• ,Ae 4P.4. (s-7-173:77ew/ 17N „ ‘, •. „ r _;, ,• • . f fj, . , CL . u , , . , • WILLIAM BREWSTER, I EDITORS. MX. G. WHITTAKER, f ~_~. acct:loctr!r. THE DIRGE. What is the existeuee of man's life But optic war, or shonbered strife ; Where sicline, to Ids sense presents The combat of the elements ; Awl never reds a perfect pence, Till Death's cold hood signs his reins° ? It is o stmm—wliere the hot blood Outries in rage the boiling flood ; And each loose lia,ion of the mind Is like n nolo, g,,t of Which hews his hark with many a wave, Till he anchor It is a flower whieh buds awl prows, And withers as the leaves disclose , . Whose spring and seasons keep, Like fits of waking before sleep ; Then shrinks iota the fatal mould Where its first being was enroll'd. It is a dream—whose seeming truth Ia moralized in ego and youth ; Where nll the comforts he can share, Au wandering as his fancies arc ; Till in a mill of dark dettay, The dreamer vanish quite away. It is a dial, aide!: points out The sunset, as it moves about : ALd shadows out in lines of night, Tim subtle of flight ; Till all olmenri . n7, earth 1.1,1 laid b:nly iu uslTetual a weary interlude—. ti I.icL at.:l w,tia tho 2,t3 lid ka,,, Lirt jcv, Twig trees include ; the prologue tears, 4 nett varied fears ; with 101 l of breath, ue tett tkatli. MORE SWEET THAN ODORS, whidl ut morn bor. n reward, w!tt t •iyt tint,. tits 1; )or s tit.'“. th I.ttrtl. When Coil look, nom hi, throne above, So pl.. c pf love, wOrt: to man. i ... .1,11 ecut•c, I c record, • 110 U • ' . . F. , U~.:a . -, ~. _ . • ~ / i. :~ , JOSHUA : I have jt ; -• bail iVit,ltingtun, where I have be•--, for the last fortnight watchin the old ship of State loin to in a sort of three-curnercl gale of wind. This gale struck her tile third of December, and threw her all a buck, and the galo'holds on yet tight as ev er, rind there bite's bees layin now se.ven week , , beano the wind, rollin and pitch in, and hasn't gained ahead a rod. I have seen rough times in the Two Polies, and long gales of wind, and hurrykanes, ana whirlpools, anti all aorta of weather, but this is the first time I've seen a craft layin to agin a three-cornered gale for :2 months upon a stretch. in a choppin sea, arose than the Gull Stream in a thunder-storm. But don't y'un be frightt , ned, Uncle Josh ua ; she won't go dews, but will live thro' it, and go on her voyage by and by right Our old ship of Suite is a staunch craft ; the is built of the very best stuff and put together in the strongest manner, and there isn't a spar nor a plank nor a timber-head in her but what is as sound as a nut.—' She's the best ship in the world, and the two Bellies is next. So you needn't bo (card that any sea will ever swamp her ; and if ever she should be in danger of running, ashore or on the breakers by the squabbles and foolin of her officers, she', got n w that will take care of her. You l• min. Uncle, I've been sidle round Cuba and up the Gulf a good while, tryin to curry out the plans of our Congress at Ostend and Ax-le-Shappel, to take Cuba because our country couldn't get aloug without it ; and self-preservation. von know, is the first law of enter. We hal got throgh the job long ago, if our Cubinei, hadn't backed out about it. I never exact ly understood the home difficulty ; but I am sure there was some hard a shuffling somewhere. We was all right aboard ; but the backin and hliin in the Home De pertinent was what bothered us, and pret ty likely has upset the business. First, the Houle Deportment told us to go ahead and fix up our Ostend matter the best way we could. But as soon as I and Mr. Bunke nan and Dlr. Seeley, and the rest of us in the Foreign Government, had got things well under way, and was about ready to take Cuba, the home Department turned right round and fit agin us, tooth and nail. As I said afore, I couldn't account for this home difficulty and the sudden turn-about of the Ilome Department, unless they was afeard we should get the ine t t credit of tn kin Cuba; and may be I, er Mr. Buckan an, or Mr. §ooley, or Mr. Mason, or Mr. Sickles, or Mr. Sanders, might get to . be President by it. But such a thought ne ver entered my head, and I can pledge my self the same for all the rest. IVe was to work entirely for the country's good and a nothin else. And for the Home Depart ment to get jealous of us and turn agin us in that way was cruel and onkind. It so grieves me every time I thinlc of it ; for I think like the good Dr, Watts, where be says, How plemant 'tis to Iwo Breetliren and rrittods agree. I sent despatches to Gineml Pierce about it more than three months ago, but never got any answer. And finally I got tired a holdin on out there alone, and hearin all the time that the Home Department kept stopping all the reinforcements from corn ing out to help me: so I up helm and hea ded the Two Pollies for Downingville.