• COVRT AFFAIRS. FIRST W EEL :oh Drown va Caleb Brown. H. Mytinger vs P. Livingston, 4. Simpson Africa vs•D. Flounce's! al, Flint for Caldwell vs Daniel Africa. non. John Stewart vs Love & Smith. D. Caldwell vs Dell & Crotsley. Com. for Bran. vs M. Crownover. 4oshpa .1 . 01.10 vs Mile, Robinson & Moan() Trexler & Co. vs J. & W. : , sxtun. Thomas Clark's heirs vs Brisott Clark. Charles S Black, q. attn. vs D. NleMartrie. Adolphus Patterson vs John Doughenhough, Cots. ior.Kyler vs Robert Madden. SCCOND WG6IC, Georgo Jackson vs Sassamen's ears et al. Sterret Potter vit J. Alexander, Garnishee, Joh', Lee vs Joseph P. Moore. Agnes Potts vs James Neely. Spruce Cr.& Philips b 9 T. R. Co. 1 , 3 W. Graham. lynterman , Young & Co. vs John Jamison. trelii PROILAiI!ATION. VV111:111,M1 by a precept to me directed, 'dated vVvT at Huntingdon, the 221 day of August, A. 1). 1855, under the haudivand seals of the Hon. George Taylor, President of the Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and gener al jail delivery of thu 24th judicial district of Penn nylvnn la composed of•lluutiugdon, Blair and Cain loin, and the lion. Thomas P. Stuart and Jona thnn MeWillimns,tis associates. Judges of the county of llitntiugdonjustiees assigned, appoint ed, to hear, try and determine nil end every in (Batt:ills made or taken or or concerning all crimes, which by the lows of the Stale urn mode capital or Monies of death and other offences crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or .small hereafter be committed or perpetrated fur criates'albre , iii.l-4 am commanded to make pub ' lic proclamation throughout my whole that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common Pleas and Quarter sessions, will be h e !,1,,, th e Court House in the Borough of Huntincdon, the second Monday (and 12th day) of - November next, and those who will prosecute the said mi. honors be then and there to promente them as it shall be jest, anl that all Justices of the Peace, Coroners and Constables Within said nunnty be then and there in their proper persons, 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, with their records, in quisitions, examinations and remembrances, to do those things which to'their offices respectfully Appertain. I:ft,' at Huntingdon the 2211 day of August, in the yeAr of our Lord 1855, and Lim iiith year of American helm cialci.ce. JOSIIU.k X 1). Sheriff. all I'LAMATION. IXTHE m EHAS, by a precept to e directed by v the Judge.: of the Commit Flees of the eatttity of Huntingdon, bearing test the 22d l'ay of Attutt't, 1855. 1 nm commended to tent. Public Proclamation thnotchont my whole bailie . wick, thet a Court or (Nominal lien. will be held in the ( ourt llotiAe In the Borongh a Hun tingdon. or the third Nhouley (end 19th tiny) of November A. 11-1855. for the trial "fall ismies itt 1,61 Court which remain undetermined before the mad Judges, when end where atiljnrurs, tvittto.c , end suitors, in the trial of MI insure are retoired to appear. Dated at ilontitigdon. the of Alittaat, iu the yoar Groin. Lora 11,25, anti the :9th yeal J 031111.1, GIII::ESL.\ NI), Sheriff. Register's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons jitter• ested, Out the collowinir persons hare seithel their accounts in the Register's (Allen at Ilan. tittgelon, and that the said accounts will be pr.•• senteii tiir conformation and allowance at nn Orphan's Court to hn held at Huntingdon, in itua for said County of Huntingdon, Oil Well nui• day, the 14th day of November, 1855 xecti.e. of the last lletig, late of rvia a , . •i •atnetit c, • • , 2. Jahn :liityder, A.amtnit.rator nt edam non, Se., and anale salo t riles! Estate ol Pinup Saul., late of 1114 0:00, dee'd. It. 'Paeans 'Weston, Eti., eon& IJsk,111:7110 O,IOI'AJ of John Nevli..•, late of the borough Birmingham, dee'd. 4. James Coy, Administrator of the E•tate ui Thotuas Coe, late of &tree° town,l';l. 5. JJI. Sc IR Gour,re W. St m' tont of the laat will and teitarneut -••• lots of the boroagh of Alexandria, de, ' I. 6. Christy, Esq., and Thu,. • Administotturs of Alexander Westko• Of Porter tow oship, doe'd. 7. John acting Adlah,:-'.e of the Estate of Jusqh Crownover, late scree township, tlee'tl. Eh Levi Evans, Esq., Aduilutstioder of t h e Estate 4ir David E. Diode, late et' 'Tod town. ship, dee'd. 9. Ledi Evans, Executor of the last will and testament of Ann Barbra Erode, le!e of Tod tewildhip, doe'd. 10. Eatild Robi,n, surviving Executer of tho east wilitixtl testament of Andrew Robison late of Wartiorsiranh township, dee'd. 11. Trust neemmt of Benjamin F. Puttee, Trustee upplikte4l to tell the Rent Estote of John Spittler, lute of Warriorsmark toe n HENRY GLAZIER, liegceto'. _ .t Oct. PI 1555.1 SILEItIFF'S SALE._ - - orri, Le ny virtue of snudry writs of Ficri FacitT,. roil Fncias and Venditioni ponas, issued •out or the Court of CMIII.IIII netts of Hunting dun Comm , and to too directed, I will sell by public outcry. at the Court House in tho bur °V of Buntingdun,on Tuesday O, pl t h of ovember, next, (187,5) at In o'clock. A. Aa., the following described real estate, to a it : All the defendant's right and interest in and ton Lot aground in the borough of ens:wino, which Lot the defendant purchased at the sate of the Trustee's of Robert Spec, deed, mid •outrked on dingt•nt letter E. Beginning at the street Ott the oast, bounded on the south by a lot of Elias B. Wilson, E,il., un the west by 11. L. Br o w., on the north by Lemuel Greon, unit is supposed to contain ono and u Lull acres. be the et • • Lahti: or lest , e•,,,zed, taken in execution, and to be sold us the inupetty of Richardson Head. ALSO, A lot of ground i n NV arriorsmark township, Buntituplun County, containing two macs Inure or less, bounded on the north by lan& o Buys Untnilton, on the south by swifter's laud, and uu wa.iell is t rooted it two story liCick huttlu uutl • stabie, und mbar out•huiliiings, with a itavar fulling spring of water and u well. Seized, taken in ex.,cuttun, and to he Cold 00 the property of Joint L. Coo. ALSO, .. • • All the right nut' iiiteitut of Washington llu amidn in dud ton tract tit of land lyi og in Bin tly Huntingdon Cu euntainiog 20 acres Inure or ions, hounded on the south by the Juni ina tiro., on the north by land ui A. I'. 