Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 07, 1856, Image 4

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Fearful Growth of the Catholic Church.
Archbishop Hughes, in his late lecture
at Baltiatore, gives the following account
of the rise and progress of Catholicism in
the United States :
Severity years age, not going out of this
peviod iu the history of the United States
of America, was the first occasion on whiOt
the Catholic Church was tried by such
circumstances. Whnt is the condition to
pay off the Catholic Church its popula
tion made up of three elements ? Two
millions three hundred and ninety seven
thousand, five hundred souls. Then there
were twenty three priests; now there are
seventeen hundred and sixty-one priests.
'flies there wera no bishops to ordain
priests, if there were camlidates ; now
there are seven archbishops and thirty.
five bishops. There were but the four
churches I have mentioned, and now there
are nineteen hundred and ten churches,
besides other stations where divine wor
ship is held, to the number of eight hun
dred and ninty five. Then in the Catho
lic Church there was not a Catholic Sem
inary for the training of the Levites for
the sanctuary; now there are thirty
seven seminaries appropriated ends.
sively to the training of youth to• serve
both God and man. Then there were no
colleges ; now there are twenty-four incor
porated by the States where they are pla
ced. Then we had but one female neade
my ; now we have nne hundred and thir
Yowls Timmy —Oliver Milkin is as
much of a wag as a musician, and to make
his waggery more successful. he affects
the dress And manner of a clergyman.—
With his white cravat and sober black
coat he makes not a bad imitation. Ile
was at one of the hotels in Springfield, a
few days ago, and his decidedly clerical
appearance attracting the attention of the
com,,any as they sat down to dinner, he
was called upon to ask a blessing. Ile
did not refuse, and got on very well for a
sentence or two; but when he came to•
ward the conclusion, he found as it was
his first attempt, thnt he was utterly una
ble to remember the old usual manner
of closing such ari exercise. After
hesitating a moment, he recollected
the usual subscription of his letters, and
he brought his brief petition to a close by
adding with great solemnity, 'yours tt uly,
Oliver Milkin r
Dr OrgrA;„l,l " giti * re h Z:e . ,::l;7l";;;;; l edi , -
that cures
VllOl l 7 ETOD ®? TIMM)
the wont scrofula down to u c.aninun purple
He has tried it to over 1100 cisrev, and never
failed except in two cases, (both tl under huinor.)
lle has now in his possession ore: two hundred
certdicates of its vigue, all within twenty miles
of Huston.
Ta•o bottles are warranted to cure e nursing
sort mouth.
One to three bottles will cure tl e worst kind
of Pimples on the titre.
T oor three bottles will cicar the system o
. .
Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst
case or Erysipelas.
One to two bottles are warranted to cure all
humor in the Eyes.
Two bottles are warranted to cure running of
the ears and blotches among the hair.
Four to -ix bottles are warranted to cure cur
rupt and running ulcers.
One bottle will cure scaly eruption of the
Two to three bottle. are warranted to euro tho
worst rose oft ingworm.
Two to three bottle,' are warranted to cure the
moat desperate case rhetunatism.
Three to tour bottles are warranted to cure the
salt rheum.
Five to eight bottles will cure the worst ease
of scrofula.
A benefit is always experienced front the first
bottle, and a perleet cure is warranted when the
above quantity is taken.
Resider, I peddled user a thousand bottles of
this in the vicinity of Boston. I knew the effect
of it in every ease. 'So sure as water will extin
guish fire, so sure will this cue humor. I never
sold a bottle of it hut that sold another ; after ft
trial it always speaks for itself. There are two
t hi n gs nliout this herb that appear to me surpri
sing ; first that it grows id our imures, in some
places quite plentiful. and yet its value has never
been known until I disravered it in 1846—second
that it should cure all kinds of humor.
In order to give some idea of the sudden ri,e
and great popularity of the discover,. I will
state that in April, 1853, 1 peddled it and sold
about Mx bottles per dav—in April, 1854, 1 sold
over onathousaud per day twit.
Some of the wholesale Druggists who have
been in business twenty an d T im ye.„,
that nothing in the ennuis of patent medicines
was ever like it. The re is a universal praise of
it from all quarters.
In my own practice I Always kept it strietly for
b u r n ers—but since its introduction as is general
family medicine. great and wonderful virtues
bare been found in it that I never suspected.
Several eases of epileptic tits—a disease which
was 'away, considered incurable, have been cu
red by n few bottles. 0. what a 'nervy if it will ,
prove effectuel in all cases of that dreadftal mal
ady—there are but few who have more of it than I
I have.
I know of several cases of Dropsy, oil o f w h om
aged people cured by it. For the various disea
sea of the Liver,• Si-k Headache, Dvspepsia, I
Asthma, Fever and Ague, Vain in the Bide, Dis
eases of the Spine, and pnrticnlarly in diseases
of the Kidneys, ke., the discovery has done more
good theta any medicine ever known.
No change of diet ever necessary—eat the best
you ran get and enough of it.
Danucvlows von Usu.—Adults one table
spoonful per day—Children over ten years des
se: t spoonfull —Children from live to eight years
teaspoonfull. As no directions can be applica
ble to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate
on the be wets twice a day.
Manuflictared by
No. 120 Warren St., Roxbury, Mass.
Price $l,OO
T. W. DYOTT, General Agent for Penneylva
Wholesale Agents.—N. Y. City, C. V. Click
err, 81 Bart lay Street.—C. 11. Ring, 182 Broad.
way.—Rushton & Clark, 275 Broadway.—A. 13.
& b. Sande, 100 Fulton Street.
Fur sale by G. W. Urelinisn, hieVeytown; Mrs.
Mary blarks, Lewistown; V. Bead & Son, lion
"itni;old by .6.gents goinua,.
iley fk.
Two gplendid 1%1r:or Engravings,
- .
rNTITLEI) .1304 on Ahhev in the ‘6l:len
El Times," a splendid steel engraving. from
the eelebrated painting by Landwer ; Had the
"Departure of the Intentes from ligypt," a large
mid heatitilul engraving from a ',tinting by 1).
Roberts. The retail price of the above engra
ving is $3, per ropy, hat will he sent free of
chargean factor:
_ _. . . _ .
illl -1E subscribers have established a Book
I Agency in Philadelphia, and will furnish any
hook or publication at the retail price free of
postage. Any persons. by forwarding the sub
scription price of any of the $3 Magazines, ouch
as Harper's. Gialey's, Putnam's, Gralian'4, or
Frank Leslie's Fashions, &c. will receive the
magazines for one year and a copy of the above
beautiful engravings. free of charge, or if sot,
scribing to a $3,
and a $l, Magazine, ouch as
Peterson's. and Chu lien's Ladies' Annual, they
will recive both magazines and u copy of either
ot the *die, engraviogs.
_ .
Every description of Engraving on Wood ex
ecuted with lielitheßS and ili•patch. Views of
Buildings, Newspaper Headings, Views of Ma
chinery, Book Illustrations, Lodge Certiiienies,
Business Cards, &r. All orders sent brindit
promptly attended to. Persons wishing views
of their buildings engraved can send a Daguer
reotype ur sketch niche building by mull or ex
Persons nt rt distance having saleable articles
would find it to their advantage to address the
subscribers, as we would art as agents Mr the
sale of the same BYRAM & VIERCE,
50 Soo th Third St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Nov. 28, 1,25.-Iy.
Trk 7f:172 V. 7220
Sebastopol Taken! !
The undersittned has just returned from the
city with a large and splendid usmatinent
Fall and Winter Goods,
which he is now prepared .0 ilisnose of et very
low and rea.nithle rates. Persons desiring to
purchase will find it to their interest to Ove him
call before purchasing elsewhere, as he studies
only to please. His stock 141.iSIA Of n large lot of
Dry Goods, Hardware.
2200 Vi da suoLS, U.Aigi?;
Glass & Queeuswaro,
ft large Mid 41)1..1 id it..octment or ready ninth
which he is prepared to sell in lots to suit perch ,
asers. JOHN 111:11:1"1..1,
N. B.—Country produce taken in exchange
for good,
goorsville, Nov. 7, 1835.—tt
Chesnut Street. Philadelphia, No. 165
One door below Fifth. North Side.
Gentlemen who wbh to hay theirelothing rea
dy made, quite as good as vial be made by any
Merchitut Tailors of the United Staten, should
vial this magnilieent store, where gloals of the
finest clasi are kept Ready Made and in the pieee
which will be made up to order at the Awls:St
tuatara and perfect satisfaction warranted.
Also a tine 71.-nol tment of
FTRai Ina:P.a. : llllRM DY.."10
And every watch, is ',harked with the lowa:steals!' ,
"k7i"tt.s"-fatn. •
No. 0. South Third Street,
Importer oi French Calf Skins ;
FAC . II . ItEll AND cIEN,ItiI.
D - kn . l7a.
Has Constantly on Rani, anll Always
Finishing, all kinds of
Loather, Morocco, Calf Skins,Sheep
Skins, dui • dte.
The attention of Country Merchants and Man
ufacture., is solicited.
January 2, 1836.-Iy.
MarirallY - 211 EIMIVIWIN D
Fie!, Fierce, 'lwo, brier! frail, Lard, feed
Oil, Flaxseed Oil, While L ad, Pig Lead, Win
dow Warn, rilassware, Iron and Nails, liar and
Candl. e. rnrirguled and keen Seep, teal
Pitbdat,y sminryilvtafes generally.
, No. 97 Wood St.,
l'artii.ulor attention Oren !a the sale of Pig
31cr.,1 .1.1 Mourns, and liberal adVallees made
Felt. 13, 1236.—1 y.
Davenport, lona.
Attends to buying, selling owl locating limas
end Lool warrants. pays taxvs, 1../1111 money on
Heal Estate security, on Commission, exmoines
and taken abstracts or title, &c. Any husia.css
intrusted, will be attended to promptly and with
fiefer to Hon. Geo. Taylor and Members of
the Bar at Huntingdon.
Nov. 21, .35.•6m..
To Iron Manufacturers.
The subscriber has recently discovered an ore
bank which will yiald an abundant supply of
Iron Ore.—This Ore Bank is on a small tract of
Lind (belonging to the subscriber) containing a
bout twenty acres—situated in Walker Town
ship, about one mile and three quarters front the
station on the Broad Top Railroad, near Ale
Specimens of the ore may ho seen in llunt.
ingdon at the Ticket office of the Penna. Con•
tral Railroad.
The subscriber will either sell or lease the a•
bove tract of laud.
January 2,1856.-4 m.
()Rive.' on Hill Street, opposite
House, and North East
&t e rn C e o r u o rt f Hill and Franklin ate.
CAPITAL, sstmooo.
FIRE INSURANCE, perpetual or limited,
made an town or country, on every description
of property.
Losses promptly paid.
J. McDOWELL, Jo., Secretary.
W. lIIIEWSTEIt, Agent, livoormeortat.
boo Na 14N•-if.
`itj(6•:OL'''J'i:'Airt_ , ., , L -. :
a l" -- AIL STONE,
I/JAYS:Ii 'I? &It`l7
Corner id tierniann.wil Rood nod New Morhiet
Streets, on the North Pennsylvania Hail Road,
Constantly on band or made to order. the fob
lowinx hightv approved Flour dill Machinery.
Woodward's Patent Portable Mills andSinut
Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Bran Dug.
Siover's Patent .Furl Saving Corn Kiln:,
Pi( ratitt's Patent Barrel iloupand Moulding
Improved Bridge Steps nod Bushes for Mill
The best Anchor Brand Boltin% Cloth Burr &
Cullen Mill Stones. Corn, Cole end Plaster
Johnston% Patent I nal Metal Can-
East and South-East oldie Ohio and Miseissip•
pi Rivers.
Warranted to tnke out of the mrdi of every
Bushel Oround, from Ito 2 Ilis, of slandar;l
flour, which could not he bolted out on account
of the electrical adhesion to the Bran.
NOTICE :—I hereby warn all persons against
infringing my rights, Keenrcd by Letters l'a.
tent as above, as I will prosecute all persons
making, selling, or using any Br,t•, hunters
with an Iron or Cast Nletal Concave in vin.
lution of the Letters Potent. of Jot,eph John
ston, dated April 2 , lth. 185 t.
THOMAS 13. 11'OOI1WAfiIt. Proprietor.
N. B.—State and County Patent Rights fur
all the above Machines fur . Sule.
August 29, 1853. tf
Chanibersburg & Mt. tnivn
'PILE undersigned aware that a gnspetv-ion of
t the line of Stages over the road between
Citainhersharg and Mt. Union, eannot he hat
dielOolletagentts to u large .eetion to the country
has.. eoLsiderathie expense and trouble, 111:1.1l,
arraa,tentel.t , to con a line of Stnee% 'rri•ecekly
between the txo !;nod and tnt,
for1:0 , 10 Stages have been diced on the rou:e.
and expetio , need end tru,ty drivers will ,oineritt
tend the mining of the enavitec. The pr., 0 .4...
for of the line is desirous that it he in iintained
and he therefore nulls ni.nn the. poldie rennin ily
to patronize it. eoilli.lent it mall their
mutual edvant:ige. livery ettetail,to twee,•.iry
will he given, and the running of the stages
he I...Nil:it.
0"7" Stages knee Mt. IThinn, every Tuesiloy.
Thursday, and Salonlay evening.. on iviou nt
Chimiliersburg the next day nt o'clock. Re
turning. lI,VO the same night id
10 o'clock. urriring nt M. curly the
lowing evening in time for the n,rs. Since,•top
nt Shirleysloirg, Orhisobin, Shade Gap. 1111111 f
eaioNfi, Fnnuertsitrg, Horse Valley, SlLSharg
liti.l Kt.efer'm store. . . .
thruueh $3.00; to in term ediate
in proportion.
Aug. 22, 1955.—tf.
tLY.J. es NYV.'Xt 00001
• AT T r:
INGII AM & DUNN have just retuned
kj from Philadelphia, and We now 00,ting et
the head et' the 11r,gtd Top Bain a large and
I.eautiful assortment of Fall & Winter GOUtiS
(7011:1,1111% Or
Dry IR, Tlnrd-vi sre. Groceries,
Queen.-'rare, Cedssr-ta are,
hats, hoots and shoes.
Ready 'Haile Clothing alw•a`s on hand,
and in short everything that is usually kept in a
country store.
kept coll.:tautly for Sale.
Call Mid examine our stock before web,
sins elhewhere, and Kte whether we t annul
make it your int ereq to putroolse
All kinds of country prodave taken in eN ,
°lmage far Gouda at the highest market price ,
Thu highest market 'dices paid tor all kind!
of Grain.
Prompt attention paid to storing and forward•
ing all kinds of merchandise. produce, d.c.
linutingdoo, Oct., 10 in.-,
Call and look before you purchase,
IT Asinst returned from l'hiladci, lain nn~l i>
I now opening one of the p ret mot heel
selected stork 01 goods ever I.riomht to the bor.
ough of Huntingdon. It would he useless ti
mention all of the goods we hare im imod—
Ladies , Dress Goods,
of the latest st.%l,s,
A large of Mowry. Dress Trimmint•s
Ribbons, Velvet, !,onne•ts Under , leves, Collars
Spencers, ilasieneres, Casittetts, Lances
Silk :Hitt•, Ilaluues, De-Berge, hitl Gloves
and all kinds of goods generally kept in
country store.
.Alm—a title assortment of
Roots, Shoes, Ilats,& caps,
Glassware, Qlseensware and Cede,ware.
A !urge ttml good supply of
Fresh Groceries.
Call and sec lay goods mid examine for your
-- rhankful for the patronage of the past by niy
friend, and the public generally. I respectfully
solicit si continuance of the mane.
All kinds of country produce taken in ex•
change for itnoils at the highest market price.
Oct. 10, 1855.
To those who wish Forms—to hare fertile
land at u ellen:, price melon easy terms, roar et
tention is called to the Ridgway corm rind
Coal Company. Twenty-lire *wes or more in
proportion, ore given for $2llll, payable in instal
m e n ,. o f $1 par week, or $3 per month It is
located in Elk comity. Po., and hoe one of the
best market, in the slate for its towboat. The
soil is a rid' loam, and is not to be surpassed
for farming, en examination will show. it Ins
the best elementicuf prosperity, being underlaid
by two rleh vents of Coal, and will shortly b e
inter:meted by Poor railroads. The timberis of
the most valuable kind. Title unexceptionably
wool, anti warrantee iICCIIN ore given. It pre.
sonic a good and substantial opportunity to com
mence farming. providing fur one's children or
making un investment. Further particulars can
he hod from the pamphlets which ore sent to in
quirers. Letters answered promptly. Apply
or address SA 11'r, w. CATTELL,
145 Walnut :Street, north side between Fourth
and Fink sts., Philadelphia. Full information
is contained in the pamphlets.
Feb. 13,1856.-sm.
10) Bulb Bucl a4Tri\ for
T ;si Y & nrnf
r. - ;1 000.—Some ,Y-Two l)ays!—Triataph
c•,,,,,,i ,1, ! !—VVIIy is it that the li,t-Covenior
ot 1,,i., I,nd. also the President of one of the
1 . .,, , t.s ~t i r,- I, , rivl, Cit y , urged tl,e there
to proem, it t Why has it 1.140 rash order
,I,i, we, I, coi.• limn site!' men as Messrs. Peel
~etc„., ,vindesale Ortu,ei,ts of .1:e:4;1114111a,
VII . .111 I.y the very heXt mail, an taller, (the
third time in tour weeks) from Mr. l'iermaint,
ami line Nlas,rs. Cook & Cu— of watt, pitied,
anti by the ve....y earn*. 'nail a fourth order from
111e1.ers. Hopper 0 Wilmer of Centreville. Md.,
(where a short time since soili nn eseitement
sprint); up from some reniarkohle mires made
there by Prof. C. Itcliioth's (genuine) lolecs
trio Oil, front 39 Smith Eialitti Street, Philitilel
phia, a fe , o doors south of Iliesnut street '1 flow
' is it that the editor 01 Et it Obscrvet, wns ell
'. red in two days of rhetainatisms in his bauk, of
three years' duration ; and Mr. firmly, o r ; 1„,._
rishurg of Pitralyols 1 Why and !tow was it that
the other day Mr (icor), Weis, 227 Eager street
Baltimore, two doors foot St., fours' church,
was mired or 1.. - ii,i,, , i ir.iii.i.. or ion, ~,,iii, ,
also the late ease of a holy in Philadel,,ltio. en
red o f spit.% utirt,ltit•e.llll , l another of Prt.ltitt
' Ut.tri, It complete. radical cure I Ask them.
11'11 0 do such 110011 as ii...srs. ti. N. :L W. 11.
11'01i:tins. wholesale Druggists. of Syracuse N.
I y„ ~,,itst :ow, tiiot—“your Electric Oil
proves more henelicial than any other prepare
toms we have ever limit of," o,'.
'Yours, O. N. &W • 11.WILLIAsts.
Why has Joseph ( )shorn. ki,41., or Autumn,
1 , St ritten, now the third time that "Prof. 11°.
Orath's Eleetrie Oil is selling very fast. and
making great sores never before accomplished
I here I" Why dol John Ilux. Esq., send. the
2,1 inst., 1, gold dollar in It letter from Double
Bridges, V. 1., for a bottle. ell the recommenila
, tiro! of Wm. Arvin, Esq., of the some (dare
Huntingdon. Pa.. 81 - - n-liii got tootle 0 short time shwa for the Oimt,
Alexandria, I'd.. .1. 11. ' :kild was cured? Why is it that every one speaks
rstreet.Pit...l. M BO I.- ' of it as "a wonderful cutative," and is this not
call dealers everywhere. the real cense of more selling at retail, in I'hila
-o,ly. ' delphia ahem, than it sold of 1)•. Jayne's medi-
I eines, or live of any others? Why is it that • a
MOUNTAIN Fl 111.1: SI:IIIINARY, °flare° practice used it ou the tiara-
Birmingham, IT thigdon county, Pa. 1 1 0 i:f e v l 1. ";: i 1 ,',', 1 ,V,. i j, i , 5 .,;,',, " •„, n ,', ,V,,,' " g ,, ' , ' „T,',',, e . s ,.f r i. 3 :, ' „ ll r i ;:it;
THIS Institute is s ,:ted on the Pennsylvania : oil," front the ollice of Prof. HeOrath, ethteltl
-1 Mill 11.eitl, 11)0 r •-tjle,4 one of the most de- , n il v ease., p a e, i lysis. Wltv end how is it iiior
siriii,ii , locutions in tl ante. It is so cosy am.- over $5OO 1,,,,,, hem, sold in ‘Vashingtoll. 1). 1'
, ... retired. bealtlifit aul sorrointiled with snob a,,,i,,, : ~ho o t s ix, weeks, and over SI 0110 worth
' .°l W .fie ni""ht"h. • 'fierY, that 110 une who in Baltimore in the some time ? Why tit, :\l, , ssrs
wishes to leant. eittil, fod an institution nmre fa- m,,,, , , s ,v,,, c o „ o r York, Po., (one of the finest
vorahly situated. E. rimmed totellors who ere w ag houses in the Saute,) and John Wy «Ili.
v..alltuttes or Troy to Mt. 11 , cly , kit seinimirii, E. 0 1., or I iiii•rishorg, Pa., sell so touch, when
are employed in tlti. institution, soil no PAins th e y 1.,,,, tie quantity of all Sort.; of other
will he spared to mist: oits growing reputation.— ,„,.,1,,.,,,,,, ~,,j,, 1, ti.,, side of th e i•lli ee ,,i e
The sitllle.el• tern rt. rollet, the last Tile.illy Oje Simply 1.14,..11,0 nothing Cite Will lIII,W,
in April 11,1 eotitittnett ;0 1 , t,,,,,,1,,,, Chorges to the purpose that the Oil does. Let the skeptis
din , from the time a.tering,... l toute`htetl.'es cal ask the numerous cases or almost hopeless
wide for ohm., excel- in (Mo. of ,i,k,,,,,,, -.... patients. if our thing could he more iiizreeitiiie
iii' fro., afro-of are c„,wtcil to hoard in the ;,, ~,,,, ~, ~,,,,, my,,,,,,,1 in i t , r e ,,,i,.,—,,,,,,, e , mr.
Serithool Building sift , the PriticiPti who gists or ha . kg. unpetittett or doiliii, on v..
!its P litt. e ettetttiwt to Isi. - ir io'erect end adettiree - riutt, Fortner treatnaut, with nothing hot dis
ment, moirogement aml despair for their trouble. Why
• •••,A,
, ;N e
voi.TitV or 1•!IS 11l
Ayers oexar-shod, over the pal
ate, hat their eneruy, although wrapped up, is
dire. t-lis With giant force every r oll ,
There are thous: nd of ru r,
,VllO .1111,1 not wenr their d l sr em p or ,
they knew they could he roved liir 23, ets.—Vie
Av4's von will know it.'
'Purity the blood and discuss will be strayed
('tense the system front impurities and you
nrr eored ' ah • eadv.
Take this he-t or all Purgatives, nn4
Intligesti.iti, Weitlim•ss
and which :ire lnu•g:ltive.
Call Mich Ity, before them like tiorkness e
tlie Situ. . _
...._ . ..... .
I:eader, if you are sulfating from any one of
the numerous ma/whims they Vora —Butter no
more—the remedy has been provided for you,
tool it it is criminal to abgleet it.
That .Iyer's (.I"reg , ',tom n !, to the be med.
ieire fira Cough, k Th . wil to the whole worl , l
tel that Ayers Pills ra the best ,if all Pills, is
known to those who I w used them.
Prepared by DR..I I'. Al' E ll , Lowell. Mass.
and sold by every rev ',table - Druggist in New
CIIEIt & l'oliTEl2
noMMER .b Co. W
Feb. 111, 1631 L-2,1
14110. 1 is it Vita other iiteaii , eA have advertisement,
Boarding, Tuition t till furnishr.d rooms per Pile.' up .'olutll high, lu all tin papers while
'term pfin ~ 0 lle , ,fessor It, (initia l s ' Eleett is (lill is only no.
Latin. (lent., 1 , r(r.t.1), Pointing, I)rowing tired at it ,inile ellpeuse not to t.xecetl $l5 to
and instrumental 11 u. it, 1.:.....t rt. $2O a tidy 11 . 1. y is it that tau physicians ore
. ...tot,. 1. W. IV.\1:1), tinily condoved in the oflit.e, applying the (gen_
l'ritteipal. nine) • •Lieet tie I tit" to patients itilliewd with
11.1rt.h '27,15 , 55-tr. : T„th.e. p a lsy (and it is warrented .or Ilik).—
BUT ------.-
l' itlietunotista Neuralgia, Headache, 01.1 Sores
itOingi:/), N 1 )1M ICART EI)EN. and liritise, %Vomit's. Cuts, Sprains and lulu_
I:rilliant 1.1F ,, Y or J. , we , itY. 'l7's":% 1 1'osI""'V: t "'' 1 '""!! ki " 1 '':
i :.,,„ti .i.„ii.A1..,1.;,„„ei5,,:,
rriE pohlie cettera.., and the nim , ls d... i ,,, c .1.
yet not 'none than one blittitl has ever
snore tine SOH, t'tti n t . iiii my store and remo - been returned t and that Wits 11 coon or tOt•I
oil Vitillaiiit'S to tin 1 , 1 , 01111 i of ~,,,i llt Si Inc' tie;irtit•Sg. of Ili cents' standing. Of course no.
wlillnul my permission, see illi . "rine. l l'lla l hue titre could not restore such n ease, with whale,
lust opened n mor t • ~..o•ral mot hotel nsotrtinet:t er limp.
or d etiele, in toe Hue or 1,,,...;,,,,, Th., ~,,,, ever N. 11.—An educated Do for always in atten
-1,,,,t, ~,, (I,thrinv,ton, enosisting or wito),,,
• -, dant.e and ht.lie. may. if they desire it consult
Jewelry. Oloeks, Fine Knives,
~, 1.....1..,... with t t Indy by' dropping n line to the (alive of
Pistols. Perfumery. I,lort Mon- ' ..",."=
iltties, Silver %Ware, iiltll 'Moto. . ~,,,:rtnt lll) '..1. ' l ' .%lfilt i ileh i iitil . , ".
Artieles, he., he. Itly old friends and ett,ttttees, ' .. ll d“oi..; 1.....0i11t of Chesnut wt.
. ~ ...„„ ... ..... .....,..,,,......,.
iql the pahoe in Ismer. I ir . ' ll % , '" ti" - "'"' t • ' Pl.l- P. 5n els. 7.1 et,. and :",'.1. ,.
,re r,que:,ted to call and examine my a..ortment. , S.— F ,,,,. ~,,,,,,.., i.,,,‘,,i.„ will be
pew for the
amst of a low. ~., ;tido. a .It, pedler. who copied..
liontinplon. 'March 29, 1 0 54. . i, tEIIV Sliell. ~1111,t of Prof. Do Grath's hills;
1 . 1, Sr LENIND ARRITAL sod as the original. tiro cuprighted, he 19 lial,le
to the 13,..
. 39 111.1111.6i1i 0., er the NS. Eighth at., Phisdn.
FALL AND WINTER Tho,„," ne,i,, & s„.„ ~„„ti„,4h.n. lIIIIIt. et,
11. ItilrllNell. Nll,llll,lllery, Llair en., W. G.
ai .3 _LI .J
I , b _ e t . lll , c rj,..
-12, i ' Illorray, Hollidaysburg, Illair co ., Condrotk &
. 111e0.y, Frankstown, Blair co., J. 11. Ilorner &
AT THE In''T.'.""'N U.' I . ll ''' AT O . O • Co., Watersireet. Hunt. ea., Wm. Moore, Alex-
A. WILLOUGHBY, ; ctotri., mo. co.
HAS inst returned i'rom the east with a large c;cpt. 1855.
and splendid 4:::ortment of —___......
11.'al1 and Winter Clothing,
for men and buys, made in the latest fashion and
in the itamt derahle wanner. \Via, ever wants
to be dre,sed It and cheaper than anybody
else in town. let him call at IV•i.Loconni•s
CHEAP 17LoritiNo S roar, one door west of 'l'.
ReatiS: tiun'silrug
Cull awl see fur 3 . uurselees
',et. le, 1854.
ItULItO D nouns,
Ti AD,: Ikutnu EAST.
Mail T. I Ex. T. I Fast T. E. T.
Train leaves I'. M. I'. M. P.M. 1'.91.
Petereliiirg, 2.45 3.30 9.17 12.30
Huntingdon, 3.02 3.46 9.32 1.03
91111 Creek, 3.13 3.56 9.42 1,38
Mt. Union, 3.13 4.09 9.56 2,20
Train leaves P.M A.M. P.M. A.M.
Mr. 1.70i0n, 4.17 6.86 7.42 5,25
Min r rt.t.k, 4.34 8.49 7.55 5.55
nuut 4.49 7.02 8.08 7.02
Peter:burg, 5.03 7.15 8.19 7.30
ietio"at the
whioh ho is now mannfacturing, and will
Itnee ready for sale inn into days, he is Also pre
pored to make llama., wagons. carts, wheel
barrow, &e.. &c.. eel to do nil kind of repairing
ut the shortest native, and in the must substantial
5h,,;.,,n \.IV. cornorot Montgmcry and Wad,.
Alan,ll 27 1855-tf.
11/1,%0N S), PEI'RLKIN,
Prrintine in thr x vet, ('.urn 4of Ilunting , lon
Blair, Cumbria, Centre, M illlin and Junion
THE partnership heretofore existing between
Mytota awl 'Alosser is by minim , consent dis
solved, and all persons knowing themselves in
debted to the edit finn, will please cull and set
tle their net mints without delay.
Saillsburg, April 2, ltiss.—tl
i-ver. linen that the partnership
existion eon the Undersign.
ad (tr.linn under the hero or (Notch St. Irmo,)
ie thiS day di.euleed liy mutual eminent. The
hooks of nail firm ten in tins brittle at' David
Dunn with whom all concerned will 1.1..0 to
make immediute settlement.
01.:111011'. CDI - Cll,
April 10, 1855-11.
Dr. Jehrt McCulloch,
nfrur, tis ltruic,,ontl,trace to the citizens of
Ullantingdon ,nd ieiuity. Unice, Mr.
brand's, between the Exchange and Jacksun's
linnthng.lon, An. 29, 1855.
T. Va'AliPD.',lll,.
.el T TORN El T 1.41
Willittend to all business entrusted to hitn. Of.
flee nearly opposite the Court House.
Mar 5, 'NI
r4:O, poooecoooaooop , '"\ , 4 41, 1 ;38 4
14.A4 , 4J-trgi
CUL'AP ( .t >
„,i) 0 . __Ali 0 a
~f, g •OE TIIE 'l'
‹) : 3 0 "HUNT. JOURNAL.% ,
0 t t:' , ;', ,:.
i=:,:c f .3 The laryrsl air 1. ”
41 .1 " i ( t ) ) JOB OFFICE t o ' ',;;;;;'
.7.2 :),, EV TUE COU 3r,°\>
Y e o JOB-Wollli ((') 'JP'
<l3 '()) OF g 1 ;1
e.'3' g All NYNYZ,I' , I„,..>
0 EXECUTED 0 ' kj , ,i>
4 1r1 As Cheap as the elleapest,j, 'cf .. ?
;1) LIM 5277251 (,), t.O)
C . )) (0) THAN o ƒ,
..., o wax Z.ZST. ( 1 4.>
<7 ; :iy, (,)) PERFECT SATISFACTION 18 ( 0 ) k>
eT 0 WARRANTED. o ( p. ,
',..,-; o o ,;•!
.; o All kinds of o 0 , :,›
9 ' (()) BLANKS g `c§'
`'',i,. l :,; g ,‘ VITA 0 t . ,›
‘-a `
. ETTA' ON HAND. 0( 4:
S I % (j."0.C=....,0000C0 ti:.
1..„..1 - 7 ., A747 , , , ,57..x.i. - 5:77...;F.'.
Attorneys at Law,
Iluntiugdon, Pa.,
Office same as that formerly occupied by John
Scott, Est.
Oct. 19, 1853. —_
Adams & Co.'s Express.
T. K. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon
%may, Packages, and goods °fall kinds, re
ceived end forwarded at t he risk of the company,
to all the cities and principal towns in the United
6tato May 1,'52.
AIRS. SARAH KULP whims to inform the
Indict of Iluntmgdun and the surrounding
country that she lit moved next door to l'lnirks
mil e r W.iove the Preshyterinn Church, Hill St.,
here she 'wends carrying on the fancy nod
straw Milliucry business. tinting received the
latest cite lip:1111m, she Is prepared to attend to
ali thnt way tutor her with their ...tom.
April 10. 1055—1 f S. A. KULP.
Dissolution of Partnership.
The Partner:Jai. heretofore existing between
the undersigned, is this day by mutual cousoul
dissolved. The hminess will be curried Us
hereafter, by John Hoye., Jr.. at the old stand
fret. al, 18511.-tf.
. . TERMS :
Where may be obtained the most speedy rem- The "fivNT.NO.ON Ilubl""
dv far he following rates t
* SECRET InsEAsrs.—Clects Strietnres, If paid in advance $1.50
nrmiu;nl \Crnlutess, ]'lieu in the Coolie , Aff ec ti on , If paid within six months after Ntime of
ache Kidneys, and all thorn peonliar Mleetions subscribing 1,74
arising llom a secret Habit, particalarly the youth If poid at the end of the year 2.00
ol both sexes, which if not cared, produces eon- ! And two dollars and fifty emits if lint paid tin
stitutional debility, rendering marriage impossi- after the expiration of the year. No subsceilothm
ble, and in the end destroys both Mind and Body. will he taken Ibr a less period than six months.
Voting Men, , snit nopaper will be discontinued, except at the
especially, who have heroine the victims of Sol- option of the Editor, after it bee went user the
itnry Vice, that dreadful and destructive h a bit time of subscribing, until the amt of tlmt veer.
which annually sweens to art tintininlY grave thon. Subscribers living in distant connties,or in other
sands of young men of the most exalted talents , States, will he required to pay invariably in
and brilliant inteheet, who might otherwise have co , v'mces
entranced listening senates with the thunders of ; e r ;s* The above terms will be rigidly adhered
, eloquence, or waked to restore the living lyre, cases.
in all ees.
may call with fail confidence. -•
Married Perßom,
or those contemplating marriage, Ming aware of
physical WCllhness, should immediately consult
Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health.
Dr. Johmton,
office No. 7 Soto II Fredrick St.. seven doors from
Baltimore Street. east side up the steps. karlie
particnlar in obrnininyt the mune and number, or
you will mistake the place
A :;I;;e;:tiratitud, Or nu charge made, in from
01w to ta•o flay,
TAKE NormE.-1)r. Johnston's office is in his I
alert lag. op the steps. Ills very extensive prase- ;
tier in n sntlieient guarantee, that he is the only
propel physician to apply to.
1)r. Johston, member of the Royal College of
Surge., London, gratlnnte from one or the
most eminent Colleges of the United States, and'
the greater part of whose life has been spent in
the I losi itnis of London, Paris Philadelphia, and
elsewhere, Intl etTeeted snore of the newt
isltini: cores that were ever ItHOWII, many trou
bled with ringing in the ears Land head when
asleep, great nervousness, being nlnrrned nt sail
den some!, and bashfulness, with fretptene blush
ing nttentled sometimes with derangetrient of
n.intl, were vimed immediately.
A Cenv.% an DISEASE.—It inn melancholy fact
that thousands fall vietims tat this horrid disease
owing to the unskilMlness of ignorant pretenders
who hv the use of that deadly poison Mercury,
ruin the (7011•10116.11, causing the most serious
symptoms of that dreadful disease to make their
tippenranee, such as atiberiors or the head, nose,
throat. skin, ate., progressing with frightful ra
pidity till death plats a peril to their drmatiful
suffering, by sending thetn in that Bourne whence
no traveler returns.
TAux PAHTICULAR NOTloE.—Yonng men who
have injured themselves by n certain practice in
dulged in when atione—a habit ftennently learned
from evil companions, or nt school—the etlbets
of which are nightly felt r even when asleep, and
if not cured renders marrie,te impossible, nasal de
stroys bath mind and body.
What a pity that a young mon, the hope of Id
country, and the darling of his parents should be
snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of
life by the consequence et deviating from the path
of nature and indulging in is certain secret habit.
Huth persons bctitro contesmdating Marriage,
should reflect that a sound mind and body are
the most neoes,ary requisites to promote CIAIIIII.
happint,s, Indeed without lhese, the jour
ney thraugh a weary pilgrimage,
the pro , poet hourly darkens to the view; the
mind become., shadowed with despair, noel tilled
with the melancholy reflectin, that the happiness
of another becomes blighted with our own.
UTIONAL 111i1111.11,-111, J. address
es young; men, cud all n•ho have injured them
selves by private and improper illdlIlglqWe•
I,IPVISSANA.—These are some of the sad and
melancholy effects produced by early habits of
youth, via: Weakness of the hack mod ma t h,
1 Pions in the bead, I)i,mtt•as of Sight, Luau of
Muscular power, Palpitation or the I kart Dys
pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Detamzcatents of the
Venetious. General Dl:biLitr Samtotouls.
ALLY—The fearful effects on the mind nee
111111.1, to be dreaded; lANs of memory, Confashm
of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil l'orbodiugs•t
Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of Soil
tudc, &c., are some attic evils produced.
Thousands of persons of all ages,can How jad.,,,
what is the cause of their declining health. Los
ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale Will emacia
col, have singular 1111,CiaillICC about else Cyec,
toatdi mol I:,totns of
Married permos, or t1,0,e contemplating mar
riage, twiny aware of physical we e k,,,,,, sh ou ld
imurdi•scly consult Dr. J. and Ice rostm•ed lo ',er
re. health. ()Rico, No. 7, South Frederick-St.,
Baltimore, Md.
N. 11. Let nu false delicacy prevent you, but ap
ply immediately either personally or by letter.
Skin Diseases Speedily Cured,
To STItOOGI,I4,-1111U many thousands cured
at this Institution within mice gust ten years., and
the numerous important Surgical Operationa
po fin thud by Ilr..l.ovitnessed by the Reporters of
the Palm., awl many other persons, notiees of
which have appealed agAin and again before the
public, is a sufficient guarantee that the afflicted
well italicskillful and honorable phys'cian.
As there are so many igilUralit MO worthless
quacks advertising themselves. Physicians,ritin
ing the health of the afflicted 1)r. Johnston would
say those unacquainted with his reputation that
Lis Credentials or Diplomas always hang ill his
Wjakness of the organs Immediately cured,
ipt full rigor restored
ca All letters post paid—remedies sent by
.:111 - ty 22, I 855.-1 y
Would respectfully inform his friends and the
public, that he has on hand and is receiving for
'he coming season, a line assortment of
Consisting of Watches, Chains, lirrats(Pins, Fin
ger Rings, Ear Rings, Pencils, Keys, Thimbles,
Studs, Medallions, Sic. Together with his celebra
ted and unrivalled
Which is equal if not superior, to 'willow intro
Each Pelt is Engraved with his own name,
and every Pen Warranted.
Olt did you ever, no I never
Mercy on us whet a treat;
Get head's bold Pen, they're extra fine,
And only found in North Third Street.
A splendid Pen!!' Where did you get it?
Pure Diamond Pointed, can't be !matt
Yes, my friends, there's no hum buying
In Read's Gold Pons olNurtli Third Stret t.
Inirlinad's Gold Pen in found only at 55 North
Third Street, below Arch East Side.
Philadelphia. Jun. 8,1852.—tf.
HAVlNG:liteated himself in IVARRIORSMARK
in this county, would respectfully ollitr his
professional services to the citizens of that place
and the country adjacent.
J. 13. Loden, M. D. Gen. A. P. Wilson,
M. A. Henderson, " Wn3. P. orbisun, Esq
.1. 11. Dar:•ey, James Gni.,
M. Stewart, " John Scutt, Esq
bon. George Taylor
Huntingdon, Pa
Jacob M, Gemmill, M. D., Alexandria.
John M'Cullocli, 4 . Petersburg.
THE undersigned oisbe.sto inform his friends
I and the public generally that he has moved
his shop to the building of And. Harrison, for
merly occupied by him as Collector's office,
Hill St.
-- ht; . re ho intends earrying on the Tailoring;
bo.iness on such terms as will not fail to give
eatisfartion to all that may favor him with their
Ile wishes to return thank. for the liberal pa
tronage heretofore received and hopes by strict
attention to business to merit a continuance of
'the same. R. RAMP.
Arsine, 1855-r,
Will be charged at the following rate!:
1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do.
Six lines or less $ 25 . $ 37} $ 50
One square, (16 lines,) 50 75 100
Two " (32 " ) 100 15U 200
Three " (48 " ) 150 225 3 00'
thminess men advertising he the Quarter, Bolt
Year ur Year, will he charged the following rates.
3 mo. 6 mo. 12 mu.
One square, $3 00 $5 00 $8 00
Two squares, 500 650 12 50
'Three squares, 750 10 00 15 00
Four squares, 900 14 00 29 00
Fire squares, 15 00 25 00 as 00
Ten squares, 25 00 40 00 GO 00
Business Cards not exceeding six lines, una
year, $4.00.
Agents for the Journal.
The following persons we hove appointed Agents
for the HUNTINGDON JOVENAL, who are author•
iced to creole, end receipt for money paid on sub
scription, and to take the names of new subscri
bers at our published prices.
Wed° this for the convenience of our subscri•
bers living at a distance from Huntingdon.
JOHN W. TnomvsoN ' Esq., Hollidaysburg,
SAMUEL COEN, East Barren,
GEonon W. CORNELIUS. Cromwell township.
Illminv Ilunsox, Clay township.
DAVID ETNIEN, Cromwell town,hip.
Dr. J. P. Ancient, Penn town.bip,
J. Want:llAm MATTE.. Franklin township,
SAMUEL ttbrerrar, Jackson tognship,
Col. Jsto. C. Wareott, Brady tuttm , bi:
Mounts Mums, Springfield township,
Wm. iluTentxsols, Esq., Warriorsmark tP9
GEORGE W. WinTTAKEn, Petersburg,
licNur NEFF, West Marren.
Jottx Bm.stmcn, Weterstreet,
blob. CHARLES NIICKLEY. Tod township,
A. B. BLAtic, Roblin township,
IVtbsos, Esti., 'Fell township,
dam.. CLANK, Birmingham.
NATHANIEL. LTrt.a, Esq., Spruce Creek.
Maj. W. Moo., Alexandria.
B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace.
SINECIN WNIUHT, }Ng, Union township.
Davin CLanksow, Esq., Cass township.
SA3ICEL Maros, Esq., Franklin township.
Writ , PAnitun, Warriorsmatk.
DAVID AURANCT, F.sq., Todd township.
.1.)1, J. ALFRED SHAPE, Dublin township.
The "3011131,11Fhas 300 Suhscri
hers more, Mau all)• other paper
in this county.
corner Sitound nod Walnut greet,
I'll!/,:I DELII!IA.
CA PITA I. stiod,oon.
This Company effects Eire Insurance On Bull
dings, Goods, Furniture. de.
To all pmts in the World.
hthnul iwurances on Goods I, rivers, lakes,
canals, railroad, and land earrioia to all parts et
the Union.
Also, insurance upon LIVES, upon the mots
favorable terms.
Hon. Thoninq B. 1 , 1;,;;;We 1
George It. Arno , tronv,,
Edward P. Middleton,
George Ileltolodd,
EDWARD It. iiE1.31110,1,
James E. Neal!,
Charles Dingee,
Ed. B. Ileltulold,
F. C. Brewster,
Woe Leerl,.
ItENCE, rresident,
~ Spey
IlmirmonoN, l'A.
'STAIR, Agent,
Viain lag
A 6
And all Kinds o f '
Lgal Bl anks,
Use d by Magistrates & Others
Printed at the JOURNAL OFFICE.
- -
The subscriber, thnukful to his friends and pa
trons, and to the Public generally, fur their pa
tronage, still continues to curry on at the some
stand; one door emit of Mr. C. Cam's Howl, Mar
ket street, Huntingdon, where he will attend to
all who will favor him with their custom, end al
so keeps unhand a good assortment of WATcues,
CLoeue, JEWELItV, &c., all of which ho is
determined to sell at low prices.
Clocks, Watehes and Jewelry of all kinds will
be repaired at short notice, and having math; ar
rangements with a good workman, all repairs w ill
he done in n neat and durable manner, and every
per,on leaving articles for repairing shall hal,
them done at the precise time. By pitying strict
attention to business, and selling at low rates, be
hopes to receive a share of public patronage.
Buntingdon, Sept. 7, 1852.—tf.
Tum library will be opon every Saturday after.
noon, at 3 o'clock, iu their room in the
Court Cause. Subscription 50 cents a year.—
New books have been added to the former cx.
cellent collection—" Fanny Fern's" popular
writings, "Bayard Taylor's" &c. The further
patronage of the public•will enable the celiac,
Ilion to be still more extended.—
By order of the
Huntingdon, Jan. 22 1855,
The undersigned proposes publishing provld
ed sufficient encouragement be obtained, a Ma
of Ilootiogdoo County. Said Man to be cm:
strueted by actual survey of all the public Ron,
Railroads, Rivers, Streams, Canals, Townsb .
Lines, &c., and every place of note contained .
said county, carefully shown in their respect!,
places, and the nanie acd place of residethet
nearly every business man In said county, a,
the brunch of business followed by each one
speetively and the place marked where itearl
the facto buildings atand. and the proprietors
oceopion'a names., Said map to contain
fourteen to eighteen feet of engraving, end
finished in the roost modern stela and minim,
like manner, &c. WILLIAM CHRISTY.
I)ee. 19,1855.-tf.
IBLANKS...AIwxy. buy your Blanks et
C. Journal Office." We bey° now prepared
ry euperiorarticle ofBLANK DEEDS, BONI.