Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 09, 1856, Image 3

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r - 16 AVAia ORD j . P 1 .A Let
2300 Acres of Coal Land.
1500 Acres Iron Ore Land.
This large and very valuable Mineral Estate,
lying in the Broad Top coal field, and the hea
vy Icon Ore deposites adjacent to it, along the
line of the Huntingdon & Broad Top Railroad,
is now thrown into market, as to Ito accessi
ble to all who desire to invest a small sum of
money, hi the saftst, rheum,' and thetas/ way.
The Brood Top coal is a pure, compact, easily
ignited and durable fuel. It is admirable liar
domestic purposes, having but a trace of sul
phur, giving a powerful, steady, and durable
heat, and 111.11 cheaper and tar more healthful
than Anthracite. It is ad excellent coal for
Laming Lime, fur Smalling, and Rolling Mills,
greatly superior even to Pittsburg coal as a
steam generator, and unequalled for the purity
sod r strength cj its coke.
Mining Certificates are now issuing which
cover 16(10 acres of land on the east. and west
sides Or this Scud-Anthracite coal field in Hun
tingdon and Bedford counties, Pa., much of
which has no superior for the quantity and
Slrmliip of its coal. All the finest seams are
'chair:iced by these Certificates, the Riddle seam
to 7 litet thick, the Cook 4 to 6 feet, the
Speer sto 7 feet, the Berner 3} to 44. Each
Certificate entitles the holder to mine and ee
and also tomes undivided interest iu 20 coal
tracts of 20 flares each, on the east and west
sides of the Mountain, and to one undivided in.
:crest in perpetual mining privileges covering
00 tracts of 25 acres each or Iron ore * lands.
Ind the price of each Cerlificalo is pt rultEE
The coal mines close, to the Huntingdon and
Broad Top Railroad will be put ill worki ii ngori•
der, and preparation made tbr sending coal to
tuarket during this winter and next spring.
'the stile of certificates will be closed, and the
gift lands passed into the hands of the trustees
tore distribution at. the earliest possible day.
Each coal tract to be distributed is guaranteed
to contain a seam of Semi-Anthracite coal, each
tract of Iron Ore hind is guaranteed to contain
use= of Fossil Iron Ore.
The coal and iron ore lands to be distributed
are fartuues in themselves. -
The right to mine 100 tons of coal done is
worth $25, at the price now charged . at the
itaimiatim These certificates gives the same
right on equally good coal land for Three Dol
lars, and adding two dollars for incidental cx
Ibr work, their holders obtain coal of
the to,/ quality more than three times as cheap
as it can he laid in any coal-field which iv de.
velopi•il in Pennsylvania. • The mining leads
ou the west side are close to the Huntingdon &
Broad Top Railroad, and on the cast side they
arc at the very gates of the coal field. These
C e rtificates domed &predate. The cheapness
anal excellency of thin coal insure an extensive
and vonstantly increasing demand fur it, which
will put these certificates at a premitun in a
short time.
Dix Far the erbbatre that the Coal lands
embraced iu them: ',View'ex taw among the
loot, most rteerssible, a,, i tallies( in mar
ket in the wh(dr . ficlel, and that An :e A, wd
Bi , le are Clone to The (lac tif the Ihtnti nylon
Juno , ! litp Railroad, I refer the public to the
lands themselves, or to the map of them very
carefully prepared b Mr. IL Vulkmar, or to
the Report of J. I'. Lesley, Esq., the distin
guished Geologist, which can be seen at my
oilier, and a copy of which will be furnished to
any onedesiring it.
Pull and satidnetory replies will be given to
all inquiries relating to this enterprise, addres
sed to this other. W. It. IRVIN.
W . NI. LYTTI,N, G'enrral
Office, Market street, two doorsenst of 13VOIVII
Si., Letween Ulu Steam Mill Store and the Lew
-I,two Mill Store.
Lewistown, Mifflin co., Pa., Jan. 2,
'llia umlorsigned has been appointed agent 01
lltnitinglion, and is now prepared to furnish cer
tificates. IV 1 1.1.141A1 intimsTEß.
thwrinydon pu.
.11tieribel. tillers for sale a tract of land
1 sittuttu in llendersun town,ltip, Iluntin:_rdon
County, bounded by lands al:Peter Swonpe,
.le(2.ltrtney's heirs, and others, etudnitting
175 . and one-half Acres,
about 110 acres are cleured mid in a good stoic
of cultivation, the balance Whig well timbered.
The improvements
re a good LOG
, - HOUSE, a NEW 1 •
WAGON SHED, a CORN 011111, two good
•ORCHARDS and a never-foiling SPRING or
water near the house. This them is situated
six miles from the town of Huntingdon.
Terms will be made cosy to suit purchaser.
October 1, 1855.—tf.
The undersigned purposes publishing provid
ed sufficient encouragement he obtained, a Map
of Huntingdon County. Said Map to he con
structed by netual survey ol all the public Roads
Railroads, Rivers, Streams, Canals, Township
Lines, Sc., and every place of note contained in
said county carefully shown in their respective
places, and the name and place of residence of
nearly every businessman in said county, and the
branch of Business followed by cacti one respec
tively, and the place marked where nearly all the
farm buildings stand, and the proprietor's and
occupant's names. Said map to contain from
sburteen to eighteen feet of engraving, and to be
e I in the most modern style and workman
like ;limner, &e. WILLIAM cuitisry.
Dec. its, 1855.—tf.
