Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 14, 1856, Image 1

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The following linen originally appeared, 1111.
onymously, in the Edinburg Guardian. The
versification will strongly remind the reader of
Poe's "Raven."
I beheld a golden portal in the visions of my
And through it streamed the radiance of a no
ver.setting. day :
While angels tall and beautiful, and countless
without lumber,.
Were giving gladsome greeting to all who came
that way.
And the gates forevir swinging, made no gra-
Slog, no harsh ringing,
Melodious en the singing of one that we adore:
And I heard a chorus swelling, grand beyond a
mortal's telling,
And the burden of the chorus was Hope's glad
word—Evermore I
And as I gazed and listened, came a slave all
wort' and weary,
His fetter links, blood crusted, his dark brow
clammy. damp.
His sunken eyes gleamed wildly, telling tales of
horror dreary,
Of toilsome struggling:: through the night, a•
mid the freer swamp ;
Ere the eve had time for winking, ere the mii.d
had time for thinking,
A bright angel I.:died the sinking wretch, and
elf his fetters tore ;
Then I heart the chorus swelling, grand be
yond a mortal's telling,
'Tam brother, through our portal, thou'rt a
freeman evermore."
And no I gazed and listened, came a mother
wildly weeping,
"I have lost my hopes forever, one by one they
went away ;
My children end their father the cold grave has
in its keeping,
Licv is one Inng lamentation, I know no night
or day."
Then the angel softly speaking,—"Stay, sister,
stay thr shrieking,
Then shalt find those thou art seeking beyond
the golden door r
Then I heard the (hams swelling, grand be
yond a mortal's telling,
"Thy children and their fitther shall he with
thee, evermore."
0 tell me not tho world is dark,
With shadows leugtheninz to the tombl
Mine ey , s would rather tbridly mark
While sunlight flashes through the gloms
And I would foil) in error dwell,
tr tr'oh ooet, dsrkv•otne late imparts,
And - rather die then e'er dispel
111 y dream of Loving Ile,rtr.
Their perfume would forsake the flown,
Tie golden hues of summer fade ;
The busied birds droop, in withered bower,
And sunny brooklet,' sink to shade—
And der the soul of living things
Would fall the gloom that infer departs.
If from our bright imaginio4s
Were banished Loving Hearts.
They are around as and above—
lialfhidden, as in wild•wood leaves
Close nestles some white-breasted dove ;
And he is happy who believes
That they me living, though unseen,
Like light ere from the cloud it stunts—
And he is truly blest, I ween,
Who loves those Loving Heartal
Prelty robin, at my window,
Welcoming the dny,
With thy wild and liquid piping,
Read my riddle, pray ;
I have ermined it, waking, sleeping,
Vexed the more for nye ;
Thou'ri a wizard, pretty robin,
Does ho love me, say ?
Little violet, blooming meekly. - -
By the brooklet free,
Bending low thy gentle forehead,
All its grace to see,
Turn thee front the list'ning water,
Whisper low, I pray,
For the winds mielit hear my secret,
Does he love me, say ?
Btar, that thr4gli the silent nighbtitne
Watches over him,
Write it with thy golden pencil
'On my casement dim.
Thou art skilled in Love's Cabala,
Tell me then, I pray,
Nom, no none but I may read it,
Does he love me, say ?
A (Stied Cale..
It was evening—the evening of a sum
mer Sabbath. The sweet hush of nature,
unbroken by a single sound of busy life,
harmonized but too painfully with the op
pressive stillness which pervaded the cham
ber whither my footsteps were bout. It
was on the ground floor of a pretty resi
dence in the outskirts of the village of C—.
Its open windows overlooked a garden
where taste and beauty reigned supreme
—a second Eden, which extended with a
second peroeptibie the very
margin of a stream, where it won bounded
by a white picket and by a hedge of low
trimmed shrubbery, over which the eye
caught the flashing of the waters as they
swept on, glowing in the crimson radiance
of the sunset.
