MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. AGENTS WANTED. In every county in the United States and Canada, to sell one of the most important Books ever published in America, and one that should be in the hands of every male and fe. male, who retard their own - health and the welfare of their offspring, entitled HOWARD'S DOMESTIC MEDICINE, . . Revised and enlarged by Horton How/I'rd, M. D., containing nearly ONE HUNDRED ILLUS. TRATIONS, of great importance, and nearly one thousand large octavo pages, bound in substan tial loather binding library style, three colonies bound in ono containing an important SYSTEM OP DOMESTIC MEDICINE Mith a Treatise on an stomp, Physiology, and all diseases that man• kind are heir to with Prescriptions of the great est importance to mankind. Also, an exten sive TREATISE ON MIDWIFERY, giving a full des cription of the Diseases of Women—the cause of disease and cure. This book was first published as a Text 'look and is now used in the Eastern Colleges ; but the revised edition is made . . simple and plain, that all classes may comprehend it. It contains an explanation to all the medical terms used in the book. Price $4. Agents wishing to engage in the sale of this valuable book. will do well to make immediate application as it will be exclusively a subscrip tion book, and the greatest palm will be thken to prevent one Agent from selling on the terri tory assigned to another. A sample copy will he sent, by mail, post paid, to any part of the United States or Can ada, on the reception of the retail price in cur rent funds or postage s tamps with term to Agents, and to those wishing to engage in the business. Address H. M. RULISON, Publisher, Qua• her City Publishing ilouseP2 South Third street, Philadelphia, or Queen City Publishing House, 115 i Main street Cincinnati, Ohio. Oct: 24.----st, VAL UABLE LIME STONE LAND FOR SALE Will be sold at Public Sale on the premises, one mile from the month of Spruce Creek in Franklin township, Huntingdon county, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27M, 1855. TWO LIME STONE FARMS. One of which contains 265 ACRES, more or less. About 160 acres of which aro cleared, and in a high state of cultivation, the balance guoll timber land. Or this farm there i 3 emoted a LARGE BlilLa HOUSE, now occupied by Daniel Shultz. A largelatill barn, and all the convenient out•buildings.— There is also a good well and spring of water, never known to fail, conveniently located to the Holm and Barn. The other of which contains about 157 ACRES mere or less, about 100 acres of which aro clot • red, and under excellent fence, and well eultiva led ; the balance is well timbered. On this farm is erected a good. substantial STONE HOUSE, now occupied by B. L. Harvey. A small Bank Bern and a good Well of water; and there is also a small orchard on it. 13uth of the abet . ° farms are situated one mile front the Depot of the Penna. Railroad, ut the mouth of Spruce Creek, and four miles from the Penna. Canal ut Wuterstreet ; and in one of the best neighborhoods fur a home mar ket, it the interior of the State; being nor wended by numerous Iron Works. TERMS On the first farm there is due it widow's dew er of $2789 27. Ott the second farm there is also due a widow's dower of $l4OO. The pur chaser will be subject to the payment of the a. bore dower, on the death of the widow ; the interest to he paid annually until that time. The balance of the purchase money to be paid at follows, to wit : 0500 to be paid on each farm when the pro perty is knocked down, or satisfactory seettrity given therefor. The purchaser dile &strum to pay $lOOO on the brat day of A pail, 1836, when a deed shall be executed and delivered, and possession given of tie! farm. The balance nt bo secured by hand and mortgage, and the time of payment to be in 1,4, 5, or 10 equal annual payments to snit the purchaser. The purchaser of the seeund farm to pay 0300 on the Ist of April,lBs6, and the balance secured as in tic titan of the first Win, with same privilege SUS 10 Bute or payment. Any information relative to ,aid Farms, can be lid USI enquiring of FISHER t MOII . IIIIIIE, PM/ i! intidon, Penna. (lclultt•r 17, 1855.-4:1. FIRM FOR SALE. he subscriber being desirous of removing to the Wert, offers his form situated in Wert Town ship, on tho mad leading from Petersburg tu Me- Alavy's Fort, for sale. Ilia iiirm tuliiinis land of William Armstrong, Thomas V. Storart, and others, containing about_ tills ACRES. About 170 acre= cleared ,notto a good state of cultivation. The Mance is well timbered.— The improvements lire a LOG HOUSE, mid small Tenant House a new bank I barn 80 by 45 Net. There is also on the premises a young ORCH ARD , and water piped to the door from it never failing spring of water. This ',lmitation is high ly productive, being good limestone limit. It is situated within 21 miles of Petersburg, where the railroad and canal passes through. The sub scriber is anxious to sell at private Sale and if not sold, will offer it at public sale, at the Court House. in the Borough of Huntingdon, at the Novel:ll,r Court. . . Arias ntade easy to suit purchaser. THOMAS HAM R. August 29. 1855. FILES AND RASPS. NEW STREET PILE WORKS, PUILADELPUIA. The subscriber is constantly manufacturing Files and Rasps of superior quality and at the lowest prices, equal to the best imported goods and much cheaper. Manufacturers and Mechanics can have their old files ro•eet and made equal to new, at about half the original cost. Flat 12 inches $2,00 per dozen ; Flat, 14 inches $2,75 per dozen ; Saw•files, half round, Millsaw and eth er files in proportion. Single files and frac tional parts of dozens charged at the same rates, and warranted satisfactory. J. B. SMITH. No. GI New Street between Race & Vino & Second and Thitd Ste. Philadelphia. Aug. 22, 1855.