Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 02, 1856, Image 2

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- e - • - ---- • ' -- - --- -----!--- - --
Now whilst we depreeMo the idea of ,)' e • , i A dioeer A tau 11/x,- 10 Ins: ninon Re- j New York Correspondence. ,BY THIS MORNINGS MAILS .
(.hutch establishments by the State, we )1M1 ; 1101111 il 0 Ili n,li . ; pubh , an . eaPrr "Soma 'me • ''''.° a. Owing 1
Netr.Yints, Dee. 28, 183.1. - - •
• -.. F 1 ' 141 4111 11::%'1 - 8 IsIESSAUE, ak.e.
must never forget the indebtednvas of the ' ' ! men heding from Set ten, Va., armed et Ma. Eitcrunst- 4,
- ....“1
latter to the former for its progress in lib- ~; „\ , „•-•; -;-- --; •;:,, ----, -!=‘- --‘-' i let_kilineldsberg, ‘.lterif alter tunittieing a w„,";tik. ';,;: , ..Ther,...t,big imenethe deueele -nay 'I ;';', fer t !
Tile war In KmOas has again brolten out.-
la, et. threetda 8. Isl. omilbio • • . 1, fg
end principles and civilization. ;er awe, ht was tutitteddionictiag.• to a Dore, . , I I s, r - , 4 • \j•. . • • ••• •
~,,,,,,, has roc„ ! „„;b3,,p„, ~,4 b y t 0 fi ov . : t .eietiwortli a c 0,,, mit occurred bets,(e n
k„t g -I "4 , iu,l '', '"• • 'l' 6 k reglf.lo3.le fateily ro.din" in I t adt 'Alt . ,• r i t,,, i ,i t it, tad sone. Wee fotittinintilfed egi• : the pro tooto,,ti.-wivi,., men, on the cite,.. ~,s
It is not true as politicians in the !wide e ee - - - l! ! '• -- • ty. Far a Irak er lc„ days all "WOO, no . ot e as treutilte fficerfg"..., to tint siffirl , . 14 ),_ . ' assehabling to vote on the constitution. The
of their hearts too frequently say, that nian -- •:-• -!!' '' '''''''-'' '-' -
*i ! ' '4. - - e mt•riage bell,' , :antj on last Sunday
! wi•ek, when esttrangeklro I 1.0 a eke., the t• •• • N• Pi'l l i' .' 'hil l 4aa B ono • ballot I,,tx.i were dostioyed, and . anti.sla
by unassisted reason is a progressive be. ; 7:t -- .-- _s -- ---'—:---: ;
ing, and that the light of nature alone has ; eVWQyet -...R;lsi,re,,e.e, t.••• dropped dealt a . • , st
IMe l'uwell's Ilotel hailing also from Staunt.m. .
. t s.D to ,1 1 1 / 1 1 deal out et' his wtty 'Old this " that
1 gr....demon having conceiveli a 4;4late tin tides° rely mnit's house burned. On the person
I „ i; ”. ,
brought us up to our high position amongst ' ' l •4 l /4 ,:e •,*: - •k : • • •'''' . 7* ;-•••••: '- -.' „i , .-, At uday mor ning the stranger in q uired the the most renege resemblance to it, idthough , the jail doers Were torn on 1 • '
the nations of the earth. And had the - - ••••... .. .: • ''' . .e ; 'e, ! ..''.2e.,,,.%), whereabouts of the lately constituted husband, ! it, is worthy of remark that he was a member ' - ...,, ,e . . •en and theprisone r
it building was then sat fire t 0..-
At other ; points the Missourians have Maltreat.
Presitknt consulted either ancient or mo- sr
- w --- ednes
cloy Morning, ;Taunt - try 2, ise: and on receiving the information repaired to lof the New York "Irish Direetety," whose pro- rescued. ,
, the house. When he found the object of his I leased object was to collect money with which ,:
dery history with an unbiased heart, in- l i ,-.....,,,„.,..„, .to supply munitions a war to the people et ' ed thy onions.
stead of reducing the claims of that , 'high- „ et,:l4:l47.l';;;;AreieVir: ED! TO It S. search, (who it appears 'tad no desire to see i ricelith,t, for the ; lim p., a „. 4 i„, w „,„t a i iiat ,
1 l'he HOuse of It .t • • tt" , • f• d
;;_,...........„; hint) he told him that 'his errand was to re- 1 'Heir CovUrniticitt de jitelo with whir we , ' I , e - tea a Ivra aa , on Y fa •
er law'' upon our regards, he would ns an , • ••-• - • - e keinby surprise when the Private Secretary of
venge the wrongs of a. sister who had been be• . were at peace: Whtitever may bethought oft
honest politician have employed all his ! GRAHAM'S MACAZINE.-The January min,
urn ;,l b .
him mu
i ..
,d .
g . le e rig,liteußSlloSB of th e coni•se pursued by , the President arrived with the Message. A
dds sterling periodical is air only I. •fore ` ,
I Walher, it is certain that his Gevernmeto is delinte ofsome hours ensued as to the course
character as a man, as well as all the in-; be ' (4. Ile the ii ) eu,4l I) e ' :
, t fl i •o u ni P h ru is ini' a r n :t r u la t - L e : .
us, anti gives-evidence of the renewed spirit .1,
r, , ;
.;; t , tiniest'' t a ; new the established Onvernment of . Nou•agna, I
, to be adopted, It was treoetally viewed RR RR
fluences of his high of fi ce to enhance it i
• enterprise which wi ll eharnetcrue its prtidue. ali t
,I'' tm • l ' ('' another to the l'et.tVert telling , and is much more entitled to recognization than . . . • .di • d 11• If • u b.f . Loth
in our estimation. I him tha t oilly by the death of one of themeettld ' was the Government uf Texas AMU. lleuston • innolattot, 0 s e t, 11 . ...tria g e cme
1 lion for the coming year. For the parlor, Ont-_,„ ' , ' I chambers *ere organized for busines, Mr.
!in face tattle pane of Mexie6. it. is thought •
What progress had our Angle-Saxon 1 ham's Mon th ly is certainly the book a the "''''''" 'in hi' riimilY . " "am" be " .. .Pe' awiLY. Dunn ...In, nenfleu it 1,,,,,k, mil mr. pw; „•,,
The bridegroom, however, not lilting the idea I h e re a° perm anent °Plaaatt"". will ,*"'". ' ~ 1 • • .
fathers made from the days of their father 1 country ; nail although Ito fete has been ten.: ' . consistetoly Ito Wade LI) the colutizatieu 01 , oumaryla
~ , Wildruf it to Ito on the table. A
Jephthah, save, in moral arid intellectual ! tiered to its editor or publisher, where dnen of of having six holes bored in his earthly tither. ! n e „,.,,, 4 „, ; ruwoh;;; ,„ ra ,,,;tul. that it should not be read,
le Terns the ts t
infused pr•olldred instrument of "hen- I Chri t stmos was more generally observed 1.... , ,
darkness, down till the thl century ; when I small calibre may puff each other into notice.; aal ' • which w oar f r rbby 12C, against 87. Finally
a few toys of light from that "higher law" it is run say i ng too much to suggest that the ta•'.(.;taittiowledged the corn, .d showed such I t i i is ,... y n c i a s r than fur , y pasta
llL 'a t. l' seaitle; was sloppy, Iby a niejorY-Y ''‘ I'4' tau 4 c"“g" """ 'a i d .'"
