Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 31, 1855, Image 4

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    ; =
Birnr:ngham, Huntingdon county, Pa.
ri ills Insti 11l te situated on the Penit. , ylvanio
Rail Ii id. end oceopies one of the most ili
ejrnlole lociitions in the mote. It is so case of ac
cess. retired, healthful, and eurroundeil with such
rommtie ❑murrain weever, tied no one win,
wishes to learn. could find an institution more fa
vornlilv situated. Experienced te.teltem who nre
graduates of Troy nod Mt. linlytke Seminaries
are employed in this institution, and no pains
will ho Flowed to entitle its growing reputation.—
The smumer term commences the lost Tuesday
in April and continues lire months. Charges to
data titan the time or entering, and no deductions
mode for absence except in case of sickness Pu
pil, from &wood are expected to Inetril in the
s em i na ry Building ith the Principal who gives
bit entit e attention to their interest and advance
Boarding, Tuition and furnished roon per
term s66 00
Latin. French, ralming, Drawing,
ant Instrumental Music, Extra.
Rue. I. W. WARD,
I'rinci, al.
March 27, 1855-If.
H"jest reterned from the east with a large
and , plendhl .t..ortinent of
Fall and Winter Clothing,
for men and boys, made in the latest fishion aud
in the most durable manner. Who ever wants
to he dressed better and cheaper than anvhody
else in town, let him roll st \V•t,aoooucr'e
CuEAp et.errumo Stone, one door west of T.
Read & Son's drod stole. Huntingdon.
,Call and see fur yourselves
Oct. It, 1854.
HOOVER Still at His Post
rptit.: undersigned, now engaged in nutting up
J. Armitage's Eleetro magnetic Lightning
Roils in this and adjoining counties, would res
pectfully call the littenthni of the intelligent pub
lic to the greet superiority of this Potent, at a
season like this, when accidents to property mu:
life almost doily occur, it is the dictate of human
ity, us well as interest. to mike use of the hest
means of security in our power, fur though the
Lightning lie in the hunds of Him who rules the
storm, His protection owl blessing are always
connected with our own efforts.
July 26, 1654.—tr.
ItAILItO.ID 1101'n5
sl,rii T. I Ex. T. I Ex. T. I E. T.
Train leaves P.M: P.M. A.M. P.M.
Pcterrhurg. 2.45 9.07 3.52 12.30
Hunt iog.lon, 3.02 9.22 4.08 1 05
51i i 1 Creek, 3.13 9.33 4.18 1,38
Mt. Union. 3.33 9.47 4.31 2,20
Train leaves 1'.31 A.M. P.M. - A.M.
?th. Union, 4.16 6.26 7.12 5.25
31111 Creek, 4.33 6.39 7.25 5.55
11,00 ingdon, 4.48 6.52 7.38 7.22 • He is constantly receiving from the Trade,
I 'OrCr° l olrl4. 5 . 03 7 . 05 7.49 7.30 Sale, tool other Imetimi sources large supplies
• of careililly 1.,..
Real Estate Agency. ' of Literature.
The undersigned has established nn agency for 'SELEC T,
the Sale and l'uteliase of Real Estate in lion- I RELIGIOUS,
ci,,Eflnn mnIntySUNDAY SCHOOL,
Any permit' wishing to sell or purchase give t JUVENILE AND
ng a ile,cription of the property,its location, quan• 1 TOY MOORS, &c.
tity. quality and terms. •to snit all tastes, and et all prices. Books for
We engage in this agency on such terms as presentation, Sr.
cannot he object...l in. . Bibles, Testaments Prayer Books
The Agent has the facility of making the pro- . w as, a ~,,, i„rge nod ex ,,,,,,,,,, t , ~,,,,e , of
perm exten4eely known._
w t , itow Intro some eery desirable 1„„4 „o l d,
i i i Staple and Fancy Stationary,
One oiler on e.tsy terms. • of the best I imilitv and lowest prices.
'Remember the 'North West corner Sixth and
ArAl St., Philadelphia.
Sly 23,185).—1y.
JN. BALL re....peritilily , •olicits the attention
•of the homing community ton (ullity of
Protylos which he is now manufacturing, end will
bare ready for sale iu at few day c, he is Also pre-
Imre.' In IMO., hnrrc, vc Wtlgoll, colts, wheel
barrows, and to do all kind of repairing
at the shortest notice, Mill in the n.ost substantial
• Shopon N. W. corner ut Itontgmery end Wash.
lug.) sts.
lilarch 27 1855—tf.
TtrEpnenorship heretufbre existing betweci.
Drs. Brown mid llagcrty is this dity by mu
tual consent di,soived.
All persons knowing themselves indebte,l to
the eaid firm, will please call and settlo their
account. without delay.
3lnreh 27 ISss—tf.
11% 111*VAL.
1 iRS. SARAH KULP wishes to inform dm
ladies of Huntingdon and the surrounding
enuntry that she has moved next 1100 r to Charles
Miller above the Presbyterian Church, Hitt St.,
where she .intends carrying on the leery and
straw 'Millinery bnsiue•s. Having received the
latest city titshion, she is prepared to attend to
all that may favor her with their c•uctma.
April 10, lE 4 ss—tf S. A. Kur.p.
/THE partnership heretofore existing between
Nlybm and Moss, by mutun , consent dis
solved, mol all persons lapwing themselves in
tlibtril to the said tiro, will please call mid set
tle their accounts without delay.
Saulsbury ' April 2. 1855. — tr
LEATHER. he 'fart, no charge will be made. A trial is
earne;tly invited and perfect satisfaction War.
rnurz, HENDRY & CO. ranted. A timing reetinnnunclattun tur the rna-
No. 29 North THIRD Street, PHILA. elane in the MlDlber already gold.
jjaiMANI:FIXTURE., Cuaamas and I T p m. '" wh° mm of the..
li I nrourans or FRENCH CALF SKINS. can accommodated bY addressing
and deniers in Rcuand OAK SOLE LEATHER H. J. WILLIAMS,
and KIVY. Alexandria, Huntingdon Co., I'n.
May 30,1855-6 m.
Feb. 20th 18.58.-Iy.
inlorrne hid old friends and he public that lie BELL, GARRETTSON St CO.,
has returned to Would home, and will mend to On North-west Corner of All and Monignm e
.11 husinees in his pretension, autru.ted to hint, ry StrCeiS, in the Borough of Ifuntingdon,
welt fidelity and his beet ability. T which it general flunking business is con.
Met) in Midu Streat.aunth al de, the laat house
4 , 1 '1 template(' to 1)0 done.
below th e Court house. Dnifts on Philadelphia, Pittsburg, &c., &e.
Huntingdon, May 13,1852. always fur sale. rolleetious made at the princi.
toff points in the United States.
irlgif t . 2. tAi i l2 . l)ll ll ,, Money received . ilepo•it, payable on demand,
A TTORAI.:I".‘II' LA IV, without interest; also for 3,6, and 12 months,
Will attend to all business entrusted to him. 0C- I payable with reasonable rates of interest thereon. Members of Firm:
flee nearly opposite the Court House.
/Slay 5,'53 . Hollidaysburg, Pa.,
J. M• Dem., R. B. .101INSTON.
Adams & Co.'s Express. w... JACK, WK. M. Lloyd,
T. K. simorros, Agent, Huntingdon. Huntiugdon, Pa.,
Stoney, Pueknges ' and goods of all kinds, re. A. P . WlL 6 ows Wm. Donuts, Jx.,
Cli,ed mid forwardellat the risk of the compam, J. atm. Mit.xs, Tues. FINIIEN,
tr.!! the citicsund principal towns in the United W.' Y. 0..... Wt JOON SCOTT,
kitatte May 1,f52. JAMES (WIN, Geo. W. GARRNTTSON.
-_ - - Huntingdon, Pa., July 12, 1854.
- -
rimiE undersigned bare for sale a second - hand- I , r ,,, , .•,. ~„ . rII . • r ,I
1 eli Carding Machine, with all the ne- . • •.I ''''''.), ""II rellcct II ! luferm toe
traveling public that lie iN now running a line 1 FEMALE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION
eessary fixtures, which they offer Mr sale very 1
AI ' Ile %whaling to Pureh'l". will do well ! of oa from Mt. 1.iii.,1l (Union , follows: T ill ; ', library will be open every Saturday after
ii Celll and see it. KESSLER ds 111(0. i From Orliii•iiiiiii to Mt. and back again, noon, ta 3 o'clock, in their room in the
Mill Creek, April 12. 1854. , lITCIV day. intersecting the Chumpersburg line t,,, r i Hata, Subscription 50 cant s a yea,—
at o . rliis (((( M. New books have been added to the former ex.
Passengers wlddng to go to Shade Gap, or any , e a ru , colketion_..Faii„, Faros" popular
other place,•will be taken on without delay. I „,,,;„„. n„,„ tar's" it
His Hacks are good and cunifortu g l o il:e ,A end , p .. .. '. iro ' . • ;;1:471 . 71,...e r d p
uTbalk will enable c . The
,h i e l' o r i i l l e 'e c r •
lie id deterniined to hare none but .
steady drivers; in a word, hie desire as to Curry 1 tion to be still more extended.—
i palsengers in comfort and safety. By order of the
JAMES 8. IttlitlinT. • President.
rjrbiAouls, No, 9, 19311.-IT. Flitutinginti, 3.r. ?!' :4.-4.
aoutiTir sURVIIIOI4.
oia,. with DANIEL AFRICA, Esq.. Int/street,
between 314mtgutuery m 1 Smith street.. Runt
iegdon. Nan's. [Sept. 14,14. tf
Of The Naticaall Safety Company.
Walnut :Street, Routh lirm ror,r Third Streit, t FTER yearn' 00. in vo.tii. tin. and
I 'MLA DEL NIL t. :1 numerous experiments. the Patentee takes
Incorporated by the State of Penn- pieu'ulth in tuthrming the pnblie that he has orris.
sylcania in lhill. ~,i at the title principles of pi meeting Comities,
dwellings and property from the ilestrnetive in.
FI VE PER CENT interest is given and the thienee of Lightning.. the calamities that
money is always paid bail whenever it is yyerY City, r "" . " , 1 )11"" lint Country htil ' "'-
called for, without the necessity of giving notice tint to annually, through the grow, negligence of ;
for it hello•chand. its inlinbitonts, is beyond calculation, especially
People who have large sums ant their money
when the remedy is . ease to obtaan—this is
. . •
in this Safer., Fund, on account of the snperior ha i
noodle Ai . 'mirage , 4 Patent Magnetic
safety and eonvenienee it utterde, hut no sum. Lightning Mods, and in this alone. This
large or small. is received. Rod has been examined 1,0 the Most scientific
This SAvINO FE ,in has more than half a tail- gentlemen in the world—Professors M'Murtrie,
lion ff f ,i,,ll ars , , ser ,,,,i ) , i nvente d for the safety .Johnson. Walter 01111 any others that have ex•
of depositors. ' ! mined them. recommend and'speak of them in
The Office is open t o receive ~,,,i pay money the highest terms It approbation, and have pro-
ev.try day. from 9 o'clock in the Morning till 7 mount.ed them the only sole rods in nsc in this or
o'clock le th e evening, nod o n \h no d g y go d ants other country, for the proteetion of Lives and
Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock. Property. One ft.lvfintilfze is to owlme and throw
People who have moiler to put in; are invited back it part of the electric fluid harmless to the
to call alt ii,„ ottic„ fur further inil,rir.ti„., 51.11115 in time of a stroke this enable ' the roll
HENRI' L. BENNER, Pres't. , to conduct that portion of fluid that belongs to
ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice Pres't. j the earth without the slightest danger of leaving',
Wad. J. Rimy, Secretary. , the comluctol•. This rod has many other adv.-
Nov. 1, 1054. : tfiges over the old one. The only playa of mans
utiteturing is in
Vine St.. 3 4,0 (Owe TiveTit, Philadelphia,
where all persons are respectfully invited to call
and examine for themselves. For sale Whole•
9010 111111 Retail, by THOS. ARMITAGE.
Orders promptly attended to. Terms cash.
No. 21 South Third Street, Between Market
and Chesnut Streets, Philadelphia,
11M:Egi f ,
Dry and Curti Sailed Patna kips.
Tanners' and Curriers' Tools,
re' All kitiihi of I..atthei i t tile hough wanted, C
lot which the highest market price will he given
in cash, or taken in exchange for lime,
Leather Stored free of Charge and Sold on
Dee. 20, 1A54.—1y.
• No 0, South Third Street,
131 , A.03V :\ lA. ssET,
Importer, Manufacturer and Central'
222711 - 101 02Alrh,
line Constantly on hand, and •
• Always Finishing,
All kinds of Leather,Morocco, Call
Skins, Sheep S kins, &c. •
The attention of 0 1 1intry Merchants and Man
willetiirers, is bo!ivited.
Dee. 211, 1854.-Iy.
P. VI - h , :a1):1 1 P2 0
Rooks in ell 60p:inn:nuts
Wholesale Dealers in Provisions
ftXNZ;4, coutaTgStOx
1112 It
No. 325. Liberty Street,
Have now on hand n very large and choice
stork Bacon, to which we particularly desire to
invite our friends and dealers generally.
May 0, i855.-7m.
Au Improvement worthy of the Pro
gressive Age.
TIM subscriber in prepared to furnish every
citizen of the Commonwealth, with one of
these superb articles, ticknowledged he nil who
have them in nee, and by every one who lion tes
ted them, to be soporific to anything of the kind
ever brought ingi,re the publi c ,
They are made of the best moteriat. nniicr tlia
sopervision of the nohneriher, who in prepared
to deliver them .at nay point it, thin or tho adjoin
ing countivs. Thin machine possesses ninny nil
vantages over any other of the kind, from the
ibet. that it in no manner wears the clothing,
uses less soap, anal in easier worked.
The price ranges ' six to seven
The subscriber warrants thin machine to give
entire satisfaction. If it does not do everything
Electro-Magnet Lightning Rods.
1 . /ITI.AIiA.. Aug. 13, 1847,
Thane this dny carefully inspected a conductor
or Lightning Rod, with vane and index. erected
by Mr. Thom. Armitage, on Bellevue House,
Gloucester, and have no hesitation in string that
it is nut only the best that I have ever seen, but
that it is the only one I have yet exelnined that
is constructed on strictly scientific prineities. It
is with much pleasure that I recommend this
conductor to the attention of owner. , of buildings.
am well
m said that the Magnetie Lightning
u nit. atlnfitet by Mr. Thomas Armitage. of
Philadelphia, is the hest that has ever been made-
I have spent severnl years in the study of the laws
of electricity and magnetism, and have no hesita
tion in saying that these Rods are ennstrneted
upon the only principle of safety. Thu electric
shock is received and dispersed by the magnet at
the top of the rod. and it would bo impossible,
according to the laws of attraction and repulsion,
fora bnilding to he injured by a stroke of light
ning when pro , eeted by one of those rode. I
have been acquainted with Mr. Armitage fortes.
real years. and before he ronsmeneed the mann
f squire of theAo roils I examined the principle on
wide!) they ere constructed, nod felt convinced
that their adoption would ho attended with com
plete success. The increasing demand for these
nods, and the extensive sales in nil parts of the
country, is ample commendation of their utility
and ,uperiorit:r._ _ _
Rising San, ca., April 10, 18511."
The following extraet in taken from an editori
al in the Germantown Telegraph, edited by Major
“The hogns rod placed upon our dwelling we
have bad taken down; and another ereted by Mr.
An:IIMA., to which we would call the attention
or our farmers and readers generally. It is put
up on tree scientitie principles. and is /I rod that
has been improved by the liigheat unthoriry, and
will bear the inoq thorough eninnination. Tinian
who have been deceived, at we have been. hhould
lone no nine in twinge proper protection against
lightning, substituted. The cost is n mere bag
atelle when compared with the entire ninety of
our houses and barns unjust thin destructi.o ele
ment. Air. AtintrAog's advertisement will Le
found in the cohinnis of this paper; and we feel
an thcin,fi we were performing no imperious dory
to the community, by thus inviting to it general
PIIIT.ATELPIIIA, Dec. 4, 1852.
Mr. T. ARNITAOL, Vine Street, west or Twelfth
Street, Philadelphia.
Mr p.m Stn: After a trial of ninny weeks, ;t
affords me great pleamtre to inform ton that I
am highly delighted with the lightning, roil you
placed upon my Loose at llnatletoo. An far mi
toy chemical line itslux enabled me to perform
an opinion, I am satisfied yen have developed
the CarraCt principles in the adaptation of rods to
protect property from destruction by lightning; as
soon as the advantages or your arrangements are
undemood, 1 ant CialViared that low 1.0,... , 4 Will
lee naiad so reel Ass as to full to avail themselves
attic protection allbrded hy your rods. Wishing
you all success in roar enterprise,
i rums truly,
JAMES Atedf.lNTDCli, M. D.,
No. I, North Eleventh Street,
noresgor of Anatomy, Maudelabia College of
Medicine. •
Co., Pa.,
Agent for finntingdon, and wijoining counties, AKE YOU SICK I
and will furnish dm Rode on the some manner Os Then you anti he cured too soon. Don't ‘le
the Proprietor. Any person desiring to he sup- ! lap until your complaint is incurable, owl then
plied with the 110118 Con louse their order with the mourn when it in ton Into. Foto filth of all the
Editor of the Junrual, or with Gains Miller, of which'people the eh oreh-)ards might
t he Roil Road Hotel. April 12 , ' 5 4. Ihr eared by Aver's Cathartic Pills, if t.then in
hUN TII4GDON FOU N DRY, ! ....... Don't go dragging througl..-- Airing,
filet sleepy end I artless, because your w ee d i s
D C. SleGI LI., returns his thanks , ; leaded with bile. Don't wear the head-oche.
....• to his friends and the &
public . ' aalefle.. , ; thairtintni, and their kiitilrml disorder:, beano,
for their very liberal petronage, and ' your stomiteii infout. foul. Don't parade 'yourself
hopes by strict attention to husiness ' IP "';'""" ' around the stolid, mitered with Pimples, Biondi
to merit a continuance if the same, in all I.4itils of ; es, Ulcers Sore; end all or any of the unclean
Castings, Cooking Staves, Air-Tight, nirlor, ; discuses of skin, because your system wants
Ten Plate Wood and Coal Stoves of various s i. I clean s ing. Don't show yourself about, loin,
7., find all kinds of Plon4s: the ' Litnea.ter and ; haggard, all raved in, because Your enanevit end
the Plank Barshear patterns '
and K e y s t one No. i bowels need strengthening into healthy nett in.—
4 Self-sharpening and Hill side Ploughs, and 1 Ayers Pills set these things right as surely as
Shears to snit ell kind. of Ploughs in the country; ! water Haunches tire. They purify the body and
Rolling-mill and Forge Cuttings, Grist and Saw. ; blood, and restore their liniments into healthy
mill Castings, I.ltwistown Threshing Machine' itetivity which yen Amu feel as quick as they ere
Patterns, mid the four horse until two horse power hike.. Thew are the nil greet medical wonder
of Climnbefsburg patterns; and all other kinds of of tils'age, receguised tintll who know their
misting. ton mimeo, 's to Menti ~,,, all of which I virtues, and many thousand , know them. Take
will 1,0 sold cheeper thou over for cash and ail the Cherry remora! for a Cough, end the Pills
kinds of country produce. Also, old mettle taken j lee till deraugements requiring a purgative mett
le exeliange for mmtings. I ieine.
I lonsingdon, November 9, 1253.
____ Prepared by 1 . 11...1.. C. A l u 'Ell,.l l: o t... w s ell, i lllnss„ ,
numROBBED, BUT NOT DISHEARTENED. i :; . !, : l i :zby ',ye, • teapot:Laid 1.11 ,i t i, h ow
Brilliant laimplay Of Jewell'3 , THOS. READ 4 SON, Huntingdon, Pat., HU
THE 14111,1iC 1,100.00 Y, 0011 the reseals who, Eft & ORTER, Alexandri, la,. .1. li.
I stone time since, entered my store and :ono-' HOSISI ER P &
Cu. Wuterstieet, l'it., J. M ROL
crib valuables to the summit of shout $llOO 1 Lhl2, Petersburg, and by all dealers to crywhere.
without ray permission, sire inliirmed that 1 have I Oct. 1, , 1655- 851.
;sat opened a more general and better assortment
of articles in my line of business then was ever
brought to Il w tintingdon, consisting of Watches, TH()S, BEA 1),
Jeelry, Clocks, Fine Ktiives, ai kw .
p e rf u m er y, p er t Mon- ;1N,.. Would respectfully inform laic friends and the
neies Silver Ware, and Fancy ; --- gli public, that Ito has on hand and is receiving for
Articles, &c., &e. Sly old Mende and customers, the coming season, n fine assortment of
and the public in general throughout the county, cEt ao •cwr es. U. re. w .
are requested to call and examine my assortment. Consisting of Watches, Cleans, Breast Pins, Fin-
EDMUND SNARE. ger Rings, Elie Rings, Pencils, Keys, Thimbles,
Huntingdon, March 29, 1854. Studs, Medallions, &e. Together with his celebra
ted and unrivalled
The subscriber, thankful to his friends and pa- (iliLD PEN,
Irons, and to the Public generally, for their Pa- whi c h i s egun l if., supet i o , an y new i n u s e
tronage, still continues to carry on at the same Each Pen is Engraved wit h his o wn name,
stand, ono door east at Mr. C. (,out's 110W1, Mary and every l'en Warranted.
het street, Ilinititnplon, whore he will attend to
Oh did you ever. no I never I
all who will favor lihn with their custom, end al- Mercy.. what a treat;
80 keeps on hand a good assortment of WATCHER, G et R ead ,. G o bi r e . , they . re extra fi ne,
CLocice, .1 eivEt.iiv, &c., &P., all of which he is And only found in North Third Street.
determined to sell at low prices'
A splendid Pen P.' Where did you get it?
Clocks, Wangles and Jewelry of all kinds will Pare Diamond Pointed, can't be beat;
be repaired at short notice, and having made fir- y e ,, , My 1.1,,,, flier,. no lit Third Stitt I.
bo dote inn neat end durable manner, and every 'Road's Gold Pen is found only at 55 Noah
perm leaving articles for repairing sltall have
Third Street below Arch East Side.
them dons at the precise time. By paying strict '
attention to husisesa, and selling fit low retch ha F 88 8 .1 0 ,18. Jan. 8, 1 888. _,
hopes to receive a share of public patronage.
Huntingdon, Sept. 7, 1852.—if.
Lt`j IL Jilt ;I , :i\iII.ATEMY.P.I.I4
Helmbold's I Ilglll3 Concentrated
For Dhmases twt the Bladder and Kidneys, Ob
structions (lithe Uririe, Chronic I
(;seas, Weaknesses. anti all diseases of
tie Sexual Organs,
from whatever they may have originated
and no matter of how long standing.
von have yummier! the terrible disease,
whirls, when once seated in the syntem, will go
down Iron; ono generation to another, undermi
ning the constitution mid -.napping the very vital
fluids of life, du not tritst yourself in the hands
of Quarks, who stows up every Clay inn city like
this, and till the papers with glaring fulselloodi
too well calculated to decive the young and those
not acquainted with their (licks. You cannot
be too careful ip the selection of n remedy in
these eases.
has been pronounced by eminent physicians
It is a medicine perfectly pleasant in its taste
and very innocent in its action, and yet so tlior
ust;!a! it
(lithe rank awl poisonous virus or title dreadful
disease ; and, unlike other remedies it does not
dry up the ili.wase in ihe blued.
Constitutional Debility.
brought on by selt•ahuse, u most terrible dis
ease, afar+ has brought thousaurls el the
man race to untimely graves, thus blasting the
brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting iu the
bud the glorious ambition of many a noble
youth, can he cured b, fide
And as a medicine w•hieii must benefit everybody
from the simply delh•me to the confi ne d an d d e.
spelling. invalid, no email is to be found,
Illelibold , s Highly Concentrated
Fur purifying the Blood, removing all diseases
arising t'rum excess of Mercury, from
auy exposure in life, chronic •cunstitu
• tional disease, &wising from an im
pure state oldie Bluadamil the
only reliable and effectual
known remedy out,
for the cure of
• ScrotithiSalt
Ulcerations ofthe
Throat and Legs,
Pains and Swellings
of the Bones, 'fetter, Pim
pies on the Fare, and all sea
ly .I. , ,ruptions of the Skin,
This article iv lam prescribed by ;oTne of the
most distinguished Physicians in the country,
and hots proved store efficient in practice than
preparation of Sarsaparilla yet offered the pub
lie. Several cases of secondary Syphilis, Mer
curial and Serafillous diseases have entirely re
covered in the incurable wards of o ur p u bli c
stitutions which had kr many 3,11,1 reViSICil ev
ery mode of treatment that could be devised.--
'1 his . e eases furnish striking examples of the
salutary ',fleets of tliii medicine in arresting
some of the most inveterate diseases, idler the
glaudx were destroyed and the tames already af
NOTlCE.—Letters from responsible Physi
cians and Profes , ,, le4lieal Collegen
and eertifleittes of ~.ure, from patients wall ne
Wand iiceompaN
Fluid Extract Bimini, Si bottle or 6 hat. $3
.. .. S!usnparilin,!• 4.
squill in strength to one gallon Syrup of Sarno•
Prepared and roltt by H. I'. lIE XIDO I),
Chenn4t, 263 Chestnut It., cur the Wrist('
Douse, Philattlelphia.
had.ol Read Se Son, llnntingdon,
Pit.. mot al) owl Denim, everywhere.
11:7"All Letters &retied to the Proprietor or
,Wcire iurr, r,iiute Lattlai4ll.
May 13, 1855-Iy.
;I . x the
11. K. NEFF, 111. D.,
H AVING termed himself in WA . ItRIURRAIAnIi
-Li in this county, would respeettully ollbr his
professional services to the citizens of that place
and Oho country adjacent.
J. B. linden, M. 1). Got, A. P. Wilson,
M. A. Ilendursun, " Wan. I'. Orhison,
J. li. Dorsey, " lion. James Gwinn,
M. Stewart, " John Scott, Esii.
lion. George Taylor.
Huntingdon, Pa.
Jacob M, Gemmill, M. D.. Alexandria.
John M . l'lll he , •' ng.
Where may he obtained the most speedy rem.
3" for
DISBASES.—GIeets Striating, of our ciimman partiMe weals a remedy
Seminal Weakness. Pain in the Loins, Afflictions that cures
oldie Kidney., and all those peenliar affections
arising Bain a secret habit, particularly the youth 1i11.11:1111 ® ItilL.dilLPWlllts
of both sear, which if not cared, producer con- t h e wors t sc r o fula d o wn to a cemmon
stitutional debility, rendering marriage impusai
fu, iu the ee',4eMreY,' hbth Mind and Body. I He has tried it in overt 100 mime, and never
Young Men,, fined except in two cases, (both tl under !lonian)
especially,hay. he'ome rite victims "So. - Ile has now in his rssession rive: two hundred
itary Vice, that 14.41E111 and destructive habit certificates of its ague, nil within swenty miles
which annually sweeps to nn untimely grave thou- of Boston.
sail.l of young men of the most exalted talents Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing
nail brilliant intellect, who might otherwise hive sor e mon th.
entranced listening senates with the thunders of One to three !males will cure tl e worst kind
eloquence, or waked to cestacy the living lyre, of Pimples on the Ince.
may call with full confidenee. . our three bottles will clear the system of
, Married Persons, I Biles.
or throne contemplating marriage, timing aware of Mu bottle , ' are warranted to cure the worst
physical - weakness, should immediately consult , career Erysipelas.
Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. I One to two bottles are warranted to cure all
Dr. Johnston,
office No. 7 South Fredrick St., !seven doors learn
Baltimore Street, east side up the steps. (Wile •
particular in obtaining the name and 'umber, or
you will mistake the place,
A cure warranted, or no charge made, in from
elle to two days.
TAKI, NoTicx.—Dr. Johnston's office is in his I
dwelling, up the steps. His very extensive prac
tice is n sufficient guarantee, that he is the only
propel physician to apply to. •
Dr. Johnten, member of the Royal College of ;
Surgeons. London, graduate from one of the'
most eminent Colleges of the United Staten, and
the greater port of whose life Mot been spool in '
the tionpitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and
elsewhere. has elected come of the most aston
ishing cures that were ever known, many trou
bled with ringing in the earn and head when
asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed nt
den sounds, and bashfulness, with frequent blush
ing attended sometimen with derangement of
mind, were cured immediately.
A CattrAix DtsgAsg.—lt is a melancholy fact
that thousands fall victims to this horrid disease
owing to the unAilfulitess of ignorant pretenders
who by the use of the deadly ;tenon Memory,
ruin the Constitution, causing the most scrims
symptoms of that dreadful disease to make their
appearanee, noel, an affections of the head, nose, 1
throat, skin, etc., progressing with frightful ra- ,
pidity till death puts a period to their ,
sabring, by sending them io that Bourne whence
no traveler returns.
hare injured themselt es by a certain practice in-
dulged in when alone—a habit frequently learned
from evil companions, or at school—rho effects ,
of which ten nightly felt, even when asleep, and
if not cured mailers meringe impossible, and de-
stroys both mind and hotly.
What a pity then young man, the hope of !tin
country, and the darling of his parents should be I
snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of I
life by the COTIscriRC.CC OldevilaillF from the path
of nature mud indulging inn certain secret lode. '
Such persons before contemplating Marriage,
should reflect that a son.' mind and body are
the most necessary .retptisites to protnote connu
bial happiness, Indeed without these, the jour.
ivy thraugh life becomes a weary pilgrimage,
the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the
mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled
with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness '
ofitnethcr becomes blighted will, our own.
es yottug men, and all who have injured them
ves by private and Immo)), indulgence.
IMMISSANA.--These are some of the tool and•
melancholy effects produced by early'huhits of
youth, vim Weakness of the hark and Limbs,
in the heed, Dimn(s9 Or Sight, Lost of
Muscular power. Palpitation or the (kart. Dys
pepsia, Nerve. Irritability, Detangements of the
Digestive Fon, ions, General Debility Symptoms
of Consumpti.,, &r.
Missy. m.v—The fearful abets on the mind are
am i d, to he dr,,olcd; Loss of memory, Confusion
or hip., I)epres,i4M of Spirit, Evil Forbodings;
Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of Soli
tude, are sonicof the evils prodneed.
Thousands uf persons of all ages,caii now judge
what is the raise or their declining health.. Lom
ing their vigor, hemming week, pale and emacia
ced, have singular appear:time cheat the eyes,
tou g h and syIII,OIIIS of consumption.
Married pkons, or lone contemplating mar
riage, being aware of plivsical weakness, should
immedimely consult Dr. .I. and he restored to per
fect health. Office, No. 7, South Frederick-St.,
Baltimore, Md.
N. 11. Let no false delicacy present you, but ap
ply immediately eititer personally or by letter.
Skin Diseases Speedily Cored,
STHANGLItB.—The many thousands cured
at this Institution within the last ten years, anti
the numerous important Surgietil Operations
parlianted by Dr. .L.wituesseddiy the Reporters of
the papers, and many other persons, attires of
which have %invented Itgaill and main betbre the
public, is u sufficient guannitee that: the afflicted
will Mal a skillful and honorable phys'cian.
. .
As there are so many ignorant mid wurtLL•ss
quacks advertising themselves as Physiemtoi,roin
ins the health of the !till : 001 Dr. Johnston ninth
say to those unacquainted with his reputation that
hi, Credentials or Diplomas always hAug, in his
Weakness of tito organs immedianily cured,
and NI vigor restored
et- All [errors poo, paid—remedies tout by
Alny 22, 1855.-1 y
114MES , S
For the prevention mid Ono of Intermittent
and Remittent Fevers. Fever and Ague, Chills
and Fever. Dumb Ague, (tenet.' Debility Night
Sweats, and all other forms (if which have
a COlllll.Oll origin in Malaria or Miasma.
This is a natural antidote which will entirely
protect one resident or traveller even in the
most sickly or swampy localities, Irma any Ague
or Bilious disease whatever, or any injury from
constantly inhaling Malaria or Miasma.
It will instantly check the Ague in persons
who have suttered for any length of time, from
one day to twenty scars, so that they need Lever
to have another chill, by continuing in use ac
cording to directions. The patient at once begins
to recover appetite and strength, and continues
until a permanent and radical cure is dittoed.
One or two tattles wilt tins, cr tOr ordinary
rives ; wine. mar require more. Directions prin
ted Guam, French and Spanish, aCcoltipany
each bottle. Pricy ono dollar. Liberal dis
counts made to the trade.
JAMES A. RHODES, Providence, R. I.
New York, Julie 11, 1855,
"I have made a chemical examffiation oft
"Rhotle'k Fever and Ague Cure," or Antiilute
to Malaria, nod have tested it fir Krsenic, Mer
cury, Quinine, nod Strychnine, but have not
round a particle of either 111 it, nor have 1 found
any substance in its composition that would
prove injurious to the constitution.
JAMES R. CIIILTOM, M. 1). Chemist.'
Leivisloura, Union CO, Pa, May 2, 1855.
Mr. J. A. Rhodes—Dm Sir t The box of
medicine you sent me was ihtly received on the
t oth of April. 1 have sold about one half of it, '
and so ihr the people who have used it, and six
of the cases were of long standing ; my sister.
who hod it fur five or six years bock, and could
o n c e , get it stopped, except by Quinine, and
thee only as long um she would tyke, is 0000,
think, entirely cured by your remedy.
Take too more Arsenic, Tonics, Mercury, Qui
nine, felirifugcs, Strychnine, or Anti-Periodies,
of any kind. The well-known inefficiency of
these nexioue poisons proves them to he the off
spring otfalso medical principles, .0 of mercena
ry quacks. The only remedy in existence that
is both sure Mid harmless is
OHM oCOYT, &num. T. Ilaower
Ab,ra—ln Huntingdon, Thema, ICL'ad & Son, I. '
and for sale by dealers 'generally.
March 30), 1i55-Iy. Ctririf DA - 10UB,,
- - _ i Attorneys at Law,
BLANKS..-Always buy your Blanke at the i
"Jour., Othee." We have now prepared a Te- 1 Huntingdon, l'a.,
ry .uperior article of BLANK DEEDS, 1301 4 11)5, ; Office Immo aa that fartaarl) 0.--0vi,.1 ' , I t,:..,
JUDGMENT NOTER. sit TNI Mows , . Exit(' u. " t. E . q.
Tynws,,c, net. la, mut.
•7,.A2 et.
Dr. Kennedy. of Itoximry,lin , discovered in ono
humor in the Eyes.
Two bottles arc warranted to cure running of
the ears and blotches among the Milr.
Four to six bottles are warranted to cure cor•
rupt dud running ulcers.
One bottle will cure scaly eruption of the
Two to dire bottles are warranted to curs the
worst ca. O s ingworm.
Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the ;
most desperate case of rheumatism.
; Three to four bottles are warranted to cure tire
salt rheum.
Five to eight bottles will cure the worst case
of scrofula.
A benefit is always experienced train the first
bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the
above quantity is taken..
Reader, I peddled over a thousand bottles of
, this in the vicinity of Boston. I knew the effect
of it in every case. Flo sure as water will extin
. pis!' lire, so sure will thisTure 'minor. I never
! sold a bottle of it but that soil another; after a
trial it always speaks for itself. There are two
things about this herb that appear to me ;trial.;
sing ; tieet that it grows in our pastimes, in some
placer quite plentiful, and vet its value has never
been known until I discovered it in 1846—second
that it should cure all kinds of humor.
In order to trice some idea of the sudden rise
and great popularity of the discovery. I will
state that in April, 1853, I peddled it and soil
about six bottles per day—in April, 1854, I sold
I over one thousand per day of it.
Some of the wholesale Druggists who have
been in business twenty and thirty years, say
that nothing in the annals of patent medicines
, was ever like it. Th, re is a universal praise of
it from all quarters.
In my own practice I always kept it strictly fur
humors—but since its introduction as a general
family medicine, great and wonderful virtues
have been found in it that I never suspected.
I Several eases of' epileptic fits—a which
wan always considered incurable, have been ea
red by a fear hicks. 0, what it mercy if it will
prove effectual in alrcases or that dreadful nod
arty—there are but few why have more of it than
I have.
I know of several cases of Dropsy, all of whom
agent people enrol by it. For the various IHrea•
ses of the Liver, SA headache, Dyspepsia,
Asthma, Fever and Ague, Pain in the gide,
' cages of the Spine, and partienlarly n diseases
1. of the Kidneys, Sec., the discovery has done more
good than any medicine over knUire.
No change of diet ever necessary—eat the best
you can get and enough of it.
Otacc•rioNs run Vs.—Adults • one table
spoonful per tiny—Childron over ten years des
' sett splaattall —Children from lire to eight years
teaspoonfalL A. no directions can be appliet,
ble to all tnomit mime; Like nutliehiut to operate
on the bowels twice al :Iny.
Allintifactitred by
N. 120 Warren St., Roxbury, Mass.
Price $l,OO
T. W. DYOTT, General Agent fur Pennsylra
Wholesale Agents.—N. Y. City, C. V. Mel,
ner, 81 Ilart.lay Street.—C. 11. Ring, 192 8r0,• , -
way.-11uslaon S. Clark, 275 Ilruadway.—A. ii.
& I). bowl,, inn Fulton t-itreet.
For rule I.y li. W. Brehm., McVeytown; Mrs.
Nl,, Marks, Lewistown; T. r..e.0 at Sun, Hun
And sold by Agents gener4lly.
:May 2, 1855.-1 y.
`d'll2 aRIP/I., , ,PATtiT/ 4i•2111117/
Issued under the see), sanction and authority
Free Medicine
TERM) til"1111; sTATE OF PENNsyL,
VANIA, APRIL 29, 1553.
s'~l,(Jl IJ.i Ji]
for supul2.iug the community , - nth
remedies wherever a Corupocur Physician
cannot ur will nut he eutPloYed. have Purchased
Uk...1 Dr. JOlllg It. llOWAl.CD,HicaLbratci
Rowandie Tonio Mixture
upwards of twenty-five years as
the only SLIM and safe cure fur
And his 11$estininlile remedy for
Which highly approved and popular Reme
dies, together with the Unirersity'i Remedy tin.
Complaints el the Lunge,
The .Unirersity's Remedy for Dyspepsia or
Tr,. University's Remedy for Costive Bow.
Alto Rio University's Alm:nine may ho had
at the Branch Dispensary, or Store of
Moore & Swoope, Alexandria, Runt. Co., Pa .
Thos. Read & Sun, Hondo:en, "
William Bell,
Kessler & Bro., Mill Creek, " "
B. F. Kepner, Mittliatown, Juniata
Benner & Crawford, Thom pson town "
Thos. (Memoliter, Patierson • "
I). Gingrich & ew Mexico,
Jonathan Zoller. Co., dilton, Cumberland "
W. 16, Prime Now Cumberland
L. B. Riper, .4 CC
Juo. F Caslow, Milton tt 64
James Bleakley, Franklin. Venango
M Thompson, Duncitcsville. Blair, "
Datil Rola. Franklin Forge,
Geo. Bergstrasser, Frankstoan,
I). 'Williams, Hollidaysburg
/1. Myers, .' tt
J. Thompson, IC CC c,
Jno. Ilyston, Read Crooked Dam " rr
J. A. Rutin&
T. Fall., 2nd Lock below"
Kinkaid & Lowy Yellow Springs, "
E. Goodiellow. Hollidaysburg, "
Jacob Alclutyre,
13. /denser. Waynesboro, IC it
Mary Orr Liolcidayaburg, o 40
James Bell. Johnstown, Cambria, "
IL Lambartson, Franklin, Venn ago,"
elms. Ritz, Lewistown, Malin, "
J. M. Williams. bloVeytown, .r 41
J. R. Smith, Relearn ilansilton, I , tt
.P. C. t'111;20, " 4d o
" J.W.Smith.
o if
Jat. Sh oth., Jr., Strode's Mills 44 4,
Mary :tlarks, Lewistown,
A. W. Moss," fa di
G. W. linchanan, MoVeytown, "
11. Kra t sor t Son, Johnstown, Pintbrla
May IG, 1835-Sin.
The "11117NTINEMON Jounn.t t." Is publlshad rtt
he following !:.tcs :
If paid in advance WOO
If paid within six months alter the time of
If paid at the end of the year 2,00
And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid tin
after thc expiration of the year. No subscription
will be taken for a lens period than six months,
snit nopnper will he discontinued, except at the
option of the Editor, lifter it has went over the
time of subscribing, until the end of that pear.
Subscribers lining in distant connties,or in other
States, will be required to pay invariably in
Or 'rho above terms will be rigidly oditorod
to in all (mos.
Will be charged at the following rates:
1 Insertion. 2 do. 8 dn.
Six lines or less, $ 25 $ 37i $ 50
One square, (IC ) lines, 50 75 100
Two " (32 ". ) 100 150 200
Three " (49 " ) 150 225 900
Business teen advertising by the QuArtet, Half
Year or Year, will be charged the following rates:
2 mo. 0 :no. 12 mo.
One equnre, $3 00 $5 00 $0 00
Two squares, 500 800 12 00
Three sq1111111t1,; 750 10 00 15 00
Four squares, 900 14 00 23 00
Flee squares, 15 00 25 00 98 00
Ten squares, 25 00 40 00 80 00
Business Cards net exceeding six linos, one
year, $4.00. --
I sheet Lendbills, 30 copies or less,
C. IS St
tt II
BLAmtsifoolscap or less, per single quire, 1 50
"4 or more quires, per " I 00
j' Extra charges will be made for heavy
‘9s All letters on.linsittess must be POST PAID
to secure attention...OA
'rho Law of Newspapers.
I. Sn6irriberstrho do not vice eyrries notice to
the contrary, ore considered at wislang to continuo
their sottcription. _ . .
2. If sub,crlbqe order the discontinuance If their
newspopers, the publisher mafbeontinue to send them
until all arreorn.7es ore imid.
3. Ii subscri bers neglect or refuse to tuke their
nexspapers from the "Offices to which they are direc
ted, thq, ore held revonsible until they hare settled
their bills and ordered them discontinued. .
4. ii;a:Sr;illers;comove to ether places without
infornany the publisher, and the newspapers are tent
to the former direction, they art held responsible.
5. Pergolll , who continue to receive or take tho
paper from the eice, arc to be consuiered as sub
scribers and as such, equally responsible for subserip•
Sion, as if they had ordered their names entered upon
the puhlishmws books.
6. 77,, (Awl: , hare also repeatedly decided that
a Post Master who riyiects to pr:forrn his duty of
!jiving measoilable voti, a.: rripmired by the regula
tions a.t the Pool Olive Ihpartumstd, of the neg.
, trot of person to tac finmim the qffice, newspapers
ta?drms,sed to rfadr. the Emst Master liable to
1 the Indium/ler fia time subscription price.
PUSTMASTERS are required by law
to no:11'y publishers by letter when their publi.
(dious are refustrl or nut culled fur by persons
to whom they are sent, and to give the reason
of such refosal, if known. It is also theiribity
to fish ell such letters. We will thank post.
musters to keep us posted up iu relation to this
. Agents for the Journal.
The following I,cysorts we Mire appointed Arenta
for the ustristnito:s Joni:NAL, who are author
ized to receive find receipt for money paid on sub
scription, and ti take the names of new subscri
bet, dt nor pithti..lleti
I Wc •tl I. .1 . • convenience of our
her at a .1, - ,, tllen from Huntingdon.
••• ic , ost Esq., Hollitlayslimg,
. . mi.•seCromwell township.
lis,tur •: , ' township.
[ DAVID •,..,11 township.
Dr. J. P. :Ism . dc.. Penn township,
J. WAREIIAM MATTOON, Franklin township,
SAMUEL t.'11,11 , 61., JaCkSOO township,
Colmlsto. C. WATSON, Bride township,
Monnis BROWN, Spriakttield town4bip,
AVM. IIUTCIONSON, Esq., WilfrioroOiork
Glitif:Oß W. I /Ai:En, Petersburg,
Htmity NEFF, West Berree.
JOHN liALstuctt, Waterstreet,
Maj. CHARLES MtctaLer. %A township,
A. M. BLatn, Dahlia township,
Gsonon WirsoN. ESq., Tail t 0,11311111,
JAMES Birminglmin.
NATHANIEL LYTLE Esq., Spruce Creek.
Mai. IV. Zioim, Xlexandritt.
• B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace.
SIMEON WRIGHT, Esq., Union township.
D.tvio CLAMISON COOS township.
SAMUEL WIOTON:Esq. ! Franklin townsnip.
DAVID Pauttim, Esq., WArritirsuottk.
Doris AvrtANDT, Esq., Todd township.
Du. J. Ammno SHADE, DUI)S11 township.
The "JOURNAL' , has 300 Subscri
bers more, than any oilier paper
in this county.
AtLi. ThaNDY.;• Cr
pain lantp
suc II A IS
rk,Ena1,22 , 3.
And all Kinds of Legal Blanks;
Used by Magistrates & Others
Printed at the JOURNAL OFFICE.
lIOUSEKEEPERS study your interests, w 1.9
XI go to Auction and pay extravagant prices for
half-made Funntrungt Coll at No. 1, North
street, and examine the largest assort
ment of the Lest made Furniture and Bedding in
the city, 2 ember Beds, Hair, Husk, and Straw
Mattresses; a large assortment of fancy What
not., Son : 'fables, marble tops, mid Washstands;
Walnut tool Mahogany French Tete-a-tetes, Di
vans, Wardrobes, Bookcases; French Bedsteads;
Fancy Snide.' Snot, Cone sent. Windsor. and of
fice Chairs, Conn ting.lumse, and cane-scot Stools,
Settee and Arm-chair Cushions; Cottage furni
ture mode in cowry style and color; Stith Beds and
Lounges, wholesale awl retail, and w.trranted to
give satisfaction, and sold at the lowest prices.
Sep. 28, 1853.
.ots in Altoona for Salt,
north of Rollinaysborg,and ahoutone mile forte.
west of Allegheny Fornaie, Blair county. —
After the Iseday of May, tho LOTS in; at;
Town will be open to the public for sale.
11 is welt known that toe Pennsylvania Tail
Rood Company bare selected this place fort he
erection of their main Machine and other Shops
and are now huildinir the same.
The Rail Road willbe opened early in theFal.
throwing at once a large amount of trade tot his
place. The main inducement at this time in I
faring Lots for sale ' being to secure the requis.
ite NuOinists and Tradesmen, and homes for
the Slachinisia and other employee. of t:ie Rail
Road Company. Early application will "cute
Lots at a low price.
Fat further information apply to C. H. MAY.
ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. McMHRTRIF,
May I, 1432—tt.
A. P. Mum+. R. Bull. Paramus
Practice in the several Court, of Huntingdon
RmNtin f".ntr., Mifflin and Unniata Cow. •
tire. as iota
• l 46
1 50
9 50
4 00