COM in 61114. Flour, Flour. A splendid article, fur sale. Inquire at this Mee. This is decidedly the hest article in the market. It is warranted good. "Go iv CAraco,"—and get squeezed. Why don't our girls take advantage of the privile. ges of Leap Year ? Why don't they? For the purpose of waking up our ladies to a sense of their ditty, we insert In our local column, what the girls aro doing in the old Bay State. The L. well s - 4108 says that the Leaplear ball of. the carpet factory girls catne off according to ammuncement on Thursday evening, and a very pleasant affair it teas. The ladies to the number of about seventy five, healthy, robust, therry and loudly, took their carriages, called for their beaux, were driven to the hall,• where ladies managed, selected their own partners, .tdered the supper, and gloriously paid all the bills ! The partners selected spoke well for the judgment of the girls. The News says t "We were amused, however, on observing bright.eyud lasses, with roguish eyes, trip up to demure young gentlemen and solicit the honor of their hand for tho 'next cotillion.' Who could rents° ? .One enraptured soul engaged himself to eight different ladies for Money Musk and to six others for Hull's Victory.— Many a poor heart hid away under a vest was irretrievably ruined. But it could not be help ed." The company broke up about two o'clock, when the ladies escorted their beaux home, and then went off to their own. There now, that's a precedent. That's the way to perform. Girls of the Keystone, will you leave the 11ay State lassies outdo you in Allis matter? Iluo Tor.—The annual election for the •officers of the Huntingdon and Broad Top R. It., to serve during. the present year, was held in the city of Philadelphia, on Monday, 14th , t. Matson, Esq., was re•elected Pre- Acid, and S. Morris Walt', Samuel Welsh, J. .torrueic, Daniel Haddock, Horatio C. Wood, James W. Paul, Rathmell Wilson, A. P. Wil• sou, John McConies, Jollies D. Lane, James Entriken and John Scott, were elected Direr- l'lmiengers are now carried to Stonerstown, and Ow entire road will shortly be completed. In another column will be found the annual report of the President and Directors to the Stockholders. It is a document which is inter citing to 001110 of our readers, and we hope they will give it a perusal. It will be seen, that the business of the present year is calcu lated to amount to $157.500, and the expendi tures $122,750 ; leaving a amides, of over $35,000. This is merely figuie work, and if it is correct, it proves conclusivelythat the road will boa paying 'institution.' Tho nett earn togs of the road fur the second year, it is sta ted in the report, will nearly double the first, and the business increase annually thereafter. TUE CRUEL WINTER.—The weather fur the last few days will enable all who have been ex posed to it to realize the force of the following lines front "Hiawatha :" 0, the long and dreary Winter I 0, the cold and cruel Winter I Ever thicker, thicker, thicker, Froze the ice on lake and river ; Ever deeper, deeper, deeper, Fell the snow above the landscape, Fell the covering snow, and drifted Through the forest round the village. Nothing but snow, snow, snow. Snow above nruund, beneath, everywhere ; ancl a still it will MELANCIIOIX.-It is stated that a young la dy of Cumberland county, while sleighing one night last week, was frozen to death. She corn• plained to her companions early in the evening of being cold, but there being no public house near, they did not stop. Soon after, on coming to a tavern, she refused to get out, saying that she felt very comfortable, and they drove oft Arriving at home, she had to be assisted out of the sleigh, in a stupor-like manner, and shortly afterwards expired. Exutninox.--The male and female schools ,01 . this borough under charge of Mr. Albert Owen and Miss Kate Shaw, intend giving an exhibition in the Court House,•on the twenty. second of February. We have no doubt but that it will be an interesting affair, as the tea chers aro making great preparations. Wo hope our citizens will attend. CIIURCUES.-We neglected noticing that the cheering revivals of religion in the different chur:hes of our town, resulted in the addition of forty.five members to the Lutheran Church, about twenty to the Baptist and fifteen to the Methodist Churches. There were &overall ad. ,ded I. the Presbyterian Church also. SLEIGHINO.