I feast of intellect provided within its coverdis a f e n f e le t r iti o: t a ; tiwardieu, that he completely..
e r ) ;;; •, 1 , ,; ,° • , ~ the he.° adjourned until Wed.
fell upon the dark regicin of North BritMn im out ,•very place in amusetuent in the t the ta11.,,, „ i
0, gurpsuied by any of its rivals. • . the, who, pocketing his revolver, 1 city was crowded hunt pit to dome. Theastitels i ;; „,. da ,, •
whence it was carried front the Clyde to ' The terms offered in favor of Collll.)ination returned tu hts bawl, cud in a short time de- as usual, were spent in toys for the Young 011011, 1 ",,. -
Inland, and thence by rlohnithe to lona, parted. Various surmises are still afloat on • who have doubtless I{ destroyed items tenth .
1 subscriptions to this work are of the mos t fa
whore he established a school with that I cortsble character, and we cheerfully comm and. the prOleible result of this romantic nffair, .d •of them. Thu•rtising CL/11111111,11 . the City !se
"higher law" for its basis, and front whence, it to our readers, as well worthy theilY.patrunage. ' itmon• ; - the nest, our settee is that the Virginian p ress ‘ ., ; . sc a ;i r L a cu f ; % ll a b l e ' i b u l e ) , l t: ' ,L c o vt" , - 1 7„ 1 . ,",''', 1 ,:,, th , ' „:
diverged those rays of light by which the I , ~,--, 7, ' - ''''" e ,"',' •''
~., ; thoultl have"winged his man," or at lewd 1
ssot• more a l , a, sc o r and certnittly more interest-
native darkness was rolled back from the I w -"..--!"
..- A"N" ' ''''''' '''.l'..--- c him a conple , oftitues through the eat! of the 1 it...“'""' the . I.°l ' s, which are faa'alY• 11 "I'da
e have received from Messrs. DeWitt,, lbt. I /tg. . . 'ilk books, with guilt edges and red env .
British mind, until, us is well knolvn, its ; ........._
_,. , .
...I , intendol exclusively tor center tables. NO, lll l , l,°'' ' .• ~,,
.; 1 ., I I
v.port, the above named book b y Gedrwe W I 4i y approved or the Message
~;.;;„ ~,..;., i t„,„„,...,...4-1..-(1, d. 3 LiNO.prol ever reads them. fmu happy to be able, lip': I '''' '') "" ". • , •
light and its tendency to promote human.' Bungny. ' a work. coatdn'in •• slre ' teh : t '
e u s f,l
t ,, , , ,, ,,, c ,, , ,,, , ~, ,. .C , ...;o e i r a d f it ta e u r a r tyf ile f i o r n a f tthttt Ca lifornia ttiffi r i e d in . I i cant,
i t;
t e i l:o c ii i i t e y .l , o o ., l l : ut oo p o n , b n li i ' r e o rt i t y ie t i , i ,,i by A. 7Z.:4 1 old d i e fi ae t : ,i n , , l • p r...l l t. k li f e f : r i i i t c n i o . er ,: : t i s c , .t . s .. l . l iA s" . l: l 4 .
libetty, was a principle cause of the re- of the must influential and prowinei g it eon
trenchment of despotic power, durMg the the day. And WO consider . , that .Ir. Dungny ' • would create greater anxiety than does the, de- „11,‘(1,i,us!Splikal eLetris which I saw in use •"th;') 1 end 'Mr. Toombs also viewol the 'Message
reign of Elizabeth and James I ; and that , has fulfilled every re., e irOw, t 0 ",,,,,, he has I l ay o f c oagre ,,, ;,, 0 ,.,,,,, 1 i., - ,,,, f or 1,,, a 1 ea , 1 •:; ( ,1,: m ' i n. 5 11 1 ,% re r 7,. 1 ,, ) ,, 1 . i n ' s
, l g ;; ! ,, litl'n't'r ( 11i . , With CaVOr , Mr. Se.rardj. : wiliing to go e•
it was by virtue of this lair, working in • i
"Telirileed iii lII* "'de` a ll "' die i " f " r """'"" , or But there i,. ,me vi e w of this b a ttl e in the these charts. .11,•••iti g tl e c t .tO ' l l ,',d s ~ ,ou 1 ir4 1 f• • tae Munroe doctrine in support
~ , , yen as 111 ns te 4
the hearts of the 13ritish subjects, that the ; f i t" ,, l i l: ic -s i 7 8; :c - e 'S co ii , t n ti e : 1! " - w .e . l e di r a ; des ' i ' i l'' I 11..5e--the war t in a triaugle--su gg e,ted by S'ar'' " 1 afY lir , to totfaing., s i . , , d , i i,Y!'„," , ) ; . l of the rights of the nation. The !ifessaie was
tyraunk Stewart dynasty was driven front ; our tin s tit. forbid suc h on . e"xamittatiri g n i :f t r ' li t' s j the It '' ' ''' A (Iver4i ' .l• • " I ' 4ll ' '" ' tu al ' ila l''' m ati s l;7te l fu l Zit a r ' is a tu a s a , i i . ' l"4" l 4 ‘ ; i a t, l' e a i " l ' .
r c ) ;„I I • 0 ,,, st „,„theu ordered to be Printed, and the Senate ad•
the thank of England, and the world freed , wor k as it descry.. Meantshi We sincere] • twice that tio i t to public affairs cal motto ,. o p ~,„,.,,„. „, e l l t;,,, ; . ir7itivestigete,; ! jorrned till Thursday.
The Haase, distracted as it L., may cum.,' freely 11:1011 11ii , 1_q_1j:' . . 1 :). 1 . 111 : 1, 1' ... , ... - , ! ,, , , m , .......... ,, ,!.. , ..."..=.. ,, F...'''"' - ';.' , .. -- ...
from a set of monsters. Our President I commend it to the public, and hope thltt it may 3 i j ig ''' .
a. called upon to "foot the nest 1. ),,, idra0, and Johnson's Philesorthieni.r tia ';", ; .*e't. Y.": i , Ol.l, Bum, thereiime-Mr. Benjamin . tuns
could not have 1 ived for over belle century Lave es -' • i 1. It 's fur sale mClul.i'e !
, 1111 CA t.llsi, SILL. 1
C111111(0 tau 110, 1 ,11,11/00,01 :seamy 1 numepu • t
i Olin none . portlier, division w hi c h i mpe de tl • a genuine :ion of cono,ticti, thus writ •s to
amongst th e chthlmn of the Puritans in the Booe Store. e '' There sire tee eh ...oil, all :eel about :Sli t dr,,, ,
I election of a speaker, meat embarrass these- • ' • l' • ..... illti 'lrak,. of the !ceding the callow of the New Turk 'tribe. t
east, without kerning front them, that it I A 1 , ; , ;; ;; ; : i ." - H, - ;:, ' r t . ': ”..‘•., ~ i ff • I • •' • • r • • a a ,'" a' ' t!'''' ~teat , i'• ' •
Toro, (r out essrs , Tay- „ em em re e 1 ',Mein. .1' ease of the failure principles upneemetio, optics, astronoray,,,and • • ''l wish to prove we have a Yankee bor eiti•
was because their fathers were so inspired I ler it Creiner, last week. a haeket o f their pre- ;of the Electoral Collages to thoose.. Psesid.eit the other scieneek included in the terto Nat.
