Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 25, 1856, Image 1

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\• i• 1I A,
Ely Drama.
[Prom the N. York Commercial Advertiser.]
Extract from "The Age of Chivalry"—An no•
finished Tragedy.
[Scene in a Washington Hotel.]
Brooks to Keil,.
The glorious South, for chivalry renown•
Ifath twice already in this stormy ses
Chastised the "insolence" of the craven
And new occasion fit demands n stroke
Such as shall bring down the cowards to
their knees.
&N. What mean ye, Brooks, by this exalted
Explain ll,' enigma of your noble brain.
Brooks oh, dull of understanding! Huth not
Laid the Hibernian in his gory bed,
For.words too freely spoken in debate?
And did not chivalrous Rust fit Aiken.
Backed by his friends, bent unresisting
Until we thought free speech was quite
extinct ?
But now Now England's champion in
• our Senate,
Forgetful of the danger of his deed,
Huth with a bold presumptuous spirit
To beard my uncle in the Senate hall.
Gods I I will revenge my noble relative.
And teach "impertinence" to hold its
Still. It well befits that Carolina's son
With that majestic arm, should vindicate
His august relative by deed of strength,
And humble Massachusetts in the dust.
• But•what do you propose, my valiant
friend ?
Brooksl have a rifle, pistol, bowie knifo and
ClllO, _
And T se:u•co resolved yet whieh to use
On the doomed ettliff.
Keit/. My noble friend, this surely will not un-
Your goner°us blood heated to high em•
Must cool apace ero yo determine thus ;
Lest the avenging anger of the North,
Like a great milldam swollen by con•
stant vain
Break o'er ita dike and sweep to ruin
Our homes, our slaves, our chivalry tunl
Brook/ Well ye havo spoken, Keitt 1 there's rc•
To circumstances duo, fur minim; is
not valor.
And I have feared that should I kill the
Pp pistol, dirk, °rather murderous wea.
There may be found in all the frozen
Some during bravo who might let out
my wind ;
To mingle viewless with tho empty air.
The laws I dread nut in this ten mile,
For Southern gentlemen they wore not
But 0 cold lead l whether at Bladens•
Or in th r o - dark streets of this capital,
It is my soul's Odium.°
Krill. Now tliat your blood goes down to bill•
oleo well
Wills prudence rcason,let me now dc•
Brooks speak on.
'lis true this offence was grave ; great
Butler's mono
Like the mad Kuight iu old Cervantes'
Was made ridiculous by that brilliant
Yet ridicule, by honor's nicest code,
Deserves not death, but such correctness
As insolence front slaves demands he.
My voice then :3, that in some favored
And moment with this gotta penile cane
You deal him chastisement in measure
And if he die, the intention you nay
Was no murder but correction sound,
)aloe But what, if he like a maddened slave
should torn
And beat me sore. Or worse, perchance
with dirk,
Or pistol, chase no through the street.
Such sad event would tarnish Southern
And Carolina's chivalry would blush.
Ecilt. You 1111 me with amaze. A puritan
From Massachusetts armed. Ha Iha I
There is no danger to bo feared from
A clergyman a blunderbuss may hold—
A Lowell factory girl may bear conceal
On her soft breast a ponderous slung.
'Tis possible I mean that this might be.
But this fine spoken Sumner's never
Of lead or steel save for theme of trade.
Brooks Zuunds I You have raised my coutttgo
in the deed
That you suggest. But, 01 my friend,
stand by
And if resistance front his hand I moot,
Draw your revolver and your dirk as
Whilst I with weapons of lilts deadly
Defends my skull, and thus togethor we
Will pierce him Through and through
with uteel and load
And after, plead the right of sel Heroine.
'Tis fitly spoken. Now's Wu: time to
[Scene in the Senate Chamber.]
Keil!. See I See I the villain occupies his seat,
Hemmed in 'Ms chair and desk be sits
and writes,
Resistance is impossible. Fear not,
Advance and strike, for to I ho sees us
[Brooks ;Wiles. Steamer falls insensible.—
Brooks repeals his blows on ilte Allen, stunned
and helpless Senator.]
