•a ~ . • •=. CAMPAIGN JOURNAL 4111 k. •ct,•17.X..: 1 7r.,44 - ...,%''' •;:„......,”,,,, . .- Forever float that standard sheet, Where breathes the foe but fallsbefore us, With Freedom's toil beneath our feet, And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us!" We hove concluded to issue a "Cain• paign Journal" from ihe Ist of fuly to the 21st of October. We do this through the solicitation of numerous tri•ends. The terms wilt be ten espies to one address, five dollars, payable in advance. Come friends to humanity, 'some free• men and beer a band in the righteous cause of freedom, in spreading the great principles of liberty. The Journal is the only paper in the county which is not sold to the interests of the slave-driver. tor Oodey's Lady's Book for July, is o' our table, replete with beautiful engra• sings and choice literature. Godey stands In the foremost file of Magazine publishers. Sir Graham's Illustrated Magazine. has been reaped for July. It has impro red wonderftilly under the control of i•s present conductors, Watson & Co., and bids fair to outstrip competition. 07' Pickles apologises for Ildie's lame' defence in last Wednesday's American.— He says the little man was sick the night before ho wrote, and Nurse administ"red to the wrong patient ! Poor Adie Iwe pity him. Nurses will make mistakes, es pecially with chronic patients. or We have borne with the editor of the Huntingdon•Globe in his slandering of our character, until forbearance has ceased to be a virtue. • When the American's edi tors assailed us with having fors•eorn our self, we heeded it not, but as Mr. Lewis lays some claim to respectability, and, has published us in his sheet "a sell convicted perfume." justice to ourself and the com• munity. demands our action in the matter, and as the only means left us, we demand front Wm. Lewis, editor of the Hunting don Globe, a correction of his slimderous libel. If be refuses us this simple act pf justice, we must, and shall (however much it is against our indlinatipn) resort to the last remedy—the late—for the purpose of settling this question forever and clearing ourself from the vile end contumelious as versions and animadversions of enemies, once for all. BILLY BOWLEGS AT lIIS OLD TRICKS. Without intending it, the .dmeriean of the 1 lib inst., has really conferred on us:a favor, by its own windy remarks about our prices for job work, &c., and by calling forth from the Globe a hypocritical tirade on the same subject. We have long borne in silence with the Globe a unmanly course in business matters ; but we now feel fill ly justified in exposing its skulking rascal sty. This we shall do by a simple and very brief statement of facts, suseeptable of proof. Shortly after we took charge of the Journal, the several publishers in town met in the Globe office and unanimously agreed on a tariff prices, and, as we thought, honestly ;Dodged themselves with us, strictly to adhere.to those prices in all cases. Being at the time a stranger in the place. and unacquainted with the printer's rrtes of this place, wo submitted the mat ter almost entirely to Lewis, and on our part, in good faith, observed the specifica tions of our mutual agreement. Bow long the other party observed the contract we cannot say ; but very soon we receiv ed untnistaknble evidence that Lewis paid no respect to it whatever. We were sold! The meshes of the Jesuit had ensnared us. We felt bound by a rule of honor which placed no restraint upon him, and we knew not what to do. At least twelve months elapsed after we had become fully convin ced of ill J injurious advantage taken of our too easy confidence. before we could de cide on it proper and efficient remedy,— We resolved, finally, to meet Lewis on Isis ()In ground, and fight hint with his own weapons, but with this difference—that whilst he resorted to cowardly concealment we proclaimed openly and above board, our fixed determination to work twenty per cent lower than he will, (and if we don't give entire satisfaction we will make no charge at all,) until we should either starve him into honesty, or out of the fraternity he has so long disgraced. We claim no merit for this remedy except its efficiency. Adopted in sell defence, it has succeeded like a charm. Startling not only the hoa ry, grey back, monster "RAT" of the Globe, but the puny, slimy litter of the .q. ',nelson. All honorable members of the press will appreciate our notice end justi fy our course; and jimmy barr, and a few, a very few of his kidney, will no doubt af fect to condemn it. Be it so, we do not seek or desire his or their approval. Nay, should we do or say anything•which they eou/dapprove, we would esteem it a mis fortune, and have reason to doubt our own integrity. EXCURSION OVER THE BROAD TOP RAILROAD. It was our good fortune to be of the par- ty of