONT, denying, in the most explicit and positive terms that he is a Catholic or has any learning in that direction. The charge is reiterated with as much assurance and impudence as if it had not been denied. Colonel FREMONT certainly has a right to be a Catholic if he chooses to be. But it seems he does not. He says lie is a Protestant from education, from conviction and choice. We suggest to all our editorial brethren to permit him to .ratify his predilec tions and be a.grotestant. Owould be likrd enough fiLuan be a Catholic at any rate, it would Weculiarly hard to be forced iii this position against our remonstrance and will. It has been asked why does not Cal. FRE. MONT silence all cavils by a written denial that he is a Catholic? For the very good rea son that this, in effect, has been done through his friends, and especially because no luau who affects to believe that he is a Catholic, would believe it a whit the less if he should deny the charge over hie own signature. Those who charge him with being a Catholic don't wish to be convinced. The charge is made for politi• cal effect, and it will be persisted in so long as any political capital can be gainned by it. ifirGen. John Pruviance of Butler Pa., oz• Auditor General, of Pa., an old Democrat, is out for Fremont. Significant. Among the Pennsylvania nowspnpers which have kept the Fillmore national ticket at the head of their columns since it was first nomina ted, were several whose millers believed that Mr. Fillmore wonld take a position against the extension of slavery, nod that the bulk of th e opposition would evidently support him. As the canvass progresses, it becomes every day more .d more evident that Mr. Fillmore really occupies the same platform as Mr. Buchanan, on the subject of slavery, and that those who calculated upon the public being willing to rat. ly round him as the chief candidate of the op. i position were entirely mistaken. With this development staring them in the face, the Fill. more °rimns in the interior aregraileally ch.. ging over to Fremont. We have previously named several such, and our last mails bring an accession to the number. The Juniata Sete tinel, an able and influential journal, which has hitherto supported Fillmore and Donelson, now takes down their names, and replaces them with Fremont and Dayton, the editor spying that ho bad waited patiently, bet in vain, for some endorsement from Mr. Fillmore of the present movement in resistance to slavery ex. tension, and has been driven to the conclusion, that Mr. Fillmore is disposed to aid the Slave States is the aggressive policy they are purse jug. The Sentinel can, therefore, no longer give biro its support, but goes for Fremont.— There are now few Fillmore papers of t:ny eon sequenca published in the State, and these few, will, before the end of tiro campaign, become still fewer, as the sentiment of the interior on the great and exciting topic becomes every day more cverwhelming. The Cambria Tribune, the Fillmore organ of Cambria county, since the adoption of a seen. rate Fillmore Electoral ticket, has dropped Fillmore .d Donelson from its mast•heavl, re• pudiates the ticket, and puts up Fremont and Dayton. The Catholic Press on Fremont• The following, we believe, is a correct list of the Bathe - die papers in the English language, published in the 'United States : Pilot, Boston, Herald Philadelphia. Sentinel, Buffalo, Instructor, Mirror, Dal:it:lore, Miscellany, Charleston. Standard, N. Orleans, Vindicator, Detroit. Telegraph, Cincinnati, Leader, St. Louis. Citizen. New York, Catholic, Pittsburgh. Freeman's Jr., N. Y. Truth Teller, Boston. Trish News, N. Y., Irish Aineratn, N. Y. Celt, do. Globe, Huntingdon. With the exception of the American Celt, edited by T. M'Arey McGee, every one of these papers is actively and openly engaged in the support of Buchanan and Breckenridge, and of course, intensely hostile to Fremont and Bay ton, toward whom they display more malignan. , cy than to the great Anti-Popery champion, 1 