" . 1111 er9 has been opened in the Hall formerly oc
. cupied by the "Sons of Temperance" in the
Borough of Huntingdon, a School tinder the a
bove title, in which, is proposed to be given 0
thorough comic of Instruction and Practice in
Single and Double Entry Hook-Keeping. Also
lectures on Commercial Law, will he given in
regular course, by the most talented members of
the Bar.
kltudents can enter at any time, a day or ere
ming Class, or both if they wish. For any other
:particulars, address personally or by letter
T. 11. POLLOCK, Principal.
'lluntingdon, Dec. 19, 1855.-3 n•
Entice is hereby given that Letters Testamen•
tury on the estate of Thomas W. Neely, lato
of Dublin township, Tluntingdon County, have
been granted to the undersigned. All persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make
payment without delay, and those having claims
to present them duly authenticated for settle.
most. JAMES CUE,
11. FRANKLIN NttiELV, Ex '
Dec. 24, 185.).,,6t.
, Bberman's Valley & Broad Top R. R.
Company Election.
The stockholders in this Company will take
notice that an election fur permanent officers
.of the company, viz ; A President and twelve
Direct ors, will be held al the house of Thomas
Morrow in East Waterford, Juniata county, ou
Thursday the 17th of January, at eue o'clock,
President of the Board of Uoutudosioucrs.
David lit-Mba r mechanic, Warriorsmark.
John N. Ball, mechanic, Huntingdon.
Ralph Crotalcy, farmer, Cam.
John Davis, Jr., fanner, Morris.
John Halm, farmer, Walker,
Collins Hamer, Iheme•, Porter.
IVilliam Johns, farmer, Cromwell.
Jacob 'Lane, laborer Cromwell.
John F. Lee, farmer, Jackson.
John Myrely, farmer, Tod.
M'llvaiii, mason, Franklin.
Rudolph Neff, farmer, West.
Isaac Oatenkirk, farmer, Brady.
Daniel Piper, tanner, Porter.
Levi l'h,•asunt, limner, Union.
John Rudy, farmer, Jackson.
Levi Smith, thrnicr, Union.
Jacob Sillily, farmer, West.
Andrew Sharrer, filmier, West.
Andrew J. Taylor, saddler, Dublin.
John Whittaker, gentleman, Huntingdon,
Joke Walter, farmer, Morris.
Math. F. Campbell, farmer, Union.
David Zook, farmer, Brady.
William Adams, farmer. Warriorsmark.
Alexander Appleby, farmer, Dublin.
James Allen, farmer, Porter.
Geo. W. Barkley, laborer, West.
David Bowman, farmer, Shirley.
Geo. Branstefter, farmer, Warriorsmark.
John Basor, jr., farmer, Tell.
John Corbin, sr., farmer, Walker.
Joseph Grove, farmer, Shirley.
Benj. Grove, farmer, Penn.
David Heck, farmer, Clay.
James Woman, farmer, Cromwell.
Jacob H. Isett, iron master, Franklin.
Thomas Irvin, limner, Union.
Robert Johnston, farmer, Jackson.
Samuel Johnston, farmer, Hopewell.
David Kinch, blacksmith, Franklin.
Abraham Kurtz, farmer, Hopewell.
George Keith, farmer, Tod.
John Lyon, iron master; loranklin.
Henry Lower, bri...k.laye'r, Huntingdon.
Benjamin Lithe, farmer, Tod.
Isaac Lininger, cabi, maker, Huntingdon.
Peter Myers, tailor, Shirley.
John McMahan, farmer, Barree.
James Magee, former, Dublin.
Joseph McCoy, Esq., fainter, Walker.
John Meettrtney, farmer, Henderson.
Samuel Morris, termer. West.
Jas. Maguire, gentleman, Huntingdon.
Joseph Norris, farmer, Penn.
Alexander Park, farmer, Hopewell.
Joseph Park, farmer, Clay.
David Patterson, carpenter, Dublin.
John Porter, firmer, Henderson.
Isaac Peightal, farmr, Penn.
Alexander Rouse, laborer, Frank!in.
George Rudy, farmer, Jackson.
John Rupert, fernier, Clay.
Johan. Shove, farmer, Clay.
Michael Starr, farmer, Cromwell.
Wm. Summers, grocer, Huntingdon.
JainewSimpson, jr., farmer, Brady.
Aaron Shore, farmer, Clay.
John Thompson, Esq., blacksmith, West.
Henry Walker, mrchant, Porter.
Benj. F. Wallace, limner, Morris.
David Black, carpenter, Huntingdon.
Jackson Briggs, laborer, Tell.
Josiah Cunninghum, Sumer, Barret.
Amos Clark, merchant, Tod.
Thomas Cisney, farmer, Tell.
Nicholas Crum, miller, Tod.
James Ewing, farmer, Barrer.
corgi. Eby. jr., merchant, Shirley.
S;uao,•l boast, farmer, Union.
Philip Hooper, laborer, Springfield.
Solomon Houck, J. I'., Tod.
Henry H. Hodson, carpenter, Clay.
Andrew Hagie, Steiner, Cromwell.
Samuel Hess, farmer, Henderson.
John ling., fanner, Dame.
Valentino Hover, Sumter, Porter.
Jacob G. Jones, teacher, Tell.
John Kelly, fanner, Dublin.
Silas Lang, farmer, Walker.
Jacob Lotignecker, carpenter, West.
David Miller, trmer, Tod.
John Neely of James, farmer, Dublin.
Benj. P. Patron, merchant, Warriorsinark.
William L. States, farmer, Penn.
John Itidenhour, jr., theme;, Penn.
Thomas Smith, lanner,'Jitekson.
'Solomon Sharp, fanner, Brady.
Aaron M. Shoop, flamer, Tell.
John Snyder, shoemaker, Walker.
John Vandevander, laborer, Brady.
Johe, Wilson, wagon maker, Cromwell.
Thmaas Whittaker, Somer. Porter.
