Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 14, 1855, Image 2

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    11i~~xl~~~,0'IY ~A~IC~I~~Z.
Wednesday Morning, Novemberl4, 1855,
Small Pox.
The Small Pox has made its appearance in
Hollidaysburg. Wo understand from the Re.
gieter that "it has spread through carelessness
beyond the limits to which it might have been
confined." The Register thinksstrangers need
not entertain any fears about contracting the
disease by visiting the tom].
The Ohio Election.
The Ohio State Journal contains the full of•
ficial returns of the late election. The total
stands as follows
Chase's minority on the whole vote,
The Vote in Kanzas.
The following is the result of the election
lately held in Kan.. ) according to the papers
of that territory :
Total number of votes east for Reeder, 2864
Total number do. do. Whitfield, 2462.
The Kansas Herald remarking on this says,
by examining the above returns it will be ob
served that the principal vote of the pro-slave.
ry party is polled at ten precincts, all of which
places, save Leavenworth, are sparsely settled.
These ten precincts poll 1657 votes, two-thirds
of the entire pro•slavery strength. If this vote
was thoroughly purged—as it will be before a
Congressional committee—it would lie found
that less than 1000 votes of actual residents of
Kansas were polled for Whitfield.
Impeachment of judge Kane.
We see stated that petitions are in circulu•
tiou in Maine. Illinois and other States, to Con.
gross, praying that Judge Kane of Philadelphia
may be impeached at the bar of the Unit3d
States Senate, for misconduct in office, "in
surping a jurisdiction properly belonging to the
Courts of Pennsylvania, and committing, to
prison P.m, ore Williamson, a citizen of Penn. •
sylvania, without authority and in violation of
his rights as a citizen of Pennsylvania, and of
these United States."
We aserved by a telegraphic despatch, that
Judge Kane was at 'Washington a few days ago,
and had a long interview with the President.—
The Judge probably uhticipates some trouble
ahead, and ilesii4s to secure the backing of the
President and the administration,
The British Naval Movement.
We !earn from the Pittsburg Journal that att
English gentleman in that City has r,•
oeived by the last steamer from England a
ter from a distingnished admiral in the Brit:
Navy, which, under date of October 1.9, sar,
`•For what reasons I know not, several ship
of the Baltic fleet ant ordered to Bermuda
Jamaica, which looks 'al, wcnth, •
the westward. It may 1,, however, nals
- crews in good health 'till the coming 4 .
This corroborates the statements we pultF.:.
iu another column, and at the same time sl,:w
how it is regarded in the British navy. The,,i
-gestllm that it is to I,ovp the crews in
hutalth unt.l the coining spring, is said to be the
explanation, given by authority, to the govern-
merit at Washington. Lisbon is said - to be the
usual rendezvous for that purpose, but as
portant political purposes may be afoot in the
Nest Indies, the health of the squadron serves
well as an excuse for the present movement. I
Postal Mismanagement.
We cite the following, as one among many
of the sad effects of post office mismanage
moot, under the present Jesuistical rule of J.
Ca..ipbell, whose only standard of &nest he
has for In2usurin a man for office, is—is he a
g .ad Catholic ? We venture to say that the
post offie , der vtment of country was nev
er so w"fully mismanaged, as under the super
vision of Jimmy Campbell at the present tine.
The Boston Post, in noticing a terrible in
stance of suffering at St. Louis, caused by Post
Office mismanagement or robbery, says a man
who went thence to Te:sas, to return immedi
ately, found some profitable business which
would detain him several months and therefore
wrote to his wife, inclosing $l5O for her. The
letter never reached her, and being with her
five children turned out of her home for non
payment of rent, and driven to despair by the
idea that her husband had deserted her, she
drowned herself and youngest child in the Mis
sissippi. The unhappy father and husband re
ceiving no answer to his letter, returned to St.
Louis to find himself a widower, and his chil
dren supported by public charity. The Post
master who stole that $l5O will hitve a fearful
account to settle with a department, the Head
of which it is impoasible to cheat or deceive.
The Plan of the Allies.
From the latest intelligencef;;the seat of
war, it is evident that the Allies intend on the
side of Eupatoria to threaten the rear of the
Russians and cut off their communications,
while they menace their left at Aitodor. Their I
movements show that these operations are cots.
bined in the same plan, while it is equally evi
dent that Gortschakoff intends to keep his corn.
munieations open with Perekop. Nur will he
remain long contented to see the Allies gather. ,
ing forces in the rear of his position. The in-
evitable consequence is there must be a fierce I
and sanguinary struggle on the heights, from
which, or either side ho can operate to great ad
vantage. If ho worn to dispatch a detachment
of eighty thousand to Eupatotia, it would be a
bold stroke and disastrous to the Allies. And
if such movement wore made with celerity, it
would greatly peril the condition of the Allies
at that point. The billigerent powers will
scarcely remain nntisfied in their present three.
toning attitudes ,ithnnt a collision. Reinforce.
