Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 23, 1856, Image 1
1 Q i _ll , 411 k i 111, 1 tl rt v * _&_ JI WILLIAM BREWSTER, } EDITORS. SAM. G. WHITTAKER, Original p&p.. For tke Huntingdon Journal. THE HUNTINGDON CEMETERY. These many graves like arches firm and strong, Boofi ng death's palace, here are strewn along The greensward, while like whited turrets stand The marble monuments, on either hand. Beneath in silence and thick darkness spread The clayey couches of the elum'bring dead, Where etill as fallen snow, upon earls breast, Like bridal robes, the folded cerements rest. With hands neross'd, and eyelids drooping low, And deep solemnity on every brow, They in "prophetic stillness" wait and watch, The final trumpet's signal note to catch. Hero sleep in Jesus those who died in faith, "And from their labors rest," the Spirit saith, While "their works follow them." How sweet the sleep I From which none ever "shall awake to weep.' , They went through tribulation up to God, Going and weeping—yet could kiss the rod— " Faint yet pursuing"—'till they found release From all their toils, in everlasting peace. How their blesied memories come o'er our hears Like sunset glories when the day departs; How pensively we wander rear their dust, To trace the recollections of the just. Bless'd memories indeed 1 When every fault Lies buried with them in the charnel vault, And only what was good in thorn appears, Still mellowing in the receding years. Each gentle word, and each approving honk, And e'en the glance intending love's rebuke, And little favors that were day by day Scattered by them through every household way. Each sacrifice, and self.appointed task, That even Love did not expect or ask,— Those nameless charities that sweeten life, And make ns stronger for its hourly strife. Tho father's connsel, and the mother's prayer, The brother's fondness, and the sister's care, Tho wife's sweet constancy, the hnsband's truth, The friendship green in age, as %was in youth. These are the things in life too ort forgot ; But when we linger in this hallowed spot, Our tears revive their meneries o'er the tomb, As showers renew the earth with vernal blow. duly 18, 185 G. **if Votiticat State Executive Committee. By virtue of a resolution passed by the Republican State Convention which as sembled rt Philadelphia. on the 16th. ult., It was made the duty of the President to appoint a State Executive 'Committee, to consist of twenty-seven members, or one for each Congressional District in the State and two Senatorial. In compliance with said resolution I have appointed the fellowin ‘ g named gentlemen members of that committee. The persons named are requested to meet at Ilerr's Hotel, in Ilar risburg, on Wednesday the Oils July, at one o'clock i .P.. M. JoltN ALLISON, Pres't Con. EXECUTIVE: COMMITTEE. Russel Errett, Esq., Pittsburg. Charles Gibbons, Esq., Philadelphia. Ist Dist. B. D. Pettengill. Esq., Philadelphia, 2d " Joseph R. Fry, Esq., 3d " A. H. Rosenheim, Esq., " 4th " A. T. Chun., Esq., Glh " Win. Morris Davis, ESQ., " 6th " William Butler, Esq., West Chester, Chester county. s. 7th " Dr. Charles L. lilartin, Esq., Alien. town, Lehigh emuty. 91,11 " Jacob Hoffman. hsl, Rending, Berl. county. 9th " E. C. Darlington, Rig., Lancaster. 10th " J. Adams Fisher, Esq., Harrisburg. 11th Benjamin Bannon, Esq., Pottsville. 12th " E. P. Grow, Esq., Carbondale, La. zerne county. • 13th " Henry Green, Esq., Easton, North• ampton county. 14th " U. Mercur, Esq., Towanda, Bradford county. 15th " C. W. Skates, Esq., Williamsport, Lycoming county. 16th " Joseph Speck, Esq., Duncannon, Petry county. 17th John Filler, Esq., of Bedford. 18th " George Raymond, Esq.. Hollidays burg, Blair county. 19th " Edward Cowan, Esq., Greensburg, Westmoreland county. 20th " A. Murdoch, Esq., Washington. 21st " C. B. M. Smith, Esq., Pittsburgh, 22d " Thomas L. Shields, Esq., Sewickley. Bottom P. 0., AllegLeny county, 23d " William F. Clark, Esq., Mercer. 24th " J. S. Myers, Esq., Franklin, Vona., go coun..y. 2:alt " A. Huidel.rer, Esq., Meadville, CrawforScoiinty. Union State Convention, WASHINGTON, July 15th, The Pennsylvania delegation are prepa ring a call for a Union Convention of Re publicans, Americans, and all other ele ments opposed to the Administration's po licy and the Cincinnati platform, to meet at Harrisburg on the second Wednesday of September, for the purpose of forming an electoral ticket which shall represent these interests fairly, and concentrate all efforts in one practical direction. This movement finds favor generally, and Inspires a confi dent hope of ultimate success. The re commendation is already signed by most of the experienced members. Keep it Before the People. That, at the instigation of the present Democratic administration, four printing offices have been destroyed in Kansas, be cause they stood in the way of forcing slavery into the Territory. This action of Pierce, with all tho rest that he has done, is sustained by the party, and endorsed by Buchanan ; and yet we find those in tho Free North who are still willing to sustain them, Kansas. Bill for the .44n;is - sion of the Stale of Kansas into the Union, as it passed the House. Whereas, The people of Kansas have presented a constitution, and asked admis sion into the Union, which constitution, on due examination, is found to be Republi can in its form of government. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the State of Kansas shnll be one, and is hereby declared to be one, of the United States of A merica, and admitted into the Unton on an equal footing with the original States, in all respects whatever, with the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at a point on the western boundary of the State of Missouri, where the thirty-seventh parallel of north latitude crosses the tame; thence west on said parallel to the eastern boundary of New : thence north on said bounds ry to latitude thirty-eight; thence following said boundary westward to the east boundary of the Territory of Utah, on the summit of Rocky Mountains; thence northward on said summit to the fortieth parallel of latitude; thence east on said parallel to the western boundary of the State of Missouri; thence south with the western boundary of said State, to the place of beginning. Section 2. And be it further enacted, That the State of Kansas shall be entitled to two Senators and one Representative in Congress. Section 3. And be it further enacted, That the said State of Knnsas is admitted into the Union upon the express condition that the people of said State, through their Legislature or otherwise,shall never inter. fere with the primary disposal of the pub • lic !ands within its limits, and shall pass no low and no act whereby the title of the United States to, and right to dispose of, the tame shall be impaired or questioned, or any other restrictions or limitations im pose thereon than are embraced in the fol lowing section of this act; and that they shall never lay any tux or n,s,sstnettt of any description whatsoever upon the pub lic domain of the United States, and in no case shall non resident proprietors. who ore citizen/ of the United States, be taxed higher than residents ; and that all the na vigable waters within the said Stun shall be common highways and forever free, as well to the inhabitants of said State, ns to the citizens of the United States, without any tax, impost, or duty therefor. Section 4. And be it further enacted, That the following propositions be, and the same are hereby offered to the State of Kansas for the freo acceptance of or rejec tion by the Legislature of said State, which, if accepted by the same, shall be obligato ry on the United States and upon the State of Kansas, to wit:— Ist. flat sections numbered sixteen and thirty six in every township of public lands in said State, and where either of said sec ttons, or any part thereof, has been sold or otherwise been disposed of, other lands equivalent thereto, and as contiguous as may be, shall be granted in said State for the use of schools. 2d, That seventy-two sections of land shall be set apart and reserved for the use and support of a State UniverAty, to be se lected by the Governor of said State, sub. Oct to the approval of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, and to be ap. propriated and applied in such manner as the Legislature of said State may prescribe for the purpose aforesaid, but for no other purpose. ltd. That ten entire sections of land, to be selected by the Governor of said State, in legal subdivisions, shall be granted to said State for the purpose of completing the public buildings, or for the erection of others at the seat of government, under the direction of the Legislature thereof. 4th. That all salt springs w ithin said State, not exceeding twelve in number, with six sections of land adjoining, or as contiguous as may be to each, shall be granted to said State for its use; the some to be selected by the Governor thereof, within one year after the admission of said state; and when so selected, to be used or disposed of on such terms, conditions and regulations as the Legislature shall direct; Provided, That no salt spring or land, the right whereat is now vested in any indivi dual or individuals, or which may be here after confirmed or adjudged to any indivi dual or individuals, shall by this article be granted to said State. bth. That fivo per cent. of the net pro ceeds of sales of all public lands lying with in said State, which shall be sold by Con gress after the admission of said State luta the Union, after deducting all the expen ses incident to the same, shall be paid to the said State, for the purpose of making public roads and internal improvements ns the Legislatiire may direct. " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE." HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1856. Will the Whigs Support Mr. Buchanan. We are often asked whether the Whigs are going to support Mr. Buchanan in this campaign. We will give a candid answer to the inquiry. There ate a few old Whigs who will give him their support. They are of the following classes of persons, all of course very respectable. 