Mr:Fillmore. The Celt is kicking out the Ira -1 ces only in consequence of the murder of Kea. I ting by Herbert, and the refusal of the Cincin- nr.ti Convention to take the advice which its \editor volunteered, touching the action cf that bodyr in relation to the crime. It will come around and be in lino with its peers before the day of election. The facts above stated afford a commentary of great significance upon the cry that Col ' Fremont is a Catholic. Tho facts also illus. trate the honesty of the pro•slovery men when • they howl about thc impropriety of the interfe rence of religious papers with political affairs. Some interference is right enough to Catholic journals; but when a Protestant editor ventures , to speak, he commits an unpardonable crime, Democratic Fremont Movements. In McKean county, Pa., a voluntary move ment has been made by members of the Dem. oeratic party resulting in a thorough Fremont organization at the court house and in every township of the county. The Democrats of Cleaveland, Ohio, have else made a similar movement. They have got up and published a call for the organization of a Democratic Fremont club, giving in detail the reasons why they cannot support the Buchanan ticket. Time Cleaveland Herald says that the signatures were confined to those who, up to the present campaign, have been identified with the Dem =tole party, and every man who signed cast his vote for William Medill, the Democratic candidate for Governor of Ohio. Had the call been for those who voted for Pmsident Pierce the list might have embraced five hundred. The meeting to organize a club into take place on the 16th inst. at the court house, and sill be addressed by the Hon. W. Conine, lately a Democratic member of Congress. In Warren county, Pa., all the disaffected Democrats have also gone over to Fremont, headed by the Hon. C. B. Carts, a Democratic member of the lust Congress. The Fillmore Electoral Ticket• Pennsylvania, contains the names ofnt least two men who are supporters of Fremont.— There are G. W. Youngman, of the Fifteenth, and Caleb N. Taylor, of the Seventh District. Youngman, according to a Lycoming correa. pendent of the Pennsylvanian, has been ac tively engaged in distributing Fremont papers and is well known, in that region, to be for the Republican candidate. The Doylestown In. tellig,encer also says, that Taylor was a member of the Philadelphia Republic. National Con vention which nominated Fremont, of whom lie is an ardent supporter. There are also other names on the ticket whickseem to us, from the I antecedents of the persons named, extremely unreliable for Fillmore ; but we await further developments. It is worth while, however, to bear in mind that the Convention which nomi nated this ticket refused to pass a resolution requiring the electors to pledge themselves to Fillmore and Donelson. Illinois Safe for Fremont. Mr. Richardson, Democratic candidate for Governor of Illinois, gives up the battle, and acknowledges that Illinois will giro a large majority (Republican) for Governor, and Fre mont for President. A GOOD IDEA. One of our subscribers suggests that as the Democratic candidate for President says ho is no longer Buchanan, that he beneoforth ho called Jana Dough•canat, 10 Cente a Day. Laboring men can you support for the Presidency a man who endeavored to make your• wages 10 cents a day? It may do for the rich man to say it is right ; and those who are above the necessities or life may rail at the ula• vish subservictiec to the will of a toaster, but they know little of large families of hungry children, whose wants and cravings can only', be supplied by the labor of the head of the house I "It is not chains alone that make, the slave I" But how shameful nod degrading it in that government should countenananco this abstraction of a day's wages front the laboring man, and that the sweat.drops front the mecha• nie's brow should I, taken to support a politi• cal nominee ! The days of Brutus are past, token our public aspirants would