Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 23, 1856, Image 4

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111OUNT.1!N 81:311X.IR1V, ' 4l "°• —s "'" T '' .
!!-11/hv is it ot the OM,
Biriniagham, lluntingdon cel,Lty, Pa. Mareldlit, also the "'resit. , i ,,, the
'PHIS Institute ix situated on e! Conn, vlvania I Bauks at Frederiek City, to ged the Doi m t ,. there
I Rail and oecimies olio of the niesi it ,
the is s" eu>v Man. ,e,k.enme from 'melt men as 3 , i
roes, retired, healthful, and With such& SteVellA, whuleßule Druggists of A lexondi i.t,
romantic mountain scenery, that nu ono who Va. and by the very next mail, en order, (the ,
whales to learn, could lied an institution nerd fa- third time in tour weeks) from Mr. Pierpoint,
vorably situated. Experienced teachers who are and from Messrs. Cook & Co., of came place,
graduates of Troy and 'Mt, nolyoko Seminaries tend by the very soma mail a fourth order front
ore employed in this institution, and no pains Messer!, !hipper & \Vilmer of Centreville, Md.,
Will be spared to sustain its growing reputation.— (where n short time since such an excitement .I
The asiminer term commemes the leer spruni,... up Crum some remarkable cures mule
in April slid cootiaar, fion month.. Charges to there by Prof. C. Detiratlt's (genuine) Klee- I
Mite front the time of Naming, and no deductions trie Oil, ad South Eighth Street, Milady'
mode for absence except in ea.eo nf sickness a few doors smith of Chesnut street '1 flow
pill fru. , alwead are cc poided to hoard in the i s that the editor of Ei is Observer, was cn
with the Prineipiti who red in tiro days of rhearnathuns in his Wad; of I
Iris entice attention to their iii,rest unil ad I three year,' duration ; and Mr. Brady, of Her.
risburtz of Paralysis l Why mid how was it that ,
I EOMS. 1 the Miler day .N 6 Ucorge Weis, 227 Eager street .
Boarding, Tuition arid furni s hed raring ßaltimore, two doors from St. James chord],
term $6O 00 , was cured or palsied hands of long standing
Latin, German, French, Painting, Drawing also the late case of a lad , in Philadelphia, im
am] Instrumental M. lc, Extra. red of spinal cursature, and another of Prolap-
M, 1. W. wA RD, ins Uteri, a complete,radical cure? Ask them.
Principal. Why do such men as Moors. G.
..N. & W. 11.
. . . ..
. __.
March 27, 1855-tf.
Y., write, August 30th. that—"}roar Electric Oil
BANKING ROUSE proves snore beneficial than any other prepare
1.P113 WO have ever heard of," dm.
Yours, G. N. &W. /I.WlLi.taats.
BELL, GARRETTSON & CO., Why has Joseph Osborn. Esq., of Auburn,
On .2V . orM•icrist Coca, 0f /Ill! owl ..115nNoste- written, now the third time that "Prof. De
t g Nrcets, iii the Borough .j . Iluatingdoit, Grulthis Electric Oil is selling very fast, and
making great rums never before accomplished
T A which a general flanking liminess is era- hero 4" 1 Why slid John Rex, Esq., send, the
template.] to he done.
sul inst. a gold dollar in a letter from Double
Drafts on Philadelphia, Pittsburg, &e., &c " '- • ' Vu., •
for abottle, en the recommenda
always for sale. Collections made at the priori- ileul g ee i
Lion of Wm. Arvin, Esq., of the same place
pal points in the Uniteol States,
who got some P. short time shire for the Gout,
Mon" received on deposit, payable on demand who
and was cured I Why is it that every one speaks
without interest; situ for 3, it, and 15 months' and
it as "a wonderful mtative," and is this not
payable with reasonable rates of interest thereon. ,
Members of Firm:
the real cause of more selling at retail, in Plata
delphia alone, than is sold of Dr. Jayne's !midi-
Hoilidageburg, /4., cites, or five of any others '3 Why is it that R
It. B. jonsisrox, Physician of lar4e practice used it on the para.
Wm. M. Lloyd, 1 lyzed limbs of his boy, alter eying everything
i else? Simply because the genuine "Electroic
liwitinolon, /..,
A. P. Wit WM. Donuts, J.. Oil," from the office of Prof. DeGrath, effectu
J. Gra. filitats, TllO9. FISIINR, 1 ally cures paralysis. Why and bow is it dint
, over $5OO has been sold in Washington, D. C.
WM. P. OraisoN, J 011,4 Sewn', !during about six weeks, and over $lOOO worth
JAMI.:R °WIN, 0r,,. W. tht.RETTS. W. ' in Baltimore in the same thou? Why do Messrs
Huntingdon, Pa., July 12, Mt. Morris & Co., of York, Pa., (ono of the finest
Drug houses in the State,) and John Wyethi
s° I) . K ,lIZO.E. I Esq., of Harrisburg, Pa., sell so much, when
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons whom , they hove any quantity of all torts of other
i t may 'concern that (rain and after the next sat- I medicines right by the side of the "Electric
siemens by the County Auditors of Huntingdon (lilt" s unlit) . been"' nothing el " will answer
County, (in January 1856) no claim or demand , lion purpose that the Oil does. Let the skepti
by nay person, against said County on account cal ask the numerous cases of almost hopeless ,
of any road or ',rid g e view, el ec ti on , o r ser vi ce o f patients, if anything could ha more agreeable'
any kind rendered snit county, and which is of an in use, or more effectual in its results — sumo of. ;
older standing than six years, will be allowed in ter loath% expended hundreds of dollars on va- I
settlement by said Auditors , sno t a ll d eman d„ i lira ra
s fernier treat:nt, with nothing lout dis-
uncalled for and unclaimed lip to the time Rpe_ countgement and despair for their trouble. Why
Mica, will he considered as forfe i ted and forever i is it that other medicines have advertisements I
shut out; and the certificate, order or paper on ; pilot op n'ilitnin high,c in nil the papers w hile
which it is predieated, rejected and thrown aside i Professor De Grath a 'Electric Oil' is only no
as cancelled paper. sired at a rank expense not to exceed $l5 to 1
RAT.PH CROTSLEY, , $2O a day? Why is it that two physicians ore
PERRY 3100111-1 I daily employed in the outlet, applying the (gen-
HEN RV BREW TI.:R. I nine) "Electric Oil" to patients afflicted with
I Tetter, Palsy (and it is warrented for this).—
Rherauttisin, Nnaealgia, r.. llea . drafie, Old_ Sores
110041 ER Still at His Post!! Z,Bsrouri:teliuli,"ni'd Cuts,
71:rell ai ltls "" c i f
rrIIE under.itilied, now engaged in putting up
,painful ' complaints. Although a cure is war
-I- Armitage s Eloctro 31agratic Lightning rented, yet not more than one bottle has ever
Rud e in this and adjoining nulilic 3 i would res - been returned: and that was a case of total
pectffilly Call the nitration of the intelligent pub- I deafness, oft& years' standing. Of course ita
lic to the great superiority of this Patent, at a tore could not restore such a case, with winder
season like this, when accidents to property and er h e lp.
