Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 20, 1856, Image 1

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(stiect Vottrg.
Fast gathering shadows
Clothed moorlands and meadows,
As the dnylod went down in flir distant wave,
My heart was despairing,
For thought wns comparing
The season of night to the gloom of the grave,
As lowly reclining,
I sat thus repining,
The angel of mercy was hovering near ;
tier low whispered measure,
Was n hearet'Aoru treasure,
A charm to the soul, as it fell on the ear.
'Poor mortal, thy sorrow
Will fl;,;vhCnti;;;;;ow
In glory appears, on the son's gilded beam ;
Wit the glad light of mornin , r,
Thaindscape adorning, stream."
Shines upward and ouwatd o'er life a turbid
"Thus the pathway of duty
Is lighted by beauty, (roam ;
There's a smile fur a tear-drop, wherever we
There's a heaven above us,
And a hither to love us,
And our Father to calling His weary oneshome."
lire sibc
Jr was one of those truly winter evenings
Iwith which some of our States seem most
singularly favored. It was in the year
and the wisd, which endeavored to force
an entrance at every point, whistled around
the out houses, sending stern defiance to
the stout weather-boards of the Homestead.
In each succeeding howl, louder than its
precedimt, keen old Boreas spoke volumes
of scorn to his hemlock opponents, and the
towering button-wood, whose branches, al
thnugh leafless, stood out from the trunk in
silent mnjesty, gazed upon the wintery
bcene as though fain to wrap itself in the
luxuriant garment of summer. But, think
you, that with such an august spectator
us NIL Button-ball the stout weather hoard
would deign a reply to the tnsults of such
a helmet sprtirst
,f4ow ns . tbe wind 't Not
so; contenting themselves with the open
ing of a few ports, in the form of knot-holes
they sat cozily in their places, protecting
the occupants of the mansion from the in
cursions of Jack Frost.
Kround the old family hearth was a tru
ly rural and wintry scene. The old lady
sat knitting by the side of the generous
hickory fire, which spread its welcome heat
through the spacious sitting-room, while
Squire Stiles—us he was commonly called
by his constituents—a good-humored spe
cimen of rustic simplicity, contented him
self with a pipe, and, perchance, the latest
number of the "Journal." In short, the
Squire was about to bubject the aforesaid
newspaper to a real, old fashioned, rural
fire-side pent.% It lA mild be read, adver
tisements and all, while the ill bolting phiz
of Santa Claus himself, would be again
scrutinized for self edification. A kitten
was lying cozily by the fire, its d•Sme snug
ly esconced in a Bali& robe, which John
had thrust from the sleigh ; albeit it might
have been a little cold from recent buffeting
with the frosty air. Jemitna was busily
engaged in stringing together dried apples
which would eventually be suspended from
the kitchen ceiling, ranged in fanciful fes
toons by the side of their likewise unfortu
nate comrades. Rachel (not the Rachel
of ..Les Horace," etc.,) was folding up
some towels she had been neatly ironing ;
while Sammy, by his anxious glance tow
ard 'Greonlear and "Davies" and the ner
vous patting of his pencil, was engaged in
the elmination of the hieroglypoical ques
t' •i before him, preparatory to the mor
ru•v's review by the Pedagogue—ono Sam
uel Slocum, who was remarkable for two
very important qualities—readiness with
the cane, and freshness of appetite. The
former he exorcised in the most improved
manner, being one of those short-legged,
thick-headed, long-paned persons, who ad-,
here to the old maxim : Spare the rod
and spoil the child." The latter quality,
bless his soul, he never lacked when any
of the choice stores, of the careful house
wives were in view. How lovingly did he
gaze at the gay lassies of the village, while
the careful matrons were quietly dozing in
the great aria-chair, that hereditary article
of furniture which had descended from
generation to generation, bearing with it,
hereditary associations and hereditary com
forts. In such cases, the good dames had
no fear of the learned schoolmaster; while
the bright-eyed daughters, with their skirts
tucked up, and sleeves rolled back, wore
engaged in the composition of those chief
productions of Yunkeedom—puinpkin pies.
