~ _, , ,.r_, -,= -: Nuatingboa ]ournal. WILLIAM IMIEWSTEIt, EDITORS. 1111. G. WJIJTTAKER. FOR PRESIDENT, JOHN C. FREMONT, OP CALIFORNIA. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER. TROATAS COOILYAAN, OF YORE COUNTY. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, DARWIN PIIELPO, OF ARSIBTRONG COUNTY. FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL . 10.411TZSOLOPALEW LAPORTE, OF BRADFORD COUNTY. JOHN OHAB. FREMONT.-THE MAN FOR THE TIMES. We this day .place at our ma.it head the name sf John Charles Fremont, of Californiti, as the man of our choice for the responsible office of President of the U. States of America. Ho receives his no mination at the hands of the American Re publicans, and we, as Republican Ameri. palta,liasil give him a hearty, an earnest ltd cordial support; with the fond hope of seeing him at the head of government. Col. Fremont is a native of South Car olina, and is at present in the forty-third year of his age. His achievements as a pioneer in the exploration of the Rocky Mond/ins, and the gallant bearing ho ex hibited during the conquest of California, are familiar to the country. In all the cir• cumatances in which he was placed during those exciting periods, his deportment was , that off% brave, sagacious and prudent man: ani whether on the trackless paths of the lonely snow-covered Storrs, or amid the turmoils of the battle field, his coolness and , self-possession never forsook him. Calm, resolute and undismayed, he met with shri ller fortitude the perils of starvation in the wilderness, or death in the fray ; and displayed an equal capacity for command or endurance, In his reports to the De partmdnt on the subject of his expeditions, Col. Fremont has shown quick observation careful examination and wise conclusions ; and given evidence of superior native in tellect, diligently cultivated by study, com bined with a wide range of information. During his brief term of service in the United States Senate, he made a most fa• curable impression on that body, by his mo dest demeanor and his statesmanlike views; and to his various publications on topics of publjc concern, there are abundant proofs of enlarged and liberal opinion. In refer- ence to the slavery question, his position is identical with that which is rapidly becom ing the universal sentiment at the North, eta : tic interference with the institution where it exists under the sanction of the Federal Constitution, but hostility to its ex- tension over soil which is now free. From the period of his appointment as first Gov ernor of California, to the present time, and through all the vicissitudes of his distin guished career, the, country is witness to his steadfast and thorough fidelity to Free principles. The enactment of the Slavery prohibition clasp° in the constitution of Cjiliforuia, was done through the urgent appeals of John Fremont. The choice of califordia for her first U. S. Senator, was lobo Fremont. In the winter of 1850-51 Col. Fresnout was presented for re-election and was defeated by the power of Slave Democracy, which then began to look to a division or the State. Slavery was the isectionat issue avowed by his opponents, and his well known, free, republican prin ciples caused his defeat. Ho opposed the Southern extension spirit, and would not therefore answer the purpose of the Slave Democracy of California. Thus it will bo seen that upon the great question of the day, Col. Fremont occupies a manly and honorable position. While his antagonist has been trimming and truckling, knit shaping his fpoeches to please the Sonthern party, Col. Fremont, himself of Southern birth and education, has spoken with refreshing vigor and eon. rage for the right. Tho people will nut in this emergency forget such a man. lie will be borne triumphantly to the White lionse--he will be the next President of the United States. The secret of that pop. whisk rising so rapidly has borne Col. Fremont into the post of standard boa. re: for hits party, is undoubtedly this, that the Pe*e see in him those qualities which 61 bins for the ocerin. The nines require In the Chief Magistrate or nadon an unshaken courage, perfect steadincs. of pupae and a ready command of resources The times require a man who has some. thing of the heroic in his character, and it is because the people from what they know of Fremont's conduct in perilous en. terpriaes, infer that he it thus qualified, that the spontaneous and general call fur his nominatiqn throughout the free State:: her arisen. It will thus be seen that the Convention has presented for the suffrages of the coun try a candidate largely endowed with the qualities requisite to a proper discharge of the duties belonging to the Presidential of fice. This ticket, with Fremont's name at the head, must prevail over all that can in any form, or shape bo brought against it. And what, indeed, will be opposed to ? Fillmore .? This name will prob• ably be withdrawn when the gentleman comes near enough to survey the field.