:S OF 'd'aH Jorwiu. GREATEST MEDICAL DISCO VERY OF THE AGE. Dr. Kennedy, of Roxbury, lin, diAcovered in one of one conitai.n pastarc wv,nis n remedy dint cures TERMS in ati - vte wpm $1,50 'in six immth, after the time of i TIMID air ITIJMUI : , th. wom 110 W II to a cannon pimple. he and of the year 2,110 DMus and fifty rents if not paid till ration of the year. No subseription for n less period than six months, will ho discontinued, except at the Editor, idler it has went over the ribing, until the end a that year. ia ing In distant countie,,or in other n 3 required to pay invariably in lfc h a s tried it in over 1100 mates, and never failed except in two cases, (both tl under tinnier.) lie has now in his possession ore; two hundred certificates of its viattte, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to ewe a nursing sore meth. Ire tortms will be rigidly adhered One to three bottles will core tl e worst kind of Pimples on the fore. T o . or three bottles will clear the system or Biles. vi'lEitris ENIT aged! la the fell,. tag titles Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst ease of Erysipelas. One to two bottles arc warranted to core dl humor in the Eyes. . Two bottles are warranted to cure nitilling or the ears and blotches among the hair. $25 .$ 371 $ 50 11; 50 75 I (II) " ) I IS) I 50 200 .18 . ) I 50 255 3111 mlvertising by the Quarter, Ilel will be charged the following rates :1 me. 11 mo. IS or $3 On $5 00 $ll 0 5 00 8 00 _ 12 0 Four to six bottles are wniTinited to cure cor rupt and mining ulcers. One bottle will cure scaly eruption of the skin. Two to three bottles arc warranted to cure the worst ease of siAgworm. 750 10 00 .15 11 000 14 011 23 11 15 110 25 00 30 11 25 09 40 00 50 C Two to three bottles nro warranted to cure the most desperate ease of rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to curd the salt rheum. tits fot• the .lottettal, A benefit is always experienced from . the first bottle, and a perleet rare is watrauted when rhe above quantity is tnkcn. per,ei . , we havo amminted Agerr Will) ate 11101101 mmer, I pe.cotcd over a thousand b,i t l os of this in the vicinity of Boston.. niter the effect ,:r it in every case. sort as water will extin guish liar, so .'are will. this cure humor. I never sold a laottle 01' it l'att that sold another; after 0 1 trial it alway s si,calts for itself'. There are two things 01,otti this herb that appear to me surpri, ; first that it grows in our pastures, in some places quite plentitul, and yet its value has never Imes known until I discovered it in 184 e—second that it should cure all kinds of Immor. In order to give some idea of the sudden rise anal great popularity of the discovery. I will state that in April, 1853, 1 peddled it and sold . about slx bottles per day—in April, 1854, I sold °mom: thousand per day of it. a tti! .• • i.s ii WlllOllOOll. .• • • . rsq., W. Conxi.• Cromwell townsitii :unsox, CI.Q - township. .rtunn, Cromwell township. 1100 Penn t f,wnship, 31.trrntly. tow,sltip, SrEFFEY, Jael.• • ,• C. WATsos, 11rn1r township, Inowx, Springfield 10101141 p, Warriorsmark tr., W. IVittrrt 1,00, l'etersburg, rr.vr, West 11111.1.01, Waterstreet, tm:, MICKLEY. township, .tilt, 1)111,Iill township, VI I.R6N, Esq., 'roll township, hAttle, Birmingham. or. torte, 1'7.1, Spruce Creek. Moons, Alexandria. Union Wittotyr, 1 0 .0 q., Union township. Esq., Cons township. Wll,OO. Esq., Franklin township. Ann IVarriorstnat k. .t. HAN ta, E 54,., Todd township. 1.1 , 11011 SHADE, 1)Liblill toW11:411ip. UOINAL" has 000 Subscri [ore, than a n d• other paper ti'' ANI) 31ECII.\ NICS' FUZE E AND LIFE IN,;II:ANCE CDM. I.EvNi(i'S N. w. 0 \V.ilcut C.\ I'IT.II. 5300,1,00. pr.ny Firo hisnronce on Boil. . . Furniture, &e. 11AHINE INSUBANCI: Tu all ports in the World. 11'1', niranees on Goods by rivers, lakes, ()ad, and land cartiage to all parts of !ranee imon LIVES, Lyon the most 1:11. Florence .hune4 E. Neall, Arnnrong, Charles Dingee, Aliddleton, Ed. R. Illehnhohl. huhold, F. C. DrewNter, I.eeeh, FLoitENcE, p re ,ideut, it. 11,..m0t.t), tiee'y lettEli•S'l"ll, Agent, Pair. lain ..i' c ianq PRINTING,. S C C 31 RAMMES, CARDS, &C., II Kinds of Legal Planks, 7 Magistrates & Others at Ilw JOE OPFICE. CLOCES, AND 31:111Mill! criher, ill:int:Oil to his rrientle atol ve to the Poltlie their ttn II continues to t•lrry on et loore:o.t et All.. C. Ctott's ivhere he will attend I favor him with their en,toni, aiiil al• gO,Ol ,0100,111 01 W.,..1 . :11:14, 1,W1,1.111", eSI.., 1111 or lie it . „ to sell et low prjoes. Yawhes and Jewel, of nt short notice, awl !:;iv hi- mode at J6sErit is in Altoona for .tiale, SALE IN A LTOONA Illinaysburg and Lboutnne mile 110011• legheny Furnace, Flair county. 