excursionists over Broad Top Rail.' road, last week It was composed of la dies and gentlemen from Hollidaysburg, • Lewistown, Mifflintown, Philadelphia, and Huntingdon. and was gotten up by the ex cellent President of the Road, L. T. Watt son. Esq. At eight o'clock the cars mov ed off from the depot, and we left the con gregated multitude of lookers on for the region of 'black diamonds.' After a most pleasant ride arrived nt the town of Burnett, our destination. Here in a most beautiful grove, everything in the shape of beauty and comfort combined to make all happy At one o'clock dinner was served, and never before, have we seen such a dinner. The tables groaned under the load of good things ; ell the ear ities of the season were spread in abun• &ince, huge cakes, and, indeed almost ev erything the heart could desire or the ap petite crave was on that table. We will say to the gentlemanly and active Chair man of the Committee of Arrangement, R. Bruce Petrikin, Esq., that he has per manently established hts reputation as an excellent caterer. After dinner we made an examination of the mines of Messrs. Orbison, Dorris & Co., Whitney & Kessler, Port & Maguire, , and Saxton & Powell. These mines are inexhaustible. and already a great amount of coal has been taken out. We know of a no more pleasant manner of spending a day than by a visit to these mines. At five o'clock, after a day of pleasure unalloyed 'WI It any disgreeable circumstan ces, we were on our return and at seven were ~h orne again." We cannot close without noticing one or two other places of interest which are des tined to become thriving towns. The town of Saxton lately laid out by our excellent County Surveyor, J. S. Africa, for Saxton Fockler & (to., is beautifully situated and will he a thriving town, bei ig the centre of trade of a large and wealthy district. Marklesburg Is looking up bravely, and will ere long be a rival of our "ancient borough." Coahnont and Stonerstown are also thriving places. Broad Top Coal. As an evidence of the high esteem in which this cual is held wherever it is used we give the following an one oinong loony of the very flittering notices of the press We quote front the Chester CouNty Vidage Rec rd: his coal which is brought from Ilea tingdon county. in this State. by way of the North Pennsylvania Railroad. has been recently introduced into Chester county. arid bids lair Income into general use. It has been tried in the rolling wills in the vicinity of C•attesville and other places, and it ts thought to be a very superior Vele. at the sum,• time it is considerably cheaper than the other coal." Good, Very Good. Phe Philadelphia Ledger says that ten Gertnan Editors, issuing seventy thoutalnd papers wet kly, net in Cilicinnivi, Ohio, last Nlouday. awl resolved to act kith the Republicans, against the extension of sla very MISCELLINEOUSADVERTISE3I EVI S. FOR SALE. 95 ACRES OF LAND In Hishaeoquillas Valley, Huntingdon County, Penn'a. Four mike from the .11,1 of Mill Creek b'''Zt*,, , .fir mr , adjoining lands a J.llll. McDonald & e th e r, law t h e property of JiIITIOS hors. lewd., a hlstlt thirty acres cleared, part of which is ex cellent meadow ; with Mg Milieu and ham. good awing of water at the door and having Saddler's Creek running through it. The part nut clear ed is well-timbered. having enough to pan for the property taco or three times, and a goad farm left. For terms J. SEWELL STEWART. Huntingdon, 28th May, 1856.-tf• HUNTINGDON CARRIAGE & WAGON cIIA ~..,.,,,k,p,.,,,:_,....,,,, ~,q,,..0 , ... ~,t,\.1„,..,_=,_,___,,,,,,1t,,„ M A N UFA C full Y. rz Fll3O T thankful past fayors,ro-(eellvio;n,public gencnd,., he is prepared to mitutifitcture at his shop on Washington street. on the property lute y and for many years occupied by Alex. Cannon, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, ROCHA WAYS, GERMANTOWN WAGONS, and In short every kind of vehicle desired.— Itockitwe) s and Buggies of tt superior manufac ture and linidt always on hand and fur sale at fail price, Repelling of oil kinds dime at the shortest no tice and most rommintlile terms. Huntingdon, May 280856.-Iy. Ambrotypes & Daguerreotypes. P. PRETTYMAN respect fully iI di mins the public that he is now prepared to take Daguerreotypes, and A inbrotypes on glass, put up in single or double cases. !WOW at the Station House. May28,'56.-4.t. JOSEPH DOUGLASS, in MeConneilstown has constantly on hand, ready made rifle., artd:la prepared to make and repair (nns of all kinds at rt./ timrtsst rmtice. (April 22, !e,6. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. HO ! WHAT A RUSH! AT -17f30215.,..; W 7601%. E is now selling his large and splendid as- Li sortinent of, Goods at Cost. For Gentlemen's wear, consisting of Cloths. Black and Blue; Black Cussimer, Flannels, &e. Table Diaper, Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds. Summer Cloth, Linen Pocket Handkerchielk for ladies stud gentlemen, Silk Handkerchiefs, Satin and Grenadine Vestitr, Marsailles mud Fignred Vestings. A large lot of Gloves and Hosier for ladies and children. A good atsiortinent of Silk Good—Blnek, from 50 cent,' to $1,25 ; Colored, front 7.3 cools to $l. No. 1 extra Molealcie Hats A Inr,se stock of Hardware, Queenswore uud Groceries. A 30C11161 titock of Ludies, Dress Goods, Sfach as Minim: De Limes, be Berge, Alpaerti. Muslim+, Cambric and Swiss, spotted and figur• ed ; Black Silk Laces, Edgings nod losertfagis Black Silk and Cotton Nettie and Boloact, Silk and Colton Blonde, and a variety of Goods of every kind. • A large lot of Summer Wear for men nod boys. of which will he sold at prices be. yond all competition. Mayl4,'s6. BROXD FOP HOUSE• ANRDEW MOERSJS jnuld h.erint„lelY iufurm d l i i i r li Oa P gp c Y~ that ill tiou ,, e, Oh Allegheny Street, and is now 11 prepared to entertain all who may favor Mtn with their patronage, in an unobjectionable style. --j The house has been furnished in n style not surpassed he any estaldishincut it. the Borough, His table will alwny, he supplied with the slid stantials and delicacies of the season, In a word, no pains will be spared to make this house a first class hotel. and ',whin, left un done to render its guests coinfortablo and hap• PY. His Bar is furnished with the choicest liquors. ANDREW NIMBUS. Hay2B:s6.—ant. HENRY IV. OVERMAN, No. 6. Routh Third qtreet, PHILADELPHIA. Importer ol French Calf Skins ; MANI•VACTI , ItEII OEN. VAL Dl2llll. Has Constantly on awl Always Fin;shing, all kinds of Leather, IVlorocce, Calf Sh'.ns•Sheep Shins, &c &c. The attention of Country Merchants and Man win:tarot's, is i•ol.citell. • RED AND 01K SOLE LUTHER. January 2,1833.—1 y. JOHN MOREHEAD. SUCCESSOR TO KING & MOREHEND. WHOLESALE GROCER Aso IQIMTM'i-tnial TiIIcERAISVD Ni)A DEALER IN I.7sh, Baron, Cler,se, Drit d Fruit, Lard, Lard 0;1. Puxseed Wh a le bad. Pig Lead. Win (doss, r;lasstrare, Iran and Nails, Fear and Tdlow Ca»dlei. Varieyaied and Nwin SUN, mal y Inanqpriarre yrnerally. No. •2'7 Wood St., PITTSBURG. P.t Pio tiro!, attention I irru tothe sole of Pig Met..l owl Bloom, dud liberal tolvunces tondo thoretiti. 1 , 0,. 13, 1850.-ly C. O. 111,.W.V. HESSEY & WELLS, PORK P:ICKEii Wholesale healers In Prov;s:ons, attiEBAL COM3YMSION MtACEVANTS. IVO. 325 LIBERTY writ E Commesoial Row, PITTSBURG, PA. May 21, IS4. Gm. [E.alle Andrew Robi,on., d,ceu.,cd.l A UDITOWS NOTICE hereby that the ‘, who Ita4 been appoit,ed he 1.4. pima:: Coati of lin htittgdon coin, . to distri• bete the baton, in time httfula of I.htv:d Itold Ho. surviving Executor of the 14,t w , 'l and testament of Andrew deu'd., lute of Warrior,mark tuwuship, w and a tuttn t .t st those lewdly entitled thereto, will attend at rite lien isu is Will,. in Huntingdon, on Saturday the 3lst ut Nlay, fest., far that purpose, when and where att persons having claims against maid l'and or.' required to present the same or be de barred from coati,' in 141 , 111 SAM ' ill EU. H. CHENIER, Auditor.. May7:56.-4t. Auditor's Notice. The undursigped Auditor oppuittted the Coat . ' of Ctnintft Piens of lintWitigtlon cionity I A ISTRW Dzs aoviitra. to d:str.linte the proceeds or the Sheres sale of in the healing art. Those afflicted with all the real estate of Reuben White. amongst those : Lit ds i t Tut. s Wens Cancers F ant i ,. ,t•ti to receive the same, hereby gives no ; II : ii,,, , 0 ' ~,, ft Sd r a; t s Goiter, Pul;nti ting '7 ' Ii " , the h e h"s appointed T . '' ' 1 "Y• l • l ''' 10111 u; di% growth . Sores, no mutter on . volt s it ' t purl' day of Juno next, at 2 o'clock. P. M.. at the , of ' the body, can be cured by an entirely new Court House, ror the purpose of receiving no• method, without cutting, caustic t•r pain, (if en ditional testimony nod hunring the parties. rude). Those afflicted with Blindness, Deaf when nod where till persons interested ratty nt. ite,f,sittl other Discos., no Matter what their tend il they think proper. name May he. can rast assured of hulling relief, THRO. H. CREMER, Auditor. and therefore should not delay s moment. Write May14,'56.-4t. disease and Kt moot. full tool you can receive ____ an answer by return mail; to insoni un answer enclose the small sum of Twenty-live Gents, to itsmoira.x. warrant him in spending his time for your lieno m RS. SARAH !CULP wishes to inform the tit. All other letters nines have a post stamp on ly. ladies of Huntingdon and the surrounding closed to pre-pay answers. N. B—Dr. K. is a COlintry that she Ims tutored next dour to Charles regular Graduate. Miller arose the Presbyterian Church, Hill St., there is . need to visit distant places, to where she intends carrying on the fancy and undergo a paintul operation, and spend a fortune straw Itlillinery 'nisi... Having received the whini you con he cured with little expense, end Intent city fashion, she is prepared to attend to without suffering, near home. all that may furor her with their eustom. Address, lie. C. L. KELLING, • April 10, 1855.