The Hollidaysburg Slave Case. A bill wit, tu, of Virg troducticl itito the Legislt• t in reference to i .lividual who late ,'.i• in folli. d .nrg, • it before the Blair County Uinta fn• trial, in pursu. an, of the bonds he had given, and it as• sumer! on the part of Virginia to pay all liabilities thereof, and provided I,r retalia tii.a on Pennsylvania for thus carrying. out her lows. The thing was in its nature 90 absurd that we did n 1000 proper to ores. py any ;pace of nor columns with it, last week. belied p 't that it could beco,iie of a m nonce. No did net hover• • fill event of pro ski very L In a modified shape this b;il ha • • , a the thaa3e of Repre yes. lot pia of the orilinal 101 l prowling for calling out the military in a certain contingency is omitted, but it is provided that all money raid by Virginia on behalf of Parsons, shall he demanded of Pennsylvania, and in case the latter im prisons Parsons. and r.fuse to release him, the Governor of Virginia shall immediate ly convene the Legislature. But this Is not•tlto worst, as the provisions of the bill are toad,: applicable in future to all similar In view of sock provisions no these, our reader, will probably think that till's ca., was one in whica a citizen of Virginia 1..; ally sought to recover his fugitive slave.-- Not so. The a4l of the law was not nt all invoked. A negro was seized without war rant, so far as appeared at the time, and it looked as though the kidnappers intended to carry him off into Virginia without any form of law. Be was known as an old re• sident of [Fair County, nod was not ti,, slave of any of the persms who had seized him. In fact, it is quite cletr, that if Mr. Parsons had not proceeded illegally, th , re could be no charge of kidnapping acjunst him. Feeling in great danger of pani.-h -most for the offence, he, or some friends for him has thus sought the protection of It is natural enough for a ram) in such a scrape to seek to extricate himself. 'Put, what can be thought of the State of Vir ginia, which can voluntarily take up suoh a cause, and on it seek to get up a serious embroilment with a sister State No doubt these Virginian legislators fancy frtin the pusillanimous conduct of Pennsylvania authorities in other difficulties of the kind; thatalittla-hectoring• will cause the latter. ,i. but we are unwilling to believe it -- •l9to act just adopted by the Virginia Leg i ,lature exceeds any thing of recent date C.,r unblushing effrontery and reckless iin utince. It is worse than any movement ever attempted by the abolition fanatics of New Englaiid, and it is one of the natural results of the crazy teaching of the fanati cal southern newspapers. If submitted to, it will leave every colored man, woman arid child in Pennsylva,li entirely at the rnercy r pl Virginia kidnappers. In fact, it trill bdrtiving the hitter a carte blaiehelo seize and enslave our free colored popula tion at any moment they may see proper. For. if We cannot pills!) these people when caught, without danger of a collision of St des, what is to prevent their continued idna pping operations ? Let us hope that in the present instance Pennsylvania will , not ie:nominiously surrender her rights un-' der duress. 7 ,'",7Since the above was is typo, we have 'curled by a telegraphic despatch that Par,ons has have acquitted. HORACE GREELEY wanes to the Tribune en accow,t of nusi's mine. k upon him, and the llonoraio Flom Arkausas dses it make much It). his !notion. Greeley says :---"I have heard since 1 caste here 11, good deal ()rifle .prsonal vi..lcure to whiah I was expose], but only one imin has match me till tteday, and lm ten: yr, drools that 11110.: n poor fist of it." As to the eause of provocation, Greeley inti , ri that it is to 1,0 lttwol its his strictures in Monday's rib,rd,r, on /1, T's attempt to drive Mr. 11:,:,0:3 oat of the field a; a candidate for Sptalmr, hr patt , ing nall. the pro,ont