' , lHl2LtfibPllj2 T.L12011111:81M. i ~i nuatu . Fr.ona--The maritetremains inactive. Stan dard brands are held at $0,37?, u 58,50 per bar re!, without antes except in a small way for home consumption, including extras at $8,750. 50,50 per barrel, according to brand. RYE Pam' it and Coax MeAL are also quiet, and prices are nominally unchanged. WHEAT— There is very little offering or selling, owing to the difference in the views of buyers and se leis. Red is quoted nt 200 a 205 cents, and White at 210 a 215 cents per bushel and scarce. Of Rvn further considerable sales are repor. ted at 1211 cents for Western. Coto/ is in steady by demand, with sales of 3000 bushels new Pennsylvania Yellow at 78u80 cents. OATS— Nu change, and sales range att3al4 cents from store. red Crew - it, our now inured upun the, duties Ikea good dicer. Tritkins, of the M. E. io Lnthernn Church in ve next, at o'clock.; —The only genuine nr t John head's Drug •ed with these nuisan- izens have taken ad cold weather of the r ite housesfilled. The Ace thick, and the Jo. 1 p00000c00...c0=07 1 ( 0 ) CAE AV o( , 4 •'' °„ JOB OFFICE .0 , °0 , 4' , (,), OF Ton 4 4 0 66 11UNT. JOURNAL." o I> 4 ' ~ The largest and best ° 0 ' ,°) ' i JOB OFFICE ,°, (' 'i ) ° O IN THE COUNTY. °o "y 0 JOB-WORK o ( S' entry. $1 per year, Directions for Using First find the mouth; then S trace along the line to the right, till you find the day 15 of the week; then down —I the nun,tol to you 111122 the day 9f te month. EGUAll.—This trol of its new editors, e appearance. The the ablest, as well as ournals of the Slate, t::AL—of tho Medical . flays. 13lanehard NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. my be read but Owe nember of the proles .or old, but that they ,y. But especially to cordially commend n•I: in the English lan- SALE OF LOTS AT THE TOMO Cit BEDFORD COUNTY, PA. 1111 IE Samoa Improvement Compauy will sell j at Public Auctiomon 22dqf January, 1856, at the now town of Saxton, A LARGE NUMBER OF EXCELLENT BUILDING LOTS. in. the reception and •oth:t which aro daily ug friend ofoure hap jollification the other Tho town is located at the junction al the nusin stem of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad leading to Hopewell, and the branch running up Shoup 's run. Arrangements arc now being wade toward the construction of a turnpike road from this place tu Martinsburg, and Woodbery, in the rich agriculturist valley of Morrison's Cove and on said day a Turnpike Meeting will be held at the Junction House in said town. And arrange. meats are also making to supply the town with aintain water from a spring having an eleva tion of from all to 60 feet above the village. A Hotel is now completed and furnished. Terms will be made known on day of sale. Plans of the town may be obtained on appli cation to,- or by addressing JAMES SAXTON, President a,n ',et" touch, he iug hrown," and had 3SLITICe tic Lad an ieh when once snuffed o essence-pot ! rgatnot, (le Ince, juice." TO.--The Miners' Bowing table, showing nylkill county g,oell he oli3urved that the tfacturing States took shipped from ltich• of the Company tit Ilattingdoit, lit. N. 8.--On said day excursion tickets will be issued front Huntingdon totionerstown.— Board free of charge at the Jun Mien House. Jan. 16, 1856. 550,074 98,090 69.79 G 33,528 15,518 An Improvement worthy of the Pro gressive Age. ALDRICH & FOOTEN 770,606 523,312 52,850 22,721 20,558 PATENT WASHING MACHINE fI , IIE subscriber is prepared to furnish every citizen of the Commonwealth with nue of these superb articles, acknowledged by all who have them in use, and by every one wi_n has tes ted them, to be superior to anything of the kind ever brought before the public. They are made of the best material, under the supervision of the subscriben, who is prepared to deliver them at any point in this or the adjoining counties. This machine possesses many advan tages over any other of the kind, from the fact, dint it in no manner wanes the clothing, use less soap, and is easier worked. ihington and 16,754 10,645 7,769 4,028 3,517 5,112 3,312 9,294 2,125 ragna, Jamaica, Juan, St. Johns, nnaston, 17,282 The price ranges from six to seven dollars. Tim subscriber warrants this machine to give entire satisfaction. It it does not do everything ho says, no charge Kill be mode. A trial is ear nestly invited and perfect satisFaction warranted. A strong recommendation for the machine is the number already sold. Any person who wishes ono of these articles, can IR' elcommodated by addressing B. J. WILLIAMS, Alexandria, Hunt. Co., Pa. Jan. 1,1856. May 30,1855.