MEDICAL ADVERTISEMENTS. GREATEST MEDICAL DISCO• VERY OF THE AGE. Dr. Kenneny, of Huxhnrc, ha.t discovered in one of our common posture wrote a remedy that cures .U 217 Q 11: b the wont scrofula clown to a cAntilou Be has tried it in over 1100 wits, and never failed except in two eases, (hoth II under humor.) Be has now in his possession ore: two hundred certificntes of its ',Wile, alt within twenty miles or Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sore mouth. One to three bottles will cure tl e worst kind . of Pimples on the thee. T oor three bottles will clear the system° Biles. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst case of Erysipelas. One to two bottles are warranted to cure all humor in the Eyes. Two bottles lire warranted to cure running of the ears nod blotches among the hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to cure cor rupt and running ulcers. One bottle will cure scaly eruption of the tido. Two to threo bottles Are warranted to curs the worst case oft ingworm. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the most flesperete case or rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure the salt rheum. Flee to eight bottles will cure the worst case of t. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity is taken. Header, I peddled over a thousand bottles of this in the vicinity of Boston. 1 knew the elli!et or it in every case. 81, sure as seater will extin guish fire. so sure will this cure humor. I never sold atonic of it but that sold another; atter a trial it always speaks for itself. There are two things about this herb that appear to me surpri sipg ; first that it grows in our pastures, in some places quite plentind. and yet its value bus never been known unlit I diseovered it in 1846—seeund that it should cure all kinds abut:tor. In order to give tome idea of the sudden ri , o and great popularity of the discovery. I will state that in April, 1851, I peddled it and .1.1 about six bottles per day—in April, (854, I sold over one thousand per day of it. Some of the wholesale Druggists who have been in business twenty. and thirty years. say tluit nothing in the entails of patent medicines was ever like it. The re is a universal praise of it from all quarters. Ie my own praetice I elwers kept it strictly for humors—hut shire its intrmluetion as a general family medicine. great and wonderful virtues have heen found in it that I never si.pected. Several epileptic fits—a •li..ease which was always etm4iderect incurable, have Keen cu red ht at few bodies. 0., what a merry if it will prove ellbetual in all eases of that ilremiral mai nalv—there are but lbw who have more a it thou I love. 1 know of several cases of Dropsy, ell I,rwhon, aged people cured hr it. inc the verisso,lbied see of the Liver, Si^k neadache. Dv spepsie, Asthma, Fever and Ad., Pain in the Sidi., Dig cages of the Spine, end particularly in of the Kidneys, &c., the discovery has d o ne wore good than any medicine ever known. No amigo of diet ever necessary—eat the best you can get and enough of it, lttnec•rioNs t•on Ca.—Adults one table spoonful per tiny—Children over ten years slug fest sposinfull—Children frets five to eight years teaspuonfull. A, no directions visa he applica ble to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. Manufachired by DONALD KENNEDY, No. 120 Warren St., Roxbury, Mass. Price $l,OO T. W. Drorr, Gtooral Agent for Pennsylra— i'llolcsale . Agents.—N. Y. City. C. V. Click. ner, SI Sttect.—C. 11. Ring, 192 Broad. wkly.—Naga. & Clark, 275 Broadway.