~: --- COURT AFFAIR4.-IPRIL TERM, ISA PROt LAMATION. UTIIEREAS by a precept to me directed, dated TV. at Huntingdon, the 25th day of January, A. D. tittal, under the hands and seals of the Hon. George Taylor, President of the Court of Common Pleas, ttyer end Terminer, midge:ter a jail delivery dills 24th judicial district of Penn sylvania composed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cam bria, and the that. Thomas I'. Stuart and Jona than McWilliams, his itssuomes, Judges al the county at' Huntingdon. justices assigned, appoint ed, to hear, try and determine all and every in dictments made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the State are made capital or felonies of death and other offences crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated. for crimes aforesaid-1 ma commanded to make pub lic proclamation throughont my whole bailiwick that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common Pleas and Quarter sessions, will be held at the Court House in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and 14th day) of April, next, and those who will prosecute the said pri mers be then and there to prosecute them as it shall bo just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroners and Constables within said county be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, with their records, in quisitions, examinations and remembrances, to do those things which to their o ffi ces respect fully appertain. _ _ Dated at Huntingdon the 25th day of January, in the year of our Lord 1856, and the 79th year of Anturieun Independence. JOSHUA GREENLAND, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry writs of Vendelinni Expo nos and Leuari Yachts, issued out of the court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon County and to me directed,* will expose to sale by public out cry at the Court 'louse, in the Borough of Hun tingdon, on Monday, the 14th day of April next, (1858,) at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the follow ing described reel mtete, to wit . • THE DEFENDANT, WILLIAM P. TAY. LOWS interest in end to two adjoining lota of ground in the village of Scottsville, Huntingdon County, Pa. Each fronting 58 test 6 inches on Hudson Street, and extending beck 99 feet to an Alley. Bounded on the North by a lot of Elias Swoope, and. East by the road leading to Mount Union, booing thereon erected a frame stable, &c. Seized, token in execution, and to be sold as tile property of William P. Taylor. ALSO. The interest of Christian H. Christianson, in two certain lots of ground, situate in the town of Alexandria, in the county Of Huntingi on, and State of Pennsylvania, on the sontherly side of the Tionpike road, and being each sixty feet in front and extending beak Item said road one hundred and eighty feet, adjoining lots of Henry Isenberg and John Piper, having thereon erect ed a large brick brew house. (Being the same two lots of ground which Henry Fockler assign ed cad transferred to thosaid Christian H. Chris tiansou) together with the appurtenances. Seized, token in execution, and to he sold as the property of Cl;rimtidn 11. Christianson. —.„ ALSO, The interest of the leiendant, James Mc. Carsney,in and to the following tract of land, situate in Henderson township, Huntingdon co., Pennsylvania, to wit : containing 170 acres more or less, bounded on the West by David Thomp non, North by Samuel Hess, East by Andrew Al lison and Posits by Peter Swoops, having there on erected the following improvements, via . A two story log house and a one and one-half story log house, a log barn, with about one hun dred and twenty acres cleared and under a state of cultivation. _ . Seized. taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of James McCartney. ALSO. The intoreit of defendants, Michael Stetfey, in cortuiu two story log-building situate is the township of Jackson, county aforesaid; in a certain piece, patrol or trart of lend belonging to std.: Michael Stcifey end Alexander Steffey, bounded by lands of Bans Hutchison on the South, by lands of Solomon liameron the North and West, and by lauds of Joseph Forrest on the Fast ; containing fifteen acres, more or lass, the said building:, being twenty-one feet in front by sixteen feet in depth. Soloed, taken in execution, nod to he sold as the property of Michael Stecy and Alexander Stella), ALSO. All the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, Thomas Wallace, ot', in, and ton piece or pnrcel of meadow land, situate on the margin of Stone Creek, in the Boroutth of Huntingdon, adjoining u lot of Coerce ;Jackson ott the North, a lot of William Dorris ' 5e11.,11 the South, an other lot of V, same derentlaut's in the same in clearly° on the West, said Creek on the Nast ; containing seven aeres and sixty-four perches he the same more or less.—Atao—A lot of ground situate at the South-Eastern corner 01 Church and St. Clair Streets, nod extending back from the same, two hundred feet to the old line of the said Borough, and the Western boundary ot:the said above mentioned and described lot: bound ed on the North by Church street. and on the South by a lot owned by the widow Hawn, inclu ding the whole of Lot No. 173, and part of the Lot Nn. 172, in the recorded plan of the said Borough. Also, four contiguous lots of ground eitnate in said Borough, bounded on the North end West by the Renner Farm, on the East by the Warm Spring Road and ou the South by a lot of the Ron. James Gwin. Nos. 1, 2&3 as represented on a mop of said lota, divided on the 16th day of October, 1855, for the defendant by J. Simpson Africa, County Surveyor, containing each four acres, and No. 4 containing about three acres, be the same more or lass. Seized, taken in c3ecution, and to be sold as the property of Thomas Wallace. ALSO. The interest of defendants Jobn Greer and Sarah Greer, in a lot of ground situate in Ja"k son township, containing eleven acres, mare or less, bounded by lands of George M. hell, on the West, by George Croil on the North, on the East by James Croil, and on the South by Samuel hoover, with the fbllowlng improve ments theretin erected : One two story log dwel ling house, and about one acre cleared. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Greer and Sarah Greer. ALSO, AU the defendant, Thomas Ross's right and interest iu and to a tract of land in Brady town ship, Bunting:lon Comity, containing ono hun dred acres, more or less, with about 25 cleared a small log house, and a log barn thereon erect ed ; hounded by James McDonald lauds, on the North, lands of John MeCalnin au the South, Eust t Thomas Stall and others. Seized. taken in execution, and to he sold as the property of nom. Foss. ALSO, All the defendant, William Crotsley's right, title, internal and estate in and to the following described treat of land, situate in Coos townrhip, Iluntiog•lon county, hounded on the north by lands of James Norris, west by Jacob flarnet, loath by Jacob Drake ; and containing lOU acres be the sumo more or less, whit about PO acres cleared, and having thereon erected a two story log house and small stable and Saw-mill. Seized, token in execution, and to be sold as the prows' ty of William erotsloy. JO.r A GREENLAND, Shc 'fli t s Sherif. Hunt., Mar. 11, 1E56. Administrator's Notice. "ETTEES of Administration on the estate of Joshua Edwards, lute of Tod township, deed., 'wing been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted to %aid estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having ac counts against the canto should present them fur settlement. ALLEN EDWARDS. Fob. 27, '56.-65.• JOSEPH DOUGLASS, in McCannellstown has cohstalltl.7 on hand, ready made Atlas, and is prop Gum ai all kinds at Ifa ii,,,, •t , "ive. Aril 22. Inca. • • cout' AFFAIRS,-APRIL TERM,IBS6. PROCLAMATION. ~JIIknGA S, bye precept to me directed by the Jin.h.rns of the Cornices Picas of the county of liantingdon, bearing toot the 25th day of January, 15:rn, lam commanded to make Public Proclamation throughout my whole baili wick, that a Court of Continue Pleas will he hell is the Court House in the Borough of Mtn tingdon, on the third Monday (and 21st day) of• April, A. 8., 10501, for the trial of all issues in said C,inet which remain undetermined before the said Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses and suitors, in the trial of all issues are required to appear. Dat‘e'd at Huntingdon, the 25th day of January, in the year of our I,onl 1956, and the 79th year of American Independence. JOSHUA GREENLAND, Sheriff. TRIAL LIST, APRIL TERM, 1556, S. S. Keen, Ad x. ofJ. Lukens, vs. J. R. Madden, G. W. Bowman &c., vs. I'. Shoenberger, et al. Heckman, vs. do. John 11. Wolverton's Atlm'rs. vs. Jas. Entrikin. Elias Hoover, vs. Brice X. Blair. David Caldwell, vs. Dell & Crotsley. Matthews Heirs, vs. G. K. Shoenherger, et al. Charles Watt. VA. William Corin's Miters. Thomas F. Stewart ; Esq. vs. Alexander Steel. Matthews Ex'rs. vs. E. L. Plowman, Horatio 'frexler & Co. vs. J. & W. Saxton. Thomas Clark's lleirs vs. Brisan Clark. Glum vs. Shounberger & Co. A. P. Wilson vs. Michael Buoy. John Lee vs. Joseph P. Moore. Mary Ann Smith vs. Peter Moore's Ears. Samuel B. Macaws vs. Alex. Beers, et al. John Long vs. William MeNile. • James Gardner, vs. Joesph Richardson. Samuel Fanestoek vs. Sum. L. Glasgow. John Fleming vs. Brice X: Blair, et id. Sterling & Alexander vs. Bracken, Stitt & Co. Robert Stewart so. .John S. Miller. John Savage Vo. James Entrikin. Woo!heater for Leo, vs. Isaac Hill. John Pout Brock VS. John Savage. Patrick Kelly vs Penna. Railroad Corn. John Penn Brock vs. Joint Savage. J. W. Riley, for use vs. H. & B. 'l'. R.& C C. Henry D. Moore, et td, vs. John Savage. Anipach Jacoby & Co., vs. J. Jamison & Blair. Abraham Lewis vs, Penn. R. R. Com. J. Maguire, surviving partner of the firm ol'Ma• vire & Dorsey, vs. Jac. Africa's Ad. & heirs. GRAND JURORS—APRIL TERM. John Beak, farmer, Warriormark, 11'iMaio Bunch, farmer, Brtrree. Abel Corbin, farmer, Ifenihnison. Prier Crammer, farmer, Shirley. Peter (hazier, farmer, Warriermark. David ifmamer, laborer, Morris. John Kyper, farmer. liopewell. Isaac McClain, lltmer, Samuel Musser, farmer, Barren. Job Morris, mason, Itnntingdon. Samuel lelorrison, farmer Darree, Daniel Nell; farmer, Porter. Andrew Park, farmer, Coss. James Pastes', farmer, Cas.s. Samuel Peightal, cooper, Huntingdon, David Rupert, farmer, Henderson. Edward Roberts, farmer, West. David Shoesley, farmer,.West. Jacob Spanoglo, farmer, Dublin. John Silverthorn, farmer, Tell. David Summers. farmer, Hopewell. I.Tocab 8111011,, Brady. Solidi, Union. William Cawpl. 