Thomas D. Walker, carpenter, Porter..
Daniel Weight, Sinner, Franklin.
John Zentinire, farmer, Franklin.
No. 6, south Third Street,
Importer of French Calf Skins ;
Has Constantly on lian.l, and Always
Finishing, all kinds of
Leather, Morocco, CalfSkins,Sheep
Skins, &cc &G.
The attention of Country Merchants and Man
nfacturere, is solicited.
January 2, 1856.-Iy.
Dissolution of Partnership.
riIHE partnership heretofore existing between
the subscribers, was dissolved by mutual con
sent on the 15 th of November last. Persons in
debted to the tiros will please cull and settle their
accounts with G. C. Bucher, on or before the let
of April next.
Alexandria, Dec. 24th, 1855.
Tho business will he continued nt the old slued
by the subscriber, who will sell goods at very
low rates to all who may limo him with a call.
Jan. 2,1856.-30
To Iron Manufacturers.
Mho subscriber has recently discovered an ore
'bank which will yield an abundant supply of
Iron Ore.—This (h•e Bank is on a small tract of
hind (belonging to the subscriber) containing s
hout twenty acres—situated in Walker Town
ship, about one 'nil° and three quarters from the
station on the Broad Top Railroad, near Mc-
Connellstown. .
pecimens of the ore may be seen in Hunt
ingdon at the Ticket office of the Penna. Cen
tral Railroad.
The subscribe• will either sell or lease the a
bove tract of land.
January 2, 1856.
would t i t y to iti l i i n i s o
~f re e t u) t at i ro o n i s ,:,
e an a t!
gain resumed the pismire of medicine, and will
at all times be tuugd at home, whoa nut profea•
sionally engaged.
Charges extremely moderate.
Casarillo, January Ist, 1856.—am.
Notice to the Public.
mho Huntingdon Foundry lately destroyed by
tiro and leased to the firm of S. S. Wharton
& Co., will he re-built imitanliately and carried
on by the muldriiigncil In the course ol'a few
weeks ha will bobble to fill all ceders as usual.
By virtue of sundry writ, of Vol.eExp. is
sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Huntingdon County, and to tne directed, I will
expose to public sale nt the Court House, in the
borough of Huntingdon, on Tuesday the 15th
day of January next, at 2 o'clock, I'. 51., the
following described Real Estate t
All the right, title, interest and claim of de
fendant, Henry Cornpropst, of in and to o cer
tain lot of ground, situate on the North side of i
Hill street in the borough of Huntingdon, fron
ting fifty feet on Hill street and extending hunk
two hundred feet on Charles street, to Washing
ton street, having thereon erected it large log
weatherbonrded house, two stories and
high with book building 45 by 14 feet, with a new
building fronting on Charles street, erected for i
a carpenter shop. The said house and lot kIIOWII
as the Hopp 'Pavern property, and numbered 215
in the plan of the said borough of Huntingdon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Henry Cornproptt.
All the right, title and interest of said defen
dant, of, in and to a piece, parcel or form of land
in Cromwell township, in the county of Hunting
don, containing 183 acres more or less, about 90
acres of which are Moored and under fence, hon
ing thereon erected a one and a half story log
house, a small one story log shop, and a log
horn, together With the appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Wilham Laird.
All the De fendant's‘tight and interest in and
to a tract of land in Berme township, Hunting
don county, containing 30 acres. m ore or l ess
bounded on the East by Thomas Crownorer, and
onthe South, North and West by Couch's heirs,
haying thereon erected a two story log house. a
small frame barn with othcrmt buildings; about
28 acres cleared and under Altiration.
Seined, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Catharine Ash,
ALSO. ‘,
All the Defendant's right antVkiterest and es
tate, in and to the following deißkilted tract of
land situate in Cans township, Huntingdon Ca.,
bounded on the North by lands ofl , cs Norris,
West by Jacob Barnet, South by Ja b Drake,
and containing 196 acres, be the same more or
loss, with about 80 acres cleared, as having
thereon erected a two story log house dystnall
stable and saw min.
Seized, taken in execution and to be
the property of William Crotsley.
All the right and interest of William Stitt n
of the Defendants in and to two lots of groan
in the village of Scottsritic, Huntingdon comity
one fronting 57 feet 8 inches on Hudson street,
and extending back at right angles 99 feet to
Ashman street, !toweled by lands of George D.
Hudson on the East, haring thereon erected a
two story log house. The other fronting 57 feet
8 joshes, on Hudson street, and extending back
to Ashman street 08 feet, !taring thereon erected
a small frame stable.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Win. Stitt and Blies Swoops.
A certain lot of ground adjoiningthe borough
of Birmingham, containing about one arra more
or lets, adjoining a lot of John Owens, Esti. on
the west, the politic road leading from Binning ,
loan to Waterstreet on the south, lands of Sho
enberger on the north and cast, on which is er
ected a Brick Building seventy feet in length,
and 35 feet in depth, three stories high, with
stone basement.
Seized, taken in excretion and to he sold as
the property of the Mountain Female Seminary.
All the right, title, interest and claim of the
Defendant, Thomas Wallace, of; in and to a
piece and parcel of meadow land, situate on the
margin of Stone Creek, in the borough of Don
tingdon, adjoining a lot of George Jackson , on
the North, a lot of William Dorris, see. on the
South, another lot of said defendant's in the
sonic enclosure on the West, and said Creek on
the East, mistaking germ acres and sixty-four
perches, be the same tome or less.—A lot of ground situate at the south
eastern corner of Church street and St. Clair
street. in said borough, fronting about sixty-lour
flint on St. Glair street, and extending back front
the same two hundred feet, to the old line of the
said borough, and western boundary of thesaid
above mentioned and described lot. Bounded
on the North by Church street, and on the South
by n lot owned by the widow Hawn, including
the whole of lot No. 173 anal part aka N 0.172
in the recorded plan of said boroughs.
Acso—Four contiguous lots of ground, situ
ate in said borough, bounded on the North and
West by the Benner Farm, on the East by the
Warm Springs road, and on the South by it lot
of the Hon. James Gwiti. Nos. 1, Y end 3 are
represented on a map of said lots, divided on the
lath day of October, 1855, for the defendant by
J. Simpson Africa, County Surveyor, containing
each four acres, and No. 4 containing about three
acres, be the same more or loss.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Thomas Wallace.
A LS()
All the tight, title, interest and claim of the
Defendant, Richardson Read, of, in end to all
the Real Estate late of his falter, Thomas Bead,
dee'd., (who died intestate) to wit : The undi
vided one-filth part of nil the real , estate
which Wes owned and Online,' by the said Tho
mas Read, deed., immediately before anal at the
time of Isis death: that is to any, the interest of
defendent to wit: The undivided one-fifth of it
lot of ground situate on the south-west side of
Hill street, in the borough of Huntingdon, ad
joining John Aiming:a on - the south-east, Arm
strong Willomdt"iy on the north-west, with a
More house thereon erected, in which is kept the
Drug Store of Photons Read & Son. the
undivided fifth of a lot of ground on the north
east aisle of Hill street, in the said borough, :ad
joining lots of Willi.' (trbit:On, Esq., on the
East and West, being fifty feet on Hill street in
the said borough, end extending back 200 feet to
Washington street, on which is erected the man
sion house lately occupied by TIIOIIII. Read,
dee'd., with other buildings. At.., all the in
terest as above, of defendant in a tract of land
in Cromwell township, at ihe eastern base of
Jack's Mountain, adjoining lands of Benjamin
Rinker and others, containing :348 acres, more
. or less, part of which is elearsai., all the
interest as above described of defendant in two
other houses and lots in the borough of Hunting
don, situate on Washington street, etch fronting
50 feet on said street and extending back 200 It.
to Mifflin street, and numbered 166 and 167 in
plea of borough. A cso, all the interest as a
-1 hove described, of defendant in and to a tract of
timber land situate on the eastern slope of Ter
race Mountain in Union township, Huntingdon
county, adjoining Muds formerly owned by D. M
Blair, lands of 1). Africa', Esq., and others; sur
veyed in the nom of James Fea, 12th Septem
ber, 1809, containing 42)1 acres and 64 perches,
more or less. And also upon all and any other
interest or right of the defendant of, in and to any
and all other lands of the defendant, descending
to him by the laws of this Commonwealth, from bet
his father, Thomas Head, dec'd., of whatsoever Mg
kind and quantity, and wheresoever situated in
the county of Huntingdon aforesaid. the
interest of defendant M a house and lot situate
in the borough of Cassville, late part of the es- o h
tato ofThomes Reed, dee'd., fronting on the old &
road .d extending back to Main street, eon- ,
Mining between a fourth and a Ina( acre of land,
on which is creates! a large two story stone house t o
and a brink store house, *ante warehouse, car
penter shop, stable .d other out buildings. AL
so, the interest of defendant in and to a tract of
land lying on Mill Creek, in Brady township; on
whielt John Weddell now resides.
Seized, taken iu execution and to be sold es the
property of Richardson Read.
SherilVo Office, J
Hunt., Dec. 19, 1835.
FirrEHS of Administration on the estate
of James Stewart, Intl of West tp., Hunt
ingdon Cu., dei,!'d., barring been granted to the
undersigned, all persons indebted to said estat
will make immediate settlement, and those hav
log claims against it will present them duly as
theutieuted tor settlement. •
Nev. 28. 1855.-lit '
curio by prceept t!, no! directed, ( Wed
1 , at 11 untinglion, the 28,1 day of November,
A. D. 18:15, under the hands and souls of the
lion. George Taylor, President of the Court of
Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, andgenct
al jail delivery of the 24th judicial district ofPethr
syl van in composed of H untingdon, lulair and Cam
bria, and the Hnn. Thomas F. Stuart and Jona
than McWilliams, his nasocuttes, Judges of the
county of Huntingdon, justices assien.l, appoint
ed, to hear, try aid determine all and every in
dictments mule or taken fir or concerning all
crimes, which by the laws of the State are made
capital or felonies of death and other ollences
crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or
shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated Mr
crimes aforesaid—l am commanded to make pub
proclamation throughout any whole bailiwick',
that a Court of Oycr and Terminer, of Common
('lens and Quarter euesione, will he held nt the
Court House in the Borough of Huntingdon, on
the second Monday (and 14th .lay) iit January,
next, and those who will prosecute the said pri
soners be then and there to prosecute them a. it
shall be just, end that all Justices of the Pence,
Coroner. and Constables within said county be
then nnil there in their proper persons, at In
o'clock, A. M. of said day, with their records, in
quisitions, extuninations and remembrances, to
do those things which to their offices respectfully
Dated at Huntingdon the 23d day of November,
in the year of our Lord 155:4, nod the 79th
year of Americo!' Independence.
TxTHEREA S, by a precept to MC directed by
V V the Judges of the Common Pleas of the
county of Huntingdon, bearing test the tad day
01 November, 1855, lam commanded to make
Public Proclamation throughout my whole baili
wick, that a Court of Comm. Pleas will he
held in the Court !louse in the Borough of Hun
tingdon, on the third Monday (and 2tint day) of
January, A. l)., 18.56, for the trial doll issues in
said Court which remain undetermined Icetitco the
said Judges, when and where alljurors, witnesses
and suitors, in the trial of all issues are required
to appear. _ _
- - -
Dated nt Huntingdon, the 23d day of November,
in•the veer atter Lord 1855, and the 79th year
of American Independence.
