Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 26, 1856, Image 3

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Tire ELECTlON.—Contrary to all the expo.
tattoos of the knowing ones of the borough,
the clectionon Friday last resulted In a distinc
tive, decisive and emphatic victory of Fusion
over the American candidates. It may be con
sidered its an open rebuke to the sly endorse.
went of the nomination of an ultra pro-slavery
candidate fe. the Presidency. A. rebuke open,
manly, !‘.ineere, nod emphatic, to the Jour or
fire pettifoging blood-suckers, who presume to
direct the course of Americanism, and, who,
"considering themselves the heart and bead of
the 'American Party of Huntingdon County,
declare their ratification of an ill-timed nomi
nation. the voice of the free tchite men of this
county. The people of the county we know,
If they were properly acquainted with the Jes
uistic principles of some of their would-be lea
ders, would not recognize certain worn-out,
party hags in theFfuntingdon Council, N 0.67,
ns such. We despise party men who are such
not from principle,.but for selfglorification, if
we may be permitted the term. And who will
*deny the self evident fact, that scores of shabby
oflice.seekers in this county, have mounted
the hobby "Sam," for the sole purpose of riding
into fist ofliees and as natural consequent now
a.days, squandering the publiefunds.
All the American candidates with the excep
tion of 'School Directors, were defeated. No
subjoin a list of the successful candidates.
Judge.—Cap. jOllll Whittaker, old lino Whig.
School Direciere.—Wm. Rothrock, A. W.
Benedict, Americans.
dodder.—A. 1,. (trim, Leedom. •
Constable.-11m. U. King, Loco.
Assessor.—John Colestoa ; do.
Ltspector.—Graf. !killler,
Too MANY &Hoot IllooNs.—We saw a
score of juveniles of both sexes, coming from
School yesterday, and were astonished at the
number of boo!,. the little creatures curried.
One bright-eyed hot had thorn heaped up, like
Dominic Sampson when he revelled in the
brary of Col. Mannering. We believe that too
,cony books ire used ; they only muddle the
brain without profitable result, and make our
schools too much on the Mather order, us de
/quit.] by the inimituble Dickens in his Dom.
bey ; "when poor Paul had spelt out number
two, he limed he had no idea or number one ;
fragments whereof afterwards obtruded them•
selves itdo number three, which elided into
number foto., that in turu,grafted itself on num
ber two. So that whether twenty Romuluses
untie a Romulus, or hie h&c hoc wastroy weight
or a verb always agreed with an ancient Brit
on, or three times four was Taurus, a bull, were
open questions with him."
/I{o I, TOP.—Anotber splendid now engine
designed fur the Huntingdon and Broad Top
Railroad, arrived here on Monday.—The
Broad Top have "struck" fur higher
wages. The price they demand per ton, is 60
cents, they have been receiving 40 cents, and
wo understand they have been offered 45.—The
town of Stenerstown, is decidedly a "fast instd
tio - islitin," where the b'hoys live. We are in
iiirmed that on Monday, ten barrels of the "rid
dle mo Dolce Junes," landed there, and that it
is no new occurrence.—The basin and weigh
lock are approaching completion, but we are
doubtful whether the latter will be finished by
the opening of navigation.—A 'turndable' bas
been erected at the 'cut' at Arenhates.—Cual
is now carried over the road and the demand
for it is very great. •
AfesW.—We have been requested to announce
that 3fr. 0. C. B. Carter will visit Huntingdon
during the 2nd and 3d weeks of April, with a
large and elegant assortment of Pianos, \felo•
deans, Sheet Music, ale., ke., from the eaten
,sive Warevuonis of J. E. Gould, 13.1 Chestnut
St., Phil. lie will exhibit his articles to visit
ors in the room formerly occupied as the Engi
emcees Office of the Broad Top MR, His in
struments being of the very. best quality, we
are confident will please the most fastidious.
Mr. John Plassyk, a Pianist of rare ability will
accompany him to treat the ''good people" of
Huntingdon to some excellent music. All are
respectfully invited to 40[11.0 and hoar and see
for themselves.
"GALTDETE EXULTEMVS !"—We have no ad
jectives—positive, comparative or superlative—
to express our satisfaction in announcing that
spring has come at last, and that those int.
mouse hillocks of mud and garbage which have
collected during the winter in our streets, block
ing up the way, and incommoding the public
generally, will he removed. We are living in
,tlAc joyful anticipation that if we have a here'
government, this matter will be attended to.
In vice or such bright prospects, we and as wo
began "Condole ISultemus .
lovely day was the 17th, and the people eeies of
rain were all unfulfilled. We venture the sug
gestion that as February had, this year, twenty
nine days, and St. Patrick did not recognize
the institution of leap year, it being a modern
invention, Sunday was the true St. Patrick's
slay, and consequently the snow that fell and
the raw, lowering sky that hung over us, were
the proper marks of his arrival. This being
,the case, the public will piirdon the failure to
,celebrate the 17th of March with a rain or a
snow storm.
REPUBLICAN MnaTlso.—A Bopubliaan mee
ting was held in this borough, on Monday eve•
ning last, for the purpose of electing delegates
to represent the county in the Union State
Convention, to meet in llarrishurg today.