— Distance bar probably lent enchantment to the view, When he conies home, his op tics naturally clear, may be disenthralled. Can Buchanan, Breckenridge and slav ery hope to maintain a successful war a gainst Fremont and liberty—liberty of ter ritory and of speech ? It would seem to be impossible : we are sure it would be undesirable for our country's sake and that of humanity at large. Tho cause is Fre_ mont and freedom against Buchanan and Breckenridge—Fremont, young, full of useful enterprise, generous and daring, of large natural genius for administration— against the calculating politician, always hunting for personal advancement, chang ing sides to maintain it—a compound of the selfish intriguer, warm fillibuster and cold patriot, crystilized into that antiquity known as Jones Buchanan of the Cincin• natcplatform, no longer a person any more than is a Carolina negro, but a slave--a plank. The nomination of Frtniont is but a natural yielding to a general popular de. mand, and as a matter of course, renders general satisfaction. THE SIOUX WAIL. We are now beginning to see and un derstand, why it was that Pierce last year recommended and carried thro' Congress a vote for a war against the Sioux Indians. This tribe inhabits the vast region lying west of lowa, Nebraska and Kansas, and reaching to the Rocky Mountains. At the tune the proposition for this war was before Congress, col. Benton, Gon. Sam. Hoes• ton and all the old frontier's men, declared as well in Congress as out of it, there Ivan no sort of necessity for this war, as the Si oux had always been on friendly terms with the white people, and the only blood of the whites, that was shed by the Sioux, was in a case where a hotspur of a young army officer had ordered his men to fire on a party of Sioux, who refused to deliver up an Indian who had killed a lame cow, belonging to some Mormons ; but, offered to pay the price of the cow to the owner. For this, the young blockhead ordered his party of soldiers to fire on the Indians, which was done, and the Indians in return shot him and his whole party. After this tho Indians again offered- to pay for the cow ; but Pierce and his cabinet resolved on war against' them. The war came and when the troops entered the Indian coun try, the Indians begged for peace and the warriors fled from their villages, leaving their women and children behind them.-- Col. Harney reports that many of these were sabered as they fled from their hous es for safety. This unnecessary war has coat the government near four millions of dollars. The world marveled, that a goy- ernment like that of the United States she'd have expended so much money for no oth er purpose than to slaughter a few Indian women and children. We now see howe ver, that the slaveocracy understood the object of this Indian war. Two of those regiments of soldiers had to be stationed on the borders of Kansas, to be ready, as it was said, to fight the Indians. There was no Indian near. Pierce and the sfavcocra cy knew that there could not be any such war. The pretence of the Indian war is abandoned, and the troops are employed in disarming the free state settlers in.lcan sas, wha are thus left ut the mercy of the Missourians, Georgians and Carolinians, to be murdered and robbed at the will of the ruffians. There is not at this day, on the face of the earth, another government so infamously cruel and lawless as that of Pierce. Democratic Harmony. Democratic discontent with the ticket and platform made at Cincinnati does exist, notwithstanding that all was supposed to be so harmonious in the party ranks. Sen- ator liamlin's open desertion in Congress appears to be followed by no inconsidcra- Me fragment of the party in the North.