21st day of May, the LOTS in d be open to the public for sale. known that t. Peunsylvaniaakd: parry have selected the place fort he the mein Al.hine and other Shop IV bUildin4 the some. Road wil le opened early in th e Fut. t once a large amount of 'rude tot hr ie main inducement at this time in for sale beim; to secure the reol ti is lets and Tradesmen, and homes for lists and other employees of the Roil nary. Early application will secure ow price. . - - n• i nformation apply to C. H. MAY too., or to R. A. McMURTIZI lorg. 42 7 --tr HOUSEKEEPERS. E S ,Indy why ikttetion and pay extFlikagant prices rm. FURNITURE? Call at No. I, North reel, and examine the largest assort ! best made Furnitare and Bedding in author Beds, Hair, Husk, and Straw ; a largo assortment or fancy Whet- Tables, marble tops, and Washidands; 1 Mahogany French Tete-a-tetes, Di- Inies, Bookcases; Tread' Bedsteads; led Seat, Cane seat, Windsor, and of- Counting-house, and cane-seat Stoola, Arm-chair Cnsitions; Cettogo lurid in every style and color; Solis Beds and Indesale and retail. and wuranted to coon, and sold at the lowest prices, R. DI:MI: I . l,lltililn ILSON & PETRIKIN, "TORARYS 111 I:0 - 1111111111 ,•1011 11,1, .Allllllll.lllll .111111.11.1 Cl.lll - II JUEI►IC.AL ADI ITTISEMENTS. Piro to eight bottles will care the worst MISO of scrofula. Sonic of the wittlesale Druggists who have been in business tweet,. alai thirty years, say that nothing in the annals of patent medicines was ever like it. Tin re is a universal praise of it trent all quarters. In my own practice I ninny:: kept it strietly for humors—lint since its intnainetion as a wawa' family medicine, great and wonderful virtues have been found in it that f never suspected. Several eases or epilept tits—itdine ire which was olways considered inenrythle, Imre been cu red by n few bottles. 0, what a mercy H . it will prove chrechtel in nll eases of 0.1[1111.4Ni mal ady—there are but tor who Intro more of it than 1 Imre. I know of several eases orl)ropsy, nil or whom ego' 1,e, , p1e eared by it. For the va rim: disea •ses of the Liver, Si-k Headache, Ilnspcpsin, Asthma, l' ever mid Ague, Pain in the ;:hdc, Dis c:toes of the Spine, cant 111111iC1111111y ill diseases of thu kidneys, Sc., the discovery lots done more gin2d lota tiny medicine ever kimono. Nu change . of diet ever nucceturt•—eut the best you vett get tied enottg!l of it. llttu:c;to. run - 17,K.—Adults one table spounral pee day—Children over ten years des sett spoonful' —Children front tire to eight years teaspouniall. As no direetions can he applica ble to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowels tn•ice a day. Alrrnnfitcr,ue i`Y 1)0NAL1) KENNEDY, No. 120 Inirren Sr., Roxbury, Price $l,OO Drurr, General Agent far Pennsylva— W1,1,01t, .I,Ctit4.—N. Y. City, C. V. CH,:. ner, nl Mucky Street.—C.ll.lting, 192 liroad• wov.--.16,111011 & Clark, 275 Broadwity.--A. & it. Sands, 1110 Milton Street. Fel. stile Ity li. NV. Wellman, NleVeytown; Meg. Mary .1;11 . 1t . s, Lewistown; tintnion. And .I,ents generally. May 2. , i'll aI'I\JI , J , I. , ',Is.-'.,'irfl ;li•ZSilil7/ ItEIIiEDIES, Issued wilier the seat, sanction and authority THE UNIVERSITY OF Free Medicine AND POPULAR KNOWLEDGE. CHAR• TERED 1;1 " 1'111: sTATE PENNSY L• APRIL 29, 185:1. WITII A CAPITAL OP $lOO,OOO, 'AIAINLY 1 , 1)IZ THE PURPOSE 01! MIRES TING THE EVILS OF ALI uld Alse for tinlittrying the Community with relia- Me remedies wherever a Competent Pliyi.ician cannot or will net he entployeil, Irma It, JOHN It. HOITAND, his celebrated Rowand's Tonio Mixture Enown for upwards of twenty-lisa years Its e only sum and sale cure for FEVER & AGUE &C .trail hi inestimable remedy for C(, NIPI..\ INTS. ILI i\\'.lNl)'SsYrt. 111..WKREIZItY 110.1 T, wi ~,i,r.red and popolnr Rome- University's Remedy for Itemotly fur Dyspepsia' or Tint University's Remedy for Cubtive Bow. Also the rniversity's Almanac may ho had. at the liran,:h ])kpensary, or Store or Swoopc, B unt , CO3, Pit, e, " to \-% Bell, +4 & Bre. Mill Creek, " B. FK .1 . epner, liillintown, Juniata " Bennet Crawlord,Tliompsontown " )11V1 . 1.01.121 . , Patters. 1). liiu;_rii•ii & Co. New Ilexieo, •' Joatl.:m Afilton, Cumberland " V,' S. Prowl:II, New Cumberland 46 " 1.. B. piper, ti Miltoll aw., Weal:lcy, Franklin, Venango M 'flootivson, Dmicansville, Ilnya, Franklin Forge, lierwtresser, Fraukstown, D. liollitlaysburg 3lyers, tf 6, J. Ily;ton,llcad Cranked Pain 4 4 J. A. hutlitge. IVilliatinhinirg, 4, . . . T. F011 , ..20 Lock below" Rifilolid :I. I,ff cry Yellow Springs, E. Goodfellow. . . . heob Alcllity;e, Itlatriinsbirri , ,, 6 , 66 D. Aleaser, Waynesboro, It 44 Al,j.y 4/I 1., 114111illaYd.nrgf 44 41 1:11111, Blti I, .10111141/Wll, Clllllllriti, " U. Lamberu.on, Franklin, Veining(), " Chas. Him, Lewistown, Munn ‘g .1. M. Williams. AleVeytown, .. ' ~ .1.11. Smith, Newton llamiltou, i " 6, P. C. ('reign, " .1. W. Smith. " .. ~ Stroda, 4r., SPvtlu's Mills Mary Marks, Lewistown, A. W. Mi., " cc cc O. W.lSucluuuut, AleXcut,,wtt, f• 11. linitzer k &,on, Jobuetow•n, Cambria. 