Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 24, 1855, Image 2

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AP*_ .
.Z . 5. ,,
Wednesday Morning, October 24, 1865.
"UP, GUARDS, AND AT 'EM I"—The late e
lection proves conclusively that Locofocoisfn
will triumph, so long as the Whig and Ameri
can parties are disunited. There is no use dis
guising the truth—it is so. The party papers
throughout the Commonweath may attribute
the Democratic victory, (so.called,) to the li
quor interests, to this and to that cause, and
we believe these interests may have had their
effect, but we do not believe that it was entirely
owing to the liquor question's being made one
of the principal points at issue, in the late cam
paign, that lost the day to the almost i ambler.
able "Samuel." To us, the case is very plain.
Let us look at our late Gubernatorial election.
Was not the liquor question then made a point
between the great parties ? Did not James
Pollock, as the lender of the Whig and Amer
ican parties pledge himself to support the Li
quor Law ? Was not the Locoloco party as a.
vowedly and strongly opposed to the Law then
as at present ? Was tint the entire Temper
ance vote cast for Pollock, and the anti-Tempe
ranee vote for Bigler ? Most assuredly. And
yet, the "victory" is all owing to liquorism, if
we are to believe politicians and political news
papers. It was owing to no such thing. We
believe that lust full fully tested this question.
A 'temperance' Governor was elected, and the
Liquor Law defeated ; owing, in the first in•
stance, to the union of the Whig and Ameri•
can parties, and in the second (we mean the
defeat of the law) to some inexplicable cause.
American papers throughout the State, may
saddle their defeat upon sectional questions,
and proclaim in connection with their defeat—
" Truth crushed to earth, will rise again—
The eternal years of God are hers ;
While Error, wonnded, writhes in pain,
And dies amid her wotshippers
but it requires not only energy and persever
ance to give "Truth" a firm foothold in the af
fections of the people, but prudence and discre
tion must be used. We would therefore sag.
gest such modification of the creed as would
enable Whigs and Americans to battle eboul•
der to shoulder against their common enemy—
tory Locofocoism. There are issues and points
in the creed of the Americans, that might with
propriety be modified. We conclude with the
language of the Pennsylvania Inquire, "The
opposition to be effective, must be united, not
only in Pennsylvania, but everywhere through
out the Republic. If the platform be not suf.
ficiently liberal, let it be enlarged ; and if it
contain planks that are weak and unstable, let
them be removed."
HORRIBLE Mustrien.:a. horrible murder was
committed in Westmoreland county, last week.
It appears that a woman nnmed Corrigan had
disappeared rather mysteriously, and her bus.
band intimated that she had went to the city.
A large fire had been observed near his house,
and some of his neighbors ventured to proceed
thither, for the purpose of ascertaining what it
meant. Oa approaching the fire, there was a
strong odor filling the Mr, nod they asked him
what dead animal ho was burning. lie repli
ed none of their business, and compelled them
to leave the premises. The next morning a
neighbor pawing, had a curiosity to know what
was in the pile, and commenced separating the
wood, in doing which, he threw out a human
head, partly consumed, whirl, has since been
indentified as being his wife's. He was arrest
ed, and on examination was committed to a
wait his trial.
PASSING AWAY.—Eliisha Bartlett, died in the
town of Georgia, Vt., recently, at the advanced
age of one hundred years, nine months and
thirteeen days. He served thirteen mnnths in
the Continental army, under his brother Capt.
S. Bartlett—marched with his company to Bos
ton, and arrived just after the battle of Bunker
Hill—was in the division that fortified Porches
ter Heights—was present at the evacuation of
Boston—woe in the battle of Brooklyn Heights
of White Plains, and nt the capture of Bnr.
goyne. A few days previous to his death, he
affirmed and it is believed, that he walked un
aided, every day for one hood red years.
SUAMEFUL.-Mr. Mason, the American Min
ister at Paris, surprised his countrymen in that
'capital by attending the n Deloot ordered by
'Louis Napoleon, in honor of the capture of Se
bastopol. The other ministers of neutral pow
ers were absent, and the Americans in Paris
thought Mr. Mason ought to have acted with
like propriety, considering that ours is also a
neutral country.
WRONG.—In Dr. Alexander's Church, Fifth
Avenue, New York, the choir has been dismis
sed, and the fine organ has been removed so as
to face the people, and the singing, is perform
ed by the congregation. A gentleman stands
at the side of the minister, a little lower, to
lead it, and old tunes are exclusively sung.
Premium Apples.
*e have been presented by Theo. H. Cra
mer, Esq., with a couple of magnificent apples,
for which the premium was awarded by our
late County Fair. If you what to raise some
of the "same sort," get some of Messrs. Taylor
Cremer's trees, from their splendid nursery.
U. S. SENATOR.—fh7L - OCOfOCO party hav
ing control of the next Legislature, are already
at work to manufacture aU. S. Senator. Co,
Bigler, Judge Black, Hon. J. L. Dawson, and
others are named.
ENCAMPMENT.-An encampment was hold in
the vicinity of this place, last week. Some six
or eiAht companies were preset, and had we
believe quite a pleasant time.