life almost daily occur, it is the dictate of human- N. B.—An educated Doctor always in atten-
ity, . welt as interest, to make use or the best dance and ladies may, if they desire it consult
m en" ' l ' " i uitf in our ['nun'', for though the with a lady by dropping a line to the office of
Lightning be in the hands of Him who rules the
PROF. C. Di:GR.-it,
storm, ills protection and blessing aro always
39 S. Eighth street, Phila.,
connected with our own efforts.
SAMUEL HOOVER. 3 doors Sonth of Chesnut Ht.
Price. 50 eta, 75 eta., and $l.
_ P. S.—Five dollars reward will he paid for the
X rIVICCVAL„ arrest of a low scamp, a Jew pettier, who copied,
T lll3 nnulersigned wishes to inffirm his friends on a dirty sheet, some of Prof. De Gratliis bills;
and the public generally that he has moved and as the originals are copyrighted, be is liable
to the late.
his shop to the building of And. Harison, for- Remember the No., 39 S. Eighth et., Phial's.
nierly occupied by him . Collector's office, : Thomas Read & Son, Huntingdon, Hunt. Co.
Hill St. R. Barnwell, Montgomery, Blair co., W. G.
Where he intends carrying .n the Tail"rillt; Murray., Hollidaysburg, Blair co., Condron &
lousiness sot such terms as will not fail to e McCoy, Frankstown, Blair co., J. H. Burner
satisfaction to all that may favor him with their Co Waterstrect. Hunt. co Wm. Moore, Alex
andrin, Hunt. co.
He wishes to return thanks for the liberal pa- 1 Sept. 26, 1835.
trunage heretofore received and hopes by strict
May 23, IS
July 26, 1854.-tf.
attention to business to merit eimitiniinnee of FIVE PER CENT SAVING FUND,
the imme. ENOS 11. KULP.
Of The National Safety Company.
April 10, 1853-tr.
Walnut Street, South West Corner Third Street,
Moil T. I En. T. I Fast T. lE. T. Incorporated by the State of Penn-
Train leaves P.M. P.M. P,M. P.M. Sylvania in 1841.
Petersburg, 2.45 3.30 9.17 12,39
Huntingdon, 3.02 3.46 9.32 1.05 VIVE PER CENT interest is given and the
Mill creek, 3.15 3 .50 9 . 42 1,38 .1 1 - . money is always paid back whenever it is
Mt. Union, 3.33 4.09 9.56 2,20 called for, without the necessity of giving notice
TRAINS GOINO WEST. for it beforehand.
Train leaves P.M A.M. P.M. A.M. People who have large sums put their money
Mt. Uni0n,4.17 6.31 7.42 5,28 in this Safety Fund, on ncemmt of the superior
Mill Cre ek, 4.84 8.49 7.55 8.95 ! safety and convenience it affords, hat any sum,
Iltantingdon, 4.49 7.02 6.00 7.02 1.T.P. 7,111 . 11 , is received.
retarsburg, 5.05 7.15 8.19 7.3 , This &ism° Fean has more than half a mil
_ ! lion of dollars, securely Invested for the safety
INDUSTRY MUST PROSPER. i of depositors. N
The Office is open to receive and pay money
T 'of the
N. BALL respectfully solicits the attention '
every day, from 9 o'clock in the morning till 7
P/su h fitrming commuMtv to a tqualityaquality o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and
gs which he is now matinfactnrin g,, and Thum] ev enin gs, tillo 'clock.
have ready for sale in a few days, he is also pre- re , - 9
ace money to put in; are invited
pared to make hrrows, wagons, carts, wheel- w ho
to call at the (Alice for further information.
barrows, Rtm, and to do all kind of repairing
nt the shortest notice, and in the most substantial HENRY L. BENNER, Pres't.
manner. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice Pres - t.
Shop. N. W. corner ot Montgmery and Wash-
WM. J. ItrEit Secretary.
ington sta.
, 1, 15.t.1.
March 27 1858-tf.
P. TlOlillS.7.4akk:=_?,
H. K. NEFF, M. D.,
J{A V ING:1 ocated himself in WAIMIOIO43IARIi
in this county, would respectfully offer his
professional services to the citizens of that place
and the country adjacent.
J. B. Laden, M. D. Gen. A. P. Wilson,
M. A. Henderson, " Wm. I'. Orbisun, Esg,
J. 11. Dorsey, " Hon. James Gwinn,
M. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq
Hon. George Taylor,
liuntiny . dan, Pa
Jacob M, Gamma!, M. D., Alexandra.
John M'Culloch, " Paterabarg.
16 . 7:52-tf.
perthership huretolura existing between:
- Drs. Broil' and Hagerty is this day by mu
turd consent dissolved.
All persona knowing themselves indebted to
the said firm, will please tall and settle their
accounts without delay.
March 27 1855—tr.
EL MOVitt.