I entered the house and stepped lightly
along a carpeted passage, tapped softly at
the door of the chamber of sickness—aye,
of death.
'Welcome, doctor,' said the soft voice of
a lady, who at by a low couch, partially
hung with white drapery. 'Welcome I
The dear !utterer is now in a quirt alum•
ber—but must presently awake, and one of
her first inquiries mill be for you.'
glow is your sweet Lucy, nowt'
'She has been quiet and apparently com
fortable all day. It is her Sabbath, doctor,
as well as the worshippers, who go up to
the earthly courts of Zion I 'Oh!' she ad
ded, while the sunlight irradiated . her
features, pale with long vigils at the bed
side of her sweet Lucy ! full of con
solation is the scene of mortal life and suf
fering of earthly bitterness, of expiring
hope I'
'Yes, my dear friend,' I replied, 'your
cup of affliction is indeed sweetened front
on high. He took from my hopeless care
a victim all unprepared even after a long
and faithful warning; and the reconcilia
Lion of the struggle, the terrible anguish
vanquished, the first triumph of the con
queror, and the percing wail of exhausted
nature, haunt my memory still ; and even
in this earthly paradise I cannot forget
'And is poor Edward gone at last to his
dread account? Oh, how fearful and the
gentle lady covered her fare and wept.
Seine time elapsed. I lingered at the
couch of Lucy till she should awake, and
taking from the stand, a small, though ele
gant copy of the Ilible, I opened the silver
clasp, and . my eye caught the simple in
scription on the fly leaf, is my Lucy—
a parting gift of Clarenca" I had design
ed to read a portion of the Word, but the't
was for a time engrossed.
I had known Lucy May from her infan
cy, and she was scarcely less dear to me
than my own daughter. Indeed, they had
grown up like twin blossoms,and were to.
gether almost every hour of the day.—
Seventeen summers they both had oust
bered—though Lucy was some months ol
der; no brother or sister had either of them,
and hence the intensity of mutual love.—
Their thoughts, their affections, and their
pursuits, were in common. They called
each other '''sister," and their intercourse
honored the endearing name. .
And Clarence—the giver of this little
u.s!..rork in 11117 lin 111,...iV liU was - ne-r---curv•
ence Hamilton was the son of my best
earthly friend, and a nobler youth, in all
the lofty faculties and endowments of the
heart and intellect, never rejoiced in the
vigor of life and early manhood. To him
had Lucy been betrothed for more than a
year, and he was now absent from the vil
, though wo trusted when each sun
rose, that its setting would bring him back
in answer to our cautious summons. Es
pecially had hope and expectation grown
within our hearts,on that evening, vet had.
not a word been spoken on the subject to
the widowed mother of the lovely Lucy.—'
However, she said In an assured tone of
cheerfulness. trust Clarence will come
home this evening. It is now—'
'Clarence said the sweet patient, open
ing her eyes and looking eagerly around.
Eler eyes rested on her mother and•wy.
self, and with a slight quiver and a sad
smile, site said, 'he is not come'
'No, my darting, he is no. come; but
there is more than an hour to the close of
tho day, and then—'
'God grant he may come,' said the mai
den, and she added with euergy, 'if it be
his holy will. Oh, doctor, my kind, dear
friend, your Lucy is wearing away fast, is
she not ?' and then observing the emotion
which I attempted .to conceal, she said,
'but lam better to-day, am I not? Where
is Ellen f—why does she not come ?'
ller mother turned an inquiring glance
upon me us I took the thin white band of
the girl in mine, and marked the feeble but
regular beating of the pulse.
.Shall I send for your daughter, doctor?'
she asked.
I acquiesced, and in a few minutes El
len was sobbing violently, with her face
hidden on the bosom of her “sister."
