Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 28, 1855, Image 2
juntingbau ~~ I /// , , :. - c **l4-:y ..,, 4. 4:i ,:_ , 4z - ---zr:._ ',, - , • --- ‘ ~ \ Ni •t'• - •N N ult:cazkk , AW:,.. 5 ?• ~,, Wednesday Kerning, November 28, 1855. WILLIA nnEwsTEn, EDITORS. SAM. G. WIIITTAKER. Proposed State Convention. We see it stated by a number of papers in this State that efforts are being made for the holding of a State Convention in this borough to be composed of the Anti• Nebraska Editors in Pennsylvania, for the purpose of uniting on a common platform in opposition to the Nation. al Administration. Said Convention to beheld on the 19th of December, 1855. We have not given this subject much consideration, but we believe if properly carried out, would result in much good. If the anti•administrationists will but unite, forgetting the petty differences of opinions or views which they may have, the result would be such a powerful combination as would effectually wrest from imbecile and inexperienced individuals, the good old ship of State. Let us hear the sentiment of the press. From the Old World. By the arrival at Halifax of the steamer Ca nada, we have Liverpool advices to the 10th. The ridiculous war excitement in England had subsided, and the newspapers which created it are endeavoring to shuffle off the responsibility for what they have done. The British Secreta ryship for the Colonies is still vacant. Unfriend ly relations have arisen between Great Britain and Spain on account of the expulsion of a British subject from Cuba, in April last, and the appointment by Spain of a notorious old trader, as Governor of Fernando Po. There was another rumor of an attempt to assassinate the Emperor Napoleon, but it arose from the accidental dropping and explosion of a pistol from a dragoon's holster. General Canrobert is pressing Sweden for a positive answer, whether she will join actively the Western alliance. A bombardment of Ni •cholaieff is said to have commenced on the 29th of October, and continued through the follow ing day. The Russian and French Emperors are said to favor a renewal of the negotiations for peace. A reconuoisance of the Allies from Enpatoria, on the 22d, resulted in their encoun tering and offering battle to a large Russian force; but the latter retired after a brief can nonade. The allies burned three villages and one town, besides many farm houses, and re. turned to Eupatmia. The Russian army in the Crimea has just received provisions for six months. Omar Pacha has commenced his ad vance on Kutars. A French camp of 50,000 men is being formed at Silistria. It is said that the Sultan will visit Paris and London in the spring. Pope Pins has written a letter to Archbishop unties, concerning the in it,. United States, in which he says : "But that you may provide more easily for the wants of your dioceses, and may be able to have skilful and industrious laborers who can help 'you in cultivating the vineyard of the Lord, we most earnestly wish, as we have already intimated to some of your order, (who • o our no common gratification were in Rome on the occasion of our dogmatic definition of the Immaculate Con ception of the Mother of God,) that comparing your advice, and uniting your resources, you would please to erect in this our fair oily of Rome a cells ye appropriated to the cleryy of your nation ! For your wisdom will instruct you how great advantages may redound to your dioceses from an institution of that kind." Hon. Henry H. Fuller. The Danville Denwcral has an able article urging the election of Mr. Fuller as Speaker of Congress. It says, and most truly, that his past conspicuous political career has so amply developed all the striking popular elements of his nature, that he has been named recently by several of our cotemporaries for the Presidency of 1816. What eminence is reserved in the fu ture for Mr. Fuller, we will not now even gum at ; but looking only to the present—recogniz ing his worth and fitness, and his strong claims as a purely national man—we urge him for the Speakership. Mr. Fuller, says the Daily Yews, is the Con- gressman elect from the District composed of the counties of Lucerne, Wyoming, Columbia, and Montour, and has been twice elected to Congress—the last time by a majority of up. wards of 2000—after a severe contest, overcom• ing a democratic majority of more than 3000. This sufficiently demonstrates his popularity at home. He is a man of sterling integrity—of iron. Shred energy—of conspicuous learning—with great capacity of thought—clear, discrimina ting judgement—and eminently possesses that necessary faculty which foresees contingencies . and provides for results. He possesses firm ness without rudeness, and decision without obstinacy. He is familiar with all the rules and practice of legislation, having had experi ence in Congress as well as our State Logisla ture—is conservltive in his views, and honest in his politics. His unquestioned and unques tionable integrity and steadiness or purpose 'have recommended him to the confidence of the people, and political leaders of all parties unite in pronouncing him honest. His ability -is too decided to be overlooked—his fitness too apparent to admit of question. Mr. Fuller can, therefore, be presented as the man for the Speakership. Ho is, perhaps—iu- deed, we believe—the only man who can unite and harmonies the conflicting and antagonistic elements which will be comprehended in the next Congress--the only man, perhaps, who possessing all other requisite qualities, can stand between the North and the South on the vexed and dangerously agitating question of slavery, and upon whom Whigs, Americana, and the entire opposition to the Administra. Lion, can all unite with confidence and hearti .ness. Wherefore, then, should they not avail them selves of this opportunity to cement their strength by electing Mr. Fuller, end securing tothetnselves as s resulting consequence, the power of the homey ? Thanksgiving—Origin of Its Observance. On last Thursday seven states in the Union united in general Thanksgiving and praise for the many blessings bestow ed upon us as a people, and the many dire .calUinities which we have been spared.