-0 , S. A. IiULP. Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, Pa. Apr.23,'56.-10m. LIME, LIME. EXECUTORN NOTICE. The subscriber has just liniahed and has in complete operat i on. three Lime Kilns, pro d u . iyhere .. as_le , ttar . s_tes , tit , m ,„L antly on the Estate of ~ Township , dee d ., clog daily a large amount of the best white Willi am in'-'7ran't'a to th e noticeis lime burned in the interior of the State. 1 will ' l i n e ' re e bv e given to all persons indented to said es furnish it at any point . the Pennsylvania or h ereby tit make payment immediately, and those Portage Bowl , or at the Kiln, at fair rates.— . having claims against the saint to present Ske All orders will n be pi...minty attended to. duly authenticated fin. settlement. . JAMES FUNK, JAMES ORE, ? DrwrAwaviLui. WM. X.ORR, Ex' '' . Their Cs., Pa i April in, ISSR. -61•, Mori 4.185.--4. MISCELLANEOUS ADVEUTISENEVIS. MISCELLAA MIES AH1%11319.111E1118. HARDWARE STORE ! B Ekind n l..„ll 4 % d 'l i N n Gaol: place, eblistlire auhacrihera have jug, opened a large and carefully selected stock of HARDWARE:, end are now reaay to .COIIIIIIO - all who may give them a call. Among our stock will ho found a full assort ment of Building Materials, Nails, G 1484, I'utt3 , Locks, Bolts, Hinges, &c. A really excellent assortment of Mechanics' Tools, ine),,,tin c all the late., inventions. Mill, Cross cut. 'renan, Bow, [land, Compass and Wood Sown. (thirty different varieties.) Chisels, Axes, Hatchets, Shears and Scissors, Oradonted on i Common Anger Bits, Table and Pocket etude. rr. Iran end Steel of nll shapes and slses, Car riage Springs end Axles. Miners' Cant Shovels, Blacksmiths' Vices, Oils ,a nd Points. Br,has, limes. dc., &c. In tact creQ thing mually kept in n Hardware Store. We make no allusion to any other indivillatil 0.0 , 11,1one:1, Hardware or,Dry (loud, hat We generally that for reasons well utider,nood hy trederz. Ire ean and .to sell Goods in oar line nn letter tertlP, than they eon he had elsewhere le comity, end as t.ow :Iselin be had in tuiy nei,ht.orinz county. Pers.ois from a di•datire ure invited to call or send in their orders. (firTWO.l,);s west of the Globe and Post ()Ss , JAMES A. !MOWN & CO. A im.30,'58.-Iy. :. ;;I[P[t r klait The Lost is Found; THE DEAD PIAVE COME TO LIFE. ALEXANDHAFOUNILY OWNED BY ISRAEL GRAFFIUS, ESQ. C. McG'ILL wimbes t., inform his fi r _ Lt• friends nod the public generally, that he has bought the above-named Foundry, Fatte:ns. Ylasks, and all its ' contents, and front his-long experience in the bwitte , s 110 hopes to obtain a :there of the puhlic Intivamtitc. As he has the Foundry in full ope ration. he ran tut nigh all who may give Itith call with MI kinds at Castings ; such as Rollin.. Mill and Forge Cit•tit, Griot and Baw Mill ('riling. improved Thradtine Machine Costing; end in a short time will It.tve Cook Stores °fru .ize, and improved patterns for woad and coal: nl.a ten-plate stove, Air-Tight. Parlor, and liar-room stoves, of all ours for nand or cool. Al-ai Castings for house cellar grates ; such as Leese's. Sills. Sad, Weights. Plows at every description of the latest and most int prorml style. Also steel soles, wagon hoses, oven frailties, large hells and east water-pipes. ZIOLLOW- WA *1:11 consisting of Kettle, Boilers, &a. having torn big-lathes. he will he able to furnish tee of the above-named nrticles ' either wood I ron he has all kinds of Castings too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold cheaper than ever for c,ll end all kinds of conntry produce.— A:an old will be otken in exchange for cas ting. !lorry up your Ithl metal end country pro ' tine° when any articles arc wonted. R. C. pr. 23 , 156.-1 y. L%TEST ARitlijAL OF Zir,ll[Wid`P.,M, @T@D.C.I AT THE BROAD TOP DEPOT. sUNNINGIIAM & DUNN bare just received . a well,elected stuck 01 Sgring & Summer do9tis, consisting or Dry Goods, hard-Beare. Groceries, Queens-Wart. Cedar-e►are, Dads, boots and shoes. Omaha ry•ware. stone and earthen 'Xin-ware. Cane Fishing-rods. Rend)* Ma .o Clothing always on hand, sh,t everything that is usually keptin a eauntry BACON. SALT, FISH AND PLASTER, kept constantly for Sale. Call and examine our Goods and judgd for yourselves. MI kinds of country produce taken in ex• olotnge for Goods at the highest market priers. The highest market pikes raid for all kinds of Grain. Promptattention paid to storing oath forward ing 311 kind. of inee•%andise. iiroduce,&e. Iluntingdon. I\l:.y. 14, 1656. C. BLAST AGAIN I 4 „ 3 Foundry. Ilmalingdon 1 6, ;; T lIE SURSCIIIIIISJC 'FAKE THIS ME thud of informing their friends and the 'M lle generally. that they have rebuilt the Ilunt hiudon Foundry, and arc now in successful )p.