—The sleighing still continues excellent, and our boys and girls are making the most of it. We noticed a large party on Saturday evening last, bound for the Warm Springs. As none of the "reporters of the press" were Mar, we don't know who danced or who smiled. Tun Poon.—Will not seine of our philan. thropic follow citizens make some efforts tow ards finding out the poor and needy of the bor ough, (and there are many such) and adminis• tering to their necessities. "He who giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord." Ton RIGHT SPIRIT.—We are obliged to our trlentla throughout the county, who are exert• ing themselves in our behalf. Those who walk ed up to the Captain's office during the Court, and subscribed for the Journal, will accept our thanks. FIRE.—The store, and storo.building occu• pied by Mr. George Couch, in West Hunting don, was destroyed by fire last week. There was au insurance of $3,000 on the store, we understand. SOPPER.-At Col. Graft Miller's 'Exchange' int the let proximo. It will be a splendid al• WI, such as can *only be "gotten up" by the arritti, .... Onthe 10th inst., liyifei,Yr N. S Rockingham Mr. John Coulter to Miss Susan Bartoe both of McConnellstown, Huntingdon Co., Pa. On 24th inst., by the same, Mr. John T. Lane to Miss Sarah Jane Shaver, both of Newton Hamilton, Mifflin co,, Pa. Lewistown papers please copy. In this borough, on the 27th inst., by Rev. A. B. Still, Mr. - William Cooper, of Baltimore, to Miss Sarah M. Barnes of Huntingdon, Pa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. Notiee is hereby given that Letters ofAdmin istration on the estate of Michael Maguire, late of. West township, dee'd., have been grant. ed to the undersigned. All persona indebted to said estate are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having claims or de mands against th 3 same. will present them For settlement to JAMES MAGUIRE, JAMES Mc ELROY. West tp., Jan. 30, 1856: 11 :6L ------ idnt ; ra. A NEW HOUSE AND A LOT FOR SALE The subscriber will sell on the 16th clay of February, 1856, a lot of ground in the vil lage of Shade Gap, Dublin tyi., Huntingdon co„ on which is er- ected a new house and a stable. " This property 'is just in front of •""- the Milivvood Academy, and well-situated for business. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. Terms made known on day of sale. Jan. 30, 1856.-3 t. J. FELSILEE. DEPARTMENT OF COMMON SCHOOLS OS' PIrhifIcIULUELI2. HAnntsuuno, January 28th, 1866. To the School Directors of Huntingdon County. G asr rant Ex:—Application having been made by the Boards of Directors of a majority of the School Districts in Huntingdon County, stating their desire to increase the Salary of the County Superintendent of said County you are re spectfully, requested to meet in Convention at the Court House, in kluntingdon, on Thursday the 14th day of February 1856, at three o'clock in the afternoon, fbr the purpose above stated, according to the terms of the Eighth section of the Supplement to the School Law, apppoved the Bth day of May, 1855. Very Respectfully Yours, A. G. CURTIN, Superintendent of Common Schools. Jan. 30, 1850.-3 t. For Sale or Rent. I ofTer the well known "Alexan dria Foundry," with all the pat. terns, (for Stoves, Ploughs, &c.,) • for rest or sale; application should ,<..':.". be made to me itninediMely...., ISRAEL GRAFIUS. Alexandria, Jan. 23, 1856. 1 tn.. Bodenhainer on the Piles. Now Ready. Practical Observations on some of the diseases of the Rectum, Anus, and Con tinuous Textures—giving their Nature, Seat, Causes, Symptoms, Consequences, and Preven tion—especially addressed to non-medical rea• ders. By W. Bodenhamer, M. D. Second edi tion, with plates, &c. Svo. $2. J. S. REDFIELD, No. 34 Beekman at. SOMETHING NEW, ` RE YOU INSURED 11 EXCHANGE INSURANCE CO., NO. II MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, I'FIILADL+LPIIIA. CAPITAL, $200,000. FIRE INSURAtCE . , Perpetual or limited, made in town or country, on every description of property. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. J. MoDOWELL, Jx., Secretary. W. BREWSTER, Agent, Howristonox. Jan. 23, '16.