CAMPAIGN JOURNAL A - 17'A „ • , Forever float that standard sheet, Where breathes the for but fallsbefore us, With Freedom's soil beneath our feet, And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us!" We have concluded to issue a '.Cam. paign Journal" frout the lst of July to the 21st of October. We do this through the solicitation of numerous friends. The terms wilt be ten copies to one address, five dollars, payable in advance. Como friends to humanity, come free • men and boar a hand in the righteous cause of freedom, in spreading the groat principles of liberty. The Journal is the only paper in the county which is not sold to the interests of tho slave-driver. focal ffairs. RECOVERED.—Capt. Dori has recover ed his home. THE FOURTH.—The only demonstration in this place on the 4th M . July, will be by the Sabbath Schools. It we're in town we hope to be able to "make a note on" the proceed jug, 11A.RVESTING.—We anderstand that aom'• farmers in the northern part °ratty county com menced nutting their grass last week. Tit:, week all our farmers will wheel into line, and commence active operations in the fields. CORN.—Many of our farmers have had to plant their corn over two and three times this season. The weather has been very unfavora ble, for corn, and it by no means looks well- We hope it may torn out all right in the end, and gladden the heart of the husbandman. POLITICAL—The political fraternity in this section has been in a state of fermentation since the nomination of Col. Fremont by the American Republican National Convention. The Democracy tremble at the name, and well they may, for Huntingdon County is safe fur five hundred majority fur Fremont. We have the tooct flattering news from all parts of the county, and are asinred by intelligent and' in. fluentiat men that the feeling is spreading, and the messes ore wheeling into the Fremont pits I:tnx. Old mother Huntingdon will never co dorse proalavery fanaticism, and'es a fixed fiee.t will give John C. Fremont a good old fashion. rd majority. So awahc freemen, pet on your r.rmnr. A PUBLIC BATH llol:sa—We hrae ti c l with some degree of pride hew attentive and how ready the proprietors door ice cream sales are to tickle the palatnt of n warm, ti red 'tad dusty customer, with n dose of their sOrkin i r, refreshments, but we have of,en wondered why no person had been ener• getie enough to fit up a public bath house to accommodate that rortioti of humanity wlm are oweltering under the Sumlner's heat, and to whom n bath would be more refre,hing than a waleviee. There are a great ninny who feel an inclination to take a daily bath, for the dos ble purpose of cleanliness and refreshment.— With the inclination. unfortunately, there rue no means of gratifying it. While many eiti• zees have bath houses attached to their dwel. sings, and are enabled to haltOr in ablutions at their pleasure, there are still bun hods who are not so fortunately situated in this respect, and who would if it were started in the Born', liberally patronize a well kept. bathing estab• lishment. It certainly singular that some enterprising individual has not, ere this, open• ed a both house here. That it would be afro. titable investment, we can entertain no doubt The question then is, shall those who now feel she absence of it, soon have the opportunity of patronizing such an establishment ? We hope 60. WEATHER GO6SIP.