— In New England the observance of Christ mas as a holiday is very light indeed, but Thanksgiving is of all the year the most disastrous to turkeys, pumpkin pies and good things generally. It is a a time when old feuds are forgetten for the nonce ; fa milies that have been separated all the year assemble around the blazing hearth and family board, and every thrifty New Eng land housewife indulges in commendable rivalry with her neighbor in procuring the good things of the land for Thanksgiving dinner. Some States, it will be noticed, observe the 16th, others the 22d, and still others the 29th of November ; but all a gree on the same day of the week. We have often heard the question ask ed, "Why is it that Thanksgiving Day is always made to come on Thursday ?" It has been so in former years and this year, although the Governors of some of the States fix on different days of the month, they all agree on the same day of the week. A question is started that has never been discussed, at least to our knowledge ; any suggestions, therefore, we make, must be taken for what they are worth. The cus tom of annual Thanksgiving arose, we be lieve, among the Puritans of New Eng land. As they were a Christian people, about to establish a Christian festival, we may reasonably suppose they took the his tory of Christianity for a precedent. If any one will read over the XXVI chapter of Matthew, he will see why they consid ered Thursday the appropriate day for this purpose. The time of the Jewish Passo ver depended on the state of the moon and as astronomy was then but little cultivated it could not always be fixed with accuracy, Hence it is a disputed point whether our Saviour ate the Passover in the year of the Crucifixion or not. It is certain, however, that on tbe Thursday evening before, they ate that memorable supper at which the Sacrament of the Eucharist was instituted. Although the Passover in that year was involved in philological, chronological and astronomical difficulties, the time of this supper can easily be fixed in several ways: Ist. The reeson given why the bones of those who were crucified should be broken and their bodies taken down, was that the next day was the Sabbath—that is, our Saturday. The Crucifixion, therefore, oc curred on Friday, and the supper being the evening before was on Thursday, or the Jewish Priday, since their day began at sundown instead of midnight. It is, we ' su lT es.. because the Lord's Supper was eaten on Thursday that our stern and God fearing old puritan fathers fixed upon that day for Thanksgiving, and the custom has since become a permanent one atnong our States. The British Recruiting Service, Our readers will remember thatwe stated, several weeks since, on the authority of the Koelnische Zeihing, that Mr. Curtis, the British Consul at Cologne, had been arrested and im prisoned or. a charge of being accessory to the enlistment its Prussia of recruits for the tnglish service. We leans by the ektago that ho has been sentenced for this crime to three months' imprisonment and to a fine of fifty thalers— about $37 50. In Vienna at present the large reward of one hundred gold ducats is being offered for such evidence as willlead to the con. viction of those men who are thus employed in inveighing into the wars of other nations those men who are needed at home. If the offence be weighed with regard to the evils which it in flicts on society, and the apparent complicity which it must frequently involve, candar must compel us to admit that no punishment as yet applied to it is sufficiently severe and that every possible means should be taken to manifest our disapprobation of it. The mere fact that such enlistments have tilt. ken place in a country forms a precedent and an excuse for war at a future time. It places the country in an unenviably delicate position, and involves disagreeable explanation. Where the guilty parties—as in all the present British cases—are diplomatic agents enjoying a rank and privileges which facilitate their operations, such conduct evinces a want of regard and of respect to tho countries in which they are pla ced, which, regarded either by a moral standard or by that of mere courtesy and etiquette, can only be paralleled by presuming them to have been guilty of smuggling by order. Will our own government show as much promptness and courage in this matter as the Prussian has done ? Doubtful—very doubtful. And yet John Bull will have but little respect for us un less something as decided is done. At best, however, the Administration at this date can play no other part than that of a lag-behind in this matter. The Dutch have get ahead of us. From Washington. A correspondent of the New York Daily Those, says that Secretary Dubbing health is improved. De is engaged in daily attention to the duties of the Navy Department, and says he has uo expectation of resigning, as stated• Ile is supposed to be well informed on the sub ject. The President's Message will show that Lord Clarendon Las never attempted to answer Mr- Buchanan's lust argument on the Central Au, erican question, but when in September, he pressed him to answer, Lord Clarendonduclar ml the correspondence closed, declined to re open it, and indicated the determination of Great Britain to construe the treaty an not ap plying to her Beaten Colony. There is little doubt that Great Britain would yield the Mos quito Protectorate if we would admit her claim in Bunten. pr Read tin new Airrrtisements. The Cincinnati Convention. 