n rn fl 1 )/1 n 4/v iwv 3*J IS, It WILLIAM BREWSTER, 1 SAM. G. WHITTAKER, f *dui Voctrp THE VASS OF 'rum snailitA All night above their rocky bed They eaw the ritara mach slow I he wild Sierra overhead, Th.. desert's death below. Ike Indian from hie lodge of balk, The gray bear from bin den, Pevotel their camp fire's wall of dark Glued on the mountain mon. , t)11 upwards turned, with unxioun strain Their leader's teleeplor„t eye, Were splinters of the mountain chant, Stood blank against the ulty. the night waned s' A gloom of sudden firs, Shot up behind the walls of snow, And tipped each icy spire. at last a glow "Up, meal" he cried ; "yen rocky . cone. Today, pleam God, we'll pa 23, And look from Winter'3 frozen home On sumnier'l flowers and grass They set them faces to the blast They trod th' eternal nnox, And feint, worn, bleeding, hailed at la.it The prniniaed land ht•low. Behind, the P, cony ILTI i y hot 11, warm valley:l wood crnbog3nri And - , ,reen with rime pud Cnrll Thar 10-ft thp Wintri at their hAelts tinp hi.; wing, Ani downww.l with th T.eard to the to of Sprm, a Ora ct 3, !rung lender of that mountain band Anvtbnr ta,k to break fn m .hurry's dPlert land A path.lu Frreanni's plains. I he win In am wild, the way Id 1,1, )(Pt Osahing through tbo night. I.n! icy ridge and rocky apc:tr Bi azo nut in mottling light. El, up, Fremont ! and go beforf 1 but Hour munt have at !Awl Put on the Anil 1. nil iii 11 ,, it,:it ;anli! .l i ~ .~ ~~ lip. .. i~ 11~~,~'1.j MR. BUCHANAN AND THE CINCIN NATI FLATFORM, WITH THE OS. TEND MANIFESTO ANNEXED. SCUM of the old fogy political), of the South, with strong conservative incline !jot., in apologizing for their support of 711 r. Buchanan, rest it upon the assutnp• lion that he. will not follow up Aire fillibus ternig prograunne of the Cincinnati Con vention. Among these sagacious gentle men, Air. Senator Pearce, of Nlarvlimil, rollick particularly conspicuous. in his late letter, proclaiming hi, enlistment iii the ranks of the Cincinnati democracy, he repudiates their foreign policy, a,.iu volving oa clots.% of riggrestlcit, inconsistent with the spirit of our government, faithless to treaties, violative of the rights of the; nn• tien't, and destructive to our peact., honor and concord." To show upon what a slippery founda tion Mr. Pearce is standing, in his belief that Mr. Buchanan will avoid this wicked policy, it is only necessary to place before his eyes and the eyes of others similarly deluded, the following authoritative letter of Mr Senator Brown, of Mississippi, chairman of the committee appointed to wait open Mr. Buchanan to inform Lim of hi, nomination. Read what Mr. Brown says.: 11.Ell'ER FROM NON. A G. DROWN. W. ISHINGTON OM Juno 18, 185 U. Alv DEAR `SIR :-I congratulate you on the nomination of your favorite candidate for the Presidency. If the nomination of Mr. Buchanan was acceptable to me at first, it is still more so now—since 1 have seen him and heard him speak. The committee, of which I was one, waited en him at his residence to give I.iin formal and official notice of his nomination, and in the name a the nation al democracy to request his acceptance of it. We found him open, frank, and whol. ly undisguised in the expression of his sentiments. Mr. Buchanan said, in the presence of all who bad assembled, and they were' hoot the North and the South, the East unit the West, that he stood upon the Cincinnati platform ait.l endorsed ev ery part of it. Ile was explicit in his re. marks on its slavery f.atures, saying that the slavery issue was the absorbing element in the canvass. He recognized to its ful. lest extent the overshadowing importance of that issue, and if elected, he would make it the great aim of his adme . nistration to settle the question upon such terms as should give peace and safety to the Union, and security to the South. Ile spoke in terms of deeided commendation of the Anti • sas bill, and pointedly deprecated the um worthy efforts of sectional agitation to get up a national conflagration on that ques. sten. After the passage of the compromise measures of l'ctso. the Kansas hill tea,„ h e said, necessary to