MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEANTS, FOR SALE. 95 ACRES OF LAND In Hishaeoquillas Valley, Huntingdon County, Penn'a. irkeiFour Mil. from the : villttge of Mill Creek ,,.'. •`. ,f „ adjoining lands clir , " ;g:.' - .lames McDonald & others, late the property of James ROMS, dee'd., about thirty acres cleared, part of which is ex cellent meadow ; with log house and barn, good spring of water at the door end haring Saddler's Creek running through it. The part not clear ed is well timbered, having enough to pay for the property two or three times, and a good farm left. Fur terms call on the undersigned. J. SEWELL STEWART. Huntingdon, '26th May, 1856.—tf. BROAD TOP HOUSE ANRDEW IIIOEBUS Gould Aspectfully inform the public that he has fitted up theßroad Top iii House, ot, Allegheny Street, and is now prepared to entertain all who may favor him with their patronage, in an unobjectionable style. The house has been lbrnished in a style not .surpassed by any establishment in the Borough. His table will always bu supplied with the sub• stantials nod delicacies of the season, In a word, no pains will be spared to make this house a first class hotel, and nothing left un• done to render its guests comfortable and hap. py. His Bar is furnished with the choicest liquors. ANDREW MERL'S. May28,'66.-3m. HUNTINGDON CARRIAGE & WAGON AIANUFAC FURY. OWEN BOAT, thankful for past favors, re spectfully informs the public in general that he in prepared to manta:mum at his shop on Washington street, on the property late!y and for nuny years occupied by Alex. Cae.non, CARRIAGES, BIiuGIFN, ROCKAwAys, GERMANTOWN WAGONS, and in short every kind of vehicle de,ired.— Roekaways and Buggies °fa superior manu the tore and finish always on hand and far sale at fair prices. Repairing of all kinds done at the shortest 110- tics and most reatonable terms. Huntingdon, May 28, C. O. 11090E1r. HUSSEY & WELLS, PORK PACKEOS Wk . °les'alc Dealers in Provisions, cl:Nritz,x, «0111114100 ION V.F.E.ItegANTS. SO, 39 LIRE TT ST EET, Commercial Row, PITTSBURG, PA. May 21, 1856.4 m. Ambrotypes & Daguerreotypes. EPItE'I7I . .MA.N respectfully informs the public that he is now prepared to take Daguerreotypes, and A mbrotypes on glass, put up in single or double CRAM Ruutus at the Station House. May28:56.-41. HO ! WHAT A RUSH @S@IIIVE ®Ti g.'iTr (0,1? HI. is now selling his large nod splendid as• sortment of Goods at Cost. For Gentlemen's wear, consisting of Cloth., Black and Blue ; Black Cassimer, Satinets, Flannels, &c. Table Diaper, Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, Summer Cloth, Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs fur ladies and gentlemen, Silk Handkerchiefs, Satin and Grenadine Vestings, Marseille. and Figured Vestings. A large lot of Gloves and Hosier for ladies and children. A good assortment of Silk flood-111sek, from 50 cents to $1,25 Colored, from 75 cents to $l. RI, 1 extra Moleskin lots for $3,75. A large stock of Hardware, Queensware and Groceries. A splendid stock of Ladies' Dress Goods, Such as Baraze Do Lanes, De Berge, Alpacas, Muslins, Cambric and Swiss, spotted and figur ed f, Black Silk Laces, Edgings and Insertings; Block Silk and Cotton Nettin and Dobinet, Silk cnd Cotton Blonds, and a variety of Goods of e ,ry kind. A large lot of Summer Wear fur men and boys. ItifirAll of which will be sold at prices be- yond all competition. Mayl4;s6. [Estate of Andrew Robison, deceased.] AIJDITOR'N NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, who has been appointed Auditor by the Or. phone' Court of Huntingdon county, to distri• bate the balance in the hands of David Reid. son, surviving Executor of the last will and testament of Andrew Robison, dec'd., late of Mrturiorsmark township, to and amongst those legally entitled thereto, will attend at the Reg. ister's office, in Huntingdon, on Saturday the 31st of May, inst., for that purpose, when and where all persons having claims against said fund are required to present the same or be de barred from cotning ttt upon said fund. THEO. H. CREMER, Auditor. May7.'56.-4t. Auditor's Notioe, The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Piens of Huntingdon county to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's sale of the real estate of Reuben White, amongst those entitled to receive the same, hereby gives no• tiro, that he has appointed Tuesday, the 10th day of June next. at 2 o'clock, P. M., at the Court House, for the purpose of receiving ad. ditioual testimony and bullring the parties, when and where all persons interested may at tend if they think proper. THEO. TI. CREMES, Auditor. 1f.a714.,14.-tt MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS, HARDWARE STORE! 