Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 21, 1855, Image 3

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Flour—The market continues inactive, but
holders are firm in their demands ; transactions
however, are only in a small way for home
consumption at 59,24a50,37/ for standard and
better brands, and $9,50a510 per barrel for ex
tra, as to quality. Shipping Flour is held nt
our lowest figures, without sales.. Rye Flour
and Corn Meal are dull and rather lower ; 150
barrels of the former sold at $6,50, at the let
ter, Pennsylvania Meal is offered at $4,25 per
barrel. Wheat—The market is more active,
and prices have improved, sales of 12105,00
bushels being reported at 200a202 cents fur
good Reds, mostly at latter rate for poor, and
210a216 cents for fair to primb White.
On Thursday. the Bth inst., by Rev. H. Bn•
ker, Mr. A. Selling of Baltimore City, Md., to
Mist Margaret Ann Johnson of Colleneville,
Blair Co., Pa.
On TM•eday the-13th inst., in Altoona, by
the same, Mr. David Shaffer, to Mice Dorcas
Amanda Jneobß, both of Water Street, Hunt.
Co., Pa.
— On Thursday, the 16th inst., in the same
place, and by the same, Mr. David Be of
Their Co., Pa., to Miss Ellen Baker, of Bakers.
vide, Wasiiiii:ton Co., Md.
At hi , .; residence, in \Vest tp., near Barren
Forge, on Saturday, the 17th inst., Mr Michael
The deemed was to-n in Hartford county,
Maryland, May 20th, 1768—and when quite a
boy, mute to Huntingdon county with his r a•
rents, who located in the Valley of the Little
Juniata, where be has resided ever shim. He
was, consequcatly,•in the 00th year of his age,
and until very recently a very vigorous, athletic
old man, always cheerful and kind—fond of
seeing his friends and talking abort - "the open
Mr. ittagaire possessed n remarkably term•
eioas memory—•could rerount with great dii.
tinetnetm and minuteness incidents or "Auld
Long Syre" of which l:r• was (bed of sneaking.
His details of Indian warfare, "of bloody nu,
dors," of "hair brood t h escapr;s," of the •'times
that (tied men's souls," were truly interesting
affil thriiliog, anal many a happy hour has been
coked in his. company wits "in the mood."
But these, alas I liltu every earthly joy, have
tled, and pint down to the tomb, with the good
Mr. Maguire was Boman Catholic in'
Nth. owl continued so until 1113 doutltq had the
Pried with liint in his lust moments, and in•
deed departed in ilia midst ut the celebration
of the Mnon. But Catholic or Protestant, we
shall nut t &ten see his lihn again. G.
r1.31 - 2) - I?QlLii
Tl': SiINI4. Company will sell
an-non in the N."v n of San
ton, on Christina, largo
number tit 1 midi, ..•.•.• to the num
bers of the-nu! ho I. • ~ ~6,1 town. The
town to slat A . • fthe Broad Top
Eun, and Hopewell.
The plan of the t 0..., will allow the _junction of
the road. We arc ~.v making WT.1;0111011, fn
n Turnpike lied I the Mounittin,lo3lol:lZiS
COVE end MARTI ••. ['lli IVe are atio
t , -• . t so the
in pipes, that will throw the wstm from •t 0 to 00
feet high. Extensive at rangenicifla have
been made tor the iotin•.n•atnent atilt! town.
i Hotel will ho finished and fumblied before the
25th of December. "rho Terms on whitili the
lota within+ offered, wilt be made known on day
of sale. Persona decising a Plaa u. 60 'lowa
of Saxton, will receive titesaitie . ht at iressin
s Ax - TUN,
President or the Chtmptty, tt. Iluntil6lcm,
Nov. 31, 1535.-3 t.
the :lrth dny tc Novetul ut, .1. ;,1
public outcry, ta the Into dt,..ihn:; I,,ina: nC
John tier, deomsed, in Will 4., .
don co., the follev.irg property, to Ikt•
ECS i r• uomi t ,rrtonic, Shoop,
°lnt lace Wt: - .;o11, lour sett; wu;son Lote,..t and
~,,1 ;• .; , IWO largo t 11 ,
:—Plough, Harrow:, Throsidnz Nlachine,
Wind Nlill, nod Grain Sere.n.
A 1,50.-5 share, I'eitn,vlvnuia R,llvond
'Stook, nud 20 shuns Broad top Itailmiol Stork
together with other tot:vies too numerous to e
numerate. . .
' Rensonable cmdit and due tthemlance will
ba given by the undersigned. Salo to cont.
mcnce at nine o'clock, A. M., and to continue
front day to day until all
IfE:11:I' M. KER, t Ad.
Nov. 21, 1855..
iPiiita - liffir:'.ii (fi'l , :_V - 11,8 'ILADI.
Sebastopol Taken .
30,000 MEN KILLED.
The undersigned has just returned krona the
city with a large and splendid assortment of .
Fall and Winter Goods,
widell he is now prepared to dispose of at very
low and reasonahle rates. Persons desiring to
purehiom will find it to their interest to give Wm
a call bCiore purchasing elsewhere, as he studies
.only to please. Ills stock cou=rts of a large lot of
Dry Goods, Hardware.
Glass & Queensymre,
a largo aniimilend id ;sortrnent or ready made
which ho Is prepared to sell in lots to suit porch.
alters. JOHN HUYErr, Jr.
N. B.—Country produce taken in exchange
for goods.
Dloorsville, Nov. 7, 18.15.—t1.
Davenport, lowa,
Attends to buying, selling and locating Landl
end land wet rants pays taxer, loans Money on
Real Estate security, on compassion, examines
and makes abstracts of title, &c. Any business
intrusted, will be attended to promptly and with
Refer to Hon. Geo. Taylor and Members of
the Bar at Huntingdon.
