Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 14, 1856, Image 3

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    Cheapest 16.10 b Printing" Office
RN TEX 004fifilllit.
Wa haw now made ntich arrangements in our
Job (Vce as will enable us to do all kinds of
Job Printing at 20 per cent.
cheaper rates
Than any Office in the County.
Give use coll. If we don't give entire satisfac
tion, no charge at all will be made.
THE Trustees of the Huntingdon Presbyte
rian Congregation will receive proposals up un
til 6 o'clock, P. M., of Saturday. the 24th of
May, inst., for the erection of a Parsonage, in
West Huntingdon.
The building to be brick, to be completely
finished and ready to be occupied by March,
1857. The plastering all to be done before the
let of November next.
The contractor will be required to give Bond
with approved security.
The plan and specifications can be seen at
the office of Messrs. Miles and Dorris.
;7...Proposals can be left with either of the under
signed. I). BLAME, Prco't.
Gnu. W. GARRETT.O24, Seey.
(Estee of Andrew Robison, deceased,]
Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned,
who has been appointed Auditor by the Or-
Oxus' Court of Huntingdon county, to distri
bute the balance in the hands of David Robb
sun, surviving Executor of the lust will and
testament of Andrew Robison, deed., Into of
Wartiorsmark township, to and amongst those
legally entitled thereto, will attend at the Reg
ister's office, in Huntingdon, on Saturday the
31st of May, inst., for that purpose, when and
where all persons having claims against said
fund are required to present the same ur be de
barred from coming in upon said fund.
THEO. H. t,REMER, Auditor.
Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned
Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common
Pleas of Huntingdon county to distribute the
proceed' of the Sheriff's sale of the personal
property of Stephen Moore and David White.
dell, trading under the firm of Moore & White.
sell to and amongst those legally entitled there.
to, will attend for that purpose at the Protium.
otary's office, in Huntingdon, on Saturday the
31st of Mao, inst., when and where all persons
having claims against said fund are required
to present the same or be debarred from coin•
iug in upon said fund.
THEO. H. CREMER, Auditor.
THE undersigned offers for sale the two tract.:
of land hereinafter described to wit : One
tract situate iu Pad township, Huntingdon Co.,
141 Acres,
About one hundred of which are cleared, and
in a good state of cultivation; the residue of
the tract being very well timbered. On this
tract are erected a two story Log House, a
Hank Barn, Blacksmith Shop, a two story
Tenant House. There are also two•
ing springs of water, one at the House and one
at the Barn also, an Orchard of choice fruit
trees. Water can he made to flow into every
field on this plantation.
One other tract of land adjoining the above,
Laving been originally part thereof, containing
97 acre a,
about fifty acres of which have been recently
cleared. Upon this tract there are a good
Dwelling House, a new Bank Barn, and other
necessary buildings; also two excellent and
never•failing springs of router, one of which is
near to the dwelling house.
The lands lie within about seven miles of
Broad Top City and the Huntingdon and Broad
Tup Railroad. Those desiring to purchtmo are
requested to call upon the undersigned, who at
present resides on the tract first above descri•
bed, and who will give every necessary info,
illation in regard to these lands, time of giving
possession, &e., &c. The terms of sale will tie
made easy, so as to suit purchasers of limited
D ELIEVING an establishment of this kind
D needed in this place, thu subscribers have
just opened a large and carefully selected stock
of IlAnnwAns, and are now ready to accommo
date all who may give them a call.
Among our stock will be found a full anort
mut of
Building' Materials,
Nails, Glass. Putt:.. Locks, Bolts, Bingos, &c.
A really excellent assortment of
Mechanics' Tools,
Including all the latest inventions. Mill, Cross
cut, Tenon, Bow, Fiend, Compass and Wood
Sawn, (thirty different varieties.) Chisels, Axes,
Hatchets, Shears and Scissors, Graduated and
Common Auger Bits, Tulle and Pocket Cutle•
rv, Iron and Steel of all shapes and sines, Car
riage Springs 5%1 Axles, Miners' Coal Shovels;
Blacksmiths' Vices, Oils and Paints, Brushes,
Homes. &c., &e. In fact everything usually
kept in a
Hardware Store.
We make no allusion to env other individual
establidmaml, hardware nr Tfry Onods, but we
say generally that for reasons well undemond
by tradera, we can and do sell Goods in nor line
on better terms than they can he had elsewhere
in thin county, and as Low as can he had in any
neighboring county. Persons from a distance
are invited to call or send in their orders.
ai'Two doors west of the Globe and Post
Offlea. JAMES A. BROWN & CO.
ountingdon Foundry.
Moil of inlornaing their friends and the pub
lic generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt
ingdon Foundry, and are now in successful Ip
motion, and are prepared to furnish casting of
all kinds, of the best quality on the shortest no
tice and most reasonable terms.