13E LTE VING an establishment of this kind needed in this place, the subscribers have just opened a large and carefully selected stock of HARDWARE, and arc now realty to accommo date all who tndy give them a call. _ Among our stock will be found a full assort• ment of Building "Materials, Nails, Glass, rutty, Locks, Bolts, Binges, &c. A really excellent Assortment of Mechanics' Tools, including all the latest inventions. Mill, Cross cut, Tenon, Bow, Hand, Compass and Wood Saws, (thirty dillerent varieties,) Chisels, Axes, Hatchets, Shears and Scissors, Graduated and Common Auger Bits, Table and Pocket Cutle ry, Iron and Steel of all shapes and sizes, Car riage Springs and Axles, Miners' Coal Shovels, Blacksmiths' Vices, Oils and Paints, Brushes, Humes. &c., &c. In fact everything usually kept in a Hardware Store. We make no allusion to any other individual establishment, Hardware or Dry Goods, hut ire say generally that for reasons well understood by traders, we can and do sell Goods in our line on hotter terms than they can be had elsewhere in this county, and as Low as can he had in any neighboring county. Persons from a distance urn invited to call or send in their orders. I%'Two doors west or the Globe and Post Office. JAMES A. BROWN & CO. A pr.30,'56.—1y. BOVEtt. The Lost is Found; THE DEAD HAVE CORIDTO LIFE. ALEXANLIA FOUNDRY OWNED BY ISRAEL GRAFFIUS, EN, D C. McGill. wishes to inform his 11. friends and the public generally, ,1 1 1. 1 that he has bought the abovenamed Foundry, Patterns, Flasks, and 01l its contents, and from his long experience in the business he hopes to obtain a share of the public patronage. , As he loos the Foundry in full ope ration. he can furnish nll who may give him a call with 01l kinds of Castings ; such as Rolling Mill and Forge Casting ( Grist and Sow Mill Casting, improved Thrashing Machine Casting; and in a short time will have Cook Stoves of va rious lint . and improved patterns for wood and coal; also ten-plate stoves, Air-Tight, Parlor, and Bar-room stoves; of all sizes for 00011 or coal. Also Castings for house; cellnr grates ; such as Lentels, Sills, Sash-Weights, he. Plows DI every description of the latest and moot im proved style. Also steel soles, wagon boxes, oven frames, large bells and east water-pipes. lIOLLOW—VITAII33 consisting of Kettles, Boilers, &c.. having turn ing-lathes. 11e will be able to furnish any of the above-named articles, either wood hr iron ; and be has all kinds of Castings too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold cheaper than ever for essh and all kinds of country produce.— Also old metal will be taken in exchange for cas ting. Hurry up your old metal and country pro duce when any articles are wanted. R. C. McGILL. C. WELLS. I A LATEST ARRIVAL OF ila.C'_i'rEaTaltf KnE)g.l AT THE BROAD TOP DEPOT. puNNINGHAm & DUNN have just received V a welt-selected stuck at Spring & Summer G 090,, consisting of Dry Goods, Hard-vvase, Groceries, queens-Ware. Cedar-dare, Hats, boots and shoes. Crochory-ware, steno and earthen Tin-ware, Cane Fishing-rods• Beady Made Clothing always on hand, and in short everything that is usually kept in a country store. BACON, SALT, FISH AND PLASTER, kept constantly for Sale. Cull and examine our Goods and judge for yourselves. All kinds ot country produce taken in ex.' change for Goods at the highest market prices. The highest market pikes paid ler all kinds of Grain. . . Prompt attsntion paid to storing and forward. ing all kinds of merchandise, produce, &c. Huntingdon, Idny, 14, 1858. IN BLAST AGAIN ! Huntingdon c , • t Foundry. I 11 Mon THE TAKE THIS ME thnd of informing their friends and the pub lic generally, that they bare rebuilt the ilunt in gdon Foundry, and are now in soccessful 3y• eration, and are prepared to furnish casting of all kinds, of the best quality on the shortest no tice and most reasonable terms. Farmers are invited to call and examine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing she Hunter Plough, (tbis plough took the premium at the Huntingdon County Agricultural Fair. in 1855) also Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which can't be bent. together with the Keystone, Hill side, and marshear Ploughs. We hare on hand and are manulbeturing stoves, such as Cook, Parlor antrotlice stores for coal cr wood. HOLLOW-WARE consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c., nil of which will be sold cheep for cash or in ex change fur country product:. Old metal taken for new castings. By a strict attention to busi ness and desire to planes, we hope to receive a s bare of puldic patronage. • J. M. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. April 30, 1856--tf. WZW In the healing art. Those uffl:cted with all kinds of Tumors, Wens Cancers, Fungus, m Ilaimodes, Schorrus, Goiter, Polypus, &c., or any growth or Sores, no mutter on what part of the body, can be cured by an entirely new method, without cutting, caustic or pain, (if cu rable). Those afflicted with Blindness, Deaf ness, and other Diseases, no matter what their same may he, can rest assured of finding relief, and therefore should not delays moment. Write disease and symptoms full and you can receive an answer by return mail; to insure an answer enclose the small sum of Twenty-five Cents, to warrant bite in spending his time fur your bene fit. All other letters must have a post stamp en closed to pre-pay answers. N. ll—Dr. K. is a regular Graduate. !'hero is no need to visit distant places, to undergo n painful operation, and spend a fortune when you can be cured with little expense, and without suffering, near home. Address, Da. C. L.KELLING, Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, Pa. Apr.23,'56.-10m. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Whereas letters testamentary on the Estate of William Orr, late of Tell Township, tice'd., have been granted to the undersigned, !maioo is hereby given to all persons indebted to said es tate to make payment immediately, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. JAMES ORR, Ejerc WM. X. ORR, 5 April an, ! 836.--4 t• . RETAILERS oF MERCHANDISE. Cieuist.V.lc„AjoT„N, \ e N r ' o l t H m l , N e • chenille Taxes, for the 3 year commencing the l' the first day of May, 1850. Alexandria Born' & Porter 7)). CLASS. AAIOIINT. George C. Hitcher, 13 $lO 00 Henry C. Walker, 13 10 00 Charles Porter, ' 1:3 10 00 William Moore, 14 7 00 Samuel Hatfield, 14 7 00 Joseph Green & Co., 14 7 00 John R. Gregory, 14 7 00 Burros Township. Samuel W. 7lyton, 14 7 00 John C. Couch, 14 7 00 James 11. Walker, 14 7 u 0 - .... Stewart Foster, 14 7 00 George W. Johnston, t Co., 14 7 00 Brady Township. Madden S.: Ely, . 12 12 50 Irvin, Green &" co. ! 14 7 00 Cols Tp. d Custoille Am°. . 14 7 00 Peter M. Bate, 11 7 00 Evans & Brother, 1.4 7 00 James liendersm;, Joseph P. Heaton, 14 7 00 Clay Township. T. E. Orhison & Co., 1:1 10 00 .... —.. James Glasgow, 14 7 00 Cromwell Township. Thomas E. Orbison, 13 10 00 11 10 00 David Etnier, , George Sipes, 1.1 7 00 ]sett. Wigton it Co., 13 10 00 Sheller it Son, 14 7 00 Dublin Township. Blair it, Robison, 13 10 00 Andrew Wilson, 14 7 00 ... _ James Cr., Jr., 14 7 00 Franklin ibirnship. .1. Warhm Matters,en ...13 10 00 Samuel Matte., 14 7 00 Shorb, Stewart & Co., 13 10 00 . . John S. Isett, , 14 7 00 G. & J. 11. Shoenherger, 11 15 00 Huntingdon Borough. Fisher & Menurtrie, 12 12 50 J. & W. Saxton, 12 12 50 George °win, 12 12 50 Benjamin Jacobs, 14 • 7 00 W. & J. Cannon, 13 10 00 J. Bricker, 14 7 00 E. Snare, 14 7 00 Joseph Reiger, 14 7 00 A. Willoughby, 14 7 00 J. Snyder, 14 7 00 L. Westbrook, 14 7 00 Long & Decker, 14 7 00 Henry Roman, 14 7 00 Hartley & Co., 14 7 00 51,,,es Straus, 11 7 00 .1. Brown & Bro., 14 7 00 David I'. Goin, 13 10 00 1 William Colon,._ 14 7 00 Hopewell Township. David & William Fisher & Co., 14 7 00 David Foster, 14 7 00 Itekson Township. Rtthert Melierney i 14 7 00 John A. Wright 8: CO, 13 10 00 Joseph Porter, 14 7 00 Johnston & Michell, • 14 7 00 Elias Musser, 14 7 00 George H. Little, 14 7 00 William H. Harper, 14 7 00 James Magill, 14 7 00 Norris Township, George H. Steiner, William Davis, Reid & Hummer, Owen & Grains, Joseph Law, Irvin & Green, l'enn Township. David H. Campbell, Samuel Wad, Shirley Tp.,& Shirleysburg ho, Belishoover & Bossier, 14 Oliver lit t ler, 14 John & .1. Ely, 13 John W. Smith, 13 John Bare, 1.1 Samuel Eby, 14 William B. Leas, s 13 John Long & Co., 13 J. G. Lightner, 14 S. L. Glasgow, 14 John H. Lightner, 14 Springfield township. Blair, Locke & Co., 14 Sipes & Gorsuch, Tell Township. A. C. & J. H. Blair, George Noss, A. C. Blair, 'od nimbi), Antos Clark, Aaron Sheeder, Levi Evans, Kessler, Whitney & Co., James Dunn, James Edwards, McGuire & Port 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 11 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 'Volker Township, Megnhsut & Moore, Joseph Douglass, Wurriormork Tp., & Birnting• have Borough. Flare] Clarke James Clarke, A. P. Kinney, 13. F. Patton, G. G uyer, Jr., P. Pox, West Tp. if Petembury Boro.' John Hewitt, Jr., Henry Neff, Bonjernin Hartman, John Cresswell & Son, Samuel D. Nylon, John It. Hunter, L'nion 'Township. Isaac Zimmerman, fluntingdon Borough. John Rend, Petersburg Borough. Joseph Johnston, Distilleries. Brady Twnship. James & John McDonald, 9 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 3 10 00 4 5 00 Barree Township, Hobert Massey, Breweries, Alexandria Borough. Henry Fockler, Huntingdon Borough John Fockler, 9 8 00 9 8 00 9 8 00 Mills Huntingdon 11;;;;;;/h. Fisher & lel4lurtrie, 14 7 00 Shirley Touship. George Eby, 14 7 