• eration. tool are prepared to furnish costing of all kind, °l'll. first finality on the shunt...- Ur. and t reasonable term... Farniers are invited to cull fuld examine nor Ploughs. We are tnatuttleinring the Hunter Plough, (this plough took the premium at the HIIIIIIIIOOII County Agrieultiodi Fair. in 1855) al. Hunter's celebrated Cutter None!, which c an't he Mint. together with the Keystone, Hill side. and Burt:hear Ploughs. We hare on hand and ere nittnutiteturing M.,, such as Cook, Parlor and office etovcs for coal Cr wood. lIOLLOW-WAILE consisting ot Kettles. Hullers. Skillets. &c., all of which will he sold cheep fur cash or in ex change for country produce. lilt metal taken fur now castings. lip a strict attention to lusi ness and desire to please, we hope to receive it 8 hare of politic patronage. J. M. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. April 30, 1056.—tf. • , BOOKS! giatBOOKS! 40000 VOLUMES of new and popular Books,embraeing every rarkty usually kept in a Philadelphia Book Store, and many or them ut haltthe Publisher's retail price, the subscriber now offers to the public. All school books used in the . county can ho had ip Any quantities at retail and alodesale rateb. Foolscap, Letter and Wrapping Paper, wholesale or by the ream. lOU superior Gold Pens with Silver and Gold Cases, from $1 upwards. UM Pocket and Pen knives of Rogers' sod others' bent ntonteetme. 100 Pplendid Port Itlonnaiesand Pocket Books it 20 ets. and upwards. 3 000 PIECES WALL PAPER, of the 'west and prettiest styles, jw.t received trent Philadelphia told New York, prices from 10 eta. piece nun upwards. 500 beautifully oninted and gold gilted Win dow Shades at 44 cm. and upwards. Th e cul , lic I use hilt to call and examine, to be convinced that in busying of the above i.tOck they wll lie pleased and aim .ve money. Ite• member the place, matter ot Montgomer; and ltailroad streets. WM. COLON. Apr. Y3e56. CLOTHING! A New Assortment Just Opened 1 And will be sold 20 per cent. CHEAPER THAN TUE I II EA PESTI HROMAN respectfalle in'orms his cumu . m ere e nd the piddle gent,ally that he 11.3 just opened at his stare•room in Market Square, Iltintingdonot splendid new stock of Ready made Clothing for Spring and Summer which lie trill "4;11 ..17,uperilian the .nine quality of ( - ,Lool. con be purchased or retail in Phi hid of phio or oily tLei {Lilco' in the ',minty. Persil' wishing to buy Clothing woubl tln w.. 11 to call and examine his cluck before purelie- Slflg ekewliera April V.l',k , i , lll.fA r' I.Cfi :11 SUCGI.SFULLY TRLAMB BY MIALATION or ZYLLDICAI: ICAVOIV:Si g BY JOHNSON STEWART ROSE, M. D., Fellow of the Royal Collrge of Physicians, and for years Senior Physician in the Lon don /loyal hifirmaru fe r (Uncoils of the LUNGS. this age of progress, Medical Science has contributed her full share to the general we', fare, and that chili shines resplendent, the brightest jewel in her diadem is MEDICAL VAEOII INIIALATION in the treatment of Consumption and Kindred affections. The treatment hitherto pursued has been fatuity and wofully inefficient ; the sumach being made the receptacle of num.e• oats oils, end Rhos( Di' other nostrum.; all these too, being expected to art upon the lungs ; the failure to eradicate, or even stop the ravages ni the disem•et in nearly every case of well-devslop• ed COtISIIMIItiOII. is surely warning enough to the Consumptive to shun such n treatment. 'rho disease is trot in the Stomach but in the Lungs.— Common sett, will at once teach, that medicine :Tidied in the forna of Vitpur. directly to the dis t....A surface of the Lungs, trill he far more el tetanal than medicate takcit into the stomach. The saceass of • , 11edientea Vapor Inhalation" in 'rotting diseases of the lamgs, exceed my 111',11111e expectations, and 1 earnestly appeal to the intelligence of all afflicted, or who may have the gv rine of sickness within them, to embrace at once the soothing heeling, and successful sys tem of Aledieul Vapor Inhalation, us tiro ONLY '•Ark 01 ltaittge" for the Consumptive. 