exclaim, By heavens, I had rather coin my heart, And drop my blood Cur drachmas than to wrong From the hard hands of peasants their vile trash By any indirectintrl___ Cheering News from the North and West. A letter from a distinguished gentleman in Northern Pennsylvania assures us that we may rely on tho following majorities for Fremont nod Freedom in the following counties : Wayne 500 Warren, 500 Su6quehanna, 1,500 Crawford, 1,200 Bradford, 3,000 Erie, 2,000 Tlcga, 1,500 - Putter, The above counties • (Eric out) gave Pierce from four to five thousand majority 1852—nm• king a change of fourteen thousand votes in nine counties only. All the above counties nru democratic except Erie.—Pottniille Jour. We have seen letters from various wellin• formed persons in the above counties which . put Fremont's majorities at considerably higher figures than hero Fivers. We think 13,000 an estimate for Alis aggregate majority in those couutiou. The Abolitionists. The Anti-Slavery Standard, the organ of the Garrison Abolitionists, takes strong ground a gainst the Republican party. It gives, in its leading article fee this week, an extract of a letter from a "clear-sighted Abolitionist in Massachusetto," who says that the success of the Republicans "will its its benumbing nod satisfying influence retard the movements of the slave's redemption." So Parker Pillsbury, a prominent Garrisonian, in a speech at Fra mingham on the 4th of July, declared his pre ference of Buchanan, because it would tend to promote and influence the Anti-Slavery agi tation, while that of Fremont would tend to a cessation of it. What has Buchanan Bone. What has Buchanan ever dose? He oppo ccd the War of 1812, and villainously libeled every honorable name connected with it. Ito was a member of the Pennsylvania Legisla ture, and—talked! Ile was a 'United States Senator, and—drew eight dollars a day from the Treasury l lie was a Secretary of State) and—surrendered the disputed territory in Or• egon to Great Britain I Be was Minister to Russia and—pocketed $36,000 Ho was the American Ambassador at St. James' and— came home 11 .t.h a well-filled• purse, leaving every question in dispute between the two coun tries unsettled! Ile had participated in many important discussions, but he never brought anything to a practical result. Rufus Choate. It is high time for us to determine in these United States, whether Freedom is a cruel mockery, or whether it is a reality. That Old Boston Tory, MIAs Choate, louke upon the Declaration of Independence as a high sound ing farce.' We hope the November election will teach him an old lesson that may open his eyes. The reason of his going fur Buchanan now is that in 1812, he like Buchanan was . 1 - posed to the war and denounced Jefferson end Madison. MARRIED.--h Petersburg, on 213th idt., by Geo. W. Whittaker, Esq., Mr. Abraham Am brose to Niis Susan Davis, all of West town ship, Huntingdon county. DIED.. Jackson township, on Wmlnesday, August 19th, Mr. William Bays, aged 77 years. PHILADELPHI A MARKETS, The Flour market remains inactive, owing to the differehce in the view of buyers and sel lers, and about 1500 bbls. only hove been ta ken, for export at S0,50110,1;21, fur standard brands. mode from new wheat, including 500 bbls. Lived &root Mills ; a better brawl at $6,811 per bbl. Some holders refuse our low. cot figures. The home demand continues moderate, within the room of $6,50:C 5,50 per bbl. for common to choice brands ' and extra and fancy brands. Corn Meal and Rye Flour remain inactive, and prices the salon as last quoted. Wheat is rather scarce today, but the supply is fully equal to the demand, as only about 2500 libls. have been taken at 152a153c for red, and 162a1611e for white, the latter prime lots. Ilye is in steady demand at Victs. and but lath. offering or selling. Corn meets with a good inquiry and 5n40110 bushel. have been disposed of ut 61cts for good yellow, tillo, 61ets., for interior lots, and 5905. for geed white. Oats continue dull, with sales