As Falstaff stabbed dead Hotspur, fear.
in' he might rise,
Su 'go/tun/lit treeks beat senseless Sum
Her e'enbe face sod eves 1
From Jones' 41istory of the Early Set
tlement of the Juniata Valley," recently
published, we copy the following account
of the person from whom Jack's Mountain
is said to be named :
Among the first settlers in Aughwick
Valley was Captain Jaok, certainly one of
the most noted characters of the day. He
was a white man, of almost Herculean
proportions, with extremely swarthy com
plexion ; in fact, he was supposed by some
to be a half breed Indian, and by others a
quadroon. His early history and real name
aro altogether shrouded in mystery. He
flourished about Shirleysburg between 1750
1762, when, with two or three companions
ho went to the Juniata and built himself a
cabin near a beautiful spring. His solo
pursuit, it would appear, was hunting and
fishing, by which he procured the means
of subsistence.
Late one summer evening, returning,
with his companions from a fishing excur
sion, Capt. Jack found his cabin in ruins,
and his wife and two children murdered
From that moment he became an altered
man,•roaming the woods alone, sleeping in
caves, hollow logs, or wherever ho could
find shelter, The loss of his family no
doubt crazed him for a time, as he did not
appear among the settlers until the fall of
1753. In the interim, however, ho was
frequently seen, and we may add frequent
ly fell, by the savages. There is reason
to believe that on the discovery of the
wrongs done him, he made a vow to de
vote the balance of his life to slaying Indi
ans. If he did, right faithfully was his
vow kept, for his fame spread far and wide
among the red-skins. The settlers about
Aughwich, as well as those in Path Val
ley and along tho river, frequently found
death savages, some in a state of partial de
cay, and others with their flesh stripped
by the baldmagles and their bones bleach
ing in the sun on the spot where Jack's
rifle had laid them low.
On one occasion he lay concealed in the
woods by the side of the Aughwick path,
when a painted warrior, with a red feath
er waving from his head, his body bediz
ened with gewgaws recently purchased
from a trader, came down the path—a
crack from Capt. Jack's rifle, and the sav
age bounded into the air and fell dead
without a groan. It appears that three
others were in the company, but had tar
ried a t a spring : on hearing the discharge
of the rifle, being under the impression
that their companion had shot a bear or
deer, they gave a loud ..whoop." Jack
immediately loaded, and when the Indians
came up to the dead body, he shot and
killed a second one. His survivors then
rushed into the thicket, and one of them
getting a glimpse of Jack, shot at him, but
missed. Seeing that the chances wore
desperate, Jack jumped out and engaged
in a ltand•to-hand encounter--the fourth
savage being armed with a tomahawk.—
Ho soon despatched the third by beating
his brains out with his rifle ; but the fourth
an athletic fellow, grappled, when a lung
fight followed, and only ceased when both
were exhausted by the loss of blood. Thu
Indian managed to get away, leaving Jack
the victor on the field of battle. Weak
and faint though he was, he scalped the
three savages, fixed those trophies upon
bushes overhanging the path, and then
without deigniej to touch their gewgaws
or their arms, managed to work his way
to the settlement, where his wounds, con
sisting of eight or ton stabs were dressed.
It is said that one night the family of an
Irishman named Moore, residing in Augh
wick, was suddenly awakened by the re
port of a *gun ; on opening the door they
found a dead Iritian lying upon the very
threshold. By the feeble light which shone
through the door, they discovered the dim
outline of Capt. Jack, who merely said, "I
have saved your lives," and disappeared.
With an eye like the eagle's and a con
stitution that could bravo the heat of sum
mer us well as the frosts of winter, he roa
med liko an uncaged tiger, the most formi
dable foe that crossed the red man's path.
Various were the plans and stratagetns re
sorted to by the Indians to capture him,
but they all proved unavailing. He fought
them upon their own ground, with their
own weapons, and adopted against them
Their own merciless warfare. In strata
gem ho was an adept, and in the use of
the rifle his superior did net exist in his
day and generation.