With what anxiety •could the Peda
gogue watelt the smoke ascending from the ,
chimneys of the sober-looking farm houses;
as he ant upon his throne in the school.
rosin, and counted the frosty designs upon •
the window panes, while his pupils were
lost in the labyrinthian passages of "fox
and geese," tit tat to," and "pen the bull,"
and he—most politic Samuel—beheld in
each curling line, gently losing itself amid
the wintry clouds, the distant image of a
pumpkin pie, and turkies, neatly trussed,
upon the table of the honest farmers. Lay
ing the flattering unction to his soul, he
would turn once more to his obtuse pupils,
and soon a hue and cry in the neighbor.
hood of his "Temple of Learning," told
that school had been "let out early," while
the Pedagogue himself wai silently trudg
ing up the hill, soon to come down, array
ed in his best, to introduce himself to the
good things at the Squire's house.
• But Samuel Slocum had other errands
to the house of farmer Stiles, aside from
discussing the noble pies and lat poultry
of the Squire. Their relish was doubly
enhanced by the thoughts of their serving
as the medium of a tete-a•tete with the
bright•eyed Rachel. Now this self•samo
schoolmaster was a sort o: prying fellow,
who invariably happened to "drop in" at
the nick of time to obtain his till of the eat
ables, an-1 a budget of news which "gath
ered as it flew." and yet he was generally
welcomed by the old ladies and not exact
ly hated -by the younger ones. An a mat
ter of course, Squire Stiles smiled gracious
ly upon Samuel, who had of late become
a visitor at the mansion, and since the
good dame rather liked him, and Rachel
actually did, the worthy farmer followed
suit, for the simple reason that Slocum was
a noted person—the philosopher of the vil-
Ige, who could, by hard work, tell how
be earth went around ; define the reason
why the weathercock kept moving ; and
without mistake or hesitation, add four and
five together, and perform similar astoun
ding feats, to the edification of the sons
and expense of the sires. On that account
also could he gain the loan of any maiden's
arm for an evening. and make himself ac
quainted with the fact whether the lips of 1
the girls "were real stuff," or merely pain
; as the alarm's would prefer truslin7
their daughters to the care of the school
master, who kissed "for fun," than to those
mod-caps of the village, who went at it
with a will,
Still, there was another whom Slocum
eyed askance, with a jealous sneer, as he
entered the house, leaving his horse and
gig at the door, and that personage was
none other than the Emulapius of the vil
lage, who had his "office" under the lodge
and whose window shone resplendently
with blue pills and liquorice, backed by
sundry parti-colored bottles, filled with
water, but which the inhabitants of the
neighborhood deemed of fabulous origin,—
The Doctor was also one of the learned
class, and carried a high head and golden
topped cane, which did much in gaining
him favor with the rural dames; and were
it not for being called out suddenly when
'in the midst of a tete-a-tete with the
daughter, might have vanquished. As it
I tens, Slocum was rather sanguinary in re
gard to Ruched Stiles ; but still he had
I fears lest the valiant M D. should eventu
ally carry off the palm. But, while the
Doctor in ono sense, acted the part of Slo
! cum's antagonist, in au-they his role was
that of a cotenaporary, being as ho was, a
noted braggart and never-failing spy upon
the actions and opinions of his neighbors,
who, were it not for the Pedagogue and
the Doctor might possibly have been term
ed a
.quiet, steady-going set of villagers.—
Of course they had their petty quarrels,
arising from petty offences but they were
unavoidable, and like a gust of wind, wore
soon over and presented a sky unsullied by
storm, and radiant with sunshine.
On the evening when our story opens,
these two gents had linen duly talked of by
the fireside of farmer Stiles, and he, with
a good-humored smile gently hinted to Ra
chel, that in the event of being again rhos
sen Squire, the fee to that functionary
could be easily avoided, and what would
otherwise form that donation, be given to
ward a wedding dress. The daughter
smiled, blushed, and continued folding her
towels; while setnething like K N. might
have Leen seen lurking about the corners
of her mouth, as site finished her work, and
placed the towels in the bureau drawer.—
After several ineffectual attempts to entice
the girls into conversation, to the disturb-'
lance of Sammy, who muttered something
about "figgers and thunder" and quietly
lighting a candle, departed for the kitchen
to get his lessons, uninterrupted, save by
the tea-kettle, which told that hot water
was near—the old lady, like 'Poodles, con
sidering it "handy to have in the house."
