MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. An Improvement Ivotlity of the Pro- gressive Age. ALDRICH & FOOTE'S PATENT WASHING MACHINE rplIE subscriber is prepared to furnish every uitizen of the Commonwealth with one of *ems superb articles, acknowledged by all who have theta in use, and by every one who has tes ted them, to bo superior to anything of the kind ever brought before the public. They are made of the best material, under the supervision of the subscriber, who is prepared to deliver them at any point in this or the adjoining counties. This machine possesses many advan tages over any other of the kind, from the fact, that it in no manner wears the clothing, use less soap, and is easier worked. The price ranges from six to seven dollars. The subscriber warranty this machine to give entire satisfaction. It it does.not do everything he sap, no charge will be made. A trial is ear nestly invited sod perfect satisfaction warranted. A strong recommendation for the machine is the number already sold. Any person cotta wishes one of these articles, can be alcommudated by addressing' B. J. WILLIAMS, Alexandria, Hunt. Co., Pa. Jan. 1,1856. May 30, 1855.—ty HENRY W. OVERMAN, No. 6, South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Importer of French Calf Skins ; MANUFACIIUNkR AND OENLIt. Itta4llll,la 1a2.1111. Has Constantly on Hand, and Always Finishing, all kinds of Leather, Morocco, CalfSkins,Sheep Skins, ikc , The attention of Country Merchants and Man ufacturers, is solicited. RED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER. January 2, 1g511.--iy. DEPARTMENT OF cOMMoN scllong OF YLeiti`i . traPl2 - 1111A,> HAttnisnrno, January 2Mt, 1356. To the School _Wreck. of Huntingdon Comity. G Var.! x:—A ppl ication having been made by the Boards of Directors of majority of the School Districts in Huntingdon County, stating their desire to increase the Salary of the Connty Superintendent of said County you arc re• spectfully requested to tneet in Convention at the Court House, in HOOLIOgrIOII, on ThUraday the 28th day of February 1856, at three o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose shove stated, according to the terms of the Eighth section of the Supplement to the School Law, apppoved tho sth day of May, 1855.. _ Ver.) Respectfully Yours, A. G. CURTIN, Superintendent of Conamon Schools. Jan. 30, x856.-3t. To Iron Manufacturers. rpbe subscriber has recently discovered an ore L bank which will yield an abundant supply oh Iron Ore.—This Ore Bank icon usmall tract el laud (belonging to thesubscriber) containing a bout twenty acres—situated in Walker Town ship, about one mile and three quarters from the station on the Broad Top Railroad, near Mc- Connollstown. Specimens of the ore may bo seen in Rent• inudun at the Ticket office of the Penna. Cen• trot Railroad. The subscriber will either sell or lease the bore tract of land. JOAN LEE January 2, 1822. HUNTINGOON COBIHEIICIAL SCHOOL. There has been opened in tinnlall Ibrmerly oc cupied by the “Sons of Temperance in tho Borough of Huntingdon, a School under the a hove title, in which ' is proposed .to he given a thorough course of Instruction and Practice in Single turd Double Entry Book-Keeping. Also lectures on Commercial Law, will he given in regular course, by the most talented members of the Bar. Students can enter at any time, a day or ere• ning Class, or both if they wish. For any odici particulars, address personally or by letter - 9'. H. POLLOCK. Principal. Huntingdon, Doc. 19, 1835.-3 m• A. NEW MOUSE AND A. LOT FOR SALE The snbscriber will sell on the Dith day of Februnry, 1853, a lot of ground in the vid lage of Shade Gap, Dublin tp,, Huntingdon co., on which is cr. ected a new house and a stable. • This property is just in front of the Milirvood Academy, and well•situated for business. Sale to 00111111C1.0 nt 1 o'clock. Terms made known on day of sale. Jan. 30, 18.16.-3 t. J. FELMIXE. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. MNotice is hereby given that Letters Testamem ary on the estate of Thomas W. Neely, Into of Dublin township, Huntingdon County, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims to present them slyly authenticated for settle. merit. JAMES CHEE, E B FR INKLIN NEELY, I xs* Dcc. 24, 1855 *GE. SOMETHING NEW. A RUM UriMIIANCE . No. II MERCHANTS' EXC MALI un, Pnir..tuemm. CAPITAL, $200,000. . . FIRE INSURANCE, perpetual or limited, made in town or country, on every deseriptim of property. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. J. MoDOWELL, JR., Secretary. W. BREWSTER, Agent, Iluxusunox. Jan. 23, J. W. THOMPSON, avvomzurr W,4 lavh AM) COMMISSIONER FOR PENNSYLVANIA, Davenport, lowa. Attends to buying,selling and locating Land: and land warrants, pays tuner, loans Money or Real Estate security, on commission, ormminel and makes abstracts of title, &e. Any bumbless intrusted, will be attended to promptly and witl fidelity. Refer to Hon. Geo. Taylor and Members o the Bar at Huntingdon. November 21, 1355.-6 m.• Mules For Sale. The subscriber offers for sale six large, flee mules, with wagon and gears. The mules are large, sound, and in good condition, six years old, and will weigh about 1000 lbs. each This is as good a draft team as is in the county. If preferred, four only will be sold. J. It. BREWSTER. Carrick Furnace, Franklin Co., Pa.—feb6tf, Dr. John McCulloch, flora his professional services to the citizens ol Onuntingdon anti vicinity. Office, Mr. lliida brand's, between the Exchange and Jucksou's Hotel. Huntingdon, Aug. 29, 185 i. LIST OF THE OUTSTANDING BALANCES Due at Settlement with the Auditors for the Year 1856. hear. Township. Name of Collector. 1840 Allegheny, Samuel Robison, 1844 Tell, Jonathan Briggs, Walker, A. 13. Sangaree, [846 Barren, Charles Cowden, *Porter, Jacob Keogh, Union, James HUM pson, [847 Dublin, Thomas IV. Neuly Franklin, John H. Stonebrafter, Springfield, William Ramsey, • Tell, George May, 1848 *Franklin, John Conrad, • Jackson, David S. Bell, 1849 t Clay, Daniel Curfinan, 1851 • West, Charles Green, Tod, Jesse Cook, 1852 rrod, Solomon Houck, Walker, John Coulter, 1853 Cass Joshua Greenland, Dublin, Robert Peterson, tFranklin, William M'llwain, Henderson, Luke Vorhees, Union, William Smith, 1854 Perm, William Couch, Brady, John McDonald, ICLLES, George Smith, Cromwell, Michael Myers, • Franklin, John Laport, Porter, William D. Shaw, . Tod, John M'Clain, 101 05 Walker. Joseph Douglass, 214 67 Warriorsmark, William Hutchison, 10 50 1855 fßurree, John Smith, 740 03 584 89 fßrady, Christian Miller, 415 73 255 15 tk;xstti John Bowman, 142 77 74 44 tehtY, William Cunningham, 329 78 237 08 tUrom well, David Ender, 506 16 364 32 fllublin, William Appleby, 325 74 220 00 fFranklin, Alexander Ewing, 921 80 728 68 ,Henderson, Andrew Decker, 72 56 4-8 98 ,Huntingdon, J. M. Simpson, 370 83 32 36 fllopewell, John Beaver, - 389 78 283 58 tJackson, Thomas Osborn, 914 96 626 92 f Morris, Abraham Isenberg, 889 29 648 81 Venn, Abraham Grubb, Jr., 165 83 42 98 Wooer, Peter Piper, 765 09 411 57 ,Shirley, ' John M'Ehistry, 633 45 389 74 ,Springfield, Benedict Stevens, 212 30 145 18 Tell , Samuel Parsons, - 290 37 186 29 fTod, Benjamin F. Baker, 530 04 419 47 6 00 ,Union, William Chileott, 58 58 13 86 12 50 ,Walker, John Thompson, 718 11 500 89 46 60 fWarriorsinark, William Wray, 667 95 413 00 37 00 ,West, Mordecai Henry. 1460 92 942 01 66 50 * It appears from receipts on Mr. Conrad's Duplicate that the above amount was paid to Mr. Neff, former Treasurei, nod not credited on the Treasurer's book. o The amount outstanding against Mr. Bough, is said to have been collected by Sheriff Crown over, and not paid over to the Treasurer. t Since paid in part. t Since paid in full. Given under seal of office January 23d, 1856. ATTEST :^•IIEYRY W. MILLER, Clerk, February 6, 1856. RECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES LItIiTINGDON COVNTY, Flt 0.11 THE FIFTH DAY (1.1 , JANUARY 1 , )5, vp In the seventh (Itty onienuary, 1856, bolo , ling loth drays. RECEIPTS. County tax received from Collectors, viz Franklin, $49 25 John 11. Stonebroker, , . 1651. Tod, 77 43 ____Walkor, 34 52 Jesse Cook, Thomas Doan, Tod, 3G 20 Walker, 10 00 Solomon Houck, John Coulter, Brady, James Miller, Joshua Grect;lnnci,2l3 44 Robert reterviin,s6 95 William Mel twain, Dublin,ClB: Franklin, 27 15 Lake Vorliece, Bondi:mull, 77 S . __ - Potter, 1.78 59 Shiyley, 298 1%! Benjnmin Ned, Union; William Siliith, William Conch, Barre°, 324 00 James kr Donald, Brady, 990 41 George Smith, Cass, 195 42 Richard Madden, Clay, 113 93 Michael Myers, Cromwell, 434 33 Andrew J. Taylor, Dublin, 269 09 John Leport, Franklin, 404 91 John Snyder, Henderson, 320 59 Eli Plummer, Hopewell, 237 10 Jonas W Books,. . Jackson, 504 04 David Tussey, Morris, 450 76 Jacob Grove, Sr., Penn, 179 55 William D. Shaw, Porter, 888 56 David S. Umbenour, Shirley. 