11, frier, Tell, THAI - ERSE J MOUS. Samuel Bucher, jr., manufacturer, Cromwell. David Burley, laborer, West. James 11,11, innkeeper, West. Samuel Biggs, jr., farmer, Tell. Abraham Dramitetter,laborer, Warriormark. John Cummins. farmer, Jackson. Frederick Chrism., fanner, Franklin. William Cornelius, carpenter, Clay. William Culshall, farmer, Springfield. Ephraim Chilcut, farmer, bolos. Samuel Coen, gentleman, Dame. Lewis R. Corbin, farmer, Cuss. Ephraim Doyle, carpenter, Shirley. Levi Dell, tanner, Union. John Davis, sr., farmer, Morris. loose Enyart, firmer, Cromwell. James Ewing, fitrmer, Barren. James Fleming, farmer, Jackson. James Goodman, farmer, llenderson. John Garner, jr., farmer, Penn. Samuel Grove, farmer, Hopewell. William If. Harper, merchant, Jackson. .Tolin Hector, farmer, Tod. Leonard Kessler, merchant, Brady. J. Wareham Mallen, merchant, Franklin. Andrew Matter,,, wagon•maker, West. _ Christian Miller, farmer, Brady. William Miller, farmer, West. William Oaks, farmer Barrec. Alexander Onks, farmer, Barrer. Henry Peightal, farmer. Walker. I Joseph llodkey, farmer, Pons. Milton H. Saugarce, teacher, Walker. Jacob Snyder, tailor, Huntingdon. Lewis Snyder, farmer, West. Jacob Snyder, wagonmiaker,We,t. Frederick. Thompson, blacksmith, Springfield. William Trexler, laborer, Tell. William Wible, farmer, Springfield. Armstrong Willoughby, tailor, Huntingdon. John Jackson. farmer, Jackson. William Johnstnn, farmer, Hopewell. Samuel Long, farmer, Dublin. Daniel Logan, fernier, Cromwell. Abraham l'ifeCoy, brickinaker, Huntingdon. Andrew P. Swoope, farmer, Clay. Michael Kyper, farmer, Walker. J. Simpson Africa, Surveyor,Huntingdon. Robert Anderson, farmer, Tod. Philip Boustough, farmer, Porter. George Berkstresser, farmer, Hopewell. John Benson, farmer, Toil. Henry Cremer, blacksmith, Springfield. James Chamberlain, innkeeper, Warriormark. James Clark, merchant, Warriortnark. Jonathan Doyle, miller, Union. James Entrukin, farmer, Hopewell. Josiah Fleck, farmer, Cromwell. Jam. Flemming, farmer, Dublin. Jacob Fein'lee, fernier, Tell. Samuel Fridley, butcher, Henderson. John F'iuk, wagon-maker, Penn. Benjamin Fink, farmer, Cass. Hays Hamilton, manager, Franklin. Mordecai Henry, farmer, West. Samuel Tilley, taller, Porter. lease Heffner, farmer, Walker. Peter farmer, Morris. John Hunt, laborer, Cromwell. David Henderson, farmer Franklin. Wm. B. Johnston, farmer, Franklin. Abraham Una, farmer, Tod. George Price, farmer, Cromwell. Samuel Bead, farmer, Penn. Jacob Boilers, carpenter, Springfield. James Shame., wagon-maker, Dublin. Samuel Stryker, farmer, West. Thomas Stewart. Esq., numnfacturer, Jackson. John Swan, jr., farmer, Dublin. Abraham Shore, farmer, Csie. Solomon Taylor, farmer, Springfield. Martin Walker, farmer, %Vest. John Walls, farmer, Cass. Eli Plummer, farmer. P lIIISCELLVIEOUS A DV ER TNOIENTS. AYER'S PILLS. THE POETRY OF MUSIC. Ayers Pills, glide, sugar-shod, over the pal ate, but their energy, although wrapped up, is there, and tells with giant force un every ham ' dation of disease. There arc thousand of suf ferers who would not wear their distempers if they knew they could he cured Mr 2i cts.—Try Ayer's Pills and you will know it. Purify the blood and disease will he strayed out. Meuse the system from impurities and you are cored already. Take this best at all Purgatives, and Scrofu la, indigestion, Weakness Headache, Backache, Sidem he, Jaundice, Rheumatism, dereugoments and all diseases which are purgative, remedy can reach fly, before them like starkness holbro the Sun. Reader, if you !we suiferitig from any one of the numerous complaints they cure—sutler nu more—the remedy has been provided fur you, and it it is criminal to neglect it.: 4 That Cherry Peetond, is the' fi'est ieine fur a Cough, it known to the whole tooth and that Ayer's Pills are the best of all Pills, IS known to those who have used them. Prepared by DE. J. C. AYER, Lowell,MasS. And acid by every respectable Druggist in New England. 1,L10S7IIE.1.1) & SON, Huallaga., Pa., BIT. MIER, & POHTEIt, Alexandria, Pa.. J. IL HUMMER& Co. Waterstreet,Pa.,J. M. ROL. Peteiliburg,ryll by all dealers everywhere, Feb. I.'S, 1816.-2. n. 6,1 y. MOUNTAIN FEMALE SEMINARY, Birmingham, Huntingdon county, Pa. Tilnlii{sotalt,i:itrut,t7nteho,Pthnennsi'olo'ta:lakt sirahle locations in the state. It is so easy of nc rose, retina, bealtliful,and surrounded with such romantid mountain scenery, that no ono who wishes to learn, could find nn institution more fa vorably situated. Experienced teachers who nro graduates of Troy end Mt. Holyoke Seminaries ore employed in this institution, and no pains will he spared to sustain its growing reputation.— The summer term commences the last Tuesday in April and continues live mouths. Charges to date from the time or entering, and no deductions made for absence except is ease ofsiekness Pu pils from atbruail ore expected to board in the Seminary Building with the Principal who gives his carne attention to their io'erest oust advanse men t. Boarding, Tuition and furniblied roomspor. term $6O 00 Latin ' Garman, French, Painting, Drawing and Instrumental Mine, Extra. Env. I. W. WARD, Principal. March 27, 1853—tf. BOBBED, BUT NOT DISHEARTENEIi. Brilliant Display of Jewelry. rjottii public genemlly, and the rascals who, • vane time since, entered my store and rem,- tea l•ahothlett to the amount of about $1 too without my permission, are informed. that I have lust opened a more general and better assortment armlet. in my line of buiiness than was ever brought to Huntingdon, consisting of Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Fine Knives, Pistols, Perfumery, Port Mon- • 7,, wi miss, Silver Ware, nod Fancy , — . Articles, &c., &c. lily old friends and customers, and the public in general throughout the county, cm requested to call and esnmine my assortment. ..... EDMUND . SNAHE Huntingdon, March 29, A SPLENDID ARRIVAb FALL AND WINTER AT STOlt. . . A. WILLOUGH737, UM; just returned from the east with a large and Aplundid essortnuint of Fall and Winter Clothing, for men and boys, made in the latest fashion antl in the Must duruhde manner. Wits ever wants to be dressed better and cheaper than anybody else in town, let him min at W•Lwuonuy's Coons C 1.011.0 STORE, one dour west of T. Laud & Sou's drug . store, Huntingdon. Cull