—With the mercury hovering loviegly over its memories of '9i, like an friibutan who reveres the name of Emmett —with the one pouring a flood of molten brass over the arch of the sky—with an imminent danger in prospect of Wing baked alive, as if we were pent in a regular kiln, with eternal enppingof ices that boil ere they reach their ab domineldestination, with a shirt collar in ruins and a handkerchief liken waslerag—the ir.di ,;,binl who could be gay deserves a niche be the indomitable Fvemout, who could sta. dy Blackstone ou the Rocky Mountains, with snow forty-feet deep around bite. We are net heroic, but very mortal, and as wo feel ourself gradually oozing away, we earnestly begot our friends to remember our particular grease spot upon the sidewalk, when diet will be all that remains. Oh I Jack Falstaff, now, indeed, wouldst tlen'. "lard the lean earth," and send L• futth many a plaintive call fur sack. Spore men ~aottl.l foll upon their knees. But even they ban, ,otufort now, alone, in their lean ri b ,, in the mitemplation of the Fat Woman, and •11 reading of Daniel Lambert. In such wea ther as this we are irresistibly driven to eoneid our finality, when we shall not "gather the pery of our couch about us and lie down to 'mutant dreams," but taking unto ourselves !ie example of the mud, shall gently ooze a. ---, Schoolmaster Needed.—A sign over a shoa -lain Ether's door, not ten miles Iry town, hears following inscription "bates and shuoa rairpairod also ii.gee ruber souls put on old butes and sh uea. plantin and hoing dun by the 8 a:scriber by the day laing stun wal ditto." 4.2 r. The three "American" journals in N mr m, hire—the Concord Reporter, the me , I I organ'of Governor Metcalf, the Mooches ' American, and the Portsmouth Ballot-- , all durlared for Fremont. Vend! notts. gar Hum for Fremont and "Young Arno rim." Ser John C. Frenvnit's father WU6 a French fugenot. tY' Gen. l'ersifer F. Smith has beenorder• ed to Kansas. S We have received a fine engraving of the attatk on Sumner by bully Brooks. g Judge McLean was horn in Morris co. New Jersey, in 1785. He is therefore seven tyone years of age. ger Messrs. Orbison, Dorris iceo., shipped their first load of coal from their colliery on Monday of last week. Afar Thomas Johnston, of ITollidaysberT, formerly Sheriff of this county, diedon Sunday of last week, aged 71 years. "Going Down—The Juniatn."—Globe. Ditto—Lager Beer down the throat of the eunieh's webfoot. flfir A member of Congress from lowa has received the following letter from a constituent: "Balsam's Ass spoke once—can't you ?" ter It must be refreshing to the old Whigs of the county so hear their old principled eon. deroned by the renegades of the "American." "Lewis lays some claim to respectability."— Journal of 18111 But his claims are not noticed by the respec• table portion of our community. le' The Independent Democrat, Waukegan Mich., has taken down the name of Buchanan since he endorsed the Cincinnati Platform, and will support Fremont. tar The Lancaster Independent Whig, 1..1 the Pottsville Journal, which have hitherto ,iimiorted Fillmore. lace now rar I , p tho Pro. moot trod Dayton (L g. ger At a meeting , of the Fillmore National American Club, of New, York, bold on Satur• day evening, they resolved unanimously tojoin the Republican cense, Strange Brents.,—An exchange records the marriage of John M. Strange and Elizabeth Sil'imge, as a dranye event. The next event will probably be a Wile dranyer. Attention Buchanan Jfcn I—All of yuit who have any "Democratic blood in your veins." are hereby ordered t 3 repair to the surgeon, awl have it "let out." This order is irnpera. tive. ra" Our article of a week or sn ago, pm pears to have been as disttgrecab:e as a dose of arsenic to the Rat of the Globe. We are bound to drive him from his dishonest ways, or from the profession. We will that. trer A. tomahawk was found near Hopewell Bedford county, a few days since, by workmen oti the Broad Top Railroad, at a depth of see. enty feet from the surface, which, from its an tiquated appearance, is considered quite a cu- riosity. rag- We barn front the Tyrone Democrat dirt Michael Dan Maga!an has went over be dy 0:01 breeches, to the D,mocraey. Weil, let him went. if he chooscs to tylerie we see no reason to lament ; although Michael Dan ig 0 "good egg." lar"Can the Journal support Fremont?' Rant. Globe. The cunich of the Globe asks that. if