797 33 Benedict Stevens, Springfield, 170 76 George Wilson, Tell, 252 34 John McClain, Tod, 369 00 Natlinn Greenland, Union, 61 13 Joseph Douglas, Walker, 435 00 William Hutchison, Warriormark, 500 85 Abraham Cresswell, ...,.. West, 1215 04 John Smith,Sarno, 300 00 Christian iller, Brady, 350 00 John Bowman, CMs, 223 00 David Buller Cromwell, 200 00 William Appleby, Dublin, 160 00 Alexander Ewing, Franklin, 803 00 Andrew Decker, Henderson, 315 00 J. M. Simpson, Huntingdon, 1187 00 John Denser, Hopewell, 130 00 Thomas ()spurn, JaCkson, ' 300 00 Abraham Isenberg, Morris, 200 00 Abraham Grubb, Pent, 625 17 Peter Piper, Parlor, 1219 00 John WlChistrey, Shirley, 850 00 litamliet Stevens, Esq., Springrield, 40 00 Samuel Parsons, Tell, 100 00 13enjantin C. Baker, 'rod, 250 00 William Chilcot, Union, 289 20 John Thompson, Welker, ' 431 86 WiSinn% Wray, Warriormark, 658 00 Mordecai Henry, West, 838 48 Amount of County tax on unseated lauds, 97 60 " " Sehcol " " " 35 38 " " Road " " " 35 41 " " Redemption money on unseat ed lands, teed since last settlement, 59 11 Amount received judgment of County vs. Jam. Kelley, 21 82 Redemption money received in 1855, 59 11 E7ill'E 'mumps. Attornoy General, Proey., Shit. and witness fees on eritn. prosecutions, $855 92 Constables, for tanking returns, adver tising swing elections, &e., 300 83 Grand bud Travers° Jurors, Court Cri- er, 2486 85 Judges. Inspectors, and Clerks of E lections, • 623 55 Assessors' Orders, 327 59 Inquisitions on dead bodies, 119 49 Stood and Bridge views, 296 50 " Damages John McCall., 324 00 David Hawn, 78 00 ss ss Philip Silkuitter, 85 00 ss ss Mary Wilson, 100 00 ss " R. B. Myton, 110 00 vs ss B. L. Megahun, 123 00 ss ss Val'tino Hoover, 250 00 ss .f lilies Blair, 31 00 Wltnels foes in the case or dam ages claimed by D. Blair, EN 15 00 1394 50 Bridge Orders George Couch, for Bridge at Nell's Mill, 1000 00 J. Covert for Bridge ut Black Log Creek, 10 00 For repairing bridge at Hawn's, 672 1016 72 Commissioners : Samuel Wigton, in full, 90 00 Thomas Humor, 85 00 Benjamin K. Neff. 70 00 Jacob Baker, le 50. County Tar. State Tax. Militia Fines. 466 33 300 78 29 01 202 08 12 50 15 14 25 00 44 81 0 34 77 08 04 25 78 73 123 5G 98 21 150 06 100 76 34 30 111 62 THOMAS HAMER, BENJ. K. NEFF, } Commissioners. JACOB BAKER, Auditors fur 1854, 50 50 Clerk to Cullers. in full for '54, 75 00 11 ti for '55, 325 00 John Reed, Esq., Attorney to Comm.,es in full for 1854, 20 00 On account for 1855, 30 00 762 00 Directors of the Poor for 1854, 7000 00 Interest on County Bonds i . Exrs. of Conrad Bucher, deed. 60 00 William ()Olken, Esq., 180 00 William 11. Leas, 360 00 Thomas Fisher, 114 00 Henry Foekler, 30 00 744 00 County Printing : WEB= Brewster, 79 50 Will am Lewis. 76 00 Africa & Wh:ttaker, 36 00 John A. Nits!), 15 73 207 23 Medical attendance on prisoners in jail, 38 12 Repairs to Court House & Jail, 150 55 Merchandise foe same, 28 21 Washing ter prisoners in jail, SU 00 :scrubbing and sweeping C. IL, 25 OU 233 76 Blank Books stationary pos. &c. 87 43 Trans. Stnte Lunatic Asylum : Foe David Brotherline, 65 00 For John Aludden, 68 00 133 00 Trans. Hunt. Cu. Ag. Society, 100 OU Ground rent bought fur Court Ileum) Lots, 56 00 Atior'y fees to D. Blair, Esq., 15 00 J. Sewell Stewart, Esq., 10 00 T. P. Campbell, Esq., 10 00 35 00 Refunding Oril,s, 27 32 Sherill Greenland for summon ing Jurors, conveying prison ers to PenitentiAry, Boarding prisoners, Fe., 650 00 Fuel for Court House audJail, 200 UU T. H. Cromer, Prot'y foes, sta tionary, &e., 231 62 M. F. Cainpliell, for same, 147 96 379 58 Lyconiing Insurance C., 7 80 Isaac Lyninger, coffin for E. Harker, 8 00 Wild eat and Fox Scalps, 340 87 School tax on unseated lands pd. '55, 108 75 Redemption money paid out in 1855, 59 11 Balance due Treas. on last settlement, 64 82 Percentage on $37,728.34 at 11 per et. 565 92 Bal. in hands of Treas. at settlement, 474 86 44 59 27 00 $19,416 97 In testimony of the correctness of the above accounts, we have hereunto set our hands this 2351 day of Juuunry, A. 1). 1856. THOMAS HAMER, BENJ. K. NEFF, JACOB BAKER. Commissioners. Huntingdon, Feb. 6, 1856. NOTICE. otico is hereby i:iviTntliaTTLetters of Admin istrationn on the estate of Michael Maguire, late of West township, dee'd., have been grant• ed to the undersigned, All persons indebted to said estate are requested to maw initnedi• ate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same, will present them for settlement to JAMES MAGU JA MES McELRO West tp., Jan. 30, 1856.