'Ellen, my sweet sister, said Lucy,
'your father has told me that I must leave
—" and her voice faltered, 'my own dear
mother, and—' ,but she did not utter the
name of her lover, for at that moment the
voice of one domestic was distinctly heard
.11e is come. Mr. Clarence is come,
Now God bless my dear young lady.'
Lucy uttered . a scream of joy, and clasp.
ing Ellen around the neck, she murmured
—•Father in Heaven, I thunk Theo ; and
then fainted with excess of happiness. Her
swoon was brief. She recovered almost
immediately, end her face was radiunt with
Clarence Hamilton was pursuing his
studies in a distant college, and the letter
which summoned Mr. G- had scarce
ly intimated danger in the illness of his be
trothed. It had been delayed on the way,
and but half the time of its journey had
sufficed to bring the eager, anxious student
to the spot where his heart had shared its
hopes, next to heaven ; for Clarence was
more than a noble-hearted, high tooled
man ; he was the disciple of Jesus Christ,
and he was getting himself to be an, epos.
tle of his holy religion. Ile had nearly
completed his course of' studies, and was
then to be united to the beautiful Luoy.
Three months before the Sabbath even
ing of which we write, Lucy was in health
and with her companion Ellen teas per
forming her delightful duties as a l•abbittli
schoodteacher. Returning home she was
exposed to a sudden storm of rain; and tk.olt
cold. Her constitution, naturally weak,
was speedily affected, and consumption,
that terrible foe of youth and beauty, seized
upon her as another victim for his mighty
ludocaust of death. At first the type of
her disease was mild but within three
weeks it had assumed a fearful character,
and now her days were evidently few.
For this dread intelligence rilareece was
not prepared. lie learned, but he hoped
more, and though his heart was heavy,
hope kindled a bright smile in his manly
face as he entered the parlor where he
.had spent so mink hours ofexquisite
piness. He had alig.tittd from the stage
just before it entered the village, and pro-
ceeded at once to the residence of Lucy.
As Airs. May entered the room, the
smile on her lip faded, for her pale face
told a sad tale to his heart.
'Clarence, dear Clarence, you have the
welcome of fond !marts.'
'how is Lucy ? Why is your face dead
ly rale ? Oh, say, is she not dangerously
ill ? tell me'—and a thought of misery en
tered his heart-- , she is--oh, my Chid, toy
Father in 'leaven strengthen me--she is
dying--even now, dying.'
• nay, Clarence,' ERN the mother,
soothingly, 'Lucy lives, and we must hope
for the best; but be not alarmed if you see
her Mee paler than my own. Are yen
able to bear the si:dit now ?'
"rhere was but little consolatiao to his
fears in the reply of Mrs. May. Lucy
was living, hat tin
said huriLdly, 'Oh take sic to her at once,
now,' and he pressed his hand on his i hrub
king brow, and then slain on his knees,
whilst Mrs May knelt beside. he entreated
God in a voice choked with emotion, for
strength to bear the trial to kiss the rod of
chastisement, to receive the bitter with the
sweet; and prayed that the cup might pass
from, even as did his blaster in the days of
his incarceration and anguish. ❑e arose,
'and vdth a calmer voice said : I can see
her note.'
At !his moment I joined them, with La -
cy's earliest request that Clarence should
come to her at once. We entered the
thamber just as Ellen had partially open
ed a blind, and the last rays of sunlight
streamed fairly through into the room, and
fell for a moment on the white cheek of
Lucy, rendering its hue still more snowy.
Alas ! Clarence, as his earne,t eyes met
those of his betrothed—her whom imbed
left in the very blush of perfection, of
youthful loveliness—now has changed !
His heart sank within him, and with a
wild sob of anguish he clasped her pale
thin fingers, and kissed her colorless lips,
kneeling the while at the side of her
.‘Clarence, my own Clarence," said the
dear girl, with an effim to rise, which she
did, supported by his arm. Ilea; eke not
—he could not, dared not speak.