The long winter evening was waxing
late and the Inhabitants of the mansion
were jest observing that "gaping was
catching," when a knock at the front door
aroused them, and Jemima, followed by
Towzer, who looked rather dogmatical, en•
cored the hall, and hurried to the entrance.
The chilly night air caused the flame
of the candle to flicker restlessly, and as
the snow beat into the face of Jeinima, she
instinctively drew back and gazed upon
the misty scene without. The ruddy face
of Dr. t'eachbtossom was thrust within the
hall, enveloped in a red comforter, and as
he entered the sitting-room, brushing the
snow from his hat, those who had hugged
the delusive hope of a good sound nap,
turned in their seats, and bade adieu to all
dreams of warm beds, and buckwheatcakes
in the morning.
'ell, Doctor, what's the news ?' inqui
red the Squire, laying aside his paper at
the appearance of the vender of pills and
plasters—'Cold out, isn't it ?'
'Cold ! It's the coldest night we've had
this winter by a long shot. It's cold e
nough to freeze the heart within one.—
Bo—o---or replied the Doctor, rubbing his
hands together.
'Come nearer the fire, and let's see what
virtue there is in good old hickory and a
noble black-log;' said the Squire, taking
off his spectacles and stirring up the coals
with a pair of carefully-polished tongs.
'Thank you ; don't care if I do,' replied
PeachlAossoin, loosening his heavy com
forter and removing his overcoat. It's
cold enough to take up lodgings in the fire
place. Ah ! Rachel, is that you 1 Excuse
me, I am so cold that I forget you were
there. And you, Jemima, you look as
blooming as a rose. And you, Mrs. Stiles
how hay e you been ?' Did you apply the
plaster I sent you 1 '
Drawing near the fire the Doctor smac
ked his lips, muttered something like 'AV'
rubbed his hands, blew his nose, cost a
few loving glances at Rachel, and stretch
ed himself in an easy chair, not omitting,
previously, to lay aside his cane in such a
position as to pre,.ent the 'solid' part of it to
the glances of the fireside group.
Bat let us, while the children ore sur
veying the above symbol of honor, take a
view of the worth own, of this centre of
attraction.' Jeremiah Peachbki;suin was
but a little below the medium height, of a
robust complexion mid of enormous rotun•
dity of person, while the nose portrayed
his worship of the 'inner man,' and gave
indubitable evidence of his meriting the
appellation of Pettchblossom. flis face
was as round as a newly made cheese,
while his eyes, like a pair of beads, shone
out from above his glasses as beacon.lights
guiding the seeker after knowledge in
physic to the Doctor's laboratory—his, or cranium. What added
to his appearance was the fact that he wore
a wig. In short, whatever claim Doctor
Peschblossem . may have possessed to the
affections of Rachel stiles, by dint of good
looks Samuel Slocum could have well fur,
med his rival. But the gold-headed cane
of the worthy Esculapius accomplished
that which the book and rule of the Peda
gogue had as yet failed to do.
.1 see the Wests have got a new sleigh,'
remarked the quizzical Doctor, after hav
ing touted the palms of his hands to his
utmost satisfaction.
.1 havn't noticed it, as I know of. But
West is a good fellow, he has got money
enough to afford it, and I have not the least
doubt of it,' replied the Squire, who, it will
be seen, was one of those quiet, thorough
going farmers who rely on their own re
sources, and feel happy to see their neigh
bors enjoying the comforts of life.
Tho reply of the Squire rather discon
certed the Doctor. Ile had attempted, as
regarded farmer West, to draw Squire
Stiles into a confirmation of his opinion.—
and thereby commit himself ; which had
Peachbloskm effected would have been
dispached to the dominion of farmer West
by the first tram upon the railroad of Scan
dal. however, nothing daunted by the
apparent frustration of his plan, he sum
moned his tact for another sally, and qui
etly remarked—
'West may be pretty rich, but I think
I'll call on him for my bill. If his wife and
daughter wear those fine things—only
think, they've all had new velvet hats this
winter—he'll not remain in funds long.—
So the 'early bird gets the worm."
can see no immediate prospect of
George's failure, ai all events,' slowly re.
plied Stiles, taking up the newspapers and
deliberately folding it up.
'lf you don't, I do ; said the persevering
Doctor. 'Things cannot hold on at such
a rate of expenditure, and I may as wall be
in time as any one.'