MRS. SARAH KULP wishes to inform the
ladits of Huntingdon 11111/ the surrounding
country that she has moved next door to Charles
Miller above the Presbyto ian Cherub, 11111 St.,
whore she ilitentl3 carrying on the fancy and
straw Millinery bliAncss. Having received the
latest city fashion, she is prepared to attend to
till that may favor her with their custom.
April 10, 1 dtis-tf S. A. KULP.
solved, n u t all persons knowing thcinsolve6 in
debted to the said lino, will please call and set
tle their accounts without delay.
Saulsburg, April 2. ls3s.—tf
TIM undersigned have fur sale a seeond-hund
ed Carding Machine, with all the ne
cessary fixtures, which they slier l'ur auto very
low. Any one wishing t.. purchase will to well
wall and see it. KESSLER 4 EEO.
Mill Creek, April 12, I r 54.
He is constantly receiving from the Trade,
Sales, and other auction sources large supplies
of carefully selected Books in all Departments
of Literature.
to suit all tastes, and at all prices. Books for
picas:dation, &c.
Bibles, Testaments Prayer Books
with a very largo and extensive variety of
Staple and Fanoy Stationary,
of the best quality and lowest prices.
Remember the North West corner Sixth and
Arch St., Philadelphia.
Alny 29,1855.-Iy.
C. G. llcsscr.
C. AV#4..
1111WAV bY%l7lit, -
Wholesale Dealers Li Provisions,
RI Ellen NT S,
No. 32*, Liberty Street,
Have now on hand a very large anti allele'
stock Bacon, to which we particularly bemire ti
invite our friends and dealers generally.
May 9, 1855.-891.
Intorms his ',ld friends and he public t hat bo
has returned to his old home, and will attend to
all 11,1tillICse in hit profession, entrusted to him,
wilt, fidelity and his East ability.
Ifinee in Main Street,soutli si de, limit. bon*
Lehi w the Court lloast.
May 13, I b',2,
1 I11 1 (.2 1;:11,113iiti?F i!ONNTAL.
Electro-Magnet Lightning Roils. • _ .. 1.1 it/ • whcr, me.. he "Inained the most speedy rem
% FTER tunny y..stis• dose investigation and
numerous experiments, the Pmentee takes Et."IIFT Di SE ASES.—Gleets Strictures,
pleasure in intortning the public that he has arri- Ilelmboltrms Highly Cosset•sitrated Sentinel Weal: nes,. Pain in t h e Loins. .A ffectioes
veil et the true principle. of 1,. oteetifig familiec, tiMPO Li Fl. I'l I E V1'11.1(71: EU(' II I!, of the 11 . 1 all °l'''. ' l4 " ' ma
dwellings and property from time mlestm•active in- For Diseases ot the Iflad,Mer and nine, s, Ob.
fluence of Lightning. Iho calamities that structions of the Urine, Chronic Uotto.trlmmul of both sexes, which if not cured, produces con
arising from mm septet hobit, mos; nodally the:youth
every City, Town, Village and Country fells vie- Glects, Weaknesses, and all diseases of
stitutional debility, rendering marriage imposmi
tlin to Annually, through the gross negligence of the Sexual Organs,
its inhabitents, is beyond calculation, especially WHETHER IN !WALE OR FEMALF ml • bothlll . d I Body.
Wan In m ho en , destroysan,
Voting Men,
when the remedy is so easy to obtain—thin is from whatever elms° they may have originated
especially, who have beomn o the victims of
found ig Armitage Patent Magnetic and no matter of how long stnnding. Rory Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit
sweeps to no untimely grave thon
Lihfit ing Rods, m ud ill this alone. This I If you have contracted the terrible disease, which nunua ' ll Y
win go ; sands of young men of the most exalted talents
Rod has been examined by the most scientific hich, when once seated in the system,
otherwise have
gentlemen in Cle world—Professors M'Murtrie, down front omum generation to another, undermi- ; and brillient inteliem•t, who might f
Johnson, Waller and many others that have ex- ' uing mho constitution mid snapping the very vital entranced listening s,ed se t n o n o tes will th l o
amined them, recommend and speak of them in fluids of life, do not trust yourself in the hands elo q uenc %°, r , g l yre,
the highest terms of upprobation, and have pro- ' who start up every day in a city like any co il Married fell rent,
flounced them the only safe rods in use in this or ' this, and fill the papers with glaring 141seheotis
contemplating marriage king aware a
any other country, for the proportion of Live s and mum well calculated to disci re the young and those t those -
should • tre ' dist suit
Property. One advantage is to divide and throw nut acquftiuled Will, th eir i t i c h, F at , physical weakness, sli int . con
back a part of the electric fluid harmless to the he too careful in the seleetiun of a remedy to Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health.
cloud.; in time of a stroke this enables the rod m those case, Dr. Johnston,
to conduct that portion of fluid that belongs to ; THE I?LUID EXTRACT 13UCHU office No, 7 South Fredrick St., seven doors from
Baltimore Sti•eet, east side up dm steps. Cr.l3e
the earth without the slightest danger of leaving b„,,,, prououuced i,„ e „,f nen , r th ys fa in
the conductor. This rod has many other adv.- """ • " 11 particular in obtaining the name and number, or
Ingot over the old one. The only plums of Mall- THE GREATES•I' 11E3IEDY EVER you will mistake the place.
utacturing is in KNOWN A cure watitutted, or no charge made, in from
Fine St., 3 doors above Twelfth, Philadelphia pleasant in its taste ' one to two
fltls a medicine perfectly , ;
_days. ~,
and very innocent in its action, and yet so timer- TAKE INOTICAL—m. Jo h nston ' s office i s in his
where all persons are respectfully invited to coil
nod exmlnitne for themselves. For sale Whole- ough that it 1 dwelling, up the steps, Ills very extensive prae
sale and Retail, by THOS. ARMITAGE.