Pre. moat is a Catholic, dare the eunieh and his lit Ue d ec k oppose hint 7 N'o sir ree. It is the hest evidence in the world that Fremont is not a Catholic that the Jesuit , of the Globe do not support him. geir We loom from the Milwankie Sentinel that all the land offices in Wisconsin have boon closed until the lands granted for railroad put poses shall have boon selected. The land of lives in lowa have also been closed, so that the Territory of Kansas is the only spot where the tiller of t h e soil can tom his stops: Sei"'The exhibition of St. Francis Amide. my, Loretto, Cambria co., will take place in Ju• ly. The public are invited by the Franciscan Brothers. '—Hunt. Globe. The ennieh will appear there in the charac ter of n monk—ey, and discourse on the hest inventions of torture fOr Protestant Americans. "No man, who will subscribe for the Globe, will ever be struck with thunder."—Globe. But he would be struck with the idea that ho had been taken in. Jove would never hotor a man a "thunder" stroke who would subscribe to that little shoot. The thunder would roue from the other side of the fence. "Mum—Gabe nu the perjurer questiou."— /r t. Globe. Exactly so ; and for three reasons : Ist, Wo prefer deciding that, in the next Quarter Sea. glens. 2d, We don't choose to bandy words with a man (?) who owes his present freedom to executive clemency. 3d, A pardoned con• vict is not worth our notice. So, Mr. Munich, we expect you to fill Betsey's room next Court. SS They are gettimr excited in Pittsburg about a Catholic abduction case. Mrs. Chow hers, ormerly of Chester Co., a Pro , stant, married a Catholic, who is since 'dead, i ing ono child. The mother married a seem d time and to a Protestant. The couple rest ed to etniggrte, when on reaching A Ileghen y City I the Ails is nhd,ete'l by 'tw" • ' These aomen, the tuJth, • :.•• I; offered to "buy" the ehil t. efie"Tho "talking man - wishes us to inform the factions that ho is stilton the fence. Which bids for his 4orvices ?"—llent. Globe. Nobody. Who would want the services of a creature who would write the slang editorials of a sheet like the Globe, and pretend to be uu American ? "Who bids for his services" in. deed ! Out upon him. You have brought your animal to the wrong market, eunieh. Rale.—lt does not come with a very good grace front the publishers of the Globe and American, to talk of "ratting." We could cite' innumerable instances where the eunieh has went so far as to disgust the advertiser. The American is too deeply run to ream to merit a notice. The policy of those honorable—God save the mark—men, appears to be work for nix and 1/0 roast beef. The eunich will print anything in his apple•butter Bxlo for a drink. His uniform rate is 3 rt., for all sdverti: enteu., or h~N. o.ll.ther MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. AD OINISTIIATOIPS NOTICE. ETTERS of Administration have been gran. tcd to me upon the estate of Robert Gra• ham, late of Dublin township, deed. All per. sons indebted to him will make payment, and those having claims present them to JOHN APPLEBY, Adm'r. Dublin Tp., June 18, 's6.—tit.* BARGAINS! BARGAINS! THE G coda in Col. °WIN'S Store are selling out L f retail al cost, and they will be sold below cos!, and upon time to nny one who will buy tho whole stock or a large part of it. JOHN SCOTr, Assignee. June 1 1,16.-4 t. HUNTING-DON CARRIAGE & WAGON AI AN UFA.O I WEN BOAT, thankful for past favors, re- Uspectfully informs the public in general that he is prepared to manufncture at his shop on Washington street, on the property lately and for many years occupied by Alex. Gannon, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, ROCKAWAYS, GERMANTOWN WAGONS, and in short every kind of vehicle delired.— Rockaways and Buggies of a superior manufac ture and finish always on hand and for eale at fair prices. Repairing of allOriuds done at the shortest no tice and most reasonable terms. Huntingdon, May 28,1850.-Iy. DEPARTMENT OP COMMON SCHOOLS OP PENNSYLVANIA. UARR7BBCIIO, May 10, 1836. hi, School Directors : Decision No. 11, on page 56 of the Pamphlet copy of the "School Law and Decisions," does not correspond with the general practice over the State, and is also fouud to be erroneous to some extent as a matter of law, inasmuch as it improperly exempts "trades, occupations and professtons," of a less value than two hundred dollars, from taxation for School purposes. It was so regulated to corresponkwith the Scat, tax ou occupations, but the 29th and 90th sec tions of the School Law adjust the School tax to the County as well as State tax •, and as oc• cupations 'under two hundred dollars are not exempt truss taxation for County purposes, it follows so a necessary consequence that they are liable to taxation fur School purposes. Ilto variour acts of Assembly, with regard to Coon. ty b., are exceedingly obscure and unintelligh hie with regard to the manner of assessing the , tax on occupations ; but the soundest rule of practice to be gathered from them will be for Directors to assess "occupations" fur School purposes at such rate per cent., as she necessi ties of the District may require, not exceeding thirteen mills un the dollar, except where the tux at the rate thus fixed would not amount to fifty cents, in which case it should be fixed at that specific sum, according, to the proviso to the 30th section of the School law. Where the duplicate has already been made out, Directors recall and amend it according the instructions contained in this circular. The other, tax decisions in the Pamphlet copy of the S host Law conform to the acts of Assent lily and decisions of the court.;, and a, to Is! received as authority by Directo,..t. Very It C. HICKOK, Deputy Superinktlent. Junel,'s6 CLOTHING ! A New Assortment Just Opened ! And will be sold 30 per cent. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! HROMAN respectfully in'orrns his ensto , niers and the public generally, that ho has just opened at his store-room in Market Square, Huntingdon, a splendid now stock of Meetly made eloiliing for Spring and Summer which he will sell cheaper than the same quality of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philadel phia or any other establishment in the country. Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do well to call and examine his stock before purcha sing elsewhere April 9," IE4 ate of Robert ;:per, deed.] ORMANS , COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, there will be exposed to public sale in Caseville, on Saturday the 28th day of June nest, the one undivided half of a tract of Coal Land situate on Broad Top, llun• tingdon Coni,ty, containing 55 ACRES, more or less, known as the Rhode's Tract, Teams—Cine.third of the purchase money to he paid on confirmation of sale at the August Court tbllowing,and tho remainder in two equal annual payments, with interest, secured on the property in the usual manner. 1). CLARKSON, 'Trustee. une4Aid.-4t. R. BAIRD, R. I, J. HUDSON, N. D. ISUDICAN(. DRS. BAIRD & HUDSON, CASSVILLE, PA. Having entered into copartnership will be plea. s..d to attend to any business of their profession. • REFERENCES: J. n. LUDEN, M. D., Hunthmt L , L) IV ER, M. D., Newton Hamilton. J. SHADE, M. D., Shade Hap. J. H. WISTHODE, M. D., Marklesburg. June 4,1836.-4 m. LOOK AT THIS FIGURE! At Rowan's Dtammoth Clothing Store, you can get Linen Coots for S 7 Cents, Stnniner Pants for SI Cents. Summer Vests for S 7 Cents. Ambrotypes Os Daguerreotypes. E PRETTYMAN respectfully informs. • the public that ho is now prepared to take Daguerreotypes, and Ambrotypes on glass, put up in siuglu or double MOM at the Station House, May2B;s6.