-tf. Orphan's Court Sale. In pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon County, the undersigned act• ing administrator of William Dean Esq., dec'd. will expose to sale by public venduo on the pre. mines, ou Saturday, the I Gth day of February, 1856, at ono o'clock, P. M., two certain adjoin ing lots of ground in the Borough of Alexan dria, in the County of Huntingdon, fronting upon the southern shIG of the Turnpike and ex tending its depth to the Juniata River, adjoin ing n cross street on the West, and slot now or lately owned by John Cresswell, Esq., on the East • the same being each sixty feet in f ron t and numbered 3 d 4in the plan of said borough ; on one of which is erected a two story LOG HOCSE and Kitchen. ikqUE Both enclosed by a fence. IJI I TERMS OF SALE.—One-half of the purchnso money to be paid on continuation of sale, and the residue in one year thereafter, with interest, to he secured by bond and mort• gage of the purchaser. DAVID MOUNTAIN. Jan. 23, 1836.-3. The New York Observer. nublished every Thursday, at No. 138 Niusau street. The price is three dollars a year pay able in six mouths, or two dollars and fifty cts. if paid in advance. For three dollars remitted in advance, we will credit one year and one•lifth. To any subscriber who, on making his pay meet for another year, will send the names of two new subscribers, and $6, we will send re ceipts for the three papers for one year, and 3 copies of our Bible Atlas. To any Clergyman who will send the name of one new subscriber, and $4, we will send receipts for the two papers for one year, with the Bible Atlas. A liberal discount made to agents who become responsi ble. No subscription received for a less term than one year. All subscribers who do nut give express notice to the contrary before the expiration of the year, will be considered as wishing to continue their subscriptions, and the paper will be sent to them accordingly. No paper discontinued until all arrears aro paid, except at the discretion of the proprietors. Communications must be post paid. The editors cannot undertake to return communi cations to correspondents: - RATES of Advertising.—Fifteen cents a line for the first insertion ; ten cents a line for each repetition. No advertisement inserted for less than 50 cents. Payments for advertisements mast be made in advance. January 23, 1856.—. HUNTINGDON COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. There has been opened in the Hall formerly un copied by the "Sons of Temperance" in the Borough of Huntingdon, a School under the a bove title, in which, is proposed to be given a thorough course of Instruction and Practice in Single,ond Double Entry Book-Beeping. Also lectures on Commercial Law, will be given in regular course, by the most talented members of the Bar. Students can enter at any time, a day or eve ning Class, or both if they wish. For any other particulars, address personally or by letter T. If. POLLOCK, Principal. Huntingdon, Hoc. 19, 1855.-81 n• DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The Partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, is this day by mutual consent dissolved. The business will be carried on hereafter, by John Huyett.Jr., at the old stand. JOHN HUYETT, Jn., ROBERT M. CUNNINGHAM. Oct. 31, 18.53.-tf. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. An Improvement worthy of the Pro gressive Age. AILDRICIFI & FOOTE'S PATENT WASHING MACHINE THE subscriber is prepired to furnish every citizen of the Commonwealth with one of these superb articles, acknowledged by all who have them in use, and by every one who hoe tes ted them, to be superior to anything of the kind over brought before the public. They arc made of the best material, under the supervision of the subscriber, who is prepared to deliver them at any point in this or the adjoining counties. This machine possesses many advan tages overany other of the kind, front the fact, that it in no manner wears the clothing, use less soap, and is easier worked. The price ranges front six to seven dollars. The sublicribe'i warrants; this machine so give entire satisfaction. It it does not do everything ho says, no charge pill ho made. A trial is ear nestly invited and perfect satisfaction warranted. A strong recommendation for the machine is the number already sold. Any person who wishes one of these articles, can be a,comtuodated by addressing B. J. WILLIAMS, Alexandria, Hunt. Co.. Pa. Jen. 1, 1856. May 50, 1855.