ANNIHILATES EVERY PARTICLE j t i me is a sufficient guarantee, that he is the only
Orders promptly attended to. Terms cash.
k and p oisonous virus of thle dreadful rope' physician to apply to.
g th e
u um l e ' ,• n and, unlike propel
other remedies it does not Dr. Johston, member of the Royal College of
dry tip the disease in the blood. Surgeons. London, graduate from one of the'
Constitutional Debility most eminent Colleges of tho United States, and
brought on by self-abuse, a most terrible ills- the greater part of whose life has been spent in
ease, vthieli has brought thousands of the Int- I the:Hospitals of London, Patio Philadelphia, and
man race 0, untimely graves, time blasting the I elsewhere, has effected some of the mast aston
brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting in the fishing cares that wore ever known, many teou•
bud the glorious ambition of many a noble Sled with ringing in the ears and head when
youth, can be cured by this asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at suil-
IN FALLIBLE REMEDY. den sounde, and bashfulness, with frequent blush-
And as a medicine which must benefit everybody ing attended sometimes with derangement of
from the simply delicate to the confined and de. mind, were cured imtnedintely.
spairing invalid, no equal is to be found, I A CERTAIN DM:Asc.—lt is a melancholy fact
ACTING BOTH AS A CURE AND PRE- that thousands fall victims to this horrid disease
VEN'rATIVE• I owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretenders
who by the use of that deadly poison Mercury,
ruin the Constitution, causing the most serious
symptoms of OW dreadful disease to make their
appearance, such as uffections of the head, nose,
throat, skin, etc., progressing with frightfid ra
pidity till death puts a period to their &cadre'
suffering, by sendingthein io that Bourne whence
no traveler rettwns.
have injured themselves by a certain practice in
dulged in when milone—a habit ftequently learned
from evil companions, or at school—the effects
of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, end
if not cured renders marring° impossible, and de
stroys both mind and body.
What it pity that im young man, the hope of Ids
country, and the darling of 1,1 , ; pesetas should be
snatched from all prospei is and enjoyments of
life by the consequence eideviating them the path
of nature and indulging in a retain secret habit.
Such persons ',cline contcfnplating :Marriage,
should reflect that o sound mind and body are
the most nceessnry requisifes to promote 1:01111ti
bial happiness, Indeed without these, the jour
ney through life becomes a weitry pilgrimage,
the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the
mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled
with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness
of another becomes blighted with our own.
es young men, end all who have injured them
selves by private and improper indlilgenee.
IMPUISSANA.--Those aro some of the sad and
melancholy effects produced by early luthits of
youth, vizi Weakness of the Heck end Limbs;
Pains in the bead, Dimness of Sight, Loss of
Muscular power, Palpitation of the Heart Dys
pepsia,Nervous ieeitnbility, Detangentents of the
Digestive Functions, General Debility Symptoms
of Consumption, &e.
MENTALLY—The fearful effects on the mind are
much to he dreaded; Loss of meinury, Confusion
of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Forbodings;
Aversion to Society., Self Distrust, Love of Soli
tude, &e., aro some unite evils produced.
Thousands of persons of ell ages,can now judge
what is the cause of their declining health. Los
ing their vigor, becoming weak, pule and emacia
red, hare singular appearance about the eyes,
tough end symtoms of eiinsumption.
Married persons, or those efaitemplating mar
riage, being aware of ph videal weakness, should
immediately consult Dr..f. and be restored to per
fect health. (Alice, Ni,. 7, Smith Fretleriek.tit.,
Baltimore, 1114.
N. 13. Let no false delicacy prevent you, but ap
ply immediately either porsonolly or by letter.
Skin Diseases Speedily Cured,
To STICANOERS.—The many thousands resell
at this Institution within the last ten )ears, and
the numerous important Surgical 9perations
performed by'Dr. 3 -witnessed by the Reporters of
the papers, .41m:thy other persons, notices of
which hove appealed again and again hethro the
GOOD MEDICINES. public, is a sufficient cliaratitee Omit the afflicted
It is estininted that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral & will find n skillful anillionontble phyeleimm.
Cathartic Pills have done more to promote the As there are so many ignorant and worthless
public health, than any other one cause. There quacks advertising the...elves es PhYsieinnsmrlAff
can be no (mutton tint the Cherry Pectoral Imes lug the health of the afflicted Dr. Johnston would
by its thousand on thousand cures of Colds, thy to these itnacquainted with his reputation that
Coughs, Asthma, Croup, Influenza, Bronchitis, his Credentials or Diplumus always hang in his
&e., very much reduced the proportion of deaths alike.
from consumptive diseases in this country. The Weakness of the organs immediately cured,
Pills are as good as the Pectoral and will cure and full vigor restored
more complaints. itir All letters post paid—remedies sent by
Everybody needs more or less purging. Purge anal.
the blood from its impurities. Purge the bowels, May 22, 1 855.-Iy.
Liver find the whole viseeral system from ohm.,
tions. Purge out the diseases which fan. mai
time body, to work its sleety. But for diseases, FEVER AM) AGUE CURE,
we should die only of old age. Take antidotes For the prevention and Cure of Intermittent
early and thrust it from the system, before it is and Remittent Severn, Fever end Ague, Chills
yet too strong to yield. ' and Fever, Dumb Ague; General Debility Night
Ayer's Pills do thrust out intense, not only Sweats, and all other forms of disease which have
while it is weak but when it has taken a strong ' a common origin in Malaria or Miasma.
hold. Read the astounding statements of those , This is a natural antidote which will entirely
who have been cured by them from dreadful Sure- ; protect any resident or travelle r even in the
litla, Dropsy, Ulcers, Skin Diseases Illiennin- ' most sickly oy swampy theelities, from fitly .Agne
tism Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Internail'ains, ;or Bilimins disease whatever, or any injury from
toss Complaints, Heartburn, Ilead.he, Gout; & constantly inhaling Miliaria or Aliasinn.
ninny less dangerous but still threatening ail- , It will instently cheek the Ague in persons
Inonts,*such es pimples on the face Worms, Nor- 1 who have suffered Inc any length of thee, from
vous liritability. Lost ocappetito;lrregutarities, one day to twenty years, so that they need Lever
Dizziness in the head, Culls, Fevers,Dysentery ; to have another chill, by continuing in use no
un(' indeed every variety of complaints fur which cording to directions. The patient at once begins
a Purgative Remedy is required. to recover appetite and strength, and continues
'ie. urn 1111 random statements, hut are au- until a permanent and radical cure is effected.
thenti.ted by your own neighbors 1 Physicians. I Ono or two bottles will answer for ordinary
Try them once and you will never he without . cases ; some may require more. Directions prin
them. Pries 15 its. per box-5 Boxes for 81. tett German, Frown and Spanish, accompany
Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER, Lowell, Moss. , each bottle. Price one dollar. Liberal cis
and sold by every respectable Druggist in New counts made to the trade.