Sam. G. Whittalcer was elected President,
and J. S. Barr, Secretary.
J. Sewell Stewart, Esq., was appointed Rep.
resentative and J. Williamson, Esq., Sonatorial
After other business the meeting adjourned.
NEW CLlUltell.—We understand that tare Ger.
man Refoinned tiongregation of this place, in•
tend banditti; a naw church the coming ,uOl.
POETRY.—WO publish a piece from a young
friend, outside. It is not of that morbid, sick•
ly t debilitated, %chinning, raving, melancholy.
mad, sentimental young lady Muse stuff. "Ab•
pins," and "stars," and "primal depths," and
"chaos voices," and "sperial melodies," togetly
er wills much shedding of tears, and wailing as
of souls iu purgatory, are the chief materials
of which the poetry of the last fifteen years
has been manufactured.
llnvrixos.—The quarterly meeting for the
Huntingdon Circuit, will be held in the
Court House on the 29th and 30th inst. Prea
ching, on Saturday at 10 o'clock. Rev. J. Poi
sal, P. H., will be present.
The quarterly meeting for Manor Hill cir
cuit will be held at Wesley Chapel on the sth
and 6th of April.
Annul ED.—The individual who stabbed the
colored man Brutus, at the Baptist Church, a
month or so ago, was arrested on Saturday last,
and after a hearing before Esquire Snare, was
bound over in the suns °MOO° fur his appear•
ante at the April Court. He will then no doubt
find a pretty "rough road to travol."
Extitarriox.--We nogloted to notice the ex
hibition iu the Court Room on Friday, the 14 , 11
inst. The class consisted of *Misses Maggio
Wallace, Maggie Willoughby,Aanie and Collie
Saxton, Jennie Kessler•, Lizzie and Hattie
Campbell, and they all performed very well.
Sunri•uous.—That supper ou Saturday eve.
Ice Cream flavored with fish brine was no com•
parison. Friend —you must 'do it once
more." But tho beauty present amply made
up for all other short: comings.
ncws Of tly
The U. S. propeller Arctic has returned
from an unsuccessful cruise in search of the
nutting steamship Pacific.
Free State Legislatnre of Kansas bas elec
ted A. It. Reeder nod James 11. Lane United
States Senators Irons that inchoate State.
The bodies of four of the victims of the re.
cent steamboat disaster on the Delaware, were
recovered on Saturday lust. These increase the
total of those recovered to 27; nod yet it is
said that there are 35 persons still missing.—
The hearing of evidence in the inquest was
continued last evening.
On the oth inst., n man of color, known as
"old lieu Duke," died at Louisville, at the ad
s•ancoed age, of one hundred and ten years
eight month nod three
.days. He was a on.
ties of Maryland, but emigrated to Kentucky
when Louisville was a more outpost in the
An Old Lino Whig City Convention met in
Philadelphia ou the 18th inst., and organized
by the election of permanent, °Ricers. About
68 delegates attended. No business of imp:,
tenon was transacted, but speeches were made,
strongly denouncing the Know Nothings us well
as the abolitionists. A disposition adverse to
Mr. Milner° was manifested.
Thn Louisville Journal is delighted with the
Philadelphia K. N., platform. It snyu: "No
form of words could be devised I,7uliafiny
more clearly the doctrines of the Wilmot pro
viso." 'The "Vied has yielded a principle,
which it never yielded till now. The grand
point is gained," Ste.
A remonstrance from citizens of rhiladel
phia, OHO hundred and nieudy feel lung, was
presented to the Legislature on Tuesday, a
ginst the incorporation of the Franciscan
Brothers of Cambria county. It was signed
by over six thousand persons.
The Republican State Convention of Con.
necticut. wl.ich met in Hartford on Wednesday
nominated the following tick : Fur Governor
Gideon Wells, of Hartford; Lieutenant Gov.
ornor, Henry B. Harnison, of New Haven.;
Treasurer, Joseph B. • Coy, Secretary, John
Boyd, of Winstead; Comptroller, John T. Ad•
isms, of Norwich.
The St. Louis Democrat has a letter from
Topeka, dated the Sth .inst., stating that the
Free State Legislature of Kansas has in joint
convention elected Hon. A. IT. Iteeder and
lion. James N. Lane United States Senators.
Mr. Reeder was elected on the first, and. Mr.
Lane on the second ballot. Earls received 38
votes out or 36 members present.
In his Lecture at New Haven, Connecticut,
last week, the abolitionist Garrison expressed
n wish to have all the Slave States turned out
of. the Union.-71rashington Union.
Well, is not this the same wish that JEFFEI,
son DAVIS, the new Secretary of War, express
ed when ho presided over a secession Conven
tion? GARRISOY wishes to turn the Slave
States out, and Mr. Planes's Cabinet officer
wishes to draw them out. Where then is the
difference in position, we would ask the Un
The Slave Margaret, who murdered her child
at Cincinnati, and was remanded to slavery,
was on the steamboat that recently sunk after
a collision, 90 the Ohio. She and her bubo
by soma moans got into the river, and tho lat.
ter was drowned. A requisition had been
made for her on the Governor of Kentucky,
by the Governor of Ohio, and the owner of the
slave had secretly sent bar off on the steam
boat to avoid giving, her up, and selling her in
a mote Southern market.