- 4t. NOTICE. I)BRSONS h..ving accounts against Thomas r Todhunter wt'l please pre6uut them to Jas. Cron, near Burnt t , abins. FRUERICK TrAIRTHORNE, Trusb, PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENTS. HO ! WHAT A RUSH! HE is now selling his large and splendid no sortment of Goods at Cost. For Gentlemen's wear, consisting of Cloths, Black and Blue ; Black Cassitner, Satinets, Flannels, &c. Table Diaper, Kentucky bans, Tweeds, Summer Cloth, Linen Pocket I lundherchiei, for ladies nod gentlemen, Silk ITandk,,liief,, Satin and Grenadine Vestings, Mannino ar.d Figured Vestings. A largo lot of Gloves and Hosier for ladies and children. A good assortment of Silk Good—Black, from 50 cents to $1,25 ; Colored, from 75 cents to $l. - No. I extra Moleskin Hats tor $3,75. A large stock of Hardware, Queen:mare and Groceries. A splendid stock of • Ludies , Dress Goods, Such as Baran De Lance, De Berge, Alpacup, Musline, Cambric and Swiss, spotted and figur ed ; Black Silk Laces, Edgings and Ineertings, Black Silk and Cotton Nettin and Bohinet, Silk and Cotton Blonde, tind is variety of Bonds of every kind. A large lot of Summer Wear fur men and boys. of which will he sold at prices be. pond all competition. .BROAD TOP HHOUSE• ANRDEW IROEBI;S VX jould respectfully inform the public VV that he has fitted up the Broad Top House, on Allegheny Street, and is now 11 .11 prepared to entertain all who may favor hint with their patronage, in au unobjectionable style. The house has been furnished in a style not surpassed by any euablishmeutel the Borough. Ills table will always he supplied with the sub. stantials and delicncies of the season, In a word, no pains will be sphred to male this house a first class hotel, and nothing left un done to render its guests comfortable and hap py. His Bar is furnished with the choiee.t liquors. ANDREW WEBUS. May28,'56,-.3m. NEW WHOLESALE DRUG STORE. N SPENCER THOMAS, No. 26. South Second Street, Philadelphia.. ymport er, Manufacturer,. and Dealer in Drags, IMedieines, Chemicals, ACIDS, DYE STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS, COLORS, WHITE LEAD, French und American White ZINC, WINVOIr glaiONs Glassware, Varnishes, Brushes, Instruments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and all other article's usually kept by Druggists, including Borax, I,.digo, Glue, Shellac, Potash, dc., All orders by mail, or otherwise ',Tinnily at tended to. Country merchants are invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Goods sent to nay of the wharves or railroad stations.. Peters low and goods war. ranted. Marl 2;55.-1 y. FARMER'S HOM E. lIENIIV 1 10c4ILINIGILL. Hill Street, Huntingdon, Hunt, County, Pa. riiIIE proprietor would resretrally an t flounce to all his old customers and th e ' Ili "rest of mankind," that he has refitted his I i house, and is prepared to itetionini,date stran , ' ers and travellers, and the public generally. lle has also attached a LIVERY STABLE, and ho will hire horses, carriages, &c., on the must reasonable terms. April 9 1856.-1 y. UENRY W. OVERMAN, No. 6, South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Importer of French Calf Skins; MANUFACTURER ANI , EENENAL EtailV1.11:11 aLit2ll22. Ms Constantly on Dant!, and Always Finishing, all kinds of Lt athor,Morocco,CalfSkins,Sheep Skins, Ike, &c. The attention of Country Merchants and Man ufacturers, is solicited. RED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER. January 2; 1836.—1 y. JOHN MOREHEAD. SUCCESSOR TO KING & MOREHEAD, WHOLESALE GROCER AND rfi3E11111.;::MC)51 aIIEIN2 [(Tiro AND DEALER IN Fish, Bacon, Clow, Dried Fruit, Lard, Lard Oil, flaxseed Oil, T4 - Idle Lead, Pig Lead, Win dow Mass, Glassware, Iron and Nails, Star and Tallow Candler, Variegated and Rosin Soap, and Pittsburg mannfiecturcs generally. No. 27 Wood St, PITVSBURG. PA. Particular attention given to tho ealu of Pig Me.' owl Mums, and liberal advances wade thereon. Feb. 13, 1858.-Iy. 111USSEY & WELLS, PORK PACKERS Wholesale Dealers in Provisions, OrbIZBAX COIVIMMISION Attat'l(LN.Ts. NO. 32. LIIREIRTT STREET, Commercial Row-, PITTSBURG, PA. May 21, 1836.