Farmers are invited to call and examine our
Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter
Plough, (this plough took the premium at the
Huntingdon County Agricultural Fair, in 1855)
also Hunter's celarattpl Cutter Plough, which
can't be heat, together with the Keystone, 11111-
side, and Barshear Ploughs. We have on hand
and are manufacturing stoves, such as Cook,
Parlor and office stoves for coal cr wood.
consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c., all
of which will be sold cheep for cash or in ex
change for country produce. Old metal taken
for new castings. By a strict attention to busi
ness and desire to please, we hope to receive a
hare 9f public patronage.
April 00, 1111141.—tf.
tt(3SZI3JEG ) 4UI(3S I I
Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians,
and for years Senior Physician in the Lon.
don Royal Infirmary tcr diseases of
the LUtVGS.
TN this age of progress, Medical Science has
r contributed her full share to the general wel
fare, and that which shines resplendent, the
brightest jewel in her diadem iv MEDICAL VAPOR
INHALATION in the treatment of Consumption
and Kindred affections. The treatment hitherto
pursued has been faulty end wolully inefficient ;
the stomach being mode the receptacle of nause•
ous oils, and a host of other nostrums ; all these
too, being expected to act upon the lungs ; the
failure to erafficate, or even stop the ravages of
the disease, in nearly every case of well-develop
ed Consumption. is surely warning enough to
the Consumptive to shun such a treatment. The
disease is not in the Stomach but in the Langs.—
Common sense will at once teach, that medicine
applied in the form of Vapor, directly to the dis
eased surface of the Lungs, will he far more ef
tectual titan medicine taken into the stomach.
The success of "Medicated Vapor Inhalation"
in treating diseases of the Lungs, exceed my
sanguine expectations, and I earnestly appeal to
the intelligence of all afflicted, or who may have
the germs of sickness within them, to embrace
at once the soothing healing, and successful sys
tem of Medical Vapor Inhalation, as the ONLY
"Ark of Refuge" for the Consumptive. I offer
to ant it within the reach of all, and can so ar
range it, that the invalid is never requited to
lefty° home, where tire hand of friendship and
affection, tend so much to aid the physician's
efforts. Where there is life there is now hope
for the most seemingly hopeless cases, as titre ,
out all the stages of this insidious disease, the
wonderful .d beneficient effects of the treat
ments are soon apparent. In eases also of
. .
the inhaling of powders and vapors cove been
eminently successful, and to those sulfuring un
der any of the above trained complaints, 1 can
guarantee speedy and certain relief. I have
pleasure is referring to TWO HUNDRED Aiiin
von names, residuum of - New York and neigh
borhood, who have been restored to vigorous
health. About one-third of the above number
according to the patients' own statements were
considered hopeless eases.
The inhaling method is soothing, safe and
speedy, and consists in the administration of me
dicines in ouch a manner, that they are conveyed
into the lungs in the form of a vapor, and pro
duce their action at the seat of the disease. Its
practical success is destined to revolutionize the
opinions of the medical world, AND csvAnmsu
TOO ENTIRN c vaunt use OF Conn:arm!,
Applicants will please state if they have ever
bled Item the Lungs, if they have lost Hash,
nave a cough, night sweats and fever tunas, what
and how much they exporato, what the condition
of their stomach and bowels. The necessary
Medicines, Apparatus, Lc., will be forwarded to
any port.
dollars, consultation fee.—
Balance of the fee payable only when the pa
tient reports himself convalescent.
We, the undersigned, practitioners in medi
cine, cheerfully and heartily recommend Dr. R's
method of treating diseases of the Limp and
Throat, as the hest nod neat effectual ever intro-•
duced ins the medical practice. Our convic
tions are based upon having several of our own
patients, confirmed consumptives, restored to vi
gorous health, after a few months' treatment by
Dr. Rose. In the above named diseases, the ap-
Jilication of "Medicated Vapor." inhaled direct
ly into the Lungs, may he justly considered as
a great boon to ,uttering humanity, rendering
consumption a perfectly curable disease.
Dr. Hose deserves well of the Profession for
his unwearied labors in bringing the inhaling
method to such a degree of perfection.
TION —Price one dollar. Address JOHNSON
STEWART ROSE, Office 381, Broadway N. Y.
arThe new Postage law requires that all let
ters be cnn-csiu ; my correspondence limng
extensive, applicants to insure replies, must en
cleat postage.
, .„
ilair Money Letters must be registered by the
Postmaster, such letters only befog at our risk.
April 9,i13.-6m.
V?Etgll2l DOVEIVI.