—1 y HENRY W. OVERMAN, No. 6, South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Importer of French Calf Skins; MANUFACTURER AND GENERAL 111.3.411%11 Mail 322. Has Constantly on Hand, and Always Finishing, all kinds of Leather, Morocco, CalfSkins,Shoep Skins, aka., &c. The attention of Country Merchants and Man ufacturers, is solicited. RED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER. January 2, 1856.-Iy. A FARM FOR SALE. quill subscriber offers for sale a tract of land I situate in Henderson township, Huntingdon county, bounded by lands of Peter Swoope, John McCartney's heirs, and others, containing 175 and one-half Acres, about 110 acres are cleared and in a goodstate of cultivation, the balance beiug well timbered. The improvements are a good LOG , e HOUSE, a NEW BANK BARN, n WAGON SHED, a CORN CRIB, two good ORCHARDS and a never-failing SPRING of water near the house. This farm is situated six miles from the town of Huntingdon. Terms will be made easy to suit purchaser. ANDREW ALLISON. October 31, 1855.—tf. Dissolution of Partnership. T " ' partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, was dissolved by mutual con sent on the 15th of November lost. Persons in debt.' to the tlrm will please call and settle their accounts with G. C. Bucher, on or before the Ist of April next. GEO. C. BUCHER, GEO. B. PORTER. Alexandria, Dec. 24th, 1855. Tho business will be continued at the old stand by the subscriber, who will sell goods at very low rates to all who may favor him with a cal. GEO. C. BUCHER. Jan. 2, 1856.-36• To Iron Manufacturers. The subscriber has recently discovered an ore 1 bank which will yield as abundant supply of Iron Ore.—This Ore Bank is on a small tract of land (belonging to the subscriber) containing a bout twenty acres—situated in Walker Town ship, about one mile and three quarters from the station on the Broad Top Railroad, near Me- Connellstown. Specimens of the ore may be seen in Runt. ingdon at the Ticket office of the Penna. Con• tral Railroad. The subscriber will either sell or lease the a. hove tract of land. JOHN LEE. January 2, 1856, The Presbyterian. IS PUBLISRED EVERY SATURDAY AT No. 144 Chesnut Street, above Sixth, Made, phis, and No 265 Broadway New York by WILLIAM S. MARTIEN a; Co., TERMS.—Three Dollars per annum, paya ble in six months, or Two Dollars and Fifty Cents if paid in advance. A liberal discount to Agents who may become responsible. No subscription received for a less terms than one year. All Subscribers, who do not give express notice to the contrary, will be con sidered as wishing to continue their paper will be sent to them accordingly, No paper dis continued until all arrearages are paid except at the discretion of the Proprietors. Bates of Advertising. For 15 lines, first insertion, 75 cents; each repetition of do. 50 cents. For 8 lines or less, first insertion 50 cents ; each repetition of do. 38 cents. Pay ments for advertisements to be made in ad vance. TERMS TO CLUBS. Five c3pies to one address, fur one year, $lO,OO Ten " " " " " " " $20,00 With an additional copy to the person who may act us agent. Sixteen copies to one address for ono year $30.00 With as additional copy to the agent. Twenty live copies to one address, for one year, . . . $45.00 With an additional copy to the agent. . . Z e The money must always be - sent in ad vance. When the amount is large, a draft should be procured if possible. Address, WILLIAM S. MAItTIEN & CO. No 144 Chesnut Street Philadelphia. DR. R. L. DROWN, D eturns his thanks to his former patrons, and IL would respectfully announce that he has a gain resumed the of medicine, and will at all times be found at home, when not profes- sionally engaged. Charges extremely moderato. Cassville, January lot, 1856.-11 m. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. I\jotice is hereby given that Letters Testnmen• Lary on the estate of Tobias Haraish, late of Morris tp., Huntingdon co., dec'd., have been granted to the Undersigned. All persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having claims to present then' duly authenticated for settlement. DAVID STEWART, JACOB HARNISII, &sees. DAVID HARNISII, January 9,1856.-6 t. Dm MILLER & FRAZER, EIZNIZNIEN. HUNTINGDON, PENNA. Office. on Hill Street, opposite Is " 11 • t & e r n C e o r u o r S f lEr a e, and n Northi n . East jy.9-68.