"Clar.mce, cheer up, ray beloved."—
But her fortitude failed, and all she could
do was to bury her face in her lovers bo
som and weep. We did not attempt to
check their grief; nay, we wept with
them, and sorrow, for a while, had its lux
ury of tears unrestrained.
"Lucy, my own dear Lucy! God for
give me for my own selfish grief; and he
added frequently, lifting up his tearful
eyes to Heaven, "Father give us grnoe to
bear this trouble aright;" and turning to
me added, "Doctor, oh I pray that we
may have strength to meet this hour like
When the voice of prayer ceased, all
feelings were calmed, but I deemed it pru-
dent to leave the dear patient to brief re
pose ; and Ellen alone remaining, we re
tired to the parlor where Clarence learn
ed from us more of her illness, of her true
condition; for I dared not delude Win
with false hopes.
“Dootor," said he, with visible anguish,
thero no hope?"
"Not of recovery, I fear, though she
may linger some time with us, and be bet
ter than she is to•day."
"Then God's will be done," said the
young man, while a holy confidence light.
ed up his face, now scarcely leas pale than
that of his betrothed Lucy.
Day after day. the pCer girl lingered, ' the heart of Lucy Hamilton, she repined American power, as either Washington or; Mr. Seward'n sperch.
and many sweet houraof eenver,a t ion did
not a t te e summons, but while heavenly : Jefferson could have, were they to arise ! We have read carefully through with
Clarnece and Lucy pa, together; once I joy eat on her features, and her lips mute' from their graves at Mount Vernon and unmixe I delight, the masterly speech of
even she was permitted to spend a few untited, Gpeare, farewell, husband—moth. eliattecelle, and appear nt the ballot-box ! : Mr. Seward delivered in the Senate of the
foments in the portieu . , the Louse, and er—sister—air —her pure spirit took its This is no fiction. • It is a stern teality, end United States nit tl e 19th inst. If occupies
as Clarence supported her, nod saw a tint . fli g ht, and her lifeless body lay in the eta- the thought makes one's American blood six columns of solid type le the North A•
of health overspread her cheek, hop e b race of t h e wo e - s trick en Clarence, who coure• quickly through his veins. (Cheers.) merican Gazette, and no space in any pa.
grew strung in his !were But Lucy still lingers in this weary world, doing his ' "Whilst yen make such laces and etibmit: per was ever filled with matter of greater
doubted not that she waukl not speedily master's work, and waiting His will to be I to such wrongs, what do ave provides in interest or more pressing importance. IVe
recover; this sad conviction reashed her : united to his Angel Bride ia !leaven. I refer e nce to our ;wire born felons? Let can only publieh here and there an extract
heart ere Clarence canto, so that the ago reeseseeureetee......• !us draw a picture in Illustration. One of fur our lack of space forbids more. 11 e,
• -,
ny of her grief its proerrect of sepamtires , e s
~„ ' there bullet riddled soldiers of the Ameri• however commend it to every man who
from him had,yielded to lite blissful nnti- 1 ctt,:t‘' 111, t 1
_'_ i N. I can Revolution, or one of the veterans of loves liberty or feels to his soul an :end).-
1 t " iiisC-1 hit
__,-- see j
citattion of heaven, that glorious clime I • t h e war o f leeg, i s in t h e lobbies o f C'. 11) • ing hatred to every form of oppression
1 _..
where she would longsnout those fro i
` ere u : OUR, BEHAVIOR IN GOD'S HOUSE. I gress, endeavoring to get a bill !sassed to rind tyranny. 'I his speech leaves nothing
whom it Min more than death to part. 1 flowingdoo, May le, lees. I pay him for supplies he furniated an army 'of Mr. Pierce. and yet there is not a harsh
"Dear Lucy," said Clerense, ns they ilfe. Editnrs of the Journal: _Will !in the days that tried men's souls. He is phrase in the whole of it. As a a eci.