— When we got along in the latitude of New York that terrible sth of January storm o. vertoolc us, rind we just made oat to wen ther the pie and get inside of Sandy Hook and come to tinker. The pilots come a board and treated us very kind. Them New York pilots are clever fel. lows. They brought us lots of ncwspa• 'tors, from which I learnt what had been goin on fur two months past. When they see the Downingvillo melitia was aboard, and Sergeant Joel at the head of 'cm. dres• sed up in his uniform, one of the pilots took me one side and whispered to me that be would advise ino es a friend not to go up to New York, for if we did the Two Ponies was a gone goose. how so y' says 1 ; , what do you mean?' I mean,' says he, 'that 3lr. McKeon, the District Attorney, will nab her to lees than no time, and condemn her for a fill. buster vessel, and you'll all be put in pris on and tried for viMatin the nutrality law.' 'Let him do it,' says 1, 'if he dares.— We are at work fur the Government. Our cruise has all been under the direction and advice of Congress.' • ••;,,L ' toss tvnsn't in session when the Two Pol l., sailed for the West India station ; how , tben, could you be under the direction of Congress.' mean the Ostend Congress,' says I, i 'and it makes no difference which, one's good as 'tether.' .Well,' says he, 'you'll find it makes no diffiirence which when you get up to New , York. The District Attorney is death on every vessel that has the least smell of gunpowder, or has anything on board that " boars any likeness to a musket. Ile Itto p. master keen scent for gunpowder; he of ten smells it aboard vessels where there's not a bit nor grain, and it all turns out to be only bilge water.' .If that's the case,' says I. "I'll leave the Two Ponies at anker here, and I'll be off to Washington loses how the land lays.' So I called up Cnpt. Jumper, the Bailin master, and told hits to keep things snug and tight while I was gone, and I told Ser. gent Joel to take good care of the men, and I'd try if possible to be back in a forteiglit. When I got to Washington I thought I would just run in a few minutes and see how Congress was getting along first. I had let my beard grow pretty long, and I was dressed so different (rota what I used to that I didn't feel afeard of any body's knowing me; so I went right into the Re presentatives' chamber and took n sent in the gallery. Business seemed to be going on brisk. and lively. A man was standing up in front and reading off in a loud voice, Banks 105, Richardson 73, Fuller 31, Pen. nington 5, scattering 4. Then I went out and went into the Sennte. But there busi. ness seemed to be very dull. I couldn't find out as anything was doing. Some were readin the newspapers,--and some was talking a little, and some was setting as calm and quiet as so many bears in their winter den with nothin to do but suck their paws. I soon got tired of this, and went back into the House again. I had but jest got seated in the gallery when the man in front got up and read off agin, Banks 105, Richardson 73, Fuller 31, Pennington 5, I scaitering 4. I turned round and whispered to a man who sot next to me, and, says I, .That's . just the same tune they had when I was in hero half an hour ago.' 'Exactly,' says he ; 'they don't play but ono tune, and that hasn't us variations.' .WP4I, what upon airth are they doing?' says I. 'Oh, they are choosing a Speaker,' says ho. t i .4r,,ine. 'Choosing a Speaker!' says I. 'For gracious sake, how long does it take 'em to do that V 'I can't have the slightest idea how long' says he. ''They've been at it now about six weeks, and, if they continue to gain as fast as they have since they begun I guess " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND POREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1856. it might take 'em pretty near from July to otarnity.' 