Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 02, 1856, Image 1

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Witt t)tl.l YER,TIV/STER, 1 .
SAISI. diiillll7AuEst, j - RS.
-_-_-_-_---: - .-----,_-_-7------ -
0 , this subject, Kitty Cork entered with a i toward mo with a scythe, just as had been Margaret entered with her husband into
citicrt Oactrg. basket of chesnuts, saying. I predicted. I was so taken by surprise, pessession of a noble estate in the neigh.
Sr i .._._ . _' ._-__.. 'lf ye place, teddies, Thomas bids mg, and so frightened--for, of course, I did not borhoad, Sophie accompanied Lieutenant
THERE WAS A JOLLY MILLER. give Ye" they nuts. He's after pickle' helieve Kitty's nonsense, that 1 had no i Merton to distant lands. But Rose, with
There was a jolly miller once
them Kissel and he sais ns it's Ilollew-Ave power to move or run. I stood motionless her honest - farmer, settled down in the
Lived oil the river Dee ; ye'll be thryin yer fortunes, good or bad— with terror, while the figure approached dear old homestead.
11e worked and ~,,,,g from morn tin night and it's within' ye good lack, and good nearer and nearer. It advanced, step by Kitty, now more important and more in
No larl: more blithe than Ile.
And this the burden of his song husband's he is.' I step, as a man does in mowing, and I yet Bulged than ever, and faithful old Thomas
Forever used mho— 'Does not Thomns know E began Mar- had no power to stir. At last it was be- of course, remained with her.
I rate for nobody, no, not. I, gttret, with a frown. hied me—close--I felt its touch mid its Once a year, as often as it is within the
If nobody cares fur me.
The reason why he was so blithe, lf
'O—ny—he knows,' interrupted Kitty breath on my cheek--and a voice whis- bounds of possibility, the sisters meet us•
Ile once did thus enfold.— with a slight toss of the head—but imme- pored in my ear, der the old roof-tree. Every Ilisllew-Eve
The Intend I eat any bands have earn'ds diately repeating this imprudent gesture, ' 'Beware how you cast from you the they assemble, as of old, round the cheer-
I covet no males gold ; she added, with ronuish demureness. love nod devotion of a faithful heart. Young fel, wood fire not perhaps roasting chest-
I do not fear next quarter day
In debt to none I be. 'Och, but Thomas is e quare, head- Ablerthorn truly loves you--make hits nuts, and talking girliA nonsense, but re.
I care tar unholy, SLe. strong, ould body. Purr, ould sow', he and yourself happy." caning scenes el past ptensures, and apes
A coin or two I've iii my purse, has ay his cranks stud whims—and one is, The sisters were silent. Margneet ad- king of present happiness.
Tehelp a needy friend.
A..litt le I can give
the poor, yell all three o' yees be married before n ded, " ea
What makes it stranger is, that I sss "-'s
•ss. , r's.v•iy"'""".•""".""--55•"...-' , ...". 4
:And still have some to opt n-i, year's out. Unfortunate, demented cray- know well the voice that spoke—it. was I 1 / 4 (2:1 fit;' ss• s t ,
Though I may fill, yet rejoin(' f.- . • een 1,.• ,
thus that he is, to take sic an a crazy fancy. young, Alderilmen's—and I know none but c •s;L‘ tit CI
. '..A1,;.,,; t„ • 5 1 ,•,0,1i1
,mother'sgaud hap to see.
I care fur nobody, In. Ciazy, indeed!' said Margaret., with dis- a spirit could imitate those tones so as to
So let us his example take, drain ; but ye when Kitty was gone, the deceive me. But tell us, Soppy-,what
And be from malice free ; girls began, "pa for fun," to try the nuts happened to you ? You are as pale so a
Let every one his neighbor servo, on the hot shovel in the good, old•fashion- lily."
As served he'd like to be !
And merrily push the can shunt, • ed manner, 'l'run no names were men- Sophie held up her hand, on the third
Awl drink end sin. , with glee. tinned aloud, Lot that did not prevent each finger of which glittered an opal ring,
If nobody cares a Boil Cyr us
maiden from mentally designating hermits which she had never worn before.