ce2al.looo bushels old and new, at atiaa9 els. per bus. ACTIVE BOOK AGENTS Can clear $l5O a month, by selling Smucker'e LIFE OF FREMONT. The only life containing his reports unabridged of which the thirtieth thousand is now ready I 500 pages, portrait and illustrations, $1 00 The Republican campaign songster, prico 12 etc. The :15th thousand ready. The Republican Party and its candidates, a• bout 450 pages, two steel portraits, price $lOO. Tho freeman's glee book, with choice Songs set to music, price 20 cents. John Charles, or the Young American's life of Fremont-300 p. 18mo. price 50 etc. Also the largest number and best free soil and other hooks, published in this country. For full particulars address Miller, Orton & Mulligan, publishers, 25, Park Row, N. York, or 107, Gennesee street, Auburn. Sep. 3, '55.-3t* [Estate of Benjamin Halm. Deceased.] Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that letters ot Admin. istration on the estate of Benjamin Fraker, Into of Dublin Township, doe'd., have been granted to the undersigned, residing in said township, to whom these indebted will.please make im• mediate payment, and those baiting claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement. D. 1,. ORISINOER, Jam. Aug 13, 's6.—f.t* NEW Ain EiLMEMENTS. LIST OF PREMIUMS To he nwarclell by the Agricultural Soelety of county, at the Fair to be held at Huntingdon, on the Bth, oth and 10th of Otto , her next, 1850 HORSES, Best Stallion, .7s9;ooiicst draft Loose, 2,00 2il best do., 3,00 2,1 best do., 1,00 3cl best do., 2.' , 0 ticst riding horse, 2,00 Pest or Syr. colt, ::..'u ul..,st do., 1,00 under I ocur, 1,00 Best match horses 4,00 " brood mire, 3,00 24 best do., 2,00 2,1 best do., 1,50 Judy'.,: A. P. Wilson, Esq., Huntingdon; R. F. fliolott, tiprnee Crock, J 010; Colder, Porter; David Rupert, llays Hamilton, Franklin. ..... . . 1 . :Il.13 STUCK. 13est pair work oxen 4,00 Best cow, 3,00 2,1 beat do., 3,00 nil be3t do., 2,00 3d best do,, 2,00 Best 3 year bailer, 2,00 Ili:st Bull, 3,00 " 2 " do., I,ou 2d best do., 2 . ,00_ " calf, 1,00 110 GS. 3,00 Bost sow, 8,00 2,00 Oct best, 2,00 1,00 Best litter of pigs, 2,00 SHEEP. Bea t boar, 2d best do., 311 best do., Best find wool buck 8,00 2d hest do., 2,00 2d best do., 2,00 Best tine wool ewe 3,00 Best Southdown do 3,00 2d best do., 2,00 Id best do., 2,00 Best long wool do 3,00 Best long wool do., 3,00 4 ‘ Southdown do. 3,00 Judges : Snmuel H. Bell, Shirley ; W. Hilo mon, Morris ; Peter Livingston, Barron ; John Garner, Pena ; Eli Wakefield, Brady. PLOWING. Best, 9,00 3d do., 2,00 2,1 do., 3,00 4th do., 1,00 Jot/yes Elisha Shoemaker, Henderson, John Shaver, Shirley ; A. B. Sangireo, Walker; W. Hutchison. Warmorsmark; S. Wigton, Franklin. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. 11,000 Ben plow, 3,00 Bost wheat drill, 3.00 " harrow, 2,00 " corn planter, 3,00 " cultivator, 3,00 " horso rake, 2,00 " hill-side plough 3,00 " reaper, 3,00 " windmill, 3,00 " mower, 3,00 Judge., John S. [sett, Franklin; Perry Moore, Morns t George Jackson, Jackson ; Kenzie L. Green, Clay ; Isaac Long, Walker. GliAik Best wheat, 4,00 Best rye, 2,00 2,1 hest do., 3,00 Bost oats, 2,0 U Best Indian Corn, 3,00 Best Buckwheat, 2,0 U 2tl host do., 2,00 Judges : T. Fisher, Huntingdon ; Hon. Thos. Stewart, West. ' Geo. Eby, Shirley; J. Entrekin, Hopewell , L. O. Kessler, Brady. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. Bost bread, 3,00 Best hard soap. 1,00 2.1 hest do., 2,00 2d nest do. 50 3d best do., 1,00 Best candles, 1,00 Best poond cake, 1,00 21 best do., 50 2d best do., 50 Bo•t carpet, 2,00 , ... ~.........., Best sponge cake, 1,00 2.1 best, :10., 1,00 Oil best do., 50 Best hearth rug, 1,00 Best butter, 3,00 Oil best do., 50 Oil best do., 2,00 Best flannel, 2.00 n.i best do., 1,00 Od best 110., 1,00 Best Staple sugar, 1,00 13est (milt, 2,00 Best cheese, 2,00 2,1 best do., 1,00 2,1 best do., 1,00 Best wool socks, 50 Best apple butter, 1,00 4 • worsted do., 50 " tornado catsup, 1,00 "ornamental nee " Limey, 1,00 die work, 1,00 ' 4 jelly, 1 , 00 20 bust do., 50 2d best do., 50 Best silk crubrod'y 1,00 Best preserves, 1,00 2il best do., 50 2.1 best do.. 50 Best shell work, 1,00 llest pickles. 