, zen who is superior 0.. the v ioli n to any 'one
with love for that higher law" and con• I mi. m apples, for which we•mturn our prefoun. ; the election devotees um , 11,0 States, dirou ,_, ;; ;
eel Philosophy. Ilit . t.s have tic , l , y , i c it f l i tnge, w( "l f uti o - I
0,0,0 has corm; ;;;; the ,tag,„; 1 can do it. , , 1
se cen t hatred of despotisin, that they (1;4. n'eknowledgments Suchl
app,es, e re of , their repiesentetives,, the p0pniuri,,,,,,,1, • ,„d , , ,
.c1z . :• , .,Jh r i? .. ...ite.,: didn't
.)..,,,w ha tt s , •:
iu , i ,i • L,,, f ragnb t pu t ,ls . ( i t e t , i ti r i t , t f t n • ,, f . o , u rt,, p ,u artta r t e 11 f s lue s te re tn o l n the
, V t i r, in.
were constrained to leave the land and the rightdriamp, and the nursery of •taylor Sr .
Ategres , , and Sbri of them ma s t unite ou I.,c't seein to appt•ematc Ilat_titct, l a d:, t ea? , o l a t , ,Jl', o l o ~..,,,,,, 00 ~, , I ,',',
‘,. ~,,,. ~, ;,„„,,,,_ ,•, t, , • ~,,,,, . 4 , 0 ,4-- Seine hundred 'oar , rice, ~,torly ~,,,,, er a. s 4 •
the graves of - their fathers, bravo the den- ere...3r is the piece where the trees to prothice , r5 ;, .....''," , v .? t i. ': ; 2; l 4,,, t 4Wslet. 1 -, -,,,,;„„),,,,,,,,____,......,,.....; i ;; ; ,,,,,,,,, , , 00; ,, , hnis wita one finger only; and with rapidness, al
........, can be procured. utelo•clu th ii,44, ~.., . math: to the order of the ' , I '"' ' a l i t t ! ,:g P li t t l e h aZOll ; l cal • g l • P ,l ful l;
gets of the deep, the howling w . . . I d i rtlo 4 l l ,,ienn and :i• divided. ' Those who
'....-• -`•••• - .-......te, -tr.. • • .iii_r ..•' t a• - "' l. "'"'" al ''''' nra "'" r'''' 4 • - a l t ' ,este.' ber the agitating veil. of 182 t will P a • r ' lts ` tr ' wr "' " ta '' i a !""aall.t ....ere"' • l l4ld t s" i t a ci a n s ti foreign 'rll 7 teo n el l "...•
our fair inheritance is the result, and the ica comes is, e s tar th e new year r u n a int ,
.. , . . 1,, r e .,,,, ne o f th e •ol o et.thioied towns of En- , eed laying Of. SeVOtt yeam al 8,, h a , or e n , •
regret to antnipatt a rocurreuee of such a err. ; rope, the "oldest inhabitants ' , stint adher e' t o is,..A . ~,,,,,, or less flit tarot) soles •
price of their toils and privations. • •
esting reading. The price of this work is but
mss' . , the mieient eMenu, ma] eaal'ut nine yeas; v
ha induced to •I er ' , south. musie•sehool in My lifli • am th (-
Didone dollar per year, and we believe a dollar , - - ••----........-- --
not our whole race with the single ! look id any ready-made artieleS of dress. lint, fore ;It tewda-, regale il' I- ' H' ..
could not re profitably invested, Dian by , Wrtdit A 811AW1..-If you want to be iii fash I the beau reemic of the rising t genet•toi., ~,,,,eB c . ' ~ ••• we w ,,,,1i; . r , ,• r r e ,„Z„T, - ,
exception of the Waldenses, sinlc deeper a ,
albse h e work. Try it f r i en d s . ; ion, wear a shawl rif to ladies, an attraction, I both eiclee Of the Atlantic, have lung dee. fitl- 1 rou i j iiiite s ~ %tory ef ii t i e ; I l i fide i „ -- - -- ';-
and deeper into moral and intellectual ~......_______
: wear a shawl; if to sheep and cows, a terror , len into th e habit et purchasin g mo s t •of th e ! style or I ',drip,. Innither with toy a s ""u ' d
.darkness, from the fourth to the sixteenth I See - neement contained in a late. or like shimghais in full weather, or earn t e ns a? '" ' lamed ar"d " at ' l" ' iag ''''''' Itaiaiag. ' Pula ' ''' 'Plil qa th t sterns
despite ashineton that six prominent• ; readynade. Article utter article. fornterly , 1 sowed .o th e itieto; ) • of a l aa • ramaat ' a ' s
!century, simply because a corrupt hierar- ' i ! upon the heather, wear a diowii Jr yule. hip • 1 t a •
, , 111310 oerer WM gr ad all brought into tit., f w ith m y i t , j., e ,„1 ‘O ,l • ' can In it
Whig Senators liad "signalized the final disso- i cool tom y hotl mi
chy sealed the Bible against the understan- latio n a o f th o ilPf o - rmo - .
__. . , are badly mondil,d o r your shirt and veA pi, Market really,u o ,lo ull lotund hums of ,o't• well as trfthise . thein at li bel wry.'
ding of the people ; until despotism in , (dying
„ de r fr lryi ll uy pa e r . ty 'ell o t r aY at Z:t folded, or unpleasant to beheld, wear a slatu I i i i : l ll l i , l , ri , j t i , u t r i c i la . , l i : r : n ; Only one
. innit T lit , 1 . , , , t ‘ t
xt...t...1.1,0 ___. ......._-__
church and Stele, s;ith nll its poisoners ; thins,' turns out to be false. The Pierce par. I : yon are “ir;tihatg some Cal ' Halal ' a ' tal• a and
elt ' iss ' es. • He I t r ilt "th . ' 9lle t e a e7S r tu ' llv dclind nel - n::schine '. .. l is d o t a r e i r " , l l7 i L a t i iTn i ni p t-il !, e lni4-
and deleterious kndencies became intoner- !ty did attempt to bribe them to this course, by 1 :.„ a".1- h - yon
lat,;glt:;-, wri l ip your lassie in it--in ! „ 0 .,,,,,,,. DI ; pod 4; 0 „ ~,a , rogar od nsint• Cincinati. 'due evidence not brought rl" oat it!t
able, and until a Franciscan monk snatch- I inviting them to meet the Locus in noti o ns,
‘ rnultittl . e of Rill i ll ':11:111r011ItYl" Pius, reel
; hides , i t :i u tg u t i t i a r3 b s lz re l iii i.e: l ,l4 ,t l , l : i f t, u le re e d tit i t i ts, viests.,,icuitLrell:
i tt fif o l in q, ,, l t i c a s been elicit e d. A wit.,.
ed that life-giving despot from the minas. I with the understnieling that they should be
does your shawl. - If you tvgainit"to."l.7as grins
- I•, *
j for seam.' and the other wern r ijelasses. a short time -
t w o , t t e h s e tifi o e x s p tl o ntlo o n , a
(Perkin is
tery where for ages it had been hidby a I treated precisely the same as 'Deineeratic' Sen• wear a shawl-or have a cover handy, wenr 't
• few houses did a basinesi ,, in medium two WWI.) .I .. kitt Hi ctn. into .Mr. Fletcher's
t attire, so fur as concerned the distribution of 1 „1,„,„ 1 J„ a wor d, i t to a ,„ . •
dishonest priesthood ?oet u re e e t art icle, , well ever titeught of buy i ng 0001, cool or MI. chine that would, , into a he x an d explod e
; , pluecs on the committees, but the proposition I .