GEN. ScorT.—We understand that the ad•
ministration at Washington has determined to
allow General Scott the back pay of Lieut.-
THE NEXT Coxvetrrlow.—The next Demo.
cretin Notional Convention will tv, held at Cin•
anntli.,o4rio, in May, 1856.
It has become the thshion of the Democracy
now-a-days to affect great love fur the "old
Whig party," as they term it. The reason of
it is obvious. In the modern division of par
ties, they occasionally find some soft-and sappy.
headed Whig who is willing to surrender all of
his ancient antagonism to Lucolocoisin, and
unite with a party to which he has, all his life,
been bitterly opposed. Most of the deserters
to Democracy have a keen appreciation of the
loaves and fishes °lonic°. Others there ore
whose silly vanity allows them to become the
unsuspecting dupes of Democratic intrigue.—
None of them aro worth a moment's considera
Lion. The man who has been opposed to De
mocracy all his life, and who does not find is
that party now stronger reasons for his oppirii
tion than ever existed before, is too great a
simpleton not to be a disgrace to any party to
which ho may belong.
A Democratic journal, before us, speaks of
the old Whig party as "one which always com
manded our highest respect. As a party it
was an honorable enemy, distinguished alike
for the highest intelligence and candor, and
for unflinching firmness of purpose." So it
was. But it is the veriest hypocrisy in the
world of Democratic papers at this time to be
uttering such sentiments, before people who
have memory and common sense. Any one
who recollects the gross abuse which was heaped
upon the old Whig party—die diabolical slan
ders of it which were daily retailed by stump
orators and vend presses—and the palpablede
nial to it of even common honesty of purpose,
will not be quick to believe these new-born pro
fessions of respect and admiration. The ob
ject of them is too transparent to deceive any
one who is not irreuiedially a fool.
They now even have the shamelessness to
use the great name of henry Cloy in a compli
mentary manner. After having hunted hint to
the death, and pelted hint with opprobrium to
the very verge of the grave, they have now
suddenly conceived a very violent respect fur
his memory, and endeavor to create skein . ,
pression that were he now living, he would be
found arrayed against the American party.—
The Baltimore American Democrat, in a
strong artiste on this subject, says with great ,
"Front 1825 to the day of his death, Mr.
Clay was pursued by the Democratic party with
a rancor which resembles nothing that has
ever been witnessed in this country, or in the
ease of any other man. Even before be had
cast his vote for Mr. Adams in the Ilouse of
Representatives, he was denounced by honest
George Kremer, in advance. From that time
the flood-gates of abuse wore opened upon him,
and they were never shut during his life. He
was denounced in the Senate of the United
States as a "bl.k.leg," and every little stump
orator, and every little dirty sheet in the whole
country, caught up the cry.'
He was charged with ''bargain, intrigue and
corruption—with having sold himself and his
constituents for odice—with designs to subvert
the Consitution of the United States. These
wero energies of a public character, nod he
might easily 'ease ram(' them by with the
scurn which they deserved.
But the malice of his persecutors was not
content with this. They assailed his private
life in every way which ingenuity could devise,
or malice render painful. Every private act--
every transaction, pecuniary or otherwise, that,
could be got at, was distorted and dragged be
tore the public. His debts, his expenseS, his
entertainments, the carriage he rode in, the
company he had to dinner, every one of these
became, in turn, the subject or wild newspaper
abuse. Even the misconduct of members or
his family was dragged before the world to
gratify the malignity of his traducers. Once,
and once only, he turned upmt his tormentors,
and challenged one of them to mortal combat.
Even this act, forced upon him by the inhuman
treatment which they themselves had encour
aged, was eagerly seized upon, and he ens
branded as a duellist and a murderer in his
heart. He was in a position in which he could
not defend himself, for he wne Secretary of the
State. He resembled the great Quintus Mos- As these dues may possibly give rise to a so.
trio of Swift's inimitable tale. Tied down by lions dispute between the united Slates and
the hair of his head, be received thousands of Denmark, it will be interesting to know what
Lulliputian darts every day, and was able to they ore. The "Sound" iv a narrow strait lay
receive them. Like the hero of that tale, he lug between the Island of Zetland, belonging
could have crushed a thousand of the pigmies to the Danes, and the Swedish roast. and gives
that assailed hint in the hollow of his hand.— entrance to the Baltic Sen. The fortress of
But he was too magnanimous to do it. Cronburg Castle commands the passage, and
This bitterness slumbered for a while, but it j exacts a payment from all vessels entering the
never slept. It was revived with ten fold fury Baltic; the ships of Denmark herself have to
when he became candidate (or the Presidency par, as well as foreign tonnage.
in 18.1.1. All the old lies were renewed and Elp-,land, France, Holland and Sweden pay
thousands of new ones invented. Among other a duty of ono p er c en t, en e v e r y cargo en t er i ng
ones he was charged with horse racing on Sun- the Baltic. Other countries, including the
day, and the charge cost him, in all probabili- united States, pay one and a quarter per cent.