°Rents are continually arriving and the Allies
are full of courage, and anxious to effect some
further change in the condition of things at Se.
bastopel. We shall soon have further intelli
vine in re lad to their MOTeMellti.
A Battle with Pirates in China.
We neglected to notice last week that an en•
gagement had taken place on the 4th of An•
ted States stenm-frigate Powbatan and her Bri
tish Majesty's steam•aloop Rattler, aud a large
fleet of piratical junks which had for Mlle time
previously infested the neighboring waters and
committed extensive depredations on commerce
The Powhatan's boat expedition was in com
mand of senior Lt. R. B. Pegram ; that of the
Rattler was commanded by Commander W. A.
Fellows. The tight was severe, and ceded in a
j complete ruute of the pirate. Captain Fellows
having engaged a large war junk with his gig's
craw and live musketeers, Lieut. Rolando cause
to his assistance, and captured the junk by boar
! ding her, after encountering a hand to hand re
! sistance. Immediately after the capture she
was blown up by one of the piratical crew, who
fighting courageously, was forced below, and is
supposed in his despo Mimi to have tired a train
communicating with the magazine. The ef
fects were tnost disastrous, capsizing the Rat
tler's' gig, blowing Capt.:Fellows overboard, to
gether with Lieut. Rolando and it number of the
Powhatan's men, killing two and and severely
wending others, one of whom has since died.
Private Adamson, of the marines, Who fought
gallantly during the day, was shot severely in
the groin, after being one of the first to ::;ain
the enemy's deck. Arany instances of individ•
ual gallantry and daring arc detailed in the re
port, and great praise is given to all who parti
cipated in the engagement.
During the action, ten war junks, men Ming
on an average sixteen or eighteen gulls of from
six to sixty-eight pounders, every burnt, blown
up and destroyed. Six junks and larch,as were
recaptured, one of which, being aground, was
burnt. The others were placed under coevoy
of the Eaglet, a steam tender. Statues smal
ler junks made their escape. The exact nun•
her of pirates killed; wounded, and drowned
during the enga;mment is not known, bet their
loss is estimated at between five and six hilted
ed. The decks were covered with the bodies
of the slain, and the Water was filled with the
drowning men. The force of the Pirates atm
minted to about fifteen hundred turn. This of
occurred on the coast of China, about the
beginning of August.
The Case of Paeimore
,On Saturday morning Passmo:',• . ,ts. • s
appeared is the United States i i,
in Philadelphia, accompanied by Me ,, ,
dith, Gilpin and Hopper, his ecum. , :. aml of
fered a petition, in which h. , . .• -. 1
lingness to purge himself of ft, em.temi
the Wheeler slave ease, for which he was im
prisoned in July last. Judge Kane received
the petition, granted the prayer net required
Williamson to attires to what he had to say in
reply to the interrogatories of the court. Car.
tabu interrogatories were then propounded to
him by Mr. Vandyke, the District Attorney,
to which he replied
"I did not seek to obey the writ by producittL:
mentioned before the eon
the p e rsona
e teetsrelnlta there indnot, ,
at the time of the , 1,1 •
the writ, the power ot-er, the ett , tod . ,'
..f them, and therefdra it wet •
• : • . ; hear.' • •". f lt
' • • Friday, Lk: • :,
. L ' i :hoot 9 -• L r. — • , •t •
. • :. .
,• of nr•L L have t; .
• ,11)11 Or power over , • •
Lno, n where they were except i•ou; ••
r,inor or the newipper reports' . in :
their public appearance in the c . , , t;
Some discussion arose between the District
Attorney and the counsel oral, Williamson.—
Mr. Vandyke contended that the reply of the
defendant was evasive and contradictory. 'lie
Judge said she difficulty, he thought, :, •
easily overcome by amending the answer, tail
at the sugAtion of the Court it was amended
in the following manlier;
'I did not so seek to obey the writ by produ
cing the persons in the writ mentioned before
this court. 1 did not seek because I verily be-
Howl that it was entirely impossible fur me to
produce the said persons agreeably to the com
mand of the court.
This answer was then accepted by the court
and ordered to be Sled.
Judge Kane then remarked that the District
Attorney had been invited to aid the court in
this case, but that he would bear in mind that
his relation to Mr. Wheeler was now suspend
ed. This was only an inquiry as to what injury
had been dune the process of the court.
Mr. Vandyke said that he was aware of the
position he occupied.
Judge Kane then said—'‘The contempt is
now regarded as purged, and the party is now
released from custody. lie is now reinstated
to the position he occupied before the contempt
Was committed. Mr. Williamson is now befom
me on the return of the writ."
Mr. Vandyke then arose and addressed the
court, stating that a none pros. had been enter.
ed in the case in this court, but that lie had, on
behalf of Mr. Wheeler, entered a suit for dam•
ages in the U. S. Circuit Court. Judge Katie
thereupoti discharged Williamson from custo
dy. lie was immediately surrounded and
heartily congratulated by his friends. lie is
said to look exceedingly e•elt.
Think before Acting.