00 Alexandria Borough. John Gemtnill, 14 7 00 - - An appeal will be held by the undersigned at any time up to the 15th day ofJuly at the Com. missioners' Office. Persons wishtng to appeal will please apply within the time prescribed, as the law prohibits any appeal after that time. MENRY W. MILLER. Appraiser, ttc. Notice is hereby given that nll Lincenses not lifted previous to or during the August Court, will be left in the hands of a Justice of Peace A. 11. CREWIT. fur collection Hunt. April 16;1856. County TreaBurer. ti) o virso,tc)n COUNTY SURVEYOR. Office with Daniel Africa, Esq., Hill street be. Utween Montgomery and Smithstreets, Hunt. ingdon, Pa. (Sept. 241, MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. 800K5!m.,47 BOOKS! 4U 000 VOLUMES of new end popuhir Itooks,mohreeingevery vari,ty 'molly kept in Ink Store, anti mit v m them et half the I'uhli.hcr'seetuilprice, the suht.eriher now offers to the politic. . . All school hooks used in the county can be had in Any quantities at retail mill wholesale rates. Foolscap, I.sttenund Wrapping Paper, wholesale or by the roam. lOU superior Gold Pens with Silver and Gold Cases, trots $1 upwards. lOU Pocket and P. knives of Rogers' and others' hest matdheturc. 100 splendid Poet Monnaiesand Pocket Book: at 20 ets. and upwards. 3.000 1.11.3:ES WALL PAPER, of the latest and prettiest styles, just received from Philadelphia and New York, prices from lUcts. a piece and upwards. 500 beautifully painted and gold gilted Win dow Shades at 44 ets. and upwards. The public I non but to call and examine, to he convinced that in buying of the ahoy', ,toek they w II he pleased and also save money. HI:- member the place, corner of Montgomery nod Railroad streets. WM. COLON. CLOTHING ! A New Assortment Just Opened And willbe sold 30 per cent. CHEAPEit THAN TIIi•: t HEAPEST2 IiUMAN respectfully in'orins his curio , titers nuts the public puerility, that he has just opened et his stare-roots iu INlttrket Square, fluntiugtleu, a splendid new stork of Heady made Oollilug for ,Spring and Summer 1. which Ito will sell Llt;eperillan the , inne iinitlitv of Goods colt he pnrelittseil et retail in Philitilei phin or any tither establiiihnient in the enentry. Persons wishing to hey Clothing would do well to cell and examine hie stock before purcha sing elsewhern April9,'• nriYUIELP - Lfr_O:Pl MX.P I. CAL V Air 0 BY JOHNSON ST 11:1 WA RT ROS 1111. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, and for nears Senior Physician in the. Lon don hop! In Oman, jt r discuses of the LUNGS. T this age of progress, Medical Scienee has I I contributed her full share to the general wel fare, and shot which shines resplend e nt, s h e brightest jewel in her diadem is VAron Ixtim,tiort iu the treatment of Consumption and Kindred affections. The treatment hitherto pursued has been foully and worldly inefficient ; the stomach icing made the receptacle of nause ous oils, and a host of other nostrums ; all these Ma, being expected to act upon the lungs ; the failure to eradicate, or even stop the ravages of the disease, in nearly every case of well-develop. ed Consumption. is surely warning enough to the Constamptive to shun such a treatment. The disuse is not in the Stomach but in the bows.— Common sense will at once teach, that medicine applied in the form of Vapor, directly to the dis eased mirth. of the Lungs, will he far more ef fectual than medicine taken into the stomach. The success of "Medicated Vapor in treating diseases of the Lungs, exceed my sanguine expectations, and I earnestly appeal to the intelligence of all afflicted, or who may have the ge runs of sickness within them, to embrace at once the soothing healing, and successful sys tem of Medical Vapor kind:ohm, ns the sissy "Ark of Refuge" for the Consumptive. I OM. to out it within the reach Or Oil, and Coll so ar• range it, that the invalid is never cognised to leave home, where the hand of friendship mid age,tiou, told so much to aid the physician's eflort , •• Where there is life there is now hope l b, t h e me , soemitt4ly cases, as thro , sot all. the stnges of :ifs insidious disease, the wontlertul and beneficiont ellbcts of the treat ments tire soon In CtISCi also of mioNeurnis, .4sTulllA, 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 the 0,71i;g of powders . 