Why, not a Boil yarn wo.
771...._•,_-..... , ,-7;-..?-- . :
_..?r,-77. „....r.... as she pleased—and certainly the most its. 'Listen E said she, 'T did jest no you did
Cli ~;
61 , cci'clett Cale. tens() interest glowed in each youthful face Margaret; and looking over my 4 licul.l.
as it watched the antic manceuvers of the l as directee, 1 saw a vision. It was not
' •
Kitty returned to find them engaged il
in a scythe in its lem, seal when I first saw
TS. thin most inconsistent nmuscenent ; but it, it was already by my side. It ems clad
like a wise damsel alto task no note of tai-' in some kind of it white mantle, and. its
fling discrepancies. Site, on the contrary, features quite V 1,1140 in this incstiltgla.
Pound a cheerful wood fire, in a qua i nt prceatsed that as they were trying Bellew. she., rt, it wits the hire of Lieutenant alter.
old country house, throe sisters sat talktne. .t i-. :, tines, they should, at a later hour, tea I fle—or it—teak my hand, aint put
in the twilight The bright blaze ilium• i i t fss• =rung to bed, try the famous o:d ono this ring on toy linger, saying solemnly, Co
hoed the walls, on which a fete portraits i of : ~:c hug hemp seed by inoatiligitt. ho did £A,
wore hanging, and cast grotesque shadows ' •‘'.:isit is it ? hew do you do it E cried " .W:'Ti 1 , :i; riv• I wed thee,
In dssts „rinhs.,
from the al fashioned furniture. The red. the t• • ters, and Kitty went on ts explain, Tel- rt.!, i ihsh titer] thee
dy glAn' lighted up too the lately faces or , i ~, -, , , - , t, the girl who would look iris the I Fussier my ,rise, "
the sisters, enjoying its cheerfulness. 1 future as to her Lite, must go by night, Margaret shuit.le,ed. What if her sin.
Very charming were they all, but very
alone, and beyond hearing of her friends. ' tar were WCdskti to a demon ? She hod
dill:trent its their beauty. 1
l and scattering hemp seed in the moonlight "
Margaret, the elder—she who sits to the
right of the fire, with head thrown partly
bark, while her hands are crossed upon
er keees,.is about twenty-two. She is
stately, !lad proudly beautiful. Sophie
"pretty '..'ophie," sits .o positn, on a sofa,
with the head of little Rose, who is reclin.
irg. on her le,
Little Pose, the youngest, with neither
Margaret's queenly grace, nor Sephy's
brilliant beauty, was what ladies call “a
darling"—that is, she was loveable, char
ming, and innocent. lii fact, she was
fresh and sweet as a hawthorn blossom.
These three young girls were s*ttlar
ly situated. They resided in the old home
stead where two have• found them, alone.
'except for the servants Who attended them.
Fiv.her and mother were both dead within a
row years, and as there was no relation to
supply even in a measure, their places, the
orphan sisters clove yet more closely to
each other, and continued to live in their
desolate home, like birds who nestle toge
ther in the old neat when the parent birds
have left them.
Thomas, an old and faithful man servant
and Kitty Corlc,(a person notwithstanding
her juvenile name, of middle age, and tri
ed fidelity) were their only domet , tics—but
they sufficed, for their labor's were perfor
med in the spirit of love and willimmess.
Such was the little household of the sis•
ters—and there they wore settled—for life.
For, be it kaown to you, oh, incredulous
reader, that each of the fair sisterhood was
under a solemn vow of celibacy.
When their father died and left them all
alone in the world, they took each other's
hands and solemnly promised never to de.
Bert each other, but to live and die together.
Three yeses hal paused since that time,
and th , u.?li their loveliness had attracted
suitors even to their quiet,lmely home, no
whisper had ever been breathed by any of
the sisters of a wish to breale that vow.
On the contrary, they of applauded
their wisdom in devising it, and swore fe.
shy to it nnew.
Some such conversation had token place;
on the very evening I have chosen to intro,
duce them to toy readers. Indeed, they
were more than usually vehement in their
denunciations of any treason to their code.