harmonize our legtalm tion in reference to the Territories, and he expressed hi:. ,t,rpttrAtt 'hat there :Amid appear anyethere an organised opposition to the Kansas hill, after the general acqui• •,cence which the whole country had ex pressed in the measures of 1850. Atter thus speaking of Kama: and livery ,asu•., Mr . B.uthz.nan passed to our terms of the Cincinnati resoluti on , on this subject. But said that while enforcing our own policy we must at all time sera • pulously regard the just rights and proper policy of other tiations. He was not op. posed to territorial extension. All other acquisitions had been fairly and honorably made. Our necessities might require us to snake other acquisitions. Ile regarded the acquisition of Cuba as very desirable: now, and it teas likely to &omen nation al necessity. Whenever wo could obtain the island on fair, honorable terms, he was for taking it. But he added, it will he a terrible necessity that would induce me to sanction any movement that would bring reproach upon us, or tarnish the honor and glory of our beloved country. After the formal interview was over, Mr. Buchanan said playfully, but in pre- sence of the whole audience, , "/f I can be ; rumental in settling the slavery vas- lion upon the • terms 1 have named, and! then add Cuba to the Union, I shall, if President, be wilting to give up the ghost and let Breckenridge take Ihe government.' Could there he a more noble ambition ? Yon may well be proud of your early choice of a candidate, and congratulate yourself that no adverse infbiences ever move you an inch from your stern purpose of giving the great Pennsylvanian a steady earnest and cordial support. In my judg• merit he is as worthy of Southern co n /i. steno: and Southern votes as Mr. Cathe ter erie was ; and in saying this I do riot tacos to intimate that Mr. Buchanan has any sectional prejuoiceS in our favor. I only mean to say that he has none against us, and that we may rely with absolute certainty on rvevivitig fullgUttielf, actor ding to the Constitution at his hands. knowing your long, laborious and faith. ful adherence to the fortunes of Mr. Bit. (Inman, I have thought it proper to address . you dm letter, to give you assurance that you had not mistaken your man, nor fail. ed in the performance of a su, red an d filial duty to the South. In doing so 1 violate no confidence. Very truly, your friend, y A. G. BROWN. To [lnn. S. R. ADAMS. Now, any one who has perused that u.onderful State paper called the Ostend manifesto, will be struck, eta glance, with he remarkable re,emblance between the peculiar views and the peculiar language rd that document and the style and senti ments of this letter communicating the re• marks of Mr. 'Buchanan on the Cincinnati platform to Mr. Brown. We have not thu • -hglitem that If, Brown ha, riven us here. an auiluotyoe of t h e, democratic candidate ; or, in mher words, we ore en tirely satisfied that the views of Mr. Bu chanan, as recorded by Brown, are must faithfully and exactly reported. This fact being established beyond all controversy, from the position and respon sibility of Mr. Brown in the premises, we see at once that Mr. Buchanan is commit ted, not only to the general home policy of the Cincinnati Convention, but to every part and particle of the fillibustering, branch of that platform, with the Ostend manifes to annexed. That robbe"r's manife..,to de clare,. that, should Spain refuse to soli ha, and should we consider the island ne• cessary to our safety, "then by every late, human and divine, we shall be justified in wresting it front Spain, if we possess the power." Mr. Buchanan said to Mr. Brown, in accepting the Cincinnati nomi- I that "our necessities might, require us to make other acquisitions," and that "he regarded the acquisition of Cuba as very desirable now, and it was likely to become a national necessity." Just so; nothing more likely, with the transfer of Mr. Buchanan to the IVhite (louse, and the installation of Messrs. Forney, Sanders and the Cuban Junta in the kitchen as privy council of his administration. 