1 .1 vapura tore been eminently successful, and to those suffering un der any of the above named complaints, I can guarantee speedy and certain relief. I have pleasure in referring to TWO lIUNIMED ASO SE- T. names, residents of New York and neigh, boyhood, who have been restored to vigorous health. About ate-third of the above number according to the patients' own statements were considered hopeless cascs. The inhaling method is soothing, safe and speedy, end consists in the administration of me dicines 111 such n eu; that they are conveyed into tho lungs in the force of a vapor, awl pro duce their notion at the scat of the disease. Its practical success is destined to revolutionize the opinions of the medical world, AND ESTABLINII Tilt ENTIRE CUB 11111.1 TY 00NBU3IrTION. Applicants will please state if they have ever bled front the Longs, if the) have lost flesh, nave a cough, night sweats and fever turns, what and how much they expmate, a hat tbu condition of their stomach and bowels. The necessa ry m e di c i n es, Apparatus, Sic., will be forwarded to any part. TERMS.—Five dollars, consultation fee.— Ihutnve of the fee pnyahle only when the pa tient reports himseh convalescent. RECOMMENDATION BY PHYSICIANS. We, the undersigned, practitioners in medi cine, cheerfully and heartily recommend 111.. R's method of treating diseases of the Lung.; and Throat, as the hest and most effectual ever intro duet,' into the medical practice. Oar eonvie , thins see based upon baying several at' our own pittients, confirmed consumptives, restored to vi gorous health, after a taw months' treatment by Dr. Rose. In the above named diseases, the ap plication of" Medicated Vapor." inhaled direct . ly into the Lungs, way he justly considered as a greet been to suffering humanity, rendering consumption a perleetly curable disease. Dr. hose deserves well of the Profession for his unwearied labors in bringing the inhaling method to such iilegreeof...tievt.:etiiie.... --- RALPH STONE, M.l). CYRUS lONSELEY, M.l), JONAs A. MUTT, M. O. WNI. AUSTIN, M. (11:\11.11 UPSON, O. GAIN \1 ETMOIIE, M. D. rat. ROSE'S TREATISE ON CONS1l311'• TI lIN —Juice one dollar. Address .1011 N SUN STE WA nT ROSE, OtHce 381, Broadway N. Y. fierThe new Postage law requires that nil let ters be rue-ruin; my correspondence Leong extensive, applicants to insure replies, must en close posteige. fkrAliiney Letters must be registered by the Postmaster, such letters , only being ut our risk. April 9,'58.-11m. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court of Corumn Pleas of Huntingdon Coun ty, to distribute the proceeds of the Merin Sale of the personal property of Simnel L. Glas gow, amongst those entitled to reveler the same hereby gives notice to all parties interested, that he has appointed Friday the Old day of May next, at two o'clock, P.g. at his (ace in the borough or Huntingdon, fur the hearing of the parties in this ruse, when and where all persons interested may attend if they think proper. JOHN HEED, And. 30th April, 18511.-4 t. NOTICE. The undersigned having Administered on the Estate of Alexander McKibben, dee'd., noti fies all persons owing & having claims against said Estate to come forward and settle their accounts. JNO. DicCULLOCU, April 16, 19641- 6+. MILK WOOD ACADEMY, SHADE GAP, HUNTINGDON COUNTY, PA. W. H. WOOD, A. M., Proprietor and Principal. SAMUEL CAMPRELL, Assistant. JOHN M. CAUSLANDaeacher in PreparMory Department. Rev. W. S. MORRISON, LePtnrer on Evidences of Christianity Rev. JAMES CAMPBELL, Lecturer on General Literature. J. A. SHADE, M. D., Lecturer on Anatomy and Ilygeana. The semi-annual Exhibition will take place oi Is delivered before the societies in the fora mat evening . the examination , : the week pros ions. spectrally invited to attend. The next session stitution holy out peculiar inducements to you'll struetors is ciantiti.eil of gentlemen or high liters The locution is very healthy, having the pare mot from st,tuntint water and marshy ground. TheA puler. The temptations to vice, idleness, and sI mind of the student from Isis !mks, no liquor is Union, 17 miles all. It is just such a situation a seek. The societies are in a nourishing condition ; a buildings are large and commodious, capable afi is a q u iet and retired ohm Mutated on the mail r station of the Penna. Railroad. TERMB—For cession of live manilla, for hoard fuel, extra. Students are charged front the time meats quarterly in advance. For catalogues no, March 5, 185G.-3mo. BY EXPRESS. A.T.:EOT , Alutivit.x.. or SNAG Mii SUNNEr'. GOOD S.. . X7O Are jest receiving and JVCllillt: IMO of the flu e.t assortments of Goods ever offered to the cit izens of this place, as follows Clothes, Cossineors, Satinetts. Vestings, Cot ton Goods for Summer wear; also„Challiest.Bc -1,1,,C5, Lawns and Prints, end every other article neecsFary for the Ladies. A splendid bet of Black Silk. Ladies' striped and barred Silk, Linnen Goods, and in fact every article of wearing apparel necessary for Hosiery and Fancy Goods. Also all kinds of Dress Gloves. Combs, Ribbons, Hair Braids, 'Dress Caps, and every other article usually kept in a country store. Straw Ham of the latest styles, Silk, Crape and Straw Bonnets. HATS & CAPS, of tie latest styles, and of every color. BOOTS & SHOES? Our stock of Boots and Shoes cannot bo beat as for quality and cheapness of prices ; it is un doubtedly the finest in town—no exception. CARPETS, and Oil Cloths A splendid assortment of Carpets, Duggits and Oil Cloths. 