The Lost is Found;
C. McGILL wishes to inform his
Rs friends nod the public generally, IN
that ho has bought the above-named
Foundry, Patterns. Flasks, and ell its
contents, and from his long experience in the
business he hopes to obtain n share of the public
patronage. As be hits the Foundry in full ope
ration. ho can tarnish all who may give hint s
call with all kinds of Passings ; such as Rolling
Mill and Forge Ca-tine, Urist and Saw Mill
Casting, improved Thrashing Machine Casting;
and in a short time will have Cook Stoves of va
rious titer and improved patterns for wood and
coal; else ten-plate stoves, Air-Tight. Parlor,
and Bar-room stoves, of all sizes Mr wood or
coal. Also Castings for house ; cellar grates ;
such as I.entela. Sills, Sash-Weights. &c. Plows
of every description of the latest and most im
proved style. Also steel soles, wagon boxes,
oven frames, large bells and cost water-pipes.
consisting of Kettles, Boilers, &c.. having turn
ing-lathes, he will be able to furnish one of the
above-nonted articles, either wood or iron ; and
he has all kinds of Castings too numerous to
mention, all of which will ho sold cheaper than
erne for essli and all kinds of country produce.—
Also old metal will he taken in exchange forces
ting. Hurry up your old metal and country pro
duce when any articles are wanted.
pr, 43,'68.-Iy.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by the
Com t of Common Pleas of Huntingdon Coun
ty, to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's
Sale of the personal property of Samuel L. Glas
gow, amongst those entitled to receive the same
hereby gives notice to all parties interested, that
ho has appointed Friday the 23d day of May
next, at two o'c'ock, P.M. at his office in the
b ortmgh of Huntingdon, for the hearing of the
parties hi this case, when anal where all persons
interested may attend if they think proper.
30th April, 1856.-4 t.
Whereas letters testamentary on the Estate of
William Orr, late of Tell Township, dec'd.,
have been granted to the undersigned, notice is
herehy given to all persons indebted to said us
tad to make payment immediately, and those
having claims against the same to present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Wfd. X. ORR, S •
April 30. 1856.-61..
CLOTHING from ma in Huntingdon at Whole
sale, as cheap as they can in the as I have
Wholesale store In Philadelphia.
Apr.ll.4e. • R. ROMAN.
Cti r trn ., ( , ,o t u o i N , ( t . , ,k. ti ,11
r t a ltN r
0 1
f ;l e b i
chantile '6xes for de by the
commencing l the
Brat day of May, 1856.
Alexandria Moro' & Porter Tp. CLASS. AMOUNT.
George C..llucher, 13 $lO 00
13 10 00
13 10 00
Henry C. Walker,
Charles Porter,
William Moore,
14 7 00
Samuel Hatfield,
Joseph Green &' Co., 14 7 00
John R. Gregory, 14 7 00
Jiarree Anrnship.
Samuel W. Myton, ' 14 7 00
John C. Couch, 14 7 00
James C. Walker, 14 7 00
.. ..-
Stewart Foster, 14 7 00
George W. Johnston, & Co., 14 700
Brady Township.
Madden & Eby, 12 12 60
Irvin, Green & Co., 14 7 00
Cass ?p. t 6 Canaille Borough.
Peter NI. Bare, 14 7 00
Evans% Brother, 14 7 00
.. _ .
James Henderson, 14 7 00
Joseph P. Heaton, 14 7 00
Clay 7tnanship.
T. E. Orbison & Co., 13 10 00
James Glasgow, 14 7 00
Cromwell Township.
Thomas E. Orbison, 13 10 00
14 10 00
David Etaier,
14 7 00
13 10 bo
George Sipe.,
Lieu. Wi g on & Co.,
&sifter Son, 14 700
Dublin Township.
Blair fr. Robison, 13 10 00
Andrew Wilson, 14 7 00
Jainet Cree, Jr., 14 7 00
Franklin, Township.
J. Wareham Matter% 13 10 00
- __
Samuel !Slattern, 14 7 00
Sheri], Stewart. & Co., 13 10 00
John S. Isar, 14 7 00
G. & J. H. Shoenberger, 11 15 00
Huntingdon Borough.
r h
Fise & IleMurtrie,
... l2 12 50
... _ ..
J. &W. Saxton, ' 12 12 50
George G win, 12 12 50
Benjamin Jacobs, 14 7 00
W. & J. Carmun, 13 10 00
J. Bricker, 14 7 00
.. ....
14 7 00
14 7 00
E. Snore,
Joseph Reiger,
illougGby; 14 7 00
J. Snyder, e,
14 7 00
L. IV etabroolc, 14 7 00
Long & Decker, 14 7 00
Henry Roman, 14 7 00
Hairtley & Co., 14 7 00
Muses Straus, 14 7 00
J. Brown & Bro., 14 7 00
David P. (Juin, 13 10 00
William Colon, 14 7 00
llopewell TuTnehip.
David & Wiiliaru Fisher 7L•, Co., 14 7 00
David Footer, 14 7 00
Jackson Township.
Robert Mt:Burney, 14 7 00
John A. Wright. & Co., 13 10 00
. .. _ _ .
Joseph Porter, 14 7 00
Johnston & Michell, 14 7 00
Elias Musser, 14 7 00
George E. Little, 14 7 00
William 11. Harper, 14 7 00
James Magill, 14 7 00
Norris Township.
George R. Steiner, 13 10 00
William Davis, 14 7 00
Reid & Rammer, 14 7 00
Owen & Grathus; 14 7 00
Joseph Law, 14 7 00
Irviu & Green, 14 7 00
Penn Twnship.