3lity 11,, 1855-6 m. JUAN SCOTT. 5.,,1t , 1.1 T. I.l.uo‘N N LLSAI)I./.1% Attorneys at Law, ihniliugdou, nre a:; formerly occupied by John b, ..ii, lIVNIINGDON ADVERTISEMENTS. Now is the time to purchase FALL &WINTER GOODS Dave just received from the lar gest and finest assortment of Dry Goods ever of- Mred to the citizens of this place, and surround ing country ; such as Merinos, Alpacas, Muslin do Lanes, Parannuta Cloth, Persian Cloth, black and Colored Silks and every variety or Dress Goods and Trimmings. Also, Cloths, CIIRSIIIP. ers, Vestings, • Call and See one of the finest assortments of Trimmings I)rc't to this place ; also, Collars, Undersleeves, Chi- Inazetts, Gloves of every variety, Lodi& Scarfs and the hest assortment of Shawls ever offered. CARPETS, &c. A splendid lot of the iineqt Cerpet end Oil Cloth, • HARDWARE, or every variety, un l t lie hest assortment in town, QUEENSWARE, of every description, and at lower prices than can he goPet an,y other hou,e. GROCERIES, although they are a little up, we will try and sell as low as the lowest. HATS Sio CAPS, nowrs & SHOES, the largest and best a 3 Boltment ever uttered, mid at lower prices. Vint/OW WARE, &C. nod evCry variety of Goods, such Aare usually hcl3 inn country store. Call and see belbre purchasing any otl cr place, and it we can't sat isfy you of the firer, we will cave under. October 8, 1855. B e . t b r e , s .e t e n i s , szt il tn n c a nt fo o r f s trle v t ki c x , t o o t n i . , `he handsomest assortment of l)o lanes, Per sian Cloth, Larilht Cloth , lleragc do Lanes, Penmen° Cloth, awful! wool Merinoes, all wool de lanes, of the best styles and selected with the greatest care, for sale by J. &W. SAXTON. 05 owebs assorted Prints, just received and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. I"Lgest , l ri q of Boots In Shoes over ornorsoevUnor Imiles' Cellars, Undeoleeres, Chimazetts, and _,Uloces, Trimmings, at J. W..Saxtons. beautiful lot of hats & Caps, also Silk and .a.Stray Bonnets, by J. &W. SAXTON. i g ut r s nz i i i e u t i v ng o s f , B l z t . .:, 6 1 3 e5 . d2,7 . 1.1,a...., i c . .. fo a r 5ve.,:,3„., J. ,:‘,;e.s,nostiolks.s, A4 , :c e r ytei ti nal:ss,o soN. r- E;l7r's Ague Powders, ns miss best 114ofSia l i''e e; ‘1! I °" r ' C'- icr„,st„testns r :I„„s„sttVl and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. T W. SAXTON will take all kinds of coon. , try produce in exchange far goods at their cheap store, south-west corner of Public Square. A: i i i ip o d r ii s l a n te ss i o ,y rtineut 0ff . ,11 tavvl3.olslllk.;,i,t,rsoc.,(l If you want to buy good Cheap Goods, 'CALL AT GWIN,O. D. I'. Ilwin has just, received from Philadel phia It large and beautiful stork of TALL AND WINTER GOODS, o,ll , i , ting of the most fashimablo Dress Goods, a. Ladies and Gentlemen, such as French Me rino.,' Alpacca, Pardinatta Cloth, Peonies Cloth All Wool de Loins, Fancy do Loins, Debuisn, Cobings, Black and Fancy Dress Silks, and Prints or all description. Also, Cloths, Cassi mrs, plain and limey Cassinets, Vcstings, Sc. ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, dress Buttons, nibbunds, Bonnet Silks, Ghwes, Mitts, Woolen and Cotton Hosiery, Laces, Veils, Un dersleeves, Collars, Cllmazotts, ltiguletts, Silk Bonnets, and it variety of Dress Goods too nu merous to mewl.. Flannels of all kinds, Linseys, Woolen Table Covers Shawls, Comforts, bleached andunblea ched Alnslim, Ticket:, Cheeks, Ginghams, &e. Groceries ofall hinds, Hats & Caps, Boots and Shoes, Oil Cloths, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, and all goods usually kept in a country Store. My old cmtomers, nod as many not ones as con crowd in are respectfully requestg to come and examine my goods All kinds of Country produce taken in ex change fur goods, at the highest market prices. October 3, 1855. Dlll.