—5 m. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS of administration on the Estate of Alexander McCall, late of Hopewell tp. ' Huntingdon Co., dec'd., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against it will present them July authenticated for settlement. EUEEILT McCALL, j Adm'rs. MfaILDA MCCALL, S Oct. 17, 1655.—tit.. JOSEPH DOINGICASS, in MoConuelletown tine constantly on hand, ready made rifles, and is prepared to make and repair Quns of all kinds at the shortest notlee April 28, 1851-ly, COURT AFFAIRS. TRIAL LlST.—November Term, 1855. FIRST WEEK. John Brown vs Caleb Brown. H. Mytinger vs P. Livingston. J. Simpson Africa vs D. Flenner et al. Hirst for Caldwell vs Daniel Africa. Hon. John Stewart vs Love & Smith. D. Caldwell vs Dell & Crotsley. Com. for Bretton vs M. Crownover. Joshua Johns vs Blair, Robinson & Co. Horatio Trexler & Co. vs J. & W. Saxten. Thomas Clark's heirs vs Brison Clark. Charles S Black, q. tam. vs D. McMurtrie. Adolphus Patterson vs John Doughenbough Corn. for Kyler vs Robert Madden. SECOND WEEK. George Jackson vs Sassatnan's ex'rs et al. Sterret & Potter vs J. Alexander, Garnishee. John Lee vs Joseph P. Moore. Amos Potts vs James Neely. Spruce Cr.& Philips h 9 T. It. Co. vs NV. Graham, Waterman, Young & Co. vs John Jamison. Jas. Entrekin vs Britton Clark. GRAND JURORS. Samuel Barr, farmer, Jackson. David Beck, Jr., " Warriorsmark. Samuel Book, " Tell. William Coleburn, farmer, Franklin. John Carver, mechanic, Barre°. Joseph Cromer, mason, Clay, now of Hunt. John Flenner, termer, Henderson. Samuel Gregory, do. West. Henry Horton, do. Tod. Jahn S. Iset, Iron Master, Franklin. Richard Madden, farmer, Clay. Ben j. McMahan, do. Barren. William McLain, do. Dublin. John B. Morrow, do. Tell, James Neely, do. Dublin. Henry Orlady, M. 1)., West. Samuel Rolston, Warriorsmark. John G. Stewart., carpenter, West. William Sims, clerk, Franklin. Samuel Stewart, drover, Jackson. Andrew Wilson, farmer, West. John S. Wilson, do West. Jonathan P. Doyle, Shirley. David McGarvey, farmer Shirley. TRAVERSE JURORS FIRST WE.. Thomas N. Barton, farmer, Shirley. Samuel Beaver, farmer, Hopewell. Jacob El. Bare, miller, Springfield. George Ciesswell, merchant, West. Henry Desis t blacksMith, West. James Duff, farmer, Jackson. WilliamlWan, farmer, Penn. Adam Fosse, farmer, Hopewell. John Gcbrett, do. Brady. Charles Green, Esq., Siemer, West. Henry Garner, farmer, Walker. Augustus Green, do. Clay. Adam Herter, farmer, Play. Thomas Hooper, dedfirpmwell. Thos. B. Hyskill, dtllPlPlCTriorsmark. Adams Houck, do. Tod. Asahel Hight, Huntingdon. Samuel Harnish, farmer, Morris. Jacob Hicks, farmer, Walker. Samuel Isenberg, carpenter, Porter. John Jamison, merchant, Dublin. Daniel Rondo, farmer, Porter, Adam Keith, farmer, Tod. James Long, do. Shirley. James Lane, Sterner, Cromwell, James Lynn, mechanic, Springfield. Joseph Mingle, farmer, Warriorsmark. John Mash, farmer, Jackson. George Miller, do. West. Reuben Massey, farmer, Barree. Robert Madden, merchant, Springfield. Samuel Neff, farmer, Porter. John Piper, do. Tud. John Reed, • do. Hopewell. Henry Rhodes, do. Shirley. Jonas Rudy, do. Barree. Abraham Shaw, farmer, Union. Abedueg . o Stevens, merchant, Wurriorsmark, Samuel Sheerer, farmer, 'Pell. David Stevens, plasterer, Springfield. Isaac Taylor, farmer, Dublin. Wititer C. Van Tries, clerk, Warriorsmark. John Whitney, manager, 'rod. Simeon Wright, Esq., farmer Union. Isaac Yocum, farmer, Penn. • Lewis Kande, do. Porter. John Bisbin, mason, Porter. Depict I'eightal, farmer, Penn. SECOND WEE. William Appleby, farmer, Dublin. David Albright, miller, Porter. Henry Boyles, farmer, Penn. Samuel 13e11, fanner, Shirley. Basil Devon, Cromwell. John Eberly, farmer, West. James Fleming, do. Jackson. Thomas Fisher, merchant, Huntingdon. Samuel Garner, farmer, Penn. • •James Hutchison, do. Henderson. Samuel Harris, do. Penn. Archibald Hutchison, fanner Warriorsinark. Evans Jones, gent., Franklin. William Krider, farmer, Wnrn•io•emark. Daniel Kyper. farmer, Walker. Thomas Locke, laborer, Springfield. John Long, merchant, Shirley. John Murphey, shoemaker, West. William Morgan, farmer, Warriorsmark. • James Morrow' farmer, Franklin. Chas. H. Miller, tanner, Huntingdon. Joseph Marlin, farmer, Porter. George MeCrum, jr., farmer, Barren. George W. McClain, farmer, Tod. Jesse ;McClain, fainter, Tod. James S. Oakes, farmer, Jackson. Samuel Pheasant, farmer, Porter. Andrew Smith, farmer, Union. Martin Shank, farmer,. Warriorsmark. William Stewart, farmer, West. Win. B. Smith, farmer, Jackson. Dorsey Silknitter, farmer, Barroe. Peter C. Swoope, Huntingdon. George L. Travis, mechanic, Franklin. Michael Ware. fanner, West. William Hutchison, farmer, Warriorsinark. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facies, Le vari Facies and Venditioni Exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Hunting don Count), and to me directed, 1 will sell try public outcry, at the Court House in the bor ough of Huntingdon ou Tuesday the 13th day of November, next, (1853) at 10 o'clock, A. BE, the following described real estate, to wit t All tho defendant's right and interest in and to a Lot of ground in the borough of Cassvillo, which Lot the defendant purchased at the sale of the Trustee's of Robert Speer, dec'd., and marked on diagram letter E. Beginning at the street on the east, bounded on the south by a lot of Elias B. Wilson, Esq., on the west by H. L. Brown, on the north by Lemuel Green, and is supposed to contain ono and a half acres, be the 1 same more or less. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Richardson Read. ALSO, . . . All the right and interest of defendant in the following property, via t A lot of ground iu Wurriorsmark township, Huntingdon County, containing two acres more or less, bounded on the north by lands of Hays Hamilton, on the south by Steiner's land, and on which is erected a two story brick house and stable, and other out-buildings, with a never failing spring of water and a well. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John L. Cox. ALSO, _ _ All the right and interest of Washington Bu chanan in and to a tract of of land lying.in Bra dy township, Huntingdon Co containing 20 acme mere or less, bounded on the south by the Juni ata river, on the north by land of A. I'. Wilson, Esq., and on the east by land of Peter Halde man, with a stone still house and chopping mill thereon erected. Seined, taken in execution, and to be sold an the property of Washington Buchanan. COIJRT AFFAIRS. ALSO, A lot of ground situnte On the north aide of Bill street, in the borough of Huntingdon, being 22 feet in front on said street, and extending in depth two hundred feet to Washington street and being a part of Lot No. 91 in the plan of said town, having thereon erected n two story Log lima, weather-boarded, and kitchen, stable and other out-buildings. Seized, taken in execution and to he sold as the property of Jacob Snyder. ALSO, A certain lot of ground adjoining the borough of Birmingham, containing about ono ncro more or less, adjoining n lot of John Owens, Esq., on the west, the public road lending from Birming ham to Waterstreet, on the south, lands of She enberger's heirs on the north and east ; on which a brick building Is erected, seventy feet In length and thirty-flee in depth, two stories high, with a stone basement, known,as the Mountain Female Seminary. Seized, token in execution, and to he sold as the property of the Mountain Female Seminary. ALSO, - • • The interest and estate of Samuel Booher, the Bert (being one undivided half thereof) in the following described real estate, consisting of two parcels, ono thereof situate in the township of Shirley and county of linntingdm, adjoining lands of Andrew Spanogle on the east, and lands of John Lutz on the north, south and west, con taining six acres more or less, having thereon a woollen factory called "Sinking Spring Wool len Factory ;" being a two story frame building with Carding machine, looms, dye kettles and other machinery attached. Also : A saw-mill, four dwelling houses (one stone, one frame and two log) stables and other buildings. On the land is en orchard, a never-failing spring of ora tor power, and the factory is in running order. The other thereof being timber land and con nected with said factory, situate on the western base of Black Img Mountain, adjoining lands of Andrew Spanogle nod others containing 38 acres more or less. Seised taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Samuel Booker. ALSO, All that certain one story plank house or buil ding with basement, containing in front twenty four foot and in depth eighteen feet, and the lot or piece of ground on which it is erected, with the curtelago appurtenant thereto, situate on the south side of Schell street, and alley on the southwest, in the town of Conimont, Hunting don county aforesaid. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Reuben White. ALSO, Ail the right, title and interest of defendant David Woods, dcc'd., of, ht and to n smell par cel (Aland situate about two miles east of the borough of Huntingdon, adjoining land formerly oa•ued by Jacob Fockler, containing about ono sere, through which the turnpike and Railroad pass, having the remains of a log house and gar den thereon: Also, all the undivided interest of the defendant, David Woods, deed., of, in and ton lot of ground in the borough of Huntingdon, situated on the western side of Allegheny street fronting fifty feet on said street, and extending back at right angles thereto, two hundred feet into the margin of the Juniata River, edjoining Bath street on the north west and lot formerly owned by Mrs. Foster on the south east and numbered two hundred and sixteen in the plan of said borough, upon which is erected a log dwelling house with garden attached &r•. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of David Woods, deed. - - - ALSO, All the right, title and interest of the defen dants Elton B. Pike and James Gardner in and to a body of woodland extending front the Rays town Brunch on the west to Sidling Hill on the east, and lying on both sides of Torreon Mountain, and in the bend of Trough Crok Valley. in Walker and Union townships, Hun tingdon county; adjoining lands of 'Phonate Read, Daniel Africa, Jacob Breneman and the Mister land on the cast or Trough Creek side, lands of David Blair on the north-west, lands of Davin Corbin, Rudolph Brenemon and John Sharer on the west or Raystown Branch side, and Ixtendinm from the Juniata river below the State dam to Shaver's Gap on Terrace Moun tain aforesaid: being composed of several sur veys and ports of surveys in the names of Dr. John Henderson, George Feu, William Fen, David Pea and Robert Fen, nod containing in the whole between twelve and fifteen hundred acres, snore or less. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Eben B. Pike nod James Gard ner. N. IL By directions of the plaintiff, five hun dred dollars of the amount bid for this property mast be paid by the bidder as soon as it is knock ad down to him, otherwise the property will ho again immediately put up for sale, until the con dition is complied with. ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant Thomas Wallace, of, in and to a piece and parcel of meadow-land situate on the mar gin of Suniding-Stone Creek, in the borough yfj Huntingdon, adjoining a lot of George Jacksd!. on the north, a lot of Wm. Dorris, n the south, another lot or said defendant, in Sr., ;he seine inclosure, on the west, and said creek on the cast, containing seven acres and sixty-four perches, be the same nore or less. ALSO—A Int of ground situate at the south eastern corner of Church and St. Clair streets, in said borough, fronting about seventy-four feet on St. Clair street, and extending back from the same two hundred feet to the old line of the said borough and western boundary of the above mentioned and described lot—bounded on the north by Church street and on the south by a lot owned by the widow Hawn—including the whole of lot No. 179 and part of Lot No. 172 in the re corded plan of said borough. ALSO. Four contiguous lots of ground situated in • said borough, bounded on the north and west by the Renner Farm, on the east by the Warm Spring road and on the south by u lot oflion James Gwin.—Nus. I, 2, and 3, as repre sented on a map of said lots devided on the 16th day of October, 1855, for tho defendant by . J. Simpson Africa County Surveyor, containing each four acres and No. 4 containing about 3 acres--be the samo more or less. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas ALSO. All the rigid, title, claim and interest of the deft.., Peter Haldeman, of, in and to the follow described tracts and parcels of land, to wit m .etract or parcel of land situate in Shirley tp., Huntingdon County, containing about two hun dred and sixty acres, be the same more or less, (the same being composed of two or more tracts or parcels of land) and being commonly known on the 'Ferry Property,' opposite Drake's Ferry on the south side of the Juniata river at Mt. Union, hounded by the Juniata river, by lands of the heirs or devisees of Col. Wm. Postlethwait and lands of the heirs orAndrew Pollock, dee'd, lauds of Samuel Shaver and others, almost 30 oteres of which art cleared, with a two story frame dwelling house, a stone stable, a stone warehouse, several other small buildings and a small orchard thereat. ALSO—Part de tract of land situate in Bra dy township, in the county of Huntingdon, orig inally surveyed in pursuance of x warrant gran ted to Francis Hamilton, dated March 9th, 1787 Beginning at a Black Onk on time bank of the Juniata river, thence by Imsad of J. F. Cotterell, N 4 deg. W 81 ps. to a post, N 86 deg. W 20 ps. to a post, S 17 deg. W 9 ps. to a atone heap; thence by lands of \Viso and Buchanan (part of the same survey S 8 dog. 14 ps. to the Juniata river, thee., down the said river by the several courses and distances of the Same to the place of beginning . , containing 24 acres and 38 perches, on which is erected a weather-boarded log dwel ling house &c., known as the old Drake's Ferry House. ALSO—Part of a tract of laud of font. or 119 acio7lyrnpadjuiuing Mifflin county, near and above the north-west end of the new Bridge, the same being that part of a tract of land which J. Cotterell bought of Samuel Drake, Jr., in 1838 or 40, which lies in Huntingdon County. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Peter Higdon.. JOSHUA GREENLAND, Sheriff's 0 files, 1 Hunt., Oct. 17, 1853. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. PROILIMATION. Wuanzas by a precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the 22d day of August, A. I). 1855, under the hands and seals of the Hon. George Taylor, President of the Court of Common Pleas, Oycr and Terminer, and gener al jail delivery of the 24th jpdiciall district of Pettn, 4 sylvania composed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cam bria, and the Hon. Thomas F. Stuart and Jona than McWilliams, his associates, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, appoint ed, to hear, try and determine all and every in dictments made or taken for or concerning nil crimes, which by the lowa of the State aro made capital or felonies of death and other offences crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated fur crimes aforesaid—l am commanded to make pub lie proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common Pleas and Quarter sessions. will he held at the Court House in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and 12th day) of November next, and those who will prosecute the said pri soners be then and there to prosecute them as it shall be just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroners and Constables within said county be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, A. AI. of said day, with their records, in quisitions, examinations and remembrances, to do those things which to their offices respectfully appertain. Dated at Huntingdon the 22d day of August, in the year of our Lord 1255, and the 79th year of' American Independence. JOSHUA GREENLAND, Sheriff. PROCLAMATION. NX THERE" by a precept to me directed by V the Judges of the Common Pleas of the eonnty of Huntingdon, bearing test the 22d day of August, 1835, 1 am commanded to make Public Proclamation throughout my whole baili wick, that a Court of Common hells will he held in the Court House in the Borough of Hun tingdon, on the third Monday (and 19th day) of November A. D.,1055, for the trial of all issues in said Court which remain undetermined before the said Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses and suitors, in the trial of all Issues are required to appear. Dated at Huntingdon, the 22d day of August, in the year of our Lo•d 1855, and the 79th year of American Independence. JOSHUA GREENLAND, Sheriff. Register's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons inter. ested, that the following persons have settl e d their accounts in the Register's office ut Hun tingdon, and that the said accounts will be pre sented for conformation and allow.ec at an Orphan's Court to be held at Huntingdon, iu and for said County of Huntingdon, on Wellies. day, the 11th day of November, 1855 : 1. John Neff, acting Executor of the but will and testament of George Sfong, late of Warriorawark township, deed. 2. John Snyder, Administrator 'ft tonic tine, ite., and Trustee to make sale ()Meal Estate of Philip Shultz, late of the borough of Henthig don, deed. 3: Thomas Weston, Esq., Administrator cow lestamento annexo of John Nevling, late of the borough of 13irmingbam, dec'd. 4. James Coy, Administrator of the EAnte of Thomas Coy, late of Decree township, dec . d. 5. John Scott and George W. Scott, Execu• tors of the last will andlestament ofJohn Scott, lute of the borough of Alexandria, dee'd. • 6. William Christy, Esq., and Tho 3. MeLoy, Administrators of Alexander Westbrook, late of Porter township, dee'd. 'l. John P. Stewart, acting Administrator of the Estate of Joseph Crownover, late of Berme township, deed. 8. Levi Evans, Esq., Administrator of the Estate of David E. Strode, late of Tod town• ship, dee'd. 9. Levi Evans, Esq., Executor of the last will and testament of Anil Barbra Erode, lute of Tod township, deed. 10. David Ilebison7iurvlidng Executor of the last will ned testament of Andrew Robison lute of Warrionimark township, dee'd. it. Trust account of Benjamin F. Patton, Trustee appointed. to sell the Real Estate of John Spinier, late of Warriorsmark township, deed. HENRY. GLAZIER, Register's Office, 1 Hunt., Oct. 13, 1835. FALL AND WINTER 000 Call and look before you purchase, ajla) AS just returned front Philadelphia and is I now opening one of the prettiest and best selected stock of goods ever brought to the bor ough of Huntingdon. It would be useless to mention all of the goods we have on hand— Lad . lei 3 Dress Goods. lof the latest stylos. A large stock of liosery, Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, Velvet, bonnets Undert•leves, Collars, Spgneers, Casimeres, Cloths Casinytts Laces, Silk Mitts, Delanes, De-1; ' erge, hid Gloves, and all kinds of goods genernlly kept in a country store. Alse—tt line assortment of Hoots, Shoes, Hats, & caps, Glagswarr, Queensware and Cedirriale. A large and good supply of Fresh Groceries. Call and sea my g;o7l;;;Fexamine for your selves. ThanVint for the patronage of the past by my friends, and the public generally, I respectfully so licit n continuance of the same. . All kinds of country produce tnken in cx• Mange for goods at the highest market price. Oct. 10, 1855. XAtl4i WXXVIUL ifOOVS, AT THE BROAD TOP DEPOT. fIUNNINGIIAM & DUNN hare just returned kj from Philadelphia, and are now opening at the head of the Broad Top Basin a:large and beautiful assortment of Full & Winter Goods Consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Cedar-ware, Bats, boots and shoes. willow-ware. Ready Made Clothing always on hand. and in short everything that is usually kept in a country store. BACON, MALT, FISH AND PLASTER, kept constantly for Sale. Call and examine our stock before purcha sing elsewhere, end see whether we cannot make it your interest to patronise on. All kinds at country produce taken in ex change for Goods at the highest market prices. The highest market pliees paid for all kinds of ()rain. _ _ Prompt attantion paid to storing and forward• log all kinds of merchandisa, produce, &e. Huntingdon, Oct., 10 1855. JIUNIATA. ACADEMY. THE WINTER SESSION OF THIS IN stitution, located in Shlrleysburg, Hunting• ' don County, will commence on the Ist day of November. The place is easy of aicess, being connected with Mt. Union on the Central Railroad, by a daily lino of coaches. The Principal will spore no reasonable expense and pains to make the Institution worthy of a liberal patronage. lEROS :--Boarding, tuition, and room, $5O per session of live months. Tuition front $8 to $l2 per session, according to studies. Payable quarterly, in udvunec. For Circulars, etc., ad dress the Principal, Rev. G. W. SHAIFFER, October 10, '2s.—Gt . Shirleysburg, Pg. STR&X 1,10618. TWO white hogs supposed to weigh two hun dred (such, came to. J. Ninf's Mill. - The owner is desired to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take them away, otherwise they will be disposed of according to law. B. J. NEFF. Oct. 17, 1855. •11.' PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENTS. 1111 000.—SoLu ix Two Dern I—Trittinph Complete I !—Why is it that the Ex-Governor of Maryland, also the President of one of the Banks at Frederick City, urged the Doctors there to procure it? Why has a large cash order this week come from such men as Messrs. Peel '4., Stevens, wholesale Druggists of Alexandria, Va . and by the very next well, an order, (the third time in tour weeks) from Mr. Pierpoint, and from Messrs. Cook & Co., of same place, and by the very same mail a fourth order from Messers. Hopper & Wilmer of Centreville, Md., (where a short time since such an excitement sprung up from tome remarkable cures made there by Prof. C. DeGrath's (gennine) Elec tric Oil, from 39 South Eighth Street, Philridel phis, a few doors south of Chesnut street? ]low is it that the editor of Erie Observer, was cu red in two days of rbennintisms in his bock of three years' duration ; end Mr. Brady, of Ilar risburg of Paralysis? Why and how was it that the other day Mr George Weis, 227 Eager street Baltimore, two doors front St. James' church, was cured of palsied hands of long standing also the tote rate of a lade in Philadelphia, cu red of spinal curvature, and another of Prohip• sus Uteri, a complete, radical cure? Ask them. Why do such men as Mcsrs. U. N. & IV. 11. Williams, wholesale Druggists, of Sy remise N. Y., write, August 3oth. that—"your Electric Oil proves more beneficial then any other prepare. hobs we have ever heard of," &c. Yours, G. N. & IV. H.Wtr.tutnns. Why has Joseph Osborn. Esq., of Auburn,. written, now the third time that ' , Prof. De- Grath's Electric Oil is selling very fast, making great mires never before accomplished here I' , Why did John Rex, Esq., send, the nil inst., u gold dollar in it letter from Double Bridges, Va., for a bottle. on the recommends ties of Win. Arvin, Esq., of the canto place who got some a short time since tae the Gout, and was cored / Why is it that every one speaks I of it as wonderful relative," and is this not the real cause ofniore selling at retail, in Philo dolphin alone, than is sold of Dr. Jayne's medi cines, or five of any others 4 Why is it that a ; Physician of large practice used it on the Imo- lvsed limbs of his buy, al a i using everything else I Simply because tit enuine "Eleetroic Oil," frotn the office of Pr . DeGrath, effectu ally owes paralysis. Why and how is it that over $5OO has been sold in Witshington, D. C. during about six weeks, and over Slow) worth in Baltimore in the UMW time? Why du Messrs Morris & Co., of York, Pa., (uno of the finest' Drug houses in the State,) and John Wyeth, Esq., of 'Louisburg, Po., sell so much, when I they taco any quantity of all sorts of other ' medicines right by the side of the "Electric OW" Simply because nothing else will answer the purpose (lint the Oil does. Let the skepti cal nub the numerous cases of almost hopeless putionts, if anything could be more agreeable in use, or more effectual in its results—some of ter basing expended hundreds of Junius on va rives fencer treatment, with nothing but dis couningient and despair fur their trouble. Why' is it that other medicines have advertisements piled up column high, in all the papers while ; Professor De Grath's 'Electric OiPsis only no- ticed at n smite expense not to exceed $l5 to $2O a day? Why is it that two physicians are daily employed in the °Mee, applying the (gen uine) "Electric Oil" to patients afflicted with Totter, Palsy (and it is warranted for this).— 'Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores and Bruises ' W.111i9, - Cats, Sprains Lind ries Sore Breast and side; also all kinds of painful complaints. Although to cure is war rented, yet not more thau 000 bottle has even been returned ; and that W. a case of totid deafness, of 15 years' statiding. Of course ea.. tare could not restore such a case, with whatev er help. N. 13. An educated Doctor always in atten dance and ladies may, if they desire it consult with a lady, by dropping a line to the office of PROF. C. DEO tam, 39 S. Eighth street, Phila., 3 doors South of Chesnut st. Price. 50 ets, 75 els., ned P. B.—Fire dollars reward will be paid for the arrest of a low scamp, a Jew pettier, who copied, on a dirty sheet, some of Prof. Do Urath's and as the originals ars copyrighted, 416 is liable I to the law. Remember the No., s 9 S. Eighth et., Thomas Read & Son, Huntingdon, hunt. Co. H. Barnwell, Montgomery, Blair co., W. G. Murray, Hollidaysburg, lilair cu., Comb.. & McCoy, Frankstown, 1tM50....1. H. Hamer- & Co., Waterstreet,Hunt.T6., Wm. Moore, Alex andria, hunt. co. Sept. 26, tdriti. PRIVATE SALE. Of Valuable Real Estate Revisit,' T1IF: subscriber offers his well-known Tavern Stand Property, on Ray's Rill, Fulton Co. Pa., at private Sara, with an the land belonging thereto, being 3113 ACRES of patented laud, 163 acres of which is cleared and under good fence. The improvements ore a large Frame Tavern Stand, a good large Stable, sufficient to tccommadate eighty horses, 'Granary, Corn Crib, Wagon shed and all other necessary oat buildings, nod an oxen He'd orchard of choice fruit—a occur fail ing stream of water of the door, and several good living springs in dilleront parts of the land. There are also on this property Two Good Tenant Rouses. The uhuye is woof the best known Tut ern Stands on the Hoed, and the place is in a high state of cultivation, and well adapted for pas ture. Ile also offers for sale the Farm adjoining the above, on Cil ho at present resides one half mile south atlas Tavern property, containing 800 ACRES of good limestone land, 514 acres of which is cleared tinder fence, in a good state of eultivationond the balance well timber ed. The improvements are good now Two-Story Weather-Boarded House, Bank Baru, Spring Rouse, Wash House, and other out buildings, a first rate orchard of good fruit, a good spring close to the house, sod ne ver Millings spring; of water in every field. There arc alsoon!iis Inc! a good THE present session of this Institution will' close on Wednesday, October 3d. The ex- I Isibition will take place in the evening. The ex. meditation the week previens. These exercises I the public generally are invited to attend. The ;next session will commence the last Wednesday of October. The institution is located at Shade I Gap, a quiet and retired place, free from all temptation to vice, idleness or dissipation. Tho location is II healthy one, being situated among the mountains. It is entirely free front the nui nso communions our rivers end so destrue- I ti l l% "s to ealth. ' ! The coarse of instruction is such as has beets ; found by experience most suitable for expanding I and d veloping the powers of the mind. The 1 student is early taught to rely upon himself, to For Bus Cure of White Swellings—Curvature of i think; to reason, and investigate the different the opine ; Dyspepsia ; Neuralgia ;. Rheutua• i subjects which are brought him. The govern lions ; Disease or the Kidneys, OWSTIII, Womb, meet is strict but mild, only requiring what is &e., &e. A book accompanies each machine, for the student's highest good. Around hits is giving full instructions in the application of it , thrown,. far as practicable, the restraints and in tubercular and seraulona diseases. Motto , &Infests of a yell regulated Christian home. factored and for sale by W. C. &J. Neff, No. 1 Shade Gap, is situated 17 miles from the Mount 1 31 South 7th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Union station of the Pennsylvania Rail Road, ; , which lace there will be a line of smges. I September 0, 11105.- from TERMS— p 550 per session of five months. this NOTICE. includes tuition, room-rent and board. Wash ing, light and fuel extra. For further portion , -• NTOTICE is hereby given that the pat tnership lam address Oct. 10, 1855.-3 m. , 4 , heretofore existing between the undersign -0 A .91 ENT s,, ed (trading under the firm of Couch & Dunn,) is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The I . A Book for Every Family in the Union, books of said firm are in the bands of David Bllpdfl la! and Reliable. Dunn with whom till concerned will 'Acme to I t. BELCHER'S II (ST( saY OF ALL THE RE • make immediate settlemen • , GEORGE COUCH, LIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS IN THE : , DAVID DUNN. 'UNITED STATES. I April 10 1855-tf. This is a large Octavo of 1,02 pp., Muslim , fed by nearly 200 engravings, and gives rho H, ROMAN "History, Doctrine, Government and Statistics'' ) of all the sects in this country. It is told ex- I • Has just opened elusively by subscription, and the demand I , it is increasing !'rota n '„ rom every sectio of the n °r. A GOdD ASSORTMENT, There t ; Th e re are still a few counties unengaged its ' o.l‘ l'enna., its which thorough•going men tit' good , READY-MADE CLOTHING. • address might do a large and prolitnble busi• ' eras. The terms are such as cannot fail to j CONSISTING or AIX KINDS OF !pay. For these and other particulars apply to ! . or address ; COATSI4 it,LNIE.O 4 ItZtTS. JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, And oilier articles of gentlemen's wear. No. lb Samom St., Phan. ! October 3, 1853. Oct. 24,1055,-2m. . ..._ SAIV MILL, Lime Kiln, and several excellent 'quarries, and as good a location for a Tan-yard as could be desired, with plenty of bark convenient. There are also Three good Tenant Houses on this plaro and two other good barns. This is ono of the best stock forms in the country, and offers peculiar ind ucements to any person who desires to raise cattle, &c. Ho ofilt sell in quantities to suit parehasers, and any one wishing to make a bargain would do well to examine the above properties before purchasing elsewhere. Terms mode to suit purchasers. For further information apply to else subseri. ber. JAMES SPROAT, DISSOLUTION. Whatever partnership which existed between CAN nut CLOTUINO AT WIIOLNSALV, the undersigned iu the Surveying business has AS CHEAP AS IN THE CITY, AT been dissolved by mutual consent. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. J. SIMPSON All,tlcA, - -- . J. F. RAMY. OVERCOATS. The business will he conducted us fertneriv by J. Simpson Africa. ' All binds, cheaper than cleewhere. at Sept. 12. 15.15.-tr. - . /1, ROMAN'S CLOTHING sTirim. MISCELLANEOUS• ADVERTISEMENTS. T7C)IOWGIELD" MACHIN SHOP AND FRENCH BURR QMILL STONE,t4i . TIMM Y2 9 :5 la: Corner or Germantown Road and New Market Streets, on the North Pennsylvania 'Rail Road, Philadelphia. Constantly on hand or made to older. the fol• lowing highly approved Flour Mill Machinery. Woodward's Patent Portable Mills and Smut Machine, Johndon's Patent Iron Concave Bran ter, Stover's Patent Fuel Saving Corn Pierson's Patent Barrel Hoop and Moulding f n proved Bridge Steps uud Bushes fur IEII WARRA NT E I), Thu bust Anchor Brand Bultiag Cloth Burr S. Calico Mill Stones. Cora, Cole and Plaster Crubliers. ALSO SOLE OWNER OF JohnstoeN Patent Cast Metal Con- CtIVII 7 f-5 i[L.f f Yil-1 LU . t _i ....I ' .. ti-.IJIS, alid 6.th-I,a:A of the Ohio and Mississip pi Rine Warranted to take out of the offal of every Bushel Ground, from 1 to 2/ lbs, of standaril flour, which could not be bolted out on account of the electrical adhesion. to the Bran. NOTICE :—I hereby ware all persons against infringing my rights, secured by Letters Pa. tent as above, no I will prosecute all persons nothing, selling, or using any Pratt Dusters with an Iron or Cast Metal Concave in vio lation of the Letters Patent of Joseph John sing., dated April 2.lth, 1851. THOMAS B. WOODWARD, Proprietor. N. B.—State awl County Patent Rights Cr all the above Machines for Sale. August 29, 1855. tf Cliambersburg & Mt. Union STAGE LINE REVIVED THE undersigned mate that a suspension of I the line of Stager over the road between Cbumbersburg and -Mt. Union, cannot be but disadvantageous to a large section to the country has, at considerable expense and trouble, made arrangements to run a lino of Stages Tri-weekly between the two points. Good Humes and corn thrtable Stages have been played on the route, and experienced and trusty drivers will superin tend Olin running of the Coaches. The proprie tor of the lit, is desirous that it •be maintained, and Ito therefore rolls upon the puhlie generally to patronise it, ColliiiiCTlE that it will be for their mutual advantage. Every attention necessary will he given, and the running of the Stages frill be regular. , Stages leave Mt. Union, every Tuesday, Thursday ' and Saturday evenings, arriving at Claunhesburg the rent day at 2 o'clock. Re turning, leave Chambershurg the same night at 10 o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union early the fol lowing evening in time fur the Cars. Stages stop at Shirleysburg, Orhisoniu, Shade Gay, Burnt Cabins, Inuncusburg, Morse Strasburg and Kec'es's store. 6., - Fare through 53,00: to intdtmediate pointy in proportion. .....,.-.. JOIIN JAMISON August 22, 1955.—t MOUNTAIN ACADEMY. Utriningham Illuntingdou Co., Pa. rinF, winter Term of this Institution wiil open Wednesday October 3ist. Instruction given filen the branches requisite to entering College advanced. We are al t o prepared to accommodate any who may with to give attention to the ornamental bronrlte , ; in addition to these we design giving prominant.e to the study of Architecture. . Sons of Ministers and young meu who have been engaged in teaching and desire to fit them selves more thoroughly for that station area mitted free of Tuition. TERMS. Tuition, Board and Furnished .room $60,e0 per session—payable F t rietly one half in ad vane°, the other at the middle of the term. THOMAS WARD, Prier/pot, THOMAS SCOTT, Assistant. Oct. 10, 1655.-3 m. PEI RYSVILLE AND Fannettpmpc . !lf:_tge .l 'ILL LEAVE PERWRVILIS. UN Monday, Wednesday 00.1 Friday Itiernings. Returning will leave FANNETTSBURG on Tuesday, Thursday and Sal urday Mornings, connecting wills the Express Trains east and west in the morning, and the Mail train in tits evening. COMMITTEE. Oct. 8,18.55.-3 m. Accommodation Line, TE undersigned would respectfully inform the travelling public that he has Hacks run ning from Mill Creek to Caasville, twice a week; leaving (Jasmine nt 7i o'clock on Mondays and Fridays, and returning same doss. His hacks are good ; their drivers maul, and persons travelling on this route, will do well by giving him their patronage. v CIIOUSE Sept. 12. ZLZQV ItO MaCIIZTIO MACHINES. COUNTRY DEALERS MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS: Now is the time to purchase FALL &WINTER GOODS • Fl233lF@Tl f , Have just received from Philadelphia, the lar gest and limit assortment of Dry Goods ever of fered to the citizens of this piston, and surround ing country ; such as Merinos, Alpacas, Muslin de Lanes, Paratuatta Cloth, Persian Cloth, black and Colored Silks and every variety of Dress Goods and Trimmings. Also, Cluthi., Cassini ers, Vestings, Call and See one of the finest assortments of Trimmings brc't to this place ; also, Collars, Gntlersleoves, Chi muzetts, Gloves of every variety, Ladies' Scarfs and the best assortment of Shawls aver offered. CARPETS, dcc, I A splendid lot of the finest Carpet and Oil Cloth, HARDWARE, &every variotr, and the hest assortment in town, QIIMENSWARE, twery description, and at lower prices thnn can be got at nny other hours. GROCISILIMS, iililiough they are a little up, we will try and sell as lute as the lowest. nAirs /4, CAPS, BOOTS 66 SHOES, the largest noel Lest assorttnent ever ollered, and at lower prices. WEILOW WARE, &c. and every vuriety of Goods, such us are usually kept in a country store. Call and see !Jethro purchasing any otter piece, and if we can't sat isfy you of the fact, we will cave under. October ti, 1855. rho best assortment of Carpet and Oil Cloth just , revived and for sale by J. &W. Saxton. Who handsomest assortment of Do lanes, Per Isian Clutl,. Larilla Cloth, Berage de Lanes, Paramette Cloth, and all wool Merinoes, all woo! do lanes, of the best styles and selected with the greatest care, fur sale by J. & W. SAXTON. 500 web s assorted Prints, just received and fin sale by J. & W. SAXTON. The greatest variety of 13oots and Shoes ever uttered tbr sale by J. &W. SAXTON. Lndies' Collars, Cud... Awes, Chinutzetts, and Gloves, Trimmings, at J. &. W. Saxton. A beautiful lot of Katy & Cup,, also Silk and Straw Bonnets, by J. &W. SAXTON. A great variety of Belts, Head Drama, Brace. Triuma age, &e., by J. & W. Saxton. rile handsomest assortment of Dross Silks, I just roes'd and fur saki by J. d; W. Saxton. Abeautiful assortment en velvet, silk and woe. sled vestings, by J. & W. SAXTON. !▪ awes Ague Powders, just reed and for sale ▪ ,y J. &W. SAXTON. Mho best lot of Shawls, Buell us lirosit, Cassi mer, Bay state and square shawls, just recd fur sale by J. & W. S AX ON. tSc W. SAXTON will take all kinds of coun , try produce in exchange for goads at their Cheap store, south-west corner of Public Square. A splendid assortment of Cum Bolts jag roe'd -Mend for rale by J. & W. SAXTON. If you want to buy good Cheap Goode CALL AT GINLVV.S. D. I'. (loin hits just received from rbiladeb tillia.a large and beautiful stock of PALL AND WINTER. GOODS, consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods, !Or Ladies and Gentlemen, such as French Mc rinoes, Alpacca, Paramatta Cloth, Persian Cloth All Wool de Loins, Fancy do Loins, Debaire, cobings, Black and Fancy Dress Silks, and Prints of nil description. Also, Cloths, Canal mere, plaits and lamp Nosiness, Vestings &c. Al.BO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, :fres, BottonsOlibbontis, Bonnet Silks, Gloves, Mitts, Woolen and Cotton Hosiery, Laces, Veils, Un .!,,,Peevei, Collars, Chimazetto, Iligulotts, Silk' Bonnets, and a variety of Dress Hoods ion nu merous to mention. flannels ot all ktntls, Lump, Woolen Table Covers, Shawls. Com Finis, bleached awl unblea ched Mustins, 'lichen, Checks, Gingbains, &c. Grocories of all hinds, Hats & Caps, Boots aud Shoc§, 011 Cloths, EIItDWAIbE, CrETEENSVITAB,I2 Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, and all goods usually kept in a emitters Stare. Aly old customers, and as many new ones as can crowd in are respectfully requested to coma and examine my goods All kinds of Country produce token in ex change fur goods, at the highest market prices.• October 3, 1855, I trDUIUTIaDD ACUOMITT., SHADE GAP, HUNT. CO. W. IL WOODS, Principal, Shade Gap, Sept. 26, 1855.-3 m. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS testamentary on the estate of Elizabeth Parsons, late of 'Dell towwnship, doo'd. having been granted to the undersigned all persons having claims against the estate will present the same duly authenticated, and all persons knowing themselvos.indebted will make payment to ALEXANDER MAGEE, 101 l tp , Oct. 10, 1855.-ftt. Executor. J. W. THOMPSON, AND COIIIII§§F)NER FOR PENN'd DAVENPORT, lOWA, Attends to buying, selling and locating Lands and land warrants, pays taxes, loans Money on Real Estate seeurity,on commission, oxamittea and mites abstracts of title, &c. Any business intrusted, will be attended to promptly and with fidelity. Rotor to Hon. Coo. Taylor and Members 0c the liar at Huntingdon. May 14th, 1855-limo. I Dr. John McCulloch, nffers his protbssionatecrvices to the citizens et Ullantingdon and vicinity. Office, Mr. !Hide i brand's, between the Exchange and Jaciteon'a Hotel. • Huntingdon. Aug. 29. !RS,