stood gazing, on the summer rowers, you yeti be so kind as to give the following eta poverty stricken, becau s e the government men of eloquence, the following will corn
are better, love. May net our heavenly kelt.. a p nee in your columns ;as I be- has withheld from him the , . which it owes . pare favorably with some of tee best et
sende peculiarly applicable to this
rather yet !spare you to n:•:--to cousin El. len ,
Ile has, perchance, a starving family, and , forts of Clay or th ebster:
i ree hot, may be of some benefit to any ~ '
Ica—to happiness ?''
one eno is _milky of irreverence in Church. to too proud to beg. Ile Hee. your mar- I t -The President closes his defencis in the
"Ali, Clarence. do not speak of this -- Yenrs truly, OBSERVER. kit place at twilight, wending id, „.„y „) annual mess:see with a delibertue assault
It will only end i n d ee p er le tterer ., I 1 "Is it lit to gaze irreverently, to rend his desolate home, and tempted, or rather
t b •
i ery inczgwrtir ) in such:a place } , upon
roust go, Clarence, you must nut mourn to w hi sper , to ew e... , to weave the web of driven, by Iv cessiry that law of hum. tine " he abstaine r tyi7h inarkesti i ct ' aut l in u n le ,
even when I exchange tele bright world our Valli 1111fQinatiOnS, or even to slumber, nature which overrides the provietons of all limn naming the accused state, They
for the paradise of itnimetelity. I in the presence, and tinder the graze, of other lows—he. steals a horse, in order that however, receive a cumplimeittat lea hand,
Clarence could not al , err. lie press- t • -• I , ins eyes, too pure to bed: upon ? he may buy bread. Ile steels tune of those by way of giving keenness to his rebuke,
ed her hand, and drew itehee to his throbwhich enables Us to identify them 'I hey
Trtne if \ (...1 c h oose, WIIII wenn and dor- old Virginia nags which we see there on are .
. Northern Suites -which were conepicu
bing heart, end s h e r esume d pointi ng . to a acter. :••• I world) y education and health, market dtiys—blind lei both eyes, strine•
, me. in founding the Republic.' All of the
bright cluster of ainarante. and tliie bodily life itself, but trifle not with kilt and epavits—a lierse that would net orieinel Northern States were convict'.
"See ! there, Clarence, is the emblem God's house, and day, and worship; for it bring two dollars and a h a lf omi t , th e nu , in that great transaction. All of them
of the life and joys to whit:lllam hasten- is to squander your hope of hiniven and to hammer ! What dyes your law du with therefore, are neeneed. The offence char
ing." peel is,thet they disregarded their coin-tete
,' fritter away the steeple of your salvation, the old zo!dier ?It :elide him to the ititial obligation I I
* * * * a • s, ate n though -coeec ous
, and to commit suicide upon your souls.— Imeisitentlary, and disfranchises hies fur-' of tin it inability to heal admitted end al-
Three week Lad n e ' '
• a '''''''' It "a th e The mere habit of associetion should teach ever. Should he ever afterwards appear lieble social evils if their teen, confessed
evening. or the Sabbath. I: stood by the ,
stir h
couch of Lucy May. Hsi. mother and you 1 reverence, he rink with in. mu o• o; your imported sovereign i,.
t.asive, hopeless atm, illegal g e .
t un
terest and respect on the observatory IVllere . felon from Botany Bay, with bands stain cl
Ellett sat on either side ne ! Clarence Ham- dertaking to reform the there stir institu
ilten supported on a pille.v in his arm th
Science has toiled to rend the starry pages in the blond of e Lis wife or child, hay. tie, of the Southern States, at the peril of
of the unrolled heart some ern. Mg voted, would challenge tilleCe.iSfully the very existence of the Constitution,
head of a fair girl. Di ease had taken
thethe citadel and malted its surrender to meat ustronomer, like Herecliel, lifting up hie 'vote, on the ground of infamy ! • I and of nil the countless benefits which it
, Lis telescope, has looked far MT from the eNow, I appeal to men of nil parties has conferred. I challenge the President
e•lge, as it were, of our solar system, far ,—I appeal to the man of loreign birth to the proof, in behalf of 'Massachusetts;
into the azure depths of space, how much , who has adopted this as the land of his although I have am ly the interest corn.
