Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 19, 1855, Image 3
t‘, 4 1,, i1 ,„ is,. ~nE•.~ ItiffiCELL.kNEtWs ADTERTHEMENTS. 1,1:1,.!.1 • A NIAP Of I,44.4.Nittr2iq TOVertglarr• s.titi;aU --- ! The undersigned proposes to constsuct from Vero i 3 no Inlr.orbtra int. Iligetice front the actuall survey, and publish, 11 a sufficient number scat of war. he prinmpal feature of the news lof subscribers can he obtained, the w.,11 is to Iruriety of rumors all stating HAP OF FRANKL/N TOTVAI.SH/P, that et last three i., a prospect of pence. U ue. I Ifuntingdon Comity, un which will be represen t..or zacs that. Russia lens directly requested ted all the Villages, )3trcams of Water, Public Prussia to make euttcPintory oilers to the Wes. I Mods, Post ( Moos, tillorchlob School Ilitilscst tr En powers, nod Prussia is said to have ocecot• l'orosr , s: Forges, tirist and Sow 151111,, lioloolo ed Mc mission, Austria assenting. lint tme tics of the school Districts, and other objects orthv of note in Said town ' ship. Thu position most deliniu o fur,. a the rumor is that t •"°. of must of the dwcilings win he given with the sitions have been submitted au .tipoleou on bm „ too , of. th e owners occupiers. which eau I len:muddy accept. viEws ~t. FARM REsmwsoEs, (hops° moludy, I hnt a',ll emu:hale a peace „,.,,p will be inserted on the margin "'t of ti , pile lice ilellarg each view ; for ours • •; • • . .- a. •I, tlinc hoilding", or if ornamental, tea dollars. • • • . 'udnricy of farms or tracts of land, togc .': • , • '• . " a the urea of the satne t will he show. • ' ' • `..1h.r... ..1! .2.i, a ohnn is ftwniFt eil •. . . ; it . • , rolles to one • , e, . ,tmtr c and four ' ; .• • •., •latc. a. at 1, 7111, 1 at. ; 'flit 3 n, , 4 of 1 -I Soo.. ~,iint,rt:lll, IS ,111 I, 11'1 11,.1, h.., . ,!. 1e.,00t, het t!. .t • •t. ly from previt, , • vi,i , !..•:1 I•nishe., Ihe lilocktle of the Whit , . I :trier ()eh , r past. • The I. .1,,u ..; 1: , . :.ropositiolts ..; ! •' 01.wlmt ; , , ; t. , 1111.111,1 i ill.] , 111111 I , ieir,.l OXI/Qat . ll,llol . Uhl eoutory. .I;elies reel: 1%1,1 lit Vienna state that Pasha, haJ eutt.roi fiulai , 1.1 reemn nit:need olleivito tip •Entivii, sit the DLit ofN bill the result Arils ant knot: u, 'the three of the Allies nl lierleh and Yeai• Icel. , hits !Islets tiettniented l y reieforeethents to .15,000 nll n. A dual:welt from Mamiellcs states that on the 15th, the lith,itht hattcries tta the north of Seatstuitt.; annotencerl firingred•hot tthut, to odlielt the uilies 113 I;hdis..ll cs•rospioleht ..f 11:e Anstrisn considered a rolialde,.. h ;loath() .nriay in the i• . pr.nisiknis fur 0 iGltt 1119101.. Kin, of .•1s1,1;1.i . for Colnis on Thursday evening., o• ; •• oco t • to 14n,Intiel tin! (.)neen's •.' of in I , ritnee Itrive hc , e red avt rtk:,,;o hi the t'eole of 1'r;11.0; i , b e ing I of it 1441(II ; 0100 h. Th.. hi g li,! • • • ‘,1.,.; Arrikrry. (tr, • ' ;•t• , l iii tlir, (,1 jo.t s ; • • a t,tl ,Irtatit(tr, nis ' Minis t t.. • ... on.) moos IQ 1., i, • . 1 , which the nr , .!..oiz,l'on wihtia l , r ~ , 1 . i, ucolne,, evident that wo st nut p, • • , n nob or , lit to the l', l lll, ileg,t a .. which am ont.htniiiy Iward, but rather I.ltulo that. Russia is propnring for a hi, and oh,tinnie contest." N11.14,1.---A most sot inn,' mislbrte,w lu t , 1'; MeNion, on she 11th tilt., by nn : (1N . ;, , i!)1, 1, UllppnBpd b,y a a the I , lmh, oountry tilmot 7,l,_.Btita it 1161 nod ; I,l'o ,01•10(1 a p, 1101i§,S, 01 , 1 i I. . Iltruituro, and nettle degtr ,, yed, and natty p,•l o.; Mita thtlllage has, thee 1,. dune hr the city The, total lots is tail to 0v...0.1 la, million; of un, eo, or out &ma a quartiqinill on storliolg4ldit l'olorato the elm]. err; %Try 1..a.1, dead; beiuw.fronl 70 to 100 it, Its. lit Nttplys, frolo 30 to .10 Menthe per day are aitafbidtiki this fatal nialoolv. MISCLI;AIVERITS ADVERTISEMENTS. IPt.easaNylvnEtift Triegraph. Etioh:rget, 11:trviu &Rcot eiced.rernis, C.,411 4UOI•'TED. On mat after the lift of. January, is :,n, th, Penns, Ivania pi:Nisbet! nt Ilarris inN, l'a., v :It be