WILLIAM BREWSTER, / SAM. G. WHITTAKER, EDITORS. *titct Vottra. SPRING SONGS AT CHARLLSI C. LEILiNIo. The Spring's blue eyes are open, Up Irorn the grass they look— menu the lovely violets Which fur a wreath I took. t plucked the flowers while lousing, And my thoughts in one sad tale, To the breezes were repeated fly the listening nighten,gale. Yes—every song she warbled, As from my soul it rose, And now lily tender secret The whole green forest knows. As the moon's reflection trembles In the wild and waving deeps, While the moon herself in silence O'er the arch or heaven sweeps, Even so I nee thee—loved one, Cahn and silent, and there moves But thine image in my bosom, For my heart is thrilled and loves. ANOTHER RURAL SONG, SPEED TILE PLOW.—Ant—tielly Biy. Speed the plow, Speed the plum O'er the field away ; And tarn the farrows up and down All the summer's day. Push alonl, Stout and strong, (1,;:k o'er the lea. Whiltt brimking clods and turnintsward The.a's 111 , 11t1 AO gay as we. Hem 1I u k owl Bright —couie about, goo whoa Furrow u :ter flirraw, up and thetiehl we go. To row the wheat and corn, tenni and speed the pie , While it ie tqtr!y morn ; 'thot nt neon, \\lila the ,LIII Is Shilling br:ght and high, thdernenth tint ~bade• trees In yuieL 7,1 ,il.; lie 1.1,11 Y Buck and . lirigist—uow coma about, &a Speed the plow, Speed the plow, While 'tis summer tite. Speed the plow end sow the stud, And bread will mire be thine, Phywinan Sow the::ectAl Soon the driv:n.; tnin szTagt the crop anti o'er titg fields 1V ill waive thg golden grain. Haw Buck and Bright—now come about, &c. *clut Eate A MADMAN IN THE AIR. AIR. BROWN'S LAST ASCENT. One fine summer morning, a few years since, there was a wonderful excitement in the Irish vil a,;e of Ballyi'noley. All the idle men, women and children in the neighborlrod—cotaprehending abcut nine. tenths of the population—wero assembled on the large keel common which served AS a race course and balling green ; and all thronged toward some object in mite centre, which formed the nucleus of the ere vd. 'Yea, then, what's the name of it at all, at all 1' demanded one ragged goasnon. Is it tied to the tail of it he's going to go up ?' asked another. . _ . . tAh, don't be foolish exclaimed an old nism the 'sense corner' of tho district ; 'don't you see the long ropes he's going to hold on by •%Vell, well !' groaned an old woman, taking her t,udeen, or short black pipe out of her mouth and sticking it, lighted as it was, within the folds of her cross barred cotton neckerchief, 'them English are mighty gnaw people. I'm cure when we heard that this Mr. Brown, with the sacks of gook!, was coming to Ritelarm, after buying out the rale ould stock of the Dea ses, we thought he'd have carriages and galore, arid may be a fine yacht in the harbor ; but it never entered the heads of any of us that nothing less would serve him than going coorsing through the air like a wild goose at the toile of a ballone, or whatsomover they call it.' For some time past the process of infla ting the balloon bad been going on ; and now the great gaily painted orb towered :tremulously above the heads of the gaping spectators, :and pressing upon the cords by which it was held down, it seemed only to await the arrival of the bold terontut to dart upward on its way. 'Here he is !' exclaimed the outward stragglers of the crowd ; and presently a carriage drew up, and out stepped Mr. Brown the English millionare, who had lately become an Irish landed propri etor. )11.. Brown was a dapper little man whom a very small amount of pugilistic force would have sufficed to lay level with the soil of his adoption. He was one of those unlucky individuals who meet an ac cident at every turn—who, in entering a room, invariably slip, tumble, knock down some piece of furniture, or sit down beside their chair instead of upon it. He seldom escaped upsetting his inkstand; sending his meat and drink , the eig way,' and t • t tilltilltk Dln A' •• coughing and choking for half an hour ; cutting his fingers, tearing his coat, or knocking his forehead against a door, so that he rarely appeared in society without scars, plasters or bandages. In practising gymnastics he had knocked out three , teeth ; in yachting at Cowes he had been four times nearly