—tf. JOSEPH DOUGLASS, in lticConnallstovm has constantly on hand, ready made rates, and is prepared to make and repair Guns Of all kinds at the shortest notice. -April 91, 1866-Iy, MISCELLANEOUSADVERTISEMENTS. LIPPINCOTT'S Pronounc ing Gazetteer of the World, or Geographical Dictionary. Comprising nearly 2200 pages, including a Greater Amount of Matter than any other single volume in the English Language; giv ing a description of nearly one hundred thou sand Places, with the correct pronounciation of their names, being above 20,000 more Ge ographical Notices than are found in any oth er Gazetteer of the World. Edited by J. Thomas, M. D., and T. Baldwin, assisted by several other Gentlemen. TESTIMONIALS. Front the Hon. Edward Everett.—" This work I has been evidently prepared with great labor, and as far as I can judge, from the best materi als and sources or information. The principles adopted iu ascertaining the pronounciation of proper names, (an stated in the introduction) up- pear to me correct. This is a matter attended with some difficalty and uncertainty, but it is treated with groat ability and in a very satisfac- tury manner in your introduction. I have no doubt your Gazetteer will be found an extremely useful work, well calculated to supply a want which must have been severely felt by almost ev ery class of leaders." From J. E. Worcester, L L. D., Author of Worcester's Critical Dictionary.—" Having luau some examination of Lippincotts' Pronouncing Gazetteer," more particularly in relation to' Pronounetation, I take pleasure in expressing a I concurrence generally, in what is said by the lion. Edward Everett, of the value and excel lence of the work. The difficult subject of the pronounciation of geographical names, appears to me to have been with great care, good taste, and sound judgement and this Feature of the Gazetter must add greatly to its val.." From the lion. Robert C. Wintrop, "I know of no Gazetteer so complete and comprehensive I entirely concur with Air. Everett in the opinion hei has pronounced of the work and sin cerely hope that it may receive an amount of public patronage in some degree commensu rate with the magnitude and costliness of the undertaking." From Washington Irving, I fully concur with the opinions given by Mr. Everett and Mr. Wintrop of its merits, and with their wishes tar its wide circulation. Price I vol., royal 8 vo. library binding $6,00 " " half Turkey antique 750 .4 " f u ll ,t 6, 900 " 2 " library style 700 " " half antique 900 J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., PHILADELPHIA. For sale at Colon's Book Store. MAP CF HUNTINGDON COUNTY The undersigned purposes publishing provid ed sufficient encouragement be obtained, a Map of Huntingdon County. Said Map to be con structed by actual survey of all the public Roads Railroads, Rivers, Streams, Canals, Township Lines, &c., and every place of note contained in said county carefully shown in their respective places, and the name and place of residence of nearly every businessman in said county, and the branch of Business followed by each ono respec tively, and the place marked whore nearly all the farm buildings stand, and the proprietor's and occupant's names. Said map to contain from fourteen to eighteen lent of engraving, and to be finished in the must modern style and workman like manner, &e. WILLIAM cintisTr. Dec. 19, 1895.—tf. itA;t& & O.OODOI AT TIIE BROAD TOP DEPOT. (lUNNINGHATf & DUNN havejust returned U from Philadelphia, and are now opening at the head of the Broad Top Basin alarge and beautiful assortment of Fall & Whiter Goode Consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Cedar-ware, Hats, boats and shoes. willow-ware. _ _ 'Ready Made Clothing always on hand. and in short everything that is usually kept in a country store. BACON, SALT, nth :CVO PLASTER, kept constantly for Sale. Call and examine our stock before purcha sing elsewhere, and Pee whether we cannot make ityour Interest to patronise us. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for Goods at the highest market prices. The highest market prices paid for all kinds of Grain. Prompt nttontion pnid to storing and forward. ing all kinds of merchandise, produce, &c. Huntingdon, Oct., 10 1855. PIROVIIM W 2%. Sebastopol Taken 30.,000 MEN KILLED The undersigned has just returned front the city with a large and splendid assortment at Fall and Winter Goods, which lie is now prepared to dispose of at very low and reasonable rates. Persons desiring to purchase will find it to their interest to give hits a call before purchasing elsewhere, as he studies only to please. Ills stock Consists of a large lot of Dry Goods, Hardware. 110 . 0.T4 & SitOtS 4 , ItA l 24' CAVO. Glass & Queensware, a large and splendid assortment of ready made CLOTHING, which ho is prepared to sell in lots to Snit porch. users. JOHN lIUYETT,Jr. N. 13.—Country produce taken in exchange for goods. Moorsville, Nov. 7, 1855.—tt. DR. H. COFFEY'S Truss and Brace Establishment, Allegheny St., Hollidays burg. Constantly on hand, Marsh 4. Co's Im proved Trusses—every at} In and size; line French Trusses for Hernia or Rupture, combining correct construction, extreme lightness, stud durability, with case and comfort. Dr. Banning's Brace for Prolapsus Uteri and its associate pains and weaknesses; Erects Bra ces and Chest &panders of approved snake. er Special attention invited to Banning's la test improvement—the Spring-Spino Shoulder Brace, adapted to all with stooped shoulders, narrow chest, and spinal weakness. It attaches to the Body Brace, is easy, elegant and effective. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. Persons writing for Trusses will state No inches around body, over rupture ; for Body Brace, No. inches around hips ; tor. Spring-Spino-Shoulder Attachment, No. inches around chest under arm pits. Instruments not fitting, exchanged, if re turned unsoiled. Doe. 5. 1855.-3 mo. LEATHER, _ FRITZ, HENDRY & CO. No. 19 North THIRD Street, PHILA. MOROCCO MANUFACTURERS,CURRIERS and IMPORTERS or FRENCH CALF SKINS, and dilaters in RED and OAK SOLE LEATHER and KIPP. Feb. 20th 1855.-Iy. TeliC). I?. @2UL?[3lCialla. A TTOR.VEYJT LA IV, Will attend to all businers entrusted to him. Of fice nearly'63 opposite the Court House. en be MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. J. W. THOMPSON, All7Olll - M AV deal, AND COMMISSIONER FOR PENA'S Yr Davenport, lowa. Attends to buying, selling and locating Lands and land warrants, pays taxer, loans hluney on Rani Estate security, on commission, examines and makes abstracts of title, &c. Any loudness intrusted, will be attended to promptly and with Refer to Hon. Geo. Taylor and Members. of the Bar at Huntingdon. November 21, 1855.—Cm. • EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notiee is hereby given that Letters Testamen tary on the estate of Thomas W. Neely, late of Dublin township, Huntingdon County, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims to present them duiX authenticated for settle meat JAME§ CREE, 13 FRANKLIN NEELY, E' Dec. 2.1, 1855..6. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersign ed (trading under the firm of Couch & Daum) is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books of said firm are in the hands of Ovoid Dunn with whom all concerned will please to limko itmuciliate settlement. GEORGE COUCH, DAVID DUNN. April 10, 1855-tf. UXlll4.oVli.'ti. I,??RS. SARAH KULP wishes to inform the 1 ladies of Huntingdon and the surrounding country that oho has moved next door to Charles Miller above the Presbyterian Church, !lilt St., where she intends carrying on the fancy and straw Millinery business. Having received the latest city fashion, she is prepared to attend to all that may favor her with their custom. April to, 1855—tf S. A. KULP. DISSOLUTION. Whatever partnership which existed between the undersigned in the Surveying business has been dissolved by mutual consent. .1. SIMI'SUN AFRICA, J. F. RAMEY. The business will be conducted as formerly by J. Simpson Al . rieit. Sept. 12, 1:335.-11. - AIIIIIINISTIIITOR'S NOTICE. Lotters of Administration on the estate of .lohn B. Bradley, Into of Brady township, Huntingdon county, dee'd., having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons having claims against said estate, will present them duly authenticated, and thoso knowing them selves indebted, will make immediate payment. ROBERT HARE POWE'LL. Jan. 16, 1855.