ty, thousands of votes. The man who made it, even Danish ships are taxed to this rate. In
after it could no longer be of any service, ae• the year 1826 a treaty recognizing this duty
knowledged that it was false. was concluded between the Cited States and
That Democratic journals should now be Deamsrk. This treaty. however, according to
found lavishing encomiums upon Mr. Clay, af- ono of its stipulations, may be dissolved by ei
ter their former conduct towards him, Is a Big ther of the parties, provided they give ono
nal proof of their insincerity and hypocrisy.— year's notice of their intention. This notice
Nothing could more strongly illustrate the de- i has been given by the United States, nod hence
generney of the age than to find men now, who the dispute.
profess to believe. the sincerity of Democratic
•complitnents to the "old Whig party," and the OUR BOOK TABLE.
genuineness of their crocodile tears over its GonEx's LADY'd Boox—For November has
dissolution. been received. It is full of excellent and in-
I terestiug matter and contains very beautiful
rout.—We are exceedingly gratified to learn engravings. Only one dollar a year.
that the pestilence which has desolated for tho I NE YANKEE NOTIONN.—This fun-provoking,
book has boon received for November. If you
last three months the unfortunate cities of Nor.
want the very best comical work published
folk and Portsmouth has passed its CAIUMID.
send for it. Only $1,25 per annum. Publish
ting point, and is steadily abating. With the
ed at 95 Nassau St., N. Y.
first decided frost, us usual, we hope the epide. .
l'itn MEDICAL SPECIALIST..—This excellent
extinguished, and
mie will bu totally that
our journal of diseases of the chest, should be OWID
next intelligence will be OM, the frost bus come,
ell by every D. It is a magnificent work,
Have our readers any defiiiito idea of the ap- and is published by Sherman & Co., No 1, Ye.
palling fatality of this awful and protracted vis. say st., N. Y., at one dollar a year.
italic'', under which Norfolk and Portsmouth • - -_
have been stricken to the dust, and clothed ns T ar F," E im ,„ o „l„di aan , b an gone
it were in sackcloth and ashes ? It is estimated ,i emorrat i a b y a " mop i ng ma j or i ty ,
that one in every five of the inhabitahts ha. Connecticut has gone for the "Americans,"
been carried off by the fever. We dare say it is on the issue of "an amendment of the Coosa'
without a parallel in the annals of plagues and i tution, requiring that a person shall be able to
epidemics, not even excepting the ravages of I read the Constitution of the United States, be.
such visitatious in Western Asia. I fore he can vote. Decided by as overwhelm.
We do hope that our next news front Virgt. I iug majority, iu favor of the American side of
Ma will be that a sharp frost has extinguished • the question.
' the fever, and that neither Norfolk nor Ports- I Ohio has gone for Chase, the Republican
mouth, nor any other place in this country, or I Whig candidate for Governor, and in opposi
throughout the world, will ever suffer the like I Lion to loco-focoism, by a majority of 30,000.
hereafter. i Johnson, the American candidate, has been
. . .
SemiNArty.—We understand that an mewl, elected Governor of Calit4nia, beating Big!er,
plished teacher is shortly to open a seminary inl tho late incumbent, by a majority ranging from
this place, in the Academy building , . sto 8,000. So we gn, "nip and tuck."
Prudence and Diacretion Necessary.
We take the following Iron the Lewistown
Gazdte, with our endorsah—Some of the news
papers, either wholly or in part recognized as
“organs” of the American party, and therefore
supponed to speak its sentiments, frequently
indulge in language alike unwise and•
coming; and which if persisted in, mutt evita
bly result in injury. We have three or four ex
change papers•befere ua now, some of which
seem to take especial pleasure in speaking of
the "defunct whig party," the "old rotten and
corrupt parties," and other opprobrious terms.
All these arc from counties when, the Ameri-
can ticket was succonftil at tho late election—
not through the intrinsic strength of that
party, but undoubtedly by the aid of a
number of whiga (and possibly some demo
crats) who, sympathising with the leading fea
tures of Americanism, or desirous of defeating
their old opponents, voted the American ticket.
In doing so they were governed by principles,
and by principles only. They looked for no
nominations—nor had they lot or part in ma
king any—yet yielding their own organization
and all minor considerations, in this county,
they resisted even the appeals of one who had
always been recognized as a whig, and voted
against him because ho had in a measure iden
tified himself with their old opponents. Sure
ly, this was sacrifice enough to meet approba
tion ratherthan taunt—to call for thanks, rath
er than sneers.
But we do not for a moment believe that
ther the American ty or its leaders coincide
with such_suici a nod uncalled for ex
pressions. If t e any political foresight
at all, they will . 11 in our opinion to ex
tend a welcome hand to votes no well an mem
bers: and to recognize in the hand of whigs
who stood firm when even some avowed Amer
icans faltered, as having rendered at least sonic
service. The true policy of Americanism un
doubtedly is to invite co-operation on the part
of all who are opposed, not to true democracy,
but to that baneful locabtoisin whirls has
plunged Pennsylvania into a mountain of debt
and taxation, and under false pretences eleva
ted to office in the National Government a
band of mere speculators and stoek-aohbers.—
These are the antagonists of both whigs and
Americans, and to make their opposition effec
tual threw open a wide door for all to enter,
whether their antecedents have been whiggery
abolitionism, foreignism, political mormonistn,
draughtelse—in short they 'scoot' vo CONQUER.'