David H. Campbell, 14 7 00
Samuel Wail, 14 7 00
Shirley Tp., & Shirleysburg 80.
Beltsheover & Bossier, 14 7 00
Olver S illier,
___ 14 7 00
John & J. Eby, 13 10 00
John W. Smith, 13 10 00
John Bare, 14 7 00
Samuel Eby, 14 7 00
William B. Lean, 13 10 00
John Long & Co., 13 10 00
J. G. Lightner, 14 7 00
S. L. Glasgow, 14 7 00
... - _..
John H. Lightner, 14 7 00
Springfield township.
Blair, Lucke & Co., 14 7 00
Sipes & Gorsuch, 14 7 00
Tell Township.
A. C. & J. H. Blair, 14 7 00
George Noss, 14 7 00
A. C. Blair, 14 7 00
Tod Township.
Anion Clark, 14 7 00
Aaron riliceder, 14 7 00
Levi Evans, 14 7 00
Kessler, Whitney & Co., 14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
James Dunn.
James Edwards,
McGuire & Port, 14 7 00
Maker Thtonship.
Megaban & Moore, 14 7 00
Jo:epl• Douglass, 14 7 00
Warnormark 2),., & Binning.
hang Borough.
Floral Clarke 14 7 00
James Clarke, 13 10 00
14 7 00
13 10 00
14 7 00
A. P. Kinney,
B. P. Patton,
P. FoZ, ' l4 7 00
West rp. & Petersburg Boro.'
John Hewitt, Jr., 14 7 00
Henry Neff, 14 7 00
Benjamin Hartman, 14 • 7 00
John Cresswell & Son, 14 7 00
Samuel D. blyton, 14 7 00
John R. Hunter, 14 7.00
Union Township.
Isaac Zimmerman, 14 7 00
Huntingdon Borough.
John Read, 3 10 00
Petersburg Borough.
Joseph Johnston, 4 5 00
Brady Taonship.
Jame. & John McDonald, 9 8 00
Barree Township.
Robert Massey, 9 8 00
.Alexandria Borough.
Henry Fockler, 9 8 00
Huntingdon Borough.
John Fackler, 9 8 00
Fisher & Mehl saris, 14 7 00
Shirley Aonship.
George Eby, 14 7 00
Alexandria Borough.
John Geminill, 14 7 00
An appeal will be held by the undersigned at
any time up to the 15th day of Jul' at the Com
missioners' Office. Persons wishing to appeal
will please apply within the time prescribed, as
the law prolubits any appeal after that time.
Appraiser, (iv.
Notice is hereby given that all Lincenses not
lifted previous to or during the August Court,
will be left in the hands of a Justice of Peace
for collection. A. B. CREWIT.
Hunt. April 16,1856. County Treasurer.
The undersigned basing Administered on the
Estate of Alexander fal , •iibben, deed., noti
fies all persons owing S having claims against
said Estate to come forward and settle their
JNO. UcOULLOCH, .Actos'r.
Aril 16, 1966.-191.
AltitlYAX, r
Are just receiving and opening one of the fin
est assortments of Goods ever uttered to the cit
izens of this place. as follows
Clothes, Cassimers, Satinetts, Vestings, Cot
ton Goode for Summer wear ; also. Chnllies. Be
rages, Lawns and Prints, and every other article
necessary tor the Ladies. A splendid lot of
Block Silk. Ladies' striped and barred Silk,
Muslin, Linnen Goods, and in fact every article
of wearing apparel necessary for ladies.
Hosiery and fancy Goods.
Also all kinds of Dress Trimmings, Gloves.
Gordo, Ribbon., Hair Braids, Dress Caps, and
every other article usually kept in a country
store. _
Straw Bats of this latest styles, Silk, Crape
and Straw Bonnets.
of the latest styles, and of every color.
Our stock of Boots and Shoes cannot ho heat as
fir quality and cheapness of prices ; it is un
doubtedly the finest in town—no exception.
CARPETS!, and Oil Cloths.
A splendid assortment of Carpets, Duggits and
Oil Cloths.
The hest assortment in town, not excepting the
"11ardw•are establishment," and at hewer prices.
Tobacco, Cigars,
Cedar-Ware, Ropes, Cbrds and every variety of
Goods. such as are usually kept in a country
store, can be had by calling at the Clow Store
of J. & W. SAXTON.
A very good article of Mackerel, herring, Cod
fish, Hams, Shoulders, and Dried Beef, just re
reined and for rule at the cheap corner opposite
the Post Unice, known as the store al
Umbra!lna anti l'arasols, of a new ante, just
received and for sale by J. & W. SA X I FON.
Carpet Bags, Fans, anti Ladies' Dress Collars
of army variety, and most beautiful styles. fur
....... .....
Bale J. & W. SAXTON.
The finest assortment of Fancy Cassimers ev
er offered ; also vesting, Coot Cas•imers, and at
lower prices than can he purchased at any other
house in town, tier sale by J. & W. SAXTUN.
Huntingdon, April 16, 185 G.