The worst thing a man can do is to act with.
out reflection. Your hasty person is generally
a fool. He is always in hut water himself, or
plunging, his friends in for Mtn ; he cannot be
trued ; with the best intentions often be never
theless does wrong. You might as well throw
lots as take his advice for his decision is nev
er worth the breath expended in giving it.
_ _ .
If a nine looks back over his life, he will
generally discover that, hie errors have arisen
from a want of reflection. He has entered in•
to a partnership, without properly considering
the character of his associate, the capital re•
coked, or the fitness of the company for the
work to be done. He has purchased a farm
without duly examining the soil, its vicinity to
market or the amount of money required fur
necessary repairs. He has begun a business
without measuring his means to the end. He
has married a wife in a sudden whim, without
studying her disposition or acquirements. He
has embarked iu a speculation, without fully
counting the cat'. In short, whatever has tent.
ed out ill will usually be traceable to an owls
sion on his part to proper reflection.
Municipalities, commonwealths and nations
are as liable to involve themselves in diflicul.,
ties as individuals ; and, therefore, reflection is
as indispensable to them, before acting, as to
private persons. It is easy to embark in
provements, and even pay for them in loans ;
but when pay day comes, it is sometimes hard
to meet the creditor ; but even many a corps•
ration wishes it had thought more salon sly be-
Ibre it was too late. It is not difficult to plunge
a nation into war ; but it is an Herculean task
often to bring about a pence.
Young men, when starting life, especially in
this "flint" sge, are too apt to,ahn for a char
acter of doing things quickly. They forget
that, unless things are well done, or a project
well•censidered, their quickness is niers apps.
rent than real. Davy Crockett said a thing as
wise as the wisest of Bacon's aphorisms, when
he gave the honest advice, "Be sure peters righl
then go ahead."
Post Office Depredations.
For some time past; says the Cincinnati
Times; there have been complaints made by
the Post Oilier Department at Washington, of
the large number of:otters, with money in them
lost in transportation through Ohio, and which
is said to exceed that of any other State. In
consequence of these complaints, the U. S.
Marshal has been unremitting in his efforts to
ferret out and bring to justice these depreda
tors; in which, with the assistance of Messrs.
W. J. Drown and 'l'. P. Shelcross, the mail
agents, he has been so far successful us to ar
rest within the past five months no less than
eleven postmasters, charged with this system
of peculation, all of whom have been examined
before the U. S. Commissioner, and several
add to hail to stand their trial at the October
term of the li. S. District Court.
This is a pretty state of things. Eleven
postmasters detected and arnsted robbing
the mail, in one State, in the Union, in the
short space of five months. But could anything
else be e.speeted, when the Jesuit Campbell has
been busy for two years past, hunting out the
holiest American postmasters, and appointing
in their stead red-nneed,d, ignorant Irishmen?
This is bet a begi, . sit the postmasters
who suppress Aie , ..rieei newspapers were ar
rested tel tried, see think there would be few
who wonld escape punishment.
liNeullawat: Pacts alai Fancies,
Flour for Sale.,
bair,:s of iluar fur sale. Apply at this
We listened to a .7ellent discourse, some
weeks since delivered by thp truly eloquent
:!ev. 0. 0. McClean, on the folly.of cAccining
iiiing•s worldly higher than those of heaven.—
It led us to think how generally is it the case
trheu the pulse heats high, and we are flushed
‘•::;11 youth and health and vigor; when all fro,,s
ly and sueeess seems almost to
withes—that we feel *not the
of Ca, voimolatirnis of when
,:une t'en..rus ertriend6 forsake I, •
or sickness, or old age coma:
it is that the superiority of tlt •
• religion is established over the •
lion and snotty, which are ever a!, 1. , It
Iv; wheu We are in want of aid.—
lere is ,:reely a more mciancl.,tt sigld t , ,
•let than th.n . .‘f on 20.
ti FONDLTN , .-0, :
one of our •• • r,torniug to 11:s home.
et 0 t•t ' !:. V Len ras,init the
•, „ , ;'
he Itea,d rather ..
~ • .
. .
, . .
. .
, •
- •
tutu, relyi.. • •,':red
LI, , 11,. • ',fleet that hi;
. :: • , Lat his redemption drawetb
•: I • and his fie
; himself on
. • : I at the very en-
Lee ut 1.. ... '.allow of death, he
can lift up a, is and feeble, yet
oceadonally ; ; hope, nod con
fidently loold :word to the near posse,ion
of his hearculy l:ilirilance, even to those joys
which ear hath not heard, neither hash it enter.
el into the mind of can to conceive.
More about that "Report."
Why it was that the Huntingdon Globe utter.
ed that contemptible falsehood, when it assert.
ed we had left out a portion of the carriage
committee's report, we cannot tell, unless it
was to quiet the cravings of its inborn Loco.
foco propensity ; or, perhaps the pocketbook
of a certain gentleman in town, could explain
the mutter at once, and satisfactorily. We feel
called up fn to "make a note on" this matter.
The Globe asserted we had "taken the liberty to
strike out a portion of the mechanical entrain.
lug committee's report." Any person who will
go to the trouble ul examining, will find this
to be a malignant lie. Will any gentleman of
that committee say we did not publish every
syllable of their report '1 The conduct of the
Globe in willfully lying to array the mechanic:,
of this county against us, if it could, shows the
musturd.meed principles of its editors in no ve
ry enviable light.
Note as to whether Mr. Boat's carriages were
superior to Mr. De Armies we leave the public
to judge ; we don't know nor care, neither do
we wish to know. But that is not the question.
We spoke of De Armies carriages particular.
ly, because we conscientiously considered theta
to be superior to any oflllekixd ou exhibition,
and we presume he had an equal tight although
not a citizen of the county, to a notice from
us. Mr. Boat's carriages we noticed, and they
Were very creditably constructed, and they very
justly drew a premium, but Mr.. Do Armies
manufacture were equally handsome. We pre
sume we are not compelled to limit our remarks
and confine our encomiums to special manta•
fbcturers disregarding honest worth in rt'l ,th•
era. We give place to an extract from a com
munication from Mr. De A. to a Uol. paper.
"Why it is that the Globe persists in adding
insult trsinjury, I cannot understand. Is their
issue of last week they try to make the impres.
slot, on the minds of their readers that the
Journal is opposed to their own mechanics,
cause, forsooth, the editors take a favorable no•
Lice of a Blair county mechanic's work," etc.
Mr. DeArtnit uortainly any wonder, but the
"reason why" is very apparent—tt dislomestat
tempt, by willful fabrication, to injure his neigh.
bees business. Ohl Shame where is thy hlush!
llxtrnn STATUS i<1.1,,, r..-Phis valuable
book fur November has been received, and it
is very interesting. Only $1 n year. .
PeTtasoo's MAnAZ I N excellent meg..
azine published for only $2 a year, in advance,
comes to us for December, exce!lent almost be
yond a description. It is a magnificent month
ly, and we recommend it to public favor.
Durrowes, and published at Lancaster, at $1
per year in advance, is a book which will be of
real advantage to every one. Send for it.
Toe INVENTOlL—Published fur $1 a year by
Quimby, Haskell & Co., New York. Inven
tors, PatontceS, and others, who are interested
in the progress of the useful arts, are respect.
fully and earnestly requested to give this publi.
cation their influence and favor.
a new work, published by Calkins &Co., N. Y.,
at 1$ a year in advance. It is a very neat and
interesting little work.
Too EVENTFUL. NIGHTS. —A work with this
caption has been tbrwarded Us. It has for its
object the proving of the fallibility of Spiritu
alism. It is a welbwritteu argument, and will
repay a perusal.
I. 0. of G. T,
On Monday evening last, the sth inst., at a
meeting of the 1. 0. of G. T. of Juniata Lodge
itt this borough, the following named inembers
were duly installed as officers for the ensuing
term :
W. C. T. M. F. Campbell.
W. Y. T. C. Cunningham.
W. C. J. Maguire.
W. S. J. W. Matters.
W. A. S. C. T. Benedict.
W. F. S. A. Owen.
W. D. M. H. E. Saxton.
W. T. G. M. Hildebrand.
W. 0. 0. Wm. A. Campbell.
W. It. H. S. H. N. Snyder.
W. 1.. H.S. N. Benedict.
W. M. B. B. Brown.
The mighty, intellectual giant, who presides
over the destinies of the Blair County Whig,
Will consider us obligated fur his very flattering
notice. We never had much Ikith in the gal
lant Major, however ; he always reminded us
of Rory O'More's dreaftn—"goes by centbrary,
you knoW." The Major has wofully conducted
himself; since he forsook first principles. His
illustrations last week concerning our Fair, were
exquisite, and peculiarly sarcastic, but we had
an idea they lacked one essential to render them
perfect--the bust of n Dutch Organ Grinder.
Such an illustration would have been apprecia
ted by the people of Huntingdon. 'Host take'
Sappy ?
The ITuntincilun County Temperance League
meet ut the Court Hume, on Wednesday
evening, at the riiTing or the bell, when int.
purtunt business is to be trauEnct,d,
. t I
• •,,,;
...~. .~
old women say—and they ought to Ic
Anticipated Negro Jnstn•rerlion in Baton
lioage.—A correspondent of the New Orleans
Delta, writing from Baton Rouge on the 17th
of October, says ; "Lost night our usually quiet
city was thrown into a state of great excitement
by current rumors intended rising of the
negroes of this place, and the plantations in the
vicinity. , Anonymous letters were received by
the editors of the Advocate, and by the Mayor,
purporting to give information of a welhor:ut.
nisei] plan by the negroes to assemble during
the night, take possession of the U. S. Arsenal
toil the Branch Bank, nod being thus provided
with money nod material, to corn ineneu n eau:-
pulpn against the whitii population. The re.
port spread like wildfire, and our citizen s turn.
ed out in large numbers, armed to the teeth,
and the streets and the suburbs were patrolled
till night. Nothing transpired however to con•
firm the rumor."
A ll2oer to some Purpose.—The fortune left
by the late Boron filet rich, of Vienna, to his
grand-son, Prince Sulkowski, amounts to eigh
teen millions of Series, ($1,000,000.) There
were found in the cellar 22 brigs, each contain•
ing 1000 ducats in gold, and in different chests
securities out of date and lost for a sum of ISO,.
000 florins. This practice of hoarding gold is
said to be very common iu Austria, where the
currency it greatly depreciated.
Genera! Cameron, it is stated by the
needing Journal, is exerting all his political
finesse in the &Tort to procure the election of
Coifed States Senator, next winter. The indi
cations are, that the General will cause the
sham Democracy, in the next Legislature, quite
as much trouble as he did the Americans last
-- - .
Pirrseutto Idonxixo atmAtm.—We earnest.
ly recommend this paper to those of our rea•
ders who desire a good daily paper from Pius.
burg. It is published at $3 a year, and a bet.
ter paper is not published in chat city. Call
and examine a specimen number at this office,
and we feel satified that you will subscribe for
idrst.—The Globe asserted that no one had
applied fur that forged circular. We publish.
ed a letter Irom Jlr. Read, since which time it
Las been mum. Surely the Globe man is not
"the dperrit of ajustlel. made peilih."
Toe OPENINCL—The OXCUrfiioll over the road
on Thursday last, was a very pleasant ono, and
everything passed off well, especially the origi•
out packages brought from Phila., or rather
we should say the contents or the same.
Interesting News of the Week.
Railroad Conspirators Arrested.
Our readers will remember that 011 the 9th
of Juno last, II serious occident occurred by the
placing of obstructions on the railroad traok,
near Stoughton. Governor Partstow very
rightfully °Wired a reword of $5OO, td which
the Superintendent of t h e road added $lOOO
more, Inc the arrest of the conspirators. Ofli.
eye Beck, Chief of the Police of Milwaukee,
and an officer from Chicago, placed themselves
about the train on the watch for the conspire.
t ore. They went to live in the neighborhood
hiered out by days' work; slept with them and
ate with them.
"Patient search and vigils long"
the officers at length discovered, no they thought
indications of a renewal of the attempt for the
destruction of tho train last evening. So they
stationed themselves Ly the road, secreted in
the gross. The attempt was made within about
five.yards of where Mr. Beck lay.,The depre
dators were five in number. Tey first at•
tempted to pry up the rail. This they failed
to di). They then brought a log from a short
distance, and placed - it directly across the
track. They were in perfect view of officer
Beck during the whole operation, and he re•
cognized each of the individuals engaged in it
as living in the settlement where he had been
Aftrr the log was placed on the track, n pad.
estrian passed along the track and saw it there.
He stopped and looked at it; looked around
and passed on without removing it. HO woo
also arrested as an accessory, but explains his
conduct by saying that he saw two guns polo•
ted nt him threateningly, in ease he attempted
to remove the obstructions.
Officer Beck and his companion, after wit
nessing the operations of the destructionists,
left n signal fur the train to stop. They then
proceeded to Stoughton, where they procured
the assistance of John Van Natter, and tinder
Sheriff Weleh, with whom they visited the set
tlement where the detected scoundrels lived nod
arrested them. There W. little or no rests.
tance made. The prisoners were conveyed
over to the track, pat on hoard the 'evening
train which awaited them, and the whole l o wly
was brought to town.
By this net, our whole community has re
ceived a sense of relief. The Warm,us gang
has rendered unsafe all travel over the road for
the past nine months. They are now arrested,
and the safety of the pnetengers on the mad is
fully established.—Madison I is) Dem.
Canal Appointments.
llsnaisucao, Nov. B.—no canal Board
met to-day for the purpose of making the an
nual appointments of officers upon the Public
Works. The listed sat with closed doors, and
it being the first time that has heart done, it
has naturally caused great dissatisfaction among.
the applicants, who are very numerous. Tile
following ore the appointments made to-day.
Superinteacknts of Motive li)wer.—On the
Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad, .1. B.
ker; on the Allegheny Portage Railroad,, W.
111. Calahan.
Supervisom—EaFtern Division, Kr. Forster;
Delaware Division, D. Evans ; Susquehanna
Division, J. Diffenbaeb; Duncan's Island 13'ge,
C, 11. Zeigler; Portsmouth Outlet Luc:;,
Ireig4masters.—At Philaievaa,
Simpson ; nt Lancaster, B. Ring.
Cnym ht,ppplor.q.—At Bristol, D. Willartla ;
at Columbia, J. Mktg, j L. N. Branch. IV.
Senreh fut. the West Breach, J. 13. ti, A; , ••
;T. 7' . ..ioninr, -..•
uS lt.
. • . , .
' •
. .
t is , • : !• I r..-•
edele ~ e ,tbsteele:,•
ally co, r ,ated . axttact
the new , , v.og.) 10.
“The,PmeW,ful, ,e 1. Captain Massey, is conic
red to ramaiett ; and the Cornwallis, 00, Capt. •
Wellesley; Peenbrbk,, 61, Camptain Seymour,
(screws) and Rosamond, 00 puddle, Cowman-'!
der Crofton, are to go to Bermuda. It i . , rue
more,' that this movement is in consequence of
the American Government havirg replied to
some communication made to them by the
ttsh government, on the subject met Cubit in a
tone insulting to this country in the highest
possible degree. The Amerienn government
bids the English government to beware what
they are about ; tells thein tint England has its
hands full already ;and that in defiance of
England's interference with them they will do
what they please to Cuba. The Powerful goes
first for Lisbon before starting for Jamaica.—
The Powerful tethen seepernumerarias fee the
Neptune and the St. neorge, three deckers, nt
"dike, and also for the squadron in the West
'lndia station. 'll.ese too teamed ships,
new that the. Neapolitnn business is st ttled, are
also expected to go to the North American sta.
station so that a tierce will he assembled that
will he more than sullicient to defend the honor
of England and the interests of her colonies.
Dret.on.t BLE Accinrax.r.—..We learn from
the C,Jumbus (Ohio) Journal that . it sad acci
e,•l. a. occurred n few days non in the town of
. it. that county. It appears that Charles
a buy :about fifteen years of age, took
hi, .;:•a not into the yard Gar the purpose of
kihiug a chicken. Not Awn int; his another,
who was on the other side of the fence hang
ing up clothes on a line, he timed—the ball kil
led the chicken, and glancing upwards, it struck
her on the head and killed her almost instant.
The boy, totally unaware of the dreadful ca•
lamity, picked up the chicken awl carried it
into the house, when one author children hap
petted to use pits Higgins laying upon the
ground, with blood upon her head, screamed
for assistance. The unfortunate woman was
carried into the house, a physician was sent
fee, and upon making examination the cause
alter death was ascertained. Mrs. Higgins
was a widow lady about Oki years of age, and
leaves a family of seven children.
the United Staten District Court,in New York,
Jos. Wagner, convicted of enlisling men for
the )31100 service, was • brought up for sent.
ewe. Tl.e anden (ingersol) said lie would
an example of I ins in order to deter others from
a similar coinste, whielt might ernbruil us with
the present belligerent powers of Europe. The
Court then sentenced the prisoner to be inspri•
soiled two yeats, and pay a fine of $lOO. Wag.
air was arrested in Boston but was sentto Now
York,the ofknce having been committed there.
Tbe Dublin Hospital Gazette suites that discs,
&eel teeth leave been rendered insensible to pain
by a cement composed of Canada balsam and
slacked lime, which is to no inserted in the leol•
lose of a tootle like a pill. It is stated that tech
pills afford immediate relief in all tooth-aches
but chronic cases of inflammation. This rem
edy for toothache is simple, solo, end can nazi.
ly he tried by any person,
Prcodcid—The Ghog fever.
Quark). Sedsl . ollB—nit much busineas going
on in Court.
In Elast.—The Brass Band has beeu rejuve•
rated wiain. Hope it will stick together.
A Good Egg.—Bowman of the Alleghenian
paid us a visit last week. He's turns punt.
frar We have been informed that the small
pox has made its appearance in Alexandria.
Re.Appoided—Our young friend Tom Jack•
son as Collector of Tolls at this port. Good.
In Town—The lady 7 who thinks all mecha•
sties vulgar l Her father woo a rope-stretcher.
We' The term of naturalization in Canada,
has been reduced from seven to lluee years'
WY'We understand that a distiller is to be ir.•
formed on for breaking the new liquor law ; in
this county. Right.
On Dil—That the young 'un found on the
Hill belongs to the aristocrat who !'hates the
sight of a mechanic."
jrg Look out fur counterfeit half dollars.—
They are in circulation in New York, and may
get into our vicinity very soon.
Miserable—The Weather. Can't the Clerk.
of the Weather give us a sight of Old Sol.?—
Haven't seen him for a fortnight.
fe-The First Presbytmian Chun& of Nett
go has been sold to Mr. Hugh Maher for $65;
000. It is to be turned into n theatre.
ner When Socrates was asked why he had
built fur himself re small n house—'Small as
it is," he replied, "I wish I could fill it with
tal - -"Let's take a horn," is a phrase of fro•
quent utterance. The blast of that horn may
be the signal for the porter to open the gate of
4 rAt Davenport, recently, when some lots
were to be sold at auction to pay the taxes;
the sale was by the direction of the authorities,
opened with prayer.
&arldunchsay, a men who goof to church
to chew tobacco and spit on the floor, ought to
he taken by the head and heels and fKrubbcd
upon the soiled spot until it is may clean.
t.ff.X . Vre hare at length a full report of the
dead and wounded by othe late no fel disaster
on the St. Louis Pacific Railway ;_aptl the to
tals are, dead 30, wounded 70, or 100 in ail.
Wig -. A malignant baby•hunting correspon•
dent of the London Charivari, writes that lin
will subscribe ten guineas to a imby show, i•'
they will thrown all the unsuccessful eaudidate ,
for premiums.
SLhuouover, of Slass. , O•
old, has peen sent to the Stag prison the to;
years, for I•uruiug two or three barnsheongini,
to Lit n. The old bar:Warner exults in
• : t„, I; reeertling to
•'• .•••:w General Cushing and ila•
• t. 1.. ',_,at allowed to Lieutenant Get,
trill anu.,ant to between
~•1 I t,OOO.
Uder, a lad lit yearn of ag,r,
:united a flaqiitaff, in Nantucket, 127
t , I,t, "Ahittning” the 11,t 29 INA while
t', : • .. •-• I.) tuwd C ent up for
ainl.3i, t'.:ritied into t,vo
,•••,11,C,•`,. • I . returns:
!,. Niellolson, A
;ive ti;ro
,~~ ~ ~ ~ •; riC
A v Atl.J.igh4
• people ought not to i.rll
; „,. :.! ,1 been
the `';' .. !.... are not
made "it ,; ."
Moms! 1 be recollected by our
readers that some mouths nso an eliort was
started by an association of patriotic ladies for
nising fends to purchase thepeoperty of Mount
Vernon. The Inquirer states that between
$60,000 and $70,000 of the purchase money
has already beets collected.
ksiir. On the 17th inst., a public celebration
took place in New Orleans for the fall of So
bastopol. A 're Drum was chanted at the Ca
thedral, and a salute of three hundred guns
red. The celebration seas, however; . confined
to the ll' tun ch past of the WWII, all the rest cc
• fusing to participate, nail the shipping its port
refusing to hoist their flags.
V:.j'''flianksgiving Jay occurs on the 13th
inst. in Maryland arid Virginia ; on the 22d
lust, in Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois,
lows, Maine, nod Delaware, and on the 29th
inst. iu New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Con
neetieut, Rhode Island, New York, Missouri,
Wisconsin, Michigan and Texas.
A Smart Old Ludy.—Mrs. Lydia Howley,
widow of the late Joseph Howley, who was one
of thmfirst settlers in the town of Hat:land,
celebrated her 7011, birthday, by splinting nine
skeins of yarn, and would has, finished the
tenth had not her wheel broken. Six skeins
we believe is a common day's work. She is
as smart and active as she was fifty years ago.
fiarSome unknown individual, having beets
bantered to produce a rhyme to' the word
"month," a result declared impossible, perpe
trated the following :.
''They caught the soldier in Broadway—
(lleeetniier was the month)
He saw his pistol thrown away,
And also saw his gun th—
rown away."
Not so Rich as %tpposect.—A statement in
the papers makes the Rothschilds worth $7OO,
000,000 in money capital and Ri100,000,0 00 in
real estate. The National Intelligencer says
this is absurd ; that their aggregate wealth is
only 200,000,000, of francs, or about $40,000 ;
000. Some difference, it is true, but still lea.
sing enough to make them lee! in comfortabl e
ger An encounter took place on the IGth
hat, near Walterboro', Celleton District, S. C.,
in which Jot Benton• was instantly killed by
Pinckney White, the weapon used being a gun.
White hos been committed to jail to await his
trial. White's mother and two sisters have al.
so been arrested—one of the sisters, a little
girl, as witness, the others as accessories.—
The cause of the crime is alleged to have beeq
slander of White and his mother by Benton,
Latest News by Telegraph.
The Latest News from Europe.
LONDON, Saturday Morning.
The following is given out on the authority
of a Berlin dispatch, in the London Adverti•
"An order of the day from Gen. Gotscha
huff, dated October lab, declares that he will
not evacuate the country confined to his de
fence; neither will he retreat before the lora.
der, but will defend the Crimea at all has
ards." . _
Yesterday, 1000 officer:4 ni men of the Ist
regiment of lighi infantry, of tha Britlish Fur.
sigh Legion, ernharhed on hoard the steamer
Simms for Balnklava.
The Daily News city nitric sacs: "The
announcement that our fleet iu the American
waters wits to be reinforced, has excited con
siderable discussion. The discount market is
't was said that the aggregate of the loans
which will be required by the Britis h mid
French goternments during the early part of
next year will represent a very laige sum.
"Boise further small parcels of gold were
to-day sent into the Batk. the immediate de.
wand for the Continent having -apparently
been satisfied after the Arstrulian arrivals.
Maryland Election.
'Lamont; Nov. 12th
The Maryland eleeth,n has resulted in the
election of the American State ticket, an Amer
ican majority to the Legislature, and five of
the six American candidates fur Congress. In
Baltimore City the whole local ticket was elec
ted. In the first Congressional district, Stewart
Dem., has 496 majority in Talbot and Caroline
counties. There ace four others in the district.
In the Second district, Ricaud, American, had
728 majority in Baltimore, Kent and Carroll
counties, and the partial returns from Cecil anti
Harford counties Inner no doubt of his election.
In the third district, the first eight wards of
Baltimore City and a part of the county, Har
ris, American, has a majority of about 92. In
the Muth district, the twelve upper wards of
Baltimore city, Davis, American, has 7996,
May, Dem., 7490. Davis' majority 606. Itt
the fifth district, Washington, Frederick, and
Alleghany counties, lietfman, American, has
about 1200 majority. Its the sixth district,
Calvert and Howard counties give Watkins,
American, riot majority, while Prince George
220 majority for Bowie, Union Whig. There
are severnl other counties in the district, but it
is thought that Watkins iselected. The Amer
iota majority in the State un the popular vote
is 3173. To the House of Delegates 49 Amer
icans ant". 7 democrats me e!ceted.
New York Election.
`;.r." Nuw. 12th.
lust has a table of the
vote for Secri - tary of State, which given King,
Republican, 73097; Findley, American, 79,-
317 ; Hatch, Solt, 13,622, Ward Hard, 37,684.
The Commercial Advertiser .of last evening
Eleadiey 51.966; King, 72,119 ;..11ntch,
: Want, 23,312.
. ,
(if the eolarai•ative state of parties in the
of the State Legislature, the pa.
r • all have diticront estimate, The Tribune
• , that the new house will prabahly stand
liepoblieann, 1. mocrat4, and 39 Ameri
l'he in:. gives a table of tl:o
in fur us known, which louts np 39
31 America.. and
;, ' in II ~:•ier and En
.. : .1 n:ocrats and
. . c': II Dem
ViiEccnsin Election.
The result i 4
contest upon th, StLte
Tllo.coniple,:ion of , r
yet decidet% lideVii;euce has 1,, ,•,, ~••
tin! elLetion o!' I a.iii i ii.•
crate to the acre 1 :1,11
Rcpt blila s sl ci 1 : 1 3 Ih.,ir,ovratd
GALENA, NOV, 12th.
T!, r . n Wi , COll,lll, .14 far al re
a trifling majority for Bash.
Georgia Legislature.
Xt.v. 120,
Tbe;..'a'ae of Georgic tun .Intled un
Monday. Mr. Dailey won elected Spoekor
the Saud, at l Mr Styl eg , Speaker of the
lions, They are both lieraoeratß. The Gov•
ernoin messaae vas sent 1;1 ou Tvenday. It is
very volutninonA, and chiefly dttvoted to State
matter's ; and tecommends that The . LeAinln,
tore provide for railing a State CAtivention in
cane Congr,c3 to jeers the B pi li ea li on o f K an .
zoo fOr admission into the Union, on the ground
oritn being a slave holding Slate; in which
ease the Govenor advi,n a dihnuption of the
Union, Jut earre.cly 1,1,, flat the palrhaiim
or the Ncrth will avoid si eh a calamity.
The Liquor Law in Pittsburg.
Prrr.ung, Nov. 12th,
Bennett, Savage, rind Shannon, mho watt
convicted and ienteneed for violation of tho
Liquor Law, have been again arrested for 111 e, at the instance of the 'remits•
ranee Lragne, awl held to bail. Sucte
teen other nerests live been ninth., including
the prcprictor or the St. Charles and other In,
There is six feet six inches water in the dm
nal and rising.
New TerseiElection.
TRENTON, Nov. 12th.
The election returns look better for the A
mericans end Whigs than they did at lirst.—
They have carried their Senator in Burlington
county, who makes the Senate stand 11 Item•
ocrats to tl opposition. To the Assembly 29
Democrnts and 31 Whigs, Americana, and
Temperance men are elected, so that no party
will have a majorily on joint br.llot,
Nt:w OnLEAus, Nor. 12:11.
In the fourth district of Mississippi, Lake,
Democrat, is clectsd to Coup,ress.
WAsutxs;oN, Nqr. 12th,
It is reported here on the nuthaity of des
patches front Jackson that all the Democratic
members of Congress in Mississippi aro glee•
ted. The Legislature is also Democratic, by
30 majority. The Democratic State ticket bas
a majority of 6000.
Massachusetts Election.
BOSTON, Nov. 12th.
The election has resulted in the following
vote for Governor, all the State being heard
from except the town of Nahaut. Rockwell,
Republican. 39,777 ; Walley, Whig, 14,468 ;
Gardner, American, 51,730; Black, Democrat,
34,691. To the State Senate, 29 Americans,
9 Republicans and L Democrats are elected ;
and to the House, 153 Americans, 80 Republi-
cans, 57 Whigs, and 30 Democrats.
Destructive Fire in Virginia.
BALTI3IOI., Nov. 12th.
The town of Buchanan, in Upsliar county,
was almost wholly destroyed by fire on
Sunday week. The court house, jail, Cooper'e
tavern, all the stores but two, and most all the
private dwellings in the place, are in ashes.—
We had a brief report of this calamity some
7s since, via Richmond.]