'lf that's the case,' says I, clear out for I can't wait so long as that.' So I hur ried out and made tracks straight for the White House. I rung to the door, and the servant let me in. I told him I wanted to see the President. lie said, very well, the President was in his private room and he would take my card to hun. I told him he might go and tell Gineml Pierce that an old friend of his and a fellowsoldier in the Mexican war wanted lose° him. Pro• sandy Its come back andasked me to walk up. I found the ['resident alone, walkin back and forth across the room, and look ing ktnd of riled and very resolute. It made me think of Old Ilickory when he used to get his dander up about Biddle's bank, and walk the floor all day and lay a wake all night planning how he could up set it. The. Gineral knew me ds soon as I went into the room, in spite of my beard, and shook hands with me, and said he was very glad to see tne. 'well note, Gineral,' says I, want to come right to the pint the first thing. I've Itf: the Two follies at anker down to San dy (look, and I want to know right up and down if she's to be nabbed or not. You tnow how 'tis,Gineral ; you how we went out in good faith un-ler the orders of the Ostend Congress ; and you know the Home Government backed us up in the begioning of it ; but now you've turoe.l agin us, and I understand you've been seizing and overhauling every vessel all along shore that had its bowsprit pint, d towards Cuba cr Central Arm rica ; and I was told if the Two Polkas went up to York she'd be sarved the Fame sass. Now I want to know the strinl, that's all. If you don't want the help of the Two Put lies there's enough that does; and if you don't give her a clear passport out and she'll be off pretty quick where she can find better friends." Why, my dear Niajor.' said the Prosi. eye-; , Nly dear Nlajor, says le, *you ,n; ;- understand toe entirely. You and tl Two Potties hav'nt got a better friend the world than lain. The fact is, I'v‘; been very much tried over niece that Os tend Congress business. It made n good deal of hard feeing in my Cabinet, and as thing workild we was obliged to come out 1 agin it. And then we had to ru Ike a show of sticking up very strong for the neutrali ty laws; and that's why we seized so many vessels. But you needn't give yourself the least uneasiness about the Two Pot- lies. I pledge you the honor of the En ecutive that she shan't be touched. And, besides, I'm in a good deal of trouble now j all round, and I want you and the Two Ponies to stick by me; for, if you don't, I don't know who will.' 'Agreed,' says I, gnat said ; that's talk• ing right up to the mark. Give us your hand, G'ineral ; stick by you as close as I did by Inv old friend, Gineral Jackson. Now, what. do you waat me to do ?' Nlajor,' says he, 'l've got a good inany ticklish jobs on hand that I don't hardly know what to do with, nor which to take hold on first. You know there's a Democratic Convention to meet at Cin cinnati to make the nominations for the next term.' (Here the President got up and locked the door, mid sot down close to me and talked low.) elle main question is, how to bring things to bear on that Con- vention so as to make the nomination go right. Marcy wants it, Buchanan wants it, and Wi,:e wants it, and Dickinson wants it, and pews Cass too, though he-says ho duet, and I don't know how many others, ! all good Democrats, you know ; but we can t all have it ; so you see Pre got a hard team to pull against. As for Douglas 1 think he II go for me, if I'll go for him afterwards. The Cabinet and I have been to get things ready before the nomination to give the Administration the credit of be ing the smartest and spunkiest Adminis. erection we ever had. We want, if penal ! ble, to go a little ahead of Jackson. You know we've already blowed Gray Town to atoms. We've struck a heavy blow to knock °CIO° Danish Sound dues, and shall be ready for a splendid rumpus there in the spring. We've got a cousin arthquake kindling up between us and England which will be jest the thing if we can tough It off at the right time. Dirt you know these things sometimes take fire too soon and do mischief both sides. I feel a little oneasy about this, and wish that stupid Congress would ever get organized so as to take part of the responsibility. Then we've got a quarrel brewin, too, with Col. Walker, out