November 21, 1855.—Cm.•
Collectors are hereby notilled th..t the Corn
missioners will niece on the first Monday . in De
cember next, to give them their exonerati one on
Raab' Fine". - According to a late Act of As- . ---
sernhly no exoneration' kr said tines cun be giv- ! DISSOLUTION OF PAR 7 NERSHIP.
en alter that time. By order of Commissioners. , The Partnership bcretofure existing between
H. W. KILLER, Cle•k. j the uudersikned, is this day by mutual consent
_ ! dissolved. The business will be curried oa
Now. 22,1855.
J) G WIN, hail just received a beautiful hereafter, by John kiuyett.Jr., at the old sum
assortut , nt of ags. Bonuets lila of JOHN liIJYETT,
the latest fashion. Call and see them, is he • ROBERT M. CVNWINGBAX•
eheries nothing for showing his goods. Qdt. 31, 1855.•
Wttiik..4t4A4vot ,4 4
(,)) itTLEAP 34.
4 0 "HUNT. JOURNAL' ) o ak ,
• 0 The largest and best
43 JOB OFFICE (())
p .
4 o .1011-WORK P
or afr
4 113
43 0
As Cheap as the Cheapest, ( , ) ,
1 (()) LIED D'ETTEIrs 0 ° Xs>
4.9 THAN
4 ` 1
• Tut rai% ats.
c. ; 0 All kinds of ° 0 t l / 4 t¢
")) BLANKS (,))
G ol i o , 0 v o ,
Prince & CoN
G T3 I
" s = -7 . , • ' y • ,
The oldest establishment in the Unitrd t,rtes~ and
the larfirst in the World.
Between 17,000 and 18,000 of the. Instr.,.
tecotn hove been finished and ore now in one.
'E.: latest iinittorettient in onrMelotleons in the
l'er,ons in remining funds for membership,
will picnic give their post office address in full.
stating the month tiocy wish the Magazine to
commence, told have the letter registered at the
post-office to prevent hoes, on the reecipt of
which, a Cell membership, together with
the Magezine desked, will be forwsrded to any
part of the country. 4
Those wit., purchase Magazines at Bookstores
will eln.erve that by joining this Association,
they receive the Magazine nal free
J 111114.11 tliStriblitical, all it Cite Sallie price they
now pay for tile Magazine alono.
Beautifully illustrated Catalogues, giving full
sem free un application.
For 31tonbership address C. L. DERBY,
Actuary. C. A. A. At either ur the principal
Knickerbocker .Ittgazitits" office. 31:3
Broadway, N. Y., or Western Office, BIG Water
Gill. A. PRINC E&CO , Bnllido, I Slicer, 0 .
14, I3ss.—fit.
and No. 57 Fulton-se, Now York.
fnviDED swEi.L.
;-!.. , •tired to as 1,3 Letters Patent, 22,1 May, 1853.
means ut this swell Sole Passages levy be
with the full newer or the Instrument,
wink the accompaniment is soft and sulaluetl.
Hereafter all Melodeons made by no will be far
hished with this attathinent
It:Mir:jinni the Connurrial Adrertimr, Jab 27.
".Messrs Prince & Co. could realise a hand
some fortune by disposing ot rights to other rnan
urto.turers to use their new improvement. but as
they prefer to make it a teenier in their Instru
ments it can only leohtained by purchasing I/11C
of their manufacture."
..... ..
Agents tor the sale of our Melodeons may ho
found in all tho principal cities and towns of the
United States, and the Canada,
Nov. 7, 1835.—'
Iti ENT.
Street, Philadelphia, No. 165
()Re door below Filth, Side.
knten who wish tube) . their eluthingren
dy mode, good AS eon be tondo by any
- Mew:kit Tailors of the United States, should
visit this ineemilieent store, wheye goods of the
chits eye kept Heady nole itt,d in the piece
which will lie made tip to oril, at the shortest
notice and reef eel oatitthetion warranted.
. -
Also a line aysortment
'Ydr - dt Ts.YaFfv,
And every article. is :milked with the lowosi cash
prim, in plain figures.
Nun. 7, 1855.-6nio.
TE 4 stil7ser7icl 7 ul7c; i7snii,;;;;t7;i• fond
situate in Henderson township, Huntingdon
e,unty, lionni1(11 by lands of Peter Swoupe, John
MeCartnny's heirs, and others, containing
115 and one-halt Acres,
about 110 acres arc clewed and in a gmastate
cultivation, the balance being well titutered.
The itnpruvetnauta
are a good I.OG %it
ORCHARDS and a necer.failing SPRING . of
water near the house. This thrill is situated
six miles from the town of Huntingdon.
Tortes will he made env to suit purchaser.
Octuber 31, 1955.—tf.
The subscriber is comrantly manufacturing
Files and Hasps of super for quality and nt the
lowest prices, equal to the best imported goods
and much chcape'r.
Manufacturers and Mechanics can have
their oh', tiles moat and made equal to new, at
about half the original cost. Flat.l2 inches
$2,00 per dozen ; Flat. 14 inches 52,75 per
dozen ; Saw•llles, half round, Millsaw end oth
er flies in proportion. Single files mud frac
tional parts of dozens charged at the same
rates, and wm•ranted satisfactory.
No. it :yew Street between Hume ,S; Vino a;
Saco..' and Third Sto. Phihtdelphitt.
Aug. 1855.—:hn.
ETTItiIIS or administration on the Halite of
j Alexander McCall, late of Hopewell tp.,
Huntingdon Co., deed., Inioing been granted
to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said
estate aro requested to make immediate pasincot,
and those having claims against it will present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
Oct. 17, 1855.-6 t..
NOTICE is herubv given that the partnership
heretofore existing between the undersign
ed (trading under the firm or Conch &
is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Thu
books of said limn are in the hands ar Mehl
Dunn with whom all concerned, will please to
make immediate settlement.
