ffiuntinOon lonntal. \ L/„./ • -1* Wednesday Morning, March 213,1858. WILLIAM BREWSTER, 2 EDITORS. SAM. G. WHITTAKER. Cheapest diJob Printing" Office in mix aOtTNTt. We have now made euelt arrangements in our Job gifice as trill enable us to do all kinds of Job Printing at 20 per cent. cheaper rates Than any Office in the County. Give us a call. If wo don't give entire satisfac tion, no charge at all will be made. Shall Kansas be a Free or a Slave State We have placed the above interrogatory at the head of our columns, as a standing motto and query. THE MONTHLY RAINBOH.—This valuable paper has been greatly eularged,"and now pre. sects a beautiful appearance. It is a magnifi• cent looking paper, and we earnestly rccom• mend it to our readers. We are obliged to the publidhere of the Rain. bow, for a copy of the "Phila. lilorchants' Diary and Guide." FOREIGN. Tho steamship Persia arrived at New York yesterday from Liverpool with news from En rope one week later than previous advices.— Breadstnffs have experienced a considerable decline. The action of the Peace Conferen ces was still unknown. In London, the Covent Garden Theatre has been totally destroyed by fire. The Emperor of the French has deliver ed an interesting speech at the opening of the Chamber of Peers. Denmark has again pro posed the capitalization of the Sound Dues , and Russia has readily acceded to the propo. anion. In the Spanish Cortes a member has made a remarkable attack on the ecclesiastics and the Pope, but it was repelled by a member of the Cabinet. The steamship Quaker City had arrived at Liverpool from New York, and sailed again on her return voyage. No news of the steamship Pacifio is brought by the Per sia. The Americans in Rome who celebrated Washigntou's birthday have projected a mon ument in France to the memory of Lafriyette. NEW HAMPSHIRE STANDS FIRM. The. Election in this State for Governor, Le gislature, &e., was hold last Tuesday. There were three tickets in the field, viz :—Locofoco, old line Whig, and American. Notwithstaud ing this division of the Opposition forces, Pierce Locofocoism was again sublected to a total route. The following despatch, tells the whole story CONCORD, March 13, 1856. The State has been again carried by the Americans and Republicans. They will have a majority in the Legislature and Gov. Metcalf, (American,) if not chosen by the people, which is yet doubtful, will be by the Howe and Sen ate in Convention next June. It has been the most memorable contest ever waged in New Hampshire. - • The most desperate efforts were made by the National Administration to carry the State.— Impartial witnesses testify that so vehement au effort was never before made by any party in that State. As the home of the President, who is now a candidate for reelection, it was deem. ed at 'Washington and Concord, by the Demo• cratie leaders, to be of the utmost consequence that it should be carried by their party, with a view to an effect on the Presidential canvass.— The Democratic party has gained largely over its vote of last year, but not enough to answer the purpose, and the American and Republican combination has carried a majority in both branches of the Legislature, and given it candi• dates for State officers the highest number of votes. Foreign Capital. for Home Use. If thd country does not relapse into the war fever—we see, says the New York Express, it will not be the fault of the Administration, nor the Adniinistratiou organ—the "Union." Simultaneously with a decidedly belligerent editorial on the "Enlistment question"—the prevarications of Lord Clarendon—and the correspondence which the President sends a Message to the House, asking for three mil lions of dollars to increase the militarylicien ceof the army I Difficulties with England, growing out of such questions as the Foreign Enlistments, and the misunderstanding about the Clayton- Bulwer Treaty, might all be settled easily e• nough,—we think,—had the administration been half as anxious to keep the peace abroad, —without compromising the honor of the coon• , try,—as it, is to increase its capital stock,—for some Cincinnati Couvention,—at home. There is no species of demagogueism that is so likely to damage the interests of tho country, as that which selects for its field of operations our for. eign relations,—yet, there is one wickedness, or one weakness, more than another, to which modern Democracy, and modern Democratic Administrations are disposed,—it is this. The voice of General Caae,—Semproniva•like,—ie "still of war:" Mr. Culling writes as if he would like to bring about a state of things,— leading to the same result.. Mr. Marcy lets off all sorts of fireworks, on "Crampton," and, Ten tral America.' The Union blusters and threat ens,—and General Pierce, not to bo outdone -nor underbid,—calls for threo millions of dul tare to buy fire•arme with l It was just ea—everybody will recollect,— _ in the Oregon controversy. It was "54 40 or Oght," and "War I" "War l" "War t" then, as now, was the cry of the Administation hen- Ales, in Tammany Nall, and In the Democrat ic preen. Much of the sound and fury of that day was all for 9mnkum"—but the business interests of the country, nevertheless suffered We it 'Wed, CONGRESS.