Register's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons
interested, that the following named per
sons hare settled their accounts in the Regis.
ter's Office, at Huntingdon, and that the said
accounts will be presumed for confirmation and
llowanee at the Orphans' Court to be held at
entingdon, in and for fluid county of hun
t .gdon, on Wednesday the 16th day of Jane.
al , to wit
Henry B. Mytinger, Guardian of James
StSlewrt, minor sou of Anthony J. Stewart, late
of M ris„township, deed,
mes Maguire ' Guardian of James Mc.
Calfun;mino son ofJaIIICS AleGahan, Into of
the borough Huntingdon, dec . d.
3. James A guire, Guardian of Marg aret
Alt:Cohan, min daughter of James AlcCuian,
late of the boron of Huntingdon, dee'd.
4. The Genera Guardianship Account of
John Scott, Esq., uordinn of the minor chit•
drew of Greenberry torocy, lute of the borough
of Huntingdon, dec
5. John Scott, Es.
Mary 5f Dorsey, mi
Dorsey, Into of the
Guardian of Ellen I'. &
r children of Green'ierry
kiongli of Iluntingdont
G. John Owen; Esq.l
Bentty, minor son of
Wapiti township, Muffin
7. Ale*ander Magee,
Parsons, deed., who wa:
Joseph Parsons, late of
uardiati of Walter
igh Beatty. tato of
mentor of Elizabeth
It Administrator of
township, dei:d.
pallid Piper, no
'tityett, Into of Pot,
S. The Fitial A ecoun
ting Executor of Jacob G
ter township, dee'd.
J. TIIC Stipplemental A
Executor of William D. 1
township, deeM.
10. George W. llnzttan
nut, Administrators of
late of Ulan. towuship, d
11. Jolts K. Metz, is
Williatn Marlin. late of 1
Ilitiltitigdwi, Dee. 1.1, 'ii,
1 1)16 1 6tetnre t „; E „Z.Ile 8
'rues and ]Rr:ue
burg. Cunitantly on lu I. :Mesh (V, im
proved Trusses—Query st and sine; rine
. lin• rro,o or 11 , 1
COnStrUCILOII,CXtIVMC li looses, nn,l ditrability,
wil„flaeal tn comtort.
r.anning's Brave or Prolapsng Uteri and
its associate pains nod , nknersom Erector Bra
ces and .Gleest Etpantl, of approved make.
"Special attenti invited to linnning'a la
test improvement—th Spring-Spino Shoulder
Brace, adapted to all with stooped slionklerm,
narrow chest, and opt l weakness. It attaches
to the Body Brace, i. easy, elegant and etfectivc.
Orders from a diet ce promptly attended to.
Persons tenting for ' fusses trill state No inches
around body, over rt lure ;for Body Brace, No.
incter. arolind hips; or Spring-Spine-Shoulder
Attachment, No. incline around chest under arm
pits. instruments not fitting, exchanged, Un
turned unsolital.
Dec. 5. tBt.s.—ttme,
- -
curt of John Robb,
li, lute of Porter
.; valteth Pheas
len ariah Pheasant,
Administrator of
do township, duc'd.
Whatever partnership which existed between
the undersigned in tlic Surveying business has
been dissulved by mewed consent.
.1. F. RAMEY.
The business will be conducted as formerly
by .1. Simpsolt
Sept. 12, 1855.44
No. 2U North num) Street, PIIILA.
and dealers in RED and than SOLE LEATHER
and KIPP.
Feb. ttOthilBss.-Iy.
TitiO r do [Pe (2.a_PD.kill'a.>
TTORNEI .11' LI ll',
Will amen to all business entrusted to hint. Of
fice needyopposite the Court Rouse.
ty 5453
c''' isill&flan LiraiM2 4
. trarr suintstax.
clwith DaNisi. AFritaA, Esq.,llill street,
Montgomery and Smith streets, Hunt-
Penn'a. [Sept. 2b,'55. tii]
i t
T 1 partnurship heretofore existing between
e ersigned, trading under firm of Conrad
C risty, Section No. 32, on the Huntingdon
Id road Top Railroad, wan dissolved by nut.
A consent on the Mb day ofJune last, 1855.
JUSIA.II c atusTY.
cember 24th, 1855.—5‘.
to hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing between the undersign
l(trading under the firm of Conch & Dunn,)
this day dissolved by mutual consent. The
oks of said firm are in the hands of David
inn with whom all concerned will please to
tke Immediate settlement.
01.10ROR COUC 11,
April 10, 1855-tf.
JOMPIi DOUGLASS, in hleConuells town
h. constantly on hand, ready inailo rifles,
awl is prepared to make and repair Gum
kinds at the shortest notice.
Of Valuable Real Estate
Tll l: ,iibseriber otters will-known Tavern
Stand Property, on Ray's 11, Fulton Co.
Pa., at private Selo, with all the land belonging
thereto, being 343 ACRES of patented land,
lel nerds of which in cleared and under good
Num The improvements are a large
Frame Tavern Stand,
a good large Stable, sufficient to accommodate
eighty horses, Granary, Corn Crib, Wagon shed
and all other necessary out buildings, and on
excellent orchard of choice fruit—a never fail
ing.streami of wider at the door, and scver o f
good Ilvingspriugs in different parts of the land,
There are also on this property Two Good
'recant Houses.