The following named persinisluive filed their
applications fur tavern and eating house liven
sea in the office of the Clerk of the Court it
Quarter Sessions for the county of Huntingdon
to he preser.ted to said Court on Tuesday the
20th day qf May, next, to wit
William B. Zeigler, Huntingdon.
Andrew Johnston, Huntingdon.
Andrew Mcebus, Huntingdon.
Henry MeManigill, Huntingdon.
Henry Cortiprobst, Huntingdon.
Edwin J. Neff, Petersburg.
Henry He'fright, Petersburg.
Samuel Huey, Alexandria.
George Randolph, Barren tp.
James Fleming, Barren Township.
James K. Hampson, Brady Tp.
Abraham Lewis, Mt. Union.
James A. Bell, West Ty.
Martha McMurtrie, West Tp.
Robert Stewart, Jackson Tp.
Samuel Stetfey, Jackson.
James Chamberlin, Warriorsmark Tp.
John Jamison, Dublin Tp.
Daniel Prough, Henderson Tp.
Michael McCabe, Tod Tp.
James Dunn, Tod Tp.
Rudolph Neff, Petersburg Borough
Nathaniel Hopkins, Alexandria Borough
Samuel Beagle, Morris Tp.
Henry Wirrbaugh, Birmingham Borough,
Henry Africa, Huntingdon.
George Thomas, Huntingdon.
Edward e. Summers, Huntingdon.
Thomas McGillam ' Tod Tp.
M. P. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
In the healing net, Those afflicted with all
kinds of Tumors, Wens, Cancers, Fungus,
Haimatodes, Seltorrus, Goiter, Polypus, &c.,
or any growth or Sores. no maser on what part
of the hotly, can he cured by an entirely new
method, without cutting, caustic or pain, (if cu
rable). Those afflicted with Blindness, Deaf
ness, and other Diseases, no matter what their
name may he, can rest assured of finding relief,
and therefore should not delay a moment. Write
disease and symptoms full and yon cats receive
an answer by return mail; to insure an answeL.
enclose the small suns of Twenty-five Cents, dr
warrant him its spending his time for your bene
fit. All other letters must have at post stamp en
closed to pre-pay answers. N. B—Dr. K. is a
regular Graduate.
There is no need to visit distant places, to
undergo a painful operation, and spend a fortune
when you can he cured with little expanse, and
without suffering, near home.
Aihirers, tea:: L. KILLING,
Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, Pa.
Apr.23,'56.-.1 Om.
BOOKS! --umrv." rna BOOKS!
40 ; 000 Vol:2'„'i, S ralinn,revaen„dpv: l 4",r.
usually kept in a Philadelphia Book Store, and
11181, of them et half the Publisher's retail price,
the subscriber now offers to the public.
All school books used in the county can be
had in any quantities at retail anti wholesale
rates. Foolscap, Litter and Wrapping Paper,
wholesale or by the ream.
1. superior Gold Pens with Silver and Gol d
Cases, trotn $1 upwards.
WO Pocket .d Pen knives of Rogers' and
others' best manufacture.
i 00 splendid Port btonnaiesand Pocket Books
at 20 ets. and upwards.
the tatest and prettiest styles, just received Irom
Philadelphia and New York, prices from 10 cts.
pieue and upwards.
500 heautitully painted and gold gifted Win
dow Shades at 44 ets. and upwards.
The public I are but to call and examine, to
be convinced that in buying of the above mock
they wII he pleased and also save money. Re
member the place, corner of Montgomery and
Railroad streets. WM. COLON.
Apr.23,'56. •
A New Assortment hint Opened !
And will be sold 80 per cent.
HROMAN respectrully iteerme his Gusto
11, mere and the public generally, that he haa
' just opened at his stare room in Market Square,
Huntingdon, t splendid now stock of Ready
made _ _
Clothing for Spring and Summer !
which he will sell theaper than the same quality
of Gouda can be purchased at retail in Philadel
phia or any .other establishment in the military.
Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do
well to call and examine his stork before purcha
sing elsewhere.
W. H. WOOD, A. M., Proprietor and Principal.
JOHN N. CAUSLAND, Teacher in Preparatory Department.
Rev. W. S. MORRISON, Lecturer on Evidences of Christianity.
Rev. JAMES CAMPBELL, Lecturer on General Literature.
J. A. SHADE, M. D., Lecturer on Anatomy and Hygeana.
The semi-annual Exhibition will take place on the lst Wednesday of April. An address will
he delivered before the societies in the fore part of the day. The exhibition will come off in the
evening:. the..examinations the week previous. These exercises the friends of education ere re
spectfully invited to attend. The next session will open the lot Wednesday of May. This in.
stitution holds out peculiar inducetnents totaling men seeking an education. The Board of in
structors is composed of gentlemen of high literary attainments and skilled in their professions.
The location is very healthy, having the pure mountain air and free from till noxious vapors arising
from stagnant water and marshy ground. Those euhjert to ague could not find a more desirable
place. The temptations to vice, idleness, and dissipation are few. There is nothing to draw the
mind of the student from his books, no liquor is allowed to he sold in the place or nearer than Mt.