1 This convocation, called by those who sece ded from the Philadelphia Convention of the National Convention of the American Party, met at Cincinnati on Wednesday last. There were fifty-one delegates present, from Ohio, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, India, na, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wis. consio. Those from our State were the follow ing t W. F. Johnston, J. L. Gosler, Stephen War ren, C. A. Walborn, John Williamson, Robert Isl. Riddle, J. H. Sewall, T. J. Powers, W. W. Wise, Richard Coulter, S. Storabock. The official proceedings will be awaited with much solicitude, but the telegraphic reports are so meagre and unsatisfactory that we shall await a more intelligible account. The most important action was a resolution by Mr. Allen of Massachusetts, asking the Grand Council to blot out the twelfth section, and make a plat form upon which the North and South could both stand without violence to the majority of the people in either. Mr. Allots thinks that the Grand Council nesrFebruary might fix up a plan for a truly national organization, leaving each State to hold its peculiar views on the sla very qnestion. So think we, and we hope the same conservative sentiment may pervade the entire body. The officers of the Convention were Thos. B. Ford, of Ohio, President ; Wm. Streets, of Indiana, and S. M. Allen, of Mass., Vice Presidents; and W. W. Deavenhower, 111., Secretary, anti a final adjournment took place on Thursday night. - tolun an Otoituk. Taylor & Cremer's Nursery, We invite the attention of the public to the advertisement of the nursery of our enterprising townsmen, Messrs Taylor & Cremer. This nursery is decidedly one of the most extensive and beautiful ones we ever saw, and we may safely say, the thrif ty condition it is in tells plainly that the gentlemen, are thoroughly acquainted with their business. It is an ornament to our county, and persons desirous of procuring plants or trees of any description, can be accommodated with as good ones as grow in the State. Read the advertisement on the advertising page. Proceedings of Court. Commonwealth vs. Nicholas Gooshorn, Rob. ert Gooshorn and Sam. B. difeFeater. These defendants were charged with mali cious mischief. Not a true bill returned. Conn.. to pay all costs. Commonwealth es. Washington Barkley, J. flouter, Joseph Meredith, William Wilhelm' Jacob Firebaugh, Lewis Helfright, Isaac Nei; jr., Joseph Burkhamer, and William Shay, al. las Irish Billy, These defendants were charged with Riot, riot and pullipg down house and riot and as sash and battery. True bill in the first three counts of indictment, except as to John R. Hunter. Not a true bill as to John R. Hunter, and do not find on the fourth count. After a hearing the defendants are found guilty of riot on three counts. Sentence—William Wilhelm wane of $2O, and each of the other defendants $lO and costs of prosecution. Commonwealth re. Richard 2'roul and John Dunlop. The defendants were charged with assault and battery. Verdict—not guilty, and that J. Dunlop pay a fine of one cent, and costs of prosecution. Thanksgiving Day. The weather was quite favorable to tho en• joyment of thanksgiving day. All the places of business were closed, and our good citizens were out in all thtsinile3 of a holiday, to pro menade and enjoy the bracing air. Genuine pleasure shone among the 'home delights of ma• ny a family circle, gathered arounti the festive board—fowl play and the demolition of pump kin pies being no drawbacks to the general on. joyment. The day passed off without any display of drunkenness, disorder or rowdyism, but at night vriS observed a trio of young blackguards, ex. tilting in the possession of "a five gallon keg," making night hedious. The various churches were numerously attendesl in the morning and evening, and several very eloquent sermons, ap. propriato to the occasion, were delivered. The Mercury Down• The cold snap of yesterday was in striking contrast with the balmy Indian Summer which we had been delighting in for a season. It is suggestive of an extra pair of blankets o' nights, a grateful thought of blazing coal fires, griddles full of smokin g buckwheat cakes, and easy comfort generally, including rapt/pulling parties. Susie fellow who is as fail in these matters, says : Spring has passed o'er ua since a year ago, Summer has crowned us with her perfumed flowers ; Autumn our stomachs sutisfied--and•anow Will soon suggest new flannel shirts and drawers. And gloves, and warmer counterpanes—a cup Of something hot at night, and 'tucking up.' Splendid Books. We invite attention to the advertisements in another column of Messrs. Pierce St Co. Also Henry W. Law's, Robertson's Ilis. tory of America, 4c., most magnificent works. We have received OM hooka and we are much pleased with them. See advertisements. Yovso AMERICA, ort YANKEE DOODLE—Is the title of a now paper proposed to be pub• lished in New York, by T. W. Strong, at $2.60 per annum. Its prospectus states that it is t o be devoted to the annihilation of Old Fogies, Humbug, Charlatanism, and all the ills the ho. dy politic is heir to. GILMAN'S MAGAZINL.—The December No. of this elegant work is before us. It contains an immense amount of reading, and some very elegant engravings, fashion plates, &c., &c Only $3 pet annum. YANXSE Novo:is—This popular comical work, for December, has been received. It is an excellent ennui preventative, and we recnm• mend it to all who desire to 'laugh and g row int." gam of ttt Mut Wonderful Snake Story. There is it good deal id' excitement in Hoek itighlm county, N. C. on account of a snake having been seen whit h has a human head.— The animal was only seen by a son of Mr. 0. B. Stone. He first saw it at his father's tut'. pentine still. His father, to whom he attempt ed to point the monster, was never able to see it, though the boy declared it lots under hie feet. Several attempts wore mile by the boy to shoot him, but the different guns he used would never explode when he pointed in the direction of the snake, though they would fire if turned another way. The fattier in a letter to theidadison, N. C. Democrat says “Some of my neighbors came in again to see the snake, and to see if they could find .y mark it made, so we sprinkled 'ashes all over the Still House and in the hole where it al. ways came in, and we tied my son, fast, so ho could not make the track himself, in nny way whatever, and then we left him tied, in the Still blouse by himself, and went away, and it was but a few moments before he let us know that the snake was in the Still House again and wo went to see if there was any mark ; and behold there was a murk as broad as my hand where it came in and went out, and they were con firmed it Wes something; I did not suffer Al. Fred to stay about the Still-House but a little for whenwier he goes there he is sure to see it, and it also appears to him in different parts of the farm but not so as it does at the Still House and he was told to talk to it, and itwould tell him what it wanted : and lie said he as. kcd it in the name of the Lord what did it want, and ho says it said to him that it wanted to destroy the Stilling, and sneaked off, so then to bo convinced, I tied Alfred in the Still House again, and lie was told to wear clover in his hat and then he could see what it was, and while he was tied in the Still House he had clover in his hat, and he saw the snake come and peep in the house. having a face, eyes, mouth, tongue and all, precisely like a man he perfectly knew, and all ligt the head was precisely like a rattle snake; and it scared him prodigiously. Then on Sunday last, 28th Oct., there was a great many persons who came to my house, who doubted the reality of the mark of the snake, came to see if they could find the mark, and I tied Alfred again, in order that they might bo convinced, all of them respectable men, saw the•mark distinctly, and were convinced of the mark of the snake." The tenth of the statements contained in the farmer's letter to the Democrat, is attested by a dozen of the prominent men of Rocking ham county, who saw the marks of the snake in the ashes, and knew that the boy was tied too closely to make it himself. The Demo crat says that the boy is very much alarmed, and his health is fast giving way under the mental effects of this horrible delusion. This snake bids fah to rival the great Silver Lake serpent. Daring Burglary—The Burglar Arrested. A most exciting nod daring burglary took place somewhere in New Garden, Chester coati ty, very recently. A keeper of a store in that township, one morning arose early, long before day, with the intention of going to the city of Pliiladelphias While moving about the house lie heard n seise in his store, and going to the outside of the Louse found one of the pannels of the store door broken out, and Ito immedi ately had the building surrounded 'by the force ho could muster, and then collected an addi tional from the immediate neighborhood, and the little army shouldered arms, and called loudly upon the robber, who they still heard within, to come forward and deliver himself up "Come out you scoundrel or you are a dead man," was Us, war cry without, but the burglar kept out of the way, intimating that if they wanted him they must come in and take him. The soldiery.withont, conceived that discretion was the better part of valor, and refused to en. ter. A counsel of war was summoned, aud af. ter repeated efforts to dislodge the enemy, it Iwas resolved to beard the lion in his den.— Cautious movements were made, and at last the door was opened, and away in the dark ness of the store room, two great eyes glared upon the affrighted men—a hoof stamped on I the floor, and a pair of horns showed that a gentleman was there that they had known by his horns and hoot's, front the days of child. hood. The opening of the door gave the in truder a chance for an escape, and jumping forward the army was immediately on the re. , treat, pelt melt, head over heels, out the door they went with a big burly ram of the neighbor hood pressing hard upon the brave posse. The burglar it appears, bad been chased by some dogs, and coining up to the store door load but• ta his way through the panne], and thus esca : ped his pursuers.— West Chester Repub. A ROMANTIC INCIDENT AT SEDASTOPOL.