— The Bulido Republic, one of the leading Democratic papers in New Yotk, has de. dared that it can, under no circumstance:, support the nominees of the Cincionati Convention upon the platform adopted by that body. The editor of the Republic., Benjamin Welch, has heretofore been a prominent candidate of his party for vari ' Qua State offices, and at the date of his de. section was chairman of the Democratic Committee of Buffalo. The stratigost thing of all is to find discontent at the Steve South. 'rho Charleston Mercury endorses the nomination while lamenting PAIR, FAIR, FAIR, PAIL There will be a fair held in the Botough of Cadsvillc, on the evening of thu 3d of July, to continue during the afternoon and ',toning of the Ith. Thu public are cur• dully Invite.' to attend, 'fun LAninv. THE AMERICAN ORDER IN THE COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON. We deem it proper at this time to call the attention of the members of the Order in this County, to the extraordinary atti tude in which they are placed, in relation to the coming Presidential Election; —an attitude, in the bringing about of which, not one in fifty of us had any agency, and the cause of which is only to be understood by a careful examination of the circum stances which surround us. The election which will be upon us within the next five months, involves principles more vital to the doctrine of free government, than any , other election which has ever occurred un der the constitution of the United States. Wo are engaged in a mighty struggle; the object is to determine which shall hence forth control and direct the government of the United States—Freedom, or Slavery. Our National ;Government, has been for more than a quarter of a century, in the hands of the Slaveocracy of the Slave States of this Union,- who have domineer ed over the free white laborers of the-Free States, with a dominion as absolute, and with far lens kindness of feeling than that practised by the British nobility over their hereditary tenantry. So long had the ne gro drivers of the South been accustomed to the unconditional submission of thu Dough.faces of the North, that whenever the Senators of the United States, from the Free States, tell these lordlings of their ig norant, insolent and insupportable preten. :ions, and arrogance of manners, there sand hill bravos, collect bands of their fol low negro-drivers, and attack with bludg eon: unarmed Senators, sitting at their desks, and endeavor to assassinate them. These mimes hn u e been committed against North Americana of the Free States ; for the Senator whozo life was attempted, is our brother, and fellow laborer in the canoe of freedom in Kernls, and all the other ter ritories of the• United States. It is note proper and necessary that the world should understand the objects for which we have enlisted in the service of our country, du • ring this war. We shall resist the aggres sions of the slave power, every where, when it interferes with our endeavors to drive from any portion of land of the Re public, now free, the labor and industry of white freemen, and substitute in its place, the labor of negro slaves and the ignorance, brutality and meanness, which are every where, in all places, the companions of sla very. By electinr, Fremont, we 'shall do liver the country out of the hands and from under the yoke of her destroyers. 0/'AMERICAN FREEMEN—Renton. ber.—E eery vote given for James Buch anan and John C. Breckenridge, is a stab at Liberty...so Freedom of Speech in California. The freedom of discussion seems to be at a much lower ebb in California than it is in Congress. After some unsuccessful attempts to get up a public discussion rela tive to the principles of the Republican party, a meeting took plane in Sacramento city lately, at which Col. Zabriskie oppos ed Ropublicaniun, and George C. Bates, of Sun Francisco, defended it. Just before Mr. Bates concluded his first speech sever al rotten eggs were thrown at him and lod ged in the crowd, and the police arrested the offenders. At the conclusion of the debate, however, a fellow named Hardy mounted the stand and made a furious ha rangue against Republicanism, coneluding with tho following resolution : • liesoked, That the people of this city hare been outraged by the discussion of treasonable doctrines by a public felon, and that we will not submit to such outrages in future. This resolution was passed