csttnlitlates , isr, • . ~ , ,1 s, tholl;..fht that n moon s t mos. du cisl 1 certainly think to, it, of it. now that 1 h a ve ?Lad° the 004, iistitnoo of its oa th.," In conclusion, be thus explains his position: iwestone this is not the last outrage to which lamto he subjected. I come here with a clear understanding' that it was about an e• ven chance whether I should or should not be all need to go home alive ; for my business here is to unmask hypocracy, defeat, treachery and rebuke meanness, and these are not dainty employments even in smoother 6111,300,', ours. but I shall stay hero just 8,, long as.l think proper, using groat plainness of sp••••ch ' but, endeavoring to treat all teen justly and faith fully. I may often judge harshly, and even be mistaken ns to facts, but I shall elaays bil ready to correct my mistakes end to amend shy judgments. 1 shall .1,7 no wmapuuo and engage in no brawls • but if rolfinas way lay and assail me I shaft certainly nut ran, and, so far as able, 1 shall defend myself. H. G. STATE ARSENAL Gene,.—We learn front the Harrisburg Mcyraph that the Grand Jury of Dam hin County, in the case of James A. Dente and Aaron Coburn, have found two bills against the defendants, the first of ',Well in the first count charges Drone with larceny of rifles end inuslicts to the amount of $2,025, and Co burn with being accessory to arid larceny be. tore the tact, The second count charges Co horn intone with receiving the property refeired to. !wowing it to have been stolen. The other indictments is against both for a compiracy to appropriate to their own use tholiroperty of the Cunt n, wealth. On Wednesday afternoon Mr. Coburn came into court, and through his counsel, Mr. Fisher, asked for the continuance of the case, on account of the absence of a ma teriel witness. The Court continued the case upon this ground, and ordered the defendant to enter i trio a recognizance in the SUM of $2,500 to appear at the April session. Mr. Coburn ovu the requisite security, and was discharged. The other defendant remains is jail. XXXIVth CONGRESS. IVAsniNaroN, Jan. 28, 1853, In the F. •S. Senate, to day, Win. Bigler, Senator deet from Penn,ylvanin, was qualitied and too', his !teat. Case zublre3se,l the Sen ate on the suide,t of Central American uirairs, arguing, in reply to the National Bilelli;reer, that "the ship of State was on its true coarse, and the pilot didog• his duty." He strongly de. pounced the positions assumed by the British Government. Mr. Clayton corroborated the statement of Mr. Cass, In regard to Great Bri tain being thereat ruler of the Nlosquito Terri tory. Mr. Cannier also denounced the Coltish construction of the Claytan•Bnlwer treaty. Mr. Seward obtained the floor and tho sub. jet was then postponed. The Senate adjourn , , 1 until Thursday. Is the 'lonic of Representatives, a resolution olferr,d by Mr. Leiter, for the election of a Speaker by a plurality vote, was tabled by a vote 0: I 0 to 100. Mr. Tyson submitted are. solution fur the election of a Speaker by a ph, rality vote, nod giving the candidates receiving not less than 25 votes the appointment of the Standing Committees in proportion to their re lative strength, which was rejected. Mr. Camp bell, of Ohio, !node a personal explanation, de nying charzes of treachery to the 11,publican ;may, made in a letter by his colleague, Mr. Wade. Messrs. Thoringtonand Dunn &noun. ced the action of Mr. Wade, and the latter de li:nded himself. Thu 'louse then proceeded to iior ballot, which resulted as follows: . ,d,3 97; Orr 67 ; Fuller 35; Pennington 3 ; t• 4. Thera being no choice, the i adjourned.. WASIIINOTON, Jan. 20, 1856. Congress did little of interest yesterday. The Semite WOO not in 3053/011. 111 the HOU., Mr. Underwood allured a resolution that every tumnber be voted t'or in his turn fur Speaker, but said that he would not press its coosidera. Lion until today. Mr. Crawford gave notice that today he will move to elect a Spoaket by States, each State delegation cawing but one vote. Mr. A. K. Mar:A:ill mound a resolution, icing the withdrawal ol the present can dtdateg ; but after a brief debate, ho withdrew it. A bn:lot wns had, and Mr. Banks receivrl 9;.) votes, Mr. Orr 69, Mr. Fuller 31, anti scab . tering s. Necessary to a choice ltnl. Aft, r further unimportant proceedings, the lion, adjourned. Tue caucus of Democratic members of the D. S. Senate has nominsted the Washington Union newspaper as the party candidate fur ~,:note printer. A violent assault was made yesterday, at the National Capitol, by a member of Congress from Arkansas, named Rust, upon 11,race o reely, the editor of the New York Tribune, in consequence of rouse strictures on Mr. Rust's Congressional proposition, which appeared in a Washington letter in the Tribune. Mr. Greet. ly was struck several times on the head with a WASHINGTON, Jan. 30, 1856. The U, S. Senate wee in session lo day, In the House of Representatives, Mr. Crawford offered a resolution providing for the election of a Speaker by States, each State casting one vote, which was laid on the table—yeas 130, nays 72. Mr. Clingtrian offered a resolution providing for the election of a Speaker by a plurality vote, if there should be no choice made during the next three trials, viva root.— This was debated at great length. A motion to lay the resolution on the table was lost by a tie vote. After some further debate, the quo,. Lion upon the resolution was taken, and it was lost. The termination of the contest for Speak. er is considered farther elf than ever. Several Democrats voted with the Republicans (or the resolution of Mr. Cliugtnun. • WsstitNGTON, Jam 31, 1856. _ . _ In the O. S. Senate, to-nay, the most inter . esting proceeding was the election of printer, On the first ballot there was no choice, Nichol. son, Washington Union, receiving but 23 votes when 27 were required. A fter three additional ballots, Nicholson received 29 votes, Tucker 8, scattering 15, and Nicholson was thereupon de clared duly elected. Mr. Seward having the floor, addressed the Senate upon the subject of Central American affairs, and the Senate then adjourned till Monday. In the House of Representatives, Mr. Cox submitted a preamble and resolution, proposing that members waive some of their political prin. ciples to secure an organization—first voting for Mr. Orr, and if ho was not elected, then for Fuller, inviting all conservative men to unite in this arrangement. This gave rise to a long debate in which it was apparent that there was no harmony between the Americans and the Democrats, and the resolution was rejected— yeas 30, nays 176. Mr. Hickman offered a re solution to elect by a plurality A motion to lay this on the table was negatived by one ma- jority. Mr. Trippe submitted a substitute de. Oaring Ur. Smith, of Virginia, the Speaker.— A motion to lay on the table was negatived— yeas 84, nays 132. Mr. Trippe'a substitute was then rejected—yeas 100, nays 110. The question pending on Mr. Hickman's resolution, the House adjourned. The iminination of Mr. Dallas as minister to England, was submitted :o the Senate to-day. A, effort was made to procure its immediate ec,,firtrmtion in Execatire session, bum it was lairl over till the next meeting as unanimous cuo,ent was necessary to talcs it up, and there was one objector. This delay does not signify any doubt as to the ultimate confirmation. It is probable that Mr. Francis Markoe, for a long time engaged in the Department of State, and an old friend of Mr. Dallas's, will be selected as le Secretary of Legation at Lyn don. The proceedings in the House today seem to offer more encouragement for the adoption of the plurality rule. It is, however, possible that the Southern Americans, fearing the effect, may be of a different temper to-morrow, hut the prevailing opinion now is that there will be au early organization. It was reported at Washington today that, but for Walker's revolution in Nicaragua, a treaty would have been made between that State and Great Britain touching the question must important to the latter power as regards Central A tneriee. Aceordimt M ton, Sweden has rem n•ud ii import nnd ex. port duty front iron. WASIIINGTON, huh. 1, 1856, The S. Senate was nut in seatti, to ,lay. In the a metier to adopt the plurality resolution watt negatived—yeas 1f4. , . nays 110, M. Jones, Or Tennessee, then proposed a moo declaring Mr. Oliver, of Blissouri, elec ted :vont:cr. Laid nn the table bifftmaj:trity. iehrit (inbred A resolution for a coufer- Mes.irs. 0,4, Fuller, and E,tults, to ft 'far; the name of ataital , l4.:crtmlidato for Speaker. Laid On the table by 26 Li.,ley I , fraed a re5:,.,11;,,a de(larine Mr. Porter, of Missouri, Speaker. Tabled by 'it; majority. Mr. Bail todnnitted a remlutioh de. elaritur ; 1. resolution acclav,,,4 Ailwa, of S. I,or. After the 'eulliag D: the rell,Mr. Whitney changpl his vote, v.; he understood it would ef fect atoleet!..u, maid great exelitneat. Bat the vote stood,"yeas 103, nays 110, and the ;louse adjourned. The L. S. Trea6nrer . reports that tho net amount in the Treasury, u.Mjeet to draft, on the 28th of January was $24,081,550. Feb. 2,1 S SG, The long struggle in congress i. over and the organization Of the. House has been effected by the election of Mr. Banks, by a vote of 103 to 100. This is the result of two months' labor and the expenditure of two hundred thousand dollars. The contest, trifling as it was, has not been without its good results. Party distinc. riots have been tolerably well drawn, ant it is seen that faction, however rampant, is power less of itself. At any moment, any of the ele ments which seek to disturb the harmotty and peace of the country, may be controlled and kept in check. With this fact established, ul tra opinions will have but little force, and ultra measures but little chance of adoption. Legis lation will not be of a sectional character, but must partake of the characteristic of general goal, embracing all sections of the country and protnutive of the interests rprd wegare of the nation. With this result, the expenditure of so many wcekr in the mere act of organization, will be regretted by the people, however they may dislike the precedent and condemn the principal. Their judgment upon the sub ject has yet to be passed at the ballot box, the .ly tribunal in the !voids elan intelligent peo. pie, that eso destroy faction and avert revula. lieu. Pennsylvania Legislature, 11A tuuHuvaG, Jan. 29, 851; In the Pennsylvania Le,gisleture, yesterday the Senate passed it bill relative to the Shaw! uee Ire l'outrAny. w.. 1 the bill to incorporate the (tn..- r t uupauy of Philadelphia, passed s.,:uud ••,.. dirk Mr. Crabb read u hill to .c.xteadAut chatter .at gat'udeAL outicioYder of Representatives, bills were poised to incur potato the Uniontown Railroad, Hanover and South W hitehall Bridge. Duncannon, Landis burg, and Broad-Top Railroad, Navigation Railroad, and the Condersport, Portage nod Allegheny Railroad Companies, besides various private and local bills. A long debate tool, place on the till to provide for fencing railroad tracks. . a...111FM1110, Jan. 20, 1856. In the State Senate, the Committee on Vice and Immorality tepurted hack the bill to repeal the Restraining Liquor Law, with a negative recommendation. A motion to refer the bill to a select committee was lost—yeas 14, nays 18. A vain effort was then made to take up the Hon,e bill upon the same satinet. A bill to incorporate the Lehanaa Valley Railroad Com pany was token amended by striking out the tonnage tax, and posed. In tho llon,e, the bill to provido for fencing railroads and the better protection of life and property woo priced The following bills, among °then, were read in place :—A bill relative to libels; to extend the jurisdiction of Com to in' cases of divorce: to incorporate the Augusta Coal and Improve. meat Company; to incorporate Harrisburg into a city; a further supplement to the act to en. courage thu man.eieture of iron with coke nod mineral coal; a bill relative to the Cams:Nutt and Foglesvillo railroad company ; a supple mote to the act incorporating the Willmsbaerc coal compa ny. HARRISBURG, Jan, 31, 1853. Is the State Senate, a motion to take up 41to Mune bill to repeal the Re4cdning Liquor ' Law was lost. Mr. Wilkins' repeal bill was ta ken up in Committee of the Whole, and alter some debate the committee arose and asked leave to sit again. The motion to take up the House bill wan then renewed, and debated at great length, and finally negatived by what is considered a test vote--yeas 12, nays 20. On motion of Mr. Price, the bill was made the or. der of the day for Wednesday next—yeas 19 nays 10. Bills were then panned as follows: The act to incorporate the Academy of Music one relative to Collectors of State and County taxes: one relative to the revival of judgments ; to authorize the American Steamship Co to wind up its atlitirn, and others of less impor• tan co. In the House, the bill to incorporato the Reading and Lehigh Railroad Company was reported hack with amendments. A large nun, bee of bills were reported from Committees. A resolution was adopted, asking for certain in- formation in ' , gen' to the engineering depart meat of the State Works. The jobit resolution fixing a day for liaal tidiOUrnMent, wan postpo ned until the first Monday in March. HARIUSBURO, Feb 1, 1856. In the State Senate, Mr. N. B. Browne pro swami the removstrauce of Pa4smore William son against the House bill, changing the venue of the suit instituted by him against 'Judge Kano from Delaware county to Philadelphia city. The amendments of the }louse to the supplement to the Lebanon Valley Railroad were concurred in, and the bill vow only awaits the approval of the Governor. Atter some confirming the nominations of the Governor for Trustees of the State Lunatic Hospital, the Senate adjourned. In t!,O hon., additional nn,hcr ,ttn•lennt-nt-nrul, went electntl. Litarion bill ‘7113 then ertn tiered and dohatt.ti at leu,. ,L.,1 ! with atnololsno,t, - I,'',:ortigit . .?.:.i cW.,. ONE WEEK LITE:: 1 ; Ai; E A;. THE FLA CE P S AFFAtIcA 'NOE (IMES , . 4. Y. 1, l um on the 13th, an‘l the i;,, , , ~,h. The L IluG touch at Southampton on her 1,...,ag0 home. The Bel:_ferinie salted on the 11th from Ply mouth. The news is important as indicative of an earl: peace. The Vienna correspondent of the London Times. telegraphs under date of Wcthiesday the IGih, 10 A. M., that Prussia ha, uue ,e liti Heal lr accepted iho propositions of the I'hfe is reported authantic. The noire enwed an immense sensation.— The funds ruse three per cent., Cott , nt a far. thing, and n panic ensued in' the other tuar• kets. The next day tho English government pub lished a despatch from Minister Seymour, at St. Petersburg, as follows:-..-"Russia ugrees to aeoept the proposals as a basis of negutla Lions." qualified announcement curbed the 4.u• eitement, and the alarmists Lewin to fear ,that Russia merely wants to gain tin, i.:• dueop tire negotiations, Meantime, the Itouti remain stt,•l 2 us pee vious to the above announce meat. 'rho Vienna papers 1,1 ; rt serious and alarming. 1111 , i L•.' oftho Alwrian 1::1, I, I‘, (pit St. PVterSilllrg : and the Lissy ordered to quit Vienna. The actual facts are, that Count Ness -)rode, upon being handed the Austrian and Allldti not was inthrined by Count listerhazv that he was not authorized to enter into ilisoussion, bat if the note was not accepted unconditional ly before the 18, he and all must leave Peter., Intrg, To prevent this, Ne.;aelrodc (sunlit toil e;ned with Vienna direct, nil Prince (lorts clittlsofi, at Vienna hod a tall: with Count Boot in which the former produced a meow:troll], n expressing the gentwal inclination of llns,ia to negotiate., but proposing certain ult. :mt. limns, C:.11. t Buul receiv: ..11.2 iluciulluut, but, iit nari.. it slid c, 1. utleolulitional 1141 1, . ~ a lOllB, Austria 0:114 t I Ur. re 11 CO Of I ail LI . 1: 4 t r sin li , l 1. • h.. • Ih,. th, I:tv,,, ~41. I • . . t •., !Au . . ann..! , u of , 1. lira :NA I. on (Akira at Viol 1 I• • prehension ; , Lace stn: 1' . ~ .gotiate on the tern' .1. Theme in 1.,.C.C0ig of 1 ^ feont the Crimea. LATE Dincovtativ.a.—The . , nppears to have been clivul7ing more trt-as:aa, of late than ever before. The anhjoined diieo• veries fire noted he !he I,:an,r; A coal field lot:: h. , : ' • r thirty MiiPA •;1,, it iS ufa 1 i • ' • • .._knee of inn proving o :11/ .1 , New spring's have bo:ot men; from the old tni,sitm of Soleded. t the ,priina iv of medicinal power, tin 1 i : 1 1 . !, , dy eit'ionit bear it. 'I 1, ' I thinks tbi4 it t:: 1 ,:. o • ,• . Nunn., • and upon ! : lit t. babe that will, the o, fro t: ny S l'eal/Vt St theta aut „: • will be opened. _ SC 11001. MASTER OP ova I:. r. 10.— ' When our republic rose, Noah ~e caine • its selmohmaster. There 1.1 never berm a groat nation with a univemml langlnl,o dialects. The lierkshireman (=met uaw talk with a man from Cornwall. The penis:int of the Liguariau Appeniues, drives his golk inrne at evening, over hills that look down on As: provinces, none of whose dialects hr eon speak. Here, five thosand miles chun:re not the ,oentl an word. Around every tire,ide, Owl limn every tribune, in every field of labor and every factory of toil, is heard the same ton:.:no. We owe it: to Webster. Ito has done for us more than Alfred !'tir Englaud, or Cadmus fir Greece. Flia books have educated tbroe e,..,,1ti5. Thoy are forever multiplying his innumerable army of thinkers, who will transmit his 1111111 a from age to age.—Chimees• at no QUAINT AND CURIOVS—A Ming the quaint and curious correspondence almost daily r.i• reined at the Cosmopolitan office in this city, w e have been shown the following from a ge nius out west I To the inquiry propounded hint by the Circular of the Association, de manding—how many papers published in your place—population ..tsc 7" the reply,was:— "i\o papers published Lere because the peo ple cant rend.' Thu population is as Mllaws Irish, ' lee Amsterdam Dutch, 175 . Other Lath Dutch, 80 • White men, There were formerly eight white men, but your humble servant has vacated the ranche and pitched Lis tent nt blie, rol l'oh,t lulu, if he can aid the Cosmopolitan in a moral or to ligious way command him.—Santlits/y ter. GOVERNOR SUARNt; is now violently de nounced by thu "Border Bunions" :old all their newspaper organs, fir making pence with the people of Lawrence during the lam outbreak. f hey preress to consider thu term. 4 of the tree. ty as outrageous and insultin4. The truth up. pence to be that, when the Governor reached Lawrence and listened to the statements of the Rrce•Soilers, ho. found that he had bees ogre• giously deceived by the Border ltaflians , and no did not hesitate to do the best he could, by snaking peace upon such terms as he thought likely to satisfy both parties. A STRANGE SUICIDE was commtted in the city of Leeds, England, recently, by a man in the prime of life, whose appearance betokened par. erty and misery. He wont into an inn, took a pipe, and alter hitting moodily by the lire fur ten minutes, put the cud of a poker into the since. When it became red hot he took it out, and deliberately put the hot end down his throat. The persons present caught held of him and seized the poker, but mold not no. til he bad burned his throat and mouth so bad. ly N tl.tause big onbaequent dgitb, Senator The tit, nio'n . erten h0te1..., tout, ;, nun LT; .1. f lA, !MCI :1,41 . ,11.1.;V to rho ann. t .not re• hy ;he ,:on;sty T" Ili 1.0 3 01114010 r , sober and 1.. pay lit ; • ;;.1 filllll li.r n lice.; . ;oat 1,1;,. to • ; • bhall 1,0 rate n aenurnt : to t.t, e' Lion or the retool of ; ueettpied . where the reut...l is ;; ;;; ; wh,,th the reat.ll i b. twe......;3;,. , 1;',1,..,1 .10,1.04 y. tent wii,re the rental is betwere . noun ; ;;; belAvecii MOO nod tinon; SOn.t, be; alai :cod ti - ,11,/ on.] I ; t:;,:tT) Oct I ,- , 50i1; ,ofl, •• 5 . 1, altti ; the notnt in Sionintit tier: Coat 0• tti)p!y nit, nod malt I. . ,111111., ntnnllnra • ;i.e., ,L and :fith l,n ; ; la.; ta. they la. 1;1ar...1 a; the : 111,161,1,1. l'o, 111. t t!. - 11:40 • (1 • I p(CZIVe.I,II. F1011.,ft:Oil to 1. II 11'11'111,0H :111.1 111,:l1 1111001,, 1.1..1 10 . 1 he lICL , IISC t.) Slly I. '.!l 91111111144. allthOri 4 e t ' I . 1.0 L.C.1 , 21 . : /1,1 • g tf Vi, o.' I •. . . . . h PA, „ ~~.I:i ii~ir I ;me The; and tlio ant or I of I - viae.l that nu !Icel.?. or :tny rn, t,l shall bu he:caline grnn,,,(l n the yr..,vi,ion.; this t Ikr.uvEr.r.ors s!ow hi bHieve wolidevkil lat•dicin, a'ter atiotip•t• tti. t• ; • : . - -.but slolv 113 we are trc,till u‘.. are fairly cow. itt,tl. ho otr o , :ht, tut, d u itit lius ; Be:'. -ii 311, F 1111, 2 1.1, trill 11 , 1 t 11,i;lk 1,1 Or's Cittlt;irtie have vi.tret ' lt7l the excel :myth it: range of onr acquaintance hit:.e, who are not cognizant of the . say: shs had been t with scruritla which oh! . , :to or all Coe reinedios she r ! took Ayer's 1.;nt1,1. • miler another or her sore: 1.. she is apparently its free into ourselves.. .11e has, hod liver rain in h i s side t h a t, for a long time ; all otl. et, to afford hint any t I,•w doses or Ayc c a 1 ill, cored . is now steadily at his old poet or ' the ear,.—.3liddlelown Deify Co -21 ;•. 11(;.il,,, u,, I.IP , Tliii o,lieu time pa.t. 11) , , . , 1.1011,11 t y I . :.1 thi 1,111. or telitLer :1,1 I 9,400 api,!,, v 9.2,55 ' 6 3' 4 ,191 44 40,9.7 " 24. fO7 1 1 1.1.11:AD - 1 7 :,L; rll • lolot• I•olt 2000 bhls. , • :dill 8."0.18 7.5 f••. • , • ; . ! • • marl.ut ; ', • , but tl ':,• .•:•.: I. . • 11 . 3%.1 1), bay., , ;01, Nit! in:, •• r : ; PI ;:or 11b1.1? , 10..i' • I .11. , a: •te lull, lu:.i~ti i„ 1.; : ut ti' , 3 62 . . !!, r •••••11 S11:11(' . fetior, IMa, 9 e fbr n 210,, tor eliiie; btu, ler soles of 15,000 blu.bels We,:ern la I without flunini,,l tit th., huh - , Curii—prives havoc the buyer, nail bus. Lave bees tid,un, ror ~t 72s 7ee for nor 1 ) , ipi.v i i.,re. Oats are dull, with ..les of 121,1,7,00 u , 11a4le for S,atilwru awl t NEW ADI 17 bales _ Tho subscriber odors for Salt) I•L'• • males, with wagon noel coirs. 'l'llo largo, sound, 1,11 in al, 11 ,„iiiii.4 •• 4 old, and will s% .t ;‘) •;•-•• .:• ' i ' is as good draft te 1. i• in •a preferred, four only will lir .1.1. .1. 1;i;. . Carrick Fen 1.1 in Co., t $lO.OO E owar‘l_ T Ott or stolen out of an .I.'ioa ti letterl jwritten by the stiliscriher, dated :Mtn Ortola,, 1855, directed to Itlrs..)fary Ann Steven, !Moldova., Blair Co., Pa. Pat into the Po , t ailee in Baltimore, Md., paid fut at the wind, and according to the letter Way Bill, 01.111 to have been the only letter from Baltimor, in _ the mail of 9.7 th, ter that Moie, and , by tic rustmaster at IVilliamilatra.• . .11tis letter Colltitiiked three twenty dollar notes unlit, Bald. or Commerce, all dated 2,1 April, 15.07,, letter frill,l A. No. 464-2811-274 ; now it I, proki , do that these aro the first three note: of the Dank t , , t ,„1,, of Connnerce of that denomination that ever were in that 'part of Pennsylvania, „,,„,i Leon passed oil to any person who 1,11 !.h . t , 1110 any Information that will lead to the ennviotiqn of the their, or the recovery of die immey, the ;"tl., i'• above reward will ho paid. Addreat th e un d er . on aim, signed, or call on Henry Reigart I%'illiamsliltrg or Jot. hI. Stevens, reterslatrg. praseid, I CIMISTIAN KEENER, :I,l.ari ~1 No. 130, Lombard St., Baltimore. Veb. G, 18411.-3 t. s;' ;;u LI 1,, 1,, i,k I'. void .T. • ' • 11 111 ~ ~ ~..~~, be A. _%l t• o • isc t by tb, t •11 Ivt