-A soldier who was present at the capture of Se bastopol, relates in a letter to his friends the following romantic story : "A party of our men belonging to different regiments, were patrolling from house to house, in search of plunder. In one of the houses they came across a beautiful young female a bout 17 or 18 years of age. Of course some ignorance was shown urnongt the party oho commenced to drag her about, and wo,ll have used violence to her. had not a young man belonging to the 18th taken a musket and threatened to blow the first man's brains out that laid a finger on her ; whereupon the young woman flew to this man, and clung to him for protection. She followed him all the way back to the ramp ; when coming in sight of his camp he beckoned her to return—but no, she would not leave him. Whether she had fallen in love , with hint at first sight I don't know. But she came with him. As soon as ho got there he was instantly confined for being absent whets the regiment was ander arms. She followed him to the guard tent, and cried after him.— The Colonel of his regiment seeing the affec• don she bore him renewed hint, and sent them both to Gen. Harris, where an interpreter was got and she related the whole affair to them.— It turned out that she was the General's (laugh. tor, with some thousands. She was beautiful , ly attired, and carried a gold watch, and wore a set of braceleis of immense value. The young man is now about to be married to her. She will not leave him 011 any account whatev , er ; and if he is not a lucky dog, I don't know who is." NEW YORE ELECTION• The official returns of fifty-one counties (lea ving only seven to be heard from) shows the the following vote for the several leading can didates on the State ticket: Headley, American. 141,369 King, Republican, 123,773 Hatch, Soft, ; 82,31,0 Ward, Hard, 33,048 The remaining counties it is said will in crease Headley's plurality to nearly 20,000. Thin is truly a signal triumph for the American party. The whole result is as extraordinary one as showing the unpopularity of the National Ad ministration in Ne* York. The Empire State it will be remembered went for Pierce by a de cided majority in the last Presidential election. Now, as the American and Republican parties I are both opposed to the National Arluunistra. Ilion we have only to put their combined vote against the combined vote of the Herds and Sotto, to show how tremendous is the popular condemnation of Franklin Pierce. The figures show the enormous opposition majority of 129, 784 I Another singular fact is that while the Hard section of the party is bitterly opposed to the National Administration, the ,'‘'ofts, who are nominally its friends, were denounced by the ‘Yashington Union at unsound iu the De. *necrotic faith! So that the Administration, is ' literally without a party in New Yon!.. The Rhetoric of War. From tlio .4imerican Journal of the. Illedical &deuces, for October, 'Ye extract the fallowing notice; by 1). J. Duigau, surgeon, R. N., of some of the remarkable wounds inflicted in the recent bombardment of Sebastopol: I. Stnit.r, WOUNDI.—A seaman, knocked down by a fragment of morter or shell, was picked up dead. The head was apparently swept from his shoulders, but there was no trace of hernorage. On disentangling his clothes, which were tightly lamed around the injured part, the head was found driven down ward into the chest, carrying with it a greater portion of blue shirt and red comforter. A small tuft of hair alone was visible at the bot tom of a deep cavity. It wns a regular haus. susception. An officer of engineers had just entered the battery: when a 13-inch morter shell fell close by him, exploding as it struck the ground.— One thig . h was blown into the air; the other, with its bones chattered throughout, but retain. ing its continuity by means of its integuments, was thrown around the back of his neck, and hung plainly over the opposite shoulder, just as the arm of child might lie in contact with its mother's neck. He lived but a few min. utes. --- A shell was fired at a group, principally composed of sappers and miners. One was lcilled, his 'face having been shot away. An. other was carried up to the first parallel, badly wounded. On examination, it was found that half of the interior maxilla of the dead man was driven into the roof of the seeond man's mouth. The artilleryman, stationed in the eight•gun battery in advance, in the right attack, were sitting or lying down, engaged in conversation when a shell exploded as it approached their position. The head of one man was taken off, as if by an axe, above the neckcloth, the tic of which was undisturbed. The fore arm of the other man mast have lain in juxtaposition with his thigh, for both limbs were looped off with the tame blow, in a line corresponding with Poupart's ligament. This man lived for about half an hour, urgently requesting all around him to keep sprinkling his face with water.— The wounds in both limbs were jagged. The lunacies of the thigh were drawn out in long bands. There was no hemorrhage. 2. Wouxns FROM ROUND Snag.—These wounds are readily recognix&l at the first glance, as there is but little variety in appearance they present: Most of the men killed by shot had their heads knocked away, either completely or in part. However, some cases occurred where those large projectiles went through the body, and even through the upper part of the thigh, making orifices of entrance and exit. A bombardier, at ono of the mortars, was struck over the ribs by a spent shot, which had barely sufficient force to ricochet over the par. apet and drop into the s corered way. As soon as the man was struck, lie uttered a loud scream, and as he fell, made a conclusive death gasp, and seised the cap of the officer who was standing beside him. Death was in• stantaneous, although there was no mark of the injury. Nothing could persuade his corn. panions against the idea of his having been killed by a "wind contusion." . . . During the past winter, a shot ricochetted with great force over one of the parapets, car• rim; away the cap from a seaman's head.