1. A few personal friends who have re cei”ed special marks of favor from Mr. Buchanan, and whose gratitude is stronger than their public duty. This is a respec table error. They still condemn his prin ciples, and believe them dangerous to-the country ; but their sense of personal obli gations constrains them. Of this class there are about five in the county. 2. There is another highly respectable class who will support him. They are large capitalists and operators, owners of Cotton Mills, Machines Shops and Coal Mines. They believe that Mr. Buchanan's scheme of reducing the wages of labor will help them, and enable them to compete with Europe in manufacturing and min ing. They are honest in their mollies, being guided of course by their own inter est without special regard to the interests of the country. Their number is about seven. 3. There is another less respectable class, though the most respectable in their own estimation. They are commonly called aristocrats. Mon fond of their wealth or their descent. Men who fancy their blood to be purer than the masses— generally an upstart nobility, who feel proud to associate with great men, and ride in coaches. They live in marble houses and country villas, filled with daubs of pic tures which they suppose to be from the pencil of Titian or Corregio. They num ber fire. 4. There is an imitation aristocracy, some of whom will take the same course, being moved partly by the - last mentioned causes and partly by the hope of low wa ges. They are called iron masters ; and number about three. 5. There is another class, not far more contemptible, called parasites. They havo no particular business to aid, nn character to lose, but being unproductive, worthless, limber plants, are glad to be permitted to wind themselves around any substantial prop. They number about thirteen. U. The above include all the apostates. Those who. vote for curs; who drink at the Wheatland fountain, and hurrah to pay for it, are no apostates, they never had any principles to abandon, How they will go depends on the last treat, P. S. We had nearly omitted a very important miscellaneous cause or two. 7: Those who could not get or retain of fice in their own party, and whose only principle was ogice. This class numbers. one. Also a fugitive editor, who has been "all things to all men," "everything by turns and nothing long." We have heard of no laboring men who have gone over. Ten cents a day is too little for hot weather. This we believe is a faithful history of all our losses. Whether Mr. Buchanan will find it his gain we leave to results. Our accessions from tho Democratic party have been ten , imes as many. Albany Speech• . - - --- Nothing wo have lately seen has given us so much pain as the speeches recently made by Mr, Fillmore, at Albany and Ro chester. He seems to know no North, but recognizes the South as the whole Union. Mr. Fillmore had many warm friends in this county. But they all love freedom more than they love him, or any other man. Unfortunately, too, the American Convention that nominated him struck out the main feature of the American platform. It ignored tho anti-popery principle and admitted the catholic delegates from Lou isiana. Mr. Fillmore evidently does not expect Northern votes. But here is a part of his Albany speech. We coincide en tirely in the excellent remarks on it in the Strasburg Beo. Mr. Fillmore said : But, sir, what do we see ? An exasperated feeling between the North and the South, on the most exciting of all topics, resulting in bloodshed and organi zed military array. But this is not all, sir. We see a political party presenting candi dates for the Presidency and Vice Neel deney. selected in the Free States alone for the first time, with the avowed purpose of electing these candidates by suffrages of one part of the Union only, to rule over the whole United States. Can it be possi ble that those who are engaged in such a measure can have seriously reflected upon the consequences which must inevitably folloto in case of success? (Cheers).— Can they have the madness or the Jolly to , believe that our Southern brethren would I submit to be governed by such a (Iv Magistrate? (('hem) 1 Newspapers that support Fremont, PENxA.