—Gm. Something New at Huntingdon. The celebrated Centro County Iron fot sale at the following prices: Four cents per lb for common assortad front I inches square and round up. 11 cents for llorse.shoe and Spike-rods, including and inches square, and 5 cents fur Nail-rods, at the cheap store of CUNNINOFIAM t DUNN. . ttl - COUNTItir 3)11411,13Its can hcy CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon at Whole sale, as cheap as they can in the cities, as I have Wholesale .tore in Philadelphia. Arr.9.',6, H. H')MAN. MISCELL AN ;AC* 4," I: It TISLMENTS. HARDWARE STOkE ! B E n r e d eyed ,irn thisOan r e l s a t c a e blis t l i i i m o e s n u t w o c f r ti r s kind i i , huva just opened a largo nod carefully selected stuck ul HARDWARE, and are now many to accommo date all who may give them a call. Among uur stock will be found a full assort ment of Building inateria!s, l e a ::e ' ll j e ' „ " t ". :t4o L r n t„te ' t i o 4 7 l"' Ilinges, &c. A really Mechanics' Tools, including tuft the latest invention,. Mill, Orcet cut, Tenon. Poe., Mold. Compn, nod Wood Sown, (thirty diapprot vprictics.) (like's, Axes. Hatchets, Shen, pod Sci•.,vrs, nriniunted snit Common Auger Bits, and Pocket Cetlu• ry, Iron and Steel or nll sbnpoe and slaps, Cur ringe Springs nod Axles, Miners' Coal Shovel., Blacksmiths' Vices, Oils and Paints, Brushes, flames. &c., &c. In fact everything usually kept in a. nardwarc Store. We milk° no allusion to any other individual establishment, Hardware or Dry Goods, but we say generally that for reasons well understood by traderv, we can and do sail Goods in our he On better terms than they eon ho had elsewhere in this county, end as Low us tan be had in any neighboring county. Persons from a distance urn invited to call or send in their orders. C's"Twu doors wen or the Globe and Post JAMES A. BROWN & Co. Aur.:30;56.-Iy. :.*J'KK.c,IAI IM9Tr.en. The Lost is Found; TILE HEAP HAVE CONE TO LIFE. ALEXADEMFOUNDRY OWNEU BY. ISRAEL URAFFIES, ESQ. 1) C. McGII.L. wishes to in — form his -1 1 - 1 .• friends and the public generally, 54 that he has bought the above-named Foundry, Patterns, Flasks, and all its contests, and front his lung experience is the business he hopes to obtain a shore of the public patronage. As he has the Foundry in full ope ration, he can furnish all alto may give him o roll with all kinds of Castings.; such as liuiline Mill and Forge Casting, Grist and Saw Mill Casting, improved Thrashing Machine Costing; and in a short time will have Cook Stoves of Vll riofie riser and improved potters,' fur wood and coal; also ten-plate stones. Air-Tight. Parlor, and Car-room stoves, of ell sizes for wood sr cost Also Castings for istese ; cellar grates; such as Lento's, Sills, Sash-Weights. he. Plows at every description of tho latest and most im proved style. Also steel soles, wogon boxes, oven frames, large hells and east water-pipes. NOLLOW—WARE consisting of Kettles, Boilers, &c.. having turn ing-lathes, Ito will be able to furnish any of the above-mimed articles, either wood or iron ; and he has all kinds of Castings ton numerous to mention, all or which will be sold che::per atm ever fur (rush and all kinds of country prmhter.— Also old metal will be taken in exeliamte fer cas ting. flurry up your old metal and tmuntry Fro duce when any articles are wanted. It. C. MCGILL. A pr.23,'56.—1y. LATEST ARIIIVAL OF gir,l3.Ura'i@ ...:',*R:l LE El 201 ".I).o'tai.r, AT TUE BROAD TOP DEPOT. (lUNNINUHAM & DUNN kayo just received O Weil-selected stock of hiring St Summer Goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Hard-wove. Groeeriegt Queens-Ware, Cedar-ware, Hats, boots and ShOCA. willots'-scare. CroGkory•ware, stono ana c^rtben Tin-ware, Cane rislu ag-re. Ready Bina (lothi3g ays !laud, and in short everything that is esuail; 6r1,1 in a country titine. BACON, SALT, 17.911 :IND PLASMA', kept constantly for Sale. Call and examine our Goods and judge for yourselves. All kinds of country produce taken in ex chnnge Mr Goods at the highest market prices. The highest market pikes paid for all kinds of Grain. Prompt attantion paid to storing. and forward , log all kinds or mereliandiso. produce, &c. Duntingdon, May, 14. 