-KANZAS We publish this week a copy of the re solutions offered by Mr. Dunn, of Indiana, in the House of Representatives ; togeth er with the vote there upon. By this vote, it will be seen that no , , a single southern member, Whig, Democrat, or Know No thing, (living south of Pennsylvania, and the Ohio River) voted in favor of freedom in Kanzas. 'l'o enable our readers clearly to under stand these resolutions, and the objects of the friends of freedom to Kanzas, in pas sing them, it must be known, that at the time this territory was laid off by Congress there were hut few white people living in it. The territory up to that time having belonged to the Indians ; and being part of the territory which the Missouri Compro mise of 1820 had declared should be for ever free and in no way open to slavery. The Missouri Compromise having been de stroyed by Pierce and the Congress of 18- 54, the slave.holders attempted to seize up on and conquer this territory, and forcibly occupy it. A large number of settlers from the free States, having gone and set tled there, it was soon seen that if these free settlers were left undisturbed, the ter ritory must shortly become a free state. 'l'o prevent this the slave-holding inhab itants of the western counties of Missou ri, entered into the territory, armed with cannon and small arms ; burnt many hou ses of the free state people, and murdered numbers of the inhabitants. In addition to this, •vlten the time for holdings territo rial election for Legislators came, the Nis sourians went in armed bands, to all the polls where the free settlers were weak in numbers, drove them from the election grounds, and elected delegates to suit them selves. Amongst the members elect was a lawyer named Stringfellow, who lived at that time with his family in Missouri, and still lives there, When this Legislature met, this Stringfellow went over again to Kanzas, and was elected Speaker of the House of this Missouri Legislature—this so called. Legislature, then proceeded to pass several laws, as they called them— chiefly concerning slavery, which they de clared to be permanently established is Kanzas; and provided that if any ono spoke against slavery in Kansas, he should be confined in the Penitentiary five years, and if any one attempted to destroy slave ry in Kanzas, and liberate the slaves, he should suffer death. The rest of these laws are of a like character ; and to secure future elections by importations of Missou rians from the border counties there was a provision that any one living in Kansas, J- .-- -..-,- - that the Missourians coming over in the morning and paying the tax of a dollar, may vote for all officers in the evening.— These are the laws which President Pierce in his proclamation calls on the people of Kansas to obey, and tells them if they fail to obey them, he will order Col. Sumner, who commands a regiment of mounted ri. Semen, stationed in the Territory, to march upon the settlements, and slaughter the inhabitants, with the sabres and rifles of his soldiers; a large number of whom are foreigners enlisted in the Eastern cities. "ST. FRANCIS" AGAIN. The Globe would have the public to be lieve that it is uninterested in the Catholic question, by "dismissing the subject" of the monastery of St. Francis ; and assumes that we have mistaken our moorings by identifying Jesuitism with Francis canism. The writer admits that "European govern ments have, at times, expelled them" meaning these monastic institutions—but asserts that it was because those govern ments had infidel proclivities. All this is so perfectly ridiculous, and evidences such an entire lack of historical knowledze on the part of the writer, that we deem it un necessary to make the least comment. But we will answer another aSsertion he makes wherein, if he be a Catholic, he has pro ven himself a good one, by the denial of a positive fact, or a very bad one by his ig norance of Popish edicts, which are Roman Catholic laws, binding in all cases. The writer in the Globe. denies that "Ca tholics owe temporal allegiance to a for eign sovereign ;" let us see by a brief, calm and unbiased glance, if this be so. There is at work in our country at the present time, and it has been working since the foundation of our government, a system of Catholic cunning, which we will deno minate Political Popery, whio is design ed with all its diplomacy and 'Jesuitism to enslave Politically this country, and bring it and its institutions under Popish sway directly or indirectly. We, and all true Americans and Protestants, whether Re publicans, Whigs, Democrats or what not, call this influence Political Romanism be cause it interferes with the political institu tions of the country. Romanists—the wri in the Globe for instance—call it a spiritu al power, exercised in civil matters, in all civil institutions Willa' may conoern reli gion, It claims to govern and control the education of the country, and have it solely under the sway of the Church, so as to educate all to be Roman Catholics, and this is the real intention and meaning of the "Laymen" who ask for the incorporation of the Franciscan monastery. This is one thing—another is, that all Church proper. ty of every sort, and to any extent, is solely to be in the hands of the Bishop anti cler gy; and that is the second. A third is, and it embraces everything you please, and we