vi/itr tt ilt h t Ay t 4 oil - I WILLIAM BREW ricß, SAM. IL WlWl'Alisit, EDITOES. Voputariong. YEW DAYS, OR I AM GOING HOME. Tins world is coming to an end, Few days—rew days ; I'll crack my shins, my jacket rend— t in home l Pm eine to run clear nut or sight, Few dnys—rew days ; And Iteve these naughty diggins quite; gaine home 1 • 'ltrna—Fur I've got ft home out yonder, Foie dnys—jew days ; ice gut a home out yonder, Jo old Tennessee. And I can't stay in the wilderness, Few dogs—few dnys ; I can't stay in the wilderness, I'm gwine home. They tell alma 'Alnion tignor Law, Few dove—few ibis, ' • It tnalmA the fellti get drunk the more ; wine home. Nobrnelca'zi ovine to lie n Stole, Few loon—few ;lays ; • Cuba, t0(1, will mom, in Into ; gwinn home. Chorta—For Ire got a home out yonder, dm. Everythindone hr identn, Few days—few days ; Leather taffy, Anil: ice cream— I'm efwinc home. Boys wcnr henrds. nmi women too, Few cloys—%w dnrs ; Though, nil thin es change, there's nothing new I'm ZWITIO home. Chorus—Fore Fir ;rot home ont yonder, &C. Thlhni fowl, le,w trill they grow, Few dnr.i--f•w ;ley% The people minor beer them crow ; I'm cwhie home. When gunno'A put 011 Vllik , i 3 On ' S tails, ruW (11,1—row ilavg, •Thrf grow to be as big ns whales ; Immo. aortis—Fur I've got a home out yonder, &r. There . 3 vin nod roll,: , corswllrre, Few dnri—tow clnys Enough to milli, ~1.1 :alit stare; ~witte I'll sing lay , FPW (I Aral then I'll jatA.4 gwiac, Con: et a —For I'vc got a Imam out yon,ler, m,q more, Memo iv Ecitoor.s.—The art of music; :t (reins to us, ought to be male a study in nil our primary schools and higher institutions of learning, and we are glad to see that educators —leachers at eau a prtn.ts—ara awahcan, to tie ?rt.otce or t it ;,i moral minim in of the first •. 1• wise men and prophets are taken for 'Tc the greatest ocur the il ;,, manners t it soothes, cheers, inspires holes, and may bu said to be the charm of infam Cy, tiienlidight of youth, and the solace of ohl age. The constant use ot• such a real and efft cleat contributor to good nature and cheerful• nese should not be disregarded in early educa• ti in. Children gas be taught mcientifically ; they should therefore Le taught to sing correct. ly. and the couplets they should be such no will interest them—as simple as their own ideas.— They should contain live'.: and striking klutzes with pure and just hentinamte, clothed in num. and intelligible language, without being puerile or vul g ar. For the ;imposes of moral training they sit, ; i iu, . the pi-eeept ire k 980114 of raVion, : • ..: OO in the social ralo• tiMIS •:..- • ercutur. The II: :. •• , a c id 1.... gyp• titte3l:••:l.- , .• more effectually teach the I, •••, I,: calling iu fire aid of :uude and i:•, :•e maxim; they t'leieliac put int, and set them ti ihe ini•vt piip,!or and simple airs, to be sun; by their children. Let Chrisiion parents and tea• duns be perst a led to avail themselves of the same pure and happy inffueuce, to sot sites sysiem of morals purer and every way worthy of i n genious aid and a,sociation. We believe the time has already come that in American schools ultimate is to take the place nature has assigned it, namely, to relieve the tedium of labor by its sprightlinsers, to quicken memory mid invigorate intellect by ire pleasing, sum biug excitement, (so congenial to the and give deeper impress to every good pr••crlpt, nod the needed ref roof to the angry, prou d n.l naughty heart of childhood; thee subserving the mitt valuable purpose in the government and it,cipline uf schools, and in the education of the passions by one or the most efficient means of moral trai ii iii g. Should the• plan al. ready projected by the musical publications of the, country and other, become ivamedi• ately operative, we are euelident education, would be advanced, nod moral trainilig be easi• er tted heti...effected. Let our juvenile song hooka be fall of pointed meaning, illustrated from nature, the grand inspirer of pure and living thought I Let no have song of the out. set and sunrise, songs of the stars mil gentler moon, songs of the warbling bird; the lowing berth, the humming insects, and the fragrant Lreatthing flowers, songs or the day and songs of the night, songs of the ever•-vmtrying seueone, and each adapted toconvey some pointed moral to the heart; let us have songs reproving every evil passion, u td songs alluring to the sweeter practice of every virtue—songs of reproof, of counsel and instruction, with grateful hymns of praise and adoration. young lady describes her feelings and courts sympathy : My heart is s ick, my heart is sad— But oh! the cause I dare nut tell,- I ant nut grieved, I am nut glad, I nuyiot ill, I am tint well. I'm not myself—l'm not the same I am—indeed, I know not what ; I'm changed, in all except me name—. ..1.