otvaesl utt.i eun.ltuit,e,l by tki. tiiiilett,igneil, who mill ,1161. to make It *artily ol' Ity e.inet anti Itt frientlr. It will continent:a the nee )earloritttell on oa t kith ra , w tyr, and ti:e ‘l',l,ly greatly oda,- eil in torte, 3, bile the price will lie lowly P.m " 014r.i• pup, •1 ir.n ch. (Per paqish , 1,1 :tad itaytnenti mill o ;“ paper will and •. : 6.1 all toil'. ba : -:.hire, ai.l . . „ • , It • I t • and aim •,, aoitompl - , luol,iag tho ' ;. It still .ustaitt the bights: ttnio'dtkl N ,tionalitv ; nnd, wltilc yielding a 1,1 o!,e o'ht the compromise's 1/f the .leterstinedl.y resist thit extoisimi LA' II 'slo o.v. It trill give a eordtal, earite,t but in depewlent support to the ntitoinistratiun of Gov. Pollock. iimits—wrnicirLx IN ADVANCE. The Telegraph will ho furnished' Semi-Week- Iv during the :4.410118 of the Emrisluture, and Weekly, on a double sheet, the remainder of year, nt the following low rates—the money in variably to um:oilman) thu order Single Subscriptions, Stl• On Five copies ($1 80 per copy) a tut 'Fen capita (till 70 per copy) 17 00 Twenty copies fill 50 per cepi) • th) An , Main came price (SI t',lt per copy) on any moolo, over twenty. apoild letade up at once, nod nub hoo, forwarded before MO liket, of January, 6,, ,11 . ' hay can ...At.... with the ...lion of the I,cgioluture. §ulo.eription, will be oil 11 , 1111 Cab OW% All ordure most I,e tu brcLuitE llun•i.dlnrO, I'u. Crliusiness men will Pal the 'relegrapli the ve ry best Adver.isitig, AltAiiiitoip I'eans)lv..itia, out of the rine,. Deettober 12, Tkcit:, P7171:7ti 711 71 - minietralif.r , LA or Juni. 01 . West tp., Hnuti ingdon CO.. htot grtttitett to the timletAignetl, nIl pa.rtumt ini!elittsl to' said ONtflIA will wnlcn In netiinto sOttlement, and thutir Jug claims ingniiist it n ill 10e,eat thun. duly au thenticated 101. W11,1,1A Al STEWART A.inh. itts:4-litti Pll ILI Or I.; LASS, Itt`ittetarinellotown u tousi.ottly un hoed, made and Is proparoa to make krnp r ; ,:i finds at the shortest not • . inte. i, reit t.. the 'l'yo,•livrA, School I)irc , rrimls or editemin, that t'ou;ity Teuvlien; lit4titute will nicyt ut the ('mitt llon,:e in the borough of Hun tio:;don, on 111onday the 24th or I)ettinher, at .. , 'dock A. M., to continue in . session roc two Several important reports will be rend he r •,•• l',.:lo,,titittt!. All are respectfully invite:l By order or Nord of .11.iumers, li. \1r.1)1 VIII', bee. Barree Forges, I)re. 12, 1855. 2t. The Newspaper Record, A , olicetion of newswinct• facts and statistics, containing n complutc list id' newspapers in the F'S/TII) ST. 771: ; ;5 . , o• G'REA 7' nii/KILV The only reliable work of the kind to the world. An invalnable to.istant to the Milo., BookPublkher and t;eneral Advertiser. Beillt iirully printed on line white paper, (arta, size. This hook will he promptly sent to any. part of the country on the receipt of three dollars, ad dressed to LAY & BROTH ER, rlia St., above Wittutit, 12, 1V55.. 17. 4:(PI'll'I.11 -4 S Truss and inure • • ‘1!,,i..,!,eny St., 118111, ,l/arsh L'n's ,t 3 le ntla Aze; Fo'clich /641 , t0.r. combining col rect 8151 (Ittral,ility, •,141.” /la. • 1.•;' l'olapsus Uteri and 1(3 tibbolliate pain.; end weaknesses; Erector It, - • :13 e (74,e E.rp. , 74th r, of approved make. 4 ;., l invited to lininitig's a ; • • ~ ' --the Spring-Spino :shoulder • .; -;) all with stooped and spinal wealcu,s.:. Ic attaelles • , 1 . Ilrace, is easy, elt.gant and OFoctive. ..a; distance promptly offended to. ii Tresses will state No Indies . ' ~ver rupture; Inc Body Brace, No. .;•nd hips Inc Sprir„,—Spino-Sholildfir .