1830. BLAsT APAN nuntqfigdw, oure-ry • , • THE SUBS(' tiled of intortniug their triemis and the pub lic generally. that tuey hove rebuilt the Hunt ingdon Foundry, and are now in successful ap oration, and are prepared to furnish casting of all kinds, of the best quality on the shortest no tice and most reasonahle terms. Farmers aro invited to call and examine oar Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hooter Plough, (this plough took the premium at the Huntingdon County Agrirulturul Fair, in 1856) also liauter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which can't be bent, together with the Keystone, Hill side, and Harshen!. Ploughs. We have on ha n d and are manufacturing stoves, such as Cook, Parlor and Aloe stoves for coal cr wood. HOLLOW-IV/LIM consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, 3:e., all of which will he sold cheap for eaill or is ex change for country rrodueu. Old mall token for cow etistins, By a strict attention to hosi erss anti tksirt, to 1.401,a, tt e hope to receive a Fliare of pithily porronoq. J. M. CUNNINGHAM & 11110. Aprll 30, 1856.-H. %) I V:, SIVE Ir. In the treating nrt. Those ..tdieted with all kinds of 'rumors, Wens, Cancers, Fungus, Ilaimatodes, Schorros, Dotter, 101 l pus, &e., or tuty gr o wth or SOM, no matter on what part I.of the hotly, eon ha cured by an entirely new method, v ithuut cutting, caustic or pain, (at' cat ' rotate). Those 4101lUlCit With Blindness. Dead ness,llll,l other Diseases, no matter what their louse may be, can rest :assured or finding relief, and therefore should not delay u moment. Write disease nun symptoms full tad you can receive an answer by return mail; to insure on answer unclose the small sum ol"rwenty-five Cents, to warrant him in spending his time for Irene. flt. All other letters must hove a post stamp en closed to pro-pay answers. N. B—Dr. 1C: is it regular Graduate. 'There is on need to visit distant places, to undergo o pointul operntion, and spend u fortune when you ean he cured with little o*penso, and without suffering, near home. Address, Dn. C. L. IiELLING, Mechnnicsburg, Cumberland county, t o . Apr.23,'56.-10m. C. WCLIS. LIME, LIME. The subscriber hats just finished anal has in complete operation. three Lime Kilns, prods. clog daily a large amount of the best white lime berated in the interior of the State, I will furnish it at any point so the Pennsylvania or Portage Roods ' or at the Kiln, at fair rates.— Alt orders will be promptly attended to. JAMES FUNK, • )Lt ;4.'")01. MISCELLANEOUS AIEri:RIISEY.ENT. New Dictv Com D CALL AT . a 417111. N s D. P. Grain has just received from Plilludel pliitt a largo owl heantirol meek of SPRING t& SUIVISCOD. GOODS 000,isti0 , 4 01' tho 1). for bodies orr. Ckntlemen. surf: :+ Clnondeon & Fray bilks, Silk de 1.10,3, option stiles of llortgcs. All Wool de Loins, Non , fir Matto:m.lf Lawni, , ,,l Prints of all de-(1 lot or in ' 4 9 hilkS, Hil)i)(111s, Gloves. il o si t , I.utt: cnts. 'Mohanr head dies Also, Cloths, black sold blue, black and Cassiluer., Cassinets, Postings, Cot t,,ntstripcs, for pants, Nankeen. Muslin?, bleaelo.d and un bleached, Tielon. Cheeks, 'Fable Diaper, Wool cu stu d Linen 'nide Covers, and a variety of tloods too numerous to meutbn. Also I:motets, lials di. Caps, rcoLs and Ilhoes, 41.1113 7.7 Ar. , (11:137!7:7EW.t1.2111? Buckets, 'tubs, erecoric,. mid all g 00.14 ta,qlall ; ikly old enstotqur, null exam', All t' , •;;;;;;•,.; clionge for nt t,.e April 9, 19:.G. ;.e'D'..l':',''" ,. l]_' - ..'. ',.;.'._i'r-..H SUCCI,SI,I.I, 11Z1 VI I,l' %;.