—Gt. SAMUEL T. Buow•x JOHN SCOTT, Tre:34`ir 3 DEVT/B ) Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, Pa., Moe same as that formerly occupied by John Scott, Esq. Oct. 19, 1653. A. W. BENEDICT, ATTORNEY :17' Inlorms his old friends and he public that be has returned to his old home, and will attend to all business in his profession, entrusted to him, with fidelity and his Bost ability. Office in Main Street.south side, the last house below thu Cuurt house. lluntingdon, May 10,1852. Adams & Co.'s Express. T. K. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon. Money, Packages, and goods ofall kinds, re ceived and forwarded at the risk of the company, to all the cities and principal towns in the United State May 1,'52. g'ST.I.URIfDL7J A7!Kt's,lt2, COUNTY 617.11.3M1011.. °Moo with DANIEL AFRICA, Esq., Hill street, between Montgomery and Smith streets, Ilunt. ingtlon, l'enn'a. [Sept. 20,'55.[ tf. „!,..,,, ik i , .... , ,f , 0 eqv w , .. , ...t..*:•.... ,,, , , , , , , ,1ty-ist. , : t t,„.s - 00 .0..--.00.0 0 ,,,,, "Au 0 C.ZZAk . 0 o o LO `V7 :-)) JOB OFFICE .° (~q , 0 OF TILE 1 1 ) 0 1' ~ 4 , ) "HUNT, JOURNAL. ” 0 t ki ' d> 1 ' ( I ) / The largest and best )) Y.:. > i ij JOB OFFICE t ( ) : > c '. o ' IN THE COUNTY. ~,`:' , 0 JOB-WORK 0 j„{ . g OF () 0 tic ..> 4 0) gall nahLTAg th ' > "13 0 EXECUTED 0 kl. /L i f l As CAeag as the. Chcapest,:: ( o .z> 4 ai artorisz_rvEg g ( cO , 4 , , THAN o (&:, q)o ) TIM .14IST T. g , c .:› 4, 4 , 0 ) VERVE, SATISFACTION 10 1 0 ' f ,(> .03 g WARRANTED. 0 () [l.? 413 o JR kinds of 0r I ci g BLANKS g . 4 ,h4 AI,44PW, 0 CO Iin NSTANTLY O ; N V ' 1 14,N D. 0 r .0.0..=0„. 1 VV f V 4 t ;R9,3 V . r e'.: ALMANAC FOR 1858. S Ml'l',Wl Ti PI S Septen&Zirgßici T 1\ i ss T, S M I T S SM T "7;1'7 - January, April, July, October. S S Tklr February, August• !I F, S T W T hi T NV TI F March, November. 11 a S 1 2 Direetibits for Using First find the month; then,; 8 1 9 trace along the line to the till you And the day 15 16 of the week; then down — l -1 the column, to you find 22 23 the day of the month. .29 3q 4,5 G 7 10 11 1213 11 17 1 18 19 20 21 2412512127'28 311,5CE1.1,17d:016 .1V11:;IT Now is the time to pui ite.,e (~ ~ t'l ;SY~ Li liave ust re , c i ye. gest and finest fired to the, ink cohntry ; sach de. Lane, Par.tiastit and Colored Sills it Clouds and ers, Vesting: iCII znC, sec one of the finest to this place ; itity niitzetts, alim, mid Ow Lust assortin,it . Clirt TS, ezc A splendid lot atilt, fined Cee 111111.7.A17 /1.11.11, of every variety, aml the best ussnatnent in t of every ileserintioa, end at ewe I,iees .o~~~~= although they arts a lirtle u as low as the lowest. HATS & 110 the largest !Intl best 5,5055 at lower prices. WILLOW VIALM, ekc and every variety or Goods. kept in a canonry store purchasing any cal Cr isfy you ur the feet, We will caret is October a, IPrt3. it re. Call she best assort!. I just received sea for T Cizrpet mid by J. & The hemlgoinest n,ortre ent of boeq. 1' shall Cloth, Larilla Cloth. 11...nwe do Lir. Paramette Cloth, UII.I all woul 31vrinue,,;,11 ,ler,cll with tl W. 6.kX.10N 500 1 adios' Collars, Under 1./Gloves, Trimmings, f.w\' Cap, ,k be.titut lot of l lat liStraw Buttneti, AI L g . tr:: rfl;:st'; beautiful assortment _Listed ceilings, by Ei , litt's Ague rn,lers, y J. C. AV r rho best lot of Shawl: mer, lttystate tool J& W. SAXTON t , y produce iu e: cheap store, south-'n ter :4 Publ Aa, „. i i;l d el i. l o 4l r i LI ! e s i r:;t in cii t of J . ; Tuji,,lrri If you waut to bus go:,d (lea CALL AT D. V. D. I'. Gain has jit, phia a largo and licauticul TALL AND consisting of the !nest loaltiontlYie fur Ladies and Gentlemen, rinoes, Allowed, Par.iniatta All Wool de Lulus, Piney Coliings, Black and Fan Prints a nil description. mere. plain and fi e ry Cra. ALSO, a large lot of dee Buttons, liihbonde, Bonnet Woolen owl cotton Dtisicr dersleeres, Collars, Chilli:l Bonnetiond a variety of I)res, tit morons to mem'. l/re,s VAC Flammls of all kinds, Lin Covers, Shawls, Conaorts, I cited 111.uslins, Ticker, Chocks, Groceries of all kinds, Tints Gs Cnps, Boots and shoes, Oil Cloths, lI2I.IIDVJ'ILEM, CUBEINTSV:4II.7I Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, and till good, usually kept in a country Store. 