—1 y 1,505,984 he lst inst., by Rev. hit Simpson Africa to land, both of Hunting. Notioe to the Publics. mho Huntingdon Foundry lately destroyed by tire and leased to the firm of S. S. Wharton & Co., will be re-built immediately and carried on by the undersigned In the course of a few weeks he trill be able to fill all orders as usual. It, C. McGILL. January I, IBSL-3v le Rev. A.ll. Still, Mr. Giza Hampson, all of lo same, Mr. John W. M. Snyder, all of I luu• to Rev. C. Itiglitinyor, Mitts Lavins, Loveall, Stoves ! Stoves ! ! Stoves ! ! Of various kiwis and patterns for sale at reduced prices for cash—or in exchange for country produce. A variety of oth er articles on hand, at the corner of Al legheny and Smith Streets. . GEO. HAHTLEY, Hunt., Jan. 2, 1856.-31., Aleut. 3 30311 lilt, by Rev. R. ingler to Miss Charlotte 'OIL'S NOTICE. ation on the estate of tote of Brady township, c'd., having bees grant. it, all parsons having tie, will present them I those knowing Hain. die immediate pitintent. I BAKE Drs. MILLER & FRAZER, NIZ.NTIS•T'S. HVNTINUDON, PEIVNA, Offices on Hill btreet, opposite _ tho Court If6use, and North East • Corn, or Hill nod Pmnklin. MISCELLANEOUS ADVEETISBAIENTS. LI PPINCO mi Pronounc ing Gazetteer of the World, Geographical Dictionary. Comprising nearly 2200 pages, including a Greater Amount of Matter than any other single volume in the English Language; giv ing a description of nearly one hundred thou sand Places, with the correct pronounciation of their names, being above 20.000 more Ge ographical Notices than are found in any oth er Gazetteer of the World. Edited by J. Thomas, M. 1)., and 'l'. Baldwin, assisted by • several other Gentlemen. TESTIMONIALS. _ _ From the Ron. Edward Everett.—" This work has been evidently prepared with great labor, and as far as I can judge, front the best materi als and sources of information. The principles adopted in ascertaining the pronounciation of proper names, (an stated in the introduction) ap pear to me correct. This is a matter attended with some difficulty and uncertainty, but it is treated with great ability and in a very satisfac tory manner in your introduction. I have no doubt your Gazetteer will he found an extremely useful work, well calculated to supply a want which must have been severely felt by almost ev ery class of readers." From J. E. Worcester, L L. D., Author of Worcester's Critical Dictionary.—" Having hen sonic examination of Lippincotts' Pronouncing Gazetteer ? " more particularly in relation to Pronounmation, I take pleasure in expressing a concurrence generally, in what is said by the Hon. Edward Everett, of the value and excel lance of the work. The difficult subject of the pronounciation of geographical names, appears to me to have been with great care, good taste, and sound judgement and this Feature of the Gazettes must add greatly to its value." From the Hon. Robert C. Wintrop, "I knew of no Gazetteer so complete and comprehensive I entirely concur with Mr. Everett in the opinion he has pronounced of the work and sin cerely hope that it may receive an amount of public patronage in some degree commensu rate with the magnitude and costliness of the undertaking." From Washington Irving, I fully concur with the opinions given ii Mr. Everett and Mr. Wintrop of its merits, and with their wishes for its wide circulation. Price I vol., ;;;I 8 vo. libraro binding $6,00 " " half Turkey antique 750 6 .‘ full 9OR . 4 2 . 4 lil;rnry style , " " half antique J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO.. PIMA USLI'II lA. For sale at Colon's Book Store. T i IV; 'l' If S IS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT No. 114 Chesnut Street, above Sixth, Philadel phia, and No 285 Broadway New Yotk by WILLIAM S. Mann. & Co., 'rElCSlS.—Three Dollars per annum, paya ble in six months, or Two Dollars and Fifty Cents if paid in advance. A liberal discount to Agents who may become responsible. No subscription received for a less terms than one year. All Subscribers, who do not give express notice to the contrary, will be con sidered as wishing to continue their paper will be sent to them accordingly. No paper dis continued until all arrearag,es are paid except at the discretion of the Proprietors. Rates of Advertising. For 15 lines, first insertion, 75 cents ; each repetition of do. 50 cents. For 8 lines or less, first insertion 50 cents ; each repetition of do. 38 cents. Pay ments fur advertisements to be made in ad vance. T F S S ' PI S S 9l S S M -' - - S M T Mi T \V 11 3 i 4 5 . 