Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 27, 1856, Image 2
luttin g b'on journai. \ - -~;::~ r_ - f ~:.h ~.~ ‘ , v m - c Wednesday Morning, February 27,1856, WILLIAM BREWSTER, EDITORS, lIAM. G. WHITTAKER. Flour, Flour. A. splendid article, fur sale. Inquire at this office. This is decidedly the best article in the market. It is warranted good. Price $8 per barrel. Kir Twelve cars laden, with coal, passed o• war the Stonerstown Brite on Saturday last. Their arrival in town created quite an excite• ment. tar Rev. N. S. Buckingham, the pastor of the Methodist congregation of tltis Place, deliv ered his farewell sermon in the Presbyterian Church, to a large audience, on Sabbath eve. t We in all good nature again request a err ttain offspring of a certain Papish priest to leave off slandering his neighbors. A man born in a nunnery has no right to vilify his betters.— Remember that, brother Augustine. . - War The literary gentleman who behaved so outrageous in the Town Hall the other evening is requested to call round at the barber shop, as there is a leather medal for him, there. Tire RAVEN.—By the particular request of our particular young friend and correspondent "KIM," we next week will publish that admi rable piece of Poe's, entitled the 'Raven," which he wrote-- "-Upon a midnight dreary, While he pondered weak and weary." OUR BOOK TABLE. LESLIE'S N. Y. JocaNAL.—This magnificent magazine of fashions, comes to us for March, superbly filled with plates of the very latest fashions, engravings, &e. It is a splendid work. GRAHAM'S MAGAZINE.-This magazine for March has been received. It fully sustains its high character, and we believe the present No. is equal to any other magazine in the country. Send $3,00 to A. H. Sue, Phila. GOREY'S LADY'S Booz.—This valuable book for March is on our table, and is an admirable No. The engravings, fashion platen, are beautiful, and we really cannot see how the ladies can deprive themselves of this rich treat, when by sending only $:l,00 to L. A. Godey, Phila., it can be obtained. The Insane Judge Wilkins has introduced into the Penn. sylvania Senate an Act to establish a Western Asylum fur the Insane Poor, to be located at or near Pittsburg. An ais; ropriation of ten thousand dollars was granted by the Logisla. tore, last year, to enlarge the present Ilbsffital at Pittsburg, but, being totallj inadequate to accomplish any practical good, was suffered to remain unlifted in the hops that the present Assembly would add to the sum sufficiently to greatly increase the accommodations of the old or allow the erection of a now Westcrn Hospi tal for the Insane. It is a lamentable fact that whilst there are hospital accommodations in Pennsylvania fee but nine hundred Insane, tlero are at present in this State three thousand human beings whose minds God has clouded with insanity.— What nobler cause for the patrounge cf a great State than to devise means to alleviate the eon. dition of this most afflicted class of our fellow beings. We trust the present Legislatore may take the matter in hands and make that provi. aims demanded by the character of the constit uency they represent and the cause. Public Schools in Pennsylvania. We learn from the :Superintendent of the common Schools, that during the past year the whole number of school districts •vao 1,632 ; of schools, 10,469 ; number of schools yet re. quired, 059; average number of month taught s¢; number of mule teachers, 8,003 ; nu9er of female teachers, 4,1.10; average salaries of male teachers per month, 522,29 ; averneeisal• aries of female teachers per month, $14,19 whole number of malescholars, 295,889 ; whole number of female scholars, 233,120 ; total number of scholars, 529,059 ; number of schol ars learning German, 10,015 it, rage number of scholars attending schools, 3 , 11,3 If ; average cost of teaching for one scholar• per month, 581 cents ; whole number of teachers, 12,143 ; whole amount of tax levied for school purposes, $l,- 242,223 70 ; amount of tax levied for building purposes, $139, 076 43; total amount levied for the system, $l, 334,937.04 , amount receiv ed from the State appropriation, $159,331.17 ; amount received from collectors of school tax, $1,127,992.61; cost of construction, $1,041,571. 96; cost of fuel and contingencies, $110,383.19; cost of school houses, purchasing, building, renting, repairing, he., $266,198.76. These figures exhibit a large increase over previous years. The totals do not include the public schoo s of Philadelphia, which are organised under an independent system, and !nuke no re- port to the Superintendent. Hand Him Around• We advise all printers to keep a look out in purchasing paper from o certain pa. per vender in Pittsburg, by name of J. L. Shea. We speak from experience, hav ing been ahee'cd out of a considerable n• mount-by this arrant shee t. We caution the editorial fraternity against having any dealings with him, as his name character. ilea his dealings, Pass him around. Look at This, 'The books of the late firm of "Africa Whittaker" have been placed ip the hands of John W. Matters, Esq., fur &Inaction. All persons indebted to said firm, for subscription, Job Printing or Advertising, will make imme diate lifittltuient to him. _ _ _ AtitwA 4 WinwrAeeic Republican Convention in Pittsburgh. The great Republican National Conven tion which assembled in the city of Pitts burg, on the 22d inst , was the most har monious one that ever assembled under that banner in the country. The proceed ings were marked with the courteons and gentlemanly language of member to mem ber, all coinciding in the great principles of the party, and manifesting a disposition to forget all questions of sectional or indi vidual interest, and intent on furthering the interests of the Republican organization We had the pleasure of attending this convention, however only as a spectator. Over three hundred delegates were pres ent, representing twenty-t Our States of the Union ; the territory of Kanzas was like , wise represented. Many thousand per sons constituted the interesting audience. Frances P. Blair, of Maryland, formerly editor of the Washington Union, under the administration of Jackson, and a man of sterling integrity, was appointed Presi dent. His election to that office was unan imous, and was received with great ap plause. Vice Presidents and Secretaries 1 1 were appointed. ‘Vhilst the Committee were drafting re solutions, &c., the audience was entertain. ed by able addresses from several of the most eminent men of the nation. "The following letter says the Philadelphia Son, has been placed in our hands for pliblica. ties, .d though it is a week old, it will keep for many months to come without spoiling. We regret to say that the rebuke which the rever end writer administers to the Democrats is fril ly merited, and that 08 a party, they show them selves the persistent enemies of all effective Temperance reform. Omitting the name of the gentleman of the blouse of Representatives to whom it is addressed, the letter reads thus : DRILADELEIIIA, Jan. 24,1856. MY DEAR Fitiessu.—l see from the papers that the Democrats havepassed to second read ing a bill to repeal the Restraining Liquor Law and it is expected today the bill will pass the Rouse of Representatives. Now, let sue propose to you, and through you to our party, that they forthwith pass a bill requiring the County Commissioners of each County in the State to have erected, or placed at all the moss roads, a trough with halt' a do zest or more mugs chained fast ; and those troughs well and constantly supplied with rum and lager, that the thirsty winskey•drinking Democrats may have their till. The County need not be at the expense of fencing in the troughs, for there is not a hog in the old Key stone en far lost to respect for his honorable hogship, as . to put his snout within snore than smelling distance of the viledrug. . It does seem to me as though the Democrats were resolved that all the evils of intemperance shall be entailed upon this land perpetually.— It to me most galling and mortifying that the political party which I consider the true party ofthe country, should so identify itself with Item, Rags Ruin. My dear sir, I most deeply regret that you, as a father, and a good citizen, should lend your influence to this vile trallie. It matters not, in my judgment, how much of the rumsellers' money may pass from their pockets to those of the Democratic mem bers. NOW, allow me to ask you as an holiest, clever fellow,. have port ever known any good results to the individual, the family, or the com munity, from runt-drinking? Give the one ex ample in which rum-drinking has reformed one man? For thirty years I have been asking fur this example, but thus far in vain. Will you do me the favor to ask the Democratic members for one example P I ask it from this Deinticratfie members of the Legislature, be , cause it is evident to all who will see, that they aro the friends of rum, and that rum is their Philadelphia American Convention. friend. Surhly they can say something good This hotly met on Thursday last, and a of their old friend.. I presume tingly will have very stormy dine they had of ;,. It p . IRO! Mass performed for all the precious whir ' kevioving sends in the Legislature. I trust in pears that the convention was composed of OMI that Cher! is humanity enough in the Sete extremes of all parties. Southern fanatics ate to ,t,y titu burning, wrongs ul the !louse. w w ho ere opposed to the striking' out of l Yours truly, Jo. Cmtmirms, the 12th section of the platform adopted by f In the evening, a telegraphic dispatch teas received from Philadelphia, from 'l'. Spooner, a delegate front Ohio, to the Am erican Convention in that city, to the effect that "the Amencan Party is ready and willing to unite under the Re publican ban• ner," concluding with these significant words : "No further extension of slavery. The Americans are with you." The Convention then adjourned to meet again at the cull of the Chairman of the Republican Committee. the Convention last June, Abolitionists who j were nut disposed to yield that point, and so on. This being the material out of which the Convention was composed, the proceedings could not be expected to be marked by any great degree of harmony. After a stormy debate, the platform con. mining the obnoxious 12th section, relative to niggerism, adopted last June, wan brok en down, demolished and cast overboard, and in its place, a member from Somerset county in this State, submitted as a substi tute n platforms leaving the vexed question PERINTENDENT OF COMMON SCHOOLS. SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Renate and Hon, ol Representatives optic Commonwealth l'en ',vitamin in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the sane, 'flat so meek of the art of Bth of May, 1854, entitled, "An act for the reguration and con , tinuance of a system education by common • schools" as relates to the office of comity super. intendent of common schools be, and the same is hereby repealed. SEC. 2. That hereafter the annual cetilicates that the schools have been kept open during Kansas. the minimum period specified bylaw, also the annual reports of districts, shall be forwarded The New York Pest says, that Missouri State , to the State Superintendent. stocks, Mikis stood at 97 before the lust inva. See. 3. That the school directors shall exam s., of Kn.., have since fallen to 83. This, ins the teachers themselves, or by souse corn relent per . s t ots ;. %d t ti: v e n z,:l f e t ts to such na however, may just as well be owing to the new. I Y ud "P lcd Pulley of the S t al e, c xkludin g " ill a vi:7ttl.t ° l:t n , P ri t t L tli l ei ' r first meeting tifterY deem the pass ad age lavishly to railways. A person n am ed White of this set, aud at their annual meeting there. recently lectured sat the capital of Georgia, on after, appoint some suitable person as town mi. K ansas, - pe , rintentlect, who !dm!! littve the same powers the subject of colonizing alleges himself to be a citizen. Bo said that te',ll(l4 duties in s disc let ns haws Itiltee.7l7l,il; his mission was to raise pro.slavery recruits to at their discretion, provide is suitable comps. triumph in Kansas at the ballot box, but that sat.) for the town superintendent, .0 be paid if his party failed in this they were determined out of the funds of the district. to achieve a victory at the cannons month.— 17, THE GUISE or Ilsxerni,srx.— lie wanted the Georgia Legislature to melte nu • The recent development in New York of an appropriation in aid of the cause. A man mins• adroit attempt at swindling by a female, who ad Butbrd is basil! engaged in Georgia, Ala. I fi TZlg s T e lTr ifi s V'sri e e d Lama, and South Carolina, in raising a regi• to the exposure ' o a f a a nn i m n ber w rif .. otlMi! similar sent of five hundred in., divided into comps , schemes of cheating. According to the Tri cks of fifty, officered, seined, and disciplined, bone, sham Sunday•Sellools form a favorite mid ; to go to Kansas. A Mr. E. B. Bell, of Edge. successful manna at swindling in New York, field, S. C., also advertises that he will lead one anloidletshsattl!t:irtsaraLatts'etZul part of hundred somhern emigrants to Kansas on the ' are i n operation, with a long list of collectors, tat of March. Buford does not purpose to start who raise for each school from $lOOO to $l5OO before the last of March. At Newcastle, Indi a year. Of this sum ten per cent goes to the ana, $lOOO wits subscribed and sent to Kansas ' Z a Zt ' i r f t tl ij ie r tlisnanageell;:icdonand the Te s s t . i % ° „, t , l lre e n • and contributions for the purchase of Sharp's • superannuated ministers were attached to one rifles were going on vigorously. At Paities• of these schools, and nominal ministers are at wills, Ohio, money and and arms were, at the the head of them frequently. Perhaps the vi ii • a o t r u s r t e p a tt n ra d o c t r t c h d e o l i i t c y si :l Fs i s n i t s , , ii t y lia t t r t ii l; y e e e ts x s . ‘ , • e llo o ri n d t l ast accoutitS, freely contributed for Kansas.— The arms consist of guns, rifles, pistols, and : men mad ministers, allow theist to give letters swords. Front Ashatubula county, Ohio, arms •of recommendation to the collectors for each sufficient for two companies have been . sent to establishinents, some of who are getsuine 'state ' the territory, and in Summit county a regiment 'prison birds. Thu New York Exoress says tint the sham philanthropists cost' the city of 300 men is said to have been already enlist- j about $50,000 annually, while their so-called ed. In Worcester and many other towns in schools are at best but a mere farce. of shivery out altogther. After a severe 'passage at arms' the gentleman's reSolts- tions were adopted, and they now consti• tate the new platform of the American party. Massachusetts, the people are making liberal “ OUTM•DE HEIR TO LEIDSDORPFE— Marry• contributions. The spring emigration from iv the wrong Nigger."—Soon after it was New England will be much larger than last I known that Leidscloffe's property in this city A company of two hundred e m i g rants is being was immensely valuable, a welhknown gentle organized in Connecticut. In Salem, N.. 1,, a man , then tieing here, but since dead, left town company is organized w hich probably reach in a hurry and was absent snow mouths, when fifty, all armed with Sharp's rifle. The Kau • he returned to the great wohdevineut of his ate• sas correspondent of the St. Louis Democrat imintances, who were entirely in the dark as to says that, after maki ng ear, f u l inquiries rein- whets he had been, or what he had Leon in tive to the varletus districts, he is Sal i.oiled the pursuit of. After a while it leaked. out that he population of the territory at this timo is needy ' had been to the West holies, looking up Leids. 60.000. The total result of his inquiries gi ves • dortfe's heirs, and finding, as was said, a female an aggregate of 85,000, but thin he thinks an i • that he believed was the real Simon Pure heir exaggeration. ! of the vast estate, he without ceremony, popped .... . . . .. MUNIFICRNT BEQUEST.—John D. Fink, a the git''' ll "" , was Ite , "ptnd, and married tortht congratulating himself that Capt. Fo Isom wealthy old bachelor, who died lately in New with, Orleans, left property to the amount of shout , and all other claimants wuii!d Lave to stand f. 3500,000, of which only $60.000 goes to his re. I " hie ' while he, ,he great nabob of California, latives and friends, and the residue is to he a!)., would be without a I ival in the Golden State. preprateil to the erection of an asylum fur des-1 After the marrit,e, iii prepartite to substatiti• PAIR , - Protestant widows, to be called after him ate the claims.: his Indy fair, lie found to hi , ' the Fink Asylum." astonishment, that he had !undo a small this. ............. - .. . • - • i take, and that in tact he had "married the wrong nigger."—San Francisco Boileau. Cheapest ''Job Printing'' Office: IN TOE 0.0 iV 11i Tx a I TAXATION IN RlMSlA.—Several noble Rms. alias are ut present residing in Rome. Meer. Ws Lye now made such arra . ngemenls our I d),:itrtittiaercoornree.l7tann, w oLth i e ,el N on e g w s a t r o k o lai o ly f Job Office as will enable. to do oil kinds of Job Printing at 20 per cent. the most ancient families of the Empire, re cheaper rates marked lately in a social circle, that the tus- Than any °Mee In the County. sian nobles were oppressively taxed to carry on the war, full fifty per cent of their incotnes be. Give us a call. If we do not give entire satin- ing appropriated to that way by the govern. faction. no charge at all will bo made, meat. Deto `Lijtcnis. Letter from the Rev. John Chambers to a Member of the Legislature. . . More Repeals. The following bill has been introduced in the Heim, at Harrisburg, and our corm:von dent thinks a strong effort will he made M 'put it through.' We hope our Democratic levisla. tore will not show itself an enemy of public ed ucation. The County Superintendents are of great use in milking our public schools vales. hie, and their salaries are hula trifle for a whole county to pay AN ACT TO ABOLISII TIIE OFFICE OF COUNTY AU BOOMER TO 11w MAJF9TY.—Yankee Sullivan has received the well-deserved reword of hie unremitting exertions in the science of which he is a professor. We learn by recent accounts from the Pacific that he is now at tached to the court of the King of the Sand wich Islands, a "Regius Professor of the Man ly Art of Selfdefence. Beside giving lessons to the family of the King, he is also a constant attendant upon his Majesty ; in other words, his bottle•bo.der—and report says that be holds the bottle very well, excepting toward the close of the day, when his grasp becomes unsteady. There is now no knowing to what dignities Yankee Sullivan may aspire. Famous as he has become by his previous labors; (the laborer was worthy of his Byer,) ho may yet become a King's son-in-law, and if he does not reach the throne himself, perhaps Viceroy, in which ease we presume. from his rather irascible tenden cies, he will be denominated his Vice•ltiled Ifightiess.—Ar. 0. Picayune. A WINDFALL—The Louisville Democrat states that a young man named Harry Gray, who is now engaged us watchman at the Ken tucky Locomotive Works, has recently had left him, conditionally, by a deceased uncle in England, $200,000. Mr Gray, is said to be a very clever fellow—only 24 years of age—al ready having inherited Mon his father, which he spent for the benefit of himself and "man kind in general," His prudent old uncle, knowing his fast habits in his industrious hab its stow, inserted, as a condition of the inheri tance, that if the said Harry was in debt at the age of 30, five hundted dollars, ho should forfeit the inheritance. on g rcoinual. XXXIVth CONGRESS WAsHixcTuN, Feb. 19, 1856, In Congress, to-day, Mr. Hickman, of Penn sylvania, from the Committee on Elections of the House, moved in the latter body that the committee have power to send for persons and papers in reference to the disputed Kansas elec tion. On this subject an exciting debate arose at the conclusion of which a vote was taken on a motion of Mr. Stephens, of Georgia, to refer Mr.Hiekulan's motion to the committee, with a view to elicit information as to the reasons for asking the power. It seas negatived by the casting vote of the Speaker, and pending the question on the resolution, the House adjourned The Senate were also occupied by a debate on the affairs of the Territory of Kansas, in the course of which Mr. Wilson, of Massachusetts, made n sharp, bold speech, treating Atchison as the prime mover of all the disturbances on the border; and Shannon ns an intemperate im becile. WASHINGTON, Feb. 20, 185 G, In Congress, toslny, the House rejected by three majority, the 'notion to lay on the table the mot ion to allow the Committee on Elections to send for persons rind papers in reference to the Kansns election. The resolution then pas sed by three majority, but wassubsequently re• considered and referred to the Committee for intormatiun us to the reasons for their request. Mr. Mace introduced a bill to prevent the ex tension of slavery north of the parallel of 36 de grees 30 minutes in the territories of the Uni ted States, andtfloved that it be referred to the Commune on Territories. The Speaker having decided this motion in order an appeal was ta ken, pending which the Honse took up the Kansas question as above. The Committee ou Elections, it is said, will soon report on the eontosted elections from Nebraska and Maine. General Cullom, the Clerk of the tissue, is dangerously ill. The election of a Chaplain was indefinitely postponed. In the Senate, today, the resolution calling for the journal of the Naval Retiring Board was passed. The Central American question was debated, and a correct map of that region, pro. cured by the Coast Survey was ordered to be I printed WASHINGTON. Feb. 21, 1854. in Congress, today, the Senate passed neve ral unimportant bills, and adjourned till Mon day, In the House, a Chaplain was elected, the person being the Rev. Daniel Waldo, a Re. volutionary soldier, in his fi.lth year, who bad been for snore than 70 years a congregational clergyman. A resolution from the Senate, fil ling the VaCtllleiCs in the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institute, by the appointment of George E. Badger and Professor Fetton, was passed. A number of bills for internal im provements were presented and referred, among them being one for the construction of a rail. road sod telegraph to the Pacific, which was I referred to a Select Committee of thickets. fcgislatibc. Pennsylvania Legislature. Fab. 21, 1856, In the State Senate, Mr. Browne's substitute for the House liquor bill was passed finally by a decided vote. A bill making an appropria• tine to the Western Hospital for the Insane, was considered and rejected, but subsequently the vote was reconsidered and the mutter laid In the House of Representatives, bills were in. troduccd to incorporate the Chenango Valley and Beaver County Banks. llmutisituac, Pet). 22, 1856. In the State Senate, to day, among the bills reported was one to authorize the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to construct a track from the Columbia Railroad to the River Delaware, in Philadelphia. The bill to suspend the ton nage tax, passed in .Committee of the Whole, was laid over. The bill to allow writs of error in criminal cases was ordered to be transcribed for a third roadinj. but pending the reading the Senuta adjourned. In the House, the Senate bill relative to Li. quor Licenses was referred to a Committee of seven. Ihe resolution relative to the comple. tion ut the fortifications of Philadelphia harbor was passcd filially. The hill relating to the revival of judgment was negatived, as was also the bill to authorize the publication of the mi- Inority opinions of Judges of the Supreme Court, in constitutional cases. At 12 o'clock the Governor, Heads of Department, and Spea ker and members of the Senate were introdu ced, and Washington's Farewell Address was I read. Subsequently 15,000 copies of the Ad' dress were ordered to be printed in English, and 5000 copies in ciermen. Kotal Qtolantu. The School Exhibition. Although we had notthe pleasure of at tending the Exhibition of the schools un der charge of Mr. Albert Owen and Miss Kate Shaw, on the :12tl inst., yet we have taken some trouble to ascertain from intel ligent. persons who were present, its result. The exercises consisted of declamations, debates, original orations, dialogues, etc. Although the youthful performers labored under many disadvantages, yet they ac quitted themselves very creditable, having completely familiarized themselves with their respective parts. It is but due to state that the greater part of them appear ed for the first time in the capacity of pub lic performers; and without disparagement to any, it must be admitted that some of the pupils have an admirable faculty to im personate and enact characters in the re hearsal of dramatic pieces. As the per formances were alike creditable in pupils and teachers, it Might seem an invidious task to particularize, and there being but little room for criticism, we simply desire by proper commendation of this affsir, to e.nourage a laudable perseverance on the part of those in whose success we as citi zens and friends are interested. An ex hibition of this description evinces most clearly what can be achieved by persever ing and untiring efforts, and leads us in happy contemplation back to the days of , 'auld lung sync" when we too were am ong the number of joyous and happy chil dren. The exhibition on the whole, de served, as it received, the warmest praise of the large and respectable audience in attendance. RAILROAD ACCIDENT. On Thursday evening of last week, as the five o'clock train on the Pennsylvania Railroad was coining around the curve ins.' modiately below this place, the coupling between the Pas=enger and Baggage cars broke, and before the accident was disco vered, the engine “True American," which had been immediately behind the pas4enger train, ran into the cars with con• siderable force, killing one individual, and seriously wounding several others. The passengers had been apprehensive of an accident, on account of the speed of the "True American," and it appears, as soon as the coupling broke, two or three per• sons rushed for the platform, and were standing on it when the collision occurred. One man had boils legs cut off, in a most shocking manner; another (a colored man) had his legs broken, sod was otherwise injured; another was severely sprained by a leap from the cars on the ice in the ca nal, a distance of some forty feet ! The first named individual lingered about two hours, in great pain, and then died.— The negro is getting along fairly and will no doubt, recover. The last named one, will also recover. The Railroad Company have paid the colored man $1250 damages. The friends of the deceased individual, intend, we un. derstand, Instituting a suit to recover dam- Huntingdon County Schools. We are indebted to the Report of the State Superintendent for the following sat isfactory statement of the condition of the Common Schools of this Coun,y, &c.— The whole number of Schools 168 ; num• ber of schools yet required 11 ; average number of months taught, 128 ; number of male teachers, 157 ; number of female teachers, 26 ; salaries of ma!es, por mo., $24 83 ; of females per month, $l7 7a ; ' number of male scholars, 31199 ; number of female scholars, 3247 ; number learn ing German, 8 ; average number of scho lars attending school, 5428 ; cost of teach. ing each scholar per month, 581 cts. ; am ount of tax levied for school purposes,s2o - 66 ; amount of tax levied for building purposes, $2,329 57 ; total amount of tax levied, *23,006 ; amount of money re ceived from State appropriations, $1,961 90 ; received from collector of school tax, $16,070 78; cost of instruction, $18,280, 27; for fuel and contingencies, $1,578 98; cost of school houses, purchasing building renting, repairing, &c.. 53,765 65. That Sleighing Party. We had the pleasure of making one of a party of some thirty persons who cele brated the anniversary of the birthday of our Washington, by partaking of a fine sup- per at the. Springs. The getter•up of the party was our gentlemanly and gallant townsman General A. P. Wilson. After partaking of the delicious repast furnish ed by our worthy host and hostess, the In. dies and gents amused themselves by dan cing, &c., which passed off to the enjoy ment and satisfaction of the participants. "-Hearts beat happily ; and when Music arose with its voluptuous swell, Solt eyes lookM love to eyes which apake again; And all want merry as a marriage bell." Thus passed the evening, amid social joys until the "wee, small hours o' the , night," bade us end the glee. So, after a merry ride we found ourselves home a gain. We are confirmed in our opinion , that human nature needs just such enjoy , mont to keep the heart in its right place. We are that. News of the Week. Tho Small pox is said to bo prevailing ix Harrisburg to a considerable extent. serTha Asia which arrived from Europe on Monday last, brings very warlike news, be. tween England and the United Stales. A ceremony of breaking ground upon the i Gettysburg Railroad was performed on 11th inst., at a point between Gettysburg and Han• over. The Democratic State Convention of Rhoda Island hays nominated Americo , ' V. Potter for Governor. The Quaker City, a Philadelphia built steam• er, sailed for Europe en Saturday in place of the missing Pacific. It is thought capital punishment will un• doubtedly be restored in Wisconsin this win' ter, as a majority both of the Senate and As. sembly are in favor of such a Into. Our new Minister to England has received his instructions, and left Washington on Tuea• day to prepare for his departure for Europe.— The Secretary of Legation is his son, Philip N. Dallas. A Russian agent was in Worcester, Mass., a few days ago, and mask a contract with man. ufactures there fur several thousand rifles.— They are to be of the Sharpe pattern, with some improvement. The steamship Etna has arrived at Halifax from Havre, bringing news from Europe three, days later. She brings no tiding of the mis sing steamship Pacific, and the papers brought by her contain no news of importance. A bill has passed both branches of the Lou. leans Legislatu re removing the America Sher. WM' New Orleans, whose election was comes. ted on the ground of the ballot boxes having been destroyed. The District Court gave a decision in his favor, but the Democratic pm•tr in the Legislature has nullified it. Advices received from Mr. Buchanan, by the steamship Canada, any that there is no prospect of a speedy settlement of our dispute with England. The enlistment affair is absor• bed in the Central American. Mr. Crampton has received fresh instructions not to absent himself from Washington. At Pittsburg, on Monday night last, n largo meeting was held in favor of sending aid to Kansas. Spirited speeches were made, and a series of strong resolutions adopted, ending in the appointment of a committee to organize a Kansas aid association, for the purpose of rai sing means and devising ways of more effectu ally aiding the cause of freedom in the terri• tory. A number of single gentleman in Herkmer county, New York have petitioned the Legis lature for a law making every alternate year a Leap Year. During the present winter, with the sleighing provided, the gentlemen, have, no doubt, experienced an extra share of enjoyment through invitations extended to them by tlre ladies to partake of the pleasures of sleigleriding, &e. The Republican National Convention nssem. bled at Pittsburg on Friday the 22d. John A, King, of New York, was called to the chair,' as a temporary President. About three h.- dred delegrdes were present. A committee of one from each State was appointed to report a list of officers from the permnnent organiza tion of the Convention. On the permanent organisation, Francis P. Blair, of the District • of Columbia, was chosen President. Some additional foreign news, brought by the Canada, is telegraphed from Boston. Bus. sin is said to have stipulated, before agreeing to the peace propositions, that no indemnity shall be demanded of her, nor no secession of territory except what is required for "rectifica tion." This being conceded, she agrees not to fortify the Aland isles. There is also a rumor' that Russia intends to demand that England be forbidden to fortify Heligoland. It is also stated that Holland and other neutral powers demand a voice in the Congress, and that Ans. trio is mamouvering to get the Germanic Diet represented in it. The Russian government has imposed a forced loan of 600,000 silver roubles on Finland to provide for its &fence, and is constructing iron floating batteries simi• lar to those of the Allies for the defence of Cconitradt. • Tho U. S. Supreme Court will adjourn on the 29th inst., and reasemble on theist of April. One hundred and twenty odd causes remain on the docket. In the slave case, w•bich in. volves the Missouri compromise, the opinion will not be delivered at present, and there is reason to believe that it will be more favorable to freedom than was supposed. Advicea from Kansas are pacific. The Missouri borders will not make their expected invasion. Governor Shannon is instructed to visit these outlaws and tell them that their invasion would be re sisted by the U. S. troops, and also to tell the Kansas people that any insurrectionary attempt on their part will be met in the same way. If the Free State legislature assembles at Tope ka, civil process will be sued out against the Governor and other civil officers. The Repub. Items leaders in Congress bare sent a special messenger out to Kansas, to advise that the Legislature adjourn immediately after meet ing, PHILADELPHIA MARKETS, Breadstuffs of all descriptions are exceeding. ly dull, There were a few hundred barrels were disposed of at $7 12i per barrel. 'The sales ! for home consumption are limited within the range of $7 25 09 25 for common and fancy brands. There is a wide margin between the prices of common shipping brands and lots suitable for retailing. Rye Flour continues dull at $5 25. Corn Meal is lower—about 1000 barrels Pennsylvania sold yesterday afternoon at $3 per barrel. Grain—The demand for What continues quite limited , and prices are about nominal, 5 a 500 bushels prime Southern red sold at $l. 70, and 200 bushels fair Pennsylvania white $1 70 per bushel. Rye comes in slowly and sells at $1 OG Corn is unchanged—miles of 200 bushels new yellow, in store, at 50 cents —the receipts have rather fallen off. Oats are steady at 3tii a 40 cents per bushel fur online. ry and good quality. 100 n" 4 "s tignehaUttatat iguNN DIEM—On the 15th, inst., fifteen lingering illnese, borne with patience and resignation, Mary Jane Logan, eldest daughter of the late John B. Logan, in the 21st year of her age. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Atlutinistratotom 'Notice. ET fERS oi Administration int the est:lt, of Eduardo, late of Tod toWII6IIIII, having been granted to the undersigned all porsons indebted to said estate mu requee• ted to make immediate payment, and those buying neenunts against the same should pre sent them for settlement. ALLEN EIt\VARDS, shfut'r. Feb. 27, 1856.—Gt.* 'MURPHY & KOONS, • WHOLE!. I.F. DEA LESS IN FISH, CHEESE & PROVISIONS, No. 4i Nueva W amts., BMA.' RA.: Sr. PHILADELPHIA. Keep cetistantly on hand a large assortment of FISH, CHEESE AND I'ROVISIuN3, which they arc prepared to dispose of at the lowtst tuar:set rates. Orders promptly executed. Feb. 27, 183ti.-31u. Orphans' Court Sale. Iwill sun on the premises, on Wednesday, tlis tith day V . Jlw•eli next, A Lot of Ground, in the borough of Caswellle, lute the property of John Speer, deu'd. TERMS—Cush on confirmation of the sale at April Court. By order of the Court, DAVID CLA RliSo N, Adner. Join bpecr, deed. Feb. 27, 1825.-2 t. [To the Lien Creditors of Jon L. nal AUDITOR'S NOilti. THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Piens ut Huntingdon co., to distribute the proceeds in the Sheres oldie sale of the Real Estate of John L. hereby gives notice, that he will attend to the duiitis of his appointment, atthe Prothuhuutry's oilier, in the borough of Huntingdon, on Stall, cloy, the 22,1 of March next, at 1 o'clock, P. AL, when and where all persons must present their claims before the undersigned Auditor, or hit debarred from coining in upon said fond. THEO. 71. CitEMElt, Auditor Feb. 27, 1836.-4 t. APPEALS. THE commi,sionur3 of Huntingdon County will hold appeals in the sev,rul t.nytiships and boroughs at the following times and pie ces, for the pretent your, between the hours of 9 o'clock, A. M., and 4 o'clock, P. M., to wit : Porter township ou Friday the 7111 day of March at the house of William Christie in Al. exendria. --- Westtowuship on Saturday the Bth day of March ut the house et Isaac Neil in Peter:• burg. 13 - arree township on Moodily tin) lath day of Much nt the huoso of Janice I. , loniing in Ma nor Hill. Jachsun township on Tuesday the 11th day ol• March, at Stewart's, McAlavey's Fort. Morris township on Wednesday the 12th at Hazlet's, Spruce Crock. Franklin township un Thursday the 13th at the public house in Mechanicsville. Warrioranark township on Friday the•l.ta at the house of James Chamberlain in Warri or:titlark. ‘‘allter township on Monday the 17th nt the house of Benjamin Megnintu in Meeau,eLd• town. Ycuu townritip on Toe day the 18th at the Louse or iieur,e Huusehulder in Marklesburg tuwnship cm Wednesday the 19th at J:1.111. Entreltin's, Coffee Unit. . , d towuship on Thursday the 2Cth at the ree.i Sehuttl llot e: neer Eagle Fettialry. Less township at lii by the 214 at the Seh..ol liouse in Ca, tAille. Chty townsild on Saturday the 22d at the School House in Scutisville. Spain:Acid on Monday the 24th at the School House near Hugh Mutt(lt... Cruanw.ll l'othdtay the 25th ut tie School House at Orbisonia. Shirley township and Shirleysburg horough on Wednesday the - 26th at airs. Frukers in Shirleyshurg. Tell township Thursday the 27th at the School House near Ni,liolas liuoshornd. Dublin township Friday the 2 , .th at the pub lic house Shade Gap. Brady township on Monday the 31st at Mill Creek at the luiuse of J3:11 , a K. li:unit:am Union township on the Ist of April at the house of Caleb Swoope. Henderson township and Hunt;N.l..ll Bar. eaph on the 2,1 day of Apfil at the sioners Office. THOMAS HAMER, 131:NJ. K. NEFF, Com JACOB 13AKEIl 1 Pba. 27, 1856- J. C. M0....AN, DAvur, WATSON, M JACK, Jso. C. INN.. GAY SPORT FOIIND R Y MACHINE SHOP. .. . , llodlidaS.tiburg, Blair C u . , pa„ THE proprietors of this establish- g i meet have lately increased their „Li facilities for furnishing extensively Steam Engines, Blowing M n Aiski Machine- 1 ry, Railroad Cur-wheels,and Axles, Mill Gear ing, Pulleys, Hangers, hafting, Hot Blast and other pipes, Forge and Furnace castings of all kinds, Plows and Plow Castings, Porticos, Ver andahs, Iron Railings of beautiful style and fin ish. All work dune with dispatch and on as fa vorable terms as any other establishment in the State. bIehANAHAN. WATSON & CO. Feb. 20,1826.-3 m. - - FIVE PER CENT SAVING FIND, Of The National Safety Company. Walnut Street, South Weat L'orner Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated by Me State of Penn sylvania in ISAI. oney is reciend in any sum large or small, _Mend interest paid from the day of depmit. The °thee is open every day. from 9 o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening. and on Monday and Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock. INTEREST FIVE I'ER CENT. All sums large orsmall, are paid back in gild on demand n 'Stout notice, to any iunnunt President, lion. HENRY L. BENNER, Vice President, ROBERT SEWRIDGE., Secretary, WM. J. Race. DIRECTORS. Henry L. Benner, C. Landreth Means, Edward L Curter, F. Carroll Brewster, Robert elfridge, :Joseph B. Barry, Samuel K. Ashton lien. r.. Janics 11. Smith, Francis Lee. The investments, amounting as per statement of Jan. I, 1850, to $976,218.91, (nine hundred rind ocrentli-sir thousand, too hundred mid niyhteen dollars and aniety-one cents,) in accordance with the 'net of incorporation, ate made in Morgages, Grimm Rents, and in such first-class socuritiea as must always insure perfect security to the d, positors, and place beyond all risk the perms , uency and stability of this old esti ieell.eetal, 'Merl Institution. If, Ibis.