11/kILDWA.RE, The hest assortment in town, not excepting the "Hardware estaldishment," and at lower prices. 07 IENSWARE GROCERIES, Tobacco, Cigars, WILLOW WARM, &c Cedar-Ware, Ropes, Cords and every variety of Goods, such Os are usually kept in a country store, can be had by calling at the Cheep Store of J. $4 \V. SAXTON. A very good article of MackPrel, Herring, Cod fish, limns, Shoulders, and Dried Berl•, Just re ceived nod for sale at .he cheap corner opposite the Post Office, known as the store of .1. & W. SAXTON. Umbrellas and Parasols, or a new style.just received and for sale by J.& W. SAXTON. Carpet Bogs, Fans, RIM Ladies' Dress Collars of army variety, and most beautiful styles, tier sale Icy d. & W. SAXTON. MC finest assortment of Fancy Casainters ev er altered ; also resting, Coat Cassimers, and at lower Nicol than can be purchased at any other house in towa, for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. Ilantingilon, April 16, 1856. New Goods ! New Goods ! ! CALL. AT D. P. GIVINIX. 1). P. Grin ling just received from Philadel phia n large soil liemitictil stork of SPRING & StTP&SIIIR GOODS. consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods, tOr Ladies and Geutlemen, such as Black Silks, Chninelcon & Fancy Silks, Silk Chain, Chilli de lilies, Spring stiles of Ilamilton De Loins, Baragcs. All Wool de Lan., limey and I)omcs tic Madonna Cloth, Minim, Lan,, and Prints of all description. ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimming,, dress ((nurses, Bonnet Silks, Ribbons. Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery, Laces, Veils, Undersleeves, Collars, Chimur, efts, Mohair head dresses. Summer Shawls, &c. Moo, Cloths, black and blue, black and fancy Cassimer. Cassinets, Vestings, Cotton Stripes, for pants, Nankeen, :%Inslins, blenched and un bleached, Ticken. Cheeks, Table Diaper, Wool en and Linen Table Covers, and a variety 01 Goods too numerous to menti3u. Also Bonnets, Hats dr. Caps, roots and Shoes, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE Buckets, Tubs, Churu.+, Baskets, Oil Cloths, Groceries, Fish and salt, awl all goods 1.1114. kept in a country Store, . . Afy old customers, and as man! . new ones as can crowd in are respectfully request.; to tonne and examine my goods . _ . . . All kinds of Country prncluce taken in ox change for goods, at the highest market prices. April 9, 1859. NLW WHOLESALE DREG STORE, N SPENCER THOMAS, -•• No. 26, South Second Street, Philadelphia. Iwarier, Manufacturer, and Dealer iu Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, ACIDS, DYE STUFFS, PANTS, OILS, COLORS, WRITE LEAD, French and AmeriCan White ZINC, WINPOW CAAS Sy Glassware, Varnishes, Brushes, Instruments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and all other articles usually kept by Druggists, including Borax, Glue, Shellac, Potash, ac., All orders by mail, or otherwise promptly at. tended to. Country merchants are invited to roll and examine oar stock before purchasing elsewhere. Goods sent to any of the wharves or railroad stations. Prices low and goods war ranted. Mar.12,'56.—1y. FARMER'S HOME. lIENRY MCNIANIGILL. Hill Street, Huntingdon, llunt. County, Pa, TAE. proprietor would respectfully an noun,. of all his old customers and the "rest of mankind," that he has refitted his house, and is prepared to accommodate strangers and travellers, and the public generally. Ile has also attached a LIVERY STABLE, .d ho will hire horses, carriages, &C.. on the most reasonable tents. Aril 9 1556. IT. in the let Wednesday of April. An address will tof the day. The exhibition will come off in the These exercises the friends of edocation are re . will open the lst Wednesday of This in• ig men seeking an education. The Board of lo ony attainments and bkilled in their professions, untain air and roe from all noxious vapors arising sit subject to ague could not find a more desirable lissipation are few. There is nothing to draw the allowed to be sold in the place or nearer than Mt. Ls a young man desirous of improvement would and eneh lins a fine library ot choice works. The 'accommodating some fifty students. Shade Gap route between Chambersbura and the Mt. Unien tnition and room, $52.50. Washing, light and or entering until the close of the session. Pay- I further particulars address W. 11. WOOD, Shade Gap, Ilunt. Co., Pa. An Improvement Worthy the Progres- sive Age. ALDRICU & FOOTE'S PATENT WASHING MACHINE. ~kl l: subscriber I i u t: t r i e n pwanr,i,..de alth 1 1 11 . every ne o citiacn of the r these superb articles, acknowledged by all who have them in use, and by every one who has tes ted them, to he superior to anything of the kind ever brought before the public. . . . _ . They aro made of the hest motet ial, under the supervision of the subscriber, who is ',enured to deliver them at env point in thin or the ad joining counties. Thin muebine possesses many advantages over any other ut !behind, fronithe fact, that it in no manner wears the clothing.