1,00 20 best do.. 511 20 best do., 50 Judges Scott, Esq., Huntingdon ; J. Por ter, Esq., Alexandria; Alrs. John Uco,mill, Por tqr ; Mrs. A. W. Benedict and Miss Prudence Jackson, iluntingilon. Perscns whose trade is baking, cannot en ter this list in competition, as it is intended for the encouragement of housekeepers. But bak ers may compete among themselves and obtain premiums. BIECHANICAL THPLEMENTS AND MAN upAcTunEs. Best 2 hoe. carriage 2,00 of tin [yore,l,6o " buggy, 1,00 Best lot ettrien & 4' set sin. harness, 1,00 stone ware, 1,00 " farming do., 1,00 " cooking stove, 1,00 " bridle & saddle, 1,01) " wash. machine, 50 44 pair of boots, 1,00 "meat vesael, 1,00 " " shoes, 50 44 churn, 1,00 " side sole leather, 1,00 44 pair of horse " kip & calf skin, 1.00 shoes, 50 44 side liar. & upper 1,00 44 specimen mar '. lot cabinet ware, 1,00 blo work, 2,00 "greatest variety .hayes : Gen. J.C.Mason. Mil Creek ; P. Stryker, Porter; J. Saxton, Huntingdon; Dr. J. A. Shade, Shade Gap; J. Wilson, Henderson. PR ' UITS. Best & greatest vs • ad best do., I,OC ricer apples, 3,00 Best & greatest vs • • • . .. . . 24 best do., 2,00 riet; grapes, 3,00 Best doz. Fall do,. 2,00 " native do., 2,00 Sal best tin., 1,00 21.1 best do., 1,00 Best doz. winter do 2,00 Best doz. peaches, 2,00 :2,1 hest do., 1,00 " don, plums, 1,00 Beet pears, 2,00 6, quinvos, 1,00 Judges : R. B. Petriken, Esq., Huntingdon ; Dr. Wm. 11.1.0epe Porter ; J. Creswell, Tod ; T. T. Cromwell, ' Esq., Cromwell; David Hawn Walker. VEGETABLES. Best potatoes, 2,00 Best turnips, 50 241 best do., 1,00 " onions, 50 Best sweet do., 2,00 " celery, 50 " tomatoes, 1,00 " cabbage, 50 2d best du., 50 " squashes, 50 Best purple eggs, 50 " pumpkins, 50 " peppers, 50 " water melons, 50 " beets, 50 " musk melons, 50 " parsnips, 50 " beans, 50 " carrots, .... 50 " poas, __ 50 Judges 'lsrael Grallas, Esq., Porter; A. Port, Esq., Iltuitingdon; Gen. John McComb, Jacks town; I) trill Henderson, Franklin ; John Gent mill, Porter. FLORAL. Best display of flow- Best war. dahlias, 1,00 ere in bloom, 2,00 2:1 best do., 50 2d best do., 1,00 Best boquot, 50 Best display plants, 2,00 Judy,: G. C. Bucher, Porter; Col. S. Whar ton, Huntingdon; Mrs. P. C. Swoope, ;Miss Julia Miles, kluutingtkin; bliss M. Colder, Porter. POULTRY. Best pair turkeys, 1,00 2d best do., 50 2d best do., 50 Best pnir chickens I,ou Best pair geese, 1,00 2d best do., 50 2,1 best do., 50 Best display pool., 2,00 Best pair ducks, 1,00 2,1 best do., 1,00 Judges Dr. J. McCulloch, Huntingdon, 1). Woniolsilorf, Esq., Franklin ; G. Wilson, Tell; Simeon Wright, Esq., Union, W. P. Orbison, Esq., Huntingilon. Judges on Discretionary Prendunts, for articles not enumerated in the foregoing list :—Col. J. Creswell, Barr.; James Clark, Esq., Birming ham; W. B. Smith, Jackson; James Henderson, and Gen. Geo. W. Speer, Cassvillo. JONATHAN McWILLIAMS, Pres't. J. S. Barr, See'y. Mum., Aug. 27;56. VALUABLE FARM, OF LIMESTONE LAND, FOR SALE. The subscriber will offer at public sale, on Tuesday, November 11, his farms situated in Morris township, and containing 265 acres.- 250 acres under fence and in good cultivation, the balance timber land. This property is di. vid about equally into two farms, with a large ;„, brick house and frame tenant house, ,t,4 a large barn, wagon shed and corn crib, carpenter nod blacksmith shops on one, and a good frame house and barn on tlm oth or • with good water and fruit on both places, and its a healthy neighborhood. Also at the same time ar.d . place, I will offer 496 acres of mountain land, tii lots of from 60 to 100 acres, to suit purchasers. This land is well set with thrifty young chesnitt, white and; yellow pine, and oak timber, and convenient to the farms, with good roads to and through the same. The above property is within mile of the Poun'a It. R., and 2} of the canal at Water Street. For further particulars, address SAMUEL P. WALLACE. Spruce Creek, I'. 