\ ..,p, No. lorhes around chest under aim s. Insfrinneats not lilting, exchanged, if re turned assailed. Dee. S. 55t,....:11n0. OOOKS FOR SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. THE ILLUSTRATED COMPOSITION BOOM • This work is a great help to teachers awl pa ;,:is. It is a quarto of ,letter sheet size, Colltla ing Directions, Subjects, and Blank Leaves Ihr Composition ; with large and splentli4- Engra vings. It i, roc-ly uric tot int the best writing paper. Price :3t cents fur school oditioq or 021 cents in lull gilt binding. POPULAR LECTURES ON SCIENCE AND ART. Dion, Lardner, L. L. D.; treating of all the Physical Seiene,s in a euraidel e an d ih n dli ar manner. Two large tletityn volumes, of 1,208 pager, with several Modred Illustrations. Every reneger and library ,hould have a copy. Price $4. RQIIERTSON'S HISTORY 01? AMERICA. Frt. it,' discovery, continued by to American' hl,:t w den to the time. A large octavo ‘,lntne, of 1,200 pages, splendidly illastrd'ed, binding. The most Complete history of our ,etintry over written. l'ricr $4. G(.71)1.; Po!: E17.3:y m HOMOEOPATHIC .P . JkA , E'.f1.5 . 2;' , D . :0 - .' is.J..r_;TPS,'2,' m• MAWNN I'REI.P;II. Al. P. Enthrovinti., the nistor,v flit I)istatsits in i. 5.1 1 ,..• •! , i , • • , t , •o• to renitilo,. :tmt tt,•• 1 . : 1 • lit'. ' li\•\ " NV. 1./IV.. !Hit. • VC'S tsi :31,' it C. , . or suid ,r • ! De,. 5, It. At ITOll' NOTICE. NTOTICE is herehy given Pi till persons lute L N rested that the under,igned auditor appoin ted 11 the brplottpi. ettnrt ollitoitingdmi Coun ty to distribute the halunce remaining in the heads °PDF, C .1. llirst, administrator of Wit lime flirt), deed., amongst those . entitled the-reto, will attend Per the purpose aforesaid, on Saturday, the 511, day of January nett, nt one o'cloek, I'. M., at his shire in the borough of lluniin dots, when ain't where nil persons' inter ested in ,aid Imlnnee are requested t o attend p o d present there elaitus, or he Pre tn thence forth forever debarred from receiving ally share in said halatted. JOIIN REED, Auditor. Dec. ~ • . TIMM PSON, ATS,U=LN'IS, IK9f, AND cu.II.III.9SIO.VER Fol. PENNS III:ANL I Daveittpo!t, lowa. Aiwall; to buying;sclling and locating Llntls and loud' warrants, intyq tett...loons Money on noel Estitte snottily, un'eoutnitssien, examines and al.,tracts of title, dte. Any business inretutted - , will be attended to prontpfly and will fidelity. to Gco. Taylor and Members of dm' Normal). 2 I , I i 35.—1; in xorricE. i 4 luitu.hy given that the itartnerahip Iturettotore•tt the tintlerttigt, ett (traidigg th. rtAi&l k I . 0 , OW , day divio . tverl. by c,.its.t. Thu hookl 31d A 1.,. ort: in the. lowan t 1 David with \Alan all• otouoaned will I.h:use to tualio CHOW4E cl(Welt, I),‘ , ilir DUN.. '. April 10. MISIVELIANIMITSADVITIISEMENTS. • BOOK AM ENCY. PIIEiE sa bscribers have esta bl hshed a Book 1 Agency in Philadelphia, and will furnish any book or publiontion at the retail price free of postage. Any persons. by forwarding the sub scription price of any of the $3 Magazines,soch as Harper's, Putnam's, Graham s ' or Frank Leslie's Fashions, &c. will receive the magazines for ono year and t copy of the 4,1.- 41 lithograph portrait of either Washington, Jackson or Clay ; or if subscribing to a $2 and SI Magazine, they will receive n copr of ei ther of the three portraits. Ii subscribing to sfi worth of Magazines, all three portraits will be sent gratis. Music furnished to those who may wish it. Envelopes of every description and sine in large or small quantities furnished. Soul Press es. Dies, &c. soot to order. Every description Zatigra ring un Wood ex ecuted with netitne,o and dispatch. Views of Buildings. Newspaper lleadingt, Views of Ma chinery, 'took Illustrations, Ledge Certilieates, Business Cards, Stt, All °Met, sent by umil pronittly attended to. Persons wishing view, of their buildings engraved can send a Dag., rentrpe er Aeich of the building by or es t' !!