Margaret's eyes had flashed incV-nant at
the very thought of such treachery—So.
phy had painted most touchingly the Icgo•
ly state of the other two—should one be
base enough to desert—and little Rose bad
'That oven if Prince Charming hitmelf
should come flying into the room in a gold•
en chariot, and were to fall at her feet, all
crowned with diamonds, she would not wa
ver the least mite—but should just say ve
ry ooldly, 'Rise, Prince Charming, you
can't have mo I have promised my sis
ters never to marry.'
Margaret and Sophie laughed at little
Rose's sally, and the greatest unanimity of
opinion appeared to proved.
While they eat over the fire discussing
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:coo lore, come aft,r anal
And then, on !coking over her right sheui
der, she should see the man she 1,1 to
marry coating after her, with a great scythe
mowing—and trio would most surely
over ake her and mat her heels off with
ti:•tt weal on, if she paused too long to
'Yon fore,-et, kitty, we are never 7ting
to hive any lut,bands,' remarked Fopitio,
wilco Kitty !.au..:ed in her expl_•tuattou',
, 011, well, then, tie harm done,' was toe
response—'it yet, to have no huAinds,
no husbands will come end yell no risk
The sisters were in the humor for a fro
lic, and would have adventured a trial on
the :Tot, but the all-important Kitty stop
ped theta.
'What nn a time is this for such a thing,
it's no yet eight o'clock, and the mune's no
up—the earliest hour ever I seen it tried
was ten o'clock, and the midnight hour is
better still.'
The girls consehted to wait a more pro
pitious hour, and returned to their fireside
chat. Kitty retired to the kitchen, where
she whispered a long tale in Thomas' ear.
The latter listened—nodded his head sa
gaciously—tool: up his hat and wcut out.
Ten o'clock at length struck, and the
sisters, as eager as ever for a frolic, called
Kitty. She appeared after a little delay,
bringing with her three baskets of hemp•
seed, one ef which :Ain gave to fair
adventurer, with renewed instructions.—
Mica Margaret was desired to issue limn
the front dour, Rose front the back, and
Sophie front the side. They were about
to set off, when Thomas, who stood silent
ly observing all, said gruffly,
'That's wrmig., Kitty—Miss Rose is to
go by the side, and Miss Sophia front the
'Throe for you, Thomas, and my heart's
in my very mouth at fright at ma blun•
'Why, Kitty, what difference can it pos
sibly make 1' inquired the girls.
Kitty made no intelligible answer —but
something she mumbled like,
cGae the right gait, and ye'll meet the
right guist,' as the three girlish figures flit
ted away in the darkness.
Five—ten minutes elapsed, and Nlargn.
ret rushed breathless into the sitting-room;
an instant more, and Rose and Sophy join•
ed her. They all looked excited end frigh
Each looked at the other inquiringly ; and
Margaret began,
have really seen something very ex.
traordinstry—very strange, I do not know
what to think. Tt could not have been a
spirit—but—oh, how frightened I am I I
will tell-you all about it. I had scattered
my hemp-seed and repeated the rhyme as
Kitty directed, when looking behind mo I
saw actually a figure in white, advancing
heard of such fearful thin2A—alltt did 1:0:
her own experience forbid her io he incred
ulous? With a si:kerdtig se:Patio:l
Fupenotitious horror and apprchemion, sh
turned toward little Hose. What bad he•
falls that pee child ;
ill o seen p t, ROW began-11a r
pret claqed her liond,, and dosed li,
eyes. Eer pale race grew even whit,.
than before. 1Z05.0. continued,
h.J sown my hoinp-sved, as you did
sisters. and when I 1;:(.1: ; behind me, 1
'saw the re,:,er t: , rding rme with
•tiVt.'F'. I to tv:l, !ut in isri
I ouniblod :ted fril—rtl,d tile gheoi.
ly spning forward and raised tau
'And what Rose f ached Sophie awl
7.!a_rgarct, clgerly.
::".td it was P.Ubert Bloomley,' said Rom
, Ilow do you know? what makes you
think so ?' vsked tha sisters.
'Because he kissed me?' cried Rose has •
Lily. Teo, overwhelmed by her own
blundering speech, she hid her blushing
face in her hands.