- es less soon, and is easier worked. The price ranges from six to seven dollars. The subscriber warrant , : this machine to give entire satisfaction. If it does not do everything' ho secs, no charge will be made. A trial is ear nestly invited and perfect satisthetion w•:trranted. A strong recommendation for the macid no is the timber already sold. Any per.nn who wishes one of these articles, :an he neconnundared by addressing BENJ. J. WILLIAMS, Alexanaria, Hunt. Co., Pa, 51ny.30,'55.—1y. TILE FIVE PER CENT SAVING FUND. ' Igthe National Safety Company. Walnut Street, South Wes , Corner Third Street. PIIILADELIIII.I. Incorporated by the State of Penn sylvania. ooc}• is received in an} 0010 large or small IVL and interest paid from the der of deposit. The Office is open every day, from 9'o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All sums lurge or small, are paid back in gold on demand without notice. to any amount. President, Hon, HENRY L. BENNER, Vice President, RtIIIERT SELFRIDGE, Secretor, NVst Iltino. • LW:EC:TORS. Henry L. Benner , Edward L. Carter, Hobert Selfridge. . . C. Landreth Munns, F. Cnrroll Brewster, Joseph B. Barry, Samuel K. Ashton, lien. 1.. Chum Milan, James IL Smith. Francis Lee. The investments of the Fund now amountins to mew than win MiLmos of dollars, in accor dance with the act of incorporation are made in Mot tgages, Ground Rents . , end in such first-class securities l as must always insure perfect sorority to the depositors, and place beyond all risk the permanency and stability of this old and well established Institution. Feb. 20, 1836. HUNTINGDON ColVIIV11:11C, SCROOL, Thin school h., opened P. Inct Hail for merly occupied b)• the "Suns of Temperance," on 11111 street. The coarse of instruction em braces Single ann Double Entry In oh keeping, lectures on commercial science. and also lectures on commercial law, Ethics, and political econo my. delivered by members of the Bar. The student passes through a course compri sing over lbty hundred forms ' inciting rut, jour— nalizing, posting and elosingfour entire sets of books, solving problems, &c.,precisely as in re al business, mid in addition to this he has large practice in oral and blackboard exercises, in o pening and closing Single and Double Entry Books, its Partnership, Administration, Joint, and Compound Company settlements, in cocci ving a partner into copartnership, and settling with a retiring 0., all of which, together with various other exercises and calculations cannot Iltil to give full satisfaction anal profit Stir learn er. Students can enter tit tiny time a day or e vening class or Mali if they wish, the time is unlimited, they can leave at anv time and re turn at pleasure witlmitt additional charge. „.,. For tiny other particulars, address personally or by letter T. 11. POLLOCK, Principal. A,:istanco given when required in opening and closing books. [April 2, 1826.-17. NOTICE. THE undersigned having sold out and given up business at Mill Creek, they are now anxious to have all unsettled accounts, notes, &0., due them settled np in no stlort Lima as passible.— Those, therefore, knowing themselves indebted, will give this notice their earliest attention. KESSLER & BRO. P. 8. We have 40,000 Plastering Lath on hand and the solo. K. & 13. SOMETHING NEW. .% IIE 'We nsunpu EXCHANGE INSURANCE CO. NO. 11, MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, rnILADELPIIIA. CAPITAL. $200,000, FIRE INSURANCE, perpetual or limited, mode m town or country, on every description of property. Losses iiromptlypnid 1. Sia)owELL, du., Secrotary. W,BREWSTER,pgcut, IluomucoN. Jun. 23, 18513.-If. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county to distribute the proceeds of the Shiniffis sale of the personal property of Stephen Moore and David White sell, trailing under the firm or Moore Sc White. sell to and atnongvt those legally entitled there to, will attend tbr thqtpnrpose at the Pmthon otary'v o ffi ce, in Huntingdon, on Saturday the :ilst of May, inst., when and where all persons baring claims against said feed are required' to present the same or be debarred from com ing in upon said fund. THEO. H. CREMEIt, Atklitor. May7,'56.