England. JAMES A. IHIODES, Providence, R. I
THOS. READ & SON, Huntingdon, Pa., BU-Clllat
& PORTEII, Alexandria Pa., J. IL _ _
HOMMER & Co. Waterstreot, Pa.: J. M. ROL
LER, Petersburg, and by all dealers everywhere.
Dee. 15, 1855.-2 m. O u ly.
------- .
Would respectfully inform his friends Roil the
public, that he has on hand and is receiving for
the coming season, a flue assortment of
cL7 Cilb`QKY Litwe
Consisting of Watches, Chains, Breast Pine, Fin
ger Rings,Ear Rings, Pencils, Reps, Thimbles,
Studs, Medallions, &e. Together with his celebra
ted and unrivalled
Pitman,. Aug. 13, 1847.
I have this day carefully inspected a conductor
or Lightning Rod, with vane and index, erected
by Mr. Thomas Armitage, on Relieves House,
Gloucester, and have no hesitation in saying that
it is not only the best that I have over seen, hot
that it is the only one I have yet examined that
is constructed on strictly scientific principles. It
is with much pleasure that I recommend this
conductor to the attention of owners of buildings.
I am well satisfied Vint the Mtignetic Lightning
Rod, manufactured by Mr. 'Phonies Armitage, of
Philadelphia, is the hest that has ever been made.
I have spent several years in the study of the laws
of electricity and magnetism, and have no hesita
tion in saying that these Rods are constructed
upon the only principle of safety. The electric
shock is received and dispensed by the magnet at
the top of the rod, and it would ho impossible,
according to the laws of attraction and repulsion,
for n building to he injured by a stroke of light
ning when protected by one 01 these rods. I
j havo been newt:tinted with Mr. Armitage for soy
! oral roars,and before he commenced the mann
facture othese rods I examined the principle on
which they are constructed, and felt convinced
that their adoption would he attended with com
plete success. The increasing demand for these
rods, and the extensive sales in ell parts of the
I country, is ample commendation of their utility
and superiority.
Rising Sun, Philad. ca., April 10, 1852.
The following extract is taken from an editori
al in the Germantown Telegraph, edited by Major
FnE.ts t
"The bogus rod placed upon our dwelling wo
have had taken down; and another ereted by Mr.
A RMITAUE, to which we would call the attention
of our farmers and readers generally. It is put
up on true scientific principles, and is a rod that
has been approved by the highest authority, and
will bear the most thorough examination. Those
who have been deceived, As we have been, should
lose no time in having a proper protection against
lightning, substituted. The coat is a mere bag
atelle when compared with the entire safety of
our houses and burns against this destructive ele
ment. Mr. ARMITAGE's advertisement will be
found in the columns of this paper; any wo feel
as though we were performing an imperious duty
to the community, by thus inviting to it general
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 4, 1852.
Mr. T. Anafirmaa, Vino Street, west of Twelfth
Street, Philadelphia.
Mr DEAR Sin: Alter a trial of many weeks, it
oftl/rds me great pleasure to inform von that I
am highly delighted with the lightning rod you
placed upon my house at Bustleton. As far as
my chemical knowledge enables me to perform
an opinion, I am satisfied you have developed
the correct principles in the adaptation 61 rods to
protect property front destruction by lightning; as
soon as the advantages of your arrangements ore
understood, I am convinced that few persons will
be found so reckless as to fail to avail themselves
of the protection afforded by your rods. Wishing
you all success in your enterprise,
I am yours tetchy,
No. 1, North Eleventh Street,
Pt °lessor of Anatomy, Philadelphia College of
Ilortidon, L'Oiuo Co. , Pa.,
Is Agent for Huntingdon, and adjoining counties,
and will furnish the Rods on the same manner as
the Proprietor. Any person desiring to he sup
plied with the Rods eon leave their order with the
Editor of the Journal, or with Gains Miller, of
the Rail Road Hotel. April 12, '54.
R. C. MCGILL returns his thanks ".
to his friends anti the public 14,,
fur their very liberal patronage, a tor:
hopes by strict attention to business..
to merit a continuance zf the same, in nll hinds of
Castings, Cooking Stoves, Air-Tight, l'arlor,
Ton Plate Wood and Coal Stoves, of various si
zes, and all kinds of Ploughs: the Luncastor and
the Plank Barshear patterns, and Keystone No.
4 Self-sharpening and Hill side Ploughs, and
Shears to suit all kiwis of Ploughs in the country;
polling-mill and Forgo Ca ,dugs, Grist and Saw
mill Castings, Lewistown Threshing Machine
Patterns, and the four horse and two horsepower
of Chambersburg patterns; and all other kinds of
castings too nuntercits to mention, all of which
will be sold cheaper than ever for cash and ail
kinds of country produce. Also, old mettle taken
in exchange fur castings.
Huntingdon, November 9, 1853.
Brilliant Dis
THE public generally, nod the rascals who,
I some titan since, entered my store and remo
ved vnittables to the amount of shout 91109
without my permission, are informed that I bare
;oat opened a more general and better assortment
of articles in my line of business than was ever
brought to Huntingdon, consisting or Wntehes,
Jewelry, Clocks, Fine Naives,
Pistols, Perfumery, Port Mon- 7,1.
miles, Silver Ware, and Fancy _
Articles, Sc., &e. My old friends and customers,
and the public in general throughout the county,
arc requested to cull nod examine my assortment.
Huntingdon, March 29,1854.
HAS,just returned front the east with a large
nod splendid 'moonlit - tem of
Fail and Winter Clothing,
for noon and boys, made in the latest fashion and
in the most durable wanner. Who over wants
to be dressed hater and cheaper than anybody
else in town, let him call at Wn.Lononur's
Comas. C1.011(INO Scotia,
one door west of T.