These qualifications made him not only
a terror to tho Indians, but fatuous among
the settlers, who for their own protection
formed a scout or company of rangers, and
tendered to Captain Jack the command,
which he accepted. This company was
uniformed like Indians, with hunting
shirts, leather leg,gins, and mocassins, and,
as they were not acting under the sanction
of the government,styled themselves Capt.
Jack's Hunters. All the "hunting" done,
however, after securing game to supply
their wants, was probably confined to hunt
ing for scalps of Indians ; and as it was a
penal offence, then, to occupy the hunting
grou ads of the Juniata Valley, (much more
to %shed the blood of any of the savages,)
it is not likely that the squatter "hunters"
ever furnis hod the Quaker Proprietors with
an official list of the killed and wounded.
These exploits gave Jack a number of so
briquets is the absence of his real name :
ho was known as the ..Black Rifle,"
"Black Hunter," <<Wtld Hunter of the
Juniata," &c. On occasion, with his band,
he followed a party of marauding Indians
to the Conococheaguo, and put them to
route. This act reached the authorities
in Philadelphia, and Governor Hamilton
granted him a sort of irregular roving com
mission to hold in check tho unfriendly
Indians of the frontier. With this author
ity he routed the savages from the Cove
and several other quarters, and the general
fear ho inspired among them no doubt pre
vented much mischief.
Early in Juno Captain Jack offered the
services of himself and his band to accom
pany General Braddock on his ill-fated ex
pedition against Fort Duquesne. Colonel
Crogan urged their merits, saying. .They
aro well armed, and aro equally regardless
of heat or cold. They require no shelter
for the night and ask no pay.' Unfortu
nately for the expedition the oiler was de
clined, probably for the very reason it
should have been accepted—because they
would fight Indian fashion and not bo
murdered in 'regular' ranks, civilized
Of the final end of Captain Jack, (says
Mr. Jones,) the have nothing definite.--
0;e account says ho went to the West; an
other that he died an old man in 1772,
having lived the life of a hermit after the
end of the war of 1763. It is said that
his bones rest near the spring, at the base
of the mountain bearing his name ; and l
this we believe. The early settlers of the
neighborhood believed that Captain Jack
came down from the mountain every
night at twelve o'clock to slake his thirst
at his favorite spring; and half a century
ago we might readily have produced the
affidavits of twenty respectable men who
had seen the Black Hunter in the spirit
roaming over the land that was his in the
flesh !
A Character.
"Old Bumblebee" (says an exchange
paper) was the cognomen of Mr. T., of
Newburyport. Ho gained the title from
the fact of his catching a bumblebee one
day as he was shingling his barn, and in
attempting to destroy the insect with his
hatchet, cut off the ends of his thumb and
forefinger, letting the insect go unharmed.
Other mishaps happened to the same old
codger in the same barn. In one of his ab
stractions he shingled over his hatchet ;
and cutting a small aperture in the build
ing to let a litle daylight in, this man ac
orally eat in a wooden pane as being econo
mical and not likely to be broken ! Uncle
'P., in ono of his oblivious freaks, nailed
his left arm so firmly betwixt two boards
of a fence ho was putting up, that he had
to call help to get extricated from his self
imprisonment. Ho once put a button on
a gate instead of the post. But tho rarest
freak of all was when he ran through the
streets with his hands, about three foot as
sunder, held before him, begging tho pas
sers-by not to disturb him, as he had got
the measure of a doorway with him.
Webster in Death.
Webster's forehead, renowned for its
massive breadth and fullness, presented a
much smaller apppcarance as he lay in
his coffin in the library at Marshfield. An
ordinary sized hand could easily have cov
ered the whole of it. Perhaps this was
owing to the removal of the brain. Before
the open coffin was carried out upon the
lawn, numbers placed their hands upon
that familiar brow, as they took their last
look. The lips were slightly parted, the
teeth, so long of extreme whiteness, were
just perceptible. A strong resemblance
remained between the face of the dead and
tho portrait of the living Webster which
hung upon the wall, whore also looked
down upon the corpse the picture of his
beloved son Edward, who died in Mexico,
and of Lord Ashburton, his friend distin
guished for his part in the settlement of
the north-eastern boundary question. The
body, it will be remembered, was clad in
the citizen's dross he best liked—blue coat
and bright buttons, white neckcloth, black
pantaloons and white silk gloves. There
was no expression of pain or melancholy
upon the swarthy face, but rather a look of
satisfaction. When the coffin was carried
do Pin the step leading into the tomb, one
of the silver handles was accidentally pres
sed against the granite portal and lifted up.