LoeofoeoiSel, bo it remembered, can appeal to
the thousands of foreigners annually manufac
tured into citizens to recruit its ranks—and
its organs studiously endeavor to instill into
the minds of Roman Catholics that this new
organization seeks to disfranchise them of their
political rights as well as ollice—while Ameri
canism nod now constituted, must derive
strength from the native•born whigs and demo
emits atone. Is not this sufficient to show that
prudence and discretion are necessary, nay es
sential, towards all those who have voluntarily
pluctol themselves in the light of `bewers of
' ,.ti drawers of water," but who may not
be content to contain so if they are annually
to C 0111.3 in fur a share of invective against a
time.honored party at the hoods of those claim
ing to speak fur the organization.
We make these remarks in consequence of
the receipt of a comtuunication front an old
lieu Whig who, in Isis own language, has "nen
cc asked and 'lover wants an office,". who vo
led the American ticket from top to bottom,
and (WOWS his readiness to do so again, but
adds that if lie is "nevertheless to be put on
the same footing and level with luenfocoism
by such sneering remarks as have repeatedly
been published," he "for one, will hereafter
make and vote a ticket of his own." Having
give us the option of either editorially noticing
or publishing his communication, we have pen
ned the the above remarks in preference to
giving place to his strictures, its hope that a
word to the wise will be sufficient.
What are the Sound Debts.
Het. 16.—Our town has, for
the past twenty-four hours, been in the moot
intense excitement, occasioned by two of the
moot appalling and unprovoked murders on re
cord, the whole object being, it is supposed,
plunder. The victims are Dr. J. F. C. Hadel,
formerly health officer of Baltimore, but for the
last three years a practising physician of this
city, and a young mum in his office, named
Henry Graf.
It appears that on Monday evening the body
of young Graf was found is the ntountains, a
short distance from town bearing the evidence
of having been killed from a gunshot wound.—
The body was recognized and brought to town,
ar.d, on inquiry, it was ascertained that Dr.
Hadel was also missing, and inquiry was made
of his friends in Baltimore without obtaining
any information in relation to him.
In the meantime a German pedlar was arres
ted on suspicion of murdering Mr. Graf, and
on searching hint the watch and chain, pocket
book, and clothing of Dr. Haslet were launch in
his possession, leaving no doubt unto his having
met with the same fate as his unfortunate young
'rho murderer was arrested at 12 o'clock on
Monday night, and the most intense excitement
existed until daylight this morning, when a
large number of citizens started out n search
for the body of Dr, Model. The search was
continued until about 10 o'clock this morning,
when the body woo found in the mountains,
horribly mutilated. lie had been stripped na.
ked, his head cut ofr front his body, and stabbed,
besides the mark of having been shot through
the tracts of the neck. The head isstill missing,
and it is supposed that the murderer has con
cealed it in order to prevent identification of
the body.
It appears that the German pedlar who has
been arrested on the charge of being the perpe
trator of this hoerible massacre is a stranger in
Cumberland, and has been boarding at a far
mer's house by the name of Steel, near town,
for some days past. On Sunday morning be
tweets it and 10 o'clock this stranger and the
Doctor were seen going over the bridge in the
direction where the latter was murdered, and
Mr. and Mrs. Steel say that this man called
rind got Isis gen almut that hour, and it is belie
ved he enticed the Doctor out by telling him
some ono was very ill, and shot him through
the back of his neck, as his coat, found in pos
session of the supposed murderer, had the
mark of a bullet through the collar.
After murdering the doctor it is supposed he
went to Steel's, melte latter says thathe brought
his gun back about noon, and immediately
started towards Cumberland. He was next
seen in the Doctor's office, in Cumberland, by
a gentleman who called there to inquire for the
Doctor. Young Graf was there with him, and
on the gentleman inquiring for the doctor he
was told by Graf that he was out in the moun
tains, and had met with an accident, having
fallen in the water. It is supposed that the
, murderer had told Graf this tale and that the
doctor had sent to hint to bring him sonic dry
chillies. The murderer and Graf were seen in
the afternoon going in the same direction
Mr. Graf carrying a bundle with hint. Mr.
Steel also states that this mac accompanied by
Mr. Graf, came to his house, and the roan got
his gun again, and they Went ou up the moun
tain together. Two other gentlemen also say
that they passed them together on the moms
mitt, and live minutes after heard the iii o rt of
IL gun.
The hotly of Deaf was found with a gunshot
wound in the back, and he had been beaten
I over the head, it is supposed dying in a few
ailments. The accused returned the gun, and
the bundle which Graf had with him, to Steel's
nettle, and left them there. His nettle is eu-
CuMilkitLAND, Oct. 16, 3 P. 31.—Thr eearch
for the head of 1)r. Hadel has been continued
throughout the day, and n party have just ar
rived, having found the head buried some dist
ance from where the body was found.
. , .
It appears that the German arrested was
seen in Dr. }ludas office on Saturday evening.