0 ikon, and no the east by land ut' l'eter Halde ma, ivnh n I.IOIIC mill bunco and chopping nod thereon erected. Soincil, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Washington duchunan. ,ALSO, A lot of grouu o un4 iite on the north side of llill ,treat, tin lII] bun'tugli ut Huntingdon, tieing 22 Wet in lbuat on said street, turd extending is depth too hundred lett to atroot and bert4 it put t a Lot Nu. UI in :hp pion of mud hurl lig therauti erected a Mu story Lug llousJ, Aveallier-boarded, and kitchen, stublo and tither nut-ouittlaigs. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold us the propert tit Jacob Sotto, ALSO, A certain lot of gi timid adjoining, the borough of Birmingham, containing iitiout une acre unne Or Woo, adjoining a but of JOllll OW.O, the won, the puutie road leading Irma Da ming tu Wateretrect, ou the south, haute ut auu etaterger'e heir, oil the north Will wcst j 011 watch a Licit. building is erected, moony feet iu length one thirtrirce to depth, two story Ligh, witli atone bailment, knee" a. the I.4oeame Female tteminery: CURT AFFAIRS. • Bekaa, taken in execntion, and to be sold ae the property of the Mountain Female Seminary. ALSO, The Interest and estate of Samuel Booker, the Derr (being ono undivided heir thereof) in the following described real estate, consisting of two parcels. one thereof situate in the tor,nehip of Shirley find comity of !laminar!'" adjoining lands of Andrew Spar:ogle on the east. mid lands ofJohn tots on the north, south and West, eon taining six acres more or less, having thereon a woollen factory called "Sinking Spring Wool len Factoij e' being n two story frame building with Cardin:; machine, looms, dye kettles and other machinery attached, Also : A saw-mill, four dwellinghnnses (one stone, one frame and two log) stables and other buildings. On the land is an orchard, a never-failing spring of wa tor power, and the fsctory is itt running order. ' The other thereof being timber land and con nected with said thetory, situate on the western base of Black Log Mountain adjoining lands of Andrew Spanogle and o thers containing 38 acres more or less. 17.0(i taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Samuel Booker. ALSO, '''•• • • •• All that certain one atm,: plank house or buil ding with basement, containing in front twenty four feet and in depth eighteen feet, and the lot or piece n 1 ground on which it is erected, with the eurtelage appurtenant theieto, situate on the south side of Schell street, and alley on the south-west, in the town of Coalmont, Hunting don county alnresaid. Seize4l,.taken in execution, and to he sold as the property oflieuben White. ALSO, Ail the right, title and interest of defendant David Woods, dee'd., of, in and to a small par cel of linid Mutate about two miles north of the bormigh of Hunting:lnn, adjoining land formerly owned by Jacob Fockler, containing about one acre, throe gh which the turnpike and Railroad imsa, having the nannies of it log house and gar• den thereon: Also, all the undivided interest of the defendant, David Woods, tined.. of, in and to ti lot or ground in the borough of Huntingdon, situated on the western side of Allegheny street fronting fifty tent tin said street, and extending hark at right angles thereto, two hundred feet into the morel. of the Juniata River, tutioinitit lath street to the north west and lot formerly onned I.y Mrs. Poster 011 the south east and uninticred two hundred and sixteen in the plan of said borough, noon which is erected a log dwelling hone with garden attached &e. . Seized, taken in execution and to he sold as the property of David Wends, deed. ALSO, An the title and interest of the defen dants Elien li. Pike a nd Junto. Gardner in and to a t o 1, of woln)land extruding Teat the Rays town Branch on the west to Sidling 11111 on the east, and lying on loth sides of Terrace Mountain, and in the head of Trough Creek Vnitey. in Walker anti Union toulethilts, Hun tingdon count, adjoining leads of Thomas Rend, [Lillie' Alri. Jaeol, Brettenloll and the Ilei-hr land an the cast or Trough Creek side, lands o r Parid Moir on the twth•west, lands of Devitt Corhin, liu lomh Drestemen and John Sheer mn the west or Rey,town Branch ride, and ”xtending from the Juniata ricer below the Stole dam t‘i Shaver's Gen on Terrace Moun tain oloresaiii lcing composed of several,sur. vets and ports of surveys in the mimes of Dr. rim, George Feu, William Fee, David Fea l'ed, c.nitainig in the wii..le between twelve and thirteen hundred nerd, t•r heized, t 010 , 0 in execution, tool to be sold ne tte property of Eben L. Ptku out! James Writ- ALSO, All the riallt, title, interest and claim of the defendant Thomas Wallace, of, in and to a piece and p ircel of meadow-land shunt° of the mar gin 01 Simiding-Stone Creek, in the borough of Illowingilon. adjoining, n lot of George Jackson on the north, a lot of Nl'm. Dellis, Sr., on the south, another lot of said defendant. in the sense inalosurc, on the treat, and said creek on the east. coetaining se,en acres and etaty-tutu• peril., be the PAhle more or less. ettiiMiqrsTrkibtliqr•ifiYttirilitii,,4,o ga t ed-4,...,6, • in said borough, fronting about se% enty.fottr feet ou St. Clair street, ❑ml ',touring hack rote the Fitton two hundred feet to the old line of the .aid bor. yell 011,1 ‘Vet , tetll of the above Illelitittlic.) mot described lot—liounded ott the north by Church street and ott Ow south by a lot owned Ity tire , idow Hawn— inclotling the whole of lot No. 172, in the )1...c10d plan of said bur , ••.,11. . - ALSO. Four contiguous lots of ground situated in 1 borough, bounded on the inxth end wee* by IL, Renner Farm, on the east by the Worm Spring 'vend and on the south by a lot vi James G.ain.