with only one dissenting voice. So in future such " outrages" as free discusson are not to be permitted in Sacramento. lied this oc curred in the capital of France the people of the United States would have voawed it as another indication that the European nations are incapable of self-government. What does it prove in California ? Hypocrisy. It is a curious fact that so soon after the alleged assassination of Sheriff Jones, over ' whose fate so many tears were shed by the „slave Democracy press, that he should be able to head the mob of Border Ruffians, who sacked the town of Lawrence, The snore sagacious of the Free State men said at the time that this pretended shooting was all a sham--•a trick got up by the Border Ilufliati.; to raim an excitement a•• gaiwt Floe Stale men. The sudden te am:mance of Jones on the field of conflict will g's far to convince the world that he was not shot at all t It is well known that Immediately alter his pretended aeri• mis wound he was kept secluded, under the care of Dr. Stringfellow, a leader a• ming the ruffians, from whom came all elm reports of the. pitealysls of his lower extremities, and the mortal eharaoter of tine wound. Thew reports were doubt. less manufactured from whole cloth, be. cease if Juries had been wounded half as bad as was reported, nothing short of a miraculous cure would have enabled him to take the active part he did in the sack ing of LaWJCII6O. If the Border Buthans wish to couctal their rascality, they must act with mote sauticit in their future over atiuns. SIIIrKEEP IT BEFORE THEAs 1111 r PEOPLE. 4111 That Junes Buchanan while Secretary of State, under the Polk rldministration, de• nied being a citizen of Pennsylvania ! ! This he did in order to save afeto dollars of tax, which was much needed by the! Slate, to assist in enaintaining her honor and credit, and to keep in operation the! Common School System! ! ! What true Pennsylvarian can vote for a man who refused to bear his portion of the burden, or who will deny his native state for the sake of a feto dollars? Ten Cents a Day. Is a pill that the Globe, in.not fully able to digest. It was hard to swallov but its effects will be touch worse than anything ever produced by lirandreth's popular tnedicines. Will the editor give his rya• dors the benefit of the speech ? Come, now, allow Mr. 13iichanan's ndinirers read this production for themselves. We arc not sure but that we shall give-it as it on-, ginally appeared in the Globe; before the campaign is ended. • TUB VOTk; OF PENNSYLVANIA.---The Pittsburg Uazotte earnestly reconunends the union of all the opponents of Duekneel' in the Presidential election upon a single ticket. The same policy is advocated gen erally by the opposition press of the State, whether for or against Mr. Fillmore, and froth the manner in which it is urged we do not doubt that an effort will be made to carry it into effect. "Did you hear the news from Maine?' "Good news and true." lion. Lot Murrill, chairman of the Dem ocratic Central Committee of the State of Blaine, ha; repudiated Elio nomination of James Buchanan. The Democratic U. S. Senator from the same State publicly done the same thing, the other day, in the U. S. Senate. . Mr The Pottsville Miner's Journal, adopts the following as its platform: Reedorn of Speech ; Freedom to Kan• ens ; Not another inch of Slave Territory; The Union, .Mow and Forever, and the men who will carry out these Principhs Amen, say we. FREE SPEECH, FREE PRESS, FREE LABOR, FREE KANSAS &FRE MONT...mu it.77' A Democratic cotemporary men. tions Buchanan as a friend and co•laborcr with Henry Clay. Name him not in con nection with great Harry of the West, whom he has vilified and traduced. Ile is the man who attempted to bribe 11r. Clay to vote for Jackson, by offering him the Secretaryship, and then changed him with bargain and sale in voting for Adams and had not the magnanimity to correct the slander while Clay was alive. Whigs can never forgive him for site!' an act. *COL. LANE'N RETURN TO KANo.ra.-..C01. J. H. Lane, in reply to an invitation to address the citizens of Chicago, under date of Juno 2d, declines the request, and says : "I am on my way to my distant prairie home Kansas, to re. ]lave or perish with my bleeding constituents." FRANKLIN MARSHALL Com.nor.