• Margaret and Sophie were aghast. Hero
was a dicearery I
Rose tried awkwardly enough to profit by
tho silence to amend her error.
• 'Ghosts don't kiss. you know,' she tim
idly remarked.
'And Robert Bloomley does!' cried So
phie, laughing. 'Oh, Itoae, Ilose, you lit
tle traitor, who would have expected this
from you 1'
She looked keenly at Margaret as vita
spoke ; Margaret . met her glance with a
look nt once conscious and suspicious.
A light was beginning, to break in upon
them. They begun to see that fleas tear
not the only traitor in the camp. They
began also to suspect Kitty and see thmugh
her devices.
At last Sophie broke into a merry laugh
'The fact is,' she said, 'that miszhievotts
Kitty has been playing us a ttick, vety
saucy, but very clever. I undarstand it
all now, and the has evidently understood
us all, this long time. Bow say you,
Margaret ? Aro we justified in keeping
our vows, when three ghosts come from
their graves to Ind us break them ?'
Margaret turned aside her stately head
with a blush and smile, and made no ex
plicit answer. But I fancy she, as well
as the other sisters, wPre more satisfactory
in their replies the next day, to the 'three
ghosts,' , vho appeared in propria persona
to plead their suits.
I need scarcely say that, as Sophie has
suggested, Kitty was nt the bottom orates,'
simple mysteries. !laving, with her u
sual shrewdness, discovered the secret of
each sister, she had despatched Thomas
to summon the lovers in time to play the
ghostly part assigned them.
Finally, I would merely remark, that,
that 'quire, headstrong cold body,' Thom
as' prediction came perfectly true. All
three sisters were tparried within the
tune uteler his standard, are discovering
their error, nod would gladly escape from
their thrill:loin. The letters further assert
that impatience of the despotic rule of
NValker and his accomplice, Rivas, is not
confined to Nicarageto, but is very general
ly felt by the Governments and inhobitants
of the bordering States. The recent de
cree relative to the Transit Company nod
the seizure of their property is stated to be
a desperate attempt on the part of Walker
to obtain money to maintain himself. That
is but one of a series of lawless contrivances
to which he is reduced to save himself
Fran destitution, to check the desertion and
cides iho daily increasing discontent and
digest of his associates, and avert or post
pone the ruin with which he is threatened.
llowever he may sneered for a time in
warditig off the fatal blow., there is good
reason to believe that it cannot long be de-
TILE PEACE C's hayed, and that his flight or death may he
trieked for wlthia a short period. There
We observe in an t ',Lange an article
is no deula that a league lino been formed
on the present position am! relations of the
by several States of Central America to
parties in the Ilusso.Turkisit war, which
overthrow Walker and his followers and
appears to present in many respects a calm
re-establish te former government in Ni
and philosophical appreciation of the atti-
tude n w
ihich the sevsral Pw
oers elf Ea• crgna. It is also averred that he has
; a
rope enlisted in the rt
tle „ . „i oa „ mood to moke hi mse lf popular with Om
present themselves in the Peace Congress na'w" rpulction of i‘dearagua; that all
his overturns to the neighboring ".-Itates have
now holding in Paris. 'llia writer, linw
eves, in stigmatizing it 3 a "timid an vas- b "" ; that : .°'" Government 11"
j ,.„ „ .. . the „,, I lie ts.fjt,,,l_svo maw
~,,, • wi• refused to acknowledge hint in any
,;;-, •. • ; ; , !:•et he and his minerent are looked
~, [..-,• :itto au act „ jots •.. I a s is gong of lawless !tal
franc. i i. • ,
10 1.13 to do •i • . I'. • • ' ' "1 , . of gain, and a
j, ; ;
j., 5 •:. ; • . for hottest employ
; 7 ni.„,• , ; i ;. ; ; ~!, have induced to join their
j,t l : ii ` ea c 4 ,
,j,j, j
;,; ;; ; j 1,-, do•re is widespresd dissen
, j
;•,,,,, ;
,; , :f •, which may at atiy moment
.; • •; i.e. •,li open revolt, sad thus deprive