more regard and solemn interest Amid in- , future destiny and the home of his child- I mete to all Americans and to a I men in
i vest the Christian sanctuary ; the observe- ; eon—l appeal to all men whose political I her great lame. What one corporate
tory of Faith, where taking her stand, she ' action is in any wise governed by the prin. , or social evil is there of which she is con
hns looked beyond the flaming bounds of ciples of moral right—is not the American • rcious, also of inability to heal it? Is it
stars, aiel system of stars, into the eternal party correct in its opposition to the influx ignorance, pcjudice, bigotry, vice, crime,
) 1 , -7 ; hc e .. 4 , 2 f r, !...... 7.7 . , . , .. d ~lirnity;,ili.e
scale o an p u p 1 , 4 . t c b ‘, f , i : i . 1 : + , ; , , ,1 1 , 1 i . , 1,1 :. 1 73 r a ..,- ,(7, 1 „ Ga o n . 1 , ... ,, , ,, ,. 1 h,. ! . .! . : c i . n n i.. , , , r ,,,, i •
,) • tutt_ii t c rre cii . s .ni occler, poverty or disease, afflict
, deism. Ilen e fer a time, it has seemed as rule A eee :eat ti ite shoot, toe .4.4....„4,.0. ~.,..e- --- rivvee - ,... - -■=l 'P t i rj Ply fig - fr.
, if the fiery pit had Its COVerrerw—amen not ' we crarado 0,,,e1,,,, I, : flinty icing t a ., e l y , versions, colleges. RC ide , iltee. O , IS •rettor•
and its smoke went up as the smoke of a our het ituee of freedom to bide( oce such ! tea, primary schools, Sunday school.-, pen
furnace, and the wail of its unremitting as these? Never, I say never. (Applause.) ,al codes, and penitentiaries. Descend ;num
and immitigable anguish arose piercing all ft may suit the Purimees of a venal party • her quarries. walk over her fields and thro'
hearts, and deiking nil knees—the cry of to cut off their heads in office, nail deprive . her gardens, observe liter manufectories of
despair diet is eterttelly gnawing the care t h em of bread, t o make room for the lidopt• i a thousand various fabrics, watch her stea
of the eiimer's heart. )hare again, the soul ed citizens. This system of importations , users ascending every river and inlet out
in commit eication with its God, has seem- from foreign prieon-cells and bear houses : your own coast, and her ships displaying
cd already, to discern the glories of the be- may give the party power, But mark it ! their canvas. on every sop ; fellow her
atific s lei.), amid has caught the rev e rbera. Power thus secured will be short lived.— fisherman on their adveiturous voyages
, ting thunder of those hallelujahs that, with (Applause.) If we must have the aid of from her own adjacent hays to the icy ocean
their resounding uad incessant anthem, such a foreign influence to carry on our under either pole ; and then return and
girdle the throne of light. Here the Sa- governtnent, let us at once have the provi. enter hospitals, which cure or relieve sa
viour Li seen by glimpses through the lat. sinus of the law to send the Americium bal- feriug huntattity in every condition and at
toes of his ordinances ; and here is the lot box into all foreign lands. Let it be every period of life, from the lying-in to
Piegith, on which we stand and gaze, till taken from pm nitentiary to penitentiary, the secoed childhood, and which not only
' the heart is faint with longing, on ihe land from prison to prison, from cell to cell, fret. restore sight to the blind, and !leering to
that% afaroff, and on the King in his beau- lazar house to lane house, from pest house the deaf, and speech to the dumb, but also
tv. Is such a place the proper scene for to rest house I Let the inmates decide : brine buck wandering reason to the insane,
I •
levity and indifference ; for the witling's who shall rule America I Let them depo , and teach even the idiot to tbinla 'Massa.