%,1! the 6.00 ctorp,. THE GOOD BARGAIN. BY WILLIAM A. KENYON. Once (before Christian charities, tempe rance societies, and popular governments were common) a countryman drove his cow to mailcet, and sold her for seven dol lars. On his way home ho was obliged to piss a pond hole, in iv hich while yet a good distance off, he heard the frogs cry ing, Ire, nke, site, she •Ay !' said he to himself, 'sing it out to the oat•field : it is seven dollars I have exchanged, not eight.' When he came to the water, he called out to thew, .Dumb brutes that you ar,e, don't you know better I It is seven, not eight ' But the frogs persisted in the , Alce,ake, ake. akeT , then, if you won't believe it, I wilt count th , in to your So he tomtit the money out of his pocket and counted oil the seven dollars., five and tweuiy•four pennies to every one. But the frogs cared nothing. for his rec koning, and continued to cry, 'Ake, ake, alto, ake !' 'Nell,' exclaimed the countryman, fair ly vexed, 'if you think you know better than I, just count them yourselves, and he threw the money into the water. He was standing there, expecting to wait till they Were ready to bring him book his own ; but the frogs persevered in their intent, oohing out 'Ake, nice, abe, ake !' without interruption, anal did not throw the money back. He continued to wait for a good while, till night catne nn, and he was obli ged to go home. - Then he turned to abu sing the frogs, and called out to them : 'You water peddlers ! you numskulls ! you wooden heads ! you have got a great mouth, and can scream till you split one's ears ; but you emu% count seven dollars —do you tHu I: I will wait here till you are ho went along ; but the frog, kept on crying, 'Ake, uke, alce,alce.!' behind him, until he reached his home, in a very fret. ful mood. After a while he had another cow, which he slaughtered, and reckoned that,. if he &old the meet we.l, he should make us much as both cows were worth, and have the hide re:nail:log. Now when he went to the village with the meat, a great many dogs collected a bout the gate. with a large greyhound at their head. This tatty r sprang up towards the meat and harked, Wow, wow, wow.' Before he had fairly ceased, the country- man said to hint : •Yes, I understand, you soy, .wutv, wow because you warn a piece of the meat ; but I should look well if I were to give it to you.' The dog answered nothing but '\Vow, teen• !' you not eat any of it, and be rc. sporititi'e for your coinrade, also?' •11'ow, wow,' said the dog. 'Well, if you adhere to that, I will let you hove it ; I know you, and know whose servant you are. But I will tell . you this 111.1:4 have the money within three day—you can just bring it to With that he delivered the meat, and turned about again. The dogs received it, and barked loudly. The countryman, still hearing them, he had gone a consider able distance, said to himself, 'Listen ! they are all crying wow, wow, but the big one must answer to me.' AV hen the third day came, the country man thought, .This evening you will have the money in your pocket, 'et no one came to settle with him. There is no nitre depending upon any body,' said he ; and finally he loot all pa: hence, so that he went t , the butcher in the village, and demanded his money.— The butcher thnnght it was a joke, at first, but the countryman said : 'Jesting aside, I will have my pay. Did not your great dog bring home the whole carcass of a slaughtered cow, three days ago ?' At that the butcher flew into a passion, seized a broomstick, and chased him away. tt nit,* said the countryman ; 'there is justice in the vorld yet.' and ho went to the royal palace and requested a hearing. He was conducted before the king, who sat there with his daughter, and asked what misfortune had befallen hiw. 