-6 t. Adners. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. etters of Administration on the estate of .1...4J01in B. Bradley, late of 13rady township, Huntingdon county, dee'd., having been grant• ed to, the undersigned, allpersons having claims against said estate, will present them duly authenticated, and those knowing then, selves indebted, will make immediate payment. ROBERT HARE PO W ELL. Jan. 16, 1855.-6 t. $19,416 97 DISSOLUTION. Whatever partJersitipwitiocexisted between the undersigned in the Surveying business has been dissolved by mutual consent. J. STMPSO N AFRICA, J. F. RAMEY. The business will be conducted as formerly by J. Simpson Africa. Sept. 12, 1855.—tf. DISSOLUTION OF vsnrsEnsmtu.. The Partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, is this day by mutual consent dissolved. The business will be carried on hereafter, by John ITuvett.Jr., at the old stand. 1 JOHN lILIYETT, JR., ROBERT U. CIigNINGLIASI Oct. 31, 1866: at. For Sale or Rent. I offer the well known "Aloxam driu Foundry," with all the put- e f t! term, PM. StOVCII, Plough., dm') 4,172".. • for reit or sale; upplientiiiii should . 1 . 464 , M1X be made to me hamediatcly, ISRAEL. GRAYIUS. Alexandria, Jan. 23, 1•856. Ina.* MISCELLANEOUS ADVESTISEAIENTS. Directors of the Poor, [N ACCOUNT WITH THE COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON. 1 05 13 50 DR. To amount received on orders of the Co. Com., for the year 1855, 87000 00 33 00 By nmount paid Jame; G. Lightner in full for the erection of Poor Ilou,e, $906 94 By amount paid for keeping out door peeper., By amount paid ibr Medical attendance on out door paupers, By amount paid Treasurer of Insane Asylum for the keeping of 3 persons, delivering paupers, stone coal, Mer chandise, &c., By amount paid for Merelini,dise in Philadelphia by Samuel Mattel,' By amount pd. sundry persons for Mer chandise, By amount paid sundry persons for pro visions, By amount paid sundry persona for de livering paupers, By amount paid for support of out'. paupers, 487 S 7 By amount paid Dr. J. G. Lightner for Medical attendance at Poor House, B 7 amount paid Yingling & Co., for Blacksmithing bill, By amount paid Maize S. Harrison for - tin ware, 30 42 By amount paid .7. Junkin for harness, 20 - 00 By amount paid John 11. Lightner fur lettering doors, 11 99 By amt. paid John Graffito per order, . 16 05 By amount paid Directors of the Poor, fur services as follows t James Saxton, 159 20 John Brewster, 47 25 Samuel Slattern, 121 GO Dr. J. A. Shade, 51 00 Kenzie L. Green, 14 GO 393 65 By amount mild Julio A. Doyle fur ser vices as Treasurer. By amount paid D. Blair, Esq. for ser vices as attorney, By amount paid H. Brewster,Esg., for one ton of plaster, and justices fees, 50 50 35 50 28 00 30 00 32 00 41 60 18 60 OUTSTANDING DEBTS, UP TO JANUARY FIRST, A. D. 1856. To sundry persons, $ll4B 78 To James Murphey. Stewart, on ac count of Salary, 433 02 PROCEEDS OF FARM, FOR 1835. 380 bushels wheat, 210 bushels of corn, 200 bushels oats 22} bushels rye, 20 bush. winter apples, 12 loads allay, 4 loads corn fodder, 400 heads cabbage, 300 bush, potatoes, 5 bu. beets, barrels sour krout, 2 barrels pickola awl 500 pounds of pork. ARTICLES MANUFACTURED, By the inmates of the Poor House far 1855. 40 drosses, 48 chime., 75 aprons, 25 sunbon nets, 100 pair socks, 50 pair stockings, 'Omits, 10 skirts, 18 night-caps, 12 line caps, 8 shroode, 10 pair mens' pants, 8 pair boys' pants, 56 shirts 14 pair mittens, 6 dozen towels, 150 lbs. hard soap, 400 gals. soft soap, 576 lbs. butter, 14 chaff ticks, 267 lbs. candles, 15 bread baskets, 10 uxo handles, 2 coal buckets, 4 bundle baskets, 3 large baskets, 3 rugs, 1 krout knife, 24 split brooms, 2 pair shoes, 20 gal. apple-butts. STOCK ON HANDS, Jan Ist. 1856. 2 horses, 6 cows,,4 head to veer old cattle, sdo ono year old, 3 L.:Lives, 10. h ood stock hogs, breeding sows, 174 bush. 'wheat, 200 lbs, flour, 150 lbs. corn meal, 150 bush. oats, 125 bush. corn, 200 bushels potatcos, 200 heads cab bage, 9 bus. boots, 4019 lbs. pork, 4585 lbs bed 20 cords wood, 15 tons stone coal, 1 two horso wagon, I cultivator, 1 windmill. Paupers mumbling in Poor House Jan. Ist, 1856. 