When arrested there was found in his posses
sion the doctor's gold watch, his seal ring with
his name upon it, together wish all his clothing
and books, &e. He acknowledges the stealing
the goods from his office on Sunday night; but
denies having seen or murdered the Doctor and
Mr. Graf. The supposition is that after having
murdered the doctor he enticed Mr. Graf out
and murdered him also; in order that ho might
more easily rob the office, us both of them usu.
ally slept in the room over the office, Mrs.
Hadel and her children being absent on a via.
it to their friends in Baltimore. The accused
bad in his possession a large number of books
and valuables from the office.
A Mr. Dawson, who is here from West Alex
ander, recognizes the j isoner as an old often
der. He says that he was imprisoned at that,
place for robbing a store,. but broke jail and
made his escape to Pittsburg, where'll.) stole a
horse, and was rearrested and brought buck
to West Alexander, and succeeded a second
time in breaking jail and making his escape.
Ito is sow heavily ironed, and every precau•
tion.will be taken to prevent his escape from
the punishment that his bloody work demands.
The body ofDr. andel has been taken charge
of by the Odd Fellows and Masons in the oh
ammo aids family and will be sent down to
Baltimore to-night in charge of. Mr. Butler,
who has been delegated to accompany it.
Mr. Graf was originally trom New York,
where his mother resides. Ile lived in Balti.
more a short time.
Commerce of the United States.
The September number of Hunt's Merchant's 1
Magazine contains a statistical view of the
commerce of the United States for each year
from 1790 to 1854 inclusive. The article is
the result of great labor and research, and will
prove of great value to the numerous renders
of this excelhmt and useful publication. From
it we learn; that for the year 1750 the exports
of foreign and domestic merchandize amoun
ted to $20,205,156 ; imports same year, $23,-
000,000. For the year 1854, exports $278,341,-
064; imports, $304,362,381. Total exports
from 1790 to 1851 inclusive, aggregate value,
$5,894,917, 898 ; imports, aggregatevalne, $6,.
721,432, 984. The total value of property ex-
ported and imported since 1790 is the great
I sum of twelve bilious six hamdred and sixteen
millions three hundred rued fifty thousand eight
hundred and thirty two dollars I The tonnage
of the country in 1789 was 201,562; in 1854
it Wits exclusive of steam vessels 1;802,902 ; of
which 181,901 was engaged in the whale fish
ery. The tonnage employed in steam ',orig.
lion was iu 1823, 74 879—(before that nothing
—in 1854, it was 676,607. Such figurea ex.
Whit the strides of progress which the country
has made since the adoption of the federal con
stitution. Judging of the future by the past,
it is apparent that we aro destined to be a
I very -great country."
Premium Carriages.
Alex. Do Arrnit exhibited two carriages at
the late Fair, which, for combination of great
strength, with extreme lightness, fine, deli
cate painting, and indeed for surpassing beau
ty of finish in all respect:), were the admiration
of thousands, including, it seems, the ear
rings premium awarding committee.
Covar.—Blair County Court coutra.,nced on
Monday last,
, z re;
• g
o s
Philadelphia, 28,284 25,770 20 00
Allegheny, 6,740 5,877 2359
Beaver, 1,334 1,090 581
Lawrence, 834 1,197 635
Dauphin, 2,031 3,021 1
Chester, 4,460 4,668
Bedford, 1,677 1,791
Huntingdon, 1,196 1,920
Adams, 1,784 1,679
Schuylkill, 5,012 1,775
Delaware, 1,487 1,682
Buck, 5,328 4,123
Becks, 6,948 3,261
Westtuoroloud, 3,547 3,200
Erie, 1,698 2,113
Blair, 1,•165 2,392
Northumberl'd 1,983 1,011
Cambria, 2,063 1,437
Crawford, 2,015 2,091
Butler, 2,182 2,582
Lancaster, 5,090 5,301
Northampton, 3,738 2,443
Franklin, 2,411 2,860
Indiana, 667 2,315
Clarion, 2,154 1,508
Clearfield, 1,409 1.013
Cumberland, 2,399 2,660
Fulton, 822 609
Mercer, 1,635 1,808
Wayne, 1,594 1,120
.111 Mate, 837 1,023
M Mill), 1,310 1,382
York, 5,383 4,501
Montgomery, 5,207 3.573
Somerset, . 1,181 2,050
lAlzerne, 3,957 3,571
Warren, 717 958
Washington, 3,182 3,214
Armstrong, 1,633 2,149
Bradford, 2,476 4,173
Carbon, 1,187 619
Centre, 1,851 2,933
Clinton, .934 996 10
Columbia, 1,736 984
Elk, 350 236
Fayette, 2,620 2,312
Forest, 33 43
Green, 1,997 1,393
Jefferson, 1,006 1,000
Lebanon, 1,865 2,256
Lehigh, 3,394 2,633
Lycoming, 2,266 2,03 , 1
NI eKenii, 265 455
Monroe, 1,327 531
Montour, 920 438
Perry, 1.332 1,539
45 5
614 64
Potter. 436 634
Snyder,. 809 1,090
Sullivan, 247 292
Susquehanna, 1,579 2,164
Tiosa, 1,381 1,723
793 1.500
Venanr, 1,501 1,468
Wyoming, 529 794
149,7 , 13 6546
Prom the l'hila, , tphia!inch .d.
