Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 20, 1856, Image 2

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VrikCS ", ,N
j ; r - N.VII,I , VAAN: r '• 4 s,
Wednesday Morning, February 20,1858,
Flour, Flour.
A splendid article, for sale. Inquire at this
office. This is decidedly the best article in the
market. It is warranted good. Price $8 per
lir Our thanks are due Hon. John
Wintrode, for a copy of the "Report of the
Superintendent of Common Schools."
or The School Journal for February
is on our table. It is as usual, replete with
interesting matter. Address Tho. H. liur
rows, Lancaster, Pa. a year.
O7' The first Male and Female Schools
of this place, in charge of Mr. Albert Owen
and Miss C. M. Shaw, will give an ezhi•
bition in the Court House on Friday even
ing of this week—Feb. 22nd.
The admission fee will be 121 cts. and
the fund will be appropriated to the pur
chasing of a melodeon for the Girls' High
U The Shareholders of the Gift As
sociation, will see by an advertisement in
another column, that the awarding Com
mittee is chosen and the day positively fix
ed, (17th April, 1856.) Those desiring to
purchase tickets should do so at once, as
theriowill be no postponement. Address,
P. 0. Brian, Kittaning, Armstrong Coun
ty, Pa.
NW We have received from Burgess
& Co., No, 60, John st., N. Y., Tower's
Algebra and Key. This work is on a now
and original plan, simplifying and illustra
ting the science in such a manner that it
may be taught orally. As a discipline of
the mind, in teaching the pupil to think
and reason, Algebra is preeminent. This
work very happily brings the younger
classes under this beneficial influence, and
has received the cordial approbation of the
•ablest teachers throughout the land. It
leads the pupil along from step to step in
a most successful manner.
Latest News from Europe.
On Tuesday morning the steamship Ca.
nada arrived at Halifax, from Liverpool,
bringing news from Europe one week la
ter than previous advices. The steamship
Pacific had not returned to Liverpool, nor
had any news been heard of her. The
Peace Congress was to assemble in Patie
about the 17th of February. The admit
tance of Prussia to the co iferen ces was
considered doubtful. Prospect of peace
brighten. 'fhe Czar's unconditional ac
ceptance of the propositions is confirmed
by despatches received at Vienna from
The British Parliament has been open
ed by the Queen, but her speech was a
meagre one, and contained - no allusion to
American affairs. At Vienna the peace
protocol has been signed by the represen
tatives of the five powers, and a short ar
mistice will next be agreed upon. It is
thought that the Peace Congress, which is
to meet at at Paris, will be ended by the
25th. Prussia, it is said, refuses to agree
to the conditions exacted by the Allies as
preliminattes to her admission into Con
gress and consequently will be excluded.
According to the London Advertiser, Mr.
Buchanan, the American minister, and the .
Earl of Clarendon have had angry words
in the course of an interview in the Brit
ish Foreign Office touching the Central
American question.
In the Baltic there has been mild weath
er; the ice was breaking up, and naviga
tion was resumed at various points. On
the 9th of January, the Russians made an
expedition over the ice to attack Kertsch,
but finding the Allied forces on the alert,
they retired. At Sevastopol, the Rus
sians continue to fire from the north forts.
Gortschakoff had handed over the com
mand in the Crimea to General Luders,
and issued a valedictory address.
Important about Kansas
Late intelligence from Kansas represents of
fairs iu that Territorry as rapidly approaching
a crisis. While the Free State party are al.
most constantly in garrison at Lawrence, the
pro-slavery party at Leavenworth has determin.
ed upon active measures in opposition, and has
despatched agents to Southern States for aid.
Gov. Shannon left Washington for Kansas
On Saturclayafteruoon. He takes with him, it is
understood, orders from the War Department
to Cul. Summer, in relation to having the troops
under that officer's command ready to aid in
the enforcement of the authority of his admin
istration. There am about. 1200 troops at
Forts Riley and Leavenworth.
The Wasington correspondent of the New
York Herald states that Gov. Shannon has
express orders to arrest all the members of the
government established by the Free State par.
ty in Kansas, and apprehensions are entertain.
red of a collision between the federal authori
title and the Free State men.
We notice a call in the last Harrisburg
Telegraph by the Whig, American, Know
Nothing and Republican members of the
Legislature, for a meeting of anti-Admin
istration Pennsylvanians of all parties,
in Pittsburg, on the 19th day of March,
for the purpose of electing delegates to
meet at Harrisburg oh the 26th of the same
month to nominate a State ticket and take
action on the great and all-absorbing topics
of the day.