'When a highway robber meets an unarmed trav eller in a convenient place, it invariably become!: "a necessity" to rob bits. That the a,cquisitiOn of Cuba has aheady become "a Ocussay" in the mind of Mr. Buchanan, is pretty clearly sot forth in the Ostend proclamation; but still more clearly in the enthusiastic terms in which he states the case. to Mr. Brown. Hear him : Mr. Brown says, "after the formal inter vMse was over, Mr. Buchanan said play fully, but in the presence of the whole au dience, "if I can be instrumental in set tling the slavery question upon the terms I have named, and then add Cuba to the Union, I shall, if President, be willing to give up the ghost, and let Breckenridge take the government." Whereupon, Mr. Brown exithingly ask, "could there be more noble ambition 1" In reply to Mr. Brown, we must say that a definite answer here depends very materially upon the ways and means which Mr. Buchanan proposes to employ to effect the desired acquisition. We quite agree with Marcy, that the last prospect of ac quiring Cuba by purchase we snuffed out at Ostend Yet, as Mr. Buchanan, in the absence of something bettor, has fallen over head and OHM ill love with the beautiful island, blushing in her abounding charms, and, as he must have her, we fear there is no other way by which ho ran secure his heart's delight than by "wresting it from Spain, if lie has the power " This is the old Anglo• Saxon, the old Norman, and the old English way of sec uring the rich lad& of other people. It is the Ostend policy of “wresting" that from a ixighbor which she will neither give away not Noll tinder a threat; and the threat is the old policy of the wolf with the lamb, a.. ft.:, I,d he /Eacip and Gen. Taylor In this view of the case, apps' e , that an official Lopez exprdinre, ,••• the .elntion of Mr. Brit han.in' t tit pa: ion lot Cuba. soil th.tt a .var I',IItERTV A !s:D UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND 11 UNT ING 1 )ON, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEP .1( )lI.N CHARLES ITENIONI rli F; I'EOrLES ' CANDIDATE )OR Li j A L t f) 11 1 'Lf Lt 11.1 51 II 11 l as , L!l' 'IT Alf solid interests of peace than was the abduc tion of Helen to the Greeks or the Trojans, arid more damaging to mil character than the regard of Nicholas for “the sick Mall of 'Turkey" has been to the prestige of Rusin, we, are inclined to pause. We cannot, in fact, agree with Mr. Bucliaitan's ambition for Cuba•is .0 noble ambition." On the contrary, taking his conversation with Mt. Brown and his Ostend manifesto toguilier, as developing his scheme for the acquisition of Cuba, we are free to pro nounce his ambition list noble," but an ignoble ambition- -a criminal ;511bition • a rohber': ambit n u, nod a most inindtii ral and dim:ratable ambition (or tin old 11,.1..aar“ r • a young , roan taroiar: filihm•tr•r .• —it is one way among oilers far cooing his will oats ; but when we see that old man affectinr , the fiery zeal, as a fillibus ter, of a reckless young vagabond of twen ty-five, be is subject to the suspicion of imbecility or knavery, and is not to be trus ted. Assinsing that imbecility is at the but ton' of this "noble ambition" of Mr. Bu chanan for tuba, there will he no safety in his election, fur his fillbustering advisers, win, have thus fat warped his better judg ment to their designs, will taill continue to had him by the 11(nei IVith these remarks we turn Mr. Buchanan over again to the care of Mr. Brown. White Laborers, Read! I►O YOU WISH TO IIL SLAVES I The white laborers of the country who think slavery does not effect them, will wake up one of these days, when it may be toe late, to their fatal mistake. The South emboldened by the success of their aggressitnis on freedom, are already bold ly claiming the right to endave the white laboring. man, Southern papers and Southern speakers now brazenly assume this position. To show our readers the truth of it, we make an extract from the Richmond Inquires., the leading Buchan an paper of the South. That paper says "Until recently, the defence of slavery has labored under great difficulties, because its apologists—for they were merely ape!. ogists—toolc half way grounds. They confuted the defence of slavery to mere negro slavery, thereby giving up the nla• very principle, admitting other forms of slavery to he wrong, and yielding up the authority of the Bible, and of the history, practices and experience of mankind.