and see fur yourselves Oct. IS, 181.1, ILIELROAD HOURS. TRAINS GOING EAST. Mail T. Kt, T. I Vast T. lE. T. Train leaves P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Petersburg, 2.45 3.30 9.17 12,30 Huntingdon, 3.02 3.40 9.32 1.05 Mill Creek, 3.15 3.50 9.42 1,38 Mt. Cr ion, 3.33 4.09 0.50 2,20 Tattoo Goma Woos. Train leaves P.m. A.M. l'.M. A.M. lilt. Union, 4.17 6.36 7.19 5,25 Min Creek, 4.31 11.49 7.55 5.55 Huntingdon, 4.49 7,02 8.00 7.02 Petersburg, 5.05 7.15 8.19 7.30 INDUSTRY MUST PROSPER. J .o 4 f N. the BtTr.Bv L ii, oni reap c eet ii t f , a i ll i sVie t i o a tsthf:. in f i t i t i t iv . ntioo f Plor , yha which he is now Inanulteturing, and will have ready fur sale inn few days, lie is slim pre-" pared to make !farrows, wagons, earls, wheel barrows, for.. for., and to do all kind of repairing at the shortest notice, and in the must substantial manner. Shop,on N. W. coruarot llontgmery and Wash ington sts. March 27 1855—15. A. I'. WILSON. B. 13115511 Praninitt WILSON & PETRIKIN, ATTORNEYS ST LAW, 1111NliNGDON, I'd. Practice in the several Courts of Huntingdon Blair, Cambria, Centro, Mifflin and Juniata Conn ties. Morel, 23, 1853. D.r.SAo - AtiziON. partnership heretofore existing between Myton and Messer i s by mutual consent dis solved, and all persons knowiipt themselves in debted to the said firm, will Please call and set tle their accounts without delay. MYT()N & Saulsburg, April 2. 1855.-tt NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersign ed (trading under the firm of Couch & Dunn,) is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Thee books of said firm are in the hands of David Dunn with whom nil concerned will please to make immediate settlement. GEORGE COUCH, DAVID DUNN. April 10, 1855-tf. Dr. Sohn MoCullooh, Ohis professional services to the citizens et lluntingilonand vicinity. (Mice, Mr. Iliide brand', , between the F.achange and Jackson's Hotel. Aug. 29, 1855, ATTOILVA AT LAW, Willationd to all businotes outrubled to hit, Ot• tier nuorly opposite Litt Court II tql,Q • TILIV,,'Sit PHILADLLPIII.I ADVERTISEMEATS. 000. — SOLD IN Two Dayti!—Tritseql Complete I—Why is it that the Ex-Governor of Maryland, also the President of one of the Banks at Frederick City, urged Ora Doctors there to procure it? Why hats a largo .cash order this week (mute Irma smelt MN as Messrs. Peel Sr Stevens, wholesale Druggists of Alexandria, and by the very next mail, en (artier, (that third limo in lour weeks) Irom Mr. Pierpoint, and front Messrs. Cook Sc Co.„ of same plaee, and by the very sum mail a fourth order front Messers. hopper & Wilmer of Centreville, Md., (where a short time Ancestrak an excitement sprung up from some remarkable cures made there by Prof. C. DeGrath's (genuine) Elec ' trio Oil, from 99 South Eighth Street, Philadel pbia, a few doors south of Chesnut street? How is it that the editor of Eric .Observer, was Cu' red in two days of rheumatisms in his back of three years' duration ; and Mr. Brady, of Har risburg of Paralysis? Why end how was it that the other day Sir George Weis, 227 Eager street Baltimore, two doors from St. James' church, was cured of palsied hands of long standing , also the Into Cats of a lady in Philadelphia, cu red of spinal curvature, and another of Prolap ses Uteri, a complete, radical carol Ask them. Why do anKb men as Mesrs. W. H. Williams, wholesale Druggists, of Syracuse , N. Y., write, August aoth. that—"your Electric Oil p rove , more benefieial than any other preprint-. thins we have ever lutist of," • Yours G. N. &W. I . I.WILLIAms. Why has Yours, ()shorn. Esq., of Auburn, ritten, now the third time that "Prof. Dr- Grath's Electric Oil is selling very fast, and making great cures never before accomplished here I" Why did John Ilex, Esq., semi, the 2rinst., a gold dollar in rt letter from Double Bridges, Va., for 0 bottle, on the recommenda tion of Witt. .Arvin, Esq., of the SUM place who, got some n short time since for the Gout, and was clued? Why is it that every one speaks of it as "a wonderful curative," and is this not the real cause of more selling at retail, in Phila delphia alone, thou is sold of lie. Jayne's medi cines, or live of any others'? Why is it that a Physician °Norge practice used it on the para lyzed m o m, of hi, boy, atter using everything else? Simply because the genuine "Eleetroic (ill," from the office of Prof.• DeGrath, effeetn ally cures paralysis. Why and how is it that over $5OO. has bean sold iu Washington, 1). C. during about six Weeks, and over $lOOO worth in Baltimore in the same Hanel Why do Messrs Morris Ca., of York, Pa., (mac of the ;hoist Drug betimes in the Stott-,) and John Wt eth, Esq., of Harrisburg, Pa., sell so much, When they have any quantity of all sorts of other medicines riht by the Fide of the "Electric Oil?" Simp ly because nothing else will answer the purpose that the Oil does. Let the skepti cal ask the numerous cases of almost hopeless patients, if anything could be more agreeable in use, or more effectual in its results—some af ter paring expended hundreds of dollars on va rious former treatment, with nothing hut dis couragement and despair fur their trouble. Why is it that other medicines have advertisements piled up column bight, in all the papers while Professor Di, Grath's 'Electric Oil' is only no ticed at n simle expense not to exceed $l5 to $9O a day 7Why is it that two physicians ore daily employ.] in the aloe, applying the (gen uine) "Electric Oil" to patients afflicted with Tester, Palsy (and it is warranted for this).— Rheumatism, Neuralgia, llentlache, Old Sores and Bruises, Wounds, Cuts, Sprains and Inju ries, Sore Breast and side; also all kinds cf. painful complaints. Although a cure is war rented, yet not more than ono bottle has ever been returned t and that was a crap of totul deafness, of G years' standing. Of course Mt , tore !void nut restore such a case, with whatev er help. . - N. 11.—An educated Doctor always in often dance nnil ladies may, if they desire it consult with a ludy by dropping a line to the °Lilco of Poor. C. DEG HATII, 39 S. Eighth street, Phila., 3 doors South of Chesnut st. Price. 110 ets:7s ate., and 81. . . P. B.—Fiv d dollars reword will no paid fire the arrest of a low scamp, a Jew pedler, who copied, on a dirty sheet, some of Prof. De Grath's and as the originals aro copyrighted, ho is liable to the law. Remember the 39 S. Ntghth st., Phiaila Thomas Bead & SOn, Huntingdon, Hunt. Co. R. Barnwell, Montgomery, Blair co., W. G. Murray, Hollidnysburg, Blair en., Condron & McCoy, Frankstown, Blair co. ' J. IT. Hernor & Co., Watorstreet, limit. co., Win. Moore, Alex andria, Ilunt. et). Sept. ~,, 1,,:.. 0 ' ~$) • JOB OFFICE (0 4 ) b ., C:1 , 0 ° OF THE 0 (A.> 0 ,' ) ,1 1 1 , , 0 0 ,6 IIUNT. JOURNAL."O 4:s 4, .) o Tic largest and beat (°) ,t::::' 'iil, ) ~ 0 '' o JOB OFFICE ( n y 1 1 . ., : ' 4 . .3 gix "irE cor_vry. ;:;•.:' 4:-y, 0 ion-wolth a `:, ‘4'i , ) al 0P 0 I ; , • 0 V!' 9 ) 11 211; LIKIIIDc.1.1,") c' 1 ' ) , ( 0 ) EXECUTED 0 ( i.l . : ; ' 4; , ,t ) () ..1.9 (leap cut& Cheapest, g ~:) 1 0. AZID DETTLIIII : it> 13 g T HAN 0 ' c r;:•• 12 0 ZiliA AZOV. g a ? › 4J ?) Pt:li FM:a SATI,rAcTioN is i ( ) ) LC : ?.. 1, ( I ) WARRANTED. 0 ( 4:'> ))o All kinds of gK• :, 1(, BLANKS g f4. • l' 3 :, " voNSTANTLY 00 11.500.0 ( 4 1) U .,..,..0.00.,...,00 q' N:;;;'-:3;t3t.tts'.C....5t71:,:91 A.. W. BENEDICT, ATT @LYE 1 A TLAIK., Informs his old friends and ho public that ho has returned to his old home, and will attend to all business in his protection, entrusted to him, with fidelity nnd his best nbility. 6iffeeiii)%ininir;et7soittltsfile,thelust house below the Court house. Huntingdon, May 13, 1852 JOUN SCOTT, f DT 9 .? V : 130 ,C U`l t~l fl Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, Pa., Office same as that formerly et copied by John SCOtt, Egg. Oct. 19, 15:53. SAMUEL .T• BItOWN Adams & Co.'s Express. T. H. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon. Money, Packages, end goods °fall kinds, re ceived mid forwarded at the risk of the company, to all the ciao:sand princi pa I town s in the United State May 1,'52. aL IVI 0 VAL. MKULP wishes to inform the -15.1. ladies of Huntingdon and the eurrounding country that she Las moved nextdoor to Charles Miller übovu the rreshyterirna Church, Hill St., where she intend 3 carrying on the fancy and straw Millinery basine.. Having received the latest city fashion, she is prepared to attend to all that may favor her with their April to, 1855.41 S. A: KUM'. MEDICAL ADVEHTISEMEATS. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. Whore may bu obtained the most speedy rem dy for SECRET THSEASES.—OIects Strictures, Seminal Weakness, Pain in the :Loins, Alrections oldie Kidneys, nod all those peculiar ailections arising from n secret Imbit, particularly the youth of both sexes, which if oat c o red, prodffes eon stitut:obal retiderin, marriagrfmpos,l - in the end bath and 'twang Men, especially, who have become the victim, of Sol itary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which nnnually sweeps to nn untimely grave thou sands of yorng men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise hnvo entranced listening senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to eestacy - the living lyre, may call with full confidence. Married Persons, or those contemplating marriage, bring aware of physical weakness, el old immediately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. . . office No. 7 South Fredrick St., sZ:veu.yloors from Baltimore Street, rust side up the steg Crße particular in obtaining the name tied number, or you will mi,takc the place. . tcd, Or no charge made in from o„X " t e glili l . Ttnk Ntrtin.—Dr. ,Tohnston's #,Sifii is in his dwelling, op the steps. Ins very Mtflibsive Prn , tier ion sufficient guarantee, that he is the only propel •physitian to apply tn. Dr. Johstnn, member of the loyal College of Surgeons, ' London,'gt•ndttuto from one of the most eminent PolloOeif Of the . United States, and the greater port of Whose life hoc been spent in the:l I aspitals of LiOubini Paris 'Philadelphia, and elsv,hcle, t,ns areetcd same of the milbt aston ishing, cures that were ever known, many trott bled with tinging in the earn end bead when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sud den sounds, and bashfulness, with frequent blush ing attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were mired imnmdistpi, A 'CERTAIN thsuasto.—lt is a melancholy fart that thousands fall victims to this horrid disease owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretenders who by the nso of that dr.eolly pnicon Nlerenry, ruin the Constitution, cansimt the most serious symptoms of that dreadful to most to make'their appearance, such no affections of the head, no,r, throat, skin, etc., progressinu with frightf u l no pidi, till death puts a period to their dreadful sulreiing, by Sendiog them iu that Bourne whence . trofvela 'Thorns. PAHTICULAIt NOTlCE.