'o,' said ho, 'the frogs and dogs have taken my property away, and the butcher has paid me for it with blows.' And then be related circumstantially how it had happened. Upon this, the king's daughter burst in. a Ind laugh, and 'he king said : " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1855. .1 cannot give yat satisfaction in the count concerning the base language the SPITTING. A Hint to Desponding Ministers. ease, but, instead of that, you shall have Hebrew had ihformed of. A certain minister who had been very my daughter for your wife; never in her I ..0," said - the countryman, ' , what a Jew BY 24110. E. OAKES S H ITS. successful in his labors in the Gospel vine life did she laugh as just now et you, and says is always false; never a word of truth Will the time ever come when he sp it. yard at length saw but little fruit attending I promised to give her . to the one who issues from their lips. The churl theretoon, that disgusting reminder that people his administrations. To be useless he could made her laugh. You may thank Gad is wealthy, and asserts that I have got on I spit, will be removed from our parlors, not bear; his soul was bowed down under the discouraging prospects around him.— for your luck. ' his coat." steamers and cars ? Those who chew to 'o,' replied the countryman, , I cannot. , 'What if I do," shrieked the Hebrew, bacco should feel a delicacy in having this I Noth'n; on earth was so gloomy to him as take her, by any means—l have at home, " is the coat not mine ? Did I not loan it to , one of the lower vices made apparent by I spiritual death, for he had boen used to now only one single wife, and when i you, out of friendship, that you might 1 the use of le case de tsbac, as few others I showers of reformation and mercy, and come into the house it arenas as though 'come before the lord king ?''l rarelythemselves of this conveni- I nothin g e l se could satisfy his mind. Sue there avail there was one in every corner.' ! When the king heard this, he said : i tag no outpourings of the spirit, no sinners At this the king was angry, and said : 'lf you are such a clown, you must have another sort of compensation. You may retire for the present, but /after three days come again, and five hundred shall be paid to you in full.' • When the countryman came out before I the door the sentry said to him, 'You have made the kin's daughter laugh, therefore you will get something right.' 'Yes, I believe that,' answered the coun• tryman ; five hundred are to be paid to .ok here,' said the soldier, 'give me some of it. Whet will you contrive to de with sn much money ?' 'Weil,' said the countryman 'since it is you, you shr II have two hundred. An nounce yourself to the king three days hence, and let it be paid to you ' A Hebrew who hud been standing near and overheard this conversvion called the countryman, and held him by the voat saying : 'God wonder, but you are a lucky child! I will exchange it for you. I will t urn it into small coin for you What would you do with the hard doders "Jew," said the countryman, "you can still have three hundred ; give me the a mount in small money, and in three days it will be paid to you by the king." 'I he Hebrew, delighted by the prospect of n little gain, soon brought the amount in base coin, of which there were worth as much as two that are good,_ Alter the lapse of three Jaeo tka cry - atau a l ive area- le fare the king. "Strip off his coat," said the latter, ••he shall have his five hundred." "0." said Lhe - countryman, "they do not belong to me now ; I have given two hundred to the sentinel, and three hundred the Hebrew has exchanged for me. By jest right there is nothing at ail due me." Meanwhile, the Hebrew and the sal dire came in to desire their own, which they had won from the countryman, and they received the lashes, well meisured out to them. The soldier endured it very patiently, having already learned how it relished ; but the Hebrew screamed out piteously, in his misery, "Are these the dollars 1" The king was pleased to laugh at the countryman, and when all anger was passed, he said ; "Sine,: you have lost your recompense before you received it, I will make you amends. Go Imo my treasury and take as much gold as you choose." ' The countryman did not let it pass by the second time but stuffed into his wide pockets till they would contain. After wards Ito went into the public house nod counted over his money. The Hebrew secreiely slipped up behind him, and heard him mutter to himself, "The •rogue of a king has led me behind the light. after If he had only given me the money hint self, I should have known bow much I had. How can I know now whether what 11 have pocketed in this way is correct !" "God perserve those who speak disre si.ectfully of the king." said the Hebrew to himself . ; will go and inform of hi in. I shall by that means obtain a reward, and he wiII be punished." lien the king heard of the ;canary titan's talk, be was displeased, and cotn• mended the Hebrew to go and bring in :the offender. . The Hebrew hastened, and said to the countryman : "You must come before the lord king directly, just as i you are." know better what is suitable," an steered the countryman. . 1 1 must first get the a nets coat made. Think you a man who has so much money in his pock ;it should appear there in this old ragged coat 1" The Hebrew, finding the countryman was nut to be brought without unother coat, and fearing, if the king lost his au ger, he should lose his reward and the countryman his punishment, said : "I will lend you a beautiful coat for the short time, just for friendship's sake.-- 'What will not men do for love The countryman, being pleased with this, put on the Hebrew's coat and went along with him. The king held the emintrymen to se- , "The - Hebrew has certainly betrayed The habit of spitting is probably one converted under Ids preaching for some one or the other,—either me or the coon- reason why the Americans are so meagre time, his soul was beset with 'desponding tryman :" and he ordered him to pay seine- •iu person. They spit themselves to death and melancholy fears. While thus curer• thing further in hard dollars. But the , and, then talk about the climate—swell the visit, he dreamed that a gentleman hired countryman went home with the good : number of those who die of consumption, him to work for him, and the price of his On money in his pocket, saying: 1 and look like scare crows during the peri• labor was stipulated. inquiring what "This time I made a sure hit." ' oil of employer would havehim go about, lie of tlieir natural I' Women and girls , he ‘........... rarely Spit—front a tinctive sense of ; tans informed that a certain ruck to pieces. must go and hammer its indelicacy ; but look solemn, talk . •Thitt he replied, 'w ard ould , do no good, for _ ' grave and spit. They finish a sentence' . • tee rock is large and hhard, and I could nee in conversation by a spit, just as we closel • vet break it to pieces.' Doesticks, Instigated by Damphool and ; a paragraph in our editorial with a period. • T hat is nothing to you,' sail the gene a broad collar, spit. l'hey practice in ar- : i . the Devil joins the Know Nothings, I Boys. as soon as they are . test tiled l ied into i i tlemen, 'follow my directions end I will Knowing more about selling groceries • i pay your wam.s.' , der to do this well—shooting forward the ; , then :them politics or reli body, and the under lip. till they become' slon. but was The laborer then went to work, and scared to dea th by Damphool and other of though it appeared an endless, and there masters of the art, and able to hit a spit- i his kin end mune ; told me if I didn't • • fore useless task, he labored with diligence moon at the greatest possible distance. join the Know Nothing I'd burst up. he . i and patience for the sake of his wages.— If op ini ng tnust be done, the pocket broiled on gridirons by the Catholics; also • n i Altera while, contrary to all calculations, andLerchiel is the only legitimate medt- s that the Irish burned natives, then fries • ' • the nnuntainous rock broke in shied s. sin, and this can be used in a manner a ; seed them as a choice foreign lut•ch ; didn't 'l he minister saw the drawn contained little obvious to the spectator as possible. I like to be burnt or fricaseed told them I d 'instruction tor him. Ile felt the reproof, 'nose who have this habit inveterately join. resettled courage, and was 'lnn blessed elolielied should carry an extra hand- • started at 12 o'clock at night, wont est ' ~ „ , • . , kerma:. ilium the time 'wisely kept doter' town, then sip town ; in•-t watchman show,' nary be as little objectionable us I ‘vard. Damphoot and he turned round three 'times, then stood on one leg; Damphool , P usslble ' I Seriously, our accretions, if hateful, are 1 . . Change. then said—ellorum scorum ;" watchman • Dam never offensive , and never in undue quail- I Cliamilt IS the disguise that Time pies said, "High catalorum . go ahead ;'' on, lest we ge . t• tired of him. E . wen while ties—the habit of casting the saliva from ' phool, staid watchman was one of dm I iiicti ; the mouth causes am extra sacretion, which ' , ..