— Human experience showing the univer sal success of :.lava, society, and the titii versal failure of free society,, was un availing to them, because they were pre chided from employing it, by athuittcw,y slavery in the abstract to be wrong The ileknee of mere negro simony involved them in still greater difliim.lt v. TUE LAWS (ti•' All THE ;-; irT I IERN STATES JUST! PI T I i )1 WIILIE NI EN IN 81,,1 Vl.;li provi ded that through the innther they were descended liewevet ',newly from a negro slave. The bright mulattoes nernrdi,, to their theory. were w F 0110111:: 'The line of defence: Iwtvet Lan ged now, and the Neil is completely con earned and dumb as an nysto. South now inamtains that Javery IC right, natural and necessary. It show. that rill divine, and almost all human authority justifies it. The South further i. that the little expertinimt of tree Society in western Europe been, float the be gifting, a eruct failure, and that symptoms o/ failure , an trbetmlum in our .Nirrth---- while it irr fat more °herr., that nagroe3 should be ;Jaye:, than white...—for they err only fit to labor not to. direct--yet the principle of slavery to in itself right, dofx not *pond tot ditreme , t 1 rom• m , m race lace, of km. • • • , nt! - 1. • nil and durable, and, al,lirm -Lives have generally been of difleren. - .nal de- scent. Moses and A ristoth ;trliest, historians, are both atithorit t tr of the diGrence of ia.-••, :• or." Working men, ; t., the point ? Yon too, ,re to . hves ! But, here are Mlle extracts 1011, a 1 irqrn• is work entitled "Free Sect, !y a lailiire." ~M ake the laboring mail the slavu of society, and he would be fat better off"— "Two hundred years of libe:ty have male white laborers a pauper banditti." ' , Free t-70,,iety has failed, and Ella % which is no t tree must be substituted." "Pree society is a inowi•nus abortion oral being which they are trying so uncoil seiuu:3ly to adopt." . . “Tliti slaves are governed far better than the free la borers of the the North are governed.— Our negroes arc not only batter off as to physical emitted than free laborers, but theirporal condition is better." "We do not adoptihe theory that Ilarn was the ancestor of the negro race. The Jewish slaves were hot ilegTOCs ; and to confine the justification of slavery to that ' , L y e woold be to weaken its spiritual thority, and to louse the whole weight of profane authority, for we read elm, negro slavery in ancient times' "SLAVERY, BLACK. OR WHITE IS NECESSA RY." .Nature has made the wenk in inind or body alaves." ...... The wise and virtuous, the brave, the strong in mind or body, are born to command." "Men are nut born entitled to equal rights It would be tar nearer the truth to say, that-some were born with saddles on their backs, and others booted and spurred to ride them—and the riding does them good. They need the reins, the bit and the spur." 'life and liberty arc not ...... . . . inal ieuobi,~.""THE DEC r,ARATIDN INDEPRNDENCE IS EXIJBER NTI X FALSE, AND ABD. RESCENTI.V Lit,I,ACIOUS." Time extracts du nut mtgs.! comment-- White men who wish to be slaves, now Know where to find men ready and anxi ous to enslave them. IS THE CROSS A CRIME I We are sorry to see our good friends of the Express, in their partizan zeal to dis cover objections to Cul. Fremont, accusing him for engraving, the symbol ord.) Chris tian faith upon the tablets of the Rocky inomitailis. Thu Cross (which was the gallows of the Jews) is the sacred emblem of the religion of the rlirfaian world. It boloo;ys to tin sect or creed or nation ; and as well might that "devout tourunutner" who traced it, 'online among the eternal b o drnomtrc,l 1,,,,,,u1t0ri0 g the name opal that beaetilal cos t Ilution , es the great espinrer of the wilderness who pt• ously carved it upon I ;od's own monument everlasting granite, The mots who re. /otate, the o iiperstition of the cross " can have Mile love for him who bore it— that Lcautiful moon of the divine sun which atom' !Humus our human night. To he a dunned oi the .1110)01 is to ho ashamed of the hive awl mifering it symbolizes 111 . Jusu ! lust as fii,llr, 1.,:t midnight I/9 o.3lialile , l now' A.iltuir .1 of Johu, ! 