oc the oely support upon which he
j; ;
j., ; ;; ; es,' rely to support himself and his admi
, ••• fact in I;; 1 ., hard; uistrntion.—J'.t: rnr:!ef Chrtrn erce
.1 neutrality site It sot pi-Ay sastai leer I w
SKE•rcn or Joux CALvis.—lf person
men people Irmo tho iiA and h I - , ,S sf
al considerations chiefly win applause
ti ir, i.ut she hits kei• I , •Ifin a :
, ; , ,• , ;jr , j, has
j , ,, , j I. j, , t ,
a ,
j , e , then no Cite merits our sympathy and our
j, „
j . ,os • j, j
j , if , mintlien trove than Colvie ; the your,
,••;, it :at Prance, whonehieved an iroinor•
, • -• to wie'd it its actual
..; ~ 1 1,,
j, , ,,
.11, , ,i
t,, t . :: • ,
; fame before he was twenty eight
j . . , j • : age; now baldly rersening with„„,
; ; ; , i ;,.. - • „ • • :,, sf France for religious liberty,
•.; as the apostle of truth to
react r;.: .•, reediettten, the ii uit
her Lem o,:ettld have horn p r•.• .e, tleetrines into the heart of Italy,
!:fmeil to it ,y in the unknowe •:3. osc.".peog from the fury of a fa'
tem irive ,• • • ' , cut ion; the purest writer, keenest
;; ; j
of u eli or his country; pushing fe's'
i,:t• :It :•,• Sump, : i t , i t , t„.„. : •
; a its utmost verge, and yet vitla.
rors. s •.:as wisctoo•he part yicy, solely as the means of nisi
e,,,rare remnr!catl, u .
. .;. ;• ..,
; is: scattered the mask of darlctiessfixed conclusions. The light o:
finally so m. l's,!of Prussia. Thin
Power, whi'.• her great ditty tee ;;"'"'` had hold for countries
.:;ding thee before the brow of religion. flit probity
: , p „,,i t t ert to ex. unquestioned, his morals spotless.--
j, „„ tut
nceepting , E
:s the i t-A.:ratios! of pease..
Ilia only heppiness consisted in his "task
of glory and of good," for sorrow found
its way into all his private relation. ll°
Au to the !,•peetivo capabilities ef the'
was an exile from his country; Ito became
three great Powers which have been cage-
for -e sennon an exile front his place of ex
pal in hostilities oil the shores of the hex- for
As a Isusbautl he Was doomed to
Me end the Baltic, it cannot be doubted
• that England poesesses in the highest the. I mourn the premature loss of his wife; its
grco ths elements and re:ionizes which I
a father be felt the bitter pang of burying
se „, ier her site hest a b le to c.d., the his own child. Alone in the world, alone
in a strange land, he went forward in his
war, if unfortunateli the present negetia
re. j career with serene resignation and inflexi•
%ions at Paris should rot result in the
tile firmness; no love of ease turned hint
estobli -baton; of pence. Iles triumphs in
the ('rimedhave not, it is true, exesi,t is I
aside (coin his vigils; no
displays of horstiste, beat re , ssio , lf.xed the nerve of his fear of anger
eloquence no
of her renowned and more powerful a .• • ~.• infirmities checiced the increditable
but t i t , t , has not ae . Lott frets , the of his mind ; and co ho continued
of her powers, but from the long reps-- ~i y, , ar utter year, solitary nod feeble, yet
which they had rested since the battle for humanity; till after a life of &-
litazet:oo. !a the consciousness of her' I. Ilucatlied to his persorie.l heirs a
, books and furniture, stocks mid
strength she con we'd niford to return her
sword to is seal:bald, and Franco, it is to ! not el - met:ding two litindred dollars
be hoped, will be satisfied with the laurels I and to the wodd a pure reformation, a re
she has &ready won in the bloody coldest.' ligion with the kindred principles of co ,
Indeed, under the drat instance, both Gov. publican libel-v . :.
ermueuts can have little inducement le pro
tract the struggle by seeking to impose on
Russia conditions of neaco which would be
derogatory to her honor, and which noth
ing' in her present condition compels her
to accept. such, on the contrary, is the
character she has won in the conflict, and
as such we believe, her ability to continue
it, that we regard Mtr as not less granting
than necepti.!.z a 1,,t.:1. - otien.