-.MY®al.) SHADE GAP, HUNT. co, THE present session of this Institution will dose on Wednesday, October 3d. The ex hibition will take place in the evening. The ex amination the week previous. These exercises the public generally are invited to attend. The next session will Commence the lust Wednesday of October. The institution is located at Shade Gap, a quiet and retired place, free from all temptation to rico, idleness or dissipation. The location is II healthy ono, being situated among the mountains. It is entirely free from the nui sances so common along our rivers and so destruc tive to health. Tito course of instruction is such ask.kas been found by experience most suitable for expanding and d veloping the powers of the mind. The student is early taught to rely upon himself, to think, to reason, and investigate the adherent subjects whirls are in•ought hint. The govern ment is strict but mild, only requiring wha t is for the student's highest good. Around him is thrown, as fin• as practicable, the restraints and cotnfot is oft well legulated Christian ilOlll. Shade tiup, is situated 17 miles from the Mount Union station ot' the Pennsylvania hail Ilona, from which place there will he u line of stages. TERMS—SSO per session of live months, this includes tuition, room-rent and board. Wash ing, light and fuel extra. For huller particu lars address W. 11. WOODS, Principal. Shade Gap, Sept. 20, 1855.-3 m. Cinunberoburg & Mt. Union STAGE LINE REVIVED r r " tr . o u l l it " o si f g tit ' a l age a s wa oTer th l t o a ro sl ard Pi Z i ti ° v n ec o „ f Chambersburg and Mt. Union, cannot be but disadvantageous to a large section to the country has, at considerable expo. and trouble, made arrangements to run a lino of Stages Tri-weekly between thu two points. Good Horses and com• fumble Stages have been placed on the rotate, and experienced and trusty drivers will superin tend the running of the Coaches. The proprie tor of the lino is desirous that it be maintained, and ho thorelano radii ripen the public generally to patronise it. conaiihnit that it will be for their mutual advantage. Every attention necessary will begiven, and the running of the Stages will be regality. C,-,!;'Stages leave Mt. Union, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings, arriving at Chimiliersbarg the next day at 2 o'clock. Re turning, leave Chambersburg the same night at lii ii'cluck, arriving at Mt. Union early the fol lowing evening in time Mr the Cars. Stages ca „,, at shirloyslaurg, lirbisoniu, Shade lisp, Ii arc; Cabins ' Vannettsburg, Horse Valley, Strasburg and Keecer's store. itsirFarethrough k•:1,014 to intFrmedintepoints in proportion, OTICE is hereby given to all persons inter ested that the undersigned appointed attili ,tor, by the Orphans' Court to distribute the bal ance ot said estate remaining in the bawls of Hance It. Campbell, Adin'r., will attend for the purpose at his tam, on Thurmlay the 20th of December, 1855, at 10 o'clock, A. bl., and thus at that time and place they arc required to pre sent their claimsto die undersigned or be de barred beta coming jo fur a share of such assets JAMISON KELLY. lur liatlance. A. V. BENI:Dar, Nov. 28, 16r6. It. A utl Rev. l'IIILAI)F.1,1 1 111.1 A 111 . F.ItTISt;111:NTS, `J`i D,IJD IVIACHIN 1 , , SHOP AND FRENCH BURR • MILL STONE, - ....... 1 1,1111 - li .Y,:iliblrCill',Y. Corner of Germantown Road and New Market Streets : on the North Pennsylvania Rail Road, Philadelphia. Constantly on hand ur made to otder, the fol lowing highly approved Flour Mill Machinery. Woodward's Patent Portable Mills and Stout 'Machines. Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Bran Incl ters. Stover's Patent Fuel Saving Corn Kilns. Phtrson's Patent Barrel Hoop nod Moulding Machines. • Improved 'Bridge Steps and Bushes for Mill Spindles. WARRANTED, 1 The best Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Burr & Calico Mill Stones. Corn, Cole and Plaster Crushers. ALSO SOLE OWNER OE Johnslon , s Patent Cast !tidal Con- cave lirrilfl 9 l l l2, East and Sotah-East of the Ohio and ,M.ississip. pi Risers. . . . _ . Warranted to tali° out of the offal of every Ground, from l to 21 Its, or standard flour, which could not be bolted out on accouut or the electrical adhesion to the Bran. NOTICE :-1 hereby warn all persons against infringing my rights, secured by Letters Pa tent as above, as 1 will proseeut, all pereous making, selling, or using any Bran Dusters with an Iron or Cast Metal Concave in vie- lotion of the Letters Patent of Joseph Jelin stun, dated April 24th, 1854. TDOMAS R. WOODWARD, Proprietor. N. B.—State and County Patent Rights for all the above Machines fur Sale. August 29, 1855. tf BOOKS ! BOORS I 30,000 ',.`„"t'ir,el, l .Er'schfliir t :cir.: 4 0 . ces. subscriber is happy to inform his numer ous friends and customers that he has added very largely to his already extensive and varied stock of new and popular books—and can row boast us groat ajuriety at the SUMO low prices as the City Book Stores. His STATIONARY is of great variety and well selected, via t Fan cy and Plain Note Letter and Cap paper and Envelopes. Gold Pens and Silver Holders from $1 upwards, Pon and Pocket KUIVOK, Part Mummies and Pocket- Books, Ink and inkstand. Razor-strops and Brushes. &c. School Books in quantities to country merch ants and leachers at City wholesale prices.