—We are in receipt of the annual Catalogue of Institution tier 1855-6, trout whiell we learn that there are connected with the College proper 73 pupils preparatory department 36—making a total of 109. '1 ho expenses of each student thr the year are out dowu at $166,00 including board ing washing, tuition, tee. SINGULAIt AFTAlR.—LiuUtollatit GUM or Willard, of Indiana, was recently nominated by the Democratic Conven lion id . that State us the party candidate •for Governor. Dot this honor, it seems by a statement in the Cincinnati Gazette was conferred upon hint on condition that he would abstain from the use of intoxiea• sing drinks. This prOmise he made before the flonmition, and :Igloo!, in cane of thilare to keep the pled ; , e, that he would withdraw from the canvass if it should be bolero the election, and resign oDee in case of it occurring after he should be Lk:uteri. The Cincinnati Limni rer, Democratic, admits the fact, but says that the pledge root nut to take effect until deer his election Its Governor. It seems that he has been drinking freely since ho took the pledge, and the Cincinnati Gazette asks whether•he will resign. The fact of such a promise being exacted Li a and reflection upon the character of the candidate. The Gazette very properly says that the gubernatorial Ofiiel) is put a pro. perplaen to reform imzhriate3, Presidential Nominee's. There are but three candidate:: for the Presidency, now before tho people ; they :are Fremont, Buchanan and Fillmore. Gov. Johnston, of Pennsylvania, and Win. L. Dayton, of Nnw Jersey, are nom inees for the Vice Presidency on the Amu rican and - Republican In We have placed neither of Mein :it our it,ast•hcad, but shalt wait until the maimr be settled and one of them withdraw. We Anil be satibfiod either. War :loam two week, ago it man by the 1101110 of Johnston 1010 muldered in Belli. claysburg, Blair county ; and on Satuidny last, another individual by the name' of Davis, was killed in Williamsburg, ni thin same county. Verily, we live in a t.rlti• ble age. Capt. Win, Dorri.t, of dna place, hail nyety valuable horse stolen trout las stable on 6innlity last. NV' Sane ill the moat prominent Dein• octal.; of this: count) declare that they coil• not and will nut ..uppert Jimmy Buchanan fdair F J 2111: 616 h.'. goL henw Republican National Convention. The Convention reassembled yesterday nor niag,. at 10 o'clock, pursuant to adjournment. I'revtous to the session, 'there was much cat, owing among the various delegations in regard to a nominee fur the Vico Presidency. The large placard hearing the inscription---For President, John C. Fremont—was raised over the platform. The Convention was called to order by the President, Col. Lane—the Flail at the time being crowded to its utmost capa city. The ptooeatlings of the Ludy were opened with prayer by the Itev. Mr. Iteebe. The Chairman said that t h e first business in order was a resolution offered just previous to the adjournment on the previous day, which WWI as follows : Resolved, That a National Convention of Young Men, in favor of Free Speech, Froa Soil, Free Kansas, and Fremont for President, ho hold during the month of September, in the city of New York, under the call of the Na tional %publican Convention. " G. C. Leton, . Jotat KEYSER, S. 13. STILLMAN. This was alotited . by acclamation. Mr. Wilmartb, of New Jersey, said he sup. posed the next business in order would he the nomination of a candidate for Vice President. On behalf of New Jersey be would present the name of a man why bud been tried and found true to the principles of freedom.. fie alluded to lien. Wm. L. Dayton, (Applause.) He read front a speech , made by Mr. Dayton, ex• pressive of the views he entertained upon the subject of alavery in the territories. Mr. Join Adams Fisher, of Pennsylvania, numinutcd a man "wllose name was a power in the State"-lie nominated Ilea. livid WA. mot. ( A pplause.) Hon. John Allison, of Pennsylvania, DOIIII• nated is prince of good Sullows and an Old Line Whig, Abraham Lineoln, of Illinois. Mr. Allison presented the resolutions ndopted by the Pennsylvania State Convention, ratify leg the nomination of Fremont, and the plot. ibrrn, which were received with groat applause. Col. Win. 13.. Archer, of 'lllinois, came for. ward upon the platform to speak a good word for Abraham Lincoln. tie knew him inti. mutely; knew Lim to be a higlminded Old Lino Whig, and that, if tho'Convention noini• noted him, Illinois would