--Pittsburg Gazette, Journal, and Dispatch, Erie Gazette and Constitu tion, Beaver Argus, Mercer Freeman, Coudersport People's Journal,Washington Reporter, Honesdale Dembcrat, Tioga Agitator, Montrose Republican, Bradford Argus, Wilkesbafro Record, Lebanon Cou rier, Indiana Register, Hollidaysburg Whig Crawford Journal, Charnbersburg Reposi tory do Transcript. York Advocate, Hun tingdon Journal, Dnylestown Intelligen ces, Lancaster Examiner and Herald, Lancaster Independent Whig, Lancaster Express, Philadelphia Free Press, (Ger man), West Chester, Village Record, Ches ter Republican, Pottsville Minners' Jour nal, Harrisburg Intelligencer, Mauch Chunk Gazette, Carlisle Herald, AVest Chester Free American, Eastonian, Brad ford Reporter, Warren Mail. Bellefonte (Centre Co.) Whig. NEW Yonx.—Albany Daily State Re gister, Albany Daily Transcript, New York Daily Tribune, New York Daily Evening Post, New York. Daily Herald, New York Daily Times, New York Daily Courier and Enquirer, Buffalo Daily Express, Ro chester Daily Democrat, Syracuse Daily Journal, Mohawk Courier, Goihen, Demo crat, Hamilton it effector, Allegheny Re publican, Fredonia Censor, Albany States man, Lansinghurg Democrat. Onio.—Steubenville Daily Herald, Cin. cinnati Daily Gazette, Cincinnati Daily Commercial, Sandusky Daily Register, Cleveland Daily Herald, Cleveland Daily Leader, Ohio State Journal, Sciota Gazette, Urbana Gazette, Ripley Times, Ravenna Democrat, Toledo Blade, Clinton Repub lican, Columbus Elevator, Circleville Her ald, Wooster Republican, Marietta Intelli gencer, Cincinnati Sun, Norwalk Reflec tor, Volksblatt Republicaner, Hochwaech ter and Turnzeitung„ Dayton Gazette, Mi lan Free Press, Cincinnati Columbian, Cincinnati Freeman, Ashtabula Telegraph Mar,on Eagle; Tiffin Tribune, Greenwich Journal, Highland Ntlits, Coshocton Age, Ashland Sentinel, Bellefontifue Republi can, Salem Republican, Cation Reposi tory, Cleraiont•CL,rier, .Painssville Tele graph, Summit Beacon, Mount Giliad Sen tinel, New Lisbon Buckeye State, Piqua Register. MsssAcituszrrs.—Boston Journal, Atlas and Chronicle, Now London Chronicle, New Bedford Mercury, Salem Gazette, Worcester Spy, JEgis and Palladium, Lynn News, Newburyport flerahl, Law rence Courier, Worcester Transcript, Fall River Monitor, Nantucket Inquirer, Lowell Courier. NEW JERSEY.—Trenton Gazette„.New ark Daily Advertiser, Newark Mercury, Newarker Zeitung, New Jersey Daily Sentinel, Morristown Jerseyman, Camden West Jerseyman, Mount Holly Mirror, Woodbury Constitution, Patterson Intellt grocer. INDLlNA.—lndianapolis State Journal, St. Joseph's Valley Register, Richmond Palladium, Port Wayne Times, Rochford Herald, Warren Republican, of Westport, Logansport Journal. CONNECTICUT.—Hartford Courant, New Haven Journal and Courier, Bridgeport Standard, New Haven Palladium. New linnresmaE.—Manchester Ameri can, Concord Statesman, New Hampihirn Sentinel, (published at Keene,) Concord Reporter, Portsmouth Ballot. MAlNE.—Banger Daily Mercury, Port land Daily Advertiser, Kennebec Journal. MionicAN.—Detroit Daily Advertiser, Detroit 'l'ribuno, Allegan Journal. WlSCONSlN.—Milwaulcio Sentinel, Dai. ly Wisconsin. MARYLAND.—The Wecker and the Leit stern. lowA.—Nluscatine Journal, lowa City Republican. Missouni.—Anzieger Des Westens. Buchanan Meeting at Tyrone. We have received a graphic account of a grand demonstration of the "unterrified democracy" at Tyrone city in this county on'the night of the sth of July, and regret we have not room for more than a mere no. lice of it. The writer says it had been an nounced that "distinguishe d speakers" were to be present, and that Michael Dan Blagehan and "pitch in" Major Leet, (Supervisor of the Penna. Canal) answer ed on that score. A respectable Hunting don county Democrat who left soon after the meeing commenced pronounced it, on his way home, "the greatest fizzle he hod seen for 10 years." Not more than 50 persons were present, and the writer feels certain that not more than 15 of them will vole for Buchanan. At the close of the meeting three cheers were given for Fre mont and Dayton.