•,,ns at n distance having saleAlu articles • ! !Ind it to their advantage to address the 10 ,, ,ihers, as we would act as agents for the sale of the sante. BYRAM & PIERCE, ho .null, Third 85., Thihnhlphiu, Nov. 2S, Fruit, Shade, and Ornamen- II:o 1 IVIESSRS. TAYLOR & CREMER offer for 1 sole ra their Nurseries in Huntingdon, on assortment of trees of the best voricties con sisting of APPLE, APRICOT, PEAR, CHERRY ' PEACH, ALMOND, PLUM, DWAR' APPLE NECTARINE DWARE PEAR, DWARF C HERBY SILVER MAPLE BALSAM PINE ARBOR VITA. GRAPE VINES, &e. All orders addressed to than will be filled at the mind nursery prices. TehOs Cash. Nor. 2S, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of Benjamin Nearhoof, he'd.] The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon county, to 'nuke distribution of the funds in the hands of Deorge Guyer Jr., Administrator of the astute of Ben jamin Ncarboof, late of \Varriaomark town ship, deceased, among those entitled to the same, hereby gives notice that he will attend at the Register's Office in Huntingdon, on Sat urday the 22,1, day of December next, at it Afelock P. IL for the' purposes of his appoint. ment, where all persons having claims against, said funds are requested to present the sante or be for ever debarred from getting a share of said fund. THEO. II CR EMER, Nor. 2;th 18.)5—1t. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of James Campbell, tale of Shirley Town Phip. iS s TOTICE is hereby given to all persons inter ested that the undersigned appointed audi tor, by the Orphans' Court to distribute the bal ance of said estate remaining in the bursts of Hance li. Campbell, Arlin', will attend for the purpose at his office, on Thiirsday the 20th,of December, IS:4, at 10 o'clock, A. N., and that at that titan and ',lace they are required to pre sent their claims to the undersigned or he de barred front coming in for n share of such assets or balance. 4. W. I.IFNEDICT, N0v.518, Auditor. FALL AND WINTER *vows, Call and look before you purchase, JLISGSjjjJjj UAS just returned from l'hiladciplia nod is now opening one of the prettiest tool best selected stock of goods ever brought to the bor ough of Huntingdon. It would he useless to mention all o'lllokm - ids we have on hand— Ladies' Mess Goads, of the latest styles. A large stoat or Descry, Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, Velvet, bonnets Undersleves, Collars, Spencers, Casino res, Cloths, Casinotts, Laces, Silk Mitts, Delanes, Do-Gorge, Kid Gloves, and all kinds of goods generally kept in a country store. Atto—a fine assortment of Boots, Shoes, flats, & caps, WlESS4rill'e, (2111,0,91 MT and Cc(lerware. A largo and good supply of Fresh l4roceries. Cad nod sea ;yg7toTlsuTitTca7Mine for your selves. :Thankful for the patronagu of the past by my Iriendi, and the public generally, I respectfully: solivit a continuance of the same. All kinds eunntry product: taken in ex lla• at the highest tuutket ptiee. o. isss. & EF. G 00174, 1311.10 AD TOP DEPOT. f IUNN 'MIR U AN' &DNN have just returned kj front ehilatielphia Are now opening et the heed of the liruutl 'Cup Basin n;litrue and beautiful a, - sortinent of Full & W:ntur Clouds Consisting ut' Dry Goods, C;roceries, Hoed-ware, Queens-wore, Cedar-wore, Haig, 1 Is and shoes illow-n-are. Ready Made flothlug always on hand. owrt tverithing that is usually kupt in a . l ore. 1 , 1811 tIND PLASTER, for Sale. . ii l eanmina our stock before purelat- Nin,..... el.ue here. mot eau whether we cannot 11111 ye it your interest to patroinee us. All kinds tit countryi;rtnittee taken in ex• einTgo . f9r . Goods at the highest !aarketpFicot!, '.LI market p live; paid far all kiuds (:i..tin. Prompt attention paid to storing and forward. lug ill kiwis of incrolittudi,, produce, &c. iluntingilon,Dct., .10 11•55. VIRE WArIL Sebamlopol Taken ! ! 30,000 MEN KILLED. The undersigned has just returned from the city with a large and splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, which he is new prepared to' dispose or at very low and reasonable rates. Persons desiring to purultese Will lied it to their interest to give him u call belore purchasing elsewhere, us Ito studies only to please. His stock consists slit large lot of Dry Goodg, Hardware. )84.40T,0, 1 siiots, RAMS& (CAP s. Glass & ,Queenswara, a lotto and splendid as,ortnand of featly Imola CLOTHING, he is propurud to sell fitlots to suit porch. osers. JOHN 11.11ITTT,Jr. N. IL—Country produou talsou iu exchumau for goods. Aloorsvillo, Nor. 1, 14'35.