—A, 13. i). Sands, lon Fulton Street. sale by G. W. Brahman, McVeytown; Mc,. Mil,S Marks, Lcwietown; T. Road & Sun, Hun- And sold by Agents generally. May 2, A KUMAR tirn S.AVri). Dowagine, 111irh., 31arch J. A. Rhodes, Eq.: 11e,‘r Sir--A , I took your medicine to sell on con.ianment, "no ettre no pay,'' I wise pleasure in stating its °Gets ng re tuuted to use be three broth who line in this place, and their teNtimuny in a fair spechnen of all I have received W. S. told me—"l bad talv, nine bottles a awl I,ntinu ally run down while usimi it un it in . , Ina,. and liver were Con , ,,,teil to that ,t, that blood dkelotraell fit/111 my mouth tool bowel.. so that all thought it impu,sihlo for mu to line through it not her The tun did all they could for me, but ,!,ought I nio,t Nothini; dial ale good until I gut Wank,' Fever and A,tie Care, which at 1.111 . 1: re!ieved toe °Min tlibtre,s and nail -BVil at my stomach and pain in toy awl and produced a permanent cure in U 6101, Cole." 11. M0.114.1in toys t "1 ha talzen medicine o r n o g ood a doctor to we have in one county, and taken any quantity cif quinine and speciiics without any good results from 2:011 .Aic,:est to 17th I teceinhcr. But seeing how nicely it ope rated on my brol ner, I got it bottle of Mode,' Fever and Ague Care, which ellecled a ;arm, Dent CUM by naing two thirds of 0 bottle." S. M. Conklin was not here, but hoth cihcr brothers say I is case was the same as 11. ll', I sold the medicine to Loth the smog day, ned the cure was as party tutu the 5ame,,,11., ty, and .1 tuieht su specify. Yen, w.... .A 11UN'VINGT,A ' • ~ r Tile shove ,pPaks for 11,4•11: flood proof a- i• it i s o r no Wit, tenlie till.lll tho vast number of like certificates I have already published, awl the 01111 greater moonlit Olt is pouring in at toe. Otte thing more. Last year Iliad uee.lon to Caution the l'uldie in these words t— "1 naive one firm who bare lal.en one rti mg po em( circuities, .1. , it Hied the haute if the ri• If, mg medicine. awl ;01,111111 a, e earl their pamphlet with lie eat butoiCet, • Let the proprietor of otrj other tordit iue aaf as neck he cloees,'" A r.. . . . _ Nuw I take plett.ttre In that tho Can tina referrad to tl.o sante "14. ChEktio's Ague It .Isain" that in tnentiune.l in titanium., oortitl - . . . . . lhere ere several other industrious people wire are apply rag to their poisouom trahli all that 1 pletfula about any Fever and Amu, Care, or An tidote to Malaria, except the (7crtiticates end the Certificate or the relrbr,tted chew, Dr. Jame% It.' Chilton, of N. Y. in favor of iia perfectly ha rinks' , character, which in attached to eterl• bottle. nurse will always aerve to dia. tingrakh my medicine from imitations. For salt by John Read, fluntingdon, and Druggists gen. mallv. April CO, 1056.-Im. 1111JAPUY & KOONS, WIMI.ESALED.I.I,IIB IN FISH, CHEESE & PROVISIONS Nu. 47 Nowt OA.; rs, ItA, PUILADELPUIA. Keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Fisit, CuaLse As n Paul istoss, which they are prepared Cu dispose of at the lowest market rates. Orden promptly executed. Fob. 27,1856.-3 m. 411 U. P. 2EI - ?1:31112113. TTORNEI ' AT LAW, Willattend to all husiuers entrusted to him. Ot is* nutty oppositt she Goort Moos*. 11* IP, 'ft MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. OF C11,111GE! ! • Two Splendid Parlor Engravings, r.NTITLED "Bolt on .O.bey in the Olden 'J Times," a splendid steel engraving, from the ,elebrated painting by Lainkeer ; and the "Dep.itt tiro of the Inielites from Egypt," n large and beautiltil engraving front n pointing by 1). Robert, The retail price of the above engra ving is $3, per copy, but will be sent fee of charge its follow!.1 r[ E sab>cribers have establi•bed a Book , Agency in Philadelphia, and will furnish any Jok or publimition nt the retail twice free of ,ostage. Any persons. by 'forwarding the sub scription price of any of the $ll Magazines, such ns llarper's. fitiey's, Putnam's, tirahnnes, or Prank Leslie's Fashions, &a. will receive the magazines for one year and n copy of the shove beautiful engravings, free of charge, or if sub scribing ton $2, and a $l. Magazine, such a, Peterson's, and Chalice's L a dies' A notial, they will revive both magazines and a copy of either of the above engravings._ Every des, riptitm ofl:ngrnringen Wm.; ex emu.' with nedilICSS and di , p..;eli. Views of noil.linga, Newspaper Ileading,, Views or Ma chinery, Bonk Illustrations, Lien Busine.. Cards, &e. All orders sent Ly mail promptly !mended to. Persons wishing views or their . buildings engraved von send a Daguer reotype or sketch ordo ailing by wail or ex press. Persons at a distance having saleable articles would find it to their ail%;int,,ge to nitiirt , ti the subscribers, Iltt son Wollill 1 , ..t n< Vt..1.1t , fir the sale or the same 111 . 11 1 rit)Sowlt Vied .St., I 29, I i55.-Iy. rtrt3Tilikr?..Z (OF "7f1:1 - 2, '0211.10 Sebastopol Taken! 30,000 MEN KILLED Thu nuderstu.ned has jest returned frion the :ity with a lae.e, and splendid usAortment of Fall and Winter Goods, which he is now prepared to dispo,e of at very ow and rea•ohaLle rates. Per • 1 , 1 , IN TIM COI v ( c ) > 1.:1; 0 " w ion-on 0 zi ,`,? n 0 OF ( 9 ) > 11(371DZ,°, 4:1; ~ EXECUTED Clicre s r,t, 0 • 4VP.:I) r - 1 ;1;771.11 THAN a S> `k> 4'.-; 0 IVAIMINTED. 0 ( • 0 ) All kirids of t ti 4; • ! • ') • BLANKS ` , k> „• JUIIY SCOTTi Salim, T. Ditown Cfigri7 DYin - 2 . 1.1% Attorziesrs at Law, Huntingdon, Pa., • Office same as that formerly occupied by John Scott, Esq. Oct. 19, 1853. Adams & Co.'s Express. T. K. SIM9NTON, Agent, liming('lon, Money, Puekatres, end goods °fall kinds, re ceived and forwarded at the risk of the contnuns, to all the cities and principallowns in the United Naar° May 1,'52. IttvrovAs. / To. SAT;A II KULP wishes to inform the 1 , 1 ot Huntingdon and the snrrounding country that she has inured next door to Charles Miller n love the Pre , hyterian Church, Hill St., where she intends carrying on the fancy and ,oraw Millinery i011P11113.. !laving received the I.test city fashion, she in prepared to attend to all that nia'y laver her Uitli their eastern. April ua, I eZ , 3.-ef S. A. KULP. ion itt Partnership. Ti.c Perti,r , hip heretofore existing between the tindenignea, is tbis day by mutual consent dissoltted.. The business will be carried on hereafter, by John purest, Jr.. at the old stand. ROBERT. CUNNINGHAM, . JOHN HEWETT, Jr. Get. 31, 11165.—ef. BILDICAL ADVEI:IMMIMS. RALTINORE LOCK HOSPITAL. - , Where nay be obtained the most tweedy rem. dy fnr MSEASES.—CiIcets StriCtstres, Perms.' Wessknes, l'oin in the Loins, A Ireetions of the Kidneys. and sill tillAff 'seminar ntlections arising from n secret hohit, pstrtiessierly the yowls of both sexes, which if procured, prosinees essn stitutionni tlehilitj, resplerinst marlins:is impossi ble, and in the end destroys both Mind and Butly. .... Voting . Nen, especially, who have Lemma the victims of Sol itnry Vice, that dreadful and destructive haltit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thou- sands of young men of the now exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have I entranced listening senates with the thunders of eloquence, or walked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. Married Persons, or those contemplating marriage, loin aware of physical weakness, should immediately consult Dr. J., and.he restored to perfect health. Dr. Johnston, office No. 7 South Fredrick St.. seven doors frim Baltimore Street, cast side up the steps. Celle particular in obtaining the name and number, or yon will mistake the plaice. A cure warranted, or no charge made, in from one to two days. TAUT No•rtcx.—Dr. Johnston', office is in his dwelling, up the steps. Ills very extensive Prac tice is n sufficient guarantee, that he is the only propm physician to apply to. Dr. Joh.tnn, member of the Royal College of Suri7cons. London, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United State's, and the greater part of whose lite has been spent in the Hospitals of• London, Paris PhilAdelphitt, and elsewhere. has elliieted .01110 of the most aston ishing ,arcs that were ever known, many trou bled with ringing in the ears and head when Inherit, great nervounnens, being alarmed at sud den sounds, anti bashfulness, with frequent blush ing 'mended sometimes with derangennitit of mind, were mired immediately. A :Cum.AIN ThsEAsE.