50.111er tilr 1.1.1 1.1.;.3 111113 h to 011 , 11 a St.: :-Ini.•ly the tine .friviel of the cross," withm , iii i...gard to creed:, will honor the heron: pilgrim of the Wildcrll.3, who gratefully and devoutly recorded his tri umph to that :Ample ;lg., dear to e ver y (.;hrisisau holy hieroglyphic which Ida the Amy m.l a world's rerlikrop lion , which 1,0 (21itietialm eye can ever ~ce without eundwn , and which no elitistian ~onl can • vrr oiro.-iiiplat., without rcincm berms like tic pilgrim.. of Palestine. 'PRlvz roan %r.a MAtIVIWREU Frcihoht ha ho int ,on to Lp IT,LI of lo? !hroui.i, th. 1t 0.., _N . I' INS EPA RAD LE . TEMBER 3, 1856. WASHINGTON AND FREMONT, The New York Independent, the organ of the Congregationalists of tho United States, and one of the ablest journals in the country, is decided in its support tar Fremont. It runs the following parallel between Washington and our candidate : "It is somewhat curious to notice the triking correspondence between the his tory of this young Republican Captain, and that of him whom our lathers took as their leader, in the first great struggle for. Liberty on this continent. A part of these have been noticed by the papers and by speakers. Others we have not seen refer red to. They arc interesting and sugges tive. Washington was left in childhood, by the death of his father, to the charge of his mother, Fremont was so likewise, at a still earlier period, and in circumstances certainly much less auspicious. Washing,- ton had an early passion for the sea, so strong that a midshipman's warrant was obtained for him by his friends. Fremont went to sea and was there employed for more than two years. Washington was introduced to public life through his ser vice on the frontiers, as a surveyor and civil engineer.. Fremont won his disci pline and his early fame its the same de partinent, and by his uec and practice in it has became fitted in mind and body, to 'endure hardship.' Washington learned all that he knew of war in Indian combats and strife of the wilderness, and rose thus to rattle of Colonel in the provincial troops. Fremont's school was the same, and ho has gained the same rank. Washington had small experience as a legislator, until he was called to the head of the Govern ment. Ile was taken for his wolhtried general qualities, and not furany distinction Ito had achieved as a diplomatist or as a statesnian ; and here again the parallel holds. Washington was sneered at by men uf routine, was hated and assailed by the 'Posies of that day as a soldier who had 'never set a srpiadron in the field;' until his energy and patience drove them all out of it. The same class of attacks are now made on Fremont ; to be answered iu some , iinpre:,,ive way. Ells friends early felt that Washiegton was especially fitted and preserved of Providence to become the head ! of the nation ; as Rev. Samuel Davies ex pressed it, that 'Providence has hitherto preserved- him in so signal it manner for some important office to his country:— The sane expectation, becoming almost a premonition, hits for years been general ittrion7 the friends of Fremont. D. liohert son, his early teacher, expressed it in the preface to his edition of the A riabasis, pub lished years ago, in these words :—.Such, my young friends, is an imperfect.aketch of my once beloVed and favorite pupil, who may yet rise to be at the head of this great and growing Republic. My prayer is that he may be ever opposed to war, injustice ! and (oppression of every kind, a blessing to his country, anti an example of every noble virtue to the whole world.' Wash ington was called to the head of the army at she ago of forty•four ; and if Col. Fre mont shall live to too the dth of March next, we confidently expect that the singu• tar parallel will so far be perfected." "Heads I Wiu, Tails you Lose!" Is Americanism to be the cat's paw for Democracy and James Buchanan to pull the Presidential chesnuts out of the but ashes of the pending canvass? This is a quc?stion which is presented to the consid eration of every loan who How supports Mr. Fillmore, for the Democratic papers do not endeavor to conceal the fact that the only hope for Mr. Buchanan is by splitting the opposition between Mr. Fill more and Col. FREMONT. 