And. is ant. 410 =and result written up.; ,„,•,,
.„.„,,,,,..,,,.., 11, , , ,..,„ ... , as yon mrty wt•tip your feet, head, body, knees,., talooni reifilydnial, ..1. lief a g o, however . when ignited. AI .r W . ,..rentarlaul at the time to
/ „ m k e a Sent, it s blilliklA, u bed, a !nun': a l um", •i-a.,...”..,,a., .....,,, _,.. ~,,,•
~, boo, ,it Mr. Fletcher, "hit +lnn nn 1011.rnal muchilie to
on every pag,e of modern history ? Et, , -- ---- ----- ; - I
,I; .
‘; ; ,
~ 15. Devliti.k Co., of
this er. ColloeiVed and blow somehe.y tif tp " i •,‘ I the
sope wa. electrified, the pto'la hirrarebY ; I'm ' l'r " ' ' l "' i ' l( ''''''' "! r' ''''''' .-7 I a wial.'ll ' f''' 'fl t
a ' '''''',` ' ' ' i t ' l ,''' •'.'"''' saa "" c.t.riled cct th, i.b.„, a eor ' revolutionizinu immediately 'felt -•1 ' " n 'els• l i t 'an iv ante
Witt.. l. Stiftent.••, ; ; ,, the 11,111, 1 1 1 110• go i n g t o ut'. \ 1. 11 1.: , ". Peratutln'ati.. t'... 3 uZ" t"." I'''''' , we '"." 'Ow o!.thilig trade, by eli,„, ~, t h e ~,,,,, ~.,, t h e ~,,,,,b,,,,.,,,, , 0 1... ,"".• '‘ , en j, ,' 'Y .
tumbled, thrones rocked to _their centres, ,
.ery tiotelhil artiides of slmwls for medic tamers RO4lllO „,•,, ~ ~,,,„,,,,,,, .,./ I • :,.. ' .', l••(.. a".. a ..,,1,.° lif
light shot athwart the gloom of ages ; and ' i . , Y, , ,
,'!„.; „ewe l s' ffi.`!"l."`;''''' free the ' l'. i some l ' t . , .. . ~, ~„ . ~.. ~,.,. , , ~ , ;, , 1,10),-„, 1 .., ..eltneme cirri watmg that of Ni, niters.
a 5... ty byoting, alleg..d to .. ,1, 1.31,1 I gent (aeon. I 1i,•34 are must lanotrd in stele "a ' tt•-• • 0••' - '''tt•' 'I ''' tt. •".as. of ' , ad.,: •- -----.45-ss•-....---..
'school-boys can now shoe joyfully the re• ! inithe,:a icy F. Dalt o n and E• ( 0 . ('auburn.- i awl colour, and eats only be exeelli•il by the Paris :at New York. ai, ! t ievetiog 4iinself ldeviNcirrrts 11'....-We invite to the
sult of that glorious reformation in eulogies ' .
riic dece'ased teas „„;‘. 19 yam., of „ :4 „ . a „,l 1 faneitul manner iii wich they are worn. Wear • ; t 1 ;',: i. ,', 1 , ; ‘,; I t t ',.l, • ; ' ; ',, ! ; ; l ; l a2 a t ; . ; l,!: w ltie "7! L0 . c . ; . • of the .Gazetteer of the Weill,"
to the civil and religious liberty they now n. catkin of Senntor Sum - nier. - Dalton ~„•,1 c o , jit shawl by ell menus-or if you can't weer a best ready-made clothing, ile (71,11,;(1(e.(1712; l in ...her column ~,ilea. It i?, . BAei..E.l wrk
enjoy. burn charged the deceased and a yonng at ' bawl--weir a b t laeltet-wear soinething Odic- !to keep on halal the lietter,iles of ',tedium i
work, but to have nothing:, all to do with in.
'Contrast the benefit and blessings enjoy. named Porter with flirting with their wives. I t 1 aloes , mid Le in fashion.
1 Brier Or slop.notdo work. Ile. Devlin's 'plan
ed by those nations who make that "high- t- alleged they induced the youtig men to visit' l A ~,,,,o - ----; , ,,, ~,,,,,„, (~ ; ;;. ,• _ _A bont. thi. .. ~,,ye d e d s o well, that his ;Idreased business
residence of Cotiburn by letters pretsuid
er law" the bask of their civil policy, in g strongest and loudest "cryin" WC ever heard of c s r o v o c, n ,
, c i t e ml !:!, e i l t f l i.s l s t a it i t:
s o: oter,, , th e 'building he
with those who are denied its influence.
e c : ,t b r s i., : r e li :• , 7 o li j i : li ii ' o l u a s i a li ` t f i s i l e n t i : l o 1 1 , 1 : d ba ' n i ( 1 1,, i ' , 1 , w i , i o r is rebOed by Prokssor Longfelluw in his late i
nibe l ent needle palace " on la t i l!•" ( enc .re ti e r t o ti Plir in ou ft j:
Contrast republican France with rePubli - were in • t 'IF I ; j poem of "Hi/mallet." It is as fellows: . ; way 'Ol,l Warren St., in whi.ii the jumbles; of
wading, in tete, upon I min a most ,
t \ nil he netted into the wigwam, j the house is now transneted, business of be•
can America. 'lhe history of the former umnerciful beating. They have been taken: I •• 't t t! "
Saw-the old Nokinnis slowly I tween 53,000,000 and 54,0 , - .0110 per annum,
is written in blood, hecauee they rejected into custody since the death of Simmer, h..] Rocking' to met fro „taadtmuaning, , and the most extensive it its kind is the
the Bible with that ' , higher law," repudi- dmi
ing previously been atted le Mill for the selw his lecelelli /...ohaba ; werl.l. It.
akd the Sabbath, denied the existence of assault on Mr. Porter. Laying dead and cull belbre Ili. 1
And his briniting heart within him ' r •
-44... ..1 ACCATION or TIM Cleili,--A. Paris cor•
God, and worshipped a courtezen. - And .... i., . '
was I ritered such a cry of anguish
lt .E Ileuxixe.-A great excitement was , /7 ,,,, ~,,, j; ,,,.., ~,,,,,,,,
. ilutader, , ,i, re,pondent of the New 'Vert Post says Mars
what has been the result ? Their soil h.