— Wrapping paper constantly on hand. 1000 PIECES WALL PAPER of every kind, Window Paper nod painted Shade, with Putnaues Patent Sell-Adjusting Curtain Fixtures. All the above at Phila. ru till prices, _Fall and examine, "I endeavor to • please." Store on Railroad St. Huntingdon, I'B. WM. COLON. Oct. 17, 1855. MOUNTAIN ACADEMY. Birmingham Bunt hagdon Co., Pa. TI -11.1 winter Term of this Institution will open Wednesday October 31st. Instruction given in all the branches requisite to entering College advanced. IVe are also prepared to accommodate any who may wish to give attention to the ornamental brunettes; in itMlition to these we design giving prominence to tie study of Architecture. Sons of ministers and young me. who have been engaged in teaching and desire to lit them selves more thoroughly for that station are ad mitted free of Tuition. - TERMS. Tuition, Ronal nod Furnished room $60,00 per scssicn—pcsablc strictly one bolt in ad vance, the other nt the middle of the term. THOMAS WARD, Principal, THOMAS SCOTT, Assistant. Oct. 10, 1855.-3 m. Botletikainer on the Piles. Now Practical Observatiuns on some of the Disea ses of the Rectum, Anus, and *Continuo. Tex tures—giving their'Nuture, Seat, Causes, Symp toms Consequences, and Prevention ; especial ly ithressed to non-medical leaders. By Win. Botlenlitinter, M. D. Second edition with plates &e. Bvo. $2. J. S. REDFIELD, Nov. 7, 1555. No. 34, Beekman st. t c TA. 0 raAcrirTio MACHINES: Fur the cure of Whim Sadlings—Curvatureof the spine ; Dyspepsia ; Neuralgia ; Itheutnie tism ; Disease of the kidneys, Dvitria, Womb, &e., &c. A book accompanies each machine, giving full instructions in the application of it in tubercular and scrofulous diseases. Mann. fnitured and fur sale by W. c. & Not; N os Southlth Street, l'hiMilclphia, Ca. Septumber 6, 1;05. • - - • -- H, ROM IN - 5 no.,JuNt 11,,1 A GOA AS,pfiTMENT READY-MADE CLOTHING. eirNSISTING Or AU. KINI.S OF CQATS, PANTS, VESTO I And otlter articles of gentlemen's wear. October 3, 1855, COUNTRY DEALERS CAN CLOTIIINII AT WIII , LESALE, AS CHEAP AS IN THE CITY, AT RONAN'S CLOTHING STORE. OVERCOATS. All kinds, cheaper than elsewhere, at 11. ROMAN'S CLOTIIINCI STORE Dr. John McCulloch, oniters his professional services-to the citizens of 11untingdon and vicinity. °dice, Mr. Iliadic brand's, between the Exchange and Jackson's ifuntingdon,Ang. 29, 1895. WAS 2101 S Collectors aro hereby notified that the Com missioners will meet on the first Monday in De cember next, to give thorn their exonorations on Militia Fines. According to a late Act or As sembly no exonerations fur said tines'cun he giv en after that time. By order of Commissioners. 11. W. 1111.LBE, Clerk. Nov. 22, 1855. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of James Campbell, late of Shirley Township. lIISCELIMEOUS $1 000. -- 1. TWO Cemlidrie :—Why is it that the Ex-Gone rn, of Maryland, a1,,0 the President of one of the Bunks at Frederick City, urged the Doctors there to procure it? Why has a large cash order this week come trom such men as Messrs. Peel & Stevens, wholesale Druggist', of Alexandria, Va . and by the very next mail, an order, (the third time in our weeks) from Sir. Pierpoint, nod from Messrs. Cook & Co. of saint place . and by tho very Same mail it Co., order from Messers. Hopper & Wilmer of Centreville, Md., (where a short time since such an 'excitement sprung up from some remarkable cures mule there by Prof. C. DeUrath's (genuine) Elec tric Oil, rrum 39 South Eighth Street, Philadel phis, a few doors south of Chesnut street 1 How is it that the editor of Erie Observer, was ca red in two days ut rheumatisms in his bark of three yours' duration ; and Mr. Brady, of Har risburg of Paralysis I Why and how was it cant the other day Mr Oeorge Weis, 327 Eager street Baltimore, two doors from St. James , church, was cured of palsied hands of long standing , also the late case of a lady in Philadelphia, ea red of spinal curvature, and another of Prolup sus Ctori, a complete, radical mire? Ask then[. Why to such men us Mesrs. U. N. & W. 11. Williams, wholesale Druggists, of Syracuse N. Y., write, August :loth. that—"your Electric Oil proves more beneficial than any other prepara tions we have ever heard of," &e. Yours, G. N. &W. ll.WlT.t.t.tms. Why has Joseph Osborn. Esti., of Auburn, written, now the third time that "Prof: De- Grath's Electric Oil is selling very Fast, and making great cures never before accomplished here I" Why dill John Rita, Esti:, send, the 