there in Nicaragay, and have refused to receive Col. French as his Min ister. If Walker chooses to resent it as a 1 national insult, we are ready for him. We shan't give give book a hair. Now, Major what do you think of the chaices for the nomination Gineral,' says I, think if you manage right you will get it. I'll do what I can for you, any how. The Gineral shook my hand, and got up and walked the floor. Suy.s be, , The great difficulty now is with this confounded, stiff necked, stupid Congress. They won't organize—that is, the House won't--and they seem determined to throw a damper on the Administration somehow or other. Here they've been boobs away their time six weeks and lettin the whole country hang by the eyelids—war and all. I had to keep my message on hand a month and almost slide jest because the House was not organized. At last I happened to think it was a good chance for me to take the responsibility. So 1 let drive, and fired my inessogo right in muerte 'eta. It made quite a fluttering among 'vin. Some was quite wrathy ; but I didn't care for that I meant to let 'em know I'd show 'em a touch of old Hickory if they didn't mind how they carried sail. But here 'tie now goin on two months and everything is at a dead eland because the House won't choos it Speaker. We can't have any certainty of gettin enough money to keep the Gov ernment a goin till we gets Speaker, nod all our plausiriin danger of being knocked in the head. Now, Major, I wish you would shy round among the 'Members a day or two and see if you can't bring mat ters to a pint. I don't touch care who is Speaker, if they'4l only organize.' So I went round among the the mem bers two or three days and did my best. I found 'em all very stiff, and the lobby mem hers were stillest of any. The third day I went book to the President agin, and says he, , Well, Major, how does it stand now Does things look any more encou raging?' leetle grain,' says I, 'but not much.' • Weil, how is it ?' says he, Fay 1, .It is flanks 105, Richardson 73, that'; r ; .jest the same that's been far the last six weeks.' *No,' says I, 'you mistake. Don't you seo the scattering has full off one ? Isn't that a tootle encouraging ?' Tho l'resideut looked disappointed.— Said he, 'That's a very small straw for a drumlin man to catch at; but how do they talk ? Do they grew any more pliable" 'Well. the Fuller men seemed to be the roost pliable,' says I, 'of any of 'ens. They said they was perfectly willing end ready to organi ze at any time, and the only di tfi• culty was the Willis men and Richardson men standing out so stubborn.' W hat do our true Democratic friends, the Richardson men, say ?' acid the Prcsi ident. Says 1, 'They say they'll stand there and fight till the crack of doom before they'll allow the Black Republicans to get the upper hand.' 'Well, that's good spupk,' said the Pres. ident ; 'but the worst of it is this business will crack my Administration sometime before the crack of dam. Well, how do the Banks men talk ? Is there any hope from that quarter 'They say they are in no hurry,' says I. 'They had as leave vote as do any thing else. They've got money enough and can stand it, and they'll stick where they are till they starve the Administra tion out. The President jumped up, and I do say ho looked more like Old Hickory than I ever see him before. Says he, 'Major Downing, this will never ; we trim/ have a speaker, by hook or crook. Can't you contrive any way to bring this busi• sea about I' 'Well,' says I, 'there's one way I think the business finny be done ; sail I don't know but it's the last chance; and that is, for me to go and bring the Two Follies round here, and bring her guns to bear up- on the Capitol. Then send in word and give 'em one hour to organize. If they don't do it, then batter the house down about their ears, or march in the Downing ville militia and drive 'em out, as old Crom. well did the Rump Parliament.' The President stood a minute in a deep study. At last ho said, 'Well, Major, a desperate disease needs a desperate reme dy. if you think you are right, goahead.' So here I am, Uncle Joshua, aboard the 'l'wo Follies. I jest atopt to write this ac count to you, and shall now up linker and make all sail for the Potomac, And if things is no better when I get there you ' may expect to hear thunder. I remain your loving nephew, MAJOR JACK DOWNING. Aboard the Two Follies, Off Sandy Book. ;1, atm Df (A)Dettg. THE POOR MAN'S GRAVE, BY ELIZA COOK No sable pal!, no waving plume, Nu thousand turch•lights to illutne— No parting glance, no heavenly tear, Is seen to upon the bier. There is not one of kindred clay, To watch the collie on its way, No mortal form, no human breast, Cares where the pauper's dust may rest But one deep mourner follows them, Whose grid' outlives the funeral prayer ; He does not sigh, he does nut weep, But will not leave the oodles, heap. 'Tis lie who was the poor mun's mate, And mr.de him MUM' Colltellt vita fate— The mongrel dog that sh•tred his crust, Is alt that stands . beside his dust. He bend; bia listening pearl as though Ile thonAtt to hoar that voice below ; Ile pines to hear that voice on kind, And wonders why he's left behind. The son goes down, the night is come, Its nee is no thud—he need t ee home; But stretched along the drenin'ess bed, With doletul howl calls hack the dead. The patting gaze map coldly droll On all that polished marbles tell ; Fur templet built un chureh•rsrd earth Are claimed by riches more than wrth. But who would mark, with undimmed eye 3, The mourning dog that SIAM, nod dies ? Who would not a,k, who wnild not crave Buell love and faith to guard his grove ? 4046/I.Vitio-, wr. .141[11b acct " rathim Aria:ocratio Chri3ianity. Reform is a word flint sounds well.— Banners are inscribed with it and people toss up their hauls and shout "reform." 'lle temperance lecturer and the states man ; the reader of smooth and varnished essays, and tho stump orator in his grand• eloquent extemporaneous harangues to the people. delight in displaying the beauties of reform. As we said before, words sound well, but it is not with sounds alone we have to deal. Many content themselves with the sound, and go no further to inquire into its significance. nations:. anys 'Or' martin Luther. religious reform has been actively at work. But it has mostly toiled in one direction. Its object seems to have been to adjust the wheels in the great machine ry so as to work harmoniously. To this end huge volumes have been compiled and the libraries of the. world ransacked. But there is one part of the great princi ple of reform that has been gladly consign ed to oblivion, and in this particular the Church is at war with the true spirit of Christianity. Costly palaces and niagniri. cent temples are the great fountains from which the g,ovel at the present day is pro claimed to the people. Sermons carefully prepared according to the strict rules of rhetoric and better calculated to captivate the taste than to convince the reason, are delivered weekly from sacred desks. The congregations recline on cushioned . seats and criticise the sermon. The man of wealth has his pew fitted up with nil the modern improvements to make attendancy easy. Selected music opens the service and the rich peals rolling in soft music burst from the organ at its close. Worldly splendor paves the "narrow path" to boa. von and dresses the Christianity of the church in inviting robes. Whether such a state of things indicates true Christianity, might perhaps be doubt ed. The founder of Christianity was born in poverty while on earth. 1 11 is pulpit was the mountain rock, his audience sat on the naked ground, and his sermons were addressed to the poor. So great was his poverty that he had nowhere to lay his head. His mission was one of charity and mercy. He sought the poor, the igtiorant, and 'tune and the blind. lie delivered no elaborate sermons on doctrin al points, from highly ornamented desks, to gentlemen' in broadcloth, and ladies in silks and satin. 'When the rich fought him they did riot seek him in splendid tem ples and gorgeous palaces, but sought him in the midst of his labors among the poor and humble. Here then lies the difference between the Christianity of the Church and the Christianity of Christ- -the former is foun ded un worldly splendor, the latter on pov erty. Would it not be well, among the reforms of the age to introduce a reform in Christianity, and preach as they did of old —to poor as well as to rich, A Dream of Heaven. There are beautitel dream of the spirit life, That come to the stricken heart, Like zephyrs that flit o'er the waters of strife, To hid the wild tumult depart.'' I know not how or when it came, whe ther in quiet slumber or waking reverie, but it remains indelibly impressed upon the tablet of memory. Mysteriously time, and apace were annihilated, and with an ever•preeent, yet wine% unknown guide, I wandered through the streets of the "New Jerusalem." The golden, dazzling splendor, which in other visions was too brilliant for human gaze, had glean place to a calm, lovely radiance. There were the "green pastures," and the was ten," bathed in the pure, holy light, which proceeded from the throne of God. As I passed along the narrow path by the side of the "river of life," I saw groups of happy ones walking in lovely vales or reclining upon some gentle hillock. ing round an elevation projecting into the path, almost down to the water's edge, I came upon a group well known to me.— My heart beat with a quicker throb, n 3 I gazed upon them. They were all there not one missing. Clad in white, shining robes, with gol den harps in their hands, how beautiful and glorious they appeared to my mortal vision. Ever and anon there came the sound of heavenly music, borne along by balmy breezes— then would ring out from the harps of these sinless ones, answering notes of praise, sweet and thrilling. flow I longed to repose with them in that bright celestial borne ! They seemed so near, and yet afar off. But my unseen guide whispered, "Come, they have need of thee on earth !"and with a willing heart I obey ed, hoping, that when my lifelabors were ended, I might find rest and joy, and pease in !leaven. "Na sorrow yonder—all light and son Eavh da I woad r, and say, 'how Shull me simtior from ilett deer till,eig. Incidents of Last Invasion in Kansas. Froth Mr. itedpath'e Letters to the Mis souri Democrat we clip the following 0411 ling facts ; GMT TGEIt GOT A CANNON INTo LAWRENCL A 12 pound howitcer was sent from New York to Lawrence. When the war broke out it was at Kansas City, an inva ding cutup between the two places. Ilow LO get it to Lawrence was the question of the day. Messrs. Matta volunteered to bring up, The went to Kansas City An they were ascending the hill, a posses of forty invaders came down upon them nod said they must examine the boxes, no they believed them to contain Bharp'ci ri fles, "Oh, no I boys," said Barium, "its part of a carriage—hand toe the axe and show you a wheel." He took the axe and split open part of the box, in which one of the wheels of the canuon was packed. This ruse suc ceeded. “Whats the reason your horses draw so heavy ?” asked another of tho pos- "Oh," said Flufrum, "they're tired —won't you give us a shove up the hill, boys'!" Several of the invaders put their "shoul ders to the wheels,' and assisted the hor ses in ascending with the load. A vote of thanks was proposed at the mass meeting held in Lawrence on Mon day bight, to these resistants, but us their names are unknown, a request was matte that all newspapers favorable to freedom in Kansas, would publish the circumstance and thank them in the name of "Yankee• town." THE LADIES OF LAWRENCE, The F tee State ladies of Lawrence des erve to be the mothers of heroes. 7 heir conduct during the recent alarming crisis was as admirable as the calm courage of the men. Feur never entered the breasts of either and neither was di-posed to yield one iota to the insolent demands of 'Dave' Atolti,on's rabble. The wives and daughters of our pro slavery citizen's left Lawrence when the trouble commenced, but the wives and daughters yf the Free State men refused ; although repeatedly urged to leave the city. 'Forty ladies of Lawrence secretely enrolled themselves with the determina tion of fighting by the sides of their hus bands and sons as soon as a combat coin inptced ! Many of them had previously practiced pistol shouting for the purpose of giving the invaders a subtle reception if they came on the i oth of March, to desecrate the ballot box and prevent the actual residents of Kansas from . costing their votes. One young girl—a beauty of nineteen years—told me :hat she dreamed last night of shooting three invaders. Let me give you one instsnce of the courage of the ladies of Lawrence. The General feared that he would run short of powder, lead and percussion caps. A Free State man on the Wakansa, had two kegs of powder, and a large quantity of Sharp's rifle catridges. If men had been sent after it, they would have been obliged to fight or been arrested. The thing was talked about. 