In the next moment it was disengaged and
fell with a knock against the side of the cof
fin, which instantly disappeared in the
vault. To the writer, who alone noticed
the circumstance, trivial in itself, it seemed
like the knock of Death, announcing that
the great Irian was sbut forever from this
warld. l'he day was bright in the morn
ing, but clouded up just as the funeral
commenced, and closed in rain.—Boston
We take the following passage from
Mr. Sumner's great speech, in allusion to
Senator Douglas. In the same speech he
portrayed the character of Mr Butler so
truthfully as to provoke the attack of Mr.
Brooks, which has been reported :
As the Senator from South Carolina is
the Don Quixote, the Senator from Illi
nois (Mr. Douglas) is the squire of Sla
very, its very Sancho Panza, ready to do
all its humiliating offices. This Senator
in his labored address, vindicating his la
bored report—piling one mass of elaborate
error upon another mass—constrained him
self, as you will remember to unfamiliar
decencies of speech. Of that address I
have nothing to say at this moment, though
before I sit down I shall show something
of its falacics. But Igo back to an earli
er occasion, when, true to his impulses he
threw into this discussion, ' , for a charm of
powerful trouble," personalities tno,t dis
creditable to his body. I will not stop to
repeal the imputations which he cast up
on myself, but I men::on them to remind
you of the isweltercAyenom sleeping not'
which with other in!:, , tettiontz, lie cast into
the cauldron of this debate. Of other
things 1 speak. Standing on this floor,
the Senator issued his rescript, requiring
submission to the usurped power of Kan
sas ; and this was accompanied by a mat
ter—all his own—such as befits the tyran
t ical threat.
Very well. Let the Senator try. I tell
him now that ho cannot enforce any such
submission. The Senator, with the Slave
Power at his back, is nit strong enough
for this purpose. He is bold. lle shrinks
from nothing. Like Damon he may cry,
.l'autlacc l'audacc lotdourB l'utulaceP
but oven his audacity cannot compass this
work. The senator copies the British
officer, who with boastful swagger, said
that with the hilt of his sword lie would
cram the 'stumps' down the throats of the
American people, and lie will meat a sim
ilar failure. Ile may convulse this coun
try with civil feud. Like the ancient
:nadman he may s et fire to this vast 'loin.
pie of Constitutional Liberty, grander than
the Ephesian dome ; but he cannot en
force obedience to that tyranical usurpa
The Senator dreams that ho can subdue
the North. He disclaims the open threat
but his conduct still implies it. How lit
tle that Senator knows himself, or the
strength of the cause which hu persecutes!
He is but a mortal man I against , him is
an immortal principle. With finite row
er ho wrestles with the infinite, and he
must fail. Against hint a stronger battal
ion than any marshaled by mortal arm—
the inborn, ineradicable. inflexible senti
ments of the human heart ; against him is
nature in all her subtle forces ; against
him is God. Let him try to subdue
words used to be synenomous with our re
publican institutions, but times arc sadly
altered now. In Kansns, any newspaper
which writes against slavery extension,
is mobbed and destroyed, and in Califor
nia, the people of Sacramento will not per
mit a public discussion on the principles of
the Republican party. Thus the policy of
Louis Napoleon, in suppressing free speech
and a free press seems to have become na
turalized in our country, with other foreign
influences which aro to be deplored.
elf Lieutenant Governor Koerner,
the Illinois Democrat who recently bolted
the Democratic nomination, arrived in Chi
cago last week and was honored by the
Germansiand others with a torch-light pro
cession and serenade, in which the ger
min singing clubs participated. Lieut.
Governor Koerner made u speech ender
sitict the Republican State ticket. The
gscatest enthusiasts, prevailed.
[Rom the.dlbany Evcning Journal.]
The Kansas Record.
Availing themselves of the fact that the
alleged death of Dr. Root, (ion. Pome
roy, and Mr. Mitchell, the shooting of
Jones, and the killing of "eight pro sla
very men," now prove to have been un
founded, tho doughfaces boldly character
ize all statements of outrages in Kansas as
"Republican lies."
That there line been falsehood as well
as truth sent over the telegraphic lines by
the Missourians who have charge of them
is unquestionable. But these false state
ments do not invalidate or diminish the re
al catalogue of crime. To enable our rea
ders to keep the latter in memory, we sub
join below a list of a few occurrences which
are not even attempted to be denied.—
There are five times as many similar ones
reported, and tolerably well authorized.—
But we wait until they shall be :officially
and legally confirmed before adding them
to our list.
INvmstorts—November 29 1851.—Mis
' sourians to the number of over one thou
sand invade territory, armed; drive judges
and legal voters from polls, and by fraud
ulent ballots pretend. to elect Whttefield
March 80, 1855 —Nearly four thou
sand Missourians again invade territory,
and repeat the outrages committed in No
vember proceeding.
October 1, I'Css.—Thtrd invasion of
Missourians, accompanied by similar out
, rages.
December 15, 1855.—Fourth Invasion
by which an endeavor is mails to vote
down the Freo State Constitution, but
proven a failure.
May 21, 1856.—Jones, u Missouri post
master, heads an armed mob of Alabama,
Carolina and Missouri men, which march
es ngainst Lawrence piliages and plunder
it, with violence to the inhabitants, and
the burning of several buildings.
unnEtm. —October 2, 1855.—Thomas
Newman, a free slate man, stabbed in the
street of Leavenworth by a gang of Mis-
Ootobcr 2, 1855.—Child killed while at
play, by a shot fired by a Missourian at
James Furnam, a free state man, which
missed him and entered a window.
November 23,1855.—Charles W. Dow,
a free state man, shot by F. N. Coleman,
a pro-slavery settler. Murderer takes ref
uge with Gov. Shannon, and is protected
by him.
December—, 1855—James Barber, a
free state manotssaulted and murdered by
a shot in the back from the gun of one of
I'restdent Pierce's Indian Agents.
November, 1855.—Collins, a free state
man, called out from his mill, where he
was at work, and shot by Laughlin, a pro.
slavery settler.
January 17, 1855.—E. P. Brown, a
free State man, taken prisoner by a gang
of Missourians, hacked to pieces with
knivesand hachets, and his bleeding corpse
flung into its own door; from the effects
of which his wife is 110111 a maniac.
May 20, 1850.—John Stewart, formerly
of Bushford, Allegheny counts, N, Y., a
young man of 20, shot in his saddle while
attempting to escape from a party of Jones'
May 1971856—Jones, atlie only son cf
his mother, end she a widow," aged 19,
shot through the back by one of "Jones'
posse,' because he refused to give up Lis
horse, with which ho supported himself
and his widowed mother.
Printing Offices Destroye(7.—Decem
her 22, ISss.—Territorial Register, and
administration paper at Leavenworth, con_
ducted by Col. Delahay, mobbed for advo.
eating a fee State, presses broken, type
thrown into the river, and editor threaten
ed with murder.
April 14, 1855.—Parkvillc Luminary,
at Parkville, on thu frontier, mobbed by
Missourians for similar cause, and the ed
itors, Messrs. Park and Patterson, obliged
to quit the State. ,
May 21, 1856--Herald of Freedom
Office, Lawrence, K. T., fired upon with
field piece, by Jonos' posse and reduced
to ruins.
Tribune oilier, Lawrence, K. T., mob
bed, ransacked and sot on fire and barred
to the ground, presses, &c, destroyed.
Lynchings, 1855 and '50.---Sixtecn
free State men, at different times, have
been tarred and feathered, or beaten, or
both, and some of thetn carried into Mis
souri, or set adrift in the river. Among
them were Williatn Phillips, a lawyer of
Leavenworth, and a member elect of the
territorial Legislature; the Rev. Pardee
Ilutler,a peptise preacher; the Rev. Mr.
