Mil go AIN 1111111 A AtRICEIr FLoon.—Some 3 a 4000 barrels have been told at $11,50 for standard brands, and $9,75. $9,87i for extra, which establishes an advande. The demand for home consumption is also more active within the range of $9, 5 0a5 10 , 75 for common retailing to extra and fancy fam ily brands. Cons MEAL and RYE Fnoua are mare inquired for. About 1400 barrels of the tbrrner sold at $4 for . Pennsylvania Meal, and 200 barrels of the latter at $6,50 per barrel.- IVra:Ar is scarce and wanted at previous rates, and about 6000 bushels , sold at 210a211 cents for fair to prime Reds, and 195 cents for info. rior, and 220a230 cents for fair to prima White. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ROOKS FOR SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. TUE ILLUSTRATED COMPOSITION BOOK, This work a great help to teachers and 'm idis. It is u quarto of latter sheet size, contain ing Directions, Subjects, end Blank Leases for Composition, with large end splendid Engra 'vino. It is finely printed on the hest writing paper. Price 27i cents for school edition or 624 cents in full gilt binding. .COPULAII. LECTURES ON SCIENCE AND 13v Dion, Lerdner, L. 1.. D. ; treating of all the Physical Science, in a complete and finniliar manner. Two large octavo volumes, of 1,206 pages, with several hundred Illustrations. Every teacher and library should have a copy. Prico $4. 410 BEIM° N' S HISTORY OF A M4III CA, Front its discovery, continued by an American liistorinn to the present time. A large octavo volume. of 1,200 pngos, splendidly illustrated, gilt binding. The mast complete history of our country ever written. Price $4. MEDICAL G lIIDE FUR E VER FAMIL HOMEOPATHIC Ca fug Da@illls2 IIY MARTINI FRELIGII, M. I). Embracing the History Diagnosis, and Treat ment of Diseases in general ; including-those pc• miller to Females, and the management, of Chil dren. A ccompauied by n complete case of re medies prepared expressly for this work. Price of Book and Case, $5. Book alone $1,50. LAW, 66 'Fulton , rublielied by Immo - NV St., New Yoik: Nov. 28, 1855.- BOOK AGENCY E sAscribers have established a Book ,LtA g eney in Philadelphia, and will furnish any book or publi•attion at the retail price free of postage. Any persons. by forwarding the nob seription prico of any of the $3 Magazines, such nn !lamer's, Godey's, l'n mnto s, Graham's, or Frank Leslie's Fashions, will receive the magazines liar ono year and •t copy of the splen did lithograph portrait of either Washington, Jackson or Clay.; or if subscribing to a $2 and asl Mngazine, they will receive a copy of ei ther of tho three portraits. It' subscribing to $6 worth of Magazines, all three portraits will bo sent gratis. Music furnished to those who may nish it. Envelopes of every description nu l l size in large or small quantities furnished. Seal Press es, Dies, &c. sent to order. Every description of Engraving on Wood ex ecuted with neatness and clispateh. Views of Buildings, Newspaper Headings, Views of Ma chinery, Book illustrations, Lodge Certilientes, Business Cards, &c. All orders sent by mail promptly attended to. Persons wishing views of their buildings engraved eon send a Daguer reotype or - sketch of the building by mail or ex press. . . . . . .. - Persons at a distance having' saleable articles would find it to their elem.:Age to whims the subseribers, as we would net as agents for the sale of tho some. BYIIAM & piEncr„ 50 South Third Si., Philadelphia, Pa. Xnv. 28, 1355.—1 y. A SPLENDID FARM PUBLIC BALE The subscriber being desirous of removing to the West, od o rs his form situated in West town ship, on the rood lending from Petersburg to MeAlavev's Fort, for sale. His farm adjoins land of William Armstrong, Thomas F. Stewart and others, containing about MS Acres, of which there is cleared and under a good state of culti vation about 170 Acres. Tho balance is well timbered. The improvements aro a Log House and Bank liars, together wRh a small Tenant House. The barn is new, 80 by 45 feet. Theiro is also on the premises a Young Orchard, and water is piped to the door from a never-failing spring of water. This plantation is highly pro. ductive, being good limestone land. It is situa ted within 21- miles of Petersburg, where the railroad nod canal passes through. Sale to com mence at It/ o'clock on Thursday, 20th of Dee., 1853. Terms—One third of the purchase mon ey to be paid in hand, the balance in two equal payments with interest. To be secured in the usual manner. THOS. HAMER. Nov. 28,'55. Fruit, Shade, and Ornamen tal Trees. • MESSRS. TAYLOR & CREMER offer litr solo at t heir Nurseries in Ihnitintzdon, an assortment of trees of the 'Jest varieties con sisting of APPLE, APRICOT, pgAR, CHERRY, PEACH, A I, MOND, PLUM, DWARF APPLE NECTARINE DWARF PEAR, DWARF CHERRY SILVER MAPLE BALSAM PINE ARBOR 'VITA. GRAPE VINES, &c. All orders addressed to them will be filled at the usual nursery prices. Terms Cash. Nov. AUDITOR'S NOTICE, r . l , lstate of Benjamin Nearhoof, ilea.] The, undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon county, to make distribution of the funds in the hands of George Guyer Jr., Administrator of the estate of Ben. jamin Nearhoof, late of Warriormark town ship, deceased, among those entitled to the same, hereby gives notice that he will attend at the Register's Office in Huntingdon, on Sat urday the 22d, day of December next, at 3 p'clock F. for the purposes of his appoint. meat, where all persons having claims against said funds are requested to present the same or be for ever debarred from getting a share of THEO:U CREMER, Auditor. said fund. Nov. 27th 1135.5-4 t. AIIDITOWS NOTICE. Estate of James Campbell, late of ShirJey Township. NroTicz is hereby given to all persons inter eated that the undersigned appointed audi. tor, by the Orphans' Court to distribute the bal ance °timid estate remaining in the hands of Hance R. Campbell, Adm'r., will attend for tho purpose at his office, on Thursday the 20th of December, 1855, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and that at that time and place they arc required to pre sent their claims to the undersigned or be de barred from coming in fur a share of such assets or balance. A. W. 13ENEDICT, Nov. 28, 18545.-4 t. Auditor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration on the estate of James Stewart, lets of West tp., Hunt ingdon Co., dee'd., having been granted to the undersigned, all persona indebted to said estate will make immediate settlement, and thou, hay• ing chums against it will present then. duly an thentieated for settlement. WILLIAM STF,WART Mtn', Nor. 28, lAs5.-At.• MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. AGENTS WANTED. In every county in the United States and Canada, to soll one of the most important Books ever published in America, and one that shonld be in the hands of every male and fe• male, who regard their own health and the welfare of their offspring, entitled HOWARD'S DOMESTIC MEDICINE, Revised and enlarged by Horton Howaill, H. D., containing nearly ONE nusracED MATIONS, of grout importance, a n d nearly one thousand large octavo pages, bound in substan• tint leather binding library style, three volumes bound it one containing an important SYSTEM or nostrwric msoloin with a Treatise on an atomy, Physiology, and all diseases that man kind arc heir to with Presetiptions of the great. eat importance to mankind. Also, an exten sive TREATISE ON MIDWIFERY, giving a lull des. cription of the Diseases of Women—the cause of disease and cure, This book was first published as a Text Book and is now used in the Eastern Cofeges•, but the revised edition is made simple and plain t that all classes may comprehend it. It contain an explanation to all the medical terms used in the book. Price 11. Agents wishing to engage in tho sale of this valuable book, will do well to ;mike immediate application ns it will be exclusively a subserip• lion book, and the greatest pains will be taken to prevent one Agent from selling on the terri tory assigned to another. A sample copy will he sent, by mail, post paid, to any part of the United States or Can ada, on the reception of the retail price in cur rent funds or postage stamps with term to Agents, and to those wishing to engage in the business. Address H. M. iII:JASON, Publisher,Qua ker City Publishing House,Cll2 South Third street, Philadelphia, or Queen City Publishing I House, 1153 Main street Cincinnati, Ohio. Oct. 24.-st. FALL AND WINTER 400 - 13 N. Call and look before you purchase, CACI . iVEIIII9 LT As just returned from Philadelphia: and is I 'now opening one of the prettiest end best selected stock of goods ever brought to the bor ough of Huntingdon. It would be useless to mention all of the goods we havo on hand— Ladles; Dress Goods, of the latest styles. A large stock at llosery, Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, Velvet, bonnets tindersloves, Collars, Spencers, Cnslmeres, Clothe, Casinetts, Lames, Silk Mitts, Delanes, l)e-Borgc, Kid Gloves, and all kinds of goods generally kept in a country store. Also—a fine assortment of Boots, Shoes, Bats, & ca Glassware, Queensware and ecderware. A large and good supply of Fresh Groceries. Call and see my goods and examine for your selves. Thnnkfnl for the patronage of the past by my friendq, and the public generally, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Xlll kinds of country produce taken in cx change for goods at the highest market price. Oct. 10, 1855. VAIAL b WINIMIt GOODNI A'V THE BROAD TOP DEPOT. IUNNINCIIIAM & DUNN have just returned kj from Philadelphia ' and are now opening at the head of the Broad Top Basin a' huge and beautiful assortment of Full & Winter Goods Consisting of _ _ _ Dry Golods, Groceries, Hard-wase, Queens-ware, Cedar-•ware, Slats, boots awl shoes. lvillow-wa r e. Ready Abide Clothing always on hand. and in short everything that is usually kept in a country store. BACON:W.ILT, FISH AND PLASTER, kept constantly for Bale. Call and examine our stark heft re purcha sing elsewhere, and see whether we