drowned; in shooting on the moors of Scotland he had left the I grouse unharmed, but had blown off two of his fingers. A taste for protechny had singed handsomely his eyebrows, hair, and whiskers ; and as to railway travelling, his hair breadth escapes and moving accidents amid collisions, upsets and explosions, would have served to fill two or three vol umes of the English Railway Library, or the French Bibliotheque des Chemins de ler. At length, having tried the three. ele ments, of earth, water and fire, it occurred to Mr. Brown that the remaining one of air, as a medium of locomotion, might be more agreeable and could not be more per ilous than the others. Ile accordingly, the year befor-, when residing on his estate in Devonshire, had purchased an excellent balloon, and, :grange to say, had made see oral ascents and had come down again in perfect safety. On this occasion he had meditated a flight over the Green Isle, and intended to come down at Belfast ; but the best informed members of the crowd asser ted that he was going 'every step of the way to Auterikkey.' A London ft lend, who had come to Ire land on a fishing excursion, had promised to join Mr. Brown in his flight ; but, as it would seem, his courage failed and he came not. Nowise discouraged, however, Mr. Brown was just about to step into his atrial car, when a tall, stronzly built man suddenly stepped forward, and politely saluting the mronaut, said : •May Irish you a question, sir, 'ls it true that you are going to Ameri ca 'No; merely to Belfast, wind and wea• I permitting.' Belfast; repented the stranger in a mu sing manner— , the north of Ireland. Well tint is just the direction toward which I want to go, and 1 hate land travelling.— Will you sir, accept of me as a companion?' Mr. Brown hesitated for a moment, but as he really wished for some one to accom pany him, he saw no serious objection to the plan, and accordingly signified his ac quiescence, merely remarking to the stran ger that his costume seemed too light for the regions of cold air which they would have to traverse. laic P was the reply. I have parsed through more changes of climate than that and I am happily very robust.' 'Well,' said Mr. Brown, looking at the massive frame of the unknown, 'my car is !ae enough. Come, in the name of Pro vidence I' So they took their places, and the word was given : Let go !' The fifteen men whose hands were se verely pressed by the straining cords, de sired nothing better, and in a moment the freed balloon begun to ascend majestically. The crowd shouted and clapped their hands. 'A h I' cried Mr. Brown, 'this is delight ful ! Don't you think so? Not receiving any answer he turned and looked at his travelling companion. There he was, ly ing almost flat on his face and hands, wilt his head over the side of the car, his eyes were fixed, his hair bristling. 'Are you afraid 1' asked Mr. Brown. No answer. The balloon ascended ra• pidly, and ere bag arrived at the region of the clouds. Turning once more to his inanovable companion, Mr. Brown shook him slightly by the arm, and said ; 'Are you ill?' Still no reply, but a fixed and stolid stare. They wore now at a great elevation; clouds lay beneath their feet, above their heads a burning sun, and infi nite space around them. Suddenly the stranger stood upright, his face pallid as that of a corpse. 'Faster ! taster I' he exclaimed in a tone of authority ; and seizing in succes sion three of the bags of sand which served as a ballast, he flung them out of the car, at the same time laughing in a strange wild manner. 'Ha !' he cried, 'that's the way to travel ! We shall distance the swal low, we shall tower above the eagle.— When I was in the Abruzzi with my rifle ;n hand, watching for stray travellers, I 1 1 never felt so excited as Ido now. Then their lives were .in danger, now it is my own.' Very pleasant) thought the owner of the balloon. I have picked up come rascal ly Italian brigand. 'Better to fight with the elements than custom house officers !' continued his cont. panion. The balloon ascended at a terrif ic rate. In his turn, Mr. Brown stood up, " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND ' , DREYER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE." HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1855. and laying his hand on the stranger's arm said : 'For Heaven's sake, don't stir ! Our lives are at stake. I must allow some of the gas to escape, in order to repair your imprudence.' can 'How do you do that I' 'No ; for here is earth have only to draw this string, which 'lt is only that the clouds are rising to. is connected with the valve.' ward the upper regions.' 'And if you had not that resource, what 'Well, let us do the same, Let us throw would'be the consequence ?' away all our ballast.' 'We would continae to ascend until eve• 'We have no more.' Gerald Annesley ry thing would burst (rota excessive dila- I laid Mr. Brown gently in the bottom of lion.' the car. The man continued for a few moments 'You have no more ballast, you say ?' in deep thought ; then suddenly drawing he asked, looking fixedly at him. out a knife, he cut the cord as high up as to more.' he could reach' • I ‘I-Tow much do you weigh ?"I his ques• 'Faster ! faster!' ho reiterated. The tion fell on poor Brown like a stunning stronger was a giant compared with Mr. blow. 'blow much do you weigh re- Brown. who perceiving that he couldobtaie peated his companion in a louder tune. nothing by force, began to try concilia 'A h very little—nothing that could make Lion. the slightest difference—a mere , trifle.' 'Sir,' said he in a soothing tone, 'You . 'A mere trifle! well, even that will mnke are a Christian, I make no doubt. Well, some difference.' The imminence of the our religion forbids homicide !' peril gave our reronaut presence of mind.' 'Faster!' shouted the giant; and seizing .Nly friend,' said he, 'your child is not the remaining sacks of sand, he scattered dead. I saw her last week near Belfast.— their contents to the clouds. Mr. Brown She is living with a family who, love her fell on his knees. and treat her as their own. In a very . 'Alt I' he exclaimed, if have no regard short time, if you will allow us to descend, for your own life, at least have some pity you will meet her: The madman looked on mine. lam young, rich, happy ; 1 at him with a wild, doubting gaze. have a mother and sister; in their Caine I 'Yes,' continued Brown eagerly, mix. conjure you to stretch your hand up and ious to confirm the impression he had made suite us from a dreadful death by allowing, 'you will see her, your darling little Lin some gas to escape.' ma, running to meet you with outstretched Shaking his wild locks, the stranger arms, and her fair golden curls waving in drew off' his coat, find exclaiming 'We the wind—' are not ascending I' flung it out. 'You lie ! you lie! Emma's hair was 'Your turn now !' he continued ; and as black as jet ! Man ! you never saw with out the smallest ceremony he despoil- her ! how much do you weigh ?' ed the unfortunate Brown of his paletot, I 'A h! mere nothing—only is few pounds!' and threw it over. Gerald Aunesley seized Mr. Brown with • .I'he balloon pursued its wild career , both hands and held him suspended over without stop or stay. the side of the car. In another moment 'Ha ! ha !' said the stranger, 'while we he would have dropped hint into the abyss are thus climbing so pleasantly toward the o f space. sky, I'll tell you a story—shall I?' ills 'innesley. I' cried the : poet; +', 'you ' ueltappy companion did not stir. Already ,tout to mount higher ?' front the extreme rarity of the air, the 'y es ! y es !' blood was gushing from his eyes and ears. 'Your desire is to lighten the balloon?' Listen ! Three years ago I lived in Mad- itires.' rid. I was a widower, with one little daughter, a gentle, bright eyed angel ; her long curling hair is waving this moment before my eyes. One day I went out ear ly and did not return until late ; my child, my beautiful Emma was gone ; banditti had come and stolen her from me. But, my friend, hive you a cannon here ?' Mr. Brown made mechanically a sign in the ' negative. 'What a pity ! I would have bombarded Spain ! Ever since, I have searched for my child in every country of Europe, but in vain. Now I think she may be in the north of Ireland. Have you a lucifer match here?' Mr. Brown made no reply, but shook his head. •You have not ? Ah ! if I could get , me„ I would set the balloon on fire ; and then, when re duced to ashes, it would be much lighter ! When you first saw me this morning I was examinitjg die stupid faces of you crowd to see if the dark foreign one of my Emam's robber might be among them.' It was evident to poor Mr. Brown that his travelling companion was a confirmed lunatic. A sudden idea struck him. 