'Very well; do as you like. / never hav e :
presented u bill to West that he has not
paid promptly, and I am in no great hurry
to inform him of any intention to call en
him. As to the fine clothes, I can see no
reason why his wife and daughters should
not wear them• Mrs. West is a nice in-
J r '' 4
I :, I
ss. ) 7 ,t.,
dustrious woman, and the daughters are
fine gills.'
'Then West is indebted to you,'
'Only a couple of hundred or so, and I
in no hurry to call for it. But why don't
you sot your cap for one of the girls Peach
blossom ? they aro nice girls and would
make good wives,' familiarly answered
the Squire, evidently wishin- to waive the
subject of West's expenses.
have reasons of my ewe,' said the
Doctor, evidently not a little piqued at the
indifference of the Squire.
'NO doubt of it. Perhaps lam in the
way. Good night, Doctor ''eachblessom.
Rachel, my dear, I have business to attend
to. You can entertain the Doctor,' replied
the Squire, gathering up his glasses and
paper, and leaving the room to Rachel and
'Business--whew !' mtv.l-red the latter
to himself, as drawing a chair close to his
side, he invited Rachel to occupy it,and
the two seated themselves by the cozy fire,
while the old clock tolled the hour of eleven
and the bright wood fire cost fantastical
i shadows o'er the old fashion !..1 furniture of
Squire Stiles' sitting room.
But the actions of .Doctor Pcachblossom
.vere observed by other than Rachel Stiles,
and the silent spectator of the Doctor's ad
dresses was Samuel Slocum. The face of
the Pedagogue closely mufllAd in a thick
comforter was pressed against the window
pane, and as the rival suite; made his pro
posals of love to the listening girl, the'
vengeful schoolmaster silently untied the
Doctor's horse, and entering the gig of the
kneeling Esculapina, drove off in the direc
tion of a mill-pond, not far distant.
A knock at the sitting-room door soon
brought the constant Jeremiah to his feet
and scarcely had he regained his chair,
when a man entered, eagerly inquiring if
he were Doctor Peachblossom- It woo
none other than tie Pedagogue, and no one
would have recognized in fie thick-whls•
kered man in Squire Stilt,' sitting-room,
the schoolmaster of the who had so
often entered it is his true f r aAracter of Su
mud tstoettin.
'Are you Doctor Peachblos,em ?' eager.
ly inquired the seeming stranger, drawing
nearer the fire.
‘My name is Jeremiah Peachblossom, M.
D. What do you want?--a pretty time of
night this is to call 'no.'
.Doctors, whose trade it is to kill folks,
mustn't scold if they are caught love ma.
king,' replied Slocum, eying the astonish ,
od Doctor with a triumphant air, and cast
ing a side long glance at the blushing Ra
'No impudence if you please. Remem
ber, sirrah ! you are in the presence of a
lady I' angrily replied Peachblossom gras
ping his cane as he spoke.
'Oh, you needn't git wrathy, Doctor, I
suppose you an' the young lady understand
it all by this time. Keep cool, Peachblos•
som,' quickly retorted the schoolmaster,
with a greater degree of tact and delibera
tion thin he generally hail credit for.
'Another word and I strike !' exclaimed
the aroused Doctor flourishing his stick o•
ver the head of the devoted Pedagogue.
'May be the gal you fooled might say
something if she saw you,' said Slocum,
contemplating the doctor, as if to discern
the edict of his remark.
This was too much for Jeremiah Peach
blossom, and seizing his hat and cane, he
rushed from the house, and upon arriving
at the spot where he left his gig, the read•
er may judge of his surprise to find it gone •
In vain tie called his horse, and gazed up
and down the rosd, in hopes of obtaining
some clue to the whereabouts of the mis
sing vehicle. But the flakes were falling
fast,and the faint tracks which Slocum had
left behind, while driving off the Doctor's
gig, were soon effectually concealed by the
snow which drifted rapidly from side to
side. What made affairs still worse, the
worthy Peachblossom was compelled to
trudge home on foot, the cold wind and the
snow beating into his face, and he without
overcoat or comferter, having, in his pre.
cipitation, left them in the house.