Thu markot is dull to day. Standard brawls
are held at $7 per barrel, without sales to any
extent, and only u few swell lots have been
taken for home use at sBasB,so per bbl, succor.
ding to brand Rye Flour and Corn Meal are
also quiet. The former is held ut sd, and the
butter at pee barrel. Wheat ooltiaues scarce
and prime lots aro wanted at full rates. About
8000 bushels fair White sold at 180 cents, and
.1500 bushels in store at a price not public.—
Red is held nt 175 cents, without sales. Corn
is about stationary, and 596000. Penneylva.
nin Yellow brought 58a00 cents—mostly the
latter price in store. Rye is held at 100 cent's,
with shall sales of Pennsylvania at that price.
of Oats about 2000 lita4ul4 Pun.. Old at
39 rents per bushel.
On the 6th inst., by E. Plummer, Esq., Mr.
Wm. Peigart to Miss Catharine Putt, all of
Bedford Co., Pa.
On the 17th inst., at Conlmont, by Levi
Evans, Esq., Mr. Charles Thornly to Miss Ann
Jones, all of Huntingdon county.
On the 20th inst„ by Roy. S. 11. Reid, Mr.
Marlin Shultz to Miss Martha Reline; near
On the 14th inst., near Newton Hamilton,
Arthur 8., eon of Arthur 11. and Elizabeth
Clarke, aged 7 month. and 14 days.
icsam.s - incn.tire,
T'MOVilEgial Ca VTR V/ 2E.
Sebastopol Taken!
30,000 ifEN KILLED
The undersigned has just returned from the
city with a large and splendid assortment of
Fall and Winter Goods,
which Ito is now prepared to dispose of at very
low and reasonable rates. Persons desiring to
purchase will find it to their interest to give hitn
a call before purchasing elsewhere, ns he Mines
only to please. His stock consists ofa large lot of
Dry Goods, Hardware.
NO 017: & sl.ltit s UATTO &
Glass & Queensware,
a large and splendid assortment of ready made
which ho is prepared to sell in lots to suit purch
asers. JOHN HUYETT,Jr.
N. B.—Country produce taken in exchange
fug Cools,
Nov. 7, 1855.—th
To those who wish Farms—to have fertile
land at is dimes price and on easy terms, your at
tention is called to the Ridgway c arm and
Coal Company. Twenty-live acres or more in
proportion ' are given lbr Sane, payable in instal
mews of St pee week, or SC per month. It is
located in Elk county. Pa., and has one of the'.
lied markets in the state for its produce. The
soil is a rids loam, and is nut to he surpassed
for farming, ns examination will show. It has
the best elements of prospisity, being underlaid
kg two rich veins of Coal, and will shortly be
intersected kg four railroads. Tim timber is of
the most valuable kind. Title unexceptionably
good, and wArantee deeds are pivots. It pre
sents a good and sabstantial opporttmity to coin
tacore farming, providing her one's children or
maltiog an investment. Further particulars eon
be had from the pamphlets which are sent to in
quirers. Leiters answered promptly. Apply
oraddress SAIPL W. CATTELL, Secretary,
135 Walnut Street, north side between Fourth
and Isiah sts., Philadelphia. Full inforetation
is contained in the pamphlets.
Feb. 13, 1850.-3 m.
No. 6. South Third Street,
importer of French Calf Skins ;
has Constantly on Mini!, and Always
Finishing, all kinds of
Leather, Morocco, CalfSkins,Cheop
Skins, &c.. &c.
'Cho attention or Country Merchnuts and Man•
uracturars, is solicited.
January 2, 1836.-Iy.
To iron Manufacturers.
Mlle subscriber has recently discovered an ore
bank which will yield an abundant supply of
Icon Ore. This Urn Bank is on a small tract of
land (belonging to the subscriber) containing o
boist twenty acres—situated its Walker Town
ship, about ono mile and three quarters front the
station on the Broad Top Railroad, near Me-
Specimens of the ore may be seen iu Ilunt.
.ingdon at the Ticket office of the Patina. Con•
teal Railroad.
The subscriber will either cell or lease the:n•
hove tract of htud.
Jnuuar.• 2,1856.-4 m.
There has been opened in the llnll formerly oc•
envied by the "Sons of Temperance" in the
Borough of Huntingdon, a School under the a
bove title, in which,
is proposed to be given a
thorough course of Instrartion and Practice in
Single and Double Entry Book-Keeping. Also
lectures on Commercial Law, will be given in
regular course, by the most talented members or
the Betr.
Students can enter at any time, a day or eve
ning Class, or both if they wish. For any other
particulars,address personally or by letter
T. 11. POLLOCK. Principal.
Huntingdon, Dec. 10, 11355.-9 m•
Davenport, lowa.
Attends to buying, selling and locating lands
and land warrants, pays taxes, loans money on
Heal Estate security, on Commission, examincc
and makes abstracts of title, &c. Any business
intrusted, will be attendee] to promptly and with
Refer to lion. Geo. Taylor and Members of
the Bar at Huntingdon.