1 and the trifler's thoug,litlessness 1' • , sit their tickets to neutralize and coutrol chusetts, sir, is a model of Stutes, worthy
' ours in deciding who shall govern the land of all honor; and though site was most
of our birth, if it must be so. But let us. conspicuous of all the Stutes in the estab-
I ask, with a view to the safety and well- lishinent of republican institutions here,
being of our own country, and for the pro- slit' is even more conspicuous still for the
tection of our firesides, our families, and uninicipul wisdom with which she has
our homes, resist this influx of paupers made them contribute to the welfare of her
and felons who bring to us disease, poverty people, and to the greatness of the Repub.
and death. (Applause.) i lie itself,
, tGod knows we have our own internal In behalf of New York, for whom it is
troubles ; but these aro our business—not Illy right and duty to speak, I defy the Pre
ehe business of other nations; „. c can set . , eidential accuser. Mark her tranquil mag
tle them ourselves without their interior. i nanitnity, which becomes a State fur whose
ence. We certainly do not seek the coon- , delivery from tyranny Schuyler devised
sel pf those ohs do not come to our shore , and labored, who received her political
voluntarily, from love of liberty, determin• Constitution from Hamilton, her intellectu
ed to main our institutions and abide by al and physical development from Clinton
our laws. We wage no war against the and tier lessons in humanity from Jay. As
adopted citizen of foreign birth, if he be site waves her wand over the continent,
truly -American heart. But if he conies to trade forsakes the broad natural channels
inculcate foreignism* and subvert our sys• ,which conveyed it before to the Delaware
rem, or engraft upon it the principles and Chesapeake bays and to the Gulfs of
which he imports from other lands ad.
St, Lawrence and of Mexico, and obedient
verse to American policy, then we say to
ly to , her command pours itself through her
him we are against you whether your
artificial channels into her own once ob
name be John Buy, Pa/rick ORe riy,
acute seaport. She stretches her wand a
or flans Ileitenspolrenbcrger ! Laughter gain towards the ocean, and the commeece
and applause." of all the continents concentrates itself at
---.......-- I her feet ; and with it, strong and full floods
SALT FOR WHEAT.---TheOdUVO Perry 'of imtnigration ride in, contributing labor,
says, in the Prairie Farmer, that he sowed capital, art, valor, and enterprise, to perfect
one and a half bushels of salt upon one-half and establish our'cl ' • "
ever iv cuing empire."
of a ten acre field, just after seeding it with 1
Spring wheat ; and the result was, that the I PRETTY Goon —An extensive and weal
salted portion Was ready for the sickle five thy lumberman in a neighboring county
days earlier than the unsalted part ; and is the father of a hard case of a boy. Be
nin a particle of rust, scab, or smut could ing desirous of retorming him, he offered
be feunci, and the increase of crop is esti- ' as an inducement, to give the proceeds of
mated at five bushels per acre. ! the lumber from two thousand hemlock
ffillr• "Lo the winter is past, the rain is ' lags, provided he would go to school and
over and gone, the flowers appear on the ' behave Falwell for one year. Young hope
earth, the time of singing of birds is come, . ful remained silent for some time after lie--
and the turtle is heard in the land ; the fig toning to the proposition. Finally ,he said
tree putteth forth her green figs, aud the in reply to his father's interrogationOsehatt
vines with the tender grapes .give 4 good do you say, my son I'
smell."—/iible. . . . Tull it pine logs, dud. ..d I'll ii it,'
'rile man of God, her pastor from child•
hood, now entered the room, and Lucy
greeted him affectionately and he raid ;
it well with thy sold V'
She answered in a clear and sweet con.
filing voice : "It is %“11. Blessed
deemer, thou art my t4l . l . 4trust.P .
head of Limy. ar i whi,iii,ed in her ear
btit on d isiMcily that La 'heard :
"Lucy silice thou may not be mine in
life, be mine in death: let me follow you
to the grave as my wedded wife, and I
shall have the blissful con , olation of anti
cipation a reunion in heaven."