In vain he swore and searched for his
audacious enemy. He was nowhere to be
found, and, while his horse and gig were
standing by the old mill, and the Doctor
was plunging about in the snow, to find his
way home, Samuel Slocum, in his true
character, was snugly esconced in bed.
PART 11.
The affair of the gig had been long fur
gotten—the advent of the stranger had
long since faded from the memory of Jere
miah Peachblossotn, and in a few short
days, he was expected to claim the blush
ing Rachel Stiles as his wifo.
The Squire was to officiate, and the
,young folk looked forward to Rachel's wed•
ding with a detrrec, of pleasure only t o ho
seen when a first class marriage is about
to take place in a village.
All thoughts of Samuel Slocum had fled,
and the Pedagogue had not been seen nor
heard of since the night of his appearance
in the sitting-room of Squire Stiles. At
the house of the latter, all were preparing
for the approaching nuptials--old dresses
were taken down and examined, new dres
ses ordered and made, the Squire got him
self a bran new suit to officiate at his daugh
ter's wedding. As to Rachel, she was as
happy as could be. She grumbled a little
at the dressmaker, to be sure--laid in a
good stock of the needfuls, and looked for
ward when 'Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Peach
blossom , M.D.,' should be told to all admir
ing young men, to bid them look no more
for the hand of Rachel Stiles. The car.
pets which had so long remained undistur
bed, were taken up and shaken—the fur
niture underwent n thorough cleaning—
and, by the way that the old lady applied
! the cleaners, one would be led to conjecture
1 something was altout to happen.
The "Big-room" was fitted up anew,
and one of the best apartments in the house
was furnished at the Squire's expense for
the special accommodation of the soon newly married couple.
'Things do turn up queer, John,' ex-
I claimed Mrs. Stiles the day previous to
I the anticipated wedding ; 'when you and
toe got married there was no such fixin' at
all. You said you'd marry Nancy Perk.
ins—l said I'd have John Stiles ; that was
all about it ; no expense, no nothing—all
went on ship.shape,'
"Yes, bit my dear, we were then be
hind the age. These things won't do now I
a days ; girls will be girls do what you may 1
and Rachel's the oldest, and she shall have
a nice wedding. Then, you know, I've
just been re-elected Squire; and it won't
do to let Rachel get married without hav
ing something nice."
"Yes ; and then they say this Doctor
Peachblossom's got money."
4, 1 don't care a fig for the money. If he
caa't support my daughter, I can, so there's
ire wT.oIc of the . matter 1 ti, ti t know
much about Peachblossom, but Rachel ap
pears to love him, you have given your
consent; I have given mine. All you've
got to do is to give her a wedding, and she
shall have it. She's always been a good
girl, and now that she is going to be mar
ried she shall have a nice wedding."
"All very well, John. But, come to
think of it what's become of Samuel Slov
mat ""
"That I cannot say. But here comes
Rachel and the Doctor, and we old folks
may be in the way." And, taking the
lead, Squire Stiles, followed by his wife,
left the sitting•room, while Rachel and the
Doctor entered arm in arm, and took seats
near the fire.
wilat disappearance of your old beau
was rather strange," remarked the Doctor
as he drew a chair near the fire and sea
ted himself by the side of his intented.—
"Confound the fellow, I actually believe
he was at the head of that jig affair. Ile
caught size in a rather unpleasant predica
4•Yes. But I really should like to know
what became of Slocum," replied Rachel,
casting her eyo toword the floor, while a
hot war fell at her feet.
Hastily thrusting its follower aside, the
young girl drew nearer the doctor, waiting
for a reply to her last remark.
'1 he inquiry of Rachel did not seem to
please the expectant vender of medicine,
as he quickly answered—
✓ That I cannot say, But I must hurry
to my office ; let us have one kiss, Rachel
and we part. Tomorrow, at twelve, I'll
be on hand."
It is midnight: Jeremiah Peachblossom
is snugly ensconced between the sheets,
dreaming of the morrow and its anticipa
ted events. But, while he is slumbering,
let us survey the actions of another, who
is slowly creeping on hands and knees to
ward the spot where the wedding-suit of
the Doctor is reposited. Drawing it out
piece by piece, the stranger carfully clo
ses the drawer, and, withdrawing as he
came hurried along to the village tavern.