'What is your name 1' he asked. 'Gerald Annesley.' 'The very same.' 'What mean you I' know where the wretch lives that stole your child ; we are now just above the spot. Draw the valve, Mr. Annesley and in a short time you will embrace your Emma!' .No, no you are deceiving me. My Em ma is not on earth ; she is in Heaven.— Last night she appeared to me in a dream and told me so. That's the reason why I want to ascend higher and higher. Come, my friend, help me; lot us both blow as hard as we can on the bal!oon. As we are beneath, our breath must help it to rise. Blow ! blow l' Mr. Brown, moved by terror, tried to oboy. It does not stir ! Come, mount on my shoulders and push the balloon !' And without consulting him any further, the giant caught him up as it he had been a leather, and held him above his head say ing : Now push the balloon I' unluc- Icy victim tried to obey but the blood blin ded his eyes. There was a horrible buz zing in his ears, and light flashed before him. Fora moment, he thought of throw ing himself over in order to end his tor ments. , Hu!' shouted the madman, 'it does not go!' At that moment the trembling hand of Mr Brown touched accidentally the cord of the safety valve. He made it play and the collapsing orb began to descend rapidly. Through the clouds it darted downward, and the earth re.nripenred. • 'Ah cried Annelimy, instead of push ing the bal'oen, as I told you, you drew it downward. Push upward ! push, I say 'You see that I am pushing as hard as I 'Then how much doyou weigh yourself? 'Two hundred pounds.' 'ell, if you were to throw yourself o ver, the balloon lighted of such a great weight, it would dart upward with incon. ceivubk rapidity.' .fhe madman reflected for a moment. 'True,' he said, you are right!' He laid Mr. Brown in the bottom of the car, and stared wildly around. 'My Maker!' he cried 'T go to meet Thee; Igo to embrace my child, my Emma And tinging himself over, he disappeared. The balloon and its owner reached the earth in safety ; the latter, however, lay for many weeks raving in brain fever.— IV hen he recovered he gave orders to have his vertlous plaything sold at any sacrifice and soon afterwards provided himself with an excellent rare taker in the shape of a pretty wife, under whose tutilage, he is growing 'dale more handy in himself.' So this was Mr. Brown's last ascent to the clouds. `~ Yi, ctlEanc.ous. Hydriotaphia—Urn Burial. Quaint and profoundly learned old Sir Thomas Browne has left behind him, a• mong other relics of his facile pen and his well stored mind, sever al curious chnpters on "Urn Burial." They are full of facts connected with the modes of burial prac tised by various ancient peoples and na tions, and a condensed view of them may nut be uninteresting to our readers, grave and sepulchral as is the subject. "Carnal interment," or inhutnation, was of very ancient date. Abraham and many of the elder patriarchs were buried. Tra• dition has it that Adam the alpha of mor tality, was interred near Damascus. b1o• sea was buried by the Almighty. Tho practice of burning the bodies of those deceased was also of great untiqui. ty. "For," says Browne, (not to derive the same from Hercules,) "noble descrip• tion, there are hereof in the Grecian fu• nerals of Homer, in the formal obsequies. Patrocius and Achilles; and somewhat ol• der in the Theban war, and solemn com• bustion of Aliiccems and Archemorous, cotemporury unto Juir, the eighth judge of Israel," Hector was burnt I%,fore the gates of 'l'roy. Penthesilea, the 4inaFo nian queen, was burned upon a funeral pyre. Tlte practice wan of long continu :nice in the interior of Asia. The king of Chionin, a country near I'crsia, burned the body of his son tit the late date as the of Julien. and interred the :elites in a o'ur'ri. silver urn. The same practice extended PREMATURE MATRIMONY. far into the West. Manlius, the Roman j Marriage is a divine and beautilul ar- ; Consul, burnt the body of his son. Va- I rangement. It was designed by Provi ma was not burned but buried, in actor- I deuce not solely as a means of keeping tip dance with a special clause of his will.