0. 50p.3,'66-2m. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. SELLING OFF AT COST—AND LESS. At the corner of Allegheny and Smith streets, Huntingdon, Pa. As the undersigned will in future continue.the flour, feed, provision and produce business, he will sell his stuck of other goods off, at less than cost. It comprises dry goods, clothing, glassware, stoves, cornshellers and a variety of other useful articles. Ann tion once a week or oftener, ulitil all is sold.— After that, the room will be rented—it is a ve ry ClCSirtll)lo hu.,ioe o place. Pellloll4 1111Vilig ULM. Of curniture to hedisposod of, bedsteads tables,&e., can have them sold by sending them to the undersigned. All those indebted will please pay op. Mon ey is needed to establish the new business and settle up all liabilities of the undersi g ned, ho tweed this and six months hence. LEX' The last call to delinquents— Sept. 1t,'36.-3t. OEO. HARTLEY. - - - More Men Wanted Immediately. A few more enterprising and active young men can fold immediate employment, by which they can make $6OO or $l,OOO a year, to not as agents for several new and popular works just published exclusively for agents and not for sale in bookstores. We have great num. her of agents employed, many of whom aro making from $l5 to $2O a week. Those who wish to °nage in this pleasant and profitable business, will, for particulars etc., address. C. L. DEllinr & CO. Publisher and Wholesale Booksellers, Sandusky City, Ohio, Editors of Newspapers, by giving the above! and following three insertions and calling at. tention to it, and sending a copy containing it, will receive any three of the following works: Life of Josephine by Madly, $1.25: Life of Lafayette, do. f„il 25 ; Life Napoleon do., $1... 25 ; Wild Scones of Hunter's Life $1.25 ; Lift: of Mary and Martha Washington, $1 50; Odd Follows Amulet, $l, Any person wishin'g any of the above books can have them sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of the above retail price. Address. C. L. DERBY a CO. Sept. 3d 1850 3t. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Expo nas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon County. and to me dire, ted, I will sell by public outcry, at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon ' on Thurs.; day, the '?"nth: day of September, 1850, at IO o'clock, A. M., the following described property to wit: All the right, title and interest of the defen dant of, in and to a tract cf land lying partly in Brady and partly in Henderson township, ad- • joining lands of train, Green nod Watson, on the east, the Juniata River on the South, lands of John McCahan on the west and James Simp son on the north ; containing about Cu acres more or less, most of which is cleared, with a large torero house, stable, saw-mill, storehouse warehouse, and this, dwelling boosts. Alan:— The interest of tho defentrant in a tract or land in Henderson township, adjoining on the north lands of Jane Armitage, on the east lands of James Simpson, on the south by Alexander Simpson, of the west by Samuel Goodman ; containing 111 acres more or less, about 80 acres cleared with a house, barn, and fratne carpenter shop and excellent orchard thereon. Soloed, taken in execution, and to ha sold us the property of. James J. Goodman. —. ALSO ; The right, title and interest of the defendant of in and ton tract of land situate in Brady township, Huntingdon county, containing about sixty acres, being port or the Sugar Grove Farm, tying no both sides of the P.mnsylvania Railroad, on the west silo of Mill Creek, rul.. joining the Juniata river, lends of Irvin, Green and others, having thereon erected a large two story frame tavern house, one saw-mill, one hart and storehouse, one warehouse, three dwelling houses, and other buildings and out buildings. Seiza, taken in execution, and to be s old es the property of Robert Kyle. Nora:.