—Hollidaysburg Reg. Workingmen and Mechanics, Remember that the Democratic nominee for the Presidency advocal,d the reduction of your wages to ten rents a (My SECTIONAL PARTIES. The Lancaster Examiner, an old line Whig paper, which proved itself to be of the true grit, by refusing to be transferred to any other party, is out for Fremont and Dayton. The Examiner asks whether. there is a single proposition to which any Whig of Lancaster county, or elsewhere can object. We see none. Is there n single proposition to which the supporters of Fillmore's administration can consistent ly object? We challenge the naming of one. The Intelligencer argues that "self-re spect would inevitably lead tho South to secession" in case Fremont and Dayton are elected, for the simple reason that both arc at present residents of Free States ? It says this is the first time in the history of the government that any party has dared to take both candidates from Free States. This shows how little it knows of the po litical history of the country. In 1824 the Democratic party took both its candidates from Slave States ; as it did again in 1828, when Jackson and Calhoun were elected. In the same year, J. Q. Adams and Rich. and Rush, both from Free States, were run in opposition. In 1886, Harrison and Granger, both from Free States, were run by the Whigs. So that instead of this be ing the first time that a sectional nomina -1 Lion has been made, it is iu reality the fifth. If "self-respect" did not cause the North to secede when Jackson and Calhoun were elected, what peculiar dignity is there at, Whed to the South that should require them to secede on the election of Fremont and Dayton ! _ Kansas. Mr. Howard, of Michigan, one of the members of the Congressional Commission delivered a speech a few evening ago, at the Fremont ratification meeting in the course of which he said : ~ 1 [ assert that if all the tyranny inflicted upon our forefathers, by the kings of Great Britain, were collected together and mul tiplied by ten, I could bring facts to prove that the poor settlers in . Kansas have suf fered more than the whole of them." This is the opinion of a man who, having been in Kansas, laboriously attending a legal investigation of the troubles in Kan sas. gives thus an indication of the result. PENNSYLVANIANS IN KANSAS.-A private letter from a member of the Methooist Church. formerly n resident of Pittsburg, dated I,ecompton, Kansas June 15, says that there are good number-of Pittsburg era in that place, and there would have been more, but they have been driven out by the Missourians. About eight or nine days previous to date, the Pittsburgers had throe teams, loaded with provisions from the Missouri river, captured by the Misouri robbers, and had hard work them selves to make their escape. They got home in another direction, Similar outra ges are being committed every day, keep ing the farmers in constant dread. The writer says that Southern ruffians are pouring into the Territory in great num bers. Clay and Webster. There are some northern politicians who habitually endeavor to excuse themselves for favoring the extension of slavery, by professing to be followers of Henry Clay and Daniel Webster, Nothing could be more unjust to the memory of those great statesmen In their latest speeches, they aairmed in the most positive manner their undying hostility to the extension of sla very. Mr-Clay said : "I repent that I never can and never will vote, and no earthly power will ever make mo vote to spread Slavery over Ter ritory where it does not exist." And Nir. Webster with scarcely less.em phasis, enunciated his determination thus: .(IVhenever there is a substantive good to be done, whenever there is a foot of land to be prevented from becoming slave terri tory, I am ready to assert the princip!e of the exclusion of Slavery." A Query. Wonder if "Pennsylvania's favorite son" has found out whether he has a drop of Democratic blood in his veins—or not ? Also, whether he adheres to his said-to•be original determination to "let it out?" Will some of our democratic friends, hereabouts, answer? far The Fillmore papers throughout the State are rapidly falling into the sup port of Fremont and Dayton. After the present week there will not be five papers in the State that adhere to Fillmore. The old lino Whig papers in the State, without a single oxcoption go warm and strong for Fremont and Dayton. FINANCIAL.- Rumor says that President Pierce is smoothing the •vay for the (ex pected) incoming administration or James Buchanan, by ordering the introduction into the different mints of new and exten sive machinery, calculated for striking off dimes. To TUE LADIEB.- 4 .Train the vines up on the sunny side of your house—dig up the little patches by your door—rear the trees and vegetables, and nurse the flowers. Their fragrance will be ht your windows, the birds will come and sing to yen a nd on will blv,4 :a,l t , e happy.