Head & ten's drug store,lluntiligdon.
Call and see for yourselves
Oct. 18, 1854.
THE library will be open awl/Saturday after:
noon, at 3 o'chick, in their room in the
Court House. Subscription 50 cents a year.—
New books have been added to the former ex
rollout collection—" Fanny Fern ' s" popular
writings, "Bayard Taylor'le ,
ke. The further
patronage of the public will enable the collec
tion to be still more extended.—
By order of the
Buntingduu, Jan. 22 1,,i5
Helmbold , s Highly Concentrated
For purifying the Blood, removing all diseases
arising from excess of Mercury, from
any exposure in life, chronic constitu
tional disease, arising from an im
pure state ofthe Blood,and the
only reliable and effectual
known remedy out,
for the cure of
Scrofula Salt
Scald Ilond,
Ulcerations Wm
Throat and Legs,
Pains and Swellings
of the Bones, 'Fetter, Pim
pies on the Face, and all sca-
lyl;rtiptionn of tho 'Skin, &o:,-&n,
This - link:lC - is now prescribed by sonic of the
most distinguished Physicians in the country,
and has proved more efficient iu practice than
preparation of Sarsaparilla yet offered the pub•
tic. Several cases of secondary Syphilis, Mer
curial and Scrofulous diseases have entirely re
covered in the incurable wards of our Public In
stitutions which had for many years resisted ay.'
cry mode of treatment that could ho devised.—
Those cases thrnish striking examples of the
salutary effects of this medicine in arresting
some of the most inveterate diseases, after the
glands were destroyed end the bones already af
NOTlCE.—Letters from responsible Physi
cians and Professors of several Medico,' Colleges
and certificates of cures from patients will bo
found accompanying both Preparations,
Fluid Extract of tiueliu, $1 bottle or C but. $5
" Sarsaparilla. "
equal in strength to one gallon Syrup of Sarsa
Prepared and sold by 11. T. ITELMBOLD,
Chemist, 203 Chestnut St., near the Girard
House, Philadelphia.
To be bad or Thee. Read S.. Sen,lluatingdan,
Pa., and of Druggists and Dealers everywhere.
Ltrilll Lettrrs di•yeted to the Proprietor or
curiae ieeeedieie attention.
May 13,1355-Iy.
Which iv equal if not superior, to any' now in itQe
Each Pen is Engraved with his own name,
and every Pon Warranted.
Oh did you over, no! never
Merry on us what a treat;
Oct Road!, Gold Pon, they're extra thee,
And only found in North Third Street.
A splendid Pen !V Where did you get it ?
Pure Diamond Pointed, can't he heat;
Yes, my friends, thorn's no Itumbugiu,, ,,
In Read's Oohl Pens of North Third Stria t.
Cr Road's Ng is found only at 56 North
Third Street, befow Arch East Side.
Piladelphia. Jan. 8, 1852.—tf.
Adams et Co.'s Exp!ess,
T. K. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon.
Money, Packages, and goods ofall kinds, re
ceived and forwarded at the risk of the company,
to all the attics and priucipul towns In the Limed
11EPIt 11111:1VIISENI.NT-;
New York, Juno 11, 1855.
"I ave made a chemical examination of
"Rhode's Fever and Ague Cure," or Antidote
to Malaria, and have tested it for Krscuic, Mer
cury, Quinine, and Strychnine, but have not
found a particle of either in it, nor have 1 limn d
any substance in its composition tliat would
prove injurious to the constitution.
JAMES IL CHILTON, M. 1). Chemist.'
Lowisburg, Union Cu., Pa., I' lay 2, 1855.
Dlr. J. A. Rhodes--Dear Sirs The box of
medicine you scut me was duly received on the
itth of April. 1 have sold about ono half of it,
and so Mr the people who here used it, and six
of fist roses were of long standing ; my sister.
who had it for
,five or six years hark and could
never get it stopped, except by Quinine, end
thst only as long as she would take, is now,
think, entirely' cured by your remedy.
Take no inure Arsonie, Tonics, Mercury, Qui
nine, Fobrifuges, Strychnine, or Anti-Periodics,
of any kind. The wet-known inefficiency of
those noxious poisons prom then, to bo the off
spring of fake medical principles, or of mercena
ry plucks. The only remedy i❑ existence that
in both sure and harmless is
Aonx , rs—J,, Ilantingdon, Thomas head & Son,
and for sole by deniers generally.
March to, 1b55-Iy.
HIANKS...AIweys buy your Blanks et the
Journal Otheu." We have now prepared a ve
ry superiurartiele of BLANK OEE 1)S,
TION'S, &e.
Fottiforty, of Ifoxl urn in o ,
coftoit, rtstorr retooffy
the w.rst berefula dune U' a C./1111111111 pinkplt•
Ile has tried it in over I Inn eases, • and never
failed except in two eases, (la,t I; II Under humor.)
Ile has now In his 111 1, , ,, i , n OVe.•ten 111111dred
certificates ul its vin He. all within twenty miles
or Boston.
Two bottles nre warranted to cote a nursing
sore mouth.
Ono to three bottles will c o re the worst kW
Pimples on the face.
T oor three bottles will clear the system of
Two bottles are warmnted to. core Ike worst
case or Erysipelas.
One to two bottles are warranted to sure all
humor in the Eyes.
Two bottles are warranted to cure running or
the ears and blotches among the hair.
Four to six bottles arc warranted to core co,
ruptand running ulcers.
One bottle will cure scaly emotion or the
Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the
worst ease oft ingworm.
Two to three attics are warranted to rum the
most desperate ease Of rheumatism.
Three to four bottles are warranted to cure the
salt rheum.
rive to eight bottles will cure the worst ease
of scrofula.
A benefit is always experienced from the first
bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the
above ncuntity is taken.