—Plaintia hereby gives notice, that on the sale of th., Mill Creek property, the interest °Moines J. tiouilman, in the premises, wilt first be offered fur sale. subject to a mortgage of $2206,50, with interest from the first of April, 1855. It will then bo sold on the mortgage us Ow property at Robert Kyle, and the purchaser will take the title of Willtatn Buchanan dis charged front liens. The purchaser will ho required to pay $4OO when the property is struck down, and the bal ance of his bid on the acknowledgement of the Sheriff's deed at Nov. 'lore,. JOSH LTA CREENLAND, Sherilra Office, 1 Sherif): Hunt., An g. 27, 1658. V ALUA I3LE FAII.II FOR SALE. UE undersigned oars at Private Sale a tract of fine Lintethnte Land, situate in Woodcock Valley, Huntingdon county, about eon mile from McConnellstown, one and a half from the Broad Top Railroad and six and a Ina from the Penna. Railroad and Canal at Huntingdon. There are 451 ACRES in the whole tract. 200 of which are cleared and in good cultiva tion ; 100 acres are in Clover and 20 hi Time. lig. It is all good limestone land, and can con veniently ho divided into two or more farma. Thorn are a Goad Dwelling House, 1: ame &aide, Double Barn and Outbuildings, and 2'wo Orchard?, on the property. A stream sullicient for a Saw Mill runs thro' it, and there aro springs in every field except one. The land which is not cleared is well covered with poplar, chestnut, white oak, hick ory, walnut, locust and maple timber of tile best quality. There is a good Limo Kiln on the farm and a Vein qP limit Ore runs through the land, which will•mitke iron equal to tiny manufactur. od on the Juniata. The land in all patented and an indisputed title will he given. Teams i—One fourth in hand and the reel. due in three equal annual payments with in• Covent. Possession given after the first of April neat. Any further information desired will be giv. en by Mites A Donuts, Huntingdon; Daniel Meitner, on the promises, or the undersigned at Kittanning. A. A A. REYNOLDS, ;Yrs. of David Reynolds, deed. June 9,1856.-3 m. CONFECTIONARY (C! FRUIT STORE. WILLIAM N. SERIGARD, SITCESSOK TO THOMAS FRY, WHOLESALE CONFECTIONER h FITUITERER, KO. 191 North Third St., ahore Wood, Philo. MANUFACTURER OF CONFECTION ary, Jujube Paste, Ginn Drops, Chocolate Drops, Brandy Drops, Liquor Bottles, Jelly Cakes, Clown Chocolate, French Tcys, Whito Sugar Toys, &c., &e. AND DEALER TN Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Currants, Citron, Figs, Dates, Prunes, 'Almonds, Walnuts, Fa boos, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, Fire Crack ers, Syrups, Tamarinds, Liquorice, Rock Can. cly, &c., &e. The attention of Dealers is reqested to an examination of my stock, which will be found equal to ant , in Philadelphia. N. B.—orders by mail or otherwise prompt ly attended to. MISCELLANEOUS ADV EICTISEi4.E.iTi4. HARDWAiIE STORE ! 1) ELIEVING an establishment of this kind I) needed in this place, the subscribers have just opened a large and carefully selected stock of HAM/WARE, and are now ready to accommo , date all who may give theta n call. Among our stock will ho found n full assort- ment of Building illaterinifi, Nails, Glass, Putty, Locks, Bolt', llinges, A really excellent assortment of Mechanics' TOON, including all the latest inventions. Mill, Cross cut, Tenon, Bow, Band, Compass and Wood SAWS, (thirty different vitrietics,) Chisels, Axes, Ilatchets, Shears and Scissors, Oro , loa,ed and Common A utter Bits, Tattle awl Pocket Cutle ry, Iron and Steel of all shapes an 1 sizes, Car riage Springs and Axles, Miners' '. , .t1 Shovels, Blacksmiths' Vices, Oils and Pai.•ts, Itrusetts, &c., Ac. In fact t 4 usually kept in a Hardware St 0.N., We make no ulinsion to any i• ' • ; establishment, Hardware or Dry ,;.•,-; .