Tice eye of the dying girl lighted up
with a sudden joy, as he smi!ingiy no•
'•lt is well, Clarence; I would feign
bear thy name before I die!" We were
startled at this strange request and answer;
but no heart or lip ventured to oppose it.
Lucy then said : , Mo.her, dear mother,
deity me not my last request; will you
and Ellen dress me in a bridal robe? I
will wear it to toy tad: I"
Clarence also Mrs. May to
grant the wish, and let hint win a bride
and mother; and she answered :
'As you and Lucy, built will be---' and
her heurespolie, it will be a mournful bri
Lucy now montionrd us from the room,
and we retired. Clarence was the first to
'You will not blaine ma that I seek e
ven in the arms of death to make her my
wife. Oh, how much of bliss has crow
ded into this one ant!cipation ! and though
indeed it will be a 'sad bridal,' it will swee
ten the cup of biaerness which is now
pressed to my lips." '
In a few moments we re-entered that
hallowed chamber ; the light of day had
faded, and a single lamp was burning on
ths stand. Lucy was arrayed in a mus
lin robe which scarcely outrivalled her
cheeks in witness, where tho hectic, now
heightened by excitement, flushed in.—
Clarence seated himself by ltcr , and she
was rutted ton sitting posture and suppor
ted her head in his arms. She placed her
heat/ in his arms. She placed her hand
in his, and mid half playfully and half
sadly. ' * Pte a worthless ofli•ring Clar
Ire pressed to his fevered lips—her face
pate and flush by turns. The minister a
rose and stood hews them, and, au a few
words and simple, united those two love
ly beings in a tie which all felt must be
broken ere another sun would rise. Yet
was that tie registered and acknowledged
in heaven.
As the holy man pronounced them one
flesh, and lifted up his hands in benedic
tion, Lucy put hor feeble arms around
Clarence, and, in a low voice murmured :
"My husband I"
My wife " responded Clarence, and met
in a long sweet embrace.
That night, before the last hoar, the an
gel Asrael came as a messenger of peace
to the bridal chamber 1 and, though the
foundations of earthly bliss had opened in
Proscriplion—A Plaiu Case.
The following, extract from a speech re
'cently delivered in Washington, by the
1101 L. D. Campbell, of Ohio, proves
most conclusively that the existing laws
shield the foreign convict, while they mete
out the full measure of punishment to the
American offender. Dow strange it is,
that those who express so much sympathy
for the "dowil.trodden of other lands," are
blind to the injustice inflicted on their own
countrymen. Mr. Campbell has given
a "knockdown argument"—one no man
can gainsay, because the facts arc familiar
to all, This distinction in favor of the lo
reign culprit •is rank proscription to the
"What do we, in our States, provide in
reference to paupers who are natwe
Smaricand fly statute, which regulatt s
the intercourse in the family of counties
in either of our States, it is provided that
paupers sent from a county to another may
he sent back at the expense of the county
sending them. This is simply all we pro•
pose in our intercourse with nations. When
they send them to America, we will send
them back again at the expense of the
nation that sends them, and we will exact
"indemnity for the past and security for
the future," (Cheers..)
'-Why, sir, these paupers and felons be
oome sovereign here under our laws. In
Indiana, the fundamental law gives theta
suffrages in one year after they are sent.
Under the Kansas-Nebraska act, each cut
throat from a foreign penitentiary, and
each loathsome diseased pauper from the
penthouse of Belgium, may be clothed in
an hour after he gets here, with as much
power to regulate 'domestic institutions"
and shape the destinies of these great ter
ritories, filled by the God of nature with all
the elements necessary for the Increase of
VOL. XXI. NO. 20