Creeping stealthily, he passes through an
open window on the first floor, and enter
ing the apartment, draws the curtains con
ceals the wedding-suit of Dr. Peachblos
som ; and donning his night attire, blows
out his light and retires, and soon the hea
vy breathing in the chamber of the new
ly arrived traveler, tells that he is sleep
ing. That traveler is Samuel Slocum, the
discarded Pedagogue.
The morning dawned, and Peachblos
sem arose, beholding in his mind's eye,
the happy hour when he shall stand by
the side of Rachel Stiles. But a letter
upon the table arrested his movements,
and au dishabille, he broke the seal and
read as follows—
" Dean. HENRY :—We have been discov
ed. Let me see you at 12 o'clock precise
ly. You have yet time to meet me, and
your horse can easily accomplish the dis
tance. J.,,
"The devil !" exclaimed thedoctor, and
crushing the letter in his hands, he drew
near his writing desk, and immediately
penned the following lines, which by the
address, it will be seen, aro intended for
the Squire.
"Circumstances will prevent me front
attending at twelve, but I will be there at
two—a vary sick patient.
Giving It to a bay to deliver to the man
sion of his intended father, the Doctor
mounted his horse and rod. from his office
in great haste.
It is noon, and a visitor arrives at the
house of Squire Stiles, drawn by two fine
horses, which he gives to the care ofa ser
vant, and hastily enters the house. To all
appearances the stranger is the impatient
bridegroom, Jeremiah Peachblossom.
"I came punctually at the hour, and now
may I claim Rachel as my wife !" ex
claimed the happy Doctor as he entered
the sitting room, clad in his suit of wed
ding-clothes, which had been carefully se
lected by the expectant Mrs. P-her
.Then we will go on with the ceremony
at once," said the Squire, and bidding the
family be seated, be drew forth his book
and signified his readiness to perform the
The ceremony did not occupy much
time, and with a hurried air the bridegroom
have a very sick patient to attend at
some distance. The snow is fine, And ro
you like riding, my dear Rachel, suppose
pm go with me ?"
The jaunt was no sooner proposed titan
it n•as accepted by Rachel, and the bride
• and groom were comfortably seated in the
new sleigh, while the light-footed steeds
bore 'them swiftly through the village : and
hr wW,i themselves wl , t
the school-master would say to behold Ra
chel Stiles the wife of Doctor Peachblos
The bridal pnir soon returned to the
house of the Squire's, and the team once
more given to the care of the servant,
while the newly-wedded couple entered the
The guests had duly arrived, and punc
tually to tho hour of two, so had Doctor
Peachblossom--minus the wedding suit.
'There must have been sotne fraud
here !" exclaimed the Squire as the stran
ger entered the apartment.
'Close the door and I will explain,'
replied thtlikroom gazing at the newly ar
rived and abashed M. D., and gracious
ly handing the bride a chair. "There Is a
mistake, and a great one too. Peruse
this paper, if yon please,' handing a doc
ument to the Squire.
'What can it mean ?" inquired the old
lady and girls in a voice, as the Squire
sank upon a chair, clasping the paper
tightly in his hand.
'lt means,' interrupted the stranger
bride-groom, 'that I am Samuel Slocum,
the schoolmaster. I coma here, it is true,
in the character of Doctor Peachblossom,
and in the wedding-suit of that pers on.—
My marriage with Rachel Stiles was af
fected by means of a stratagem—purloin
ing the suit. But my object was to pre
vent the unioxi with such a base villain as
Doctor Peachblossom, and I have succee
'Speak, for heaven's sake ! what means
this ?' said the Squire, placing his arms in
front of the affrighted bride as if to pro
tect her.
'That my true name is Burgess, and an
officer of the Government. I arrest the
seeming Doctor Peachblossom as Henry
Sawyer, you are my prisoner!'
'Never with my life !" exclaimed the
detected villain, 'you have played your
game deeply, but you will never take me
while I have this,' drawing a pistol and
aiming it at the head of the stranger.
But the threat of the f orger was not ex
ecuted, as a body of officers rushed in and
Sawyer was properly secured.
borrowed this suit,' continued the
bride groom, 'without Doctor Penchblos
som's consent, but I will return it. La
dies, I apologize to you for the intrusion.
Under the disguise of a Pedagogue, I have
tracked the forger and arrested him.----
Squire Stiles, you have the warrant. But
enough of this ; I love Rachel, Rachel
loves me, Mr. Stiles have 1 your con
sent !'