— population, or as a mere social and econo- According to Ovid, Remus was solmnly mica! convenience, but no the blending of burned. two Spirits into one—the masculine repre- I Cornelius Sylly was firs: of the Come-I senting wisdom, and the feminine ajfec- , Ilan family whose body was burned in lion. When there is a true Spiritual elfin. Rome. The practice became general ity between the two, then the design is throughout the Empire after that. But accomplished. even when the bodies of crows were burn- Premature marriages are among the ! ed, Pappaca, wife of Nero, was inhumed, greatest evils of the times; and it would I The prevalent idea was, that it was not be a bad idea in these days of reforms, most natural to end in fire. So they hen- if anti mart ying in a hurry Society were I ped up vast pyres, "more actively to waft instituted. Now aalays, people leap into them towards that el, whereby they the magic life circle with no more consid- i l also declined a visib eneration into i ' erotical than they would partake of a din- I g worms, and left a Instill ` parcel of their 1 ner—little thinking that when once in, they composition." Many believed fire excl.- are there until their end come. There is ted e purifying virtue, which refined the I but iittle, sometimes no mutual analysis of grosser commixture. Others sought the disposition, and comparison of taste and I through work of the combustion in order i affections. They seem to fancy that if to place their remains beyond the post• there are any discrepancies, the fatal Ger- . —Health is rho condition of liv - T inottein revenge of their enemies. , dian knot, which can be seldom cut and 1 The Indian Brachmans burnt them- ' never united, will harmonize all. ing beings ; disease is a state contrary to selves alive, conceiving that to be the no- The numbers who have felt this truth nature. blest way to end their lives, and betiev- i the numbers still feeling it to their hearts ' WomariL-Re74 - — rewa rd her, she is ,v ing that thus they should win immortali- , core—are incalculable. They recognize it always in favor of a ell•conducted Press. ty. But those great idolaters of Are, the ,as the great mistake of their lives. The So says Jock Kass. • Chaldears, abhorred the burning of their chain to them is not n silken one, and more .. ----........-- -- bodies as a pollution of the deity they wor- I crushing out all hope and energy, substi- The man who passed through life shiped. The Persian Magi, solicitous on- tuting hate for love, and eating out its rust without enemies could not have had a cha ly for the preservation of their worthless the very inner life of the soul, meter worth depricating bones exposed their flesh to the fury •of i boys and girls now marry to a greater - vultures and dogs. The Persees of India 1 extent titan ever before, instead of waiting did the same. The ancient Germans. • till they become full grown and matured - I whose deity was the earth, burned their . men and women. The young dandy, as dead. I soon as he gets out of short jackets, and The Egyptirns were entirely afraid oil finds a Hite furze gathered on his upper ! fire as a devouring element, ' , and there- lip—and the young miss, as soon as she fore by precious ernblements, deposited in ! emerges from the nursery and abbreviated dry earth, or handsome inclosure in glass- frocks—think they are qualified to assume es, cmtrived the noblest ways of intevgal ! the most solemn responsibilities of life.— ! conservation. , ' Hence the Pyramids, ins- ! And so if "Pa" and "Ma" won't consent, perishable Sarcophagi, end the Mummies ! they post off to some Gretna Green, and now deity stripped of the cremeitts that there take obligations that in, ninety-nine have encompassed them thousands of cases out of a hundred, they will never years, sacriligiously exposed to human' CO3se bitterly to repent. gaze. i Marriage should never be the result of The Scythians swore by wind and !fancy. The ball room and the evening y rarely d evelop real caracter. Un• sword, and would neither be burned nor part der the exilerating influence h cf the dance, inhumed. They made their groves in the the glare of lights, and the merry squib air." Ichthgophagi, et fish-eating nations about Egypt, buried their dead in the sea and joke, dissolute young man may appear thereby declining visible corruption, and I amiable, and the Slattery scold, loveable. Matches made at such places, or under restoring the debt of their bodies."— I The old heroes in Homer deprecated noth- !similar circumstances, are not of the class The that originate in heaven. They more ing more than water in drowning. Blearians used large urns end much wood' generally are conceived in the opposite in their burial service. but no fire. They ' place, and bring forth only iniunity. The true wily to learn each other is to do it at bruised the flesh of their dead, crowded ?tome in the parlor, in the kitchen, and on them into the urns, and heaped wood upon : them. The Chinese used to employ no occasions that led the tetnber. We see the urns. They made use of trees and much , results of these unions in the almost daily discoveries th at are taking place, in the fire, buried in the ashes, and planted pine trees by the graves, running, away of husbands, leaving their 'Christian s,' observes our author, abhor- wives and children to starve, and in the red this way of obsequies, mid though elopement of wives. Not only this, but we 1 witness it in broken spirited men, ntade they Vida' , not to give their bodies to be old in the prime of life struggling on for Genrned in their lives, detested that mode alter death; a more food, and clothing, and shelter, and affecting rather a depositure in women cross, dirty, sluttish, and writs ' than absorption, and properly submitting I : unto ashes; bet unto dust again, conforms- I kind. ble unto the practice of the patriarchs, the It would be quite impossible for us to depict faithfully the multitude of physical interment of our Saviour, Peter, Paul,and the ancient martyrs." and moral evils that result from these sin ful alliances - for siefut they are. They The Alusslernen bury their dead. The r lin the body, corrupt the morals, and aut. Jews generally practice inhumation; but tily the mind. The result does not stop the Jabesh burnt, the body of Paul. To , ' avoid contagious pollution in times of pes- with husband and wife. There are the tilence, they frequently burnt the bodies feebleness and . vices of the parents, both physical and moral, and go out into the tau .of their deed. But they did not, in an.. 8' world stunted and gnarled. God pity cient times Of hottest persecution, confirm ' he 'to the Boman practice of burning; never lm\ll 'e would not be uuderstood as speak. in their long intercourse with Egypt did i' rag against the institution of marriage.--- they adopt embalinery. llt is holy, beautiful and benificent But —An exchange paper records the good —We heard a good story of a man on let every one take his mate or none. Let ...11.0-1...-.- -.-....... not the brave eagle pair with the stupid a Mississippi steamer, who was question owl, nor tho gentle dove with the carrion luck of a citizen of its village, who, while ed by a Yankee. The gentleman to hu. bathing in the river, discovered, after an crow. Like should have hlce It is a glo rnor the fellow, answered the questions riots sight to see two . old people, who have industrious "scrub" of his person of about sari ht forwardly, until the down easter was weathered the storms and bashed in the five minutes, a pair of drawers which he fairly puzzled for an interrogatory. At sunshine of life together, go hand, loving- had lost two year , before. last he inquired : isr and truthfully, down the gentle declivi s —An old liirFy tTZ did not know wheth• ty of time, with no angers, nor jealousies, er her plantation was in Virginia or North 'Look here Squire, where was you born? nor hatred garnered up against each other, Carolina, found, when the line was drawn, 'I was born,' said the victim, 'in Boston. and looking with hope and joy to the ever. 1 that she was a resident of the former. Tremont street, No. 44, on the first day of lasting youth of heaven ; where they two •Wal,' said she, , I am glad I don't live in. August, 182.5, at 6 o'clock in the after noon.' Yankee was answered complete ly. For au instant he was struck. Soon shall he one forever. That ie true mar. North Carolina ! It was always such a however, his face brightened, and he quick- riuge, for it. is the marriage of Spirit with s i c kl y state.' Spirit, The love is woven into a woof of ly said : . gold, that neither time nor death nor eter• 1 —An editor out west gives the follow 'Yeas ; well I calculate you don't rec.)]. nity can sever.—l'he Electric l iog notice : "Our purse is lost I Thu lect whether it was a fraMe or brick house, 1 .........----- finder is requested to return it, being care du yo ?' ' —"Dim' t you want a ra'al prime lot of ful not to disturb its contents, which were. —Soaps men will extract comfort front I butter?" neketl a pedlar, who had picked it a brass rule, a piece of leaf tobacco, nicely : rep at fifty different places. ! twisted, the stump of a cigar, and a very all things. Tompkins, the other day, boa '.‘ylint sort of butter is that'" asked the ! a new axe, end the very first time he used good leather string." . - merchant,--7«.,.......--- -.- it he cut three of his toes off. 'Pumpkins 'Thee:ear quill—made by my wife from ' A squaw in Central Michigan, had a said the cut's a serious one, still as it must a dairy of forty cows; only two churnings." papoose on her arm that was exceedingly be placed under the head of "first chop," ..What makes it of so many colors 1" , white fora member of its race, which fact he would icy and bear up under the ntlic• "I guess," replied the Yankee,"you no induced a gentleman to ask if it was a half tion. . ' ver would hare asked that question if you breed ; whereupon she replied—'No, no, - ..... . - — T o pr „ ert ., your f i „.l, „h ie , i t %tin i er , had seen my cows, foyhey am a darned net it drop of •vhite blood about it—hal( ;4 hell rciu,l. .ighl mpet•iselder than fin• bum, ii. In en itni.l half Inipsiutiarv.' 4 * VOL. 20. NO. 43. (icy Ebip Viasitet. MEOW! GOES THE KITTY. A 111--" Pop goes (he Weasel." My hat is new, my boots are too, My girl is young and pretty, My Cares, alas, they would be few, But meow I goes the kitty. All around the country town, Aud all around the city, How sweet to hear the dull-set sound, Meow I goes the kitty. liuntingdon girls are wondrous smart ; The boys are wondrous witty ; But all, alas ! are sick at heart With meow I goes the kitty. All around the country town, &c. Sume sounds are dull, a few are sweet- And more are harsh and gritty ; But nll the yells of derik meet In meow I goes the kitty. All around the country town, &c. My vow is made—T seize a stick— I'll form a ooze committee, And put a stop most wondrous quick To meow ! goes the kitty. All mond the country town, Le. —lt's with bachelors as with old wood it is hard to get them started, but when* they do take flame they burn prodigiously. —A fellow writing from Kanzas, says that when he went there he 'hadn't a rag to his back, but now he's all rags and no mi tulce.' —'Father,' said an ambitious sharer, a bout the size of a pepper box, 'I can do without shoo 3, but I am suffering for a bo• som pin —An honest Dutchman, on being asked how often he shaved, replied .Dree dimes a reek; every lay but Soontay ; den I shaves every tay.' A little friend of ours, alter undergo• Mg the disagreeable operation of vaccina. tion, exclaimed, "Now I won't have to he baptized, will 11" —Lost, where the owner don't know where, an empty linen sack with a cheese in it ; the letters Pat Muliens is marked on it, but it is not lezible. —The following is the inscription on the headboard of a grave on the Plains : Mr. J— H— was carried away Itv the diarrhwa and choler-a. An exchange thinks it rather ember• Tossing to lift your hat to n lady, on the street, for the sake of politeness, and let a couple of dirty collars roll out upon the sidewalk. —An Irishman describing the trading powers of the genuine Yankee, said-03e dad, if he was cast away on a desolate is• land, he'd get up the next morning and go round selling maps to the inhabitants." —The Lowell Advertiser says an alarm of fire recently, proceeded from a liquor store. It adds, that the liquor was so weak that it was used successfully in er. tinguishing the flames before much damage was done. —The other day - school girl true mar ried in the city. Vitae girl, about eleven years of ago, of the same school, said to her parents, 'Why don't you believe is married, and she hasn't gone through the fractions yet !' •