Clark, a Methodist missionary ; and other
minister., of the gospel, of various denont-
Ak,aults and battery have been
too 11,11,r to recapitulate, hardly a day
passing without an attack on the free State
men in the streets or on the high roads.—
Among those assailed have been Gov.
Reeder, Gen, Pomeroy, &c.
Unlauful ✓brats.—Of Gov. Robison,
without a warrant.
Of Mr. Brown, editor of the Herald of
Freedom without a warrant.
Of Messrs 13ronson, Hutchison, Dictzlcr
Schuyler, Smith, 13aker, and fourteen
others, by Missourians acting under au
thority of a pretended court, for "high
treason," in refusing to obey laws of the
"Legislature" pretended to have been e
lected by the Missouri invaders.
Prehmkd Laws.—September, 1855.
Imposing penalty of death for assisting
slaves to escape.
Imposing penalty of death for circula
ting or printing publications calculated to
incite slaves to insurrection.
Imposing penalty of death for assisting
slaves to escape from any Stitt° and take
refuge in the Territory.
Imposing penalty of five years' impria•
onment at hard labor for harboring fugi•
tire slaves.
Imposing a penalty of two years' lin
prisomnent for aiding a fugitive slave to
escape from custody of an officer.
Imposing penalty of five years' impris
onment at hard labor for writing, printing,
or circulating any thing against slavery.
Imposing penalty of two years' impris
onment at hard labor for saying that per.
sons have no right to hold slave in the ter
Disqualifying all from sitting as jurors
who do not admit the right to hold stares
in the territory.
Disqualifying all as voters who do not
swear to support tho Fugitive Slave Law.
Admitting any one to vote on payment
of one dollar, no matter where resident,
who will swear to uphold the Fugitive
Slave Law and Nebraska bill.
Appointing Missourians to the town and
county officers for six years to come.
Re .enactinfr the slave law of Missouri.
en mew, adding that wherever the word
'State'' occurs in them, it shall be construe•
ted to mean 'Territory."
The Secession at New York.
The accession of the Stockton delegates
from the Northern Amerman Convention
is thus spoken of by the N. Y. Courier
and Enquirer :
In the American National convention,
at the Appollo Rooms, yesterday, the cur
tain fell on a potty farce, that was design
ed by its authors for a startling tragedy.
A half, score of Fillmore Know Nothings
who obtained seats in the Convention by
means familiarly partizan tactics of the
day, for the purpose of preventing any
action that might harmonize with tic
Convention which assembled nt Philadel
phia last week, fled the field. When they
became convinced that their schemes were
utterly impracticable. Cite exhibition
they made of themselves excited no other
feeling than contempt."
The bogus character of this secession
is shown by the committees appointed, on
which there wore persons from Georgia,
Tennessee and other Southern States, pas
sing themselves off as delegates from Ohio
Indiana, lowa. etc. Commodore;Stookton's
friends seern nevertheless to be disposed
to turn the matter to account. The Tren
ton (N. J.) State Gazette suggests that
as ono convention has nominated Stockton
for I'resident, union and harmony may
now be effected by the Republican Con
vention adopting these two names to con•
stituto its ticket.
Mr. Orton of the Sandusky Democratic
Mirror, utters the following manly senti
ment. The tone is so diflbrent from that
of the democratic press, generally, that we
give it a place in our columns, as evidence
of progress among even the democracy :
"The ruffian Brooks has challenged Sen
ator Wilson to fight n duel. Senator Wil
son very properly declines to meet the
loafer, but sent word that he was prepared
to defend himself against assailants. It is
said that Wilson is an ugly customer in a
fight. if so, Brooks will let hiss slow, as
soon no hO hears of it for there never was
an assassin who possessed true courage.
Brooks has sent word to Wilson that he
shan't attack him ! and ho can safely dis
arm himself.