think, is overwhelming evidence to prove that the assertion that Catholics, Roman Catholics We mean, are bound to obey the Pope in all temporal ns well as spiritual things—that every political insti tution should be made and conducted so to promote the good of the Church of Rome or the greatest glory of God. Or, in a word, in the very terms of the canon law and Boniface: g , That it is necessary to salvation . that every human creature should be subject to the Bishop of Rome, in civil and ecclesiastical affairs;" and the Pope is the sole infallible judge of law and its operation in practice. Is there, or could anything be made clearer, more com prehensive, or rendered more emphatic than this. It is indubitable evidence to prove the contrary of what the writer in the Globe asserts, and believing it to be such. we shall pass on. The Court 6f Rome, whose seat is Rome were never more busy than they are now, in order to subvert the political institutions •of the United States, so far as to make them subservient to the Church of Rome. The heads of Popish departments in Ame rica are doing their utmost to bring about this event. Their leading periodicals, call ed religious, but as truly political as reli gious, down to the poor mouth-pieces of country priests—(and we may include the Globe in this list,)—every individual from John Hughes down to the miserable scrib bler in the Globe, are bending all their en deavors to the same end. Political parties aro courted of disowned just in proportion as they aro not available to aid the Pope in shaping the political institutions of the country. We reiterate, then, what we de clared in our last article on this subject, that sound principles must lead all true patriots, whatever their creed* may be, to resist as citizens, by opposing such insti tutions as the ;Third Order of Franciscans.' It is enough that every Protestant citizen, in accordance with the Constitution pledges his life, his property, and his sacred honor to maintain to Roman Catholics equal ci vil and religious principles with others, and no more; and if Romanists claim the religious right of erecting machinery in our midst, for cutting off the heads of here tics, as they do, we heretics, must claim the political right of wearing our own heads, and resisting the claim to the very death, They call the claim of cutting off our heads a religious right, and Ave call the claim of wearing our own heads our inulie- rights are in dead-set opposition to thb re ligion of Rome. The compact et the poll- tical is on our side, and wt . _ 'heretics will ne ver give it up ;No NEVE, The Roman ists have introduced this controversy en us by their principles, their claims, and their practises, and, as citizens we must resist it to the death, both as part of our religious and political creeds; and this is right.— More anon. Otougrtoicatal. XXXIVth CONGRESS. W.tsulauTos, March 18, 1856. Is the U. S. Senate, to-day, Mr. Hamlin in troduced a bill regulating the appraisement of imported merchandise. Mr. Houston present. ed a memorial from the Maryland'Legislature, endorsing the action of the Virginia Legisla ture, condemning the Naval Board, and took occasion to speak in denunciation of the action of that Board. His remarks gave rise to a sharp debate, in which Messrs. Clayton, Bay ard, Mallory ancl o othets participated. In the Mouse the Kansas contested election case came up, and Mr. Smith, of Va., spoke in opposition to the resolution to send for persons and papers. The • debate was , continued by Messrs. Granger, English, Lake, Bartlett and Hall, bat the House, was almost deserted, and no interest manitested. WASLIIINTON i March 19. 1856. In the U. S. Senate, today, the Military Aca demy Appropriation bill was taken ifp and pas sed. Mr. Clayton then finished his remarl.•s on CCntral American affairs—denouncing Walker's conduct in regard to the Transit Company, and giving his opinions in regard to the difficulties with Great Britain. The Senate then resumed the consideration of the deficiency appropria tion bill, to which amendments were made. In the House, the Kansas debate was con- tinned by Messrs. Bowie and Hickman. Mr. Bennett moved to amend the resolution by the appointment of a committee of three members to proceed to Kansas to collect evidence in re gard to allitirs generally, which was agreed to —yeas 101, nays 92. Mr. Bowie spoke against Mr. Reeder's posi tion in the Kansas case, and against granting the Committee power to send for persons and Pa rifickman then proceeded to close the do. bate nn the resolution. Mr. Hickman said it wan admitted that there had been an invasion of Kansas by armed for. cos from Missouri, and the rights of the people virtually subverted. Had not the committee the right to inquire into these facts? He awl. Lilted the present troubles to the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, but at the same time he would not vote now for its restoration. It was filched basely and ignominiously. and had gone into the arms of debauchees, deflowpred, dishonored and polluted, and cannot be rester. ed to its original eunetity and purity. He I could not, therefore, again take it to his arms. Ho looked forward to the day when those in• strumental in this act of wickedness and folly will repent in sack cloth and ashes. The