1 exiter to out it within the reach of all, and cult soar range it, that the invalid lo never requited to Inure home, where the hand of irionflphip and eduction, tend so much to aid the physician's aunta. Where there is life there is now hope fur the must seemingly hopeless eases, es titre , et a e ll the stages of this insidious disease, the wondertul and benefleient etteets of the treat ments are soon apparent. In cases nut of due.. the inindim of powders end vapors have been eminently successful, and to Mote suffering un der any of the above minted complaints, 1 eon gesrantee speedy and certain relief. I hare pleasure IA fulerneg to TWo ktuNotti;JA Se r.; enema. residents of New York and neigh borhood, who have been restored to ritinrous health. About one-third of the above nwnher according to the patieots' own statements were considered hopeless cotes. The inhaling meth'sd is soothing, cafe and speedy, end consists in the administration of me dicines in such a manner, that they ere convered into the lungs in the form of a vapor, and pre• d•lce their action at the seat of the disease. Its destined to revolutiomtte the ',Onions 01 the medical world, AND 1:5T..10,511 rim ENT.. CuIt , BILITY ow CONSUsipTioN. A rimetints will please shire if they have ever hled Irian the Longa, if they have les, fleah. nave a cough, night sweats and fever turns, what and how much they exporate, what the condition of their stomach and hoick. Th e necessar y tleilicines, Apparatus, Ito., will he torwarded to anypm, Tmois.—Five dollars, consultation fee.— Balance of the fee payable only ulten the pa tient reports liiimeli convalescent. RECONIMEN DATION BY PHYSICIANS. Vie, the undersigned, practitioners in medi cine. clicetfully and heartily recommend Dr. R's method of treating diseases of the Longs and Throat, on the beat and illOtit effectual ever intro duced into ilia medical practice. Our convic tions are bused upon having several of our own patients, confirmed consumptives, restored to vi gortms health, after a few months' treatment by Dr. Rose. In the olive named diseases, tie ap plication of ...Medicated Vapor." inhaled direct ly into t lie Limps, may be justly considered us grcut built to suffering humanity, rendering e. umpt ion a perteetly curable disease. Dr, Ruse deserves well of the Profession for hi- unwearied labors in hringing the inhaling method to such tt ilegres of pertei•tion. RALPH STONE, M.l). CYRUS KINSELEY, M.D. JONAS A. MOTT, M. I). WM. B. AUSTIN, M. D. ORVILLE UPSON, M. D. GAVIN WETbIORE, M. I). PR. ROSE'S TREATISE ON CONSUMP TION —Price one dollar. Address JOHNSON STEW A RT ROSE, Office 3dt , Broadway S. Y. WThe new Postage law requires that all let ters be PRE-PA ID ;m y eurreepotitlenee lie.ng extensive.applicants to insure replies, must en close postage. ofir Money Letters must he registered by the Postmaster, noel, letters only being at ourTisk. April 9,'56.-13m [Estate of Robert Speer, deed.] ORPHANS' COURT SALE, By virtue of an order of the Orpheus' Court of Huntingdon county, there will be exposed to public sale in Cassville, on Saturday the 25th day of June next, the one undivided half of a tract of Coal Land situute on Broad Top, Hun. tiugdou County, contaliiing 55 ACRES, more ur less, known as the Rhode's Tract. TER.—One-third of the purchase money to Se paid on confirmation of sale as the Augnia Court following, and the remainder in two equal annual payment., with interest, secured on the property in the usual manner. D. U.:111,100N, Trustee. Juue4;s6.-4t. IWOCOUNTST DIUMIllts can buy CLOTHING from main Huntingdon at Whole aele, a l cheap as they can in the citioi, nal have rt Wholeaale time in Philadelphia. TIOM A N ItilLN WOOD ACADEMY. WADE GAP, &PiTINGDON COUNTY • PA. W. H. WOOD, k. M., Proprietor and Principal. SAMUEL CAMPBELL, Assistant. JOHN M. CAUSLAND, Teacher in Preparatory Department. Rev. W. S. MORRISON, Lecturer uu Evidences of Christianity. Rev. JAMES CAMPBELL, Lecturer on General Literature. J. A. SHADE, M. D., Lecturer on Anatomy and Hygeana• The semi-annual Exhibition will take place on the lat Wednesday of April. An address w'CI be delivered before the societies in the line part of the day. The eXhibition wBlcame °Win the evening . the examinutuma the week pro iOll6. Those exercises thedViends of education are re speetfully invited to attend. The next session will open the let Wednesday of May. This in. stirmion holds out peculiar inducements to young men seeking an education. The Board of In struetors is composed of gentlemen of high Ewer) attainments and ukilled in their professions. The location is very Iteetthy, baring the pure mountain air and free from nil noxious vapors uri,ing from stagnant water and marshy ground. Those subject to ague could not find a more desirablt woe«. The temptations to vice, idleness, and dissipation are few. There is nothing to draw the mind of the student from his hooks, no liquor in allowed to be sold in the place or nearer than Jlt. Union, 17 miles off. It is just such tt situation ea a young man desirous of improvement would seek. _ 'I he societies are in n flourishing condition; and each halt a fine library ot choice works. Tho buildings are large and communions. capable of accommodating some fifty students. Shade Gap is a quiet and retired place. situated on the mail route betwccu Chambersbure and the Ut. Union sta 11.11 Of the Penna.