•' 6nyaign *m. [Respectfully Dedicated to James Buchanan.] " JORDAN." "The election day in near, And tile candidates appear, To keep up their hattle•cry accordite ; But if Jimmy don't beware, The people do declare, He'll be landed on the other side of Jordan. So take off your coat, &e. "He may march the country round, And make a mighty sound, At Baltimore and Lancaster accordin' But when he gets down South, He may just abut op his mouth, [Jordan. For they'll land on the other side of So take oft' your coat, &c. "New Hampshire's chosen son, Thinks it is the best of fun, How Jimmy does electioneer his word on; Bet the people can't believe All his errors he'll retrieve, 'Till he's landed on the other side ofJortlan. So take off your coat, Sc. "The paid aristocrats, And the Democratic rate, Are trying to wake the country up occur. But the giant of the West [din' ; lle will do his very best To send them on the other side of Jordan. So take Mr your coat, ke. "Pennsylvania's favorite son, His task is nearly done, A humbugging the peopls secordin' ; Before the election day We will tied him far away. A squinting on the other side of Jordan. So take off your coat, Ac.. 'For when the people meet, • At the ballot box to greet, To vote for the best man accordin' ; Then Jimmy will be lett, And will find that he has crossed The ferry for the other side of Jordan So take off your coat, &•c. "So wave veer banners high, And raise the battle cry, For Fremont and Dayt in accordin . : All the rest may take a drink, Down by the water's brink. When they land on the other side of Jordan So take off ynu coat, &c. Pins `►.items. 160" A letter from Marshall co., Virginia, say;. that Fromont will-have a largo majority in that county. . Se — A Louisville paper, hostile to Fremont, admits that there aro about ton thousand Re• publicans in Kentucky. Qtly , It is statenhat Y. G. croodr;A, the original Peter Parley, is preparing a biog raphy of Col. Fremont for the young people to read. Or The Providence Post sneeringly calla Col. Fremont a bear hunter. Thry will find be• fore next November that be is a "Buck" hen• ter, 1030. SE;:r The Gloucester (Mass.) Telegraph, n paper which has heretofore supported Mr. Fill more for the Presidency, places at the head of its columns the Fremont and Johnston ticket. rep They have a town called Horseheads in New York, and the mental feed consumed by the inhabitants is supplied by a journal called the Horseheads' Philayopher. It supports Jas. Buchanan. ta••On Wednesday afternoon, the Portland State of Maine, the leading straight Whig pa per of Maine, hoisted the Fremont and Dayton flag, nod expressed its determination to sup port the Republican ticket. 11.• A National American ticket for State ofiicers was nominated by the Fillmore party in Ohio, but all the candidates have declined to run, and finally, the Cincinnati Times has removed their names from its columns. Kir The Orangemen in Canada have long been divided into two separate orders by some domestic feud. But this has lately been rem edied by the onion of the two Grand Lodges en the basis of an amicable arrangement. giV'An attempt to hold a PiHiner.) and Do netsou meeting in Pittsburg on Thursday night, ens a miserable failure. The papers agree that not more than fifty persons were present, and the officers chosen were in favor of Fremont. Day-The Cntnbro•Americnn, a weekly journ al devoted to the interests of the natives of. Wales, in this country, hoists tho Republican flag. Front the days of the Roman invasion, the true Briton has been on the side of liberty. Dar ' , rho Wecker," sGerman newspaper in Baltimore, has' hoisted the flag of Fremont and Dayton. It is a paper enjoying in that slave. holding State a circulation of about two thou sand : and has always opposed slave!) , exten• Dar The Black Cockade, which, for so ma• ny years, was the bugbear of Democracy, was once upon a time wore through the streets of Lancaster by James Buchattan,during his can. vase as the candidate of the Federal party for Congress. w A delegation from the town of Manlius, N. V., to the late Syracuse Republican Ratiti• cation meeting, reported that in that town there aro but four Buchanan men—and they aro all pmdmasters. Formerly Manlius woo good for 200 Democratic majority. :lir The Virginia papers contain the pro. ceedings of a public meeting in that State, to express their indignation at two gentlemen from that State, who attended the Republican Convention in Philadelphia. They denounce the delegates, and appointed a Committee to advise them to leave the State as soon as possi• ble. So much for free thought and free speech in old Virginia I it' Thomas Jefirson were lino living he would ,p,• s ing pinions Fn , •ll n., he he; !err en rue rd. VOL. XXI. NO. 30. I€3`" The Border Ruffians in Kansas appear to he divided in sentiment on the Presidency. One of their papers, the Leavenworth Herald, 19upports Buchanan, while another, the Kicka• poo Pioneer, notorious for its unscrupulous hos. tility to all Free State emigrants, supports Fil- MOM. Z6lr When this old ha was new, Buchanan was the man, Best fitted, in the Key Stone State, to lead the Federal clan ; Ile swore if Democratic blood did make his veins run blue, He'd cure it by phlebotomy, When this old hat WAS new. er' Our Crawford friends speak encourag• ingly of the prospects of Fremont and Dayton in that county. The Journal promises a ma jority that will astonish both 'friends and foes.' We have heard the majority estimated at 1200. This will do. Erie will, we think, go up 2000.. —Eric Gazette. WY` Hon. John Drone], formerly State .