House then proceeded to vote upon the resolutiou ender the operation of the previous , question, Mr. Bennett, of Mass., had moved to amend the Committees resolution to send for persons and papers, by substituting Joseph 11. Bradley and Sidney S. Beater asCommissioners, cloth. ed with full power to take testimony. The House adopted—yeas 104, nays 91—in lieu of Mr. Bennett's proposition, Mr. Dunn's substitute, authorizing the Speaker to appoint a committee of three members to take testimo ny, appropriating $lO,OOO to defray the expen ses, and requesting the President to give mili tary protection to the committee if necessary. Mr. Cobb, of Ga., said, as now there was no remaining preposition which ought to be adop ted, lie moved to lay the subject on the table. Negatived—yeas 93, nays 100. The question thou recurring on the original resolution as amended, it was agreed to—yeas 101, nays 92, as follows : Ytus—Messrs. Allison, Ball, Barbour. Bar clay, Henry Bennett, 'Benson, Billinghurst, Bishop, Bliss, Bradshaw, Brenton, Buflthgton, Burlingame, Campbell, of Pa., Campbell, of Chaffee, Clark, of N. Y., Clark, of Conn., Claw- son, Colfax. ' Comins, Covode, Cragiu Cuinback, Daiwa, Davis, of Mass., Day, Dean, Dick, Dickson, Dodd, Dunn, Durlbe, Edie, Edwards, Emrie, Plagler, Calloway, Giddings, Gilbert, Granger, Grow, hall, ono., Hall of Mass., Harlan, Harrison: Haven, Hickman, Horton, of. N. Y., Horton, of 0., Howard, flughstown, Kel sey, King, Knapp, Knight, Knowlton, Knox, Leiter, Mace, Mattison, Meacham, Miller, of N. Y., Millward, Moore, Morgan/Morrill, Mott, Murray, Nichols, Norton, Andrew Oliver, Par, ker, Pettit, I'ike, Pringle, Ritchie, Robbins, Roberts, Sage, Sapp, Scott, Sherman, Simmons, Spinner, Stranalinii, Thoringron, Todd, Trafton, Tyson, Wade, Wakeman, Walbridge, Waldron, Washburn, of IVis., Washburn, of 111., Wash burn, of de., Watson, Welch, IVoodrulf, and Woodworth. NAYS—Messrs. Aiken, Allen, Bell, Bennett, of Miss., Borock, Bowie, Boyce, Branch, Brooks Broom, Burnett, Cadwaleder, Campbell, of Ky, Carlisle, Caruthers, Cookie, Clingman, Cobb, of Ga., Cobb, of Ala., Cox, Craige, Crawford,a4' t• vidson, Davis, of Md., Dowdell, EtlmuitsMn, Elliott, English, Eustis, Evans, Faulkuer,-Flo renee, Fuller, of Me., (tootle, Harris, of Md., Harris, of Ala., Harris, of 111., Herbert, Hoff noun, Houston, Jones, of Teun , Jones, of Pa., Kelly, Kennett, Kidwell, Lake, Lacher,. Lind ley, bumpkin, Alex. K. Marshall, Humphrey Marshall, dill., Maxwell, McMullen, McQueen Miller, of lad., Millson, Oliver, of Mo., Orr, Paine, Peck, Rhelps, Porter. Powell, Quitman„ Ready, Ricoud, Richardson, Ruffin, Sandidge. Savage, Seward, Shorter Smith, of Tenn„ Smith, of Va., Smith, of Ala., Sneed, Stewart, Swope, Talbott, Taylor, Trippe, Underwood Vail, Valk, Walker, Warner, Watkins, Wheel er, Whitney, Winslow, Wright, of Tenn., and Zollicoffer. The following are the resolutions _adopted : Resolved, That in committee of three of the members of this House, to lie appointed by the speaker, shall proceed to inquire into and collect evidence in regard to troubles in Kan sas generally, and particularly in regard to any fraud or force in any of the elections which have taken plat) in said. 'Territory, either un-, der lee law organizing said Territory, or under any pretended law which may be alleged to have taken effect therein since. That they shall fully investigate nod take proof of all violent and tuumltuous proceedings of said I Territory, at any time since the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska act, whether engaged in by the residers of mid Territory, or . by any person or persons from elsewhere going into said Ter ritory., and doing, or encouraging others to do, any act of violence or public disturbance a. gamst the laws of the United States, or the rights, peace and safety . of the re:;;Zients of said, Terri toi7 ; antl .tbi.lAitt,}l rty . ,---geti -11;1. , - ,,,,, d mitcuthit'd take copies of all suchpapers, public public records and proceedings, as, in their raagement, will be useful in the premises; and also to send for persons, and examine them on oath, or aflirination, as to matters within their knowledge, teaching the matters of said inves tigation,: and said committee, by their chair man, shall have power to administer all neces sary oaths oreflirmations connected with their aforesaid dutip. Resolved f rther, That said committee may hold their ins stigations at such places and times as to t m may seem adviseable, and that they hart leave of absence from the du ties of the H no until they shall have cont. pleted such it estigation. That they be au thorized to e)ploy one or more clerks; and one or snore r.sistant sergent at arms to aid them in thole nyeatigation and may adminis ter to them it oath or affirmation faithfully to perform the iaties assigned to them respec tively, mho cep secret all matters which may come to thir knowledge touching such inves tigation maid tltimmittee shall direct, until the repurt re,o same shall be submitted to this House and said committee may discharge any such lerk, or assistant sergentat-arms, for noglecof duty or disregard of instructions in the praises ; and employ others under like regulation Resolvea further, That if any person shall n any tumu l r obstruct or hindersaid commit cc, or [Went