—lt Is a mchincholy foot shot thousemls full Vielhila to this horrid 4i,,ense owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant prefer - eters who by the use of that deadly poison Alereury, ru i n tlir coloititution, causing the most serious symptoms of that tlrenflful Inseam to milk° their nppenrance, such as MINIMts of the head, nose, throat, skin, etc., progressing with frightful ra pidity till sleuth puts a perimi to their dreadful sutli‘ring, hy i.cutting them iu that Bourne whence no traveler returns. TAM, NOTICL—Young men who hove injured then.elves by a certain practice in- I bilged in when alime—a habit uLel newly learned 111 aII evil companions, or at school—the elleets at which ire nightly felt, even when mike'', and if not enrol renders nuirrie4e impossible, and de greys both mind and body. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, null the darling of his parents should he snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of Ht': by the eonsmittenee at deviating the path of nature awl indulging in a certain secret Sad, per,rms I.e6,rer e,ttemalating Marriage, should reflect that a sound mind and Maly are the most neees,iry retpli , ite, to prottlot a coll.. Idol happiness, indeed u idiom these, the jour ney thraugh life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospeet hourly darkens to the view; the mind liceometi.shadowed with despair, and tilled with the melancholy relleetion, that the happiness of ;mother becomes blighted uith our own. • CousTrtrTiouct. 1/1.11.1 . 1,-1), .1. address es young men, and all who have injured them selves he private and improper italulgunce. 1110U1SgANA.— . 11,, are Or OW sad nail moNadiois produeed by early Whits, of viz: 11'enkaess of Ilia Iteuk and Limb., !'.tins i n the head, DiffillOon Or SiVia. loin of Aluseolar power. Palpitation of the Heart Dys pepsia, Nerronq lerimhility, INtangements of the Digestive Fningions, General Debility Symptoms of Comommtion, be. MENTALLY—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded; Lass or memory, Confusion of ideas, Depre.don of Spirit, Evil I , ,orbodings; A ver,i. to Society, Sill Di•trest, Love of Soli tude, &e.,.are some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons of ell uges,ettn now judge what is the entice of their deeliein, health. 1.0, ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and etzinciu ce.l, have singular oppmance about the eyes, tough and spoon. of consumption. . . Alarried Persona, or those contemplating mar riage, being; aware of physical weakness, should ionneilimely consult Dr. J. mid he restored to per fect health. Oflice, No. 7, Small Frederick-St., Baltinitire, Md. ALL tit!itolcAL ON:RATIO:48 Punrotorr.n.— N. B. Let no false delicacy prevent you, bin ap ply immediately either personally ur by letter. Skin Discuses Speedily . Cured, To SritANoLit3.—The litany thousands cured at this institution within the hot ten years, and the numerous important Surgical tlpvtyttiuns performed by Dr. J.,Wittiesseil by the Reporters of the papers, and many other per -sits, notices or which have appealed again and iiLmin before the public, is a suliicieitt that the ;Whit:tell will flail a skillful and 11.011114 e phys'ehati. As there are so silloy i,liorititt awl wortlile, quacks advertising thentselees its rlty,icians,riiiii tog thin health of the afflicted 1)r. Johnston would to those unacquainted with his repuratititi that his Crcileutials or I)iplonias always' hang in his 01; ice. — Weakness of the organs immediately cured, and NI vig or restored f Ci Mnetters post paid—remedies sent by lot il. May 22, 1855.—1 y. TIIOB.._IIIM, . . Would rupectiolly inform his friends and the public, that I o has on hand and is receiving for tlio coming season, It line assortment of ":1 (.1.4 Cb 4 lx- ; -- t y 9 Coßsisting of Watches, Breast Pins, Fin ger Rings, Ear Rings, Pencils, Keys, Thimbles, Studs, Aleilalliiis, eic. Together with his celebra ted and unrivalled -- GOLD PEN, Which Is equal if not superior, to any now in u.e Each Pan is Engraved with his own name, anti every Pen Warranted. Oh did you ever, nu I never Mercy on us what a treat; Get head's Ould Pen, they're extra fine , . And only Iltund in North Third Street. A splendid Pen !!' Where did you get it? Pure Diamond Pointed, can't be bout; Yea, toy friends ' there'eno Inunhuieing In Mend's (told Pens of North only st.t. Flirted's Gold Pen is found only at 55 North Third Street, below Arch East Side. TAUS. READ, Philadelphin.Jen.. 8, I 85p,—t H. K. NEFF, N. U., HAVING:IO6IIW himself in ‘VAERIOIIBNARII in this enunty, would respectfully Mier his professional services to the citizens of that place mitt the country adjacent. niarf!ut:wets : J. B. Laden, M. ll: Gen. A. P. Wilson, M. A. Henderson, " Wm. P. Orldson, Esq, J. 11. Dursey, " 110 n. James.Gwinn, Stewart, " Jant Scutt, El. lion. George Taylor. Ibinliagdon, Pa. Jacob M, Gommill, M. b., Alexandria. John M'Culloeli, retershat:g. 31)7.'52.-tf. xtrwtOVAZ,. undersigned .islie, to inform his friends end the public generally that he has moved hisslatip to the building of And. Ilurrison;for merly occupied by him as Collector's office, Bill St. Where to Intends carrying on the Tailoring buciness on such terms as, will not fail to give satisfaction to all that may favor him with their custom. . . _ V lie wishes to return thanks for the liberal pa tronage heretofore received and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same._ ENOB KULP. Aprillo, 11115-tt, TERM .o}`, .111E0JOURNAL TERMS : The "lIUNTWODON JOURNAL" ie pultlishea et he following rates : If paid iu advstnce $1,59 If paid within six months after the time ot It' iit tl,a g ad of the yeal . •• • Anil two dollars and cents if not paid till after the expiration attic year. No sale,cripti t ie will he taken for it less period than six months, and nopitper will lie discontinued, except at the option or the liditur, tater it has meet oytr the time of sidiseribing. until the end of that year. Sabserilairs living in distant eilunties,or in ether Slates, will he required to pay invariably in advance. iT 'I he above terms will be rigidly adhered tom all cases. A OVEit EVICIIENTS Will be charged at the following rates: 1 insertion. 2 do. S do. Six lines or less $ 25 $ $ Sir (Inc square, lines,) 50 75 100 Two " (32 " ) 100 150 202 Three " (48 " ) 150 225 300 Business men advertising hy the Quarter, llolf Year or Year, will he charged the following rates, . .. 3 mu. 6 in.,. 12 int. One square, $3 00 $5 00 $0 00 Fwn snunrcs, 500 650 12 50 Three snuaras, 750 10 00 15 00 Fur srphires, 900 14 00 23 00 Fire squares, IS 00 25 00 80 00 Ten squares, 25 00 40 00 60 00 Business Cards net exceeding ilia lines,ana year, $4.00. Agents for Ilse .1 'nal. The following persons we hove eppoituud Agents for the 111 - siviNuntin Jounival., who ore author ized to receive and receipt for Tummy paid on sub scription, oil to take the Homes of new subsea hers at our published prices. We tie this for the convenience of our subscri bers tieing Ilt tl .Joust W. T1111311,1N, Vaal., Hollidaysburg, SAMUEL COEN, Barre°, (31,01,1, W. Ctultst.irs. Cromwell township. llvososi, Clay towll4liip. I).tvin silo:. Croton ell township. Dr. J. P. Aso,' m, Penn town,liip, J. WA111..11,1 MATTE.. Frallkiiii township, 8.131 t. rt. Faci•FET, Jaekson C01..1N0. C. WATSON. Brody township, Itlonttis !Snow, Springfield township, W3f. lIUTCIIINSON, Isiq., Warriorsunark tp., ficouott W. WIIITTAKER. l'etersburg, Nticr, 11 ' est Ilarree. Jolly 13.,1,11ACT1, Waterstreet, Maj. CHARLES Mien... Tod township, A. 51. Itt. tin, Dublin township, "icon". Ti 11 township, Jamvat Cummins, Birmingham. NATIIIN11:1, LYTLE, hill., Spruce Creek. Maj. W. Moo., Alexandria. B. P. WAI.I.AcE, Union Furnace. Sty Los Union township. 