Of course he won't ! Southern bullies
never attack resolute northern men who
are prepared to meet force by force on
terms of equality. If Mr. W. is wise he
will continue to carry arms about him.--
We have always denounced the practice,
but deem a man unsafe in Washington at
Ipresent unless "armed to the teeth."
o f Support liWublicnn principles,
VOL. XXI. NO. 26
Ballot-Boxes or Bayonets
It h not easy to gut at the exact truth
respecting the condition of Kansas. But
from the reams of correspondence now co
ming from that quarter, the great outlines
of the case are sufficiently apparent. Tt is
certain that a numerous body of artned-des
perailoes, acting under the concurrence, if
not the direct orders, of the administration,
are roving about the territory, killing those
who oppose them, despoiling all who are
only supposed to be in favor of freedom,
and even insulting their wives and daugh.
tors. The orderly and peaceful settler is
not safe in his own cabin. The chief town
of the hone-fide residents has been pillag.•d.
The largest building in the territory has
been burned, because limas owned by a
frcc.soilcr. A gentleman of aistinction,
Gov. Robinson, is confined on a charge
High Treason I for defending his home
against ruffians. These are facts. What
are the People going to do about them
Will they meet them next November with
the ballot box, or wait till nothing but bay.
oncts will answer? If Kansas shall be
subjugated, does any one suppose that a
subjugating: process will stop there?
Tests for the Times.
The following texts from the Proverb
of Solomon are very suital , le to the pre.
cot times :
'lie that is slow to wrath is of great :in
derstanding ; but he that is hasty of Spir
it exaltedi folly.'
'A fools lips enter into contention, as ,
his month calleth for strokes.'
'An evil inan serlieth only rebellion
ther,fore a cud messenger shall be sc.
'A soft answer Ramat away math
grievous words stir up anger.'
'A wrathful matt stirreth up strife : bi
he that is slow to anger appeaseth strik
'Remove not the ancient landinark
which thy fathers have set.'
Worth Preserving.
votes of the iieveral Stat,p (listinguishin
between the free ancrthe clove States :
Maine, 8
New lfampshire, 6
Vermont, 6
.Mansnelicaptts, 13
ltliotle !stand, 4
Connecticut, 6
Now Jersey, 7
l'ennnylvania, 27
California, 4
Now Y
Total 170
A rkanna, •1
Kentucky, 12
Tenne,ce, 12
Virginia, 15
North Carolina. IS
South Carolina, S
Georgia, 19
Alabama, 9
Dulawaro, 3
Tut al, 20
Tun Dtrr•suttvcc.--When the lion.
Mr. Herbert shot the Irishman, Keating,
in Washington, the Marshal entertained
him at his own house, until he was admit
ted to hail. When Essex, an 'American,'
killed (lingly, and Irishman, and escaped,
the same Marshal °tiered a reward of $5,-
000 for his apprehension. This litter was
all perfectly right, Ina why should a Pent •
ocratic member of Congress, when uthlta
arrest, be treated so sumptuously ? Wen;
not lives lost in both cases ? We presume
the reason to be that Mr. Herbert, is au
M. C., and Essex was nothing but a»
'"American" mechanic. Such is tho Dan•
ocracy of the present day.
Hartford (Conn.) Times gives the fellowiut
account of the cakes made for the occasion
of the marriage of Col. Samuel Celt :
There are three of the cakes which arc
about three feet in height and some live
feet in circumference. They are clubs•
rattily ornamented with .‘frostings," and
bear Colt's coat of arms on the top—consis
ting of a number of colts, rampant, with
other devices. In the depression upon
the centre of the top is a large soh, in su
gar, and in the front and rear of this a pis.
tel. The top of the cake is surrounded
by lattice work, surmounted by eagles bol
ding a bridal wreath.
peens us'."—A tall, raw-bono recruit
was put on drill by a little cocksperrow
of an ()Meer ; as every order was given to
him he would took down to sue his cem•
mender ; and was so often admonished to
(told up his head.
Repeated admonitions of this kind tat.
length had the effect to induce the recruit
to raise his head to a level with the setting
sun, and the officer ordered hint to keep iL
'What, always I,' was the inquiry.
'Yes, always was the stern reply.
✓l'hen good bye, lieutenant, I shall re
ver see you again