The attention of the renders of the MN.
delphia .11crelead is respectfully directed to
the SAVING FUND the National Settcly coin•
pony in Manta drat, south-west corner of
Third, which has been fer a long time and
continUOS to be ono of the most prosperous and
successful institutions in Philadelphia, and we
may add nt the same time, of the most -useful.
It was chartered in 1811 by the LeAttslature of
Peunsylvanin, and since its organization has
steadily pursued the oljeots for which it was
incorporated, unprecedented success which
.has attended its operations, affords a good
Instration of what skill and perseverance right.
ly directed can accomplish. The amount of
deposits and number of its depositories has
gone on steadily increasing from year to year,
until they now greatly exceed the amount re•
misted by any other institution of the same
kind in this city. The people of Philadelphia
are prmtd of it, and pilt to it no - prom:tilting
an instance of successful enterprise, and at
the same time affording the means of effecting
a great public good by l Baring the promotion
of economy and industry amongAt every class
of her citizens.
There is no SUM too small, and no sum toe
large to be received there, and it in art surpri
sing, therefore, that this Saying Fond has a
great number of depositors, and has received
a very large amount of money. People who
cull there find that e the Secretary and his assns.
tents are kept constantly employed from trier.
ning till night, and twice in a week until a late I
hour in the evening, in receiviog the money'
brought by peoplo who are anxious to pet it in
for the double purpose of having it safely kept
and that they may be able at the 93111 C time to
get interest for it.
We aro well acquainted with the operations
of this Saving Food. We have ourselves fru
quently deposited large sums in it—aro in dai
ly personal intercourse with its officers ned di
rectors. A great many of our Wends also
have put their money into and add to it from
time until the sums depusi ed with the twee
' mulated interest, shall enable them to purchase
a house, or accomplish some other sod impor.
tont and profitable object. We bear every one
of them speak of it with the highest approba ,
tine on account of• the careful mannerin which
its business is conducted, and they all refer to
it as a perfioct model for all similar institution.s.
We have reason to believe that large sums
of money ore kept in private hands both in tic
city and country, where it proves a constant
source of anxiety and of real danger to the
owner. There is scarcely a day pu,en is
which there is not some account in public pa
pers of money having been lost by tire, and
still more frequently by rubbery often attended
by murder. The possession of a very small
seta has frequently led to the commission of
both these crimes. These calamities are not
confined to our cities, but ill proportion to the
population are even more frequent in the coun
try. is reason to believe that a great
many fires which have occurred iirthe city and
country have been preceded by robbery, end
the fire created for that purpose of codtealing
it. it is therefore a great public benefit to
have an institution in which any sum of money
large or small, can be placed with interest
while it remains, and from which the owner
can get it back again in gold at any moment
he pleases to call for it. Precisely such tot
institution is the Airing Food of the Notional
SOO Company and we feel confident that
people who put their money in it instead of
keeping iu their own houses, subject to be lost
at any time from fire, robbery and other aced
deals whlell no frequently happen, will lie re
lieved from a groat load or anxiety, and will
alwaye be richer by the aliment of interest they
get for it while it remains there.
People who have the largest sums laying
idle in their own houses, of course feel the
greatest anxiety, and would receive most bene
fit by placing it in this Institution. We have
understood that ninny people who have large
sums have come front a great distance to put
their money in this Saying Fund., on account
of the superior safety and convenience it of
fords; and consequently have been relieved
from the care and anxiety inseperale from
keeping it in their own houses.
It may be proper also to state thatthe money
placed in this Saving Fund, is carefully inves
ted in Mortgagor, Ground Rents, and other
I first class securities, which prevents the possi
bility of lose and further.that by the rules of
, the Company, none of the Directors or Officers
can directly or indirectly use or borrow any of
its money. MANY CITIZENS.
tortign c'ettus.
Later from Europe.
AlihiVAL oft , ' CANADA,
The steamship Canada, from Liverpool ar•
rived with European dates to Saturday,the 29th
ult., arrived at 7.1 o'clock.
The steamship Herman arrived out on the
24th ult.
The latest news from the Crimea ure that
Gortschakeff telegraphed, en the 22d ult., that
the Allies had landed 20,000 men at Eupatoria
and that the enemy have now 30,000 men on
the Russian flank. .
12 4
The Allies attacked the Russian infantry ou
the 22d of September, when the latter retreat•
ed. On the 25th, the Allies, 53,000 strong, do.
beuehed from liepatoria, and occupied the
neighboring villages on the left flank of the
Russians. . .
On the pith the Rucsians were fortifying the
north side of Sevastopol, and constructing new
The French were advancing their cavalry
and infantry towards Bakst mi.
A fearful tempest had occurred at Sevasto
pol, followed by heavy rains.
Sevastopol is to bu razed, and the burins
ed up.
On the 17th the Allies were concentrating
their forces betweenlaklara and the Tele ,
naya, and were constantly reconnoitering the
left wing of the Russian army. The Allies are
actively preparing for an active clunpaign.