% • P, - V A .••,- JOVINSON STEIN (4 Rtry , :;s., th, ;a1 I '; • - .• dun Royal R r ot . the /.i'_\ '/: IN this age of pr.gre,-s, 5 „.i,,, contributed bee 1.11 sh , ire 1:, the fitre, and that whicit shmes re.pleinle, n t. the brightest jewel in he , , 141. In in 11111A1ATION in thu treatment of anti Kindred atiections. The treltineut to pursued has been faulty nod wofully inelfwit nr ; the stomach being maths the receptacle of miuse• oat Olia, and a has, of other flotarlt ; ail too, being expeetea to act upon the 1,11,, ; t,,0 failure to eradicate, aren stop ,!;a no . of the disease, in nearly l's . t.l . y o!' , 111 , 11, 1.11 nt 11 to the CoWelliptire to Shall Stali a iro.itinent. Ti, not in ....,'lmmtch knit in the Common sges,t will nt once tench , that form of h oiler, 'iireot,Y to tl n di.- eased surf:tee of the Luilw, on ;I, he I C tectital than medicate tok,ti inn• it o Th e eucee ,, el "Nte.ii,ate.l \'apo. in ..reutinA Iliseases of Om sangutne inpeetittiut.... , l eal“e,tlt . ' ih. ttt 1111 U'r• `, i , . ~, I;,,ve 15 . 1111.11,1 !.I . .1.. ' .! 7 , meifis itt , ‘ I • . ..t tlli VIII ; ding I,t - • 0;1100:11Lly SUCCC:O , IIII, tITIO 10 /00.1 1:11• der nllt 01 the 01,0Ve mune.] urn guarantee aptedy 81111 0011010 relief. I hit, pleasure in referring to 7wo 11111:1,U AS n names, residents of New Yoe': nod ueiOt bort.tml, whtl have been restored to rit,ro - as hearth. About one-third of the e number itt•i•ii, ding to the retients' own CTUR unto 1011,i:!erot The iLlialhig 11.1.(1 is ,cmslung, tutu /1:111 sr, edy, loot consist.. in the 0.101'1,i• 7,00,0 r Ine dieinu in :melt n toznner, [hot they :cc conveyed into the littigsi to the ferto et '0 v0.,0r.. ;111-I pro duce their action ut the seat of the di: eu,o. its practical success is destined to revolutionize the opinions of the tnedieel world, .xxo EsTAni.tsu THE 1,1 . 11 , E C 111: tili.irrY or CONSI,II,IO, Applieents will pietist, 'Ante if they have ever 1,1,1 front the ir they have lost !Joh, IHLVO a cough, night sweats toul fever turn v, whet and i i uw witch they exinirate ulna the euttilitiun of their bun:l nch end hovel%. The ueressnry Aleilieines, Amt.:tut, he, will he forwarded to onv port. TEttms.—i , ivo ecli•ttltatiun fee.— of , whim the Pa tient repurt. !.•• •:, • . n ,‘. c li ISICIANS. We. I , in ineai rip, Dr. It'd , and do, .1 tWIIN ore el111;;11'1“. gorous hettltll, oflu u low 1 , r.11050. In tho nbaN eI. plicntion of "31edicatk• ly into the Litrigq, , a great boon to +llll2l, . „lei iu etni.utnution n 1)r. lioao (tosiares • •y.ion for his tinwonried lubors in ri,i; inhaling luoittua to such it icgrr• •:1. 1. 1 '.. ' 1). CI lit W:11. 11 t 1 , Olt N'l'. 11' • " CAVI\ V, l.'! PR. ROSE'S TR,'„\ 't i r s;•; ‘. H TION •. I STEW t, • • 't tel I, 1. lIIU.t. iic n : • ' Pu,nr.:,ster, lellerS oply ; . April 9,'16.-t;ul „,,., BOOKS! e`..if.,/i7 BOOKS! 40,000 ~'Ul.o\llia of new and l,apnhtr ',tinily kept inn Vhiladelphia Ilnnk Stare, end many or them at belt the Puhli.her's retail price, the subscriber now oilers to the ratline. AU school bunks used in the ...minty can hn had in any quantities at retail end whole , ale rates. Fooli-cal, Letter and Wrapping Paper, wholesale or Iy the ream. 100 superior Geld Pens with Silver and Cold Cases, trum $1 upwards. 100 Pocket no. Pro knives of Rogers' and others' best manufacture. PM splendid Port Monnein,and Pocket Books at 20 etc. and upward,. 000 'PIECES WALL PAPIEII, of the Intent end prettieit reevivvd 1.••1, Philadelphia and Now York, pries nom to i• pleat) and upward., 500 beautifully !minted end ga , ' gi . r. , i Sleolea et . di cis. awl a.. Th e ' ,Odl e I are 1.11! tn. •...In •nln•1 be cotsviltevil t11:1r n•C s' • • . . w II he , l t:7•.1 methlwf the pihke, Itnilroud strouts. Avr.2d,'Sti, Joscrint 1)0'14 i.As 4, in •• Ins L.II Gatlll, prepikre,ltu make ,kua topair 6 11, the shortest nutice. rA01122, 1b55. 1),(• Hinir Co., M 1 (:1 ::. ;.:' ;