61 10 II 12131 17118 19 201 24~a~~ac ? ~'~ 31I_I - -~ Five copies to one address, for ono pat, $lO,OO Ten " " " " " $20,00 With an additional copy to the person t4:i'COßn ttViliMels for - one year *uu:ou With an additional copy to the agent. Twenty live copies to one address, for one . . . $.1./.00 yea \:%lth at; additional copy to the agent. see The money must always be sent in ad vance. When the. amount is large, a draft should be procured if possible. Address, WII.I.IAM S. MAIITIEN & CO. ADJOURNED lIIIENRY W. OVERMAN, No. C, South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Importer of French Calf Skins ; MANUFACTUKUR AND GENERAL 11221a2. Has Constantly on Hand, and Always Finishing, all kinds of Leather, Morocco, CalfSkins,Sheep Skins, &0., dr.c, The attention of Country Merchants and Man ufacturers, is solicited. RED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER. January 2,1856.—1 y. . Dissolution of Partnership. THE partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers was dissolved by mutual con sent on the 15511 Of November last. Persons in debted to the firm will please call and settle their accounts with G. C. Bucher, on or bolero the tet of April next. Alexandria, Dec. 240-,.-18-5-5. The business will be continued at the old stand by the subscriber, who will sell goods at very low rates to all who may favor him with a coll. GEO. C. BUCHER. Jan. 4, 111156.3 t. The subscriber has recently discovered an ore hank which will yield an abundant supply of Iron Ore.—This Ore Bank is on a small tract of land (belonging to the subscriber) containing a bout twenty acres—situated in 'Walker Town ship, about one mile and three quarters from the station on the Broad Top Railroad, near Me . - Connellstown. Specimens of the ore msy be seen in Hunt ingdon at the Ticket office of the Penna. Con. tral Railroad. The subscriber will either sell or lease the a bove tract of land. January 2, 1856. Deturns his thanks to his former patrons, and Itwould respectfully announce that lie lets a gain resumed the prac.iee of medicine, end will at all times he found at home, when not profea• clonally engaged. Charges extremely moderate. Caseville, January let, 1856.-3 m. Votice is hereby given that Letters Testamen tary so the estate of Tobias Burnish, late of Morris tp., Huntingtiot: au., dec'd., have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. DAVID SUMMIT, JACOB HARNIBIL • Erecues. DAVID HABNISII, January 2, 1856.--Bt. Asituation.as Clerk by a young German Ivy has bean in this conntry Cif two yeffk. Was regularly brought up in the mercantile business, is a fine scholar, writes well, and after A little practice would make an excellent 41)9k tacoe. Ile comes well recommended from Germany, and would make a relialio bend. at. quire of. KESSLER & BRO• Mill Creek, Jim The Presbyterian. TERMS TO CLUBS. No 111 Chesnut Street Philadelphia. GEO. C. BUCIIEIt, GEO. B. rolaEn. To Iron Manufacturers. JOHN LEE. DR. Z. L. =OWN, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Wanted. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. BROAD TOP ' MINERAL ENTERPRISE! LtSKYYSADSDu many INDUCEMENT' **Off INVESTMENT 2300 Acres of Coal Laud. 1500 Acres Iron Ore Land This large and very valuable Mineral Estate, lying In the Broad Top coal field, and the hea vy Iron Ore deposites adjacent to it, along the line of the Huntingdon & Broad Top Railroad, is now thrown into market, so as to be accessi ble to all who desire to invest a small sum of money, in the saftst, cheapest and the best way. The Broad Top coal is it pure, compact, easily i ignited and durable fuel. It s admirable for domestic purposes, having lint a trace of sul phur, giving a powerful, steady, and durable heat, and much cheaper and far more healthful than Anthracite. It is an excellent coal for burning Lime, for Sinithing, and Rolling Mills, greatly superior even to Pittsburg coal as a steam generator, and unequalled for the purity mid strength of its coke. Mining Certificates are now issuing which cover 1800 acres of land on the cast and west sides of this Semi-Anthracite coal field in Hun. tingdon and Bedford counties, Pa., much of which has no superior for the quantity and'' quality of its coal. All the finest seams are embraced by these Certificates, the Riddle seam 5} to 7 feet thick, the Cook 4 to 6 feet, the Speer sto 7 feet, the Berner 3} to 4f. Each Certificate entitles the holder to mine and ee ry away ONE HUNDRED TONS OF COAL and also to ono undivided interest in 20 coal tracts of 20 acres each, on the east and west sides of the Mountain, and to one undivided in terest in perpetual mining privileges covering 60 tracts of 25 acres each of Iron ore lands. Audi/icy/lee of each Certificate is but THREE DOLL:IIM The coalmines close to the Huntingdon and Broad. Top Railroad will be put in working or der, and preparation made for sending coal to market during this wittier and next spring. The sale of certificates will be closed, and the gift lands passed into the hands of the trustees for distribution at the earliest possible day. Each coal tract to be distributed is guaranteed to contain it seam of Semi-Anthracite coal, each tract of Iron Ore land is guaranteed to contain a seam of Fossil Iron Ore. The coal and iron ore lands to be distributed are fortunes in themselves. The right to mine 100 tons of coal alone is worth $25, at the price now charged at the mountain. These certificates gives the same right on equally good coal land for Three Dot tare, and adding two dollars fin incidental ex penses for work, their holders obtain coal of the beet tpuditg more than three times as cheap as it can he had in any coal•field which iv de veloped in Pennsylvania. The mining lands on the west side are close to the Huntingdon it Broad Top Railroad, and on the cast side they are at the very gates of the coal field, These Certificates cannot depreciate. The cheapneSs and excellency of this coal insure an extensive and constantly increasing demand tin it, which will put these certificates at a premium iu a short time. Afty.For the evidence that the Coal lands embraced in these certificates are among the best, Ace most accessible, and earliest in mar /.•et in the whole...field, and that those on the West side are close to the Floe Ville Huntingdon it! 1/road Pip Railroad, I refer the public to the lands themselves, or to the map of them very carefully prepared by Mr. It. Velkmar, or to the Report of 1. P. Lesley, Esq., the distin• guishgd Geologist, which can be seen at my olive, and a copy of which will be furnished to any one desiring it. „ _ all inquiries relating to this enterprise, addres. sed to this office. W. R. IRVIN. WM. LYTTIA General Agent. Office, Sfrirket street, two dooraesot of Brown sc., between the Steam Mill Store and the Lew istown Mill Store. Lewistown, Mifflin no., Pa., Jan. 2, 185G,--if The undersigned has been appointed agent at Huntingdon, and in now prepared to furnish cer titica;ee. WILLIAM BREWSTER. lluntingdon ('a. A FARM FOR SALE. THE subscriber ofTers for sale a tract of land 'situate to Henderson township, Huntingdon county, boUnded by 101010 of Peter Swoop°, John MeCartncy's heirs, and others,'containing 175 and one-half Acres, about 110 acres arc cleared and in a goodstato of cultivation, the balance being well timbered. The improvements are a good LOG 'O. HOUSE a NEW BANK. BARN, a - WAGON SHED, a CORN CRIB, tee good ORCHARDS and a never-failing SPRING of water near the house. This farm is situated six miles from the town of Huntingdon. Terms will be made easy to suit'parchaser. ANDREW ALLISON. October 31 0 185.5.—tf. • MAP OF HUNTINGDON COUNTY The undersigned purposes publishing provid ed sufficient encouragement be obtained, a Slap of Huntingdon County. Sant Map to be con structed by actual survey of all the public Roads Railroads, Rivers, Streams, Canals, Township Linos, &c., and every place of note contained in said county carefully shown in their respective places, and the name and place of residence of nearly every businessman in said county, and the branch of Business followed by each one respec tively, and the place marked where nearly all the farm buildings Stand, and the proprietor's and occupant's names. Said snap to contain from fourteen to eighteen feet of engraving, and to be finished in the most modern style and workinan like manner, &e. WILLIAM CHRISTY. ,Pee. 19, 1855.—tf. HUNTINGDON COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Tc h :p r ?c h d a tly be sre ?rat of tin ii pt l r i ato rr el e : r g the oc- Borough of Huntingdon, a School under the a bove title, in which ' is proposed to be given a thorough course of Instruction and Practice in Single and Double Entry Book-Keeping. Also lectures on Commercial. Law, will be given in regular course, by the most talented members of the Bar. --- Sind;uts can enter at any tiine, a day or eve ning Class, or both if they wish. for any other particulars, address personally or by letter T. 11. POLLOCK, Principal. Huntingdon, Doc. PJ, 1855.-3 m. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Motice is hereby given that Letters Testamen• rf tory On the estate of Thomas W. Neely, late of Dublin township, Huntingdon County, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settle. meld. JAMES CREE, Exs • B. EHANEILIN NEELY, • Dec. 24, 11343. 5 43 t. NOTICE. MOTICE is hereby given that the partnership IN heretofore nxistitu; between t h e tk.l.r.ig..- ed (trading under tho firm of Conch I. Ihum,) is this day diosolved by mutual oomieja. The books of said firte 'are in the hands Jr David Dunn with whom all concerned will please to matte liptnediate settlement. GEOWIE DAVID 1)U)IN. April IQ, 18,:.1 COURT AFFAIRS,-JANUARY TERM.' MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. PROCLAMATION. Now is the time to purchase IXTEREAS, by a precept to me directed by V V the :fudges of the Common riCIIF of the FALL &wiNTER 0 lls county of Huntingdon, bearing met the 23d day • of November, 1255, lam commanded to make Public. Proclamation throughout my whole haili- , Y.:`2 o - - - • " - wick, that a Court of COMITIOD Pleas will he Ifavo Just received ream Phi ladilphia, the la, held in the Court House in the Borough of Hun- gest and !lasso assortment of Dry Goods ever of tingdon, on the third Monday (and 41st day) of , fermi to the citizens of tliis place, and surround- January, A. D.,1856, for the trial orall issues in ing country ; such ns Merinos, Alpacas, Muslin said Court which remain undetermined before the ; de Lanes, Paramatta Cloth, Persian Cloth, black said Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses and Colored Silks null every variety of Dress and suitors, in the trial of all issues are required Goods and Trimming+. Also, Cloths, Camini to appear. ers, Vesting, .2.e., &c. Dated at Huntingdon, the 23d day of November, Call and See in the year of our Lord 1852, and the 72th yogi*, one of the fittest assortments of Trimmings hrc'f of American independence. to this place ; also, Collars, Undergleeres, Chi- JOSHUA GREENLAND, Sheriff. omens, Gloves of every variety, Ladies' Scarfs the best assortment of Shaw?, ever offered. CARPETS, A splendo lot of the finest Carpet and Oil Cloth. XCARDWARE, of every variety, And the best assortment in town., QUEONSWARE, of every description, and at lower prices than can be got at any other h: arc. aztoomuces, JANUARY min, Ism. TRAVEASE JUKORS,-WECOND WEEK, David Black, carpenter, Huntingdon. Jackson Briggs, laborer, Tell. Josiah Cunningham, farmer, Barre°. Amos Clark. merchant, Tod. Thomas Cisney, termer, Tell. Nicholas Crum, miller, Tod. James Ewing . , farmer, Barree. George Eby, Jr. merchant, Shirley. Samuel Pease, farmer, Union. Philip Hooper, laborer, Springfield. Solomon Houck, J. P., Tod. Henry H. Hudson, carpenter, Clay. Andrew Hagie, farmer, Cromwell. Samuel Hess, farmer, Henderson. John Hagan, farmer, Barren. Valentine Hover, farmer, Porter. Jacob G. Jones, leacher, Tell. John Kelly, farmer, Dublin. Silas Lang, farmer, Walker. Jacob Longuecker, carpenter, West. David Miller, farmer, Ted. John Neely of James, farmer, Dublin. Beni. F. Patton, merchant, Warriorsmark. William I, States, fitrmer, Penn. John Didenhour,jr., farmer, Penn. Thomas Smith, farmer, Jackson. Solomon Sharp, farmer, Brady. Aaron M. Shoop, farmer, Tell. John Snyder, shoemaker, Walker. • Jolm Vandevauder, laborer, Brady. John Wilson, wagon maker, Cromwell. Thomas Whittaker, farmer. Porter, Thomas D. Walker, carpenter, Porter. Daniel Weight, farmer, Franklin. John Zentmire, farmer, Franklin. PAX* lb W!1I 4000.0.$ AT TILE BROAD TOP DEPOT. tcUNNINGDAM & DUNN have just returned from Philadelphia nod are now opening at o head of the Broad Top Basin alarge and beautiful übi,ortiuunt of Full & Winter Goods Consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Cedar-ware, Hats, boots and shoes. willow-ware. _ _ Ready Made Clothing always on hand. and in short everything that is usually kept in a country store. BACON, SALT, FISH AND PLASTER, kopt constantly for Sale. Call and examine our stock before purcha sing elsewhere, and see whether we cannot make it your interest to patronise us. All kinds of country' produce taken in ex changeforGoods at the highest market prices. The highest market pricey paid for allkinds of Grain. Prompt attention paid to storing and forward• ins all kinds of merchandise, produce, lluntingdon, Oct., 10 1855. Tffich6ma_?zi afr TTIE 7/2[ll. ' Sebastopol Taken ! ! 00; 0 0 0 MDZI The undersigned has just returned , from the city with a large and splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, which he is now prepared to dispose of at very low and reasonable rates. Persons desiring to putt:lase will find it to their interest to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere, us he studies only to please. His stock consists of a large lot of Dry Goods, Hardware. 71100 TO 21f0112 4 VATS Its tAbeft. Glass & Queensware, a large and splendid assortment of ready made CLOTHING, which he is prepared to sell in lots to suit pure', users. JOHN HUYETT,Jr. N. H.—Country produce taken in exchange for goods. kloorsvillo, Nov. 7, 1835.—tf. alt. U. COFFET 9 S Truss and Brace Establishment, Allegheny Bt.. Hollidays burg. Constantly an hand, Macoh i s- co's im proved Trusses—every st 3 to and size; Fine French Trusses for Bernia or Rapture, combining correct construction, extreme lightness, and durability, with ease and comfort. Dr. Banning's Brace for Prolapses Uteri and its associate pains and weaknesses; Erector Bra ces and Chest Expanders of approved make. 04'Special attention invited to Banning's la test anprorement—the Spring-Sllino Shoulder Brace, adapted to all with stooped shoulders, narrow chest, and spinal weakness. It attaches to the Body Brace, is easy, elegant and effective. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. Pelvvits writing for Trusses will state No inches around body, over rupture ; for Body Brace, No. inches amend hips ; for Spring-Spino-Shoulder Attachment, No. inches around chest under arm pits. instruments not fitting, exchanged, if re turned unsoiled. Dec. 5. 1855.-3 mo. I. W. i'IIO3IPSON a.raimanu LIY LAM AND COMMISSIONER FOR PENNSYLVANIA, Davenport, lowa. Attends to buying, selling and locating Lands and land warrants, pays taxer, loans Money on Real Estate security, on commission, examines and makes abstracts of title, &c. Any'business intrusted, will be attended to promptly and with fidelity. Refer to Hon. Geo. Taylor and Members of the liar at Huntingdon. November 21, 1855.—Am.• DISSOLUTION. Whatever partnership which existed between the undersigned in the Surveying business line been dissolved by mutual consent. J. SIMPSON AFRICA, J. F. RAMEY. The business will be conducted as formerly by J. Simpson Africa. Sept. 12,11855.—tf. • LEATHER. FRITZ, HENDRY & W. No. 99 North THIRD Street, 1'1311..A. MOROCCO MANUFACTURERS, CURRIER. and IMPORTED. or FRENCH CALF SKINS, and dealers in RED and OAK SOLE LEATHER and KIPP. io:iiiih 1855.-Iy. IUIM. i?. tALIPDILLI. . A TTORNE.I" .1T LATV, Will attend to all busintes entruoterl tu hiui. Of fice nearly opposite the Court House. May 5, , 54 tIIIMPVIEI Anna. 001/KTI SiVIVZTOR. , ()Rice with DeNtrn. AFRICA, Isy., llillstrtml, hetwocd Ittrivitgomery nittl Smith streets, Yuntt'a. [Siert. 20,'55. WI although they are a little up, we will tfy and soil as low as die lowest. HATS & CAPS, HOOTS & SUOES, the largest and best assortment ever offered, and at lower prices. WILLOW W.A.LX, ice. and every variety of Goods, such as art usually kept in a country store. Call and ace purchasing any all er place, and if we can't M isr), you of the fact, we will cave under. October 3, 1855. Tl i t u e st b r e e s c t e a i s y so e st a m n e d nt fo o r f s ex:: and nil Cloth rfshitshZ l ldo7h7rtitrliisarotint I tirf.a P n e e r s; Paramette Cloth, and all wool Merino. ' all wool do lanes, of the best styles and selected with the greatest care, for ado by J. S: W. SAXTON. 500 assorted received and varietyT i grest of Boots offered toe y J. .Ulr.§. Ladolese,ol'Arnis'linngdes,'.'°t°;.ek.`;'V.nr,.e:tfos.lss." Atecti„",,"tiolnlio,tetosf, lists :Ltt),se. also Silk AlL " , a k ,` ; ., 7.l74:, ll' 2e t . s , , b l y ie l. d l ) ;;T s .TA ß ta r ,l e . t. Tillrenc;!rramir As b te e rc if s u t f in a g s s s ,7, t y men i, V . P) I :: . I°.r - D,, h y er's.Ague., Powders, just j le r ld s and T!'". l riLly stat e ofof Shawls , sect, as Brusba, Cnssi and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. J. ' try 7 p . ro s tit' ' c ' e T in °N ex ‘ c v l i i ll an t g u e b L a r n . k, t i o n t o a f t c° on sir cheap store, south-west corner of Pablie • • splendid assortment o f Gum rec'd Aanriorimie4 J.W.sAVoN. If you want to buy good Cheap Goods, CALL AT D. Z. 03701200. D. P. Gwin 1111 S just received' from , rliiintlel• uhialarge and beautiful stock or limas - • • -- • ---- ----- consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods, for Ladies and Gentlemen, such us French Me- Amiss, Alpaccn, Paramatta Cloth, Persian Cloth All Wool do Loins, Fancy de Laing, Dobai., Coisings, Black and Fancy Dress Silks, and Prints of all description. Also, Cloths, Cassi mers, plain and fancy Cassinets, Vestings, &r. ALSO, n largo lot of dress Trimmings, dress Buttons, Ribbonds, Bonnet Silks, Gloves, Mitts, Woolen and Cotton Ilosiery, Laces, Veils, Un dersleeves, Collars, Chimazetts, lligulatts, Silk Bonncts,nnd a variety of Dross Goods too nu merous to mentiun. Flannels of all kinds, Linseys, Wooten Table Covers,, Shawls, Comforts, bleached and unblea ched Muslins, 'lichen, Checks, Ginghams, So. Groceries of all hinds, Eats ek Caps, roots and Shoes, Oil Cloths, lIARDWARM, QUEENSWAREI Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, end all goods usually kept iu a country Store. Sly old customers, and as many new ones as can crowd in are respectfully requested to come and examine my goods. All kinds of Country produce taken in ex change the goods, at the highest market prices. October 3, 1855. Chantbersburg & Mt. Union STAGE LINE REVIVED. rrIlE undersigned aware that a suspension of I the line of Stages over tho road between Chambersburg and Mt. Union, cannot be but disitritantageous to a large section to the country has, ut considerable expense and trouble, made arrangements to run a line of Stages Tri-weekly between the two points. Good Horses and com fortable Stages have beets placed on the route, and experienced and trusty drivers will superin tend the running of the Coaches. The proprie tor of the line is desirous that it be maintained, and he therefore calls upon the public generally to patronise it, confident that it will be for their mutual advantage. Every attention necessary will be given, and else running of the Stages will be regular. Cr Stages leave Mt. Union, every Tdesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings, arriving ut Chamber:burg the next day at 2 o'clock. Re turning, leave Chambersburg the same night at 10 o'clock, arriving at Mt.• Unien early the fat lowing evening in time for the Card. Stages stop at Shirleysburg, Orbisonia, Shade Gap, Burnt Cabins, Fannettsburg, those Valley, Strasburg and Keerer's store. eirEare through $3,00: to intermediate points in proportion. JAMISON KELLY, August 22, 1855.—tf. THOMAS P. HILL & CO. HAVE OPENED AN IMMENSE CLOTHING STORE, MERCHANT TAILORING MARLIN MENT. Chesnut Street, Philadelphia, No. 165 One door below Fifth, North Side. Gentlemen who wish to buy their clothing rep, dy made, guile as good as can ho made by any Merchant Tailors of the United States, should visit this magnificent store, where goods of the finest class are keptileady Made and in the piece which will be made up to order et the shortest notice and perfect satisfaction warranted. Also a tine assortment of 112 Ct@Ctai. Anil every article is marked with the lowest .511 price, in plain figures. Nov. 7, i 855.-6 mo. DISSOLLTIOSI OF PARTiERSIIIP. Tl,l Partnership hurt:Wore existing between tiku undV.igi..l, 6 1146 day Ity mutual conitent, digsolvel. Tr. husauai: will I...ariu4 pq hcrcaflcr, Lc .1,,1at fruy.11.4., LI/ Olatitabd• JOHN RUVETT, 10)1;1AIT 11. C(iNNIN(;ll.\11. 0Lt..;1. I tf. .11ISf1SLLt1E01 S ERTISERENTs Yl.i).:(_Xli , i'l,ili.t_u , , ]‘IACHLNE SHOP ANDFRENCII tA4-14. 11 ILL BURR .. A STONE,?' -±T ILUI Ali i r jA, trLYA7r, Coiner Germantown Road anti New Market Streets, ,to the North Peotolvanin Roil Road, Philadelphia, Constantly on hand or made to older, the fol lowing highly approved Fluar Mill Machinery. Woodward's Patent Portable Mills and Smut Machines. Johnston's Patent Iron Concert? Bran Dr tors. Stayer's Patent Friel Sai•ing Corn Mins. Picrson's Patent Mere' Moot, and Monldh Machines. iniproved Bridge Steps and Bustles Srr Mil Spindles. WARRANTED, The hest Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Burr Calico Mill Stones. Corn, Cole and Plast Cr.lmre. ALSO SOLE OWNER OF Johnston's Patent Cast Metal Pah- rattath East and South-East attic Ohio and pi Rivers, Warranted to tal:e out of the offal of every Bushel Ground, from I to 2! Ms, of standard "or, which could not be bolted out on account o f t ::e electrical adhesion to the Bran. Noncr —I hereby warn all persons against infringing any rights, secured by Letters Pa tent as above, a 4 I will prosecute all persons In„ki„,,, selling, or using any Bran Dusters with nn I ron or c„,, , Metal' Concern in vio lation of the Lilter , Jui , ston, dated April 2.lth, i $ 5l . THOM Xti B. WOODWARD, Proprietor. N. B.—State and County Patent Rights tier all the shoes Machines for Sale. Augu,i t. 1 q 55. tt BOOKS! BOOKS!! • 30,000 V uLUMES for be iota 'Dela retail pri- F 'A, ces. 464 Pr pilE subscriber Is happy 0 informhis natter ous friends and customers that he has added very largely to his already extensive and Varied stock (Anew and popular books—and Can now boast as great is variety at the same low prices as the City Book Stores. His STATIONARY is of great variety and well selected, vie : Fan cy and Plain Note Letter and Cap paper and Envelopes. Gold Pens and Silver Holders from, Si. nitwards, Pon and Pocket Knives, Port Monnaies and. Pocke- Books, Ink and inkstand. Razor-strops and Brushes, School Hooks in quantities to country merch ants and teachers at City wholesale prices.— Wral,ping paper constantly on baud. 1000 PIECES WALL PAPER of Om kind, Window Paper and. paidted Shade, with Putnam's Patent Self-Adpsting Curtain Fixtures. All the above at Phila. re tail prices, call and examine, "I endeavor to please." Store on Railroad St. Huntingdon, Pa. WM. COLON. Oct. 17, 1R55. BOOK AGENCY, THE subscrili,isl;ll;e7;tabrished n 13,30 k Agency in Philadelphia, and will furnish any book or publication at the retail price free of postage. Any persons. by forwarding the sub scription price of any of the $3 Magazines, such as Harpers, Godey's, Pntnam's, Graham's, or Frank Leslie's Fashions &e. will receive the* aur - mitograptr Jackson or Clay; or if subscribing to a $2 and $1 Magazine, they will receive a copy of ei ther of the three portraits. If subscribing to $6 worth of Magazines, all three 'portraits will be sent gratis. Music furnished to these who gray wish it. Enlelopes of every description. and 'size in large or small quantities furnished. Seal Press es, Dies, &c. sent to order. Every description of Engraving on IVinil (Ex ecuted with neatness and dispatch. Views of Buil.lings, Newspaper (feedings, Views Or Ma chinery, Book Illustrations, Lodge Certificates, Business Cards, &c. All orders sent by mail promptly attended to. Persons wishing views of their buildings engraved can send a Daguer reotype or sketch of the building by Mail or ex press. Persons at a distance having saleable articles would find it to their advantage to address the subscribers, as wo would act as agents for the sale of the same. BY RAM C PIERCE, 50 South Third St., 1 1 / 4 ilacr,lphio, Pa. Nov. 28, 1855.-Iy. FALL AND WINTER 41_61000. Can and loolCb - efax 7 eY , :e_is purchase, tijr_faDo 11'011 1 _ID HAS just returned from Philadelphi a and is now opening one 9f the prettiest and best selected stock ol 'goods ever brought to the bor ough of Huntingdon. It would he utelcss to mention all of the goods we hese on hand Ladles , Dress Goads. of the latest styles. A large stock of Misery, Dress Trintiiii ugs, Ribbons, Velvet, bonnets Underslcves, Collars, Spencers, Casimores, Cloths,Casinetts, Laces, Silk Mitts, Delanes, De-nrge, Kid Gloves, and all kinds of goods generally kept in a country store. Also—n tine assortment of Hoots, Shoes, lints & caps; Chn.ra;e, Quessaware and Cederteart. A largo and goad supply of Fresh Groceries. Conant] coo my goods and examine fur your. solves. Thankful for the patronage of the pout by my friends, and the public generally, 1 respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. , All kinds of country produce - toketi in en. change for goods at the highest snorkel prim Oct. 10, 1855. H, ROMAN, Has just opened A GOO.lO ASSORTMENT . READY-MADE CLOTHING. CONSISTIN,i 11i . i OF' COATS. PANTS . , IrXsTS, And other articles of gentletheu's wear. o,:ubor 3, 1835, COUNTRY DEALERS CAN 111 1 CLOTHING tV NOLNS E 9 AS CHEAP AS IN THE CITY, AT ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. OVERCOATS. All hinds, cheaper than ehowltoro, of H. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE ._ • Dr. johu McCulloch , off—, Ili. 1.6,84011 e fierYirUS to the Cili4Ull: Uiltiiitingdmi acct vieittiVY, Office, Mr. lib& brand's, I.eta cell the Exeltange and Jttekvott' hotel. Aug. .15 1855. OPMPIII DOUGLAS*, in ItteConnellsinwo has constantly on hand, ready made rifles, and is prepared to make and repair Gum a all . Lind, at 010 Ohorlu. 0011 e, 101 l t 3. 165.4-ly