-4t. gar 0 017117 TR IF DEALERS can buy CLOTHING from rue in Huntingdon at Whole. sale, as cheap as they can in the cities, as I hare a Wholosalt , store in I'l~ihulclphia, Apr.g!%ri. H. ROMAN, MISCELLAhEOUS ADVERTISEDIENTSi TREASURER'S SALE, OF UNSEATED LANDS, _ _ Bold for Taxes up to and (Wading /854 WIIEREAS, by an act of the General Ae- V V semblv of the Commonwealth of Pennayl vaniti, entitled "Ati art to amend an act direct ing Me mode of'selling unseated lands for tax es and other purposes," passed 13th March, 18- 15. and the other acts upon that subject ; the Treasurers of the several counties within this Commonwealth WC directed to commence on the 2nd Monday in June in the year 1816, and et the expiration of every two years thereafter, and adjourn from day to day, if it be accessa ry so to do, arid make public sale of .the whole or only part of such tracts of unseated land, situate in the proper counts-, as trill pay the or rearages of the taxes which shall then have re mained due and unpaid for the space of one year before, together with all mists necessarily accruing by reason ofsuch delinquen,y, &e.— I ALFRED 13. CREWIT, Treasurer of the County of Huntingdon, do therefore herebygive notice that upon the following tracts of unsca ted land, situate herein described, the several sums stated are "the arrearages of the taxes, respectively, due and unpaid for one year;' and that, in pursuance of direction orthe afore said act of Assembly, I shall, on Monday the sth day of June next, at the Court House, in the borough of Huntingdon, commence the Public Sale of the whole or any part of such tracts of unseated hairdo, upon which all or any part of the taxes herein specified shall then bn due, and continue such sale, by adjournment. until all the tracts epos which the taxes shell remain duo and unpaid, he sold. ALFRED B. CRE WIT, Treasurer of Huntingdon Count; We Office, l 1, 1856. I Names of Warrantees, Barree Township : Cromwell Township : AlexanderhleKeehan, Charles Bayles, John Smith, George Stephenson ; John Jourdan, Samuel Galbraith, Jos?ph Galbraith, John Galbraith, Walter B. Hudson, Cass Township William Miller, Robert Miller, Clay Township Thomas Green, 3 Ephraim Galbraith, 7 Dublin Township 7 Titus Harvey, 1 : John Forrest, 12 Franklin Township John Partner, TE, Henderson Township Henry Gates, 3 3g .Tackson Township Thomas Partner, 2 5 Jacob Ifiltzheitner, 2 George Steever, 2 Andrew Boyd, George Crazor, Adam Striker, George Engles, James Deane, Henry Conan, Alexander Jonston, Thomas McCune, John Russell, William Steel, Sato lief Canon, Samuel Marshall, Robert Treasure 402 53 3£o 31 393 17 403 63 418 120 293 41 400 70 408 77 120 50 413 15 416 0 400 400 422 115 420 21 400 George Wier?, Porter Township Samuel Fisher, Ruth Green, Henry Green, Elenzer Wallasters; John Spencer, Shirley Tp. Benjamin Brown, Springfield Tp. : Nathan Old, Tod Tp. Daniel Newcomer 4 48 S. Barkley & W. Edwards - , 8 64 do. do. do. 10 76 Henry Roads, 0 0 Neal Clark, (now Amos) Jahn Pearson, John Philips, George Buchanon, David Lapsley, Joseph Brown, James Witer, Daugherty & Speer, do. do. John Blan, William Blair. John Murphy; John Miller, Tell Tp.. George Truman, Simon Potter, John Pease, Adam Clow, Union Tp.: John Covenhoven, Robert Fee, Benjamin Elliott, Samuel Richards, John Brewster, West Tp. Robert Watson, John Watson, Robert Young, William Watson, W. McAlevy & W. Reed, Elisha Shoemaker, Walker Tp. Charles Smith, Richard Smith, Hugh Laurish, Rudolph Laurish, John Kerr, Warriorsmark Tp, John Matthews, —ALSO— 10 400 46 60 294 210 120 420 102 439 51 4:38 40 271 85 242 51 :322 52 300 75 395 113 355 129 414 10 431 30 288 69 181 78 26 18 300 422 39 412 78 The following reel estate upon which person al property cannot be found sufficient to pay the taxes, returned by the several collectors, is chdrged with the taxes thereon assessed for the years 1851 and 1852, and will be sold as unsea ted lands, iu pursuance of the directions of the 41st section of the Oct of Assembly, entitled "An Act to reduce the State debt and to incor porate the Pennsylvania Canal and Railroad Company," approved the 20th April, 1844 Barree Tp. : 130 William Crownorer, Jackson Tp. 800 Adam Tedwiler, LIME, LIME. The subscriber has just finished and has iu complete operation. throe Lime Kilns, produ• clog daily a large amount of the best white lime burned in the interior of the State. I will furnish it at qny point on the Pennsylvania or Portage Roads, or at the Kiln, at fair rates,— All orders will be promptly attended to. JAMES' FUNK, Dmicatismus. Blair Co., Pa. May 14,'56.-Gt. LOOK AT THIS FIGURE! At Rowan's Mammoth Clothing Store, you Can got Linen Coats for OfT Conti, Summer Pants for STCents. 6 finer Vein for 81 Coati, TUX(/. 2 5 4 2 G.f. I. V. 2 52 2 52 21 21 25 90 19 63 23 34 3 60 12 48 3 46 16 37 14 73 15 30 2 43 40 32 ld o 8