vl i i ,€• i.. 1 fibitlittillgboik '011T11‘).‘:1'. - ---- - WILLIAM BREWSTER, EDITORS, SAM. G. WHITTAKER, j Original Vottq. For the Journal. To Miss R. There was a time, I need not name, Since it will:ne'e r forgotten be, When all our feelings were the same, . As still my soul hath been to thee. And from that hour when first thy tongue, Confess'd a love which equalled mine, Though ninny a grief my heart hath wrung, Unknown and thus unfelt by thine. None, none hath sunk so deep as this— To think how nil that love bath flown Transient as every faithless kiss, But transient in thy breast alone. And yet my heart some solace knew, When lute I heard thy lips declare, In accents once imagined true, Remembrance of the days that were. Yes I my adored, yet most unkind, Though thou wilt never love again, To me 'tie doubly sweet to find Remembrance of that love remain. Yes ! 'tis a glorious thought to me. Nor longer shall my heart repine, Whatc'er thou art or e'er shall be, Thou bast bees dearly, solely mine ! Rom ISLAND, Oct 19, 1855. risallancous. THE ESOITIMAUXINDIANS AND THEIR HABITS OF LIFE. The first time that the Kane party came in connection with the Esquimanx was in March, 1854, about the time when the long winter night comes to a close, and when there are two or threi, hours of natural light in the twenty four . . The ship was visited by nine of these Indians, each driving n sledge drawn by eight or wn Esrptimaux dogs. These sledges are of a peculiar construction. 'They are be tween four and five feet long, and fourte , m inches wide. The body is made of pieces of the walrus' tusks and of the horn of the narvahl or unicorn, cut into pieces about an inch long, and lashed together by sin• ews The runners nro faced with• the ivory of the narvahl's horn. The Esqui mut are very ingenious, and manage to bore holes by tneans of a drill worked in n hole in the front tooth. The sledges nro thus, on account of the work bestowed on them, very valuable, and are bequeathed from father to son as a most precious lega cy. It is no uncommon circumstance, when the community want to get rid of a bad and lazy member who has a good sled nod team of dogs, to induce hint to go out en a hunting expedition, and when at a great distance from land, to take away his sledge and spear him. These Indians who visited the Advance had some walrus meat in dispose of, which they did for jack-knives. They were, how ever, very shy and timid ; but Dr. Kane' and Mr. Peterson, the interpreter, went out to meet them and at length overcame their timidity, and induced them to come on board. The Esquimaux settlements are some forty miles apart, and generally consist of but two or three huts, containing a popu lation of some eighteen or twenty. These huts are generally built of massive stones some of them several tons weight, and it is a mutter of surprise how they could pos sibly have got them up. Like the sledge the huts are handed down as most valua ble property. Some of them have been seen built of whalebone—probably from a fish taken by them after being killed by whalers. In summer they form tents of skins, and, ma pinch, of snow. They are hospitable,and fond of visiting, and so these settlements keep up an interchange of com munication and live very happily. Their huts are heated by means of stone lamps, cut by themselves out of a sort of soapstone, fed witli blubber, and with wick of ground moss. By this means they manage to keep up a temperature of sixty degrees Fahreenheit, while the temperature out of doors is as many degrees below zero.— They usually eat raw meats—the flesh of the walrus and seal ; but when they do cook anything or make' any soup—which they make very good—it is by means of these lamps. Their sleeping places ere platforms, built of stone, raised some eighteen inches from the floor—so as to keep in the warns atmosphere—and covered with grass ta ken from,islands at a distance. Their clo thing consists of fox-skin jumpers or coat, with an inner jumper of bird•skin, the fea thers inward ; bear-skin trowsers, bear skin boots and bear-skin gloves. The dress of the women is similar to that of the men, except that the former wears boots extending half way up the thigh, while those of the men do not extend to the knee ; and that the ladies also wear a sack to their hoods, which they call nessack, in which they carry their children.— 'The matt are of a medium size and stoutly built, while the women are of smaller sta tue,: and slighter. They du nut practice the Mormon habits of polygamy, but are, on the contrary, extremely particular a bout their matrimonial relations. This has been the universal testimony of travellers who have visited them. As with all sav age nations, the onus of the labor devolves upon the women. The men come in from the hunt, throw down the prey they have secured, walrus, or seal, and the women have then to go to work, skin the animals, prepare the flesh for food, extract the bones ' and prepare the sinews for sewing purpo ses. One of the ordinary acts of hospitality or civility on the part of the ladies is to take a fowl, or piece of meat, chew it up very nicely, and hand it to the visitor, who is expected to be overcome with gratitude and to finish the operation of chewing. It would give them dire offence if there should be any failure to do due honor to this act of hospitality. In all other re spects they exercise to a remarkable degree the same virtue. The Esquimaux of the Northern regions profess to have a dread of going to the Danish settlements, lest they should be eaten up by their Southern brethren, while these last entertain the same dread, and with m ire reason, of the ..Northern tribes. Those tribes, however, which live as high up as the expedition penetrated, seem to be becoming gradually extinguished, and we understand that Dr. Kane has formed a philanthropic scheme of collecting these people together. Ile proposes, we are told, to gather them from the most Northern regions and bring them down to the Danish settlements, where they can enjoy more comforts and be sub ject to less vicissitudes. The Esquimaux have a priest, whom they call Anjekek, who performs marria ges and burial services, and is supposed to have some influence over the heart. When a couple is married, their friends have im posed upon them, for a certain length of time, abstinence from certain kinds of meats ; and when a youngman on a young woman dies, all the young men and young women of the settlement are condemned to the same sort of abstinence. '1 he priest is believed to have power over the walrus and seal, and in a time of-pres sing scarcity to be able to call them up to the surface of the water. Their faith in the Anjekek is the only approach they have to religious belief. They spend their long winter of four months' total darkness, in sleeping and eating, never going out to hunt unless pressed by necessity. They have no sort of amusement except singing and an accompanying motion of the body which can hardly be designated dancing. They do not use tobacco in any shape, nor do they smoke any other weed or root for the purpose of stimulants, nor would they allow any smoking in their huts. The children always get a name selected from whatever subject happens to be on the La pis in the parental hut where they are born. In Leavely or Godhaon, island of Disco, the population of 250 or 300 is composed principally of Esquimaux, pure and half blood. They manage to keep up a good deal of social enjoyment by mettns of dan cing, singing, and music. The have a pe culiarly good ear for music, and can man age to play on the jewsharp or violin any air they hear. The women are said to be great rogues, if not in stealing gentlemen's hearts, at least in pilfering pots and plates and any thing of that kind. We saw one young gentleman connected with the ex pedition, who had no less than three spe cimens of the hair of young ladies of Lea. vely. One of them is dark as the raven's wing, of the silkiest texture, and came from the locks of a full-blooded Esquimaux. another is dark brown, very fine, and be longed to a half-blood ; and the third, of golden color, and of equally fine texture, show unmistakably the Danish blood of the lady's sire. We presume these love tokens will be duly treasured, though not in the National Museum at Washington. This same gentleman had a quantity of skins and furs which he has brought home as remtaiscenes of Greenland: But they will have to be fumigated or undergo some other process of purification for the Esqui manx ladies, who have the tanning opera tion in charge, not being able to procure bark, have recourse to a liquid which an swers as well, but which careful chamber maids do not tolerate the presence of in a room. The Esquimaux never resort to the bar barous mode of cutting off frost bitten limbs. They apply to them a piece of rabbit-skin. and always with good effect. We are sor ry to see that one of the expedition lost his life by the amputation of a frost-bitten foot, and that throe others had to suffer am putation. The expedition has only brought home two dogs ; one ofiheni au Esquimitux, who " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1855 was the leader, or boss dog, as ho wns call ed, of Dr. Kane's sledge; the other a very intelligent animal of the Newfoundland breed. Several good stories are told of the sagacity of these animals. Ono of them is a very hard one, and we will not vouch for its veracity. It is said that the "boss" would sit quietly looking at the other d"gs taking their feed, when he would walk over quietly, seize one of thef.best crammed by the back of the neck, and make him disgorge, and then indulge in the fruits thereof. A Little Physiognomy. The nose. A large nose (says the phys iognomists) indicates force of character.— A prominence on the nose just above the tip is a sign that its possessor will be prompt to defend himself. A prominence near the upper end is the mark of pugna- city and proneness to give offence. A broad nose, like that of. the Jew denotes acquisitiveness. A turned-up nose is the sign of inquisitiveness ; the pig has it. A turned-down nose denotes a suspicious mind. Secretiveness is shown in wide nostrels, such as the Chinese and negroes have; the fox has very wide nostrels so have the French and Italians. The ridge between the nostrils is called the septum, to variety of which the physiogno mists assign a faculty. A prominent sep tum is a sign of originality and force, par ticularly if it is large under the tip of the nose. Love, according to the physiognomists, resides in the chin. Prominence of any part of the chin indicates some kind of lov ing faculty in an uncommon ;degree. A sharp prominence denotes congeniality, or love of one's own race, and the preference for friends of our own temperament, A double chin is frequently the sign of the love of property. A broad square chin of a man who could go mad for love. A full round chin is commonest in the female face and denotes fondness or ardor of afrec tion. Dr. Redfield says : ~ The particu lar faculties of love which are generally strongest in man cause a growth of hair on the chin. These are, a desire to be loved, violent love, fond love, and faithful love; and a beard on the female chin is unusual, its existence there indicate s an unusual degree of more of these faculties; the action of love on the chin is also fre quently shown in the motion and p3sition of the head, congeniality and desire to love throwing the chin forward, and desire to be loved and violent love throwing the chin sidewise. It is nature, too, which sometimes prompts a rude young man to take an attractive young lady by the chin an act which he feel no temptation or de sire to indulge in toward an individual of his own sex. To the jawbone physiognomists assign the faculty of will; but the different vari eties can not be understood without cngm- vings. The cheeks. A prominence of the cor ner of cheek bone, just under the outer angle of the eye, indicates strong protrac tive tendencies. A man who has it will have good fences and strong locks. Our Indians, who build nothing,have it not; but the Chinese, who built the great wall and the Dutch, who owe their country . to dykes, have it large. High cheek.bones, like those of the Indians denote the love of hurling, Soldiers, firemen, monkeys, and boys, noted for throwing well, have them. An elevation in the arch of the cheek-bone is the mark of a man who has an instinct for the art of healing. All the great doctors have this peculiarity; so has the wild turkey; which doctors itself end its young very skillfully. A fullness of the cheek-bone at the outer angle of the eye is the sign of a love of graceful motion, such as dancing. The Irish, whose jigs are the opposite of graceful, have this sign small, but the Spaniards, the most grace ful of people, have it very large. A prom inence of the cheek-bone under the eye de notes watchfulness; Napoleon had it, he was remarkable for the little sleep he required. The Ear. A large ear indicates good nature and capability for improvement.— "Men in a civilized condition," says the physiognomist already quoted, "have much larger ears than those in a barbarous or savage state, and domestic animals have much larger ears than those of the same species which run wild. The Indi an, vho resists with such pertinacity the influence of civilization, has a compara tively small ear, while the white man has a comparatively large one. By far the largest ears are found among the refined classes, and the smallest ears among the most natural and uncultivated, In ani mals there is the saine agreement between the size of the ear and susceptibility of unprovotnent or docility. The horse, cow, sheep, ass, rabbit, hog, elephant, etc., all improve in the state of domestication, and are superior to the same animals in a wild state. Otheribings being equal, the ani mal is docile in proportion to the size of the ear—the ass more than the horse, the rabbit more than the squirrel, the hog more than the sheep, the dog more than the cat, the elephant more than the camel, and so on. The domestic fowls, on the other hand, have not the sign of docility, and instead of improving by domestication, al ways deteriorate ; the domestic turkey, hen goose, duck, ect., being far inferior to the wild." The Eye. A very small eye is incom patible with serious belief, a reverent and devotional habit of mind. A large eye is a sign of mental activity. On this point, too, Dr. Redfield has some striking corro borative remarks. 'Persons with large eyes,' ho says, 'have very lively emotions, think rapidly, and speak fast, unless there be a predominance of phlegmatic tempera ment. Of persons with small eyos the reverse is true. The former are quick and spontaneous in their feelings and in the expression of them, and are therefore sim ple, like the Scotch, Swiss, and all who in habit mountainous regions. The latter are slotv and calculating, and therefore artful, like the Gipsies, a people who gen erally inhabit countries. There is a con nection between activity and the ascend ing and descending of acclivities—a fact we evince in running up and down stairs, and which an active horse exhibits when he comes to a hill; and hence the Scotch Highlanders, as well as the sheep, goat, chamois, etc., have large eyes, and very great activity. The rabbit, the squirrel, the cat, the mouse, the gazelle, are instan ces of the sign of activity in a very superi or degree ; while the hog, the rhinoceros, the elephant, the sloth, are instances of small eyes and very little activity. Insects which are so exceedingly sprightly have very large eyes, occupying full half the head ; while ponderous animals have comparatively very small eyes, indicating their adaption to the smaller species of the animal creation." The Mouth. A gloomy disposition draw's the corners of the mouth downward; while habitual good temper gives them an upward tendency. The pouting of the under lip denotes a contemptuous disposi tion. A "still upper lip" is the well ' known sign of sel(.estcem and egotism.-- The desire to approve and be approved opens the mouth and exposes the teeth.— ' There are many other signs in the lips and mouth but is difficult 'tis understand them without pictures.—Life Illustrated. A Beautiful Simile A few days since a lovely child of four summers was buried in this town. On leaving the house of its parents, the clergy man, Rev. Mr. Jay, plucked up by the roots a beautiful little yorget-me not," and took it with him to the grave. Af.er the little embryo of humanity had been deposited in the grave, the clergy man, holding up the plant in his hand, said hold in my hand a beautiful flower, which I picked from the garden we have just left. By taking it from its pa rent home it has withered, but I here 'plant it in the head of this grave and it will soon revive and flourish. "So with the little flower we have just planted in the grave. It has been pluck ed from its native garden, and has wilted, but it is transplanted into the garden of Im mortality, where it will revive and flourish in immortality, glory and beauty."—Ohio Farmer. Heroism of a Dog in the Crimea. The following account of the exploit of a dog in the Crimea is translated from the the Gazette of Trieste, and surpasses eve rything heretofore recorded of the devo tion and bravery of this noble animal : "A great sensation has been caused in the camp of the Allies by the heroic deeds of a dog lielonging to Col. Met:mann, of the 73d Regiment of the Line. On the 16th of August, during the battle of the Tcher naya the quadruped broke his chain, fought in the ranks of the army, saved the life of a sergeant and a soldier, and took three Russian prisoners. A ball struck his foot, but the wound only embittered the animal the more. He threw himself upon a Rus sian officer, flung him to the ground, and dragged him prisoner by his coat collar to the French. A physician has bound up the wound, the four-footed hero is conva lescing. Ho will probably receive soma mark of honor, as another dog in the Eng lish army has been rewarded with a medal for his devotion to his master." NOVEL IstroursTiarc—The Oswego' Palladium announces the arrival ofAho schooner J. B. Collins, with agent f tons of pigeons BLACK•HANDED BLARNEY. An Irishman, one Barney Brady, was I The Clinton county (Michigan) Express brought up for a combination of the na. publishes the following and vouches for its tional Hibernian characteristics—gettingl authenticity. It certainly is a curious hi drunk and fighting—which he carried to I story: the "admired extreme." Having drunk In the different parts of Central Michi his skin full of whiskey he became amia- gan there are two tribes of Indians, the bly pugnacious and wanted to whip any- Ottawas and Chippewas. They are friend body or anything that would step out "just ly to each other, and during the hunting for the fun of the fracas." He had picked season, frequently encamp near each other. a loving quarrel with the keeper of a por- In the fall of 1853, a party of one tribe ter house, had kindly knocked down two built their cabins on the banks of the Ma apple women and a newsboy, in a corn- ple river, and a party of the other tribe, mendable spirit of pleasantness had kick- about eighty in number, encamped in ed in a basement window in the hope of what is now called the town of Dallas inducing the owner to come out and have It is unnecessary to speak of their life in a "scrimnage," and at the time of his ar- these camps—suffice it to say that the days rest was throwing bricks against the door were spent in hunting, and the nights in of Engine No. 97, hoping that some of its drinking "fire water" and carousing. In Milesian members would empathize with one of the revels at the camp on Maple riv e gentleman in his pursuitlief a quarrel er, and Indian, maddened by liquor, killed under difficulties, and would come out and his squaw, and to conceal the deed threw take a friendly knock down just out ofl her body upon the fire. Recovering from pure national love and good-fellowship.— the stupor of the revel, he saw the signs Policeman 1,001 soon settled him with a of his guilt beatre him, and fearing the few blows of his club, ripd Bar ney was I wrath of his tribe, be fled towards the oth brought into Cburt with his head cut open in several places and his nose knocked sideways as if it had been run over by a meat cart. He was well acquainted with . the Judge, having been indebted already to his Honor for a gratuitous trip up the river, and, although he probably anticipa ted pretty correctly the result of his exam , ination, he could not resist attempting to "blarney" the Justice, probably from L sheer force of habit ; however, to the tail of every one of his 'sothering' speeches, he tagged on an undertone a qualifying phrase, or direct reversion of that part of his conversation intended for the ear of the Judge, so that while the spoken part of every answer contained one meaning, it would be materially qualified the addition of the whispered after-part. Judge—Why, Barney, have you come again ? Prisoner—Yes, your Honor ; this gen tleman wid the star on brought me here to see your Honor's noble countenance once more ; an' I niver saw a pair of worse lookin' thieves in all my life. Judge—Have you been drunk again ? Prisoner—Slightly elevated, your Hon or, not half so drunk as the man that wears your boots gets ivery day of his dirty life. Judge—Dont you think you'd better lot whislcey alone, Barney ? Prisoner--Perhaps I had, Sir. You old squint-eyed blackguard, ye know ye git blind drunkand rowl on the floor among the spaniel pups every dinner ye ate. Judge—The law says I must fine you ten dollars. Prisoner—Yer noble self that knows su much about the law can't find it in yor heart I know, to be heard on an unletthered devil like Barney Brady knows the law, an' oulder law, an' more of it than could be hammered into that thick old sconce of yours wid a piledriver; ye. can't tell Blackstone from a broomstick, and don't know yer little finger from a speakin' trumphet, ye concinted old vagabone. Judge—And you was disorderly, too, and wanted to fight; that is an addition. al offense. _ Prisoner.--Plase yer Highness, it was only Dutchman and darkies, an' the likes of thim blackguards, I was disputin wid; I niver got so drunk yit that I couldn't tell a rale gintleman like yerself—an' wouldn' I like to bate the eyes out of yer black muzzled head ! if I only put my fist wonst gintly between yer pig•colored eyes, or let my bit of stick drop airy on the top of your empty auld pate, ye'd think ye was struck wid chain litenin, or that ye'd suddenly transformed into a galvanized steam ingino an' was goin, ravin' disthrac ted mad avid a worse fit of delirium trian gles than iver ye had yit. Judge—Can you pay your fine Prisoner—Tin dollars is it? Iv'e not just the exact change at this minit wit me, yer Honor, but I'll pay yo as sure as the divil's a nigger—if I iver pay was sin gle tint to that accomplished blackguard, Mister Justice Brinnan, may I be caught in a muss without a shillelah an' no stones handy, may I be waked without whiskey or snuff, an' may that samo divol fly away wid what's left of me on a pitchfork for his sunday morning lunch. Judge—Can't trust you Barney—have to lock you up. Prisoner.— I suppose it's the best ye can do for me, an' Ira thankful to yer Hon or; whin I ghoul call an' see me, av ye plase•-•but if I iver see your ugly mug in 4ifts my door, first I'll lock up my two spoons an' hide the whiskey an' thin I'll give my personal and immediate attention to baths' yo so black an' so blue that yer own mother couldn't swear whether yore her nephew ur her ttieco.—Tribuye An Indian Execution in Michigan. er encampment His absence was noticed—the charred remains of the poor squaw were found, ' and the cry for blood was raised. The savages were soon upon his track—they pursued him into the encampment of their neighbors---he was found, apprehended, and in solemn council doomed to the death which, in the stern old Indian code, is re served fir those who shed the blood of their kin. It was a slow, torturing, cruel death. A hatchet was put in the victim's hands, ho was led to a large log that was hollow, and made to assist in fixing it for his coffin. This was done by cutting in to it ^llle distance on the top, in two pia. cesliout the length of a man apart then slang off, and digging the hollow until larger, so as to admit his body. 4ighis done he was taken back and tied fast to a tree. Then they smoked and drank the ..fire wa ter," and when evening came they kin. died large fires around him, at some dis tance off, but so that they would shine full upon him. And now commenced the or gies—they drank to intoxication—they dan ced and sung in their wild Indian manner, chanting the dirge of the recreant brave. The arrow was fitted to the bowstring, and ever and anon, with its shrill twang, it sent a missile into the quivering flesh of the homicide and to highten his misery, they cut off his ears and nose. Alternately drinking, dancing, beating their rude drums and shooting their ar rows into the victim, the nigh.. passed. The next day was spent is sleeping and mulling, the victim meanwhile still bound to the tree. What his refictions were, we of course cannot tell, but he bore his pun ishment as a warrior should. When night was closed around, it bro't his executioners to their work again. The scene of the first night was re enacted, and so on for a week. Seven long and weary days did Ito stand there tortured with the most cruel torture, before his proud head droped upon his breast, and his spirit left its clayey tenement for the bun. tin g grounds of the Great Spirit. And when it did, they took the body, wrapped it in a new clean blanket, and placed it in the log coffin he had helped to hollow. They put his hunting knife by his side that he might have something to defend himself on the way, his whiskey bottle that he might cheer his spirits with a drought now and then, and his tobacco and pipe that he might smoke. Then they put on the cover, drove down the stakes on each side the legs, and filled up between them with logs and bush. The murdered squaw was avenged. The camp was broken up and the old stillness and quiet once more reigned over the forest spot where was consummated this singular act of retribu. tive justice. Our informant has viited the spot of ten since then•--the log is still there with its cover on, and beneath may be seen the skeleton of the victim. curious question forthe lawyers has arisen in London : A lady was cour ted by a gentleman, who promised to mar ry her, and was accepted. But he did not fulfill his promise, and she sued hint for breach. It turned out, however, that he couldn't marry her because he had a wife living at the time. In answer to the suit he says : .Barkis is willing, but the law won't allow it,' and the lady can only de. mend a fulfilment of his engagement by an act contra liono mores. The .question then arises, "what damage has the lady sustained in not being married to a married man I"fhere is a stability of casuistry suggested by this, which the Chief Baron himself did not like to encounter, and an arbitration was recommended.. It is a nut which even a Philadelphia lawyer might perhaps be unable to crack VOL. 20. NO. 45 opular*ong. VILLMIIIB AND DINAH In Loilon's famed city a merchant did dwell, He had a fine daughter, au uncommon fine gal, ller name it was Dinah, scarce sixteen years old With a very large fortune in silver and gold. Citours—rural Ii tural Ii tural 10l la As Dinah was walking the garden one day, Her papa came to her, and thus ho did say, Go dress yourself Dinah in gorgeous arras, For I've gut you a husband both gallant and gay Oh papa, dear . papa, I've not made up my mind, And to marry Just yet, I don't feel inclined, My very large fortune . freely give o'er, It'yonlet crie stay single a yenr - or two more, Go, go boldest daughter, the father replied, If you will not consent to be this gentleman's bride, Your largo fortune shall go to the nearest akin, And you shall not have the benefit of one sin. gle pin. As Villikins was walking the garden around, Tie spied his dear Dinah ly . in' dead on the ground With a cup of cold pison right down by her side, And a billet doux stating how by pison she died, Ho kissed her cold corpse a thousand times o'er, And call'd her his Dinah tho' she was no more ; He gulped down the pison like alover so brave, Now V di kins and Dinah both sleep in one grave. Now all ye young maidens take warning by her, Never, by no means, disobey your governor, And all you young fellows mind what you clap eyes On, Think of Villikins and Dinah nnd the cup of cull pison. Our tip NAO. —An expeditious mode of getting up a row is to carry a long ladder on your shoul ders in a crowded thoroughfare, and every five minutes turn around to see if any one is making a face at you. —lt is strange how a ruffled shirt Will make a boy grow. Master Stubbs Mount ed one the other day, and what was the consequence? In less tian a week he :was 'too big' to cat with a steel fork. • .PusioN.'—Under this head, Ohio pa pers now place marriage notices. We clip the following from the Chillicothe Gazette— •FUSED.'-Mr. R. Van Slyck with Miss Abbey Scott, all of this town.• --A curious custom prevails in Paris of annually proclaiming the ..king of the pumpkins." and of making a solemn pro. cession in honor of the largest vegetable of the kind which can bo discovered. The "king" of the present year was grown at St. Mande, and weighed 348 pounds, be ing a little less than seven feet in circum ference. —The great shooting match between Mr. King, of Georgia, and Mr. Duncan of Louisville, for $lO,OOO a side, was decided near Cincinnati on the Bth inst. Mr. Duncan was the victor in this most extra ordinary display of skill. Each party had 75 shots, two pigeons being let out at each shot. Mr. Duncan shot •130 birds, and missed 111. The money was lost by a sin gle bird only. —ln Dr. Franlclin's time, when tho king of England sent some of his convicts over to this country, Dr. F. sent a box of rattlesnakes to his Majesty's Prime Minis• ter, advising that they should be introdu ced into his Majesty's gardens at Kew and expressing the hope that they would prop. agate and increase until they should be. come as beneficial to Great Britain as the British convicts were to this country. —An interesting discovery has been made in France, with regard to.ongrafting fruit trees. Instead of making use of a. graft, a slip is taken from an apple tree, fur example, add planted in a potatoe, so that a couple of inches of the slip may re• main visible. It soon takes root, devel opes itself, and finally becomes a hand some tree, bearing flue fruit. This teeth ed is due to the Bohemian Gardener. THE MISSINQ AERONAVT.—OVOIr two weeks have now elapsed since Mr. Win chester ascended in a balloon at Norwalk, Huron county, Ohio, and no tidings of Ins late have been received. There cannot be much doubt of his loss. Most probably ho descended in the lake and perished.— His family reside at Milan, Ohio,.and their anxiety and distress can easily be imagin ed Their only hope is that he has been wafted across the lake, and has descended in some out-ottho-way place in Canada. gentleman sent his servant up to his room for a pair of boots, and at the same time told him to be sure and get mates, as there were two and two pairs together in the closet. Patrick returned with two boots, but odd ones. 'Why, didn't you see that these are not alike ? One is a long top and the other is a short one,' said tho gentleman out of patience with the fel low. 6 13edad, your honor,' said Par, in apology, •and it's throe for ye, but thin the usher pair tea, jr,Nt so 100