%•.- ditor of Ohio, and the most effective stump speaker the Democrctic party ever had in the State, has repudiated the Cincinnati platform and its nominees, and is now on the stomp in Indiana, advocating the election of Fremont and Dayton. &V' George Law, of New York, has written a letter upon the subject of the prominent no. minces fur the Presidency, renewing their characters and antecedents, seeming his pref erence tin. Fremont as the representative of progress and freedom, and denouncing the slave oligarchy. Ale The Richmond (Indiana) Palladium of the lid inst., says t "A Freedom and Fre, mont Club was foamed on Tuesday night last,- at the Morris school house. Speeches were made. The ball is rolling onward, and "Young America" is aroused. The Hoosier State is safo for Freedom and Fremont." • kr) A gentleman at Beloti, Wis., writing to a friend in Boston, says: 'Fremont is sweeping everything before him here. I saw a promi nent Demoevit front Illinois yesterday—one who went for Pierce in 's2—who says that Fre. wont will carry that State by an .nverWhelming majority. He says that Biel:al.:hoe, the Dens. ocratic nominee for Governor, will have to get affidavits to show that he was ever nominated. 1 6:7` We have before noted the warm sap port given Fremont and Dayton by the Bon i° Republic. Mayor Stevens, who received 1000 Democratic majoritf lost fiill, and three Dom. ocratic Ald,men, chosen at the rime time, nre members of the Fremont Club. Mayor Stev ens made a speech to the Club on receiving Mrs" of the nomination - of-Prews...., , Ate. The Bucks County fideßigel:err says "Fremont and Froedum takes well with the people of this county. In all sections of the county the Rt. 2ultHenn Platform and Candidates are cordially etrlorsed. The opposition in this county may be con ddered as fairly enlisted in the Republican cause.. Our German cotempo• rnry of the Morgenstern has also hoisted the Fremont and Dayton flag. 110 , - The Allegheny County Reporter, is pa per which has stood by the Democratic party for about twenty years, and worked with zeal and ability for Democratic candidates, appears with the Buchanan flag lowered, smith names of Fremont and Dayton floating nt its mast head. The Reporter put np the Cincinnati ticket, but, after comparing the two platforms, has come to the conclusion to support the Re publican candidates. ltrarFive of the Fillmore presidential elec. tors of Virginia have declined to run. it is understood they abandon Americanism for de mocracy, as the safest ally of slavery. Mr. Bo ling, who was a prominent member of the A. uterican conventions lust June and February, is one of them. The old Whigs of the slave States aro going over to Buchanan in large numbers and from like motives. qr`3 The Republican Stnto Convention of the State of Maine, assembled in Portland on the eth inst., and nominated Hannibal Hamlin for Governer. There were twelve hundred del. egates present. Every town in the State was represented. The resolutions adopted mainly present the slavery issue as paramount to all others, and invite the es-operation of all who have the question at heart. Tho nomination of Fremont and Dayton was.enclorsed with en. thalami. fit;V• The American State Council of the Sate of Connecticut, met on Thursday at Hart. ford, for the purpose of hearing the report of the State Delegates to the North American Convention that nominated Fremontand John• atop. The nominations were endorsed with but two or three dissenting voices. During the session some amusement was created by the reading of a document which purported to be from Mr. B. D. Bartlett, of Kentucky, Presi. dent of the Council that endorsed Fillmore, re. coking the charter of the Connecticut State Council, because they refused to abide by that act of that body. kir The Columbus (Ga.) Sun publishes a card from sixty-four members of the Know No. thing Order, withdrawing their support front Millard Fillmore and giving its their adhesion to the Democratic nominees. They say they have undiminisltt•d confidence in the patriotism ability and integrity of Mr. Fillmore, but they consider it unwise and impolitic for the South to run bim for the President:3 in the present contest ; for by giving him the electoral vote of two or three Southern States, the election might be thrown into the House of Representatives, where the mine power that elected a republi can speaker, would insure tho election of are publican President.