recently pro jiieed in lingmlop, Triduttil. by nI • T h om „,.,, , • i .
i s./ti.. , 1 in f "Wren I shut Pelissier has detnandefllcrmilssion to et , '
been setter] with their blood, they break most revolting, told ntrocioas scene entered by I Shook and Irembled with kis (roguish.' '
t uouite the Crimea forthwith, liedeelares that
one yoke ouly to have a more galling one the Itedemptonist Fathers,' a body of five or I This is a "heap" stronger then the "huge -it is impossibl e to continue eiwations there, .
placed upon their lacerated shoulders. At six Roman Catholic clergymen, who it seat.' great grief" which li:My . Darling's lover bore ; account of the want of watt .i. the hurses of
one dine we see them in throes for liberty, I after celebrating mugs and preaching in the , about him, and rather toe much, we think,
.far the many, Thu 1011161111 W 10.1 p 0150111.4 the
of that place, brought their mission to im "I ng ],,." B u t, w e suppose Professur
; Lung wt. 41., and, he asks, what is It ~s 0 o f Ityyph o s
bestowing eulogies on their own ideal god- ' l 'l' 6
a c a
onclusion by presiding at the burning witem fellow knows-we suspect he was ' thar,' awl ,an army of 11. 111111,11,1 it d ,i x i, i 1 ee ,,,,,,,1
-dean ; at another time electing an Elope-
tw feet ..f the public thronglifare, of a large saw the stars shake. Problultly they had the men shut nit in their 11111.0 -I '' -, will
tor, . . AOlll, . Tt will
ror, who at their expense may indulge . ,
I ' l andordered " I f - '
I' of bibles, the., w ite i the y agur an. ever.- Suppose they (Edit t tali.. be .stithow i t to leave Burris s a t t om . or f ive
in fantastic bells and masquerades, spend
their audiences to collect for tae purpose. The quinine. • petits :but there is much there in regard
millions of their hard•earned money at his • la, consisted principally of Bibles, but 1101 to the moral effect of MI e • lion of the Cri..
pleasure,•and•send hundreds of thousands exclusively-the orders of the Redemptenists. mot. The matte'• is sail • s.leeided. It is
Of their tellow•subjects to perish in scar to ' having been for n collection of bad books gen. probable, however, Out t tat. h_,, of marsiml
gratify his vile ambition. Whilst the I entity, and the Bible in their estimation, is the
l'elissier will I ,ado i. also said that
American republic is in the enjoyment of i worst of hooks ter the people to read! England wishes next spie l ., 1.,e, , stem)
peace and happiness, and we can assign I the maritime expedition u ;
gdf , i Cronstadt, re.
no r.son for the difference, save that the I FRENCH AND AMERICAN AI.I.IANCE.--Therr
former disregard the "higher law" and the 1 is a report in Pavia that 5113115. De 'Mugu) is Serving to herself, however,ithe ~,fe ge o ld,
mending the aid °fan army forstembarkation
latter have 'nide it the very essence- of our ' about to marry a young American hely with•
in cue of necessity,
civil institutions, the gerin of which was I out redline. M. lie Morey is generally regal,
written in the :Mayflower before its immor- , 'led its the see of Queeen Hortense, the moth.
tal deposit was landed upon the Plymouth I
er of
,Napuleon 111. He executed the emir
Rock. • : d'etal of the2d of December. He was nt that
Travel from South Africa to Greenland, i
; time Minister of the Interior. Ile retired trot"
and front Prince William's Sound east
!l' 1 throu gh dissatisfaction at the decrees
ward to gamsehatka, and you find nothing
__ll',P place r • t h ee ~ ...t
hich impoverishe d family of vneaus. Ile
but intellectual darkness and moral waste, ! w
has become President the second than of the
save here and there a spot of moral ver- I
dare, madeleoh by the light of that .thigh. I Chamber or Deputies, Ile has a fortune ot
er law" which men in higit places too fre- ; fifteen millions of franees, acquired in s p ee m a .
quently learn to despis e:
p r ay beca . use j tions, and which he is disposed, as 14 said, nut
they frequently mingle with those fo r e i gn - It withstanding
' is former bachelor connexions
era whose skeptical minds aro poisoned ! witla the court, to give to this young .d oh,
with French and German isms, so destruc- , scum Amerieen lady.
five to true liberty ; and partly because I
that "higher law" comes in conflict with ; ge.e.A suit was brought in Jersey - City
their depraved hearts and wicked aspire- week agaheet the New. York and Erie Railroad,;
Lions c ompany , b y Lewis Barnum of Jersey City,.
*Now in conclusion we have only to Say ' fur
an overcoat
nhinb teas stolen NM hi s o eo t,
that when thousands of the ministers of this in the curs on that road. The train stopped
"higher law" earnestly, but respectfully
at Port Jervis, rind the Plaintiff ...Ring a ncitice
prayed that Congress, would not give un
posted up indite cars that prissengers, in order
bounded license to slavery, they should
not have met the rebuke they received u , l IceeP their seat', must have some "'tie
g of
from men, only fit to disgrace the high pe-
• baggrige of wearin apparel in them, l e ft
- his
overcoat there while lie went tutu the reveal,
sition to which they were called and carry
out the wishes of such a President as Fran- meat saloon. Upon returnitig he discovered
fin Pierce. Yours, H. B. C. ill Ids overcoat had been stolen. The eutn•
-----414-41......-....- . - :
.... '
pray declined 1.0 pay fur it; 110 sued them, and
Now Jersey
enquiry et the General Land (Vice, the Wash
ingtOn traun learns that there is no law of
CongreSs giving away the land in Kansas and
Nehttetiot to foreigners. The 12th and 111th
sections of the act of Congress, approved July
2,direct the ansurveyed lands Cu bo ex•
posed to sale, feria Limo to time. iu thµ same
tuannerttad upon the .111 t: t rats and cuudi
COBS :16 t h e other public land, or the I' i,ited
States, which reetien3 are now in full
lands are not only not giVifil ILWay Ii fitreign'
I.l'S, but they are excluded from the benefits of
the pre.eniption laws, which, in their opera.
Son, ore confined to citizens of the United
TN,IIANciI ('cii,' NJ c,..-,:ti, ; „, r y erk ~,,.
per, represent many of the Ile ,site ~m,,,s
in that city no unworthy of eiti
..1„,,,, The
sufferers by a recant lire there b„. a wl the i r ,
policies worthless, the cormani e h ar i ng cx.
ploded, or gone Wu litinid4tinn ..„,,,. o „ t i y b e .
fore the lire that there was a
6 it,
, "-•'Hit i to trans.
- A TANI.), Pure.—:ls an additional induce- f er th e r i s k s t o ~,r,., ~,,,,phi i ,„
!nem fur Americans to subscribe money to The increasing ii „,,,h er 0 h . rance Com.
send over to Rome, to help to build a College patties should tench people .gr,m,.,,,,,Rit in to.
there, the organ of the Most Reverend Bishop , gurd to them. ft is hefty' pay k ary Kom i.