21 inst., a gold dollar in to letter from Double Bridges, Vs., for a bottle. on the recommenda tion of Wui. Arvin, Esti., of the same place who putt some a short time since for the (lout, and was curcdf Why is it that every one speaks' of it as "a wonderful emotive," and is this not the real cause ()future selling at retail, in Phile- delphia alone, than in sold of Dr. .I:nyne's moll vines, or five of any others l IVlty in it that a Physician of large practice used it on the para lyzed limbs of his boy, atter using everything else) Simply because the genuine "Electron, Oil," from the office of Prof. DeGrath, effectu ally cures paralysis. Why and how is it that over $5OO has been sold in Washington, D. C. during about six weeks, and over $lOOO worth 1 in Baltimore in the 8111110 titer 1 Why do Messrs I Morris & Cu., of York, Pa., (one of the finest Drug houses in the State,) and John Wyeth, Esq. ' of Harrisburg, Pa., sell so much, when they have any quantity of all sorts or other medicines right by the side of the "Electric Oil?" Simply because nothing else will answer the purpose that the Oil (lOC, Let the skepti cal ask the numerous cases of Monist hopeless I patients, if anything could be wore agreeable in use, or more etrectioil in its results—some af• ter Ito ring expended hundreds of dollars on va riot's former treatment, with nothing but din : couragement and despair fur their trouble. Why is it that other medicines have advertisements pjle.l up 011.111 high, in all the papers while Professor De Orath's 'Electric Oil' is only nu- I•ticed at a elude expense not to exceed $2O a day? Why is it that two phy,ieians are daily employed iu the office, applying the (gen eine) .'Electric Oil".to patients afflicted with 'letter, Palsy (and it is warrented rot thi,).— Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Ileadsiche.(ll,l Sores . and Bruises, Wounds Cuts, Sprains nod loin , ries, Sore Breast tut,l side ; also all kinds cf painful complaints. Although a core is war , rented. yet not more than one bottle hits ever been returned ; and that was a case of total deafness, of 16 years' standing. Of course nn- tine could nut restore such n ease, with winder en help. . N. 11.—An educated Doctor always in ntten dance. and ladies may, if they desire it consult with a lady by dropping a line to the office of 41, PIM, C. DEORATit, 311 S. Eighth street, Phila., 3 doors South of Chesnut at. Price. 50 cis, 75 cts., and $L••' . I'. S.—Five &liars reward will lie paid for the arrest ail IoW scaup, a Jew twiner, who copied, 011 it dirty sheet, some of Prof. 1)c Grath's bills; and us the originals are copyrighted, he is liable to the law. Remember the No., 39 S. Eighth st., Phiana. Thomas Head & Sun, Huntingdon, Hunt. Cu. IL Barnwell, Montgomery, Blair co., W. G. Murray, Hollidaysburg, !flair co., Condrun & McCoy, Framkstown, Blair en., J. H. Humor & Co., Watcrstreet. Hunt. co., Wm. Moore, Alex andria, hunt. co. Sept. 26, 1855. PRIVATE SALE. Of Valuable Real Estate rrilmsai.W;ii;;;ll;s his ;;;11-17,7,;Ti..vern Stand Property, on Hay's Hill, Fulton Co. Pa., at private Sale, with nil the land belonging thereto, being 3.113 ACRES of patented hind, 103 acres of which is cleared and under good fence. The improvements men large Franie Tavern Stand;. a good large Stable, sufficient to accommodate eighty horses, Granary, Corn Crib, Wagon shed and all other necessary out buildiugv, and an exec Ilent orchard of choice fruit—a never fail ing stream of water at the door, find several rood livingsprings indifferent parts of the land, There an. also OIL this property Two -111.1 TCllllllt The alio, is Duca flit best known Tavern Slands on the build, and the place is in a high state of cultivation, and well adapted for pas ture. lle also offers for sale the Fares adjoining the above, on which he at present resides one half mils. south of the Tavern property, containing SOO ACHES of good limestone land, 511 acres of which is cleared under fence, in at geed state of colt.ivotionond tho bAtuee well limber ed. The improvements are good new Two-Story IVeather-Boarded llottbe, Book Barn, Spring House, Wash House, and other out buildings, a first rate orchard of good fruit, a good spring close to the house, and ne ver failings springs of water in every field. There are also on this tract a good SAW MILL, Limo Kiln, and several excellent (peril., and an good a ocation for a Tan-I'W as could ho desired, with plenty at' hark convenient. There non also There good Tenant Houses on this plaanial two other good horns. . . This is uno of Mc best stock farms in the country, and offers peculiar inducements to any Person who desires to raise cattle, Sic. lle eiii sell in irantities to suit purchasers, and any one wishing to make a bargain would do well to examine the above properties beibre purchasing elsewhere. Torns trade to suit purchasers. For Nailor inibrmatiou apply to tho subsea bor. JAMES SPROAT, Oct. 10, 185 2.