-Ittilroad. toitt—For se%sion of tire months, for hoard tuition and room, $32.50. Washing, light and feel, extra. Student , charged from the time of entering until the clone of the session. Pay ments quarterly in advance. For catalogues and further particulars address W. H. WOOD, Shade Cap, Hunt. Co., Pa. Mnrch 5, 1556.-3rno. BY EXPRESS. LAT:CST ARRIVAL Of SPiiING AND SUMMER GOODS. *,_7/. ,i 1311705110 Are just receiving and opening no of theflit est assortments of Goods ever uttered to the cit izens of this plum as follows t Clothes, Cassimers, Satincits, Vestings, Cot ton Goods Ike Summer wear • also.Challies. Be rages, Lawns awl Prints, and every other article necessary tor the Ladies. A splendid lot of Black Silk, Ladies' striped and barred Silk, Linnen Goods, and infect every article of wearing apparel necessary thr Hosiery and Taney Goods. Also all kinds of Dress Trinimiugs, Ribbon', Nair I3ruj in, Dress, cup s o,nd every other article usually kept * country store. Straw Bats of the latest styles, Silk, Crape and Straw Bonneni. HATS b. CAPS, of the latest styles, and of every color. ROOTS & SHOES, Our stack of Boots 1111 d Shoes cannot be bent as for quality and cheapness of pokes ; it is un doubtedly the finest in town—no exception. CARPETS, and Oil Cloths. A splendid assortment of Carpet., Duggits and Oil Cloths. _ _ HARDWAItr, The hest assortment in town, not excepting the "Hardware emahlishment," anti ut lower prices. QIILZINSWABOO, GROCZIRIZIS, Tobacco, Cigars, WILLOW WAlttl, Collar-Ware, Lopes, Cords and every variety or Hoods, such ns are usually kept in a country store, run be had by culling at Ilse Cheap More of J. & W. bAXTON. A very rood article of Mackerel. Ilerring, fish, Banos ' Shoulders, and Dried pecf, Just re evived and fir pale at she cheap corner opposite the Post Office, known as the store of J. & W. SAXTON. Umbrellas nml Parasols, of a new stylc.jus: received and fur salo by J.& N. s A x•roN. carpet, MO, Fans, and Ladies' Dress Collar of llvf ll 3' variety, and most beuntilal style, fel sale by J. & W. SAX TON. The finest assortment of Fancy C.u.simerg ev. er otrered ; also vesting, Coat Cassimers. and ai lower prices then can be purchased nt any other house in town, for sale by 3. & W. SAXTON. Huntingdon, April 16, 1856. New Goods New Goods CALL AT D. V. OWIN*4i. D. P. °win lies just received front Philadel phia a large sell beautiful stock of SPRING 4s. SUSSIVSED. GOODS. consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods, for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Chameleon &Watley Silks, Silk CUM, (loath de loins, Spring stiles of Hamilton Du Latins, Ilar,igts. All Wool do Laing; Fancy and Domes tic liitighams, Delia's, Madonna Cloth, Alpaeca, Lawns, and Prints of all dem iption. ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, dress Buttons, Bonnet tiilka, Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery, Laces, Voile, Underslecves, Cullers, Chimes. Sits, Mohair howl dresses. Summer Shawls, &c, Also, Cloths, black and blue, block and face) Cassimer. Cassinets, Vesting., Cotton Stripes An• pants, Nankeen. Muslim, blenched end on• bleached. Ticken. Cheeks, Table Diaper, Wool en and Linen Table Corers, and a variety co, Goads too numerous to ructiti)o. Also Bonnets, Hats & Caps, Roots and Shoes, HARDWARE, QIIIIENSICARE Buckets, 'rubs, Churns, Baskets, Oil Cloths, Groceries, Dish and salt, and all goods usually kept in a country Store. My old manumit. and as many new one, as can crowd in ore respectfully requested to come and examine tur goods All kinds of tuuntry produce taken in Elx• change fur goods, at the highest markot prices. April 9, 1P99. NEW WHOLESALE DRUG STORE. N. SPENCER THOMAS, No 26, South Second Street, Philadelphia. Importer, Manuilicturer, and Dealer iu Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, ACIDS, DYE STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS, COLORS, WHITE LEAD, French and American White ZINC, virisucetv uta.sa, Glassware, Varnishes, Brushes, Instruments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and all other articles usually kept by Druggists, including Borax, It digo, Glue, Shellac, Potash, &c., &c. All orders by mail, or otherwise promptly at tended to. Country merchants are invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing ekewhere. Goods scot to any of the wharves or railroad stations. Prices low and goods war ranted. FARMER'S HOMES HENRY MeIIII.IIINIGILL. Hill street, Huntingdon, Hunt. County, Pa. rritE proprietor would resp , etfully an- il. nounee to all !think' customers and the i 1 "rest of mankind," that he has retitled hit it house, and is prepared to aeoommmluto strong rs and traveller., and the public generally. lie has oleo attached a LIVERY STABLE, unit he will hire horses, enrriageo, he.. cc the meet reasonable tern, TIIE FIVE PER CENT SAVING FUND. Of the National Safety Company. Walnut