be sari?. The State would ho sole anyhow, but with Lincoln, she would be doubly anis. (Appause.) Judge Spoiling, of Ohio—Can he fight Col. Archer, (dumping up, nod coming down with great emphasis.) YO9, he con fight; from old Kentucky. (Applause, ehecring and Laughter.) JUdge Palmer, of Illinois, who pronounced himself an Old Line L) anecrat, advocated the nomination of Mr. Lincoln. _ Wm. Jay, of New Jersey, advocated the no ruination of Wm. L. • Dayton, in a humorous I speech. A delegate'sugge,ted the nomination of John A. King, of New York. A delegate from Massachusetts said he had just received a response to the nomination from the Old Bay State. He rendes follows: 'Great rejoicings—Give us agood Committee—A good Vice President—Clear .the track." (Cheers and loud applause.) Hon. Thaddeus Stevens, by authority, with. drew the name of David Wilmot, of Pennsyl• J. M. Root, of Ohio, withdrew the name of lion. Thoinns H. Ford, of that State. Mr. Ford wanted to tight without a knapsack on his hack. nom David Wilmot, from the Committee on Platform, submitted the following report which was adopted, together with thy resolution op. pended. The committee to which was referred the communication from the Convention assembled iu the city of New York, have given to that communication respectful and deliberate eon. sideration. Your committee have had a full and free conference with the committee appoin• tet.lby that Convention. The committee came to nu arrangement or conclusion. The calrfor this Contention was addressed to all political parties, and consistently with this call the communication under coueidera• tiun originated. Your committe deems that it ought to be respectfully responded to, and would recommend theta committee be appoin• Led to address all the parties of the country with a view to elucidate the principles of ac• lion, and to conciliate them to the great object to which the labors of this Convention Lave been devoted. Resolved, That u Committee of three be ap• poinkd by the Chair to prepare such address. D. WILMOT, Chuirmau ou Resolutions. This was agreed to by the Convention. On motion, the Convention then proceeded to a formal ballot for a candidate fur the Vice Presidency, which resultod as follows NORMAL BALLOT. Fur Dayton, 529 for Lincoln, 20. Dr. G:izzam, of Pennsylvania, arose to cast the vote of tha‘ delegation, and expressed a full belief that Fremont and Dayton would car• ry this State by 25,000 majority. It was that understood that the Pennsylvania delegation was not unanimous in their preference, rind would not ho so recorded. Mr. riorco, of the delegation, said he would withdr a w his vote for Dr,-Elder, but would nut vote at all. The first vote was now reportedas above, and then announced to bo unanimous. Nine cheers wore then given fur the nominee fit the Vice Presidency and fur the whole ticket. The Chairman announced the appointment of idesirs. Francis P. Blair, of Maryland, Geo. P. Blair, of Illinois, and E. G. Bpaldiug, of N a t, yr, r tc, as the Committee to prepare an ad. dress in accordance with a resolution previous. 19 adopted. Mr. Fisher, of Pennsylvauin, arose awl sta• ted that he lied just been informed hy a gentle. wan of Philadelphia that, this morning, a vote and' been taken iu a factory; and of 31 work. Democrats—all recorded their votes in favor of Tremont. (Chum and tremendous applause.) Another gentleman announcud that a Phila. dolphin German paper had already hoisted the Fremont banner. (Three cheers were giv, A resolution was offered that a committer, of nine be appointed to wait upon the nominees and inform theta of their nominations. Adop. ted Mr. Schneider, of Chicago, editor of a (La nntu paper in that city, iu responeo to repeated eatmo forward and pledged the Gentian population of 'Witold for the 'mantle,' and plat. form. The Gertnaun know their own interest., :led ate in Izmir of Ace coil and flee (Applause.) Me believed that Illmoie would be carried by 0,00 majority. Loud trine were made for a voice front Cal,. hiruia, and in respouse, Mr. E. U. Wells of that Stale, mounted the platform, nod allelic io nub. Ounce as follows : Elc had been called upon to respond for Cub ifiirain, and to thank the Convention on the part of WI ljtato for the honor conia rci i iu the no initiation of John C. Fremont no the standard bearer iu the new civil revolution. We live in revolutionary