'Freely, Let the ceremony I have per-
formed be considered valid...t will fill up
the certificate, and the bands shell be . w it
nessed by the guests.'
VOL. XXI. NO. 8.
The pair were indeed united, and now
by the generous winter fire, the happy cir
cle re-herse the affair of that day, and
crack many a joke upon
A few days since, says a Kansas letter
in the St. Louis Republican, while riding
in the rear of our town, in a small ravine,
through which a streamlet takes its quiet
way beneath its crystal covering and whose
irrigation has produced toll grasses and
shrubs that make a hiding-place for game,
I came suddenly upon a large black wolf.
110 was scratching at a thin place in the
ice, and seemed almost famished for watol.
%Ilea ha sow the he started in full run for
the forest in the river bottom. I kept up
oa his heels, and tried to ride upon him.
He was alinost exhausted, and just as I sup.
posed he would give out, he slipped into
the hollow of a large cotton-wood tree.
I stopped the hole through which he en
tered, and came back to town to get an axe
and the dogs, and the assistance of Frank
Mahan and Wm. Palmer, and together, we
returned to cut him out. The dogs were
anxious, and we were prepared wilt our
guns to receive him.
When we Lad made a large hole, about
four feet from the ground, the dogs jump
ed at it on the outside and the wolf on the
inside, and such Larking, growling, snap
ping trod howling, I never heard before.
It made the woods resound for a great dis
tance, and brought several of the neighbors
to the spot. Things continued so awhile,
and we consulted what had Lest be done.
We could not shoot the wolf through this
opening, without too great a risk of killing
the dogs, for he only appeared at the in
side when the dogs were at the outside.
We finally concluded to stop the hole that
we had tnade, and fell the tree by chopping
a narrow gash all around it.
The tree came down a little sooner than
we bad expected. .I...‘airk Atuair had ti,e
axe lifted for another stroke, as It went ov
er v,ith a crash. The wolf, with bristled
back and glaring eyes, and glittering teeth
leaped at his throat with terri-ble ferocity.
The descending axe met it half way, clea
ving its skull and laying it dead at his feet
We had n time to express our wonder.
and congratulations at his narrow and sin
gular escape, before our attention was cal
led to that which filled us with amazement,
if not dread. It was a human skeleton,
of medium size, and of a female, bidden
in the cavity of the tree. Its posture was
erect, and the bones were held together by
a kind of clear integument that seemed to
cover, like a transparent skin, the entire
frame. The jar of the felled tree severed
several of the joints, and we drew them all
out and placed them again in form. The
proportions were perfect and the limbs
straight—indicating a contour, when in
flesh, of perfect symmetry. Who could
it have been, that thus perished, years ago,
in this wild forest ? and how catne her
death in this strange place ? where queries
that were immediately suggested. Could
it have been some maiden, who, like the
bride in "The Mistletoe Bough," had con
cealed herself from her lover in the heart
of this old tree and become fastened there
and died ? Or, in fleeing from an enemy,
had sought this refuge ? Or, in escaping
wild beasts, had climb up in this close re
treat, whence she could not extricate her
self ? These were natural suggestions, for
the skeleton fitted close in the cavity and
seemed to have been fastened there. How
many years ago this frame possessed vital
ity, and how many years it had inhabited
this time-worn, storm-rocked tenement, and
how it come there, and to what race it once
belonged, will remain a mystery until the
universal revelation.
The Toilet.
To improve the Hair.—Powdered harts
horn, mixed with oil, being rubbed upon
the head of persons who have lost, their
hair, will cause it to grow again. A very
good oil for the hair is made bymixing one
part of the liquid hartshom with nine
parts of pure castor oil.
To Soften and Clense the Hair.—Beat
up an egg, rub it well into the hair, Vldi
then wash the head well. If the hair is
very oily, add the juice of half a lemon•
'the receipt also answers much better than
soap for washing pet dogs•
.4n Excellent Cosmetic —An infusion
of horso-radish in cold milk.
.2 Natural Dentrifice.—The cotnlnon
strawberry is a natural dentrifice, and its
juice, without any preparation, dissolves
the calcareous incrustations of the teeth,
and renders the breath sweet and agree