•• ; aT , ca' ll l l n •l L l ll ,, , , , sT u r n I ) c . l l4llrs he i: n r i i Wheti through seven back streets, twist in its turn be ejected, and thus nature 1 , , ,, •tr1 , 1 i 1 i g tilete; cross strict to n.•ar where we star. • d'h° sue rolfae.many' us , man it is severely taxed to supply the wastethe te I ;dived down cent, steps door; Don). , would be said, as of one of 1, "lie we iv. guins shrink--the teeth fail—the throat , ' ; ,ha t- 0. himself, " • phool whoo whooed like nn owrthree parched—bronchitis first, and finally con-t t tha t out and ll,, were i no tunes, knocked door nine times somebody I inside- , . . „' sumption, ur sotne other decay o f a ~,,,k time turns ife into masquerade. • squalled like a tam cat twice; unoca ornan comes in to close the scene. Sometimes he is a loath with a garland ---- -4 " " I "' - ' -'et rue Would run a resat,, 0. i 1 rfTypt ; tied handkerchie f over my eyes ; - • , i • , ;;;Ad ; s medal„ a ~,,,;‘,..„, i,4 :li , it . ~ , ,, , ,z slanted presume to spit in his presence. b aitother door opened ; rattling of chains l'he bird never spits, the toad squats to the l of fields he has lout hoes his foot , and strong smell of sulphur: thought my . steps are like the chimes of bells e a r th , ansome time hod come, and tried to pray, hut could d she serpent secretes saliva as times they are very like a knell. deadly poison. If we weep p assionately , not think of anything but *mow I lay meWe picture Time an poor old man with the saliva is bitter—it is pungent and scan down to sleep' They led me in, threw tee in the exercise of the baser emotionswinos d e ending from his shoulders—a. me (town on all fours, hit me nine cracks e 'tile love renders it sweet and abundant. scythe in his hand, and frost in his bosom, with a puddle on unmentionable place t The saliva is asiociated with our whole And when we think of his drittitio snows stuck two pins in the same ;hi cared like rt atitl tolling *bells, and withered leaves animal economy , and follows closely upon billygoat, then general caterwauling la• the action of our mind;, sympathetically; a nd the whole company. Raised me up end intimately with all its moods. took off handkerchief, saw crowd with fool's caps on, big ears sticking up ; Big. do, l:e i t i us• u ti:e . o h ess itue i l i i o n , a d s . us to d ,wallow picture hanging on the wall--Christ cru .. o .' • *.' les : w ' di strust d ispo s es us to tl spit it out. 'Phi scent of roses moistens tar,. culled; uncle rneath, in large letters, the the lips more than the taupe, lemons cause words, ..the work of Catholicks ;" thought .. Bet, time never sat for n portrait, and before 'twits the Jews-- wasn't certain tint, the mouth to be filmed with saliva. The this is not like him. Tint, is net old ; 'he sight ofone hateful to us dries the mouth, Damphool led me to the num with biggest ,vitae on the cotarary one who is ogreeat•le is its young I. the last hope ;he is not cru ears of any, behind a table; made me el when he mosses t•i•er the inscription to us inoistee+ it, hence the as who weep kneel down; man with the hicnelst ears that would ever remind us tit - the loved snitch have dry lip., while those elio ste. „ lost. said, "You solemnly swear--"told him , ire without terns, have not only lips 1,,t anti tee l I'd swear to anything; don't kaow w an acrid mouth. There is no beautiful hat ~ lime has a new wardrobe for ouch year. I did swear--was so scared. Man with Refer to the old letters that you have writ. philosophy it) till this, and those who vast: him ears told me I was a member of the t n, if roe would see what wondrous chan the secretions by spitting, lose not only transient and honorable order of Know i`'' heart and mind are ever putting on.-- Knott the notion of these glands, but unquestitei. ; ntly ably weaken the fine sensibilities associa But they came gradually and no ge ted with them. Show use men who spit-, that we scarcely perceive them. What van you show us a man of uncertain charac te- ~. ' i on more wonderful than when the • l•e - sithity brow and sunny lacks hounds ristics, and one whose sensibilities are not • • iti:o stern and heavy treadieg• manhood ? to be trusted. Do away with spittoons, ; t„ , s whet, the girl—all wing, all her, all and nature will do her work more genially • whereat, ; .ong—becomes tha thoughtful woman, or for man ; site will beautify him ; the watchful, toeing, within , matron. now she is obliged to be continually patch. I ' . . „. Change us the beautiful lining of 11111 e, ins him up. and there are but two things heneath the Beautiful Extract. stars that never wear it•-true friends and 'ids, seest thou yon ruffian who is pre true hearts. -.....------ -- paring to climb to that lamp opposite in cr. A FVLL-BLOODED Asa:meas.—Tint Mul der to Hun - tinge the immediree region i i ,,,,,y, a jolly looking tar, with the rich. thereof ? Tell me, wherefore doth he re- est of brogues, applied to the Custom stumble Mount Blanc I' A charming emile i [louse the other day, for a , purtection" amid a slight shake of that noble head de. as an American citizen. Ile was asked note her inabil•ty to do so. 'Because, du are' ! for his naturalization papers. Me !lateral est, he is now a mountite (mouriatio.)_ papers, is it your honor wept'," said 'rim Bost take, loveliest one T' A faint shriek with an insinuating grin, "and me in full rings out upon the still air, and a cry ari ses that the lady Ida is swooning. blooded American 1" "You don't mean to say that you were _..............-- not born in Ireland?" CURE cm's ERYSIPELAS.—The New Ha- "Born In Ireland," replied Tim.— ven Palladium records another case °fake "Sure [ was. But thin your bottom, I complete cure of erysipelas by the simple kern from Cork to New Orleans last stun api licetion of raw cranberries pounded met, rm . there the bloody minded musket , - fine. The lustiest was a young lady, ono I tern run their bills into every inch of me, side of whose face had become so swollen and sucked out every drop of Irish blood. and inflamed that the eye had become do• good luck to'em, an' DOW I tun a full sed mid the pain exce:sive. A poultice of blooded American.' cranberries was applied, and after several i Therewes some philosphy, as well es changes, the pain ceased, th:•inflamtnation I fun, in this reasoning, but it had no erect subsided, and in a couple of days the eve and the last we seen of Tim, he wens on ery vestige of the diseese had disappeared. his way , to the city hall, to look for the -.............-------, man that sellsnateral papers. RATHER COOL THAN OTHERWISE.— The Nuremberg (Germany) Courier states —Bow young, tueu eau consent to loaf under the head of Stuttgart, that the cot- 1 about the corners es they do, when a good potation of Baisingen, in the province of ; dose of arsenic can be purchased for a six- Hoch, have sold their poor house to the pence, is really surprisinik It's. some• Jew', end 'cm the poor to 4 inpri,t, , hlng ~• roar ritiderPhind, ( :111ii3rcliantotts. Nothings! made him a bow, told him 1 much obleeged, and took a seat. Song by the whole house— 'Toss= up a gum stump, Raccoon in a holler," &e, After the song, the man with the big curs offered up a short prayer, "the land might be delivered from the Pope the devil and tromp/triflers in general." to which some said omen, some bravo, and a few en. core. Man with the big ears then stated that the business for the night was to de cide upon a candidate for Congress ; said •they had nine hundred members, and there were nine hundred and twenty sew en candidates. Didn't know how it wa , —didn't understand it ; but one thing be knowed he weren't going to give up claim—wished lie night be teetotally tx. tbinctuated if he did." Some with sin d ler ears then said, "them was exactly their sentiments," but thought a little delay wouldn't hurt ; better count noses first.— Meeting then broke up; went home nod sent to an apothecary for Jew David's He brew plaster; could't set down for three days; effect of paddle. Pamphool called to sec ntr ; talked psi pies ; told him I should vote for Stevens.— Ile said I shouldn't lied sworn not tail told him I'd quit; said if I did I'd loose toy custom ; K. N's. would not trade with me; called me "traitor perjurer," and all that. Don t knew what to do;—reckon I'll have to stick to 'em. WELL-DIPPED, TossT.—The following toast wus given at Biddeford, on the 4th of July : ."I'he clergy—all honor to the clergy man who follows his master inrtend of his Payine