The Markets.--I» Flour there is very little doing standard brands are held at $9,50 per bared, lint bu,, rs ow not disposed to operate at that rate, and sales are limited to a few small lota taken at somethintt less—exact terms not public; 500 barrels Western extra sold at $9,. SI and 250 half barrels Mannyunk at $9,7 5 per pair. For home consumption the demand smell within the range of $9,50@510,50 pop barrel according to brand. Cora is trance.--- Corn Meal is quiet, and the prices are the same. ~, ~f~, On :Monday, October '27th, or typhoidpneu monia, ANNA VIOLA, only daughter of Samuel W. and Elizabeth K. Drips, of Armago, Indi• Ann co.. P,t., aged 9 years niol 9 months. NE D ADVERTISEMENTS. - tosmorouriii SECOND YEAR. RRANtiENIENTS for the Second Ann Vattern.. of this new and popular Institn ft. for the diffusion of ',iterative and Art, have I can made on the most extensive scale. - Amon:: ill, works already engetted, i 9 the fo• famed "GENOA CRUCIFIX,' which original ly Thoneand Dollars. In forming this new collection, the dig i'k,c of work; a American Art, oral the oncousat;:- mem Of AlTler'con get 1 113, 110 t been over looked. Conuith , oiotti rare hem issued to malty of the moot distingoklicil American Artists, who will con:riittite L , ./1110 a their llne-tt productinus. Ammig them are there Marble Busts, executed by the greatest lining Sculptor—Hiram Powers: GEORCIE IVASIIIN(ITON, the Father of his Catintry ; FRANKLIN, the Phi losoploir ; LUNIELi WEBSTER, the Statea man. A special agent has visited Europe soil Mete Cattail :Ind judicious selections of foreign works Art, both in 'Bronze and Marble; Sit: teary anti Choice Painting;. The whole forming a large and valuable col lcetion of Paintings and Statuary, to bu distri buted free among the met:Mors of the Associa tion foe Oa Second year. Terms of-Membership.—Thc payment of three constitutes tiny one a inember of this As sociation, and entitlei him to e ithe r on , or t h e fuilowing Magazines for ono year, and also n ieket in the distribution of the Statuary and l'aintings. The Literature ksticid to fuliscrilier, emtrioH of the following Monthly _Negro:lnes : Harper's l'attutta's, Kniekerboel;er. Blackwood's, tire- Mutt's, Book, and Roust:bold 1 ersons t axing memberships ere entitled JO U. , of the :Nlagdzilics for ono year, anti six tick, s is the tinaribution. The net proceeds derived from the sale of mo b rb hips, or de e voted to this purehuso of , m om s e of Art for the to , niog yecr. Tim A11%1131416. Secured—by becoming a member of :ilk Ist All perste, receive the full value of their at the start, in the shape of sterling .Magazinn I,i centime. ntrli hicather is rnlitributing towards par •ch..sing elrtice Works of Art, which are to innung thealsolcas, and are at R.lB thin! , encouraging tau Arts uf the count * ~ disbursing 51.ouiandyti dollars through its Agi:„. l't•r,on., limb; fur tnernhertlC, oicase give their Lost Alec • the ',tooth tlict it'll the Mo,:aziae to have letter reghtterett at tic 1., 1.. the receipt 01 I. o certificate or together with tow trauci to .thy • 1, :• ! nt Tiook,to, ca 1, • t,. . . 1; A,,uciattion. „ • • •. I ;. i • . :,ebasiopoi : 30,000 MEI\J KILLED, 'ilit; undersigned lies just returned fru, city with it large and splendid essortmer.t ut Full and Winter Goods, which ho is tit, prel,are,l it 1151 . 105 C Or at very low told rcumnuLle rotes. • l'cr,ins oi lintel: tic will find it to their iaterost to him o call before purchasing elsewhere, us he studies only to please. llis stock con,i, of a le ai* Dry Goods, Hardware, Glass & Queepswarc, , , t, large mid it , i;ortment of rra!,y CLOTHING, üblel, 1.0 is ;u•epnretl to wall in lots to , olit ):tneli• Users. JOHN HUYETI' • N. 11.—CE4miry produce taken iu e, li i . good,. .Nloorsvi!le. Non. 7, Prince & Co's '4l. ; ' -y ~ y y~3e.~_~ ~_ -. IMPROVED PATENT MELODEON s. The oldest establishment in the (Jailed Sita..s, the largest in the World. .Between 17,000 and 18,000 of there Inatri niente have been finished and are now in ace. The latest improvement in our Melodeons ia di, • DIVIDED SWELL. t, us by Lacers Patent, 22d May, By weans of this swell Solo Pamages way he played with the fall power of the Instrument ; while the accompabiment is soft nod Hereafter all Melodeons made hr ns will be fur nished with this attachment WITHOUT EXTRA (MAME. ExtractWoZZe6omzn;pri;t% Adcyrtivr, .I< 4 4 ' 0 ° JOB OFFICE to) Lt. , ( 0 ) OF THE g 14' i o 40 1104. JOURNAL." o -10 o The largest awl tot <3; ( ( j JOB OFFICE a <1,13 g IN T LIE COUNT ° ]: 0 !. SOU-WORK o 4E 4 ' c `? - 1 n - ,( - 1 •••,,, W.> • ` ,1 •.) 1.1:4 .!• , 1j EXECUTED ff ,) 4 :7)-3 o .1s Chtf,i) as tno cci> E (,) THAN :,1.1111 -UT SATISFA , TION IS t ( ) ) ' dlS , WARRANTEI). o r k. u All kinds of ••• 0 ') BLN AKS (c; CoasTlN'ri, 05 11,150.0 - c c v v v ItIISCELLINEOUS ADVERTISEIIENTS. 'Y alqi:AitsL , 'l','ll{l . l.!'/.1 :s i'ilfli PUBLIC OLI PRIVATE 4.111. E., The undersigned will uller at public sale on Wednesday, the 12th of December next, on the prmisea, all that value:de farm Fituate on James Creek nt its junction with the Raystown Braneh of the Juniata River, one mile and a half from tte "Worthington" depot of the frond Top Railroad, mud twelve miles frota Homing don-,containing about 2:13 acres, having thereon a new three story stone and frame Grit!. Mill, with four run of burrs, and all the modern im provements—a large SlOOO unmaion lion•tt Cc lute residence of the lam James Entreltin, a hire bank lawn, it two alert !trick house for kg tenant lions. and 01:1- er improventents. About the me, t!, ia cleared, lit) acres of it bottom. This Mill 13 SittiPlC in 0, wheat growing neighborhoods in co. A good level road to the Railroad. i t is a good one fern store, mid the fart-, snit ha dividing. Thu owners will sell at ',Ate cc:;1 offer at public sale ns above, not 000000 The money is not wanted moon, and term, tt iii be made easy. Payments extended to coy ,a sonahle number of years, for pin, or on the whole, to suit varehast,,, if roperly sevar,l. nrms wi'l ice miblisio'd on day of , ale. Po, se tsion will he ,iven ou lira of January or first of A. P. WILSON. STEEL, L r '.t ~L'.. ~. ... ~, LTI:i:t.41,1•:1:. Ft. 1310 t. t. •• ,•; t t• I:tr;• nett;••' 1,1 att , l winter 1,00t1 , ., ror the wontq !;, pr..rti t;:.: lit mint: o •• as. , , ',tut 01 . ma , . rt !: '• CRC A unit:l.loi • •. , : t.!;. 3 , '3'.~ ~. ! 1: I: ;••:. , ' • KESSI • I ; !.• f:o,ouo -,7 1 11T. • t ,•• 1 , •••,• : our friends nnd -• ,• : ,ery 'dread • • .• iwAv and ropolav - • . . iso,t• 114 ;.rent tt vaviety at the • . • . the t y Boo!, Sten,. : • vari:ty 1 11,11 , 0 1,,• .1. !.•• ey and Plain Note ',Liter and Cap eh 1 Envelopes. (3uld Pees owl feent $1 upwards, Ven nail ;'. id,unnaies and l'oelzet- nooks, !Ili itli. ;1 ijial,-,1.1 . 0j . , and 1:11.1,1XS, 0.u.• :School 'looks iu qunutthos to c , nratry tnorch atnts anti tunellers at City witolo,,lu 2".1."20'i. 1000 PIECES WALL PAPER of tvery kind, IVinlow Paper nod painted Shade, with Putnan's Patent tielf , Adjusting Cnrtittn Fixtures. All the nbora ut Pillla. re tail prices, call and extunine, "I endeavor re qtse." Store on Railroad Pt. H un ti ng d on , WM. COLON. • t.tcr. 17, 107 . 3. tiodenhamer on the E'3les, NOW READY. Practical Observations on some of the Disea ses of tfio litctum, Anus, and Continnous Tex tures—giving their Nature, Seat, Causes, Symp toms, Consequences, and Prevention ; especial ly addressed to nun-medical readers. fly Wan. • Budenhatner. Al. It. Second edition with plates &v. Bvo. .. 2. J. S. REDFIELD, No. 84, Beekunin et. Nov. 7, ,5, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. LE'T'TERS testamentary on tho estate of Abraham Imo of Tell tp., having been granted by the Register of Willa to the under••igned, all pertains having claims tigain:t inlet deceased nro notified to presunt them to. and ail petsuns Indebted am requested to make payment to JOSEPIIIE ? • . WILLIAM DOTLEA Oct. at, 1855.—Ct.• MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. AGENTS WANTED. In every county in the United States and Canada, to sell 01le of the most important Books ever publithed in America, arrd one that should be in the hands of every male and fe male, who regard their own health nod the welfare of their offs.pring, entitled HOWARD'S DOMUTIC MEDICINE, Revised and enlarged by Horton Howard, M. D., containing nearly OM: 111,111iED MAT. MATIONS, of great importance, and nearly one thousand largo octavo pages, hound in substan tial leather binding librery style, three volumes Imand I,: one containing an important HYSTEM or noarrstqc mententE ' with n' reatise nn• atomy, Physiology, anti all diseases that man kind are heir to with Prescriptions ofthe great est importance to mankind. Also, an exten• sive TREATISE on MIDWIFERY, giving a full dei• criptiun of rho Diseases of Women—the rouse of disease and cure. This book wes first published as a Tcm. Book and is now used in the Eastern Col'eges; but the revised edition is made simple and plain, that all classes may comprehend it. It contains nn explanation to nil tho medical terms used in the book. Price s.t. Agents wishing' to engage in the sale or this valuable Lmok. with du well to make immodiote application as it will be exclusively a subscrip• thin book, anti the gretitcst pains will be taken to prevent tile AgCllt lrutu selliug on the terri• tore assigned to acct et, A sample eopy will he sect, by mail, hosts paid, to any part of the United States or Can• ado, on the reception or the retail price in cur• rent fluids or postage, stamps with term to 2%.:rent9, aid to those wishing to engage in the busine, Address IL M. RULTSON, Publisher, Qua• icor City Publishing House,'32 South Third t,eet, Philadelphia, or Queen City Publishing Loure, I I f!, .7•lttin t.trut Cincinnati, Ohio. Oct. '2.1.-2-Zt. LUAIII.B LIME STONE LAND FOR SALE Will bo sold at Public Sale on the premiere, ono mile from the mouth of Spruce Creek in Franklin tow:mhip, Ituntingdon county. on 77'Eso..t Nol" , ..r.gliit-2717,, 1856. TWO LIME STONE FARMS. k!.te a which contains 265 ACRES, or i„,;. About 160 acres of whith ore • 1, ;•!.• in a high Mate of cultivation, the Um!), Nal. (to this (*arm there ~•reeted . t " G r: rqi n ft 1 - 10 1"'1: .I'4ll •L, ).. 1; • now ucett1.1,,,1 1 .,y Diode! Shultz. A lat.,. bum, mid all Ow convenient out-build -. . livre is td,o good well and spring of waft, Ileser knocm to conmukutly located to ass Dom. 11 • or which cown;,:s i 67 ..• • 104 ro,—, t•%. are ele:t well cultiva. i ~, : .... ~ ~: . ~ ~ _ ~~: . , ~. .~i , . „ . • e I.,e,httlee . e.. I. :,lid the I he ' , Ilirtn to pny en,l the I,itlnnee • ,•retl tts in the ease of the first farm, with tri time pnymet:t. Ar:y ' • • ••.: can be.hatt McMt7ltTllll,!, Penna. • 1 / 4 T 1 ‘ 'it I..)Ailtie ,iosiroos or r.lllco. hig (,I • • , i'llato . l iu IVent. TOW!, . , .•. from l'etersburg to ' • • Tatitl,ll •,' ' : • •,. Thomns F. 6tewitrt, nr..l ont: • . .I.4JECES. • : .1, and in a goo , ' state of ':wee is well timbered.— .111 its AIO . tyt BM:SE, and 5ata11*:th.‘.,..? 4 , 4 In e; i Tenant llottFo lICW 'yyatrt ttO I, 4" 1 . . t • • al:, on the premise:in young ORCH. All I t , :toil water piped to tiwdoor front a never tiring of wuter. TLIA 1141M:16011 pr.:bird., being good lillleStollo land. It is within nh miles Cl Petersburg, where Ow railroad and canal passes through. The sub. ,•cilier is anxious to sell at private sale nod it' not sold. will offer it at public sale, at the Court !loos°, in tho Borough of Huntingdon, at tl:c November Court. Tows outdo oa , y to snit porelio,er. THOMAS kIAMErt. A tiu,t FILES AND RASPS. NEW STIIEET FILE WORKS, The subscriber is constantly manufacturing Files and Rasps of superior quality • and at the lowest prices, equal to the beef imported goods and much cheaper. Manufacturers and Mechanics can have their old files rmcut and made equal to new, at about MX, the original cost. Ilat 12 inches $2,00 per dozen ; Flat. 14 Meins per dozon ; Saw•tiles, half round, Millssw and uth• er tiles in proportion. Single files and frac tional parts of deemns charged at the mous rates, and warranted satisfactory, J. 13. SMITH. Nu. 61 Now Street between Itatat & Vino & Second and Third St, Philadelphia. Aug. 22, 1855.-3 m. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. lETTERS of administr4tion on the Illitato of Alexander MeGull, lute of Hopewell tp., Huntingdon dee'd., lowing been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against it will present them duly authenticated for settlement. IWUEIIT MeCALI., MATILI).h SIeCALL, S Oct. 17, 1853.-'tt.' JOSEPH DOUGLASS, in AleConnelistown has constantly on hand, ready made rille4, anti Is prepared to make and repair Guns (dull kinds at the shortest notice. ' April 29, 1855*. COURT AFTAIRS. EItO(:LAMATION. 81. Two , E !-7;.;,,,ph Cun.pith: :—Why is it that the x-Governor IVIIEREA 8, by a. precept to irte directed by ot Alaryland, also the President of one of the the J"'hz" the C """" ° " P le""r the Bard. at Frederick City, urged the Doctors there county of Huntingdon, beating toot the 22,1 doe to procure it? Why has a Jorge cosh order ot August, 1132:i, 1 010 commanded to inak . o this „ roit „ Th , win sash two , us m ess , poet Public Proclamation thronglsont my whole s, ot . cus, whoirstile Drug iota of Alexandria, wick, that a Court of COIIIMOII fleas will be • va . and by the very next mail, an order, (tho held in the Court House in the Borough of Hun- time in (our ttreks , from Mr. i,iorpotot, tingdon, the third Monday (and I 'Jth day) of t hir d and from Mes , rs. Cook & Co., of sang, pi lee, November for the trial of ell issues in au , by the ( . 00 , stup , mull ibur , order „ root suid Court whiell remain undetermined before the „ tossers. itopp l . .., certh . orino, told Jallge, whet and .110 " witaelse ' (where a short time since such an excitement and suitors, in the trial of ell I.llon Orr required sproug up front some routuritubie cure, tondo to appear. there by Prof. C. DeOroth's (genuine) 1:! •c -in at Huntiugdon, the 22t1 day 01 August, trio i v from , t ,„ sou , 1 , (111 , ( street , in the year "I our Lord 1855, and the - '4.11 Year , . , . , ' - • ' Tna, a iew (~,ors smite t 'spot ,:tr. . of American Independence. JOSHUA GItEBNLAND, Sheriff. riqc.iltitnli,Lillideney:slitoofrrioicful, three years' duration. 0111 ltrady, of I ri•burg of l'ai•itlysis '1 Why and Irow was it t!t the other day Mr George ‘Veis, 227 1::a llahimore, two doors limn St. Ja: 1.• :1. eared of palsied hands of 111•1,: . also the late 01110 Of a lady ill Philadr;pliie, t :- red of spinal curvature, and nno l h ol sits n complete, radical cure f aca,. IVIo• d 0 ,neh men en Alcsrs. G. N. & W. 11. wholesek Druggists, of 51 remise N. V., write, Atignq 10111. that--“yotir Electric ' proves more beneficial nay other prepara tions we have ever heal d of." Co Yours G. N. & 11.W...1A (3in. W 'by has Joseph t l.born. Esq., of .%aburn, uritten, now the third time that "Prof. Be- Grrth's Electric (al is 01111110 very lest, and nitil,hig great eares never home at:L..11,11,1,i here IVIly did John flax, Esq., lend, ti Id ,01.1 dollar in a, letter from Bridge..., hot it bottle, on the re, 110.011110- tion of Win. Arvin, Esq., or 1110 1 11:1,0 who got some a short thee since fur the Gout, , and was cured f IN'lly is it that every ono speaks l ot it as "tt wonderful emotive," and is the real came of more •,elling at retail, in Pidi'l delphia alone, than it sold of Dr. Jayne's 111011 - : tines, or tivc of any others 1 'Why in it that a ! Physician of largo praetice ased it on the para lyzed limbs of his boy, utter 114110 everythi,:_:. else 1 Simply because the !,:entliee Oil," from the oitico of Prof. De(ratii, ch'ect,l - CUITS paralysis. Why and how is it ti, over 0200 has heeti sold in SVasliington, 1). during about six weeks, and over $lOOO WWI!. in Baltimore in the sonic time ? Why oh, 'Mos,- Morris & Co., of Cork, Pa., (one of the faiest Drag houses in the State,) and Jolin Wyeth, Esq., of _Harrisburg, Pa., soil 011 111110:1, (111011 111(1y 111,0 any quantity of all sorts of other I medicines right by the side of the "Electric (.1111" Simply 1i1,111140 nothing eke will answer the purpose that the Oil does. Eel the skepti cal asst the numerous cases of almost hopel,s ; patients, if anything could be more agreeable in use, or more etleemol in its results—sunie of- ter ha. iog expended hundreds of dollars I,n va (11111 11001111;4 I'in -1.111111.11,40/11VIli 111111 11,. 110 i'•l . 1:1 , 11 i`; 1 1 1 1.01 111 11111,1; ;I‘ ,. i tO l•: O.:. ' 101011 day f 'Why is it that two : ar, daily employed in the I • .• ~ 111110) "Elecirie • , •. 'ratter, Palsy (andl. Ncuralt.hl, Wounds, Cots, Sprains au.; t .1 'Ol , l suel sir's! tlso all Lim,- of .! tints. Alt!, a cure is war : more than : ,:e bottle kin ever'. TRIAL LlST—November Term, 1855. FiECOND George Jackson ea Sassaman's ex'rs et al. Sterret S. Potter a-; J. Alexander, Garnishee. John Lee vs Jo,, ;It I'. 110.,re. AMOA Potts vs James Neely. Spruce Cr.& h a T. 11 . . Ca. vs W. G 11'nt,rinati, Yutalg it Co. vs,Jolan Jamison. .1113, is lirlson Click. TRAVERSE JURORS. 1:1:1:. 111 Appleby, litriner, Dublin. David Albright, miller, Porter. Henry Boyles, tanner, Penn. Samuel Bell, farmer, Shirley. Basil I.:teron, Cromwell. John Eberly, flamer, West. James Flething, do. Jackson. Thomas Fisher, merchant, Huntingdon. Samuel Garner,litriner, l'utoi. .notes Ilt,tchisom do. Bender:son. Samuel Barris, do. Penn. Archibald Hutchison, tanner 'Wurriorstuark. Evans Jones, gent., I. , 'ranklin. Witlimn Krider, farmer, IVarrioramoick. Daniel Kvper. Harmer, Walker. Thom. Locke, laborer, Springfield. John Long, uterelmnl, John 'Murphey, shoemaker, West. Willinnt Morgan, farmer, Wartiorsmark. dames Morrow' farmer, Franklin. Chas. li. Miller, tailor. Ifuntingdon. • •loseph Marlin, farmer, Porter. George McCrum, jr., former ; Harree. George W. McClain, farmer, Tod. .I, , se :McClain, Rimer, 'rod. Join, S. Oakes, farmer, Jackson. Saninel Pheasant, farmer, Porter. Andrew Smith, farmer, Union. nl,, farmer, Warriorsmark. • .. . • • rt, thriller, West. -• f,.., ••. l! .rreo. (.. •. 1 .• Vi.arriononari:. . . Call anti :• oar lrrrri~nssr;, n - • : - : . bunuo: •; • ~.a chilercs, (Nu!. • • ' : •, • - _ f .... 1. . ; 1 reFpecti%Oly • , . 11 faille. : .•. • t:iken iil c::. •.. • 1., :.•.• I; ne tl:e 14.1. I, 1,5. • Al' THE BROAD TOP DEPOT. DUNN hove it', returned from Philadelphia, and are now openiag at tiro bead 01 . the Broad 'l'op Basin n' large and Le:dant assortment of Fall & Winter Good, Con,istiaz or P3l•y Girds, Groceries, Ilard-ware, Queens-ware, Cedar-ware, Dais, boots and 14104,b. ;Wulf laic Clothing always on hand, aunt in short everything tllnt is usually I,,pt in n enuntrt• /I:leoA . r. T, 17 Sll AND PLAT kept constantly for Sale. (Thll and examine our sled: beg le pire!,, sing. elsewlaire, aiol h,(l whether we (mmt wake ii your iiiterc,t to liatr.inise us. All kinds of country pr,alttee taken in ex change liir Cap.'s at the highest niarket prices. The highest market pikes paid for all kinds of Grain. Proopt ottrnlion paid to storing and ILra•ard ing nll kin , l4 unnerannilise, produce,.:. Ovt., It) 1855. Oftl I VEVA\ A CADE3II7. rfillE WINTER SESSION uc Tuts siiiptimi, din, county, will conini.pice un tlac Is (lay of Noventher. be place is easy of access, being connected with Mt. Union on the Central lUn ro ,m, daily line of conches. The Prineipal will spare no reasonable expense and pains to make the Inmitniina unrihy of aliberal patronage. IEIIMS tititioi;, and r,um. $5O per of live 1110111113. 'natl. /1 , 111 SS to $l2 per ae,ordinv to smile, thkrterly. ~ , i111Ce• For CirCUIIII,4. rte.. a!• pal, Rev. C. W. SIIAII4`EIt, Sliirleysburg. Vtitim icti)it SALE. offer, lor ,tdo a tract or :awl Tsit twe la llendergott townAldp, Huntingdon c• quay, i“cdolcd by lands or frier Sadoite, Jolt!, and others, cotttainibg j ; .5 and one-half Acres, about 110 acres are cleared and in a gcndstate of cultivation, the balance icing welbtiathered. The itoprovetnents Ar_ are a oood LOG rj' 14 - , itut;s2, a NEW BANK BARN, WAtioN oHIrU , a CORN CRIII, Leo good ORCHARDS antta !mei-failing SPRING of water near the house. this farm is situated six miles from the town of Idnuting,don. Terms will I ins & eon in suit ',limbos,. ANDREW ALLISON. Oetnber 31. I%OTJCE. NO'T'ICE it hereby given that the partnership hcretolore e3tisting between ilia undersign ed (trading under the firm of Couch & Dunn,) is this dap• dissolved by mutual content. The Woks of said firm are in the hands of David Dunn with whom all concerned will bleaso to make immediate settlement. iILOIWE CO I.:(1 11, DAVID 1.) CNN. April to, ISMI-tf. STRIY 1100. TWO white hogs supposed to weigh two hun dred each. came to J. Nett's Mill. The owner is desired to come forward, prove Iloperty, pay chares, end take them away, otherwise they will ho ;disposed of according to law. B. J. NEFF., 0,1. 17, 1855.-41.* PII/LADELPIII.I ADVERTISEMENTS, lIIISCEL_LINEOUS ADVEUTIST3IENTS, it i,.!1 . .. .i 1:01! , Lt , •! . , *. !I „ . 11 aters,iect. limit. co., I. • ia. vo. isrr, Pkll'A'fi: SALV, CY Valuable Heal Estate s h.:Tiber offers 111;1VA:11-I:now, 1 tit Intl Property, on hue's llill, Fulton at private Sure, with all the land lalunging thereto. beiag 3.13 ACHES of patented land, Ca am, ot which is ileareil nail nailer good tlmoo. The improvTnonts are a large Frame Tavern Maud, „ sultielcat to accommodate eighty horse , .. ratittry, Corn Crib, Wagon shed and ell other necessary nut buildings, and en orchard of choke fruit---a never of water at the .loor, and , tveral ; , 0,1 ,pringA in dii.,out parts °rt . , !and. There tire alsu uu this pruperty Two et00;1 . .li,nt !loose, The above io one of the best known Tavern itnndy on the Po.ul, and the p!ace is in u Hate et' enltivatiun, and well adeptel for 1,,w- 11e al. oii'et.; 101. the Farm adjoining the 011 MM.', he at reiitles uric Itnli toile .oath of the Tavern properly, SOO of good liute.toitr limil, cleared antler fence, in a good state fif cultivai:onothi the balance well timber ed. ut: i now Tiro-Sti,ry , artitel Bun': other out buildings, a • . ' • iron, a good springclo , • t • ver failings spring, of There are also on thi , tract a gt , ..1 SAW MILL, Linie Kiln, and several excellent quarries, end as good a locution torn Tun-card ao could be desired, with plenty of hark convenient. There are oleo Thee good Tenant. Houses on this place and two other gam! barns. . - This is one or tho - best stock farm in the country, and (albs, peculiar inducements to any person who desires to raise cattle, &c. lie trill sell in quantities to suit purebasor, and any one wishing to coke a 'bargain would do well to examine the above properties beferc purchasing elsewhere. Terms made to suit purchasers. For further information apply to the subseri. ber. Oct. 10, Ibs3.—'im, TO 11,(11FINTS., A Book for Every Family in the Union, Impartial and Reliable, nEi.cliEws iiismity OF ALL. TIIEHE LIDIoUS DENOMINATIONS IN TILE UNITED STATES. T1.:4 is a large Octavoof 1,021 pp., illustra ted by nearly 200 engravings, and gives the "II istory, Doctrine, Government and Statistics" of all the sects ia thin country. It is sold ex c!u,ively by subscription, and ilk demand for increasing from every seetiou of the coin,- try. There are still a few counties unengaged in Penna., in which thorough-going men of 001 address might do a large and profitable husi ness. The terms are such 04 cannot fail to pay. For these and other particulars apply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publiphrr, yo. 15 .Sansom St., phila, DISSOLUTION, Whatever partnership which existed between the undersit,,d in the Surveying business has beets dissuiv,l by mutual consent. J. SIMPSON AFRICA, J. 1•'. RAMEY. The business will be conducted as fimerly by .1. Simpson Africa. Sept. 12, IPss.—tf. '/./6" , u6' . 1`./.;I'AIJ . J . MACHiN SHOP BL lUt MILL STOlt., rh 1J Cula, of lit-rin,thtowil Howl and New Market Street.;, on the Nurla Petinmylvania Hail Loud, Philadelphia. f • .•+!!: Op , fol. , •irr::.i: 3litelliitery. ' • , , :attd :int:t ..~i.. .. _ .. .., Ir„tt i'~~. ..,. ~ .... . ~., i' i • - 311,1. e; fr.. • i ~ • . c JohtaNtoii's lekat :Okt•:,3 (*WA- , . 1: : (:•• • : • • . • •• • ,:• :ronnt :. . • Pa. ;, • Huth lit:ster, . •‘ and Conitty : far iacltinrs for 6:11:. Canalitersburg & 1.113i0111 STAGE LINE REVIVED. undersigned aware that a suspension of the line of Stages over tie road between Chambersburg and Mt. nylon, cannot be imt disadvantageous to n large seetion to the country has, at considerable expense end trouble, made arrangements to run a line of Stages Tri-weekly between the two p , ,ints. Good Horses and eon, ibriable Stages have been placed on tiro route, driver; will suncrin r of ti.a Conehes. ' The twople desi,n, that it be maintained, the pu'llie generally dote ti.rit it will ha lor their I,cry attention necessary of the Stages trill ....• . ru •,-;tages r r:.- I Union, every Tuosility, t arriving :it . . o 0' • ; . A i''.:i' , i . V;AlN ..1.4A1ii:,..: fi . a. ;' ' .rr . .vt! ill • •••• • ! ~•: •••.- , uf Board an , 1 Vinitishe,l ro•.'r, • c. • strictly C., other at the mi.lcUt• TIIOIAS %V,thl 10, 185 '.1;11 . 1 . , ) , , , 11:16 •. • IL,late of fle:Ci . ll ~511111:1TS, laic of I.n.casier City, ETTE:ts or Adminktretion on the estate of j j Hugh Andre,re, alee'tl., haying been granted tie tottlersigned, by the Regiqer Laneas ter Comity, all perEonn haring ebtints again,t the sail estate NVIil pte,ent their ebtiona, and all pet, Ile LIR/Whig o eoirc, i , ..lebte.l :mid de• eenotl mill make payment to either or the to, dersigned Aduanniniaratori, or to James W. .Atalrems it the rite or Lanee,ter, their agent. IttIIIEIITIt. ANDIIEWS, Lower Oxford. ei.ester eta., JOHN JOHNSON, Little Britttiti Laoon,ter county, Adel'', AND Fainteellsbuivg• Stage, 1. T s 'ILL LEAvE PERI:\ 5N11.1.1, ON ti t , Montlny, Wednesday .1 Friday Alorwtngi. I:emitting will leave FANNEWSBURti uu ,ie . :,!ay, Thursday and Sal niday Mornings. with the Expr,,,. Tra;t, east Anil the murilitig, 1.1,1 the Mail tr.lin in the C0.11:111'1TE.E. MdE.CT.R lvt.A.o NE F'or the cure of 11'hittitiwellings—Curratureof t 1.., > iuu: Dyspepsia ; Neuralgia ; 'theater, ; DI.-Ouse of the kidney - s, (traria, 11rotnli, ;1..a book accompanies each machine, instructions in the application of it anti set...tutu, m;.I lot iltlo I;y IV. C.: 3. No. ~..e..11; DI; Sit. Ptt. Sep, him CLIIINISTRATOWS NOTICE. Lett,, of Administration on the estate of Thomas heal, late of the borough of Hunting don, desettaed, having keen granted to the under signed. all pees°n+ having claims against said dee'd, will present them duly authenticated. fur settlement, mitt all persons indebted to said de ceased, or the into firm of Read and Son, are re• quested to make immediate payment. .101 IN READ, Administrator. Huntingdon, Nov. 7,1855.-3 t. JAMES SPUOAT, H, ROMAN, Ifaa just openc,i A GU ASSORTMEMI READY-MADE CLOTHING. coy tsrtsu OP ALL KINDS or taATt.;, vAlvra, Anil (.:ler article:. of ,entlenzen'a wear. (October 1, 1858. COUNTRY DEALERS CAN NV.II.II,HALE, AS CHEAP AS IN THE CITY, AT ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. • OVERCOATS, AU kinds, elwaper than elsewhere, at IL ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. 'IIISCELLINEN'S IDVERTISEMENTE. FALL&WINTER GOODS ANDITA.::•:'2II 'z.ri\A“ , f(o . 26 Have just received from Philadelphia. the ler . gest end finest assortment of Dry Goods ever of fered to the citizens of this place, end surround ing country ; such as Merinos, Alpacas; Muslin de Lanes, Parematte Cloth, Persian Cloth, black and Colored Siike and every variety of Dress t Goode and Trimmings. Also, Cloths, Cassius , ers, Wont:go, 6c., &c. Call and See one of the finest ...mums of Trimmings brat to the piece ; Colloro, I.7ndersleeveo, Chi ; mazett,, Gloves of every variety, Ladies' Scarfs end too hest ii,sormmt of Sinovls ever offered: Ar, ; of t finu.42 Carpet and Oil Cloth . HARDWAR23, QUEENSWALILZI, • •••ription , mai rtt low, prices than ••: ,•. 'toy other hoo4, .:.~.. 10.1 I'lnst4.l. they itre it little up, we will try and sell tis the lowest. & CAPS, BOOTS sa, sums, !., largest and best a ;sornnent ever °dared, and inner W WARM, dc.c. 119 Are usually • • , . • •. t and see before sec cau't sat. Me best assortment of Carpet and Oil Cloth , I just received nud for sal, by J. &W. Eluxton.. i_ he handsomest I,sortment of De lanes, Per siati Cloth, Larilla Cloth, Ilerage do Lanes, Parnmette Cloth, and all wool Merinoes, all wool etc lane , , of the best styles and selected with the care, tier sale by J. W. SAXTON. xcbs ssortml Prints jaA received and 500 for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. be [e greatest variety of Boots and Shoes ever otlered tar sale by J. &W. SAXTON. 1 . wiles' Collars, Under:At:eves, Chintazetts, and I,(Auves, Trimmings, ut J. &. fit•'. Saxton, A. j, t i g. , , a lt: v ti n l i o i t et o s f , 1 1 , 1;tts (; ,, a alto Silk A great variety of Belts, Head Dresses, Brace lets, Trimmings, &e., by J. & W. Saxton. The handsomest assortTnt of Dross Silks, ust leo• • d and fur sokvJ.W.saxu \ beautiful assortment el velvet, silk and woe ysted ve,:tings, by .1. W. sArroN. , Aler's Ague Powders, just reed and for sale J. SAXTON. Che best lot qf =u•;t ns Brosha, Cassi- I mer, Bay 16 In to and Native shawls, just recd and fur sale by .1.::, W. SAXTON. w. sANTO.: , .; will take till kinds of coun t, try produce in exchange for goods at their .tore, west corner of ruhlie Square. • utment of Gum Belts just rec'd . : W. SA XTON. you want to buy good Cheap Goods,. CALL AT Jui!: ....,. U. P. ,ittst rvt,ivea from Philadel- Vm arty of AND VVI;ATTER GOODX, ul the 1)re ,. 3 Goods, . ez,l (ie.:fence, such Freteeh Me : .. ‘lpaeoa, Perannati Cloth, Persian Cloth ''Lde !sins, I/ebnize, , Die's Silks, end Ch.ths, Vestit.g3, : 1 • 1 rinnoiegs, dress cs, Alit's, Ni,eiette, y, Wpolen Tablo ; ; . and LLE. , Ginghains, Groceries ofall hinds, Hats tic Caps, Boots, and Shoos, Oil Cloths, ri 3 IiDWALJEJ, QUMENZWARE littekeN, Tubs. 13aFkett., end tall goods usually ket,t in a country Store.. 141 y old custliter,, and as many new one,' as c:ln crowd in are respeetnilly requested to (iota, aw.l my goods All kin,k of COllllll'Y produee taken in ex- for goods, at tile highest market prices, October 1, 1855. L12D2 1 .0.1. SHADE CAP, HUNT. CO. TIM present session of thii Institution will close Ott Wednesday, fetcher dd. The ex hibition will take place in the evening. The ex amination the week preview=. These exercises the public generally arc invited to attend. The next ges4.l will commence the last Wednesday of October. The institution is located at Shade Gat., a quiet and retired place, free from all temptation to vice, Wien.; or dissipation. The location is a healthy one, being situated among the muuntains. It is entirely free from the nui sances so common along our rivers and so destruc tive to health, The cow, of instruction is such as has been found by experience most suitalde for expanding and d rckping the powers of the mind. The student is curly taught to rely upon himself, to think, to rNtson, and investigate the different subjects which arc brought him. The govern ment is strict but mild, only requiring what in for the student's highest good. Around him is thrown, as far us practicable, the restraints and comfutts of a well regulated Christian home. Sil:l4le (hip, is sits Bird 17 miles from the Haunt Union station of the Pennsylvartia Renal Road, Iron) which place there will be a lino of stakes. E ?‘i S—sso per session of five months, this includes tuition, room-rent and board. Wash ing, light and fuel extra. For further particu lars address MACHINES, W. 11. WOODS, Principal- Shade Gap, Sept. 20, 1055.-3 m. LETTERS testatuentary ou the estate of Elizabeth Parsons, late of Tell towwnship, dee'cl. having been granted to the undersigned all pe . rsons having claims against the estate will present the same duly authenticated, and all yrs..; knowing themselves indebted will make, payment to ALEXANDER MAGEE, Tell tu Oct. 10. I &57,--ot. Executor. :11. W. l'iliOllPSON, LATT, c . „ NER PEA'N'A. DAVENPORT, lOWA. Attends to buying, st.iling and locating Lauda 1:11.1 lantl warrants, pups LUX., loans Money on Real 1•:q ate security,on commission, examines anti makes abstructs of title, &c. Any business iturnstod, will be attended to promptly and with lieflTT to lion. Geo. Taylor and Members at the liar at Illattitigtlan- Jlay 1111., 13:5-limo. i Dr. John MaPtah:Joh, . I tiers Lie profcssionol services to the citizens co , tictitingdun and viciii:ty. Wive, Mr. Hilda ! rantre, between the Exchange and Jackton'n Hotel. Huntingdon, Aug. 29, 1852, Now Is the time to purchase CARPETS, "&c, 'est :I , s:A Uncut lo town azto CERIES, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.