Union, 17 miles off. It is just such a situation as a young man ilesirous'of improvement would
seek. . .
The societies are in a flourishing condition ; and each has a fine library of choice works. The
buildings arc large and commodious. capable of accommodating coins fitly students. Shade Gap
is a quiet and retired place. ;limited on the mail route between Chambersburg and the Mt. Union
static?) of the Penna. Railroad.
Titans—For session of five months, for hoard tuition and room. 1552.50. Washing, light and
fuel, extra. Students are charged from the time of entering until the 'lose of the session. Pay
ments quarterly in advance. For catalogues and further particulars address
Shade Gap, Hunt. Co., Pa.
March 5,1856.-3 mo,
New Goods New Goods
D. P. Gain has just received from Philadel•
phia a large and beautiful stock of
consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods.
for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks.
Chameleon & Fancy Silks, Silk Chalti, Challi
de loins, Spring stiles of Hamilton De Loins,
Mirages. All Wool de Lairs, Fancy and Domes
tic Ginghams, Debuis, Madonna Cloth, Alpacca.
Lawns, and Prints of all description. ALSO,
a large lot of dress Trimmings, d ress Buttons,
Bonnet Silks, Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery,
Laces, Veils, Undersleeves, Cullers Chimes
cps. Mohair head dresses. Summer Shawls, &c.
Also, Cloths, black and blue, black and fancy
Cassimer, Cassinets, Vesting. Cotton Stripes,
for pants, Nankeen. Mullins, bleached and un
bleached. Tick.. Cheeks, Table Diaper, Wool
en and Linen Table Covers, and a variety of
Goods too numerous to mention.
Also Bonnets, •
Hats & Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Buckets, Tubs, Churns, Baskets,
Oil Cloths,
Groceries, Fish and salt,
and all goods tigually kept in a c.ntryStore
My old - customers, and as many new ones as
can crowd in are respectfully requesteti to come
and examine my goods
All kinds of Country produce taken in ex
change fur goods, at the highest market prices.
April 9, 1856. .
Huntingdon County, Pa.
REV. A. P. RANK, A. M., Principal.
MISS KATE IV A LAIL Precepiress,
The Spring Session of this Institution will
commence on Thursday, May Ist, 1856, and
continue 21 Weeks.
Uassville Seminary is located in a healthy
and Mural Village, in Trough Creek Valley,
Twelve Miles from the Mill Creek Station
on the Pennsylvaida Central Rail Road, and
may be reached in 10 hours front Baltimore
or Philadelphia. The Buildings are Brick,
and afford ample accommodations for one hun-
dred and fifty Pupils.
Thom who desire their Sons and Daughters
to be removed from the heat and noise of the
City during the Summer mouths, may find in
Cassvihe, a quiet retreat, Fresh Mountain Air,
and pure water, together with Literary- admit
Tuition in English Branches, and Ancient
Languages, per Session, $lO,OO. Music, Pain
ting, Drawing, and Modern Languages. Ex.
tra. Room nod Furniture per Session, $5,00.
Board and Washing, per Week, $1,75.
Secretary of Board of Trustees.
Cassville March, 26 1856.-6 t.
No 26, South Second Street, Philadelphia.
Lmporter, Manufacturer, and Dealer is Drugs,
Medicines, Chemicals,
and American White ZINC,
Glassware, Varnishes, Brushes, Instruments,
Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and all other
articles usually kept by Druggists, including
Borax, It.digo, Glue, Shellac, Potash, Ate., Ste.
All orders by muil, or otherwise promptly at
tended to. Country merchants are invited to
call and examine our stock before purchasing
elsewhere. Goods sent to any of the wharves
or railroad stations. Prices low and goods war
Hollidaysburg, flair, Co., Pa.
r r nE proprietors °fails establish
meat have lately increased their dm
facilities for luruishing extensively Ga„... 177
Steam Engine., Moo ing Machine- """
ry, Railroad Car-wheels, and Axles, Mill Gear
ing. Pulleys,Hangers Shalimg, Hot Blast and
other pipes , and Furnace castings of all
kinds. Plows and Plow Castings. Porticos. Ver
andahs, Iron Railings of beautifutittyle and fin
ish. All work done with dispatch and on us fa
vorable tortes on any other establishment in the
Feb. 90, '56•-3m.
Hill Street, Huntingdon, Hunt. County, Pa.
THE proprietor would reap-ctfully in. .
nounce in all his old customers and the '
"rest of mankind," that he has ratted his WI
house, and is prepared to accommodate straimmrs
and teavellers, and the public generally. lie has
also attached a
and he will hire bursae, carriages, U., on the
most reasonable terms.
April 9 1856.—1 y.
JOSEPh DOUGLAS S, in McConnelletown
hae constantly on hand, ready made rifle., and as
prepared to make and repair Gans oral' kinds at
Ore shorted psi... tApril lees,
An Improvement Worthy the Progres-
sive Age.
rri HE subscriber is prepared to furnish every
citizen of the Commonwealth ss hit one of
these superb articles, acknowledged by all who
have them in use, and by every one who has tes
ted them, to be superior to anything of the kind
ever brought before the public.