••,• say generally that for reasons a • by trade., ire can and do soli on better terms then they con he hal ,•! ~hera in this county, and an LOW as can he au/ neighboring. county. Persons tram n t! , .. taltett uro invited to call or send in their orders. (Fj'Two doors west or the Chiba and Pest Mice. JAMES A. BROWN & CO. LATEST ARRIVAL OF SPRIT s 3, '.,Ur2rS . dE:l l 'l K.estDc AT TIM BROAD TOP DEPOT. Summer Goods, consisting of - , Dry Goods, liar4l-svnt e, Groceries. queens-ware, Cedar-ware, Dots, boots and shoes. Crockery-Ware, stone and earthen Tin-ware, Cane Fishing-rods. Ready Made Clothing always on hand, and in short everything that is usually kept in country store. !LIGON, SALT, I'ISII AND PLASTER, kept constantly for Sale. Call and examine our Goods and judge for yourselves. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for Goods at the highest market prices. The highest market wives paid for all kinds of Grain. . _ . Ironlitt attention paid to storing, and forward. ing all kinds of merchandise, produce, &c. Huntingdon, May, 14, 1856. A'All p- • 0, Huntingdon r Foundry. I: 24g" 9 1 11 E SUBSCRIBERS TAKE THIS ME [l.l of inlorming their friends and the pub lic generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt ingdon Foundry, mid are now fa sueressfial v enation, und ore prepared to furnish costing of all kinils;of the best finality on the shortest no tice and most reasonable terms. Fanners are invited to call and c.mino our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter Plough, (this plough took the premium at the Huntingdon County Agricultural Fair, in 1855) also Iluntur's celebrated Cutter Plough, which can't ho bent, together with tho Keystoue, Hill side, and Barshear Ploughs. We hose 1.11 '.and and arc manufacturing stores, such as Parlor and (Ace .torce for coal cr .rued. HOLLOW - NV &ISM consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, e. r. of whielrwill ho sold elicop for cash change for country produce. Old mail for now castings. ity a strict attention ness and desire to please, we hope to reerk, share of pnb!ie patronage. J. M. CUNNINGHAM & 111 W, April 30; 1850.—tf. New Goods New Goods CALL. AT r. ownvs. D. P. Groin Gnu jnnt received from Philadel phia a large and beautiful stock of Erzurza OVIKEIVIDR GOODS. consisting of the most fashionable Dress 00011 s for Ladies and Gentlemen, seek as Black Silks, Chaineleon L Fancy Silks, Silk Challi, Cha do loins, Spring stiles of Hamilton De Loins, Mirages. All Wool do Loins, Fancy sad 1 omes tie Ginghoms, Delmiz, Madonna Cloth, Aliment, Lawns, and Prints of all description. ALSO, a large fut of dress Trimmings, stress Buttons, Bonnet Silks, Bilibuns, Gloves, Mitts, Laces. Veils, Undersleeves, Collars Chimaz oils, Mohair head dresses. Summer &a. Also, Cloths, Muck and blue, block :pot fancy Cassinter, Cassinets, Vestings, Ctatoic for pants, Nankeen, Mastitis, Id, and tt bleached, Tieken, Checks, Table .1) , 'per, Wool en and Linen Table Covers, and a variety of Goods too numerous to Inentbn. Also lionnets, Rats a caps, :Boots and !Innen, QUZIEBTSI,7 Buckets, Tubs, Churns, Baskets, Oil Cloths, Groceries, :Fish and salt, . . and all goods usually kept in a country Store. My old customers, and as many new ones as can crowd in are respectfully requested lo come and examine my goods. All kinds of Country produce taken in ex change for goods, at the highest market prices. April 9, 1856. CLOTHING . ! A New Assortment Just Opened ! And will be sold 30 per cent. CHEAPERITIAN THE CIIEAPESTi IT ROMAN respectfully informs his custo -L-L, mars end the public generally, that ho has just opened at his store-room in Market Square, Huntingdon, a splendid now stock or Ready made Clothing for Spring and Summer I which lie will sell cheaper than the same quality of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philadel phia or any other establishment in the country. Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do well to call and examine his stock before purcha sing elsewhere April 9,". HUSSEY & WELLS, PORK PACKERS, Wholesale Dealers in Provisions, •••-.A NI/- SEIM:RAY. 0 MN/ TISMINT Aar. CHANTS. NO. 325 LIBERTY STREET, Commeroial Row, PITTSBURG, PA. May 21, 1856.-6 m. LEAL/PIPE rot Halo at tho Ilardwato Store of JAMES A. BROWN & CO.