1,1 :11.ti Aly old customers, and Its many new ones can crowd in arc respectfully requustc6 lo con and examine my pools_ All kinds or Cortutry produce taken in e: change for goods, at the highest market prices. October 3, 1855. Chainbersburg & IH. Union STAGE LINE REVIVED THE undersigned aware (bat a tmepension I the line of Stages over the road tot, oc Chombershurg and Mt. Cohm, cannot he he disadvantag9ons to a largo section to the county has, at considerable expense and trouble, mad arrangements to run a lino of Stages Tel-week! between the two points. Good Heroes and emu fortable Stages Intro been placed on the rout, and :xpericutl and tritely drivers will sup,r7n tend the running of the Coaches. The pruprie tor of the lino is — desirous that it be maintain,: end he therefore calls upon the public g eneral to patronise it, confident that it will be for the mutual advantage. Es ery attention lICCOSSa gill La given, null the running of tli tkiStages leave Mt. Union, every Tuesday Thursday and Sat eveninies, arrivime a m Chaber: urday burg the next day at 2 o'clock. lie turtling, leave Chambersburg the same night to o'clock, arriving at Alt. Union earl} tier lul lowing evening in time for the Cars. Seaga stop at Shirloysbarg, Orbi6oniet, Shade Gap Burnt Cabins, Fannettsburg, llurse Valley Strasburg unit Keeer's store. . . Fti;e through Sa,ou: to intermediate point in proportion. JAMISON HF.LLY August 22, 1853.—tr BOOKS!Pr ,, :r.! . .S !I 30,000 /1111 E subscriber is happy to infursais mum ous friends and customers that he has nddt very largely to his already extensive and varies stock of new and popular books—and can non boast as great a variety at the same low prices as the City Book Stores. IBA STATIONARY is of great variety and well selec:ed, s Fan cy and Plain Note Letter and Cap paper and Envelopes. (told Pens and Silver liolders from $l upwards, Pen and Pocket Knives, Pc.rt Mimics and Pocket- Books, Ink end inkstand. Razor-strops and Brushes, &e. School Books in quantities to country merch ants and teachers at City wholesale to ces.— Wrapping paper constantly on basal. 1000 PIECES WALL PAPER of every kind, Window Paper and painted Shade, with Putnam's Patent Solf-Astiusting Dr. John McCulloch, Curtain Fixtures. All the above at Phila. re- Offers his professional to the citizens of tail prices, call and examine, "I endeavor to Iluntingdonand vicinity. Ogiets, Mr. Hug. pk g .," Store on Railroad St. Ilfuntinc , l o ll, brand's, between the Exchange and Jacksou'i WM. COLON. m o w. 0ct.17,185r, Ang.119.1850. IA :;:r.GC:i IDIERTISEBIENTS. )1i I 'WEIN E SHOP Erlut -51 1:”:01 Phil .olphia Lund ter r1.1,1e to or (kr, the ft ng Corn Kiln. Ts and Bushes for Mill )fl Patel,: Cast Me•tall Con- Dr th, ohio ttna 111 per . _ :%10.11 Concave in v NOOK. AGENCY 11E sabecriber, have established a Bo( :`q.APney in l'hilanlylphin, and mill turmoil n ur pu!,li,Nitionn at. :Inn nvtail price Inn Ann y per,ins. by lemaniling the on Lr /Ma i:eopy of tl tit of either Wit, and Viewri ul Headings, View, or ma• tioit, Lodge iu•t ngesits fur BYRA:11 & 11 i 11\ ILI i .;i_~~l C, '? 0 Cllll and look. before Cott purchase !'roin alld 14, it the prettiest end I,e,t hr , JUght to the bor. It vuelkl he useless to wo ha, u on hand— 1.,11 Drc,s (outdo Cc,Pa r ,. (nOVI., !nerany kept in E l'nl,l Root, Des, Vats, ts. caps. 1111,1 C ' t ihrecor d supply of Fresh Groceries, Call and sec my ;good exuntine for you! ul for the patronage of the past ben. nl the public generally, I respectful] ontitinaneo Of the tialllo. All kinds of country product) taken in en :Inge for , 00ds at the highest market price. DILL & CO. 11,M, 011:::1.1) 111 , :ENSE: CIO I NCB PIERCHANT TAILOLING ESTABLISH DIENT. Chesnut Sireet, Philadelphia, No. 165 Fifth, North Sidg, rielltiellwm Who Wish to buy their elothiogrea dy mole, quite as good so titll be made bv any Merchant Tailors of the Unkted States, should visit this magnificent storo, where goods of the hept Ready Mode and in the piece up to order at the shortest warrented. Also a, till And every article is marked with the lowest eubl, rive, in plain figures. Nur. 7,1655.-6 mo. IL, ROMAN , A GO ~ , D ASSORTMENT READY-MADE CLOTHING. COAT' -"! , * ANTO, irEsTs, And miter articles of genthnucti• weur. October a, 1555. COUNTRY DEALERS CAN HUT CLOTIHNO AT WHOLESALE, AS CIIIIAP AS IN THE CITY, AT RONAN'S CLOTHING STORE. OVERCOATS. AU kinds, cheaper than eliewhere, at 11.. ROMAN'S CLOTIIINti STORE W Market ;min Rail Road, Machim,ry. u Mils and Smut ( Burr S: Will Plaster )11 nncl Son{ Pre on Wood ex Triamidnr.