27 men between the ages of 27 and 80 F 21 wo men between the ages of 18 cod 65, and 6 ail dron. Of the men, 4 were born in Huntingdon coun ty, 12 is the United States, 4 in lierninuy, ti in Ireland, and I in Austria. Of she woman, 13 were horn in Huntingdon county, G in the Unitt.l States, I in Germany, 2 in Ireland, I in Scotland. Insane. 1 man 9 women, blind, 3 men. Of the children, 2 arc insane. Colored, I man and I woman Average cost for 70 out door paupers fur the year, to 57. Amuse cost fur 57 in door paupers fur the year, 70 832 Average cost fur 21. paupers in the Lunatic Hospital, 154 80. We, the undersigned Auditors of the County of Huntingdon, do hereby certify that we have examined the orders of the Commissioners and the receipts tin• the same, for and during the past year, and tind a balance due the County of Huntingdon in the hands of the Treasurer of tour hundred and seventy-four dollars uud eigh ty-six rents. . . And also that we have examined the account of the Director of the Poor of said County, and find it as above stated. Given under our hands at the Commissioners' Office in the borough of Huntingdon, the 23rd Jany 1850. HENRY BREW STER, P. MOORS, Auditors. WILLIAM MOORE, ATTEST :- !limy W. Mi!.LEtt, Clerk . to Auditors NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersign ed (trading under the firm of Couch s Dana,) is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books of said firm are in the kends al' David Duns with whom all concerned will please to make immediate settlement. - dEORGE COUCH, DAVID DUNK, April 10, 18557tf. . r. • szkireVaS.' AIRS. SARAH KULP wishes to inform the ladies of Huntingdon and the surrounding country that she has moved next door to Charles Miller above the Presbyterian Church, 11111 St., where she intends carrying on the fanny end straw Millinery business. Haring received the latest city fashion, she is prepared to 'attend to all that may favor her with their custom. April 10, 1055—tf S. A. KULP. JOHN SCOTT, SAMUEL T. BROWN 577 \l'4 63180 7E D Attorneys at Law, Iluutingdou, Office some us that formerly occupied by Jahn Scott, Esq. Oct. 19, 1858. Adams & Co.'s Express. T. K. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon. Money, Packages, and goods of all kinds, co• calved and forwarded at the risk of the company, to all Ike claim and principultowne in the United I State May 1,152. J. 1 - wk@ii!7 ainuBa, ClOttrifT SUIVITOII. Whim with DAtuta. AFRICA, ESII., Hill street between Montgomery and Smith streets, Hunt• Won, Peon's. Rept. !U,'`s.; MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. MAP OF HUNTINGDON COUNTY The undersigned purposes publishing rd,vid ed sufficient encouragement be obtained, s Map of Huntingdon County. Said Mop to he con structed by actual survey of all the public Roads Railroads, IliverS, Streams, Canals, Toyetialiip Linos, &c., and every place of note contained in said county carefully shown in their respective places, and the name and place of residence of nearly every businessman in said county, and the branch of Business followed by each one respec tively, and the place marked where nearly allelic farm buildings stand, and the proprietor's and occupant's names. Said map to contain from fourteen to eighteen feet of engraving, and to he finished in the most modern style and workman like manner, ete. WILLIAM CHRISTY. Dec. 19, 189.5.—tf. $7OOO 00 892 14 975 50 1483 89 250 00 - RAI& WriterZß, Oltiarg e AT TILE 723 44 BROAD TOP DEPOT. fIUNNINGTIA3I & DUNN have just returned V/ from Philadelphia, and are now opening at the head of the Broad Top Basin elarge and beautiful assortment of Fall & Winter Goods Consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Cedar-ware, Hats, boots and shoes. willow-ware. Ready Made Clothing always on hand. and in short everything that is usually kept in country store. BACON, SALT, FISH AND PLASTER, kept constantly for Sale. Call and examine our stock before purcha sing elsewhare,'and see whether we cannot make it your interest to patronise us. All kinds of country produce taken in ex , change tbr Goods at the highest market prices. 'rho highest market pikes paid for all kinds of Grain. Prompt attention paid to storing and forward ing all kinds of merchandise, produce, &c. Huntingdon, Oct., 10 1835. 989 57 98 96 160 00 57 64 70 00 20 00 MattaMO CV' VIM VJAIft. Sebastopol Taken 2 $7OOO 00 30,000 TEN KILLED The undersigned has just returned from the city with a large and splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, which he is now prepared to dispose of at very low and reasonable rates. Persons desiring to purchase will find it to their interest to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere, as he studies only to please. His stock consists of a large lot of Dry Goods, hardware. HOOTS is ;snots, UATS & Glass & Queensware, • large and splendid assortment of ready made CLOTI-lING, which he is prepared to sill in lots to snit porch. asses. JOHN lIIIYETT,Jr. N. 11.—Country produce taken in exchange for goods. Moorsville, Nov. 7, 1815.—t1. H. COFFEY'S Truss and Brace ij Establishment, Allegheny St., Hollida}}•s burg. Constantly on hand, Marsh d• Co's Ina ored Trusses—avers style and size; Fine French Trusses for Hernia or Rapture, combining correct construction, extreme lightness, and durability, with case and comtort. Dr. Banning's Brace for Prolapsus Uteri and its associate pains and weaknesses; Erector Bra ces and OM Expanders of approved make. dir Special attention invited to Banning's la test Improvement—the Spring-Spino Shoulder Brace, adapted to all with stooped shoulders, narrow chest, and spinal weakness. It attaches to the Hotly Brace, is easy, elegant and oltectivo. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. Persons writing fur Trusses will state No inches around body, over rupture ; for Body Bravo, No. inches around hips ; for Spring-Spino-Shoulder Attachment, No. inches around chest under arm pits. instruments not lilting, exchanged, if re turned unsoiled. Doc. 5. 1855.-3 mo. A FAIIIIIIPOR SALE. MIIE subscriber offers for sale a tract of land I situate in Henderson township, Huntingdon county, bounded by lands of Peter Swoop°, John McCartney's heirs, and others, containing 175 and one-half Acres, about 110 acres are cleared and in a goodstate of cultivation, the balance being welltimbered. t. _ ..., The improvements ~,,,.. e -1. aro a gai]. LOG 4 , '''f , e f i tli' :LOUSE, a NEW t , ''.i„ ' ''-'•-- BANK BARN, a ' , WAGON SHED, a CORN CRIB, two good ORCHARDS and a never-failing SPRING of water near the house. This farm is situated six miles from the town of Huntingdon. Terms will be made easy to suit purchaser. ANDREW ALLISON. October 31, 1835.—tf. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Node° is hereby given that Letters Testamen tary on the estate of Tobias Ilarnish, late of Morris tp., Huntingdon Co., deed., have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. DAV I 1) STEIVART,) JACOB IIARNISII, Exacta's. DAVID JIARNISII, . January 2, 1856.-66• DR. N. L. DROWN, D cturns his thanks to his former patrons, and Itwould respectfully announce that he has a gain resented the prae.lee of medicine, and will at all times bo found at home, when not profes• atonally engaged. Charges extremely moderate. Melville, January let, 1856.-2 m. Drs. MILLER & FRAZER, riZISPIZSV EIUNTINGDON, PENNA. Offices on Hill Street, opposite j 'I." the Court House, and North East Corner of Hill and Franklin. jy.9-56.—tf. INDUSTRY MIST PROSPER. JN. BALL respectfully solicits the attention •of the forming community to a quality of Ploughs which ho in now manufiwinring, and will have ready for sale in a few days, ho is also pre pared to make harrows, wagons, carts, wheel barrows, &c., &c., and to do all kind of repairing at the shortest notice, and in the most substantial manner. Shopon N. W. corner of btontgmery and Nash• ington sts. '4 l March 27 t852-tf. LEATHER. FMT6, HENDRY & CO. No. 29 Nortb THIRD Street, PHILA. MOROCCO MANUFACTITIRERS, CURRIERP and Import... or FRENCH CALF SKINS, and dealer. in Ran and OAK SOLE LEATHER. and KIPP. Feb. Mb 1855.-Iy. VIICA,P ? __k4NMILI2I. ATTORNEY AT LA Will attend to all business entrusted to dia. Of• Lice nearly opposite the Court House. May s. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. Now is the time to purchase FALL &Viliti &GOODS; .J 9 v 3 To akYSITOBp Have just received Ppm Philadelphia, the lar gest and finest assortment of Dry Goods ever of -ICred to the citizens of this place, and surround ing country ; such as Merinos, Ipacas, Muslin de Lanes, Puramatta Cloth,Persian Clotlyhlnek and Colored Silks and every variety of Dress Goods and Trimmings. Also, Cloths, Cassia .- ret, Vestings, &c., &c. Call and Sao ono of Ito finest aissortnients or Trimmings brc . t to this pinto ; also, Collars, Undersleeves. Chi mazetts, Cilovo of every variety, I.ndios Scarfs and tho best assortment of Shawls over CARPETS, &G. A splendid lot of the finest Carpet and Oil Cloth FEARDITIZIPE, of every variety, and the best assortment in town, of every description, nod at lower prices than can be got at any other hoe,. GROCERIES, although they arc a little up, we will try and eel. as low as the lowest. lIATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SISOES, the largest and be,t al,ortment ever uflereil, and at lower prince. WILLOW Willtn, &c. and every variety of Goods, such as are usually kept in a country store. Call and see before purchasing any otter place, end if we can't sat isfy you or the &et, we will cave under. October 3, 1855. The best assortment of Carpet and Oil Cloth just received and for sale by J. S. W. Saxton. r the handsomest assortment of Do lanes, Per. I elan Cloth, Larilla Cloth, lhcrngc de Leers, Paramette Cloth, and nil wool Mr sore, all w oo l do lanes, of the best styles nod selected with the greatest care, for solo by J. &W. SAXTON. 500 webs assorted Prints, just received and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. The greatest variety of Boots and Shoes ever offered for sale by J. &W. SAXTO Ladies' Collars,UnderhlseveA, Ciartmzetts, and Gloves, Trimmings, at J.... W. Suxtons. Ahenatiftil lot of Hats & Caps, also Silk and Straw Bonnets, by J. &W. sAxToN. A great variety of Belts, Dead Dresses, Brace• illets, Trimmings, &c., by J. & W. Saxton. r handsomest assortment of Dress Silk just reer'd and for solo by J. & W. Saxton A beautiful assortment of velvet, silk awl wor listed settings, by J. & W. SAXTON. Wisher's Ague Powders, just reed and for sale y J. e: IV. SAXTON. The best lot of Shawls, such us Moshe, Cassi mar, Bay state awl square shawls, ju-t reed and fur sale by J. & W. SAXTON. \V. SAXTON will tithe all kinds of co.- Jtry produce in exchange lin.t is at their cheap store, south-west corner of Public Square. A.plonditl nesortment of Gum Beha nut reed and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. If you want to boy goad (heal► ode CALL AT D. Gniu has just received from Philad pi inn largo and beautiful stock of rALL IL TD WINTER CP - OD consisting of the most fashionablo Dross Goods, for Ladies and Gentlemen, seek us French Me rino. Alpacea, Paramatta Cloth, Persian Cloth All Vool do Lains, Fancy de Latins, Deliaizn, Collings, Black and Fancy Dress Silks, and Prints of all description. Also, Cloths, Cocci mere, plain and fancy Cassinets, Vestiogs, he. ALSO, a large lot. of dress Tritumings, dross Buttons, Ilibbunds, Bonnet Silks, Gloves, Mitts, Woolen and Cotton Ilosiery, Laces, Veils, Un dersleevos, Collars, Chimazetts, Iliguletts, milk Bonnets, nod a variety of Dress Goods too nu merous to mentisn. Flannels of all kinds, Linseys, Woolen Tulle Covors Shawls, Comforts, bleached and unblea ched N adine, Ticker, Chocks, Ginghams, hr. Groceries of allitinds, Hats dt O s, Boots and iihoes, Oil Cloths, 111133.131.VA1t11, 7.IMTEI 1012.1 Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, and all goods usually kept in a country Store. My old customers, and as many new ones as can crowd in are respectfully requested to come and examine my goods. All kinds of Country produce taken in ex change for goods, at the highest market prices. October 3, 1835. Chambersburg & Ml. Union STAGE LIRE REVIVED. TIT° uline ndersigned that a o r , e ,er tl a the ro suspension e c o n ( Chambersburg aneMt. Union, cannot he bat disadvantageous to a large section to the country has, at considerable expense and trouble, made arrangements to run a lino of Stages Tri-weekly between the two points. Good Nurses and con, fortahle Stages have been placed on the route, and experienced and treaty drivers will superin tend the running of the Coaches. The proprie tor of the lino is degirous that it be maintained, and he therefore calls upon the public generally to patebuise it, confident that it will be for their mutual advantage. Every attention necessary will be given, and the running of the Stages will ho regular. ' 0 - Stages leave Mt. Union, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings, arriving at Chamberi:burg the next day at 2 o'clock. Re turning, leave Chambersburg the same night at 10 o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union early the fol lowing evening in time for the Cars. Stages s t op at Shirleysburg, Orbisonia, Shade Goy, Burnt Cabins, Fannettsburg, Horse Valley, Strasburg nod Keefer's store. - Farethrough $3,00: to intermediate points in proportion. JAMISON KELLY. i August 22, 1855.—tf. BOOKS! 1'111') . .S!! 30,000 ivo°,,LtlZErsetufii7vbre.: C6B. (Fur, subscriber is happy to inform his minter -1 nun friends and customers that lie has added very largely to his already extensive and varied stock of new and popular books—and can now boast on great a variety at the same low prices as the City Book Stores. His STATIONARY is of great variety and well selected, viz Fan cy and Plain Note Letter nod Cap paper and Envelopes. Gold Pens ' and Silver • Holders from $t upwards, Pon and Pocket Knives, Port Monnales and Pocket- Books, Ink and inkstand. Razor-strops and Brushes, &e. School Books in quantities to country merch ants and teachers at City wholesale prices.— Wrapping paper constantly on hand. 1000 PIECES WALL PAPER of every kind, Window Paper and painted Shade, with PUITIGUII'S Patent Self-Adjusting Curtain Fixtures. Al ltbe above at Phila. re tail prices, call and examine, "I bodonvor to t lrse." Store on Railroad 4t it. H e ugngon, Oat. 17, 18AL. MISCELLANEOUS :IDVERTISEMENTS. .Yi:li . lTii . Yl.lliflliJi:.:•:l I‘.IACHINE SHOP AND FRENCH BURR. MILL STONE, IT, 'Eta fklr • Corner of Germantown Road and New Market Streets, on the North Pennsylvania Rail Road, Philadelphia, stir on hand ot-triade loonier, the fol. 414 approved Flour Mid Machinery. ard's,Mitent Portable Mills andSunt Patent Iron Concave Brati Dna Corn Kilns. I, and Moulding ;tamps and Du,hes for Mill WA ItII.INTED Golan_ Clat'd Burr St Cola, Cole and Plaster TIT 1,,,t A neiliir Mill Sttt, A T,SI) SOLE OW Jolatsteat , s rate at Cast Metal Con- :!'LS s„ itrj East awl Warr:mind to take: liushcl Gronod, fr,ott flour, which could not of the eldllical udhes tbe ofrul of every lb,, of statndard 'lied out on account NOTI( •1 Iwrel ttllt 11,111,,, , , 11' Inm ,t 0,1 JoPeril Joh kl 0011( AQ•ENCY. • /FIE sJbecribiqs have cAablished u licok Ag,ncy in l'itilo(11.11.1,.io, null will furnish any book or pu . nlhaticii at the retail !once free of ..pcstagc. Any persons, by forwarding the iib scriptien price of any of the $3 Magazines, such as Harper's. (Oaley's, Pn town's, Graham's, or Frank Leslit.'s Fashions, &c. gill rcccice the magazines tar nut. year and eilpy of the Fri.- did litliocranii !Hawaii ol either and size ir, Seed Press. n Woa. , View utr~l ~ritl~ nil d Heath Builift Te or 111' RA 0 Soar/ Third .9., Nov. 28, I 11\ - TE.II, 4i.J14 cOOO , Call aud look before you puretaase, HAS just returned front l'hiludelphia nod is now opening Due of the pretki cot told best selected stook of geode veer brought to the bor ough 01 Ilutitil, , lott. It would he eyeless to mention all of toe go , :kis eo 11:1•C on ti— Lat!2 fleets Goode. A large “och IklSei . Y. I , i . Velvti. bonnet , Undo' Spencers, Ca diner., Clot Casino t ,Nlitt•, I)clanos, IN-Brge, Kid Glove', and all kinds of goods generally kept in a country store. Also—a line assortment of . Hoots, Shoes. Hats, & caps, Uh:ssira re, ( p"-erowerc rrad Ctderteurt. A lurge and gowl supply at' Fresh Groceries Call and see ray goods and examine for yon, Thankful for thl patronage of the past by my friends, and the public general'). 1 respeetfully solicit it continuance Or the salmi. All kinds of country prnilucc taken in ez• change for goods at the highest market price. Oct. 10. Titoya.ks P. DILI. & CO. CLOfiIING srom4,l, ANt , MERCHANT TAI:.O2ING ESTABLISH MENT. Chesnut Shwl, Philadelphia, No. 165 flue flour below Fifth, N.! Side. ynit,• ur gi!o9 :n be n, Merck visit this magnificent store, where coeds of the line. class nre kept Ready Mode and in the piece which will he male opto order itt tl.c shortest notice and perfect satisfaction warranted. Also a Him assortment f i dT2l2l.lRi T.l , b And every article is mailed with the lowest cosh price, in plain figures. Nov. 7,1855.-6 mo. H, ROMAN, Hus.itt;i opri,ed GO.,D ASS:OfiTIVENT READY-MADE CLOTHING. ookirs, rAtars, vzsirs, And other articles of gontlemen's wear. October 3, 1855. COUNTRY DEALERS CAN LIIT f I I al MVO AT it 1101.10,LE, AS CHEAP AS IN THE ('ITT, AT RON lA'S CLOTHING STORE. OVERCOATS. All kinds, ebßaper than elsochere, at 11. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORF. TosElm DOUGLASS, in MeConnellstown I ti hue constantly on hand, ready made Arles, and to prepared to make and repair Guns of al‘ kinds nt the shortner notice. April 21, 18115-Iy, ,f Ma iente, it b midi Trimming, •rs. br tiny