'the New York Journal of Commerce is jub;lant ever the late Fillmore Convention in Pennsylvania and after stating that by the strong veto of 72 to 18, the Convention refused to unite with the Republicans in a Fusion ticket, says exultingly the Americans adhere to their nominations, as there is every rem son to believe they will, tho Autocratic ticket will be elected by a very large ma• ority." Now tve would ask our Ameri can brethern if they desire to see such a result, and would it not be assured if they persist in their course? The same game is to be played in Connecticut and Illinois. From the former State, the New York Ex press has intelligence that they will? poll a good many votes for Fillmore and that FREmoscr cannot get a Slate--of course then Buchanan will ! Can any thing bu plainer thou this, or are AMCIIeatIS prepa red to make themselves the dupes of this veiled enormity ? A Challenge toMr. Brooks. CLEAVELAND, Allgllst 1, 18511. Editor Cleave:laud Louder Believing that Preston S. Brooks, of South Carolina, should be punkhod for his cowardly attack upon lion. Charles Sumner, and for thu conceited !winner in which he boasted of his courage, and for his sneaking, cowardly display of the white feather ; in his recent refusal to fight a man whom his challenged (for fear of being hereby challenge this cringing puppy to meet me at any place he may appoint, with pistols, rifles, or cowhides. Now, then, Mr. Brooks, let us see :.unto of your boasted courage.-- You are irfriaid to meet. a t a int 1--dare you meet a mom,. ? lum a widow lady ..• lost two .113 during the lute war with Mexico —lighting for what they Imposed to be ft, rdent and liberty—and now, though upward:. of fifty years of age, I am truly anxious to do my country sonic t vice by whipping or choking the cow ardly Carolina ruffian, who has taken'the stand to pot down and crmh Ante . md':;, in, prcemoz. right nkv sir rut -tau n-th, 11,, AMELIA R 1.1 THE DOG NOBLE AND THE EMPTY HOLE. We take the following from the last is. sue of the New York Independent, which is the organ of the Congregationalists in America. It is from the pen of Rev. H. Ward Beecher. The hit at Brooks of the New York Express, who insists upon for cing Col. Fremont into the Catholic church against his will, is capital : The first summer which we spent in . Lenox, we had along a very intelligent dog named Noble. Re was learned in many things, and by his dog-lore excited the un dying admiration of all the children. But there were some things which Noble could never learn. Having on one occasion seen it red squirrel run into a hole in a stone wall he could not be persuaded that he was not there for evermore. Several red squirrels lived close to the house and had become familiar, but not tame. They kept up a regular romp with Noble. l'hey would come down from the maple trees with provoking coolness; they would run along the fence almost within reach; they would cock their tails and sail across the road to the born; and yet there was such a well-timed calculation under all this apparent rashness, that Noble invaria bly arrived at the critical spot just as the; squirrel left in. On one occasion Noble was so close up• on his red-backed friend that, unable to get up the maple tree, he dodged into a hole in the wall, ran through the chicks, emer ged at a little distance, and sprung into the tree. The intense enthusiasm of the deg at that hole can hardly be described, Ile filled it full of barking, He pawed and scratched as if undermining a bastion,— Standing off at a little distance lie would pieroe the hole with a gaze as intense and fixed as if he were trying magnetism on it. Then, with tail extended, and every hair thereon electrified, he would rush at the empty hole with a prodigious onslaught. This