Hughes gives out WI if "by authority," that, . . tuns fur Policies, and repON, in fi,,., d secur ity
"The day may en come when authority, "
A. 0- till a hoary toss Recent, ,
• . .
rit trill wield 111, I lonhle ,ropt re, ruled on Ow .
vies worthless. ' 0 .. . t he n firl the poli.
' &Yen if i 11.., and the fact he merely noted as
nit item by the'hiStoriati, that onethe first— n
slvx vim: 0S MotAl,lll,
'of -d new nationality, and from the New World
_A la has been pi tiled
succeeded in the order of that perfect and on- ' of T . ntessee, leui tit :.
brukon Apostulie line which reaches Ina to; every gentle .. to , ~..,8
' and was founded on I'l,En."
,' un every bachelor iser th
IWhen it comes to that "Sam" way he per. 1 for il, , pur N.) .of
II , „ 0 ,
I i 111 itted to rim a9.,tlic ilpotiviLi.attl44.'"l. Bla'aollool Bind. :pawl 1
1 Alf anAT Cleat.--Ferditutud St. John, the ; themselves nod tl o sJ (dm
i descendant and inheritor oKtitatiftlee,4 tlfe-late i itacbelots fur tholly en at
' I.ord Bolingbroke, and has cutauteneed 4uit for i luvr;es the :Mail At.
the recovery of four thousand acres of land, -----r......-
comprising some of the fittest farms in Ontario gre.e.'On the 180 -
' county, New York, To make good his claim red on the lake at
Mr. St. Jilt' has to prune himself an Ameri• i vessels and drowtj
can citizen, and to do this he will have to re. ' .
I nonage WS title of mobility, which lie seems to , ht a r K os ,,,th,
t 5.....,..,
lecisions eon
Stoves ! Sti
itOf variensl
rutliteed p
fur casino•
er articles
Las AN') 'aeuvi.ons.. Sal".
of idoliar . on 'Lunt., Jan. 2,
a ...Wide, and I Eilierman'S Ira
tidy Ye''., ago; Co
!none)* incr. - Lae The stockh s ' ll .°
nen peg ,„*, for I naive itic uu -
iral Se knorrow in East WI
i rmirsday the 17th
• P.M. •
President of O)
tter.PoN .""- Jan 2,1855,2 t,
tvlatilt stilt five
66, It
, all on 1
(flu L'
' r mitlentitt Message was rend in the
The him, Muse was still
anizea, but the Pretiiiliait (kilned it in.
lient to keep the affairs of State any too
from the nation. In a tone the message
warlike, and strongly proslavery in its 'doe.
° ~~l~~ti.ric~,
. ,
On the with ult., by Run. P. M. Riglam
Mr. Cenrge Ilurhott of Blair untidy, It.
Margaretta Jot,. of Cello* county, Pn.
On the Ii ili ult., by the saw, yin. Cm
Lukehart of sinking volley, to miss S
Meet of the mute place, Blair co.
. -
(In the :2;t11 ult., by lie same. Mr. Win
Isenberg er Canoe Valley to Miss 31arA
fillaGr of Shall'ersviL e Hunt, Cu.
:Pllllll7'JialP . liLl :a'Alai.
marlict I; quiet te.dnyt .t.: , . 1
brands see la•ld firmly at ;•;;.4 50 ? but the aly
sales made public art; to the extent of out
500•blds, tulictt for shipment, at that tiro,
and 130 'Alm extra at .-i , 2 73. The , 6 1 4 , of
extra noticed on Saittn'ay, should Inn, Meet)
3000 and not 300 ithls, :14 enormously p tiled.
The transportations t,,,. h ome use re tome
moderate within tin: ['W., . or $8 50 ll i! 5 0 . 0
lAA, according to hraih ttyo Flour id inac
tive, and a small sale .I t' is reported at 141123
'l , bid. Corn Meal it h. nr a sale of 500 bbls.
l'enntylvania Alvah ban,' been nutdc at $3-
75 It) bill. Grain- W.lw'; is but very little
'Wheat eilln-ing or se h.w
• owing to the (Lift , -
""" in the views IL ) h y:i.s and sellensi we quote
reds at 100,
c and w tiff, 200 n 205. live is
rather dull, but several, m ,ll False urn reper
t'l at-. 12 le tor wopt , :, Curs is about stn•
titulary,' with sides of ZOO a 5000 bushels new
yellow at 75 a 70e, dill, mostly at the
latter ante. Oats tuthitinired fur at LO u 42e
for Southern but welt', of no sales.
fie , - hit Letters To
opl 1 . All persum .
ppittsted to
tnake i !
, r: r i, l ..t ejt , ti n t , ti c i n !
, THWA LIT, i .
!AIM Isn,
• N 11y ot
°t w leil i t he ' estate
s iereb g
Morris tp., llnutiey
granted to the under
.ed to said cetato are
ate payment, and di
thorn duly authetai
January 2, 1226'
vs ! ! StO ,
k , anti pattern:
cash—ur ii
A vari
Hut, at the co,
N Broad TO
i Pro.lent tuu
:a • the house of
",rd, Juuhan col
f ...miry at one
IN of Commissi
,xprusit. that
Ull gn
nearly 22011 pa;.4es, including a t
firenternAntount or :molt, any oli.,
shall. volume in the
ivi lig a Description of nearly I tor 11.und red
Thousand Places, with the Correct. Pronoun
eintiini or their Nitine44,•being above 20,000
moo, Geo.trapitiell Notices then are found Ran, Muniit any oilier Gazetter 4,1' the World.
TESTINItiNIAL , . coffins fanner, Porter.
From the Ilia, ; William Johns,
litrtner, Crotilived. lll.llll.
work line been evidently prepared with groat' Jacob Inliorer Cromwell.
labor, and as far as I con judge, from diet John R, Lee, farmer, Jiteksiiii.
best Illilterjaly mul,oure. or inffirmation. The s i Join, Myrely, tanner, Tod.
principles adopted itt ascertaining the pronoun. , William Al'llvaiii, mason, Franklin..
ciallun of proper names (as stated in the intro. Rudolph Neff, farmer, \\'est.
thirt.ll) appear to me correct. This is a mat. Isaac Ontenkirk, fanner, Brady.
Orr attended with some difficulty and uncertain- Daniel Piper, ta nner ,
lint it is treated with great ability and in a Levi Plics,int, farmer, Fition..
very satisfactory meaner in your ittiroduction. ' John (Indy, farmer, Jacks..
have no thitibt tour Unzetteer will be found Levi Smith, litiner, rnion,
an extremely useful work,. well calculated to Jacob Shirk., fanner, Wert.
supple IL Willa Wiliell must have been severely Andrew Slairr e r, ihro t er,
felt by ahnost every class of readers.' .Andrew J. 'Taylor, saddler, I bffiliti.
Front J. F. Worcester, L. L. 1)., Author 441 John Whittaker, gentleman, Ilmaincilun.
Worcester's Critical Llidionnry.--"llaving John Walte r ,
some examination •of "I.4ippineett's Pronoun- P. Campbell, farmer, (*llion.
ring Gazetteer," more partiettlarly in relation id Zook, fanner, Brady. -
10 Pranounciation, 1 take pleasure in expres• •
sing a coucurreuce generally, in what is said 11,,T
by the Ilan. Edward Everett, of the value nml .