11.11'10 l'1.%1:1;sos. Cass township. ire - 1.1. ox, Esq.. Franklin town,liip. ()Are. 1'.11.1i Eqq., Will . lll,llllllrk. ii A I . I:ANDT. Told township. Da. J. ALFRED SHADE, 1)11111ill township. The "JOI ItNA I." has 300 Subscri bers 3111011., than any other rover C ty. I - 4 7A lIMEHS' AND MECHANICS' FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY, Mice I,ENNIU'S I I.DINU, N. W. corner Sueutid and streets. PHILIDELI JILL C Sauomoo. nig Company elkets Fire Insurance on Buil dings, Coods, Furniture, &r. MARINE INSURANCE On VESSELS, CARGO, To all ports in the World, _ _ Inland insurliti'ves on floods by rivers, lakes, canals, railroad, and lan.l carriage to all pn, to ti the Union. Also, insurenee upon MITES, upon the meet favorable terms. llnn. Thorna.B.} lorence Jinni.. R. Neal), 11. Arni , trong, (I 111.4 , 11i1,1T, V.. 1,1 1 .11 Aliold ton, R. Relunl.4)l4l, F. C. Brew.ter, Thoutw. MuntlerliPl,l, Lune THOMAS B FLOIIENCE, EuwAun R. 11..5111011 , , Seri WM. BRE Agent, ALL KINDS OF pain butt JOB PRINTING, C 11 AF 11 htgill.A.TiAo PROGRAMMES, CARDS, &C., And all Kinds of Legal Ilfanks; Use d by Magistrates & Others Printed at the JOIIINAL OFFICE. WATCHES, CLUCKS, AM) JIM ELM'. The subscriber, thankful to his friends and pa trons, and to the Public gencrAlle, for then pa tronage, still continues to on at the same stand, one door east of Mr. C. Goat's lintel. Mar kt, street. llomia,don, where he will attend to all ivho mill favor him with their custom. and al so keeps on hand a goisl assortment of WATCHER, CLOCKS, JEWLI.I,I, SA . , all of which he in determined to sell at low KIN,. _ . Clocks, IVittelleit and Jewelry of all kinds will be repaired at ',hurt entice, and haring made ar rangements a. ith a genii workman, all repairs Will be done in a neat and durable manner, and every per-on lean log articles fill • repairing .111111 hnri them done at the 1.11 eise time.- Jim paving strict attention to husinesA„ntd selling at low rates, he hopes to receive a share of public rlltronfige. JOSEPH I:IGUER Ilmitingdon, Sept. T, 1852.—tf. FEMALE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. THE library will be open every Sututilay alter ! noon, at 3 o'clock, ill their rucni in the Court Muse. Suk.eription 50 cent, a yrttr.— New hooks have ice, added 11) the former ex. cellent Fcro'n" ropular writings, "Bayard Taylor's . ' Sc. The furtliir patrouage of the public will enable the collco. aim to be still more estended.-- By order of the Prt dident. llnntingdon, Jan. 22 1P55. MAP" OF HUNTINGDON COUNTY The undersigned proposes publixhina provid ed sufficient encouragement be obtained. a Bhp of Iluntingthin Comity. Said Mar to lie con strueted by actual survey 0)101 the public Roads Railroads, Rivers, Silvio., Canals. Township Lines, iith, and every place of note contained in Mill county. enrefully shown in their respective places, and the name red plaeb or residence of nearly every husinese man in said county, and the liraneli of business tolloaced by ea c h oho re spectively and the place marked where nearly all the farm buildings stand, and the proprietor and occupant's names. Said map to contain from fourteen to eighteen feet ofengracing, and to he finished in the most modern ,tyle aild workman like manlier, &e. WILLIAM CHRISTY. Hee. 19, 18:15.-tf. BLANKS.--Always buy your Blanks at th• "Journal Office." We have now prepared n ve ry enperiorartiele ofil LANK DEEDS, BOND% JUDGMENT NOTES, SDK Mt:WV, I LXRCOQ , TIMM, Ire.