imaginary squirrel haunted Noble night and day. The very squirrel himself would run up before his face into the tree, and crouched in a crotch, would sit silent ly watching the whole process of bombar ding the empty hale, with great sobriety and relish. But Noble would allow of no doubts. His conviction that that hole had a squirrel in continued unshaken for six weeks. When ull other occupations failed this hole remained to him. When there were no more chickens to harry,no pigs to bite, us cattle to chase, no children to romp is ‘,l,...diL;Lm.: t. make with i.;rcerr. folks, mid when he had slept all his dog skin would hold, lie would walk out of the yard, yawn and stretch himself, and then took wistfully at the hole, as if thinking to himself, Well, as theru in nothing doe to do, I may as well try that hole again." We had almost forgotten this Pile trait, until the conduct of the New York Ex press, in respect to Col. Fremont's reli gion, brought it ludicrously to mind again, Col. Fremont is, and always has beets, as sound a Protestant as John Knox ever was. Ho was bred in the Protestant faith and has never changed. tie is unacquainted with the doctrines and ceremonies of the Cath• olio Church, and has never attended the services ~f that Church, with two or three exceptions, when curiosity, or some extrin sic reason, led hint as a witness, We do not state this open vague belief. We know what we say. We say it upon our own personal knowledge. Col. Fremont never was, and is not now, a Roman Cath olic. Ile has never been wont to attend that Church. Nor has he in any way, di rectly or indirectly, given occasion for this report. It is a gratuitous falsehood, utter, bar ren, absolute and unqualified. The story has been got up for political effect. It is still circulated fur that reason, and like oth. er political lies, it is a sheer, unscrupulous la!sehood, from top to bottom, from the core to the skin, and from the skin bank to the core again. In all its parts, in pulp, tegument, rind, cell and seed, it is a thor ough and total untruth, and they who speak it bear false witness. And as to all the stories of Mr. Fulmer, etc., as to sup posed croversations with Fremont, in which he defended the mass, and what not, they ore pure fictions. 'they never hap period. The authors of them are slander. ors ; the intuit who spread theca become endorsers of wilful and corrupt libellers. But the Express, like Noble, has open. cii on this hole in the mall : and can never be dono barking at if. Day after day it re sorts to this empty hole. When every thing fails this resource remains. There they are, indefatigably—the Express and Noble--a church without a Fremont, and a hole without a squirrel in it ! In some respects, however, thu dog had the advantage. illßontetimes,.wo thought Phu really believed thaw thsze was a tiredl there. But other timal& app., rosily had sit inkling of ridiculousness, for he...would drop his tail, and walk tow ard, us with his tongue out and his eyes a little islant, accusing to say, "My dear sir, you don't understand a dog's feelings. 11 should of course much prefer a squirrel, hut if I can't have that, an empty hole is better than nothing.. 1 imagine how I would catch hint if he was there. Be sides, people who pass by don't know the lacts. They think that l have got some thing. It is needful to keep up toy repu tation for sagacity Besides, to tell the truth 1 have looked into thus hole so long, that Halve halt persuaded ntyi.ell there la it .iqiiirrel there, or will be, it I keep on." Well, every dog must have his day, and every dog mu.it have his way. No doubt if we were to bring bark Noble new, after t . 