Street, South West Corner Third Stre,t. Plll LADELPIII.4. Incorporated by Ike Slate of Pen*- . sy haulm ,Toney . in received iu an) sum large or 'lnuit nand interest paid from the day of deposit. The (nice is open every day, front 9 o'clock the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, arc! Monday and Thursday evenings, tiltU o'clock INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All sums large or small, are paid hack in gold I demand without nonce, to env amount. President, lion, HENRY L. BRNNEH. Vice President, ROBERT SELFRIbGE Secretary. Wit J. RE6I/. DIiIECTORS. C. Landreth Mann F. Carroll lireo•rte Henry L. Benner, Edward L. Carter, Joseph 13 : Barry , Ebert Selrridga, Samuel K. Aslito'n, Ken. L. Churchman, James B. Smith. Francis Lee. The investments of the Fund now amounting to morn than ONE 11111,LION of dollars, in ace., dance with the Oct tilineorporatlon are made , n slottirsges, Ground Items, and in snob first-elsse securities as must always insure perfect seem ity to the depositors. and plane beyond all risk the permanency and stability of this old and well established Institutiol, Feb. 29, 1856. HENTINGDON ITOMMMICEIAta ST It , This school Inc been opened 11; uerly occupied by the "Aims of Temper • " n street. The course of in stracti , Truces Single anu 1)oulde Entry hook : r. ecturcs un commercial miience. and also in commercial law, Ethics, and political my. delivered by iiieiliber; of the lOer The student passes through a room ling over our hundred forms, writing .1. porting and closing four anti.; books, solving problems, Sce., precisely a, nl basinesq. and in addition to flan Ite . li prncti'e in oral and blackboard eXCl.rice, 'petting ttnd closing Single and Dmilfle Honks. in Partnership, eldmini.tration and Compound Company settlements, in •, ving a partner into ropartneaship, and . . xitli n miring onn,all of nrious uther—exenises fell to give full intisfitetion end profit tire er. Students Can enter at any time a day t•r e vening class ur out if they with, the time unlimited, they can leave at anv time nod re turn at pleasure ivit:ont additional eltart•e. Fur any other punicularft, addreNg perAonal:y or by letter T. H. I'OLLOCK, Principal. Alain.ce given when required in opening and closing books. (April 2, 1856.-Iv. SO MET FT ING NEW A" YOU INSURED EXCHANGE INSURANCE CO. NO.II, MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA. CAP rr A L. $2011,000. FIRE 'INSURANCE, iteriuttuel or limited, mode tn town or country, on every description I' property. f.ubes Prompql kt;DOWELL, Jet., &usury W. BREWSTER, Agdat,- HUNTINGDON. ' Jun. 23, 1856.—tf. A EDITOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's sale of the personal property of Stephen Mooreand David Whitt, sell, trading under the firm of Moore & White sell to and amongst those legally entitled titers. to, will attend for that purpose at the Prothon • (dory's office, in Huntingdon, on Saturday 31st of May, inst., when anti where all person, having claims against said fund are required to present the same or be debarred from cot, Mg in upon said fund. THEO. H. CREMER, Auditor, May7,'56.-4t, AUDITOR'S NOTICEa The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon Coun ty, to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's Sale of the personal property of Samuel L. Clas• gow, ntnongst those emitted to reeelec the Sal e herehy gives notice to allparties interested. that be has appointed Friday the 23d day of Noy next, at two o'c'ock, P.L.I at his Deice in the borough of Ilnmingdott,.for, the hearing of the parties in this case, when and where all persons interested ratty attend if they think proper. JOHN AILED, A.ud. 30th April, I 856.-4 t. [Estate of Alexander Tresthroak, Deed.] AUDITOR'S NOTICE. THE undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon County, to distribute the funds in the !lauds of Win. Christy and Thomas bleLoy,Adminis• traters of Alex. Westbrook, late of Porter tp., deed., hereby gives notice that he has app‘iitit. ed Tuesday the Ist day of July next, at the Commissioners' Office in the Borough of Han. tingden, for the purpose of fulfilling the duties of his appointment, when and where al; per. sons having claims against said fund are re quired to present the same or be debarred Croix, coming in upon said fund June 4, 185G.-4t A. B. CREVVIr, Aud.:o PILES! PILES! PILES I Are you suffering with the Piles, rewardly n. outwardly? If ao, use Dr. Doprica' Celobralad Reined, 'arrunted to cure in all casoa. The above i 3 the only reined) that has ever cured effectually. City referencea sod testi. monists given. If you have the Piles inwardly, ask fora best of Dr. D. a Pills—only 50 yenta. If you have the files outwardly, ask for box of Dr. oint. , ,nt- -only 5D centi. For sale be.laas.Rrr,a. Hit siterimi: Pl' Jl4l/0 4, 'lli