We heartily concur with our able co
temporary in asserting that this step of the
Whig, American and Republican members
of the Legislature, is no more than was
expected and demanded by the large ma
jority of the peoplo of Pennsylvania, nt
heart opposed to the policy of the so called
Democratic party, and they will cordially
second the movement and carry it out in
good faith, and with signal success,
Another and a very necessary step, bas
also been taken by the members of the A
merican party in the State Legislature, in
drawing up and signing a memorial to the
American National Convention, shortly to
assemble its the city of Philadelphia, ask
ing of that body the abolishment dell the
secret forms in the organization, so that
they can act on an equitable and liberal ba•
sis with all others who are opposed to the
National Administration.
These movements if properly conducted,
must ultimately result in a complete tri•
umph to the combined parties, and a con
sequent overwhelming defeat to the Pierce
faction. But, in the present condition of
politics in Pennsylvania, where every oth•
er 7nan is an office•seeker, end every poli
tical demagogue who can rally around his
standard a corporal's guard of supporters,
imagines himself of the utmost importance
to a party, we can hardly hope for much
good to result from the Convention, unless
all party disputes be forgotten, and the
combination be not from selfish motives but
i‘a union for the sake of the Union."
Honest Democracy.
A terrible howl was set up last winter
by the Locofoco press of the State, about
the extravagant "Know Nothing Legisla
lure," and the plundering of the 'l'reasury.
Why will the honest gentlemen remain so
very, very quiet, over the extravagance of
our national government? Mr, Buchanan
having made a pretty snug sum of money,
"backs out" to make room for George M.
Dallas to line his purse with the gold of
Uncle Sam, by an "outfit" &c., of some
$9,000, as Minister to England. But of
course this is all right. Democracy needs
cash, and Mr. Pierce is liberal. Mr. Dal
las is a good Democrat, and besides what
is the use of leaving money lie idle in our
Treasury when Mr. Dallas can spend it so
easily?—circulate the tdocuments'—the
people must be taxed ; taxed ! aye, ground
down to earth, for the purpose of giving
Mr. Buchanan, and Mr. Dallas, and the
Lord knows how many more honest, up
right Democrats, an opportunity of visit
ing Europe, squeezing Victoria's hand,
ktssing her dirty children, and other mat•
ters and things. Yet, not a whine from
Democratic journals! All right, of course
We are satisfied, if the people are, but we
are not Fat's& d with the unciaritable spi
rit of the Democratic press. Now it is an
undeniable fact, however much it may be
quibbled at by partizans, that last winter's
Legislature was as inexpensive a one as
ever assembled in Harrisburg. But, nev
ertheless, the Democracy must deny it.
George Law.
We see that George Law is being urged
by a class of the citizens of New York,
as the next American candidate for the
Presidency. This, we consider one of the
best jokes of the season. George Law
for the Presidency ! ha, ha, ha. George,
we perceive, has written a letter to a friend
who charged him with spending money to
secure his nomination, in which he says,
all the money he has, he made by honest
industry ! Pooh ! pooh ! We wonder if
the "Live Oak" man has forgotten his re
sidence here ? Wonder if he recollects
the time when the canal was making at
this point, and he was a contractor, at
teratreet, about ten miles above Hunting
don ? Wonder if ho recollects the shot
bag of silver, which he carried with him
when he "played high?" Wonder if he
recollects the evening he "broke" a cer
tain legal gent of this borough, in playing
cards, of all the money he had—
"Made his money honestly,"—that is de
cidedly rich. Before George can lay claim
to the distinction of "got my money hon
estly," he must come back to Huntingdon
County and re-fund.
Signor Blitz.
The Signor gave four of his unequalled
exhibitions in this borough, on Saturday
and Monday. We never saw as wonder
ful a performer as Blitz. As a ventrilo
quist he is unrivalled.
A Lecture from Horace Greely.
We have the gratification of announcing
to our readers, that Iforace Greely is ex•
pected to lecture in the Court !louse in
this place, on Saturday evening the 23d
News of the Week.
The Pokanoket steam cotton mills, Rhode
Island was destroyed by fire early on Thum
No tidings have yet been received or the day morning, together with the stock on hand.
steamship Canada and Pacific. Loss 4110,400--insurance $70,000.
Jacob Armbruster, convicted at Doylestown A Monument to Christopher Columbus has
Pa. of the murder of his wife, was exeented been for a number of years past in progress
yesterday. at Genoa, hat its completion has hoes, delayed
The chief engineer of tho steam fri,rate tier• !by various di,ostrons events. Bartolini, the
rimer, has gone to Boston, to start the vessel sculptor, who was engaged to model the sta.
upon her trial trip. tore, received nu advance payment of nine
A Railroad passenger ear, weighing e i g h t thousand Kane;, aid died before the plaster
tons, started from Washington, upon hit model was completed. ft ens trllll4,,red to a
for Alexandria, yesterday. 1 young artist named Trucehia who, after receiv-
lug tweol,tive thouiand ounces, tailed, under
Ichabod Uoodwio was yesterday nominated
a melancholy attention at mind. The sculptorsby the Whig State Convention of New Ramp
engaged W execute the bas reliefs, allegories,
shire, as the party candidate for Governor.
Ste., also proved defaulters or renounced their
At Washington Hon. Albert Rust, of it.rhau
contracts. After these losses the ravages of
sas, has been held to bail to answer the charge
the cholera in the city affected the resources of
of committing art assault upon " ' a " th ' ea• the company, uld they have now appealed to
the city authorities for aid.
By the arrival of the mail from Salt:Lake. on The
ht. ... 14 Norther. Light, from Sara
Saturday last, at Independence, Mu., we learn
Juan, arrived at New York on Friday, bring
that there is now fi fteen feet of snow on the
ing $248,000 . in treasure. The dates from
I San Francisco are to the list ult. The news
The inauguration of the equestrian stature of is not very important. Au extensive coal range
Jackson, at New Orleans, took place on Satur- had been discovered on the coast, nearer to
day, the ceremonies being grand and• impo• Stockton than that in Corral Hollow. Mr.
Flatted'hoinination for C. S. Senator, try the
The Northern Central Railroad Company i Americans of the Legislature, was highly prob.
paid $l4OO for extra labor during one month able. Gov. Johnson was inaugurated on the
at one depot alone, in consequence of the ex- llth of Jimmy. The Indians had been de
treme severe weather. Stated at Walla Walla, Oregon, after a three
Twelve tavern keepe,s of Wayne county, con- days' battle, during which a large number
victed of selling liquor without license under were killed and wounded on both sides. Ira
the new law, have been sentenced to fine .d Nicaragua, General Walker's force had been
imprisonment. There are indictments also a- I in creased to 1006 went by recent aece.inas•
gainst twenty others. A. Presidential decree bad suspended diplo.
made intercoms': with the United States and
The Judiciary Committee in the Peunsylva
nia Rouse of Representatives has reported ad-
Mr. French has been recalled.
versely upon the bill changing the venue in the DUYLESTOX, Feb. 15.—The execution of
case of Passmore Williamson no. John K. Kane Jacob Armbruster, who was convicted of the
from Delaware county to Philadelphia. murder of his wife Catharine, took place in the
jail yard to-day, between I and 2 &deck. He
The Hayti. Emperor's army was defeated
by the Minie rifle. The few Dominicans were !Maintained his composure to the last, protest
armed with that weapon, and slew two thou- tog his innocence,' and appealing to Cod is.
sand of solooque , s
which was con,id- guin4 his sentence. He ascended the detail&
erably snore than the Dominican army,. with a firm step, accompanied by his sun, who
We find iu the St. Lenin Herald a ""
wept bitterly at the dreadful situation of bin fn-
e . t o but al t er the fatal cord bad been udjus
scheme proposed by a young man in that city. ted, the Itrisont ,,..
refused to
shako Lauds oven
He calls it "A Leap Year &hen ' , " in which with his son aeparting, and would not permit
he proposes to ra ffl e himself Mlfa" $ 3 a chan ce prayers to be offered up in his behalf, tur
—the number of chances to he limited to 500. frequently t , „ he sherid; and exelainting. ,y ou
The London Times says that. the British ' dare not hang me I You know you dare notl
Government will soon require a fresh Loan of l.lool'l'l i.ccee, however, continued but a
one hundred million dollars. Another reedier th e drop foil, and the doomed
for the back of the camel John Bull. By the man was launched i n to el,nity without astrug.
way, wars are inueb more expensive than they gle. His last words were, "1 ;vast no Judge
used to be. To fight the Possions two yeara, ' but n r llis neck was not broken by. the
has cost Great Brhain more money than the •
whole of our Devolution,
T!,, Perk' War advises hue° been tecei-
It is reported that Mr. Buchanan's despatch
vesl from Punta Basso, South Florida, to the
es expres the opinion that there is responsible 2eth ult. A few days subsequent to that date
ground to expect that peace will he made on a company or of,lnited States
was to
the basis of the propositions submitted to Rus• sail to reconnoitre in the vicinity of Fort Bey
sin, but our Ministers at other Courts do net
int . & fro. which pus, noth i ng had been heard
express the same confidence or hope. They
reinttre th&actissing titer , as • the
pert ,
consider the present position of Russia, assunt•
had been attaTcl by Indians. The express
ed by her in order to enable her to complete
riders was also missing, told was supposed to
her preparation.
I have been cut off by Indians. Another recoil. •
The New Steam Frigate Merrimac was noitering party of twentydwo men, under Lieut.
last week put in commission, but will probably 1 Thotnas, hail been sent from Fort Meyers to
leave Boston during the present week, for a tri- , traverse the country between there and Fort
al trip in the Gult of Mexi c o, with a crew of ; Dunned. Several companies of volunteers
six hundred and sixty men, commanded by have been mustered into tie service by Cole.
Commodore Gregory. She has two ton inch iie f Monroe, to defend the frontier settlements.
guns, one fore and the other aft, and some of Active prepacati,a, ace in progress for a r i g .
her main deck guns are of nine inch bore mans campai gn against the Indians, with a
Her full armament will not bo put on board fixed detertnina,ion to force theta to leave the
until after her trial trip, w h en sbe will put into country. But this is much easier said than
some southern port for the purpose. dune, as a lelig experiet.ce has shown. Is the
Sliding down Bill, over the frozen snow and I everglades they .urn exceedingly difficult to
ice, upon sleds, is a favorite winter untuaement reach. At the present time their plan seems
in Yankee land. At New London there is to be to attack and wit otT all small parties that
hill side•half a mile lung, and there, front suu. I arc sent out, and it is not considered safe to
set until midnight, a company of men, women send out, any party of less than fifty men Yet
' and children, vat.) ing in 00011)e• from two bus. Lieut. Thomas' party consisted of °illy twen
dred to eight In s ured in ninni),r, occupying • ty•two.
themselves in this ainusemmd. The Lay's sleds
are small, but some of the gro, 11 n e A prisoner named 'Jacob France, confined in
large sleighs, havin g a "' I " on each • e t : ),)1 ,-.
"I? the Maryland Penitentiary, at Bartimore, effec
guide them. At the foot of the hill there •nris led his escape
niglit,_l4: cutti from that institution on Sunday
ng the grating t e window of
numbers of horses, ready, for a consideratioN
his cell, mid removing the !nic a ks th from the wall.
to take the sleighs back by another road to t •
top of the hill. Ho appears to have been employed in the
The President has issued a Ploclainatioa on
bluekstnitli:6 shop, sellers lie had probably fhb
I .te rie r a in t i e s d r t , h , ti: E lt . 4 ,l)l i s ny f u t r h l o il m s . ele iv ap i e li, o a r g ri a n t e t s lt a o w i nhao
the subject of the apprehended outbreaks
Kansas. Ire denounces the. penalties of the •
, cut throngh the eressbors where they entered
law against all who are guilty either of Maur•
the well, and the upright bars outside, sti that
motion or invasion, and avers his deternsina. •
in either ease detection would be improbable.—
lion to employ the entire force of the Federal I
After this he drilled two holes through the up.
Government to maintain authority in the 'Pe • ,
1 right bars with a ratchet drill, All this work
ritory. If there shall prove to be no one•sided.
was doss precious
to Sunday
night, as was
uses in the contemplated action it will all be i
shown b., its P being
rusty, and be prevented
very well, but if the power of the United States
srainy ' by
cover .. g.
t the places with whiting
is to be invoked to keep in countenance itch.
to resemble the white wash on the wall. On
is.° and his gong of desperadoes a storm will I
any administeSenday night he drilled off the iron sill, remove
tion to control.
be raised beyond the ability of' r,
II ed the upright bar, out off the remaining half of
A Whig national convention Navin boon the cross bar, and mode shale in the wall large
enough to allow his body to pass, though it
'.`filled, to be held at Louisville, Kt., move
mends are hieing made in various quarters to must " " hem tight squeezing, as it wan only
a fief square of room. He then carefully re.
send delegates to it. The Whig State Conven•
moved the 'wick, from the loft side of the loop.
lion of New Hampshire, will meet at Concord
hole wide" ufforded ventilation to the coil, with.
today, for this purpose, and. also to nominate
osioustos for sum officers. The Whigs of out 'Avulsing any of them, and so ;Musing to
the east wall of the yard, wherehe confide num.
Missouri have, we believe, already elected del.
egaies. Local
exist in her of iron liars. One of these he bent so as
form a hook at both ends, and with this and to
Maine, Massuchusetts, Pennsylvania and New .
Jersey ; elsewhere the .party seems to have lust • rope he manar., climb over the wall and
its indentity ; and if delegates should appear . rniliug.All this woo done noiselessly, and the
at Louisville, from other States, as is prtio.!sie WII3 not discovered mail the prisoner
enough, it will he merely to control the action w ' 11 -' l l the ifauf4 on ILind.V. Pra"ce
of th Convention, or as make weights, is a native of T'eunsylvania, forty.three years
old, sod speaks ("email fluently. The crime
The steamship Prometheus has arrived rat
of whirl, he was convicted was petty theft, but
New Orleans, with Sea Francisco dates to the
added to it by assaulting an officer.
21st of January, and from Sae Jam, to the 6111
last. The papers tin niah no news or etrikin, , .„
importauce, but it is stated that the agsieultu.
attention of our leaders is directed to the
ral accounts are better and the mining pros.
poets are encouraging. The Legislature is still notice of the old and well established in
troubled in regard to the U. S.Stmator, but ua stttution, which appears in our advertising
several of the candidates have withdrawn, a columns. By the report of the Directors
new man is expected to harmonize the Arueri- to January 1, 13 - 4, it appears they have
can party. More fighting bad taken place with j nearly a million of dollars invested in the
the Indians at Walla Wane, sad the U. States best seourities for the benefit of depositors.
troops engaged, lost twenty-three men, killed
and wounded. A I This is highly satisfactory and shows that
Affairs in Nicaragua aro quiet;
in a highly prosperous
but Walker has retaliated for the refusal to re-
the Saving Fund is
ceive Mr- French, by suspending diplomatic re- condition, The office is in Walnut Street
ietions with our Minister, Mr, Wheeler. south-west corner of Third Street, Phila.
o n griional.
WASIIINGTON, Feb. 11, 1851.
In the U. S. Senate, to•day, a resol..tion was
adopted, requesting the Secretary of \\•ar to
report whether any additional fortifications' are
necessary to the defence of the harbor of New
York and the Brooklyn Navy Yard. A reso
lution was adopted, intruding the Committee
on Military affairs to inquire into the expedien•
cy of abolishing the Military Asylum at liar
rodsburg, liy. The Committee on the Judicia
was instructed to inquire into expediency of ap
pointing a Commissioner to revise the public
statutes so as to render them more consistent;
and the Postal Committee was instructed to in•
quire into the expediency of procuring cheaper
ocean postage.
In the House of Representatives, an unsuc
cessful ballot was had for Printer, parties re
maining in nearly the same position as upon
previous ballots. The newly elected Clerk
made a considerable number of changes among
his suburainates. After an ineffectual effort
to pass a plurality resolution so as to effect the
election of a Printer, the House adjourned.
WASIIINGTON, Feb. 12, 1133 ti.
In'the U. S. Senate; today, Mr. Douglas
complained of the action of the Naval Board
in the case of a certain officer, and proposed
the passage of a law grunting a trial by court
martial, whea charges bare 'been tootle before
the Navy Board; Mr. Hale submitted a bill for
the repeal of the law of the last session, for
promoting the efficiency of the Navy, which
was referred to the Committee on Naval At
The Chair laid befure the Senate the Annual
Report of the Commissioner of Patents, and
the Senate then resumed the consideration of
the Central American question. General Wil
son and Messrs. Mason and Butler discussed
the subject, aro thou it was postponed until
Monday, in courtesy to Mr. Clayton.
In tao House, the balloting for a printer was
ciintinuad, without resulting in a choke.
WASHI xaTox, Feb. 13, 183 G.
In Congress, to-day, the House elected Mr.
Wendell, Dernomt Printer. He received 91
votes, being a majority of the pull. The Speak
er then announced his
.appointments fur the
Standing Cum tnittees, Mr. Campbell, of Ohio,
is Chairman of the Committee of Ways and
Means, which is generally considered the lea.
dership or the House. The Senate had a long
discussion on the resolution calling for the rec.
orcl Lif the Naval Retiring Board,
To Congress, to-day, the Senate received the
annual report of the Coast Survey. Mr. Weller
introduced a bill for nn overland mail from
the Mississippi river to San Francisco. The
discussion of Mr. Wilson's resolution, calling
on the President for all the information in his
possession relative to interference with the free
tdom of oleetiens iu Kansas was resumed.—
Messrs. Weller, Fessenden, Geyer and Toucey
took part in the debate, after which the sub
ject was postponed. After a discussion rela
tive to the action of the Naval Retiring Board,
the Senate adjourned until Monday.
In the House, the President's annual mes
sage nod the accompanying documents were
referred to the Committee of the Whole. Mr.
Florence presented the petition of A. 11. Reed
er, contesting the seat of J. W. Whitfield as
Delegate from Kansas. It was rend, together
wills other petitions contesting the seats of Mr•
Allen, of Illinois, Gallegos, of New Mexico,
and Eustis, of Lousiana, whleh were referred
to the Commlit.e on Elections. The I'resi
d•sot'o special message, relative to alfatrs in
Kamm, was taken up, and referred to the
Committee of the Whole on the State of the
WASIII, CON, Feb. 15,1854
Wo learn from Washmgton that several of
the House Committees have been organii:ed.
The Committee on Ways and Means have re
solved to usk for a permanent Clerk.
' Pennsylvania Legislature.
thunisßuitn, Feb. 11, 1856,
In the State Senate, after the presentation of
various bills of incorporation, the consideration
of the Tavern License Bill was resumed, the
question being upon Mr. Brown's substitute.—
Mr. Ingram spoke at great length against the
substitute, and still had the floor when the Sen.
ate adjourned.
In the House, a large number of memorials
were presented, among them being one from
the Philadelphia Board of Trade in reference
to the halfpilotage law, and another against
city passenger railways. The bill to abolish
the Superintendout of COmmon Schools was
reported hack, with a recommendation that it
be paused. _ . _
llAßuisnuna, Feb.l2, 1856.
In the State Senate. after the presentation of
various bills, the discussion upon the liquor
bill was resumed, the question being upon Mr.
Browne's substitute.
After a long debate, Mr. Browne's substitute
wa s agreed to—Yeas 19, nays 13. This is re.
girded as thy defeat of the Wilkins bill.
In the Meese, the bill reldtive to the election
of the Inspectors of the County Prison of Phila.
adelphia, came up. Mr. McCarthy offered an
amendment, giving the appointment to various
Judges, which was lost, and the bill then pas.
.sed finally.
The bill to authorize the Delaware, Lecke•
wana and Western Railroad Company to bor
row inonay, was taken up, debated, and post
poned until 21st inst. The bill to incorporate
the Franciscan Brothers, of Cambria county,
so lung debated, was passed flually—yeas 60,
Imps 29—a party vote.
HARRISBURG, Feb. 13, 1856.
In the State Senate, to-day, the liquor bill
(Mr. Browne's substitute) passed second read.
itig by a vuto of 17 to 12. In the lower House,
a bill passed to proyido for tho olection of a
State Printer.
11mtumutw, Feb. 14, 1856.
In the State Senate, today, the consideration
of the Tavern License bill was resumed, and
the various sections of Mr. Browne's substitute
were adopted so far as the 10th, with various
In the House, various supplementary hills
were presented, and the bill suppleMentary to
the Act. to incorporate the Harrisburg, Mount
Joy and Lancaster Railroad Company was ta
ken up and debated until adjournment.
Martineau, Feb. 4,, 1856.
In the State Senate, to-day, the bill to vacate
Washington street, between Arch and Cherry
streets, Philadelphia, was passed, as was also
the bill relative to the German Lutheran
Church of Philadelphia, and a supplement to
to the Philadelphia Steam Tug Company.—
Adjourned to Wednesday afternoon next.
In the House, the following bills were repor
ted by the Committees having them in charge,
with adverse recommendations .—Relative to
Sheriff's fees ; relative to Vagrants in Lancas
ter County ; the supplement to the charter of
the Wiseonisco Canal ; the amendments to the
act to incorporate the North Western Cual and
Iron Company.
Mr. Morris read in place a supplement to the
charter of the Philadelphia Steam Tug Com
pany, (or the Saving and Protection of Proper
ty, which was, on motion, takou up and passed.
The House adjourned to meet on Wednesday
afternoon, at :3 o'clock.
ISIPOIiTANT IF TRUE.—An American resident
in France, writing to his friends in Washing
ton, says t--"I have obtained an extraordina
ry piece of intelligence, which, I think indicates
a much closer and better understanding between
Napoleon and England as regards the United
States. Mr. Periere, the Napoleon of railroads
and new operations in France, and a man of
immense fbrtune, has, with the Credit Mobilier,
made a contract to build a railroad in Hondu
ras to the Pacific. Twenty or more of the
best engineers have already sailed to survey
the bays harbors, coasts and route, and if their
report confirms the representations that have
been mode, the Emperor has said the Govern-
ment will guaranty an interest of four per cent.
mt the investment, which would very prompt
ly secure .y amount of capital that might be
required for the purpose."
Hottatatx likratneviox.—ln the early part
of September last a man whose name (iramby
O'Neal, killed in affray a num whose same we
heard but have now forgotten. Ho was arms•
ted and curried before the proper authorities
and by them admitted to bell. A hew nights
since, while himself and ftimily were seated a
round the lire. an unknown person appmehed
his dwelling and placing a gl u t through a crack
in the wall , discharged its contents nt him,
which entering his head scattered his brains
upon the floor, killing hint iostsatly. An effort
was made to find the perpetrators of this her
rible deed, and bring them to justice, but nt
last accounts 00 traces of them could be found.
(-flits.) Star.
MARRIED—On the 14th hint., by Rev.
J. W. Ilaughawout, Mr. David Stewart to Mies
Winfried Duff, all of MeAlavey's Port.
Near Cassville on the sth inst. by the Rev.
C. Rightmyer, Mr. John Piper to Miss.
du Spangler.
By the same, on the 71h inst. near Orbiso•
tin Mr. James Harper to Miss Mary Hileman.
In Cassvillo on the 14th hist, by the same
Mr. John Burris to Miss. Hannah Sommrs,
both or W.odeock Valley.
Thu market remains dull ; there is no de•
mand fur export, and standard brands are held
at $7 60a7 75, without finding buyers, most
holders asking the latter rate. For home
use the demand is also limited at from $7 75
to $lO per barrel for common to choice retail
ing brands,' - and extras as in quality. Corn
Meal and live Your continue very dull, nod
in the uhscuee of any recent sales, prices are
nominally unchanged. Gmin--Thcre is rut
very little Wheat offering, and owing to the
frfferense in the views of buyers and sellers, a
tow small lobs of red only have been disposed
of at 175a17Re tire fair Pennsylvania, in store
llye is strait stationary, and about 1090 bush.
els Western have been sold at 110 e, part to re.
muiu in store 30 days, without oharge.
Corn—The receipts have fallen off, but Penn.
sylvania yellow moves off slowly at previous
quoted rates ; about 8300 bushels sold, mostly
at 63e, in store. including 600 bushels at 6.1 c,
and 2000 bushels for March delivery at 68e.—
Oats—No change,' and further sal s of 30?•000
bushels Pennsylvania and Western are repor•
ted at .11c, including onto lot at a shade more;
in store.
Hollidaysburg, Blair Co" Pa.
THE proprietors of this establish
ment have lately increased their
facilities for furnishing extensively ,
Steam Engines, Blowing Machine- L"
ry, Railroad Car-wheels, and Axles, Mill tear
ing, Pulleys, Hangers, dhafiing, Hot Blass and
other pipes, Forgo and Furnace castings of all
kinds, Plows and Plow Castings, P—ticos, V er
undid., Iron Railings of beautifth ..yle and fin
ish. All work done with dispatch and on as fa
vorable terms as any other establishment in the
Feb. 20, 1856.-3 m.
Of The National Safety Company.
Walnut Stivet, South Wed Corner Mira Surge',
. •
Incorporated by t he State of Penn.
sylvania in 1841.
Money is reclved in any sum large or small,
and interest paid from the day of delimit.
The Office is open every day. from 9 o'clock
in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and
on Monday and Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock.
All amts large or small, are paid back in gold
on demand without notice, to any amount .
President, Dom HENRY L. BENNER,
Secretary, Wo. J. BEE.
Henry L. Brinier, ~v
C. Landreth Manus,
Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster,
Robert Selfridge, Joseph 11. Barry,
Samuel K. Ashton lien. L. Churchman,
James B. Smith, Francis Lee.
The inn estments, amounting as per statement
of Jan. 1, 1856, to $976,218.91, (nine huldrcd
and seventy-six thousand, two hundred aud eighteen
dollars and ninety-ono cents ' ) i u accordance with
the act of incorporation, are made in Morgages.
Ground Rents, and In such first-class securities
as must always insure perfect security to the de
positors, and place beyond all risk the permit
nency and stability of this old end well-estab
lished Institution.
Folnonry 29,185,
The Commissioners appointed by an Act of
Assembly, passed Feb. 27, A. D. 1854, to open
books, receire subscription Lind organize a
Company, by the name, style and title of the
"Ramo Station and Alexandria Plank Road
Company," will meet, for that purpose, in the
borough of Alexandria, on Saturday, the 10th
day of March, A. D. 1850, at the Hotel of Wm.
Christy, Esq.
Feb. 20, 1850.-4 t. •
The Awarding Committee chosen by the
Stockholders, Dec. 22nd 1850, would announce
to the public that the 17th of April, 185 G is the
day on which the distribution will positively
take place. Shareholders will send in their
ticket:: on or before that time. All letters of
inquiry. to insure attention, should contain
To Agnts and Shareholders, we would say,
as the final day is fixed on Thursday, the 17th
of April next, and there remain a largo num
ber or shares yet unsold, we must appeal to
you to assist us. Will each agent lay and sell
as many more, and each stockholder PUrcLase
(at least) one more share. or influence an ac
quaintance to do so? We hope you will, an
well for your own interest as ours.
Any person sending is at one time, shall
receive 9 shares ; and all who send to this of•
fice `a2s on or hetbre the 15th of February shall
receive one share extra. The three persons
sending in the largest amount of money shall
receive the following premiums ; Ist shall re
ceive a silver watch worth $2B ;e second a
gold seal worth $l2, nod the this tt gold pen
cil worth $5.
Each person intlosing two post-stamps shall
receive (postage prepaid) a printed Report of
the Committee on Distribution.
Agents are requested to remit immeOlately
GEORGE GOURLEY, ;. Awarding Com.
Address, P. O'BitiAx, Kittanning, Pa.
gUill - EL;SgiU@RI .. EII?,gItP2.7.IT )
Fish, Bacon, Cheese, Dried Fruit, Lard, turd
Oil, Flaxseed Oil, Mils Lead, rt . y Loaf, Win
dow Glass, Glassware, Iron and Nails, Rice and
Tallow Candles, Variegated and Rosin Snap, and
Pittsburg rnalaynclures generally.
No. 21' Wood St.,
l'artieular attention gd Von to tho solo of Ph
Metal and Blooms, and liberal advances mad
Feb. 13, 1856.—1 y
[L'etate of Wm. Setfritlye, late o . f Barret! 7).,.]
The undersigned Auditor, appointed to dis
tribute the assets or balance in the hand of Win.
Moore, administrator ut said dee'd., will attend
for that purpose, at his oilier in the borough of
Huntingdon, ott 'Thursday the al day ut March,
A. D. 1856, at 10 o'clock A. M. All persons
interested are notified to present their claims
before snob Auditor, or be debarred from ruining
in for a share of such assets or fund.
A. W. BENEDICT, Atulitur.
Feb. I. 1830.-44.
I 7'u the Lien Credit°,
- -
TIIE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon coun
ty, to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's
Sale of the real estate of Henry Cornprubst,
hereby gives notice that be will attend to the
duties of his appointment nt the Prothonotary's
office, in Huntingdon, en Thrtreday, A.
6th day of March next, at 10 o'clock, A. 11.,
when and where all persons ate trequiri , d to
make their claims before the undersigned Au
ditor, or be debarred from coming in upon said
fun'). THEO. 11. CUE:MEP, Auditor.
Feb. 6, 1850,41.
[71,114e Lien Creditors °pica,. IFlsite.]
TUE undersigned Auditor appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon coun
ty, to distribute the proceeds of the sale of the
real rotate of Reuben .White, hereby gives no.
lice that he will attend to the duties of his ap.
pointment at the Prothonotary's office, in the
bordugh Lf Huntingdon, no. Thursday the Clh
day V.lfardt oust, at one o'clock, P. M., when
and where all persons nine; rterenttheir claims
before the 'undersigned Auditor, or be debarred
from cowing in open nail Nod.
„, THEO. H. CIIEME I I, Auditor.
Feb. 6,1856.-.4t.
[Estate David Woods, deceased.]
rpm: undersigned Auditor appointed by the
I Court of Common Plca.s of Huntingdon coun•
ty, to distribute the proceeds of the sale of
cool estate of David Woods, late of the bor.'
of Huntingdon, dee'd., hereby gives notice that
he will intend to the duties of his appointment,
at the Prothonotary's office, in said borough,
on Thursday the 6th qt . March next, nt 1 o'clock
when and whom all persons are required to
present their claims before said Auditor, or ha
debarred from coming in upon said fund.
THEO. H. CREASER, Auditor.
Feb. 6,1856.-4 t.
- - •
yWHAT more essential to every family,
counting-room, student, and indeed eve•
ry ono wino would know the right use of lan•
guage—the meaning, orthography, and pronun•
elation of words, than a good English DICTIO.
NARY ?—of daily necessity and permanent
the recognized Standard, "constantly cited on
and relied upon in our courts of Justice, in our
lugislutive bodies, and in public discussions, na
entirely conclusive," says Hon. J. C. SPENCER.
• -Can I Illakt; Reiter
Published by G. & C. MERRIAM, Spring
field, Mass.—sold by Beekieller, Huntingdon
and elsewhere. Also
Feb. 6, 1856.-30
$lO.OO Reward.
T ost or stolen out of the Post Office, a letter
bwritten by time snb3eriber, dated 26th October,
1855, directed to Mrs. Mary Ann Stevens, Wil
liamsburg, Blair Co., Pa. Put into the Post
Office lo Baltimore, Md., paid fur at the wiadow
' and according to the letter Way Bill, appearn
to have been the only letter from Baltimore in
the mail of 27th, for that place, and an admit wit
by the Postmaster at Williamsburg. This letter
contained three twenty dollar notes of the Bank
of Commerce, all dated ad April, 1855, letter
A. No. 464-280---274 ; now as it is probable
that these are the first three notes of the Bank
of Commerce of that denomination that coot
wore in that part of Pennsylvania, if they hare
been passed off to any person who can give me
any information that v ill lead to the conviction
pf the theif, or time recovery of the money, the
above reward will be paid. Address time under
! signed, or call on Henry Reigart Williamsburg
i or Jos. la. Stevens, Petersburg.
No. ;;;;!, Lombard St., BellieWe
rel.. 6,