Nov. 21, '55.• 61u.,
Adtilinistratorls Notice.
ETTEns of Administration on the estate of
jJoshua Edwards, Into of Tod township, dee'd.,
having been granted to die undersigned, all per-
Sung indebted to said estate ore requested to
make immediate payment, and those baying ac
counts against the some should present them for
eettlement. ALLEN EDWARDS.
Pub. 2T, 'S6.—BL•
the oll , lees t or i Street, opposite
• Uwe.. (70.' sEtsa."
Mules tbr Sale.
The subscriber idlers fur sale six large, flue
mules, with wagon and gears. The mules aro
large, sound, and in good condition, six years
old, and will weigh about 1,000 lbs. each. Tide
is as good a draft team as is in the county. If
preferred, four only will be sold.
Carrick Furnace, Frank. co., l!a.
J. tgUii);il(o,2l LITTIMAD
(Wee with Daniel Mica, Esq.., Dill street lie•
jtween Montgomery and Smith streets, Hunt.
Ingdou, Pa. (Sept. 20,
W. IL WOOD, A. M., Proprietor and Principal.
JOHN M. CAUSLAND, Teacher in Preparatory Department.
Rev. W. S. MORHISON, Lecturer on Evidences of Christianity,
Rev. JAMES CAMPBELL, Lecturer on General Literature.
J. A. SHADE, M. D., Lecturer on Anatomy and Ilygeana.
The semi-annual Exhibition will take place on
he delivered before the societies in the fore part
evening, the examinations the week previous. '
spectfully invited to attend. The next session t
stitution holds out peculiar inducements to young
structors is composed of gentlemen of high literar
The location is very healthy, having the pure moo t
from stagnant water and marshy ground. Thom ,
place. The temptations to vice, idleness, and die
mind of the student from his books, no liquor is al
Union, 17 miles off. It is just tac it n situatibn as
The societies are in a flonrishing condition ;
buildings are large anti commodious, capable of a
is a quiet and retired place, situated on the mail rc
station of the Penna. Railroad.
Torus—For session of tire months, for board ti
fuel, extra. Students are charged from the time
meats quarterly in advance. Fat catalogues amt
March 5,1855.-3 mo.
Mi IfflUTMatb 41':.",,,3t.i.lflt3ILAUTIJII,
A HOME von Am. von Doti DOLLAR !
S9I.IrIEB $3. Quarter SIIMPIES *l.
rrnE Directors of the Great North Western
I Mutant Land Agency, elected hr' the Share
holders of their respective towns ' don Ist
F. 11. Betuthien, ()flows city, C. W., Walton
11. Draper, New York, 11.1'. l'attcrsen, Spring
field, 111., G. W. Meson, Richmond, Va., H. W.
Leland, Chicago, 111., G. 1.. Dames, Chicago,
lii., respectfully entwine') that in acce Hance
with the vote an large majority of the stock
holders, received Sy letter in answer to their
first circular and report, that they will distribute
on the_
Among the sharelßohlets of the Assoointion,
- $125.000 IN LANDS AND CASH.
Comprking 42 flne ftrno, worth front $5OO
to $30,000 each, 100,000 town loto in protnising
townr, 30,000 acres choice Western lands,.
T I'trinof 320 [wren, with orchard and
good buildings, within one mile of
the It. It. station, and 20 miles of
Fdrm,6o neres, nl flock county,
Wis., with young melons!, fair buil
dings nod half timbered, 20,000
4 Farms in Illinois, each $lOOO, 4,000
" " Indiana, " 500, 1,500
9 " " Mineouri, 6 ' 600, 1,200
Ten 100 'ern trnetn in Win, each $4OO, 4,000
1,000 town lots in the above States, 5,000
20,000 acres choice will lands, 30,000
10,000 acres islets lands in lowa and
Minnesota, being entered.
Enchlot or Otto. is 0 prize, and the lands me
so divided an to secure to every share, et least
0 town lot or nn acre of good hind, with the
chances for the splendid farms, worth from $5OO
to $BO,OOO each. . _ .
Cy, Such is the increased value of these loots
that purelotsers stand ready to pay cash, within
20 per rent of their valuation, fur any of the
prizes over Slop. Ant smiler prizes will be to
ken at their value, in payment for stock in the
test annual distribution. •
........... .....
Your committee have received the books, pa
pets, registers and titles to the lands, have visi
ted most of the farms, and find eceryththg em
cees mid satisfactory—much beyond thew most
sanguine expeetatuins. They therefore without
hesitation, recnounend the association to all who
may desire a home in the West, find to those
seeking profitable investments. Where a few
dollars now invested may tell largely in the fu
ture without risk or loss!
Any person may become n member of the as
sociation, and joint owner of the property, en
titled to dintribution, on the purelmse of on or
more shares or quarter shares. Every share
and quarter share is duly numbered, signed and
registered and will draw its psoportion of the
property by its Number in whole or quarter
tracts. There being a limited number of simrtis
yet unsold, agents are wanted in every town in
the Union and the enmities, to sell stork and
buy Land Warrants, and to report extraordinary
chances for investment. A good percentage
will he allowed. Booksellers Mill newsmen ore
particularly requested to act as agents. Land
Warrants aro wanted by the association at their
thee ur $1,25 per nose, in stock or the market
price in cash. The more funds received the
more land there will he to divide, on every dot
, lar now received by the Directors will be lures
toil for the Association, A commission of 15
per cent will he silenced ou soles, and purcha
sers and circulars will be duly forwarded. The
Directors will remit' to direct the linsitthss, and
any moneys received too late to buy shares will
lie immediately returned by mail. Agents will
please remit us soon ns sales are offiected, and
write their names and address us plain as possi
ble, and the numbers of stock and whoa sold.—
The result of the distribution trill be reported to
each shareholder by legit.
C,To secure stock yon have only to enclose
the money at the rate of $3 per share, and SI
each per quarter share, in current money, it
our risk, directed to LELAND, BARNES &
Co., Box 852, Chiengo, 111., and the shares Will
he forwarded by return mail.
We will pay the highest cash prices, in shares,
or part in shares or all cash. We will locate
Land Warrants on the most advantageous terms
fur parties abroad. We haring t liicicnt sows
iu every Land Office with plots of the best un
entered lands in the Union. This is a rare op
portunity to persons holding Land NV:wrests in
the Eastern States to have them located by it
reliable company, on some °feit choicest lauds
of the Union, where rapid advancement is cer
tain. It will only be necessary to transmit by
nutilor express your Warrants duly transferr.l
and we will return the Shares or cash, by return
mail, or the titles to the lauds ath soon WI they
can be located. Address I, mail for Shares in
the above Association, or for location of land
warrants, _
Agents Gt. N. W. Land Agency.
Bow 852, Chicago, Illinois.
E. B. Where parties prefer it, lands will be
entered is their names, and tuxes, etc., paid liar
thorn for au agreed portion ui the rise iu value
far periods or Sor 5 years. At wide!' time if
preferred by them, their money will be returned
with 12 per cent per annum interest in lieu of
et title to the lands. L., B. S. Co.
Send In your orders et once.
raFLetters simply or inquiry, should oncloso
a stump for return posture.
Ilarch 5,1856.-2 nm,
DAVID IVATSON, .11 , 10. C. hiNl:3.
Hollidaysburg, Blair, Co., Pa.
rE proprietors of this establisli- i, r • emir.
mat haye latels increased their .1,0111 1 51 i.
faci lidos' for Ihinishingextensively ,
Steam Engines, Blowing Machine- . W.VO
ry, Railroad Car-wheels, and Axles, Mill Gear
ing, Pulleys, Hangers, Shafting, Bog Blast and
other pipes, Forge and Furnace castings of all
kinds, Plows and flew Castings, Porticos, Ver
andahs, ;eon I,tuilitigs of beautiful style mid fin
ish. All 'curb dune with dispatch and on as fa
vorable terms us any other establishment in the
Fab. 20, '50.-din.
the Ist Wednesday of April. An address will
of the day. The exhibition will come off in the
These exercises the friends of education are re
will open the lot Wednesday of May. This in•
men seeking an education. The Board of In
ry attainments and skilled in their professions.
intain sir and free from all noxious vapors arising
subject to ague could not find a more desirable
issipation Aro few. There is nothing to draw the
Mont,' to lie sold in the place or nearer than Mt.
a young man desirous of improvement would
and each has a fine library ot choice works. The
wconimodating some filly students. Shade Gap
onto between Cliamborsburtz and the Mt. Union
tuition and room, $52.50. Washing, ligh, and
of entering until tho close of the session. Pay
.l further particulars address
Shade Gap, hunt. Co., Pa.
rrinE Commissioner?. of Huntingdon County
will la,1:1 appeals iu the several townships
sad boroughs at the following times and places,
Mr the pre,ent year, between the hours of 9 o'-
eloel:. A. 111., and 4 o'cloel:, P.M., to wit :
Porter township on 11•idny The 7th day of
llnrt•h et the house of William Christie in Al
West township on Saturday the Bth day of
Mara at the house of Isaac Neff iu Petersburg.
Parrce township on Monday the loth flay of
Mara at the house of Jas. Fleming in Manor
_ .
Jnekorn township on Tuesday the 11th at
Stewart's MeAlavey'a Fort.
Morris township - on Wednesday the 12th at
Hazlet's, Spruce Cr,eek.
Franklin township on Thursday the 13th at
the public Image in Mechanicsville.
Warriorsmark township on Friday the 14th at
the house ofJas..Chamberlain in IVarri9rmutrk.
Walker township on Monday the 17th at the
house of Benj. Mcgahan in McConnellstown.
Penn township on Tuesday the 18th at the
house of George tfouseholder in Marklcsburg.
• .„.,
Hopewell township os Wednesday the 19tii at
James Entrain's Cotyee Bun.
Tod township on "'humbly the 2nth nt the
firren l louse near Eagle lousier.
ea, township on Friday the 21st at the
School House in Cesseille.
ou Saturday the 221 at the
School Flou,e in Scottsville.