There micro, 1 0 h o p e that
the Comgress now in Paris will
prove to be, as its name imports, the har
binger of F
NICARAUII A.—Th . :nigh the accounts from
Nicaragua aro somen•liat contradictory, the
balance of evidenes i 3 bgaiiist the uroabili
ty that Gen. Wn!ker will long bo able to
maintain his usurped dominion. Private
letters state that his tnonoy and credit aro
both exhatwed : that privatton, (license, and
want are fast thinning his mks; that those
who have allowed themselves to be duped
by his representations and promises, and
who have quitted their homes and honest
callings hoping to acquire fame and for-
Mess a flu:sE.—Music serves to make
home pleasaat, by engaging many of its in
mates in a delightful recreation, and thus
dispelling the sourness and gloom which
frequently ariso from petty disputes, from
mortified vanity, from discontent and envy.
It pre7ente for tho time at least evil tho'ts
and evil sperlilng, and tends to relieve the
stints of both performersand hearers from
tho depre,?iiig elltcts of care and melan
choly. Young people need and will bare
amusements. lf innocent and improving
aintiser::ents be not provided at home, they
will seek it el,ewhere. If they find places
snore egreeable to them than home, that
home will be deserted ; and thus the gentle
stud holy influences which onght to emir
cle the family fireside will be in a great
inensure lost.
"l'or snrcly t melody from Heaven WM sent,
TO 01:, VW Itiheil (1,1 Ld human blare,
'Po iho Un) ward hoart, by sorrow rant,
And soften down thu ru g ged rood of
Let parents, therefore, take pills to en
courage and gratify a taste for music in
their children, and it will amply repay
them for lo doing.
monte of Turin publishes a letter from
Rome, giving the following account of the
tribunal of the Inquisition at Rome at the
present time :
The old Palace of the Inquisition, hay
ing been turned into barracks for the
French troops, the tribunal has been trans
ferred to the interior of the Vatican, where
the Dominicans occupy a part which none
but those who have grown old in the pul•
ace can ever find, such the intricacy and
multiplicily of the stairs, passage and se
cret corridors that lead to it. ‘Vhen the
fnquisaors want either to arrest or ques
tion you, they neither send officers of jug•
tice nor a warrant; but a gentleman calls
upon you in a quiet way, and informs you
that the holy office requests the pleasure of
your company. Should you happen to
expostulate, the quiet gentleman politely
suggests the propriety of being punctual.
When you reach the outer court of the Va.
tican, you find a priest, who conducts you
to the tribunal—and if you are only BUM
moped as a witmss, it is he, who conducts
you back. When in the presence of the
Inquisitor you are made to swear that you
will speak the truths. Your answers to the
questions put to you are written down in
Latin—and before being released, you must
take another oath that you trill reveal no•
thmg of what you have seen or heard.
Fiticru' Articies.
We hove prepared the following ab
stract of the item embraced in the Gene
ral Appropriation Hill of this State, as re
by the Committee of Ways and
!deans in the House of Representatives.
Salary of Govcruor. '1. 4 3,',00 00
" Fee'yot 0.'11.11'11,A., 1,700 00
4 . Dep. See). Coinmunw'h 1,100 00
° Auditor General. 1,700 00
Surveyor General. 1,100 00
O AMirtu y General. 300 00
0 Mutant General. 300 00
u State Treasurer. 1,760 00
Cork Hire,DepartmDepartment..." t. t:eu..,41c0. 7,000 00
,Iron,ece 4,01)0 00
8,21 1 0 00
r, • JAl...elan. 800 00
4: .10:tises State
.a: tn ten •e. 3,710 00
H Auditor
1,150 00
C .• • .• , .0 State Tree.
i Surveyorl,3so 00
1,430 00
. • : 123,000 00
r. 700 OU
30,000 00
. -• . 3,000 00
I. 3,616 00
• .12, 230,000 03
15,000 00
Salaries a. Su
-29,000 00
" of .1 iii,trict
itt..l Continua
Pli of Phila. 15,000 00
▪ of I ;i, t Court and
Co, Pleas of Al.
oy. 7,500 00
"ni ~..fPrest.Judges
Cl Cum. Pleas, ex.
eeptittg and
Allegheny. 47,000 00
“ofAssociate Judges. 16,500 00
Guarantied Interest for Dan.
villa and Pottsville It. Cu. 8,517 17
Interest on State Debt. 2,000,000 00
Ordinary . Repairs of Canals, &e. 270,187 00
a after Dee. lot. 225,003 00
Expenses of Entire Power. 633,350 00
" Payment ofeelleetors,
be., and lticidental
Expenses. 83,000 00
" Deficiencies of Salary, 16,000 00
or Lock Keepers. 54,000 00
0 for use of portion Pa.
R. It. 12,500 00
° of Canal Coen &r. 6,407 00
Repairs, &r., 16,000 00
Debts fur motive pus er is 1035. 26,844 713
" repairs on Portage R. R. 8,296 83
" Juniata Canal. 2,726 31
F•re repairs on publie works 60,000 00
Ite'af,tig S. track Col. R. R. 150,003 00
Paying conicity:m.on Por. R. R. 1.15,453 66
Goupletiag new Portage R. R. 32,120 00
Dolus "a upper N. branch Canal. 87,000 00
I•:,.l.trgittg Delaware Division. 60,000 00 1
Ltupioymeut of a State Eugi•
neer. 2,500 00
Salaries °Mears of Ern Peahen.
tiary. 9,500 00
Salaries officers of Western Pen•
hamlet y. ' 9,200 00
House of Refuge, Phil'a. 80,000 00
° Pittsburgh. 15,000 00
Institution for the blind. 17,000 00
" Deaf b Dumb. 20,000 00
Payment of Adjutant General
for visiting Arsenals, be. 260 00
Balnry of Sant. Public Printing. 800 00
State Lunatic Hospital. 85,000 00
Expenars of State Library. 250 00
Binding and lettering hooks. 250 00
Law 1,000 00
" Miscellaneous. 800 00
lituris l Reports for
other States. 273 001
Repairs of Capitol and grounds. 650 00
S. and 'treasury Depart. 1,150 00
Grading North street. 250 00
Enclosing Public Groun3s. 4,500 00
Various work about Ground. 2,565 84
Furnace and Ventilators. 650 00
(.'locks for Senate and House. 800 00
Repairs of Powder House Phila. 800 00
Purchme of Webster's Diction.
ary for Public Schools. 10,000 00
There are several other unimportant
i litems, the amount of which is left in blank
ibang dependent on certain contingencies.
The total embraced in the above figures
foots up to the respectable amount of a
bout four millions three hundred and sev
enty thousand dollars.
VOL. XXI. NO. 14
The meeting in Cincinnati last week in fa
vor of a City Mortuary was largely attended.
Dr. R. S. Newton expressed an interest in
the mutter under consideration, from circum
stances which bad come under his own obser
vation. He considered it our duty to support
every cause of humanity that we could, and ho
considered no subject of greater importance
than the one before the meeting.
Ile stated a circumstance which occurred to
a sister of Ids grandinothers's who was buried
in Montreal in the winter, but for reason the
ratio was opened in the spring, when it was
w co
found the holy as turned completely over, and
part a the flesh gave evidence that the body
hod been placed in the eolith ere death had en•
tirely taken possession of it; of the muscles of
the arms had been gnawed and the body other
Another instance was that of it lady who was
supposed to be dead, and the cbflitt lid was ac
tnally about to be placed on for the last time
when it sets discovered she was still alive, be
ing conscious of all that was transpiring around
without the power of moving or making known
that alto still existed.
Ile also related an instance where a body
had lain in the hands of the faculty for dissec.
lieu tweatv-futtr hours, when, upon an incision
being made for the purpose of injecting the
blood vessels, gave evident manifestations that
the vital spark bud not vet fled, and in punctu
ring the blood gushed out to the distance of
several feet ; but it was too late to save life.
The Chairman also related an instance of a
lady who had been supposed to be dead and
was about to ho buried, who filially revived and
lived many years aber.