11111111. ' 3 absence, he would Make t1d101: 1 , ,1 I.llu lief, in the wall %%rah put .t:. ..eat dt, cu et VOL. XXI. NO. 36 We never read the Express now-a-days without thinking involuntarily, “Gloodnoss! the dog is letting off nt that hole again." (ampaign THE POLITICAL JUDGMENT DAY. A I It- " OLD DOG TRAY." The day of grace is past, And reckoning conies at last, The bold and the daring ones in vice shrink away But tricks will not avail, In guilt and fear they pale, Before the people's judgment day. [faithful, Cannes—Douglas and Pierce have not been The White Howie has led them astray, They're our country's direst foes, • Have dectroyed her calm repose, But they'll neer forgot this reck'ning day. We'll remember who are true, And we'll hold thorn up to view— Their courage for right and rebuking the wrong But Buchanan and his elan Will be routed to a mau, Before the mighty—Freedom's throng. Cnoncs— Fremont and Dayton will be faithful; Slavery cannot make them a prey. They're men of noble mind , The path of right they'll find To usher in the glorious day. akUncle Sinn" has traiued his boys To cherish Freedom's joys, [of earth; Bequeathed by the brave and the choicest men But the rulers * of to•day, By their foul despotic sway, Disgrace the !and that gave them bath. (hmus-Freemen to their trust m ul e faithful Yield not to border-ruffi way, But united to a man, 4 With Fremont in the van, I'roelaim the people's judgment day Uncle Sam" provides a farm, Fo” each son, whose sturdy arts [sod , Will plough, sow and reap, and adorn the virgin But the land to freedom sworn, Most by ruthless hands ho torn, And sacrificed to unpaid toil I [faithful, Owens-The South to hei pledge has not been Kansas she seeks for her prey, But. the North, too, has her right 4 To secure it sho will tight, Tin we usher in the glorious clay ! Ye Sons of Freedom woke ! The chains of party break, true, And show a gazing world that to hheity you', Thu White House has no place That a bachelor can grace, So with Jessie we'll adorn it one 4 , ! Cuouus-Fremont and Jessie will be faithful , "tfeion"--"of hearts" be their sway, 'Tween the sunny, balmy South, And the the steadfast, busy North, The dawn of Freedom's glorious day I Vistcliaq. PI.SERVING Arrl.ea.—•An old farmer in forms us that he has long bees in the habit of preserving his choirs apples, for late use, in plaster. Ho takes common flour barrels—co vers the bottom to the depth of five inches with finely pulverised plaster, thoroughly dried, and then l lunes a stratum dapples, not so close as to touch each other, and covers them with airs ther layer of plaster, carefully filling all the an• turstices, and making the whole close and com pact by the pressure of the hand. In this was he fills the barrels, and heads them up. lie says the apples will keep perfectly sound for a twelvemuntli, or longer if desired. A crisp, juicy apple, in the warm, sultry days of June ur July, is a luxury net often to be obtained, hence any method for the proaervation of this excellent fruit in the full retention of its many excellencies, is a desideratum ''devoutly to be wished foe." kir Peek, says the editor u(a New Orleans paper, invited us down to Lake dinner with hint the other day and he went. For the benefit of those who may hereafter want to know where to Lind good etaing and plenty of it—such es it is —we give Peck's bill of fare : lot—catfish soup. 2d.--Ono huge catifish, with catfish sauce. 3,1---A small catfish, stuffed. 4th-- several catfish, not stuffed. sth--Some fried catfish. fith—Catfish "owlet," mixed. 7th— Scrambled catfish, great variety, very good., elk—A large number of very small catfish, a la Aancaise. 9th--A few catfish. 10th— Some more catfish. There WAS quite a nuaibcr of dishes besides, but they all contained catfish done up is every style the heart could wish.— The dinner was "interspersed" with a few crackers and bad jokes. Long may Peck wave. Star The Washington Union, spedking of the Free State tout who have emigrated to Kaning, says "The miwoble Altar eed rabble who have been transferred, like so MANY CATTLE, to Out new country, are more to be pitied than blamed," Such language la wcrthy the organ of • mu crable Slave driving, Slave extending, Shwa wornhiping, Slave-holding, doughface 4utiou, Ike At Colimairti, i nti.,,irp, Jcbn Dube, ry, ha., been arrested charged with circulating the speeches of Senators Sumner and Sewara among the people. The punishment on cnn. victim' is ten years in the penitentiary. Par The Loudon Ttmea of the 29th uhtuso lauds Col. CI e moat, and declares bis Hitiesl addl.,' Toriie of any people and dn.,' states