4,0114061 on Monday tho 24th at the School
House near Hugh Maddens.
C ro mwell on Tuesday the 25th at the School
House at Orldsonia.
Shirley Baru; hip and Shirley:lmq,, borough
on Wednesday the 26th et 31rs. Fralcer's in
Tell township Thursday the 27th at the School
' House near Niehol.ts Guoshorn's.
Dublin township Friday the 28th at the pub
. lic house Shade Cap.
Brady township on Monday the 3lstetMill
Crochet the house of James K. Hampton.
Union township on the lot. of April at thu
house of Caleb Swoope.
Henderson township and Huntingdon borough
on the 3d day of April at the Commissioners'
BENJ. K. NEFF, Com'm
Feb. 27, 1956.
An Improvement Worthy the Progres
sive Age.
tJliber is prepared to furnish every
Tc",l,7 l :rthe Commanuealth tr'ith one of
these superb articles, acknowledged by all who
have them in use, and by every one who has tes
ted them, to be superior to anything of the kind
ever brought before the public.
They ere made of the best motet ial, under the
supervision of the subscriber, who is prepared
to deliver them at any point in this or the ad
joining counties. This machine !possesses many
advantages over any other of the kind, from the
Nut, that it in no manner scenes the clothingus
es less sermon , ' is easier worked.
The price ranges from six to seven dollars.
The subscriber warrants this machine to give
entire satisfaction. If it does not do everything
he says, no charge will ho etude. A trial is ear
nestly incited and perfect satisfaction warranted.
A strong recommendation for the machine is
the number already sold.
Any person who wishes ono of these articles,
can be accommodated by addressing
Alexandria, Hunt. Co., Pa.
Mlle National Safety Company.
it'dioit suers, South West Own, 'Rini Street.
Incorporated by the State of Penn
Aironey is received in any Runt large or small
ALatul interest paid from the day of deposit.
• • - • • •
q'he (Alec is 4en every day, l'roin o . o'clock
in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, end
on Monday und Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock
All sums large or small, aro paid back in gold
on_demand without notice, to any amount.
President, lion HENRY CKENNER,
Secretory, WM J. REnn.
Henry . -
Banner, C. Landreth Mutton,
Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster,
Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry,
Samuol IC. Ashton, Ben. L. Churchman,
James B. Smith. Francis Leo.
The investments, amounting as pea statement
of Jan. 1, 1856, to $576.218.91, (nine hundrid
nod ssoetay-si.s thousand, tern hawked and eighteen
dollars and ninety-one cents) and now amounting
to more thou ONE MILI.ION of dollars, iu accor
dance with the act of incorporation aro made in
Slot tgages, Ground Rents, and in snob first-olass
securities as must always insure perfect security
to the depositors, and place beyond all rink the
permanency and stability of tltis old and well
established Institution.
Feb. L'O, 1856.
11. L. BROWN
Do dues his thanks to his former patrons. and
would respectfully announce that ho has fi•
gain resumed the practice of medicine ' and will
at nil times be found at home, when not profes•
sionally engaged.
Cunrges extremely moderate.
Cassville, January I, 1956.-3 m.
- - -
CAPITAL, $200,000.
FIRE INSURANCE S perpettull or limited,
made tit town or country, on every description
of properly.
Limes promptly paid.
J. MoDOIVELI., E l ccrutatY•
W. tutEwsmt, Arnt, Ilu
Jou. 93, 11139,-tr,
NOW is the time to purchase
0 , -, -','; V.I. g..123i71,111
Dove just received from Philadelphia. - the lar
gest and finest assortment of Dry Goods over of
fered to the citizens of this place ' and surround
ing wintry ; such as Merinos, Alpacas, Muslin
d e Lanes, Yaramatta Cloth, Persian Clotli,black
and Colored Silks and every variety of I)ress
Goods an d T r i m mings. Also, Cloths, Cassim
ers, Vestings, &c.,
Call and See
ono of the finest assortments ot fronnudge hret
to this place ; also, Collars, Undersleeves,
marctts, Gloves of every variety, Ladies' Scarfs
and the best assortment of Slianls ever offered
A splendid lot oldie finest Carpet and Oil Cloth
of every variety, tool the Lest assetfluent in town
of every description, and at lower prices than
eon be got At any other house. •
although they are a little up, we will try and sell
as low as the lowest.
the largest and best assortment ever offered, and
at lower prices.
and every variety of Coeds, such as are usually
kept in a couttry store. Call anal sec licAire
purchasing any otl er place, and if we can't sat
iey you or the fact, we will care under.
October a, 1855.
the hest assortment of Carrel and Oil Cloth
jest received and for sale by J. & W. Saxton.
?The handsomest assortment of Do lanes, Per.
slim Clot!), Latina Cloth, Berage de Lanes,
Paramette Cloth, and all wool Merinoes, all wool
de lures, of the best styles and selected with the
greatest care, for sale by J. &W. SAXTON.
- .
webs assorted Prints. just received and
SJu‘Jfor sale by J. $6 W. SAXTON.
The greatest variety of Boots find Shoes ever
altered for sato by J. &W. SAXTON.
L'f'll7'esc, 91.lrairms r.mings, le t eLe q a ..C4 . raL7.= ;s and
Za beautifultili s i u l
ute lo i t L; listst
A ('ups, ntsn Silk nail
A, got.
Trimmings,t.lllC; e .s . ,l B l2w . ss n , x tri n te .
Itn t .e ir s , t il n n g s s s , oLt y ment an d
Aguc Powders, ,lust reed and for sole
Le y . J.W. SAXTON.
rf !tegl t;IS11 s,stel Aiir sla, eassiiTe,,t,stt e . nit sgutraawljustree
and for sale by J. & W. sixToN.
T& W. SAXTON will take a ll kinds of coun
t; try produce in exchange for goods at their
cheap store, south, cat corner of Public Square.
Attes3rtment of tai3lt ite'd
and for j.1v.,1k07.
Call and look beforeyouipurckago.
a1'01 . 219
ft , ,, ,..,s w jt o l i s , t en r i t i t g ir s n u e e d
0 11o:1 h : e l hil
prettiesta. e i:11 ! n u Is t
selected stock of goods ever brought to the bor
ough of Huntingdon. It would be useless to
mention nll of the goods we hove on hand—
Ladies , Dress Goods.
of the latest styles.
A large stock of Doserv, Dress Trimmings,
Ribbons, Velvet, bonnets lindersleves Collars,
Spencers, Casimercs, Cloths, Casino as, Laces,
Silk Mitts, Delanes, Dc-Merge, Kid Gloves,
and all kinds of goods generally kept in a
country store. . .
Alto—n fine assortment of
Boots, Shoes, Bats, & caps,
Glassware, Queensware and Crderware.
A largo and good supply of
Fresh Groceries.
Call and see my goods and examine for your.
--; Thankful for the patronage of the past by my
friends, and the public generally, I respectfully
solicit a contl n Renee of the came.
All kinds of country produce token in ex
change for goods at the highest market price.
oa. 10.1855,
If you want to buy good Cheap Goods.
D. P. Gain hos just received from Philadel
phia a largo and beautiful stock of
sum. AND 1.7.71NTER. GOODS.
consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods,
for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as French Tie
rinoett, Alparc t, Par:motto Cloth, Version Cloth
All Wool do Loins, Fancy de Loins, Debaize,
Cobings, Black and Fancy Dress Silks, anti
Prints of nil ddsmiption. Also, Cloths, Cassi
mers, plain and loner Cassinets, Vestings, &c.
ALSO, a large lot of dregs Trimmings, dress
Buttons, Ribbonds, Bonnet Silks, Gloves, Mitt . ,
Woolen and Cotton Hosiery, Laces, Veils, Un
dersleeves, Collars, Chinumetts, Riguletts, Silk
Bonnets, and a variety of Dress Goods too nu
merous to mention.
Flannels of all kinds, Unsays, Woolen Table
Covers, Shawls, Comforts, bleached and unblea
ched Muslin,, Ticken, Checks, Gingham, &e.
Groceries ofall kinds, Hats di. Caps,
Boots and Shoes, Oil Cloths,
Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, and all goods usually
kept in a country Store.
My old customers, and as ninny now ones as
can crowd in are respectfully requested to come
and examine my goods.
All kinds of Country produce taken in ex
change for goods, at the highest market prices.
October 3, 1855.
f iUNNIN c aIAM S DUNN lt,,ye 3ast returned
U from Philadelphia, nu aro now opening at
the head of the Brun; Top Baian a law and
beautiful assortinent of Fall St Winter Goods
Consisting of
Dry Goods, Ilard-ware, Groceries,
Queens-ware, Cedar-ware,
Hats, boots and shoes.
illow-wa re.
Ready MadiCialini - aiiiiys on hand,
and in short everything that is usually kept in a
country store.
kept constantly for gale.
Call and examine our stock before purchn
sing elsewhere, and FOO whether we cannot
make it your interest to patronise us.
All kinds of country produce taken in ex
change for Goods at the highest market prices.
The highest market pikes paid tar all kinds
of Urain. _ _ _
ir;; • tri - p t at lout ion paid to storing and forward
log all kinds of increhatti,o, product,' Bc.
Huntingdon. Oct.. to ISt,
— Y:"YsJ - ii'i`J2:;:&i , J:'
`.MILL '•
,11•111.1 k
Corner of Germantown Road and New Market
Streets, on the North Pennsylvania Ra:l had,
Constantly on hand or made to order, I in: t'oi
lowing highly approved Floor Mill Mavdit;erv.
Woodward's Patent Portable Rills (tad Smut
Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Rran Dna-
Stover's Patent Fuel Saving Corn Kits.
Picrson's Patent Bareel Hoop and Mauidiug
Improved Bridge Steps and Bushes for Mill
The beet Anchor Brand ltoltin Cloth Burr &
Calico Mill globes. Corn, Cole and Blast.,
Johnston's Patent Cast Metal Con-
V. 11221 2i1M10,0
Ett,t and South-East of the Ohio and Ilissi, ea
Warranted to take oat Of the otlhl of sett
Bushel Ground, from 1 to 2!1 lbs, of standard
nom., n•hith could not he bolted out on aceuu i i
of the electrical adhesion to the Bran.
NOTICE :—T hereby warn all persons against
infringing my rights, secured by Letters Pa
tent as above, as Twill prosecute all per:-ons
making, selling, or using an/ Bran Dusters
with au Iron or Cast Metal Concave is vio•
Wien of the Letters Patent of Joseph John
ston, dated April 24th, 185.1.
TIIOMAS It. WoODWARD, Proprietor.
N. B.—State nod County Patent Rights f;.e•
all the above Machines for Sale.
August 211, 185;i. ti
9IFIE subscribers have establisheda Book
Agency in Philadelphia, and will furnish soy
hook or publication at the retail pries ttr. et
postage. Any persons. by forwarding the ,sh•
scription price of any of the $3 Magazines, such
on Godey's, Putuam'a, Grahnan'f., r
Frank Leslie's Fashions, &c. will receive the
magazines for one your sod a copy of the spl, n
-11,1 lithograph portrait of either Washing,
Jackson or Cloy; or if subscribing to a $2 fool
asl Magazine, they will receive a copy of CI. ,
Cher of tho three portraits. If subscribing to
worth of Magazines, all three portraits will lie
sent gratis. Music furnished to those who may
wish it:
Envelopes of every description and sine iu
Large or small quantities furnished. Seal Press
es. Dies, &e. sent to order.
Every description ot la - Tracing on Wood ex
ecuted with neatness and dispatch. \loin of
Duildings,Nowspapor Headings, Views of Ma
chinery, Book Illustrations, Lodge Certificates,
Business Cards, &c. All orders sent by mall
promptly attended to. Persons wishing views
of their buildings engraved ran send a Daguer
reotype or ekeich of the building by mail or ex-
Pr ;:isons at a distance having saleable articles
would find it to their advantage to nildreav
subscribers, as wo would act as agents for the
sale Of the same. 13YRAM & PIERCE:,
50 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Nov. 28, 1855:—1y.
Chambersburg & Mt. Vision
riniE undersigned aware that a suspension of
I the line of Stages over the rood between
Ctntmlcrsllurg and Mt. 'Union, cannot he but
disadvantageous to a large section to the country
has, at considerable expense and trouble, math"
arrangements to run a line of Stages Tri-weekly
between the two points. Good Ilurses and com
fortable Stages have been placed on the route,
and experienced and trusty drivers will superin
tend the running of the Conches. The proprie
tor of the line is desirous that it be maintained,
and he therefore calls upon the public generally
to patronize it, confident that it mil he for their
mutual advantage. Every attention necessary
will he given, and the running of the stages will
be regular.
D' Stages leave Mt. Union, every Tuesday,
Thursday, and Saturday evenings, arriving at
Chamber:burg the next day at 2 o'clock. Re
turning, leave Chandicrsburg the same night at
10 o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union early the fol
lowing evening in time kirthe cars. Stages stop
at Shirlevsburg, Orbisonia, Shade flap, Burnt
Cabin's, Pannettsburq, Norse Valley, Strasburg
and Reefer's store. .
UrFaro tliroubli $3.00; to intermediate point
in proportion
Aug. 22, 1855.-tf.
30 50 0 0 '0%210 ta Es u
Tho subscriber iahappy to inform -
his numerous Mends and customers tlcit he hos
added very largely io his already extensive and
varied stock of new and popular books—and coo
now boast as great a variety at the same low poi •
ces as the City Book Stores. Ills Stationary is
of great variety and well-selected, viz ; Fancy
and Plain Note, Letter and Cop paper, nod En
velopes. Gold Pens and Silver holder from $ 1
upwatids, Pen and Pocket Knives, Port Mon
!mins androcket Books, Ink and Inietertils, Ha
tor-strops and Brushes, be.
School Books in quantities to country merch
ants and teachers at City wholesale prices.—
Wrapping paper constantly on hand.
1,000 PIECES WALL PAPER, of ev
ery kind, Window Paperand painted Shade, with
Putnam's Patent Solf•Adjusting Curtain Fix
tures, Ali the above et Philadelphia retail-la-i-
-ces ; call and examine. 'I endeavor to please.'
Store on Railroad Street, Huntingdon, Pa.
Oct. 11, 1855
11. R9IIIN, I , :j
A GC 1 0iiiiIiE
CoNSISTINt; to , t,I KlN.lf,
401LitO w VANTs t , VZST.S,
And other articles of gentlemen's went.
Oct. 3, 1855.
rJIHE partnership heretofore existing between
.. Myton 1111.1 Mosier is by mutual consent dis
solved, and all persons knowing tbentselves in
()elite,' to the so' film, will please call and set •
de their accounts without delay.
Saul .burg, April 2, 1855.-O
Dissolution of Partnership.
The Partnership heretofore existing between
the undersi6ued, is.this day by mutual consent
dissolved. The business will be caviled on
hereafter, by John Huyett, Jr., at the old stand.
noiliorr OUNNINGIMItI,
JOIIN uurinrr,Jt.
(itt. 31, 18.55.-tf.
1(1(1 H"'"''' Buckwh e at fur Fib , by