—Nos' I, 2, and 3. as repre sented on n n ep of said lots devised on the 16th day of October, la5P, for the defendant by .1. Simwon Africa County Surveyor, containing rock four acres and go. 4 containing about 3 acres—be the same more or less. Seized taken in execution and to ho sold as the property of Thom. Wallace. - ALSO. All the right, title, claim anal interest of the Poser Haldeman, of, in and to the follow ing described ti aets and parcels of land, to wit s A tract or parcel of land situate its Shirley tp., Huntingdon County, containing oboist two Itnn tired real sixty acres, be the same snore or less, (the aquae being composed of two or snore tracts or parcels of hold) and being commonly known ns the 'Ferry Property,' opposite Drake's Ferry on the south side of the Juniata river at Mt. Union, Founded by the Juniata river, by lands of the heirs or devisees of Col. Wm. Postiethweit anal lands of the heirs of Andrew Pollock, dee'd, lands of Samuel Sharer uad otlt ers, almost 30 acres or which are cleared, wills tt two story frame dwelling house. a stone stable, in stone warehouse, several other small buildings and a smalForchattl thereon. ALSO—Pert ors tract of lend tituate in Bra dy t o wsa,hip, in the county of Huntingdon, orig inally surveyed in pursuance oft warrant gram te.l to Francis Hamilton, dated March 9th, 1787 Beginning stn Black Oak on the bank of the Juniata river, thence by lind of J. F. Cotterell, N 4 deg. W alps. to a post, N 96 deg. W 20 ps. to u Faist, 8 17 deg. W 9 pm. to a stone [tulip; thence by 141111 IS of Wire and Buelnattan (part of the same starve) W. 8 deg. 14 torte she J es,cau river, thence down the said river by the several course: and distances of the same to the place of beginning, culitaiiiiitg 24 acres and 80 perches, au which is everted a wenther.boardeal dwel bug Awe &e., known as the old Drake's Furry House. ALSO—Bart of a tract of land of four or five acres Ding tuff ' g Minn county, near and above the nortlpwest end of the new Bridge, the saute being that part of a tract of lanai winch J. F. Cotterell bought of Samuel Drake, Jr., in 1838 ur 40, which lies in 1100000. County. Soloed, taken it, execution, and to be sold as the Inoperty of Peter Haldeman. JuSktl'A UHEENLAIiII,. Sheriff's 011iee, 1 s lord?, Hunt., Sept. 10, 1655. f BOOKS! BOOKS I 1 30,000 a),lZEl:',',T,b,i!i:eigit ces. pIIE subscriber is happy to inform hit limner -I- one friends and customers that he has added veto largely to his already extensive and varied stuck anew and popular books—and can row boast as great a variety at the SUMO low prices as the City ltook States. His STATIONARY is of great variety and well selected, viz t Fan cy and Plain how Letter and Cap paper and Envelopes. Gold Pens and Silver Holders tram SI upwards, l'en and Pocket Knives, Port Mummies and Puckit- Books, luk and inkstand. Razor-strops and Brushes, &c. School Books in quantities to country merch ants and teachers at City wholesale prices.— Wrapping paper constantly on hand. 1.000 PIECES WALL PAPER of every kind, Win.. Paper and painted Shade, with Putnam's Patent Self-Adjusting Curtain Fixtures. All Sao above at Phila. re tail prices, call and examine, "1 endeavor to pl ease." Store on Railroad St. Huutiniplou, Pa_ WM. COLON. tr, 11,0 b. HUNTINGDON ADVERTISEMENTS. FALL .AND WINTER ''' si 000..,50,..,, 'l' ,Ive 14 vs 1— Triiiii, s h CAStiVIL4E :SENIIIIIAKI—MaIe and . Complete 1!--Why is it flint the Ex-Governor I Female. 50110116. iof Maryland: also the President of one of the I Rev. J. T. TOMLIN, Principal, I Banks at Frederick City, urged the Doctors there ! Oill and 100 k before you purchase, '. to procure it? Why has a large cash order !nibs E. V. DIAAIII, Premepliviess. ajltT. .alwayi, `this week come from enclumen as Messrs. Peel The Anniversary Exhibition of this Institute : & Stevens, wholesale Druggists Of Alexandris, 'will take place the 27th and 28thof September. HAS ins t returns , ' from Philadelphia end is i VII . untl - by th e very next mail, an order, (the Ladies' Exhibition, evening of the 27th. A. now opening one of the prettiest end best, thi r d time in tour weeks) from bars rierViliti niversnry address by Rev. Alfred Cookmati, of selected stock el geode ever 'nought to the law- mid f r om Messrs. Cook &• Co.. of mint. phice, Pittsburg.Morniog of the 28th, At 10 o'clock, ough of Huntingdon. It would be useless to and by the very sone mail a finrili -oist, from nod the - entlemen a Exhibition io tho evanius• mention all of the goods we have on hand— 5.1, , e1.6. 1101yel. & Wilmer of Centreviiiti, Md., of the Ladles' Dress Goods. (where a thoes time since such an eseithment fl some day. of the latest styles. I sprung up Mira stone remarkable cures made I . A V ueral "i° 1 " 1 . 11 °. of friends and FM'''. A largo stuck of Misery, Dress Trimmings, there by Prof. C. DeGrath's (genuine) Elec. is solicited. Fall and Wieter scission will open Ribbons, Velvet, bonnetsMidersleves, Cullers, trio Oil, from 39 South Eighth Street, Philadel I Nuv• let. Spencers, Cesimeres, Clothe, Casinetts Laces, plan, a few doors south of 13lieseut street? Ilbw The temporary di ffi culties that had arisen Silk Miter, Delanes, De-Berge, Kid ' Gloves, in it that the editor of Etie Observer, was en- I between the Faculty and Trustees, have been trod all kinds of goods generally kept in a red in two days ut theurnatisms in his back of amicably settled. and all will move on with its country store. I three years' dif Lien ; and Mr. 13rady, of Ilar- usual activity and interest. Also—a hue assortment of risburg of Par rills'? Why end how wash that Arrengement are being 'made for th e erection Boots, Shoes, Hats, do caps, the other (ley S i George Weis, 227 Eager street of tient tette. 