—tf. EN.ECCTOIVIS NOTICE. iJET'ITILS lestataeutitey nu the estate of Abraliaw ile6iu, late of Tell tp., tlee'd., having heen ~rant,,l I,y the Register of Wills to the undersigned, ail person,' having claims Qgyipst said deceased are neWicals ; mpffisnot *pin le. and all persons indulged aro requestadto: tyulty It4iment to JOSEPH 1.1A014 WILLIAM DOYLE, i. E ) ' P' Oro. 31, 185:1.-ar.• Z,Dr,,e..4:e10z, w° d k.? 0 ,..,... ? ........ ( , 14 'w 0 CUZAP 'r. 413 . 11 ._ - 0° 1,- JOB OFFICE •,, .e, , , g OF THE , :1 0 “HUNT. JOURNIL." 0 'ft , 10 0 , 0 The largeet and brot 0 ,0 .i 4 fo ° 0 JOB OFFICE u l.k;> 4 , :), 1Y T 111; CO UNT Y: ,P, ?,::' I- 0 JOB-WORK 0 0: - > ` l 'fJ (~. (,), g., ;-: ."...,,-1,-1 lc i filf.l l „' illi' 4j) 0 EXECUTED , u .!;% S'ijj ) .1v ( . hrra. as the Neared ,:: ~.fp;, c. , ..P 0 -.!, I) ' THAN 0 , t4t :%:> 4110 X:> `-'1 . .., o '' ' ' . ~ ;'),• c' n it: lIPZ INTI , III 4, •:•4 ~ 4 •- , .4 .4 Ik , ‹ir u All kinds of ;' 1: , • o `3 ° BLANKS • •N e 11 C 0 S STA NTI. Y ON HANI/.0 i". <.:.% o. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS, COSMOPOLITAN bllt , l l 'i.. , _:.'l ,, J'•'s - i . ilL'il - l'lDil. SECOND YEAR. AIIRAN(J:NIENTS for the Second Annual Collection of this new and popular Institu tion for the dithision of Literature and Art, here been mole en the most extensive Among tlm works already engaged, is the far. famed "GENOA CRUCIFIX," which original. ly coat Ten Thousand Dollars. In terming this new collection, the thilusion of works of American Art, awl the encourage ment of American genius have not been orcr looked. Commissions nave been issued to many of the mast distinguished American Artists, who will contribute some of their finest productions. Among them are three Marble Busts, executed by the greatest living Sculptor—Hiram Powers: GEORGE WASHINGTON, the Father of his Country ; lIEN,IAMIN SItANKLIN, the Phi b,sopher ; DANIEL WEBSTER, the States man. A special agent has visited 'Europe and matte careful and judieious selections of fuc e i gn works if Art, both in Bronze and Marble ; Sta tuary and Choice Paintings. The whole forming it large and valuable col (notion of Paintings and Statuary, to be distri buted free among the members of the Associa tion for the Second year. T w ins of Membership.—'l7l:c payment of three dollars constitutes any 0110 n member of this As sociation, and entitles hitn to either one of the tbllowing Magnetites for one year, and also u ticket in the distribution of the Statuary and Paintings. • The Literature issued to subscribers consist: of the following Aro:ably Alagazines flarper's I Putnam's, Knickerbocker, Blackwood's, Gra- Godey's Lady's Book, anal Household Words. Persons taking Ilse memberships are entitled to any fire of thu Magazines the ono year, and to six tick° s in the distribution. The net proceeds derived from the sole of memberships, me devoted to the purchase of works of Art for the eustOng The Advantriges Secure —by bocoming u member of this Aubociation, aro— lot All persons receive Or full value of their subscriptions at the start, in the shape of sterling Magazine Literature. 2d. Each member is contributing towards pur chasing choice Works of Art, which are to be distributed among themselves, and are at the same time encouraging the Arts of the country, disbursing thousands of dollars through its Apt, ey• Persons in remitting funds for membership, will please give their post office address in full. stating the month the) wish the Magazine to commence, and have the letter registered at the post-office to prevent loss , on the receipt of which, a certificate of membership, together with the Magazine desired, will be forwarded to any part of the country. Those who punitive Magazines at Bookstores wiil observe that by joining this Association, they receive the Magazine and free tinted ut the annual distribution. all at the same price they new pay for the Magazine alone. Beautifully illustrated Catalognos, giving full descriptions, sent free on application. For Membership address C. L. DEBBY, Aetnary C. A. A. At either of the principal others-I°Kniekerbocker Magazine" office. 3.12 Broadway, N. Y., or Wcdern Office, too Water Street, Satothsky, O. Oct. 14,1855.-61.. THOMAS P. DILL & CO. lIAVE AN IMMENSE CLOI.IIING STORE, AN I) MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISH. MENT. Chesnut Street, Philadelphia, No. 115 (Inc door below fi fth, North Side, Gentlemen who wish to boy their clothing rea dy made, quite as hood as eta hu made by any. Merchant Tailors of the Cuited States, should visit this magnilleent ,taro. where 1 . 40011, of the chi, tiro keptEcady Made and in tt o piece which will be tondo op to ordenatt the shortest notice a n d perfect satisthetion warranted. Also a Ito, assortment of 11.13 it;JEAI`II - IAIItTE; And every article is nanked with the lowest rush price, hi plain lignres. Nov. 7, 1055.—Gino. A. FARM FOR SALE THE subscriber offers for sale a tract of land I situate in Henderson township, Huntingdon colony, bounded by lands of Peter Swoop,, Julia McCartuey's heirs, and others, containing 175 and one-half Acres ! about 110 acres are cleared and in a goodstato of cultivation, the balance being well timbered. The improvements 4. • 1-4 arc a good LOG r .47 1101'S E, a NEW s' " . BANK BARN, n e - ' • W.l(lt IN SUFI), a CORN CR 113, two good ORCHARDS and a never-failing SPRINC of water near the hence. This farm is situated six miles from the lows of Huntingdon. ' Terms will be made easy to suit purchaser. ANDREW ALLISON. October 31, 1.9.55.—tf. FERRI'S VILLE AND Ennuettaburg Sta ge, "\V LE: 1 141..: Itilairy.l, and -Tr Friday Mornings. Ret tinting will Ways FANNErraiIIURG on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Mornings. wunsecispi wit), tho Express Trains east fuel went in the warning, and dui Mail train in the evening. CUMMArI'inE. um 3, 1b35. -31n. DISSOLUTION OF PARit%l'itSlll P. The Partner Air heretofore existing between the uud,rsignel, is this day by nintniil consent ',minium tytll be catTiud on berelitn, by John Iluyot.Jr., tho old bland. JOHN HI.ITETT; •11, Ii.OBERT H. CUNNINGLIAM. Oct. 11, 1855.. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. PHILADELPHI I ADVERTISEMENTS, HUNTINGDON IDVERTISEMENTs. $1 000.—Somr its 'Two I).t ! Y . ) 4 - 111 . -0 Complete ! 1-IPhy is it that the Ex•Closei !ler 1 1 of Maryland, also the President of one of tl; ; 7\ 7 : Banks at b'reclerick City, urged the Posiols - 11,/ to premise it t Why has a large eash FRENI this week come nom such men as .11csses. & Stevens, wholesale Druggisti of Alextuithit. 411 , rtl'itit • Va . and by the very next mail, an order, 1 I 11 (1 T 1 1 )!4! third time in lour necks) front Mr. Pierpo, and from i%lessrs. Cook & Co., of same p 1.,. 0. -- ' - ' 41 ` .4. ; • .1 '-j. by the very some mail a fourth ord., flow !dossers. Hopper & Wilmer of Centro die. Md.. _ . , (where n short time since such an excitement'• ' ' • • sprung, up from some remarkable cures made there by Prof. C. UeGratles (I..mins) trie Oil, from an South Eighth Street, ; ; , ; : , oltia, a lbw 'lours south of Cheiiinit ..trect Ih,tt ; is it that the editor of Erie Otis, ~. ; red in two days of rhenmatisi. iu e ; three years duration 1 anti Ste. Braes, of tithing of Partil,ssis I AVliy and how was it that the other day Ilc George Weis, tic; 1 et Caltintor, 1.,e, nom St. ; cared cl p; i; of I , . alito the line ca , c of a . red 01 ni,innl eitei antic, ens i, 111,1 ; Wi.s sit.•.l 111,1 . L 11111 , 1,1 1.111( 1,..t l' .1 .1. • 11.11 ' 11.1 . has .lesvi' I, , tel att . tis,t mitten, 111111, 11.11 thir,i "Prof. it Orath's Electric oil is -Olin, very last, tied making. g,re ,t i; A. 11 , IU,'!::.0 net,llijii.ll,l 1101, .1e,!,.. the I , ; ; . inst., it g. bl dollar in a I.•tter from Double ; I ifridges, Va., for a bottle. on'the recommend:v. ,; t... ;. i IPm. Arvin, Esq., of the stone place , ; ; , me it short time since for the (lout, ::.t Why is it that every one speaks ort , ht , e b,„ , ;, ,„ it to F. cuisliee," and is this not . r ea l , ;,, ; at retail, in , 1 - 777 „.,, 1)r. Jaynes meth- , " ' tines, or .2, ,1 other; Why is it that a ; " • Physician '4: trusties used it, on the pare- ; ' tuned limbs ut his boy, alter using ererything • • r else? Simply because the genuine "Electron:; with all I . 1.,. Oil," from the office of Prof. DeGrath, etteetti- ! lotion 01' ti.e;a, ;ate , ally cures paralysis. Why sail hens is it that i scut., dated April 2 111, I-U over $5OO has been sold in IVashiti 2 ton, 11. ; )1 . 11 1 daring :theta six Week:4,Blllloi er ' i; , in Baltimore iii the same titre' ;! !c.., Morris it Co., of York, Pa.. (. ne • •: ' ' net, kitties in the Stine.) ! _ V," •I FL,p, of ilairisburg, Pit., .;ell so 1111/111, .N . l I, they 11,1,1 any quantity of all sorts ,ir medicines right the side of the "Electrie Oil?" Simply bemuse nothing else will answer the purpose that the Oil does. Let the cal ask the numerous cases of I patients, if anything could be tie, in use, tie more effectual in its resuit, - ter Int.-log expended hundreds of dollars on ca rious former treatment, with nothinz bat ii— coumgernent and despair for their tr, . is it that other medicines ha, ,; piled up (mintmn high, in till the i ape:: l'rotesser Ito Grath's 'Electric (nil' I, play 1,. need at a sloth) expense not to excel SI , le ft) a day ? Why is it that two daily employed in the silica, applyio, , e nine) 'Electric (rd . ' to patient.. I Tuner, Palsy (and it. is wan,: ,h: Ithetiniatisin, Neuralgia, 11ea.1..,..,,, 1 0,1 and Bruises, \Vounds, Cuts, S C., ! ; ries, Sore Breast and side; e 1.:,: painful complain's. Although a - rented. ,) et not more than ~tau Lev! • • been ret,triled t and that was a c,,e. or t „i deafness. ttfte, years' standing. Of course n lure could Tot restore such a care, n ith hate. er help. It.--An educated Doeter always in atter dance and ladies may; if they it with a laity by dripping a line to theta, of Pau, itt:tt,,g. 39 S. Eighth .••••, 3 doors Smith Price. 50 ets, 75 eta., nod . P. S.—Five dollars reward will 1..• pttiti t,t• arrest ora low scamp, a Jew jaw lee, wlio On a dirty sheet, col. of Prof. 1/e Grath', t...kt and as the originals are copyrighted, ho is to the law. Remember the No., 36 S. Eighth st., Phinds. Thomas Road & Son, Huntingdtm, Hunt. Cu. Barnwell, Montgomery, Blair co., W. B. Murray, Hollidaysburg, Blair co., Conoiron & McCoy, Frankstown, Blair no., ‘l. H. Horner & Co., Waterstrect, Hunt. co., Win. Moore, Alex andria, Hunt. co. Sept. 26, 1855. PRIVATE SALE. Of Valuable Real Estate subscriber oilers his well-known Tavern Stand Property, on Ray's Hill, Fulton Co. Pa., at private Sale, with all the bind belonging thereto, be i isg MEI ACRES of patented land; 165 acres of which is cleared and under good fence. The improvements are a largo Frame Tavern Stand, a good large Stable, sufficient to accommodate eighty horses. Granary, Corn Crib,. Wagon she" and all other neeefisary out buil.ling,, anil excellent orchard of choice fruit—s never hitt. ing sirmo of water at the dour, and several f..:1 living springs in dilterent parts of the lnd, Tbcru ore also on this property Two Good Tenant mouses.. The abuse is one of the best known Tavern Stands on the Road, and the place is in a high state of cultivation, and well adapted fur pas titre. Ito also offers for ode the Varm adjoining the ['how, ou which he at present resides one mile tont!' °Clint Tavern property, contend,. SOU ACHES of good limestone laud, acres of which is cleared :order Natio, in a elate of cultivationond the balance well tn.: .1 - cd. The fin:datventents ore good xcw Two-Story Weather-hoarded House, Bank Barn, Spring House, Wash house, and other out buildings, a first rate orchard of good fruit. a good spring close to the house, and ne ver tailings spring:: of water in every field. There are also on this tract a good SAN MILL, Linic Kiln, and several excellent quarries, and us good 1110eathel fora Tan-yard no CORM be With timely. of bark convenient. There are also. 'Dace good Tenant Rouses on this place and two other good barns. This is one of the — hest stock forms in the country, itioi offers peculiar itultwoments to any parson who desires to raise ',We, &e. Ile Mil sell ill (1111111tilleti to snit purchasers, and any one wishing to make a bargain would du well to exignine the :More properties before purchasing eleewhere. Terms tonne to suit purchasers. Fur further information apply to the subscri bor. JAMES SPROAT Oct. In, 1855.-3 m. 100 at:MOT S. A Cook for EtTry Family in the Union, Impartial and Reliable. lIELC4I MPS MST. 111 Y OF' ALT, 11E. LIGIOUS DEN oMINATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES. This is a large Octavo of 1,024 pp., illustra ted by nearly 200 engravings, and gives thu "History, Doctrine, Government an.l Statistics , ' of all the Net,,, its this country. It is cola ex. elusively by stibscription, and the &Maud for it is increasing from every section of the cow, try. There are still a few counties unengageil in Penna., in winch thorough-going wmt of good whim'ss might do a large acct profitable bust. TIK, terms arc such as cannot fail to pay. For these and other particulars apply to ur address 30101 H. POTTER, Publisher, No. 12 Bansom St., Phila. Oct. 24, tO2& 2m. DISSOLUTION. Whatever partnership which existed between the andorsigned in the Surveying business has been slievolvost by mutual consent. .1. SIMPSON Intel, • J. F. •RAMEY. The business will hi, ewi,d.,(4,1 use formerly by J. Simpson Artie*. SilVi Lvi El ~J.:IJ. ,li,: , i r ' • R i.; : iN!l`. r i:: :i.~{~.~, n.l iii 1.~ ,~i'.1:!~~\x.11 ~,. , 1000 1 ,1:i 111,1 1."... f . 1, ( t t,:utt i iDt gflJEj Q'!teajtenJods t . tt.t itt••••••••• , . •.! • AT open c,lnesthty ertober Slat. lie;troei ion en in all the I,rairehe. 12111-11, Ct , !lCge. ; :11 :.s•llil,ltlhit. . U P';; • . SCIVOS ] ' ( Th 111 . ': mitred free of Tuition, Iloard and • . , per scssion—payuhle Cllitl , , , , . • e • . • toner, dire at the ' . . SCI I i'l'. Oct. 10, 1555.-3,1. Estate tti'lllCC:ll2 ,17:111127:4'S : • . 11.acscat , tier for Co,, the • Checlin Co. ' ; I..hih.istt•r c:, • , Oct. 31... - • ert ttltc :::1, 4or • i . . , .. ~.. ~; . ~ a'; ; Jl‘,l 0. 81'0 • r.,!, T 1.4.4. 7 7: • .; .1 fivlAC} - 11N 1 ',," • , • • • For the the : timut 11'otill., ; : ;•;•:. uttelt giving Atli :.; the Air it 1,1;; , ;•;O:o ;;;;; 41i:oases. Mioitt• ; faetured mai for salt: Inc W. :34 Sty.., i, 701 :-"wptcnibt , .. 3,, 1 II ) 1.1.()N1 \N„ !Me} , A GO o 5 ASStilli OF ! ! 1,4, addr( READY-MADE CLOTHING. CON3ISTING I, ALL KINDS OF And other Lillie]. of gentlemen's wear October tt, I Sal'', COUNTIIV 1)1; Al, Nl. TSiii n, t.:immt be but . V) coilLid4,ls4loeNperio 11111,1,' IT, a I:11v of Stag:, Xvi-,yerly 10.0 been ul,evd .91 the rents; ~,,,..ieuef.t! and irony drivers will sttpetill , l',xebet. 'the prniuie', CIS Ul: C.. ; As URFA& AS IN TVIE (Tl'l, AT 1 1 . ! (I,OTIEING STORE, !.., OV-E11(10 All laud:;, dimper !Lan 17. liOIIAN'S CLOTIIING 13ToLle. Dr. John .teloCulickeb, Otlet• L itis professional 6er , it , t , lluailugtlon urrl vieinity. .!' 1 , . Ai. thOlv brand's, htstwectt the 1•:x(.1,, Hotel. ilutfiingdon. • the ItA 1 . Olt*„ ir; .1. \ cnrlyitlio _ lie y}' at ;In, Com- ! Jay ; 0,4 in %taw*, mi , i , i0,101 . 1 Will Wel m liii• firvt Yrrnulry p centher next, to glve thou ; I Militia Fine, Acconlii,4 t.. n IuTC Ak.t or .1' I au etioneralibll , lines I ell Mier If Nl' 11 j . , .I , IZ ' ' ' ,Il,uN i the time to purchase INTER GOODS Lin) FALL TO!) &d w .~ ~f ~~ • 4.! 1!. ~'l' ~i. t 1!1, .1 ~. ~i~l .I~.~:::.Ii ~~,.~ Cal: .sae. Sea t6,•1 .1 ;ur,tht r its orr riismiiiigs Lrr • t Undemlecre3, Clii- ,tr.c , ~.r~ i i 9#..t.'i'k R. f 54011.11'N A Siff/O}lS, • ft , Ttnient c‘er uncred, and Can- vgaztz, ae.c nrd evrr ,•t the “1..1 Sri:ttc• %V. c k ' IN 7,1114 11 .nit. .1. , W. N • X. .•Mtl S]loe , ,et •I. St W. i 1. rt~Lc .:, H 1). :11. 1 I*lllr. r. rovdt,,, jizst J 1~ ~r • .1 .)! ;.ti! ~:5 ~. •. f ' t! i . i l - ~ ' ‘", :,. , • • • ' '• ' • itonl •• i.t• I• 11.61 W. (hp, Sett. 'ti. !, • -:;ni. IChniiiipersbcieg STAGE LINE REVIV'E'D. tt, .llnt Artil c Mr-11nel' Fker. necovitirr 11 giyou, hill k, t-11,:ig, of iilAoltetw. , t Will II Stag:, Ina , ,'! eery Ttrid. , y. ;Ina , arrwitit! at ' ..t Sh 14, : .1 silrli as are usually ('all awl see before !,Pr ...r1 tail h .1. !.4 SO., 1,1,. ni Sin; i0..1 S.! lift i •. ~.; ~~1 I.\ >,~ . mil 13,, iu,l re, 0 \V. VI'ON. I / ' ~lint~ jiniuF