time,. The speaker said kJ Wild carried back to the dayo oreure,reat revolution. In that dark day of the country, when a leader was wanted for the foices of freedom, the North had Ito candidate for the poet, and the south bad its candidate hut the eye of the nation was fixed upon a young Virginia Colonel. That gallant young man bud reserved Ins cilu,strou among the Riuritaius and iu surveying the ua• trodden wilderness. We are in sender oireum. llallGel new, and we may follow the example then set. The speake. hie augury for success. possesses courage, mitt stern deeisian. De will ington. (Cheers and looked to now. Urem that State. He cowl the foe, and he was the resent her in Congress with that platform, f measure—so decessary Cher—John C. Fretnon (Applause.) Hun. Mr. Vandyke, for his State in a most two reasons for speakir ferred to the nominn flee. Now Jersey had had been said that if uninitiated, New jerse like to know the mM mark. His State like, pure and noble charm, her - son. When that aside, the N. J. delegt Justice nornblower for the course to ho pu man, with eye flashing trieity, had replied II America." (Cheers at sey would go for Frani the pails to the Rue] grappled with the dam (fitness, who had pit the golden land—and I the. history ul his Itch fully, (Applauur.) in the West, destinel beauty. Tim speaker of his State fur the lion Illation of her favorite ,t knew that distingnist reviewed Mr. Dayton's that he possessed the was sound upon thn . pi He thought Mr. Daytu: superiors, in the eon'utr for vu gracefully yiehlin Lincoln, whose political In conclusion, Mr. Van per exertion, triumph N It IIOIV Wing fIiSCOVI I.lale, of New Vamp loud erie ,, were :nude n the platfer to :mid le e . applause. (Inc. Clerc who 111/W occupiu.l the Iloilo u.i the n,aa wto anion all!anti,.:: it Ben man who dad dr tho coffin of Lrunkli cheerio , and applause. Mr. idule eot,ratuls , on the spirit manifest, hamony that prevail, not now who shall be t, the government, but wl government to he atlmi Union shall tee preservi or whether the govern hissing and a scorn bef nut at all surprised at I day, or if this Corm:lntl by n triumph in the full time of Slavery—it has borne fruit was now to of Kansas. Wo may 1 tures upon the Arid I (Applause) But the hi: rage would not be cote! who was responsible ft terrible respowibility the objects for which th ed. They are mantle Where was "domestic t Where was that justice wan to establish? Wh, Tho speaker thought th ate outlaw in the terrirt she would bad froiterr people. ( A pplause.) wrest in RIM noMinatic bad been the candids was then in a minority, him that he had Woo i that he would hardly Iti majority. (Laughter Hampshire had no per and his friends wore so His State and all New ty. It wan said there r Peunsylvanin. (Cries speaker. Ile thought I the sickle. God's bl. party t all th. was NVar have faith in their bra (Appbtuoe.) The duo and the sun was shinin, my of freedom. Thu 111:111 with a bravo hear gent that the crisis Lad forward united, and the inanity must triumph ing and applause.) Gov. Patterson, of is ced to the Convention, inter, of Buffalo, N. Y., ded tho platform and el of humor and common in this country forty ye gotten bin nutive land, Democratic party, but when their creed beetle cured the Convention tl mans who warn not ton said that the Germans not support thin ticket. and lot really to go am sylvania, and to labor t side--the side of lihert Thu chairmati hero as the committee to we. mid Mr. Dayton, Lind nomination. J. A, A . J. Tllceeker, of Now blower, of New Jersey TbAdecun Stevens, " 1 Michigan ; A. B. Wet Clearekthd, of Comic, of Illinois, and Cul. He amt. nom Jim. A. Kin ,• ed a :dining address i. of ch. Entity and the n c.l Ilia politics at thn A of tin , Constitutitin, (It itt.l ihn blood 'and- an man. (Applause.) bulb I 1 (01 and Da , hush cone d upon tic tarp. ut ,Strtt, for 21,000 maj..kt :ti. Tel, of Indian wueld ruli Ul. the :)111111 ti,at I NYOI . - Aeadly, of t ut that State would I of the (ratty, and give please.) He mud v Demorro, Chai 1,1 RI toot tilioultl hied the 4euld IJCtnit,d he tin and npplad,o, Zoell,lr Ctotud o' mte . ,,l a despatch trol renpoltdc 1, the llulllt StMIA shill the ..tt: fk sr the fit° had unased Ltl flats weld How be ICIIII 0p0t0.4 for vavigatiun. tith trometolo. diem applaus, sa ot I o.lcit.) Novolubut alit,MiLlp g diaa is nue buudted