. I W latinen Wqr,141,1110 .
the (excelence Of the worlc. The difficult subject , ' ~,, , a • , "
of pronounciation of geograpideal 1111111e4, 4 ,‘' e • x " l ",", r , - "Pr e q' ..1 " li •
appears to ate, to have been with great care . , I „", ame l,"',',"',', hrilm , 1. ;
good taste, and xutind judgment and this AI. " .Yra '
tare of the (3nzeticec most add greatly to its; "'n"
""""i theater,value." 1 Geo. Ilranst,lter, farmer, AV arricrainyk..
from th., Hon. Iluben C. V, ' '""•P' ..".1 1 - he CI l
sr humer, rtit• •1 W. lk
Itnow inr.
of , Gazetteer SJ complete and COmpre• ,' j
liensive.... entirely concur with Th.. Evetelt • ( , rove hu'ntm• ihrm";
in the opinion he la. pronounced 14 the wurk,
and sincerely hope flint it may receive an ', )5Yl( ' former!
amount or public patronage in some degree themer ', LY ", ll .' wei t , i l t •
connuensurate with the magnitude tool eosin• I Jacob 11. (sell, lees
neon of the tuitional:hi
From Washington Irwin fully concur Itebmt Jult ," 4) "' farmer , e l 'z°";
with the opinions given by \h•.i.. Everett and M ~
r. ,
ll°""5", former, ".
""P ee., "
'Winthrop °fits merits, and with their wishes ,Iluvid Kiuch, blacksmith, Franklin.
for its wide circulation." , Abraham litartz, farmer, Hopewell.
From .1. Addison Alexander, I). 11., "' er g' Kah i thYmel. ' Tod '
John I von iron ina.ter, Frod.lia
nor or • Oriental Iranguages and Literature, j ' ' ' '
Princeton Cullege.....i.m th e „ r lieogra. Henry Laver, bri..k lap, Huntingdon,.
ti ; 2i
11 . i i t e ' l l i y ' e. l ;
o . i i
e I rut itingil on
, t s ' . 1
this•work, I have received an indirerd and in•
lednary of Geography with which lum acquaini Smuu el
rose Ili. I t, presi,k.,,,, of rko itii t g ao .
ire silt' -••••y,,,, • •
"",k '""-t 1 ""',"! . .x.lll ler Psrk farmer, 11,40cwell.
hie ,1tm..1.1. of geography, min t „ . • •
generally adopt4.4l, could not lail reinove that .Joseph al, ' ruiner, Clay.
David Patterion carpenter, I)ubliit.
diseropancy and eonfit,i,,ii which now so gene- „
rally prevail in tegard to the pro:want:Moon of • """ h ' "Y' er ' et " er '" Il •
Peightal, farmer, I'a m,
geographical moues."
Fro . m. li e :\lldet:mti, l.. L. It,, p resident, Alexander Rouse, laburer, Franklin.
ofthe L'uivecelly 01 . Ruche ter: hesitate tilt "e " Y g e itudY , jilek'un•
cityty that h i.; nitogethrr superior to ere,
book John liiipert, !linnet, Clay.
of its mass tiio
1;N . A. Goudri :h, of y ak , • -incur,el Starr, (beater, Cromwell.
.College, Editor of the "'devised Edition" ill Wm. Summers, green-. I Ittutingdon.
Webs:ci.'s l'ronounchig tin- ' I ' ll " SMII "7 , 4 11., th r tel " 11 ' 4 ' .
zeteer untie World appears, from the exatni• t Shore, Plus. "
nation L have given it, tO be of immense value. John Thompson, Esq., bliteksmith, West,
very wisely linseed, I consider it as of great t!' ett YY. N , V !'- litt . t .'" L :9 'l e r'
nj. c. nonce, 11,1.1.1., MOWN.
importance to 'teachers. - die
Price 1 vol., royal 3 Vll, 511,1111
" ‘. hall"Tu They antique 7
" " lull
'" 2 " libiltry style .
" half antique
• Amos Clark, merchant, Toil.
J.• li. 1411'1'1MCtrfl' & CU., Thomas Pinney, lamer. Tell.
P1111,111,1.1.111.t. Nicholas Crum, miller, Toil.
Jannis litriner Banco.
• Ej. •
BROA1) •
11011ek, .I. I'.. Toil.
• Ile., id tied:am. varproiv,.. v
Samuel Iles, farintir, I leaderson.
John Hagan, farmer, Barrel,
l'alentine Ilover, thrmer, Porter.
Jacob G. Jones, teaelter, Tell.
- -
This huge and very valuable Mineral Itlcate, •.. 3011 . faraan't I 'bi ,
lying in the Broad Top coal field, and the lieu- — Silas Long, Ihrut ,, ,
vy Iron Ore deposites adjacent to it, tilting the ! davah Longueeker, curPetiler,
line of the Huntingdon it Broad Top Ilailruail, j David farmer, Toil.
is now thrown into untrket, so to to he • Ileee.i. 4 111 . Nvair James, hula..., Da 6 lia•
Mit to all who desire to invest a small stun of Benj. F. 1 alio., merehant, AVarriorsmark,
money; in the sq//, tit,tritest nod the be,/ tray. Slates, Ihtatatrt
'Elie Broad Top coal is it pure, compact, easily • Juba itlephour, jr., farmer, Penn.
ignited and durable fuel. It is admirable for , l'huttias Ittriner, JaeltSon.
domestic purposes, having but a trace at' std.' Sulumuu Shari., litrateri Brady.
phur, giving a powerful, steady, and durable fin.nier, 'veil.
heat, and stitch cheaper and tar more healihlnl John SoYdvrt .daaaaakert Walker.
than Anthracite. It is tin eXeellellt coal tur • • , .. 1 1.1 V..... 1,,, a1akrt laborer, Brady.
burning Limey for Stnithin,,,..., and Rolling dull, It a . ..fon maker, Cromwell.
greatly superior even to - Pittsburg coal as a Ihmutts Whittaker, farmer. Teeter.
steam generator, and unequalled fur the purity • Thomas 11. AV,lttor, carpenter, Porter.
and strength of its Coke. Daniel %VeiAln, farmer, Franklin.
Mining Certificates are now issuing which John %catmint, farmer, Franklin.
cover Irian acres of land on the east and west --
sides of this Semi-Anthracite coal field in Ilan- 111 Nit 17 W. OVE IRMA IV,
thylun and Bedfurd counties, Pa., much ttf : No. fi, South Third Street,
which has no superior for the quatitiiy and • PHILADELPHIA.
quaiiiy of its coal. All the finest. scams
2300 Acm of Coal Laud.
1500 Acres Iron Ore Las&
,itibetreed by these Curtificates, e
the Riddle sam importer of French Call' Skins ;
1.51 to 7 list thick, the Conic 4to 6 feet, the AIANI'FACTI I:1.1: AND ~,,,1 1.11.