0 buildings up. the Seminary Glassware, Queensware and Gederwarc. Baltimore, two doors from St. James' church, . . / • • • retinas tor t ie private rooms of gentlemen, .A large and good simply of wits cured of palsied • liandn of long standing , . . , .., , Seminar ] ,. ~.. Fresh licOCeriesi. also the late ease of a lade in Philadelphia, cu. iS"ervilif the 'urn' '- ' , 311,11 1/ff 1 , . ... Call and see my goods and examine fur your- red or spinal curvature, and another of Prelim- d i Ci i r o elusitel y• ilie sexes will th us be on opposite aides of selves. sus Uteri, a complete, radical cure'? Ask them. Thankful for the patrotinge of the Oast by my I Why de such men as Mors. G. N. & W. H. I the grounds, and the goutletnen who wish it friends, and the public generally, I respectfully Williams, wholesale Druggists, of iS remise N. con board themselves. no licit a contininince of the same. Y., write, Aug st Sod, that—"your Electric Oil i Expenses per quarter, for hoard, tuition, All kinds of country priniuce token in ex- proves more h .1 fielel than nes , ether prepare• i and heavy articles of Furniture in advance,— change Ihr goods at the highest market price. tions we have ver hi:aid of," &e. 523 00 Oct. 10, 1855. I Yours : G. N. & W. lI.W • LIAM, Further information elm Le, lied by addres• Why has Yours, Osborn. Esq., el Auburn, ujuir the principal, J. T. TOMLIN. written, now the third time that "Prof. De- Set , 12 1855 --tn Grath's Electi•ie Oil is selling very Inst. and ... .."' . ' ' ' • ;Tr" . gr;i n kti c t i . , e , l l l j n , :s h v n er un b . ef , oz sg ae , co bo niA , isl od o f. FAlt'VlT()lii S kLE i , , .: 2,1 inst., a gold dollar ill a letter from Double • s Bridges, Va., fur n bottle. un the reemettiend. The subscriber being dc-irons of removing to lion of Win. Arvin, Esq., .of the lime place the West, offers hit hum situated in West Town who got some a short time since for the Gout, ship, on the a n d leadiag from Petersburg to Me mel was curmil Why is it that every one speaks AlaVy's Fort, fur sale. Ms farm adjoins land of of it as "a wonderful emotive." and is this nut William Armstrong, 'llamas F. Stewart, mid the real cense ofniore selling at retail, in Phila. other+, containing about delphia alone, than ii sold of 1/r. Jayne's meth- i 265 ACRES. tines, or flee es' oily others I Why is it that n About 170 acres cleared, and Ina good state of Physician of barge practice used it on the porn- cultivation. The balance is Weil timbered.— ' lyzeil limbs of <his bey, It lining everything Th u i niiii .,,,..„,. lits , ii . a s i else 1 Simply because the gennine "Me:comic a ' ''. 1.00 HOUSE, and 5ma11 , ....t-'e, 7 - ' Oil." from the Deice of Prof. DeGrath, effect. ... Tenant House a new lath I ally (iren perelynis. Why unit how is it that I. I barn 80 by 45 feet. over 8500 has been NI.III 111 WilSilingloll, I). C. , There is also on the premises a vonng °RCN , (iring about six WeeliA, 1001 over 8 Mut) worth ARD ,nod water piped to the door from Busses in Baltimore in the same time'? Why do Alessrs failing spring of water. This plantation is high- Merris & Sm., of Yurk, l'n., (one of the finest ly , productive, being good litnestime lad. It is Drug lions.' in the :slide,) and Job.. WY... , situated within 24 mil. of Petersburg, where Esq., l' Harrisburg, lin., sell so. iim:lt, wiled the railroad and canal passes through. The sub da.y have any - quantity of all sorts of ether] sciiissr is iiiiiiiisis iii se .. s . a tprivate side and if medicines rhilit by the side or the E o " -le t ' ic i not siild, will offer it at neigh, sale, nt the Court oil!" simply hecause nothing else will answer . Huss . , is iii . Borough iii . niiiiiiiigii.ii, at the the pal ose dint the Oil does. Let alas iskepti- ~ .„. . ,...;l i. i , court .. . sal iisk the us rierous cases of almost hopeless Tenn . iiii ,... as i, to nail iismisser. patients, if nestling conlil be more agreeable .: THOSIAS HAMER. is use, or more Onset. in its, remits—some el'. Ass ., 20. J .,. 19. ter ha •Mg expended I.l,4i:its id dollars no ,•a-i .-- l!i "" f "' ! "'" il."':°""t• with l '!" ! "”' s . lu . d ; s!! ! Bale of Valuable Real Estate. courts:einem see despair Mr their triages. oay • fin it fluff other medicines lime nil,' li , (lnellt,l ' By virtue of the power eon:bowl upon me by : plied op Neman high, in all 0 ,4 lii ,-- pets while ! the last will and testament of Nanny Neff lam I'refes3or De (11•iithin 'Electric Oil' is only no- ; of West township, Huntingdon County, dee'd.. Pee, at a Sillllo expense 1106 to exceed 515t0 ! 1 ill will expose tu public side on Friday, the 1: 1 L. 20 a day 1 Why is it that two physicians nre ! (ember , 1855, at one o'clock, P. M., on the daily employed in the o ffi ce, a pplying the (gen- premises, the following desc r ibed real estate nine) • •Eleetrie Oil" to 'indents affileted with , iiii. the „.. p . i .,,, ue said d e cd .. v i z , 'fetter. Palsy (and it is warranted for this).— All that plantaition, 011(1 headt of limestone Ithemsin, Neuralgia, needle:he, Old Sores i's laud, 2.. w and Bruises Wounds, Cuts, Stinting end Juju- I "' in '. '" Went to wnship n oresai . : • f 'd - Al ries Sore ireest and side; who all kinds G e: joining lands of John Gregory, Samuel Myten paii:ful complepits. Although a cure in war-' and others colanonitig• 1251 neres. rented, yet not inure than olio bottle has eve,, About 100 neres of which are cleared find been returni•il t and that was a ease of tuts ! ' in excellent cultivation: Ths improvements deafness; of di years' standing. Of course no- I are n gond two story dwelling house a frame tare could nos restore such a case, with Whaler- 1 bank barn, and otei imildingis. There is tt good er help. Orchard upon it. Running fountains of wits N. 13.—An educated Doctor always in att..- ! tel a both house and barn and it is situated dance and Indic. may. ir tileY desire it ...s lut I I live miles fi•oni th e Penneylvania Railroad sold with a holy by driimatig it line to the office u ill ' cw ai ut 1 ,,,,,, urg. Pees. C. DeGitsrit, . Terms made known on day of Sale. 39 S. Eighth street, PMIII., ! J 0.013 If ARNCA ME, 3 doors South of Chesnut stn i Executer I Price. 50 els, 75 eta., mid $l. P. S.—Five dollms reward will be paid furtive arrest Ma low scamp, a Jew pettier, who copied, 011 u dirty sheet, some of Pref. On C red.'s 1,1:1n; mid as the iseiginuis me copyrlghted. !•• • or si• Phinda. TllOllllOl Read & Sun, Huntingdon, Hunt. Co. R. Barnwell, Montgomery, Blair co., W. O. 31urray, Ilullidaynburg, Muir cu., C.,ondron & ', KEGS of nails & spikes for sale by McCoy, Fratikstown, Blair co, J. 11. Ilsrtier & I t-/ KESSLER & BRO. s• on., ~t 0 atersireet. Gant. co., Wm. Mouth, Alex - andria, num..). (IRE New Tide Water Cann' Bost just finish- Sept. 211 ' 1855. V , ing and fur sale by KESSLER & BRO. - PRIVATE SALE. JIHNIANA ACADEMY. Of Valuable Real Estate rpm: wiNTEK SESSION OF THIS IN- THE subscriber offers his well-known Tavern 1 ~til Mi., located in Sliirlesslinrg, Hunting- i Stand Property, on Ray'n Hill, Fulton Co. 11. County, will commence on the Ist day of Pii., tit private Sale, with all the land beheiging November.thereto, being 343 ACRES of patented Lind, The place is ensy of access, being connected ' 11111 acres oh which is cleared and under good with lilt. Union on the Central Reamed, I.y a fence. Thu iiiiiirovements are a large dully line ofemiches. The. Principal will spare : Frame Tavern Slant!, no reasonable expense and pains to make the a geed large Stable, sufficient to accommodate institution a orthy of a liberal patronage. ' eighty horses. Granary, Corn Crib, Wagon shed lERms :—B.rtlin, tuition, and mum. $5O and all tither necensnry out buildings, and an per session of five months. l'itition from Sato exee Bent orchard tin' chide° fruit—a never MU- Sl2 per session. aceerdieg to studies. Payable ing inletnxl of wider at the door, tel several quarterly, in advance. For Circulars, ete.• nil- good living spriegs in ititterent parts ()Stile land. dress the Principal, Rev. G. W. SHAIEFER, - There are also on this property Two Geuil October 10, '55..--lit . Shirleysliurg, Pa. , Tenant Ileums. --------- :I The above is one of the best knowp . Tavern 310TiliCig. -- : The oil the Road, and the shim Is in a high The new and elegant Methodist Church Ede- : state of cultivation, and well adapted for pas lice in Williamsburg. Blair Conn.., will lie de- : tore. tlicatml to the service of God, on gal Math lour- 1 Ile also offers for sale the Farm atlioining the fling, the 28th hint., at half past 10 o'clock, A. : nlioye, un which be nt present resides one half M. 11ee..1. I'. Durbin, 0. 11., Professor 'Fifth- ' mile meth of the Tavern property, containing oyi Bishop Waugh, Roe. Wm. 'l'. D. Ctoin, Rev.. SOO ACRES of good limestone hind, 514 JllO. COM., 01111 several other distinguished sera of which is cleared under fence, in a good speakers are expected. Services will cum- state of cultivation, find the balance well timber mence on Saturday morning, the 27111 lust. ed TIII'S'rEES. I The improvements are good new Williamsburg. art. 6, '55.-3t. - Two-Story IVealber-Boarded House, ____. • ;Bunk Barn, Spring House, Wash Ileum, and rEnRYSVILLE , usher ont buildings, a first rate orchard of good AND - treit, a geed spring close to the house, and ne ver Ilings springs of water In aro u n e w: Fantiettmburg Stage, There are also on this traet a good WILL I.l:, i ‘ „ L a ii ia : I . ll , t , Rl;s v h e 'l , l l .4., e B; ad il ia N y and . SAW MILL, ' Lime Kiln, and several excellent quarries, and Friday monool4s. :Returning will leave FsINNETTSBURG mlg) 11 x location fur a Tan- surd as could be r i:•,:!,1, with plenty of bark convenient. There Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Mornings. „ t '., „ 1 , 0 'Three good Tenant Houses on this corniced. with the Express Trains east stun plass and two other geed barns. west in the inurniiig. and the Mail train in the Thin is one of the hog stock cartes in the evening. COMMIrrEE. country, an , offers peculiar Ind moments to any 00. 3,1855.-3 m. j person who desires to raise coda, &e. - llle will sell in quantities to snit purchasers, and any tam wishing to nuke a litolinin would do well to exiiiiihie the above properties before ' purchasing elsewhere. Terms made to suit purchasers. Fur further intbrmatiun apply to the subseri• IiAL4 St ititSNVOU cOODVf AT THE BROAD TOP DEPOT. (11;NNINCIIIAM & DUNN have just returned 1.) front Philadelphia, and are now opening at the head of the Broad Top Basin n large and beautiful assortment of Pall & Winter Goods Consisting' or Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard-ware. Queens-ware, Cedar-ware, Hats, 1 is and shoes. willow-ware. Ready Natie Clothing always on hand. nntl in short evcrything that is usually kept in a country store. CON, . 4 (.. I LT, FISh AND PLASTER, kept constantly lift Sale. Call and e anionic our stock heti to purcha sing elsewhmv, awl tee whether we unmet make it your intere,.t to patronise us. All kinds at country produce taken in ex change for GOMIS at the highest market prices. The Inglicit market pikes nail tog all kinds of Grain. 1'1,1)1;4 It,ition paid to storing and forward• ing nil kind, of I nerchandiso, produce, &c. llnntingdun, Oct., IU 1855. NEW GOODS 24 11111 tril2,'22. T rESSLER &IIRU. have .jaq. received it lorgP and well al.:sorted stock of tell and winter F ood:, .ititalsle for the wants of all, null purtios.arly the farming community ; a good sts,ortinesit of tomb, up clinking, Ilardware, Qtacen*warc, &c. GROCERIES. A superior article of Cone, Sugar, Molasses and Tobacco, which will be sold at a smell ad vance on cost. Cull end examine for your selves. Also, large supply of fish, salt, plaster, stone coal, Iron nails, and stoves, constantly on hand and for sale. BOOTS dt SHOES. We are prepared to exhihit a much larger stock of hoots and shoes than heretofore, and at rationed prices. Call Kok coo before purchas ing your winter supply Cam" highest price paid for all kind of pro• duce. Mill Creek, Oct 10, 183.3—Gt. Bbls. Muckeral just received and for su le .1 / . KESSLER & BRO. 300 Sacks AkiAl s rac' s i , l n safiir IOTaL Pia - Ster retioiriird - tinTlitr 'sale by .7 KESSLER & BRO. STRAY STEER. Conic to Hy: residence of the subscriber, on iir abutit the Ist of September last, a stray atter, with a white , thee, and some white about the * 1 - legs and belly, and piece cut out ut the eight tt'. ' with a slit in the ear. The ow. her can have tic above property by proving property and paying charges. BENJ. F. WALLACE. Morris tp., Oct. 8, 1853-3t.* H. ROMAN, lion just opened A GOA ASSORTMENT READY-MADE CLOTHING CONSISTING OF ALL KINDS Ok' COATS, ratrs, VESTS, And oilier articles of gentlemen's wear. October 8, 1835. COUNTRY DEALERS CAN HUT CLOTHING AT WHOLESALE, AS CHEAP AS IN THE CITY, AT ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. ----- — kin' HOGS. TWO white hogs supposed to weigh two hun dred each, lame to J. Nod's Mill. rho owner is desired to come forwdril, pruvo property. pay charges, tend take them away, otherwise they will he disposed of according to law. `JEFF , net. 17.1F6/.-6'.'• MISCeLLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. I MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. Groce ties or al; kinds, Hats dCa p,, . ~,, :. i e.,:diis Fano erg,Horse Valley, Boots ar.d Shoes, Cil Olotiv,, Sir:lo,l . g and Kee'er's .e. 1./ A im wimazi, elymEnswig,RE eirFisre through s3,t to intermediate points in proportion. iluekets, 'f obs, Ilaslicts, arid nil goods usually AIN JAMP kept is a country Store. Au.. 22 11351.—tr. My old customer, irrl as rvoly new. ones as „,_2 ' _ citn crowd in iil , re'Perii•iii:' T , l , R , itti to come 5 1+0 Ilralla and examine my goods Alt binds of Conotry produce taken in ex- NOTICE is hereby given to all persons whom change for to ted, at the highest market prices, it may comer[[that from awl altar the next set. October It, lbws, tlement by the County Auditors of Huniingilen _ county, (in January 1856) no rialto or demand ila yji` s ylill /21B,AlytTliTy,,, by any person, ngainst mid Comity on secennt ri , 11 E present session of this ingitution will °I an t . road "r brid g e view, eleati"., dr ,ler'ici. of i ei . so on w e ,,,,,, y, ~,,,,, &h i . Th e en _ .y kind rendeted said county, and which is of au hildtion will take phtee it the evening. The ex- older standing tiara six years, will be allowed in .iminatiou the week in The-e exerdttes settlement by said Auditiii , i nod nil demands the public generally are invited to attend. The uncalled for and unclaimed up to the time 5pc ,,,,,,, e,,,, will „,„,„,,,„,,,, 00 lust w,„,h,„,‘„, eifieil, will be considered as forfeited and forever slim out; mal the certificate, order or paper on of October. The bolitution is located at Shade Gap, a quiet and retired place, free frosts all . which it i 3 predicated, rejected and thrown aside Ti ro . With cancelled paper. temptation to vice, idleness or dissipation, location is a healthy one, being situated among ' the mountains. It is entirely tree trim the mii ' SellePil so common along our rivers and so destruc tive to health. 'May 23, 1255. The court.; of instruction is Allah as 1146 been J. W. THOMPSON, found by experienee most suitable fur expanditig and d veloping the powers of the 'ninth The 2 - Mitlikhief Al 11{117, stud„„[ is early taught to rely upon himself, to ANT) think, to reason, and inve,tigate the different CO3LIIISSIONER FOR PENN' A subjects which are 'troughs him. The got ern- i DAVENPORT, lOWA. meat is strict but mild, only requiring what is I Attends to barin g, selling•and locating Lands for the student ' s highest good. Around liiin is, and land warran t s , Ilya tuxes, Mans Mmay on For the cure or White Swellings—Curvature of . tke""1 1, e'• Eau' up ee"e 11 "'••hle• the resirdiete an d Heal Estate security,on commission, examines Rh eum° . eoinfoits of a well to slated Christian home. t and snakes a b str , o f t itle, Ac. A n y b,,,,i ness the spine ; Dyspepsia ; Neuralgia ; t Shade Gan, is sanated 17 m iles from the Monti Gym i Disease of the littliteys, Ovitria, Won't), intrusted, will be attended to promptly and with 'nion station of the Pennsylvania Hail ]toad , adeluy 4. c.. it e. A hook accompanies each machine 1 . • , from which place there will he a line of stages. giving full instructions in the application of it TERms_sso Wier to Hon. Geo. Tajlor arid Members of in tubercular anal scrofulous diseases. Manu• per session of fire mouths, this she Bar at Huntingdn. May 140, 1b,15-6ino._ includes tuition, room-rent and board. Wash lectured find fur sale by W. C. & J. Neff, No• hug, light and fuel extra. For further parties -' 3/ South 7th Street, Phiiadelphia, Pa. lam address ItZKOYALS. Septembers, 18. A. W. H. WOODS, Principal. THE undersigned wishes to inform his friend - . -.--- Shade Gap, Sept._2o, 1855.-3 m, JAMES SPEOAT. - I NOTICE. _. -- and the nubile generally that he h. more Oct.lo 1855 -3m. 1 XTOTICE is hereby g iven that the partnership ORPHANS COURT 1' Q . j V Wash , . to the building of Co ll.l i teen, fa 1,. L h nit T 1 • • occupied by bun as Collect.) 's odic -- -- -- 1 iN • MOUNTAIN ACADEMY. b . w . , heretofore existing tt mit the undersign ! etl (trmling under the firm id Couch ei Dunn,) the Orphans' Court :if Hill St. Where he intends carrying on Me Tailorq 13innitighatu Huntingdon CO.. Ta. BY virtue of an order of Huntingdon County. there will be exposed • i. tlus flay dissolved by mutual consent. Tile .0.,.. .. - , business on such terms as 101 not fail to g• TIIE winter l'errn of this Institution will hooks of said firm are in the hands 31' David to public sale, in I ASSN ILLE, on satislitetion to all that may Iltror him with th open Wednesday Ovtolier alst. Dunn with whom all concerned will please to Thursday, ',l3tb day October uexis custm. Instruetion given in all the brendiesrequbdte i no t , inttnogint, aat d aman t, A FARM OF 120 ACRES OF LAND, ad. Ile wishes to return thanks for the liberal to entering College advanced. We are al. , GEORGE COUCH, •„•„;,,, C. ssr'lle tyrtl • ill a good state of cut j . i „, a t, p } g tromme heretofore received and hopes by st prepared to accommodate any who may wish I DAVID DUNN. Mali.. attention to business to merit a continuance to give attention to the ornamental broaches; April 10, 1855-tf. ___ tl t e Setee• --....., A FARM OF 200 ACRiS, more or less, to . ~..0 ...... . . ENOS 11 . I.IUL in "lininn to these design giving l ' unnin " i ' en --- - ---- SETTLE VP. bout 2 miles from Cassville, with largo , Stone ._!.,'"" ' lb " - "' . _... to the study of Architecture. Sons of ministers and voung men who have Persons knowing themselves indebted to the How, Sit. Mill, mid oilier iiilPmeelnei4s. BROAD TOP LAND FOR SALE. been engaged in !encl.': and desire to fit them. lato firm of Frank and Neff of Markles itrh, b • ey• ALSO, two point Lots in the borou..h of 0 Hy virtue of a decree of rho Court of Common ~e i r as mote o, arang hly f o r that atat i on are a d. thee by noto, hook, or any unsettled account, are Cassville. Pleas of Huntingdon county, the undersigned witted free of Tuition. hereby notified that it settlement is not made on ALSO—At the same time and plow, the ono Coitimittee of Wnt. Settle, a lunatic, will sell ~t TERMS. or ' 3eture the tat day id November, their accountA undi, Wild half of a tram of Coal Land, situate public sale, a tract of land titivate in Todd tp., Tuition, Board and Furnished room $OO,OO will be placed ill the hands o f proper o ffi cers f C or on iliOnd TOp, Hunt ., co., containing 55 acres, Huntingdon onnty, adjoining lands of John collection. taot•e or less, known 118 th e "Rhodes ' tract." Altoway. John Hoover, Isaac Cook awl others, per session—payable strictly o. half in ad- ANDEEW G. NEUF. vine°, the other at the middle of the term. TERMS : —One third of the purchiva mar containing about 172 acres more or les, 3. . 29, 1855.- tn.* TIIONIAS WARI),, Principal, • e l to bo paid on con fi rmation of the sale nt the The sale will be held at rho tavern of Thomas THOMAS SCOTS,. Assistant. DISSOLUTION. Noventber C our t follow . d the remainder Speer , on limed 'Fop, . the ldtk day of (Mo tit, an Oct. 10, 1835.-43 tn. , , in two equal annual payments, with interest, se. her next, at I o'clock, P. 51. •___— Administrator's Notice. the undersigned ill the Surveying business has On the property M the "IT' moaner, money to he paid on cottfirmiteon of the sale• and DAVID CLARKSON, Trustee a been dissolved by tuutual consent. 1 .' . • t i,. balance in two equal annual payments to be Letters of Administration on the estatestate of Robert Speer, Dee'd. J. SIMPSON AIAFELCA,. , , , secured by the bonds and mortgages on the pre- Jai, Tier, deed., late of Walker township, Setit. -6, 181,-41. J. F. RAMEY. _ rinses. JOHN Z. SMITH, Ilutningdon County, havin g . been granted to . The business will be conducted as formerly 'OTICE — EXECUTOR'S N . Cont . of Wet. Snide. the undersigned by the Register of said coun• ' • J. Siinpsoo Africa. 1 ETTERS testamentary on the estate of Oct. 3, 11385,-3t. ty. All persons indebted to said estate will by. Sept. 12, 1855.-tf. Ls Elizabeth Parsons, late of 'fell towwushlp, make immediate payment, and adi pers o na h. , deg d, having been g ranted to the undersigned Dr. John MoCullooh, ing claims will present them.dttly authenticated A1i.,2. Thniudrar_Ah, im n , j....... , .....- -..-------,. 0 --Y-011110...wwn a per.. s having claims against the estate will Offers his professional services to the citizens of for settlement, Ilse constantly on hand, ready made rifles, present the Mile duly authenticated, and all Huntingdon and vicinity. Of fi ce, Mr. litidei MENIIT M. KEIL t Adm „,.. and is prepared to make and repair Guns (4011 , • persons knowing themselves indebted will make brand's, between the Eachange and Ja , ksoa's WILLIANI KEE. j kinds at ths shortest notice. ' pay_meut P.l ALEXANDF.R MAGEE, or. Hotel Huntingdon, Aug. *B, 1888. s.ertetn . her h. 15135. 30'• April 23, 1433-itr, Tell tp . fte• 10, 15115.-Rt, Execut .......wp of •vhite blood 1:1DOUt it—ball .iglit spetidder than the butler is •' , lievii and half missionarv.i .t..t . ren the ;vibes inn ;I her F., Sept, ltltb, FILES AM) RASPS. NEW ATREE FILE WORKS, -4- •wsialwavauwag Files and Rasps of iuperior quality and rat the lowest prices, equal to the hest imported goods and much cheaper. Manufacturers and Mechanics can have their old files re•cnt and made equal to new, at about half the original cost. Flat 12 inches 52,00 per dozen ; Plat. 14 inches 52,75 per dozen ; Saw•tiles, half round, Millsaw and oth er files in proportion. Single files and frac. tional parts of dozens charged at the suite rates, and warranted satislitctory. J. 11. SMITH. No. f 1 New Street between Race & Vine Second and Third Sts. Philadelphia. Aug. 22, 1855.—:hn. CAUTION: I Take notice that I have this day bought the follow op property of Nicholas Shank : Four bead of hogs, ten acres acorn, one third of el,- . ren acres of buckwheat, and two awn ! noes more, ono plow, ono shovel. two sets of horse gears, one wagon, ,eveit chaiN, one lot of potatoes, one clock and wash-stand, one cup hoard, one Cook stOor, three 11,04 ;riot bedding : which I have left with laim, until I see ,toyer to remove them. I caution all persons !Coin taking theta into execution, or 011ierwke meddling with I them. JA3IE.S HAMILTON. Sept. 25, 1855.—fit. - Accoanniudation Line. THE undersigned ‘ . otild respectfully Vern, the travelling public Ilea he has Hacks run• nits front.%ll Creek to Curse ills, twice tt week; leaving Cassville at 71 o'clock us Mondays and Fridays, and returning bill. (illes. Ells hacks are good; their drivers careful, and persona travelling on this route, will do well by giving him their patronage. V. CROUSE. Sept. 12, 1N35.—1y. ZLICTRO MAONZTIO MACHINES. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. w Is the time to purchase FALL&,WINTERGOODS WY 7.. P.r.315rt81,90 Have Just mon ed from I...,dladelphiu, the ler :pest and lineal atworttnent orDrytiutals ever of fered to thr citizens .r this place, and ...round tar.; w:MAI : ! Much on Merinos, Alpacus, de LuileN;Purattottot Cloth, Persian Cloth, Ward: and Colored thlks and every ',Hwy of Dress Goods and 'rriminiu,, ,, s. Also, CluU . s, Vestings, &c., Call and Sae. _ . _ one of the finest assortments of 'l' riwmings 4ro'l to this place ; also, Cullars. Codurslreve,, Cl i rouzetts, Ware, ut every variety, Ladies' Scarfs nod the leOt assortment of Shards (I've: . uttered. c.assznea, A splendid lot oldie finest Carpet and Oil Clods. 73.1111,DWAILZ. of every variety, and the lie, assortlient is tooo. QMEIZINSWARID, of every description, end at lower prices than eon be got et any other hoe, GROCIBRIES, although they area little up, we will try and acli as low us the lowest. HATS Sr. CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, the largest awl best .soroutnt ever °flared, awl at lower price 3. WXLLOW WAXE, &c. end every variety of Goods, such as arc nanny kept inn country store. Call and see before purchasing uny utl cc place, end if we can't aut• isfy yon or the flirt, we mill cave under. Outohor 8, 1850. l;est twit:m.on fil (lama and Oil Cloth ja,.t ria,iived and for saleby J. di W. tiaxton. rrhe handsomest aFsornsent a Dc lases, Per i sian Larilla Clo.th. lierege Lie Lan , Pasamette Cloth, and nI I ,vool MeOdues, nll wool de Lases, or the best styles and selected v. ith h e greatest care, for sale by J. & W. SAXTDN. 500 webs assorted Prints, just received and fur sale by J. & W. SAXTON. ri•lle greatest variety of BuOti sand Sit3es ever L catered to sale I J. & W. SA N.TUN. ladios' Collars, 1:n(1.2.311m CA, Chimaretts, and 4(iluves, Trimmings, at J. &. W. Saxtous. beautiful lot of Hats SI Caw, al. Silk and n.Straw Bonnets, by J. S. W. sAx.TON. groat ejt.dl2)o7ssz,xtrna.ce rrhe ltrolsoines: wo.urtment of Dress Silkt I . just recv'tlaud for tale by J. ,t W. SAN.ton.' be:llliirUl AS90111111:11t of veivo, silk 41,1,1 wor. 11,ted weAtings, by J. & W. SAX L'. ]fen's Ague Powders, just reed and for •odo J.& W. SAXTu:, ot r i n e er be g:v ut sl o a f te Si a ta n w d ls ;i s u l a l Te l :11Id lbr sale by J. 4; W. SAXTON. & W. SAXTON will take all kinds of coat, try produce At exchange fur gouda at their ehual, store, south-west corner Of Public Square. splendid firmirtineut of Gum Belie jet r eed Anus for sale I.y J. & W.V\ITON . . If you want to buy good Cheap Goods, CALL AT 2 , 4 4NIiLL4}2. D. P. Gobi' has jast ree,ived :roni plan a larg: and ,took of ALL ATM! UT= ran MOODS D regs rinocs, Alpacea, A 4. All Wool de Lain,. Faney de TAW, Cohings, Black nod Fancy Dregs Sill;., and Prints of all description. Also, Cl o ths, triers, plain and furry Cassinet•i, Vestingi; ALSO, a largo tot 4d dress Trimming, ,Irene Battens, Itikhonds, Bonnet Silks, 61.1 res, Woolen and Cotton Hosiery, Laces, Veils, Cm is leave Mt. Union, every Tuesday, dersleeres, Collars. Chima,tti, lliatilatts, Silk mai F utut av evening:, arriving at Itonnetsomil a yarn. ci ul Dr., Goods too nu- ch„,,h,sharg the neat .ley at o'clock. Re 'aerials to nientita., , funnily. lefive Chnoiliersharg the same night iit Flannel: or all kinds, IsinFeys. Woolen Tn.. In ~•e k ,e k . m•ri% ing at Mt. Union early the fol. Corer, Slfawis. Pontlbrtsi bleached gild 111111 k. lowing reeving iu time for the Cars. Stages eked 4dien, Clerks, Gingliani;„ • .10,hnr,. Ilrhisonia. y ilt d e cutp, MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. Di 'IP MAGHI A I BURR ntok MILL STONE, -- iiliAsloll . 2 l ls 9 fOrkT.r. Corner of Gonmantovo Road awl Net' Markel' Swettla, oo ate !Cori'. Rail Road, Philadelphia. Constantl on han-1 or I uncle tr older, sfol lowing high, rippro ;7:loor Mil; Mat:Moor/. Woodward Pat,, t I'w:table Mini end Stnut Slachiae3. --- .1(Iii;:;:1'4 Paten: Iron Concam Bran Dui. tere. S.,,er'a Patent Fuel Saving Cm Mina. P;,rstm's Patent Barrel !loop and Monldlng Maehir.es. d 13 • mprove for Mill Spindles. D, The best Anchor Brand Boltin..; 11 ,, re & Calico Mill Storms. Corn, t.n , l Pluv.or Crushers. ALSO SOLE 0 W.NER Qi Johnstou , s Patent Cast Metal Con- Cave Lust and South•l3aet of the tihio end Misalesip• pi Ricers. Warranted to take out of the offal of every Busbel Orounil. from l t, 23 : Pm. of standard flour, whiell'eoull not be bolted mct o n account of the electrical adhe3ior, to the Bran. NOTICE hereby warn all pet - arms against infringing my rights. secured by Letters Pa. tent an above, as I will prostimte all parsons "oohing, selling, or using ling Eran Dusters with an Iron or Cast Metal Concave in vii.. !Mita' of tho Letters Potent of Joseph John• stor dat7.l .sprit 24th, 1814. THOMAS IL WOODWARD, Proprietor. N. B.—State and Count , . Patent Rights far all the above Machines foiliale. August 29, 1853. tf VAItNIERS' AND MLCIIANICS' FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE IN,I:iIANCE COM. PANY, Office LENNLG'S ISCILDISG. N. corner Second Lind Welnut Strtitti. 11111.11 D E 1.1 CAPITAL Sauo.oou. This Company effects Fire Insumnee ou Boil. Coo.ls,Furnitu!.e a.. 11AE1NI: 12:St.ltANCE On VESSELS, CARGO.,• To all per, la the Weritl ) Lam] i en Ono( , iy rivers, lakes, iroad, and land carriage to it'd pat ts of the Unien. A , lir:Ur:ince upon LIVES, upon the moat favorable terms. ThotnoAl3.Plorened 1 , 11,CS E. Neon, 11. Artustrong, .Dionne, ivvoid P. Middleton, Ed. Ile Dellohold, F. C . ni.,,ster, I:ione Leech, B EL , )IiENCE, Pre,ident, UM. BREWSTER, Agent, iitSTINCHOY, PA. TIIUJI Chambervhtwg & qt. -Union STE'"? LINE REVIVED r iPTIE unrl 1172 't rd trou to run u ;ino of Magas Tri-weekly puint Horses and coat , . - • ,es have been ;dared on 1/to rant^. ! • 'Toling of the Coaches. Teo proprie• ,• I.,iii.onisc it, conthictit ainite.l advantage. Every attontiou necessary end the milling of the Stages will 1 • JOHN JAMISON. RALPH CROTSLEY, PERRY MOORE, HENRY BREWSTER. itt4tenslon of md between 10001 60 hut
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers