Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 07, 1856, Image 1

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( 4cpublicau Circular.
Circular of National Committee.
WE solicit your attention to the call pre.
caling, this paper. It isnot only to recoils•
mend to the people the immediate selection
of delegates from the several States, qua'
in number to three times the representation
in Congress to which each State is entitled,
to meet on the 17th of June at Philadel
phia, to present such individua's as they
may think best suited to uphold the cause
to which they are devoted as candidates
fur the Presidency and Vice Presidency ;
but also to invite the members*of all par•
ties who feel it to be the dominant issue
which should control the election. to meet
at the same time and place to confer with
the Convention as to the best course to
crown their common wishes with success.
One of the parties which will be represen
ted at Philadelphia has taken the name of
Republican. because it was given to that
foundeu by Mr. Jefferson, to embraco all
who love the Republic. There is no Do
mocrat who door not love the Republic.—
There is no Whig who does not love the
Republic. There is no American who does tivity—its laws introducing Slavery into fleece, iu the South. the monopolists cf
not love the -Republic. And we fondly the Territory and protecting it from rover the land and black labor of the country, al_
hope there is no naturalized citizen whol though nulnlering but 317,000 out of a
sal at the ballot-box, by rho disfranchise-
does not love the Republic. meta of the settlers by test oaths, will be Pcpulation of 6,060,000, in virtue of their
But it is not so important that the great ; enforced, and a Constitution, framed by de- power over near four millions of slaves are
movement which we desire to see success. , (eating the suffrages of the Free State set- absolute in all tiro State Governments
fully inaugurated shall be designated by tiers by disabilities, will be adopted and They are the Governors, the Legislators,
any particular name, as that it shall to it- the whole proceedings will be sustaitied by the Judges, Justices, herifrs :alto; re all
nited, strong and effective.. Why may not the military force oldie United States, up• in all.
allthese classes who are hostile to. the in- !on the principles and under the authority The power which combine d action gives
troduction of Slavery into free territory ii. of the President's proclamation. to the elaveliulditrz class over the whole
nite at this crisis of Itnpending danger, to ; Here we might close our Circular; but South IS equal effect to obtain
vote far n common ticket, which will be ' may we not trespass upon the patience of eentiol over the North. 'fire =chute it
nominated to assert the grand principle of those we address by exposing the workings moves there is on a large scale, and the in•
of the institution which those who arrog..te strumentality of its n visible to the
repressing the extension of Slave-holding
to themselves the oharacter of Democrats least discerning eye. Every NortiatrSo
monopoly, and to vindicate the rights of
the people in all sections of the Union, who !ay laboring to impose upon our virgin Ter. aspirant for tire Pt esidevey ii: y he looked
labor with their own bonds ? A ticket I ritories, arid upon the principles asserted upon as a power in the binds t,f the South
which will not eieilate with view en do. t
tie-thein, that it is a National Administru•' to nouve - ttieleachtue tor tile, Gov: a
tract from the rights of the States to dis- tine ? The movement to open the Free I , erinnicat according to irs. will. We instance
peso of the subject within their limits, uc.l Territories to Shivery. by repealing the i the experiment before our ri es. Ur
cording, to their sovereign will ; yet its in-; compact open the subject, began with the Pierce is a candidate for le &vete-in to the
fluence to destiny the freedom of whirr, k,. i nullifiers of South Carolina. We will be. Presidency; tlr Douglass, (I r Cass, \lr.
borers is a fit subject of investigation, with gin with that State, to make an exhibition Buchanan are hopeful rivals ; each have
a view to repress the aggressive power in of the sort of government it will enforce in their partisans in the d flerent sections of
every Constitutional way. the West, from its results in the South. the North; some forty or fifty thousand of
The rights of the laboring class involved Popular sovereignty in South Carolina lice holders and dependents on executive
in this question have been betrayed by the ; thus ex hibit s itsel f Six districts in that favor rely upon one or the other of these to
representatives from the North and South kitate, in the rice and long staple cotton re. make them secure in their posts. It is
in the interests of the slaseholders, who' gion, where the slave population is most known to all these people. that not one of
have voted to surrender the hinds to slava deny, containing a population of 49 503 the rivals can command a majority of the
labor which were set apart to make freeliol• wllit. - ai elect a majority of the Senate, lea- Northern vote against the other ; nor, in
ders, and enrich the workingmen of both ! ying in a minority those representing 209,• deed, ag..ninst an opponent of any e th er
sections who own no slaves, who should t. 654 whites in the rest of the Suthe In 11 party. For either of their), the votes of
migrree to thorn, cultivate aid ha t rove
districts, 77,009 whites elect 28 Senators the South decide the question of nomina
them with their own toil. [lure are two and 61 ltepresentativos while 18 districts, tire ; and then the poss , bili.y of election
great principles blenhl in this cause, the , hav,n.; a 181,145 whites, are represented depends absolutely upon a united St Uthern
17 Senators end ( . 0 Representatives support. The Southern Masa-holders, j
one impelling the vindication of the rights by
of free labo--the other the chastisentent4 'rims less than one third of the Free popu- therefore, have the hate of all these s e e k ers
of those misguided representetives who lotion in the negro quarter region have the of the Presidency of the so called Demerit.
have violated the faith pledged between supreme control of the State. 'rho Legisla tic party, entirely in their hands.
titre lected by this third appoints the J u- the two sections of the Union to each oth•And here we fuel in who consists that
er in their compact, and their own faith as
dietary-from the Supreme bench to corn- wlich is now vaunted to be to the Demo-
representatives in misrepresenting the will "" justices of the peace; r feet Senators in erotic party par exec /env. It is composed
Congress and the electors of President and
of their constituents in the repealing acts, of the rase holders under the present Ad
and disobeying their instructions in refer-
; Vice President of the United Stows ; fur , ministration, h titled by those chiefs who
ence to them. the people are not allowed to vote at all fur are looked to, to continue them in office,
Can there he any difhculty in uniting the electors of the President and Vice Pre- through the united vote , f the South, and
the men of all parties who concur in the
sitlent of the United States, this b e i ng done the chance vote of sonic northern State, ob
great design of delivering the musses from
by the rotten borough Legislature, in deli ; wined by plurality—the result of the diet
the oppressions of the slave holders inn the lltwe of this spirit or thin Constitution stid .l Mon of their opponents, growin g out of ~r .
new ten itories, and the fair, free, healthy
the interpretution of every other State. sons! preference or party dissensions. The
regions of the Far West from the blot of The Governor of the State is also elected Deinricratie party, which the Administra-
Slavery. and the sterility that attends its by this body, which represents a minority tine calls its own, has no basis but the ohi•
footsteps wherever it treads I There are of a Saute—turd negroev and Lund exclusive-' garehy of the South—we might call it the
347,0t0 slave-owners in the United States, ; ly—for no man is eligible to it unless he nt.notrumesneny, retureing to it the up
they hold nearly four million of slaves ; I has real estate to the value of $7,001, clear pellation which it it is so willing to give
there are six millions of free white popula. dull debt, or five hundred acres of land to others because it most appropriutely be
lion in the Southern States who own no and ten negroes. Nor can this state of longs to itself. The leaders of this party .
slaves, and there are twenty millions of things be changed unless two-thirds of this I in the North have proved themselves en
free white population in the North (allow. land and negro qualified body consent to lively worthy of its confidence by abandon
ing for the increase since the last census.) the alteration of the Constitution—a thing ing every principle of democracy once
Are the interests of these twenty-six mil- never to be expected. their boast They have abandoned the
lions of people in the vast regions of the in Virginia mid Alarylund the system of principles of the fathers of the Republic.
West to be blasted, to administer to t' 'e minority government, to give the control to vino considered it us the first auritane of
pride, to the ambition, to the false since of the slave section over the greater whin! ; the new order of things established by the
interest in which 347,000 slave owners pal ulation in other portions of the state, Revolution, that it would urrest the spn.ud
would indulge themselves? In their earn-
prevails, but in a less degree; but in ull the 'of Slavery throughout the contineet. It
gance they stigmatize as Black Repul.lic. Slave hunt's whether ccarived by constiiu- did lead to its inninodtate a xtinctien in mo
ans those who would make a constellation mortal provision or not, the result is dm ny of the States, and the first act of the
of free, bright republics , constituted of tine I theslavelioldiag class is sovereigu through• Constitution was to exclude it from the
white race alone ; untarnished by a slave out the South. whole Territory of the Union. The Dein
of any color; their history and their laws It results from the concert produced am- °erotic leaders of the new order, at the bud
unblemished by that word. Are they cal- ong the masters by their common interests I ding of the Southern nullifiers, have bro.
led black because they would redeem their in an institution which can only stand by t ken all the compacts and compromises de
white brethren of the South, by reserving force of artificial means. The slaves them signed to establish Free Republics in the
to them a refuge frets the thraldom impos- selves and alas non slave•holders are, as in- territories from which Slavery was exclu
ed on them by the negro slavery there, dividuals, naturally against it; this makes ded. In doing this they have put under
and which makes the master the oppressor it necessary that the slave owners should foot the representative principle ; defied
of all beneath him, of whatever complex- become a phalanx—an educated, disciplins the will of their immediate constituents;
ion T Are they called black because they ed army, to sustain by political intrigue on receiving instructions to repeal their
would resist the slaveowner with his sword and united force, all attacks upon it '!'here acts have refused to obey; mid in this have
in his attempts to expel from their hemee is nu ono all absorbing influence among its given the nest striking example of an 'li
the sons of the Free States who have al- enemies to combine adversaries in oppesi- ter abandonment of the cardinal doctrine
ready cut their lota in thu new lauds to
which their fathom taught them to look for
ward as their inheritance under a compro•
mise of more than thirty years standing 1
This derogatory epithet is appropiittely
applied to those who labor to build up Free
States composed of white imp, to transfer
the odium of the black instittoion from
those who cling to it its r part of their re.
publican system. It is not proposed to
touch the subject of Slavery iu the States
where it exists, but to shut the door upon
it, and exclude it from Territories to which
its approach has been forbidden.
The attempt will be made to persude
those who would identify themselves with
this cause, that there is no necessity to
make a sacrifice of minor differences to
make Kansas a Pro , State—that the Proc.
latnation of the Pres.dent has put doten all
danger of invasions—that Gen Atchison
and his banditti and armed allies from the
South have given up all idea of forcible 'n
terference —that they mean to acquiesce in
the peaceable settlement of the question in
favor of that section which has shown that
it can furnish the greatest number of eini •
grants, and this pacific attitude is to be held
until after the Presidential election. If the
Nullifiers of the South shall then triumph
in the election of a President nominated by
them at Cincinnati, the usurpation estab
lished by Atchison will be lump' in full ac•
tion, The cmsequence is that the 347,000
masters, forever animated by the same in•
stiuct, can always vanquish partial and de. 1 They have shown that the will of 347:
sultory opposition as standing armies in 1 000 slave owners in the South is more than
al solute Governments keep millions of I that of twenty millions of freemen in the
people in subjugation. The monopoly I North. '1 he leaders of this spurious De.
which nearly .1,01:0,01'0 of black men give tuoeracy are but the satraps of Southern
to the united authority which commands masters. •
them, makes it impossible that any single- !
The fate which awai's a people afflicted
handed competitor in the field of labor can, with a Democracy whbth grows up under
in cultivating the products of the soil, en-' the government of blaveowners, truly be
ter the market with the stnples oft he South seen in the testimony which we give in
on equal footing with men who wield the the words of the me" distinguished men
force of tcn, twenty and thirty, and hits. of that ;arty, which we find collated in a
dreds of slaves in compani“s. he owners
of slaves command the markets ; tiny jut
down individual competitors; they huy out
the little plantations which in the earlier
settlements surround them and, in the end
the rich lands all become the domains of
rich planters. Hence we see in the older
Southern States the poorer classes ore ei
titer tenants at will, or, banished to the
poor land of the hills, take the life of idlers,
hunters or fibhertneri ; or, at best, the more
mdmvions among them become day labor.
era, living front hand to mouth; in a word
they ure stripped by the oligarchy of slave
owners, who command their wages, their
tenements, and, of course everything, The
class who holds a monopoly of the soil can
command everything. "lle takes my life
who takes the means whereby I live."—
of democracy. the spread of liberty, not
slavery, is its distinctive principle.
pamphlet by . Mr. Weston.
Mr. Sarve:, of Missouri, in a paper on
"Domestic %lan ufactures in the South and
West," published in 18 k 7, says :
' , The free population of the South may
b, divided into two chases—the slavehol
der and the non slaveholiler. lam not a-
wore that the relatiVe numbers of these two
classes have ever been ascertained in any
of the Stoles, but I ate satisfied that the
non...dove baldets far out.nunther the slave
11°16.18—perhaps by three to one. In
the wore Southern potion of this region
the non slaveholders -possess, generally,
but very small means, mid the land they
possess is almost universally poor, and so
sterile that a scanty suttenanci• ! 3 all that
can he derived trout its cultivatioa mid the
more fertile-soil being in the po :sessi - n of
the slaveholder, must ever rentant out of !
the pew, r of those who have none.
I his state of thing; is a great draw
back, and bears heavily e pin mid depresses
the mural energies the pourer clusues.
The acquisition of a r.,..pecttilile portion of
the scale of w, alto app. ars so difficult, that
they docliue the hopeless putsaiii, and ma
ny of them settle demo jots habits ul
nem and become the 011/o.ot passive sub
its of all its consequeuttes. And I lemma
to say that 1' have observed of late 3e ors
that an evident deteilinitiun is taking place
lit this Part of the populmion, the yobtiger
portico of it being loss edgcated, fess ittiffis
trious, and in every print el view less re
spcitahle than their ancestors."
In the January number, 1F.•50, of Do
. 14azo's Revd, will Ull lirlirre on ••31anufbc•
tures in South Carolina," toe have on ex
of the fears eetertffiled of bring
ing togeth or masses of noo•slaveholding
Southern white population even fur manu
facturing purposes.
long us the poor but industrious peo
ple could see no mode of living except by
a degrading operation of work upon the
plantation with the negro, they were con
tent to endure life in its most discouraging
forms, satisfied that they were above the
slave, though faring often worse than he.
I But the progress of the world is iunward,'
l aud though in some sections it is slow, still
it is •onward.' and the great mass of our
pour while population l o gin to utiderstaml
!allot they have rights, and that they, too,
are entitled to scone of the symprt hy which
j fails upon the suffering. They are fast
j learning that there is almost MI 'Winne
world of industry opening before them, by
which they Coll devote themselves and
their families front wretchedness and igno
rance, to competence and affluence. It
is thi.9 great uploating of our na,sses this
we bate Nitta, sof ar as our institutioas
or, concerned."
Win. Gregg, Esq., in an address before
the South Uurulina Inst.tate in 1851 upon
in;in t t f e..t ires remarks :
Twin the heat estimates that I have been
able to make, I l.nt down the white people
.vho ought to work, and who du not, or
who ore so employed as to Le wholly en
productive to the State, at one hundred and
twenty•tive thousand. • * • By this it ap•
pars that Lot one fifth of the present poor
whites of our States would he necessary
to op, ra.e 1,01.10,000 spindles. The appro.
• lunation annually made by our Legislature
fur our School Fund, every 0110 must he
smite, so far a:, the country is concerned,
bus been little better than a waste of ins
twy. While we are aware that the Nor
thern and Eastern States find ito difficulty
in educating the poor, we are ready to de
spur of success in the 'nutter, for even pe
uul laws against the negliot of education
would fail to bring many of our country
peopie to send their children to school.
have lung been under this impression
and every day's experience has strength•
lcoed my convictions, that the evils exist in
I the wholly neglected cunditien of this clues
lof persons, Any man who is an observer
of things could hardly pass though our
country without beingstruck with the fact
that all the capital, enterprise aria intelli
genca is employad in directing slave labor
I and the consequence is, that a large portion
of our poor white pee, le are wholly ne
olected mud are suffered to while away tot
existence in a state but one step in advance
of the Indian of the forest. It is an evil of
least magi:4lld,, and nothing but a change
in public sentiment will effect its cure.—
Those people must be brought in daily
contact with the rich and intelligent—they
(oust be stimulated to mental action, and
tanght to appreciate education and com
forts of civilized life ; and this we believe
may he effected only by the introduction
of manufactures. My experience at Gra.
niteville has satisfied Ine that, unless our
poor people can be brought together in vil
!ages, nod some means of employment a(- ;
forded them. it will be an utterly hopeless
effort to undertake to educate them "
Here is the u•stimony of Governor Ham
mond of South Carolina, the great leader
of the nullifying party now a>ouming the
titlo of Democracy. We en:tract it from
an addreus before the South Carolina In
stitute in Ibso. Ile is speaking of that
class of people, estimated by Win. Gregg
Esq., of Carolina, in his. arldri,s be
fore the South Carolina Institute, 1851, to
be 1.5,050--ene half of the white popula
tion of the Bi,te
"They obtain a preccriou4 zsubaiztenco
by occasional jobs, by hunting, by &lung.
by plundering fields or fo1.1:, and to, often
by what in in effects far worse—trading
with slaves, and seducing them to plunder
for their benefit."
Ilan. J. 11. Lurnpkin of Geortrin, spea
king in upon the Industrial Regen
eratina of Cie South says :
rit is n jetted that these manufactu -
ring eottLii.dtmenta will become the hot
beds of crime. Bat I am by no menus
ready to concede that our poor, degraded
half fed, boll ignorant population— with
out Sabbath Sclitto's any oilier kind of
instruction. mental or moral, or without
any just appreciation of charucter—will
be injured by giving, them employment,
vt.divit will bring them under the oversight
or employers who will inspire them with
coif-en pest by todzinz an itterea in their
wet fare."
We close ovr quotations by en extract
from an address delivered n len , weeks
,ince by the Hon. C. C. Clay, jr., of 1-
••1 slim you, with sorrow, in th 2
older portions of kbama, and in my na
tive County of 3fachson, the sod m:ntori•
als of the artless and exhausting culture
of cotton. Our small planters, lifter ta.-
Ling the cream off their lands, unable to
restore them by rest, immures, or other
wise, ore going further we-t and south
in search of ether virgin lands, which they
may and will despoil and impoverish in
like manner. Our wealthier plasters,
with greater means and no more skill, are
buying out their poorer neighbors, extend
ing, their plantations, and lidding, to their
shire force. The wealthy few who are a•
tile to live on smaller profits, and to give
their blasted fields some rest, are thus
pushing off the tnany who are indite!,
dent. Of the $llO,OOO annually realised
from the sales of the cotton crop of Ala
bama, nearly all not expended in support
ing the pn ducers is reihvezted to land
and negroes.
"Thus the wlfte papulutinn has decrees•
ed, and tie slave increased almost pari
pasm in several counties of our State.—
lit 1525, Madison County cast about 8,000.
In traversing that county, one will discov
er numerous farm houses, once the abode
of industrious and intelligent freemen,
now occupied by slaves or tenantless, den
erted and dilapidated ; he will observe
fields, once fertile, now unfenced. abaa
dosed, and covered with those evil harbin
gers, fox tail and broomsdege; he will see
the moss growing ou the moldering walls
of once thrifty villages, and will bud 'one
only master grasps the whole domain.'--
Indeed, a country in Ito infancy, where
filly years ago scarce a forest•tree had
been felled by the axe of the pioneer, is
already exhibiting the painful signs of sea
ility and decay, apparent in Virginia and
the Carolinas."
This gentleman is distinguished as a
zealot for the extention tf the blessings of
Slavery to the Free Torritoriov. The a
hove extract from his eloquent speech is a
picture drawn from life, and exhibiting to
the eye the charms of Slavery, which the
small freeholders of the North and West,
who cultivate their farms with 'heir own
hands, well know how to appreciate from
We would not have adverted to the dis
franchisement of the mass of the white
population to South Carolina and other
southern States, by property qualification
fur office and the defeat of the right of
suffrage by the rotten borough system.
had we not seen with what contempt of
every principle of free government the
attempt is now made to carry Kansas for
slavery. A usurpation, put up with force
of arms by Gen, Atchison, has already
established Slavery in that Territory, has
guarded it with test oaths and denounced
the death penalty against all who oppose
it. The Provident of the United States
by bin proclamation to maintain the usur- of the Confederacy, tc
potion, and if he is re-elected, or any nib-' within them of systen
er notninnted by the South to succeed him the pure and free, the j
the army of the United States will be em- pies inaugurated by tl
ployed to rivet Slavery on Konsas under NATIONAL
the laws passed by Gen. A tehison's fol- I 7. D. Morgan, N. York,
lowers from Missouri. The North must
unite to defeat this attempt by the election .1. Goodrich, Nissan.,
of apri-sident who will tnaintain the rights
of the people of the North, or a Cordon of e,C a l if ornia,
Cor. Cole,
black republics will stretch from Alissouri.; k . .Ll . rakeg, o V n epoi . it,
west to the Pacific. The consequences E. D. Williams, 11e1.,~
will be that no free white republic will be
permitted to arise south of the tier of Slave I
States. The free settlers of the North on
their vrcy to Kane is are obliged to taw
away front Missouri to reach their desti
natioa with their property and moans of
defending it.
Whet will result from the creation of r.
cord. of Slit re States across the continent. •
It surrenders ad south of it to slavery —1
And what will be the condition of the'
slaveless white population which must
spring up in tit's vast region I We see
in the fate of the poor free population of
'Mexico to "what complexion it must cools
' at last," whenever chive , monopoly has ,
once given its owners the mastery over
the soil. Slavery nominally is abolised
throughout t:ie Republic of Mexico, bet
existc, in fact, under the name of peon..
age. The owners of the soil, feed and
clo h those who work for them ; they
charge their laborers more ter their sup.
plies than they arree to pay them for
wages, and the result is that the laborer in
constantly felling more and more in
debt, and the use subjects him t t his
creditor until he works cut the indehted
ne... 'I he effect of the system is to com
pel a 'non to sell himself and his Wady.
And thh oken in connection with the
condition of the poor white populatiou in
the south—as shown in the passages we
'nave taken from the addreas of Gov. Ham
mond of South Carolina, the flou. C. C,
Clay of A labama, and other leading South
ern statesmen—explains a recent article
in lye i?ieltneen,/ ingteiter, the o::irle of
southern interests, which elabretory
viva the right of subjecting whites, as
well as blacks, to Slavery. Nay, it gots
so far ns to insist that this right of multi:yr
white slaves is '•inalienable." The arti
cle thus presses this point :
"They, (those holding Mr. Jeflerson'a
doctrine) begin to reason, by assuming
Slavery to be morally and religiously
wrong : and the South hitherto has gran
ted their premises and attempted to justify
negro Slavery as an exception to a gene
ral rule, or, if wrong. as a matter of bar
gain between the North and the South.--
7he Imes 4 God and nature are inimula
lge and man cannot bargain them away.
While it is far more obvious that negroes
be cloves thou whiles—for they are 9143'
fit to labor, not to direct- -yet the peineple
of slavery is itself right, and does not de.
pew, at diffirenc- of complexion'
UnJer this doctrine it follows that more
direct enslavement of the white race may
be insisted upon than that obtained in Alex•
ico under the contrivance of debtor vossal
oge. The doctrine is a positive sanction
to the bondage of the white race and
asserts that the laws of God and nature
are immutable," in its support "a man
cannot bargain them away." It is panic
ularly illustrated now in the Utah Terri
tory, where a men holds a multitude of wo
men as sluvi s calling them his wives ---
What is there in Mr. Ritchie's principle
to prevent Bringliam Young from holding
ninety white men as slaves under bills of
sale, as well as ninety white women under
pretense of the bonds of matrimony ?
Mr. Ititehie's explanation rif the South
ern doctrine of Slavery together with Mr.
Douglas' act for the 'forritoriec, which
"leaves the people perfectly free to form
"and regulate their dome,itic institutions
their own way, subject only to the
'Constitution of the United States," cer
tautly autliorizot the Mormon State to
come imo the Union with the Turkish
system full blown, which makes slaves of
all colors and wives without number. It
is a sad commentary on our progress, that
at the moment when the news arrives of
the Sultan's finnan putting an end to the
traffic in slaves in his einpire•.•of the Czar
stops for the liberation of the serfs in Rua.
sin, and of their actual enfranchisement in
the Danubian Principalities -••we should
have negro slavery forced opon one Terri
tory by on usurpation set up by the sword
and the right of the Mormons recognized
in another to hold a multitude of the gent-
ler sex in servitude, under the unnatural
la v of a plurality of wives !
We hold tint Congress is bound by the
Constitution 'tto make all needful roles
i.and regulations for the Territories of the
"United States," and during their pupi•
lar and preparation to become members
VOL. XXI. NO. 19.
prevent the growth
1s incongruous with
just and safe princi.
ie Revolution.
Fran. P. Blair, Mar.,
D. Wilmot, Pentea.,
W. M. Chace. R.
Geo. Rye, Virgioia.
E. S. Leland, Illinois,
G. G. Foggy, N. H.,
A. J. Stevens lowa
Wm. Grose, Indiana;
N. Spooner, Wis.,
J. G. Fee, Kentnekr,
Lew. Clephane, D. C.
MA11.C11 . 26, 1856. r
"Fortune Favors thoirave."
A military officer with whom we have
long been intimate, relates two incidents
connected with Croghan , s gallant defence
of Fort Stevenson : one of which affords
a strong positive and the other a negativo
proof of the above quoted adage.
As the British and the Indiana. in their
operations, had violated their pledge and
ete usage of civilized warfare, by wanton
ly murdering, their prisoners the members
! of Croghan's little band, only one hundred
strong with a single six pounder, and sdr
rounded by about six hundred British
troop:: and thrice that number of Indians,
had mutually agreed to stand their ground
to the last, and sell their lives as dearly as
When all was ready the British com
mander sent a messenger, under a flag of
truce, to treat for a surrender or the fort
Carlton] pointing to him as he approach.
ed, exclaimed: 'lt will not do to let him
enter ;Jere and see our weakness ; who
will volunteer to meet him?'
As it was pretty certain that whoever
should leave the fort on such n mission
would be murdered by the dastard foe,
there was a brief pause, when Ensign
Shipp replied. "I will upon one condi
'"What is it ?" asked the Captain.
'fledge me your word, as an officer and
a man of honor, that you will keep that
gun bearing directly upon me, and that
you till fire it off the moment you see me
raise my hand." The pledge was given,
and Shipp went forth. To all the nrgtt
tnents and persuasions of the enemy his
unvarying reply wes: t , l ant instructed to
say that we defend the fort."
Soon the Indians began - in surround
hint. One clutched his epaulette, another
his sword. Shipp, who was a man of her•
culean frame, released himself by a pow.
erful effort, and turning to the convoy,
cooly said :
' , Sir, I have not put myself under your
truce without knowing your mode of %car
fare. You see that gun," said he, point.
'ing to their six pounder, 'it is we l char f
ed with grape, and I have the soletnn pled
of my commander that it shall he fired t; n
moment that I give him the signal. There •
tore, restrain these men and respect the
laws of war or you shall instantly accom
pany me to the other world."
This was enough. Shipp was no more
molested, he returned to his comrades la
safety, and obtained promotion for his bra.
The counter instance referred to at ti•o
head of our paragraph was told as follow. :
After the British and Indians hod
drawn Croghan missed one man—only or,
--who had belonged to his little band, ac :
all efforts for his discovery, were for son:
time unsuccessful. At length his remains
were discovered in the garret of one of tho
old block houses, where he had crept for
safety, and was cut in two by a canncr:
All the rest considering their chances of
life not worth a thought, had only sought
to do their duty, and escaped alive, front
perhaps the most desperate fight on record.
The only man that was killed, happened
to be the only man who proved himself a
Be frank with the world. Frankness is
the child of honesty and courage. Sty/
just what you mean to do on every occa•
sion, and take it for granted you mean to
do what is right. If a friend asks a favor,
you should grant it. if it is reasonable, if
it Alm. tell him plainly why you canna..
Yeu will wrong him and wrong yoursdi
by qui voca•ion of any kind. Never d, a
wrong thing to make a friend or to keep
one ; the man who requires you to do so,
is dearly purchased nt a sacrihce. Deal
kindly and firmly with all men; you w:11
find it the policy which wears best Above
all do not appear to others what you aro
not. If you have any fault to find
any one, tell him, not others, of what 3ou
complain. 'there is no more dangerous
experiment than that of undertaking to ho
one thing to a face, and another be-
hind his back. We should live, act. anLi
speak out of doors as the phrase is, andssy
and do what we are willing should be know
and read by men. It is not only best as a
matter of principle, but as a matter of pa,