They are made ark best material, Miller the
supervision of the subscriber, who is ',coated
to deliver them at any point in this or the ad
joining counties. This machine possesses tnany
adva moires over any other of the kind. froni the
fact, that it in no manner wears the elothingus
es less soap, and is easier soothed.
The price ranges from six to seven dollars.
The subscriber warrants this machine to give
entire satisfaction. If it does not do everything
he says. no charge will he mik. A trial is ear
nestly invited and perfect satisfaction warranted.
A strong recommendation for the machi me is
the number already sold.
Any person who wi d hea one of these articles,
can be accommodated by addressing
Alexanurio, Iluni. Co., Pa.
M ny.30,'55.—1 y.
Of the National Safety Company.
Walnut Street, South West Corner Third Street.
Incorporated by the Slate of Pura
ironer is received in Itti sum large or small 4 -* ; )
Blionlinterest paid front the day of deposit. 400
. .
The Office ie open every day, from 9 o'clock
in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and
on Monday and Thursday evenings. till 9 o'clock
All sums lurge or small, are paid back in gold
on demand without notice. to any mnount.
President, Hon. HENR't L. RENNER,
Viee President, ItoBERT SELFRIDGE,
Secretory, Wm J. REED.
_ _
Henry L. Benner, C. Landreth Minns,
Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster,
Robert Selfridge. Joseph B. Barry,
Samuel K. Ashton, Hen. L. Churchman,
James B. Smith. Francis Lee.
The investments of the Fund now amounting
to !nom than ONE MILLION Of dollars, in accor
dance with the act of incorporation are made in
Alm tgages, Ground Retina, and in such first-class
securities as must always insure perfect security
to the depositors, and place beyond all risk the
permanency and stability of this old and well
established Institution.
Feb. 20, 1856.
1 ,Ma11411f2
Huntingdon County, Penn,
'rids Institution in located lit Shirleyshurg, Hun
tingdon County, Pa.,7 miles from Mt. Union
station, on the Central Railroad, on the stage
route from the latter place to Chainhernliurg.
The summer session of this institution t7um.
menees on Thursday, the tot of May.
I lie attention of Parents and Guardians is re
spectfully called to this institution, as offertng
excellent advantages for obtaining an education.
It is situated in a retired, healthy Mid beautiful
section of the country, free from evil and distur
bing influences, so that a rare opportunity is of
fered to young men of pursuing a thorough
courie of study, uninterrupted. The course em
braces all the branches taught at the best Acad
endes in the State. The large and valuable ap
paratus belonging to the Institution, holds out
peculiar inducements to those who desire .o stu- .
dy the Natural Sciences, practically. It is our
aim to render the 1'1.4111060n received here, e
qual to that imparted at first class Academies.—
Ily an earnest attention to the welfare of those
committed to their charge. the Principals hope
to merit a continuance of the patronage that has
heats bestowed upon them.
TERMS.—Boarding, Room and Tuilion, for
session of five months, $55 ; washing, light and
fuel extra. Payments quarterly in•advance.—
Books, stationary, &e., eon he obtained hero at
city prices. For Circulars or further informa
tion address the Principals.
April 2, 1859r6t.
This school has been opened it. the Hall for
merly occupied by the "Sous of Temperance,"
on Hill street. 11,e course of instruction em
braces Single itOU Double Entry 1,, uk keeping,
lectures on commercial science. apil also lectures
OP commercial law, Ethics, and political econo
my, delivered by members of the Dar.
The student passes through a course compri
sing over lino• hundred forms, writing cut, jour—
nalizing, posting and closing tour entire sets of
hooks, solving problems, the., precisely us in re
al business, and in addition to this Ito has large
p ra ctice in oral and blackboard exercises, in o
pening and closing Single and Douhle Entry
Books. in Partnership, Administration, Joint,
and COMpOUIId Company settlements, in rOeM
sing a partner into copartnership, and settling
with a retiring one, all of which, together with
various other exercises and calculations cannot
fail to give full satisfaction and profit the learn
er. Students can enter at any time a day or e
vening class or both if they wiab, the limo is
unlimited, they can leave at any time and re
turn at pleasure wit:iota additional charge.
For any other particulars, addre , s personally
or by letter T. 11. POLLOCK, Principal.
Assistance given when required in opening
and closing books. [April 2,1856.-Iy.
TUE undersigned having sold out and given
up business at Mill Creek, they are now anxious
to have all unsettled accounts, notes, &c., due
them settled up in as short time as possible.—
Those, therefore, knowing themselves indebted,
will give this notice their earliest attention.
I'. B. We have 40,000 Plastering Lath on
hand and for eels, K. & R.
Sold for Taxes up to and Including 1854.
WHEREAS, by an act of the General As-
sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania, entitled "An act to amend an act direct
ing the mode of selling unseated lands for tax
es and other purposes," passed 13th March, 18.