Speer sto 7 feet, the Darner 31 to 1.1. Eoeh ,{ ;a. A -.4 1 - , , ;1 if
Certificate entitles the holder le mine and ca. I.Li .111.1.1 .1 -C-1--1'..1-, j.J..-1 1 .r . .-.ILII-i
ry navy ONE HUNDRED ToSS or OtA I. , lies Constantly on Hand. and Always
nett eke to one undivided interest in 20 rind , I Finishing, all kinds of tracts of 29 mires each, on the east and west ,
sides of the Mountain, mid to one undivided in. i Leather, Morocco, Call Skins, Sheep i
terest in perpetual mining privileges covering ; Skins, die. di.c,
.60 inlets al' 25 acres each of trait ore lands. , The attention of Country .Alercliatits and M ta-
And fltepriceitreach Clerlijicale is but fellill;R! ulacturers, is solicited.
.1.101.1...tie,5% i
• '
The coal mines close to the nuntingdon and : RED AND OAK SOLE LEATRE •
I •
Broad 'l'op Railroad will be pat in working or. I
der, and preparation made fur sending cu . .' to I j"' H ua i r s Y s o 2 i t , lB ll s ::: IY o . f rarluershii,
market during this winter and next spring. !
The stile of certi fi cates will be closed, anti the I T y, ,, ,,... , ,,,,.,.. p ii.ere,1,...,,,,,,, existing I 1 --
gh, lands passed into the Laud' ' ld ' III " I " ° ' sent r e iiil l l l :e " TsT ' ol . 7,:ven ' a s ,:c c i:,,t! ' 7l: ~.esiV,:
, fu . , :, tim i t ,, r , i : l i i i ,, , , t i : ,.. i . n . , to ,
~, , ,, i, o t he t ilv , i , , , , n 1,: , ,, 55 u ib u i . . ,,,, , , 1 .e ., ,, , :i
idR0., , , , ,, , ,, , , ,, ,, , : , ,,it 1 0 17w:i n t I
~, ,11 . , , ,:, : ; ,, , , , i , i ,: i:, ,, 1 f, . : , r1,
l e ic l o hj , , ,
, :il l :il a l:1: . J ,
it/ COIII , IIIIII so:1111 of Settii.A nth .:trim coal, each ' of April next.
; tract of unit tire land is guaranteed to contain ,
:i :-. 'LIII 01 . POSSiI Iron Ore, ti Et t. 1;. 19 fli.'ffilt
'I lia coal end ire t, ore hunt; to be distributed i.
,A ri l i e e xi l t t i t i i t s l i r n it e t, ss D ,, c d e nm 2 i.i r e, t , :! o , :: ; .: s iiii c, , :• :et . ,,,:ie,
i are fortunes In themselves. . , ,
1 w, l e ! i ll i e s r 2 ig s l , lt ,it to
i t i n e ine pr t? e o tuns
c o i r i d i.g ot ,
d l " ' f irth ' : I . l i o c3 i . v tl i l l e tt:s lib t s o er ti i l b l el i . i ' dm city favor liini wit% a . if.
mountain. 'These ee r iiii,afes gives the same , CEO. C. BCClllilt.
right on equally good..roal land for Three Dot j Jell. 2, 1 8 56.-31,'
tars, and adding to d duffers fur incidents' ex. - ' ~.•
Po Iron Blanufacitirers.
1 ,„, ) „, f or wor i„ , their homers ebtain coal of •
the ,,
._, 7 ,,, i , nine° then t h ree t i mes ,. e i ie „, Mlle subscriber has recently discovered an or • f
.... , e : .. ,i i i,` h ' ii ' d iii aii , eim i.ii e i i i w hi c h i s de. it. batik which will yield All alnindent supply j .
land (belonging to the subscriber) containing a- 9,
~ s ,' , . l ‘ , .: r n g) in p eniivim i' iiii. Thu iii i ii i ng 1. 1 ,1 8 1 lion Ore.—This Ore Bank Icoil II SIIIIIII cruet it
on rue west side nl.OOlOBO to the Iruntingdon & ,
,'hilt twenty
—situate:l in Walker Town- !V..,
,react Top Railroad, and on the east side they ,
chili about ono nille . aTttl three !Inoue. fro
ore ;It the very gates attic, coal field. These '
, 1 tiun on
Mond Fop Railroad. in,
Certificates vannot fhpreviate. Tito cheapness , c omie li sie „,,,
and excellency of this coal insure nit extensive !• Sp.:Miens of the ore am. I, 4,11 ruse i
. and constantly increasing demand for it, which ingdon at the Ticket office "or the l'cialit. I
will put these certificates at a premium in a nal Railroad.
short time. ' The subscriber will either sell 'col;A .. . ~
I • siii-B, the evidenee Ural the Coal lards hove tract of land.
embraced in Vow certidicatee are oniony the ' JOHN LEE,
bed, thL ~,,,,l acr,,,ilde, and earliest 111 delay J....thy 2, 1856 .
- - •
Ike/ in 6,,• whedeihm, a u ,/ th,,, 1/10, On the (n•.,/
I Sidg ((re 1108 e to the line qt . the Ilanlioodoo ,I . • DR. H. L. BROWN •-•--
I 41,,,,,i li,,a Railroad, 1 retio the public to the 1 at UM. , WS thllllkg to his filmier patrons, and
mantis thou.:lves, or to the 'nap ..i them Vel, ,j, (would respectfully announce that he has a
carefelly prepared by Mr. R. Veil:mar, or 1.0 gain resumed the 1 " . "" ce of "' l ' ll '' , II" will
the Report of .1. P. Lesley, Esq., the distil, t:t o t i t , l , ll ,
li t i i 3 n e e n st g, h , t „ red at home, when nut mores- ,
, o g ll u it u u d n U d e t ' t 4 :o g i i )Y ti o7 l + l v i l ' iie l 11711 l l ' 1 ' ;; f B u7alsl a i L e t d i 1 I tU _ ce-,iliTsVeiti.eilienicylYll)°,lll2;.;;L!'-I-3n,
; any one desiring it. •
_ .. ....__ ...._
Full and satislactory replies will he given to I Notice to the Public.
all inquiries miming to this enterprise, address ; he Iliiiitiimilon Foundry lately destroyed 1,) ,
sal to this office.
W • l l' IRV IN. I.Ttire mid leased to the firm of S. 8. Wharton
• W3I. I,v4r I.E. (it'fleral .dye r(/.
. ' & Cu., Will be re-built immediately awl carried
Office, Market street, tan d , „.......f. orill,Wll 011 1 / 1 . 111 , tittder.igttetl Itt the et;twou tfuthw
m., hetween the Steam Miil :• , :or, awl the Leiv. week, he will be able to till ell orders a. ttatthl,•
iqcovit !ill Store. •
It. C. Me , fIX,
!, -: t•i•,,,... •1. :,I i t'! i.l -1.1., Ca., .1,71. 2, 1 ~ - o ; •'' ,f woo, 2. i Srot.—nt•
Into or
o I,cen
finje• ,l
, of Al-
I Agent,
It. It,
urn flAlir
II take
itlvin'vre, 1
', on ,
i ock,
4 t . O . TV
IM .111:1114
the World
.11.1 NI It 11 . 11.11t11, 1Siro1;.