Mr. 1. Wiltsee also made some favora
ble remarks upon the necessity of establishing
the proposed mortuary. Facts had come to his
knowledge which convinced him :persons had
b. en buried alive in the graveyards of this vi
cinity. Dr. Wet. Stunts, formerly a European
physician, was astonished at the speedy burial
of the dead in this country. lie alluded to the
Y at: 'l9, in %illicit year he had no doubt many
had been buried beton: death had actually ta
ken place. lle gave a succinct description of
the mortuaries of other countries, and related
one or two instances which had come under his
know It dge where persons had revived after be
ing placed in such receptacles.
Dr. lt. S. Newton /laid, iliac was not mistakeu
there were persons now living WllO held their
certificates, from their attending physicians, of
their death in 18:19.
last the upper floors of a grain warehouse of
Messr3. Bally & Co., 3G5 Market street, Phila.
delphin, fell in from an overlanthen of wheat,
flour, Sc., hurrying in the ruins a number of
workmen who are suppored to be dead, al•
though at last accounts their bodies had not
bees recovered. The ,valls also fell out crush
ing in a small tavern and instantly killing n
young Irishman named Tim. Murphey, who
was in the second story indicting a love epis
tle to his sweet heart. Hero is a copy of Tim's
"February 28, 1856.
My Dear Ein :—With pleasure I take my
pen in band hoping to find you in as good
state of health as this leaves me. Dear Ein,
excuse my for not writing to you before now,
flu I had reason that is not worth mentioning
now, so I hope you will excuse me, for I am
not forgetting you no more than if I was al.
ways with you—"
And the poor fellow, at this stage of his love
epistle, was sent suddenly into eternity. No
reason is given for the accident. Several wit•
nooses testified that the walls were thirty inch.
es iu thickness in the first, and twelve in the
upper stories, and that there had frequently
been store grain in store than was on baud at
the time of the accident.
pendence ridge has the following item of news
from our llalls of Congress:
6 The new Speaker of the House is a black
of Massachusetts, who belongs, as Ms color
ficiently indicates, to the extreme party of alb•
olitiouism. This, then, is a victory gained by
the North over the South. Upon tho whole,
the journals icelnre themselves satisfied with
the choice. Mr. Banks is a man of firm and
upright mind, endowed with great political sa•
gaeity, and as his antecedents all attest, with a
calm wisdom."
Besides this La Patric, the organ of Louis
Napoleon, represents hlr. Banks as a black
man, saying, that in the doublo capacity of a
colored man and Abolitionist, he had inspired
profound disgust in the minds of the Southern
members I So much for our nomenclature of
party, as black republicans I
—We give below a valuable table of weights
which is worthy of preservation as a matter of
Wheat weighs GO pounds to the bushel,
Shelled corn, 56 do do do
Corn (on col) 70 do do do
Rye, 6G do do do
Oats, 35 do do do
Barley, 48 do do do
Buckwheat, 60 do do do
Flaxseed, 46 do do do
Cloverseed, 64 do do do
Potatoes, 60 do do do
Beans, 60 do do do
Bran, 20 do do do
Onions, 67 do do do
Dried peaches, 33 do do do
Dried apples. 25 do do do
med Christian Eislinger WAS murdered last Sa•
turday afternoon in Baltimore, by a woman
roused Catharine Eisinnacker. Eislinger was
sitting at the dinner table in the house where
ho boarded, when the woman entered the room,
and walked deliberately to the man, and plun•
ged a large hunting knife into his side. She is
apparently 40 years old and Eislinger was
about 46. The accused alleges that the de.
ceased was the enuso of her separation from
her husband and that afterwards ho refused to
provide for her, hence her myelin.
A MAGAziNE,ir DEsvu.—The grounds be•
longing to the U. S. Arsenal, at Raton Rouge,
La., embraces an area of twenty .seven miles.
In the three magazines there are 30,000 lbs.
powder and 9000 round of catridges for small
arms and cannon. The storehouses contain
35,000 muskets, rifles, carbines and pistols;
2300 sabres, 100 cannon, 600,000 cannon balls
and shells, 30,000 pounds canister, and aocou•
trements for 100,000 men. The total value of
the land and buildings, with contents, is ores