Four hundred deserters, mostly Pohinders,
had arrived in the allied camp.
It is imported that the demoralization or the
Russian army is complete, and such was the
confusion from the first moment of the assault
of the Allies upon Sevastopol, that the soldiers
became exhausted wills fatigue having remain.
ed twenty four hours without any sustenance.
Tho loss of the Russians during the bombard
ment and assault is estimated at 18,000 men.
The Ruisians continue to fire shells into
Sebastopol from the . north shore. Some of the
guns send the shot entirely over the own, doing
much damage to to the advanced siege works
of the Allies.
A letter from Berlin states that Pratti Gort•
schakoff will shortly evacuate the ihrts on the
north silo of Sevastopol, but the itnniinnv
are making vast preparations fir the winter
The Russian Treasury is receiving hap
mums through erlin.
The Turkish trOopsat C,stantloopleiniend•
ed for Asia, hove been sent to Elo,..nturin.
It is reported that large bodi,
troops have been landed nt
Desintcht, r,colved :
the g0,H',...0 Pro :.] ,t,
.. ~ 1.. .. .. .. ~:'.1 ~.
Most of the Itu:tie
late definitely approved,
tlie proposed constitutional ,•:.
An official circular, issued by the „elven men t
or Naples, to the police, says that Ilazit hai rz
tired from °nice. The policy of the go•:,•:
went has undergone nu change in the c c
of the policelewnrds politically iorq..c.,:
The Austrian Government orgaL ; rt
slates, Werriug to liassia Ana,, Unit
the new stato of things may give oeettsion Mr a
diplomntie contest orStt sanguinktry strife henget,'
Russia and the Western Powers, Inn will in nu
way effect the medintery attitude
ante of IoW, incited setilo,l prop,),!
sale or lease of the main. line Ina,'i.•
for the purpose of stibmitting the e.,:•:e to
Legislature at its next 000. iOO.
Mat ti 6,
On thn 17th in,t.,
Cnpt. Amon Pheasant
daughter of .Asa
In this borough, on the 10th feat., Thognan
Read, Esq., aged about 09 yearn.
:r°lllll:AlDlti.VPikill2 Vllo3lltru'',.
Flour is scarce and firm, with a steady do.
mend for export, and about 2000 bbls., inanity
standard an t good straight brands were dispo.
sod of at sB,62qsB,6bit, including city nolk
extra at $9,12i, and extra family ut 59,250 t,
$9,50 per bbl , nye Flour and Corn Meal are
hold firmly but quiet—the formtr at t:40,75 and
the latter at '1;4,60 per bbl. 11'111:AT is lcss
live some :41000 bushels fair to prime rod
brought 195a200c, closing at 19co, Lud 6000
bushels white at.200a216e, as in quality,
le at the latter rate for cluster. Rye moots
With n steady demand and further sales or 2500
bushels Weston were made at 125 c. Cons is
scarce and wahted, with small sales front the
cars at 95e tar old, and 60a70c fat new yellow
no to COllditioll. o,tTs ate in steady demand
at .1.10 for Southern, with small receipts and
.:Q Jk..OZNI'L
A Book for Every Family in the Union,
Impartial and Reliable,
This is a large Octavo of 1,024 pp., illustra•
ted by nearly 200 engravings, and gives the
"History, Doctrine, Government and Statistics"
of all the sects in this country. It is sold ex•
elusively by subscription, and the demand for
it is increasing from every section of the coon.
trY There are still a fete counties unongaged in
Penna., in which thorongh•goiog men of good
address might do II large and profitable lavd.
ttess. The terms aro such us cannot fail to
pay. For these and other particulars Apply to
or address
JOHN N. POTTER, Publisher,
No. 18 SIIIISOM St.,
Om. 24,1823.-2 in.
Stray Cattle.
Came to the vesiihitiee of the suhsprilxr , 11v.
ing in Hopewell township., Huntingdon Co.,
sometime in the month of August last, five
head of young cattle supposed to be two years
old, marked with a piece off the right, nod the
loft car scolloped on the under side. The own.
cc iv requsted to core leeward prove pommy,
pay charges, and take them away, otherwise
they will be disposed of according to law.
Oct. 21. 1855.-4,
Dr. John'l4oou/looh,
Ohre his professional services to the citizens of
liensingdon and vicinity. Office, Mr. Wido
w...ire, between the Exchange Alli Jarkson's
ibmtinvi v n, Aug. 29. 195. i.
In every ennuty in tile muted ffates and
ennnda, to sell one of the most important
Books ever published in America, and one that
should be in the hands of every male and fe
male, who regnrd their own health and the
welfare of their offspring, entitled
Devised and enlarged by Horton Howard,
M. D., containing nearly oxn HEMMED 11,I,178•
MATIONS, of great importance, and nearly one
thousand late octavo pages, hound in submnn
tial leather binding library style, three volumes
hound in one containing an important SYSTEM
OF DOMESTIC MEDICINiI, with a Treatise on an
atomy, Physiology, and all diseases that man
kind are heir to with Prescriptions of the great
est importance•to mankind. Also, un exten•
sive TunaTise 00 MIDWIFERY, giving n full des
cription of the Diseases of Women—the canoe
of disease and core. •
This honk was first published no a Text
Book and is now used in the Eastern Coreges;
but the revised edition is made simple and
plain, that all classes may comprehend it. It
contains an explanation to all the medical'
terms used in the book. Price I. . .
iliturAxy Ott. 9.