'lwo editor's wives, both of them—Mrs. G. W. Brown VOL. XXI. NO. 6 arid Mrs. Samuel N. Wood—volunteer to go and fetch it. They were permitted to go. They reached the cabin, and "peo ple do say"—they will talk nonsense you. know—that the pillow ca.ies were conceal ed beneath petticoats, and that said petti ticoats were attached to other garments feminine of said ladies 'aforesaid. It is rumored, too, that the percussion caps were concealed in the ladies stockings.— I didn't pretend to vouch for the truth of this rumor, for I was not present when the ladies made their toilet. One gentleman who saw the ladies lifted out of the wag on—for they could not visa themselves— said that he thought bustles hail come into fashion again ! Another said, good ; Kan sas is thinly settled. What he merit by saying so, I can't imagine. The ladies in returning. home were pur sued by one of the enemy's scants• On coming up to them politely lifted his hat and said, ladies I thought you were gen tlemen." "Thank you for the compliment, said one of the ladies, suiling,." The scout looked into the wagon and saw only a work basket, which had pur posely been 1111,1 with sewing inateri- "We were ordered ha said to arrest all gentlemen, but I surly, you can go. So saying he galloped off. The powder and ladies reached Law refer in safety. At the mass meeting of Monday night six loud and long protract. ed cheers were given to ther.,e gallant la• `DULIVER UP YOUR ARMS !" NOT QUITE! I am informed by a g,enalmin who was pre , et.t nt the time, that Col, A. G. Do.mo, of the camp of the invaders, said to Colonel Lane, when en thin hill over looking Lawrence. "Colonel, I am in. sit ucted to demand your rifles, I do so now." Colonel Lane pointing to the City, said : '4201. Boone you see those tr.en at work ,the trench s, Net Lne of them. if 1,, Gee them all rather than deli7—er.a—sl4o I call that reply emphatic language, rather Emphatic as it was, it was not more emphatic than the determination of the 1), epic of Lawrence. Gen. Robson wss asked some days be fore what he would do if such a demand should be made. ~W hy," said the Gen eral, I would propose another Missouri Compromise; we would be wiliing to keep the rifles and give the invaders the contents. When the subject watt hinted at by ''the enemy,' the General quietly said-- “Well you'll have to take them by install. mem !" Separating the Sexes in Schools, On this point, Mr. Stowe a celebrated Glasgow teacher, uses the following lan guage: The youth of both sexes of our Scottish peasantry have been educated together, and, es a whole, the Scotts are the: moot moral people on the face of the globe.— Education,in England, is given separate ly, and we bare never heard frein practi. en' men that any benefit has arisen from this arrangement. Same influential indi viduals there mourn over the popular prej udices on this point. In a large number of girls turn out badly, who have been educated alone till they attain the age of maturity, than of those who Intro been brought up—the separation of the sexes has been round to be very injurious. In Prance, the separation of the sexes has been found to be positively injurious. It is stated on the best authority, that of those girls educated in the schools cf concerns apart from boys, the great majority go wrong withsa a month after being let loose on society, and meeting the other sex.— Thu cannot it is said, resist the slightest compliinent or clattery. The Separation is intended to keep them strictly moral, but this tuinatura I reclusion generates the principle desired to be avoided. We may repeat that it is impossible to raise girls as high intellectually without boys as with them; and it is impossible, to . • raise boys morally as high with Out girls.— But more than this, girls themselves are morally elevated by the presenctiof boys. Girls brought up with boys are more posi tively moral, and boys brought up in schools with girls are more positively intellectual by the softening influence of the female character. In the Normal Seminary at Glasgow, the most beneficial effects have resulted fnur the more natural course. Boys and girls from the age of two and three years to fourteen or fifteen, have been traine4 in the same class room, galleries; and play grounds, without impropriety, and they are never separated except at needlework