—Yofing mon who have injured themselves-by a certain practice in dulged in when alone—a habit ftequently learned from evil companions, or at school—Abe effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not mod renders mouviege impossible, and de stroys both mind tool - - What a pity that at young mon, the hope of his country, and the darling of his parents shourd be snatehc.l from all prospects and enjoy wents of life by the consequence sfdevilting from the path of nature and indulging inn certain secret habit. Such persons bribes emactnnlitting Marriage, should react that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote mom tt- Idol happiness Indeed without these, the jour ney through life becotnes n weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection, thoethc happiness of another becomes blighted with onr-own. Cowsrawritmit, Daum:Tr.—Dr. J. address es young men, and all who have injured them selves by private !!!!(1 improper indulgence. 13111:ifaiANA.—These are some of the sad and melancholy Oben produced by early habits of youth, vie: Wettkness of the. Back and Limbs, Pains in the head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular power, Palpitation of the Heart Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Detangements of the Digestive Functions, General Debility Symptoms of Consumption, Pc. Me.krao,v—The fearful abets on the mind aro much to be dreaded; Loss of inemory, Confusion of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Forbodings; Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of Soli- lode, .he., are some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons of all ages,enn now judge what is the cause of their declining health,. Los ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emacia ced, have singular appearance Lout the eyes, tough and symtums of consumption. Married persons, or those contemplating mar doge, being aware of physical weakness ' should Immedimely euusnit Dr. J. nod be restored to per fect health. Office, No. 7, South Frederick-St y Baltimore, Md. At,. SURGICAL 01,ItATIONS PERVOIDILD.— N. B. Let nu false delicacy prevent you, hut ap ply immediately either personally or by latter, Skin Diseases Speedily Cello', To S l rnalsouns.—The many thousands cured at this Institution within the last ten yearn, and the numerous important Surgical operations perfointed by Dr. J.,witnessed hr the 'Reporters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of ' which have appear el again awl again before the public, is astiffleient guarantee that the 101h:tech will find a skillful and honorable phystelan. As there are so many ignorant and worthless quacks advertising themselves as Physicians,ritio log the health ut the addicted Dr. Johnston would say to those unacquainted with his reputation that Iris Credentials or Diplomas always bang in his Weakness or the organs immediately cured, an d foil vigor restored -'All letters post paid—remedies sent by Nlny 22,_1 855.-1 r. TIIOS, READ ) Would respectfully inform his. friends and the public, that he lids on hand and is receiving for the coming season, a fine assortment of csa cp;,.ll:ru' D • Consisting of Watches ' Chains, Breast Pins, Fin ger Rings, Enr flings, I'etteils, lier, Thimbles, Studs, 11cr!uP,inn.,, &c. Together with his celebra tes] awl unrivolleti - GOLD PEN, e q ual if not superior, to nay now in End; Pen is Engravuti with his own nano, and every I'en Warranted. Oh did you atoll no I never !- Mercy on on what a treat; Get Read's Gold Pen, they're extra One, And only found in North Third Street. A splendid Pen P.! Whore did you got it 't Pure Diamond Pointed, can't ho bent; Yes, my friends, there's no htmilmging • It; Rtind'h Pt rta of North Third Strat t. firßead's Gold Pen is found only at 55 North Third Street, below Arch East Side. TIIOS. READ, Philadelphia. Jan. 8,1852.—V. It. K. NEFF, M. D., LTAVlNG:located himself in WARIIIOIIBMARK jl in this county, would respectfully offer his professional services to the citizens of that place and the country adjacent. IIIiFTHItENCEB J. B. Loden, M. D. Gen. A. P. Wilson, M. A. Henderson, " Wm. P. Orbison, Esq. J. H. Dorsey, " ]lon. James Gwinn, Stewart, " John Scott, Esq. Hon. George Taylor. . . Huntingdon, Pu. Jacob. M, Cantgill, M. D., Alexandria. John M'Culloch, " Pntcrslu,g. 3p7,'52-tf. RIMOYLL. THE undersigned nishes to inform hisfriends nod the public generally Out he bus moved Iris shop to the building of And. llarrison, for merly occupied by him as Collector's office, Ilill St. Where ho intends carrying on the Tailoring business on such terms as will not fail to give satisfaction to all that may favor him with their custom. llowishee to return thanks for the liberal pa tronage heretofore received and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. EROS LI. KULP. April 184b-lt. MEDICAL ADVERTISEMENTS. I ---------- GREATEST MEDIOAL DISCO VEER' OF TEE AGE. Dr. Kennedy, ot Roxbury,l,a, discovered in one ot our common pasture Imola u remedy that cures 2WIFfiIU Coil B NA the worst scrofula down to a c Amnon pimple, Tie bee tried it en over 110 n ct.ses , and Dover failed except in two eases, (both tl under humor.) Ile has now in his possession ore, twu hundred certificates of its viatue, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles aro warranted to core a nursing sore mouth. One to tlu•ee bottles will cure II c worst kind of Pimples un the fore. T uor three bottles will clear the system o Bites. • . . Two bottles aro warranted to cure the Worst case of Erysipelas. One to two bottles aro warranted to curo all humor in the Eyes. Two bottles are warranted to el, riming of the cars and blotches among the twtr. Vow to six bottles are warranted Wow,' cor rupt and ranuin4 ulcers. One bottle will cure scaly eruption of the skin. Two to three bottles nro warranted to ciaro the worst case of iingworm. Two to three attics aro warranted to tore the most desperate cwt of rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to core the salt rheum. Five to eight bottles will cure the worst ease of serefula. A benefif is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perket Card to warranted when the above quaotity is taken. Reader, I peddled over a thousand bottles of this in the vicinity of Boston. I knew the clfect of itdiu every case. So sure as water wilt extin guish fire; 60 Sore will this cure humor. I lever sold a bottle of it but that sold another ; eller a trial it always speaks for itself. There are two things about this herb that appear to me surpri sing. ; first that it.prows in our pastures, in some pinees quite plentit'ul, toil yet its value line never been known until I discover.] it in ipti;--ascend that it should cure all kinds of humor. In order to give some idea of the sadden rice and groat popularity of the discovery. 