15, and the other acts upon that subject i the
Trettstirers of the several counties within
Commonwealth are directed to commence on
the 2nd Monday in June in the year 1816, and
at the expiration of every two years thereafter,
and adjourn from day to tiny, if it be necessa ,
ry so to ti,o, and make public sale of the whole
or any part of such tracts of unseated land,
aituate in the proper county, as will pay the at ,
rearages of the taxes which shall then have re.
mained doe and tinpaid fur the space done
year before, together with all costa necessarily
accruing by reason of such delinquency, &c.—
I ALFRED B. CREWIT, Treasurer of the
County of Iluntingdon, do therefore hereby give
notice that upna the following tracts of Illabe.
ted land, situate herein described, the several
sums stated are "the arrearagea of the taxes,
respectively, due and unpaid for one year:' and
that, its pursuance of the direction of the afore
said act of Assembly, I shall, on Monday the
9th clay of dyne next, tit the Court House, in
the borough of Huntingdon, commence the
Public Sale of the whole or anypart of such
tracts of unseated lauds, open which sill or an,
part of the taxes herein specified shall then be
due, and continue such sale, by adjournment,
until all the tracts upon which the taxes shall
remain duo and unpaid, be sold.
Treasurer of Iluntingdon County,
Treasurer's Office,l
April 1, 1856. j
4. P. Names of Warrantees,
Bnrree 'Township :
Cromwell Township:
Alexander McKeehan,
Charles Bayles,
John Smith,
George Stephenson,
John Jourdan,
Samuel Galbraith,
Jossplt Galbraith,
John Galbraith,
Walter B. Hudson.'
Cass Township r
William Miller,
Robert Miller,
Clay Township
Thomas Green,
Ephraim Galbraith,
Dublin Township
Titus Harvey,
John Forrest,
Franklin Township :
John Partner,
Henderson Township
Henry Gates,
Jackson Township
Thaw Partner,
Jacob Hilteheimer,
402 53
389 31
393 17
403 53
418 120
393 41
400 70
408 77
413 126
416 88
George Steever,
Andrew Boyd,
George Crazor,
Adnin Striker,
George Engle.,
James Deane,
Henry Canan,
Alearander Johnston,
Thomas McCune,
John Russell,
William Steel,
Samuel Canan,
Samuel Marshall,
Robert Caldwell,
George Wiee,
Porter Township
Samuel Fisher,
Ruth Greeo,.
Henry Green,
Eleazer Wallasters,
John Spencer,
Shirley Tp. :
Benjamin Brown,
Springfield Tp.
Nathan Old,
Daniel Neweumer 4 48
S. Barkley & W. Edwards, 8 64
do. de. do. 10 76
Henry Roads, 9 10
Neal Clark, (r.Ow Amos)
John Pearson,
John Philips,
George Buchan.,
David Lapsley,
Joseph Brown,
James Witer,
Daugherty & Speer,
do. do.
John Dian,
William Man,
John Murphy,
John Miller,
Tell 'l'p.:
George Truman,
Simon Potter,
John Pease,
Adam Clow,
Union Tp.:
John Covenhoven,
Robert Fea,
Benjamin Elliott,
Samuel Richards,
John Brewster,
West Tp,
Robert Watson,.
John Watson,
Robert Young,
William Watson,
W. MeAlevy & W. Reed,
Elisha Shoemaker,
Walker Tp.:
Charles Smith,
Richard Smith,
Hugh Laurish,
Rudolph Laurish,
John Kerr,
Warriorsinark Tp. :
John Matthews,
The following real estate upon which person•
al property cannot be found sufficient to pay
the taxes, returned by the several collectors, is
charged with the taxes thereon assessed for the
years Issl and 1852, and will be sold as unsex•
ted lands. in pursuance of the directions of the
41st Action of the act of Assembly, entitled :
.`An Act to reduce the State debt and to incur•
porate the Pennsylvania Canal and Railroad
Company," approved the 20th April, 1844:
Barree Tp.
150 William Crownover,
Jackson Tp.
800 Adam Tedwilee,
422 115
420 24
76 107
46 GO
210 120
420 102
439 51
438 40
271 85
242 61
322 62
309 75
395 113
355 129
414 10
431 30
288 69
181 78
28 18
422 39
412 78
[Estate of Johu McClure, deed.)
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that letters of Ad.
ministration on the estate of John !do
Cinre late of Tod Township Huntingdon County
deed., have been granted to the undersigned,
residing in said township, to whom, those in.
dehted will please make immediate payment,
and those having claims will present them do..
ly authenticated for settlement.
April 2,1856.-6 t•
J. giLIGAPV3RI anurta,
Office.with Daniel Anima, Eeq., Hill stress be.
tween Montgomery aid Smith strews% thumb
'neon. Pa, Wert. fa 'llol,lf
21 21
25 90
19 63
23 34
3 60
12 48
3 44
16 37
14 73
15 30
2 40
40 32
10 61