Reader, I peddled over a thousand bottles of
this in the vicinity of Boston. I knew the effect
°lit in every case. So sure as water will extin
guish fire, so sure will this cum humor. I never
sold a bottle of it but that sold another; after a
trial it always speaks for itself. There aro two
things about this herb that appear to me surpri
sing ; first that it grows in our pastures, in some
places quite plentiful, and yet its value lino never
been known undl I discovered it in 1846—second
that it should cure all kinds of humor.
In order to give some idea of the sodden vise
and great popularity- of the discovery. I will
state that in April, 1853, I peddled it and sold
about six betties per day—in April, 1854, I sold
°Tar ono thousand per day Mit.
Some of the wlolesare Draggims who have
been in business twenty and thirty years, say
that nothing in the annals of patent medicines
was ever like it. Thin is a universal praise of
it front all quarters.
In my own practice I always kept it strictly for
humors—but since its introduction as at general
family medicine ' great and wonderful virtues
hbve been found it that I never suspected.
Several cases of epileptic tits—a disease which
was always coniidercd incurable, have been cu
red by n law la,ttlea. O. what n mercy if it will
prove effectual in all eases of that dreadful mat
aily-there are but few who have nc:re cf it than
I have.
I know of several cases of Dropsy, nll of whom
aged people cured by it. Fur the various disea
ses of the Liver, tii,k limulache, Dyspepsia,
Asthma, Fever mid Agne, Pain in the Side, Dis
eases of the Spine, and pertienlarly in diseases
of the Kidneys, km., the doeovery has dose inure
good than any medicine WIN' known.
No change of diet over necessary—eat the best
you can get and ,nuttgli of it.
Dieceno, t•on ['sc.—Adults ono table
spoonful per day—Children seer ten years des
set t spoonful! —Children from tire to eight years
teaspoonfull. As no directions can be applica
ble to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate
on the bowels twice a day.
Ittaniiftiviiireil by
A. 120 Warren AL, Roxbury, Hass,
Price $l,OO
T. W. Men; General Agent for I'ennsrh•a-
Wholesale Agents.—N. Y. City, C. V. Cliek•
nur, 81 Barclay Street.—C. 11. Ring, 102 Broad.
way.—Rushton & Clark, 275 Bruadway.—A. 13,
& 11. Sands, 100 Fulton Street.
Fur sale by G. W. Brehinan ' MeWytown; Mrs.
Mary Marks, Lewistown; T. Ruud & Son,
And sold by Agents generally.
Alay 2,1855.—1 y.
Trffit' Ult 1 11WEMR7/ 1.,';'2`11-111T/
Issued under the sent, sanction and authority
Freci. Medicine.
VANIA, AMU. 29, 1833.
MAINLy . Foil Tnr•,
:,:.~' ~1~1 J' ? i_IJ
A!.. ,, f, , aprlyiiPA the l'ornimmity nith
retncdion wherever it rmilpo , olit I'll 3 siciatt
ur will nut he etephiv parchuicA
from I/r. JOHN IL liOIVANI), his celebrated
Rowand's Toni° Mixture
Enown for upwanls cf twoutpfivu years ns
the only sure owl s:tfuettre fur
lad Lk innOimablo rcinedy for
Which highly approved and populnr Reme
dies, together with the University's Remedy titt
Complaints of the Lungs,
University's Ro3o;dy for DyNpopsia or
Tlie University's Rome,ly for Costive rim,
'Also the University's Almanac may he had
at the Branch Dispensary, or Store of
Moore Bwoope, A lexandria, Hunt. Co., Po .
Thos. Rend & Son, flouting',,, " 66
William Bell, t: tt
Kessler & Bro. Mill Creek, " ,< B. F. Kepner, Alifflintown, Juniata "
Benner& Crawford, Thompson town 66 "
Thos. Gberholtaer, Patterson
D. Gingrich & Co., Now Mexico, " 66
Jonathan Zeller. Milton, Cumberland "
W. S. Prowell, New Cumberland 66 6 6
13. Riper,
Jno. F Caslow,
James Bleat:lcy, Franklin, Venting° "
M Thompson, DinWar:wino,
1)unl 'Rapt, Franklin Forgo, 16 41
Uen.liorg trl3,4ser, FraulZaf,awn,
1). Willianis,flulliclav,hurg as n
J. Tlii!inpsont
Jno. Ilys‘ton,Alead Crooked Dion "
J. A. Rutlage. Williamsburg, " "
T. Falls, dad Lurk below <<
Einkaid & Lamy Yellow Springs, "
E. Goodfellow. Hollidaysburg, < < 4
Jacob liilelmyre, Martinsburg, "
B. Mouser. Wayncsimro,
Mary Orr Ilnliklaysbug,
James Be! !, Johnstown, Cambria, "
IL Lamberts., Franklin, Vonangn,
Chas. Rite, Lewistown, Mfflin, "
J. M. Williams. MoVertown,
J. B. Smith, Now tou Hamilton, i"
P. o..Craigo, '
44 I(
J. W. Smith. "
J:is, Strode, Jr„ Strath.'s Mills
Mary Marks, Lewistown,
A. IV. Moss, "
G. IN . Buchanan', McVaytown,
11. lirntsnr & Son, Johnstown, Cambria,
May 16, 1855-11 m.
B.\3ll'lM T. Bitoww
V tS Winn%
Attcanicya at Law,
011100 same us thatt.furintt ly urt•tipied by Julti
Scott, Esq.
3271 e Wi
1.,. liillr, i
ri TAD CO r $1,5 ,
;; : .. w.111,,,f11.1 the th in.; „,
it ;•:,i,: tip• 1,,1 of the year 2,r,
,%ild tiro dollars owl fifty cents if not pa il
fir the expiration Or the year. No subsrriptio
will be token for a less period than six month.
and no paper will be diseontiuited, except 11 t tlr
option of the Editor, eller it has rent of r•r
time of subscribing, until the end of that veol
Subscribers living in distant counties, or oiler•
States, will be required to pay int:lei:tidy
Crtir'Cho above terms will he rigidly wilier
to in all eases.
Will he charged nt the following rite.
Inserti.. 2 do.
Six line, or lc
One sionrc, (10 line,)
Two g . (: 0 1 " ) 100 150 2(0
Time " (40 ) 150 225 a tai
nosiness men advertising( by tho Quarter, llall
Year or Year, will be charged the rollowhcz rat
mo. I, in
91) 75 I pit
(inc 9(11111TO, :,!:1 I.!! • "! ! !! , , (~
Two squares, 7,1,, , 11'1 ,"" is:
Three squares, 750 10 00 i:, 111
Four squares, •,-; 1 , 41 ! 1 1,1
rive squares, 17, ~, y - .•,, y• , s
Ten squares, 2', ~,) io ~ i , is(
Business Cards not e% • i*--"!, -i:, line,, 014
year, $4.00.
Agents for the Journal.
The folloiving persona We Imre appointed Agent,
for the nuNTINOOOx JoueNAL, who ore author
teed to meek, and receipt for money 'mid on sub
scription, and to take the names of new subscri
hers at our published price,
. _
We do this for the c onvenience of oar sulmeri
,ors living at n distanee from Ituntingdon.
Jonx W. THOMPSON, Eq., Hollidaysburg,
SAatutt. Coax, East Doreen,
11. m? licosom, (lily township.
Darn) ETNINE, Cromwell t(muship.
Dr. J. P. Asncom, Penn townqhip,
J. WAREHAM AlarrmtN ' Franklin township,
SAMUEL STEITEY, Jackson towtiship,
Cot. JNO. C. WATSON, Brad , : township,
Mounts it nowx, Springfiel d township,
Wm. Hun. INSON, Esq., Warriorsmark
Otionou W. WIWI:TAM., Petersburg,
IlExtty Nitcr, West Decree.
Jonx BALsnacn; Waterstreet,
Mai. CHARLES 3licamtv. Toil township,
A. .Al. Emtztt, Dublin township,
DEonon WiLsos-. Esq., Tell township,
;Loons CLatta; Birtninglinm.
NATHANIEL Lore,,,Esq., Spruce Creek.
Bfaj, .IV. Moon IC, 11CX1111,111d.
WALLACE, 11.111i011 V 11111.1,,
SIMEON Eel., UM. township.
Chanuaort ' Esq., CaSs township.
SAM EEL WIGTON, EMI., Franklin township.
DA TM PARKER, Egg., Warriorsmarlt.
Davin A urea:, DT, Esq., Todd township . .
Dn. J. ~mot:,, So.tow, Dublin township.
The ... .JOURNAL" has 390 Subscri
bers more, limit any other paper
in this C0U121)%
F A" E"B'
PANY °thee LFI ~D
DI 11INti, N. W.
Second and Walnut sftevis.
1'1111..11 , 1:'1.1 111.1.
'this Company effects Fire Insurance on Buil
dings, Goods, Furniture, Ac.
" CARGO, STo all ports in the World.
Inland insurances on Goods by rivers, lakes,
canals, railroad, nud hand carriage to all parts of
the Union.
Also, insurance upon LIVES, upon the most
favorable toms.
lion. Thomas D. FlOrel;ee.lenieg E. Neell,
George G. Armstrong, Charles Magee,
Eilwar.l I'. Al iddlaton, Ed. It. Beliebohl.
George Ilelinhohl, I F. C. ltreaiter,
Thomas . 'Al:m.l.lldd, I ham. Leech,
T11031.1.ti IS 'FLOftENCE,
Emv.tni, U.
UKEWSTS'.II. A gent,
fait l C ifitacp
And all Kinds o f Leal Blanks.;
Used by Magistrates & Others
Priattil at the .iftlitlNAL OFFICE.
The subscriber, thankful to his friends and pa
trons, and to the Public goteray, for their pa
tronage, still continues to carry on nt the snit.,
shoo!, one door east of Mr. C. Cones Bowl, Mar
ket street, Huntingdon, where he will attend to
nib who will favor bins with their custom, null al
oe keeps on hunch n good MS:111111CM of WATenns,
CLocus, Jr.WELTIY, &c., hr., all of which he is
determined to sell nt low prices.
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of all kinds will
be repaired at short notice, and having made ar
rangements with a good workman, nil repairs will
Ito done in a neat end durable manner, and every
person leaving articles liar repairing shall hays
them done at the precise time. By paying strict
attention to business, and selling nt low Wes, ho
hopes to receive a share of public patronage.
Huntingdon, Sept. 7, 1852.—tf.
Lots in Altoona for Sale.
north of Hollidaysburg and about one mile north
west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county.
After the 21st day of May, the LOTS ini
Tows will be open to the public for sale.
It is well known that the Pennsylvaniaßail
Road Company have selected tho place fort he
erection of the main Machine and other Shops
and are now buntline the came. •
The Rail Road tvillbe opened early in the Fin
throwing at onee a large amount of trade tether
place. The main inducement at this time in
fering Lots for sale being to secure the requis
ite Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for
the Machinists and other employees of the Ra il
Road Company. Early application will secure
Lots at a low price. '
Fot further information apply to C. It. MAY
ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. McMURTI: lE.
Alas , I, 1812—tf.
prousEKEErEns study pm! interests, why
go to Auction and pay extravagant prices foe
half-made Funtitvt;mo NH at No. 1, North
NINTH street, and o.lllillo the largest assort
ment of thu best made Furniture and Beddiug is
the city, 1 miler Beds, Hair, Hook, and Straw
Mattresses; n large. assortment of Navy What
nots, Sofa Tables, marble tops, and Washulands:
Walnut and 11111110f41111V Frellell 'fete-a•teteg, 11i
vans, Wardrobes, Ho;leases; French Bedsteads;
Fancy :stalled Sent, Cane sent, Windsor, and s&
See Chairs, Counting-house, and cane-seat Stools,
Settee and Arm-chide Cushions; Cottage rurni
tore made in every style and color; Sofa Beds nail-
Lounges, wholesale and retail, and worrtmted to
give satisfaction, and sold. at the lowest prices.
Sep. 18, 1853.
11 UNTIS GbUN, P.l.
Practice in the several Courts of Ilunting , lon
l'anihrin. Centre, Mifflin mill Juniata Vim.
i 0