1 will state that in April, 1853, 1 peddled it and sold about 51x bottles per day—in April,lBl4,. I sold acetone thousand per clay oit. . . . . Some or the wlolesali lTraggi,ls who have been in business twenty and thirty years, say that nothing in the annals of pawnt medicines was ever like it. Tht re is a universal praise of it Irvin all quarters. In my own 50e1500 I always kept it Ftriiily 11,r lonners.—but since its introduction es 0 :41.01,01 i.llooy Diedieitte, great eel wun.lerfal virtues have rasa .'utted in it that I never sto , reted. Several ea,es Cl epill.tie disease which 1000 always considered incurable, have been cu red Lyn Mw Mathis. 0, what a iservy if it will prove eitectuel in all caeca of that dreadful mai mly—there are but few who have more silt than I hal', I know rtf several cases of,Drepgy, ell of whom aged people cured by it. I , or the v.;riou.di,ea ses of the Liver, Si-lt Ileadsche, ty,lapsia, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Sidc, ease: , of the Spine, and particularly in diseases of the Kidney, &c., the discovery has done more good than any medieine ever known. No change of diet over necessary—eat the best you eau get and ennuali of it. DinEeTioNs Iron Cs..—Adults one table spoonfal per day—Children over ten years des sea t spuenfall --Children from live to eight years teaspoonful'. As no directions can be applica ble to all constitutions take sufficient to operatt on the bowels twice a :lay. 111umforCoro,1 DONALD KENIII . .:DY, No. 120 Watil.ll St., .11.1.7,tird, Hass, i'riro $l,OO T. W. Drim, General igent for Pennsylva— nia, Wholesale Agents.—N. Y. City, C. V. Click ner, 81 Barclay Street —C. 11. Ring, 192 Broad way.—Busmen & Clark, 275 Broadway.—A. P. & 1). Sands, Intl Fulton Street. . , For snle by C. W. Brelonan, McVeytown; Mrs Mary Marks, Lovistowm T. Rend & Son, lion tingdon. And sold by Agents generally. May 2,1655.—1 y. FEVER AM) ME CURE, For the prevention and Cure of intermittent and Remittent Fevers, Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever,Dninb Ague, General Debility Night titywas, and all other tbrms of disease wltic•h have a common origin in Malaria or Atiasma. • This is a natural antidote which will entirely protect any resident or traveller even in the most sickly or swampy localities, from any Ague or Bilious disease whatever, or any injury front constantly inhaling Malaria or Miasma. It will instantly cheek the Ague in persons who have suffered for any length of time, from ono day to twenty years, so that they need never to boon !mother chill, by continuing in use ac cording to directions. Thu patient nt Duce begin; to recover appetite and strength, and continues. until a permanent and tadical cure is etfeeted: One or two bottles will answer for orilinery cases; some may require more. Directions prin ted C.erman, French and Spanish, accompany each bottle. Price one dollar. Liberal dis counts made to the trade. JAMES A. RIIODES. Provideßee, R. . 7 EVIDENCE OF SAFETY. Now York, June t 1, 1855. "I hero made a chemical examination of "Rhode's Fever and Ague Cure," or Antidote to Malaria, and have tested it for Ersouic, Mer cury, Quinine, and Strychnine, hut have not found a particle of eithemu it, nor have I found any substance in its composition that would Score injurious to the constitution. JAMES R. CHILTOM, M. I). Chemist.' EVIDENCE of MERIT. Lewisburg, Union 00., ' -- lOU. Mr. J. A. Rhodes—Dear Sir: Tim box of medicine you sentme was duly received on the th of April. 1 have sold about ono half oi and so far the people who have used it, and nix of the ensos were of long standing • my sister. who had it fur live or six years had:, and could never gut it stopped, except by Quinine, Lind that only as long as she would take, is flaw, I think, entirely cured by your remedy....._ b. R. McGINGLY CAUTION TO AGUE SUFFERERS. Take no more Arsenic, Tonics, Mercury, Qui nine, Febri Nos, Strychnine, or A nti-Feriodies, of any kind. The well-known inellieiency of these noxious poisons proves them to be the off spring °liaise medical principles, or of mercena ry quacks. The only remedy in existence that is both sure and harmless is RHODES' FEVER AND AGUE CURE. Aumrs—ln Huntingdon, Thomas Read & Son, and for sale by dealers generally. March 20, 1855-Iy. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY C. MCGILL returns histhanks t „, • to his friends and the public 1,4 s,l for their very liberal patronage, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit u continuance of the same, in all kinds of Castings, Cooking Stoves, Air-Tight, Parlor, Ten Plato Wood and Coal Stoves, of various si zes, and all kinds of Plonghs: the Lancaster and the Plank Rarshear patterns, and Keystone No. 4 Sclf-sharpening and Hill side Ploughs, and Skoara to suit all kinds of Ploughs itt the country; Rolling-mill and Forgo Castings, Grist and Saw mill Castings, Lewistown Threshing Machine Patterns, and the four korao and two horsepower of Chambersburg patterns; and all other kinds of castings too numorcus to mention, all of which will bo sold cheaper than over for cash and all kinds of country produce. Also, old mettle Wten iu exchange lot castings. Huntingdon, Nov c ial9. r 9, I oc TERNS t* "11111.1 JOUBAAL. T FIRMS The I ,Hishe., it he l'ollowing rates IY Paid in advance $1,40 ll' paid within six months after the time et' subscribing If paid at the end of the year ...... •• • • And two dollars and fifty COni6 is avi pull tit after the expiration of the year. No subsuiption trill ha token fora lets period than six rennthE. 'and no paper will be discontinued, except ut the option of the Editor, after it boa went over tiro time of ful•scrihing, until the end of tint year. Subscriber,: living in glisten( e nami,,,,,(g, other States, will be required to pay invariably in advance. The above terms will bo rigidly adbered to m all eases. ..... ..... „ .... „-- ADVERTISERIIENTS Will be charged at the following rated; 1 insertion. 2 do. 3do Six linos or less, $ 25 $ 37; $ 50 Ono square, (16 lincs,) 50 75 100 Two " (32 " ) 100 150 200 Three " (48 " ) 150 225 300 Business mon advertising by the Quarter, MR Year or Year, gill be charged the following rates? 3 mo. 0 mo. 12 too. One square, $3 00 $5 00 $0 00 Two squares, 500 650 19 50 Three squares, 7no 10 00 15 00 Poor squares, 900 14 00 23 00 Fire squares, 15 00 33 00 30 00 Ten squares, 25 00 40 00 00 Cl) Business Cards not exceeding six lints, one year, $4.00. Agents for the Jour. — .UL The following persons we have appointed Agents for the il cnv,sanoN JOURNAL, who aco author ized to receive and receipt for money paid on sub. %evil:Oen, end to take the names of new subsea bees at our published prices. We do this for the convenience of nor eubsert hers living atn distance front Huntingdon. J 01127 W. 'En owteson, Esq., Hollidaysburg, SASIUSIL Curs, East Berm, GEORGE W. Com/imam, Cromwell tewnship Ilemtor Hunso, riny DAVID BIND, i• Dr. J. P. A:::;; ;. ::, 7. W.timiwi 7! township tiAlun JaChSOll township, Cal. Jno. C. ',,' . ~aa, Brady township, Morons :;pring,fleld township, ; Warriorsmaet tp. Croon W. • ; •;.F1:, Petersburg, IlEsity Thar, ; ; Jour; BAL., , Cimum. -„ ;•1 tuwimltip A. M. kronor: WiLso, rAq., township, MT.' W. Moo:in, Ale,imir B. F. WA mAcE, SIMLON DAVID • SAar DAVID PALS DAvii, AURAS J. 'Am us• nrc • , • 33l PL 4n coin , •; , • • . MARINE AND • PAN I', 011ie° LEN ,• • : • • • . corner Second and ..• • • . , • ; CA PEI' This Company oil,. • ;.• • , .• • dings, Goods, Furni:. • NIARINE • On VESSELS, "C.1R00,1 o all pot, In the Vol.( " Inland insurances (Al Good, 1 canals, railroad, and land emir the Unlnii. Also, insuraneo upon .1.1%1if, upon the no,ol vorable terms. go to all ninEcrons Bon. Thomas B. Florence Jam, • • George 11. Armstrong Fo'nc, Edward P. Middleton, Ed. lt. I:cle,l‘eld• George Helmbold, F. (. Gree. , :o, Thomas IMandortield, Tim, I eeeb, THOMAS B• FLOIIENCE, EDWAItI, R. Ilsmluor,n, t•;c.'y MM. VI, A gt , i Tionmonox, 61141: KINDS falF Pain & A'anol . JOB PRINTING, 11. , CU u r.tg azAmo PROGRAMMES CARDS, And all Kinds ofr.. L g al Illanii9; Used by Ma g i..l:rateo ir. O hers Mated at ilie JOVIINALOFFINIE. I . VATCKES, -CLOCKS, AND LEIVELRIV. The subscriber, thankful to his friends nod pa trons, and to the Public generally, for their pa tronage, still continues to carry on at the same stand, one door oast of Mr. C. Cont's Hotel, Mar ket street, Huntingdon, where ho will amnia to all who will fitvor him with their cottons, and al so keept outland is good assortment of WitTenus, CLOCKS, JEWELItY, &C., S., all of which hu in determined to sell at low prices. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of all hinds will be repaired at short notice, and having made ar rangements with n good workman, all repairs will be done in a neat and durable manner, and every person leaving articles for repairing shall have them dons at the precise time. By paying strict attention to business, and selling at low rates, ha hopes to receive a share of public patronage. JOSEPH BIG lIEB Huntingdon, Sept. 7, 1852.—tf. FEMALE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. ql Ills library will be open every Saturday after. 1 Imo, at 3 o'clock, in their room' in the Court Mose. Subscription 50 cents a your.-- New books have bevii ttild,,d to tilt, 1 . 01.111(11 collont collection--" Fanny Porn's" popular writings, "13ayard Taylor's" The furthi r patronage of the public will ontiblo the collo( • Lion to be still more extended.-- lip of tht Prosidtriit. Huntingdon, Jan, 221855, MAP OF HUNTINGDON. COUNTY The undersigned proposes publishing pravid - cti sufficient encouragement be obtained, a Map of Huntingdon County. Said. Map to be con structed by actual survey oral the pahlic Beads Railroads, Rivers; Streams, Camila, Township Lines, &c., and every place of note contained in said county, carefully shown in their respective places, and the name and piano of retidence of nearly every business man in said Calmly, and the branch of ituainess followed by - each nua re spectiyoly and the place marked where nearly an the farm buildings stand, and the prepriel‘r and occupant's names. Said mop to contain from fourteen to eighteen foot ofengruying,, and to he giddied in the most modern style and workman like Manner, he. WILLIAM CHRISTY. Dee. 19, 1855.—tf. TILANKS.-.Al,7ays buy your Thanks n "Jour.) 01licc." We hove now preporca ry Kuperiorortiele of 111,A Ng DEEDS, 110:41 ., S, JUDGMENT NOTrj , , SUM b!V.G TioNS. Su• 1,i5