-3 m. AGVNTS.-., A Book for Every Family in the Union, Impartial and Reliable. BELCHER'S HISTORY 01.' ALL nu: RE. LIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES. This is a large Octavo of 1,024 pp., Muslim. ted by nearly 200 engravings, and gives the “History, Doctrine, Government and Statistics" of all the sects in this country. It is sold es elusively by subscription, and the demand fur it is increasing from every section of the coun try. There are still a few counties unengaged in Penna., in which thorouglegoing men of good address might do a large and profitable busi ness. The terms are suds as cannot fail to pay. inc these and other particulars apply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 15•Stutsom St., Phila. Oct. 2.t, 1825.-2 m . DISSOLUTION. Whatever partnership which existed between the undersigned in the Surveying business has been dissolved be tauten' consent. J. SIMPSON AFRICA, J. F. RAMEY. The business will be conducted ns formerly I, .1. Simpson Africa. 1/. 18.1.1.-W AA A A 11 C. ' Ii 'j• P. JOB OFFICE 0.1, —Him. JouftN.l7 I t : . JOB OFFICE Y, 40:; o ix THE ce, yr); o Jon-Ivo it E. r, ;f: `:.); t t i ) 1; :LAIL ur `:;f, 1 : EXECUTED f , IS -r THAN !:1, o e' V " IVA R WITH' II,• All kinds of e: % 1 : t; El. ‹Te.i) CONSTANTLY ~~ ~~.;> . ,~ ~~.•, 111t, •' •: -..: 1111SCELLINE4;i:i COS:VA:POLE .'.l7i :.I~i 4 "Ss x,ll\l IJJI SECOND YEAR A lIIIAXCIENIENTS for the Second Atintial Collect m of this now and popular Institu tion fur the ditlit,ion of Literatre and Art, have been made on the most extensive scale. Among the wot ks already engaged, is the far famed “DENO.I CRUCIFIX," which original ly cog Ten Thoumnd D o na, In forming this .w collection, the diilt ion of works of American Art, and the encourage ment of American genius have not been over looked. Cotnnsissions nave been issued to nom) , of tie most distinguished American Artiits, who will contribute some of [ltch. fittest productionr. Among them are three Marble Busts, executed by the greatest living Sculptor—lnnen, Pavers: GEDIIDE NCTON. the Father orhig Country ; ISF.N•L MIN FR AN IthlN, the Phi losopher; DANIEL \V EusTEtt, the States man. A special ;agent has visited Europe and made careful and judicious selection' of foreign works ,f Art, both in Bronze and Marble ; Sta tuary and Choice Paintings. The elude forming a barge and valuable cal lection of Paintings and Statuary, to he distri buted free among the members of the Associa tion fur the Second year. Terms uf :Menthersliip.—'rhe payment of three dollars constitutes any one a member of thi. \ • soetation, and entitles him to either one It tar one year. and nho :a ticket in the dt,tribution of the Statuary and Paintings. . . . Tim ttierat tire i,ttetl to ,111;scrillery of the followimt :\ (outlay Aittgortilt, : 11 I,l;t•kt,lJ Putnam' Itook, un,l ~~'urd~ ....... takio; live memberships ore entitled to any tire of tin Mitg:l4tileS 610 nue year, and to six tirke 6 ill The tic[ I nic , ,1 tlariced from t' hurl 11 . :.‘11 CilSt becoming a The Advatuage member of this gSbOeljlti , lll . , ItEl!—: .. •` lst All persons receive the fill value of subscriptions at the start, in the shape ulsterlin 11 agn7iiie . Literature. Each member is eontribating . towards mt chasing choice \Yorks or Art, aluelt• are to I distributed among them:it:lre,, and are nt tl same time the Arts or the cumitr dishtming thousands al:dollars thruugh Age. cy. Persons in remitting funds for Mellibership, will please give their post afire address in SOL stating the Inouth the) wish the alagazine to continence, and have the letter registered at the pest afireto prevent loss , on the receipt of which, rt certificate or membership, together with the Magazine desired, will he forw Irlled to aoy part of the country. Those wits purebase Magazines at Bookstore. will observe that by joining this Associaii , .n. they receive the Magazine and free ticket tit t:... annual IliStriblltiMl. ull at the sutne price tla v now pay for the Magazine alone. Beautifully illustrated Catalogues deseript ions, sent free on application ntl.tre;; 'C. 1.. 1)1.:1:11I, Actuary C. A. A. At either tti tl.t• Ilt,tilx‘ity, N. V., or 11'e,,,, tr. 6 5t,,,.. t , :littlitsky, 0. liet. I.i, 1555.