LIS P OF THE OUTSTANDING BALANCES Due at Settlement with the Auditors for the Year 1.836. .... ...---,..„- Township. Ea m iief Collector. County Tax. State Tar. Militia Fines, Allegheny, Samuel Robisop, 466 33 Tell,' Jonathan Briggs, Walker, A. B. Sungaree, Barrer, Charles Cowden, *Porter, Jacob Bough, Union, James Hampson, Dublin, Thomas W. Neely, Franklin, John H. Stonebraker, Springfield, William Ramsey, Tell, Geol., May, *Franklin, John Conrad, Jackson, David S. Bell, IClay, Daniel Curfman, West • i Charles Green, Tod, Jesse Cook, *Tod, ' Solomon Houck, Walker, John Cooker, Conn, Joshua Greenland, Dublin, Robert Peterson, • sFran!ilin, William Mllwaiu, llnuderson, Luke Vorhees, Unioa, \Vilna. Smith, Warne, William Couch, Brady, John Mei/inlaid, Wass, George Smith, Cromwell, Michael Myers, Franklin, John Laport, Porter, William D. Shaw, Tod, John M'Clain, 101 05 34 30 Walker. Joseph Douglass, 214 67 111 62 Warriorsmark, William I futehison, 10 50 f Barre°, Jelin Smith, 740 03 584 39 'Brady, Christian Miller, 415 73 . 255 15 Ness, John Bowman, 142 77 74 44 NinYi William Cunningham, 329 78 237 08 tCrom well, David Bloke, GOG 16 364 32 'ithin), William Appleby, 325 74 220 00 i - Frunklin, Alexander Ewing, 921 86 722 68 sllendersiin, Andrew Decker, 72 56 48 98 flluntingdon, J. M. Simpson, 370 83 .32 36 i' Hopewell, John Beaver, 389 78 283 58 f.laclmon, Thomas Osborn, 914 96 626 92 (Morris, Abraham Isenberg, 889 29 648 81 Wenn, Abraham Grubb, Jr., 165 83 42 98 frorter, Peter Piper, 763 09 411 37 'Shirley, John M . Kinstry, 633 45 350 74 fSpringlield, Benedict Stevens, 212 30 145 18 belt, Samuel Parsons, 290 37 185 29 rind, Benjamin F. Baker, 530 04 419 47 G 00 'Union, William Chileatt, . 58 58 13 85 12 50 '1 - Walker, John Thompson, 718 11 500 89 46 50 .1 - Warrio rs to ark, W Win in W i.ay, 667 95 413 00 37 00 'West, Mordecai Ilenry. 1460 92 912 01 65 50 ft appears from receipts on Mr. Conrad's Duplicate that the above amount PM paid to Mr. Neil; former Treasure:, and not credited on the Treasurer's book. * lle alumni t most guiding apinst Mr. Baugh, in said to have been collected by Sheriff Cron n• over, and not paid over to the Treasurer. f 6ince paid in port. : Since paid in tell. Give!' uuder seal of office January 23d, 1856. )lar. 1810 1811 ATTEST II::YRY MILLI., ('k,, w 1 Tflli II I.:ST," WELISTEICS Quarto DICTIONAIIY. own: win! to e,..7 . 11 , un. stwlent, ry one ;hi ii 111011,111,1 right or Ion g•1:1,--1i:0111,111111, ortin,,fraphy, and prom., e io ;.,:n a g.,,0‘l Engli:lL 1,1.0110- N. \ Y 7--:,i' nuc,•,,,,ty and perm:lnca v3lo, llNAIM11)01 , :1) is now Stan.l,lol, ..tonstandy eked on r .1 in our court , : or Justice, in our ' 4. MI.:111:1.\ .!11. D.A.:sellers in Iluntiiigcliin 1.1.',; SCII ' OOI. DICTIONARIES. A NEE' HOUSE A.ND A LOT ii l oll SALE. ;:lt r i,;11 5,.! on the 1 dth day of Fehrssrv. I inn, a lot of ground in the oil e or tti,...ndt Gap, Dubiin Iluatin,t , l,:n co., on which 18 1; ; o,ttsi a new house and ft s table. This propertyls just in front of the Milimssi Academy, and welkitnated lor business. Sale to comment,' rt 1 o'clock, Terms made known on day at sat o. Jan. :10, 185G.-3t. J. FELMLEE. DEPARTMENT OF COMMON SCHOOLS OF I'IL'INTAUIY:AaIjd2.) lLtaatt een, January 28th, 1836. To Me Srbool Diee,torl then! iugdou (IENTLEME , :—A ppl',eation harin be. le bv the Hoards of Direet , rs of a the School Districts in Hunlingd•u; • ••, utS their desire to increase the S.lar, • • : Superintendent of said Conaly y t aro re speetfully requested to meet in t 1•,... ;:tin at the ('ours Honor, in Huntingdon, etc Thursday the 28th day of February 1856, nt three oleloel: in the nfternoon, for the purpose above slated, areordintr to the terms of the Ei.41,114 section of tl,e Supplement to the School Law, apppoved the Bth day of May, 1831. Very Respectfully Yours, A. Ti. curarN, Superintendent of Common Schools. Jansb3o, 18511.