so to do iu their said invcstiga• ion, or shaliefuse to attend on said commit ce, and to Re evidence when summoned for that purpuscor shall refuse to produce any paper, boolcoblic record or proceeding in their pesses(in or control to said committee when so regted, or shall make any (lister• Lance wherouid committee is holding their sittings and !.mmittee may, if they see fit, cause any anovery such person to be arrested by said ussistt sergeant at-arms, and brought before the Hee to be dolt with as for a con. tempt, Resolved tiller, That for the purpose of defraying tA expenses of said commission, there be, and:reby is, appropriated the sum of $lO,OOO, tlm paid out of the contingent fund of thiltliuse. Resolved !her, That the Pres:dent of the United Statue, and he is heieby requested to furnish told committee, should they be met with a4rious opposition by bodies of lawless meal the discharge of their duties aforesaid. Inlaid from any military force as may at the It,f.be convenient to them, as may be uecessar, remove such opoosition,and en able said etnittee without molestation to proceed wit it labors. Resolved flier, That when said committee shall have eldeted said investigation, they report all tlevidence so collected to this House. The Houston adjourned. Itgidatiite. Pennsvania Legislature ARRI9.IIO, March 18, 1856. In the Slat:nate, the following bills were passed kali*. bill for the security of Rail road Compadand the safety of travellers : a supplement to act incorporating the Phila delphia and 'ling Railroad Company, (au. Omitting the ,pony to endorse the bonds and loans of ttobanon Valley Railroad Corn. pany); a sumfout to the act incorporating the Metropolitlnsurance Company. In the afternoon, a nbW of private bills of little in• tercet were paled The House went into Committee of the Whole upon the private calendar, and a large number of hills, chiefly acts of incorporation or supplementary bills were passed a first read. ing. A report was received from the Commit tee on Banks, adverse to granting any charters for new banks, or savings institutions. The supplement to the Consolidation act of Phila delphia, was amended so as to give additional Assessors to the 23d ward, and then passed ft. rally. A bill to change the mode of voting at the municipal election in Philadelphia was also postponed Ilinnamina, Mardi 18, 185 G. In the State Senate, the bills for the more ef. fectnal protection of life and property from the explosion of gnnpowder in Philadelphia and relative to the service of process were passed finally. The House amendments to the sup plement to the act to incorporate the Cedar Hill Cemetery Company were concurred in.— A bill was introduced to create additional reve nue and reduce the State debt. During the morning session of the House, the general appropriation and the bill relative t to the election of a State printer, were diseaS•l at length, but no action was taken upon either. BeivstetuL THE NOMINATIONS. The Albany Register, the leading American paper of New York State speaks as follows, of the nomination of Fillmore By this nomination, we have not only bee 4 harnessed as n party into the service of a fac tion, but we have beencomtnitted to the propa gandism of Slavery. We have got to fight the battles of slavery—for embodied in the candi date, is whatever of the pro-Slavery sentiment there is of the North. He is committed to it by his antecedents, by the great lending fea tures of his administration. We have got to sustain the abrogation of the Missouri Compro 'like and the Kansas nitd Nebraska bill. We. are compelled to stand in defence of Squatter Sovereignty, and upheld the long catalogue of wrong and outrage which have followed the breaking down of the barriers against the ex tension of human slavery. We have gut to stand from the begiuning to the end at' the campaign, side by side with Slavery Propagan dism;—for we tell the American pepole that it was that power, cod that alone, whirl, placed the nominee of the American Ccnvention in his present position. It was because it in the man himself; and in his antecedents, n platform which answered its purpose, that it gave him its support. The first step to be taken is, to betray the fiftylthouband Freesoil Whigs and Freesoil De mocrats. who enlisted under our banner. We have not to falsify our pledges to them that the American movement was not a Silver Grey or a pro-slavery moiement. We have got to falsi fy our pledges to them that we would ignore the slavery issues, and stand upon our Ameri can principles, leaving the ultraists, North and South, to settle that question tunongtheutselves. We have got to do all this, because in the man himself, as well nt the South, we present the slavery I%ue. Haring thus betrayed our friends ar.a falsified our pledges, we have got to swing from our American moorings into the service of the Slavery Propaganda'and fight its battles com pels us to do so. In this position of matters, the question ar rises—What is to be done? Others may do as they please. We will keep our faith. We will not falsify our past pledges. We will not betray a groat Cause, nor the friends who have confided in no. As an Editor, we will not take brick our assertion that the Americas move meat in the State of New York was not a Sil ver Grey movement. We will not take back what we said in addressing, during the last campaign more than forty public assemblies of American men, that the American Party was not a pro-slavery party. We have no stom ach for the battles of Silver Gray faction—we have had enough of extterience in +hat way.— We have no stomach for the bate of Slavery —and rue. will not fight than. Let no man suppose. that we intend to aban don the great American doctrines, the princi plce of the organization, or the party which up holds them. New Jersey and York stand a lone. of all the Northern States, in upholding the Philadelphia nomination. All the other States north of Mason J.: Dixon's Line aro true to American Principles, true to the great A merican Party, while they are not fillse to the universal sentiment of the Free States on the subject of Slavery. We were content and mix lees to ignore the subject of Slavery; we did what we could to banish from discussion the whole question and leave it where it belongs— to Congress and the Federal Courts ; but driv en from this position of neutrality, and forced to choose betwen the betrayal of the American Party into the service of Slavery, or the aban donment of a nomination in which the Free States had no voice we choose the latter. Wo go with the American Party of the North, save 'New York and New Jersey alone; and if we must take sides on the great issue of Human Slavery, we take the side of New England, of Pennsylvania ' Ohio, and the entire West.— Compelled at last as they were to choose be tween uniting Americanism with Slavery of Freedom, we choose the latter; and in full of the consequences, we, being forced to strike, will strike with those of our American brethren who have added to their American platform, Freedom to all the territory north of the Mis souri Compromise line, WlllO SENTIMENT.-A series of resolutions has been passed by the Whig General Com mittee of New York city, declaring the basis of Whig organization still to be the princi ples enunciated by our greatest statesmen, and acted upon for years by Whigs throughout the Union; such as protection to domestic indus try, internal improvements opposition to execu tive usurpation, etc. ; that the Committee is, as ever, opposed to the extentiou of slavery, and witholds all sympathy from those who re pealed the Missouri Compromise. The Com mitten disclaims all connection with or elle. glance to any other political organization, be. lieving that any others will prove as pernicious in their influence as ephemeral in the duration and regarding the issues as involving no great national principles, as limited and contracted in their character, and as calculated to engen der heart burning and bitter recriminations a mongst American citizens, and to'arouse moat unnatural antipathies, which all should depre eats. ELECTIONS TO Cons.—New Hampshire hay ing led off the pre-presidential elections, will be followed by Connecticut on the first Mon. day of April, and Rhode Island the Wanes day ensuing. There are no other. elections earlier than august, when Arkansas, lowa, Kentucky, Missouri and Texas hold on the first Monday of that month, and Tennessee and North Carolina shortly afterwards. The follow ing Slates also have elections before that of the Presidential ; California, Florida, Geor gia, Indiana, Maine, Ohio and Pennsylvania— so that there will he considerable skirmishing before the grand battle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CASSVILLE MALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY Huntingdon County, Pa. REV. A. S. HARK, A. M., Principal. MISS KATE WALSH, Preceptress. The Spring Session of this Institution will commence on Thursday, May ISt, 1851, and continue 21 Weeks. Cassville Seminary is located inn healthy and Moral Village, in Trough Creek Valley, Twelve Miles from the Mill Creek Station on the Pennsylvania Central Rail Road, and may be reached in 10 hours from Baltimore or Philadelphia. The Buildings are Brick, and afibrd ample accommodations for ono hull. dred and fifty Pupils. Those who desire their Sons and Daughters to be removed from the heat and noise of the City during the Summer months, may find in Cassville, a quiet retreat, Fresh Mountain Air, nod porn water, together with Literary advan• tages. TERMS. Tuition in English Branches, and Ancient Languages, per Session, $lO,OO. Music, Pain ting, Drawing, and Modern Languages, Ex tra. Boom and Furniture per Session, $5,00. Board and Washing, per Week. $1,75. GEO. W. SPEEB, Secretary of Board of Trustees. Cassville March, 26 1856.-6 f. NOTICE. Office C. V. N. P. Co.,' Feb. 28th, 1856. Notice is hereby given that the Boar of Directors of the above Company have this day levied an assessment of five per cent. on all ;premium notes belonging to the Company and in force on the 6th of February, A. D., 1856, except on original applications approved from Nov. 20, 1853 till said Gth day of Fubruary on which there is assessed three per cent., and on all premium notes expiring between said dates (and not renewed three per cent.) And the members of this Company are hereby re quired to pay their several amounts so assess ed to the Treasurer or authorized receiver of this Board, sithin thirty days of the publica tion of this notice. Test, JOHN T. GREEN. Sec. March 26th 1856.-3 t. NOWSCE. I am willingto maintain all inborn toy moral or legal duties bind :no to maintain, thee b.ha• viug properly towards me ; but as my wife, Eli. zabeth, by leaving my residence without cause, has forfeited such right. I deem it proper to no tify the public that henceforth I will not be re. sponsiblc fur any debts of her contracting. JAMES DYSART. March 23,74-4t.* Register's Notioe. Notice is hereby given to all persons inter ested that the following named persons have settled their accounts in the Itegistet's Office, at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will be presented for confirtnation and allowance, at an Orphan's Court to be held at limiting. don, in and for said county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the the 17th day of April next. 1. Levi Evans, Emq. and Samuel Yingling, Executors of Wm. blynn,)ato of Tod town • ship, deed. 2. Peter Crownover, ether of Thomas Crown. over, late of Dublin township, deed 3. James Cree, tidier of John Walker, late r of Dublin township, deceased. 4. James Cree, Guardian of Angeline Wel. leer, minor child Or Jim.. Walker, Into of Dublin township, deceased. 5. Final account of Andrew G. Neff, act ing administrator of Jacob Franks, late of Penn township, deceased. . . _ _ _ • , 6, Supplemental account of Geo. Couch, one of the Executors of Andrew Couch, late of Berme township deceased. 7. Margaret Lightner, Administratrix of Henry Lightner, late of West township deceas ed. 8. Frederick Harman, Adiu'r of Frederick Harman, Sr., late of Cromwell township, doc'd. 0. Samuel W. Myton, adm'r of Ga. W. Cheshohn, late of Barrett township, deed. 10. Charles Magill, acting adm'r of John Grubb, late of Penn township, dec'd. 11. Account of the administration of the personal estate of Nancy Neff, late of West township, deed by Jacob Hartmann, her Ex ecutor. 12. John Owens, Esq. ndm'r of John Mc. CuDough, late of the borough of Birmingham, dee'd. 13. John Owens, Esq. adm'r of David Gar. ret, late of the borough of Birmingham duet]. 14. Account of James B. Carothers, adm'r de honis non cum testament° annex°, of Ism. el Cryder, late of Porter township, dec'd. 15. Final account of James B. Carothers, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Daniel Cryder,late of Porter township, dee'd. 16. Final account of Alvah Chilcote, adm'r of Charles Lynn, late of Cromwell township, deceased 17. Sarah Stever, and David Stever aclm`rs of John Stever, late of Cuss. township, deed. 18. John C. Wilson administrator of James Davis late of the borough of Petersburg deed. 19. Moses Hamer and John Householder Esq., Executors of the lust Will and Testa. sent of William Householder, late of Porter township, deck'. HENRY GLAZIER, Register. Register's (Nice. 't Huntingdon, Mar. 15, '56 I NOTICE. Whereas by the act of the Assembly of the 27th of March 1835, entitled "A supplement to an act entitled 'an act to erect the town of Huntingdon; in the county of Ifuntingdonhin to a borough' &c." it is made the duty of the street regulators of said borough to make an accutate survey of the boundary lines, streets, roads, lanes, alleys andpublic squares or lands thereof, and permanently make a correct map of said survey Ac. Now in pursuance of said supplement to said act, notice is hereby given, that the said draft and survey will be the subject of appeal to the Council of said borough, at the Court House on Saturday the 29th day of March inst., at 10 o'clock A. Id., when and where said coun cil will hear any objection that may be made to the same, and adjudge and determine whet!, er any and what alterations shall he made there in, after which said regulators shall make a duplicate copy of the survey or mop or draft determined by the cram oil as aforesaid to be correct, and the same shall be filed in the office for the recording of deeds in said county, and the other copy shall be filed with the papers of corporation, and shall be conclusive as to the corners and width of the streets, roads, lanes or alleys,boundries Ac„ in said map or draft mentioned. All persons interested are required to attend at the time and place above stated. THEO. H. CREMER. Claef Burgess. Huntingdon March 19th, 1856.-2 t. COUNTRY DEALERS CAN HUT CLOTHING AT WHOLERALP., AS CHEAP AS IN THE CITY, AT ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. - IPWILIC SALE. The undersigned will offer at Public Sale, at Warriorsmark, in the county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the 9th of April, 1896, at 10 o'clock, A. M., all the right, title and in terest of Samuel Jauden, James A. Bayard, Christopher Fallon and William 11. Reed, in and to the following described property, to wit: A tract of land formerly owned by Frederick klyskell, situate in Warriors:lark township, containing about 1713 ACRES. of first rate limestone land, of which 70 acres aro cleared, adjoining land of G. & J. H. Sho enberger, Funk and others, having thereon a. pipe•iron ore bank, told a house and barn. Also a tract of good limestone land adjoining the above, formerly owned by William Addle - man, situate in Warriorsmark township, con taining about 70 ACRES, 25 of which are cleared, with a house and barn thereon, and a well of water at the door. Also, their interest (being the interests which were sold at Sheriffs Salo as the property of George Wetilloch and James Dickson, and purchased by the Trustees of the Bank of the United States,) in the iron ore on • 118 S ACRES of land, situate in Warriormnark township, ad joining lands of G. & J. 11. Shoenborger, Josh. Con, dec'd., and Jacob Cronester, itbeing the tract of land from which Hannah Furnace has been supplied with ore for many years. Also, their interest in the money due them from the late firm of Campbell, Stevens & Co., for their shore of the ore raised on said tract since said Sheriff's Sale. MILES & DORRIS, Attorneys for Samuel ,Tanden, James A. Bayard, Chris topher Fallon and 1r: B. Reed. Huntingdon, Mardi 19, 1856.-3 t. PRQI LAMATIOI. WUEREAS by a precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the 25th day of January, A. I). 185 G, under the hands and seals of the lion. George Taylor, President of the Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and gener al jail delivery of that 24th judicial district of Penn sylvania composed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cam - brie, and the lion. Thomas F. Stuart and Jona than McWilliams, his associates, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, appoint ed, to hear, try and determine all and every in dictments made or takers for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the State are made capital or felonies of dent') and other offences crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated for crimes aforesaid—l am commanded to make pub lic proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick that a Court of Oycr and Terminer, of Common Pleas and Quarter sessions, will be held at the Court House iu the Borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and 14th day) of April, next, and those who will prosecute the said pri soners be then anal there to prosecute them ns it shall be just, and that all Justices of the Penne, Coroners and Constables within said county he then and there in their proper persons, at lu o'clock, A. M. of said day, with their records, in quisitions, examinations and remembrances, to do those things Which to their offices respectfully appertain._ baited at Huntingdon the 25th day of January, in the year of our Lord 1856, and the 79th year of American Independence. JOSHUA GREENLAND. Sheriff. NEW WHOLESALE DRUG STORE, N SPENCER THOME No. 26, South Second Street., Philadjlphiu. Importer, Manufacturer, and Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, ACIDS, DI E STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS, COLORS, MUTE LEA I), French and American White ZINC, VXNDOW ‘CiZ'ASSit, Glassware, Varnishes, Brushes, instruments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and all other articles usually kept by Drmrei,ts, incliang Borax, It.digo, Glue, Shellac, Potash, Mc., Ac. All orders by mail, or talmcwiso promptly at tended to. Country merehants are invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. clouds sent to any of the wharves or railroad stations. Prices low and good's war ranted. Mar.12,'56.-1y JOHN IVZOREHEAD. SUCCESSOR TO KING G MOREHEAD WHOLESALE GROCER Am) 6@iellldlilg:Zll6 - 16 .- tiIrAE6:II2.:NV ) AND DEALER IN Fish, " Lard, Lan! Oil, Flaxseed Oil, Whits Lead, Pig Lead, Win dow Gloss, tiltu=strure, Iron and Nails, Slur and Tallow Candles, rariegalcd and Rosin Soap, and Piffshurg nuanituclures generally. No. 27 Wood St., PITTSDURG.PA Particular attention given to the sale of Pig Metal and Blooms, and liberal advances made thereon. Fob. 13, 11356.-ly 140T4C . Z. The subscriber It:Along since, having purcha sed a tract of land from Thomas Bighorn, situ• ate in Shirley township, Huntingdon County, for the payment of which he gave seven sever• al judgment notes or obligations, vie: One note for one thousand dollars, payable on the first day of April, IMO. Also five seperttte and se veral notes of three hundred dollars each, pay able in regular annual succession thence there after. Also, one note of ono hundred dollars payable on the first day of April, 1862. This is to forwent all persons frontpurchas• ing said notes, as said Bighorn has failed to make a good and sufficient title to said land, according to contract, and in consequence there• of the subscriber is determined not to pay any of said notes, unless compelled by law. DAVID KNEPP. Mar.12,'66.-tf. TO BRIDGE BUILDERS, The Commissioners of Huntingdon Connie will receive proposals for building a Bridge across Stone Creek at Huntingdon up to the 2d day of April at 4 o'clock, P. N. the eon. tractor to havo the old bridge. The bridge to be made 6 feet longer than the old ono a.td to be built according to the model le the Commis. sinner's office. The old abutments to be torn down and built up now and 'nada two foot higher. Persons proposing are requested to examine the old bridge. Oy order of the Commissioners. H. W. MILLEn, Clerk. March 19, 1856.-21 MURPHY & KOONS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FISH ! CHEESE & PROVISIONS go. al NORTH WHARVES, BELOW RACE ST. PHILADELPHIA. Keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Finn, CHEESE AND PROVISIONS, which they are prepared to dispose of at the lowest market rates. Orders promptly executed. Feb. 27,1856.-3 m. OVERCOATS. Allkinds, cheat= than elsewhnra, at H. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STOUP