-6 t.. THOMAS A'. MILL 64 Ca CLOFIIING S FORE, MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISH MENT, Chesnut Street, Philadelphia, Nu. It: 'of i:f•:ittt use door below Fiftli..North Side. ; Prima:, ottcntion Paid to Gentlemen who wish to buy their clot Ling rt - ,- ' I I , l i i i l t l it ' it l , 2 , ' , ` , l r . : - ',' T ( Vehd l T,'l, ‘ 7 tly mode, quite OH good as con 1, ut:ide by puy Merchant Tailors of the United Stows, slimilh •,F , ,, , -, 1 . ..,•,• - ,,K.. , ,,, - ,. ••,,,',,.. 7 ' 1 , 1 t -:,,L ,‘ , visit this magnificent store, where maids ci' ti e - , J. , -1...L.....i..........1 ~,..1 "•-' 1 finest doss are kept Ready Made and io the piece Ns' Isßist99ol TaDit•n, I which will be ...do up!. order at the shone:L. c•-) notice and purl eel sauslaction warranted. 0 00 0 KIL 'MEN ..,,,„a tine assoruneut rf 1 0 , TO, ', •l' I" le'r INI , : .11, rt,llllol .F..1:6.1.'1, li:I.11 - 11,11M :fan TifiDll:-.11 t. , '' ' • ••• - • • thi ,•i•'• •• • - --..,,, Ant errs article, is mocked with the lowest cash , 1:',.:11 lai,:i Wi nit., Goo, rive, in plain figures. I which he :. •:• i • ,:, . ,• , •:. • - • Nue. 7, lisl'is.--nitio. I luLe and n,,..",.,! '•. :. . I, , ..•. - ..• pureio, will iiii.l ~ •. , .: .• A FAlrni iredit SALE. !.. call lieforc purch:,-,,, ci-, .1., ~ i ~, THE subscriber offers for note n tract of land ' only to please. Ili , :hi •ch c ,, nsi•ts of r Sitirnie in Holder:ion township, Huntingdon Pry Goods, Hardware. county, bounded by lambs of Peter Swoope, John McCartney's heirs, and others, contabungl X 9.... Q !rt . , &SHOES, A A 115 and one-half Acres, C A P S . about 110 acres arc elenred mid in a goodslate I Glass & Queensware of cultivation, the balance being well timbered. a large and splendid assortment of rco ...... The improvements .• • ! At,_ .-"")., me ft good LOG CLOTHING, i fP 0---- II 0 usE, a NEW • ''''' ' ' whi .1 In is nrc I —WI lots to. . pure, to sell in - 11.1.NK BARN, ate' -^` • ! c ' I ' • assts, JOHN HUYE'I WAGON SHED, a CORN CRIB, two good I N. B.—Country produce token in c ORCHARDS and a never-failing SPRING of ' for goods. water near the house. This form is situated Niuurscille, Nor. 7, 185.1.—tr. six miles from the town of Huntingdon. - ---- 'terms will be made easy to snit purchaser. 3. 11". Tll, O l 0151'0A AN 1) itEw AI:Llso N. Air October 31, 1835, tl. ANI) I'EItRYSVILLE c0.1f111.,1 ()NEU FOR ANI) Htsveuport s rillillet tslbtirg stage) Attends to buying, selling and locati and laud warrants, pays taxer, loans AV ILL LEAVE PERRI'S y11.1.E , Real Estate security, on commission, Monday', an d i and makes abstract; of title, he. Ant Friday Mornings. intrusted, trill be attended te promptb: Returning will loans FANNETTSBURG on fidelity. • Tuesday, Thursday and ;Saturday Mornings. Refer to 111 n. Geo. :or and :11e, connecting with the Express 'frains east aim L" Ilunting'inn• west in the morning, and the Mail train in the ' 853 • - evening. CWI3IrrrEE. E. Oct:3, 163%—:1ni. rc , .y i,en that the pn DISSOI.III . I4IN OF PARTNEIESIIII!., between the at The Partnership licrebillir•• existing between the midersigneil, matted disslved. Tlic iil carr;, 'wreath,. lie John I 1 th• „,.., , „ III) i•;•I 1„1,... , 1.• • • • ' It 11E11 I I I MISCELLANEOUS ADVER7ISEI 110014 i I ill' ,Ith,cribvrs hove establish , in 19:ihdelphi:,, rind will I nt the retail pt•l•sons. by 1011,11. 1 1 ,11 1 11 , 11 : -, 1 . 11 . 1! of nny of the ti , !: 11 nq Ilnrlir litaley . a. Pathan Vaud, Leslie's Fashions, tie Chi . % ; Owl . 4,1 11. 1,4 , 1 n‘ii 1 7 1*Liji, :".35:11de. tad Shw 1 I I • InV.11:1 NE(''I.\IZINr 1)11".\ I)\\'Akrl . lll.r,lo 11A1.5.01 PINE AI:111,It GI:.‘1 . I: orders addre,s,l to lltt•ni \sin I, le usual nursery priees. Tern, (2 Nov. 28, '55.-4t. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. [E,tat e of Benjamin Seailloor Tile 1111110,1,41114 AlOllllll l . 111111111 n (4i1111111 . 8 1• . 1 1111 111 I 1 1111I111g(11111 1,11111 111,41'111116111 01 . 1111 1 1 . 111111, 111 OW 11111111 I.;,tiyer. AllllliniNtrator of th jatnin Yeat I tegi.;teeg i lie 22,1, el P. M. tor 11, 1: lit• ror ti . 1.111 . g , •11 . 111;! 11111‘1. H (.111 27111 1: Call am! look befort _L; Ull 1,11 Lad Dress Good • ,t0j1: Ilf II Velvt t, hrou , o—a asNort Boots, Shoe. A lorge gclod s Hats, & Fresh Gsveerien. :e my goods zwd exonlit, Call awl dig it a mit' A!! FALL 8t .I , r l'Al()A r n)i ) DE h CI . NNIN,;II.\ nro iiient Fnll \\in fiend lwattithd ul giving lug Gootin, Groceries, Ifitar4l 4.Etweas-ware, Cettar-lv Hats, boots and shoe, Ready Mate Clothing always Lvcrything that. is usually store. PISII -11A7 , Pi; I, pi ,•01,:milly ror Sale. . . %, our stcal,e6, vlscAluire, and see whether Ind,• it your interest to patroni,o us. :NH 01 country produce tali o for tioods at the highest mar. ~iL~ 'I'I ICI 111 t. s 111:z "it Warriorir Drv, T mc,!iy I; v, [Ilk( tn,rk ruditi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers