Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 28, 1855, Image 4

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Birmingham, Huntingdon county, Pa.
1: 1 1rol Road, i l lstit ate I. t
' (! ' e t t l i:lt t' iles doi?n th e
i Tali o locations in the shoe. It is so easy of ac
ce., retired, healthful, end surrounded with such
romstntle mountain scenery, that 00 ono who
wishes to learn, mild find an institution more fa
vorably situated. Experienced teachers who are
graduates of Troy and Mt. Holycke Seminaries
are employed in this institution, and no pains
will be spared to sitstitin its growing reputation.—
The summer term commences the last Tuesday
in April and continnes five months. Charge: to
date from the time or entering, and no deductions
made for absence except in ease of sickness N
t il. from abroad are expected to board in the
Seminary Building with the Principal elan gives
his mite attention to their interest and advance
Boarding, Tuition and farninfied rooms per
term SCO 00
Lntin Germ., French, Painting, Droning
and instrumental Music, Extra.
littv. I. W. WARD,
March 27, 1853—tr.
1.00.1‘ Mtlir.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons whom
i t may concern that from and after the next sets
tlernjut by the County Auditors of Huntingdon
County, (in January 1856) no claim or demand
by any person, against said County on account
°rimy road or bridge view, election, or service of
any kind rendered said county, and which is of an
older standing than six years, will be allowed in
settlement by said Auditors , and all demands
uncalled for and unclaimed up to the time spe
cified, will be considered as forfeited and forever
shut out ; and the certificate, order or paper on
which it is predicated, rejected and thrown aside
as a cancelled paper.
May 23, 1855,
HOOVER Still at His Post
rpm undersigned, now engaged in putting up
Armitagc's Muir° Magnetic Lightning
Rods in this and adjoining counties, would res
pectfully call the attention of the intelligent pub
lic to the great superiority of this Patent. at a
season like this, when accidents to property any;
life almost daily occur, it is the dictate of human
ity, as welt as interest, to make use of the best
means of security in our power, for though the
Lightning be in the hands of Rim who rules the
storm, like protection and blessing are always
connected with ourawn efforts.
July 2f, 1 85•1.-tf.
Importer, Manufacturer-and General
12271rAril TITEIAI2II, )
Has Constantly on hand, and
Always Finishing,
All kinds of Leather, Morocco, Call
Skins, Sheep Skins, ac,, &c.
The attention of Country Merchants and Man
- ufficturers. is solicited.
1 1 111: undersigned tt islies to inforM his friends Dee. 20, 1854.-1 y.
land the public generally that lie has moved
his shop to the building of And. Harrison; for
merly occupied by him as Collector's office, 1
Hill St.
Where lie intends carrying on the Tailoring'
business on such terms as will not fail to give
satisfaction to all that may favor him with their I THE CHEAP BOOKSELLER.
Ile wishes to return thanks for the liberal pa.
trcnat,e i:eretotiae received and hopes by strict
attention to business to merit a continuance of ,
tie i
the same. ENOS B. KULP. ' is constantly receiving front the Trade,
April 10, 1853-cf. , ales, and other auction sources large supplies
I of carefully selected Books in all Departments
RAILROAD 11011118. of Literature.
Mail T. I Ex. T. I Ex. T. I E. T. RELIGIOUS,
Train leaxes ,P.M. P.M. A,M. 1'.51. SUNDAY SCHOOL,
Petersburg, 2.49 9.07 3.52 12.,:i0 JUVENILE AND
Huntingdon, 3.01 9.22 4.08 1.05 i TOY BOOKS, hr.
Mill Creek, 3.15 9.33 4.18 1,38. to suit all tastes, and at all prices. Books for
lit. Union, 3.33 • 9.47 4.31 2,20 presentation, hr.
TRAINS GOING WEST. Bibles, Testaments Prayer Books
Train leaves P.M A. 51. P.M. A.M. with a very large and extunsivo variety of
Mt. Union, 4.1 G 6.26 7.12 5;25 Staple and Fancy Stationary,
Mill Creek, 4.33 6.39 7.25 5.55
Huntingdon, 4.48 6.52 7.38 7.02 of the he'd quality and honest prices.
Petersburg, 5.03 7.05 7.49 7.30 - Remember the North West corner Sixth end
Arch St., Philadelphia.
hilly 23, 1855.—h,
N. BALL respectfully solicits the attentimi ' C G Ilussry. ' C. WELLS,
0 sof the farming community to a quality of „' „_. .„,..'' "
PM,ghs which he is now manufacturing, and will CaLlpiiVAU <l.l V76llZls,
have ready for sole inn few days, ho is also pre- ,
pared to make harrows, wagons, carts, wheel- ! ,
harrows, &c., &e., and to do oU kind of repairing
at the shortest notice, and in the must substantial
ShoponN. NV. corner of Montgmery and Wash• ,
ington sts.
March 27 1855—tr.
, . ... . .._.,...... ...
No. 325, Liberty Street,
TilEparthership heretofore existing betweet: COMMERCIAL ROW,
Drs. Brown and Hagerty is this day by mu PITTS Br - Rl7, PA.
tool consent dissolved. !lave now on hand a very large and choice
All persons knowing them3elves indebted to stook Bacon, to which we particularly desire to
the satd firm, will please call and settle their invite our friends and dealers generally.
accounts without delay. . May 0, 1800,—.7,n,
Au Improvement worthy of the Pro
' gressive Age.
m9.B,.„scsAoimuun g ic'ito'n...istidletteh's„irlittrin„'thch!
country that she hos moved next door to Charles
Miller nacive the Presbyterian. Clinrch, St., rl '111 1 : subscriber is prepnred tolurni , h every
where she intends carrying on the inney and citizen of the Ceeinieeweelthi frith en. W .
straw Millinery business. liming received the tim-e superb articles, acknowledged by nil Who
Infest city fashion, she is prepared to attend to have them M use, and by every one who has me
an that may favor her with their custom. . tel them, to be superior to anything of the kind
April 10, 1855—el s . A. Hum ; ever brought lietbre the public.
They are made of the best material, ender the
ISlnrcil 27 1 ••J5-tf,
supervision Or the subscriber, who is prepared
Dxs - s -- 41,.u. -- T - toN. to deliver them at any point in this or the adjoin-
TllE partnership heretofore exi=ting between ing counties. This machine possesses many ad-
Myton and Musser is by mucus! consent dis- vantages over any oilier of the kind, from the
solved, and all persons knowing themselves in- flirt, that it in no manner wears the clothing,
debted to the said firm, will pleas. call and set- uses less soup, and is easier worked.
tle their accounts without delay. The price ranges front six to seven dollars.
MY'I'ON & SIOSSER. The subscriber currants this machine to give
Satilsburg, April 2. 1855.-tf entire satisfaction. If it does not do everything
"----- he sap, no charge will be made. A trial is
LEATHER. earnestly invited and perfect satisfaction war-
FRITZ, HENDRY & CO. ranted. A strong recommendation for the ma-
Nu. 02 Nortb THIRD Street, PHILA. I chine is the number already sold.
Any person who wishes one of these articles,
17°c7,,,".1"Ac i .au b°"°°°°°"thdbe addressing
and dealers in Roused OAK SOLE LEATHER Alexandria, Huntingdon Co., Pa.
and MPP. May 30, 1855-Gm.
Feb. 20th 1855.-Iy. ._
Informs his old friends and he public that he •t
has returned to his old bouts, and will attend to On Northlrest Corner of Hill and .Vontgonte•
all business in his prolusion, entrusted to hint, ry Street., in the Borough of Huntingdon,
with fidelityid lels !seat ability. A T which is general Bunking business is con-
ice iu Main fitrect.south side, the last house A template,' to be done.
belt..., the Court house. Drafts on Philadelphia, Pittsburg, &c., &c.,
nuutingdon, May 13, 1852. ! always for sale. Collections meths at the prinel
~ pal points in the United States.
"Lrailig:' , ll . , LP,. &Milli L %1., 1 „ bloney rand ved ou deposit,payable on demand,
without inter•st; also for 3,6, and 12 months,
AT PORNEY AT LAW, ' payable wit!' ',namable rates of interest thereon.
Will attend to ail businees entrusted to him. Of- Members of Mae:
fire nearly opposite the Court House. Halliduy.sturg, Pa.,
May 5, '53
.1. M. ltr.i.t,
Wet. M. LIoyd, NSTON.
Adams & Co.'s Express. ,
T. IC. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon. • Huntingdon, Pa.,
' A. P. WILRON, WM. MO MA, In.,
Money, Packages, and goods ofall kinds, re-
..i. , L ,.. m ......
Tuos. FISH.,
reined and forwarded at the rink of the company, ,C, - ;:*„ . ~.„:7,„',..,
to all the cities and principal towns in the United , J , ,;„; C w 's ix "' Gno. W. G.utntmeott.
State May 1, '52. ' , ' . . ,
a auntingum, Pa., July 12, 1834,
• • •
THE undersigned hove Inc sale a second - band - r - r~IIF snbscriltersonTdre7pe7t;l;7form the
ea Carding Machine, with all the ne- 1 traveling public shut he is now r u nning it line
"sm..] fixture ., which they otter fel. rule very flacks from Mt. Union to Orbisonia, its fidlowst
Any o ne wishin g to " ramie will do well • Front Orbisonla to Mt. Union and back again,
weall and see it. KESSI ' EIt. cvery day. intersecting the Chumpersburg lino
Mill Creek, April 12, 1854. at Orhisonia.
Passengers wishing to go to Shade Gap, or any
. 0 2rferi t ltA, other piece, will be taken un witbont delay.
Ilia Hacks ore good and comfortable, and
CQU Wirt S U a.vZyoi be is determined to have noun but good and
steady drivers; inn word, his tlesiie is to carry
Office with Dattiat. A r iticu, Esq., liillairees. passengers in comfort and snretv.
between Montgomery and Smith meets Hun,- JAME 4 Inv
ingdon, Penn'n. (Sept. tf Orhiaouta, Nov. a, 195f.••1•.
Of ifhe•Nalional Safety CQmpatty.
Walnut Street, Corner Third Street,
Incorporated by the State of Penn
sylvania in 1811.
FIVE PER CENT interest is given and the
money Is always paid hack whenever it is
called for, without the necessity of giving notice
for it beforehnnd.
People who have large sums out their money
in this Safety Fund, no account of the superior
safety and convenience it affords, but any sum,
large or small, is received.
This SAVING Fesn bus more than half a mil
lion of dollars, securely invested foe the • safety
of depositors.
The Office is open to receive find pay money
evory day, from 9 o'clock in the morning till 7
o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and
Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock.
People who have money to put in; are invited
to call at the office fur further information.
lIF,NRY L. BENNER, f'ros't.
Wet. J. Raan, Secretary.
Nov. 1, 1854.
N 0.21 South Third Street, Between Market
and Chesnut Streets, Philadelphia,
it \S iii it
Dry and Green Salted Palna Kips,
Tanners' and Curriers' Tools,
tv", All kintla of Loather it, the liou'gh wanted,
for which the highest tnarket price will be given
in oath, or taken in exchange for llides.
Leather Stored free of Charge and Sold on
Dec. 20, 1954.-Iy.
No 6, South Third street,
Wholesale Dealers in PrOvisions,
Eloctro-Magnet Lightning Rods.
AFTER many years' close investigation and I
numerous experiments, th't Patentee takes
pleasure in informing the public that he has arri
ved et the true principles of protecting families,
dwellings and property from the destructive in- I
fluenee of Lightning. Ihe cnlamities that
every City, Town, Village and Country falls vic
tim to annually, through the gross negligence of
its inhabitents, in beyond calculation. especially
when the remedy 14 SO cosy to oirtnin—this is
Melt in Armitnge's Patent Magnetic
Lightning Boils, end in this alone. This
Rod has been examined by the most scientific
gentlemen in the world—Professors M'Murtrie,
Johnson, Waller toed ninny others that have ex
emitted them. recommend end speak of them in
the highest terms of approbation, end have pro
nounced them the only safe riots in use in this or
any other country, for the protection of Lives and
Property. (Inc advantage is to rhyme and throw
back n part of the electric fluid harmless to tho
clouds; in time of a stroke elite enables the rod
to conduct that portion of flail tint belongs to
the earth without the slightest danger of leaving
the conductor. This rod has 'natty other nrlvan-
Itages over the old one. The only place of man
, Maeturing is in
Vine St, it doors chore TirelPh, Philadelphia,
where all persons ere respectfully invited to coil
told examine for themselves. For sale Whole
sale and Retail, by THOS. AIIMITAGE.
j Orders promptly attended to. Terms rash. ,
Aug. 13, 1847,
I hove this day carefully inspected a conductor
or Lightning Roil, with vane and index, erected
by Mr. Thomas Armitage, on Bellevue House,
Gloucester, and have no hesitation in saying that
it is not only the hest that I have ever seen, but
that it is the only one I have yet examined that
is constructed on strictly seientilie principles. It
is with much pleasure that I recommend this
conductor to the attention of owners of buildings.
11. McMI7RTItIR.
I am well satisfied Olathe Magnetic Lightning
Rod, manufactured by Mr. Thrones Armitage, of --
Philadelphia, is the best that has ever been made. I Helnabold% Highly Concentrated
nave spent several years in the study of the laws COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSA
of electricity and magnetism, nod have no hesita- I FAtIILLA,
tion•in saying that these Rods are constructed For purifying the Blond, restoring all diseases
upon the only principle of safety. The electric arising from excess of Mercury, from
shock is received and dispeised by the magnetat any exposure in life,. chronic constitn
the top of the roil, and it would be itnpossible, Lionel disease, arising from an
according to the laws of attraction and repulsion, I pure state of the Illood,and the
fora building to be injured by a stroke of light- only reliable and effectual
sing when protected by one of those rods. I known remedy out,
have been acquainted with Mr. Armitage !beset , for the cure of
oral years, and before he commenced the mann- ScrofidaSalt
facture of these rods I examined the principle on, Rheum,
which they arc constructed, and felt convinced j Scald Bend,
that their adoption would be attended with ems- Ulcerations ofthe
plete success. The increasing demand for these Throat andLe(,'s,
rods, and the extensive sales in all parts of the Pains rout Swellings
country, is ample commendation of their utility atilt, Bones, Totter, Pim •
and superiority. plea on the Face, and all set,
TilAcy E. WALLER, M. I). ly Eruptions of the Skin, he., ete.
Rising Sun, Piffled. es., April 10, 1852. i This article is now prescribed by some of the
The following extract is taken from an editori- most distinguished Physicians in the country,
al in the Germantown Teleyroph, edited by Major and has proved more efficient in practice than
FREAS prep
aratiop of Sarsaparilla offered pub-
"Tice b O O O . cod placed upon oar dwelling lie. Several eases of seconda yet
ry Syphilis, the
have had taken down; and another ereted by Mr. curial and Scrofulous diseases have entirely 113-
ARMITAGE, to which we would call the attention covered in the incurable wards of our Public In
of our farmers and readers generally. It is pot stitutions which had for many years resisted ev
, up on true scientific principles, and is a rod that cry mode of treatment that mould be devised.—
has been approved by the highest authority, and These cases furnish striking examples of the
ill bear the most thorough examination. Those salutary ellects of this medicine in arresting
who have been deceived, as we have been, should some of the most inveterate diseases, after the
lose no time in having a proper protection against glands were destroyed and the bonne already al ,
lightning, substituted. The cost is a mere bag- i Lewd.
atone when compared with the entire safety of NOTlCE.—Letters from responsible Physi
' our houses and barns against this destructive ale - cams , and Professors of several Medical Colleges
ment. Mr. ARMITAGE'S RlltettlSMOßt Will he .0 certificates of cures front patients will be
found in the columns of this paper; and we feel found .tecompanying both Preparations,
us though we were performing on imperious duty YRICES,
to the community, by thus inviting t o it general Flujd Extract of Bache, $1 bottle or 6 bet. $5
attention." " Sarsaparilla. " " " a
rilii.ADr.trtilA, Dcc. 4, 1852. equal in strength to one gallon Syrup of Sarsa-
Mr. T. ARMITAGE, Vine Street, west of Twelfth
Street,Philadelphia. Prepared and sold by IL T. lIIILMBOLD,
Mr DEAR SIR, After a trial of many weeks, it , ellemirt, 263 Cheetllet St., near the Girard
affords me great plensure to infOrm sou that I house, Phi l adelphia.
em highly delighted with the lightnitg rod you To be had of Thos. Read & Son, Huntingdon,
Placed upon my house at Bustleton. As far as pa.. and of Druggists and Dealers everywhere.
my chemical knowledge enables me to perform ECTAII Letters di,rted to the Proprietor or
an opinion, lam satisfied you have developed A gen t re „fr e i„,„,„li a t e
the correct principles in'the adaptation of rods to m ay to, 1855*.
protect property from destruction by lightning; as
soon as the advantages of your arrangements are
understood, 1 ant convinced that few persons will
be Amid so reckless as to fail to avail themselves
of the protection utforded by your rods. \Visiting
you all success in your enterprise,
I am yours truly,
No. I, North Eleventh Street,
Professor of Anatomy, Philadelphia College of
Bari Won, Union Co., Pa.,
14 Agent for Huntingdon, and adjoining counties,
and will furnish the Rode on the same manner AIR
the Proprietor. Any person desiring to be sup
plied with the Rods eim leave their order with the
Editor or the Journal, or with Genius Miller of
the Rail Road Hotel. April 12,'54.
McGILL mums Ms thanks
a to his Mends anti the
for their very liberal patronage, anti
hopes by strict Attention to busiucssitj;.,W
to merit a continuance lithe same, in ell kinds
Castings, Cooking Stoves ' Air-Tight, Parlor, '
Ten Plate Wood and Coal Stoves, of various si
zes, mid oil kinds of Ploughs: the Lancaster and
the Plank !husker patterns, end Keystone No.
4 Self-sharpening end Hill side Ploughs, and
Slicers to suit ell kinds of Ploughs in the country;
];aping-mill and Forge Castings, Grist and Saw.
mill Castings, Lewistown Thrething Machine
Patterns, and the four horse and two horse power
of Chembersburg patterns; and all other kinds of
castings too numercos to mention, all of which
will he sold cheaper than ever for cash and all
kinds of country produce. Also, old mettle taken
in exchange for castings.
Huntingdon, November 9, 1853.
' Brilliant Dimplay of Jewelry.
THE public ;generally, and the rascals who,
some time since, colored my store and .mo
ved valuables to the amount of about $llOO
without my permission, are informed that I have
lust opened 0 mare general and better assortment
of articles in my line of business titan was ever
brought to Uuntingdon, consisting of Watches,
Jewelry, Clocks, Fine Knives,
Pistols. Perfumery, Port Mon
naies, Silver Waco, anti Fancy
Articles, &c., &c. Sly old friends and customers,
stud the public in general throughout the county,
are requested to call and examine my assortment.
Huntingdon, March 29, 1834.
HAS just returned front the east with a large
and splendid assortment of
Fall and Winter Clothing,
for men and boys, made in the latest fashion and
in the most durable manner. Who over wants
to be dressed better and cheaper than anybody
else in town, let him call ut Wmi.ouuttny's
CHEAP CLOTHING STORE, one door west of T.
Head & Son's drug store, Huntingdon,
Call and see for yourselves
Oct. 18, 1854.
TILE library will be open every Saturday after
I noon, at 3 u'eltiek, in their route in the
Court (tense. Subscription SO cents a year.—
New books have been added to the former en.
reliant collection—"Farmy Fern's" popular
writings, "Bayard Taylor's" &s. The further
patronage of the public will enable the collet,
(inn to bo still morn extended.—
Hy onler of the
Roolierin, .Ten. !2 1/466.
Henna°ld , s Highly Concentrated
For Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, Ob
structions of the Urine, Chronic lionorrhum
Elects, Weaknesses, and all diseases of
the Sexual I irgans,
from whatever cause they may have originated
and no mutter of how long standing.
II you have contracted the terrible disease,
whivii, when once seated in the system, will go
down from WO generation to another, undermi
ning the constitution and snapping the very vital
fluids or life, do not trust yourself in the hands
of Quacks, who start up every day in a. city like
this, und fill the papers with glaring falsehoods
too well calculated to derive the young and those
not acquainted with their tricks. You cannot
be too careful in the selection of a remedy in
these eases.
11113 been pronounced by eminent physicians
It is a medicine perfectly pleasant in its taste
and very innocent in its action, and yet so thor
ougl!tl!at it
of the rank and poisonous virus of this dreadful
disease ; and, unlike other remedies it does not
dry up the di,easc in the blood.
Constitutional Debility.
brought on by self-abuse, a most terrible dis
ease, n filch bus brought thousands of the hu
man race to untimely graves, thus blasting the
brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting in the
hod the glorious umbition of many a noble
youth, ca9lneufe.d.l.Et.l!i9_
And as a medicine which must benefit everybody
from the sim p ly delicate to the confined and de.
spairiug invalid, no equal is to be found,
ARE 1:01.1 SICK?
Then you can't be cured too soon. Don't de
lay until your complaint is inenrable, and then
mourn when it is ton late. Four tiftls of all the
diseases which people the church-yards might
be eared by Ayer's Cathartic Pills, if taken its
season. Don't go dragging through the Spring,
faint sleepy and I stk., because your blood is
loaded with bile. Don't wear the head-ache,
Heartburn, nod their kindred disorders, because
your stomach is foul. Don't parade yourself
lumina the world, covered with Pimples, Blotch
es, Ulcers, Sores and all or any of the musicals
diseases of the skin, because your system wants
cleansing. Don't show yourself about, lean,
haggard, all caved in, because your stomach und o
bowels need strengthening into healthy actian.—'
Ayers Pills set these things right as surely as
water quonches tire. They purify the body and
NOW, and restore their functions into healthy
activity which you can feel as quick as they are
taken. They are the one great medical wonder
of this age, recognized by all who know their
virtues, and many thousands know them. Take
the Cherry Pectoral for a Cough, and the Pills
for all derangements requiring a purgative med
Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER, Lowell, Mass,
and sold by ovary respectable Druggist in New
England. .
THOS. READ & SON, Huntingdon, Pa.. RU.
CHER & PORTER, Alexandria, Pa., .1. H.
110.MMER & Co. Waterstreet, Pa., J. M. ROL•
LER, Petersburg, and by all dealers everywhere,
Oat. 15, 1855-2 m.
Would respectfully inform his friords and thi
public, that ho has on hand and is receiving fo
the coming season, a fine assortment of
a.7Ee •QRP . as) au
Consisting of Watches, Chains, Breast Fins, Fin
gar Rings, Ear 'Rings, Pencils, Kern, Thimbles
Studs, Medallions, Ste. Together with his eelebra
ted and unrivalled
Which is equal if not superior, to any now in u ,
Each Pen is Engraved with his own name,
and every Pen Warranted.
Oh did you ever, no I never !
Mercy on us what a treat;
Get Read's Gold I'en, they're extra fine,
And only found in North Third Street.
A splendid Pen!!! Where did you pet it'?
Pure Diamond Pointed, can't be beat;
Yes, my friends, there's no bun - flinging
In Read's flolti Pens of North Third St ret t.
ita'Read's Gold Pen is found only at 55 North
Third Street, below Areh East Side.
Pi!minipills. Jan. 8,1852.—tf.
11. K. NEFF, M. D.,
ITAVING located himself in WAnnionssiAni
AA in this county, would respectfully offer hi
professional services to the citizens of that plac
and the eountry adjacent.
J. B. Loden, M. 1). Gen. A. P. Wilson,
M. A. Henderson, " Wm. P. Orbison, Esq.
J. U. Dorsey, " lion. James Gwinn,
M. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq.
Hon. George Taylor.
Huntingdott, Pa.
Jacob ?4, Gemmill, M. D., Alexandria.
John M'Caltoch, .• Patereberg.
Where may bo obtained the most speedy rom
a). for
SECRET DISBAFIES.—OIeets Strictures,
Seminal Weakness, Pain in the ik Loins, Affections
of the Kidneys, and all those peculiar infections
arising from a secret luthit, par:ieularly the youth
of both sexes. which if not cured, produces con
stitutionsl debility, rendering marriage impossi
ble, and in the end destroys both Mind and Body.
Young Men,
especially, who have become the victims of Sol
itary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit
which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thou
sands of voting men of the most exalted talents
and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have
entranced listening senates with the thunders of
eloquence, or necked to eestacy the living lyre,
may call with full confidence.
Married Persons,
or those contemplating marriage, Mint' aware or
physical weakness, should inur.mliately consult
1)r. J., and he restored to perfect health.
Dr. Johnston,
office No. 7 South Fredrick St., seven doors fr-un
Baltimore Street, east side up the steps. Crße
particular in obtaining the name and number, or
you will mistake the phase.
A vitro ton v nn to,l , or no charge made, in from
one to two days.
TARE NOTICE.—Dr. Jollll3toll'ei ORICC is in his
dwelling, up the steps. His very extensive Pr. ,
lice is a sufficient genrantee, that he is the only
propel physician to apply to.
lie. Johstnn, member I,f the Royal College of
Surgeons. Loudon, grading° from one of the
most eminent Colleges of the United States, and
the greeter port of whose life has been spent in
the Hospitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and
elsewhere, has elfficted some of the most aston
ishing cures that were ever known, many trou
bled with ringing in the ears and head when
asleep, greet nervousness, being alarmed at mud
den sounds, and bashfulness, with frequent blush
ing attended sometimes with derangement of
mind, were cured immediately.
A ' CERTAIN DienAsn.—ltis a melancholy fact
that thousands WI victims to this horrid disease
owing to the unkkilfulness of ignorant pretenders
who by the use of that deadly poison Mercury,
ruin the Constitution, causing the most serious
symptoms of that dreadful disease to make their
appearance, such as affections of the head, nose,
throat, skin, etc., progressing with frightful ra
pidity till death puts a period to their dreadful
suttelng, by bending them io that Bourne whence
no traveler returns.
TAan NoricE.—Youngmen who
have injured themselves by n certain practice in
dulged in when alone—a habit ftequently learned
from evil companions, or at sehool—the effects
of which are nightly feit,OVell when asleep, and
if not cured renders marriege impossible, and de
stroys both mind and body.
What a pity that a young man, the hope of 11111
country, and the darlingof his parents should ho
snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of
life by the consequence otdoviating from the path
of nature rind indulging inn certain secret habit.
Such persons before contemplating Marriage,
should reflect that a sound mind and body are
the most necessary requisites to promote
blothappiness, indeed without these, the jour
ney through -life becomes a weary pilgrimage,
the, prospect hourly darkens to the view; the
mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled
with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness
ofrtnother heeomes'hlighted with our own.
CONSTITUTIONAL Drunxr. Y.—Dr. J. adlress
es young men, and all who hose injured them
selves bv private itml improper indulgence.
1311.1111A9ANA.—Theso nresome of the sad and
melancholy effects produced by early habits of
youth, vim Weakness of the linek and Limbs,
Pains in the bead; Dimness of Sight, Loss of
Muscular power Palpitation of the Heart Dys
pepsin,Nervous Irritability , Detangemcnts of the
Digestive Functions, General Debility Symptoms
of Consumption. g &e.
. . .
MENTALLY—fiIe fearful effects on the mind are
much to ho dreaded; Loss of memory, Confusion
of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Forbodings;
Aversion to Society, Helt Distrust, Love of Soli
tude, &c., are some of the evils produced.
Thousands of persons of all ages,can now judge
what is the rouse of their declining health. Los
ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and mach--
end, have singular appearance about the eyes,
tough and sytntoms of consumption.
Married persons, or those eunomplating mar
riage, being aware of physical weakness, should
immediately consult Dr. J. and be restored to per
fect health. Office, No. 7, South Frederick-St.,
Baltimore, hid.
N• B. Let no false delicacy prevent you, but ap
ply immediately either personally or by letter.
Skin Diseases Speedily Cared,
TO STRANOI,IO3.—The many thousands cured
at this Institution within the last ten years, and
the numerous important Surgical Operations
performed by 1)r. J.,w•itnessed by the Reporters t f
the papers, and many ether persons, notices of
which have appeal ell again and again before the
public, is nsulilciest guarantee that the afflicted
will and a skillful and honorable phys:cian.
As there are sei many ignorant and worthless
quacks advertising theiriselves us Physicians,ritin
ing the health of the afflicted 1)r. Jolungun would
say to thaw unacquainted with his reputation that
hie Credentials or Diplomas always hung in his
Weakness of the organs immediately cured,
and full vigor restored
IlEr All letters post paid—remedies sent by
:My 22, 1855.-1,,
~„ R11.41010.0S
For the prevention and Cure of intermittent
and Remittent Fevers, Vever and Ague, Chills
and Fever, Danth Ague, General Debility Night
Sweats, and all other berms of disease which have
a common origin in Malaria or Miasma.
This Is a natural antidote which will entirely
protect any resident or traveller even in the
most sickly or swampy localities, from any Ague
or Dillow disease whatever, or any injury from
constantly inhaling Malaria or Miasma.
It widinstantii cheek the Ague in persons
who have suffered for coy length of time, from
one day to twenty years, so that they need never
to have another chill, by continuing in use nc•
cording to directions. The patient ut once begins
to recover appetite and strength, and continues
until a permanent and 'tidiedl cure is effected.
One or two bottles will answer for ordinary
cases ; some may require more. Directions prin
ted German, French and Spanish, accompany
each bottle. Price one dollar. Liberal dis
counts made to the trade.
JAMES A. RHODES, Providence, R. I.
New York, June 11, 1855,
"I have made a chemical examination of
"Rhode's Fever and Ague Cure," or Antidote.
to Malaria, and have tented it fur lirsenic, Mer
cury, Quinine, and Strychnine, but have nut
found a particle of either in it, nor have I found
any substance in its composition that would
prove injurious to the constitution.
JAMES R. CHILTOM, M. 1). Chemist.'
Lewisburg, Union Co., Pu., May 2, 1855,
Mr. J. A. ...Rhodes-1;m Sir t The box of
medicine you sent me was duly received on the
11th of April. 1 have sold about ono half of it,
and so thr the people who have used it, and hix
of the eases were of long standing ; my sister.
who had it for five or six yellrs buck, and could
never get it stopped, except by Quinine, and
that only as long us she wonld take, is now, I
think, entirely cured by your remedy.
C. It. Mull INGLY."
Take nomore Arsenic, Tonics, Mercury, Qui
nine, rehriftiges, Strychnine, or Anti-rcriodics,
of any kind. Tho well-known inefficiency of
these noxious poisons proves them to be the oft=
spring °cruise medical principles, or of mercena
ry quacks. The only remedy in existence that
is both sure and haraileas is
AGENTS—In Huntingdon, Thome Read & Son,
and ler sale by dealers generally.
March 20, 1255-Iy.
BLANKS...AIways buy your Blanks at tho
"Journal Onlce." We have now prepared a ve
ry superiurarticle of BL A N K DEEDS, BONDS,
TroNS, Se.
Dr. Kennedy, of Roxbury, Im.i discovered In one
of our common pasture weAs a remedy
that cure,
maw nom Du mono 3,
the worst acrothla down to a c,tunion pimple.
Ile has Wed it in over 1100 eirms, and never
failed except in two cases, (both tl under limner.)
lle has now in his possession eve: two hundred
certificates of Its virtue, all within twenty miles
of Boston.
Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing
sore mouth.
One to three bottles will cure el e worst kind
of Pimples on the time.
T oor three bottles will clear the system of
Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst
case of Erysipelas.
• One to two bottles are warranted to cure all
humor in the Eyes. _
Two bottles are warranted to elm° running of
the ears null blotches among the hair.
Four to eix bottles are warranted to cure cor
rupt nno running. ulcers.
One bottle will curo scab• eruption of the
Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the
worst ease of tingworm.
Two to 1111 . 00 titmice are warranted to cure the
most desperate cone of rhenniation!
Threo to four bottles are warranted to cure the
salt rheum.
Fire to eight bottles will cure the worst case
of serofnli.
A benefit is always experienced from the rust
bottle, anti n perfect cure Is warranted when the
above quantity is taken.
Bender, I peddled over a thousand bottles of
this in the vicinity of Boston. I knew the effect
(wit in every ea... do sure as water will extin
guish fire, so sure will Miscue humor. I never
sold a bottle of it but that sold another; after a
trial it always speaks for itself. There are two
things about this herb that appear to Inc surpri
. sing ; first that it grows in our pastures, in some
places quite plontiful,ml yet its value has never
been known until I discovered it in 1940—second
that it should cure all kinds of humor.
In order to give some idea of the sudden rise
and great popularity of the discovery. I will
state that. In April, 1853, I peddled it and sold
about slx bottles per day—in April. 1834, I sold
over one thousand per day ofih
Some of the wholesale Druggists who have
been in business twenty and thirty years, say
that nothing in the annals of patent mmlicines
was ever like it: Tla re is a universal praise of
it from all quarters.
In my own practice I alwars kept it strictly for
humors—but since its introtluetion as a general
family medicine, great and wonderful virtues
have been found in it that I never suspected.
Several eases of epileptic tits—a disc.'so which
was aiwnyt considered incurable, have beets cu
red by a lbw bottles. 0, what a mercy if it will
prove effectual in till eases of that dreadful nud
ady—there are but few who Issue store of it than
I have.
I know of several cases of Dropsy, 01l of whom
aged people cored by it. rue the
vnriuns disea
ses of the Liver, Sib Ilvadaehe. Dyspepsia,
Asthma, lever cud Ague, Vain in the Sidrr, Dis
ease! or the Spine, and partienlarly in diseases
of the Kidneys, See., the discovery has dune inure
good thtn any medicine ever known.
No change of diet ever necessary—cat the best
you ran get and enough of it.
Dinsiertotts eon U6l,—Adults one table
spoonful per any—Children over ten years des
seat spoonful} —Children from live to eight years
teaspoonfull. As no directions Ullll ha itpplica..
hie to all constitutions, take suttieNnt to operate
on the be wets twice a day.
Itlannfartured ho
No. 120 Warr. , Ruxtury, Mass.
Price 01,00
T. W. DTOTT, Gew.tral itgont fur Pounsylva—
Wholesale Agents.—X. Y. City, C. V. Cliek•
ner, 81 Barclay Street.—C. 11. Ring., 192 I.lroad•
way.-13usitton & Clark, 275 Broadway.—A. 13,
& Sands, 100 Fulton Street.
Fur sale by Cr. W. &chum, MeVeytown; Mrs,
slary Slacks, Lewistown; T. Head & Sou, Hun.
And sold by Agents generally.
May 2, 1855.-1 y.
Issued under the seal, sanction and authority
Free Medicine
VANIA, APRIL 29, 1853.
alIT.I'l - j'ij*:. , 7l' •I'ID.'IHS-.l•ljiA
Also for supplying the Community with relia
ble remedies wherever a Competent Physician
cannot or will not be employed, have ',tuella:int
from Dr. JOIN It. ROWAND, his celebrated
Rowand's Tonic Mixture
Known lbr upwards of twenty-five years w
the only sure and with cure for
his inestimable remei'y for
Which highly approval and popular Reme
dies, together with tho University's Remedy for
Complaints of the Lungs,
'the University's Remedy fur Dyspepsia or
The University's Remedy for Costive Bow.
Also the University'. Almanac may be had
nt the Branch Dispensary, or Store of
Moore & Swoop°, Alexandria, Hunt. Co., Pa
Thos. Rend & Son, Ilunting'n, 46 66
William Bell,
Hessler & Bro., Mill Creek, 66 "
B. F. Kepner, Mitilintown, Juniata "
Benner & Crawford, Thompsontowu "
Thos. Oherholtzer; Patter's.
12. Gingrich & Co., New Mexico,
. .
Julietlain Zeller. Afilton, Cumberland "
W. S. Proven, New Cumberland "
Jno. F C.;slo.w,Mitton.
James Moakley, Franklin, Venango "
M Thompson, Dunoimsvillo,
Roya, Franklin Forge, ,r
Geo. Bergstrasser, Frankstoa n,
D. Williams, Hollidaysburg 64
11. Myers,
J. Thompson, "
.7no. llys . tou,Head Crooked Dain "
J. A. Hating, Willlant,burg, a
T. Falls, had Lock below "
Kinkaid & Leary Yellow Springs, "
E. Goodfellow, Hollidaysburg,
Jacob Blebityre, Mariinsburg,
B. Mouser. IVaynesboro, « c 4
Mary yrr„ klalfidayabur,
James Bell, Johnstown, — c um b r i n , cc
R. Lambertson, Franklin, You ng° , SI
Chan. Ritz, Lewistown, 11
J. M. Williams. MoVoytown, '
J. R. Smith, Newton Hamilton, t+l 11
P. C. Craigo, " ic 44
J. IV. Smith. " 11
Jas. Strode, Jr., Stroda's Mills "
Mary Marks, Lewistown, " "
A. W. Muss, " << <4
G. W. Buchanan, MeVeytown,
11. Kraut. & Son, Johnstown, Cambria"
Slay 16, 1855—em.
SAMI.L T. Bnowx
.',JC2 ( l3 l lf i tr 4.$ IiZOWIIf,
Attorneys at Law,
Huntingdon. Pa.,
020 e 311010 it. that formerly occupied by John
Scott, Esq.
On. 11, 1.01,
The '.llnstrmonox Jounte.+t."ispubliAtett at
he following rates t
If paid in advance $1,60
If paid within six months after the time of
subscriltinm 1,76
If paid at tho end of the year 2,00
And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid till
after the expiration of the year. No subscription
will be taken for a less period than six months,
and nopuper will he disconti•tuctl, except at the
option of the Editor, idler it hos went over the
time of subscribing, until the cud of that year.
Sabseriborslining in distant counties,or in other
States, will be required to pay invariably in
advance. . .
(cam'above terms will be igitily it.ll.ered
to iu all ease,
Will be charged at the follow ini rat.:
1 insertion. 2 do. 2 do.
Six lines or less $ 25 $ 37) $ 50
One squnre, (IS lines,) 50 75 100
Two " (32 " ) 100 150 200
Three " (48 " ) 150 225 300
Business men advertising by the Quarter, flult
Year or Year, will be charged the following rates:
3 nu, i ino. 12 'no.
One square, $3 00 $5 00 $8 00
Two squares, 500 800 12 00
Three squares, 750 10 00 15 00
Four $(11101 . 0.3, 000 14 00 23 00
Five squares, 15 CO 25 00 39 00
Ten 5yn . ..., 25 00 '4O 00 00 Ou
Business Cards not exceeding six lines, one
year, $4.00.
Agents for the Journal.
The following perfons tee hove appointed Agents
for the 11,rticunoN Jonufcm., who ore outlier
ized to receive end receipt fur money paid on sub
scription, and to take the names of new subsea
hers at nor published prices.
We do this for the convenience of our subscri
bers living ot A distance from Huntingdon.
JOHN W. TnomrsoN, Esq., Hollidaysburg,
SAMUEL. Color, East Borneo,
thionou W. CORNELIUS. Cromwell township.
llrcxnv HunsoN, Clay township.
DAVID ETNIIIE, Cromwell township.
Dr..l. P. ASHCOM, Penn township,
.T. Warm. tM MATTERN. Franklin township,
SAMUEL SrErckiv, Jackson township,
Col. Jxo. C. WATSON, Brady township,
Mounts BnowN, Springfield township,
War. lltrenmsoN, Esq., Warriorsmark tp.,
Cuonac W. WHITTAKER, Petersburg,
BENI, NEFF, West Barre,
Jets P %UMW., Witterstreet,
Maj. CHARLES MICICEET. Tod t4withip,
A. M. Bbstu, Dublin township,
CEOROE WILSON. Esq, township,
k JAMES Cbanst, Birmingham.
NATHANIEL LYT., Esq., Spruce Ceock.
Maj„lV. Moo., ,Al9xot.tdria.
It. WALLACE: Union Fornnce.
SIME.N WRIOHT, Esq., Union towns . hip.
DANA. CLAnnson, Esq., Cass townshii:.
SA311:1.1. Wuvrox, Esq., Franklin twwnship,
]).thin l'AnnEn, Esq., Warriorsinark.
Davin AI7I:ANI,T, • Furld township.
DR. IL A LIMED Sll.llll, Dtlblill tOWl,llip.
The “.1101URN.1.1.” has 300 Subscri
bers more, than any other paper
in this county.
corner Second mud Wall. at
P1111.11 , E 1,1 MLA.
C.AI'ITAI. 53u0,u06.
limuranco an D-ull
This Compauy edicts
dings, Uonds,Furniture
IN:11:1Z ANC:I
lttio, To ull ports in the World.
Inland inhurenees on Goods by ricer::, lakea,
counts, railroad, taut land carriage to it 11 parts of
the Union.
insurance upon LIVILS, upon the wort
favortable term, •
lion. 110111 ell. 11011311 CC .111111 CS E. Neal!,
George li. Armstrong, ('li wles Dingo,
Edward P. Middleton, Ed. R. neltnlmld,
George llelmbold, I'. C.
Thomas Almoleilield, !Anne Len.! . ..,
TIIONIAS B 1 , 1.()111.:NCE,
EDWARD R. 111,1,1.1.1). Sc'vy
Wl'ff. 11.11tEWS'IlElt,
' l 4).lain 4 - , ..:4fattcp,
il~ L~IJ~
dud all Kinds of Legal Blanks,
Used by Magistrates & Others
Printed at the Rl . iiN.lo. Gir t.t E.
The subscriber, timid:ft:l to his friends anti IA:-
trolls, and to the Public gencri.lly, fur their pa•
tronage, still continues to carry on at the .11110
one door east of Mr. C. (...!ton's 1101;1, Moe.
ket street. Huntingdon, where he Will attend
all who will favor him with their custom, and al
so keeps on hand a good assortment of WaTengs,
CLocas, JEWELRY, &e., all of which he is
determined to sell at low prices.
Clocks, Wen: bes sod Jewelry of all kinds'will
he repaired at short notice, and having made ar
rangements with a good workman, n repairs will
he done in a neat and durable manner,...) every
p e rson tearing articles fur repairing shall have
them dune at the precise time. paying strict
attention to basilic., and selling at low rate:. he
hopes to receive a chars of public l lllll ronuge.
Ilunting.lOtt, Sept. 7, 18:12.—tf.
Lots In Altoona for Sale.
north of Hollidaysburg and about one mile north
west uf Allegheny Furnace, Blair county.
After the 21st day of May, the LOTS rot a d
Tows will be open to the public fur sale.
It is well known that the Pennsylvanian af
Road Company have selected the place fort he
erection of the main Machine and other Shop ,
and are now building the fame.
The Rail Road willbe opened early in the • el.
throwing at once a large amount of trade tot hi,
place. Tho main inducement at this time in
faring Lots for sale being to secure the requis
ite Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for
the Machinists and other employees of the Rail
Road Company. Early application will seen! e
Lots at a low price.
For further information apply to C. H. MAY
ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. McMURTRIF.
May 1, 18:12tt.
H OUSEKEEPERS study your interests, why
go to Auction and pay ektravngant prices 11,r
half-made Funarruna tall at No. 1, North
NINTH street, and examine the largest awn,
ment of t h u best made Furniture and Betiding it
the any, lnuttier Butte, Hair, flush, mid Stray ,
Mattresses; a largo assortment of fancy
nuts, Solls Tables, marble tops, and Washstand .
Walnut and Mahogany Frenci; Teto-a- totes, Oi
vans, Wardrobes, Bookcases; French
Funny Stulled Seat, Cnuo scat, Windsur, in l uf
flea Choirs, Counting Mott se, and cane-aunt ,
Settee and Arm-choir 01,11101,h; Cottage rani. •
tore made in every style and color; Sulu Beds ill
Lounges, wholesale and retail, ana , warranted ,
giro satisfaction, and sold at the lowest prices.
Sep. 28, 1853,
A. P. WILSON. H. BuucE Pivrau.
111:NTLV ;IJow,
Practice in tlio :moral Courtg of Ifunting(!,
Citmbein, Centre, Mifflin and Jontata Conn
tioor. Un rob SS 1 9.1111