Agents wishing to ctign,, , in the sale of this
valuable book, will do well'w note immediate
application as it will be exclusively a aubscrip•
Lion book, mid the greatest pains will he token
to prevent one Agent from selling on the terri•
tory assigned to 'anoilicr. .
A sample copy will ho sent, by mail, post.
paid, to any part of the United States or Can
ada, on the reception of the retail price in cur
rent fonds or postage . stamps with term to
Agents, nod to thus: washing to engage in Wu
busineFs. _ .
Address H. M. RUI.!SON . , Publisher, Qua.
her City Publishing Honse.'3*.t South Third
street, Philadelphia, or Queen City Publishing
House, 1 Main street Cincinnati, Ohio.
Oct. :!4.--st.
Will be sold nt Public Solo on the premises,
one mile from the mouth of Spruce Creek in
Fmklin township, Ilumingthaeonmy, on
TUESDAY, NO YE:1111ff 271/i, 1865.
'Joe of el,ielt cow:dc,
265 ACRES.
more or • About la t are
r:hnired, and inn high st.atn
d tiniber lend, Or. this re.rnt
LA'll6'E RICK 1-iiiiISEI
Daniel Lao,
aoLl ali the eunveni,lit out bk:ildieg,s.-
.CH:.•. , also a goo,l well awl sl.t . ing of w,ter.
locate , l
!!,• ,• Bar,
:_• ~!.er or which
157 AVEI.:;.;
1..1111 I • . •..I , •
I:•••• I. •••• ••I •• V . • •••.*
of t h I
On the first farm there is tine n !•h• • •
e k-276t) V. 7. On :he seev: i:11111
oleo clue n Wi(10,:! o.t.wer i 09. '1 1.2 N.
t 9 I, , f:. '' , i 4 II •
' ,Irr tory Reclrily
,•,' , • • , ~ t er the fin,tfarni
ay of 18L6,
, . • I d n..d dillvereti,
and c,,.. :nrn). 'tic balance
to 1,, •, , lertrignge, and the
flit , , • • !••• " ! t•t. !O equal
atllwal ; • •: • , iamfatscr.
,• 1 •
; th.,seconil tarn In pay
• • , • • and the balatleo
r.• , . 0.0 brat farm, with
' Any
.• :r: . t Iv Loa
„ . .
Ober I. s
Eir (!:t r itki .. Z.ll4
ESSLEII, & BRO. have ;MA, received s
large and well assume'.or tail nod
wintergoods, suitable fur Rio winds of all, mid
particudirly the Writing eommunity ; it goat
assortment of made up clueaing, Hardware,
Queensware, he.
A superior article of (Mho, Sugar, Molasses
and Tobacco, which will be sold at 0 small ad
vanto on cost. Call and examine for your
selves. Also, largo supply of fish, salt, plaster,
stone coal, Iron nails, and stoves, constantly on
hand and for sale.
We are prepared to exhibit u witch larger
stock of boots and shoes than heretofore, and
nt reduced prices. Cull nr.d see before purchas
ing your winter supply,
Ci:7 - The highest price paid for all kind of pro.
Mill Creek, Oct 10,1835-6 t
5 111,y K fur eglr
ble. Meeker,' justrz s ira i r
, 1
300 1727,„th•""' A l2sTlvi•ein;:%-aVut
170 Ton"1"tor
75 KEGS or nails & spikes fur snlu by
O NE New lido Water Canal Boßt just Knish
tg end for pain lry KESSLER tk,BRO:
30,000 ii .4 „ 1 . 1 i,2 1 ,1-Bti
~.`11,,rj,- .
CeS. ft
%IRE subscriber is happy to inform his numer
ous friends and customers that he has added
very largely to his already entensive and varied
stook of new and popular books—and can now
boast as great a variety nt the saute low pricer
ns the City Book Stores. Ills STATIONARY
is of groat variety and well selected. viz: Pan
c7 and Plain Note Letter and Cap paper anti
Itnvelopes. Cold Pens and Silver Holders
from hit upwartlr, Pon and Pocket Knives, Port
Monnalea and Pocket- Books, Ink and inkstand.
Razor-strops and Brutish, &e.
School }looks in quantities to oonntry merch
ants and teachers ut City vbulesule prices.—
Wrapping paper constant', on hand.
1000 PiECES WALL PARER of ever♦
kind, Window Paper and painted
•bhado, with Putnam's Patent Self•Ad,justing
Curtnin Fixtures. All the above at Phtla. re
tail prices, call and examine, "I endeavor to
please." Store on Railroad St. Huntingdon.
'out ICO nerei cr
~~:ti~l :'c,u
'h' :
i'.l:i fiF i; :„ cll l lCi 1111',
~hrnliegtlwr, l ceaa