— This man was a little stunned, hut no further mischief ensued. When the cap was picked up it contained a handful of hair, which had been shaved from the scalp by the shot. This would barn been a "poser' for the old wind contusion lats. 3. 13of.t.zz Wouxns.—Our advanced trench. es being in many places within forty yards of the enemy's rifle pits, wounds of great severity were inflicted on both sides, as the force of the bullets were undiminished by distance. The . orifices of exit caused by the conical balls snore resemble shell wounds, m some instances, than a bullet aperture. In wounds about the head especially, I have seen nearly the whole of the parietal bone carried away. A soldier of the 33d was struck by a ball, which made six openings. It passed through the right thigh, through the scrotum, and thro the left thigh, where it escaped. The Russians used several kinds of bullets— ! one a solid conical ball, which belongs to the Riege rifle ' another et a larger size and coni cal form, hollow at the base, with a small pillar !or nipple standing in the cavity. It is surroun ded by three lines. At the base to guide the ball in its flight, there are two other ones— modifications of this principle. The old round ball is still employed. In some cases, two of these round ballots have been found connect ed by a transverse wire, like a bor./311ot. 4:GRAPE SHOT Won have been severe numerous. The following was au interesting case A soldier of the 49th was struck on the tem ple by a grape shot, which destroyed the aqua mous portion of the temporal hone. The brain was flowing through the wound, the man breath ing stertorously. The grape shot was subse. ryuently found in his mouth, at the base of the tom-gee, pressing against the epiglottis. Since the commencement of siege operations before Sebastopol, one medical officer has been killed, and two or three have been wounded.— The first, Mr. O'Leary, assistant surgeon of the 68th regiment of light infantry, was actu ally cut in two by a cannon ball while in the act of assisting a wounded SCAM/111. It is only to be wondered ett that more casualities have not occurred among the medical officers, for during the heat of the fire they are constantly called from place to place coning along the batteries through the wounded. During the second bombard meat, this pierpatetic system was very trying and fatiguing, tar the soil was heavy and tenacious from the torrents of rain 'that had deleted the trenches, and instances occurred where officer's boots drew off while running along to assist the wounded. Britieh Ignorance. The English press, says the Philadelphia Sun, ore as ignorant of our politics as they are dour geography. The London News stultifies itself by saying t "The alliance between Old and New England, in a crisis which tests the very principles that are the life blood of both, must be stronger than the Union which the Northern and Southern States are alike and simultaneously threatening to dissolve. Mos sachttietts will never aim a stab at Europe to make South Carolina Queen." Our London cotemporary should remember that though we mar have our little domestic squabbles, it is al ways dangerous for a stranger to interfere in them. Massaehusets would see all Europe bleeding at every pore, and its thrones turn. hling into deserved decay, before she would permit a foreign insult to South Carolina to pass uneven god. We may be "distinct billows" in our home quarrels but we are always "one as the sea," when the blast of war calls upon us to stand Shoulder to shoulder for the Linton. Douglass and New England Emigrants. The Cliciago Democrat reports the following colloquy RA having taken place between Doug• lan'and one of hie auditors, while the foriner was making a speech at Chicago the other night : - Auditor.—Wby did you say in a speech at the South, that the eastern emigrants to Kau• ins, while passing through Chicago, wore guil ty of acts of rowdyism, and carried banners through the streets, bearing mottoes, among which was ore, "Down with Douglass retc. Speaker.—l did not say so ; I was not repot.. ted correctly. Audildr.—But did you not say so, sir ; I heard you myself. Speaker.-1 say I was ant correctly reported. I satd no such thing. A'/door,- (opt rlitely)---You area liar. Sttvs by telegrairil. Later News from Europe. The ExciteMent about the Americ an Difficulty Subsided—Attempt tobring Sweden intothe Alliance Against Russia—lnteresting War Items—Difficulty between Great Britain and Spain. The most important feature of the week's news is the effort made by 'France and Eng. land to bring Sweden into active alliance with them. Gen. Canrobert is in Stockholm, char. ged with this mission, and Sweden is required either to assent or ramie. . . it is reported from Berlin that the Czar has recently made a confidential communication to Prussia and Austria of his wish to renew negotiations, and that M. Bourqueney has re turned to Vienna with fresh instructions to meet the contigeney of proposals from Russia. It is further said, that Prince Gortschakoff, the diplomatist from Vienna, and Russian minis ters from other German Courts are certainly to meet the Czar, at Warsaw, in the middle of this mouth, when the question of a renewel of negotiations will be settled. It is also sta ted that the Emperor of France is favorable to a renewel of displomacy. The Austrian Gazette states authoritatively, that a French camp of 50,000 men is being formed at Silistria. From the Crimea there is absolutely nothing to report. The armies are engaged in building huts for the winter, with occasional tnilitary promenades and exchange of long shots with the Cossack piquet.. Several rumors of battles near Simpheropol have turned out to be false. _ . Letters from Sevastopol say that Russian projectiles from the north side reach almost every part of the city, and that a desultory fire is kept up on both sides. The Allies say that the Russians, although keeping up a continual fire, are malting prepa rations for a retreat. Gen. Le Vailant has been appointed by the French, Governor of Sevastopol. Sir Colin Campbell, taking offence at the appointment of Geu. Codtington, has asked leave to return to England. The following ie the substance of several official despatches and letters : The French will garrison Kinburn—conse quently the English returned to Sevastopol Nov. 3. All the Turkish force intended for Asia has left Sevastopol. A despatch from Gen. Simpson, of Oct. 27, says the weather was magnificent, and the British troops were healthh. An exchange of prisoners had arrived from Odessa. An Anglo-French force from Eupatoria, un der Gen. D'Allonville, made a reconuoisance on the 22, falling is with a large free of the enemy, offered battle, but the Russians return ed after an exchange of a few rounds of artil lery. The Allies burned the villages of Schade ffi- Karaquet, Tuxela, and the town of Sold ; also many farms and stores along the route on the 24th returned to Eupatoria. Intelligence from Odessa of the 27th Octo ber, says that Todlehen it fast rendering Nicol aid(' defensible below Passka, where the river is only GOO fathoms broad. Gunboats manned by the crew of the former Black Sea fleet are stationed, and batteries are being erected on both sides of the river. The inhabitants of Nicolaicff and Kherson are informed that those cities may be attacked and large numbers have gone into the interior at government expense. It is reported that Odessa will be disarmed, and the guns there sent to Nicelaid]: Gen. Luders, with the grenadiers and car• airy, is posted between Kinburit and Kherson. It is confirmed that the Czar and the Grand Duke Constantine witnessed the capture of Kinburn from Otschalrow. Tho Czar has returned to St. Petersburg, di rect front Nicolaieff, without staying at War- SOX. The squadron of the Bug have towed out two rafts of oak timber worth $lOO,OOO. Be• yond this nothing has been done except ma• king a reconnoissance. A recent report arrived from Odessa that the Allies had effected a landing, in force, near Perekop, and Russian troops were hurried off to opptae them. Later ads-ices render the report doubtful. St. Petersburg despatches say the Russian army in the Crimea hus provisions fur eight months. A. Vienna paper, the Freedom Blatt, learns from Gortschakofts headquarters that the Bus. sians in the Crimea now number 200,000 men. A grenadier crops had arrived at Simpheropol, accompanied by 8000 wagons, drawn by oxen, so the army is provisioned for six months.-- GstschaketT will not expect convoys after Nov. when the steps, it is expected, will be covered with snow. THE LATEST. A despatch icom fiJi.7.7in,;:s that a mes sage had been received at the Turkish Endo, say. stating that the bombardment of Nicol. aielf commenced on the 'nth of October, and continued during the whole of the following day. The result is not known. It was added that the emperor Alexander had been induced to leave the place before the bombardment began, but the Duke Constantine could not be prevailed upon to quit the town. It is said that the Sultan will visit Paris end London in the spring, and has made known his intention to the Grand Vizier and the princi pal Ministers. Omar Pacha has opened friendly relations with Schamyl. Selim Pacha is to establish himself at Erzroum with the: urkish Imperial Guard, whence he would threaten the Russian army besieging tiaras. Onion Pacha com menced his advance ou the 2Uth with twenty- two battalions. Accounts from Persia mentions the depar ture of an Ambassador for St. Petersburg. The excitement respecting a war with the , United States has quite subsided, and the lea- ' ding journals, ashamed of the panic they are created, attempt excuse it, and let themselves down quietly by attributing what they call the hostile attitude of the American Government to an election ruse on the part of the Presi dent and his Cabinet, and although it is noto rious that the excitement was begun, fostered and kept alive by the London Times. Anxiety is now manifeeted to learn how the news'of the excitement, and the comments of the Times will be received in America. Intel ligent Englishman of all ranks express them selves pained and humiliated by the whole al. fair. The Secretaryship of the colonies is still va. cant. There is no other political news. It won rumored that another attempt had been made to assassinate the Emperor, which how. , er, was totally untrue. The Exposition closes on the 18th inst. The monthly statement of the Bank of France is stated not to be unfavorable in its general character, although it will show a further dimi• nation of £1,000,000 iu the stock of bullion. Unfriendly relations are arrisiug between Great Britain and Spain. Firstly in reference to the case of a Mr. Boylan, a British reei• dent at Santiago, who was expelled from Cuba in April lust, notwithstanding the agreement of Spain to submit his grievances to the arbi tration of Mr. More, the British Consul at New 0 rleans. Secondly, with reference to the appointment of Don Domingo Modstich as Governor of Ferdinando Po. Britain demands indemnity fly Boylan's lemmas, and says that Don Modotich is an old slaver his appointment is insulting to the British feelings. and stunt be cancelled. Mr. I'ilhn9re. has been visiting tho King ~ 1 Holland. ticii Votes. Congress—will assemble next Monday. Th e eighth wonder—our jail is tenantless 1 . E/opent—Those sore, 7 , ,tohlgiviog Day. Small Pax-,-lm made Reappearance in Lew. istown. Ridiculous—The boasting of a certain petL agogue. ,a'• Why .don't the Globe notice the result of the recent elections. On the I?iyc-13tichnnan stuck and high•hee led shoes for the ladies. Coo/Standing out with your ear to the key hole these frosty' evenings. "Sanvish"—Tho Republicans have elected their Governor in Wisconsin. Clever Fellotts—People Mtn spend fifteen dollars every time they earn ten. A Chance.—sloo per month is offered for steamboat bands at Mobile, Alu. Snow.—Last Wednesday we had quite a full of snow. "Hard times, conic again." Creditable—All our stores and other places of business were closed on Thanksgiving Day. Truth, well Spoken—That Mr. Hall's Select School in this borough, is the "Model School." Stick nobility—ls what the St. Louis Herald calls those people who carry gold headed canes. A world of spirits.—The Troy Whig says there are I,2oohelievers in Spiritualism in that city. Senator—The Alabama Legislature has re elected Ben Fitzpatrick U. S. Senator from that State. What Next.—A more is being made in Kan' zas for the exclusion of negroes from that ter• ritory, ler!, Accommodating—The Conductor of tho Broad Top train and his assistant. Real gen. tlemen. Look Out—A couple of slore.rooms in G flys port, Blair Co., were broken open and robbed last week. Poor Kinney.—Col. Kinney is said to be cul tivating corn and cabbage as a peaceful squat• tur at San Juan. We wont stand it,—Who would, to publish marriages without a "wee hit" of the waddin' cake? Nutt' red. Tou bad.—The Grand Jury of Pittsburg has “presenteil" female equestrianism at agricultu. ral fairs as a nuisance. De. !kale—T he Philndulphin Dentist, has been pardoned by Gov Pollock, of the crime whereof he was convicted. I-Wily, over the 10—Those two feet 'tidal.' and shawls wore. Pooh, nature never intend. ed such critterd to be men. A Monument—to george Taylor, olio of the signers of the Deatration of Independence, has been erected at Euston, Deserves a Leather Al dal—The posey wha stole our umbrella last week. We wouldn't care if it hadn't been borrowed. Jed So.--If ever there trus a poor creature in teed of a '•straight jaelivi," it is the object that publishes the Blair Co. Whig. Not nice.--Fur a certain young lady in town, to declare the author of ' . .lcnud to be a certain "nice" young me up town. Old Whi e.—Poor old fellow i he's gone at last. lie aged 17 years. "Old dog True was ever faithful." The Ola Soldiers.—Another National Con vention of soldiers of the war of 1812, is to ho bell in Washington city no the Bth ofJunuary. Hear Him—Commodore Sloelatin has writ ten.n letter to the 'fronton (N. J.) Americans, in which ho endorses the K. N. movement, out and out. Aidernina—We sco by a a Peoria paper that Dr. D. F, Miles. formerly of this place, is a - candidate for Alderman in one of the wards of that city. Another Moughter.—A railroad accident m, cured near Peoria, 111., ou the 19th inst., by which a number of persons acre killed nod wounded. Nine Liees.—A woman in Memphis, Tenn., was lately married to her ninth husbandl cite , ry—was the husband wise in choosing this form of suicide ? Refined Thule-- .A negro nanml Jim was hung at Liberty, Va., last week. About 5000 persona present, among whom were at least 100 white women. The Fool—Miss Rebecca Farrington, about twenty years of age, who is a printer, killed herself by jumping into the river, because her "lovyer" was angry. Mir An Irishman named !Anshan, shot and killed a woman named Mary Madden, in West moreland County, on the 4th inst. The shot was intended for another. Biting the hand that feeds it—The (Hobo man in opposing Buchanan. - • - "Sharper than n serpent's tooth, it is To have a thankless child." ser"Where ignorance is blioi'tio fully," &c. —llol. Whig. Georgy, you must ha' been on a bliater when you wroto that. Poor soul. Amuoing—Raymond of the Hol. Whirl; at. tempt at wit. No use donkey, for "You bent you pate, and fancy wit will cotne Knock no you please, there'd nobody to home." The Banner Siate.-1?or rascally °Mein's, Ohio seems entitled to hear the palm, as, iu the last five month., no less than eleven Postman tern have been arrested for depredations on the mails. Courageous. Officers.— A Loy named lime killed hie father recently at (; ibsom a station °lobo Michigan Central Railroad. Ile is a desperate character and the officers and peoplo have not the courage to arrest him. We still live !—Well we do, notwithstauding the effort which was made to Bunyanise uslitsi Quarter Sessions. We're ready for another attempt to seed as to "Greenland's icy mountain." Vie Dismissed.--The young gontleninu wt.. "got the mitten" last Thursday evening,, lout better read Ilallouk'n"Dtuounied ! ", suppose Alio was right in pray,. But why. tell MO telms. did -she kick n e it -two. totia-4 r ;79