The abo , re is one of the best known Tavern
Stands on the Road, and the pines is in it high
state of cultivation, :mil well adapted for plis
Ile also offers for sale tho Farm adjoining the
above, on which ho at present resides one half
mile south of the Tavern property, containing
SOO ACRES of good limestone land, 514
acres of which is cleared under fence. in a good
state of cultivation,nnd the balance well timber
The improvements arc good new
Two-Story Weather-Boarded HOW,
Bank Barn, Spring House, Wash House, and
other out .buildings, a first rate orchard of good
fruit, a good spring close to the house, and !lc
see failings springs of meter in every field.
There are also on this tract a good
Lime Kiln, and several excellent quarries, and
no good a location for a Tan-yard as could be I
desired, with plenty of bark convenient. There •
are also Three good Tenant Houses on this
place end tics other good barns.
This is one of the best stock farms in the
country, ami offers peculiar inducements to any
person who desires to raise cattle, &c.
Ile ss ill sell in quantities to snit purchasers,
nod any one wishing to make n bargain would
do well to examine the above properties before
purchasing elsewhere.
Terms made to suit purchase..
For further information apply to the subseri•
Oct : 10, 1855.-3 m.
rll1 -1E slibrcribjrsl;,; , ;;;ttrbilshed a Book
1_ Agency in Philadelphia, mid will furnish any
hook or publimttion at the retail price free of
postage. Any persons. by forwarding the sub
scription price of any of the $3 Magazines, such
no ilotper's, GoileY's, Putnam's, Gralmnes,'or
Frank Leslie's Fashions, &c. will receive the
magazines for one year and tt copy of the splen
did lithograph portrait of either Washington,
Jackson or Clay ;or if subscribing to a ft and
asl Magazine, they will r;,eive a coin of ei
ther oft ui three portraits. If subscribing to f 6
worth of Magazines, all three portraits will be
sent gratis. Music furnished to those who may
wish ir.
Envelopes of every description and size in
large or small quantities furnished. Seal Press
es, Dies, Sc. sent to order.
Every description of Engraving on WON! ex
ecuted with ominous and dispatch. Views of
Buildings Newspaper Headings Views of Ma
Illustration,, Lodge Certificates,
Business Cards Sc. All orders sent moil
promptly attended to. Persons wishing views
of their buildings engraved eau send a Ihiguer
reutype ur sketch (Atli,: building by mail or ex
. . . . . .
Persons at a distance having saleable articles
would find it to their advantage, to address the
subscribers, as we would act no agents for the
sale of the same. BYRANI & riErten,
50 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Nor. as, 1055.-Iy.
0 0 I) 70.
Call and look before you purchaso,
115 M.
returned from I'hiludulphin nntl is
ll;,`„swi te
ning one of lie prettiest and host
selected stock of goods ever brought to the hors
°ugh of Huntingdon. It would ho useless to
mention all of the goods we bare on linncl—
Ladlei , Dress Goods,
of the InteslTtTle;
A large stela of Misery, Dress Trimmings,
Ribbons, Velvet, bonnets tinders!eves, Collars,
Spencers, Casimeres, Cloths, Casinetts ' Laces,
Silk Mitts, Deimos, De-Berge, Kid Gloves,
and all kinds of goods generally kept in a
country store.
Also—a fine assortment of
Hoots, Shoes, Hats, & caps,
Glassware, greensward and Crahrirare.
A large and good supply of
Fresh Groceries.
Call end see my goods and examine for your•
Thankful for the patronage of the past by my
friends, and the public generally, I respectfully
solicit a continuance of the same.
Al! kinds of country produce taken in ex
change Mr goods at the highest market price.
Oct. 10, 1855.
tAtk WINTER 4000:0,
IUNNINCIIIAM & DUNN have Just returned
kj from Philadelphia, and are now opening at
the head of the BrOad Top Basin ii large and
beautiful assortment of Fall & Winter Goods
Consisting of _ _
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard-ware.
Queens-ware, Cedar-ware,
Hats, boots and shoes.
Ready Made Clothing always on hand.
and in short everything that is usually kept in a
kept constantly for Salo.
Call and examine our stock before purcha
sing elsewhere, and see whether we cannot
make it your interest to patronise us.
All kinds of country produce taken in ex
clmage Goods at the highest market prices.
The highest market paces paid for all kinds
of Grain.
Prompt attention paid to storing and forward
ing all kinds of merchandise, produce, &c.
Huntingdon, Oct., 10 1855.
;PUlVA l l32,i l jili ale 7212 - 0224
Sebastopol Taken ! !
30,000. MIEN
The andersigned Itas just returned from the
city with a large and splendid assortment of
'all and Winter Goods,
which ho is now prepared to dispose of at very
low and reasonable rates. Persons desiring to
purchase will find it to their interest to give hint
a call before purchasing elsewhere, ns ho studies
only to please. His stock consists of a large lot of
Dry Goods, Hardware.
Glass & Queeusware,
largo and splendid assortment of ready made
which he is prepared to sell in lots to snit porch.
users. JOHN HUYE'Vr,Jr.
N, B.—Country produce taken in exchange
for goods.
Moorsville, Nov. 7, 1855.-0.
alr - fralwy salt
CQ31.1118.9.101VER FOR
Davenport, lowa.
Attends to buying, soiling and locating lands
and land warrants, pays tow, loans Monet• on
Real Estate security, on commission, exautines
and makes abstracts of title, &c. Ani business
intrusted, will be attended to.promptly and with
Refer to Ilan. Geo. and Nit:llll.l . s ot
die Bac at Huntingdon.
-- --
Now is the time to purchase . fLU YLLIStYJ'SJ
4)4. Y.) s c.rl:l,N;,
flare Just received from Philadelphia, the lar
gest and finest as:431111101A of Dry floods ever of
fermi to the eitmens of this place, and *amend
ing country ; such ❑s Merinos, Alpacas, Muslin
de Lanes, Par:matte Cloth, Cloth, black
and Colored Milks and every variety of Dress
floods and Trimmings. Also, Cloths, Cassini
ers, Vestings, &e., &e.
Call and See
one of the finest nssortnteats• of Trimmings ltrc't
to this place ; also, Collars, Untlersleeves, Chi
mazetts, G 10 1 .12,4 of every variety, Ladies' Scarfs
and the hest assortment or tThatvis ever offered.
A splendid lot attic finest Carle:l end Oil Cloth,
of every description, and at lower prices 111011
con he got et any other house.
the largest and best assortment ever sikred, ;tad
at lower prices.
and every variety of Goods, sad! as :ire loolally
kept in a country .tare. Call and are before
purchasing any oil er ',lace, and if we can't sat
isfy you of the fact, we will cave under.
October 3, 1855.
The hest assortment of Cruet aria Oil Cloth
just received and for side by J. W. tiiixtoo.
/Me handsomest assortment of De lanes, Per
j sian Cloth. lamina Cloth, Dotage do Lanes,
Parametto Cloth, and all wool Alernmes, all wool
de lanes, of the best styles soil selected with the
greatest care, for sale by J. &W. SA \'l'O\.
- _
500 forsllo assortedil)J.
. Pr iyt
.;; . t receiscd nod
The greatest variety at Boots and Shoes over
offered tor sale by J. &W. SAXTON.
T ndies' Celinrs, lintlemleeves, Cliimnzetts, and
i_j(iloves, Trimmings, at J. W. Saxtons.
A !mindful lot of lints & Cops, gm> Silk nod
aStraw Bonnets, by J. &W. SAXTON.
great variety °envies, Heed Pregses, Brace.
lets, Trimmings, &c., by J. & W. Saxton.
Tito band,omest assortment of Dress Silkp,
I just reev'd and for 0010 he J. & W. Saxton.
Abeautiful assortment to velvet, silk and won
seed rmtings, by J. & W. sArros.
skier's Ague Powders, just rce'd and for side
J. & W. SA vrox.
rpl., best lot of Shawls, such as Brosha, Cassi
-1 tiler, Bay state nod square shawls, just recd
and for sale by J. St \V. SAXTON.
T& W. SAXTON will take all kinds of coun
t, try produce in exchange fur goods at their
cheap store, south-west corner of riddle Square.
A splendid assortment of Ourn Belts just ver'd
Mr sale by J. W. SAXTON.
If lou want to buy good Cheap Goods,
Gwin has just received front Philintel
villa a largo and beautiful stock of
raw, AND 1747:5:2,7T:an CIOODS
consisting of the most lashiunahlo Dregs Goods,
for ladies and Gentlemen, such as Freneh Me
rinues, Alpiteen, Par.imatte Cl o th, p ers i, o , cloth
All Wool de Loins, Fancy de loins, De
Cohings, Black and Finley Dress Silks, and
Prints of all description. Also, Cloths, Cassi
mers, plain and limey Cassinets, Vestings,
ALSO, n large lot of dress Trimmings, dress
Buttons, Itihhondn, Bonnet. Silks, Gloves, Mitt,,
Woolen and Cotton llosiery, Laces, Veils, Un-
Ilersloovos, Collars, Chimazotts, Eigidetts, Silk
Bomiets,and a variety of Dress Goods lOU nu
merous to mentim.
Flannels of all kinds, Linnoys, Woolen Table
Covers Shoe Comforts, bleached and unblea
ched sLlins, 'lichen. Cheeks, Oinghams, &e.
Groceries ofall hinds, Eats & Caps,
Moots and Shoes, Oil Cloths,
Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, and all goods usually
kept inn country Store.
My old costumers, and as many new ones as
can crowd in are respectfully requestA to come
and exmnine my goods
All kinds of Country poultice taken in ex
change for goods, at the highest market prices.
October 3, 1855.
Chambersbierg 4 %; Mt. Union
THE undersigned aware that a suspension of
I the line of Stages over the road between
Chambersburg and Mt. Union, cannot he hot
disadvantageous to a large section to the country
has, at considerable expense and trouble, made
arrangements to run a line of Stages Tri-weekly
between the two paints. Good Horses and cum.
fellable Stages have been placed on the route,
and experienced and trusty drivers will superin
tend the running of the Coaches. The proprie
tor of the line is desirous that it be maintained,
and he therefore cells upon the public generally
to patronise it, confident that it will be lee their
mutual advantage. Every attention necessary
will beiven, and the running of the Stages will
be regu lar. .
tficStages leave Mt. Union, every Tuesday,
Thursday, and Saturday evenings, arriving ut
Chambersburg the next day at 2 o'clock. Re
turning, leave Chumbersburg the same night at
10 o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union early the fol
lowing evening in thno for the Cars. Stages
stop at Shirleyshurg, Orbisonia, Shade Gap,
Burnt Cabins, h'nnncttsburg, Horse Valley,
Strasburg and Kec'er's store.
fkr Farcthrotigh $3,00: to intermediate points
in proportion.
August 22, 1855.—tf
Chesnut Street, Philadelphia, No. 165
Ono door below Fifth, North Side.
Gem!men who wish to buy thoir clothing rea
dy mode, quite no good us can be made by any
Mercheut Tailors of the United Status, should
visit this magnificent store, cohere goods of the
finest class ore kept Heady Male and in the piece
which will be mode up to order at the shortest
moth, end perfect satistUction warranted.
Also a film assortment cf
\ .l las, :Pi : . Lzi 66(0
And every article is inciriscd with the 10W0St cash
pt ice, iii Odin figures.
Nay. 7,1855.-6 mo.
The Partnership heretofore existing between
the undersigned, is this day by mutual consent
dissolved. The business will be canted on
hereafter, by dolin lltiyou.dr.. at the old stand.
.litllN 1 . 1.:*!"f..1.:..
I u MILL STONE:::' , "'
1J yA
own, or (;,,,,:ortom, Pond and New Market
Streets, on the N,th Pennsylvania Rail Road,
Constantly on hand or made to eider, tha foh
lowing highly approved Flour Mill Machinery.
Woodward's Patent Portable Mills and Smut
Johnston'm Patent Iron Cononve Brno Pn
Stover's Patent Furl Suving Corn Mins.
Nou's Patent Barrel }limp and Moulding
Improved Bridge Steps and Bushes fur Mill
'flw best Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Barr &
c a lk t , Corn. Cole and Plaster
Johnston's Patent Cast Metal Cons
col e
. 11 ILA . 1 i 1k:ill' 1;11,
East atul SmitlcEast of t!^., Ohio and Mississip•
pi Riveis.
Warrinicil to tali, out or the of every
Bushel If round, l'rom I to 2t ?he, or slumlord
flour, which could not be bolted out on account
ofllue electrical adbesiot. IC' the limn.
NOTICE :—I hereby warn all persons against
infringing my rights, secured by Letters Pa.
tent as above, as 1 will prosecute all persons
making, selling, or using any Bran Dusters
with an Iron or Cast Metal Concave in vice
ls.tion of the Letters Patent or Joaeph
st.., dated April 24th, 1524.
THUMAS 11. R t)OltWAl,lt, Proprietor.
N. It.—State and County Patent Rights fur
all the strive Machines P,r Sale.
29, 185.1. tf
30,000 ti„ their (l ' l ' l ", s ett r t'fir, b il:
rrilw, subscriber is happy to inform his limner
-1- ens friends and customers thut he has adtiml
very largely to his already extensive and varied
stock of nee• and popular hooks—and can. now
boast as great a variety at the same low prices
as the City Book Stores. His STATIONAR's'
is of great variety and well selected, via. Fan
cy and Plain Note Letter and Cap paper and
Envelopes. Gold Pens and Silver Holders
from $1 upwards, Pen and Pocket Knives, Port
Monuaies and Packet- Books, Ink and inkstand.
Rasor-strops and Brnshcs, Sth.
School liooks in quantities to country inerch
ants nu.l teachers at City wholesale 'wires.—
ECES WALL PAPER of everykind,
kind, Window Paper and painted
Shade, with Putnam's Patent Self-Adjusting
Curtain Fixtures. All the above at Phila. re
tail prices, roll and examine, "I endeavor to
Store on Railroad St. Huntingdon,
Oct. 17, 1855.
Birmingham Huntingdon Co, Pa.
TILE winter Term of this Institatiou trill
o pen Wednesday October Mat.
. .
-- iystrnction elven in ell the branches requisite
to entering College advanced. We are also
prepared to aceommuthtte any who may Wish
to give attention to the ornamental brunches;
in : With., to these WC design giving prominence
tn• , e , v .1,4/memo .
ti,,ns of ministers and young toe ❑ who lion
lieen engaged in teaching and desire to tit them.
,elves Inure thoroughly for thet station are ad.
mitred free of Tuition.
Taision,Board and Furnished room $60,00
per session—payable s trictly olio ball in ad
vance, the other at the middle of the term.
Tit )m As wAnu, Principal,
T !M iS POUT'!', Assistant.
Oct. la,
Itodenhanter on the Piles.
Now iikADY.
Practical Observations on some of the Disea
ses of the Rectum, Anus, and Continuous Tex
tures—giving their Nature, Seat, Causes, Symp
toms, Consequences, and Prevention ; especial
ly addressed to non-medical leaders. By
Bmienlutiner, M. D. Second edition with plates
&c. Bvo. 52. J. S. El/FIELD,
Nov. 7, 1855. No. 34, Beekman st.
For the core of White Swellings—Curvature of
tie spine ; Dyspepsia ; Neuralgia ;. Rhettnin
tism ; Dinnease of the Kidneys, Ovarai, Womb,
&e., &e. A book accompanies each machine,
giving full instructions in the application of it
in tubercular and scrofulous diseases. Manu•
tinctured and for sale by W. C. & J. Neff, No.
South 7411 Street, Pliniutlelphia, l'a.
September a, 1865.
Has , lust opened
A tld ether articles of gentlemen's tear.
iletobor 3, 1855.
. _
lAll kinds, cheaper than elsewhere, at
Dr. John MoCullooh,
oflers his professional services to the ritivens of
11untingdon and vicinity. °thee, Mr. !huh:-
brawn', between the Exchange and Jackson's
Huntingdon, Aug. 29, 1855.
Collect., are hereby notified that the Com
! inissieners will meet on the first Monday in De•
ectlibur next, to give them their exoneration' oc
...Willa Fines. According to a late Act of As.
wily no exonerations for said tines can be giv.
1211 offer that time. By order of Commissioners.
U. W. )(MILER, Clerk.
Nov. 22,1855.
Estate of James Campbell, late of Shirk
NTOTICIi is hereby given to all persona inter
ested that the undersigned appointed audi
tor, by the Orphans' Court to distribute the bal
ance °lonia estate remaining in the hands of
Hance. It. Campbell, :Weer., will attend for the
purpose at .'dice, on The .day the 20th of
December, 18: , 5, at 10 o'clock, A. 111., and that
at that time and place they ore required to pre
sent their claims to the undersigned or no de-
Ixtrictl eutuitig in fur a share of soda asset'
yr lutittuce. A. W. URNEUICT,
Nov. Auditor.