April 10, 1855—tf.
FAITHS testamentary on the estate of
L Abraham ilegie, late of Tell tp.,
having been granted by the Register ofWilis to
the undersigned, all persona having claims
against 81111 i deceased are notified to present them
to. and all persons indebted are requested to
make payment to
Oct. 81, 1835.-Gt.'
All 4 Ll&ZlsLlZirgatl.
ARRANGEMENTS for the Second Annual
Collection of this new and popular Institu
tion for the diffusion of Litersture and Art, hare
been made on the most UXI.OIISiVC reale.
Among tha works already engaged, is the far
fumed "GENOA CRUCIFIX," which original
ly cost Ten Thousand Dollars.
In homing this now colleed an, the diffusion
of works of American Art, and the encourage
ment of American genius have not been over
looked. Commissions IlaVO boon issued to litany
of the most distinguished American Artists, who
will contribute SUMO of their finest productions.
Among them are three Marble Busts, executed
by the greatest living Sculptor—lnn= Powers:
GEORGE WASIIINGToN, the Father of his
Country; BENJAMIN FRANK L IN, the Phi
losopher; DANIEL IVEBSTER, the States
men. A special agent bus visited Europe and
made eawful and Judicious selections of foreign
works of Art, both in Bronze and Marble; Sta
tuary and Choice Paintings.
'rite whole forming it Loge and valuable col
lection of Paintings and Statuary, to be distri
buted free tinning the members of the Associa
Lion for the Second veer.
Terms of Memnertatip.—The payment of three
dollars couStitutes nny one a !senator of this As
sociation, and entitles hits to either one or the
following. Magazines for ono year, and also a
ticket i t tits distribution of the Statuary. and
Paintin g s.
The Literature issued to subscribers consists
oh' the following Monthly Magazines : Harper's
Putnam's, Knickerbocker. Blackwood's, Ora
ham's, Oodey's Lady's Book, and Household
Persons t t mg five memberships are entitled
to any live of the Magazines fur tutu year, and
to six ticke s in the distribution.
The net proceeds derived from the sale of
memberships, are devoted to the purchase of
works of Art ter the en•uin;; year.
The Ativanumen c nrcd—by becoming it
member or thisiore—
. _ . .
.. . .
Ist All person: rood,: thu full value of their
subscription.; at the start, in the shape of sterling
Magazine Literature.
tenet is contributing. towards pur
chasing. choice Works of •krt, which are to be
distributed oolong tnoniselves, and ore at the
saute tituu encouraging the Arts or the country,
disbursing thous:milt of dollars through its Age',
cy. _
\'.72lLarkl'2., R2 l / 1 1111 ';',' 16111
Tim undersigned will oiler at public sale on
Wednesday, the 12th day of December next, on
the prerniseq, nil thnt valuable farm situate on
James Creel: at its junction with the Raystown
ltraerb the Juniata River, one atile nod
from the "Wort it iiieton" vhipvt o: the broad
Top and twelve macs frein
m Ming lent 225 acres, having there.
a new,c story stone anti fiance Goist Mill,
rim oi mires, and nil the tandem int
incvement--a liege stone mansion house the
lute residence or the late Jame. Entrekin, Esq.,
a largo hank barn, a two story brick dwelling
house fur Still—two log tenant homes and mil•
er improvements. About 150 Ilerei of the land
is cleared, tio acres of it being first rate river
bottom. This Mil: is situate in one of the best
wheat growing neighborhoods in the State. A
good level road to the Railroad. The situation
is a good one for a store, and the farm would
suit for
The owners will sell nt private sale, nod will
oiler at public sale n;ttCoi-e, if not ;tmer sold
The money is not wanted NW. sod terms will
be mole easy. .Payments extended to any rea
sonable number of years, for p trt, or un the
Whole, to suit purchasers ' if properly secured.
Terms will he published un tiny of sale. Pos
session will be given ou first of Janunry or first of
April. A. P. WILSON.
Huntingdon Pa. Oct. 29, 18.53.-ts.
J(AU SEIIII M,13211.
ESSLER & 111 W. have just received a
large and well assorted stock of fail and
winter goods, suitable for the wants of all, and
particMarly the terming communbY a good
assortment of made up clothing, Hardware,
A superior article of Coffee, Sugar, Molasses
and Tobacco, which will 1w sold at a small ad
vance on cost. Call and examine fur your
selves. Also, large supply of fish, salt, plaster.
stone coal, iron nails, and stoves, constantly on
hand and lot sale.
We nre propurt;lto exhibit n much lorgor
stack of boots and shoes thin beret...hire, and
nt reduced prices. Cakll aul see before purchas
ing your Will. supply
Cg — The highest price pnitl for all kind of pro
d twe
Mill Crock, Oct 10, 1855—Gt.
Bbls. Mocker:a just revolved and for silk
ty by KESSLER & BRO.
d Alum Solt reed and for
300 slYekilythmin KESSLER & 8110.
170 Tons Plisster received and for sole by
"" KEGS of nailk& spikes for solo by
ONE New Tide Witter.Canol Bolt just finish.
ing and far side by HESSLER & 111 W.
30,000 Y'OLI'MES for be
low their retail pri- ,
9 , 11 E subscriber is happy to inform his neuter
out friends and customers that he has added
very largely to his already extensive and varied
stock of new and popular hooks—and can now
boner he great II variety little .11113 lOW prices
as the City Book Stores. lilt STATIONARY
is of great variety and well solo: ed, viz I Fan
cy and Plain Note Letter and Cap paper and
Envelop.. Gold Pens and Silver noble's
from $1 upwards, l'on and Pocket Knives, Port
Mammies std Pocket- Books, lnk and inkstund.
Razor-strops and Brushes, Sc.
School Books in quantities to country merch
ants and teachers at City wholesale prices.—
Wrapping paper emu:tautly ots hand.
1000 oflk'linll.FliSinWdAowLll.,,,,,lp.AorPE.RdpaTneiz
Shade, with Puttom's Patent Solf-Adjusting
Curtain Fixtures. All the above at Phila. re
tail prices, call and examito, "I endeavor to
please." Store on Railroad St. Huntingdou,
Oct. 17, 1855.
Itodenlutmer on the Piles•
NOW ibilDY,
Practical Observations on some of the Disea
ses of the Bottum, Anus, and Continuous Ton.
tures--giving their Nature, Seat, Causes, Sp:T
wins, onscquenees, and Pre, anti. ; especial
-Iyy addressed to nun-medical leaders. By Wm.
Bodentauter, M. D. Second edition with pietas
tiem. S 9. J. B. BEDFIELD,
Nov. 7, 1855. No. S 4, Beekman st.
In every county in the United Slates and
Canada, to sell one of the most important
Books ever published in America, and one that
should be in the hands of every tonic and le.
mule, who regnrd their own health and the
welfare of their offspring, entitled
Revised and enlarged by Horton Howard,
N. D.. containing nearly one HUNDRED ILLUS.
'MATIONS, of great importance, and trendy one
thousand large'oetavo pages, bound in soltstan•
tint leather binding library style, three volumes
bound in one containing an important SYSTEM
OF DOMESTIC MEDICINE, with a Treatise on an
atomy, Physiology, and all diseases that manr
kind. are heir to with Prescriptions ofthe great
est importance to mankind. Also, an mem
RIND TREATISE ON sttnwirmw, ghing n full des
cription of the Diseases of Women—the cause
of disease and cure.
This book woo first published as a Text
Book and is now used iu the Hartern Coteges;
but the revised edition is made simple and
plain, that all classes may comprehend it. It
contains an explanation to all the medical
terms used in the book. Price .$4.,
Agents wishing to engage in the sale of this
valuable book, will do well to make immediate
application as it will be exclusively a subscrip
tion book, and the greatest pains will be taken
to prevent one Agent from selling or the terri
tory assigned to another.
A sample copy mid he sent, by mil, post
paid, to any part of the United States or Com
atla, on the reception of the retail price in cur
rent funds or postage humps with term to
Agents, and to those wishing to engage in the
Address ft. M. ILULISON, Puldislter,Qua
ker City Publishing House,vild South Third
street, Philadelphia, or Queen City Publishing
LlOnse, 1151141thi street Cincinnati, Ohio.
Oct. 24.-15 t
Will be sold at Public Sale on the premises.
ono mile frets the month of Spruce Creek in
Franklin township, Huntingdon county, on
VIESDAI; NOVEMBER 271 h, 1855.
One of which contains
265 ACRES,
more or less. About 160 ncres of which are
(loam& nod in a high state of cultivation. the
t balance go IA timber land. Om. fat, there
is erected a
now occitpi,l I)aniel Sithli,, A litrgc
barn, a.; ,li the .convenient ont•builkhvg,—
There is iilso a goad well and sprin t , of wetve,
never known to fail, conveniently located to
the lions,: and Bern.
The other of which contra. shout
157 ACRE'S
more or less, about 100 acres or ullialt are clew
red, 'lnd under excellent fetter, and u ell Emitter:
te.l ; the balance is well timbered. On this
lam is erected a good. sub,tnittinl SrOSb
HOUSE, now occupied by H. L. Harvey. A.
small Bonk Barn and a gond Well of water;
and :there is alter n orel», 1.1 on it.
]inch of : . .ine
mile hem HI • • . ,!.
ut the to •• •i, . • . • .
from II . • ~ :
one 01 lite b. • 1 • t !,,•••.,
bet, the it •• • , ; being sur
rounded by an n . . ,
On the first ham t hr, • it widow sdow.
er of 02780 27. On. the second term there is
also due tt widow's dower of 01 , 100. The per.
chaser will be subject to the payment of the a•
bore dotter, on the death at flat widow i the
interest to be paid annually until that time.
The balance of the purchase money •to be
paid as follows, to wit :
0300 to be paid on each farm when the pro•
perry is bunched down, or antisthetay sec•trity
giv. therefor. The purchaser of the first faro,
to pay 01000 on the first dny of A ptil, 185 ti,
when a deed 8111111 be executed find delivered.
and possession given of trot litrm. The balance
to be secured by bond and mortgage, and the
time of payment to be in 3,4, 5, or 10 equal
annual payments to suit the purchaser.
The purchaser of the second farm to pay
$5OO on the Ist of A pril,lBso, and the balance
secured as in the .cnse of the first them, with
same privilege as to time of payment. Any
information relative to said Farms, can be had
on enquiring of
Huntingdon, Penna.
October 17, 1833.—t5.
000 PC
Call and look . before you purchase,
fta.rrs.). 1-affß,
T o Iptttliteesl t
I , is t
solemot ,took 01 gveds ever bronght to the hoe
ovgh 4•I thinlingdon. It MAW he Useless to
mention all the eootis ire have on hand—
Ladies , Dress Goods.
of the latest style, _ . .
A large stock of Misery, Dress Trimmings,
Ribbon, Velvet, bonnets Unilersinces,
Spencer, ensim rem, Cufths, (71isinetts ' Laces,
Silk Mitt,,, ))climes,, De-Berge, Kid Gloves,
and nll kinds of good . s generally kept in
country store.
Also—a tioo momrtment of
HOW., Shoes, Hats, & caps,
Olasmorro, Queenstrare and C'edertntre.
A large mut quad sapply of
Fresh Groceries.
Coll and see toy goods and examine for your.
Tluwklul for the patronage or the past hr my
friends, and the politic generally; I respectfully
solicit it continuance of the saute. . .
„... .
MI kinds of ruuntry produce taken in cx•
change fur goods at the highest musket price.
Oct. 10, 1855.
tAtdtc& wryrrn Atoons,
. DUNN hove just returned
k troin nre now opening at
the head of the a Top Monti n'large nod
tieautinil itA,olllllellt or Fall & Winter Goods
Consistiint at
Dry Goods, Groceries. Hard-wave,
Queeits-ware. Cedar-ware,
flats, boots and shoes.
Ready Made Clothing always on hand.
and in short everything that is usually kept in a
country stn.,.
kept constantly for Sale.
Call and examine our stock before purcha
sing elsewhare. and son .whether we cannot
make it your interest to patronise us.
All kinds of country produce taken in ex.
change her Goode at the highest market prices.
The highest market pikes paid for all kinds
of Grain.
Protnpt attention paid to storing and fortrard•
ing all kinds of merchandise, produce, &c.
Huntingdon, Oct., 10 1855.
JJOSEPHDOUGLASS, in llleCofteellelowit
has con4tantly on hand, rondo made rifle.,
and is prepared to make and repair Guns of all
kinds at the sliortastnotice.
April IS. IfISI-17,
000.—Socu iN Two Days !—Triateph
Coeidete 1 !—Why is it that the Ex-Governor
of Muryland, also the President of one of the
Banks at Frederick City, urged the Doctors there
to procure it? Why las a large cask order I
this week Caine hum studt men as Messrs. Peel
& Stevens, wholesale Druggists of Alexandria,
Vu . end by the very next mail, an order, (the
third lime in tour weeks) from Mr. Pierpoilit,
end from Messrs. Cook & Co., of same 'dere , ,
nod hr the very coma mail a fourth enter from
Messer, Hopper & Wilmer of Centreville, Md., •
(inhere a short time since seek . excitement
sprung up from some rematkeble cures made'
there by Prof. C. DeGrath's (genuine) Elee- !
trio Oil, from 39 South Eighth Street, Philadel
phis, a few doors south of Chemit street? Bow
is it that the editor of Erie Observer, was cu
red in two days of rheumatism, in his hack of
three years' duration; and Mr. Brady, ofllar
risburg of Paralysis? Why and how was it that ,
the other tiny Mr George Weis, 227 Eager street ,
Baltimore, two doors from St. James , church,
was cured of !misled hands of long standing , I
also the late ease of a lady in Philadelphia, en
red of spinal curvature, mid another of Proldp
sits Uteri, a complete, radical cure? Ask them.
Why do such men int Metro. U. N. & W. 11.
Williams, wholesale Druggists, of S, muse N..
Y., write, August 30th. that.— . .`your Electric Oil
proves more beneficial than any other prepara
tions we have ever heard of," dm.
Yours,G. N. & AV. 11.Wikstasts.
Why has .oseph Osborn. Esq., of Auburn,
written, now the third time that "Prof. Des
Grath's Electric Oil in selling very flint, and
making great mires never before accomplished
here 1" Why did dulut Max, Esq., semi, the I
2,1 inst., n gold dollar in a letter from Double
Bridges, VII for al 'Wattle, oh the recommend.
tine of Wm. Arvin, Esq., of the sauna place
who got some n short time since for the Gout, I
and was cured 1 Why is it that every one ,peaks '
of it et "in wonderful Cattail . ," and is this ~,
the real cause of morn selling at retail, in 1'1.:1..-
delphitt alone, than is sold of 7)1.. Jayne's medi
cines. or live of anyYthers 1 Why is it that h
Physician ot large practice used it on the para.
limbs of his boy, otter using everything'
else? Simply because the genuine "Electroie
Oil," from the office of Prof. DeGratb, efreettt.
ally cm,: tel Wits Mr] Lour
- in it *llia
over Vdm ha.. been sold in Washington, D. C. l
during oho.. six weeks, and over SSW worth
in Baltimore in the some time? Why du Messrs
Alot . ris & Co., of York, Pa., (one of the finest
Drug houses in the State,) and Julio
Esq., of Harrisburg, Pa., sell so much, when
they have any go:unity of nil tens of other
medicines right by the side of the "Electric
(mill" Simply because mailing else will answer
the purpose that the Oil Ilan, Let the skepti
cal ask rho nialoeroliS Cases or almost hopeless
pationts, if anything could he More agreeable
in use, or more effectual in it. results—sumo
ter ha .ing expended hundreds of dollars on ea
floes limner treatment, with codling but
eonra;;cant•at anti despair for their trunkle. Why
in it that other medicines have advertisements
piled up column high, in all the papers while
psdh:ssor De Grath's 'Eleatic Oil' ki only no
at a simle expense not to exceed Sib to
]i.:1 11 a day? Why is it that two physicians arc
!kdiy employed in the office, applying the (gen
nine) • •Eleetrie t lid" to patients willieted with
Totter, Palsy (um! it is werrented Inc this).—
Rheumutism, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores
and Bruises ' Wtatillds, Cuts, Sprain', and Nu
des, Sore Breast nod side; also all kinds a
painful complaints. Although a cure is war
rented, yet not more than toe bottle has ever
' been returned and that was a case of total
!loathe., ale years' standing. Of course na
ture could not restore such a ease, with Aqi.,
ca. help.
_ . .
N. 11.—An eanceted Doctor always in atten
&ince and Indies if they ricire it consult
with n lady by dropping it line to the race of
39 F. ztrcia,
3 doors Swab or clie,.aut hi.
7.; cis., ;ilia SI.
. • , h)llars reword will be paid for the
: , gaup, n .Jew pettier, who c•0pi.. ,, .
, 011, of Prot: De Grath's bile;
4:e la, is USIA,:
& lima. Co.
IL 1.110 . 11 , V,11, Blair co., W. G.
Murat, I loilida;.shurg, Blair co, Coudron &
McCoy, Fratikbtown, Blair co.. J. 11. ll,rtier &
Co., 11 alerstreet. Hunt. co., Win. More, Alex
atitlritt, Hunt. co.
Sept. 26, 18r.5.
Of Valuable Real Estate
1 1: e er r t , :. 1 , k o r , s , 1 1 1 , 14 i :V ,
.4 1 . 11 1 t 1 1 1 1 , U
1 t T o. a jgo n .
Pa, at private Solo, with all the land belonging
thereto. beim; 343 ACRES of palenteil land,
163 acres ot which is cleared and under good
ft, co. The imnrovenienrs urea large
Frame Tavern Stand,
pondlarge Stable, sutlicient to accommodate
eighty horses. Granary, COM Crib, Wagon shed
and all other necessary out buildings, and an
excellent orchard of choice fruit—a never fail
ing stream of water at the dour, and several
g ood livingsprings indilleront parts or the land.
There are also on this property Two Good
Tenant Houses.
The ali,e is one of the hest known Tel ern
Stands on the Road, and the place is in a high
state of cultivation, and well adapted for pas
Ile also offers for sale the Farm adjoining the
above, on whits!' be at present resides one half
arils sahib of the Tavern property, containing
SOO ACHES of good limestone !Nut 514
acres of which is clearest under fence, in good
stat e of ealtivation,aml the b,,lanee well tunbcr
to improvements are good new
TWO-Story IVealber-lioarded House,
Bank Barn, Spring House, Wash ifouse,. and
other oat buildings, a first rate orchard °lgo.'
fruit, a good spring close to the house, and ne
ver failings springs of water in every field.
There are also on this tract a good
Lime Kiln, and several excellent quarries , and
as good a ocation fur in Tan-vard as meld ho
at:sited, with plenty of bark convenient. Thetc
are also Three good Tenant Houses on this
place and two other good barns.
Thi: is tone of the hest stock farms in the
country, no . peculiar hulueemems to any
person who 11w-ire,' to raise c:otte, &e.
lie nil! sell in quitutitie to suit purchasers,
and any one wishing to make a hargnin
do well to exatnine the above properties before
purchasing elsewhere.
Terms made to suit purchasers.
For further inlbrmation apply to the subsea
Oct. 10, 1855.-3 m.
A Book for Every Family in the Union,
Impartial and Reliable,
nun imrs iiisTinit" OF 1.1. THE RE
This is a large Octavo of 1,021 pp., Rostra.
led by nearly 200 engravings, an l gives the
"History, Doctrine, Government and Smtisties"
of all the sects in this country. It is sold
rlusirely by . subscription, and the demand for
it is increasing from every section of the coin.
There are still a few counties unengaged in
Penna., in which thoroughgoing men of good
address might do a large and profitable busi
ness. The terms are such as cannot fail to
pay. Fur these and other particulars apply to
ur address
JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher,
No. 13 Sansora St., Phila.
Oct. 24,1955,2 m
- -
Whatever partnership which existed between
the undersigned in the. Surveying business ban
been dissolved by mutual consent.
. J. I'. RAMEY.
Tho business will be entiductel is formerly
by J. Simpson Africe.
18(4...11, •
--• - • - ••• ' Arr.
Now is lite time to purchase J Y/2111 , E,
c 9
-• l have jest received from Philadelphia , the lar•
.14 STONE, 1.,„
• fetedt. t dozens of ns place, and surround.
ing country ; such Merinos, Alpacas, Muslin
if/EA IN{ ; banes. Paretnntta Cloth, Persian Cloth, black
(101'11M Of U1,10,11,,wit Load and New ▪ Market ; G o e lured Silks ,tad every variety ul' o se ss
Streets, so Nut-th Pennsylvania Hail Hued, 'Hoods
Philadelphia. 116 '
Ca'll and See
Constantly ult hand or made to order, thofuli one of the finest assortments of Trimmings bre't
lowing highly approved Flour Mill Machinery. to this place t also, Collars, Vadat-sleeves, Chi•
Il'oodward's Patent Portable Mills and Smut I mason ' Gloves uf every variety, bodies' Scarfs
Machines. and the hest assort... of Shawls ever offered.
Johnsion's Patent Trott Centenve Bran- Dee- I CARPETS, &C.
We. A splendid lot uf the flr:Let Carpet mid Oil Cloth.
Stover's Patent Fuel Saving Corn KO..
Pierson's Patent Barrel Hoop and Mutilding XIARDWARE,
of every variety, and the hest assortment in town.
Improved Bridge Steps and aushes
Spindles. of every description, awl at lower pt iees that ,
eon be yet et any other Imo,.
hough 1%4 are a little up, we will try auJ sell
the luteest.
best Anchor L i . ,•.; ,• i;:„
Calico Mill
Johuston's Putr,ct conk Coat- largo , :t ',7t a.ortmcnt to•cr oflefedould
nt lower 11,.
r j.) I AZAI-1 IIJIY:ITiill,;)
Vt.rZF,LOW W WARE, dic.
ami south ,
4, . t ,,, 0 ,,,,, : „ . ,, „:,.,,, j. .
si;t: ever voriety of u.d.±, sue,' as are usealy
' kept in n country storc• Coll and see before
Warranted d; I 0., t•;•: nr 0 ;-, ;' ; .., •k; ; P.,.re:aisitl:: any elf cr place, and if-we can't cat
Bushel Cr.; ,t,d,11...0n 1 id 21 Id, ; ; ; ; ''''' ''''' '' t the fin ' , we will cure under
flour, nho.. ; ;;;;,1 not be halted lA., . - ;;;
~:~,:. ,
'T. •mg
• r• i I
ui „ ; • „ • , ; .• . ;:.111vuol `•lcrinoe., all Ivo
‘,..t 1 '.• ; ; • ; ; , ;,•lea ut.l stieeteti with
lotion the I.etten; l'• ••
pri! 2•1! , ; •
Ttit.q.A•3 L, .• : . ,• :.r • •r.
N. B.—State, mid • • •
all the above Machin,
A ugitit 1855.
I rbe greatest variety of 'loots and Shoes acne
I tilted for sale by J. &W. SAXTON.
Chain herplburg• & Mt. 'Union . , . , .
; i miieg Co ll is, tint
s, chimazetts,
STAGE LINE REVIVED. i j.,Gloees, Triiatuings, at J. &. W. Sextons.
t' Hit untlersigne.l aware that n attApension of i ,\ beautiful lot of Hats & Caps, also Silk and
11 the line of Stages over the road het; rett i ll:Straw Bonnets, Ito J. &W. SAXTON.
Chambersburg and Att. Union, cannot be but !
dimtilviVattigeous it it huge rotten In the wanly V giliat variety of Hilts, Head Dr. , -- , , Ilrace
has, at ennsitleralyle expense nail trouble, made
. l: to, T r i g ,,,,,,,, 5 , ti,,
,1,, .1. & W. 5 : ,,,,,
arrangements to run a line of Sties Tr; -weAly
between the two p..itil.. Goo 11 1 " ,.. u"d unit i Mlle lianthotaest assortment of I)ress Silk ,
fortable Stages have been phleml nn the route,: 1 .. 3,w i .,,, , ,i and fur sa t e 1,,, Jr.. ,t W. sumoni
and experienced mei trusty drivers will superb,
lend the rooming of. ,
the (i.e . ., '1 ae . ; , roprie.. i A bean:;;,;
for of the line is tlestru that it he mum:a:lied, 1 •• sic , vesthigs, I,y
and he therefore ealls linen the 'llie generally
to patronise it, conti.kut ex, :t Nvi.i 1:.• L:o,', ..„,_,...,..,.
_tzu_ Powders, jest
___, for " o e
mutual toivant.,e. I. 1.•:,• 11'1 , 111 1 1, , • , •,- 1-1',..' . . '
.J. & W. SAXTON.
Cif - 5t,.•.1. , , 7 T
Thiargda.v, and Satdrdav ;,!•1
Ch amberstudg the hext day et 2 :
turning. lens. Choonlicrslitirg the ;
10 o'clock, arriving at :111. Union early
lowing evening in time Mi. the Care. titoge
slop at Shirleplitirg, Orlikonia, Shade Gni
Poirot Cabins Fatincuslinrg, Heron Valley,
Strnehnrg and keelir's store. A -1
gar Fare through $3,00: to intermediate puini;
In proportion.
If you want to buy good Cheap Goods,
n V:Wilir
Binetingianin Huntingdon Co.,
•,: Pliiladel•
ITI!E winter Tern) of titis Institution viii • •
open Wednesday 'October ntst.
iiistrite?ion given in :in the branches rcohisit° " rla 1ij7 " 1.4.71121 GOODS'
10 c nterl,„ we „, the I,chionable Dress Goods,
prepereil to iiesointneilaie any who sane Ladles and Gentlemen, stilt na Frencii Mo
to give attention to ti!c truanictitql rinot!,, Alpacca, Paratnato Cloth,Persian Cloth
in addition to th,c giN in Word de Loins, Fancy do Loins, Debaize,
to the study of .trellitc,oo , . Cohin,,s, Bit tuul Dress Silks, anti
Sons or ministers nod young tor who bare l'rints of all description. .Also, Cloths, Cassi
, been engaged in leashing aril de,d!., to nwss. plain and fancy,incts, Vestings d
eel coo snore thoroughly fur that etatien arc a d. Al.std, a large fat or dress Trimmings, dress
stirred free of 'l'uitiod.ll,,i!, Bctinet Silks, Gloves, Mitts,
TERm.4. • awl liosiery, Laces, Veils, Un
-1 VC-. C,II:11 . 5 , Ili-eletts
Tuition, Board and Furnished roan 500,, , O 1 . Drr,
per suasion—payable striet:y one loth' i,t u;r ° ""
ranee, the other ut the middle f " t,r;r.
11,112.- of hile's !.isc, s Wooien Tubbs
TIIIO.MAS r ,; e . ' •
TitumAs ‘ , /enell, , ,
Oet. 10, 1855.-3 m. • •"•• Cant Ticket', Check:,
• • Groceries ofall hinds, Hats dr. Caps,
Estate or EllEt;11 ANIIIIRFUE , . late of Boots and Shoes, Oil Cloths,
Lancaster City. deed'.
23 nwartr, quirNsmajer,
, T ETTENS the estate • ' ' • „
Ilugh A t
dee'l , I . tlnd . 11 good , n ,1 2.1 1 ,'
to tim undersigned:ly , • ... LoPt inn country
t ee County, all p e rso, , ,„ , , old customers, and no tunny new ones no
I the ouid motion nil' pres, • • • , • , ,owtl iu are respectfully requested to coma
persons knowing thent,;. •• ••• ,•I 1., • .••• •nino my grls•
ecttsed will make visite, • • , tr., • • • I,in I•• Produce Ldseu
in ott
derii,ted .• , !antes 0., bit s lala market price ,
I Andrews in the city orl...tne. , tet, ,
' ROBERT R. .CNlntEws, I. v..: •.;-:; . ; •-•- ----------
Chester co., JOHN JOHNSON, I !.. : - 11, i. ia T i j jj a li. j ;. l; JD kigAgEsl}7.
tp., Lancaster comity, Adners.
Oct. 31st, 1855.—0t*. SHADE GAP, HUNT. CO.
---- - -- . 'rim present session of this Institution will,
PERRI'S - VILLE I. close . Wednesday, October 3d. The ex-
AND ', hibition trill take place in the evening. The ex
! Faiiiivitsburg Stage, ; amination the week previous. Those exercises
A V 71.1. L LEAVE PERIII's VILLE UN the public generally arc incited to attend. The
N N Holiday, wedoesday and ' rove session Wilt commove° the last Wednesday
Friday Mornings. : el' October. The in,ditution is located at Shad°
• Returning trill leave FANNETTSBURG on trap, a quiet and retired place, free from all
ion to rice, idleness or dissipation: The
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday !ilornings, ..
' t tl : ' o:.taT " e. is a healthy one, !ming situated among
connecting with the Express Trains east and ! the mountains. It isentirely tree from the nui
west in the morning. and the Mail train in the sauces so common along our rivers and so destruc..
evening. COMMITI'LI'a tire to health.
Om. 3,1855.-3 m. • The course of instruction is such ns has been
Zgs Z. CTR OWA tl: ri 7, Tx c. •. 1 ,T,1 1 :1 I ;.'e ., 7,7i, c ' g i i'l'ir r z .'„ l ,',..`e t r:" of I 'i l i . .. f° 4,7,l ) .'"`Vg
MACHINES. stitch k car:y taught to se!): upon himself, to
think, to reason, and investigate dm dial:rens
For the cure or whit,: swenin g s—cur,.tur....: ',.:,'„ h i i,L' r e i r,i',7, l c i e l i i,„(tr„:vig o b n , ,, i i i ,", , ;,„: 4, ,T. me t r li
the spine; lilsPehi 4. . ; Neuralgia ; 1 : 1 ;;;;ibi l'o, the student's highest ,n,riod. - AVe l und him is
;'';;; ; 1'i ,, ;; ,, of the Kidney , , o, ;;Lift, W(lii:ii• ',brown, as far en prnetieuhle, the restraints and
&c.. Aa.i. A Look tieconimmies tacit inneldi ,,,,,,, r u,t, of ~ well &ugu t it i i ,l Christian home.
i giving. full instructions in the application i f , t..liaibi Gap, is sheeted 17 miles front the Mount
in tubercular and se: .':.!. ~, .., i.. Mai,. i' ,-i .., : i ion of the Pennsylvania Rail Road,
thetured and for silk, ,• . C,.. t'. :,. .i. N. ,r, i.,, . ~.,,, .0.,,,:!., place there still be n line of stages.
I 1i.3 Smith 71.1 i Street, Plahuielphia, l'lt. '1'1:11M S—s3o per session of five months, this
! September 3, 1851. includes tuition, room-rent and board. Wa=h
ing, light and fuel extra. For further partiett
Letters of Administretiou cn the estate , i
, Thomas Road, late or the borough of Burnie,:
dun, deseasial, having been granted to the unik, - ---
signed, ail persons having claims alpinist said .IIIJNIATA ACADEMY.
deed, will present 00111(10y authenticated : I,iar HE Wilkelilt SESSION OF THIS !N
-settlement, and all persons indebted to null d e- ij. si i iut i t , u , li vate d i n sLi r l o yo s e.g, Hunting.
' rrt
amed, or the late firm of Heal and Sun, ace re• , doe Cauety, will committee on the Ist day of
quested to null, immediate payment. . a : ! , , ,,,,,,„0,,, r ,
.1, SUN REA I), Administrator. i The plte is eesy of access, being eeen , eted
Huntingdon, Na'. 7, i,:, - ,,--3,,
__unit Mn. Union on the Central Railroad, by a
H 11()NIAN , — ; , :ail,
~,,,,,no c i n, t o e n x e lp i ee s n . . T a h n e d l' p r t i i n h e m i p t it o l li a l l i z t a h ro .
, lostitation worthy of u liberal patronage.
'I ElllalS t-11c,arcling, tuition, and room, $3O
~.. ler seas ion of live months. TiLition from $8 to
0,,, ,t 2 per sesion,uceordin4 I. spidies. Payable
tkiturterly, ni advance. 1. or Circulars, etc., nd
' mess the Principal, Ile , G. W. SHAIFFER,
i • READY-MADE CLOTHING, i-------- -
, , octuber Io,'ns.—nt• Shirleysburg, Pa.
CONSIST/NO 01' ,t LI KINDA 01. i ......".." ."....." ••••• ..`'—•
a. al ....c T ETTERS testamentary on the estate of
COAT s,. *AWES. Visciwoi .1, Elisabeth Parsons, I,do of Tell tewanship,
And ether articles of gentlemen's wear. i dee'd. having been granted to the undersigned
Octoh; r :I, 1855. all persons haring claims against the estate will
.._. present the same duly a uthenticated, and all
COUNTRY DEALERS pets„., k now i ng d i m:elves indented will make
i payment to ALEXANDER MAGEE,
CAN 111 O G
VCL )e Awn OLESALE, 1 t roll , . Oct. 10, 1855.41. Executer.
AO CHEAP AK IN THE CITY, AT ,' ----- ------
I Dien his professional services to the ritiaeus of
OVERCOATS. u ,,,,„0.. end vicinity. 4 Pince, Mr. Blida
hran.i's, between tho Exchange and Jarkict'.
All kinds, cheaper than elsewhere, at • Hotel. -
R, ROMARII CLOTHIRG STOW:. Ittnt:nrinn t tog. 9., iiji.
pho be ,t ~ o roncot of CArptt and Oil Cloth
joie recei,ol and for sate he J. &W. Saxton.
r Lan 1, • , ..,rttnent vi Do lanes, Pur
. t Ilcrage de Longs
50 o,:;r e s b a s : s i .,, , ,. ; .. jeActiood:,?.rid
tortrnent or velvet, silk and won
rpm, I.e-t lot a` siims is, such n.s Broshn, Cost
. m ar, ll,y state sod sqganre shnwls, It!st recd
J. & W. SAX TON.
I , ''
in exc:iinig, for goodA at their
;C:- west corner of ro! li,•Square.
of limn reed
W. H. WOODS, Principal,
Shade Gap, Sept. 38, 1855.-3 m.
kinds of conn