-3 t. For Sale or Rent. I offer the well known "Alexan (kin Foundry," with all the pat-, terns, (fur Stoves, Ploughs, &c.,) fir rent or sole; npplication should " be made to me immediately. ISRAEL. GRAVIUS. Alexandria, Jan. 23, 1856. I Bodenhamer on the Piles. Now Ready. Practical Observations on some of the diseases of the Rectum, Anus, and Con tinuous Textures—giving their Nature, Sent, Causes, Symptoms, Consequences, and Preven tion—especially addressed to non-medical rm. tiers. By W. Bodenhamer, M.D. Second edi tion, with plut. s, Ce. Svc,. 52. .1. S. REDFIELD, No. 34 Beckman st. IRINTINGOON COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. There has been openers in the Hall formerly oc 1. copied by the "Sons of Temperance" in the Borough of Huntingdon, a School under tho a bove title, in whivh, is proposed to be given at ii as his coarse of Instruction and Practice in Sio,t le and Double Entry Hook-Keeping. Also lecturer on Commercial Law, will ho givrn in rego tar course, by the most talented members of the liar. ..„.. Students cnn enter at any time, a day or eve ning Class, or both ii they wish. For any other particulars, address personally or by letter I'. 11. POLLOCH. Principal. Huntingdon, Dee. 19, 1855.-310 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The Partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, is this day by mutual consent dissolved. Tho business will be carried on herenllet•, by John linvett.Jr..nt the old stand. JOHN IIeYETV, RoBERT hi. CUNNINGHAM. net. Dr. John McCulloch, Gni, his professional services to tile Citizens of Iltuitingdon and vicinity. Office, Mr. Ithdo brwas, between tlio Exchange and Jackson . ' hotel. Iluntingilon, Aug. 29, 16Xfi. 29 01 202 08 300 78 12 50 15 14 25 00 44 81 49 34 123 56 93 21 150 06 77 08 54.25 78 73 100 76 THOMAS HAMER, BENJ. K. N EFT, Commissioners. JACOB BAKER, JJJ SOMETHING NEW. RE YOU INSURED 1 L - EXCHANGE INSURANCE en., NO. 11 MERCHANTS' EXCIIIANUE, P IILAUELPIITA. CAPITAL, $2011,000. FIRE INSURANCE, perpetual or limited. made in town Of country, on every description of property. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. • E J. liIoDOWELL, Jo., Secretary. n."D',""iE.TtY." ' •". Orphan's Court Sale. In pursuance °fan order of the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon County, the undersigned act ing administrator of William Dean Esq., deed. will expose to sale by public vendee on the pre mises, on Saturday, the kith day of February, at one o'clock, I'. M., two certain adjoin- Mg lots of ground in the Borough of Ak•xan dna, in the County of Huntingdon, fruntinA upon the southern side of the Turnpike and ex tending in depth to the Juniata River, adjoin• ing n cross street on tho West, and a lot now or lately owned by John Cresswell, Esq., on th e East ; the same being eneh sixty feet in front and numbered 3 & 4 in the plan of said borough ; on elle of which is erected a two Ellstory LOG 1101. 7 5 E and Kitchen.n• d' Both encl,cd by a fence. TIMMS OF SALE.—One-half of the purchase money to be paid ou continuation of .1,, and the rc-:idue in ono year themafter, with interest, to be secured by bond and mart gage of the purebrunr. DAVID MOUNTAIN. Jan 23, 18.56.-3 i. An Improvement worth 3 of the Pro gressive Age. ALDRICII & FOOTEN PATENT WASHING MACHINE. subscriber is prepared to furnish eery citizen of the COMMOTH, 03101 with one of these superb articles, acknowledged by all who have them in use, and by every one who has tes ted them, to be superior to anything of the kind evcrbrought before the public. . _ They are made of the best material, ender the suporvkion of the subscriber, who is prepared to deliver thou at any paint in this or the adjoining Thili Maine possesses many advan tages over any other of the kind, from the fact, that it in no manner wears the clothing, use less soap, and is easier worked. Thu price ranges from six to seven dollars. The subscriher warrants this machine to give entire autisfitction. It it does not do everything he sap, no charge %till be made. A trial is car tiently invited end perfect satisfaction warranted. A strong recommendation for the machine is the number already sold. Any person who wishes one of these articles, ran bo tmommodateil by addressing H. J. WILLIAMS, Alexandria, Hunt. Co„, Pa. Jan. 1,1856. May ao, 1855.-1 y HENRY W. OVER MAN, No. 6, South Third Street, ' PHILADELPHIA. Importer of French Calf Skins; MANUFACTURER AND GINETTAL DkAlLeilt. Has Constantly on Hand, and Always Finishing, all kinds of Leather,Slorncco, Calf tzkins.Sheep Skins, o , dice. The attention of Country Merchants .4 Men ufacturers, is solicited, RED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER. January 2,1856.—1 y. To Iron Manufacturers. The subscriber has recently discovered an ore benk which will yield an abundant supply of Iron Ore.—Thls Oro Bank is on a small tract of land (belonging to the subscriber) containing a bout twenty acres—situated in Walker "rown ship, about ono mile and three quarters from the station on the Broad Top Railroad, near Me- Councillstown. Specimens of the ore may be seen in Hunt ingdon at the Ticket office of the Penna. Cen tral Railroad. The subscriber will either sell or lease the a j bone tract of land. _ .1011 W Lwg, January 2, 1852 MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. MAP OF HUNTINGDON COUNTY 1 05 13 50 The undersigned purposes publishing provid ed sufficient encouragement he obtained, a Map of Huntingdon County. Said Map to be con structed by actual survey of all the public Roads Railroads, Rivers, Streams, Canals, Township Lines, &c., and every place of note contained in said comity carefully shown in their respective places, and the name and place of residence of nearly every businessman in said county, and the branch of Business followed by each one respec tively, and the place marked where nearly all the farm buildings stand, and the proprietor's and occupant's names. Said map to contain from fourteen to eighteen feet of engraving, and to be finished in the most modern style and workman likv mnner, she. WILLIAM CHRISTY. nee. 10, 1855.—tf. 33 00 & WINVVIt 000094 AT T lIE BROAD TOP DEPOT. tUNNINGUAM. & DUNN have just returned from Philadelphia, and are now opening at the head of the Broad Top Deihl tflurge and beonilld a,tortruent of Fall & Winter Goods Consisting of Dry Gi;ods, Groceries, Hard-wale, Queens-ware, Cedar-ware, Hats. boots and shoes. se iiioW-Wit re. _ _ lkfady Mate Clothing always on hand. and in short ei,rything that is usually kept in a country store. BAC . ON. SALT, FISH AND PLASTER, kept con,antly for Sale. Call and evantina our 1 purAn. air; clsewli.u•e, a n d ace wl,ther we Lwow inui,r it rota• intercbt to 'arolds° as. . . 56 50 3550 28 00 30 00 All kinds of country prod:ice taken in ex change fin• Goods at the highest market prices. The highest market paid for all kinds of Grain. Prompt attontion pnid to storing ond forward , ing oil kinds of merchandise, produce, ao. Huntingdon, Oct., 10 ',Slit,. liraCi@MEalgi. 01? 41 50 18 50 Sebastopol Tahen 30,000 MEN KILLED The undersigned has just returned frifin the qty with a large and tplendid ~,urtincut Fall and Winter Goods, • wliirlt he is now prepared Pi diflaise of at very ',wand rtasonable rates. Persons desiring to onrohase will find it to their iricreat to giv e l i ;ni rail before purchasing else, ,ro. as be otndi only to plfase. lfi, stock 1,11, I , 1:1 large lai Dry Goods, Hal :4J gl7 la Y it:AT Glass & Queei,sware, large and av,ort2lcut of ready made C LOTH I N' G, which ho is prepnrod to_so , l! . hi lotr ................. N. 13.—Country produce t:dien in exchange for g 00,14. blotirsville, Nov. 7, 1857.--tf. I In. it. COI'FLIOS Truss 411111 Eince .111eithetr.. St., Huil rl,,t burq. ~ , ,,,sustly on ilarsh Toed Trusse.l—cvery ,c) le uk,7 size; Line French emist rut:fib - A; extreme`ttlortncis - , with care and comiort. . . Di, Banning's ',ace for Prolapses Uteri and its associate paina and weaknesses; Erector 1:r•a -t'rs and Chest Expanders or approved make. CO - Special attention invited to Banning's to ted improvement-6u Spring-Spina Shoulder Intro, adapted to all with stooped shoulders, narrow ehost, and spinal weakness. It attaches to the Body Brace, is easy, elegant and ofte , •tive. Orders from a distance 'promptly attended te. Portent writing fit' Trusses will state No inches around body, over rupture t for Body Brace, NO. iodic. around hips ; for Spring-Spina-Shoulder Attachment. No. inches around chest under arm pits. Instruments not fitting, exchanged, if re turned unsoiled. Dec. 5. 1555.-3 mo. A. FARM FOR SALE. rp HE subscriber eon for sale a tract of land I situate in Henderson township. Huntingdon Clint bounded by lands of Peter Swoope, John McCurtney's heirs, nod others, containing 115 and one-half Acres, about 110 acres are cleared and in a goodstato at calf cation, the balance being well timbered. Th e he rrovotnentBrr,. are good LOO A lf HOUSE, NEW BARN, a ir. , IV iON SHED, a CORN CRIB, two good OliellAlHlS and a itever.fitiling SPRING of water near the house. This limn is situated six toilet irnm the town of Huntingdon. Terms will be made easy to suit Purchaser. ANDREW ALLISON. October: 1, IRss.—tf. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Voile, is hereby given that Letters Testamcn , tary on the estate of Tobias Burnish, late of Mortis tn., llantingdon co., dce'tl., hare been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebt ed to said estate are la:toasted to make immedi ate paymeni, and those having claims to present them duly methentleated 4 1,r smaniunt. DAVID STEWART, ) JACOB BAI C E xeru e s , ILAVID January 2,18.16.-6 t• DR. H. 1.. BROWN, Drums his thanks to his former patrons, and I,would reipecifully announce that he 1,4 a gain resumed the practice of medicine, and will at all times he found at home, when not pruhis sionally engaged. Charges extremely moderate. eassville, January Ist, 1836.-2 m. Drs. MILLER & FIIAZEII,, ritrrlsTo.., UUNTINGDON, PENNA. . . Offices on Hill Street, opps,ite the Ciurt Honme, end North East 1 " . " Corner of Hill and Franklin. INDUSTRY NEST PROSPER. TN. BALL respectfully solicits the •of the flirming community to a quality of P/ougha which Ito is now inamillieturing, and will have ready for sale in a low days, ho is siso pre pared to to Ike harrows, wagons, carts, wheel barrows, 4:e., &e., and to do all hind of repairing at the shortest notice, and in tin most substantial manner. Sltops2llN. W. corner ot Montgmory nod Wash ington sts. March 27 ISs2—tf. LEATUER. FRITZ, HI:IMM & CO. No. 29 North THIRD Street, rinLA. 1 TOROCCO MAN I,ACTUREIIB, Cunnums and B 1 !armlet:its or FRENCH CALF SKINS, 0101 dealers in Ran and o.ta SOLE LEATHER and KIFF. Fob. 20th 1855.-Iy. LP. taiilli g6ll-0 ATTORNEY 7' LA11", Will attend to all businws entrubted to blot. Of ti.•c nearly oppoitito tho °port Room Ntnty 5, 'la MISCELLANEOUS ADITIITIsEME.A.S. J. IV. Tlllo,liii9tisL•ii, Zi.e 1, • aTirM l2l[B:- I 12 ' 2 / fA U. AND COMMISSIONER FOR PENNSYLVANIA.: Davenport, lowa. a> Attends to buying, selling and locating Lund, and land warrants, pays taxer, loans Mom on Real Estuto security, on commission, C. 111111,4 and makes abstracts of title, &e. Any business intrusted, trill be attended to promptly and with fidelity. Refer to Ilan. Geo. Taylor and Members of the Bar nt fluntiotplott. November 21, 1655.—em.• EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Moil. is hereby given that Letters TCstittnen JA tory on the estate of Thomas VV. Neely, Into of Dublin township, Hunt ngti on County, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment without delay, and those having datums to present them duly authenticated for settle ment. JAMES CAPE, Eva. B. FRANKLIN NEFLI, Dec. It, 18.55.*tit. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersign ed (trading under the firm of Conch & Dunn.) is this day. ili-sielved I.y mutual consent. The books of said firm are in the hands a( David Dimn , vhain nil concerned will please to make immediate settlement. Ai 'lllO, ISOO-tr. rKM:O . VA7.4. A IRS. SARAH IiULP wishes to inform the ot Huntingdon nipl the surrounding country that she 11,15 1110 Veil IleXt door to Charles ti:.ove the 19.edlyterian Church, Hill St., where she intend, currying on the Mncy toil straw :Milliner): busine , s. tinning received the Intest city fashion, she in prepared to attend to 110 that luny thvor her With their custom. April 10, 11;355--tf S. A. DISSOLUTION. Whatever partnership whieli existed between the undersb..;iied in the Surveyiti4 business has bewi dissolved by mutual consent. J. SIMPSON AFRICA, J. F. 11.1MEY. rill be conducted RS formerly The Imßill by .1. I;'.i ~.- t 1; 111)31IN IS'FRATOR'S NOTICE, ottors of Adnii.iitoratioli e.ttit, of I j.lolin 13.111:o'.! I tot tittgil , ,l (4, • • . , • tql to the wit!. t.i I. ;,;: 1. • 1%;11 1: dttlr :1111i1 , 111::::1IA, ilt I, • solvo6 irdulritd, will oiiilii intim-414;w iitiyooriii. HOOERT UAW!, POW ELL. H UYE're,lr. JOUN SCOTT, ,;'II , COTT gSsTi'ff:in% Attorneys at Law, fa., (fire same us thus formerly occupied by Toll] A. W. CE:VED2CI', .IT of:ATI - AT LAW. Informs his obl friends and ho public that Ito has returned to his old home, and a :atend to all business in his profession, entrusted to hint, 'with fidelity and his host abilit y. . . ...... . alico in :%laitt Stnet.south bide, the 1101.,C below the Court house. Huntingdon, 111Ity 18. 1052. Adaws Co.'s Express. T. K. SIMONTON, Agent, Hun:higdon Money, Packages, and goods °loll kinds, re ccivol and forwarded at t he risk t.,l* the company, to all the citiotand principallown, in this United state May 1,'52, J. '. - - 1 - . laLPZIC.fil] 21.'1,11'21 0:0 'LINT I IInItZTCOL Office with DANIEr. AFRICA, Esq., Hill street between 31untgomery and Smith streets, linut • ingdun, l'eun'a. [ Sept. 20,'5t.[ tf. • iiJOCCDO.O.:C=.O 0 ia:kill.Ar 0 r sel ' o seli c ' JOB OFFICE 4°) ff). or TIIE 0 , 0 7. 4; • . ', 0 e 6 HUNT. JOURNAL.":: • O The la rycq. un.l 6,4 g JOB OFFICE 4 9i ( 0 ) THE COUNT): ;:;> 41- . ; 0 JOB-WORK > (LY( ), , ( 00 ' 1 ;;t 11 2ll • ' ‹.14:, 0 EXECUTED ,•,:' S' ( i ) :, As Cheap cts dee Cherwst,: ) ) ° anD Yin ' ° (), THAN o 4 , 7:3 Tt tlir. g,.11 3ATISFA el lON IS ‹ . ) . 1 WARRANTED. 0 o All kinds of O 411 g BLANKS c o' `,.•:> • ° . 441 (,) )0 (1- 2 0: DZ ) I .CCi fV V 7:J**3 ALMANAC FOR Ig6G. •Jame. September, December. II Mi January, April, Ju F October. February, August March, November. Directions for ning -.-1— First find the mouth; then 8, 9 tracealong the lino to the —!— vi l la, till yen find the day 15 10 of the week; then down --! I the column, to you find 22 23 the day of the month. . '29 30 j ti ,t recei ing emint, ; SIICII Ili .MCI l'er und Cokac.l Silks earl ery 66.1, anti Ale, czar one nl' iI:U to I inazetts, Ulove, "icvcry and tho best as,or,lnci,t A splendid h;t orthe ; of every variety, u (''.; of every rlcscrilec 2.1111 at can be got at any call, bre,e. lIA'Z'S xzar,y;,..s the large,t ::e.l Lot nt lower end every variety kit' 1;00.1,. kept in n countr purchasing nny hirY )1111 01 the GEORGE COUCH, DAVID DUNK. rho best asnortment of t . 4rnrt al: I % juet receivud aml for . .'e .*: rrho linwisotnest . sine Cloth, Lailllo Clot Paratnette Cloth, ni de lanes, or the greatest care, 500 webs nssorted Vrints, just ree, , , for .10 by .1. & W. Mlle greatest variety of lloot , ‘ no.l L offered Cur sale by J. &W. SAX I 4, , T1.1111111111g: .• ' ' ( • L; . • J., by J _~.. The hand , oniest juit n•rr'd anti fur i ~.t, ~.• SAMUEL T. Bnowm r [ ,l .. ' , af , , , ,tment ilt•!i If you limit to by:,- D.:'. C;win ja:L . ',tilt a large. ail n rinces, 11',,01 Co'.ings. ni Prints or all nters. I Ltin uutl ra,cy ALSO. n largo fot of Buttons, Ribbontls. Dont:, NV,,olen .111.1r . ..t0rn Lrer , . I derslceven. Collars. Cllimaz••it.. Loaner., au.l a variety of .I. , rcs. , mem,: to nienti,n 7 W(1141'11 'l'n lanaelg of all knoll, Lin • Coco., Shawls, Con died 31.11 n,, Groceries oral! kluils, cino. ' 1t..7.11,77A7 717, m i el:ets, ;:iia • kept in a country tt ete. My Ohl 11,0111 C, 11110 can crowd in arc anal examine ioy .111 k n 1, of 1,01 f o r th. Uctobcr 3, Clitastal)erslalarg & :;f.i. 11.-.,.. STAGE LINE 11:11,V11.,:ii.A. 111111, ,igne I v the lihe el - Stow , ever Chaelh, Ili:lll,,t , tag , niti to a ',elk, I , haw, at con,iderahlo atql t OtrallgeltlelltS to run a line el S:a;4c between tl:c teen point,. Good ther fort:thin Sta4eS haver !leen en the route. I au.' experienced and trusty drivers will s - tend the running ee tho...C.,aclie'. The tor or the line is that it to mai, and he thererore calls gnu the puhlie ec let patronise it, confident that it will he ter t mutual advantage. Every attention twee, will he given, and the running uf the Stagea wit' be regular. C.Lp - Stages kave Iklt. Union, every Thrsday, nna sutu.hi s evenm .e, inri. in Cletnihershurg the next tiny at 2 tel turning, leave Chemberslnirg the sun... 11,1' 10 o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union eally t,:e lowing evening in tinter ter the Car... Si: stop at Shirleyshurg, Orldsoota, bi,de Burnt. Cabins Fannettshurg, Ilurso Vaiky Strasburg end Cabins, store. eiitil'arethrotigh $3,00: to intermediate pule in proportion August 22, 185;:,—ti, BUOKS I Lo -.7 30,000 VOLUMES k low their retail Fri. 77: T WI T. I I • • • I 11, stal,ciabel IN Itolto to ii iit r -1.1114 frietols and very largely to his oh catty exten , iee t - .li , 51 stock of new tool ,tolothir hool.s—,o .•o•k hostel at great a v:triety at Om 1,, , ~• 04 the City llook Stores. His STA is or ,rent t.,rietr :1,1,1 well •• rd. : .•11- ey most Plato Note Leta, :ma s , • }Antelopes. Gold Pens owl t , il , v; s:t !., front $1 upwords, Pen antl ‘.1.1 ,•-. Mminnie- nn,l I', not- Ito 1,-, 155!, ; ;;;:. .. 5. i. Itazor-sti , l , s ati.l 'IV T 1 I_l_l 'AI 1.! I: F. : I: T - A - 7 1 t -- School Mulls. eottiory ntlis :ma tt,..01 ,, zit City Nt 1.1 . 1 k 13. rat,i•inv paper ennst.ii ti. on ' t ()( It I WALL l'.11 . 1r: O, t: Or CV s k.' ;1 , 1% 1 . 0) et 3,111 Willi Putnam', 1',1 , .164 All then .it lc I': ht. re tail prices, tali11:111 eX:1111i1 , C, "1 c 0.`1,1 please." Store on St. Unto in,. INN!. COl.O net. 17. 1855 (i Ito i Ili I; I 311 _) 1.11, !.‘ k .1.. call anti Ste C0x&%';..~.~::, C_~ I3.f~''` ~-fi' ht..l“ ;77.!:3.7. h_v .1. V at J. V '; • of Bel uc row '.il i,~.'..~ .ill CALL AT I I ,a- JAMISON KELLY • ,•••-• 7•,•)1,/.•1 311.1 1., ; kind' ht the shorte:t not:, e ct,ll:y A -I 1 r T• n r l TING, ~~ ~0 1, Ells AT \ I :' ~ 1 ♦. 111, t ; NI;